FIELD TRIP DAY ONE Birch Creek, White Mountains,

MARK D. BARTON† Center for Mineral Resources, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721

Introduction Climbing toward the ridgeline the road passes down section THIS PAPER provides the log for the first full day of the field through folded and faulted exposures of Harkless (shale), Po- trip. Day 1 will be spent in the Birch Creek area, east of leta (mixed carbonate and shale), and Campito (sandstone) Bishop in the southeastern White Mountains. There are sev- Formations. These units are present in the distal part of the eral goals to the Birch Creek day: Birch Creek system where they locally host small quartz-base metal replacements and veins. A few of these deposits pro- 1. To see one of the best-exposed examples of a Cretaceous duced modest amounts of lead, zinc, silver and gold in the two-mica granite pluton in the Great Basin with its distinctive late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. style of emplacement and hydrothermal alteration; 2. To examine the relationships among magmatism, struc- STOP 1—Westgard Pass tural development, and emplacement; Purpose: overview of the Birch Creek district from south. 3. To examine the links between magmatism and hydro- Stop near the summit of Westgard Pass, 100 m southwest thermal activity; of the entrance to Cedar Flat group campground (11.9 miles 4. To ask the questions: Why are these Late Cretaceous from Big Pine). From here look north parallel to the road systems in the Great Basin not well mineralized? What differs along the axis of the White Mountains antiform. Low, boul- between these systems and better-mineralized Late Mesozoic der-dominated outcrops of the Birch Creek pluton form an examples elsewhere in the circum-Pacific? area of subdued relief below the high country. The ridge on 5. To consider how the characteristics of and processes in the far northesast skyline is Roberts Ridge which is in the these granite-related systems compare with other intrusion- middle of the quartz base-metal vein systems on the north related hydrothermal systems, specifically in the Yerington side of the intrusive center (Fig. 1). district and in the Humboldt mafic complex. At this point, we can get a sense of the overall structure of the southern White Mountains, with the major antiform See the accompanying paper (Barton, 2000) for an intro- plunging south towards this area (see fig. 2 in Barton, 2000). duction to the Birch Creek system as a whole and its broader The Birch Creek intrusion is on the steeper, eastern limb of context. Some local terminology used in this field guide is de- the fold where it intruded mainly uppermost Proterozoic to fined there. Lower Cambrian Reed Dolomite. The Reed and underlying It is important to get an early start as this is the most chal- Upper Proterozoic Wyman Formation wrap around the plu- lenging day of the field trip because of logistics and length ton on its northern and western margins. They change trend and because it is second only to the skarn traverse at Yering- by 90° and overturn as they approach the contact. In this part ton in the physical exertion required. If the upper Mollie Gib- of the aureole, folds that are broad and open to the north be- son road is impassable due to snow, ice, or obstacles, hiking in come isoclinal and generally concordant with the pluton con- and/or alternative stops can be considered. tact (Nelson and Sylvester, 1971). Begin Trip Drive up Mollie Gibson Canyon Leave Bishop and drive south on US 395 approximately From Stop 1 drive north on Highway 168 for about 3 miles 12.5 miles to the north edge of the town of Big Pine (14.0 descending into the upper part of Payson Canyon. Turn north miles from intersection of US 395 and East Line Street in (left) off the highway onto a very poor four-wheel drive road Bishop). Turn left (east) on California Highway 168 toward that goes up Mollie Gibson Canyon (at elevation 6,880 ft, just Westgard Pass and Fish Lake Valley. At the base of the range below the 7,000 ft elevation sign). Mileage is given from the (2.2 miles from Big Pine) stay on 168 as it bears to the left and turnoff into the Canyon. heads for Westgard Pass. The road to the right goes to Wau- The drive up Mollie Gibson Canyon is slow. Since its con- coba Wash, Saline and Death Valleys passing just north of the struction in the 1950s during tungsten exploration, the road Papoose Flat pluton. The latter shares many features with the has been severely damaged by several flash floods. Intermit- Birch Creek pluton (see preceding text for brief discussion). tent repairs by hunters, field camp participants, and others Nelson provides a more detailed road log for the Bishop to has kept it marginally passable if driven slowly and with care. Mollie Gibson Canyon segment (in Nelson et al., 1991). In the lower part of Mollie Gibson Canyon, drive through The drive to Westgard Pass climbs about 1,300 m (4,000 ft) several tight bends in the narrow bottom where the canyon is and is mainly through exposures of Lower Cambrian sedimen- incised into the medium-bedded dark quartzites of the Campito tary rocks on the western limb of the White-Inyo antiform. Formation. Several dikes of dark green, sparsely porphyritic chlorite-actinolite-albite-epidote-bearing dikes cut through † E-mail, [email protected] this area (~0.5 miles). These dikes, although undated, have


Roberts Ridge

Schulman Grove

Mexican mine

outer lim it o Camp f h Birch Creek yd Hill ro (Stop 3) pluton th e rm a l f e a t u


e s

Stop 2 •

Mollie Gibson mine

Mollie Gibson Canyon

Payson Canyon

Field trip routes 0 kilometers 5 driving Cedar Flat & Westgaard Pass N walking (Stop 1) 0 miles 3

FIG. 1. Aerial photograph of the Birch Creek area. The general route of the field trip is indicated. Compare with the sim- plified district geologic map (fig. 2 in Barton, 2000). been correlated with the Independence Dike swarm of east- dolomite, limestone) and Reed Dolomite make up the foot- ern California and may be Late Jurassic (147–172 Ma) or wall (east side) of the Mollie Gibson fault zone. The hanging Early Cretaceous (116–188 Ma) in age (Inan, 1996). These wall west of the fault consists primarily of Campito Formation dikes parallel and locally intrude faults with normal displace- in this area, although farther to the north older units (Deep ment, such as the Mollie Gibson fault system. Thus some or Spring, Reed and, ultimately, Wyman) lie in this position. The all of the normal movement on these structures could be fault dips at variable angles to the west and has a normal sense Early Cretaceous or older, consistent with evidence for ex- of movement, with stratigraphic offsets of >800 m where best tensional tectonism elsewhere in the western Great Basin in developed (Campito against Wyman, north of Stop 2). parts the Jurassic (cf. chapter on Humboldt mafic complex). Continuing north, isolated prospect pits occur along the As the valley opens up (>1.1 mi), drive past outcrops of western strand of Mollie Gibson fault (one is visible on the blue-gray Deep Spring Formation limestone on the east. In eastern canyon wall at 2.1 mi). Most of these veins contain this area, the Deep Spring Formation (mixed sandstone, quartz, which ranges from massive in veins to spider web silica

