Global Press 2 0 1 3 INSTITUTE ANNUAL REPORT 2013 BY T H E NUMBERS FOUNDER’S LETTER • Number of GPI Who Received Leadership NUMBER OF WOMEN EMPLOYED: Dear Friends, At the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) annual meeting Training: 18 last fall, I witnessed how important meaningful collabo- • Number of GPI News Desks: 26 Global Press Institute experienced exciting growth and change rations are to creating social progress. We can create • Number of News Desks That Received Advanced throughout 2013. Overall, it was one of the most important change as individuals and organizations, but our ability Technology Training: 15 years in our history. For GPI, 2013 was defined by technology, to address major challenges and opportunities requires teamwork, and tenacious growth: powerful partnerships – an important lesson for GPI as we embark on our own CGI commitment to train and NUMBER OF GPI JOURNALISTS WHO GPI hosted more in-person trainings in 2013 than employ 100 women across 20 rural communities to re- RECEIVED ADVANCED in any single previous year. These trainings al- port on issues of importance to women and girls. 136 lowed GPI reporters new and old to deepen core AND MULTIMEDIA TRAINING: skill sets and embark on advanced skills train- I also had the honor of speaking with President Clin- ings, like photojournalism and video journalism. ton in a private meeting about GPI. We talked about our programs at length and he made clear his admira- GPI prioritized cross-cultural collaboration in 2013. We tion for and commitment to our work. We are excited hosted our first-ever editor’s conferences in San Francisco to have such an important advocate for both women’s in February and October, at which we welcomed GPI edi- rights and our unique form of international journalism! tors from , , , and .

Collaboration paid off for our reporters! GPI Rwanda As we look to expand GPI into new media markets and new 41 • Percentage of News Stories Syndicated: 100% reporters Noella Nbihogo and Gloriose Isugi won the countries in the coming years (in 2014 we plan to expand to four • Number of Syndication Partners: 64 Ulrich Wickert Award for Child Rights for their coverage new countries, including Morocco and ), we know • Number of Awards: 2 of the exploitation of girls in Rwanda. And GPI Cam- that it is only with the continued support and engagement of • Total Monthly Readership: 15 million+ eroon reporter Comfort Mussa was one of 20 finalists our community that we will get there. selected to participate in the African Story Challenge, a new program of the African Media Initiative and the So while we have always appreciated teamwork, you might say Gates Foundation that encourages innovative, multi- that it has begun to take on a new level of importance for GPI. NUMBER OF NEWS STORIES PUBLISHED: media storytelling that “aims to improve the and Our deepest thanks to all of you – our donors, readers, and prosperity of Africans.” Comfort teamed up with GPI friends – for being part of the team. senior reporter (now regional editor) Wairimu Michengi to produce a two-part, two-country report on chal- Let’s get to work! GPI Photojournalism Training, Kashmir (above left) Kumala Wijeratne, GPI Sri Lanka, lenges local farmers and fisherman face without modern (above right) Lynda Michel, GPI preservation technology. Best,

Perhaps the greatest success of 2013 was the launch of our two new web platforms, Global Press Journal, the new home for our award-winning news coverage; and Global Press News Service, our pioneering news syndica- Cristi Hegranes 590 tion platform. The News Service launched after we were Founder and Executive Director inundated with requests to syndicate our news content and quickly re-learned the lesson that we can magnify our impact many times over through partnerships with other NGOs, media outlets, educational organizations, YOU MAY NOTICE new some new language and companies. Through our syndication relationship in this annual report. Going forward, GPI will with Reuters alone the audience for our news tripled to more than 15 million readers. no longer use the term “developing countries” as a blanket phrase to refer to countries in When GPI wanted to launch our photojournalism initia- varied stages of development. Instead, we tive, Photo Editor Paige Stoyer helped rally the GPI com- munity to contribute through our inaugural Kickstarter will refer to the countries and communities campaign – and many of you participated. Thanks to in which we operate as “developing media the more than 50 donors to that effort, we were able markets” — places where, regardless of to raise over $24,000 to train and acquire new, state- of-the-art cameras for nearly 40 GPI senior reporters! economic development status, the media landscape remains underdeveloped. These When we recognized the opportunity to increase are the communities in which GPI’s programs the efficiency of our editorial process, we made the thrive and on which we will continue to mission-aligned decision to move most of our edi- torial operations abroad by training and promoting focus our work. five senior reporters and staff members to become country and regional editors for Global Press Journal. EMPOW ERI N G WOM EN

GPI believes in the power of journalism to change women’s lives: from educating women on their rights and the policies that affect them, to employing them to report on their communities, CONGRATULATIONS to the following GPI uses journalism to empower women in developing media reporters and staf members who were markets around the world. promoted to editorial and training positions in 2013: Tara Bhatarai, Nepal Desk Editor; Ivonne Jeannot-Laens, Argentina Desk Editor; Wairimu Michengi, Africa Desk Editor; Patricia Sugi, Rwanda Desk Editor; Manori Wijesekera, Asia Desk Editor; and Nakinti Nofuru, Trainer.

