Stout University Foundation University of Wisconsin-Stout Established 1963 1993·1994 Annual Report Volume 30 Foundation Review The School of Choice for the 21st Century

President an imllMH1am David Wendt Presently 40 members create the vision In order to implement the University's mission and goals. The board recognizes its President·Elect increased responsibilities. It is a cataly~t working with donors and the Robert Sorensen a4ministration as it identifies resources' for the exemplary programs at uw­ Stout. Private financial suppon is imperative and is a necessary lifeline for Past President the institution. David R. Feslet Contributions from alumni, friends, and corporations continue to strengthen Secretary the University. The record of generQus giving this past year has provided David W. Wendt Rita Christoffersen added resources for scholarships, faculty development grants and the

Treasurer appointment of the first Taft Professor In the School of Industry and William Kryshak Technology. The ambitious $10 mill" Campaign was this past year, and the ufact

Richard Anderson engineering laborato David P. Barnard everyone who has Roy Bauer (\ /" I I I! A M. James Bensen UJlI! Scot Catto' Rita ChristOffersen DAVID

our COImtiry depends to a significant degree on higher education. But it will be a different higher education than my generation experienced. Then programs Geisert were often self-contained, did not relate to any specific profession and perhaps did not even attempt to relate to the world outside of the university or college. N ow we know that unless our programs reflect the changing needs of society, unless programs link to businesses, corporations or other segments of the public sector, graduates may not find the meaningful, Karen Martinson fulfilling life they expect and deserve. William Micheels Chancellor Harlyn Misfeldt UW-Stout is positioned extremely well future because we have been Charles W. Sorensen Gwen Nickleski blessed with visionary leaders. We m tly assess where we are Grace Osrenso and embrace change. Technology will IficaJ:.ltly how we teach, the Mark T. Peddecord audiences we reach, and the expectations of our students. We must blur William Powell the distinction between the campus and the private sector, reinforcing Azizur Rahman partnerships, forging new ones, and reaching out to other audiences. We Anne Reuther must integrate disciplines. We must accept the realization that we compete Carol Siedhoff in a global society and that students need certain skills to compete Robert Sorensen successfully. James F. Stiloski Robert S. Swanson We recognize this as an eXCItIng challenge, one that will not only reshape Steven Vande Berg the university, but in a very positive way, affect our future. We welcome James G. Vier change at one of the finest state schools in the country, the University of Don Williams Wisconsin-Stout.

Executive Director Patricia Reisinger CHARI:: SW. SORENSEN, UW-Stout Chancellor Assistant Director Suzette Hitmer to

Annual Fund Director and your investment which is critical for an institution whose educational Denise Sedlak programs excel and prepare its graduates for the next century.

We are proud to have been honored as a 1994 CASE "Circle of Excellence = for Fundraising" awardee, and we share that award with our benevolent c < donors. It is a pleasure to present the annual report.

($~,~~~ Patricia Reisinger

PATRICIA W. REISINGER, Faun t n Executive Director The grant program enables faculty, staff and students to apply for funds. to underwrite research, equipment needs, or special projects. The grants must relate directly to the Mission of UW­ Stout. The Hedberg Foundation, Janesville, Wis., is sponsoring the Geraldine Hedberg Faculty and Staff Grants portion of these awards through an annual gift of $2Q,000.

American Apparel Dr. Judy Rommel. Early Childhood Education Manufacturing Association Associate Professor Mary McManus Scholarship Dr. Denise Skinner Activities Coordinator Melvin Leroy Anderson Professor Save Lake M;nomin Scholarship . Human Development~ Family Community Service Project David P. Barnard Family Living, Community $2,000 Library Endowment Educational Services The project provides Dorothy Z: Bergman Scholarship Wisconsin Focus. on community service Janice Henning Blake & George International' Year of the Family opportunities for students to F. Blake Jr. Scholarship $2,970* help improve the quality of Alex Bogaard Scholarship Funds to support the statewide Lake Menornin and its Mavis Kramer Christianson conference, "Family: Resources shoreline.

David R. and Elizabeth P. Fesler and Responsibilities ill a Student Research Endowment Changing World." Barbara Burdick First Federal Bank Wisconsin Senior Developmental Phi Sigma Phi, Omega Academic Scholarship Skills Specialist Chapter Flexible Packaging Association Gale Story Johnathan A. Ruman '95 Scholarship Academic Counselor Chairman, Cannon General Electric Foundation Empowering Women Students Restoration Scholarship of Color Dr. Steve Fossum Ruth Aaness Harmon $10,000 (3-year project)* Professor Scholarship Project sraff addresses the Physics Gerttude and Nelson Lynde.. barriers and challenges Cannon Restoration Development Fund Kelly and Jenny Jaworski experienced by American $1,000 Frank Marek and A to Z women srudents of color at A cannon used in the Civil War Printing Scholarship UW-Stout. will be restored. Minnesota Material Handling Society Sheri Klein Brian 3M Scholarships and Faculty Assistant Professor Hall Director Development . Art Education Antrim/Froggat Hughitt and Orvetta Moltzau Saturday Art Program: A In the Name of Love, Hope, Scholarship University Based Teaching Joy... The Names Project AIDS Erik Odness Scholarship Model for Art Education. Memorial Quilt Packaging Education Forum $4,441* $2,000 Scholarship A teaching lab will provide Panels from the quilt will he Beverly Spinti and Marty Springer: Michael Reetz Scholarship pre-service experience for art displayed at UW-Stout during Digital Imaging Group with student Royal Credit Union Scholarship education majors as well as family weekend as an participants. Evelyn Van Donk Steenbock art instruction for the awareness/educational too!' Chair, School of Home community. Economics Marty Springer Jennifer Wegrzyn Scholarship UW-Stout Clerical Network Photographic Coordinator Mary Hintzman Beverly Spinti Program Assistant 2 .Lecturer Bonni Falkner Food and Nutrition Grants & Budget Specialist Imaging Technology Project: An Total Quality Humor Interactive Interdisciplinary $1,179 Approach. The program will provide a $5,553 professional development Student teams will work with opportunity for support staff faculty/staff and clients to and the community which will design and produce otiginal foster communication and a visual material related to food positive attitude in the styling. workplace.

-;;; ~ Sean Robinson '94 c c *Indicates a Geraldine <: Hospitality & Tourism Hedberg Grant '" Management Jenny Jaworski '95 Retail Merchandising & Management Karey Kelly '95 Foundation Support to IJW·Stout JUly 1, 1993 • .Il.1l'1e 30, 1994

The Hormel Professorships . "'" ~~,' . Professorshii»s. are .funded $ 42,674 by the Geo. A. Hormel and are Dr. Co., Austin, Minn. and are Activity Funds used to support each Training and Dr. John Williams, $108,987 recipient's professional Human Development, activities. Appointed Living and' Administrative Hormel Professors are Dr. Serv Expense Grants Beatrice Bigony, Socia~ $287,114 Science, and Dr. Frances Borg 1 Dr. Beatrice Bigony Dr. Frances Garb Garb, Biology. Bigony will bequest to the university upon Faculty & Staff Grants study Native Americans in their deaths. Herr will continue to $ 47,680 Wisconsin while Garb will develop the Graphic continue to explore the use Communcations Scholarships of technology in the $126,601 classroom and develop curriculum, teaching UW-Stout Alumni Association materials and assessment $ 32,961 options for university courses. Toward Century II Campaign $ 22,015 Dr. James Herr Dr. John Williams

Industry and Technology, is the Ftyklund Campaign first George A. Taft Professor of $260,482 Manufacturing Engineering. The professorship is in honor of TOTAL the late George A. Taft whose $918,514 daughter, Esther Taft Quinn, and son-in-law, Dr. Robert E. Quinn, established the program.

Dr. Heimdahl

Income includes ual purposes as well as endow "S are usually spent in the year 1~\ ed while endowment gifts are\ ~'" the income zs spent. The scholarship program of the Stout Foundation began in 1963 when concerned faculty and alumni sold Homecoming buttons to raise $200 for two scholarships for Stout students. This past year 270 students received over $195,000 of support. The growth of the scholarship program reflects directly on the generosity of alumni, facultJ!, friends, parents and corporations who wish to help students in their pursuit of an education. Many of these scholarships are endowed funds, and the income earned by the fund provides the scholarship money. Others are from annual gifts received each year by the Foundation. The Foundation and the University wish to thank all of the donors who made these scholarships possible.

