The Arts Society West Area September 2019 Newsletter

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1 September 2019

Autumn Newsletter

Caroline's Chatter

Welcome to September! It always feels to me like a new year, despite my school days being a distant memory. Nowadays it's a time to come and enjoy some of the Autumn lectures throughout our area. It is also a good time to encourage and welcome new people to your club. More about what we’ve been doing to help on this front later in the letter.

Despite the lull for most Societies it has been quite busy for the Area Team. We have been getting prepared for the new term, finalising advertising, setting up training courses and Special Interest days and, not least of all, the Autumn Area Meeting at the end of October. Since our last Newsletter there were also some great events which I attended, and deserve mentioning here. Mayford held their Crafts and Hobbies day in August at the Lightbox; The Arts Society Ascot celebrated their 30th Anniversary at the Royal Holloway College, with a curated tour and a lunch in the Picture Gallery.

Looking ahead, a major feature of the Area Meeting Agenda will be a talk about Digital Communications. The basic idea is to give us a greater awareness of what’s out there! Find out what some of the jargon means, what is a hashtag??; w at s out t e e! d out w at so e o t e ja go ea s, what is a hashtag??; How to be ready for using (bits of) it; Discover more ways of keeping in touch with our members. So, it’s “Be Prepared and Keep Ahead”: Remember – five years ago hardly anybody had an iPad or had heard of Mailchimp! I’m hoping to learn a lot, please be there with me!

This edition's contents: Snippets from 8 Guilford Street

Publicity Initiatives

Society Happenings

Information Days


October Area SID

"Good Queen Bess"

Diary Dates

Surrey Hills Arts - Inspiring Views!

From: 8 Guilford Street - Snippets from the July meeting of Area Chairmen.

1. Grants: Bids for The Autumn round of Grants need to be submitted by 30 September 2019; 17:00 GMT. The current key themes are Young Arts, Museums and Skills. Full details are available on The Arts Society web pages (requiring usual password access)

2. Young Arts: Societies are urged to check that their YA Activity Reports are up to date (online at TAS website) with their latest stories.

3. Staffing: Following some re-organising three members of staff (Leslie Daniels, Evelyn Hong, and Sarah Murphy) left in early July.

4. The Volunteer Impact Review: Focus Groups are being set up to build on the replies on the questionnaire received from Societies. Volunteers from members are sought with each focus group having eight to ten people. Applications to Joanne Martin (Membership Manager at Guilford St.)

5. Voice for The Arts: As a follow-on from the AGM, it has been recognised that Societies want the organisation to do more for Arts Education and to raise the profile of The Arts Society. Jo Marsh [Brand Consultant] is working on proposals at how best to achieve these Consultant] is working on proposals at how best to achieve these objectives, and without creating additional work at Society level.

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Publicising the Arts Society

is continuing to work on publicising the Arts Society and create interest to attract new members.

During the last month we have started four new initiatives.

Targeted advertising A West Surrey Area Tri-Fold leaflet Stand at the Art Fair at Ascot Racecourse Fifty Art Treasures in West Surrey (booklet)

A general advert has been placed in two of The Round and About local magazines – September and October editions. The advert is designed to support the Societies covered by these editions who in turn are organising entries in the Editorial sections “Ramblings” to promote their lecture for each month. Our plan is to continue with adverts in different parts of the Area. The first sectors are “” and “Ascot and Egham” which distribute to the homes around seven West Surrey Societies.

On the “to do” list for ages but now ready to go to Press is an Area Tri- fold leaflet. This will be placed in Museums, libraries, at community events and other suitable venues in the Area. It is designed to supplement local Society publicity and to be promoting the brand in its broadest sense.

Barbara Hamilton (Chairman of TAS Englemere) has arranged a pitch at the forthcoming Contemporary Art Fair 20th – 22nd September. This will be supported by West Surrey Area with other nearby Societies manning the stand. It is hoped this is another good opportunity to put our name to an interested audience.

The 50 Art Treasures booklet production is another way of reaching prospective members. The project is getting under way and we have already received some great suggestions; however a lot more are needed to swell "the long-list" of recommended sites and artifacts to visit in the West Surrey Area.

Please send in your ideas to [email protected]

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News from WSA Societies.

Another Rail Station gets Young Art on display!

