This Student Activities Source Booeistoneof a Series of Four Developed by the Carroll County
DOCUMENT RESUME 4 ED 106 191 008. 318- 11THOR Burger, Robert; And Others TITLE Bicentennial Source Book, Level III, Grades 6-8. INSTITUTION Carroll County, Public Schools, Westminster, MoT. elpUB DATE 74 NOTE 225p.; For,relatO documents,. see SO 008 316-319; Small portions of copyrighted materialhave bepn . removed .from this book AVAILABLE FROM Donald P. Vetter, SuperVisor of Social StUdies, ". Carroll County Boaq of Education,' Westminster, 'Maryland 21157'($15.00; Set of guides I-IV $50.00) 3 EDRS PRICE NP-$O.76 HC Not Available from EDRS. PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *American Studies; Class ActiviffeifT*CoIonial History (united States); Cultural Activities; Elementary Secondary Education; Instructional Materials; *Learning Activities; MOsicjctivities; Resource Materials; RevolutionaryWar (United States);'Sci4nce Activities;.*Social Studies; Teacher Developed Materials;. *United States History IDENTIFIERS IcBicentennial ABSTRACT This student activities source booeiStoneof a series of four developed by the Carroll County. Public School System, Maryland, for celebration of the Bicentennial. It is specifically designed to.generateideas integrating the ,Bicentenfiial celebration into various disciplines, classroom activities, and school-wide ' events of the sixth through eighth grade levels. Fora description of, the gen,eralcontent and formatstructuresee document SO 008 316. This specific unit contains-88 activities under,the.disciplines of art, music, math,. science, and social studies. Sample activities include guilt making, diary writing, interpreting colonial folk songs, colonial medicine, and drawing political cartoons. Also included are activities for a week long, school-wide, festival week; historical chronology of the revolutionary period; and suggested local field trips. (Author/DE) 4 -BICENTENNIAL SOURCE. BOOK LEVEL III GRADES 6-8 S O . ,.CARROLL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND SUMMER 1-974 U S'OEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Piuy s- ON Po kc pRODutF EDUCATION /WELFARE MA PEP A.
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