(Message from SWWS of Berlin Sector, Av’ Ananda Danavrata Ac’) HAPPY GOLDEN JUBILEE OF WWD!

Welcome to our golden jubilee edition of Suprabhat, the WWD newsletter of Berlin Sector. To celebrate, we have tried to make this newsletter full of as many interesting articles, news and ideas as possible. Many thanks to all the didis and margii sisters who contributed!

Fifty years is indeed a happy anniversary, but it also serves as a reminder that we have a lot of work ahead of us. Surely this golden jubilee will provide an impetus for all of us to go ahead and develop the departments of WWD that Ba’ba’ has gifted us.

It is true that WWD was given for the development and welfare of women. In the same breath, it should also be understood that WWD stands for the all-round benefit of society. Wherever women and girls have the opportunity to develop their potential, and when their role in society is properly recognized and respected, that society will also be able to develop fully and in a harmonious way. Women’s development is not for women alone: it forms an integral part of the base for building a real human society. This is of course, ultimately to the benefit of all.

So the saying goes: ‘when you educate a girl you are not only educating an individual, you are educating a family.’ These days, most public institutions and development organizations have clearly recognized that one of the most efficient ways to develop a community or a country is to work with the education and economic empowerment of women. They know that when a girl is educated there is a ripple effect which benefits the whole community, and when a woman becomes part of the economy, the money is likely to go where it is needed most: for nutritious food for the children, education and other essential needs of the family and society. In recent years, it has become generally accepted that all other development activities will be ineffectual if women’s development, economic participation and education are not included. However, long before the rest of the society realized this, Ba’ba’ had already given us AMURTEL, GV, PWSA and all the other departments of WWD. It is our responsibility to make these departments a shining example of Ananda Marga to the world.

To end, here are Ba’ba’s own words:

“I remember some years ago at Anandanagar I said that my daughters coming to Anandanagar need not cover their heads because it is the home of their father. Girls do not use veils at their parents’ house. I remember that it was the first time for the married women of north India to give up their veils. Many years have passed since then. The custom of using veils has disappeared from many urban areas of north India and is fast disappearing from the rural areas as well. That particular incident at Anandanagar set a healthy trend in this regard. This was a step forward in the direction of women’s emancipation [in north India]. An auspicious beginning indeed! “ (5th March 1989)

The inner meaning of this quote is very sweet: Parama Purusa is our universal father, and the universe is our homeland. Not only in Ananda Nagar, but indeed in every farthest corner of the world, we are in the shelter of our supreme Father. Let us remember this fact in every action and moment of life.

The Most Dignified Section of Human Society 12 December 1979, Calcutta

When I visited the WWD office, what did I say, what did I write? Please read it out.

[Someone reads:] “You as the most dignified section of human society do something for the universal human beings.”

Why dignified? Everything should be properly explained and ampli ed. ll human beings are minute pro ec ons of that same re ec on on di erent plates, on di erent mirrors. nd what are those mirrors nit minds. There are so many unit minds, and that re ected Supreme Being in each case is the iiv tm . The unit mind is that mirror, and the re ected arama uru a in the unit being is the iiv tm , the unit’s tm , the unit’s consciousness. So in that respect all are dignified and all are sanctified beings.

But you know, this sanctification or dignification is in the spiritual stratum; and so where this mundane stratum is concerned, dignity depends on sanctification [and service], and sanctity depends on something else. When people come in contact with a particular human being whose life has been elevated because of his or her movement towards the Supreme, then others look upon him or her as a sanctified being. As what? A sanctified being. And when, from that sanctified entity, or from that sanctified being, they get selfless service, then that sanctified being not only remains sanctified but becomes dignified too.

I addressed you little girls as the dignified section of human society, and I know I am cent per cent right in feeling so. And I expect these little dignified beings, dignified section of human society, will be – should be – more and more, and still more, dignified by dint of their work, their rendering of more and more selfless service to suffering humanity. This is what I want. That is why I wrote that.

In 1979, Bábá visited the WWD office in Southern Park, Calcutta (His house formerly). He signed the guest book and He wrote: Memories of Amurtel Fundraising- Brcii’ Annapurna Ac’ I remember when I was an LFT in Finland in 1988. I wanted to do some fundraising for the Burkina Faso well-building project. I had the idea to build a real well in the open market square in Kuopio city in the middle of Finland, so that people could get to know about our project and we could collect some money. One margii asked permission from the city, and I contacted some companies to get the well made. One well-making company offered to build it, and it was done very quickly. It was really very beautifully built, about one meter high and complete with a hand-pump. We also hung some flower pots on it for decoration. We were four margiis there for the opening ceremony, when suddenly a huge fire-brigade van came with the siren on and began pouring water from its tank into our well, so that people would be able to pump real water. The company which built the well had organized for the fire-brigade to show up without telling anything to us. The siren attracted a lot of people, and after that we gave some speeches and one margii sang some songs. The well was there in the square for one week, and we were also there collecting money. After that I continued to collect money at people’s houses, and it was a very nice experience because almost everyone had seen the well and they were happy to give a lot of money! I don’t remember how much we collected, but it was much more than I had expected, and I enjoyed the whole thing!

Growing Spirulina in Kenya- Av’ Ananda Prama Ac’ When the UN declared a famine in the Horn of Africa I was shocked to see all the photos glaring back at me, from the news here in Ireland. They were the same faces that in real life that I had shared the refugee camps with in 1981 when I worked for UNHCR trying to insure food got to the 200,000 persons in Las Dhure and Agabar camps in Somalia. I couldn't forget the faces or the helpless feelings of the hungry women and children so I headed for Kenya. There I contacted NGO's to discern the situation and how we could help. I teamed up with Didi in Kenya, as she has over a decade of wisdom providing training in health care through Abha Light Homeopathic and Naturopathic college With Julius, one of the homeopathic Doctors Didi had trained, AMURTEL discussed starting a Spirulina project for malnourished children. I headed to Lake Victoria and met three NGO's growing the super nutritious food. I then arranged for Julius and a local woman to receive training. I headed to India for further research and training. I visited two other projects which were already up and running and were feeding malnourished children by making Spiro Candies and having women sell them so as to get some free for their own children. In Kenya, after almost a year, the Spirulina was growing well. We invited 10 more persons to learn to grow it and we arranged distribution to over 100 malnourished children whilst at the same time keeping track of their height, weight and arm circumference. We had great results, seeing children flourishing from the Spiro supplementation. Finally we have found a candy company in Kenya who has made samples for us. We have built more permanent tanks within a green house to up production, and the spirulina is growing well. In an area where malnourishment is rampant due to drought and food insecurity, AMURTEL has made a difference and proved that Spirulina production is possible. Now we are expanding and would like to produce high energy Spiro candy so it can be easily distributed and marketed to reach more vulnerable children. We need an investment of 450 euros per month totaling 5,000 euros yearly and are looking for support and donations. For more information and pictures, you can visit: If you would like to help, please contact me at: [email protected]