GPI News Desk In 2013 GPI empowered women in new and profound ways, promoting six senior reporters and staff members to editorial and training positions and providing advanced journalism, editorial, and multimedia training to over 40 long-time GPI reporters in 14 countries such as Cameroon, , Sri Lanka, and . Aliya Bashir, GPI Indian-administered Kashmir

Our multimedia initiatives empowered women through Manori Wijesekera, Regional Editor, GPI Asia (Sri Lanka) technology, providing them camera kits and laptops and teaching them how to use these technologies for professional “FIRST OF ALL I would like “A multiplies the purposes. We are especially proud of our new video programs in post-conflict communities such as Indian-administered Kashmir, to give you a big thanks for impact of an investment made , and Chiapas, Mexico. increased payment… Earning in her future by extending GPI also hired new reporters in Haiti, Nepal, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, [for my] own self has great benefits to the world around and Zambia. With more full-time reporters than ever before, wages rose substantially and more reporters earned health care value for me as economical her, creating a beter life for her coverage, impacting not only our reporters but their families and communities as well. independency is the major tool family, and building a strong to be empowered… I am much community.” excited working more and – USAID, 2012 earning more with new zeal.”

– Usha K.C., GPI Nepal

GPI Argentina News Desk CHANGIN G T H E NEWS

GPI exists to reshape the field of international journalism by solving a number of problems plaguing the industry: “YOU should look skeptically

at anyone who treats an entire The economic model is broken. According to the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, “a continent as an undiferentiated single foreign correspondent costs a newspaper around $250,000 a year.” As a result, over the past 25 years, mass of and disease.” more than 60% of all foreign bureaus have been closed and foreign news in daily newspapers has declined by 53%. GPI fills this void at less than 2% of the cost. – Bill Gates Women are underrepresented in the news. According to the Global Media Monitoring Project, for every woman who appears in the news, there are five men. Accordingly, women’s voices are rarely heard on the topics that dominate the news agenda, and women are rarely featured in news stories as authorities or experts. GPI helps correct this imbalance by training and employing female journalists.

Most news agencies are missing the real stories. According to a study by Routledge Media, 97% of international news coverage is focused on just four topics: war, natural disaster, poverty, and disease. GPI journalists report on issues in their communities that (below) Mayela Sanchez, GPI Mexico are often ignored by other , such as health, arts and culture, and entrepreneurship.

GPI ONCE AGAIN demonstrated our unparalleled access and powerful storytelling when reporter Mayela Sanchez spent a month on Mexico’s southern border interviewing and observing female migrants from Central America who have faced

extraordinarily harsh conditions as Portraits of female migrants from the "Los Invisibles" series they seek beter lives for themselves taken by Mayela Sanchez, GPI Mexico and their families. Mayela’s moving photos are remarkable considering that she took the photojournalism training just one month before her reporting trip. Her ten-part “Los Invisibles” series is among the best reporting of 2013! GLOBAL PRESS INSTITUTE is an award-winning, high-impact social venture that uses journalism as a development tool to educate, employ and empower women in developing media markets to produce high-quality local news coverage that ELEVATES GLOBAL AWARENESS AND IGNITES SOCIAL CHANGE.

GPI Indian-administered Kashmir News Desk Photo by Mansi Midha, GPI ELEV ATI N G IMPAC T A W ARDS & HONORS

GPI continued to receive important recognition for its work in 2013. Cristi was selected to be an Ashoka Fellow – one of the most prestigious and competitive honors in the field of social entrepreneurship – in acknowledgment of GPI’s work to create a Global Press new model of international journalism. Cristi was also named an American Express Emerging Innovator, while in August GPI won INSTITUTE the Project Inspire Global Reach Award from MasterCard and UN Women, which came with a $10,000 contribution. EDUCATES, EMPLOYS, AND EMPOWERS WOMEN IN DEVELOPING MEDIA MARKETS

One of the year’s most exciting developments was the launch of our two new brands:

Global Press Journal, the cutting-edge new home of GPI news coverage. The Journal offers readers a clean, unique, ad- and solicitation-free news consumption experience. Global Press News Service, a pioneering news syndication Global Press platform that enables GPI to magnify our social impact and GPI Haiti Noella Nbihogo of GPI Rwanda traveled to Germany to accept the drive revenue from the sale of our content. JOURNAL Ulrich Prize for Child Rights in October. Through Global Press Journal, GPI is demonstrating an unmatched news-reading experience and a higher-quality PRODUCES AWARD-WINNING model of international journalism that is rooted in the perspective of local communities. Through Global Press News NEWS COVERAGE FROM S TORY SPOTLIGHT S Service, GPI ensures that our unique news reaches a global audience: thanks to our new syndication partnerships, Global AROUND THE GLOBE Here are some of the top Global Press Journal news stories Sri Lanka’s universal health care system is struggling to Press Journal news articles are now seen by more than 15 you may have missed last year: overcome personnel constraints and to combat a market million readers per month – three times more than in 2012! flooded with expired medications. With a doctor-patient ratio in Sri Lanka more than three times higher than These new platforms truly bring GPI into our next phase as a ZAMBIAN GIRLS STRETCH LABIA TO AVOID recommended international standards, patients suffer unique journalism training organization, a world-class news INFIDELITY neglect and substandard care in the country’s largest website, and an innovative syndication service. hospitals. By Chanda Kotongo, Zambia News Desk, August 1, 2013

Zambian girls report that family matriarchs and counselors TATTOO CULTURE SHIFTS FROM REBELLION pressure them to stretch their labia minora, but they dare TO FASHION AT ARGENTINE CONVENTION not question the cultural practice. Men and women alike Global Press say that the practice is vital to marital satisfaction, but By Ivonne Jeannot Laens, Argentina News Desk, March women’s rights advocates say that it is an example of male 14, 2013 NEWS SERVICE domination in Zambia. “My friends told me that we pull them for men,” Martha Mwelwa says. “They said that if a The changing clientele at the ninth annual Tattoo Show, girl does not have those, a man will not want her because which took place recently in Buenos Aires, demonstrated PROMOTES INDEPENDENT men like them.” that tattoos are becoming a symbol and a style instead of an act of rebellion. Some 40,000 people from around the globe FEATURE JOURNALISM FROM LOW-QUALITY MEDICINE AND PATIENTS’ attended the show, one of the largest tattoo conventions in DEVELOPING MEDIA MARKETS RIGHTS VIOLATIONS PLAGUE SRI LANKA’S Latin America. A portion of ticket sales sends tattoo artists around the country to raise money for rural schools. UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM

By Chathuri Dissanayake, Sri Lanka News Desk, October 11, 2013 CHANGIN G T H E WORLD Through GPGPI, women are bebeiing employed and EDUCATING, EMPLOYING, empowered to produce a unique form of journalism that is developing their GPI’s tangible social impact was on display yet again when an communities, bettering the craft of journalism article about maternal mortality and obstetric fistula by & EMPOWERING WOMEN. CONGRATULATIONS to Rwanda reporters and enabling citizens throughout the world to reporter Chumile Jamela led a concerned reader to track down take action on a host of social issues. one of the women profiled and pay for her life-changing fistula Gloriose Isugi and Noella Nbihogo, winners of IMPROVING THE WORLD. surgery. the 2013 Ulrich Wickert Award for Child Rights for their powerful exposé on sugar daddies who Meanwhile, after reporter Edith Asamani reported on a prey on female students. “Gloriose Isugi and street boxing group in Accra that offers discipline, ambition, and Noella Nbihogo explain how easy it is for men in financial and educational support to urban youth, the Ghana Amateur Boxing Federation pledged funds and support to the Rwanda to persuade teenagers who do not know boys profiled in Edith’s story. the facts of life into having sex,” said Renate Meinhof, a member of the selection jury. “Their Most importantly, last October the Rwandan parliament passed [article] insistently gets to the botom of a concrete GPI trainstrains and emplemploysoys womenwomen as journalijournalistssts in a law criminalizing sex corruption in the workplace as a result issue in the country by examining it from various of reporter Ritha Bumwe’s groundbreaking article about the developingthroughout mediathe markets. growing trend of sex corruption as a barrier to employment for angles. The reporters of the Global Press Institute developing world. women in Rwanda. describe the situation from close proximity, but they keep the required journalistic distance.”

