1986 Annual Report

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1875-1958 1965- Hampstead High School Hampstead Town Offices

Hampstead, New Hampshire _ KJjiiversity of New HampjA*:"'^ Libra rv Information About Hampstead

AREA Approximately 14 Square Miles 40 Miles of Road POPULATION Approximately 6,000 INCORPORATED 1749 CHURCHES Five Representing Five Denominations SCHOOLS One Elementary, One Middle High School Students Attend Pinkerton Academy, Derry, NH


REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT, DISTRICT 9: Alfred EUyson 382-5782 Peter M. Simon 382-5814 Annie Mae Schwaner 382-8375 Richard Haynes 382-7074 UNITED STATES SENATORS: Warren Rudman Concord 224-7115 Washington (202) 224-3324 Gordon Humphrey Concord 228-0453 Manchester 669-1232 Washington (202) 224-2841 1-800-852-3714 UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN: Robert Smith Washington (202) 225-5456 ANNUAL ELECTION 2nd Tuesday in March ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Friday Evening After Election SELECTMEN'S OFFICE: Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 4:00 329-5011 TOWN CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE: Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12:00 Monday - Thursday 1:00-4:30 Monday Evening 6:00-8:00 Friday 1:00 - 3:00 329-6840 CODE ENFORCEMENT/ASSESSOR/ BUILDING INSPECTOR/HEALTH OFFICER: Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00 329-5846 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE: Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:00- 12:00 329-6181 UNIFORM MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS, LAW OF 1917, CHAPTER 57











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http://www.archive.org/details/annualreportofto1986hamp Index

Information About Planning Board Report 36-38 Hampstead front cover Police Department Report 39 Town Officers 1 Fire Department Report 40 Voting Results 2 Fire Wardens and State Schedule of Town Property 3 Forest Ranger Report 42 Summary of Valuations 3 Emergency Rescue Squad Report Town Clerk's Report 3 43 Comparative Statement Hampstead Public Library 45 of Appropriations Public Library Building & Expenditures 4 Committee Report 48

Actual vs. Budget Report 6-9 Public Library Trustee's Report Tax Collectors Report 49 Hampstead Historic Summary of Warrants 9 District Commission 50 Summary of Tax Sales Accounts .... 10 Board of Adjustment 51 Unredeemed Tax Sales Accounts .... 10 Conservation Commission 52 Balance Sheet 11 Rockingham Planning Unpaid 1986 Levy Taxes 12 Commission 53 Treasurer's Report Family Mediation Report 55 Income Report 13 Lampey Health Care Report 56 Analysis of Cash Flow 13 Births 58 Selectmen's Report 14 Deaths 61 Revenue Sharing 14 Marriages 63

Payment to School District 14 School District Conservation Commission 14 Annual Report 65 Selectmen's Detailed Superintendent of Schools 66 Summary of Accounts 15-23 Report of the Principal 67 Auditor's Report on School Warrant 69 Internal Accounting Control 24 Hampstead School District 1987-1988 Hampstead Public Library 25 Budget 70 Building Inspector Report 27 Receipts 76 Building Permits 28-33 Expenditures by Account Report of the Trust Funds 34 and Vendor Report 77

Selectmen's Report 35 Emergency Calls back cover

Town Officers — 1986

ELECTED BIENNUALLY MODERATOR PIANMING BOARD Leonard Michael James Gorham 1988 R. Chase Vice Chairman George H. Wallace Treasurer REPRESENTATIVE TO THE Susan E. Hastings Secretary GENERAL COURT Peter Polinski William R. Clark Alfred El lyson Richard Haynes Peter Simon Annie Mae Schwaner BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUPERVISOR OF CHECK LIST Donald Reese, Jr. Chairman Neil Reardon Vice Chairman Juanita J. Randall 1992 Sheila Gorham 1990 Edwin T. Coombs Jeanne Sch] ichte Judith A. Mushial 1988 Thomas Gaff ELECTED FOR 3 YEAR TERM Patricia Reardon, Alt TOWN CLERK-TAX COLLECTOR FIRE DEPARTMENT ENGINEERS Alfred H. Brickett 1987 Walter M. Hastings, Chief 1988 SELECTMEN Paul S. Wentworth, Dep chief 1989 Neil E. Emerson 1987 Kenneth H. Clark 1987 William R. Clark 1987 Brian G. Eastman 1988 James Gilmartin 1988 William E. Beane 1989 TREASURER SEXTON OF CEMETERIES Vacant Harold T. Williams 1987 ELECTED ANNUALLY CONSERVATION COMMISSION CHIEF OF POLICE KAthe Cussen 1988 Hicholas PSngaro 1988 William J. Letoile, Jr. Peter Archibald 1989 HIGHWAY AGENT Alfred Maley 1989 Peter LaPointe 1989 Proctow W. Wentworth, Jr. Joel Saren 1989 HISTORIC COMMISSION LIBRARY TRUSTEES Kenneth H. Clark, Kx-Off icio Warren Treated 1987 Elsie Carideo, Chairman 1989 Pamela Hartung 1988 Priscilla Lindquist 1988 Lincoln A. Palmer 1989 Kenneth Parker 1988 TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS Muriel Gorton 1987 George Moore 1987 Ed M. Putnam II 1988 Jayne Worthen, Alt Pamela Hartung 1989 Winifred Clisbee, Alt Vancancy 1987


Joseph Beane 1989 Leonard R. Chase Susan E. Hastings Neal Reardon (Appointd) CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR Neil Emerson (Appointed) Vacant BUDGET COMMITTEE ASSESSOR/CODE ENFORCEMENT-HEALTH OFFICER Albert C. Lake, Jr. 1987 Vacant Claire Robinson (Resigned) 1987 Paul Wentworth 1988 CABLE TV ADVISORY BOARD Vivian R. Clark 1988 John W. Cross Raymond Flaherty Peter E. Archibald 1989 Clayton Shaw Christopher Harper Gene T. Duston 1989 Charles Miller SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE" APPOINTED BY SELECTMEN Brian G. Eastman, Ex-officio ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Robert Weimar Neil Emerson Karen Sapankevydh Charles F. Hunt Priscilla Lindquist WAGE S SALARY COMMITTEE RECREATION COMMISSION William E. Beane, Personnel Liason Joyde Omerso Philip Torre Donald Burgeson Patricia Reardon Marilyn Mosely Nelson Currin Donald Seeley Lincoln Palmer HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTEE Neil E. Emerson Wiliam J Letoile, Jr. Dean C. Howard David Morris Dale McLean :

Summary of Results of Voting at Annual Town Meeting March 11, 1986


Michael James Gorham, Moderator 2 years Juanita B.Randall, Supervisor of Checklist 5 years William E. Beane, Selectman 3 years William J. Letoile, Jr. Chief of Police 1 year Proctor Wentworth, Road Agent 1 year Lincoln A. Palmer, Library Trustee 3 years Peter E. Archibald, Budget Committee, 3 years

Karen Sapankevych, Trustee of Trust Funds, 3 years - (declined) Pamela Hartiing, trustee of trust funds, 1 year Joseph Beane, Trustee of Cemeteries, 3 years

2. Election of School District Officers (See School Report) 3. Approved 19. Approved 4. Approved 20. Approved 5. Defeated 21. Approved 6. Approved 22. Approved 7, Approved 23. Approved 8. Defeated 24. Approved 9. Approved 25. Approved 10. Approved 26. Approved 11. Passed Over 27. Approved 12. Approved 28. Approved 13. Approved 29. Approved 14. Approved 30. Defeated 15. Approved 31. Defeated 16. Approved 32. Approved 17. Approved 33. Defeated 18. Approved 34. Approved 35. Approved 36. Approved Schedule of Town Property Town Office, Land & Buildings $142,730 Furniture & Equipment 27,000

Meeting House Building 121,700 Furniture & Equipment 1,000

Memorial Gymnasium, Land & Building 275,800 Furniture & Equipment 1,500

Library, Land & Building 61,700 Furniture & Equipment 100,000 Fire Department Central Station 425,000 East Hampstead Station, Land & Building 27,500 Equipment 634,000 Police Department Building 103,280 Equipment 35,000

Highway Department, Land & Buildings 57,500 Equipment 14,000

Parks, Commons & Playgrounds Tennis Courts 40,600 Little League Fields 21,400 Town Beach 51,100 vrash Pond Road 11,600

School, Land & Buildings Middle School 1,626,200 Central School 796,900 Furniture & Equipment 255,000

Shoe Shop 1,000

All Other Property 566,420 Summary of Valuations Town Clerk's Report LAND 49,702,910 December 31, 1986 BUILDINGS 99.854.557 RECEIPTS Petty cash 100.00 TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 149,557.467 Auto permits $ 450,701.50 Dog licenses EXEMPTIONS 516.230 3,339.30 Filing Fees 9.00 Protest Check Fee 176.00 NET VALUATION 149,041,237 Sales 472.00 Marriage licenses 780.00 GROSS TAX AMOUNT (TAX RATE, $24.52) 3,654,482.00 Fees 8,742.00 Interest Check Acct TOTAL CREDITS 18,850.00 689.97 TOTAL DEBITS $ 465,009.77 TOTAL PENALTIES 3,856.00 Remittances to Treasurer NET TAX AMOUNT 3,639,488.00 464,909.77 Petty cash on Hand 100.00 NET TAXES COMMITTED TO COLLECTOR 3,639.496.00 TOTAL CREDITS$ 465,009.77

3 Comparative Statement Appropriations & Expenditures December 31, 1986

Appropriation Actual Balance Amount Expenditures Amount

GFNFP.AL GOVERNMENT Town Officers Salary 32,050.00 31,371.85 (678.15) Town Officers Expense 70,320.00 70,429.62 109.6 2 Election & Registration 1,600.00 1 ,399.50 (200.50) Gen. Gov't. Buildings 80,100.00 63,018.49 (17,081.51) Planning Board 22,800.00 22,212.16 (587.84) Board of Adjustment 6,800.00 10,743.77 3,943.77

I-egal lu Damages 5,000.00 5,297.90 297.90 Cemeteries 19,520.00 28,276.82 8,756.82 Regional Planning Assoc. 3,298.40 3,298.40 .00

PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department 78,660.00 83,487.03 4,827.03 Fire Department 57,850.00 60,635.58 2,785.58 Building Inspection 22,470.00 20,822.53 (1,647.47) Rescue Squad 19,000.00 18,880.86 (119.14;

HIGHWAYS STREETS, BRIDGES Highway Maint. - Summer 92,000.00 94,492.79 2,492.79 Highway Maint. - VJinter 72,300.00 60,180.21 (12,119.791 Street Lighting 17,000.00 15,777.24 (1,222.76)

SANITATION Rubbish Removal 160,000.00 138,848.10 (21,151.90)

HEALTH SERVICES Ambulance Services 8,600.00 5,850.00 (2,750.00) Rock. County Comm. Action 1,048.00 1,048.00 .00 Newmarket Health Center 600.00 600.00 .00 Center for LifeManagement 4,617.76 4,617.76 .00 Derry Visiting Nurses 13,263.75 13,263.75 .00 Retired Senior Volunteers 500.00 500.00 .00 Family Mediation 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 Rock. Child & Family Serv 500.00 500.00 .00

WELFARE SERVICES Old Age Assistance 12,000.00 290.50 (11 ,709.50) General Assistance 40,000.00 4,078.93 (35,921.07)

CULTURE & RECREATION Public Library 44,485.00 44,485.00 .00 Patriotic Purposes 2,500.00 2,522.61 22.61 Recreation 23,925.00 23,490.24 (434.76)

Conservation Commission 7,575.00 5,468.89 (2,106.11

DEBT SERVICE Interest 100,000.00 65,624.30 (34,375.70 Fireliouse Bond 40,000.00 40,000.00 .00 FiroJiouse Bond Interest 25,852.03 25,852.03 .00

Balances enclosed in ( ) = Under expended Amounts

Balance amounts without ( ) = Over expended Comparative Statement Appropriations & Expenditures Continued

Appropriation Actual Balance Amount Expenditures Amount

MISCELLANEOUS Insurance 52,000.00 56,758.94 4,758.94 Unemployirent Compensation 1,000.00 628.50 (371.501 Retirement 12,000.00 13,278.80 1,278.80 CAPITAL OUTLAY Revenue Sharing Expense .00 145.32 145.32 RS-Police Lights & Sirens 2,500.00 2,469.00 (31.001 RS-Computer 20,000.00 19,566.97 (433.03) RS-Repair Fence-T.Cts&BF 2,500.00 917.50 (1,582.501 RS Fence behind T. Office 700.00 .00 (700.00) RS-Sv/ale-Tennis Courts 1,500.00 .00 (1,500.001 RS Swale-Town Beach 2,300.00 1,825.00 (475.00) Salaries 3,600.00 3,600.00 .00 SERCSSMD 5,486.00 5,486.00 .00 Vic Geary 1,500.00 1,500.00 .00 Reappraisal 5,000.00 .00 (5,000.00) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Fire Station 7,500.00 7,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RS Police Furniture 85&86 7,500.00 4,622.56 (2,877.44) .00 .00 .00 Library Repair -1985&1986 14,377.50 14,395.00 17.50 Painting Buildings 1985 1,000.00 .00 (1,000.001 .00 .00 .00 Police Station -1985S.1986 59,978.00 61,823.67 1,845.67 .00 .00 .00 UNCLASSIFIED PAYMENTS Taxes bought by Town .00 .00 .00 Abatements .00 41,935.19 41,935.19

PAY. -OTHER GOV. DIVISIONS Payments to State .00 712.49 712.49 Payments to County 137,772.00 139,000.00 1,228.00 Payments to School 3,300,895.00 2,882,974.00 (417,921.00)

TOTALS 4,730,343.44 4,231,503.80 (498,839.64)