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 28 DAY ONE: BIRCH CREEK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, CA 29 in carbonate host rocks. Also present are carbonates, typically relationships to each other and metasomatic features as well tan-weathering calcite, and minor sulfides (pyrite, galena, as some of the best evidence for timing and extent of syn- sphalerite, now mostly oxidized). Fluorite, muscovite and al- magmatic deformation. kali feldspar join these minerals in veins along the Mollie Gib- From Stop 2, continue driving north on the better pre- son fault system where it they are closest to the pluton on the served road toward Camp Hill. Just below Camp Hill (5.7 mi) northwest side. on the west side there is a very tight hairpin turn (5.5 mi). It The only development in the southwest sector is the Mollie is important to take this turn as far up (north) as practical to Gibson mine, which is located 300 m east of where the road avoid getting stuck. turns east and the wash narrows substantially (2.85 miles). The Mollie Gibson mine produced small amounts of silver STOP 3—Traverses in the Aureole and Pluton from sulfide-bearing ores along mafic dikes. Diggles and Beginning at Camp Hill (so called because it was the loca- others report a small resource averaging 0.1 oz/t (3 ppm) Au tion for camping during field work and field classes in the (Diggles et al., 1983). area), two traverses illustrate key features of the Birch Creek North of the Mollie Gibson turnoff, drive up a very rough, pluton and its aureole (Figs. 1, 3). A circuit of about 1 km bouldery section of road toward a saddle with an east-trending around the upper parts of Camp Hill illustrates many of the drainage. Drop down, cross this drainage, and climb toward structural, igneous and hydrothermal features of the aureole, the saddle to the north by way of a west-pointing switchback. including evidence for distribution and relative timing of de- formation, magmatism and metasomatism. The second tra- STOP 2—Saddle Southwest of Camp Hill verse, into the western part of the pluton, allows examination Purpose: overview of field trip traverses from southwest. of many of the internal igneous units, hydrothermal features, Stop at the saddle (4.2 mi) for an overview of the west side and style and timing of deformation. One can see many cross- of the Birch Creek system and the areas for the traverses at cutting relationships at different scales that allow construc- the third and final stop. Boulders and spires of the northwest tion of the time-space model for the system as a whole (see quadrant of the Birch Creek pluton can be seen in middle Barton, 2000). ground to the northeast (Fig. 2). This saddle is on a strand of Nelson and Sylvester (1971) documented the overall struc- the Molly Gibson fault. Here, several slivers of Reed and ture and general characteristics of the pluton and metamor- Deep Spring Formation carbonates and sandstones separate phic aureole. They showed that strong penetrative foliation is Wyman formation on the east from dark quartzites of the best developed on the northwest side of the intrusion and in- Campito Formation on the west. Quartz veins up to 2 m wide terpreted this to be related to pluton emplacement analogous with minor sulfides, alkali feldspar and carbonate are irregu- to interpretations for the intensely studied Papoose Flat in- larly exposed along the fault. Weakly foliated dolomitic mar- trusion (Nelson et al., 1978; Sylvester et al., 1978). Because ble to the south and east contains sporadic occurrences of they neither mapped the internal contacts in the intrusions tremolite and talc. nor documented metasomatic features in detail, they were The northwest quadrant of the pluton and aureole contains not able to demonstrate unambiguously the timing of these some of the best and most easily accessed exposures of the events relative to the emplacement history of the magmas. system (Fig. 3). In the metasedimentary sedimentary rocks This has led to considerable controversy in the literature these include examples of many of the thermal, skarn and vein about synmagmatic deformation at Papoose Flat, Birch Creek associations found around the intrusion. In this segment of the and elsewhere (Paterson et al., 1991; Paterson and Vernon, pluton are multiple intrusive phases with clear crosscutting 1995; Morgan et al., 1998). A goal of this trip is to show how simultaneous documentation of several types of field rela- tionships can be used to sort out the integrated structural- magmatic-metasomatic history where more topically oriented studies might not. In good weather and with ample daylight the Camp Hill Schulman traverse is best done first, followed by an afternoon hike into Grove the northwest quadrant of the pluton. However when day- Roberts Ridge light is at a premium, it is better to take the pluton traverse first because there is little opportunity to modify that part of Camp Hill the trip, whereas the Camp Hill traverse can easily be cut pluton short and is less physically demanding. Camp Hill Traverse Purpose: to see alteration, structure and igneous rocks in the inner aureole. The Camp Hill area contains a variety of reasonably well- exposed features illustrating many of the characteristics of the aureole and Border Suite of the Birch Creek system. Several FIG. 2. View to the north from Stop 2. The northwest edge of the pluton is in the right center. Reed dolomite makes up white to tan outcrops in the units of intrusive rocks are well exposed in dikes and in the middle ground (Stop 3; Camp Hill area) and in the higher country to the left. marginal part of the pluton. Synmagmatic deformation is clearly The Mollie Gibson fault zone continues to the north through this area. expressed in several areas. This includes isoclinal folding

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A. Lithology pCwl pCwl

Cr 7 8200 9000 2 6 8800 5 Kgcs 1 3 4 8200 8400 Camp Kgbs N Cds Hill

pCwl Kgep pCws 8200 8600

Cc Cr Kgbs 0 800 1000 meters contour interval 200’ (61 meters) Muscovite Garnet & Plagioclase/ B. Humite clinozoisite Hydrothermal Features pCwl pCwl

Cr 7 8200 9000 2 6 8800 5 Kgcs 1 3 4 8200 8400 Camp Kgbs N Cds Hill

Kgep pCwspCws 8200 8600

Cc CCr Kgbs

pCwl 0 800 Quartz base- 1000 meters metal contour interval 200’ (61 meters) Explanation Location in system Lithology Hydrothermal Features Late Proterozoic to Cretaceous Birch Creek granite Early Cambrian Common veins in intrusion (>1 sedimentary rocks K-feldspar megacrysts to 2 per meter); multiple (100 to 200 / m2; >200 / m2) generations of quartz & greisen Campito Formation Cc veins, multiple generations quartzites Aplite dike swarms (0.25-0.5 per meter; Cds Deep Spring Formation >1 per meter) Limits of hydrothermal carbonates & sandstone Central Suite assemblages in aureole (two-mica granite) Cr Reed Dolomite Contacts Early Porphyry Wyman Formation (two-mica granite) pCwl sharp gradational limestones Border Suite fault ± contact contact pCws Wyman Formation (biotite muscovite siltstones & shales granodiorite to granite)

FIG. 3. Geology, generalized distribution of alteration and route of traverses on the western margin of the Birch Creek intrusion. The inset shows the location relative to the entire pluton (see fig. 2 in Barton, 2000). within the marginal phases of the intrusion and the Protero- STOP CH-1—Biotite (± muscovite) granodiorite dike zoic metasedimentary rocks. Representative hydrothermal assemblages are present including magnesian skarn, calcic The road ends at the parking area on a strongly foliated bi- skarn, and hydrothermal vein assemblages in the metasedi- otite(±muscovite) granodiorite dike. The foliation is defined mentary rocks, and veining and pervasive alteration within by alignment of the biotite. It is enhanced by reorientation the intrusion (Fig. 4). and recrystallization of feldspar crystals and, especially, the Exposures here are partly manmade. Several small prospect elongation and recrystallization of quartz aggregates (some pits and bulldozer scrapes were probably all done in the were quartz phenocrysts up to 8 mm across). This dike locally 1950s for tungsten exploration (Clem Nelson, pers. commun., contains foliated aplite dikes and 1- to 50-cm-wide recrystal- 1984) and the area is known as the Buergner-Adams prospect lized quartz veins and segregations. (Trim, 1990). This biotite granodiorite is the earliest phase of the pluton Begin the traverse at the end of the road (parking area). as demonstrated elsewhere by map relationships (Fig. 4). The The traverse is an 800-m clockwise circuit along the eastern older parts of the Border Suite are the only main intrusive and southern parts of the hill with an optional stop at the hair- phases to have dike-like geometries. Internal contacts of the pin turn on the road leading to the top. Field trip stops for other main phases (inner part of the Border Suite and the this traverse are indicated on Figure 4. Central Suite) have gradational to sharp contacts that are