Gwen Nickleski, chair Dwight Agnew Wisconsin Academic Education Excellence NRHH Carolyn Barnharr * American Apparel Foundation 6 NSP Company Wisconsin Halsey Douglas * American Hotel Foundation 4 Academic ExceIIence 2 American Institute of Plant Steven C. Olmstead Chris Enger * Engineers Twin City Chapter 13 2 Alma and Charles Pignucco 3 April Frelke * 11elvin LeRoy Anderson Eva 11. Patchen 11emorial Bakers Square Restaurants' 2 Phi Upsilon 0 n Deanna House Frank and Berry Belisle Phi Upsilon 0 n Gold Tammy Lanoue Dominic J. Bordini 11emorial Anniversary Bida Lou Braker 2 Robert 1. 11emorial Lela Lugo * Jean Breisch Arnold and Donna Piersall Walter and Evalyn Van Stratum Technology Education ~en 11arcinson * Brinkman 13 Loraine Piersall 11emorial 11artin Ondrus * Leo F. Buscaglia Lynn Pritchard 11emorial David Carey Randy Replinger 11emorial The first recipient of the Erik Jon Odness Grace Qsrenso G. Scot and Angela Catto Lucille W. Reynolds Endowed Scholarship Scott Klimek 11ark 'f>eddecord Central Wisconsin Club of Printing Joe Rinck 11emorial 2 House Craftsmen 2 Dori and 11ike d (center) with Jerry and Cheri Odness. Robert Schuler * Frank Cervenka 11emorial Richard Robe morial Carol Siedhoff W.P. "Phil" and 11avis Christianson Homer C. Rose City of 11i1waukee Hospitality Nelva G. RunnalIs ~en Zimmerman * Patricia Coker Endowed Graduate Clarence W. Schawk 11inority Estell and Nelda Curty 2 Frances Schneider 11emorial ·resource person Reinhold and Borghild Dahlgren Greg Schubert 11edia Technology Wisconsin Academic Excellence 5 August Schulz 11emorial 11aryruth Dahms 11emorial 11elvin Alexander Scott George and Gladys Decker Virgil and 11innie Knight Sco George DePuy and Kathleen Society of 11anufacturing Engmeers Valentine Wisconsin Academic Endowed Excellence Special Door-Kewaunee County Restaurant Distri Association Bohd litakiewicz John Entorf and Design ~en Fladoes 11emorial 2 Statler Foundation Tom Fleming 11emorial Steiner/11iInes Gary and Donna Reetz (I) and Ryan . John and Frances Furlong Art 2 Ralph A. Stevens Industrial 11ichael T. Gilbertson 11emorial Techn ndowed Nielsen (r) presented the Michael Reetz Owen F. Goodman, Jr./ StOut duate 3 Endowed Scholarship to Timothy Hobbs. Contributions by Source for Ann S. Goodman 2 Stour Great Northern Corporation/ Aca Year Ended June 30, 1994 Robert W. Brown Ro Great Northern Corporation/ F J. James Davis Friends 11 % Donald Haile Hankscraft 11otors/ $408,081 Getbet Products Company 2 Corporations 8% H.11. and Una 11ae Hansen $303,160 11emotial 11argatet Harper William Hellet, St. 3 Judith Herr Early Childhood Hopkins Raspberry Festival Hospitality Unlimired Curtis A. Hostager Industrial Design Cora Sunde Walters 11emorial Frederick V. House Bob Ward Photography Technology Education Charles P. Wegner 11emorial H. Edwin Howe Wisconsin Jennifer Wegrzyn The Mavis Kramer Christianson Academic Excellence 3 Henrietta T. Wells Dietitics Scholarship was presented to Kimberly Independent Printing Company 2 Dave Wendt/Design Concepts C. Ray and Babe Ingram Wisconsin Academic Excellence Reik (I) by Mavis Christianson. Terry and 11argy Ingram Ray Wigen Gtaduate International Student Helen Willems Honot Lida Jamison 2 Wisconsin Home Economics John A. and Kathryn 11. Jarvis Association Undetgraduate Dunn County Wisconsin Innkeepers Association Fred Johnson Graphic Arts 11erit Karen Johnson Wisconsin Rutal Rehabilitation Parents 28% Kainski Freshman Corporation 8 Jessie 11ay Erlin Kaiser Joe and Jan Womack Wisconsin $1.065,074 Floyd Keith Academic Excellence KeII Container Corporation Lois Wood Alumni 53% Paul E. KeII Packaging Samuel E. Wood Student Senate Donald KeIIer $2,005,035 Clive C. Kentish LueIIa Kramer 11ae E. Lampert Wisconsin Academic ExceIIence 6 Toby J. Landgraf Endowed 3 Todd Bruss (center) recipient of the Ron Lenore Landry Home Economics Educational Services Murray Scholarship with Dr. and Mrs. Herbert B. and Clara 11. Koolmo James Murray. Larsen Education William R. Lindsay Graphic Arts Luther 11ahan 11emorial 11ichael 11axa 11emorial Ray F. 11cNaughton 11enasha Corporation- George Hinton FeIIowship 2 11argaret 11icheels 11embrial 11ilwaukee Foundation's John Ernst 11emorial 3 Charles and Carolyn Blaine 110wbrayEndowed 2 Rita J. 11urkowski Endowed Arthur 11. Nakatani Endowed Gift Clubs It is our privilege to recognize all alumni, parents, friends, " faculty/staff, corporations and foundations who have contributed during the past year to the continued growth and vitality of UW-Stout. Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness of these donors lists. Ifyour name is missing, please notifY the Foundation Office 715/232-1151. Please note that gifts included were" those received between July 1, 1993 and June 30, 1994. Gifts received at later dates will be recognized in a future report.

Clubs Balance Sheet

GOLDEN CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Howard 59 65 & Barbara (Werner) Stout University Foundation, Inc. Margaret (Penningron) 48 & Robert OF STOUT 62 Steinhilber 49 50 Swanson Don 63 Stephenson Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balances ­ The Golden Circle of Friends is Gustave 52 57 Swanson Modified Cash Basis TOWER CLUB made up of those who have Robert 49 50 & Margaret made provisions fOr UW-Stout (Pennington) 48 Swanson June 30, 1994 and 1993 Friends of Stout who contributed through their estate planning. Mary Lubs Thomsen 45 Broderick $1,000 or more this year. The Those who have made provisions Richard Timm Tower Club recognizes the visible, but are not among those listed LG 23 Topliss ASSETS 1994 1993 enduring tradition of support begun are encouraged to contact the Margaret (Coburn) 46 Trezona by Senator Stout. Stout Foundation to infOrm John 67 68 Wesolek " them of their plans. Those Francis 31 Whiting Cash $ 127,352 $ 30,530 Helmuth 60 & Donna (Johnson) 68 wishing more infOrmation about David &: Karen Williams 69 Albrecht estate planning should contact Don Williams Eula MAnderson Ms. Patricia Reisinger at the Roger 49 50 Winberg Due from Athletic Department 16,000 -0- Eric M 89 Austvold Foundation Office. Karl 50 & Jean (Pengilly) 52 Frank J & Betty Belisle Windberg M James & Nancy Bensen * Asterick denotes decedent Samuel Wood Investments 7,800,323 4,887,350 Robert Blaine 80 & Linda Briese ** Denotes retired Ot former John 65 67 Zuerlein Robert & Helen Bogaard faculty and staff WP 47 & Mavis Christianson MEMORIALS Furniture and equipment 82,621 82,621 George DePuy & Kathleen Eula MAnderson Valentine Sharon (Hafeman) 62 Balius Alex Bogaard Less - accumulated depreciation 27,905 " 21,787 Carol A Dobrunz Dewey 33 Barich Margaret Wayne Dodds Gwen Entorf & Family Sam 41 Barich Christopher Scott Dunkak Frances & Elliott Garb Louis 48 & Mary Below Emma B Hammann Net furniture and equipment 60,834 Raymond S & Phyllis Hostager Viola (Luebke) 40 Bergholz Ruth A Harmon Deanna (Howell) 61 & George Ed Biggerstaff Howard Heigl House James & Gloria (Miller) 75 Nancy Iverson Total Assets ,978,714 Terrance & Margaret (Wood) 70 Bjornerud John Landry 76 Ingram Delores Brinkman Marie Lehman June King Eldon 49 Broman Phyliss McKay Daniel L 66 67 & Sally Larson Scott R 78 79 Cabot Gottlieb Rempfer Arthur Paul 68 71 & Pat Meisel Hugh 74 & Marcia Crane Ed Schoepp LIABILITIES Elvera (Rogers) 27 & Sam Mercer Lloyd & Ruth Crane Colonel Glenn SliiVer' Due to University $ 7,636 $ 464 Gordon A &. George 21 & Gladys Decker Woody Weberg James M 72 76 Discher Leta Wells Carol Dobrunz Lloyd Whydotski Property improvement obligations 56,625 Halsey Douglas ennette ng Anita (Christiansen) 21 Dunn JAMES HUFF STOUT CLUB Bruce 59 & Betty Rabe John & Christine 73 Enger Gary J & Donna F Reetz Annuities payable 21.7.62 7,076 Wesley 56 Face Friends of Stout who contributed Richard Reinhold Bertha 20 28 Gehrke $10,000 or more this year. The Patricia (Wenner) 61 67 & David 62 Owen Goodman Sr James Huff Stout Club recognizes 67 Reisinger Total liabilities 86,023 71,243 Gladys 26 Gotcher the tradition of vision in existence Roger 61 65 & Anne M (Thiel) 61 84 Dorothy (Marino) 68 Grimes since 1891. Reuther NA Tony 65 66 Gullickson John B 67 & Judy "Ruegg Linda Hall Kathleen (Michads) 41 67 & David FUND BALANCES Denise M & Robert Sedlak Laverne 34 39 Hansen P 46 47 Barnard Unrestricted 368,304 248,967 Linda (Storm) 81 & James 80 Stiloski Beverly 53 Henderson Dorothy (Zillmer) 39 Bergman Allan 62 83 & Joan Tegr Robert 66 Houck Estate Eugene J & Kathleen A Vader Tetty & Margy 70 76 Ingram Janice (Henning) 35 Blake Estate Restricted 7,544,064 4,658,504 Don & Nona Williams Lida 21 Jamison Anonymous Jan G & Joe Womack Karen L 61 62 Johnson David R & Elizabeth P Fesler Rosanne & Allen 84 85 Johnson Geraldine (Raisler) 51 & Donald FOUNDATION CLUB Total fund balances 7,912,368 4,907,471 Harold G 39 Kees Hedberg Clive 83 84 Kentish James R & Virginia Johnson Friends of Stout who contributed Steven L 70 74 Kittleson Hugh 36 & Orverra (Braker) 36 $500 or more this year. The Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $7,998,391 $4,978,714 C Robert 39 Krause Moltzau Foundation Club recognizes firm Claudia Landgraf Charles 51 57 & Carolyn (Blain) 51 commitment to support the Steven Landgraf Mowbray Audited by the firm of Wipfli. Ullrich, Bertelson CPA's organization. Wilma Landgraf Evelyn (Van Donk) 25 Steenbock Lenore 45 Landry Estate Kathryn (Wigdahl) 62 68 & Richard Mr & Mrs Price 32 Larson Gustave B 52 57 Swanson E 60 62 Anderson Donald 49 52 Lux Growth in Assets 1965-1994 Donald Baughman Robert Marcella CHANCELLORS CLUB Joseph 69 69 78 & Karen Donald Y McMillan in thousands of dollars Benkowski William J 32 Micheels Friends of Stout who contributed 8,000 Charles & Janet Buelow Jack 37 & Marjoty 38 Milnes $5,000 or more this year. The Connie (Hines) 78 & Jay Cahow Clark E 79 Nelson Chancellor's Club recognizes 7,000 Angela (Massman) 89 & Scor Catto Michael & Lucy 80 89 Nicolai leadership support of the university. Charles C Coker Edith 10 30 Palmer 6,000 Diane 62 67 Colby Walter 52 57 Parsek Roy A 67 & Elizabeth Bauer Rebecca (Gralow) 64 & Jay Joseph 46 53 Petryk John & Fritz Furlong 5,000 Cranston Arnold & Donna Piersall William C Heller Robert P & Christina D Cronin Maybelle (Ranney) 45 57 Price Kim (Entort) 84 Jedlicki 4,000 Joseph F 65 66 & Helen Culliney Henriette 31 39 Quilling .Mildred C 29 29 Olson Estate Dwight & Linda Davis Joan 61 66 Quilling Ronald B 78 Swanson 3,000 William G 58 & Donna Geisert David 62 67 & Patricia 61 67 Jerry & Emma Talen Carlyle & Ruth (Grotjahn) 84 Reisinger J~e (Bordini) 66 & James 66 2,000 Gilbertson Greg 70 & Janice (Strom) 69 Vier Clifford J Goosmann Robbins 1,000 Maurice 57 58 & Helen (Baldwin) Paul Robinson UNIVERSITY CLUB 58 Guptill Helen 29 Roth 500 Yvonne (Zimmerman) 70 & Peter C i Mrs Phillip Ruehl Friends of Stout who contributed 68 Hady ,;: Ken 81 & Sherri (Downing) 81 $2,500 or more this year. The 100 Anonymous ... Ruf University Club recognizes an David M 71 & Nancy Hubbard §= « Amelia (Smilanich) 35 Russell advanced level ofgiving to the Lenore 45 Landry .. Harold 34 Sack institution. 1965 1975 1985 1990 1994 James & Sherry Linn Jack 57 Sampson Daniel R 65 66 Manthei EJ & Bernice Schoepp Roger Harmon $3,000 455,958 1,770,849 3,131,719 7,998,391 Ethel (Adams) 21 Martalock Lois Siefert Karen L 61 62 Johnson Estate Lee Smalley William J 32 & Betty Micheels Robert 50 54 Mc Kay Wesley Sommers Gary & Bonnie Olmstead Debra (Klein) 82 & Robert 80 83 Robert 54 57 & Beverly 54 76 Robert & Kay Jarvis Sladky Meyer Spinti George F Stroebel Clifford J 41 & Elsie Moe Special The Stout University Foundation was the recipient of four very significant gifts during the 93-94 fiscal J·ear. A $875,000 bequest from the estate of Evelyn lIttn Donk Steenbock '25 will establish an endowed chair in the School of Home Economics. A $410,000 challenge gift from Geraldine Raisler Hedberg '51 as part of the Campaign for Fryklund Hall will be used to purchase lab equipment.

