Curriculum Vitae

Personal information First name / Surnames Gheorghe Zugravu Address Chisinau, Moldova MD 2060 Blvd. Cuza Vodă bl. 1/2 - 72 E-mail [email protected] Phone +373 68289364 Blog Skype zugravu.gheorghe Twitter @zugravugheorghe Citizenship Republica Moldova Republica România Date of birth 10.11.1982

Political activity Ecological Green Party Dates 22.05.2016 - present Position Member Amendments Committee of EGP Dates 01.11.2014 - present Position International Relations Secretary, Member of Board

Dates 15.04.2014 - present Position Vice President, League of Young Greens Work experience Dates 06.10.2016 – 25.11.2016 Position Media Monitor for OSCE Election Observation Mission Main activities and responsibilities Media monitoring during election campaign of online, TV and written media; election observer; interpreter; Name of employer OSCE ( Sector Election Observation, Media Monitoring, Political Processes, Human Rights,

Dates 15.04.2014 – 15.10.2014 Position Senior Project Officer Main activities and responsibilities Provide senior-level advise for Ograda Noastra director and staff in areas connected with project management and community mobilization, reporting, evaluation and monitoring; Engage actively in the implementation process of one or more Ograda Noastra projects based on specific tasks and duties; Interact with civil society, government or donating entities and individuals; Represent the organization at national and international levels; Fundraising and organizational promotion; Name of employer Ograda Noastră ONG ( Sector Human Rights, Education, Social Inclusion, Public Participation

Dates 01.11.2010 – 30.09.2013 Position Campaigns and Activism Coordinator Main activities and responsibilities Administrative and financial tasks, project and training planning, implementation and evaluation, volunteer and activism management Name of employer Amnesty International Moldova ( Sector Human Rights, Human Rights Education, Campaigning, Activism and Fundraising

Dates 01.12.2008 – 01.06.2009 Position Project Coordinator Main activities and responsibilities Administrative and financial tasks, project planning, implementation and evaluation, volunteer management Name of employer Association of Young Artists from Moldova „Oberliht” ( Sector Cultural, Art and Social Project with the financial support of European Cultural Foundation

Page 1/3 - Curriculum Vitae of Zugravu Gheorghe Dates 01.05.2008 – 31.11.2008 Position Project Assistant Main activities and responsibilities Project assistance in planning, implementation and evaluation, translation work from English – Romania and Romanian – English, proofreading in English and Romanian, press contacts with mass-media both paper and digital Name of employer Union of Fine Artists from Moldova ( Sector International Cultural, Art and Social Projects with the financial support of Robert Bosch Foundation (Germany) and German Embassy in Moldova

Dates 01.11.2006 – 01.02.2005 Position Project Assistant Main activities and responsibilities Project assistance in planning, implementation and evaluation, translation work from English – Romania and Romanian – English, press contacts with mass-media both paper and digital, volunteer management Name of employer Cultural Foundation META Romania ( Sector International Cultural, Art and Social Projects

Volunteer Experience Dates 15.06.2009 – present Occupation or position held Volunteer Main activities and responsibilities Public actions preparation Name of organization/group Amnesty International Moldova Sector Human Rights

Dates 15.07.2003 – 2010 Occupation or position held Member, Board Member, Workcamp leader Main activities and responsibilities Youth work, human rights, peace projects Name of organization/group Association of International Volunteering Moldova (AVI Moldova) Sector Youth and Human Rights

Dates 01.02.2007 – present Occupation or position held Volunteer Main activities and responsibilities Event preparation, filming, office work Name of organization/group Association of Young Artists from Moldova „Oberliht” Sector Art and Culture in Moldova


Dates 15.09.2001 – 15.06.2005 Name of Study Public Administrations Studies Institute Academy of Public Administration

Dates 01.09.1990 – 15.06.2001 Name of Study School Education Institute Theoretical High school “M. Eminescu” Lăpușna

Events Dates 06 – 07.06.2014 Name of Conference GEF transnational seminar on European democracy City Brussels, Belgium

Dates 24 – 25.04.2014 Name of Conference Eastern Partnership five years on: time for a new strategy? City ,

Dates 08.04.2010 – 10.04.2010 Name of Seminar Social Innovation Camp Caucasus, , Principal subjects covered Social media for social transformation

Page 2/3 - Curriculum Vitae of Zugravu Gheorghe Dates 01.12.2009 - 11.12.2009 Name of Seminar Training seminar “Gender equality in youth peacebuilding projects” by UNOY (United Network of Young Peacebuilders), Budapest, Hungary Principal subjects covered Peace, peacebuilding process, Peace education, Peace transformation, peace work and gender issues,

Dates 24.09.2009 – 27.09.2009 Name of Seminar iLeader 2009 – the next level of leadership Principal subjects covered Leadership, team management, project management

Dates 31.07.2007 – 31.08.2007 Name of Seminar NoBorder Camp 2007, Uzhgorod, Ukraine Principal subjects covered Human Rights, Freedom of Movement, Social Struggle in Central and Eastern Europe

Dates 28.03.2005 – 15.04.2005 Name of Seminar Internship at the Department of Informational Technologies, General Informatization Direction Principal subjects covered Small administrative task at the Department

Dates 21.09.2004 – 26.09.2004 Name of Seminar Participant at the „EVS4U Training Course for Sending and Hosting organizations” organized by Salto - Youth Eastern and Caucasus Resource Centre in Poland Principal subjects covered EVS management, project management, volunteer management.

Dates 05.09.2004 – 12.09.2004 Name of Seminar Study Session „Building a Human Rights Network: a Training for Youth Leaders” organized by SCI (Service Civil International) and Directorate for Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with European Youth Center Budapest, Hungary. Principal subjects covered Human Rights Education, Non-Formal Education, Project Management.

Dates 10.05.2004 – 19.05.2004 Name of Seminar Training of Trainers „Methods and Techniques used in Intercultural Youth Projects” Oradea, Romania Principal subjects covered Intercultural Learning, International Youth Projects

Dates 02.04.2004 – 04.04.2004 Name of Seminar Seminar „Development of the human rights in Belorusia” organized by „British East – West Center” Grodno, Belorusia, Principal subjects covered European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights in Belorussia

Personal skills and competence Mother language Romanian Other languages Understanding Speaking Writing Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Russian C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user

Social skills and competences Curious, positive, open, team-orientated, and easily adjusting to new surroundings. Organizational skills and competences Inventive, responsible, structured, and taking initiative,

Computer skills and competences Competent user of computer, internet, email and Microsoft Office Programmes (Word, excel, Powerpoint, Publisher), photo and video editing software (Photoshop, GIMP, Adober Premiere), GNU/Linux user,

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