GPIGPI p producesroduces GPI employs ccontext-richontext-rich n newsews GPI employs women women at a living sstoriestories on on t opicstopics at a living wage wage which they ththatat a arere of oftenten which they reinvest reinvest in their mismisrepresentedrepresented in their communities. communities. oror igno

GPI’sGPI's award-winningaward-winning PPeopleeople allall ooverver the the GPIGPI nnewsews incincreasesreases journalismjournalism createscreates wworldorld aarere momorere aawareware ttransparencyransparency and and tangibletangible globalglobal and ininformedformed thanksthanks to aaccessccess t oto in informationformation socialsocial change,change, fromfrom tthiso this one-of-a-kind one-of-a-kind inin dlocaleveloping communities. sparkingsparking protestprotest toto nnewsews ccoverage.overage. communities. changingchanging laws.laws.

GPI Founder Cristi Hegranes (right) discussing journalism ethics on Radio Hot Cocoa in Bamenda, Cameroon. B E C O MIN G A MORE S U S TAI NAB LE ORG ANIZATI ON G P I SUPPORTERS In addition to enabling GPI to accelerate our social impact by dramatically expanding readership, Global Press News Service GPI is supported by some of the • Cloud Mountain • Mize Family Foundation allows GPI to derive revenue from the sale of our sought-after • news content, as news organizations, NGOs, corporations, and most generous and visionary Foundation Nike Foundation educational institutions line up to receive access to Global Press funders in the world. Thank • Compton Foundation • Open Road Alliance* Journal reporting. you to our major 2013 donors, • COMO Foundation* • Present Purpose Network* including: • Goodwin Foundation* • Susie Tompkins Buell In 2014 GPI expects to generate at least $100,000 in revenue from Global Press News Service – more than 10% of this year’s • Emily Kaiser & Gene Foundation budget. We aim to bring in over 25% of our annual budget from • Altman 2011 Charitable Bulmash Donor Advised • Tecovas Foundation* syndication revenue within the next five years. Lean Annuity Fund at the Tulsa • United Way • American Women Community Foundation* • U.S. Charitable Gif Trust for International • Francis P. Chapman Fund • The Whitman Institute* Understanding at the United Way* • The Arthur Guinness • Jef Peters *Indicates new supporters. GPI Photojournalism Training, Haiti Fund* • John & Patricia Kimpel • Ashoka* Fund at the Boston • Channel Foundation Foundation* PARTI AL L IST OF SYNDICATI ON PARTNERS • Charles Perry Fund at the • Manaaki Foundation United Way* • MasterCard*

• Al Jazeera America • Dublin News • Population Services • All Africa • Environmental News International • Alternatives Journal Network • Radio Hot Cocoa • American Women • Frontlines Magazine • Religion News Service Dando Mweetwa, GPI Zambia for International (USAID) • Republica of Nepal Understanding • GBM Media • Reuters • Amnesty International • Global Fund for Women • Solar Network News • AOL • Hindustan Times • Sri Express • Art News • Water Portal • Start • Ashoka • • The Africa Report • Atlantic City Press • International Sport • The Development • AWID Magazine Newswire • BBC Online • Ipas • The Gender Wire of the • Bitch Media • International Planned InterPress Service • Cameroon Online Parenthood Federation • The Media Project • Cameroon Online Journal • Kathmandu Post • The Star • Carbonated TV • Latina Lista • ThinkCerca • Celebrating Progress Africa • Los Angeles Loyolan • Trust Law • Center for Reproductive • Mama Cash • Trust Law Women Rights • Media Global • Uganda Speaks • Ceylon Today • News Cred • United Press International • Daily Kos • NewsTex • Valerie Magazine • Deseret News Service • NOMAD Magazine • Women News Network • Doctors Without Borders • Pacific Standard • Women’s Feature News WHAT’S NEX T 2014 will be an exciting year for GPI. We are planning to expand to up to four new countries, including Morocco and Guatemala, and to open new news desks in existing program countries such as .

We will primarily be focused on often-ignored rural markets as part of our Clinton Global Initiative commitment to train and employ 100 women across 20 rural communities to report on issues of importance to women and girls. Look out for more information on this campaign!

We are also excited to announce our new Focus On initiative. Focus On will bring readers in-depth, investigative local and global series coverage on some of the world's most pressing news topics. The Focus On initiative will allow us to leverage our unique global network of trained journalists to provide comprehensive, multimedia reporting on topics like human trafficking, food security and maternal health. Focus On will also enable GPI reporters and editors to work together to advance ideas and conversation about pressing global issues.

Tara Bhattarai, GPI Nepal

Global Press Global Press Global Press INSTITUTE JOURNAL NEWS SERVICE

1012 Torney Avenue San Francisco, CA 94129

Main Line: 415-561-7831 Cristi's Cell: 415-215-3117 Cover Photo: Comfort Mussa, Editorial Training April 2013 Bamenda Cameroon [email protected] Photos by Paige Stoyer, GPI