Virginia (Bell) 43 & Richard Sue (McCausland) 74 & John P 74 Harry A 35 Beach Terrence Patrie Munday Nicholson William 70 77 & Ann (Baggett) 70 Thomas L & & Joseph Joan C Newton Gwen & Glenn Nickleski 77 Beaster Warren M 59 68 & Mary Ann (Cerny) 58 & Clifford Jerrold W 71 73 & Cheri Odness Earl C 39 & Ruth Beckman James B Clifford Patti Flanagan Peach David A 81 & Patricia Ogilvie Amy (Daluge) 76 76 & Vmce Behm Melissa A 88 Close-Boldon & John James W 64 65 85 & Jean Fleming Lloyd Piersall Lucile (Anderson) 57 Olson Deette Beilfuss-Eager oldon Steven J Flinn Michael John 78 Rass Steven L 76 & Carol Opsal Marilyn (Dean) 75 & Douglas Bell He' Barbara M (Freund) 85' & James E Lorna L (Ashcrafr) 79 Rinck Grace E (Laudon) 54 & Ned OStenso Lynda G 70 Beller . 87 88 Flirsch Michael & Dori Rirland Janet (Roberrson) 33 & Lewis G 32 Gerry R 89 & Mary Bentzler Ka Terry L & Wayne M Forrun Carol (Hines) 79 & John Palmer Mary Ann (Heimerman) 54 Beran Ruth (K Earl Robert 56 & Mae (Rammer) 56 Siedhoff Theodore J 72 & Joan Rake Pete 82 & Cathy A (Albanese) 82 Jerome Fosrer Wesley S Sommers John G 42 53 & Edith (Lackner) 42 Berends Dougl James 73 & Leah (Lamprecht) 71 Barb (Wrlliams) 59 & Robert P Richter Thomas C 71 & Katie Bersch Robbie (Diez) Fowble 60 65 Sorensen Wrlliam F 67 & Judith (Gunderson) Richard J 76 Best & Mary 77 Joseph J 76 & Sherry Costello Fowler & Mary Catherine Robert 54 57 & Beverly 68 Rohde Hopkins-Best Michael & Kathryn Coyle ie (Peterson) 54 76 Spinti Eunice A Rueppel David 66 66 & Sue Beveridge Gene J 87 & Sherrie Crooks Janelle M 89 Fox Lou A 76 Tiffany Kenneth 81 & Sherri (Downing) Diane (Hasart) 70 73 & M Thomas Maxine Cross V Susan (Sever) 78 & Allan Foxwell Henry & Caroline Tourville 81 Ruf 7074 Bibeau Mark S 78 & Janet (Miller) 77 Suzanne Frank Steven 75 & Susan Vande Berg Nancy (Brackett) 56 & Donald W 61 Mary )':. 81 & Arden Bierman Dahlman Mary (Weiking) 61 & Robert Debotah (Douglas) 70 83 & 64 Sabarke Gerald Henry 63 64 & Mary Biese Susan E (Michaelson) 81 & David Franken John 67 68 Wesolek Colin & Deanna Sadler Bruce 67 & ,Berry Biggin Dahmus Wayne F 68 & Tina Franzen Paul J 84 & Joann Schmidt Joyce 63 Bisbee David I 49 Daily Louis & Janet Frase CHALLENGE CLUB Carl 47 & Laura Seitz Jon D 90 & Mary Bishop Mary (Strause 87 & John Dangler Robert W 76 & Kelly Frater Bruce E 78 Siebold Katie (Kaempfer) 75 & Joe Blaylock Jeffrey N 'ce Daniels James & Patricia (Zick) 82 Freer Friends of Stout who contributed Howard & Rita Slinden Kevin C 86 & Lynette Bleed Linda M Dorothy (Braunwarth) 61 & Ralph $250 or more this year. The .. David R 75 Srout Melanie Lynn 83 Block James J 66 Challenge Club recognizes the Roger L 74 & Carrie T Michael W 83 Block Robert G 72 Dante challenge of keeping Stout a high Lisa (Lunde) 84 & Step Gerald 74 & Eloise (Goeke) 74 Rosalie (Ra & Robert quality institution. Jennifer 92 Wegrzyn Blomquist Dannenb Frank & Edna Wrlson Harold M 60 James Emory 79 & Rebecca Sharon Wold Susan Marie ( Anthony Chuck 66 67 76 YOSt Louis & Sharon (Hafeman) 62 Beth (Robertson) 50 65 & Jo Balius 61 Yount Louis E 48 & Mary Below Tod Russell 83 & Robin Zimmerman Chester A 68 70 Boneler Joel L 78& Cassie Braatz HERITAGE" CWB ··Bolm Wrlliam P & Rose A Burns Douglas R 87 Boone Karen (Moore) 62 & Harry D Friends of Stout who contributed Heidi E Bougie 63 Cain $100 Or more this year. The Lindsey S 75 & Susan Bovinet Judy Schindler & Chuck Heritage Club recognizes the George 47 & Carol Bowers Carlson tradition of support Stout has relied Gaylord B 52 53 & Ruth Boyer Helen (Diedrich) 35 & Donald Steven L 71 Christophersen on since 1983. Rodney & Julie Brajdic Gates Patrick E 65 & Toni Conley John J 70 & Mary Branmer Diane Lynn (Romness) 77 & Don Hugh D 74 & Marcia Ctane Karen E 86 Aasen Tom R 78 & Lisa (Raasch) 79 Braun (Hock Gavic John E 37 & Loie Curtis Jeffrey L 82 & Sue Abramowski Loren A Hataj 75 & Trudy Breach Kenneth Doane Sheila M 86 Geere Edward A 71 Dean Stephanie (Wolfe) 81 & Bill Abright Fred F 61 Brechlin E Michael 85 Domke William A 68 Gehrand Marvin L 69 & Sandy Dehne Andrea J 87 Adams Carl J 35 & Louise Brenner Steven L 83 & Lisa Domke Janice (Fischer) 62 & Glenn 60 Arthur B 48 49 Dietrich Helen (Guhl) 81 & Edward Adams Charles J 65 & Susan Brenner John Donnellan Gehring SCOtt C 77 & Susan Dreger Dwight Agnew Michael L 80 & Leah Britton Michael J 85 & Kristi Draver Janice Marten & Lee E 70 Gehrke Dale M 73 & Debra Evans Marjorie (Thull) 48 Ahlf Dorothy (Quilling) 26 Broadwell Thomas J 83 & Jane Drazkowski Ann M (Piehl) 87 & Myron L 86 Charles S 43 & Mary Ellen Diana M 88 Albers Brian A 77 77 Brown Wrlliam 66 & Gretchen Dresen Geiser (Bradley) 42 Gardiner Robert Paul 73 Albert Charles D 81 & Rebecca Brown Samuel A 79 Duerr Robert 66 67 & Bonita Gelina Perry E 79 Giese Timothy & Becky Albrecht Donna (Fain) 81 & Donald Dennis 64 67 Duginske * Don 55 & Veretta Gersrad Owen F Goodman Mary Beth (Sladky) 69 & Ronald Brown Michael S 68 & Pat Dunford Peter 65 & Mary (Travers) 67 Shirley (Strachota) 62 & John P Allison Smart P Brown Marvin & Ardys Dunn Gerstel 64 Graham Nancy L (Buse) 79 & William Althoff Robert & Kathy Bruss Thomas M 78 & Kathy Eagan Keith J 86 & Cara Getschel Nancy (Bartee) 81 & Michael Maria (Schuster) 85 & Randy Gerald & Lesley Brustrnan Toni (Woodruff) 75 & Andrew Edward 74 & Jean (Hovelsrud) 74 Hacker Altrnayer Richard 78 & Susan Buchanan Eckmayer Getz Clement R 78 & Cynthia Michael 80 & Donna Amundson John F Bujalski Harvey D 68 & Dayl Eckrote Ellen J CHain) 71 & William Gibb Hackworthy Richard Henry 81 & Cindy Robert 46 67 Burke Janice (Grosskopf) 66 74 Effinger Robert 59 & Gloria Giersbach William & Ginger Hamer Amundson Jeffrey P 89 & Terri (Geesman) 89 George G 67 & Marge Egenhoefer Brenda L 84 Gieszler Dale D 69 Harbath Charles P & Karen J Anders Burmeister Terry Eikamp John Patrick Ti & Diane Gillis Colleen M 88 Hartmon Mary Lois 55 Andersen Julia (Hierl) 79 & William L 72 80 Elizabeth (Hoblin) 80 & Randall Lila (Danielson) 45 Gilmore James R 58 59 & Audrey Keith W 59 Anderson Burmesch Endicott William H 61 & Cleo Glasenapp Heggen Lana (Lawrenz) 69 88 & Harlan John B 54 &. Gloria Burnett Richard Anthony 83 & Mary Jane Connie J (Papineau) 71 & Steven Beverly 53 Henderson Anderson Thomas E 69 Burns (Kucera) 83 Enz Goede George J 71 & Vicky Hendricks Stuart A 35 Anderson Daniel L 68 70 & Randy Busch John W 78 & Juliene Erdmann June M Goerner Karen (Horky) 64 & Bruce Genevieve (McClurg) 32 Armstrong Steven E 58 & Natalie Butz Miriam (Tebeest) 48 & Carlton A James W 83 Goers Hirte Harold N 69 & Paulette Ameson Christopher 85 & Patricia Calawerrs 47 48 Ericksen Cynthia (Aga) 76 & Ronald Gohl Ray & Janice M Keil Patricia L 78 Arrrus-Doherry Jeffrey A 81 & Michele Carlson Donald L 59 & Vivian Erickson Ellen Rachel 82 Goldfine Ted R Knous Richard G 68 Askins True H 72 & Liane (Benninger) 72 Richard L 69 & Janet Erickson Manley Goldfine Keith C 60 & Elizabeth Koch Virginia (Jacobson) 44 & Robert Carr Barbara (Mindis) 74 & Robert Esse Lynn 74 & Lisa B 78 Goldney Robert L 73 & Gwen Krostue Atkins Dennis W 80 Casey Thomas 73 & Evelyn Esselstrom Dennis M 71 & Carolyn Lori A (Barth) 84 & David C 84 Mark Hillerud 79 Ausrin Steven 81 & Lynn (Vitelli) 81 Casper Wesley L 56 & Cyrilla Face (Robertson) 70 Golner Krueger Sara (Solie) 77 & Richard R 80 Baer Gregory W 79 83 & Janet Casura Gerald P 84 Fahl Steven J 78 & Elizabeth (Goulett) Marvin 55 56 & Janice Kufahl Mark Edward 77· & Linda Baker Charles L 76 & Sara Caverly Kim R (Fruir) 84 86 & Robert Falk 79 Gomoll Carol (Snell) 40 & Jerry Kyle Karen 78 Ballaban Susan Kaye (Totgetson) 75 75 & Kathleen 68 69 Fallon Joann (Marquart) 57 & David Margaret (Goedjen) 75 & Walter E 48 & Miriam Bandlow Richard Cecconi Dennis L 74 Fangmeyer Goodlaxson Michael R 74 Lenth E Robert 68 73 & Marilyn Banes Gary HL 51 & Bernice Chang Sharon (Pawlak) 81 & Gregory 80 Charles 81 & Cynthia Goodremote James 60 Levendoske Ann (Switzenberg) 55 & Wrlliam C Christine M Cherek Fecho Winston 72 & Aurelia Gordon William J 75 & Kathryn Lohr 52 Banks . Thomas G 76 & Billie Chipain Lucille M (Horner) 87 & James A Gladys (Fink) 26 & Leslie Gotcher Richard D & Cheryl (Faduni) John C 61 68 73 & Nan (Ness) 62 73 Sandra (Wiemetslage) 69 & Michael 86 Feeney Michael & Kathryn Gotthardt 64 70 Lowery . Banks J 69 Chopin Gilbert G 60 Feller Michael E 83 Grady Dale M 69 & Rebecca Lueck John J 70 72 & Diane Banks Diane (Vance) 69 & Dean Elizabeth (Lee) 46 & Frank Ferry Dale R 69 & Erica (Gustafson) Joseph F 53 54 & Mary Lonnie D 80 Barten Christensen Dale B 70 & Catherine Feste 69 Granchalek Luetkemeyer Paula (Gilbertson) 81 & William Steve 66 Christensen Jeffery P 77 & Diane Feyen Monica T Grandbois Carol S 74 Lund & Doug Friend Bathke Parry Jo (Hovde) 59 & Neil Sherri L (Biss) 90 & Bill Field Marie (Helms) 78 & Jimmie Gravely David R 67 & Nancy Joanne (salm) 60 & Robert Bauer Christenson Roger L 68 & Linda Fieser Timothy 86 & Rebecca Greenway (Schuertpelz) 67 Mancusi Katheryn (Rasmussen) 73 & Patrick Gene 66 67 & Helene Duane K 85 & Kathy Fimreite Sandra K (Strauch) 75 76 & Anthony & Kathleen Martson C 75 Bauer Christiaansen Maija-Liisa (Ryhanen) 70 & Thomas Gregar Carol (Stuckmann) 76 76 & Kenneth 84 & Rosemary (Wolf) Barbara (Gardner) 67 71 William 69 76 Fink James C 71 & Caralee Gregersen Kevin 76 Mt Cradden 83 Bauer Christiansen Charles T 41 & Berry Finney Douglas & Marie Griesbach Robert. K 61 Moll Curtiss G 84 & Linda Bawden Ernest F 53 & Joan Christiansen John 40 & Virginia (Carroll) 40 James 80 81 & Kathleen Griffin Lena (Bertodatto) 29 Monroe William L 34 41 & Evelyn (Hunt) 33 Norman Chudacoff Finney Edward 56 & Roberta (Haskins) Ralph D 50 54 & Joan Myhrman Baxter Cheryl (Seegers) 70 & Jerry Cizek David G 85 & Wendy Firth 56 Griffith Special The first student research endowment was established by David R. and Elizabeth Fesler with an initial gift of $100,000. This Fesler-Lampert Research EndQwment is also part of the Fryklund campaign. The Feslers also funded a donor recognition wood sculpture. Mr. Fesler is a firmer president of the Stout University Foundation board of directors.