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 30 DAY ONE: BIRCH CREEK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, CA 31 roughly concentric to the pluton as a whole (Fig. 3; see also at the end of one of the many small fold noses in Wyman at Barton, 2000). Among the younger rocks, only the aplite/peg- the contact with the Reed (Fig. 4). Phyllitic to schistose Wyman matite dikes swarms and the Early and Central Porphyries is common in the float and subcrop. show dike- (or sill-)like geometries. Continue down the hill to the east where large bouldery outcrops expose a biotite-rich dike which is cut by >10 vol STOP CH-2—Foliated dolomitic marble with percent early quartz ± magnetite ± biotite ± K feldspar veins. high-T Mg veins Quartz-vein-rich areas like this one are widespread but typi- Walking to the immediate east-northeast, cross into strongly cally extend over only small areas (102 to 104 m2) in larger vol- foliated white- to tan- weathering Reed dolomite marble. umes of moderate vein abundance (2–10 vol %). Strong foliation in the marble is enhanced by weathering and From here walk south to the main contact with the pluton. by concordant veins. The foliation is defined by 2- to 10-mm- thick lamellae of aligned dolomite crystals (Fig. 5A). STOP CH-4—Border Suite with multiple dikes and veins The pale veins and envelopes present here are high-tem- At this spot a southeast-facing outcrop in early biotite gra- perature magnesian skarn assemblages, in this case predomi- nodiorite contains at least four generations of dikes and veins nantly chlorite + calcite with lesser humite-group mineral (Fig. 6). The early quartz veins are folded with axial planes (clinohumite, chondrodite, or norbergite—here collectively subparallel to the foliation in the granodiorite and host termed “humite”), diopside, talc, calcite and spinel. Envelopes dolomite. Later unfolded (but foliated) aplite dikes cut the consist of calcite + humite and have uniform phase propor- earliest quartz veins. The aplites in turn are cut by high-angle tions and a “graphic” texture that apparently represents con- recrystallized quartz veins. The latest hydrothermal features servation of the original 1:1 Ca/Mg in the dolostone. Some are sparse northeast- to north-northeast-striking high-angle veins are predominantly diopside. Grossularitic garnet is greisen veins. The first three sets (quartz to aplite to quartz) rarely present in vein centers close to the granite. Most but reflect, respectively, aqueous fluids derived from the earliest not all high-temperature magnesian veins have envelopes. dike emplacement, then aplites generated from the more These veins are commonly folded (Fig. 5C). Pale yellow- muscovite-rich internal phases of the early Border Suite, and, green serpentine and white tremolite retrograde humite- lastly, aqueous fluid release from this same unit. The evidence group minerals and diopside, respectively. They also form in- comes from the orientations, crosscutting relationships, and dependently, typically in veins (Fig. 5D). distribution of these veins and dikes (Fig. 4). Looking east-northeast down on the planes of foliation one can see multiple pull-apart veinlets filled with various minerals, After this outcrop, walk west across abundant float and most commonly calcite + chlorite (Fig. 5B; Trim, 1990). Here sparse outcrops of dolomitic marble with widespread high- and elsewhere, these features commonly align down the dip of temperature magnesian skarn veins. Aplites and distal plagio- the foliation (indicating circumferential extension compatible clase-chlorite-clinozoisite-fluorite veins are rare here, al- with the A.M.S. studies in the intrusion; Saint Blanquat et al., though common elsewhere in this zone. Serpentine and 1998). They also commonly show a “chocolate tablet” pattern tremolite veins are common here. Cross isoclines in Wyman indicating subequal flattening within the plane of foliation. phyllites (antiform) with marginal weakly metasomatized cal- Sparse quartz float in this area is from scheelite-bearing cite marble and yellow to tan Reed dolomite marble (syn- quartz + feldspar + carbonate veins. Also in this area are scat- form). Some of the gullies expose sparsely garnet-bearing tered higher angle 1–3 mm white veins containing tremolite Wyman marble. This is distal to the more massive skarns seen and other calc-silicates lacking obvious envelopes (Fig. 5D). at Stop 8. These crosscut the humite-bearing veins and appear to post- date most or all of the intense deformation. In her Ph.D. thesis, STOP CH-5—Isoclinal fold of Reed Dolomite in Heather Trim documented three sets of tremolite veins: early Wyman marble outward dipping, intermediate radial striking, and late inward At this location one can follow a small isoclinal synform of dipping. The same sequence in orientations occurs in the yellowish Reed dolomite in variegated gray coarsely crys- dikes and higher temperature quartz veins in the intrusion. talline Wyman marble. A foliation triple point can be seen at Overall, most of the high-temperature magnesian skarns the north end of the fold where foliation in the Wyman wraps form within 100–200 m of the main contact (Fig. 4; see fig. 2 around the Reed. in Barton, 2000). They correlate in space with early quartz Calc-silicate minerals are scarce in the massive carbonates veins in the intrusion, but crosscutting relationships demon- here and elsewhere. Only structurally favorable zones and strate that these humite-group bearing assemblages formed dikes allowed influx of magmatic fluids to develop skarns and repeatedly (Trim, 1990). It seems likely that they reflect re- veins, for example, along the axial plane of the major Reed peated bursts of high-temperature aqueous fluids from the synform just east of this fold (next stop). This scarcity of al- magma chamber. One gets the sense that both the marginal teration contrasts with pervasive fluid flow in much of the phases of the pluton and the dolostone behaved plastically thinly bedded Wyman siltstone(-carbonate) units (not to with episodic cracking to accommodate the early fluid release. mention the patterns seen in many metamorphic aureoles). These conclusions are derived from both petrology and sta- STOP CH-3a, b OPTIONAL—Calcic skarn in ble isotope results (Trim, 1990). Widespread clinozoisite in Wyman and veined granite the hornfels requires water-rich conditions. This, coupled with Walk east to a small prospect pit dug in calcic scheelite- the substantial decarbonation in these zones requires sub- bearing garnet-rich skarn and calc-hornfels. This is developed stantial water inflow. Carbonate and silicate oxygen isotopes

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Explanation for Maps of Camp Hill Area, Birch Creek A. Lithology & Structure B. High-T Associations C. Moderate-T Associations Cretaceous (82 Ma, U-Pb) Calc-silicate associations Carbonate-hosted associations Birch Creek granite Approximate limit of widespread Approximate limit of widespread Early Porphyry anhydrous skarn (>2 vol. percent) hydrous skarn (>2 vol. percent) Biotite>muscovite granite: fine- to Dolomite host Dolomite host medium-grained, foliated; sparse quartz and K-feldspar phenocrysts Humite-group + calcite veins & Tremolite, talc, chlorite, serpentine 75 envelopes ± vein chlorite, diopside, 75 and calcite veins and replacement Border Suite grossular, spinel of high-T Mg(Ca) silicates K-feldspar megacrystic granites: Limestone ± calc-siltstone host Disseminated tremolite + calcite, 2 abundance ≥ 50 / m Garnet skarn: Coarse grained iron- mainly in Reed Dolomite, but locally ± ± ± Biotite ~ musovite granite: rich garnet idocrase salite quartz; in Wyman marbles moderately foliated medium- to commonly boudinaged with open- Limestone ± calc-siltstone host coarse-grained, locally megacrystic space filled by combinations of idocrase-epidote-quartz-fluorite; Hydrous skarn: early epidote-albite- Biotite > muscovite granodiorite: gradational with skarnoid fluorite-idocrase; later biotite-chlorite- moderately to strongly foliated Garnet-pyroxene skarnoid: fine to fluorite-muscovite-beryl-pyrite- medium grained sphalerite-scheelite-quartz medium grained grossularitic garnet Biotite (± muscovite) granodiorite: in calcite marble with diopside-biotite- Muscovite-fluorite-pyrite-beryl veins strongly foliated medium-grained clinozoisite hornfels after siltstones with phlogopite-fluorite envelopes; equigranular to seriate rare clinozoisite-fluorite-chlorite veins Quartz veins Late Proterozoic - Early Cambrian Quartz±K-feldspar(±biotite+Fe-Ti Quartz-scheelite veins Reed Dolomite: white to yellowish oxide±muscovite) veins, 1 to 50 cm Quartz(-scheelite[pink circles]- 80 carbonate-feldspar±sulfide) veins, 5 tan medium- to coarse-grained wide; recrystallized & locally folded; 30 variably foliated dolomite marble pegmatitc or aplitic phases (circles) to 25 cm thick, typically sheared Wyman Formation limestone: gray Abundance of all quartz veins Coarsely dolomitic carbonate, occurs medium- to coarse-grained calcite 0.2-0.5 per meter, >0.5 per meter near distal quartz-scheelite veins marble, local thin calc-hornfels beds Wyman Formation siltstone: thin Aplite & pegmatite dikes Greisen & endoskarn bedded calc-hornfels to phyllite with Aplites: muscovite±biotite±garnet Greisens: muscovite+quartz±chlorite interbedded calcite marble ±albite±fluorite±pyrite replacing aplite dikes with pegmatitic (dk. red 80 80 circle) & quartz-feldspar (blue circle) granite; veins have muscovite+ Attitudes Contacts Fold axes zones; variably foliated pyrite±quartz±fluorite±beryl 40 Pegmatites: 2 to 10 cm quartz- Abundance of greisen veins bedding & feldspar-mica dikes, grade to aplites 0.2-0.5 per meter, >0.5 per meter contacts sharp 80 (lt. red circle) and quartz-feldspar veins (blue circle) Endoskarn (albitization): sodic ± ± ± 20 Abundance of aplite+pegmatite dikes plagioclase( fluorite epidote quartz±chlorite±actinolite±biotite) after foliation & gradational 0.2-0.5 per meter, >0.5 per meter lineation (in igneous rocks) biotite granodiorite near contacts


