Welcome ...... 3

Junior Code of Conduct ...... 4

Southampton Canoe Club Code of Conduct ...... 5

Good Technique...... 6

Warming Up and Recovery ...... 7

Mental Skills for racing ...... 8

Smart Food ...... 9

Exercise ...... 10

Racing ...... 11

The Hasler Series ...... 12

How to enter a race ...... 13

Useful Club Website Addresses ...... 14

Other websites ...... 15

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Welcome to Southampton Canoe Club

I hope you find this booklet useful, it’s a mixture of information about the club for new members including parents as well as tips to help you and/ or your child with the sport of paddling.

Key members of Southampton Canoe Club:

Role Name email Club Chairman Phil Amey [email protected] Vice Chair Richard Gilbert [email protected] Johns Club Secretary Angela Oliver [email protected] Club Membership Geoff Close [email protected] Child Welfare Jan Rance [email protected] Treasurer Geoff Close [email protected] Fund Raising Richard Hewitt [email protected] Quartermaster Adam Egelund [email protected] Head Coach Steve Rance [email protected] Junior Coach Jan Rance [email protected] Race Captain Chris Blacker [email protected] Website Chris Blacker [email protected] Club Shop James Hinves [email protected]

Please check out the website www.southamptoncc.co.uk for information on:

 Race details  Race results  News updates  Monthly training schedules (adults)  Ordering racing vests/club clothing  Time trial results  Photo gallery of races/events

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me and I will try and help out.

If you or your child has enjoyed taking part at the club, please let your friends know and spread the word. It’s a fantastic sport and a great way to get in shape and stay fit. We hold regular taster sessions for absolute beginners followed by a 5 week introduction to paddling. If you know of any youngsters (need name/age/email) or adults who would like to take part, please get in touch with me.

We are always looking for people to help run the club and if you feel that you could give up some time or would like to provide any input into the running of the club please feel free to contact me on [email protected]

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Angela Oliver Southampton Canoe Club Secretary


All Junior Members are asked to abide by the following rules at all times:

 Co-operate fully, respecting all requests and decisions made by the coaches, helpers officials and administrators.

 Be on time for training sessions and events or inform your coach if you are going to be late

 Paddlers must control their tempers and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience or upset others

 Be considerate and respectful to other paddlers and water users - treat other paddlers as you would want to be treated

 Paddlers must wear suitable kit for paddling as agreed with your coach

 Take care of all property belonging to the club or any club member – and be responsible for caring for your own equipment and clothing.

 Not to leave sessions without the permission of the coach or leader

 Junior members are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs of any kind whilst on club premises or representing the club at events

 Wear a top at all times whilst at the centre

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It is the policy of Southampton Canoe Club that all paddlers, volunteers, coaches and parents show respect and understanding for each other and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club. The aim is for all paddlers to improve performance and have fun.

Everyone involved in the Club should abide by the Club Rules and Policies.

All Paddlers

 Take care of all property belonging to the club or club members

 Treat other Club members with respect at all times – on and off the water – treat all paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself

 Control tempers and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience or upset others

 Co-operate and listen to your coach or Club officials

Club Officials, Coaches and Volunteers

 Consider the wellbeing and safety of paddlers before the development of performance

 Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers, based on mutual trust and respect

 Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part

 Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance

 Follow BCU and Club guidelines and Policies

 Hold the appropriate, up-dated qualifications and insurance

 Encourage paddlers to value their performance and not just results

 Never condone the use of prohibitive substances


 Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results

 Never force your child to take part in sport

 Never punish or belittle a child for loosing or making mistakes

 Publicly accept official’s judgments

 Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy the sport

 Use correct and proper language at all times

 Set a good example by applauding good performances of all paddlers

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1. Sit up tall, head up - Sit upright, or with slight lean forward. Head up, and look forward rather than down at the water.

2. No splash at catch - Clean entry of into the water. Place the paddle in, then pull on it = 2 separate movements.

3. Top arm high throughout stroke - Keep top arm at shoulder level all the time the paddle is in the water on the other side. Drive hand towards the horizon, not down towards knees.

4. Top arm towards nose of boat, not across - Drive the top arm forward, not across in front of your face.

5. Start the Paddle close to the boat from the catch to past your knee - As you rotate it will want to slip out to the side – remember you’re trying to drive the boat forward through the water.

6. Lift the Paddle out as your hand reaches your hip . Your Hand should never be behind the line of your body.

7. Pause at the end of the stroke - Think of one stroke at a time and let the boat glide in between strokes. At the end of the stroke both are out of the water, ready for the next stroke. One arm fully extended ready to place the paddle, and the other arm is bent at your elbow, with hand at shoulder/ear height, a little away from the body. Practice pausing for 2 seconds between strokes.