Giving to

Judy Grossklaus Suzette (Ftanks) & Konrad Hittner y Foundation donors provide the Paul 52 & Eleanor Kokubun Michael & Barbara Grorheim Rose (Hein) 75 79 & David E 79 Richard W 72 & Rhona Konetski Fritz & Leslie (Moberg) 66 Hobson u ded to produce exceptional Lynn E 86 Konkel Grove William K 69 70 & Charlene ac at ersity of Wisconsin-5tout. Thomas D 68 & Vicky Kornegor Karen L (Lacek) 83 & Timorhy A Hodgkinson Gene Jon 81 Kosarzycki 84 Groves Karen (Schouten) 76 Hodgson Benefactors can select the forms of support that are Terrence 73 Kostrivas Gregg 74 77 & Luann (Mattison) Craig L 68 & Mary Hodne appropriate for them. Donna (Camponeschi) 67 & Richard 73 Grudem Vincent P 87 Hoey Kowalczyk Kyle M (Bryan) 82 82 93 & D Dean 85 Hoff Grace A 74 79 Kragness Bruce Gruening Frank 55 & Beverly Hoffmann Mr And Mrs CR Krause Patricia (Choitz) 61 & Art Lawrence J 71 Hollenbach Annual Support Lynn Marie (Schmid) 83 & James A Grundke Allan H, 75 & Alice Holst The Alumni and Parent Phonathon programs, Reunion 85 Kriha Ginger (Havens) 86 & Keirh A Mary (Kirk) 62 & Gerald 63 76 Donna M (Lemberger) 77 & Randy 85 Guggenberger , Holubets Giving and Annual Fund mail programs allow alumni, Krippner ' Fred G 73 & Linda Guinn Ronald L 82 & Tammy Horne parents and friends to make annual gifts in support of Steve Kristo Dr Adolf & Virginia Gundersen Edwin & Mary Horsrick Bruce E 77 Krueger Anrhony J 71 75 & Jeanne Patricia A (Genskow) 69 & Dayton the students and educational goals of UW-5tout. Marvin L 54 54 & Dororhy Krueger Gundrum Hougaard Otto B 64 70 & Connie Krueger Donald & Nancy Guse Louise A (Case) 80 & Stephen (Jochimsen) 74 & Byton David C 77 & Camille Gurh Hucal Gene A 83 84 & Teresa J Roland J 38 Huebner (Hammelman) 87 Gutman Michael S 78 Huftel John & Lenora Habenicht Ronald W 66 Hull Jerome & Gloria Haen Rosalie (Orth) 50 & Rich 50 56 Kerry B 82 & Terese (Crough) Hunsbuscher 81 Hafner Jane 44 HUiltzicker Betry Hagen David J 65 & G Linda (Worden) 71 & Dan E 71 Hussey Hampton Dr Partic Deborah Jean (Hughes) 81 & John A & J J Thomas 81 Handy Donald C 46 50 & Donald E 40 & Virginia (Wild) John Robert 77 Isbell 4062 Hansen Everett 50 & Vicki Iverson Elisabeth A Hansen Diane H 73 80 Jackman Calvin M 75 & Wanda Jacobs & Phyllis Mary W (Adams) 56 & Richard , Jacobs 72 & Robyn Hansen Rurhann 71 Jacobson Roger L 55 & Ramona Hanson Lee & Joan Jameson Charles A Lask Albert 26 35 * & Elizaberh Richard G 71 73 & Irene Janos Irvin T 50 & Eleanor Larhrop Hanzel Jack 77 & Leslie (Harris) 77 Jeatran Lynn C 60 & Donna Lawrenz Connie M 76 Harmeyer Brian M 64 & Rurh (Hopfensperger) Brian John 79 & Pamela Le Susan Lillis (Bell) 70 & Robert 63 Jennerjahn Memorial and Honorary Gifts Houillier Harmon Mary M 72 Jens Randall C 78 & Terti Le Mahieu Thomas Harmon Mavis K (Rowsam) 62 Johannes A memorial or honorary gift is a special way to recognize Nang 67 Le Timorhy N 90 Harmon Nancy (Karaus) 67 & Richard 67 69 a loved one or friend's life and accomplishments. The Marilyn (Krause) 74 & Richard Germaine M 78 Harrand Johannsen Leccese Paul J 70 Harris Carmen (Duge) 77 & Stanley A Stout Foundation offers opportunities for those who Bruce A 80 Lecheler Harlan A 90 & Barbara Hart Johnson Milford S Lechleimer Yvonne M (Boller) 77 & Roger Charles R 63 & Susan (Hefty) 63 wish to associate an individual or family name with a Richard F & Judirh A Lee Hartz Johnson program of enduring worth such as a scholarship, Mrs JR Leetz Joseph E 80 & Lisa Hatchell Dawn 58 69 Johnson Kenneth A 69 76 & Mary (Jensen) Brian Allen 80 & Bonnie Hauke Dororhy S (Erickson) 38 & Robert professorship, endowed chair, research or development 71 Lehmann Daniel M 80 & Diane Hayden Johnson fund. Steven E 86 & Karen Lehner John T & Teresa Hayes Larry R & Janice L Johnson Jack 82 & Cindy Lemke Vivian (Florin) 33 58 Hazel Thomas & Barbara Johnson Todd A 86 Lemke Jeffrey L 85 Hazen Karhy L (Koskinen) 80 & Tom Please send inquires to: Marilyn (Dye) 75 & William J 76 John P 85 & Karhy Heck Johnsrud Lemsky Thomas J 83 Heckel Donna (Anderson) 54 Joppa Patricia Reisinger Jon M 87 Lerbs Vivian Heigl Jan & Ronald Jordan Executive Director Peter & Barbara Lettecci Gene M 78 & Carherine Rowena (Christen) 52 58 & Charles Charles & Judirh Lewellyn Heikkinen 51 58 Jorgensen Stout University Foundation Kuan-Ting 81 & Chi Chen (Li) 80 Ted 52 & Germaine Hein Ann (Petershack) 81 & David 82 Lin Jeffrey B 77 & Alice Heinzen Juhlke PO Box 790 Dellmont 49 51 & Jean Lindbloom Mary (Kay) 56 & John Heisler Chris A 86 & Lisa Jurik Menomonie, WI 54751-G790 Mary (Pevonka) 71 & John 70 Link James 70 & Esrher (Fong) 70 Nicholas J & Shirley A Kaiser Norbert L 59 61 & Cecelia Link Helgesen Frederick 53 56 Kajihara (715) 232·1151 Michael A 85 Loiselle H Thomas & Mary Heller Dean H 87 & Tamme (Schroeder) Fax (715) 232-5015 Milan 57 & Prudence Lolich Thomas E 78 Heller 88 Kalmenon Joseph 49 53 & Phyllis Longo Sue A 68 Hendricks Judirh (Amundson) 86 & Patrick Nina Jo 70 71 Look & Frederick 67 George 48 51 & Miriam Keenan Derr Hendrickson Charles 69 & Patricia (Jones) 70 Keye N 51 & Helen Loper Ruth (Larson) 72 & Lynos 70 Kell Jerome J 55 56 & Marcy Loushin Hendrikson Ramona (Bryant) 74 Kellam Rita (Ryan) 46 & Lorin Lucius Dan 74 & Judirh Henke Troy E 89 & Dana Kelly Joseph J 87 Lysdahl James M Hennessey Daniel W 83 & Pamela Kennedy Karen (Johnson) 62 & Kennerh 62 SCOtt A 85 & Jill Henning Karhryn (Boetrcher) 64 & Jon Maahs Mary Jane (Price) 78 82 & Thor Kerrick Janis B (Bredesen) 78 & William M 82 Henrikson Carol (Banner) 55 & James 54 55 Mac Pherson Sandra (King) 81 & Donald Kichefski Paul 66 74 & Donna (Foley) 65 Herke Roland 50 & Joan Kickbush Madary Roberr B 76 Herling James L 68 & Shirley Kieffer Elizabeth (Neuberger) 67 & William J 87 & Sandy Hermes Thomas M 81 & Pamela (Hart) 82 Robert Madej Patrick J 86 & Deanna Herold Kimberly Glenn 70 & Sandra (Wallace) 70 Richard G 67 75 & Marilyn Jerry & Carol King Magie

Heshelman Brian J 59 67 & Beverly Kirby Todd M 88 Magolan ~ = Zita (Gilbertson) 65 & Carson Jeffrey A 72 Klauser Matthew T 91 & Lynn Mais =c Hicks Karrie A (MacKenzie) 86 Klein Diann (Holtsapple) 66 & Robert <... Ann Michelle (Hallada) 83 87 & John D 59 & Helen (Harry) 56 Malueg Ray Parker 82 Hill Kleven Joanne (Kennedy) 78 & Anrhony John 78 & Laurie (Olson) 78 Hill Bill & Lorraine Klier Mancuso Randall C HiIleshiem Dale J 76 & Nancy (Saltzmann) 76 Donors listed in Ivanelle (Garthwaite) 42 & Tom Richard 80 & Laurie (Haseleu) Koehler not be listed again Manning 80 Hinze Wayne R 51 & Emmy Koehler Julie (Hardy) 65 & Gary Marshall Laurie (Heymans) 80 & Robert Marion F (Sweek) 86 & Richard Darlene (Pyatt) 56 & Lyle C 57 62 79 Hittner Kohl Martens Special David E Barnard '46, '47: Dean Emeritus of Learning Resources and Kathleen Michaels Barnard '41, '67 established the David E Barnard Family Library Endowment with a gift in excess of $35,000. The funds will be used for staff development purposes to provide a continuous infusion of new ideas and approaches to serving the library information needs of the campus.

