Creative Writing: A Faith and Learning Bibliography

Prepared by Randall A. Smith, Ph.D., Martha G. Krystaponis, Joy E. Patterson, and Deanna J. Vanderver

While compiling the bibliography, the editors attempted to balance general and focused research. On the one hand, we included books related to the broad field of creative writing, from pedagogy to practice. On the other hand, we included many books related specifically to the intersection of a biblical, or Christian, worldview and creativity, composition, and aesthetics. Overall, the bibliography should prove useful to teachers, students, and writers regardless of worldview perspective. If you have suggestions for other works to include, please contact Dr. Randall Smith (Creative Writing Department Chair, Belhaven University, Jackson, MS) at [email protected].

Parenthetical material at the end of individual bibliographical entries indicates call numbers or holdings for the Belhaven University Warren A. Hood Library.

Primary Works by Selected Authors

Bahr, Howard. The Black Flower. Picador, 2000. (F/B148b)

---. Home for Christmas. Nautical & Aviation, 1997. (F/B148h)

---. The Judas Field. Holt, 2006. (F/B148j)

---. Pelican Road. MacAdam/Cage, 2008. (F/B148p)

---. The Year of Jubilo: A Novel of the Civil War. Picador, 2001. (F/B148y)

Bartram, William. Travels and Other Writings. Lib. of Amer., 1996.

---. Travels of William Bartram. Dover, 1955. (917.5/B286t)

Bass, Rick. The Watch. Norton, 1994. (813.54/B293w)

Baxter, Charles. Harmony of the World: Stories. Vintage, 1997. (813.54/B333h)

---. Through the Safety Net: Stories. Vintage, 1998. (813.54/B333t) ---. A Relative Stranger: Stories. Norton, 2001. (813.54/B333r)

Bell, Rob. Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith. Zondervan, 2005. (261/B413v)

Berry, Wendell. Another Turn of the Crank: Essays. Counterpoint, 1996. (333.7/B459a)

---. The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry. Shoemaker, 2003.


---. The Collected Poems of Wendell Berry, 1957-1982. North Point, 1987. (811.54/B459e)

---. Gift of Good Land: Further Essays Cultural and Agricultural. North Point, 1983.


---. Home Economics: Fourteen Essays. North Point, 1987.

---. Recollected Essays: 1965-1980. North Point, 1983.

---. Standing by Words: Essays. Shoemaker, 2005. (306.44/B459s)

---. The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture. Sierra, 1996. (338.1/B459u)

Betts, Doris. Beasts of the Southern Wild and Other Short Stories. Touchstone, 1998.


---. Souls Raised from the Dead: A Novel. Touchstone, 1995. (813.54/B466s)

Bodo, Murray. Mystics: Ten Who Show Us the Ways of God. St. Anthony Messenger, 2007.

---. Song of the Sparrow: New Poems and Meditations. St. Anthony Messenger, 2008.

Bottoms, David. Armored Hearts: Selected and New Poems. Copper Canyon, 1995.

Brewer, Sonny, ed. Stories From the Blue Moon Café. MacAdam/Cage, 2002.


---, ed. Stories from the Blue Moon Café II: Anthology of Southern Writers. MacAdam/Cage,

2003. (813.0108/St74B2)

---, ed. Stories from the Blue Moon Café III. MacAdam/Cage, 2004. (813.0108/St74B3) ---, ed. Stories from the Blue Moon Café IV. MacAdam/Cage, 2005. (813.0108/St74B4)

Brooks, Gwendolyn. The Essential Gwendolyn Brooks: Selected Poems. Ed. Elizabeth

Alexander. Lib. of Amer., 2005. (811.54/B791e)

Brown, Dale. The Book of Buechner: A Journey Through His Writings. WJK, 2007.

Buechner, Frederick. The Alphabet of Grace. Harper, 1989. (813.54/B86a)

---. Brendan: A Novel. Harper, 1988.

---. The Book of Bebb. Harper, 2001. (F/B86b)

---. The Christmas Tide. Seabury, 2005.

---. The Eyes of the Heart: A Memoir of the Lost and Found. Harper, 1999.

---. Godric: A Novel. Harper, 1983. (F/B86g)

---. A Long Day’s Dying. Brook Street, 2003.

---. The Longing for Home: Reflections at Midlife. Harper, 1996.

---. The Magnificent Defeat. Harper, 1985.

---. Now and Then: A Memoir of Vocation. Harper, 1991.