reniform aplite toward Lithology & dike with inner USTs 35 A. structure 80 15 20

45 40 30 CH25 40 45 40 15 -9 35 30 40 45 35 25 40 25 45 45 35 30 31 CH 28 CH -3 50 -2 45 N 25 30 37 40 40 CH -1 55 40 35 35 40 40 45 8600 30 40 30 CH CH 30 -7 -8 50 40 55 50 50 30 25 35 35 25 45 10 45 35CH 45 65 30 40 -4 55 QzQ 40 455 CH 45 35 -5 32 55 70 CH 35 50 35 -6 25 55 30 35 40 0 85 25 60 20 40 30 8400 65 60 50 Kf > 50 / m2 20 35 25 45 50 35 30 25 45 30 40 40 25 45 45

45 55 55

500 meters 80 45 CH 45 1000 feet Field trip stop 45 60 contour interval = 40 feet -5 65 8200

45 FIG. 4. Geologic maps of the Camp Hill area with field stops. A. Lithology and structure. B. Aplites and high-tempera- ture alteration assemblages. C. Moderate-temperature alteration assemblages.

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High-temperature 65 B. alteration associations 55

80 45 1' Qz-Mu vein 75 35 f 75 20 80 f

nf biot after 80 30 75 amph next 35 to dolom 35 35 30 50 55 trend of younger aplites 75 70-75 trend of older aplites 25 40 40 40 85 45 25 70 biot after amph next 75 to dolom 35 40 75 40 35 f 85 N 45 35 40 80 cuts Qz 55 70 30 50 veins 50 40 mainly 80 px 60 65 8600 75 ox 75 75 65 35 70 55 50 60 80 40 45 60 65 25 35 75 px 75 10 65 25 25sp 80 ox 85 70 7545 20 70 70 70 80 80 40 30 75 75 45 ox ox 80 a few dikes cut || to foliation Hu env sheared, 50 on bdngd down aplite 30,boudgd 80 75 75 sp 40,Il 8400 to east 55 80 55 70 60 35 25 20 75 sp 70 60 50 60 80 45 65


80 500 meters 80 75 bi 60 70 1000 feet 75 contour interval = 40 feet 8200 55

50 mylonitic shear

Moderate-temperature 75 C. alteration associations 80

80 85

80 80 80 80 75 85 85 40 55 N

80 75 50 8600 40 85 35 85 25 65

55 35 80 75

30 65

60 70 8400 65 65 75 70 30 60 50 Chl 75 40 80 50 85 45 75


500 meters

70 1000 feet contour interval = 40 feet 8200

FIG. 4. (Cont.)

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A. B. C. D.

FIG. 5. High-temperature magnesian skarn veins. A. View down foliation (field of view is ca. 60 × 40 cm). B. View per- pendicular to foliation showing pull-apart veinlets filled with calcite + chlorite (magnet for scale). C. Ptygmatic diopside-rich veinlet (ca. 0.5 cm wide) in dolomitic marble from same area. D. Late tremolite + calcite veinlets cutting chlorite + calcite + spinel + humite vein with calcite + humite envelope. require flushing of the Wyman hornfelses by magmatic fluids, At one location, quartz-absent muscovite-fluorite-pyrite whereas in the thicker Wyman marbles and in the Reed, only vein fill composes a vein margin. Lack of definitive crosscut- the veins and their envelopes are significantly shifted from ting relationships precludes age assignment, even at this loca- unaltered (ca. marine) values. Other geochemical indicators tion. Elsewhere, scheelite typically accompanies hydrous of magmatic fluids (e.g., trace elements such as Bi, F, Sn) skarn assemblages. The veins and hydrous skarn late hydrous should have similar distributions. skarn assemblages could be time equivalent. They predate or are coeval with the late stages of fabric development and thus STOP CH-6—Deformed quartz-scheelite veins and are placed clearly in the later, but not final stages of Border greisenized dikes Suite emplacement. Along this nose of Reed marble—an isoclinal synform— several thin (5–25 cm) scheelite-bearing quartz veins crop Walk to the north-northeast along the axis of the Reed syn- out. They contain accessory dolomitic carbonate, alkali form. Pass considerable float of deformed scheelite-bearing feldspar, and rare sulfides. These veins were prospected for quartz veins and walk into calcite-bearing dolomitic marbles scheelite and are fairly widespread along the top of Camp with sparse to common needles of tremolite just before an Hill. They extend north-northeast and south-southwest from apophysis of greisenized granite. the area of intensely greisenized granite near the parking area (Fig. 4B). The quartz crystals in these veins have a pronounced STOP CH-7—Greisenized granite down-dip lineation as can be seen at this locality. Near the This small area contains pervasively greisenized biotite southwest tip of the ridge is a boudinaged greisenized aplite granodiorite. The majority of the rock has been altered to dike (Fig. 7B). This dike is flattened in two directions and quartz + muscovite + albite ± chlorite (after biotite) ± pyrite may represent the earliest of the aplite diking events. (mafic sites) ± fluorite. Quartz + muscovite ± fluorite veins are common and have northeast strikes that broadly par-

SSW NNE all features are oriented at high angles to face

later Border Suite Qz (not folded)

earliest Qz (folded)

aplite dikes ~1 m

FIG. 6. Photo and sketch of folded quartz veins cut by deformed but unfolded aplite and quartz veins. All derive from the outermost phases of the intrusion (cf. Fig. 4). The foliation in the granodiorite is subparallel (within 20˚) of the axial planes of the folds in the quartz veins. These quartz veins are irregularly distributed within the outermost 30 m of the early dikes. The crosscutting quartz veins and aplites that emanate from the interior, more muscovite-rich portions of the Border Suite (Fig. 4).

