Rural NPT –

Hursley Annual Crime Statistics For the period 11/05/14 until 11/05/15 Prepared by PCSO 15075 Michelle Wilkinson

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Please find below an overview of the crime and anti social behaviour reported to the Police between the 11th May 2014 until present. Please note, assaults, civil disputes and domestic disputes are not disclosed on this report. Therefore, if you compare the figures to those on Crime Reports they may differ greatly.

Same period last year:

Arson x 1 0 ASB/Noise Nuisance x 3 3 Burglary other than a Dwelling x 2 7 Dwelling Burglary x 0 2 Criminal Damage x 0 2 Driving Complaints x 2 7 Industrial Accident x 1 0 Road Traffic Collisions x 10 14 Suspicious Behaviour x 16 10 Theft x 15 10 Theft of Pedal Cycle x 0 1 Theft of Vehicle x 3 0 Theft from Vehicle x 2 5

Total = 55 reports 61 Reports

Recent Reports:

24/03/15. Irish travellers were reportedly trying to sell items from the back of their vehicle in Pitt.

27/04/15. Males were trying to sell chainsaws from the back of their silver transit van on the South Lynch Estate. These chainsaws are not believed to be stolen, but are believed to be fake and are highly dangerous.

03/05/15 – 04/05/15. Unknown persons had forced entry to a number of outbuildings and shipping containers at a farm in Pitt and stolen various items. On 15/04/15 the farm reported an attempt break to one of their shipping containers. Police patrols have been increased.

Winchester Rural Neighbourhood PolicingTeam Alresford Police Office | 101 | Constabulary. Page 2 of 2

Change in Organisation

As of 1st April underwent an organisational restructure and have implemented borderless Policing. Bishop’s Sutton is still within the Winchester District and still covered by the team at Alresford, which is now under the supervision of Sergeant Andy Fisher, however, should you require urgent assistance, the nearest unit will be deployed, i.e. a unit. There are two Police Constables within the Winchester Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team based at Alresford, – PC Paul McShea and PC Jon Worsdell and 5 PCSO's - Michelle Wilkinson, Siobhan Adnams, Kerry Croutear, Amey Stevens and Rhys Griffiths. The PCSO's have become the local beat officers and are the point of contact for the Parishioners. PCSO's will attend meetings and local engagements, as well as, remain a high visibility presence in the community. This has enabled the Police Constables to concentrate on areas where there are higher levels of crime across the District. We also have two Country Watch Officers based at Alresford – PC Lynn Owen and PCSO Mel Rowell and a Special Constable - John Wilding, who gives 16 hours of his time a month to assist in the prevention of crime and disorder.

Social Media

Hampshire Alerts = This has now replaced the Country Watch weekly newsletters.

Twitter =


Alresford Police Office (Winchester Rural) = [email protected]

Please do not use the above email address to report a crime. Please phone 999 in an emergency or 101 for anything else.

Winchester Rural Neighbourhood PolicingTeam Alresford Police Office | 101 | Hampshire Constabulary.