- Balances enclosed in ( ) Under expended Amounts

Balance amounts without ( ) = Over expended

5 Actual Ort — December 31 , 1986 Town Officers Salaries Appropriation Expenditures Police Department Appropriation Expenditures 7002 Selectmen 6,000.00 6,000.00 7101 Police - Labor $ 54,600.00 $ 62,377.91 7003 Town Clerk/Tax Collector 23,600.00 23,595.60 7102 Equipment 600.00 385.05 7005 Auditors 50.00 21.25 7103 Training 3,600.00 811.50 7006 Trustees of Trust Funds 50.00 50.00 7104 Uniforms 1,000.00 1,294.32 7007 Supervisors of Checklist 900.00 505.00 7105 Communications 1,200.00 184.32 7008 Moderator 250.00 0.00 7106 Telephone 4,000.00 5,016.02 7107 Association 10.00 7009 Treasurer 1 ,200.00 1,200.00 Dues 10.00 7108 Vehicle Maintenance 1,800.00 2,218.12 TOTAL $32,050.00 $31,371.85 7109 Supplies 700.00 737.27 7110 Miscellaneous 250.00 1,350.30 Town Officers Expense 7111 Gasoline 7,000.00 5,088.40 7021 Labor-Town Clerk's Office $ 6,500.00 $ 6,959.38 7112 Restitution 0.00 562.00 7022 Town Clerk/Tax Coll. Exp. 4,000.00 2,832.43 7113 Dogs 500.00 688.23 7023 Computer Expense 12,000.00 12,522.65 7114 Special Duty 1 1,000.00 1,443.00 7024 Expenses of Officers 1,000.00 521.81 7116 Retirement - Police 2,400.00 1,320.59 7025 Town Report Expense 3,000.00 3,704.70 7026 Inventory Expense 300.00 178.73 TOTAL $ 78,660.00 $83,487.03 3,000.00 2,888.23 7027 Supplies Total Revenue To Date 1CR $ 4,523.82 7028 Association Dues 1,300.00 1,450.79 7029 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 999.11 7030 Postage 3,500.00 3,353.05 Fire Department 7031 Labor-Selectmen's Office 24,720.00 24,764.00 7201 Labor $ 500.00 $ 370.06 7032 Telephone 2,000.00 1,918.97 7202 Utilities 4,500.00 3,146.30 7033 Machine Maintenance 800.00 1,349.43 7203 Communications 8,000.00 6.155.47 7034 Mileage 2,000.00 1,609.39 7204 Association Dues 300.00 279.00 7035 Cable TV Expense 200.00 69.95 7205 Water Supply 2,000.00 3,522.72 7036 Timber Tax 1,500.00 807.00 7206 Hose & Fittings 9,000.00 9,406.77 7037 Audit 3,000.00 4,500.00 7207 Protective Clothing 3,000.00 2,243.97 TOTAL $ 70,320.00 $ 70,429.62 7208 Vehicle Maintenance 8,000.00 13,037.45 Total Revenue To Date OR $ 11,826.75 7209 Forest Fires 1,800.00 319.16 7210 Equipment 6,000.00 11,918.40 Election and Registration 7211 Training 2,000.00 402.55 7041 Labor $ 1,000.00 $ 1,339.50 7212 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 1,508.92 7042 Supplies 350.00 0.00 7213 Gasoline 2,500.00 1,444.88 7043 Miscellaneous 50.00 0.00 7214 Fire Alarm 7,750.00 6,879.93 7044 Booths 200.00 60.00 TOTAL $ 57,850.00 $ 60,635.58 TOTAL $ 1,600.00 $ 1,399.50 Total Revenue To Date CR $ 5,235.46 Town Government Buildings 7050 Firehouse Heat $ 10,000.00 $ 2,883.76 Rescue Squad 7051 Firehouse Utilities 5,000.00 985.15 7301 Training $ 4,000.00 $ 3,794.76 7052 Firehouse Expense 5,700.00 3,717.14 7302 Medical Supplies 4,100.00 2,617.50 7061 Labor 16,000.00 15,282.78 7303 Communications 1,600.00 1,545.28 7062 Supplies 1,000.00 1,167.04 7304 Maintenance 1,700.00 2,431.88 7063 Miscellaneous 5,000.00 8.172.26 7305 Miscellaneous 800.00 565.06 7064 Town Office Heat 4,000.00 3,226.60 7306 Medical Equipment 800.00 1,901.97 7065 Town Office Utilities 1,500.00 1,106.23 7307 Uniforms-Protective 1,500.00 1,468.46 7066 Gym Heat 2,000.00 2,219.89 CI. 7308 Rescue Tools 4,500.00 4,555.95 7067 Gym Utilities 1,500.00 1,352.78 7068 Meeting House Heat 2,000.00 1,431.06 TOTAL $ 19,000.00 $ 18,880.86 7069 Meeting House Utilities 400.00 343.62 7070 Town Garage Heat 3,000.00 2,933.19 7071 Town Garage Utilities 1,500.00 2,044.31 Planning and Zoning 7072 Police Station 385.51 Expense 1,000.00 7401 Labor $ 6,500.00 $ 6,151.50 7073 Town Office Expense 2,000.00 2,168.50 7402 Legal Ads 1,000.00 907.30 7075 Police Station Heat 2,000.00 1,078.83 7403 Supplies 2,300.00 2,434.96 7076 Police Station Utilities 2,100.00 754.89 7404 Telephone 500.00 474.08 7077 Gym Expense 12,900.00 11,060.19 7405 Postage 1,200.00 1,476.11 7078 Town Garage Expense 500.00 485.63 7406 Map Work 3,000.00 3,772.00 7079 Meeting 219.13 House Expense 1,000.00 7407 Recording Plans 1,200.00 1,147.00 TOTAL $ 80,100.00 $ 63,018.49 7408 Printing 500.00 97.60 Total Revenue To Date $ 4,185.00 7409 Miscellaneous 500.00 2,035.60 7410 Mileage 100.00 140.20 Building Inspection 7411 Legal 3,000.00 1,639.31 7081 Labor-Code Enf. Officer $ 22,470.00 $ 20,822.53 7412 Road Inspection 3,000.00 1,936.50

TOTAL $ 22,470.00 $ 20,822.53 TOTAL $ 22,800.00 $ 22,212.16 Total Revenue To Date CR $ 20,824.00 Total Revenue To Date $ 9,078.26 Board of Adjustment Appropriation Expenditures Highway Department 7451 Labor $ 2,700.00 $ 2,011.75 (Summer) Appropriation Expenditures 7452 Legal Ads 750.00 1,051.68 7701 Labor $ 500.00 $ 0.00 7452 Supplies 300.00 29.85 7702 Equipment 20,000.00 24,152.00 7454 Telephone 0.00 0.00 7703 Supplies 3,000.00 719.78 7455 Postage 1,500.00 1,228.49 7704 Paving 61,000.00 57,350.86 7456 Miscellaneous 0.00 56.00 7705 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 628.46 7457 Mileage 50.00 0.00 7710 Street Marking & Signs 2,500.00 3,224.28 7458 Legal 1,500.00 6,366.00 TOTAL $ 92,000.00 $ 94,492.79 TOTAL $ 6,800.00 $ 10,743.77 Total Revenue To Date $ 4,412.50 Highway Department Legal (Winter) 7502 Legal $ 5,000.00 $ 5,297.90 7801 Labor $ 2,000.00 $ 412.50 7802 Equipment 35,000.00 34,615.00 TOTAL $ 5,000.00 $ 5,297.90 7803 Salt 24,000.00 16,004.38 7805 Sand Insurance 4,500.00 1,916.00 7806 Miscellaneous 150.00 335.39 75C3 Insurance $ 52,000.00 $ 56,758.94 7807 Equipment Repair 3,500.00 2,014.51 TOTAL $ 52,000.00 $ 56,758.94 7809 Road Repairs 1,000.00 4,363.47 Total Revenue To Date CR$ 617.46 TOTAL $ 72,300.00 $ 60,180.21 Unemployment Compensation 7504 Unemployment Comp. $ 1,000.00 $ 628.50 Street Lighting 7901 Street Lighting $ 17,000.00 $ 15,777.24 TOTAL $ 1,000.00 $ 628.50 TOTAL $ 17,000.00 $ 15,777.24 Ambulance 7505 Ambulance $ 8,600.00 $ 5,850.00 TOTAL $ 8,600.00 $ 5,850.00 Library 8001 Library $ 16,800.00 $ 18,695.32 Solid Waste Disposal 8011 Library- Labor 27,685.00 25,768.28

7601 Solid Waste Disposal $ 160,000.00 $ 138,848.10 8012 Library - Mileage 0.00 21.40

TOTAL $ 160,000.00 $ 138,848.10 TOTAL $ 44,485.00 $ 44,485.00

Rockingham County Comm. Action 7602 R G Comm. Action $ 1,048.00 $ 1.048.00 Old Age Assistance TOTAL $ 1,048.00 $ 1,048.00 8101 Old Age Assistance $ 12,000.00 $ 290.50 Newmarket Health Center TOTAL $ 12,000.00 $ 290.50 7603 Newmarket Health Center $ 600.00 $ 600.00

TOTAL $ 600.00 $ 600.00 General Assistance Center for Life Management 8101 General Assistance $ 40,000.00 $ 4,078.93 7604 Center for Life Mgmt. $ 4,617.76 $ 4,617.76 TOTAL 40,000.00 $ 4,078.93 TOTAL $ 4,617.76 $ 4,617.76 Total Revenue To Date CR $ 3,670.48

Derry Visiting Nurses 7605 Derry Visiting Nurses $ 13,263.75 $ 13,263.75 Patriotic Purposes TOTAL $ 13,263.75 $ 13,263.75 8201 Patriotic Purposes $ 2,500.00 $ 2,522.61

Retired Senior Volunteers TOTAL $ 2,500.00 $ 2,522.61 7606 Retired Senior Volunteers $ 500.00 $ 500.00

TOTAL $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Parks and Recreation Family Mediation 8301 Labor $ 12,000.00 $ 12,495.69 7607 Family Mediation $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 8302 Sports Activities 2,100.00 1,426.30 8303 Elderly Activities 6,500.00 5,840.09 TOTAL $ 5,000.00 5,000.00 $ 8304 Equipment 500.00 249.62 8305 Maintenance 2,200.00 2,609.41 Rockingham Child & Family Service 8306 Supplies, Arts, Crafts 175.00 0.00 7608 Rock. Child & Family Serv. $ 500.00 $ 500.00 8308 Utilities 390.00 393.01

TOTAL $ 500.00 $ 500.00 TOTAL $ 23,925.00 $ 23,490.24 Cemeteries Appropriation Expenditures Interest Appropriation Expenditures 8401 Labor $ 4,000.00 $ 3,042.31 8801 Interest $ 100,000.00 $ 65,624.30 Supplies 300.00 1,301.99 8402 TOTAL $ 100,000.00 $ 65,624.30 8403 Equipment Rental 650.00 5,420.00 8404 Gas/Oil 550.00 962.43 Firehouse Bond 8405 Records - Supplies 20.00 0.00 8802 Firehouse Bond $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 8406 Records - Labor 400.00 0.00 8407 Burial Labor 2,000.00 1,410.00 TOTAL $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 8408 Burial Equipment 1,000.00 790.00 8410 Equipment Repair 700.00 1,420.36 Firehouse Bond Interest 600.00 886.80 8411 Improvement Repairs 8803 Firehouse Bond Interest $ 25,852.03 $ 25,852.03 8412 New Equipment 1,300.00 1,866.08 $ 25,852.03 $ 25,842.03 8421 Mowing - Labor 8,000.00 11,176.85 TOTAL TOTAL $ 19,520.00 $ 28,276.82 Revenue Sharing Expense Total Revenue To Date $ 9,952.62 8901 Revenue Sharing Expense $ 0.00 $ 145.32

Conservation Commission TOTAL $ 0.00 $ 145.32 189.10 8501 Labor $ 0.00 $ RS-Police Lights & Sirens 8502 Appraisals 1,250.00 0.00 9001 RS-Police Lights & Sirens $ 2,500.00 $ 2,469.00 8503 Association Dues 175.00 139.00 8504 Postage/Supplies/Phone 500.00 295.77 TOTAL $ 2,500.00 $ 2,469.00 8505 Legal 400.00 0.00 8506 Plans/Deeds 1,000.00 0.00 RS-Computer 0.00 8507 Arbor Day 0.00 9002 RS-Computer $ 20,000.00 $ 19,566.97 8508 Camp/Seminars 500.00 51.00 8509 Forest Consultation 500.00 855.00 TOTAL $ 20,000.00 $ 19,566.97 8510 Land Development 650.00 823.24 8511 Shop Pond 600.00 780.75 RS-Repair Fence - T. Cts & BF 8512 Ordway Park 0.00 216.00 9003 RS-Repair Fence-T.Cts&BF $ 2,500.00 $ 917.50 8513 Wetlands Inventory 0.00 1,398.08 TOTAL $ 2,500.00 $ 917.50 8514 Dredge & Fill 2,000.00 690.95

TOTAL $ 7,575.00 $ 5,468.89 RS Fence Behind T. Office Total Revenue To Date $ 1,000.00 9004 RS Fence behind T.Office $ 700.00 $ 0.00

TOTAL $ 700.00 $ 0.00 Regional Association 3,298.40 $ 3,298.40 8601 Regional Association $ RS Swale-Tennis Courts TOTAL $ 3,298.40 $ 3,298.40 9005 RS Swale-Tennis Courts $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 Taxes Bought by Town 8602 Taxes bought by Town $ 0.00 $ 0.00 RS Swale-Town Beach TOTAL $ 0.00 $ 0.00 9006 RS Swale-Town Beach $ 2,300.00 $ 1,825.00 TOTAL $ 2,300.00 $ 1,825.00 Abatements Abatements $ 0.00 $ 41,935.19 8603 Salaries TOTAL $ 0.00 $ 41,935.19 9007 Salaries $ 3,600.00 $ 3,600.00

TOTAL $ 3,600.00 $ 3,600.00 Retirement 8605 Retirement $ 12,000.00 $ 13,278.80 SERCSSMD TOTAL $ 12,000.00 $ 13,278.80 9008 SERCSSMD $ 5,486.00 $ 5,486.00

TOTAL $ 5,486.00 $ 5,486.00 Payments to State 8702 Payments to State $ 0.00 $ 712.49 Vic Geary TOTAL $ 0.00 $ 712.49 9009 Vic Geary $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Total Revenue To Date TOTAL $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00

Payments to County Reappraisal 8703 Payments to County $ 137,772.00 $ 139,000.00 9010 Reappraisal $ 5,000.00 $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 137,772.00 $ 139,000.00 TOTAL $ 5,000.00 $ 0.00

Payments to School Fire Station 8704 Payments to School $3,300,895.00 $2,882,974.00 9013 Fire Station $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00

TOTAL $3,300,895.00 $2,882,974.00 TOTAL $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 RS Police Furniture Painting Buildings 1985 and 1986 Appropriation Expenditures 1985 Appropriation Expenditures 9019 RS Police Furniture 85&86 $ 7,500.00 $ 4,662.56 9022 Painting Buildings 1985 $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00

TOTAL $ 7,500.00 $ 4,622.56 TOTAL $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00

Library Repair Police Station 198S and 1986 1985 and 1986 9021 Library Repair 85&86 $ 14,377.50 $ 14,395.00 9024 Police Station 85&86 $ 59,978.00 $ 61.823.67

TOTAL $ 14,377.50 $ 14,395.00 TOTAL $ 59,978.00 $ 61,823.67

Tax Collector's Report Summary of Warrants -DR-

Uncollected taxes-Beginning of yearr 1986 1985 1984 Property taxes 313,149.17 Resident taxes 7,750.00 2080.00 Land use change taxes 14,148.00 Yield taxes 1,026.90 Taxes committed to Collector: Property Taxes 3,639,496.00 Resident taxes 38,930.00 Land use change taxes 114,737.00 Yield taxes 2,135.10

Added taxes Property T&xes 3,095.00 7,142.00 Resident Taxes 3,100.00 920.00 Checking acct interest 3,762.00 Protest check fees 72.00

Overpaymen ts Property taxes 1,323„55 204.03 Resident taxes '240.00 140.00

Interest collected on delinquent taxesLxes 1,198.06 12,626.21

Penalties collected on Resident taxesces 66 . 00 218.00 1.00

Petty dash 100.00

TOTAL DEBITS S 3,808,254.71 357,324.31 2,081.00

Rpinil-tances to Treasurer Property Taxes 3,331,445.52 318,032.20 Resident Taxes 33,030.00 3,060.00 10.00 Yield Taxes 1,805.10 Land use change tax 63,737.00 14,148.00 Interest collected 1,198.06 12,626.21 Penalties collected-Resident tax 66.00 218.00 1.00 Protest Check fees 72.00 Checking acct interest 3,762.00

Abatements Property Taxes 9,519.02 4,579.00 Resident taxes Deeded to Town 574.00 Uncollected Taxes Property Taxes 302,950,01

Resident Taxes . 9,248100 3,060.00 2,070.00 Land use change tax 51,000.00 Yield taxes 330.00 1,026.90 Petty Cash 100.00

TOTAL CREDITS 3,808,254.71 357,324.31 2,081.00

Alfred H. Brickett Tax Collector Summary of Tax Sales Accounts as of December 31, 1986 -DR- 198^ 1983 Balance of unredeemed taxes beginning of year 35,166.36 11,554.53

Interest collected after sale 5,455.50 3,743.34

TOTAL DEBITS 40,621.86 15,297.87


Remittances to Treasurer Redemptions 27,905.69 10,987.43 Interest and costs 5,455.14 3,743.34

Unredeemed taxes 7,260.67 567.10

TOTAL CREDITS 40,621.50 15,297.87

Unredeemed Tax Sales Accounts 1984 1983

Bernard, Mary E 217.49 DiJohn Realty Co 267.14 G S S Trust 632.53 George, Daniel S Marie 1,330.19 Hyde, Heirs Fred H 383.14 Knox, Robert S Theresa 1,270.21 T.ewis, Peter 578. «6 McLean, .Tacqueline 225.34 Mesa-Tejada, Jorge S Willa Mesa 1,325.98 Parker, Heirs Louise 37.99 ^' S S Realty 399.55 404.83 S -.ewart-Nadeau Properties 144.27 130.87 S Xewart-Nadeau Properties 116.49 Tocci, Eileen S Keezer, Heirs M 122.80 Touchette, Cherie 41.15 31.40 Trathem, Ron S Cynthia 30.63 Vosberg, Fred & Virginia 136.91