The human mind has two contradictory inherent tendencies: one of acquisition, the other of sacrifice. The more one advances along the path of evolution, the more the second tendency, the spirit of sacrifice, becomes prominent. One wishes to share one’s mental pleasure with others. This is a very interesting aspect of human psychology. (The faculty of Knowledge)

AMURTEL Germany - (Asha, Amurtel President, Berlin Region)

I would like to share my experience doing fundraising in the name of Amurtel in Germany. First of all I would like to say the following experience is solely due to the Grace of my Revered BABA who gave me the opportunity to be the medium in this process. In the month of March 2015 I was asked if AMURTEL Germany could do some Fundraising for the Ananda Marga School in Shivpuri (India), the building of which had to be completely rebuilt from the foundation. Didi Ananda Aditi, Principal of the School had a firm determination to build up a new building and had already started the building without having all the funds. Amurtel Germany had been inactive since many years. I decided to hold a Vegetarian dinner on the 18th of April made an invitation and sent it to all my friends and other contacts we have here in Paderborn. We did not put a price as such and thought that people would be free to donate the amount they wanted. Our aim was that at least people should know AMURTEL enjoy the Indian Veg. dinner, so that at least one evening they would avoid eating meat. Surprisingly, the very next day we got positive response from two of our friends that they would come and would like to know more about Amurtel and its Projects and would love to enjoy the Vegetarian food. One of our friends was quite sad that she couldn’t attend this evening but had promised to donate some money. As time passed, we had more and more friends who registered them and to our surprise, in the evening of the 17th of April (day before the Benefit Dinner) there were almost 24 people and we were worried as to how to accommodate in our Living Room as it would not be comfortable for them. At the same time, we were surprised and happy that things were working out beyond our expectations! After all, it was it was all HIS Divine Play! Sister Priya (also a member of the Amurtel committee) was also quite excited and travelled all the way from Braunschweig (another city) despite her hectic schedule in order to help me with the dinner preparations. Finally, the day came, and all the guests arrived. After enjoying the Indian vegetarian food, there was a Power Point presentation about AMURTELwhich. The guests were very interested and paid good attention. The Atmosphere was sentient and some of the people were interested in spiritual talks and wanted to know about meditation and spirituality. One of our friends said that he would help to do advertisement for Amurtel. Another wanted to become a member. In the end, we had a collection of around nearly 1400 €!! After a day or two, one of our neighbors came and donated some money and promised that he would definitely come for the next Program. The interest for Amurtel was great among the people. It was something unbelievable for our first program! Later we combined this money from some other donations from other countries made through an internet campaign. Finally there was 1800 Euros from Berlin Sector and 1000 Euros also sent from other places. It was a great feeling, that enough had been organized to really help in a practical way! Soon after this fundraising, there was Nepal earthquake disaster. Sister Priya gave a short announcement on Amurtel Facebook calling to help Nepal. After few days, to my surprise, there was an amount of 500€ one of our friends donated on the occasion of his birthday, and he had asked donation instead of birthday presents. Tears rolled down as I knew it was HIS divine game! Days later friends who couldn’t join the evening approached me and asked about the bank details because they wanted to donate some money for the Amurtel project. I was wondering as till now nobody came and asked that they want to spend money! Few days later, surprisingly, one more friend expressed on her own, her desire to donate some money. It was once again 500€! Without the Grace of BABA such things wouldn’t happen as there was hardly effort from our side. It gives a lot of inspiration to continue, so that here in Berlin Region we can do some service activities and have our projects known to the public.

School Construction Happy Children! The Place of Women in the Spiritual World 27 December 1978, Calcutta