8. Rotation - Push with the leg on the side you are taking the stroke on. Try to swivel on your seat. Rotate hips and shoulders around to increase reach and involve back and leg muscles in the action.

9. Start the stroke with the leg push - Push with your foot on the footrest before you start to pull on the paddle. This will stabilise the boat and stop the boat from leaning away from the stroke. It will mean that the power generated from the stroke will be transmitted into driving the boat forward.

10. Keep top arm back - Do not straighten your top arm too quickly. Aim to hold it back, and drive the stroke from the rotation of hips and shoulders, which should have been initiated from the leg drive. Top arm is your brace or pivot point, which is fixed for you to pull against. This involves activating chest muscles, like doing a press-up.

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What is a warm up all about?

You need to prepare your body for any energetic activity before you start the actual event or training.

 Your body will work much more efficiently, you will enjoy paddling, running swimming or whatever more and do it better

 You will be less likely to be injured

 The more intense the activity the more thoroughly you need to warm up. o Run gently o Skip o Do right arm and then left arm swings as you are running

Get in your boat

 Fidget around holding onto landing stage and get the feel of the water

 Paddle along for a few minutes

 Paddle in circles each way

 Paddle in figure 8’s

 Paddle along in straight line leaning the boat one way

Recovery – Warm Down

After every session, whatever you do, you need to warm down to help your body recover quickly.

 Spend at least 5-10 minutes paddling fairly slowly as your heart slows down

 Do some stretches on the land

 Drink and eat some carbohydrate – cereal bar, banana, sandwich etc within 30 minutes of finishing - DONT FORGET TO WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST THOUGH

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My goal today is to win this race. I can see the finish. It would be good to beat ……...….. today.

OK - let’s try and get S T A R T a really good start at the beginning of the race

I must try to concentrate on my racing technique and not worry about other paddlers

Although I have made some mistakes I must stay focused on the race

YES - I can see the How could my race have gone finish line. I’m sure if I better? try my hardest I will How did I feel beating …….? beat …….. to the finish What will my goal be for my next race?


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A good diet is made up of:

60% 15% 5%


 Rice  Butter  Cereals  Cream  Pasta  Meat  Cheese  Bread  Poultry  Eggs  Potatoes  Eggs  Peanut butter  Oven chips  Yoghurt  Crisps  Sugary drinks  Burgers  Yoghurts

 Custard

Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for working muscles and so increasing the amount you eat, you will keep your store of instant energy topped up

What should paddlers eat before paddling?

Never paddle when hungry. Have small snacks like beans on toast no less than 45 mins before paddling

What should paddlers eat after paddling?

Eat something high in carbohydrate—avoid chips and fatty foods

What should paddlers drink before/during/after exercise?

It is important that the body keeps hydrated during exercise so paddlers should have a drink about 20 mins before activity and throughout the activity. Drink water or isotonic (contains carbohydates) drinks. Avoid fizzy drinks, tea and coffee. Remember it takes about three days to be properly hydrated so it is important to start thinking about your race a few days in advance.

What if we are going on a trip?

Don’t forget to pack high energy foods such as chocolate and bananas

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When you are not paddling, try to take part in other activities during the week to improve your stamina and fitness levels.

 Cycling/mountain biking  Skateboarding  Roller-blading  Running  Swimming  Aerobic sessions  Martial arts  Football  Dance

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Southampton Canoe Club takes part in a number of different types of racing which can be broken down into the following categories:

Waterside/Thameside Series

A series of long distance races held in Jan/Feb/March for stamina and endurance training. Each section is part of the Devizes  Westminster race which is held over Easter 125 miles and 76 .

Hasler Series

Different regional races held from September ending in Hasler finals for the top 4 teams in each region. Marathon racing 4/8/12 miles and special 2 mile races for Under 12 juniors in Lightning section.


Traditionally held in Nottingham but 2007 saw the first sprint race held at near Eton. Normally over 2 days with 1000m, 500m sprints for K1, K2 and K4 boats. Sprint races are also available for under 12 paddlers.

Descent Races

Long distance races held on fast flowing rivers—Avon, Stour, Mersey

Assorted Races

 Veteran races  Beaulieu river row  K4 races  Poole Harbour Race

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The Hasler Series is based on a divisional system and is competed throughout the season (September to August) on a regional basis. It is at the heart of Marathon Racing in Britain with over 100 clubs competing in some 60 or more races each year. Races are organised within regions and are held over distances of approximately 4, 8 and 12 miles depending on competitors’ ability. Promotions and demotions from one division to another are based on performance to ensure that competitors of similar ability race against one another.

The top 4 clubs from each region then qualify to take part in the Hasler Finals which is held each September hosted by one of the racing clubs. The Hasler Trophy is awarded to the club that gains the most points at the Final.