Bruce A 78 & Kelly Martin Peter A 76 Nygaard Helen (Melville) 48 65 & John Kenneth J 81 & Sandra (Peterson) Gary L 78 & Patricia (Luskey) 78 Larry J& Mary Martin Kevin Wayne 79 & Suzanne O'Brien Roberts 81 Smott Voelz Todd Joseph 80 & Laurie Martin James R 59 66 & Janet O'Bryon Judith (Goehring) 57 & Jay Roberts Bruce A 83 & Diana Sneen Richard A Vomela James I 72 76 & Debra (Boyer) . Marie L Oakleaf Donald W Robertson Joanne Gohanning) 61 & Donald L Fred 77 86 Vondra 75 Marx Jerry 71 74 76 Oberbillig Dianne M (Hansen) 85 & Paul 79 58 Sohn Dennis L 82 & Debra Wagner James Charles 80 & Claire Matlon Anne M 84 Obradovich Robinson Gail M (Hoppe) 79 83 & Kurt Charles A& Janice L Wally Robert L Marthews Harriet (Okuyama) 49 & John Okino Anthony 73 & Carole Rodeghiero Sommerfeld Dave A 81 & Cheryl (Thompson) Tracy K (Luedtke) 79 & John Karla (Hanke) 61 & Bruce 61 Louis 50 51 & Eleanor Rodey Chancellor Charles Sorensen & 81 Walsh Marrhews Olander Mark D 88 Rohlinger Toni,Poll-Sorensen Janelle M 87 Walrer Scorr A 81 &.Connie L Kenneth A 69 & Cheryl Olson Scott L 87 & Gretchen Romenesko Marjorie (Hedberg) 52 & Frank. Wayne E 79 & Cathy Walters (Baumann) 80 Marye Mary Gedrzejewski).71 & Carl Olson William 57 58 & Dorothy (Belisle) Sorensen. John J 33 & Mary Waniga Glenn E 75 Matz Thomas W 75 & Kristie Olson 56 Romoser William J 31 Soucie,. John E 66 & Alice Waskow John 0 73 & Barbara May . Todd Jack 83 & Christine Olson Mary GRose Marlin 60 70 & Jean Spindler Donald C 60 62 & Sharon Lorraine (Nelson) 47 & Conrad. Wayne A 70 78 & Katherine 'Orsted Thora ERose '.' James A 67 &- Kathleen. Springer, Waterstreet .. C" L 4750 Mayer . Connie R {Schrabeck} 86 & Dennis Paul E 65 & Ruth Rosenow, , Martin S 81 & Michiko 88 Springer William'R' 66 & Earlene Way Steven James 78 & Jane Mc Clure Osegard Jeffrey D 72 Rouse . John Brink 74 Sproul Eleanor (Kopischkie) 45 & Charles Carolyn tKing)67. Mc Cormick Gregory D 78 & Tracey Oswald· Richard & FayerRoyle Charles Stabenfeldt H 47 Weber James ,A ?3, &.Mar<;ia Mc Culley Stephen J 86 Owens Melinda (Guse) 88 & John 87 Rud Gerald F 71 & Jill Ann (Werner) 72 Neil & Sandra Weber Thomas B 61&M¥lys Isaac B 84 84 & Abigail Owolabi E Rob~rt 48 50 Rudiger 79 Stanton Berry J Weberg Mc Donald Kathleen (Baumann) 72 & Thomas Jacqueline (Lubner} 80 & Mark Jeanine (Larsen) 60 & Gerald 61 Alvin 42 & Georgia Weitkamp Julie A (Schernenauer) 82 & Palmer Rupert Stauffacher Hope (Lathrop) 25 & William Bryan John 82 Mc ,Gann John A 70 71 & Delores (Mc Cullick) Dean H 70 74 Rusch Beatrice (Carlson) 27. ,Steffensen Wellstein Glenn .81. &: Shar()n Mc Murray 71 Parker William 76 & Judy (Makela) 78 Greg A 82 84 Steinacker-· Tim 67 68 & Rose Wentling Kellysue C 89 McCullough Daniel 71 & Cindy Ryder Elizabeth (O'Connor) 54 & Allen Theodore G Wenurn: David J 88·& Debbie McDonald Terry D 89 Patoka Bernhard & Charlotte Saari Steinbrenner ""_,, Vrrginia M 79 Wenzel Nancy (Feuerstein) 60 81 &: Rex F 84 & Laura Parrerson Neil 71 & Linda Saari David H 67 & Cheryl Steinburg Eugene H 42 47 & Pauline Werele Monte 60 McDonald Michael M 53 57 & Elizabeth Donald C Sachs Barbara (Werner) 62 & Howard P Pamela A 76 Werth John T 84 & Marye McGrath Pavlicin Lester 59 & Mary (Brackerr) 58 59 65 Steinhilber Berry (Smith) 40 & Frederick Thomas 68 & Jean McGuire James R 47 50 & Jean Payne Sagstetter Thomas R 81 & Anne Steinhilber Wheeler Trudy