Some time ago, I said many people incorrectly believe that only men can attain success in the spiritual world. They say that although women may make some progress in the spiritual sphere, they will have to come down to earth in the form of males to attain final salvation. I said that this is an absurd and irrational idea as women are the children of God just like their male counterparts. Could any father want his sons to prosper in all ways while his daughters remain backward? Certainly he would not and could not want such a thing. Not only do parents take their sons on their laps and play with them; they do the same with their daughters. Sometimes they even have more affection for their daughters, thinking, “They won’t be with us much longer. They’ll be getting married soon and will move in with their husbands, so let us give them more love and affection. After all, we are not sure how well they will be treated by their mothers-in-law.” Some parents expect their sons to support the entire family once they have grown up and started earning money. Even though they have no such expectations for their daughters, they still love them dearly. Their love is deep and sincere. On what basis, therefore, is the argument propounded that women will not attain salvation, whereas men will? It is a totally irrational idea. Why was such an idea propagated at all? The reason is that so-called religion, which arose wherever capitalism permeated every sphere of life, was in the hands of opportunists with their own vested interests. In order to subjugate women, it was proclaimed that they were not entitled to attain salvation. After repeatedly hearing this, women developed an inferiority complex, became men’s slaves and were reduced to the status of maid-servants. This absurd idea was propagated with the sole intention of exploiting women. But when human civilization first sprouted, these things were unknown, as women were totally free. From a study of Bengali history, we learn that there was equality between men and women. They would hunt together; and the women would sometimes carry the slaughtered animals from the forest. Women were equally free in all respects. But later, when the so-called civilization spread, it was obsessed with the psychology of cunningness; the exploiters’ psychology gripped it, and women were made captives. In the early stages of spiritual educa on when human beings were rst taught the concept of dharma, many enlightened sages, both male and female, were born. In those days, both men and women made e ual contribu ons to the world of spirituality: ashi th a, ishv mitra and i valkya were among the illustrious men and aetreyii, argii and ad las , among the illustrious women. They were equal in all respects and greatly enriched the world of spirituality with their teachings. Gargii was born many years ago. nce, in the royal court of ing anaka, she challenged i valkya to a debate on the spiritual scriptures. i valkya found it di cult to answer her poignant ues ons and was soon on the point of being defeated by her. tterly frustrated, he said, “ argii, if you don‘t stop now, your tongue will drop o .” argii was compelled to shut her mouth. nable to beat argii in the debate, i valkya misused his powers to force her to stop. ne day, i valkya fell seriously ill. His two wives, aetreyii and ty yanii, attended on him with due care and affection. It is a fact that some men are ordinary and some are extraordinary. Similarly, some women are ordinary and others are extraordinary. After recovering from his illness, i valkya said to ty yanii, “I would like to give you a present. What would you like ” His wife replied, “Let me see I’d like some new clothes, some new ewellery, in fact, so many things.” nd she made a long list of all the things she wanted. i valkya bought everything she asked for and then asked aetreyii, “What would you like lothes, ewellery, or any other valuable thing ” aetreyii remained silent. i valkya con nued, “ ust a li le while ago, aty y nii said she would like some new clothes, ewellery, and so many other things. What would you like ” aetreyii replied, en ha n mrtasy ten ha kim kury m. “What will I do with things which will not remain with me permanently? Of what use are the objects which will not establish me in immortality? The expensive clothes I wear today will be torn in a few days. The jewellery I wear today will no longer be fashionable tomorrow as the designs change from age to age. A certain design was fashionable in my grandmother’s day, another one in my mother’s day and yet another in the present day. No design is permanent forever. It’s nice of you to o er me such things, but none of them will remain with me. I will have to leave them all behind when I depart from this world so what use are they, and why should you tempt me with them ” i valkya then asked, “ lease tell me what you would really like.” “If you can,” she replied, “please give me that thing which will remain with me permanently, which I’ll be able to preserve forever, which will establish me in immortality. I don’t want anything else.” Then i valkya gave her a number of instruc ons, upon which a ma or part of oga is based. No one should be foolish enough to think that women did not practice yoga in the past. You girls should always remember that if anyone underestimates you, or looks upon you as inferior, you should give a very blunt reply. ad las , who was a so-called rak asii [a name contemptuously given by the Aryans to the indigenous people of India] was married to Citrasena, the king of the Gandharvas. In their marriage contract it was agreed that ad las , and not the king, would be responsible for the educa on of their children. ad las always maintained that women are more spiritually inclined and devoted than men and are therefore more capable of properly educating their children. With this idea in mind I told one of the members of our WWD Women’s Welfare Department] to launch a movement promoting women as primary school teachers. So, according to the marriage contract, and with the king‘s consent, ad las started teaching the first child. s soon as he was seven years old, he became an ardent spiritualist and went to the mountains to live the life of a yogi. ollowing his departure, ad las promptly started educa ng the second child. The king became angry, fearful that all his children would embrace a spiritual life due to ad lasa’s unusual educa on. There was nothing he could do, however, since he feared ad las . Not only was she the most beautiful woman in the world, she was also highly educated. He was therefore unable to oppose her to her face. oreover, she was a r k asii, and he was frightened that she might even devour him! The second son also became a sanny sii [renunciant] in due course. According to historical records, ad lasa’s children were the first to embrace missionary life and take the vow of sanny sii-hood in order to serve humanity. rior to that, there were sanny siis, no doubt, but they dressed themselves as sadhus more to enjoy delicious gifts of laddu [sweet balls], pu lau [fried rice dish] and malpo [a type of sweet] than to render any service. ad lasa’s sons were very di erent since they became sanny sis to serve the su ering humanity as ideal missionaries. Everyone praised them, saying that they had never seen such ideal yogis. This was due to ad lasa’s uni ue educa on. The third son also followed in the footsteps of his elder brothers. ne day, ad las was pu ng her fourth child, a three-month-old baby, to sleep with the following lullaby:

Sh ddho‘si buddo‘si nirai ano‘si sa s ra ay parivarpito‘si. Sa s ra svapna tya a mohanidr Mad lasoll pam uv ca putram.

“Dear son, although you are but a child in a small human frame, you are the veritable expression of the Supreme Consciousness. You are an ever-holy, ever-enlightened en ty. s long as you think that you are only a small child, you are spiritually ignorant, but when you realize that you are a part of that Supreme n ty, you become that Supreme n ty, you become spotless nirai ano‘si).” The mistakes that people make, the crimes and sins they commit, leave a mark imprinted on their minds which remains as a sa skar . This spot or mark is called ai ana in Sanskrit. i ana also means a kind of black mark which is used to decorate the eye. “ y dear child, there is no black spot in your mind. ou are spotless. ou are unassailed by any kind of sin.” Sa s ra ay parivarpito‘si: “ ou are beyond the spell of the illusory y of this mundane world. You are the embodiment of the pure and unblemished self.” Sa s ra svapna tya a mohanidr m: “What is this world after all? Human beings think this world is real, but to the Absolute Entity it is only a mere dream, having no real existence. That is why I tell you to break the spell of illusion which makes you dream about all the a achments of this world.” ad lasallopam uv ca putra : “This is how ad las teaches her son.” While she was teaching her son in this way, the king, beside himself with anger, came and accused her of having wrongly educated their children. They both started to quarrel, and ad las said in protest, “Don’t you remember our marriage contract? I was the one entrusted with the education of our children. Now that you have broken the contract, I will no longer remain with you.” nd she left him. The story goes that soon after she drowned herself in the River Ganges. The king was determined to give his fourth child a good education. By the way, do you know what name he gave to his son He called him “ larka”. What better proof of his ignorance could you ask for? In Sanskrit, alarka means “mad dog”! Due to the king’s faulty education, Alarka became wicked in all respects. As depicted in many stories, soon after Alarka became king, his kingdom was attacked by a neighbouring king. Alarka was defeated in battle and forced to leave his kingdom. Utterly dejected, he suddenly remembered that on the eve of her departure, his mother had given him a ring and advised him to break it open if ever he found himself in great danger, as it would provide good advice for him. Alarka thought that this was the best time for him to break open the ring. Inside he found a small piece of paper on which several instructions were written: “ ive up all sorts of company. If you are unable to do that, then only keep the company of good people. Give up all sorts of desires. If you are unable to do that, then cherish only one desire: the desire for salvation.” Then larka decided to give up everything and go out in search of an ideal. His quest brought him to Vakreshvra, in the west of Birbhum district in the presentday West Bengal, India where the great sage t vakra was doing penance. There are some hot springs there. Alarka, seeking advice, asked the sage a number of questions. n the basis of larka’s ues ons and t vakra’s answers, a part of oga was evolved which is known as t vakra Samhit . Later, when larka’s reputation as a great yogi had spread far and wide, the conquering king requested him to take back his kingdom. I have already said that ad lasa’s sons were the rst sanny sis to embrace missionary life and serve the common people. “ larka, come and take back your throne,” said the king. “No,” replied larka, “I’m too busy now as I have to propagate dharma in the world. I am bound to serve the society and thus have no me to look a er the a airs of the royal administra on.” This is the story of ad las . There is no plausible proof that women were spiritually undeveloped in the past. On the contrary, they were greatly advanced. Moreover, it is seen in various artistic and literary depictions that women were not undeveloped in any age. To say something like that is a downright falsehood. In the days of Buddha, many women were also highly evolved, and there is no reason whatsoever to suppose that women are any less developed in this modern age. It is a fact, however, that women’s rights were curtailed in many ways in the past and that amends should be made for that. In Ananda Marga we have done this by giving women equal rights. We hope that women will also advance along the spiritual path with the same speed as their male counterparts. I do not find any justifiable reason why women should lag behind in this age.