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A. B.


sheared quartz vein

foliated dolomitic marble foliated dolomitic marble

FIG. 7. Photos of deformed greisen-linked associations along the axis of the large Reed isoclinal synform, Camp Hill. A. Deformed 8-cm-thick quartz-dolomite(-scheelite-galena-K feldspar) vein in strongly foliated dolomitic marble. View to northwest. Quartz crystals have pronounced top to the west-southwest rake. B. Boudinaged greisenized aplite dike with thin calcite-humite group envelope. allel the quartz-scheelite veins in the Reed dolomite to the binations of idocrase, deep green epidote, plagioclase, quartz southwest. Thin, quartz-poor muscovite ± fluorite ± pyrite and fluorite (Fig. 8A). veins are also present (cf. Fig. 8E). Pods of greisenization Within 50 m of the dike, and best developed within 20 m, similar to this one are common along the margins and locally hydrous fluorite-rich skarn assemblages overprint the garnet- within the intrusion. They typically extend over areas of a few idocrase-epidote assemblages. These contain fluorite, phlogo- hundred to a few thousand square meters. pitic biotite, albitic plagioclase, chlorite, muscovite, pyrite, scheelite and beryl (Fig. 8B). Quartz is rare. Sphalerite and STOPS CH-8a,b—Wyman skarn near dike other sulfides may have been present, but are hard to find in Along this zone, one can see progressive development of weathered samples. The early part of this paragenesis is epi- many of the assemblages seen elsewhere in the Wyman mar- dote-rich whereas the later is dominated by biotite + chlorite ble. Distally, grossularitic garnet is sparsely developed in mar- + fluorite ± muscovite ± pyrite. The equivalent in the Wyman ble beds between thin-bedded pyroxene hornfels. This early, clastic rocks are thin beryl-bearing veins of muscovite-fluorite- distal garnet may be largely bimetasomatic, the product of pyrite-quartz-feldspar veins (rare here; Fig. 8C). local mass transfer between the clastic and carbonate layers. Endoskarn is weakly developed around the margins of the Idocrase is locally present with plagioclase, epidote, and fluo- intrusion and this area is no exception. The best developed rite. Garnet gradually increases toward the dike eventually examples have been found against Reed dolomite and consist becoming massive replacement of marble. Later garnet is of sparse secondary epidote, oligoclase-andesine, and calcic euhedral, red-brown, and more iron-rich. It is overgrown in amphibole developed at the expense of igneous plagioclase, veins and in tensional gashes in massive garnet skarn by com- K feldspar and biotite (Fig. 8D). Greisen assemblages with

A. B. C. D. E.

grandite garnet Fl-Mu Brl-Mu skarn ±Py-Brl -Py-Qz-Fl Fl-Mu

Chl-Ep Bi(Act(Bi)) Di-rich -Bi-Fl(-Ab) hornfels

Ep(Bi)-Qz- Qz(-Kf) Pc(Kf) veinlet Pc-Ep- endoskarn Id-Fl 1 cm 1 cm 1 cm veins 1 cm

FIG. 8. Alteration associations in Wyman Formation near biotite granodiorite dike and endoskarn within the biotite granodiorite. A. Block of boudinaged garnet skarn in diopside-rich hornfels with hydrous (epidote-idocrase-fluorite-plagio- clase) filling extension gashes. B. Banded fluorite-rich sheet-silicate-rich hydrous skarn overprinting epidote(-garnet) skarn. C. Muscovite-beryl-pyrite with minor fluorite and quartz in Wyman hornfels. D. Plagioclase-epidote(-quartz) endoskarn in biotite grandodiorite at contact with garnet skarn. Cut by fluorite-muscovite greisen vein with mica-rich envelope. E. Shreddy biotite replacing secondary amphibole in plagioclase-rich endoskarn. Note the quartz-feldspar vein vein. Collected within 5 m of Reed dolomite on Camp Hill.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 35 36 MARK D. BARTON fluorite and micas commonly overprint these zones. In a few crystals with interstitial biotite and quartz), (2) variations in cases, the endoskarn amphibole has back-reacted with mag- mica ratios and K feldspar megacryst contents, and (3) con- matic fluids to produce shreddy secondary biotite pseudo- tacts with the sedimentary rocks (see Fig. 4). Nonetheless, morphs (Fig. 8E). the map relationships shown do not represent a unique inter- pretation as internal contacts are difficult to follow and the STOP CH-9 OPTIONAL—Hairpin curve petrographic variations are subtle. This is on the northwest side of Camp Hill along road where As we walk into the main mass of the intrusion we cross the tips of biotite granodiorite dikes cut Wyman Formation. through a several medium- to coarse-grained, equigranular Several outcrops expose 2–10 cm interbedded limestone and biotite-muscovite granites. These have prominent but vari- siltstone that has been converted to diopside-biotite-clino- ably developed foliation generally diminishing in intensity zoisite-quartz hornfels with marble interbeds. Marble is com- with increasing muscovite content. Sparse K feldspar monly replaced by spotted grossularitic garnet grading to megacrysts (up to 2 cm long) and quartz eyes (up to 1 cm massive intermediate composition garnet. Wollastonite, which across) are present. Muscovite is typically late crystallizing is uncommon overall at Birch Creek, is found in some of and can be observed in small (1 to 4 mm long) diamond- these limy interbeds. The more massive garnet skarn has shaped tan crystals. good examples of pull-apart zones infilled with idocrase, pla- gioclase, fluorite, epidote, etc. The dikes are finer-grained, lo- STOP IN-1—Early porphyry, eastern contact cally aplitic, and partly converted to endoskarn (desilicated). Continuing to the east, we cross the western contact of a About 30 m southeast of the hairpin, foliation in the Reed westward dipping sill (a dike in orientation when emplaced) dolomite is exceptionally well illustrated in large flaggy blocks of medium grained (2 to 5 mm) biotite-muscovite granite just uphill from the road. These occur in a narrow isoclinal with sparse phenocrysts of K feldspar (1 to 3 cm long) and synform along this side of the hill (Fig. 4A). quartz eyes (0.5 to 1 cm across). This is one of about a half- dozen bodies of “Early Porphyry.” This texturally distinct rock Pluton Traverse type cuts the more voluminous phases of the pluton. This par- Purpose: to see variability in igneous rocks, internal struc- ticular unit cuts the various, generally muscovite-rich phases tures, diking and metasomatic features in the intrusion, mag- of the Border Suite. In turn it is cut by aplites and quartz matic to hydrothermal transition. veins from the Central Suite (ca. 0.5 km to the east). Younger Beginning at the parking area on Camp Hill, walk diago- units, including the “Central Porphyry” have similar charac- nally down the hill slope to the northeast into the drainage teristics but cut rather than are cut by the Central Suite group that goes east into the pluton (Fig. 3). Along this route one of rocks. Unlike the early porphyry units, the Central Porphyry can see a variety of early igneous rock types including aplites, has well developed aplites, quartz veins and, especially, pegmatites, strongly foliated biotite-rich granitoids, less greisen veins within it and along strike from its exposure. strongly foliated, more muscovite-rich materials, deformed Although these units were originally identified and mapped (early) K feldspar + biotite unidirectional solidification tex- based on their textures and crosscutting relationships, it turns tures, and early (biotite-magnetite-K feldspar-bearing) and out that the Early and Central porphyries represent an iso- late (muscovite-bearing) quartz veins.1 In the dolomitic mar- topically and chemically distinct batch of magma which was ble of the Reed Dolomite, one can see various skarn associa- emplaced alternately with the magmas of the Border and tions including early magnetite-epidote-andradite-diopside- Central Suites (see Barton, 2000). This is one of several fea- chalcopyrite skarn, humite-calcite (-chlorite) veins and tures that constrains the scale of magmatic processes in the envelopes, chlorite-clinozoisite/epidote-biotite-fluorite veins Birch Creek system. and reaction rims (on aplites), tremolite veins, various states We stop briefly on the eastern contact to look at a good ex- of fabric development in the dolomitic marbles, and other as- posure of the contact where there are several sheets of Early semblages. Porphyry in Border Suite rocks (Fig. 9). Note the sparse early In this area it is possible to identify several discrete dike quartz veins and later greisen veins here as well as the vari- episodes in this area by mapping features including (1) a few ably developed shearing along the contact. Outcrops just to internal contacts decorated by unidirectional solidification the north have east-west-striking aplites cutting Early Por- textures (here mainly 4–15 cm crudely dendritic K feldspar phyry. These are the distal expression of one of the larger Central Suite aplite dike swarms that is seen in following stops. 1 unidirectional solidification textures (or “comb layers” or “stockschei- der”) are key features because, first, the crystals branch and terminate toward Continue to the east-northeast across small ridge separat- the magma at the time of their formation and, second, these zones likely rep- ing the main south-directed and east-directed drainages. In- resent areas of low-density fluid accumulation during crystallization creasing aplite float is seen here in biotite-dominated granite. (Kirkham, R.V., and Sinclair, W.D., 1988, Comb quartz layers in felsic intru- In this area, and many others, circular arrangments of aplite sions and their relationship to porphyry deposits: Special Volume - Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, v. 39, p. 50–71. blocks (Fig. 10) are the remains of campsites and piñon nut Moore, J. G., and Lockwood, J. P., 1973, Origin of Comb Layering and Or- caches (Bettinger, 1991) from the Indians who bicular Structure, Sierra Nevada Batholith, California: Geological Society of spent parts of their summers in the high country of the White America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 1–19. Mountains collecting piñon nuts and hunting. The aplite Shannon, J. R., Walker, B. M., Carten, R. B., and Geraghty, E. P., 1982, swarms tend to make higher ground because of their abun- Unidirectional solidification textures and their significance in determining relative ages of intrusions at the Henderson mine, Colorado: Geology, v. 10, dance and resistance to weathering. Typical dike widths of 10 p. 293–297.; see the overview paper for further discussion). cm to 1 m and their tendency to weather into equant blocks