Alfred H. Brickett Tax Collector

10 s ) —

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11 Unpaid 1986 Levy Taxes

98. GANLEY, J.E. £ T.L. $1900.00 NADEAU PROPERTIES $9067.00 A e E REALTY TRUST ! 00 ABRAHAM, P.G. S L.J. 645. 00 GEORGE, D.W. £ M. 1481.00 NOURY, S. 38.00 •!. 2320.00 AMBREFE, J.T. E M. 689. 00 GERMINE, T.J. £ AMEEN, S.J. 1079. 00 GIBSON, R.E. £ E.A. 1663.00 PARKER, L. 32.00 32.10 ANDERSON, P.H. S B.L. 2113. 00 GLENN, J. £ 5.V. PARSONS, E. 819.00 ARCHIBALD, G.R. SJ.B. 3067. 00 GORZYNSKI, L. 163.40 PETERSON, J.L. E CM. 1868.00 ATHERTON, L.S. 956. 00 GRADY, E. £ E. 244.00 PHELAN, J.C. K C.R. 2620.00 GRAVALLESE, J R, £ L. 1042.00 PRYOR, L.R. 278.00 1224.00 BAILEY, H. £ N.K. 856. 00 GREELEY, T.G. £ J.M. BANGS, G.S. 589. 00 GRELLE, P.C. £ S H. 808.37 R.E D. REALTY TRUST 2055.00 BARTHELMESS, J.H. £ K.M. 1322. 00 GROSSO, R.J. 652.00 R.E S. REALTY TRUST 55.84 BARTLETT, D.F. S J.M. 267. 80 GUERRIERO, J M. £ M.C. 1027.00 REAGAN, A.J. E J.R. 211.40 BASIC INOVATIONS, INC. 85914. 00 GUILMET, G.R £ R.A. 1682.00 REAL ESTATE STOP. INC. 552.00 BAUHMOR, J.R. S F.B. 1856. 00 GUSOSKI, 5.H 1515.00 RENAUD, A. P. £ CD. 907.50 BEEDE,VALDA K. 49. 00 RIVA, K.D. 861.00 BERNARD, M.E. 225. 00 HAJJAR, M.G. 2335.00 RIZZO, P.C E C.R. 2401.00 BERTRAND, V.C. £ D.S. 2510. 00 HALKIOTES, G.N. 54.00 RUSSEN, K.J. £ K.N. BERUBE, A. A. £ R. 454. 00 HAWIIGAN, J. P. £ M.P. 2.62 MURPHY, 1741.00 BLACKBURN, L.M. £ C.W. 435. 20 HARRIS, J.E. e B.G. 184.75 ROSSETTI, R. C 1677.00 BOMBARD, K.£ L. 939. 00 HARTFORD, D.W. E C.A. 584.00 RUMA, INC. 2528.00 BROWN, E. 115. 00 HARTUNG, R.H. £ P.L. 366.57 RUNDELL, J.R £ D.L. 2288.00 BRUNELLE, R. £ C. 876. 02 HAVEY, G. Ill E B. 1551.00 BRYANT, S. H. E H.M. 2120. 00 HAWKES, J.D. S WAGSTAFF, T. 756.00 SHEA, P.F. E M. 2511.00 BURKE, F.E. £ C.A. 2901. 00 HEARD, H.H. £ C. 179.00 SIMCOX, C £ ANTOGONI M. 1887.00 HENNESSEY, T.F. £ J.O. 3.52 SIMONE, R.R. £ J.M. 3.71 CAMPBELL, L.M. 2065..00 HILL, W.A. £ M. 2.80 SINAPIUS, G.E. 1748.00 CANNS, R. £ M.L. 152.,00 HOGGINS, C R. 765.00 SMALL, W.F. E S.K. 600.00 CAPUA, J. P. E E. 2145.,00 HUNT, H.A. £ D. L. 1474.00 SMITH, n.F. £ T.L. 3535.00 CARELLI, S.A. £ C.R. 1880,,00 HURLEY, CD. E M.A. 640.00 SOLOMON, R.S. E L.R. 866.55 CARTWRIGHT REALTY, INC. 407..00 HYAM, A.B. 162.00 SPEIRS, J. £ D.L. 458.80 CHON, H.E Y. 1508..00 HYDE, F.H. 422.00 SPIRIDIONE, W.A. £ E.G. 574.00 CHURCH, R.A. £ J. P. 875..97 SPURLOCK, T.J. E J.E. 759.92 CLANCY, D.R. £ GAY, J.E. 95,,00 JOYCE, J. A. 559.00 ST PIERRE, L.C. E A.L. 319/00 CLARK, J.F. £ C.A. 198,.16 STENSON, J.B. EM.K. 1231.00 CLARK, W.R. £ V.R. 2,,00 KACHANIAN, G.D. 2980.00 STEWART, NADEAU PROP. 154.00 CLEVELAND, E.F. 667,.00 KEATING, W.H. £ R.M. 2525.00 STOREY, N.L. 81.00 COGSWELL, W.A. £ D.M. 1595 .00 KEIF, B.R. £ N.C. 905.00 STRONG, K.N. £ S.L. 2513.00 COMEAU, J. A. £ C.J. 523 .00 KELLEY, M.S. E W.C. 2548.00 SULLIVAN, D.S. £ D.L. 2544,00 COPELAND, D.R. £ K.J. 2270 .00 KELLY, L.E. £ D.M. 2418.00 SWENSON, P.E. £ K.M. 1969.00 CORELLE, R.A. 296 .23 KNIGHTS BRIDGE DEV. CORP. 5570.76 SWIDERSKI, F.M. 258.04 COTTIS, J.C. £ K.L. 787 .00 KNOWLES, E.F. GRUNZWEIG,S. 625.00 GRAVER, G.E. 54 .00 KNOX, R. E T. 1489.00 TANNER, H.H. E J.S. 1417.00 CURETTE, H.A. E P.O. 282 .00 KRAUSE, R.W. £ J.M. 2528.00 THIBEAULT, J. 2398.00 CUTTING, M.W. £ L.P. 814 .00 KUCHAIZ, W.E D. 290.00 THOMPSON, L.I. £ A.C. 565.00 TOCCI, R.S. E KEEZER M. 1096.00 DAGLE, J.J. £ K.P. 1750 .00 LAND £ SEA, INC. 5921.00 TOUCHETTE, CL. 25.00 DANNAT, W.A. £ D.A. 2 .88 LECUXIR, G.J. £ D. 1692.00 TOWNE, R.N. WORTHEN B.H. 4779.00 DARLING, L.C. 1347 .00 LEMIEUX, C.W. 5.72 TOWNSEND, W.G. E J. A. 2454.00 DAVIDSON, C.R. £ R. 1491 .00 LEVINGER, M.K. E L. 419.00 TRUE, R.M. 12.00 DEARBORN RD. PROPERTIES 3492 .00 LEWIS BLDRS, INC. 52,155.00 TSEPAS, R.B. £ P. 1626.00 DELISLE, A.J. £ T.A. 1277 .00 LEWIS, PETER 14,591.00 TUCKER, R.B. E P.G. 890.00 DERRY, M.E. E H.A. 2069 .00 LOCK, R.G. £ R.G. JR. 659.00 TURNER, J.E. 2055.00 DESMOND, D.M. £ K.M. 628 .00 LOWRY, J.J. £ A.L. 536.00 TURNER, R.W. 1626.00 DIONNE, R.L. £ L.A. 1 .20 TURNER, R.W. £ K.N. 716.00 DUBOIS, A, A. £ R. 1675 .00 MAILLETTE, N. 517.00 TUTTLE, E.F. 405.00 DUBOIS, S.J. e M.E. 2310 .00 MALONEY, T.W. £ C.A. 197.91 DUNKAVICH, N. 2692 .00 MANSFIELD, R.E. £ E.R. 861.00 UPLAND REALTY TRUST 748.00 DUW, W.H. £ K. 1415 .00 MARR, J. A. E CONSTANTINE J. 723.00 DURKEE, E.R. 1081 .00 MASELLI, N.F. £ E.R. 202.08 VALIERE, E.J. £ E.A. 2077.00 MATTHEWS, H.D. £ M.E. 699.00 VARITIMOS, T. 1929.00 ESPOSITO, T. 626.10 mVRIS, M.M. 1898.00 VAUGm, J.G. £ S.A. 902.00 MCCAFFREY, M. 1875.00 VELETTE, A.T. £ L.A. 1659.00 FAFMESTOCK, C.L. £ J. 150.00 MCCOY, B.W. E B.J. 1204.00 VOSBURG, F.J. £ V. 135.00 FERRANTE, L.A. 434.00 MCEARCHERN, R.D. S C.A. 3275.00 FERRONETTI, J.M. L.M. £P ,L. 839.00 MCKENNA, M.P. £ M.E. 279.00 WALDRON, L.S. £ C.J. 1108.00 FIELD, J.C. £ C.A. 282.00 MCLEAN, J.H. 1006.00 WARREN, R.L. 6 D.L. 890.00 FUJNIGAN, W.B. 1075.00 MCNUTT, A.C. £ G.M. 405.00 WEBER, R.C £ P.H. 1968.00 FISHER, R.M. £ A.J. 1151.00 MELKRIST REALTY TRUST 2484.00 WEIGEL, A. P. 12.00 FORDE, K.A. 821.00 MERRILL, G. 1797.00 WENTWORTH BUILDERS, INC. 7221.00 FOSTER, J.F. 8 B.M. 2575.00 MESA-TEJADA, J. E W.P. 1476.00 WENZ, R.B. £ S.E. 2440.00 FUCHS, L.E. 6 B.E. 2043.00 MOBERG, E.K. POPP, K.M. 1112.00 WHEELER, P. 50.00 FUERST, T.B. £ K.L. 2.43 MONAHAN, D.M. 1277.00 WICKERSON, L.A. 42.00 FIELDS, JUANITA 618.00 II^RRISSE, M.S. £ M.W.. 104.87 WILLIAMS, H.O. 1081.00

MURPHY , j'.A. 1513.00 WILLIAMSON, D.G. £ J.L. 1449.00 MURRAY, R.E. £ H.B. 319.00 WILLS, G.I. 89.99 WINTERLAND, INC 1055.00 WISE, CM. £ A.L. 2462.00 WORTHEN, M.G. HEIRS 39.00

ZAREMBA, E.F. E R.T. 1219.00

12 Treasurer's Report Income Report for Period Ending December 31, 1985

Ratio: Income 12 Months Ratio Ratio: Income 12 Months Ratio

TOWN REVENUE 6308 Town Clerk Fees 8,742.00 0.2 6002 Revenue Sharing 19,647.00 0.4 6391 Interest—Town Clerk Acct. 689.97 0.0 6003 Revenue Sharing Interest 1,774.64 0.0 6602 Gambling Permit 125.00 0.0 6103 Business Profits Tax 63,913.83 1.4 6611 Gift— Tel Noar 3,500.00 0.1 6109 Highw/ay Safety Reimbursement 4,500.00 0.1 6622 Cemetery Trust Fund 6,842.62 0.1 6110 Highway Block Grant 42,370.80 0.9 6632 Interest Inc.— Investments 94,148.88 2.0 6112 Revenue Sharing— State 64,015.71 1.4 6701 Sale of Checklists 45.00 0.0 6201 Tax Sales Redeemed 1983 10,987.43 0.2 6704 Revenue— Police 4,523.82 0.1 6202 Interest & Costs 1983 3,743.34 0.1 6722 Fire Dept.— Other 4,200.00 0.1 6203 Property Tax 1986 3,331,445.52 71.3 6723 False Alarm Fines 750.00 0.0 6204 1986 Property Tax Int. 1,198.06 0.0 6724 Forest Fire Reimbursement 285.46 0.0 6205 Property Tax 1985 318,032.20 6.8 6750 Rev.— Bds.— Plan. & Adjust. 13,490.76 0.3 6206 Property Tax Int.— 1985 12,626.21 0.3 6770 Revenue— Cemetery 3,110.00 0.1 6207 Yield Tax 1986 1,805.10 0.0 6790 Income— Recreation 1,898.61 0.0 6208 1986 Resident Tax 33,030.00 0.7 6800 Income-Conservation 1,000.00 0.0 6209 1986 Resident Tax Penalty 66.00 0.0 6808 Public Assistance Income 3,670.48 0.1 6213 Resident Tax 1984 10.00 0.0 6811 Insurance Rebates 617.46 0.0 6214 Res. Tax Penalty 1984 1.00 0.0 6820 Revenue— Town Building 4,185.00 0.1 6223 Resident Tax 1985 3,060.00 0.1 6900 Revenue— Town & Office 11,781.75 0.3 6224 Res. Tax Penalty 1985 218.00 0.0 6919 Code Enforcement Revenue 20,824.00 0.4 6231 Tax Sales Redeemed 1984 27,905.69 0.6 TOTAL TOWN REVENUE 4,672,695.18 100.0 6232 Interest & Costs 1984 5,455.14 0.1 6236 Land Use Tax 1986 63,737.00 0.1 CASH OUTFLOW 6237 Land Use Tax 1985 14,148.00 0.3 7010 Voucher's Paid 3,986,458.71 85.3 6251 Boat Tax 5,261.90 0.1 7020 Gross Payroll 248,646.96 5.3 6253 Protest Fees 72.00 0.0 7030 Return Items 5.00 0.0 6291 Interest— Tax. Coll. Acct. 3,762.00 0.1 7040 Vouchers Voided 47,310.16- 1.0- 6302 Auto Permits 450,701.50 9.6 7050 Service Charge 168.50 0.0 6303 Dog Licenses 3,339.30 0.1 7070 Interest-Bank Transfer 3,534.79 0.1 6304 Filing Fees 9.00 0.0 6305 Protest Fees 176.00 0.0 TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW 4,191,503.80 89.7 6306 Sales by Town Clerk 472.00 0.0 NET 481,191.38 10.3 6307 Marriage Licenses 780.00 0.0 CASH FLOW Treasurer's Report Analysis of Gash Flow for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1986

Beginning Balance Cash - General Fund ($6,469.30) Cash - Plalstow Bank & Trust 317.59 Money Market - Bank Meridian 972,709.00 Money Market - Arlington Trust 4,042.49 Money Market - Revenue Sharing 22,205.04 Certificate of Deposit - Land Purchase Fund 5,057.64

Balance, January 1, 1986 $997,862.^6

Total Receipts per Income Report $4,672,695.18

Total Disbursements per Report $4,191,503.80 Note Payment - Band Bank 40,000.00 Total 4,231,503.80 Net Cash Flow 441,191.38

Balance December 31, 1986 $1,439,053.84

Town Treasurer's Assets

Cash - General Fund ($159,696.50) Plaistow Bank & Trust 3,735. 6& Money Market - Bank Meridian 1,555,649.03 Arlington Trust 1,155.33 Revenue Sharing 33,152.68 Certificate of Deposit-Land Purchase Fund_ 5,057.64

Balance, December 31, 1986 $1,439,053.84 13 ,

Selectmen's Report Revenue Sharing

Town Charges (1986 Budget) 1. 156,234.94 ON DEPOSIT, JANUARY 1, 1986 $22,205.04 FUNDS EXPENDED, NOT TRANSFERRED 1985 -6,880.17 15,324.87 SPECIAL ARTICLES. 1986: FUNDS AVAILABLE, JANUARY 1 I9R6 REVENUE SHARING: FUNDS APPROPRIATED, BUT UNEXPENDED -2,500.00 Police Furniture $5,000.00 FUNDS AVAILABLE AND UNAPPROPRIATED 12,824.87 Police Lights & Siren 2,500.00 Computer 20,000.00 FUNDS RECEIVED, 1986 $19,647.00 Fences-TC & BallElelds 2,500.00 INTERESTED RECEIVED, 1986 1,774.64 Town Office Fencing 700.00 TOTAL RECEIVED, 1986 +21,421.64 34,246.51 Swale at Tennis Courts ] ,500.00 TOTAL Town Beach Paving 2,300.00 Total 34,500.00 EXPENDITURES, 1986: REVKNUE SHARING EXPENSE 145.32 OTHER: POLICE LIGHTS & SIRENS 2,469.00 Salaries 3,600.00 COMPUTER 19,566.97 SERCSStlD 5,486.00 SWALE - TOWN BEACH 1,825.00 Library Repair 4,400.00 POLICE FURNITURE 4,622.56 Police Station 35,000.00 FENCES 917.50 Vic Geary 1,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -29,546.35 Revaluation 5,000.00 BALANCE 4,700.16 Total 54,986.00 TOTAL $1 ,245.720.94 FUNDS APPROPRIATED, BUT ENEXPENDED: POLICE FURNITURE 2,877.44 FENCES' 1,582.50 TOTAL -4,i59.9A BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1986,


Payment to School District

Balance of 1985-1986 Appropriation $1,072,974.00 Appropriation, 1986-1987 3,198,542.00 Total due School 4,271,516.00

Payments: 1985-1986 Appropriation $1,072,974.00 1986-1987 Appropriation 1,810,000.00 2,882,974.00