---. On the Road with the Archangel. Harper, 1997. (F/B86o)

---. The Sacred Journey: A Memoir of Early Days. Harper, 1991. (285.1092/B86s)

---. The Son of Laughter: A Novel. Harper, 1994. (F/B86sL)

---. The Storm: A Novel. Harper, 2002. (F/B86s)

---. Telling Secrets. Harper, 1992. (285.1092/B86t)

---. Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABC. Harper, 1993. (203/B86w)

Cairns, Scott. Compass of Affection: Poems New and Selected. Paraclete, 2006.


---. Figures for the Ghost: Poems. U of Georgia P, 1994. (811.54 C123f) ---. Love's Immensity: Mystics on the Endless Life. Paraclete, 2007.

---. Philokalia. Zoo, 2002. (811.54 C123p)

---. Recovered Body. Baziller, 1998. (811.54 C123r)

Cather, Willa. Early Novels and Stories. Lib. of Amer., 1987.

---. Stories, Poems, and Other Writings. Lib. of Amer., 1992.

Chesnutt, Charles W. Stories, Novels and Essays. Lib. of Amer., 2002.

Chesterton, Gilbert K. The Essential Gilbert K. Chesterton, Volume I: Non-Fiction. Wilder,


---. The Essential Gilbert K. Chesterton, Volume II: Fiction. Wilder, 2008.

Crane, Stephen. Prose and Poetry. Lib. of Amer., 1996.

Crunk, T. Living in the Resurrection. Yale UP, 1995. (811.54/C888L)

Crunk, T., and Leah Maines, eds. Parables and Revelations. Finishing Line, 2005.

Dickey, James. Deliverance. Delta, 1994. (F/D559d)

---. Whole Motion: Collected Poems, 1945-1992. Wesleyan UP, 1992. (811.54/D559w)

Dillard, Annie. An American Childhood. Harper, 1998. (818.5409/D581am)

---. The Annie Dillard Reader. Harper, 1995. (818.5409/D581an)

---. For the Time Being. Knopf, 1999. (814.54/D581f)

---. Holy the Firm. Harper, 1999. (242/D581h)

---. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Buccaneer, 1998. (508/D581p)

---. Teaching a Stone to Talk. Harper, 1999. (508/D581t)

Dillard, Annie, and Cort Conley, eds. Modern American Memoirs. Harper, 1996.


Douglas, Ellen. Apostles of Light. UP of Mississippi, 1994. (F/D74557a) ---. A Lifetime Burning. LSU, 1995.

---. Can’t Quit You, Baby. Penguin, 1989. (F/D745c)

---. A Family’s Affairs. LSU, 1997. (F/D745f)

---. The Rock Cried Out. LSU, 1994. (F/D745r)

---. Truth: Four Stories I Am Finally Old Enough to Tell. Algonquin, 1998. (F/D745t)

---. Witnessing. UP of Mississippi, 2004.

---. Where the Dreams Cross. LSU, 2000. (F/D745w)

Dove, Rita. Selected Poems. Vintage, 1993. (811.54/D751s)

Du Bois, W. E. B. Writings. Lib. of Amer., 1987.

Dufresne, John. The Lie That Tells a Truth: A Guide to Writing Fiction. Norton, 2003.


---. Louisiana Power and Light. Norton, 1994. (F/D876L)

Earley, Tony. Here We Are in Paradise: Stories. Back Bay, 1997. (813.54/Ea76h)

---. Somehow Form a Family: Stories That Are Mostly True. Algonquin, 2002.


Eiseley, Loren. The Night Country. Bison, 1997.

Eliot, T. S. Collected Poems: 1909-1962. Harcourt, 1991.

---. Collected Poems:1909-1935. Harcourt, 1952. (821.912/EL46c)

---. Complete Poems and Plays: 1909-1950. Harcourt, 1980. (821.912/EL46co)

---. Selected Prose of T. S. Eliot. Harvest, 1975. (824.912/EL46sp)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays and Lectures. Lib. of Amer., 2010.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Novels and Stories 1920-1922. Lib. of Amer., 2000.

Frost, Robert. Robert Frost: Collected Poems, Prose, and Plays. Lib. of Amer., 1995. Gautreaux, Tim. Same Place, Same Things: Stories. Picador, 1997. (813.54/G239s)

Harvey, Andrew. The Essential Mystics: Selections from the World’s Great Wisdom Traditions.

Harper, 1997.

Haskins, Lola. Desire Lines. Story Line, 2001. (811.54/H273d)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tales and Sketches. Lib. of Amer., 1982.