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 36 DAY ONE: BIRCH CREEK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, CA 37


Early Porphyry

Border quartz Suite veins greisen veins

~2 m

FIG. 9. Sketch of early porphyry, Border Suite contact. The contact is lo- cally sheared and is cut by early quartz-feldspar veins and aplites, and later quartz-muscovite and muscovite-pyrite veins.

FIG. 11. Aplites offsetting (left lateral) outward dipping quartz veins. apparently made them ideal for construction of these rings. Many dozens of such rings have been located. The vast ma- jority are constructed of aplite blocks. STOP IN-2—Aplite cutting early quartz veins at bend in creek Drop down into the main east-west drainage across the plu- ton where it turns northwest (Fig. 3). Exposed in a small out- crop here are east-west-trending aplite and pegmatite dikes cutting and systematically offsetting (left-lateral sense) out- ward-dipping (west) quartz (+ K feldspar) veins (Fig. 11). This location is on the fringe of one of the main Central Suite aplite dike swarms and in an area where quartz + feldspar veins begin to reappear in abundance. At this point take a 75 m side trip north up the drainage to walk into the core of one dike swarm at this distance from the Central Suite contact. Along the way on the left a broadly folded quartz vein is exposed in an outcrop to the left (west) and cut by a small, unfolded aplite dike (Fig. 12). Here again is evidence for substantial internal deformation developed in an internal set of outward-dipping quartz veins. This folding FIG. 12. Folded quartz veins below waterfall area cut by aplite. must postdate that seen on Camp Hill as it is developed in rocks that crystallized after that event. This theme will be re- peated again, closer to the Central Suite contact. STOP IN-3—Waterfall aplite swarm After you make a short boulder scramble, the waterfall area exposes water-polished granite outcrops with approximately 30 vol percent complex aplite and pegmatite dikes along with multiple kinds of veins (Fig. 13A). Because of the water pol- ish this is one of the best areas to see the complex internal re- lationships that are present in aplite dikes. As can be seen in the map of this outcrop, the dikes are tex- turally diverse, with variable mineralogy. Many are composi- tionally evolved with abundant Mn-rich garnet plus muscovite. This assemblage replaces muscovite ± biotite that is common in variably porphyritic leucogranite and aplitic dikes farther to the east in this swarm (see also Barton, 2000). Large, elongate K feldspar crystals grow into several of the dikes, several of which have distinctly pegmatitic textures. Some dikes grade into east-west-trending steeply dipping quartz veins—a com- mon transition elsewhere. These veins form a consistently FIG. 10. Ring of aplite boulders typical of those constructed by Owens younger generation than the outward dipping quartz veins. Valley Indians for shelter and piñon-nut caches. These veins typically contain accessory K feldspar, muscovite,

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 37 38 MARK D. BARTON

B. Veins in 70 drainagee 85 75 N

35 85

50 84 65

note multiple episodes ~1 meter 45 of left-lateral offset

85 55

A. WaterfallWaterfa area


0 meters 3 0 feet 10

85 65 85

40 C. Zoned dike 30 35 75 70 N 60 55 85 0 meters 3 80 0 feet 10

Explanation aplite dikes, commonly USTs: comb-layered K-feldspar greisen veins (Mu±Py±Qz±Fl), gradational with pegmatitic dikes typically < 5 mm wide +biotite, oriented toward intrusion = Mn-Fe garnet common pegmatite dikes, commonly Mu+Qz±Ab±Chl±Py±Fl Bi(-Mt-Kf-Zirc-Mon)-rich cumulate grade into aplites & Qz veins; alteration; typically as envelopes = Mn-Fe garnet common on greisen veins Mu+Alb±Chl±Py±Fl±Qz alteration porphyritic granite (crowded with fine- to medium-grained ± ± envelopes on quartz or greisen K-feldspar megacrysts Qz eyes) unfoliated Mu( Bi) leucogranite veins and as independent zones Biotite(-muscovite) granite, fine- to medium-grained Qz veins, 5-50 mm wide medium to coarse grained, unfoliated Mu-Bi leucogranite Kf±Bi±oxide present weakly to moderately foliated with sparse Kf megacrysts Mu±Kf present

FIG. 13. Outcrop maps of several key stops in the intrusion. A. Map of complex aplite-pegmatite dikes and associated veins in the waterfall area (IN-3). B. Sketch and photograph of crosscutting veins and dikes in the main drainage ca. 100 m out- side of the Central Suite contact (Stop IN-4). C. Map of a section of a zoned dike and other veins, dikes and unidirectional solidification textures at the Central Suite contact (Stop IN-7b).

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 38 DAY ONE: BIRCH CREEK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, CA 39 biotite, and an oxide mineral. Most lack obvious envelopes; the latest veins (greisen associations) are northeast-striking however, small (≤1 cm) quartz veins with similar orientations reflecting regional stress control. This pattern is repeated commonly have thin (<1 cm) K feldspar envelopes (cf. Fig. throughout the pluton at all stages (Fig. 3; see also Barton, 14C). These thin veins become more common toward the 2000). Central Suite contact. Younger veins have muscovite in addi- tion to quartz and subordinate alkali feldspar (generally K rich). The youngest veins in this locality are sparse greisen STOP IN-5—Border Suite/Central Suite veins. These have muscovite ± quartz ± pyrite centerlines and contact in drainage thin muscovite + quartz + chlorite ± albite ± pyrite ± fluorite Walking east down the drainage, one can see 20–50 vol per- envelopes. cent aplitic and pegmatitic dikes in the outcrops. Stop at a Retrace the path down the drainage, past stop IN-2. Con- bold outcrop that enters the stream from the north. On the tinue about 75 m east through a zone of abundant east-west- west side (first seen) aplitic and pegmatitic dikes constitute trending aplite and pegmatite dikes to a prominent outcrop over a third of the exposure (this can be challenging to see). across the main drainage. The host rock is moderately foliated, megacryst-poor biotite (-muscovite) granite. STOP IN-4—Greisen/quartz veins in aplite-rich Immediately around the corner, the dikes abruptly disap- outcrop in main drainage pear, and their abundance drops to at most a few percent of This outcrop (Fig. 13B) nicely illustrates much of the se- the rock. This is the Central Suite contact, which is abrupt in quence of dike and vein types seen in this area and, indeed, this location. In the stream bottom a small outcrop on the in much of the pluton. Moderately foliated biotite (± mus- southern side has a west-dipping zone of biotite-rich large K covite) granite dips westward along with a roughly concordant feldspar crystals which flare downwards and to the east. On early quartz vein. These are cut and offset by aplite and peg- the north side of the drainage the crystals are progressively matite veins with approximately east-west orientations. In larger and the contact becomes more complex. Fig. 14A turn, these are cut and offset by a quartz-muscovite vein with shows a photo of a dike that originates on this contact in one an albite + muscovite + quartz ± chlorite ± pyrite envelope. unidirectional solidification texture layer and offsets a slightly The youngest veins are thin muscovite ± quartz ± pyrite ± flu- earlier unidirectional solidification texture layer. orite greisen veins with muscovite ± quartz ± albite ± pyrite Note that the granite has changed here from moderately fo- envelopes. Note that the envelopes on the late veins are liated biotite-rich, megacryst-poor rock to one that is some- poorly developed in the less reactive aplites where biotite is what coarser grained, megacryst-rich and, at best, weakly fo- scarce and the plagioclase is albitic. liated. This textural change defines the mapped border of the All offsets are left-lateral as viewed in plan, demonstrating Central Suite. In reality, there is a continuum in most places that a broadly similar shear regime existed through much of from the Border Suite to the Central Suite. Also, as will be this outcrop’s history (Fig. 13B). Shear sense on this side the seen at a later stop, there are clearly Central Suite type fea- dike swarm is typically left-lateral (cf. Stop IN-2) and may re- tures that extend some distance west of this contact. flect making space for emplacement of the Central Suite and This stop lies between two of the largest aplite dike swarms associated dikes. and has some of the simplest relationships. From here make Another feature worthy of note in this outcrop is the sys- a loop to the east, then north and back to the west, to see, tematic rotation with time of vein orientations. Early veins first, the simplicity of the internal part of the Central Suite, dip outward parallel to foliation and the pluton contacts, sub- then a far more complex set of contacts in the center and on sequent dikes and veins are normal to the pluton contacts, the the northern part of this major dike swarm (Fig. 15). last few dikes and a few correlative veins dip inward, and, finally