Lightning Under 10 Boys 2 miles Under 10 Girls 2 miles Under 12 Boys 2 miles Under 12 Girls 2 miles

Hody (Junior K2) This is a fun race for under 12 boys/girls

Divisions 9,8,7 12 years + 4 miles Divisions 6,5,4 12 years + 8 miles (includes portages) Divisions 3,2 1 12 years + 12 miles (includes portages)

You can take part in any Hasler race in the UK but will only earn points for the club when you race in a Southern Region race.

Lightning points are awarded to youngsters competing at every Hasler race and these go towards the Lightning Trophy.


The Race Captain will email us when race fees and bookings are due and will advise us of dates and times of the event.

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Before each race we will ask whether or not you /your son/daughter would like to take part in a race in order to put in a pre-entry (cheaper) and organise which boats to take. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO LIGHTNINGS WHO CAN ENTER ON THE DAY AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. On a Saturday after training we load up the trailer and take boats, paddles, buoyancy aids and race plates numbers. Please book your boat and kit with [email protected]

CHECK IN - Please make sure you to get to the race in plenty of time. When you get there you need to look for the booking-in desk and check your son/daughter has been entered in the correct race. You may be asked for your BCU card - The Club Membership officer keeps hold of all junior membership cards – please contact him/her if you think your child will be racing and will need a card. All juniors have their own membership card once they join the club – this covers them for taking part in races up until they are 18 or reach Division 6 and they then need to take out their own BCU membership.

BCU MEMBERSHIP – If you are taking part in a race it is now compulsory for you to have BCU membership. You are allowed 1 day ticket per season but that race will a) not qualify for Hasler points or b) not count as a Hasler qualification race. You can join online at http://www.canoe-england.org.uk/membership/

RACE COSTS - Race entry fees apply for all competitors including Lightning races and for youngsters over 12 years old. If you are racing in a divisional race there can be a late entry fee of £1.00-£3.00 if not pre-entered so make sure you let the Race Captain know you are going to the race. Race fees are always advertised by the Race Organisers.

RACE NUMBER - Every paddler is given a race number – write this down and make sure it is written clearly on the race plate - if the organisers can’t read the race number at the finish your time may not be recorded or you may not score points for the club.

COURSE MAP - Please take the time to look at the course map and check you/they understand where they have to go.

BRIEFING - Times are given on the race details sheet. It is important to attend the briefing in case there are any special instructions or details.

RACING VESTS - In order to score points, all paddlers must wear racing colours. Southampton Canoe club vests are available to order from our Club website along with other club clothing. Divisions 7/8/9 and Lightnings need to wear a buoyancy aid so just wearing a red t-shirt is acceptable.

ON THE DAY - Please can you make sure you have the correct paddles, your seat in the boat is set up properly and your buoyancy aid is secure. Help your child put their boat in the water and enjoy the race, giving lots of support and encouragement along the bank.

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The best website to find out all marathon information on :

 Marathon Rules  Results  Hasler tables  Race details  BCU listings

Can be found at: http://canoeracing.org.uk/marathon/

The following clubs take part in the Southern Region Hasler Races.

Details of their races should be on their website (or Marathon Website above) along with how to find information on maps/addresses.


BCCC Basingstoke CC Basingstoke http://www.b3c.org.uk/home/ BAN Banbury Canoe Club Banbury http://www.banburycanoeclub.com/ FOX Falcon KC Oxford http://www.falconrcc.co.uk/ LON Longridge CC Marlow http://www.longridgecanoeclub.org.uk HEN Henley CC Henley www.henleycanoeclub.co.uk PAN Adventure Dolphin Pangbourne https://www.adventuredolphin.co.uk/ RDG Reading CC Reading http://www.reading-canoe.org.uk/ SOU Southampton CC Southampton southamptoncc.co.uk/ WIN Windsor CC Windsor www.windsorcanoeclub.co.uk/ WOK Wokingham CC Nr Reading www.wokinghamcanoeclub.co.uk/

Sprint details can also be found at:

BCU Sprint Page http://canoeracing.org.uk/sprint/

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Useful information on . Juniors have B C U membership to BCU through https://www.britishcanoeing.org.uk/ Southampton Canoe club until 18 or reach Division 6 SCC members entitled to 10% Woodmill discount—just mention you http://www.woodmill.co.uk/ Shop belong to club when you make your purchase

Devizes to Westminster

DW http://www.dwrace.org.uk/ endurance race 125 miles

Information about Waterside Watersides http://www.watersideseries.org.uk/ Races

Information about Thameside http://reading- Thamesides 1 and 2 canoe.org.uk/thamesides/ Specialist equipment (boats/paddles and Marsport www.marsport.co.uk/ equipment) – based at Wokingham (Reading) Specialist kayaking equipment Kirton (boats/paddles and www.kirtonkayaks.co.uk/home/ equipment) – based in Devon Importers of South African Racepace Racing and http://www.racepaceltd.com/ Ltd Accessories


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