Balance due School, December 31, 1986 $1,388,542.00

Conservation Commission

1985 Carry-over $4,411.75 1986 Budget 7.575.00

Funds Available 1986 11,986.75 Expenditures, 1986 5,468.89

1986 Carry-over $6,517.85

14 Selectmen's Report — Detailed Summary of Accounts December 31, 1986

Town Officers Salaries 7028 BOCA $ 120.00 7028 NH Assoc, of Assessing $ 20.00 7028 NH Assoc, of Historic Dis 7002 William E. Beane $ 1,850.00 $ 10.00 7028 New Hampshire G.F.O.A. $ 35.00 7002 Kenneth H. Clark $ 2,300.00 7028 NH Municipal Association 7002 Brian Eastman $ 1,850.00 $ 1,185.11 7028 NH Sec. Assoc 7003 Alfred H. Brickett $ 23,595.60 Municipal $ 10.00 7005 Karen Sapankevych $ 21.25 7028 NH Resource Recovery $ 70.68 7029 H. 7006 Ed M. Putnam, 2nd $ 50.00 Kenneth Clark $ 195.00 7007 Sheila Gorham $ 160.00 7029 East Coast Lumber $ 27.50 7007 Juanita Randall $ 345.00 7029 Edward J. Howard $ 3.50 7009 Harold Williams $ 1,200.00 7029 Priscilla R. Lindquist $ 25.19 7029 Locke Office Products, Inc $ 469.00 7029 Plaistow Bank & Trust Co. $ 40.00 TOTAL FOR Town Officers Salaries $ 31,371.85 7029 Registry of Deeds $ 16.97 7029 State Treasurer $ 40.00 7029 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 121.95 7029 Treasure, State of NH $ 60.00 Town Officers Expense 7030 Alfred H. Brickett $ 38.92 7030 Priscilla R. Lindquist $ 3.33 7030 Pitney Bowes $ 538.00 7030 Postmaster, Hampstead, NH 2,770.40 924.00 $ 7021 Timothy Desmond $ 7030 Dawn Shaw $ 2.40 Barbara O'Sullivan $ 6,035.38 7021 7031 Priscilla R. Lindquist $ 24,720.00 Alfred H. Brickett $ 320.00 7022 7031 Dawn Shaw $ 44.00 7022 Capital Cash Register Co $ 271.83 7032 AT & T Consumer Sales & $ 31.50 Fryer, Boutin, Warhall & $ 162.50 7022 7032 New England Telephone $ 1,887.47 7022 Homestead Press $ 115.88 7033 Conway Office Products $ 530.43 IBM Corp. $ 247.00 7022 7033 IBM Corp. s 819.00 7022 Miller Office Supply Inc. $ 47.58 7034 Joseph Beane $ 15.80 7022 National Market Reports, $ 279.00 7034 Alfred H. Brickett $ 27.00 7022 NH City & Town Clerk's $ 12.00 7034 Cooke, Warren S. $ 22.40 7022 NH Tax Collector's Assoc. $ 15.00 7034 Brian Eastman $ 84.70 7022 Ram Printing, Inc. $ 354.25 7034 Earl E. Hall, 3rd $ 567.05 7022 Registry of Deeds $ 411.00 7034 Frank E. Howard $ 20.60 7022 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 416.54 7034 Priscilla R. Lindquist $ 187.04 7022 Wheeler & Clark $ 179.85 7034 Dawn Shaw $ 27.00 7023 ABS Financial Center $ 1,615.56 7034 Paul Wentworth $ 325.00 7023 Jacqueline Andolina $ 585.00 7034 Harold Williams $ 332.80 7023 Arlington Trust Conipany $ 121.32 7035 John W. Cross $ 69.95 7023 Jane Bates s 537.75 7036 Donald Bowley $ 9.00 7023 Computer Professionals $ 2,242.00 7036 AH Brickett, Tax Collector $ 797.00 7023 Contel $ 2,675.00 7036 Paul E. Sargent $ 1.00 7023 IBM Corp. $ 3,739.00 7037 Lawrence B. Martin, CPA $ 4,500.00 7023 LHS Associates, Inc $ 433.82 7023 Priscilla R. Lindquist $ 261.00 7023 Dawn Shaw $ 180.00 TOTALTOTS'L^u li\. FOR Town Officers Expense $ 70,429.62 7023 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 132.20 7024 Bank Meridian $ 14.40

7024 Chadwick' sGreenhouses , Inc $ 31.96 7024 Kenneth H. Clark $ 112.87 Election and Registration 7024 Brian Eastman $ 0.00 7024 Leith Flower Shop $ 100.00 7041 Joseph Beane $ 120.00 7024 Priscilla R. Lindquist $ 47.50 7041 Elizabeth Boisse $ 35.00 7024 New Hampshire G.F.O.A. $ 20.00 7041 Lois Briscoe $ 20.00 7024 NH Municipal Association $ 35.00 7041 Joyce Cairns $ 25.00 7024 Ed M. Putnam, 2nd $ 37.20 7041 Elsei T. Carideo $ 225.00 7024 Registry of Deeds 1.56 $ 7041 Charles Clark $ 35.00 7024 Sapankevych 7.68 Karen $ 7041 Mary Clark $ 195.00 7024 Secretary of State 30.00 $ 7041 Winifred Clisbee $ 15.00 7 32.50 024 Dawn Shaw $ 7041 Charlene Flaherty $ 15.00 7024 $ 51.14 Harold Williams 7041 Marie George $ 203.50 7025 Ram Printing, Inc. $ 3,704.70 7041 Thomas Lindquist § 10.00 7026 Arlington Trust Company $ 178.73 7041 George Moore $ 15.00 Forms, Inc 246.06 7027 Brady Business $ 7041 Marilyn Moseley $ 35.00 7027 Professionals 255.70 Computer $ 7041 Judith Mushial $ 10.00 7027 Conway Office Products $ 89.90 7041 Richard Mushial $ 10.00 7027 Priscilla R. Lindquist $ 33.22 7041 Grace Saulnier $ 35.00 7027 Loring Short & Harmon $ 37.55 7041 Robert Saulnier $ 35.00 7027 Charles C. Martin, Assoc. $ 48.00 7041 Clayton Shaw $ 35.00 7027 NH Municipal Association $ 15.00 7041 Dawn Shaw $ 36.00 7027 Ram Printing, Inc. $ 781.75 7041 Kathleen St. John $ 15.00 7027 The Reliable Corporation $ 18.59 7041 Priscilla Tarleton $ 185.00 7027 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 1,362.46 7041 Ruth Whiteley $ 15.00

15 ,

7041 Janf? Worthen 15.00 7073 Kathe Cussen $ 18.50 7044 Joseph Beane 60.00 7073 Don's Market, Inc $ 7.77 7073 East Coast Lumber $ 215.11 7073 Easy Housekeeping Shops $ 32.75 TOTAL FOR Election and Registration 7073 Letoile Roofing Co,, Inc, $ 1,035.00 7073 Pine-Craft Woodworking $ 14.75 $ 1,399.50 7073 Riverside Plumbing & Htg, $ 106.70 7073 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 581.92 7075 Duston Oil Company, Inc. $ 1,078,83 7076 Public Service Co. of NH $ 754.89 Town Government Buildings 7077 Dependable $ 3,725.00 7077 East Coast Lumber $ 266.21 7077 Richard M. Garcia $ 2,685.00 7077 $ 159.50 7050 Duston Oil Company, Inc. $ 2,883.76 Harold's Locksmith 7051 Public Service Co. of NH $ 985.15 7077 Lake Street Garden Center $ 9.00 7052 Susan Hastings $ 42.31 7077 Martineau Enterprises $ 784.00 7052 I.B.W. $ 45.83 7077 Queen Plaza Supply Co, Inc $ 907.68 7052 Mike's Landscaping $ 3,629.00 7077 Coca Cola Bottling Co. $ 1,298.00 7061 Joseph Beane $ 60.00 7077 Spectrowax Corporation $ 514.20 7061 Nicole Beane $ 282.00 7077 Timberl,ane Plate Glass Co $ 319.00 7061 Kenneth H. Clark $ 664.00 7077 William Torre $ 30,00 7061 Cooke, Warren S. $ 64.00 7077 G.A. Watson & Sons, Inc. $ 362,60 7061 Leo J. Cullinan $ 4,963.50 7078 East Coast Lumber $ 24,80 7061 James Hartung $ 18,00 70 7 8 Donald Pepper $ 310,83 7061 Thomas Lindquist $ 18.00 7078 United Door Service Inc. $ 150,00 $ 28,00 7061 Robert A. Lurvey $ 9,073.28 7079 Art By Design 7061 Donna Lurvey $ 140.00 7079 Glenn P. Clark $ 28,50 22,73 7062 Leo J. Cullinan $ 11.43 7079 East Coast Lumber $ 7062 Timothy Desmond $ 9.90 7079 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 139.90 7062 Don's Market, Inc. $ 85.55 7062 East Coast Lumber $ 130.51 7062 East HampsteadTrustworthy $ 7,77 TOTAL FOR Town Government Buildings 7062 Hampstead Hardware $ 107.83 $ 63,018.49 7062 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 1.29 7062 The Haverhill Gazette $ 0.00 Hillyard, Inc. $ 202.53 7062 Building Inspection 7062 Coca Cola Bottling Co. $ 62.50 7062 Spectrowax Corporation $ 332.90 7062 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 214.83 7063 Joseph Beane $ 60.00 7081 Kenneth H, Clark $ 190,00 7063 Cooke, Warren S. $ 6.00 7081 DRJ Associates, Inc, $ 1,695,00 7063 Dependable $ 200.00 7081 Earl E, Hall, 3rd $ 11,211.65 7063 Kevin DeRusha $ 30,00 7081 Frank E, Howard $ 434.00 7063 Donald Duston $ 50,00 7081 Lawrence Eagle Tribune $ 161.16 7063 East Coast Lumber $ 9,26 7 081 Dawn Shaw $ 5,745.00 7063 East HampsteadTrustworthy $ 3,56 7081 Union Leader Corporation $ 45.72 7063 Easy Housekeeping Shops $ 500,00 7081 Paul Wentworth $ 1,340.00 7063 Hampstead Hardware $ 24.58 7063 Hampst'ead Firemen's Assoc $ 549.00 7063 Susan Hastings $ 81.97 TOTAL FOR Building Inspection $ 20,822.53 7063 The Haverhill Gazette $ 52.00 7063 R. C. Hazelton Co., Inc. $ 1,287,65 7063 Kinney's Garage $ 2,159,42 7063 Lawrence Eagle Tribune $ 140.28 Police Department 7063 Letoile Roofing Co., Inc. $ 50.00 7063 Robert A. Lurvey $ 1.69 7 063 Donna Lurvey $ 47.00 7063 NH Fence Company $ 600,00 7101 Ann Beaudoin $ 750.00 7063 Paul's Trees Service $ 2,000,00 7101 Joseph Beaudoin $ 4,642.75 7063 Rock. County Newspapers $ 29,80 7101 Dale A. Childs $ 1,000.00 7063 Senter Auto Supply, Inc. $ 6.15 7101 Denis N. Currier $ 1,200.00 7063 Smith's Fire Equip. Co. $ 22.00 7101 Henry Deamon $ 1,871.46 7063 Tire Warehouse $ 71.96 7101 C. Earle Gordon $ 1,764.00 7063 Union Leader Corporation $ 165.94 7101 William P, Griffin, Jr, $ 1,487.50 7063 G.A. Watson & Sons, Inc. $ 24.00 7101 Robert Knox $ 90.75 7064 Duston Oil Company, Inc. $ 3,226.60 7101 Marie Laidlaw $ 725.00 7065 Public Service Co. of NH $ 1,106.23 7101 June Letoile $ 3,163.14 7066 Duston Oil Company, Inc. $ 2,219.89 7101 William J, Letoile, Jr $ 10,467.25 7067 Public Service Co. of NH $ 1,352.78 7101 George McLaughlin $ 60,00 7068 Duston Oil Company, Inc. $ 1,431,06 7101 Thomas McTeague $ 2,905,50 7069 Public Service Co. of NH $ 343.62 7101 Rene G, Menard $ 734,25 7070 Duston Oil Company, Inc. $ 2,933.19 7101 Kenneth P, Owen $ 4,851,50 7071 Public Service Co. of NH $ 2,044.31 710] Bruce Roberts $ 1,591.38 7072 Central Paper Products Co $ 190.21 7101 Thomas Robinson $ 1 ,839,75 7072 Hillyard, Inc. $ 195,30 7101 F. Carl Rogers $ 19,718.30 7073 Glenn P. Clark $ 156,00 7101 Dennis F. Smith $ 1,591.50

16 3

7101 Fred Whiting $ 1,423.88 7201 Walter M. Hastings, III $ 131.36 7101 Joyce Woodman $ 500.00 7201 Paul Wentworth $ 50.00 7102 Neptune, Inc. $ 0.00 7202 AT & T Consumer Sales & $ 143.40 7102 Town of Plaistow $ 50.00 7202 New England Telephone $ 3,002.90 7102 Maurice Randall s 193.00 7203 Cen-Com 5 611.08

7102 Wright Communications Inc $ 142.05 . 7203 Miller Office Supply Inc. $ 19.95 7103 Frank P. Deneu $ 111.50 7203 Motorola, Inc. $ 4,617.00 7103 Letoile Roofing Co., Inc. $ 100.00 7203 Page Belting Company $ 47.17 7103 Neptune, Inc. $ 180.00 7203 Wright Communications Inc 5 860.27 7103 Maurice Randall $ 420.00 7204 Border Area Mutual Aid $ 25.00 7104 Neptune, Inc. $ 1,116.00 7204 Fire Chief Magazine $ 18.00 7104 Wear-Guard $ 178.32 7204 Interstate Emergency Unit $ 13.00 7105 Central Equipment Company $ 24.73 7204 Nat. Fire Protection Asso $ 33.00 7105 T.C.S. Communications Inc $ 92.60 7204 NH Association of Fire $ 10.00 7105 Wright Communications Inc $ 66.99 7204 NH Fire Instructors $ 5.00 7106 AT & T Consumer Sales & $ 215.04 7204 NH State Firemen's Assoc. $ 175.00 7106 New England Telephone $ 4,800.98 7205 Fire Tech & Safety $ 2,287.72 7107 NH Association of Chiefs $ 10.00 7205 Motorola, Inc. $ 120.00 7108 Goodyear $ 366.72 7205 Superior Hydrant $ 1,115.00 7108 Hampstead Garage $ 13.00 7206 Conway Associates, Inc. $ 7,121.77 7103 Merrimack Valley Tire Inc $ 182.56 7206 Fire Tech & Safety $ 2,285.00 7108 Sanborn Enterprises $ 1,644.73 7207 Ben's Uniforms $ 1,084.37 7108 Senter Auto Supply, Inc. $ 11.11 7207 Conway Associates, Inc. $ 1,159.60 7109 Frank P. Deneu $ 115.00 7208 James Gilmartin $ 70.12 7109 Don's Market, Inc. $ 8.75 7208 Greenwood Fire Apparatus $ 419.12 7109 Hampstead Hardware $ 18.90 7208 Susan Hastings $ 76.92 7109 Intoximeter, Inc. $ 60.00 7208 Walter M. Hastings, III $ 6.25 7109 William J. Letoile, Jr $ 109.16 7208 Kinney's Garage $ 3,757.40 7109 Loral Press Inc. $ 144.20 7208 W.D. Perkins $ 8,675.64 7109 Merrimack Valley Tire Inc $ 160.44 7208 Bonnie Wentworth $ 32.00 7109 Neptune, Inc. $ 95.00 7209 Marc Auger $ 5.86 7109 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 25.82 7209 Michael' Blake $ 11.72 7110 Don's Market, Inc. $ 1.25 7209 Alfred H. Brickett $ 16.88 7110 East Coast Lumber $ 14.02 7209 Daniel Brickett $ 20.51 7110 Fryer, Boutin, Warhall & $ 195.00 7209 Kerry Clark $ 5.86 7110 IBM Corp. $ 129.00 7209 William R. Clark $ 6.75 7110 William J. Letoile, Jr $ 139.50 7209 Clifton Demeritt $ 6.75 7110 Loral Press Inc. $ 267.85 7209 David Duston S 11.72 7110 Parkland Medical Center $ 25.00 7209 Gene Duston S 17,58 7110 Postmaster, Hampstead, NH $ 89.32 7209 Neil Emerson $ 16.88 7110 RockinghamCountySup. Court $ 437.50 7209 Glenn Fitts $ 13.50 7110 Sargent Sowell, Inc. $ 31.86 7209 Keven Fitts $ 11.72 7110 T.C.S. Communications Inc $ 20.00 7209 John A. Gamble $ 28.00 7111 Whaleco-Busfield $ 5,054.77 7209 James Gilmartin $ 6.75 7111 Don's Market, Inc. $ 7.50 7209 James Greene $ 5.86 7111 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 14.83 7209 Susan Hastings $ 5.86 7111 William J. Letoile, Jr $ 11.30 7209 Walter M. Hastings, III $ 23.52 7112 Stone & Michaud, Inc. $ 562.00 7209 Christopher Howard $ 14.65 7113 BrushwoodVeterinaryClinic $ 127.00 7209 Harold Lamb s 5.86 7113 Dale A. Childs $ 50.00 7209 Roy Lesure $ 5.86 7113 Denis N. Currier $ 210.00 7209 Eric Persson $ 5.86 7113 William J. Letoile, Jr $ 9.27 7209 Brad Robertson $ 17.58 7113 Judy Sargent $ 65.00 7209 J. Michael Sullivan $ 5.86 7113 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 31.96 7209 Stephen Tetreault $ 11.72 711 Trollgaard $ 195.00 7209 Robert C. Webster $ 11.72 7114 Henry Deamon $ 195.00 7209 Paul Wentworth $ 6.75 7114 C. Earle Gordon $ 318.50 7209 Jon Worthen $ 11.72 7114 Thomas McTeague $ 2?4.00 7209 Maurice Worthen Jr. $ 5.86 7114 Kenneth P. Owen $ 299.00 7230 A-Line Tools, Inc. $ 44.17 7114 Bruce Roberts $ 52.00 7210 Ajax Electric Motor Corp. $ 953.33 7114 Thomas Robinson $ 39.00 7210 Conway Associates, Inc. $ 64.00 7114 F. Carl Rogers $ 305.50 7210 David Duston $ 7.75 7116 N.H. Retirement System $ 3,182.84 7210 Fedco $ 435.00 7116 F. Cafl Rogers $ 1,862.25- 7210 Fire Tech & Safety $ 7,329.52 7210 James Gilmartin $ 133.60 7210 Granite State FireSystems $ 42.25 TOTAL FOR Police Department $ 83,487.03 7210 James Greene $ 9.83 7210 Walter M. Hastings, III $ 44.15 7210 Nault's House of Wheels 1,650.00 Fire Department $ 7210 NH Fence Company $ 683.70 7210 NH Welding Supply $ 40.80 7210 Preco Inc. $ 36.00 7210 United Divers Inc. $ 380.00 7201 William R. Clark ? 77.00 7210 Valley Tree Sevice, Inc. $ 64.30 7201 Neil Emerson $ 50.00 ' 7211 Allied Printing, Inc. 5 56.91 7201 James Gilmartin $ 50.00 7211 D & D Family Restaurant $ 94.50 7201 Susan Hastings $ 11.70 7211 Don's Market, Inc. $ 27.48