A. B. C.

UST layer 1 K-feldspar aplite envelope UST layer 2 quartz quartz

Kf megacryst crowded dike

FIG. 14. Dikes and veins along Central Suite contact. A. Photo looking west (outwards) of K feldspar crowded vein dike originating on a K feldspar-rich unidirectional solidification texture layer at the Central Suite/Border Suite contact. The dike cuts and offsets an older unidirectional solidification texture layer. B. Quartz vein with aplite centerline. Staple is 1 cm wide. C. Quartz veins with thin K feldspar envelopes. Note that these are perpendicular to foliation. Staple is 1 cm wide.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 39 40 MARK D. BARTON 40 dead tree 25 IN -7a 35 16˚ 40

65 M.N. 80W 80 N 80 35 75 (porphyritic granite to 45 Zoned dike to leucogranite aplite) K-feldspar-crowded granite IN -7b

(base of aplite swarm) point high Main UST zone 20 75 100 feet 50 meters 75 50 Older granitoids (Border Suite, early Central Suite) Leucogranite, coarse-grained Leucogranite, fine-grained Leucogranite, porphyritic Bi-Mu granite, crowded Bi-Mu granite, crowded porphyritic 35 50W 50 m at the Central Suite contact. 70 80

80 70 40 55 30 65 25W late slicks N15E 55 vertical





70 -7



8 N (unidirectional 70 80 ? ? 70 ? ? 65 ? Aplite dikes Pegmatite dikes UST solidification texture, divergence indicates direction of growth) Quartz veins (Mt = magnetite, circle = pegmatitic) 35 80 40 55? Mt 65 IN -7c


? 94-13 • systematic right-lat offset on sheared QF vein 30 20cm 75 Field trip stop western Contact of Central Suite IN 70 -7a 45 Mt

Base and Margin of Aplite Dike Swarm, Base and Margin of piñon 45 85 b(m) mcQ3 n/f Q1 40 55 85 35 35 swarm core of ? 50 bm mmQ • 94-11 IN mafic -7e 55 dikelets?? 85 aplite dike Mt 70E 55 cuts Pg 35 80 70 b/m 6 (internal contact, inner Early UST zone limit of oxides in veins) Mt 55 Mt

60 IN 60 arch -7d 85 Mt 85E 75 65 IN -7f 20? 60 60 65 50 Mt 85W 60 internal contact b(m) cm / b mm Mt 50 85 eCs? 80 K-poor 50 45 40 45 85 Mt 60 45 Mt 45? 60 80 60 80 Ilm 35 55 40 fg 65 bm mc <2 vein contact internal possible between mg & fg 70 50 Gt 45 Quartz oxides fg 70 55 Ilm fg 65 35 40 bmmK 90 W 80 75 65 75 85 cg 85 80 75 80

1 cm fold? 40 bmm 2 bmm 75 80 75 ? 80 50 ? oldest? ? ? 55 <1% Q youngest early dike?

? 50 more ab. K megs

boudinaged Qz

trunk 1 cm 1


55 mm

b 45 dike inside

30 cm apl cm 30 USTs into USTs 60 . 15. Outcrop map of igneous and some hydrothermal features on part the northern sector principal east-west aplite swar and aplites alb quartz veins Folded early IG

85 fn F mb

80 photo


80 40W

45 mm 80 See Figure 3 for location. b Mt 70 35 sheared 55 70 85 70W 25 70W 60 Ilm

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 40 DAY ONE: BIRCH CREEK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, CA 41

