248 PD06 Abstracts CP1 applications are proposed. Efficient Optimization of Electrostatic Interactions Between Biomolecules Fejzi Kolaneci University of New York, Tirana We will present a novel PDE-constrained optimization
[email protected] strategy for analyzing the optimality of electrostatic in- teractions between biomolecules. These interactions are important factors affecting binding affinity and specificity, CP1 and can be analyzed using linear continuum models. The Continuous Moran Process and the Diffusion of resulting optimization problems are well-posed but com- Genes in Infinite Populations putationally expensive. Our method uses an implicit rep- resentation of the Hessian, in combination with precondi- We consider the so called Moran process with frequency tioned Krylov methods, to dramatically reduce the com- dependent fitness given by a certain pay-off matrix. For putational expense. We will discuss several applications in finite populations, we show that the final state must be biomolecule analysis and design. homegeneous, and show how to compute the fixation prob- abilities. Next, we consider the infinite population limit, Jacob White and discuss the appropriate scalings for the drift-diffusion Research Lab. of Electronics limit. In this case, a degenerated parabolic PDE is formally MIT obtained that, in the special case of frequency independent
[email protected] fitness, recovers the celebrated Kimura equation in popula- tion genetics. We then show that the corresponding initial Jaydeep Bardhan value problem is well posed and that the discrete model Electrical Engineering & Computer Science converges to the PDE model as the size of population goes Massachusetts Institute of Technology to infinity. We also study some game-theoretic aspects of
[email protected] the dynamics and characterise the best strategies, in an appropriate sense.