Birth Control Basics

If you’re sexually active (or you plan to be soon) and don’t want to become pregnant, you’ll need to choose a method of (contraception). There are many different kinds of birth control. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. To help you choose, this handout presents some basic information and answers some common questions about the most popular forms of birth control.

Choosing a method Review this handout with your healthcare provider, keeping these features in mind: •• Comfort and ease. Would I feel comfortable using it? Would it be easy to get? Would it be easy for me to use correctly? •• Effective. How well does this method work to prevent ? How concerned am I about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and does this method help protect against them? Could it be combined with another method to be more effective in preventing pregnancy and STIs? •• Safe. Do I have any health conditions, risk factors, Almost half of all in the U.S. are or allergies that rule out this option for me? What unintended. To avoid getting pregnant when risks or health benefits might this method provide? you’re not ready, choose a birth control method •• Affordable. Can I afford to use this method? Is it that works for your lifestyle and health needs. covered by my medical ?

Myths and facts and birth control

Myth: A woman can’t get pregnant when having sex during her period. Fact: Unprotected sex can to pregnancy at any time. A woman might be less likely to get pregnant when bleeding, but it can still happen. Women ovulate at different times and sometimes bleed when they’re not having their period. Also, can last for several days inside the .

Myth: A woman can’t get pregnant when . Fact: Breastfeeding is NOT a form of birth control. Also, it's not always possible to know when has returned after . (It may return long before a woman's period starts up again.)

Myth: Women need to take a break from the pill. Fact: There is no reason to stop using the pill (or any other method of birth control) unless you want to get pregnant, are switching methods, or are no longer having sex.


Birth control pill (“the 91% to 99% •• These methods •• Don’t protect against sexually pill,” oral contraceptives) effective when are 91% to 99% transmitted infections (STIs). (NuvaRing taken correctly effective when •• Require sticking to a vaginal insert) taken correctly. schedule. The pill usually •• Some of these must be taken daily. Vaginal Birth control patch (Ortho methods may offer rings and birth control Evra patch) health benefits patches must be replaced at All of these methods such as: regular intervals. contain hormones. When –– control •• May bring side effects such used as directed, they –Lighter, less as sore , , prevent pregnancy by – painful periods headaches, and weight gain. stopping the release of • May interact with other an egg from your ––Fewer symptoms • medicines. (). These methods of PMS are only available by (premenstrual •• May decrease your milk prescription. syndrome) supply for breastfeeding (less likely if breastfeeding is well There are several different ––Fewer migraines established). types and brands of birth related to periods control pills. ––Less risk of certain •• May increase your risk of and stroke if you get migraines infections with auras (vision changes). ––Protection against •• Should not be used by smokers over age 35 because FACT SHEET FOR PATIENTS AND FAMILIES thinning bones

Birth Control Pills: 5 Things You Need to Know of increased risk for heart

How well the pill works to prevent pregnancy depends on whether you take it correctly. Go over this list with your healthcare provider to make sure you know how to use your birth control pills. attack, blood clot, and stroke 1 What type of pill you are taking, and how it changes your period There are two main types of birth control pills: • Combination pills that deliver the hormones (increases risk very slightly for progestin and Ask your healthcare • Progestin-only pills Both pills may make you have more or fewer periods over time. With extended-cycle combination pills, you may have significantly fewer periods. Know your cycle other women). and if you think you might be pregnant, get a test. provider for a copy One way to remember to take your pill at the My birth control pill same time each day is to set an alert in your smart phone or watch. Or, you can mark it on a Type of pill: Combination Progestin-only calendar when you take it each day. My period should come every ______days of the Intermountain 3 What side effects you may have 2 How to take your birth control pill correctly You may not have any side effects but it helps to Go over these general rules with your healthcare know the most common ones. (Many common side provider. Some will be specific to the type of pills effects ease or go away after the first few weeks or months.) Side effects you may have are: fact sheet: Birth Control you take. • Bleeding or spotting between periods • Use a back-up birth control method at first. (It may take several weeks for your pill to • Headaches start working.) • Nausea • Sore breasts Start the pill this day: ______Pills: 5 Things You Need Use back-up method until this day: ______4 How to stop taking your pill • Take your pill at about the same time every day. You can stop taking your pill at any time. Here’s what • Know what to do if you accidentally miss a day. you can expect: • Tell your healthcare provider about any • If you stop in the middle of a cycle, you’ll probably to Know medicines or supplements you take. Some can have bleeding within 4 to 6 days. keep your birth control pills from working well. • You’ll be able to get pregnant immediately. Use another birth control method if you don’t want to become pregnant. 1