…when a dogma comes you should first apply your common sense. If common sense fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply logic. If logic fails to give you a satisfactory reply, apply your sense of humanity and get the reply and do accordingly. (‘Instinct and Devotion’)

News from Spain and Portugal Brcii’ Te asvinii Ac’

NEW MASTER UNIT IN SPAIN!- Ananda Mu’rchana’ The best news to come from Spain in the last few months is the purchase of our new WWD Master Unit!! We have now purchased a beautiful house and land in the town of Montroy, just 40 minutes from Valencia City Centre. We had previously had an abandoned land in a quite isolated and unsafe place. The house had been broken into many times, and even the doors had been stolen. We had been trying to sell it for the last three years in order to buy something better. At the point when we had almost given up ever selling it, a man from the same town contacted us and decided to buy it immediately! Within the next two weeks, we had already found the new place, in a perfect location, with a renovated house, and we managed to lower the price enough to buy it. In fact, just the same day that we contacted the real estate to visit the new house, the seller also contacted him requesting that it should be sold urgently. In this way, we managed to get the land. Everything worked out just perfectly! The house has four bedrooms, a large kitchen and hall, water and electric connections, and a rainwater collection system for irrigation. There is also a beautiful view of the surrounding hills and town. The previous land had been given the name ‘ nanda u’rchana’ by Ba’ba’, so now this name has been passed on to the new aster nit. This is a beautiful name, meaning ‘a blissful and rhythmic flow of melody.’ Here in Valencia, we have been hoping for some time to have a Master Unit, as Valencia is famous for agriculture, fertile soil, and a perfect climate. Ba’ba’ had also visited Valencia and made some comments about what could be cultivated here. Due to the economic and political situation in Spain, people are becoming increasingly interested in sustainable living, so this is really the perfect moment to start with a Master Unit project here. You are all most welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful blue sky and Spanish sunshine!

"Human movement is a movement towards ecological equipoise- towards the supreme synthesis. In the inner world, balance must be maintained as this leads to spiritual progress. Ecological order is not only for the earth but for the entire universe, and it must be maintained both within and without... balance must be maintained between the internal and external spheres. In all aspects of life this subtle balance must be maintained. This is ecological balance." (‘Water Conservation’)

VALENCIA (Spain) Renovations of our jagrti in Valencia were finally completed last October. Since then we have been running different activities almost every day, including classes about Ananda Marga philosophy and lifestyle, asanas and vegetarian cooking classes. Due to all these activities, the jagrti has been completely transformed and is becoming known among the local people. In the future we are also hoping to start some activities with poor or homeless people, as the economic situation in Spain is quite difficult at the moment. Now we are also going to be busy with the development of our new Master Unit in the countryside just nearby to Valencia city.

CANARY ISLANDS (Spain) Due to the dedication and hard work of our margiis sisters, pracar activities are going well in Gran Canaria and Tenerife, and we are managing to maintain our rented jagrti in Las Palmas through the classes that are running there. We have regular philosophy courses, collective meditation, and also RAWA concerts, public lectures and RAWA concerts time to time.

MADEIRA ISLAND (Portugal) Madeira is always an inspiring place when it comes to Ananda Marga activities. This is a very small island in the Atlantic Ocean, and although the population is only around 270 000, there are always so many things happening! The margiis are working very hard running courses for the public about Ananda Marga philosophy and lifestyle. Their programs are very well organized and comprehensive, and there are always many people interested in learning meditation. In May we had a successful three days retreat for margiis and new people. A lecture was also organized in the cultural centre in the central shopping mall, attended by around 30 people. During the retreat everyone took a resolve to help collect funds for earthquake relief in Nepal, and since then, they have been organizing vegetarian dinners and other public activities.

Lecture at FNAC Cultural Centre

Vegetarian Dinner for Nepal

Ananda Bharati Master, Ireland Av’ Ananda Prama Ac’

Coming to Ananda Nagar to celebrate my birthday and discovering Didi Ananda Bharati singing and dancing as it was her birthday too, happened some 25 years ago. So I am very happy to be living at Ananda Bharati Master Unit in County Clare Ireland, now. I arrived here over 10 years ago to a dilapidated discarded old farm house in the rural bogs of western Ireland that was to be sold. Knowing Ba’ba’ never wanted His land sold, I Vegetarian Dinner for Nepal agreed rather to refurbish it.

Since then the house has become habitable, warm and cozy with a new stove, as well as front and back doors. We put a veranda on the front of the house so that we can sit outside and be protected from the rain. A bakery has been built and agro industry of jams and cakes, veggie burgers , along with farm fresh vegetables, are sold at the local farmers markets on Friday and Saturday . Apples, pears, plum and cherry trees have all been planted and this year there was a bumper crop so we made, juice, jam and vinegar, and froze the rest for to use during the rest of the year.

Over 300 blueberry bushes, black currant, raspberry and strawberries have been planted and yield a lovely variety of healthy fruits.

Lecture in FNAC Cultural Centre We have put up 2 plastic green houses to increase the growing season so we can grow tomatoes and basil as well as pumpkins, squash, beans, peas, salads, broccoli and grapes. We are still enjoying the frozen juice and vegetables from last season.

We’ve built a round meditation room with logs from our 11 acre Sitka spruce forest and also a log cabin with a glass house connected to start all our seedlings and plants. We have just re-roofed and enlarged the barn and have made a new yoga room and cob oven for baking pizza and bread.

We’ve been holding L T training and ideological training for the past 5 years. Last year the London AM school came for a week to experience an ecological, yogic lifestyle. In the past a Margi teacher from Spain brought her 30 students to experience Ireland and the farm.

We are a member of WWOOF (willing workers on organic farms) so we house and feed volunteers and they get to experience life on an organic farm and many learn meditation as well as asanas as they help on the farm. This year to commemorate WWD golden jubilee we will have a spiritual adventure camp for teenagers to enjoy and experience meditative moments on the farm and adventures on the Emerald Isle. For further information about the camp or coming to enhance your spiritual life visit Wishing you all the best health and bliss, Didi Ananda Prama.