Randy Alan Messner ~ Joseph M Irvin Jan K 90 Anderson Jeffrey D Osegard Ronald M Jankowski = Jeffrey P Meyer Jonathan L Jester Jamie W Angeli Ned E Ostenso Peter G Javorina <= Kim 85 Miller-Marx Yvonne (Furchtenicht) Jeziorski Robert C Arbetan Craig S Pannemann Michael R Jensen ..... Anne L (Axelsen) Miller Daniel T Johnson Robert J Asleson Raymond J Parker Michael N Jerhoff Brent William Miller James A Johnson Thomas G Ayers Robert J Patterson Cheryl A (Schlosser) Johnson Jeffrey K Milligan Karl D Johnson Brian J Babka David L Pawelkiewicz Gary P Johnson Greg Timothy Mischo Pauicia M (Randa) Jones Barbara L Baier Scott A Preston Jonathan J Johnson Joel L Morgan Virginia A (Born) Jordan Joann Krohn (Mcculloch) Bailey Sarah A (Weaver) Quasius Gregory L Jones Shirley M (Nass) 85 Murphy Thomas C Kane Susan K (Wunrow) Bauer Roger R Radtke Steven G Joosten Laura M (Kowalski) Nevins James J Kaufman Lorreen R Becklund Sandra L (Derrrnann) Randall Mike K Kangas Janice L (Knudtson) Nicol Byron J Kempen John P Benbow Brent P Ringlien Molly A (Schmirz) Kelly Brian A King Mark A Betz Daniel T Banach Brian D Stoddard ChriStopher A Perri Celeste E Klein Mitchell Bienvenue Matt J Beeler John D Strohfeldt James L Peters Joseph W Kluessendorf Stephanie (Roth) 91 Binversie Craig A Bentz Denise A (Cain) 91 Sundquist Steven E Plerra Daniel S Koch Gary R Blake Mary (Kovacevich) Berger Matthew V Sundquist Keith T Porter Katherine J (Pelegrin) Koch Susan M (Smiley) Blodgett Todd R Berger SCOtt A Texley Andre E (Lyon) Prahl Mary L Kolderie Christina J (Peterson) Blue Melinda A (Luedtke) Bertka Eric J Tidquist Jennifer R (Dorman) Prestil Kurt K Konietzki Nancy J (Cirkl) 90 Brehm Sara M (Schueller) Bloczynski Karen L (Plourde) Tobias Stacey L (Urban) Prodoehl Robert J Konkol Jon J Bruggeman Lisa L (Yatzeck) Bogrand Lisa M (Bogenhagen) Utech Becky L (Larson) Rajek Christopher J Kontney Thomas R Butler Robert J Bohrer Charles S Van Horn Ronald R Rautmann Kraig L Korpela Sara L (Bobbe) Cassidy Stephanie A (Jacobs) Bohrer Todd M Vandenavond Amy L (Nornes) Rhone James F Koth John M Cichon Linda H (Keiper) 89 Bouck Kathleen E (Lang) Walters Joel B Roberrs Rebecca A (Olsen) Koth Charles C Cleereman Janet A (Polasik) Bradshaw John W Wangen Timothy C Samuelson David A Kramer Theresa (Lembezeder) Cleereman Eric S Bred Michael E Weege Allison K (Decker) 91 Schnobrich Sarah J Kufahl Keith J Coenen Janis L (Ball) Briesemeister Paul C Wehking Joseph ,C Schuh Philip D Kuhns Paul R Czuba Bradley S Buchberger Randall J Wendt Michael P Slauson Dena M (Ackerson) Kunkel Karen M (Engelson) Dahl Anne M Budde Daniel F Woda Dawn (Makovec) Smith Carilee (Thompto) Lamb Jane (Striegel) Davis Dennis D Buechel Kristine F (Skoog) Wohnsen Sarah M Smith Beth M Lanser Sue A Dimpfl Karen K Burgess Michelle (Ennis) Wong William J Soper Nancy A (Yurs) Lee Cheryl A Ecker Debra (Hartman) Burns Peter J Young Dawn M (Thorpe) Sprecher Larry D Letson Jon P Ellingson Mark A Carter Amy (Sekas) Zeit Timothy B St Peter James J Lieser Christine M (Reimer) Ewing Greg C Crane Rochelle M (Buhr) Zuerlein SCOtt A Steenbock Frank F Lohrer Nancy J (Gunderson) Gallagher Karen C (Carlson) Crane Todd A Stoflet Wendy L (Weinbauer) Lueck Pattick E 87 Gallagher Ann M (Wittig) Dell'Agnese 1989 Amy L (Stever) Strohfeldt Paul EMaki Susan L Gauger-Digman Dawn M Diercks James E Ahneman Christine M Sutphen Antonio J Marin Brian T 88 Genelin Gary A Dribnak Susan L (Mohrfeld) 92 Aleckson Stephen W Swanson Dudley G Markham Jeffrey G Gossen Debora A Drower Jennifer J (Bickford) Amend Cheryl D Taylor Helen L (Vollman) Martin Randall L Hannemann Jeffrey D Edwards Gregory J 92 Amich John P Thormon Mary E (Schultz) McBryde Laurie J (Boegeman) Hanson Jona L Eliason Craig D Anderson Lisa A (Hamus) Thornton Patricia (Strassman) McGinnis Bradley R Harnisch John M Eliszewski Ellen M (Gisvold) Anderson Eric JUrdahl Laurie A (Clouse) Mclaughlin Curt R Harres Patricia M Fawkes Joel D Anderson SCOtt R Vander Heiden Charla A Meisel-Eccles Carrie E (Maher) Harrington Gene E Ferry Melissa A (Magolski) Anderson Doua Vang Nancy J (Osterndorff) Merwin Mary B (Selkey) Hawthorne Bonnita L (Gruba) Fetter Lisa M (Schwedrsky) Barnes Karen A Vansomeren Gregory A Meyers Daniel J Hierpas Jeffrey T Finch Timothy P Benidt Gerald R Waara James H Milkie Brian M Hillman Michael J Fink Jeanne T' Glenn T Walters Elizabeth T Miller David W Holling David L Foust Colleen Mor right Ellen M Miller Steven J Huebl Paula S (Peterson) Fricke Angela D Da emke Stephen E Millmann Laura S (Lembach) Huebner Todd D Gabower Lee Bo M (Deitering) Zurawski Robert J Monahan Desire E (Rozada) Hunter Dale A Gavney Brian J Zurawski Kirk C Moorhead Eric J Johnson Krissa K (McClelland) Geyer Chris Br Kristin (Nikolai) Mutchler Natalie (Pagliaro) Kavinsky Brian L Gilbert Robert D Todd A Nagel Marlys D Kellogg Heidi L Goehring Mary SB Russell L Nicol Glenda (Weber) Kemmet James J Gorecki Elaine R Jana (Jannene) Nomady Jon D Kerkes Sharon J Grabowski Gerald T Bulinski Debra F (Lindh) Odom Curtis W Kiesow Jonathan M Graham Jeffrey RC Melanie I (Mathson) Olson Lisa M (Meade) Kirkbride Shari L (Thede) Graham Brenda L Thomas J Olson Brian D Kirley Peter A Grassmann Gene A Carlson Kevin W Osterling Cheryl J (Broderick) Kothe Heidi Hable Carrie (Lassek) De J Michael J Owens Geralyn G (Mundschau) Kraft William A Hanson Elizabeth C (Bo Joseph P Padrutt Valerie A (Clark) Krage Ann C Harbour Jody M( Michael D Pesonen Brian P Kraimer Holly J (Guequierre) 90 Harr Steve A D Deborah (Zehnder) Pirkl John D Kramschusrer Judy A (Beers) Hartmann Lyle K Di Thomas A Plante Dawn M (Kultgen) Kroehn Jeffrey SHeath Daniel Joseph A Plouff Londa D (Dorr) Krueger Terri L (Holzhueter) Herber Roche Lavonne (Solem) Plouff Mark E Krueger RogerT 90 Hill Mi Jo Ann M Prange Robert E Leach Margie A (Tenpas) Hintze Lisa Leon M Ramminger Julie M (Backsrrom) Leapaldt Allen D 89 Ho Vir Julie (Carmody) Ringlien Scott D Ledermann Bruce N Ho Kelly J (Belknap) Roshell David M Lee Mark A Horb" John H Ruszczyk Julie D (Schuette) Lesar Wendy J (Swiggum) Carolyn (Christenson) Saba Carol E (Ademino) Livingston Kyle W 92 Howard Susan E Saman Karen E (Wood) Ludolph Lori A (Pyka) Huebl Kristin (Gordon) Sather Robert C Maas Rebecca L Hundt Tim B Sausen Gregory L Machler Robert A Jankowski Ernest D Schroeder Dawn M Manske Teresa J (Anderson) Johnson Craig H Schultz Deborah (Del Bianco) 89 Mauhar Todd L Johnson Kevin R Seifett Wendy S (Johnson) Mayer Bradley P Jones Shelly D Sekas Jeffrey T Maynard Traci L (Siech) Keller Cara L Seppi Holly B (Maas) Mercier Amy L (Sprengler) Jac T Shimshak Christine A Meyer Catherine M (Horn Calvin L Siegrist Eric T Meyer Marlow J Knabach Patrie Keilho ) 90 Gustafson Rachel A obson Karen R (Truttman) Siegrist David N Mickelson Randy R KottWitz David S Haley Terry W Jacobson Christopher J Skubal Shelagh (Geraghry) Mullen James R Larson Benjamin L Haney Joseph H Jacobus Carol L (Edinger) Smith Ann E (Pederson) Nelson Barry KLeis Susan R 90 Harden Chris K (Krause) Johnson Rick D Smith Kimberly F (Prill) Nelson Matthew J Levenhagen Todd A Harvey Glenn M Kasel SCOtt S Smith Paul D Nelson Lisa R Lichtenberg G Nicole (Frerichs) Hawes Tracy J Kellerman Shelley L Spargur Stacey L Otterson Machelle A