---. Tales, Sketches and Other Papers. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1883. (813.3/H318s)

Hayden, Robert. Collected Poems. Liveright, 1995. (811.54 H324c)

Heaney, Seamus. Opened Ground: Selected Poems, 1966-1996. Farrar, 1999. (821.914/H35o)

Horwitz, Tony. Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War. Vintage

Departures, 1999. (973.708/H789c)

Hurston, Zora Neale. Folklore, Memoirs, and Other Writings. Lib. of Amer., 1995.

---. Novels and Stories. Lib. of Amer., 1995.

Irving, Washington. History, Tales, and Sketches. Lib. of Amer., 1983.

Kooser, Ted. Delights and Shadows. Copper Canyon, 2004. (811.54/K837d)

---. Flying at Night: Poems 1965-1985. U of Pittsburgh P, 2005. (811.54/K837f)

---. Sure Signs: New and Selected Poems. U of Pittsburgh P, 1980.

Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. Anchor, 1995.


---. Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son’s First Year. Anchor, 2005.

---. Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith. Anchor, 2000. (B/L193)

Levertov, Denise. New and Selected Essays. New Directions, 1992.

---. Poems 1960-1967. New Directions, 1983.

---. Poems 1968-1972. New Directions, 1987. ---. Poems 1972-1982. New Directions, 2001.

---. The Selected Poems of Denise Levertov. New Directions, 2002. (811.54/L577s)

---. The Stream and the Sappire: Selected Poems on Religious Themes. New Directions, 1997.

---. This Great Unknowing. New Directions, 2000.

Lott, Bret. The Difference Between Women and Men: Stories. Random, 2005. (813.54/L916d)

---. Jewel: A Novel. Pocket, 1999. (F/L916j)

Ludvigson, Susan. Sweet Confluence: New and Selected Poems. LSU P, 2000. (811.54/L966s)

Manning, Brennan. The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and

Burnt Out. Multnomah, 2000.

Mason, Bobbie Ann. Midnight Magic: Selected Stories of Bobbie Ann Mason. Ecco, 1999.


---. Shiloh and Other Stories. Modern, 2001. (813.54/M381s)

---. Zigzagging Down a Wild Trail: Stories. Random, 2001. (F/M381z)

McPhee, John. The John McPhee Reader. Noonday, 1985. (818.54/M241r)

---. The Second John McPhee Reader. Noonday, 1996. (818.54/M241r2)

Merton, Thomas, Christine M. Bochen, ed. Thomas Merton: Essential Writings. Orbis, 2000.

Mod. Spiritual Masters Ser.

Merton, Thomas. New Seeds of Contemplation. New Directions, 2007.

---. No Man Is an Island. Shambhala, 2005. (248 M558n)

---. The Seven Storey Mountain. Harvest, 1999. (271.125/M558s)

---. Thoughts In Solitude. Farrar, 1999.

Miller, Donald. Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality. Nelson,

2003. (277.3/M613b) ---. Searching for God Knows What. Nelson, 2004. (277/M613s)

---. Through Painted Deserts: Light, God, and Beauty on the Open Road. Nelson, 2005.

Nabokov, Vladimir. Novels and Memoirs 1941-1951. Lib. of Amer., 1996.

---. Novels 1955-1962. Lib. of Amer., 1996.

---. Novels 1969-1974. Lib. of Amer., 1996.

Norris, Kathleen. Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith. Riverhead, 1999. (230.03/N794a)

---. The Cloister Walk. Riverhead, 1997. (255/N794c)

---. Dakota: A Spiritual Geography. Mariner, 2001. (978.403/N794d)

Nouwen, Henri. The Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery. Image, 1981.

---. Seeds of Hope: A Henri Nouwen Reader. Doubleday, 1997. (282.092/N856s2)

---. Spiritual Journals. Continuum, 1997. (282.092/N856s)

O’Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories. Farrar, 1971. (F/Oc54c)

---. Flannery O’Connor: Collected Works. Lib. of Amer., 1988. (813.54/Oc5c)

---. The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O’Connor. Farrar, 1988. (813.54/Oc5h)

Olds, Sharon. The Dead and the Living. Knopf, 1997.

---. Strike Sparks: Selected Poems, 1980-2002. Knopf, 2004. (811.54/OL1s)

Oliver, Mary. New and Selected Poems. 2 vols. Beacon, 2005. (811.54/OL4n – vol. 1)

Paterniti, Michael. Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America with Einstein’s Brain. Dial,

2001. (616.07/H262P2)

Peterson, Eugene H. The Message//Remix 2.0: The Bible in Contemporary Language.

NavPress, 2009.

Poe, Edgar Allan. Poetry and Tales. Lib. of Amer., 1984.

---. Essays and Reviews. Lib. of Amer., 1984. Robinson, Marilynne. Gilead: A Novel. Farrar, 2004. (F/R564g)

---. Home: A Novel. Farrar, 2008.