…those who possess the inner asset of devotion within their hearts and follow the path of rationality in dealing with the external world, must be victorious. They alone can accomplish worthy deeds in this world. (“Geo-Sentiment”, Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism)

Roma Region (Italy) Av’ Ananda Dayashiila Ac’

In May 2014 when the Women's Welfare Department (WWD) Italy purchased a property in central Italy in the Umbria region, in a small village called Spiazzolino. It is a large house that has been divided into 4 units and WWD has purchased one of these units. It has two bedrooms, a large kitchen, a large garage, a cellar, a balcony, and a small room next the balcony and a bathroom which is shared with one other unit. There is separate building in the garden that we have already converted into a meditation hall. Surrounding the house is 250 square metres of collective garden, and the rest of the garden is divided into 4 allotments, of which we have a 150 square metres of land to grow vegetables and fruit trees. It is possible to have a winter garden of broccoli, spinach, carrots, cauliflower and cabbage. Whilst in spring and we can grow summer tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, peas and beans. The property requires some repairs and renovations, so far the leaking roof has been fixed and repairs to the interior of the guest room have been completed. In the future there is a plan to install our own bathroom in the small room next to the balcony. The large garage could be converted into a living room or multi-purpose room.

New Growing Techniques in Ananda Ashiisa Master Unit Brcii’ Annapurna Ac’

Guruprasad is one of the local margiis who helps a lot in our Master Unit. He is making some experiments there with easier ways to grow the vegetables. Last summer he grew faster and bigger zucchinis and pumpkins (with minimum manual work), than I never manage to grow with normal means. Here is the recipe for how he did it. First one summer before the last one already, he covered the "jungle" area (long weeds growing, kind of wasteland) with layer of dry hay. Then last spring he put a kind of black canvas gauze on top of the half composted hay layer. It is special material for the garden which lets the rain water go through. He made holes on it, and put about 1-2 liter soil and few zucchini or pumpkin seeds in the each hole. Why the plants grow so fast and well is because the hay starts to compost under the canvas thus fertilizing and keeping the soil warm. Now Guruprasad started with an even more simple and easy experiment. He cut first grass and put it in 40-50 cm high piles near a wall. When you do that the fresh hay starts immediately composting, you can put your hand inside and it is very warm. Then he will make hole on top of the pile and put some soil and pumpkin seeds. It would have been possible to start to grow even earlier, because the warmth will prevent the seedlings from freezing (the nights have been near freezing here until June), but Guruprasad had many other things to do as a caretaker of plumbing, heating system, official things etc in our Master Unit. Myself I experimented with some complete hay bales and put soil inside on top and grow cucumbers just like that. Let's see how big and many cucumbers, zucchinis and pumpkins we will have this time. Orange pumpkins are our favorite food item, besides of all sorts of vegetables and green plants. I hope this will give you some inspiration to start your own garden. You just need to have a small courtyard and you make it grow food. Also we should be always ready for possible crises. This year I'm growing lots of seeds too.

“The trend of the age is irresistible, for in this too there is dynamism. It is the duty of intelligent people to channelize the trend of the age towards the path of benevolence by applying their intellect. Neither the individual nor the society as a whole is capable of resisting the powerful spirit of the age. It knocks down anyone who tries to thwart it, and proceeds ahead with irresistible speed. Those knocked down and sprawled on the ground stare at it in utter helplessness, with dazed minds and vacant eyes, as it marches by.” (‘Social Justice’)

Working with the down-trodden Roma people in Hungary Av’A’nanda Jyotishrii Ac’, DSL Budapest

The Romani or Roma people (also referred to as the “Gypsies”) are ethnic minority groups living all over Europe with an estimated population of total 10 millions. They are of Indian origin: linguistic studies show that they originated from Rajasthan, and genetic studies suggest connections with the Doma tribes. Their history is under research. According to one view, the ancestors of the Romani were part of the military in Northern India. When there were invasions by Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi and these soldiers were defeated, they moved to the West (in the 11th century). In Hungary the Roma population is up to 10% (there are no statistics) and they are discriminated and oppressed to the extreme. For example, 90% are unemployment (while the national unemployment rate is less than 10%). Most of them are suffering from the lack of minimum necessities, primarily in terms of education, food, and medical care. Their living conditions have been rapidly deteriorating since the end of communism when Hungarian industry got privatized then dismantled. The aim of WWD is to establish a Master Unit in one of the poorest Roma populated areas, and assist their emancipation in all possible ways. As pilot projects - for gaining experience and carrying out concrete service - I spent a good amount of time during the last few years in three poor and segregated Roma villages (Told, Szakácsi and Hétes-Ózd) in different regions of the country. I have been doing education activities with children of all ages (arts, games and cognitive development, teaching English and applying different spiritual education methods). I set up a mother-baby club and run it for 7 months with subjects like developmental toys and plays, singing, health and hygiene and baby massage. Food and cloths distributions were also organized. I involved nearly 20 volunteers in these projects. I am also doing consciousness raising among the non-Roma in order to open the eyes of the majority to the oppression of the Roma and stand up united against exploitation. I find the Roma people very warm-hearted, jolly, sociable, family centered, creative and persevering - just to mention a few of their good qualities. The potential that they still carry in their soul from the East would greatly enrich Western society if it gets scope for full expression. In my opinion the Roma people have a crucial role to play in building up the bright future.

Human beings should move forward with a thorough knowledge of propriety and impropriety. They must maintain a balance between social propriety, political propriety and psychic propriety. One’s relations with one’s brother, sister, mother, wife, etc., are all different. One’s behavior with one’s sister should not be the same as it is with one’s wife. Maintaining proper relations with different sorts of people is part of propriety. Human beings must not go beyond the limits of psychic propriety. If balance is maintained and propriety is properly measured, then the world will be an abode of pram [dynamic adjustment] – heaven will be established on the earth. (Bio-Psychology)

News from Paris RSL, v’ nanda Harimaya c’

In France (margiis and myself) have been working with site, now completed. We collected some help for Nepal earthquake. Our aim is to get donations for 15 existing projects around the world, We organized a week of pracar in Paris announcing our programme in important yoga sites. Since December we have done 2 retreats. Though in number we are few, we work unitedly and have weekly organizational meetings. We are planning a 4 days camp in august

for new people in the master unit in France. Meeting with Indian Ambassador for In Spain I have been working with the editorial Ananda ‘International Yoga Day’ Marga since 2006 We have created a legal publisher and also we have been accepted in CEDRO, a national association that protects the intellectual property. . . books can also be found in “”, a site consulted by libraries and the commercial chain of books, and also in . Since last ctober the book of ‘Namamikrsna Sundaram’ and ‘Spiritual xperiences with my aster’ in Spanish were printed. I visited the university in alencia and distributed in 4 concerning faculties at the deans´ department: ‘ oga sychology’, ‘Neohumanism’, ‘ . . lementary hilosophy’, and ‘ fter apitalism’. We (RS Dada, Lokeshvara (the legal president of AM Spain), and myself) attended a meeting at the Indian ambassador´s residence in Madrid for organizing the International day of Yoga on 21st June, together with other 11 yoga groups. The Yoga International Day site of the Indian embassy is linked to the logo of A.M. and the publications site. We submitted an article on yoga and social change for this celebration in Madrid. Every two weeks we have kiirtan, meditation and philosophy class at a tea shop for new people. I also gave 6 lectures since December in France and Spain.