Lirzau Paul A Hed Diane (Rottscheit) Kiesow Gerald W Staaden John Palof Juanita (Mack) Loether Eric A Herman Roberr EKing Krishun (Driscoll) Stanton /' Michael D Parish Sharon (Weiss) Lohrer Gregory J Hilderbrand Katrina M Korr Jay A Starkweather Pamela M Paul Doris C (Hoverman) Machler Joel D Hoenk Anthony J Kostick Scott J Stauffacher Tyler E Pease Roberr M Maier Shelley J Holen Kris K (Huntingron) Krumhus Donna M Stelter Robert P Penningron Sherri L Malicki Jeffrey S 90 Igel Steven P Kurtz Gregory A Stoeger Edwin M Perne Kristine (Laabs) Malmberg Margaret M 91 Ingram Steve J Lasee Ronald B Stolzenburg Mary J (Moriarry) Pesik Mark D Manoleff Leanne R Jackson Carol A (Gillen) Lebo Kathleen M (Bischel) Swan Lori A 89 Peterson Sylvia A (Jasik) Markham Richard C Jackson Francis J Lutz Mark S Swan Rebecca L Pfluger Ann E (Bur) Markuson Debra M (Lucas) Jacobsen Joel E Mann Brandt C Swanke Jolene M (Wagner) Randby Bruce H Markuson Michael R Johnson Jeffrey A Martin Ted J Szalkowski Jeffrey A Rauchbauer Janet L (Hilberg) McCann Robert M Johnson Leslie L Matthews Darren JTaie Sarah J (Schneider) Reich Christopher R Miller Steven M Johnson Dennis J Miller Tammy (Wiederhoeft) Thistle Jon D Rigotti Randy J Miller Jerome L Jolly Jeffrey J Miller Daniel M Thomas Janet L (Wilson) Schauer Kimberly A (Mickelberg) Moe John W Kersten John M 92 Miller Kari A (Twet) Thorpe Timothy J Schemenauer Frank F Moravec John C Kluessendorf Jay P Monson Natalie R (Erb) Thorson Jerome Shea Sandra L (Kampen) Moravec James A Kroehn Sara J Muenzenberger Darla J (Getschel) Traynor Daniel A Shervey Sonya M (Foss) Murphy Colleen Lambert Catherine M (Todey) Murphy Laura M (Kellen) Tribou William J Sommer David D Neitzel Peter W Lehmann Patricia M (Sherman) Naland Richard LTvedten Jeffrey M Sorensen Mark F Nickels Jerome T Lind Paul S Nesja Rene L (Tesch) Vande Zande Todd S Stecker Eugene E Noonan Lon R Ludemann Anne M Niesen Michael R Vaughan Jeffrey J Stodola Robert F O'Reilly Liz M (Wessley) Lund David S Olson Douglas N Vermillion Patricia (Sonntag) Strandell Nancy L (Gries) Ozanne James R Maas James H Olson Judith A (Britton) Vondrachek Daniel J Tekippe Jill M (Heinowski) Palof Richard A Manor Timothy J Pardun Lisa K (Halvorson) Warren Mary (Ticknor) Thibodeau Marie C (Slivon) Parker Dianne M Markowski Elizabeth A (Lindsay) Paulson Susan K (Sparages) Westcott Jay L Thomley Paul E Peltier Terry P Martin Timothy F Peterson Jeanne C (Yonda) Wilkinson Mark D Thornburg Michael T Petersen Brian T Mathews Tracy H Peterson Susan L Woehler Martin RTrucco James L Peterson James A 91 Mattern Jeffrey S Piettowski Brian J Woelfel David J Tuchscherer Victoria L (Titus) Porrer Jeffrey A Marrioli Kimberly (Parizek) Quesenberry Kristin A (Shirley) Wood Joseph D Vanhandel Laurie L (Meyer) Priftel Kimberly K Mayer Lori J Wayne Radke Gwen M (Trae) Wuerflein Robert R Vater John H Randby Michael B Menning Mark W Radke Raymond A Yates Brenda L (Bennett) Vatland Jerry W Read Mona (Mulder) Menning Christopher GRose Robin L Zappa-Vaughan Anne L (Scharlau) Wahl Mark A Renner Scott A Meyer Joseph A Schlosser Cheryl L (Krause) Zellmer Michael A 87 Weber Leean A (Schneider) Retder Scott D Myers Robert T Schofield Todd M Zuerlein Bruce L Wegner Mike A Rhone John E Neira C Heidi (Mulvaney) Schuh Judith A Weitzer Holly M (Franzwa) Rigorri Todd Alan Nelson Mark J Sebek 1987 Kevin M Wells Tanya (Haverland) Ruszczyk Charlene (Lynndred) Newby James A Skibbie Thomas S Aaby Carl D Willard Susan M Schaefgen Joan (Muench) Nickels Kathy L (Mdahl) Slattery Larry J Anderson Patrick A Wilson Wanda J (Frey) Schafer Gregory S Nielsen Dennis J Splitgerber Ellen M (Chvala) Arney Carri M (Williams) Wirkes Thomas A Schramski Curris J 91 Nolander Joanne K (Gustafson) Stillman Karla L (Oehlke) Arrigoni Paul M Zimmermann Lois (Siegel) Schultz Carol J (Clerkin) Norrman Jeffrey J Strother Michael A Arrigoni Rebecca C (Borg) Seiberlich Paul J Nortman Mary Joan (Simon) Sutton Steven E Ball 1988 Thomas J Seiberlich James E Novak Ryan P Tonolli Susan A (Klawitter) Beck Christy A (Barreau) Adsit Jill A Selinger Cari L 90 Parent Patrick B Van Lieshout Denise C (Hoeft) Beckel Laurie A (Gropp) Baierl Suzanne L (Palmer) Spatz Brian J Pascoe Cheryl L (Marry) Watson Todd S Bergstrom David J Baillargeon Brian M 5taedt Mary B (Molstre) Patterson Martin W Wenger Christine H (Krarnl) Betz Michael N Baker Kimberly J Stark Shelley L 91 Pax Mark L White Heather L (Kees) Wilson Janeen L Johnson-Caine Robert J Woelfel Deena (Kalepp) Johnson Debra S Zabel Rebecca A (Paquette) Johnson Kathleen C Zawislak James 'R Justus Jeffrey R Zeilinger Jennifer L (McCrady) King Kathryn A Zipperer Brian T Kleich Angeline M (Makris) Lang 1991 Janet Ley chair Kelly 85 Meer Lawrence F Abrams Wendy SLink Lisa L Abts Kent P Maas David Barnard Gregory J Allen Ann M Meersman SCOt Catto President-elect Mitzy L Applegate Ann Marie Qacoby) MiUer Connie (Hines) 78 Cahow Amy J Arneson Laura K Newton Rita Christoffersen Catherine V (Pringle) Ayers Mary C Marry Noe Hugh Crane David C Ayers Paul J Nordin Charles V Balistrieri Jeannine Owen-Block Carol Dobrunz Secretary/Treasurer Randall B Barr Michael C Patterson William Geisert Colleen 88 Hartmon Patricia L Barry Dawn M Peterson Sarah M (Young) Bauernfeind Lyn M (Fritz) Plerra Jack Hellum* Dean M Berg John D Puddy Lloyd Milavitz* Shirley (Strachota) 62 Graham John F Bingham Tracy (Morrison) Rademacher Michael J Brown Steven K Schalig Karen Martinson Ted 52 Hein Jennifer L Bruett ' Keenan W Stahl Karen (Schouten) 76 Hodgson Timothy J Bryan , Rebecca A (Bennett) Stahl Harlyn Misfeldt Janet M (Nelson) Chalsma Traci L Stasinopoulos Robett Swanson Marilyn (Krause) 74 Leccese Margaret A (Dolan) Cordell Joseph G Stichart Joanne (Bowe) 64 Leonard Robert G Cox Karen A Stoddard Dave Wendt Gerald E De Jung Wayne C Teig Norbert 59 61 Link Judith M (Gilles) Demers Paul R Thill Karen D East John D Utphall Development Carol S. 74 Lund Mary Jo (Kahlscheuer) Eggers Sandy J (Will) Utphall Robert Sorensen, chair Kristine 92 Murphy Daniel F Flynn Thomas D Voegele Douglas J Franck Elizabeth L Wall Dave Barnard David 76 Nolan Daniel J Fritz Colleen A (Rettler) Weber Roy Bauer John 78, 80 Ostrowski Deana M (Christenson) Gorecki Sandra M (Wagner) Weix Larry A Grein Gary J Wiedmeyer Carol Dobrunz Isaac 84 Owolabi Jeffrey D Halverson Paula K Wood-Koehler John 49 Postman James R Hartman Eric A ZeJ:f'as Dave Fesler Stacy M Hebel Kelly Meer C. Greg 85 Pottorff Karhleen A Henderson 1993 Susan (Mark) $0 Roman Jodi L Hesselink Ruth Ann (Sickler) North William Micheels Pamela A Heuer B Shawn Peecher Janet Polansky Robert 83 Schams Julie A (Christianson) Hill Mark A Rufi SCOtt A Hill Terry A (Scoville) Snyder David Wendt Todd 84 Traurrnarm Joanie L Qohnson) Holton Kim E Stencil Don Williams Kris 91 Trierweiler Kristin M Jilk Jill A Johnson 81 90 Zupek John M Johnson Thomas D Kabeary Jacquelyn C Kendal! Donald P Kirby , Graduate Kenneth K Knox Kevin J Kohl W. Kirk Bray, Undergraduate Julie J (Natzke) Kuehn Rick J Laher Paul W Lehmann FACTS ABOUT UW-STOUT Peggy L (Hughes) Marks Carol Siedhoff Christopher Metcalfe Facilities Lori R (Bergerson) Meyer Robert Sorensen Main campus 106 acres Glenn S Meysembourg Dave Wendr 36 major buildings ,

