Star Trek - We the Living Dead
Star Trek - We the Living Dead [ Note - This is not a canonical episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine but one invented by Shlomi Fish. Being a piece of Star Trek fan-fiction, Fish does not make a direct claim to some of the characters and concepts presented in this story. ] [ Note - This story is fictitious and the characters in it are fictional. ] [ Introduction - TODO - FILL IN. ] [ Title - Star Trek DS9 - “We, the Living Dead” ] [ Author - Shlomi Fish ] [ Date - 30-March-2007 ] Watching Space [ Bashir, Dax and Jake are standing watching the space. ] Bashir: Ah, space. Dax: Yep, space. Nothing but nothing all around. Jake: Hey look at that. (A ship gets out of warp at the distance). Bashir: Oh no. Jake: What’s wrong? Bashir: I can recognise this ship anywhere. It’s OTF-1 - Othello Task Force. Jake: Othello Task Force? What’s that. Bashir: They’re mercenaries. Only they’re really good mercenaries. Really really good mercenaries. Too good. Too good until the whole of Star Fleet hates their guts. Jake: Why is that? Dax: Jake, not only do we wish all mercenaries were like them, their captain wants us to be certain of this fact, so he keeps scheduling routine checks. And the last thing we need is to check them. Times and again, without ever finding anything interesting there. Dax: However, Jake, you may be interested to know that many of the fighters there are really hot girls, who are about your age. Jake: Heh, do they get shore leave? Dax: Oh, yes, and some of them are wild.
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