17 7211 Harapstead Hardware 6.59 Planning and Zoning 7211 Walter M. Hastings, III 35.35 Advertising Co. 140.72 7211 Herold' 7401 Susan Hastings 6,099.25 7211 SuperintendentofDocuments 41.00 $ 7401 Dawn Shaw $ 52.25 7212 Brett Donham & 15,05 7402 The Haverhill Gazette $ 907.30 7212 Civic Supply 12.82 7403 Allied Printing, Inc. V 1,171.75 7212 William R. Clark 6.30 7403 BOCA $ 378.00 7212 Duston Oil Company, Inc. 13.43 7403 Susan Hastings $ 4 8.74 7212 East HampsteadTrustworthy 6.64 7403 Miller Office Supply Inc. $ 276.97 7212 F & S Transit Mix Co.,Inc 260.00 7403 Oui $ 152.50 7212 James Gilmartin 297.67 7403 Ram Printing, Inc. 407.00 Hardware 160.87 $ 7212 Hampstead 7404 AT & T Consumer Sales & $ 15.75 Hastings 12.16 7212 Susan 7404 New England Telephone $ 458.33 M. Hastings, III 32.80 7212 Walter 7405 Susan Hastings $ 9.33 7212 I.B.W. 109.98 7405 Postmaster, Hampstead, NH 1,466.78 McDonald 207.00 $ 7212 Fred 7406 Charles C. Martin, Assoc. $ 3,772.00 Hdwre. 15.20 7212 Norm's Trustworthy 7407 Susan Hastings $ 356.00 15.00 7212 Parties & Pleasures 7407 Charles C. Martin, Assoc. $ 12.00 11.43 7212 Postmaster, Hampstead, NH 7407 Registry of Deeds $ 779.00 192.00 723 2 Ram Printing, Inc. 7408 Ram Printing, Inc. $ 97.60 Supply, Inc. 83.04 7212 Senter Auto 7409 Susan Hastings $ 75.99 & Inc. 57.53 7212 G.A. Watson Sons, 7409 IBM Corp. $ 118.00 Don's Market, Inc. 17.00 7213 7409 NH Municipal Association $ 25.00 Company, Inc. 347.42 7213 Duston Oil 7409 Plaistow Bank & Trust Co. $ 10.00 7213 Hampstead Pharmacy 25.69 7409 Rivers Engineering Corp. $ 1,736.61 M. Hastings, III 27.00 7213 Walter 7409 Rockingham County Cons. $ 70.00 7213 Huckins Oil Company 1,027.77 7410 Susan Hastings $ 140.20 7214 Allied Printing, Inc. 75.90 7411 Fryer, Boutin, Warhall & $ 1 ,187.65 7214 D. M. Burns Security 3,358.45 7411 Peter Loughlin 451.66 7214 Derry Fire Department 2,750.00 $ 7412 Proctor Wentworth $ 1,936.50 7214 New England Telephone 452.58 7214 G.A. Watson & Sons, Inc. 243.00

C TOTAL FOR Planning and Zoning 1- 22,212.16 TOTAL FOR Fire Department 60,635.58 Board of Adjustment Rescue Squad

7451 Dawn Shaw $ 2,011.75 7301 James Greene $ 189.95 7452 Fryer, Boutin, Warhall & $ 156.00 7301 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 77.80 7452 The Haverhill Gazette V 895.68 7301 Harold's Locksmith $ 0.00 7453 Thompson's Office Prod. $ 29.85 7301 Susan Hastings $ 45.00 7455 Postmaster, Hampstead, NH $ 1,228.49 7301 Harold Lamb $ 115.00 7456 NH Municipal Association $ 56.00 7301 Marshall Domestics $ 18.69 7458 Fryer, Boutin, Warhall & $ 3,710.80 730] Medical Products $ 185.15 7458 Carol A. Rolf, P. A. $ 2,655.20 7301 H.L. Moore Drug Exchange $ 380.15 7301 Parkland Medical Center $ 15.82 7301 Shanahan $ 2,400.00 TOTAL FOR Board of Adjustment $ 10,743.77 7301 Gregg R. Stiles $ 45.00 7301 Thanco Films $ 193.00 7301 Robert C. Webster $ 49.20 Legal 7301 Bonnie Wentworth $ 80.00 7302 Dyna Industries $ ] ,160.40 7502 Daniel D. Crean $ 37.50 7302 Lifeline Products $ 132.30 7502 Equity Publishing Corp. $ 211.45 7302 Medical Products $ 448.10 7502 Fryer, Boutin, Warhall & $ 3,408.62 7302 MedTech Group, Inc. $ 59.60 7502 Peter Loughlin $ 741.13 7302 H.L. Moore Drug Exchange $ 625.61 7502 Carol A. Rolf, P. A. $ 96.00 7302 NH Welding Supply $ 177.43 7502 Ropes & Gray $ 803.20 7302 Parkland Medical Center $ 14.06 7303 Cen-Com $ 432.28 7303 Motorola, Inc. $ 1,113.00 TOTAL FOR Legal $ 5,297.90 7304 GladstoneFord Chry-Plyinc $ 22.43 7304 Kinney's Garage $ 2,409,45 7305 Hampstead Hardware $ 1.78 Insurance 7305 John C. Healey, Jr. $ 558.00 7305 Postmaster, Hampstead, NH $ 5.28 7306 Medical Products $ 195.52 7306 H.L. Moore Drug Exchange $ 1,364.40 7503 Health InsuranceTrust , Inc $ 2,108.89 7306 North American Medical t $ 342.05 7503 The Insurance Exchange $ 46,650.00 7307 Ben's Uniforms $ 203.25 7503 Morris Insurance Agency $ 100.00 7307 Conway Associates, Inc. $ 1,265.21 7503 NH Municipal Workers' $ 6,872.14 7308 American Modular BodyCorp $ 4,555,95 7503 Provident Mutual Life $ 1,027.91

TOTAL FOR Rescue Squad $ 18,880.86 TOTAL FOR Insurance $ 56,758.94

18 Unemployment Compensation Derry Visiting Nurses

7504 NH Municipal Unemployment $ 628.50 7605 Derry Visiting Nurses $ 13,263.75

TOTAL FOR Unemployment Compensation TOTAL FOR Derry Visiting Nurses $ 13,263.75

$ 628.50 Retired Senior Volunteers Ambulance

7606 Retired Senior Volunteer 500.00 7505 Shanahan $ 5,850.00

TOTAL FOR Retired Senior Volunteers TOTAL FOR Ambulance $ 5,850.00 5 500.00

Solid Waste Disposal Family Mediation

7601 Joseph Beane $ 387.00 7607 Family Mediation Program $ 5,000.00 7601 Nicole Beane $ 216.00 7601 Peter Beane $ 24.00

7601 Cate ' s Rubbish Removal $ 80,764.60 TOTAL FOR Family Mediation $ 5,000.00 7601 Dependable $ 297.50 7601 Kevin DeRusha $ 63.00 7601 Walter M. Hastings, III $ 12.00 7601 Town of Kingston $ 56,568,00 Rock. Child & Family Serv 7601 Star Sign Company $ 516.00

TOTAL FOR Solid Waste Disposal $ 138,848.10 7608 Rockingham Child & 500.00

TOTAL FOR Rock. Child & Family Serv Rock. County Comm. Action $ 500.00

Highway Dept. - Summer 7602 Rock. County Comm. Action $ 1,048. 00 7702 Dependable $ 1,480.00 7702 Hampstead Construction $ 2,600.00 FOR Rock. County Comm. Action TOTAL 7702 Dean C. Howard $ 860.00 7702 Frank C. Howard $ 4,060.00 $ 1,048.,00 7702 Ne-Sar., Inc. $ 1,220.00 7702 Sanborn Enterprises $ 4,630.00 7702 Stephen Wentworth $ 8,100.00 Newmarket Health Center 7702 Worthen Brothers Const. $ 1,202.00 7703 Penn Culvert Co. $ 719.78 7704 Barrett Paving Materials $ 807.68 7704 Driveways by H. Cooper $ 880.00 7603 Newmarket Regional Health $ 600,.00 7704 Frank C. Howard $ 2,464.00 7704 Keith Construction, Inc. $ 46,500.00 7704 NH Bituminous Co., Inc. $ 6,699.18 TOTAL FOR Newmarket Health Center 7705 Donald Duston $ 95.00 7705 Leslie E. George, Jr. $ 480.00 $ 600,.00 7705 Senter Auto Supply, Inc. $ 53.46 7709 Roadstone, Inc. $ 8,417.41 7710 Joseph Beane $ 827.00 Center for LifeManagement 7710 Don's Market, Inc. $ 37.79 7710 East Coast Lumber $ 13.52 7710 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 6.29 7710 NH Fence Company $ 1,107.30 7604 Center - Life Management $ 4,617. 76 7710 NH State Prison $ 1,226.46 7710 Norm's Trustworthy Hdwre. $ 5.92 TOTAL FOR Center for LifeManagement

$ 4,617 .76 TOTATOTAL FOR Highway Dept. Summer $ 94,492.79

19 I s

Highway Dept, Winter 8011 Mary M. Robert 1,117.75 8011 Elizabeth Rooney 14,370.18 8012 Elizabeth Rooney 21.40

7801 Pamela J. Carideo $ 50.00 7801 Timothy Desmond $ 32.50 TOTAL FOR Library 44,485.00 7801 Glen S. Emerson $ 20.00 7801 Kristopher Emerson $ 112.50 7801 Neil Emerson $ 55.00 7801 Christopher Howard $ 25.00 7801 Terrie L. Kimball s 40.00 Old Age Assistance 7801 Donald Pepper $ 37.50 7801 Robert Vaughn $ 40.00 1,255.00 7802 Robert Boulter $ !101 Treasurer, State of NH 290.50 7802 Paul Carideo $ 775.00 7802 Michael M. Curry $ 210.00 15,720.00 7802 Hampstead Construction $ TOTAL FOR Old Age Assistance $ 290.50 7802 Alice Henning $ 550.00 7802 Dean C. Howard $ 2,325.00 7802 Ricky Lizotte $ 955.00 7802 Ne-San, Inc. $ 6,000.00 General Assistance 7802 Tom Poole $ 420.00 7802 Ralph Rooney $ 220.00 7802 Sanborn Enterprises $ 2,125.00 7802 Ted Stewart $ 180.00 n02 Ames #207 $ 214.75 7802 Pasquale Vitale $ 325.00 3102 Stephen Councilman $ 1,275.00 7802 Paul Wentworth $ 675.00 5102 Custeau's Thriftway $ 158.81 7802 Stephen Wentworth $ 1,585.00 U02 DiFeo's Oil Co., Inc. $ 172.38

7802 Worthen Brothers Const. $ 1,295.00 J 102 Don's Market, Inc. $ 51.45 7803 International Salt Co. $ 16,004.38 J102 Duston Oil Company, Inc. $ 246.95 7804 Hampstead Hardware $ 56.69 )102 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 52.30 7804 Senter Auto Supply, Inc $ 61.18 J102 Lewis Builders Inc. $ 1,455.00 7804 Truck Sales & Service, nc $ 276.13 !102 Pickering Firewood $ 250.00 7805 Dean C. Howard Const., nc $ 1,160.00 il02 Public Service Co. of NH $ 191.29 7805 Frank C. Howard $ 756.00 J102 State of NH, Treasurer $ 11.00 7806 AT & T Consumer Sales & $ 4.50 7806 New England Telephone $ 330.89 7807 Cen-Com $ 48.00 TOTAL FOR General Assistance $ 4,078.93 7807 R. C. Hazelton Co., Inc $ 77.64 7807 Kinney's Garage $ 471.30 630.39 7807 Komenda's Welding&Fabri c. $ Patriotic Purposes 7807 Sanborn Enterprises $ 748.00 7807 Senter Auto Supply, Inc:. $ 39.18 7808 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 124.96 7809 Barrett Paving Material s $ 1,084.47 8201 Chadwick ' sGreenhouses , Inc $ 78.49 7809 Hampstead Construction $ 2,075.00 8201 Hampstead Lions Club $ 1,100.00 7809 Frank C. Howard $ 210.00 8201 Music Booster's Club $ 200.00 7809 Ne-San, Inc. $ 535.00 8201 H. A. Holt & Sons $ 414.58 7809 Worthen Brothers Const. 459.00 $ 8201 Leith Flower Shop $ 72.45 8201 New England Telephone $ 7.09 8201 5th N. H. Volunteers $ 200.00 FOR Dept. - nter TOTAL Highway Winter $ 60,180.21 8201 Scots Highlander Band $ 450.00

Street Lighting TOTAL FOR Patriotic Purposes $ 2,522.61

and Recreation 7901 Exeter Hampton Electric $ 86.66 Parks 7901 Public Service Co. of NH $ 15,690.58

8301 John Hutchinson $ 136.50 TOTAL FOR Street Lighting $ 15,777.24 8301 Cooke, Warren S. $ 1,420.00 8301 Raymond Flaherty s 314.21 Library 8301 Pamela A. Grosso $ 850.25 8301 Sandra L. Miller $ 2,443.62 8301 Megan Murphy $ 933.39 8301 David S. Saulnier $ 2,610.87 8001 The Haverhill Gazette $ 8.75 8301 Mary M. Shearer $ 823.91 8001 Library Trustees $ 18,686.57 8301 Karrie Shearer $ 2,590.74 8011 ABS Financial - SS $ 1,752.82 8301 Marcia Torphy $ 372.20 8011 Marianne Crowell $ 303.60 8302 Hampstead Baseball and $ 400.00 8011 Judith Crowley $ 3,748.40 8302 Theatre Res. for Youth $ 300.00 8011 Joan O Hennessey $ 1,998.00 8302 Timberlane Transportation $ 605.00 8011 B. Joyce Miller $ 2,246.56 8302 Treasurer, State of NH $ 35.00 8011 Nil Municipal Unemp. Comp. $ 162.00 8302 Whitworth' $ 86.30 8011 NH Mun Workers Comp Fund $ 68.97 8303 Edaville Railroad $ 169.50