ChrlStme A (Cornue) N~sja Kelly] Neubauer Public Relations Holly (Szymanski) Noah 1993-94 Enrollment Shelly A (Mastey) Nordin Mark Kinney, chair Total 7,198 Kristin A Olson Roy Bauer Men 3,681 Christine M Omernik Women 3,517 Doris J (Sanders) Pagel Jim Bensen Graduate 558 Anne M (Ciolkosz) Pasquale Kim Brown* International 187 Kristine Ann Pfeifer WI Residents 5,162 Elizabeth A (Bongers) Pisinger Eric Double Michelle R (Willey) Plautz Janet Polansky Academic Programs Joseph D Pleshek 20 major areas SCOtt C Rademacher Steve Schlough Tadd J Rapant 13 master's degree programs Pamela (Michels) Redmann Jim Stiloski 2 Ed.S. programs Loren J Roth David Wendt Mary K (Follensbee) Schalig International Studies Jocelyn K Scheppers 12 study abroad programs Daniel S Schindler Real Estate Darrell L Schmidtke 1993-94 Costs Michael J Schomisch Steve Vande Berg, chair' Full-time undergraduate Scott A Schramske Richard Anderson tuition, fees, room Ray L Slattery and board $4,636 Kara E (Quinn) Smith Jim Bensen Amy E (Black) Steward Gene Haberman Student Newspaper Robert S Stewart Stoutonia (weekly) Karen R (Wimschek) Stichart Mark Kinney John T Stillman Staff Craig M Swanson Lenore Landry Unclassified Staff 577 Connie M (Staliman) Tamaddon Azizur Rahman Jo (Bjork) Thompson Classified Staff 392 Steven J Ulesich Steve Schlough Total 969 James L Voris Marilyn Tye* Edward W Wakefield Joan M (Laffe) Walker Jim Vier Sean M Warren David Wendt David F Weber Kristin E (Elvin) Wehking Don Williatll John L Whealon

1992 -resource person Jason J Ahlers Dean A Anderson Steven A Anderson Laura J Baus Sharon L (Geary) Bendickson Gail A Qohnson) Blundon o Douglas A Borgeson 0- Craig D Cardell O;! Ann M (Holmay) Charest Todd R Cordes Susan L Elliot Peggy W (Wiersma) Fleming Pamela J Fritz Denise Sedlak, Editor Douglas J Granr John DuFresne, Design Lisa M Greening Laura E Hamman Consultation Timothy E Heimueller Carol E Hill Suzette Hittner, Design LayOut Lisa (Cunningham) Jacobus Marry Springer, Photography 1993-1994 Annual Report