… Let me say a few words about The first secret to success is a firm the future. The awakening of determination! women will bring about equal rights between the sexes. On 25th May 2015, this 13 year old girl, Poorna Nobody will be considered Malavath, became the youngest female ever to superior or inferior. What will be climb to the top of Mount Everest, the highest point on earth! If she had been one month given utmost importance is earlier, she would have been not just the keenness of intellect and that youngest girl, but the youngest person ever! keen intellect will not necessarily She is from a small tribal village in Andhra be the exclusive quality of men Pradesh, and she says that her parents, who are alone or women alone. Whoever poor farmers, always supported her vision to will have keen intellect will gain climb the mountain. Challenges and obstacles pre-eminence in society. are just helping forces in achieving the goal. (Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress)


During my third visit to Bábá in jail, He was answering questions to one sister. As I was absorbed in Him, I was not listening, so He would turn to me and repeat each question and answer.

“Is it not true that meditation works?” the sister asked.

Then Bábá would turn to me and say, “Is it not true, Hemavatii, that meditation works?” I answered, “Yes Bábá.”

Then the sister asked something about women. Bábá remarked, “Isn’t the Women’s Welfare Department a good idea? Why should we men command women? Is it not so, Hemavatii?” I answered, “Yes Bábá.”


In my second visit to Bábá in jail, Bábá asked me: “Don’t you know that you have been given a sectorial posting?” I asked Him, “Are you happy, Bábá?” He had appointed me as the first Women´s Welfare Secretary for Berlin Sector. It was a bit funny that I asked Him that question, but I became like a little child and I thought He must have been as happy as me. He smiled and moved His head right and left in a playful way, just like a father talking to a little girl.

It was a post of great responsibility for a nine month new Didi. It was His new program for us. At that time we were four Didis in Berlin Sector, so we all became sectorial. WWD expanded very fast in Sweden, Italy, England and Germany. Sisters were very enthusiastic at the idea and so they would get duties and were very active. Didis were printing two page newsletters for each trade. Timmern in Germany was utilized for sisters’ LFT training. We used to organize sisters retreats and seminars too. The WWD office was for some time in Switzerland. The HPMGL Didi was a great kiirtan player, so our meetings were often blissful and devotional.

Several have SWWS passed by since 1978. Nowadays our sectorial office is in Mainz. We are 13 Didis working in different regions. We have three master units: in Ireland, Poland and Valencia, Spain, and also some schools. Everybody is working hard to serve Him.

Avtká. Ánanda Harimayá Ác.

“This idea of oneness is fundamentally a spiritual idea. Individually and collectively human beings will have to accept the Supreme and the path to realize the Supreme as the highest truth, and this will have to be recognized as the highest goal of human life. As long as human beings do not do so, the human race will find it impossible to implement a sound, well-thought - out plan of action for social progress. No penal or social code, no matter how well-planned, can liberate society. Without a spiritual ideal, no social, economic, moral, cultural or political policy or program can bring humanity to the path of peace. The sooner humanity understands this fundamental truth, the better.” (‘Justice’, Human Society Part 1)

WOMEN & CIVILIZATION (Excerpts from an article by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941))

…Because greatly relieved of their responsibility to Nature, the males in the human world have had the freedom of their occupation and adventures… Man took advantage of his comparative freedom from the physical and emotional bondage and marched unencumbered towards his extension of life's boundaries. In this he has travelled through the perilous path of revolutions and ruins. Time after time his accumulations have been swept away and the current of progress has disappeared at its source. Though the gain has been considerable yet the waste in comparison has been still more enormous, especially when we consider that much of the wealth once it has vanished, has taken away the records with it. Through this repeated experience of disasters man has discovered, though he has not fully utilized, the truth, that in all his creations rhythm has to be maintained to save them from destruction; that a mere unlimited augmentation of power does not lead to real progress, and there must be balance of proportion, must be harmony within the structure and foundation, to indicate a real growth in truth. This ideal of stability is deeply cherished in woman's nature. She is never in love with merely going on, shooting wanton arrows of curiosity into the heart of darkness. All her forces instinctively work to bring things to some shape of fullness, - for that is the law of life. In life's movement though nothing is final yet every step has its rhythm of completeness. Even the bud has its ideal of rounded perfection, so has the flower, and also the fruit. But an unfinished building has not that ideal of wholeness itself. Therefore if it goes on indefinitely in its growth of dimensions, it gradually loses its proportion and stability. The masculine creations of intellectual civilization are towers of Babel, they dare to defy their foundations and therefore topple down over and over again. Thus human history is growing up over layers of ruins; it is not a continuous life growth. The present war is an illustration of this. The economic and political organizations, which merely represent mechanical power, born of intellect, are apt to forget their centers of gravity in the foundational world of life. The cumulative greed of power and possession which can have no finality of completeness in itself, which has no harmony with the ideal of moral and spiritual perfection, must at last lay a violent hand upon its own unwieldy materialism. At the present stage of history civilization is almost exclusively masculine, a civilization of power, in which woman has been thrust aside in the shade. Therefore it has lost its balance and it is moving by hopping from war to war. Its motive forces are the forces of destruction, and its ceremonials are carried through by an appalling number of human sacrifices. This one-sided civilization is crashing along a series of catastrophes at a tremendous speed because of its one-sidedness. And at last the time has arrived when woman must step in and impart her life rhythm to this reckless movement of power…. … ur civilization must also have the elements which are broad and deep and stable. It must not be mere growth but harmony of growth. It must not be all tune but it must have its rhythm also. This rhythm is not a barrier, it is what the banks are to the river; they guide into permanence the current which otherwise would lose itself in the amorphousness of morass. This rhythm which does not check the world's movements but leads them into truth and beauty. Woman is endowed with the qualities of chastity, modesty, devotion and power of self sacrifice in a greater measure than man is. It is these qualities in nature which turns its monster forces into perfect creations of beauty - taming the wild elements into the graceful gentleness that are fit for the service of life. This quality has given woman the depth which is so necessary for the healing and nourishing and storing of life. If life were all spending, then it would be like a rocket, going up in a flash and coming down the next moment in ashes. Life should be like a lamp where the potential for light is far greater in quantity than what appears in the flame… A man's interest in his fellow-beings becomes real when he finds in them some special gift of power or usefulness, but a woman feels interest in her fellow -beings because they are living creatures, because they are human, not because of some particular purpose which they can serve, or some power which they possess and for which she has a special admiration…