---. Housekeeping: A Novel. Picador, 1980. (F/R564h)

Roethke, Theodore. The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke. Anchor, 1975.


Ryan, Kay. The Best of It: New and Selected Poems. Grove, 2010. (811.54/Rp55b)

Sexton, Anne. The Complete Poems. Houghton, 1981. (811.54 Se91c)

Shaw, Luci. Accompanied by Angels: Poems of the Incarnation. Eerdmans, 2006.

---. The Angles of Light: New and Selected Poems. Shaw, 2000. (811.54/Sh27a)

---. The Green Earth: Poems of Creation. Eerdmans, 2002.

---. Polishing the Petoskey Stone: Selected Poems. Regent CP, 2003.

---. Water Lines: New and Selected Poems. Eerdmans, 2003. (811.54 Sh27w)

---. What the Light Was Like: Poems. WordFarm, 2006.

---. A Widening Light: Poems of the Incarnation. Regent C, 1997.

---. Writing the River: Poems. Regent CP, 1994.

Smith, Dave. The Wick of Memory: New and Selected Poems, 1970-2000. LSU, 2000.


Spencer, Elizabeth. This Crooked Way. Vivisphere, 1952.

---. Landscapes of the Heart: A Memoir. LSU, 2003. (813.5/Sp34L)

---. Fire in the Morning. McIntosh, 1948.

---. Jack of Diamonds. Penguin, 1989. (F/Sp33j)

---. Knights and Dragons. McGraw, 1965. (F/Sp33k)

---. The Light in the Piazza and Other Italian Tales. UP of Mississippi, 1996. ---. Marilee. UP of Mississippi, 1981. (F/Sp33m)

---. The Night Travelers. LSU, 2002. (F/Sp33nt)

---. No Place for an Angel. McGraw, 1967. (F/Sp33np)

---. The Salt Line. LSU, 1995. (F/Sp33sl)

---. Ship Island and Other Stories. McGraw, 1968. (ARC/F/Sp33si)

---. The Snare. McGraw, 1972.

---. The Southern Woman: New and Selected Fiction. Modern, 2001. (F/Sp33s)

---. The Stories of Elizabeth Spencer. DoubleDay, 1981. (F/Sp33so)

---. The Voice at the Back Door. McGraw, 1956.

Stevens, Wallace. Collected Poetry and Prose. Lib. of Amer., 1997.

Talbot, John Michael, and Steve Rabey. The Way of the Mystics: Ancient Wisdom for

Experiencing God Today. Jossey-Bass, 2006.

Taylor, Peter. The Collected Stories of Peter Taylor. Picador, 2001. (F/T217c)

Tillinghast, Richard. The New Life: Poems. Cooper Beech, 2008. (811.54/T465n)

---. Poetry and What is Real. U of Michigan P, 2004. (811.509/T465p)

Twain, Mark. Mississippi Writings. Lib. of Amer., 1982.

Walker, Jeanne Murray. New Tracks, Night Falling. Eerdmans, 2009.

Warren, Robert Penn. The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren. LSU, 1998.


Welty, Eudora. The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty. Harcourt, 1980. (F/W468co)

---. Complete Novels. Lib. of Amer., 1998. (F/W468c)

---. Eudora Welty: Stories, Essays, and Memoir. Lib. of Amer., 1998. (813.52/W468s) White, Bailey. Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living. Vintage,

1994. (F/W582m)

---. Sleeping at the Starlite Motel. Vintage, 1995. (814.54/W582s)

White, Robb. Flotsam and Jetsam: The Collected Adventures, Opinions, and Wisdom from a

Life Spent Messing About in Boats. Breakaway, 2009.

Whitman, Walt. Poetry and Prose. Lib. of Amer., 1996.

Willis, Paul J. Bright Shoots of Everlastingness: Essays on Faith and The American Wild.

WordFarm, 2005.

Winner, Lauren. Girl Meets God: One the Path to a Spiritual Life. Shaw, 2004.

Wolff, Tobias. The Collected Stories of Tobias Wolff. Bloomsbury, 1997. (813.54/W832s)

Wright, Franz. The Beforelife. Knopf, 2002.

---. Earlier Poems. Knopf, 2007.

---. God's Silence. Knopf, 2008.

---. Ill Lit: Selected and New Poems. Oberlin CP, 1998. (811.54/W9317i)

---. Walking to Martha's Vinyard. Knopf, 2005.

Young, William. The Shack. Windblown, 2007. (F/Y87s)

Revised 11/15/11