STOP IN-6—Central Suite internal features tures. Steeply dipping generally west-striking quartz-feldspar Walk east about 100 m along drainage before scrambling veins, pegmatitic dikes, and aplitic dikes increase dramatically through boulders on thenorth side of the drainage onto a low in abundance from much less then 5 percent of the exposure east-west ridge. Note along this traverse that K feldspar to more than 50 percent of the exposure. Many of these can megacrysts are common, foliation is weak to absent, and be traced back into their origins along the unidirectional so- aplite and pegmatitic dikes are scarce. Megacrysts are most lidification texture zone. Features resembling “vein dikes” abundant at the inner limit of the aplite dike swarms in the and other evidence of magmatic to hydrothermal transitions Central Suite (Fig. 3) and diminish gradually inward and may can be found in this area (Fig. 14). be virtually absent outward of the Central Suite contact. Sim- Also present are meter-scale festoons or biotite- and mag- ilar patterns with distal aplites and proximal megacryst-rich netite-rich material. Although volumetrically minor, these granites are seen in some of the other intrusive units (e.g., in local accumulations of mafic material constitute an important the Border Suite, cf. Fig. 4). These patterns appear to reflect part of the igneous mass balance for some minor and trace el- a compositional or kinetic control related to fluid release from ements (Barton, 2000). Magnetite susceptibilities in the ig- a portion of the magma chamber. neous rocks vary by over two orders of magnitude; high val- In this area, greisen veins and zones of albitization (albite + ues correlate with high biotite (and magnetite) contents. muscovite + fluorite ± chlorite ± pyrite) are common, typi- Stop IN-7b—Laterally zoned dike: Immediately to the cally as irregular masses a few meters long and up to 1 m northwest of this location, a 1–2 m wide dike can be followed wide. These feather out along northeast-trending fractures for about 100 m to the west-northwest (Fig. 15). It begins at that may have thin quartz + muscovite or muscovite center- the unidirectional solidification texture zone and the first 10 lines. Quartz is generally lost during albitization even though m is crowded with K feldspar megacrysts. Twenty meters to some should be produced by reactions such as the west, the megacrysts drop off and the dike is predomi- nantly a medium-grained muscovite-biotite leucogranite. Fig- KAlSi3O8 + CaAl2Si2O8 + 2HF = ure 13C shows key relationships at this location. unidirec- CaF2 + KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2+ 2SiO2. tional solidification texture zones can be seen immediately These rocks (and the intensely greisenized rocks) show sub- inboard of the dike margin along with a number of small stantial loss of silica accompanied by an increase in Na or K dikes. An early quartz-feldspar vein is cut and partially rotated relatively to the original content. Calcium, too, can increase by the dike. A late inward- (east) dipping pegmatite dike rep- substantially particularly when fluorite is abundant (Barton, resenting the last of the local igneous events cuts outcrops unpublished data). The abundance of greisenization and al- just to the west and north. All dikes are cut by several styles bitization in this area is typical of the abundance near the con- of quartz and greisen veins with albitic and/or greisen en- tact of the Central Suite (see fig. 2, Barton, 2000). Along with velopes (Fig. 3C). the distribution of the K feldspar megacrysts, this pattern re- This area illustrates multiple diking and veining events all veals something of the scale and timing of fluids sourced from within a few meters of the relatively undiked and quartz-vein the Central Suite magma chamber. poor Central Suite. Magma and aqueous fluids were released repeatedly along this contact at the culmination of the em- STOP IN-7—Details of Central Suite/Border Suite placement of the Central Suite. contact zone Walking to the northwest around several of the large out- The area to the immediate west has several spires of gran- crops, one can follow this dike as it changes from megacryst- ite which are held up by leucogranites and aplites of the large choked porphyritic granite (near its source) through medium east-west dike swarm that originates there. Figure 15 is part to fine-grained biotite-bearing leucogranite to biotite-absent of an outcrop map for this area. A color copy will be distrib- leucogranite and ultimately into aplite. Numerous quartz (- uted on the field trip or can be obtained from the author. One feldspar) veins and dikes are cut by this dike, consistent with should remember that this plan map cuts obliquely across the the field relationships at its source showing it to be one of the west-dipping contact and that melt and aqueous fluids likely very latest dikes to form. It is lost between outcrops near the moved up or down through this plane (likely both), not nec- outer unidirectional solidification texture zone. There it may essarily outwards in the horizontal. contribute to one or more of the east-west-trending aplites. Walking to the west-northwest approach the prominent STOP IN-7c—Outer unidirectional solidification texture knobs where one can see abundant aplites and other dikes. zone: This area has a thin feldspar-biotite unidirectional so- The first outcrops to examine are on the northeastern base of lidification texture zone that can be followed across several more northerly of the two largest granite spires. outcrops (Fig. 15). Although unidirectional solidification tex- STOP IN-7a—Unidirectional solidification textures: This tures and similar features are widespread interior to the location has complex, multiple-generation dendritic K feldspar aplite-rich parts of the pluton, they are by far best developed + biotite comb layers (unidirectional solidification textures; over an irregular zone <1 to 10 m wide immediately outward stockscheider) pointing downward and eastward into the of the dike-poor, megacryst-rich part of the Central Suite. Central Suite. K feldspar megacrysts are particularly abun- Nonetheless, thin unidirectional solidification textures zones dant and can be seen choking the base of dikes that extend are observed elsewhere and are likely common, but because westward from this contact. Many of these dikes have large they subtle they are hard to follow and were rarely mapped. feldspars pointing inwards from their margins – a bilaterally Oxide-bearing quartz veins are largely exterior to this con- symmetric version of the unidirectional solidification tex- tact, as are the more intensely deformed (folded, strongly sheared) quartz veins and aplites. Readily recognizable folia-

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 41 42 MARK D. BARTON tion in the host granitoid is present on both sides. This zone the intrusion. This is one of several differences with better is lost in both directions. To the south it is cut out by dikes mineralized granitic systems in other parts of the world (see which constitute virtually all of the exposure. To the north, ei- overview article). ther the unidirectional solidification texture disappears or the Walk south toward core of dike swarm for a quick look at key zone does not crop out. the complexities (and sparse exposure) in that area. Pass STOP IN-7d—Folded quartz-aplite dikes: Coming around quickly from exposures with 5–20 percent dikes into a zone the corner with the early unidirectional solidification textures, with >75 percent dikes (as exposed). Undoubtedly much of walk west to take a look at several large obviously folded the intervening material is host granite, but laterally continu- quartz veins and aplites (Fig. 16A). Younger dikes cut the out- ous outcrops to the south indicate that the center of the ward (west) dipping quartz-feldspar veins. swarm is essentially all dike material. This area outside the outer unidirectional solidification tex- STOP IN-7f—Core of swarm with early and late quartz ture zone contains a third example and, at minimum, a second veins: This outcrop shows multiple generations and textures generation of folded and penetratively deformed quartz veins of the evolved granitoids and the quartz veins. Early quartz and dikes. The first example was on the contact on Camp Hill veins with feldspar dip outward and are preserved only in a (Stop CH-4) where folding was clearly bracketed by em- few thin screens of material. A few east-west-trending later placement of several units of the Border Suite. The second quartz veins are present as well. example was between stops IN-2 and IN-3 (Fig. 12). The folded veins and dikes in this outcrop are spatially and miner- From here we walk southwest dropping down the slope to alogically linked to the outer unidirectional solidification tex- the drainage where we retrace our steps to the west and ture zone – folding and oxides are common only exterior to Camp Hill. On this route stay to the north. It is easy to stray that layer – and are cut by undeformed dikes and veins gen- too far to the south making the climb out more tiresome. Sev- erated no later than the main unidirectional solidification tex- eral spectacular, but hard to find, greisen and clinozoisite ture zone. This demonstrates that large finite strains accumu- veins cut the Reed dolomite on the hill to the northwest. lated in no more time than it took to form (crystallize) about From here retrace route to the highway in Payson Canyon. 50 m of the intrusion. Alternative routes go east or west from here to Yerington. We STOP IN-7e—Arch area, early magnetite-bearing veins will drive west to Big Pine and then take U.S. 395 north to and dikes: The sloping surface near this small natural arch Bridgeport. In Bridgeport turn east driving past the Sweet- shows a number of variably deformed magnetite-bearing water Mountains, and ultimately through the Walker River dikes and quartz veins (Fig. 16B, D). This type of material oc- Canyon into Mason Valley with Yerington toward the north. curs only outside of the early unidirectional solidification tex- ture zone. These are cut by later, oxide-absent dikes and REFERENCES quartz veins that lack the obvious deformation (Fig. 16C). Barton, M.D., 2000, Overview of the lithophile-element-bearing magmatic- The latest igneous events are two inward dipping pegmatitic hydrothermal system at Birch Creek, White Mountains, California: Society dikes. Everything is cut by the ubiquitous greisen assem- of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series, v. 32, p. 9–26. Bettinger, R.L., 1991, Native land use: Archeology and anthropology, in Hall, blages (Fig. 16E). C.A., Jr., ed., Natural History of the White-Inyo Range, Eastern California, These distal and early oxide-rich veins could reflect early 55. California Natural History Guides: Berkeley, University of California release of more chloride-rich fluids, whereas the later, more Press, p. 463–486. widespread greisenization and albitization could reflect late Diggles, M.F., Blakely, R.J., Schmauch, S.W., Rains, R.L., Lipton, D.A., Win- ters, R.A., and Iverson, S. R. L., 1983, Mineral resource potential map of fluorine-rich fluids derived from the residual melt. Lack of the White Mountains and Birch Creek Roadless Areas, White Mountains, structural or magmatic focusing of fluid release is evident California and Nevada: Reston, VA, United States, U.S. Geological Survey, from the dispersed nature of these features over large areas in Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1361-D, p. 25.

sheeted greisen A. B. / albite veins C. D. E. Mt backpack Peg

Mt-bearing dikes etc. Qz

Qz later Kf vein aplites

arch Mu-Qz-Ab late peg (-Fl-Py) greisen

FIG. 16. Outcrops and hand specimens from outside the early unidirectional solidification texture zone associated with the Central Suite. A. Folded quartz veins and aplites in moderately foliated granite (hat for scale). B. View down and to the southwest of early to late dikes and veins. Taken from the top of the arch with backpack for scale. C. Magnetite-rich veins and dikes cut by later dike. D. Deformed quartz(-K feldspar) vein with magnetite centerline. Field of view 10 cm. E. Greis- enized granite with less altered pegmatitic dike. From muscovite-albite-quartz-fluorite pod. Field of view ca. 12 cm.

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