20 8303 Happy Jack Restaurant $ 504.00 8421 Thomas Lindquist $ 1,866.37 8303 Hawthorne Tours Inc. $ 80.00 8421 Alden G. Lurvey $ 577.50 8303 Marilyn Moseley $ 136.50 84 21 Donna Lurvey $ 3,072.50 8303 Timberlane Transportation $ 2,610.00 8421 Ann E. Tellier $ 300.00 8303 Yankee Pantry Catering $ 2,340.09 8421 Donna Tellier $ 1,587.50 8304 East Coast Lumber $ 129.62 8421 Peter Waugh $ 1,040.85 8304 Timberlane Transportation $ 120.00 8305 Benson's $ 111.90 8305 Cate's Rubbish Removal $ 32.00 TOTAL FOR Cemeteries $ 28,276.82 8305 Dependable $ 772.00 8 305 Dodge's Agway $ 80.30 8305 East Coast Lumber $ 554.15 Conservation Commission 8305 Robert Grosso $ 35.00 8 305 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 30.29 8305 Martineau Enterprises $ 689.82 8305 Hears Trust $ 61.65 8501 Kathe Cussen $ 189.10 8305 NHWS&PCC - State of NH $ 16.00 8503 NH Association of $ 119.00 8305 Watertest Corporation $ 165.00 8503 NH Timberland Owner's $ 20.00 8305 Whitworth's $ 61.30 8504 Peter Archibald, Sr. $ 70.77 8307 East Coast Lumber $ 163.54 8504 Kathe Cussen $ 103.04 8307 Greenwood Trout Hatchery $ 0.00 8504 The Haverhill Gazette $ 28.00 8307 Hampstead Civic Club $ 125.00 8504 Lawrence Eagle Tribune $ 37.52 8307 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 35.17 8504 Rock. County Newspapers $ 20.30 8307 Postmaster, Hampstead, NH $ 3.30 8504 Union Leader Corporation $ 36.14 8307 David S. Saulnier $ 139.51 8508 Peter Archibald, Sr. $ 10.00 8307 Marcia Torphy $ 9.60 8508 Kathe Cussen $ 16.00 8308 AT & T Consumer Sales & $ 11.25 8508 Nicholas Pangaro $ 25.00 8308 New England Telephone $ 315.16 8509 Tom Neff, R.P.F $ 885.00 8308 Public Service Co. $ 66.60 8510 Double-Oh-Seven, Ltd. $ 823.24 8 511 Cooke, Warren S. $ 484.00 8511 David George $ 12.00 TOTAL FOR Parks and Recreation 23,490.24 8 511 Greenwood Trout Hatchery $ 212.50 8511 Hampstead Pharmacy $ 12.25 8511 Donna Lurvey 40.00 Cemeteries s 8511 Jason R. Michaud $ 20.00 8512 Raymond S. Bassett s 216.00 8513 Nancy B. Rendall $ 1,220.00 8513 Reprotech $ 178.08 8401 Dale 120.00 Gerry $ 8514 Peter Archibald, Sr. $ 26.79 8401 Robert Grosso $ 184.00 8514 Kathe Cussen $ 64.16 8401 The Haverhill Gazette $ 36.00 8514 Rivers Engineering Corp. $ 600.00 8401 Lawrence Eagle Tribune $ 29.48 8401 Jason R. Michaud $ 854.00 8401 Shawn Laidlaw $ 1,525.00 TOTAL FOR Conservation Commission $ 5,468.89 8401 Union Leader Corporation $ 30.58 8401 Peter Waugh $ 263.25 8402 Don's Market, Inc. 94.81 $ Regional Association 8402 East Coast Lumber $ 915.71 8402 East HampsteadTrustworthy $ 183.07 8402 Mears Trust $ 57.00 8402 Senter Auto Supply, Inc. $ 51.40 8601 Rockingham Planning Comm. $ 3,298.40 8403 William E. Beane $ 5,420.00 8404 Don's Market, Inc. $ 962.43 8407 Robert A. Lurvey $ 1,410.00 TOTAL FOR Regional Association $ 3,298.40 840R Ne-San, Inc. $ 790.00 8410 Eddie's Saw Service $ 11.25 8410 Martin J. Gosselin $ 236.65 Abatements 8410 Hampstead Garage $ 111.66 8410 R. C. Hazelton Co., Inc. $ 31.33 8410 Kingston Mower & Sports $ 706.10 8410 Robert A. Lurvey $ 22.00 8603 Robert & Martha Alexander $ 16.00 8410 Rosencrantz , JamesR&SonInc $ 246.37 8603 Charles & Laura Ashford $ 38,056.00 8410 Strandell Equipment $ 55.00 8603 Charlotte Barry $ 12.00 8411 Paul Fogarty $ 350.00 8603 Stephen & Jane Beaton $ 12.00 8411 Dean C Howard $ 120.00 8603 Karl H. & Natalie Benner $ 64.00 8411 Frank C Howard $ 119.00 8603 Maude Buckland $ 10.00 8411 Kingston Nursery $ 222.80 8603 William Choate & B. Boras $ 483.00 8411 Bob Moseley $ 75.00 8603 Leo J. Cullinan $ 50.00 8412 Benson's $ 150.00 8603 Bryant P sPamela Desmaris $ 290.00 8412 Braffco Service Corp. $ 96.50 8603 Thomas Dowling $ 18.00 8412 East Coast Lumber $ 273.07 8603 Frederick & Nancy Gresch $ 39.00 8412 East HampsteadTrustworthy $ 96.51 8603 Joseph P. Hannigan, Jr. $ 50.00 8412 Martin J. Gosselin $ 1,250.00 8603 GeorgeJ. SElaineB.Laf leur $ 268.00 8421 Jeffrey D. Davison $ 632.00 8603 Robert Lafleur $ 6.00 8421 Brian George $ 1,967.63 8603 Merle Phillips $ 7.00 8421 Brian Grosso $ 42.50 8603 Louis Rom $ 83.00 8421 James Hartung $ 90.00 8603 J.W. & Mildred E. Seavey $ 314.00

21 8603 Joseph Sillo 50.00 Firehouse Bond Interest 8603 Christopher P. Wasp 1,800.19 8603 Ruth Wentworth 218.00 8603 Peter Wheeler 50.00 The Conn. National Bank $ 25,852.03 8603 Ruth Whiteley 39.00 8803

TOTAL FOR Firehouse Bond Interest $ 25,852.03 TOTAL FOR Abatements $ 41,935.19

Retirement Revenue Sharing Expense

8605 ABS Financial Center $ 13,278.80 8901 The Haverhill Gazette $ 52.50 8901 Rock. County Newspapers $ 92,82

TOTAL FOR Retirement $ 13,278.80 TOTAL FOR Revenue Sharing Expense $ 145.32

Payments to State RS-Police Lights & Sirens

!702 State Treasurer 688.50 i702 State of NH, Treasurer 23.99 9001 Central Equipment Company $ 2,019.00 9001 Sanborn Enterprises $ 450.00 TOTAL FOR Payments to State 712.49 TOTAL FOR RS-Police Lights & Sirens $ 2,469.00 Payments to County


8703 County Treasurer $ 139,000.00

9002 Computer Town $ 565.00 TOTAL FOR Payments to County $ 139,000.00 9002 Contrl ComputerSystemsInc $ 18,980.00 9002 Union Leader Corporation $ 21.97

Payments to School TOTAL FOR RS-Computer $ 19,566.97

8704 Hampstead School District $2,882,974.00 RS-Repair Fence-T.Cts&BF

TOTAL FOR Payments to School $2,882,974.00 9003 Penney Fence $ 917.50

Interest TOTAL FOR RS-Repair Fence-T.Cts&BF $ 917.50

8801 Bank Meridian $ 54,292.55 8801 Derry Bank & Trust Co. $ 11,331.75 RS Swale-Town Beach

TOTAL FOR Interest $ 65,624.30 9006 Dependable $ 1,825.00

Firehouse Bond TOTAL FOR RS Swale-Town Beach $ 1,8 2 5.00

Salaries 8802 The Conn. National Bank $ 40,000.00

TOTAL FOR Firehouse Bond $ 40,000.00 9007 William E. Beane 850„00

zz 9007 Kenneth H. Clark $ 1,000,00 Police Station -1985&1986 9007 Brian Eastman $ 850.00 9007 Harold Williams $ 900.00

9024 Hampstead Consultants $ 10.50 TOTAL FOR Salaries $ 3,600.00 9024 The Haverhill Gazette $ 81.20 9024 Lawrence Eagle Tribune $ 26.54 9024 Mike's Landscaping $ 22,500.00 9024 Pine Tree Door $ 26,615.00 9024 Rock. County Newspapers SERCSSMD $ 52.00 9024 Dennis F. Smith $ 6,740.00 9024 Union Leader Corporation $ 88.43 9024 G.A. Watson & Sons, Inc. $ 5,710.00

9008 SERCSSWMD $ 5,486.00 TOTALTOTA FOR Police Station 1985&1986 $ 61,823.67 TOTAL FOR SERCSSMD $ 5,486.00

GRAND TOTAL $ 5,931,503.80 Vic Geary

9009 Vic Geary Drop In Center $ 1,500.00

TOTAL FOR Vic Geary $ 1,500.00

Fire Station

9013 Dean C. Howard Const., Inc $ 7,500.00

TOTAL FOR Fire Station $ 7,500.00

RS Police Furniture 85&86

9019 Demers Plate Glass $ 35.00 9019 Dinn Bros. Inc. $ 123.97 9019 The Draperty Mill $ 531.00 9019 Haverhill Rotary Club $ 144.50 9019 William J. Letoile, Jr $ 339.84 9019 Oui $ 2,088.30 9019 T.C.S. Communications Inc $ 1,220.00 9019 Tom- Ray s 139.95

TOTAL FOR RS Police Furniture 85&86 $ 4,622.56

Library Repair -1985&1986

9021 Comprehensive Management $ 14,395.00

TOTAL FOR Library Repair -1985&1986

$ 14,395.00

23 Auditor's Report on Internal Accounting Control Year Ending December 31, 1985

To the Board of Selectmen Town of Hampstead, New Hampshire

I have examined the financial statements of the Town of Hampstead, New Hampshire for the year ended December 31, 1985, and have issued my report thereon dated January 28, 1986. As part of my examination, I made a study and evaluation of the Town's system of internal accounting control to the extent I considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards . The purpose of my study and evaluation was to determine the nature, timing, and extent of the auditing procedures necessary to express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control taken as a whole. The selectmen of the Town of Hampstead are responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of internal accounting control. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by the selectmen are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The objectives of such a system are to provide the selectmen with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal accounting control, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of the system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. My study and evaluation made for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph would not necessarily disclose all material weaknesses in the system. Accordingly, I do not express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control of the Town of Hampstead, New Hampshire taken as a whole. However, my study and evaluation disclosed no condition that I believed to be a material weakness; however, I wish to submit suggestions and recommendations regarding other weaknesses that have come to my attention as follows:

Library Fund The accounting system for the library fund does not include a cash receipts journal sufficient to record all cash receipts in double entry form. It is highly recommendable that such be initiated and maintained in such fashion as to record date, amount, payer, and classification of revenue type. It is further recommended that donees of noncash property be recorded by donee, date of gift, description of property and fair market value of date of gift. The proper maintenance of such an accounting system would improve accounting and administrative controls over library revenues and the safeguarding of properties and cash received.

Library support documents, such as invoices, are not consistently and properly noted for the check number, date, and amount of payment; nor for class of distribution to accounts. The inconsistencies, although not material to the financial statements taken as a whole, do indicate weakness in accounting and administrative control. These inconsistencies may well be due to the lack of written administrative procedures, coupled with the library's reliance on volunteer workers who may not be familiar with those procedures. We recommend that such written procedures be documented and made available to all appropriate workers.

Bid Procedures Administrative procedures dated March 18, 1980, and posted in the Town office requiring competitive bids on purchases exceeding $1,000, have not been consistently adhered to. Through inquiry and observation it came to our attention that the procedure is frequently either disregarded or overlooked. It is our recommendation that either the $1,000 limit be complied with routinely, or that the limit be raised.

The foregoing conditions were considered in determining the nature, timing and extent of audit tests to be applied in my examination of the financial statements, and this report of such conditions does not modify my report dated January 28, 1986 on such financial statements.

Lawrence B. Martin Certified Public Accountant Manchester, New Hampshire 24 Hampstead Public Library






TOTAL 1894.09 TOTAL 1992.54



TOTAL 1686.40



86 Building Inspector's Report — 1986

It is a pleasure to submit the annual report of the code enforcement/building inspector. During 1986, 326 building permits were issued, totalling a dollar value of $18,145,045. These included 135 new homes, 5 mobile homes, 2 duplexes and 5 commercial buildings. New policies adopted by the Board of Selectmen included the necessity of bringing about a certification of foundation positioning. This was initiated because of problems coming to light due to homes being placed inaccurately on lots of land and making financing difficult. This new policy, during a short length of time, saved numerous problems. Regulations adopted in the past and still in force are requirements for oil burner and wood stove permits. These regulations have one goal in mind-that being the safety of the public. Also adopted by the selectmen was the requirement for businesses to register with the Town Office. This will make the duties of the fire and police departments considerably easier. The locating of unknown businesses has given an almost impossible task to the above mentioned departments and this will eliminate those problems. Sincere thanks to Dawn M. Shaw, the secretary to the Code Enforcement Officer. I have assumed a position that would be much more difficult if not for her expertise. Sincere thanks, also, to Paul Wentworth for his willingness to fill the vacancy brought about by the resignation of Ted Hall. Ted was an asset to this department and his departure for "greener pastures" was a surprise. It is our ultimate goal to make the code enforcement and building inspection department second to none. We respectfully ask residents of the Town of Hampstead for their cooperation in attaining this goal. It is out intention, also, to enforce our zoning regulations regardless of political ramifications, for politics has no place, in our opinion, in such enforcement. The cooperation and understanding of the public during my tenure as selectman have been appreciated and I can only humbly request such continued assistance as I assume the role to which I have been recently assigned.

Respectfully submitted, Kenneth H. Clark Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer Health Of f icer/Asessor

27 Building Permits — 1986 1986 Map /Lot Name Amount 1 9 138 Howard Const. Co., Wheelwright Rd., addition 15, 000 2 13 167 Robert Villella, Quail Run, New Home 125, 000 3 13 174 Robert Villella, Quail Run, New Home 125, 000

4 3 111 Steven Seuss, 35 Blueberry Circle , alteration 10, 000 5 11 122 Thomas Andreas, 142 Buttrick Rd., addition 18 000

6 1 68 Contempo Homes , Inc. , Misty Meadows, New Home 90, 000 7 11 218 Yuan Michaud, 48 Scott Dr., addition 5 000 8 14 7 Fran McCarthy, Sawmill Lane, New Home 50 000 9 14 6 Fran McCarthy, Sawmill Lane, New Home 50, 000 10 9 134 George Lunn, 30 Wheel Wright Rd., addition 36 000 11 2 83 Mark Norris, 29 Kimberly Dr., barn 5 000

12 9 14 Darlene Houde , 175 Kent Farm Rd., garage 7, 500

13 9 124 Daniel Curry, Kent Farm Rd. , New Home 54 000 14 11 17 Gene Wills, Holts Point, remodel 4 ,000 15 2 17 Robert Farrell, Andrew Circle, New Home 60 ,000 16 2 17 Robert Farrell, Andrew Circle, New Home 60 ,000

17 2 17 Reddy Home Bldrs , Inc ., Andrew Circle, New Home 60 ,000

18 2 17 Reddy Home Bldrs , Inc. , Andrew Circle, New Home 60 ,000 19 14 45 Robert Begin, 12 Sherry Lane, remodel 5 ,000

20 3 154 A&J Realty Trust , Lexington Dr. , New Home 80 ,000

21 12 35 Stephen Moore, 298 Wash Pond Rd. , garage 4 ,000

22 6 43-10 Kevin K. Brooks ,Bricketts Mill Rd. , New Home 130 ,000 23 18 95 East Coast Lumber, Inc., Route 111, comm.bldg 200 ,000 24 9 76 Leonard Fuchs,28 Wash Pond Rd. ,deck and pore h 6 500 25 11 273 Bayberry Devel. Corp. ,Baywood Dr., New Home 200 000 26 11 274 Bayberry Devel. Corp. ,Baywood Dr., New Home 200 000

27 13 151 Nadeau Prop. , Ltd. , Faith Drive, New Home 120 ,000 28 13 152 Nadeau Prop. Ltd., Faith Drive, New Home 130 000 29 13 156 Nadeau Prop. Ltd., Faith Drive, New Home 130 ,000 30 13 161 Nadeau Prop. Ltd., Faith Drive, New Home 130 ,000

31 13 25 Wm.Comeau/K. Strong, 90 East Rd. , barn 6 ,000 32 9 133 Howard Const ., Inc ., Wheel Wright Rd,. addition 7 ,000 33 7 47 Pine Tree Door, Inc., Emerson Ave., remodel 11 ,800 34 9 58 Wentworth Builders ,Geisser Lane, New Home 110 ,000