…Fortunately for us, our everyday world has the subtle and un-obtrusive beauty of the commonplace, and we have to depend upon our own sensitive minds to realize its wonders which are invisible because spiritual. If we can pierce through the exterior, we find that the world in its commonplace aspects is a miracle. We realize this truth intuitively through our power of love; and women, through this power, discover that the ob ect of their love and sympathy, in spite of its ragged disguise of triviality, has infinite worth… Our everyday world is like a reed, its true value is not in itself, but those who have the power and the serenity of attention can hear the music which the Infinite plays through its very emptiness… Wherever there is something which is concretely personal and human, there is the woman's world… this is a truth which cannot be ignored: that the moment she is born in her mother's arms, she is born in the centre of her own true world, the world of human relationships. Woman should use her power to break through the surface and go to the centre of things, where the mystery of life dwells an eternal source of interest. Man has not this power to such an extent. But woman has it, if she does not kill it -and therefore she loves creatures who are not lovable for their uncommon qualities. Man has to do his duty in a world of his own where he is always creating power and wealth and organizations of different kinds. But God has sent woman to love the world, which is a world of ordinary things and events. She is not in the world of the fairy tale where the fair woman sleeps for ages till she is touched by the magic wand. In God's world women have their magic wands everywhere, which keep their hearts awake, -and these are not the golden wands of wealth nor the iron rods of power. All our spiritual teachers have proclaimed the infinite worth of the individual. It is the rampant materialism of the present age which ruthlessly sacrifices individuals to the blood- thirsty idols of organization… … t the present stage of civilization, when the mutilation of individuals is not only practiced, but glorified, women are feeling ashamed of their own womanliness. For God, with his message of love, has sent them as guardians of individuals, and, in this their divine vocation, individuals are more to them than army and navy and parliament, shops and factories. Here they have their service in God's own temple of reality, where love is of more value than power. But because men in their pride of power have taken to deriding things that are living and relationships that are human, a large number of women are screaming themselves hoarse to prove that they are not women, that they are true only where they represent power… In the present age they feel that their pride is hurt when they are taken as mothers of the race, as the ministers to the vital needs of its existence, and to its deeper spiritual necessity of sympathy and love… …Woman cannot be pushed back for good into the mere region of the decorative by man's aggressiveness of power. For she is not less necessary in civilization than man but possibly more so. In the geological history of earth the periods of gigantic cataclysms have passed when the earth had not attained that mellowness of maturity which despises all violent exhibition of force. And the civilization of competing commerce and fighting powers must also make room for that stage of perfection whose power lies deep in beauty and beneficence. Too long has ambition been at the helm of our history, so that every right of the individual has had to be wrenched by force from the party in power and man has had to invoke the help of evil to attain what was good for him. Such an arrangement cannot be lasting, but must give way time after time; for the seeds of violence lie in wait in its cracks and crevices, and roots of disruption spread in the dark and cause break down when it is least expected. Therefore although in the present stage of history man is asserting his masculine supremacy and building his civilization with stone blocks, ignoring the living principle of growth, he cannot altogether crush woman's nature into dust or into his dead building materials. Woman's home may have been shattered, but woman is not, and cannot, herself be killed. It is not that woman is merely seeking her freedom of livelihood, struggling against man's monopoly of business, but against man's monopoly of civilization where he is breaking her heart every day and desolating her life. She must restore the lost social balance by putting the full weight of the woman into the creation of the human world. The monster car of organization is creaking and growling along life's highway, spreading misery and mutilation, for it must have speed before everything else in the world. Therefore woman must come into the bruised and maimed world of the individual; she must claim each one of them as her own, the useless and the insignificant. She must protect with her care all the beautiful flowers of sentiment from the scorching laughter of the science of proficiency. The growing impurities, born of the deprivation of normality which has been imposed upon life by the organized power of greed, she must sweep away. The time has come when woman's responsibility has become greater than ever before, when her field of work has far transcended the domestic sphere of life. The world with its insulted individuals has sent its appeal to her. These individuals must find their true value, raise their heads once again in the sun, and renew their faith in God's love through her love. Men have seen the absurdity of today's civilization, which is based upon nationalism,- that is to say, on economics and politics- and its consequent militarism. Men have been losing their freedom and their humanity in order to fit themselves for vast mechanical organizations. So the next civilization, it is hoped, will be based not merely upon economical and political competition and exploitation but upon world-wide social co-operation; upon spiritual ideals of reciprocity and not upon economic ideals of efficiency. And then women will have their true place. Because men have been building up vast and monstrous organizations they have got into the habit of thinking that this churning out of power has something of the nature of perfection in itself. The habit is ingrained in them, and it is difficult for them to see where truth is missing in their present ideal of progress. But woman can bring her fresh mind and all her power of sympathy to this new task of building up a spiritual civilization, if she will be conscious of her responsibilities. … Because woman has been insulated, has been living in a sort of obscurity, behind man, I think she will have her compensation in the civilization which is waiting to come. And these human beings who have been boastful of their power, and aggressive in their exploitation, who have lost faith in the real meaning of the teaching of their Master, that the meek shall inherit the earth, will be defeated in the next generation of life. It is the same thing that happened in the ancient days, in the prehistoric times, to those great monsters like the mammoths and dinosaurs. They have lost their inheritance of the earth. They had the gigantic muscles for mighty efforts but they had to give up to creatures who were much feebler in their muscles and who took up much less space with their dimensions. And in the future civilization also, the women, the feebler creatures, -feebler at least in their outer aspects,-who are less muscular, and who have been behind- hand, always left under the shadow of those huge creatures, the men,-they will have their place, and those bigger creatures will have to give way.

You who are standing on the other side of my song, My tune touches your feet, But I cannot reach you. The wind is blowing, untie your boat, And come across these waters into the center of my heart. My song plays with you in the far beyond, And it is my ever-present pain that plays the flute. When will you take my flute and play it yourself, Joyfully, in the pure darkness of this silent night? (Rabindranath Tagore) Skateboarding for girls in Kabul, Afghanistan ‘SKATEISTAN’-