Condom (rubbers, •• 80% when •• You can buy •• Requires cooperation of prophylactics) used alone without male partner. a prescription at Condoms block sperm •• 86% to 98% •• May break. grocery stores, from entering your body. effective when •• Not “spontaneous.” convenience stores, Before sex, the used with a (A condom must be put on pharmacies, and is placed over the man’s immediately before sex.) some vending erect penis, covering it in a •• Nearly 100% . •• Males may feel less sensation thin layer of latex, , effective when during sex. or animal tissue. Many combined with •• Condoms give some condoms are coated with withdrawal protection against spermicide, which increases method sexually transmitted protection against infections (STIs), pregnancy. such as HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) , and .


Diaphragm 84% to 94% •• You can put your •• Doesn’t protect against effective when diaphragm in up to sexually transmitted The diaphragm is a small used properly 6 hours before you infections (STIs). rubber cup that you place have sex. inside your vagina. It holds •• Can be difficult or spermicide against your •• This method uncomfortable to place. and prevents sperm doesn’t affect your •• Cannot be left in place more from reaching an egg. hormone levels and than 24 hours. can be used while Initially, your healthcare •• Increases risk of urinary breastfeeding. provider must fit you with tract, bladder, and vaginal a diaphragm. Once you infections. have the proper size of •• Increases risk of developing diaphragm, you’ll need allergies to spermicide to put it into your vagina or latex. before sex. •• For repeated sex, requires reapplication of spermicide. •• Must be replaced once a year or if you gain or lose more than 10 pounds.

IUD () 99% or greater •• Once the IUD is •• Doesn’t protect against placed, you don’t sexually transmitted This is a small plastic device need to remember infections (STIs). that your healthcare birth control daily. provider inserts into your •• May come out or poke , where it stays for •• IUDs through the uterus (rare). months or years. provide continuous •• Copper IUD may cause contraception for up Copper or hormones in problems with to 10 years. the IUD keep sperm from (cramps, spotting between joining the egg or may •• IUDs with hormones periods, heavier and keep fertilized eggs from may reduce longer periods). implanting in the uterus. menstrual cramps •• May cost more than and flow. They may other options. be left in place for up 3 to 5 years.

Periodic •• Not very reliable •• You don’t need to •• Doesn’t protect against (natural , •• Results are visit a doctor or buy sexually transmitted the “rhythm method”) dependent on anything. infections (STIs). This method means that the couple's •• There are no side •• Requires careful planning you and your partner knowledge of effects with this and knowledge about the avoid sex during the the woman's method. woman's reproductive cycle. fertile period of your cycle and •• Requires abstinence (no sex) . careful planning for half of your cycle (it can •• More reliable be difficult to know when when used with you are and aren’t fertile). a condom •• Is not recommended for women with irregular cycles.


Surgical 99% or greater •• Provides continuous, •• Doesn’t protect against permanent Surgical methods are sexually transmitted contraception. permanent. They prevent infections (STIs). pregnancy by blocking •• You don’t need to •• Risk of surgical complication. think about birth the passage of the egg •• Is permanent. (If you change in the woman’s body control at all. your mind, it may not be ( surgery) or reversible.) sperm in the man’s body •• Carries a small risk of (). abnormal bleeding (for women).

Time-release hormone 94% to 99% •• Most types can •• Don’t protect against sexually implants and injections or greater be used while transmitted infections (STIs). breastfeeding once Time-release hormones •• May decrease your milk supply is are prescribed by your milk supply. well established. healthcare provider. For a •• May cause side effects such as period of weeks to years •• Implants and headache or period problems. injections last longer (depending on the type), • May delay your return than a daily pill. • they prevent pregnancy by to fertility. stopping your ovaries from •• These can be used releasing eggs. by women who can’t take estrogen.

Withdrawal •• Unreliable You can use this •• Doesn’t protect against method when This method requires the •• Sperm is in sexually transmitted no other method man to remove (withdraw) , which infections (STIs). is available. his penis from the woman’s can leak •• Requires excellent self- vagina before reaching out before control and experience on and . ejaculation the man’s part. •• Requires trust on the

woman’s part. S

Q N U O E S T I Questions for my doctor

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