35 19 63 Lewis Builders , Inc ., Harper Rdge.Rd.,New Home 96 ,000

36 19 69 Lewis Builders , Inc ., Harper Rdge.Rd.,New Home 94 ,000

37 19 71 Lev/is Builders , Inc ., Harper Rdge.Rd.,New Home 96 ,000

38 11 111 H. Dexter Hyland, III , 179 Buttrick Rd. additio n 38 500

39 12 56 Jamma Realty Tr. , Route 111, comm. bldg. 200 ,000

40 6 26 William H. Blaine, 260 Stage Rd. , remodel 5 ,000 41 3 111 Steven Seuss, 35 Blueberry Circle, gargae 8 ,000 42 13 31 J. B.Forbes/V. Barton, 180 East Rd., addition 25 000 43 1 56 George Stokinger, 631 Main Street, addition 26 500

44 11 2 Mark E. Webber, 168 Wash Pond Rd. , addition 3 000

45 13 50 Knightsbridge Dev.Corp., Rte . Ill , comm. bldg. 185 000 46 9 175 Paul Wentworth, Geisser Lane, New Home 150 ,000 47 9 174 Paul Wentworth, Geisser Lane, New Home 140 ,000

48 11 110 William Seres, 185 Buttrick Rd . , addition 24 ,000

49 11 80 M.A. Michaelsen, 38 Sawyer Rd. , deck 12 ,000 50 9 171 Eric Howard, 55 Geisser Rd., New Home 140 ,000 51 17 46 Hans Nigl, 42 Brown Hill Rd., alarm system 2 ,100 52 7 22 Peter H. Killheffer, 39 Stage Rd., pool 19 250

53 7 74 Joseph McGillicuddy , West Road, New Home 100 000 54 18 162 Robert S. Stoddart, 21 Atwood Dr ., alteration 1 500 55 13 108 William Ruthrauff, Hickory Ridge, addition 10, 000 56 11 103 Steven Espinola, 105 Buttrick Rd., pool 10, 000 57 7 16 Paul/Dorothy Auger, Main Street, shed 5, 000

28 , . ,

58 13 172 Nico Builders , Inc. , Quail Run, New Home 125 ,000 59 18 105 Andrew C. Kloack, 288 Sandown Rd. , addition 75 ,000 60 7 53 Kenneth H. Clark, 25 West Rd., addition 2 ,000 61 9 172 Howard Const., Inc., Geisser Rd. , New Home 159 ,000

62 10 18 Maurice Paquette , 76 Wheel Wright Rd. , remodel 5 ,000

63 2 89 Brice S. Craven, 11 Sylvester Ln. , addition 2 ,000 64 5 11 Thomas McGurty, 295 West Rd. pool and deck 5 ,000

65 13 170 Nico Bldrs. Inc. , Quail Run, New Home 125 ,000

66 13 169 Nico Bldrs. Inc. , Quail Run, New Home 150 ,000

67 13 168 Nico Bldrs. Inc. , Quail Run, New Home 125 ,000

68 19 68 Lewis Bldrs . Inc • , Harper Rdge . Rd . , New Home 96 ,000

69 19 64 Lewis Bldrs Inc , Harper Rdge . Rd . , New Home 90 ,000

70 19 6 Lewis Bldrs . Inc Harper Rdge . Rd . , New Home 90 ,000 71 17 185 Boyd Estabrook, Kelly Brook Lane, New Home 170 ,000 72 13 114 Juanita Fields, 4 Hazel Dr., canopy 700 73 12 137 Mike Salvo, Jody Lane, New Home 87 ,000 74 6 18 Kenneth Woods, Route 111, commercial bldg. 160 ,000

75 18 118 Albert Lake, Jr., 131 Brown Hill Rd. , deck 5 ,000

76 6 43-17 James A. Greene, 91 Bricketts Mill Rd. , alt. 5 ,000 77 8a 65 Nicholas Pangaro, 5 Ells Shore Dr., shed 2 ,500 78 12all3A C. Earle Gordon, 19 Parklane, New Home M45 ,000 79 12all6 Samuel Thomas, 3 Amy Lane, New Home M47 ,900 80 12al31 Barbara Gelinas, 6 Amy Lane, New Home M44 ,900 81 12all4 Joseph N. Maillett, 21 Parklane, New Home M42 ,195 82 12all5 Raymond N. Hackett, 1 Amy Lane, New Home M54 ,900

83 17 194 Joel Saren, 21 Kelly Brook Ln. , pool 5 ,000 84 19 52 Hammand Bldrs., Inc., Soldiers Hill, New Home 90 ,000

85 11 144 Jerry Collins, 22 Bloody Brook Rd. , addition 31 ,000

86 18 59 Clarence Senter, 47 Woodridge Pk. , shed 450 87 17 175 Bette Haggett, 228 Central St., pool 5 ,000 88 15 24 Edwin Bezanson, East Road., addition 5 ,000 89 11 112 Charles Hollingsworth, 171 Buttrick Rd., addition 400 90 3 18 Pasquale Vitale, Collette Dr., New Home 80 ,000

91 17 181 John Tilton, 137 Central St. , shed 2 ,000 92 10 23 George Phaneuf, 200 Wheel Wright Rd., tennis crt, 10 ,000 93 14 7 Douglas Gallipeau, 50 Maple Ave., New Home 90 ,000

94 15 27 Edwin Bezanson, Jorgenson Ln. , New Home 87 ,000 95 13 111 Albert Daneau, 13 Hickory Road, shed 5 ,000 96 3 9 George Cornetta, 47 Collette Dr., addition 1 ,500

97 7 32 William Rivers, 128 Stage Rd. , shed 5 ,000 98 3 137 Richard Jones, Raccoon Run, pool 8 ,000

99 13 166 Nico Bldrs. , Inc Quail Run, New Home 200 ,000

100 18 115 Robin LeDuc, 239 E, Main St. , barn/office 80 ,000 101 13 173 Nico Bldrs., Inc., Quail Run, New Home 200 ,000 102 13 172 Nico Bldrs., Inc., Quail Run New Home 200 ,000

103 11 123 John Bronneck, 134 Buttrick Rd. , alteration 2 ,000

104 3 68 Dominic Dominjanni, 17 Longview Dr. , alteration 5 ,000 105 18 165 Catherine Brunelle, 6 Atwood Dr., pool and shed 7 ,000

106 2 15 Majorie Carragher, 485 Main St. , pool 1 ,400

107 17 81 Glenn Blouin, 280 Central St. , addition 8 ,000

108 19 129 Marian McPherson, 195 Brown Hill Rd. , New Home 100 ,000 109 12 15 Rito Acevedo Route 111, remodel 30 ,000

110 13 40 Harry J. Reel, 15 York Rd. , addition 40 ,000 111 2 49 Leonard Chase, 545 Main St., remodel 35 ,000 112 9 166 Dean C. Howard Const., Geisser Rd., New Home 125 ,000

113 9 170 Dean C. Howard Const., Geisser Rd. , New Home 105 ,000 114 9 167 Dean C. Howard Const., Geisser Rd., New Home 115 ,000

115 9 115 John Luciano, Bloody Brook Rd. , pool and shed 10 ,000 116 7 61 Daniel Perry Bldrs., Wellington Dr., New Home 94 ,000

S9 ,

117 7 112 Daniel Perry Bldrs., Wellington Dr., New Home 100 ,000

118 9 160 Ronald LeBoeuf, 9 Bartlett Ln . , pool 200

119 11 36 Gordon Waterman, 48 Pillsbury Rd. , remodel 5 ,000 120 19 57 Hammand Bldrs., Regiment Dr., New Home 85 ,000

121 17 198 Silva Const., Inc., Munroe Dr . , New Home 100 ,000

122 11 268 Baywood Devel. , Baywood Dr., New Home 100 ,000

123 9 73 Ronald LaFrance , 3 Wash Pond Rd. , New Home D120 ,000

124 14 99 Birch Hill Condo Dev. , Maple Ave., New Home D140 ,000 125 13 149 Nadeau Prop., Faith Drive, New Home 130 ,000

126 2 92 Candice Lavoie, 86 Wheel Wright Rd. , pool 5 ,000

127 12 21 Michael L. Funke , Holts Point Rd. , addition 9 ,000 128 13 176 Nico Bldrs., Inc., Quail Run, New Home 150 ,000 129 13 165 Nico Bldrs., Inc., Quail Run, New Home 150 ,000 130 13 36 Nico Bldrs., Inc., Quail Run, New Home 150 ,000

131 12 132 Walter J. Zwearcan, Putnam Rd , New Home 100 ,000

132 17 114 Chandler Smith, 16 Evergreen Dr. , pool 8 ,500 133 8 174 Victor Chouinard, 52 Kent Farm Rd, addition 30 ,000

134 12 19 Neil Emerson, 233 Emerson Ave . , remodel 1 ,700 135 13 34 John Dagle, 4 Hickory Ln., deck 900

136 18 32 Louis Eiserman, 29 Russet Ln. , addition 5 ,000 137 11 6 John M. Clemens, Angle Pond, addition 5 ,000 138 17 85 Francis Medeiros, 17 Cortland Rd., pool 10 ,000 139 7 16 Paul Auger, Main St., addition 60 ,000 140 5 3 Kathleen Short, 273 West Rd., pool 5 ,000 141 9 61 Charles Ashford, 40 Freedom Hill Rd., addition 8 ,000 142 17 204 Green & Co., Munroe Dr., New Home 85 ,000 143 17 197 Green & Co., Munroe Dr., New Home 85 ,000 144 17 199 Green & Co., Munroe Dr., New Home 85 ,000

145 11 61 Richard Tibbetts, Estee Rd. , addition 10 ,000

146 9 173 Dean C. Howard Const., Geisser Rd. , New Home 110 ,000

147 1 27 Norman E. Kimball, Depot Rd. , New Home 60 ,000 148 9 56 Dean C. Howard Const., Geisser Rd., New Home 100 ,000 149 19 7 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. ,New Home 91 ,000 150 19 66 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H, Harper Ridge Rd. ,New Home 92 ,000 151 19 67 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H, Harper Ridge Rd. ,New Home 88 ,000 152 19 65 Lewis Bldrs. of N H. Harper Ridge Rd. ,New Home 91 ,000 153 19 70 Lewis Bldrs. of N H, Harper Ridge Rd. ,New Home 90 ,000 154 11 18 J. Leo Staid, 221 Wash Pond Rd., addition 18 ,000

155 18 37 Michelle Kolias, 335 E. Main St. , garage 12 ,000

156 7 70 Harold Williams, 1 Emerson Ave . remodel 5 ,000

157 14 81 Raymond McNutt, 60 Laura Ln. , New Home 100 ,000

158 13 34 John Dagle, 4 Hickory Ln. , garage 14 ,700

159 17 1 Carol Pisani, 33 Russet Ln. , shed 1 ,100 160 9 168 Dean C. Howard Const., Geisser Rd., New Home 120 ,000

161 9 169 Dean C. Howard Const., Geisser Rd. , New Home 110 ,000 162 17 77 Robert Webster, 21 Moulton Dr., addition 16 ,000 163 2 21 William Komenda, 512 Main St., remodel 5 ,000 164 8 285 Wentworth Const., Emerson Ave., New Home 100 ,000

165 2 113 Steven Dubois, 117 Wheel Wright Rd. , porch 10 ,000 166 1 10 Phillip Kearney, Jr., Valley Rd., deck 600 167 8 238 Barry McEachern, 11 Harris Ave., remodel 5 ,000 168 17 121 Gregg Stiles, 6 Country Rd., addition 45 ,000 169 14 93 Stephen Couture, 75 Laura Ln., pool 13 ,000 170 8 265 Gene Duston, 107 Main St., addition 5 ,000 171 9 144 Donald Getchal, Wheel Wright Rd., addition 10 ,000 172 11 90 William Wanelik, Jr., 29 Buttrick Rd., addition 25 ,000 173 12 8 Rev. Robert Dobson, Emerson Ave., addition 26 ,800 174 9 11 Paul Carideo, 108 Wash Pond Rd., alteration 5 ,000 175 12 38 Scott Wain, 153 Emerson Ave., addition 10 ,000

30 176 11 272 Baywood Devel., Baywood Dr., New Home 100 000 177 11 267 Baywood Devel., Baywood Dr., New Home 100 000 178 11 270 Paul Eterian, Baywood Dr., barn 10 000 179 19 100 Lewis Bldrs of N.H Checkerberry Rd.,New Home 8 2 000 180 19 101 Lewis Bldrs of N.H. Checkerberry Rd. ,New Home 96 000 181 19 102 Lewis Bldrs of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd. ,New Home 9 4 000 182 19 121 Lewis Bldrs of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd. ,New Home 8 2 000 183 19 123 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd. ,New Home 90 000 184 19 124 Lewis Bldrs of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd. ,New Home 84 000 185 19 125 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd. ,New Home 80 000 186 19 126 Lewis Bldrs of N.H. Checkerberry Rd.,New Home 9 000 187 19 127 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H. Checkerberry Rd. ,New Home 8 2 000 188 19 136 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H. Checkerberry Rd. ,New Home 8 6 000 189 19 137 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H. Harper Ridge Rd. ,New Home 8 8 000

190 8 149 Robert Grandy , 259 Main St., remodel 3 500 191 17 200 Reddy Home Bldrs., Munroe Dr., New Home 100 000 192 13 175 Nico Bldrs., Quail Run, New Home 125 000 193 13 164 Nico Bldrs., Quail Run, New Home 110 000 194 13 63 Bruce W. Nadeau, 266 East Rd., garage 7 500

195 13 63 Bruce W. Nadeau, 266 East Rd. , pool 5 500 196 8 149 Robert Grandy, 259 Main St., addition 17 000

197 19 101 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H., Checkerberry Rd. , pool 10 000 198 13 155 Nadeau Prop. LTD., Faith Dr., New Home 200 000 199 11 283 Martin 0. Waters, Wentworth Ave., New Home 90 000 200 2 47 Gregg Thompson, 557 Main St., garage 16 500 201 18 47 Nadeau Prop., LTD., 232 E. Main St., addition 10 000

202 18 47 Nadeau Prop., LTD , 232 E. Main St., barn 12 000

203 18 84 Nadeau Prop. , LTD , 234 E. Main St. , mall 450 000 204 13 7 Richard Little, 6 Tewksbury Rd., addition 30 000 205 11 145 Francine Morgan, Bloody Brook Rd., addition 16 000 206 7 12 David Huston, 61 Emerson Ave., addition 2 500

207 6 17 Merle Ashford, Stage Rd. , storage shed 1 500 208 18 33 Raymond Duquette, 256 E. Main St., gazebo 1 000

209 8 81 George Gallo, 27 Timberlane Rd. , shed 300

210 14 101 Jack Ganley, 45 Tewksbury Rd. , alteration 10 000

211 17 181 Tilton Family Tr. , 137 Central St., remodel 1 500 212 3 74 Nicholas Stefanilo, Holiday Ln., boathouse 3 400 213 17 16 George Fitzgerald, 169 E. Main St., remodel 7 000 214 18 1 H. Stuart Klotzle, 6 Russet Ln., addition 1 200

215 6 5 Phillips Automotive, 269 Stage Rd. , addition 7 000 216 8 154 John D. Carmody, 110 Main St., addition 56 000 217 17 170 Leonard St. Pierre, Munroe Dr., addition 80 000 218 8b 76 Glen W. Miller, 15 Shirley St., addition 2 000

219 11 167 Jannette Harnish, Estee Rd. , addition 2 400

220 5 15 Terence , 325 West Rd. , shed 1 000

221 8b 56 Joseph Lavesseur, 4 Hilltop Ln. , garage 10 000 222 8 119 Stephen Bollard, 50 Main St., alteration 7 000

223 11 64 Robert Weimar, 240 Wash Pond Rd. , addition 1 800 224 14 89 Alan M. Dunn, 121 Laura Ln., shed 1 100

225 9 54 James E. Cairo, 172 Kent Farm Rd. , alteration 5 000 226 13 50 Gail MacDonald, Village Square, sign 227 6 62 Scott Construction, Rt. Ill, commercial condos 260 000 228 3 89 Norman Carideo, 44 Blueberry Circle, addition 20 000 229 17 4 Valley Truck Parts, Rt. Ill, temporary sign