This time “Sunningdale” the second station on the Reading – Waterloo line This time Sunningdale , the second station on the Reading – Waterloo line. On 23rd July Englemere unveiled works from three local schools. As elsewhere on this expanding concept there were some superb creations, and most worthy of being shown in public. For the local press article Click here

TAS Mayford, held a pot-pourri of arts and crafts from the creatively talented members, which went on show at The Lightbox on the 8th of August. Proceeds were used to help support the Art in Mind Project For the local press article page 1 Click here and page 2 Click here

On the 20th May TAS Weybridge launched the first "Memory Trail" in the West Surrey Area at St. James's Church, Weybridge. The event coincided with the Weybridge Dementia Awareness Week and brought together residents from two local specialist care homes and pupils of the nearby primary school. More details - Click here

This summer, TAS Farnham - Young Arts Group organised a workshop for Young Carers at Wrecclesham Pottery.

The theme - a 3D version of Piccasso's "Man with guitar

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Information Days 100% Discount if you book Now !!!!!

The start of the autumn round of information days is approaching. There are places available on all of these

20th September (Friday) – Programme Planners Day Camberley

26th September (Thursday) – Excel Spreadsheets Introduction Ascot

3rd October (Thursday) Mailchimp for Beginners – Staines

1st November (Friday) Getting to Know the Arts Society Camberley

Full details and booking details available on the WSA website at

***** ! OK They’re free anyhow but if you have participants who would like to sign up please don’t delay, some of the days have restricted numbers.

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The Arts Society AGM - 2020 - Malaga

Malaga, Andalucia.

Tim Nicholls (The Arts Society Finance and Resources Director) has issued a clarification of the expenses rules for voting delegates who will be attending the AGM in Malaga on 13th May 2020. All chairman should have received his AGM in Malaga on 13 May 2020. All chairman should have received his statement, however if it escaped your Inbox it can be reviewed at

Photo attribution: Photo: By Fabi-DE - de/8499667091/sizes/o/in/photostream/, CC BY-SA 2.0, curid=24901931

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Special Interest Morning - Saturday 5th October - Update

"Decoding Courtly Dress in Tudor and Restoration "

There are still a few seats available for the double lecture morning “Decoding Courtly Dress in Tudor and Restoration England” to be held at The Clockhouse, Chapel Lane, Milford, GU8 5EZ on Saturday 5th October.

For more details and booking Click here

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Good Queen Bess!

Do you take The Times? If so you may have seen an article, published on the 20th August, about an altar cloth found in a church in Herefordshire. It is purported to be made from cloth originating [probably] from a dress belonging to Queen Elizabeth I. She had 1900 dresses when she died!

Liz Coult spotted the story and thought it timely towards the forthcoming lectures. If you missed the article here’s a scan - Click here. (Apologies for the quality but I managed to read it by zooming in on it, - Ed.)

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Diary - some key dates.

2019 th 25 October – Autumn Area Meeting – hosts TAS Camberley at High Cross Church, Camberley.


th 8 February – Special Interest morning – (Gardens theme)

th 6 March – Spring Area Meeting – hosts TAS Cranleigh. th 13 March – Area Programme Secretaries Day – Venue to be announced. st 21 March – Jazz Event - Guildford 31 March – Directory Day at Westminster Central Hall

th 13 May – TAS AGM, Malaga

th 12 June – Study morning - subject - “Laos”

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Surrey Hills Art / Inspiring Views Campaign

We have received a request from “Surrey Hills Arts” to promote and support a new project which aims to restore and enhance an outstanding view. It is planned to install an innovative artwork which will engage the local community in art and conservation activities. The work by Will Nash ( is planned to happen in the Autumn on the North Downs way near Newlands Corner. It is being financed by crowd-funding – are you inspired to help?

and for more on the project, including a video, and how to support it visit

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Plea...... se? Your Newsletters?

Caroline and I (Richard) are genuinely interested to hear your news. We know that many of you publish a Newsletter, and, several of you send us a copy [Thank you] however if not it would be much appreciated if you can add us to your distribution list.

Send to Caroline at [email protected]


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WWW.aide_ memoire!

Lastly that old perennial - please don’t forget that our website is an ever-ready place of reference for you; The monthly lecture list, other Society contacts, Training courses, SID’s are all there. Information for all - Chairmen, members and non- members!

We do try and keep it up to date, however please let us know if you spot any irregularities or feel there is additional material that should be posted

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This edition of our Newsletter was compiled and created by Richard Audsley The next edition will be published in November.

Please submit any "Society" stories before 16th October

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