Serving society sometimes happens in surprising ways. It is always worth learning from the innovations and ideas of others. ‘Skateistan’, an N in abul, which connects kids to education through sports, is a creative service project which will surprise you. Here is the story. Oliver Percovich is an Australian who moved to Afghanistan in 2007. He had been skateboarding since he was 6 years old, and took his skateboard with him wherever he went. Kabul was no exception. When he started skateboarding in the streets of Kabul, everyone, boys and girls, were curious to try. No one had ever seen a skateboard before. He used to teach some of the kids, including the girls. He then began to wonder how it was possible that no one was stopping the girls from skateboarding, even though they were not allowed to ride bicycles, or play other sports. In his own words: ‘I then realized that skateboarding was a loophole, it was so new that no one had the chance to ban it yet!’ He took advantage of this ‘loophole’ and decided to expand his idea of teaching skateboarding. He started a skateboarding group with children in an abandoned fountain. Girls and boys from all ethnicities and economic backgrounds would meet and learn skateboarding there. One day after finishing skateboarding, all the girls held hands in a circle around the fountain and began singing and dancing together. In this moment, Oliver realized that this is what the future Afghanistan needed: for people of all different backgrounds to come together to build a sense of trust and community. This sense of trust could help the society develop. Soon after this event, Oliver learned that one of the poorest girls in the group had been pulled out of school to beg full time in the street for her family. She was 12 years old. An Afghani colleague approached her parents and asked if they could employ her to help teach skateboarding, on the condition that she could return to school. The parents agreed and the girl was very happy. From here, the idea of ‘Skateistan’, using skating to connect children with education, began to grow. They have now built the two largest sporting facilities in Afghanistan, which are attending by over 1000 children aged 5-17 every week. They come for skateboarding and stay for an education. They are provided with a safe environment and start to develop a shared identity. Globally, only 5% of skateboarders are girls. In Afghanistan 40% of skateboarders are girls, and skateboarding is now the largest female sport in Afghanistan. The girls develop confidence and self esteem, and at the same time, if someone sees a photo of an Afghani girl, capable and fearless as she glides through the air on a skateboard, they also have to open their minds: that girl becomes a subject of respect instead of pity. (More info:

“We are not ob ects. We are sub ects. We are not born only to be seen, but to see with our own eyes. I exist in my own right, not as an accessory, decorating another. I am connected to others, but belong to no one except to myself and God. Don’t forget that I may not only be an ob ect of poetry, I may also be the poet; not only the muse of a song, I may be the composer. I have a will to knowledge: I was born not to be possessed but to understand, to create, and to fulfill my aspirations as a human being.”


A bowed head, Martial Arts Subdued voice, A human being should strive to be Unassuming disposition, physically fit and healthy, mentally sharp Are not my choice and spiritually developed. Martial arts As symbols of humility. are useful in achieving this all round development. As well as being a form of My humility self defense and exercise, many martial Is a flawless shining sword, art forms are based on an underlying Sharpened, spiritual philosophy and also help to Which moves not to any whims of mine promote mental balance and self But to my principles. awareness.

Humility is in wielding it Martial arts are one the GV (Girls With firmly planted feet, olunteers) activities given by Ba’ba’. If Unshielded but for a women and girls are physically fit and Head high-held, eyes straight, know how to defend themselves, they Desire-less: will naturally develop a stronger self- awareness and confidence. Obeying its command Despite knowing you will accuse me, These photos are of a Japanese martial Defame me, art form called ‘ ikido.’ ikido translates Blame and abuse me. as ‘the way of unifying with life energy’ or ‘the way of the harmonious spirit.’ My hands are fixed Aikido training requires mental as well as Un-tilting physical discipline, and is as much a form To my blade’s hilt. of self development as self-defense. Its weight is my humility: Ideally, one should be able to defend Its force and power themselves whilst doing the least harm Bow me down possible to their opponent, and at the To integrity, same time maintaining mental Honesty equilibrium. It is a form of martial arts And dignity. that is very fitting for women, as it trains

one to defend oneself against stronger These are the only alters opponents not only through brute force, Upon which I offer my sword but also through tactics and awareness In return for a firmer voice, of oneself and the opponent. It is not A stronger stride, only an exercise, it really is an ‘art’. And clear unfaltering eyes Which do not shy-down Nor hide.





Alone, absorbed in deep contemplation of Him, I have woven a garland. Only His shadow was to be seen on the riverbanks as the southern wind blew. Prabhat Saungiita 2052 (09/11/1984)

The bubbling waters said: Karo na’ko kono abhima’n "Listen, my friend, your Friend is the friend se a’sabe a’ba’r Cast aside all ego, and He will come of all; you will not get the chance to see Him ama’nisha’y ha’riye a’oa’ ca’nd again. personally." phire a’se ba’re ba’r

The moon lost in dark periods, The southern breeze whispered: Je pa’ta’ hare a’y shitero gha’te reappears again and again. "It would be better had you not loved Him; kishalaye phire a’se vasante

He is like a star in the sky, a distant nebula; suryer a’lo d’ha’ke megher ka’lo megh sare a’y a’lo phire pa’y ta’r The leaves that fall in winter, come He sends His sweet smile from afar." again as tender leaves during

Tuccha keho nay tumio nao spring. And yet, I shall surely attain Him through my Parama Purus’er a’lo sabe pa’o love, as it is from Him that I learned this very ta’re mane rekho ta’re smritite enko The sunlight which is covered by lesson of love. a’r’a’le thekeo se saunge saba’r clouds, returns again when the clouds move on.

Like a river, a flowing mirror let us be... Nobody is insignificant, not even you. Everyone receives the light of ...let us constantly create our own two borders, Parama Purusa. and every minute, liberate them. Keep Him in your mind, Let us go, let us go, whispering of the absence and engrave Him in your memory. of borders." (Sohrab Sepehri) Even if hidden, He remains with all.

Why do you build your house on quicksand? Prabhat Saungiita 2372 (5/2/85) Though you can clearly see the defects of this, Why do you not think about it more deeply? CO B LI PA The structure is shaking severely because of K NO GA J O GHA its fragile foundation.

T KIY KI D KHONIKO For ages you have been wasting your time K MPICH S THA A THA A constructing your castle on quicksand. You have applied so much energy, investing KATA Y GA DHA ACAN KA CHO blood, sweat and your own hard labor to build KATA J SHO ITA SH AMA D H LIY CHO it. All along you obtained satisfaction KALPAN KA T IPTI PEYECHO absorbed in imaginations of that which is GHI J H NASH A A bound by time and impermanence.

BH NGAN NADII P A BH NG J B After the river breaks its border, T O G CO B LI DH ASIB the marshy quicksand will destroy your castle KALPAN I A NGA BH S J B completely. All imaginary colours will float TH KIB J AK A A away and only the non-decaying absolute will remain.

Unexpectedly, I found myself sleeping In a land with no walls, No windows barred, Beyond even thirst Or desire, There was no torment of the space Between me and freedom. I slept not in the depths of dream, But in the depths of all that was real...

Now, this medita on (s dhan ) for complete merger, for unification, starts with fearful love. Love must be there. Unless and until there is love, there cannot be unification. So love must be there, but it starts with fearful love and ends in fearless love; and the space between fearful love and fearless love is the space of s dhan . What is s dhan S dhan is the transforma on of fearful love into fearless love. (“The Stance of Salvation”)