230 3 156 A & J Realty Tr . , Lexington Dr., New Home 110 000

231 11 103 Stephen Espinola, 105 Buttrick Rd. , garage 5 000

232 4 7 Edward Sirois, Island View Rd . , alteration 2 000

233 9 23 John H. Pierce, 103 Wash Pond Rd. , alteration 1 500

234 1 11 Michael Levinger, 15 Valley Rd. , foundation permit

31 , ,

235 109 Robert Boulter, 14 Pinewood Dr., shed 800 236 175 L. Norris Webster, Kent Farm Rd. , alteration 1 ,500 237 19 119 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 90 ,000 9 238 171 Michael King, 55 Geisser Ln. , pool 10 ,000 239 11 13 Paul S. Wentworth, Wentworth Ln. , New Home 120 ,000 240 11 14 Paul S. Wentworth, Wentworth Ln., New Home 120 ,000 241 19 50 William Ivers, Soldiers Hill Rd., New Home 90 ,000 242 19 112 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 80 ,000

243 19 111 Lewis Bldrs of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 91 ,000 244 19 110 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd., New Home 96 ,000

245 19 109 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 90 ,000 246 19 115 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd., New Home 96 ,000 247 19 116 Lewis Bldrs of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 94 ,000 248 19 117 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd., New Home 92 ,000

249 19 118 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 8 2 ,000 250 19 122 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd., New Home 96 ,000

251 19 107 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 90 ,000

252 19 81 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 90 ,000

253 3 71 Peter Keenan 14 Longview Dr. , remodel 5 ,000

254 7 5 Douglas Walker, 98 West Rd. , addition 500 255 12 16 Robert Johnson, Brown Ave., addition 20 ,000 256 2 120 Paul Shea, 10 Katie Ln., addition 10 ,000

257 8a 16 John M. Alexander, Orcutt Dr. , alteration 6 ,000

258 9 67 David Arreedondo, Wash Pond Rd. , addition 58 ,000

259 12 66 Jon D. Rees, 15 Sawyer Rd. , remodel 13 ,500

260 8a 82 Richard Wood, Orcutt Dr. , screen house 500

261 7 29 Wayne Ackley, 54 Stage Rd. , addition 8 ,000 262 17 116 Mike Tsaprounis, 415 Emerson Ave., alteration 20 ,000 263 18 25 Hallmark Realty Tr., 203 E. Main St., demolition 264 8 248 Hampstead Congregational Church, 61 Main St., sign

265 18 10 Dieter Meyer, 126 Brown Hill Rd. , addition 24 ,000 266 1 32 David L. Morris, 707 Main St., deck and pool 20 ,000

267 15 20 Russell Green, 390 East Rd. , remodel 8 ,500

268 1 8 Richard Rand, 2 Valley Rd. , addition 8 ,500 269 8a 96 Quintin Agersea, 27 East Shore Dr., alteration 8 ,000 270 11 47 Paul S. Wentworth, Stoney Ridge Rd., New Home 150 ,000 271 18 162 Robert Stoddart, 21 Atwood Dr., shed 950 272 9 97 Robert Knox, Jr., 33 Freedom Hill Rd., addition 5 ,000 273 11 32 Peter McSwiggin, Estee Rd., repair 5 ,000 274 15 6 Richard Noyes, 376 East Rd., alteration 500

275 11 277 Peter K. Lord, Wentworth Ln. , New Home 150 ,000 276 12 104 Norman Faxon, Bailey Shore Rd., addition 5 ,000 277 20 16 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H. Harper Ridge Rd. New Home 90 ,000 278 19 108 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd., New Home 90 ,000 279 19 120 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd. New Home 84 ,000 280 19 85 Lewis Bldrs, of N.H. Indian Ridge Rd. New Home 94 ,000

281 7 20 Dean C. Howard Const. 5 Stage Rd. , remodel 5 ,000 282 13 160 Arthur Diminico, 75 Faith Dr., New Home 100 ,000

283 9 161 James F. Bond, 5 Bartlett Rd. , shed 600 284 17 150 David J. Field, 100 E. Main St., New Home 100 ,000 285 7 82 Donald Reese, 29 Main St., alteration 1 ,000 286 11 35 John McKinney, 18 Brown Ave., alteration 5 ,000 287 17 201 Reddy Home Bldrs., Munroe Dr., New Home 75 ,000 288 18 25 Gene Cordes, 203 E. Main St., remodel 50 ,000

289 6 1 Roger Sirois, 179 Stage Rd. , alteration 5 ,000 290 2 31 Leslie Trombly, 352 Main St., garage 16 ,000

291 12 78 Dean Peterson, 11 Randall Ln. , addition 15 ,000 292 3 53 E.W.S. Contractors, 77 Faith Dr., New Home 100 ,000

293 20 18 Lewis Bldrs. of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 94 ,000

3S 294 19 86 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 96,000 295 19 114 Lewis Builders of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd,, New Home 88,000

296 19 113 Lewis Builders of N.H., Indian Ridge Rd. , New Home 94,000

297 19 87 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 90,000

298 13 45 Charles M. Voorhees, 160 East Rd. , garage 10,000 299 19 82 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd., New Home 92,000 300 19 51 David Pelletier, Soldiers Hill, New Home 125,000 301 8a 99 Nancy Evans, Ells Shore Dr., foundation permit

302 19 129 Fred' Sullivan, Jr., 195 Brown Hill Rd. , New Home 65,000 303 3 26 Frank Crane, Beach Street, addition 5,000

304 19 83 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 94,000 3C5 2 12 Ages & Stages, 499 Main Street, addition 44,000

306 13 12 Bruce E. White, 22 Tewksbury Rd. , addition 8,000 307 11 20 Richard Cayer, 111 Buttrick Rd., foundation permit 308 13 178 Atkinson Learning Center, East Road, foundation permit 309 11 278 Paul Wentworth, Wentworth Lane, New Home, 150,000

310 19 94 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 94,000 311 20 20 Lewis Builders of N.H., Pilgrim Circle, New Home 80,000

312 12 11 James A. Frisone, Duston Ridge Rd. , foundation permit

313 11 48 Richard Towne , Holts Point Rd. , New Home 100,000

314 19 95 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 94,000

315 13 105 William T. Horgan, 36 Hickory Rd. , addition 15,000 316 3 142 Allen J. Boucher, 36 Emmert Dr., alteration 25,000 317 11 152 James Gilmartin, Stony Ridge, New Home 175,000

318 19 88 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 91,000 319 8 99 Lawrence Evans, Mills Shore Dr., deck 7,000

320 19 90 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 94,000

321 19 89 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 90,000

322 19 91 Lewis Builders of N.H., Harper Ridge Rd. , New Home 96,000 323 18 111 Fairview Surveyors, 265 East Main St., rebuild 10,000

324 12a 37 Emerson Mobile Home Park, Parklane Rd. , garage 35,000 325 17 104 Ronald Faxon, 268 Central St., barn 10,000 326 18 71 Michael Curry, 16 Woodridge Road, barn 5,000

Total: $18,145,045

135 single family homes 2 duplexes 5 mobile homes 5 commercial buildings

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34 ' Selectmen's Report

It is an honor to submit to you, the residents of the Town of Hampstead, the annual report of the Board of Selectmen.

We welcome with open arms our new residents who have joined us during 1986. We respectfully request that these new residents become involved in community affairs. We urge you to attend town and school district meetings and contribute to your financial well-be ing-YOU WILL BE REMINDED AT TAX TIME WHAT YOU SPEND IN MARCH.

The Board of Selectmen, in conjunction with the Planning Board, recommend passage of zoning changes included in Warrant Articles 3 through 11 inclusive. To prevent possible future litigation it is vital we address our present zoning Article X. The proposed changes included in the warrant articles would allow fair and equitable housing for low and medium income families. Failure of this article could put the town in a precarious position in regard to recent court decisions.

We urge residents to study the proposed zoning changes pertaining to Recreational Zone B. If ever this board urged the residents to study and determine the implications of an affirmative vote on the proposed changes, we urge it now. It is the opinion of this office that the passage of Articles 12 through 17 cannot fail but to cause a serious degradation of the water quality of our lakes. These lakes are one of our most important natural resources and to seriously undermine the present regulations covering this zone would be a mistake of major proportions. We seriously feel that an affirmative vote on these changes would only serve a minority, not the majority of the town.

We can look, with pride, at our newly renovated police station. The former fire station has, under the able supervision of Chief Letoile, been converted to a public building that is an asset to the historic district and is attractive and functional.

We can look at pride that the municipal portion of the tax burden during 1986 has dropped from $3.01 in 1985 to $2.61 per thousand dollars of assessments. It is our desire that such a trend continue in 1987, but that decision is in the hands of you, the voters.

Sincere thanks is extended to my fellow board members for a relationship that during my tenure as selectman, could leave little to be desired. It has been an enjoyable period in my life and I extend my gratitude to the residents of the town for giving the honor to me. I hope during the past seven years I have contributed to the community's well-being.

We can look with pride at the lack of animosity and constant bickering between the departments of the Town of Hampstead, which seems to be the rule instead of the exception in our neighboring communities.

Appreciation is extended to Administrative Assistant, Priscilla Lindquist, for making a difficult position more tenable. Priscilla's knowledge of local, state, and federal regulations would make her replacement difficult. She is an asset for which we can humbly say

' . ' ' thanks

Kenneth H. Clark, Chairman Board of Selectmen

35 Planning Board Report — 1986

This year the Planning Board reviewed 39 proposals for development of land in Hampstead. Seventeen of these were for Subdivisions, fifteen were approved with a total of 54 house lots. One subdivision was for two commercial lots and this was also approved. A total of 14 Site Plans were submitted, two were denied and one was rejected without prejudice. The plans approved were for eleven new buildings and one was for an addition to an existing building. Eight plans for lot line adjustments were approved. All plats are recorded at the Registry of Deeds in Exeter, NH. Copies of plans are on file in the Town Clerks Office and the Planning Board Office. There were fifteen new roads constructed or they are under construc- tion totaling 19,195 feet. The Planning Board meets the first and third Monday of each month to conduct business. All m.eetings are open to the Public and begin at 7:30 PM. The Planning Board Office is open on Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 to noon for the public to review records and plans. Chairman Dean C. Howard resigned this year. He had served on the Board for nearly twenty years having held all positions at one time including serving ex-officio as a Selectmen. Dean's knowledge, expertise, experience and good humor are missed.


Karl & Natalie Benner , 314 East Rd . , 2 lots, 1 buildable

Kitty Realty Trust, STONY RIDGE ROAD, 4 lots

Priscilla Lindquist, 76 Emerson Ave., 2 lots, 1 buildable

J. & J. Realty Trust, Lexington Dr., 3 lots Jeremiah O'Leary, WELLINGTON DRIVE, 6 lots, 5 buildable Bayberry Realty Trust, CROY PATH, BAYOOD DRIVE, 6 lots Steve Wentworth, WENTWORTH LANE, PROCTOR DRIVE, 13 lots

Anthony Bonanno, FIELDSTONE DRIVE, 8 lots

Donald Field, 100 East Main St., 4 lots, 3 buildable

Richard Wade & Axel Anderson, Wash Pond Rd . , 2 lots, DENIED

William Winmill, Hichory Rd . , 50 ft. access parcel KNL Realty Trust, extending Page Lane, DENIED

Eleanor Houston, North Salem Rd . , 1 lot (conditional)

36 Pope Housing, Route 121, MC GREGOR DRIVE, 2 commercial lots

Donald & Virginia Duston, Timberlane Rd., CORLISS WAY, 5 lots Peter Bonin, PEASLEE ROAD, 13 lots

Priscilla Lindquist, AGAWAM AVENUE, 5 lots, 4 buildable


Peter A. Lewis, Route 111, Building, retail sales & storage Jamma Realty Trust, Route 111, commercial building Knightbridge Development Corporation, Route 111, Village Square Condominiums, offices

Robin J. & Judith LeDuc, 139 East Main St., workshop Consolidated Plastechs, Route 111, warehouse Scott Construction, Route 111, condominium garage units Berge Realty, Route 111, shopping center, DISAPPROVED Cartwright Realty, Route 111, office building, DISAPPROVED Dearborn Road Properties, East Main St., office building Norman Bangs, East Main St., rejected without prejudice Mike Tsapournis, Emerson Ave., change of use Pope Housing, Route 121, office building

Lyn Kutzelman , East Rd., Atkinson Learning Center, school Phillips Automotive, Route 121, addition to building

LOT LINE REVISION Anthony Del Grosso, Gallant Drive

Charles & Laura Ashford, Geisser Lane Charles M. Voorhees, East Road Nancy Zwearcan, Emerson Avenue Lewis Builders, Inc., Woodland Pond, lots #7 & #8 Raymond Duquette, Route 121-A Lewis Builders, Inc., Woodland Pond, lots #44, #45, #46, #47 Lewis Builders, Inc., Woodland Pond, lots #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #41

37 ROADS Katie Lane, 260' Andrew Circle, 530' Wellington Drive, 760' Wentworth Lane, 1150'

Baywood Drive & Croy Path, 1300' Proctor Drive, 750' Stony Ridge Road, 1030' Harper Ridge Road, 2425' Lexington Drive, 630' Jody Lane, 517'

Checkerberry Road & Munroe Drive, 1500' Indian Ridge Road, 4298' Regiment Drive, 705'

Harper Ridge Road & Pilgrim Circle, 3100'

Respectfully submitted, Leonard R. Chase, V. Chairman Susan E. Hastings, Secretary George Wallace, Treasurer Brian Eastman, Ex-officio Peter Polinski Randy Clark

38 Police Department Report — 1986

It is a pleasure to submit our annual report for the year 1986 and an honor to report that once again our town was selected as one of the safest towns in which to live. This we feel is a direct result of continued cooperation between officials, departments, residents and your Police Department. During the past year we have been fortunate to complete our new station. An

"Open House" was held during a snow storm, yet despite the hazardous road conditions a surprising number of residents attended. For those of you who missed it we would offer you the opportunity to visit us. We will be open on Tuesdays 9Af1 to 1PM and on Wednesdays from QAM to 4PM during which time our clerk would be more than pleased to show you around. If more hours are needed we will adjust this schedule to meet your needs. We will now be able to consolidate our equipment and records for better availability and faster more efficient service.

Accidents showed a decrease of 12% with injuries about the same as last year, four fatalities were recorded, ten motor vehicles were stolen and nine were recovered, one as far away as California, missing person reports were down to only three with all returned, burglaries and thefts were up almost double due mostly to a three month influx by a group. The alleged perputrators have been apprehended and are now awaiting trial' while our investigation continues. Court cases and arrests were up 10% due in part to increases in patrol hours.

Hampstead is a growing community and your Police Department is keeping stride by increasing manpower and added patrols. Crime will never stop but with your continued assistance and cooperation we pledge to do our utmost to keep it at a minimum.

Front Row: Chief William Letoile, Police Dispatcher: Ann Beaudoin Sgt. F. Carl Rogers, Deputy Chief Joseph Beaudoin, Henry Deamon, C. Earle Gordon Back Row: Fred Whiting, Kenneth Owen, Bruce Roberts, Bill Cross, Robert Knox, William Griffin, Jr.

39 . s

Fire Department Report — 1986

This has been the first full year of our occupancy in the new fire station and the only problems we have encountered have been minor. We are addressing one through a warrant article asking the Town to approve money to purchase an automatic start deisel generator which will allow the Fire Department to func- tion at full capacity during the occasional power outages we have Once again the Fire Department has been helped by the gen- erosity of the Hampstead Mother's Club who donated money with which we purchased a gasoline pump for the station. This will enable us to fill trucks at whatever time of the night or day we may need to. Part of the money was also used to purchase a new chain saw to replace an obsolete one. The Hurst rescue tool which was purchased with town funds and matching state funds has been installed on Engine I. It has been called into service and operates very effectively.

The Rescue Squad used donations to purchase a set of Vetter ' air bags which are capable of lifting a total of 57 tons. These may be used in conjunction with the Hurst tool to extracate trap- ped or stuck persons or equipment. We are looking toward the future in asking the Town's people for funding to make improvements to the fire alarm system by installing the first radio alarm box this coming year. Due to the extremely rapid growth of Hampstead, the Board of Fire Engineers will be evaluating our equipment replacement needs very closely with the purchase of new equipment in mind. Fires caused by woodstove and chimney related problems continue to be a problem and we ask all residents of Hampstead to use care in the installation of heating equipment. To this end, the Town has appointed Wally Eaton as Oil Burner & Wood Stove Inspector. All installations of heating devices must be, by law, inspected. Oil burners may not be installed until a State installation permit has been obtained. This can be done by calling the Code Enforcement Office at 329-5846. Should a conflict arise over an inspection, the Chief of the Fire Department will make a determination.

40 The Board of Engineers thanks the members of the Fire- men's Association and their families for their dedication to duty during the past year. We would also like to thank the many merchants who donated so generously to the Christmas Parade. Thank you all. A special thanks to outgoing Engineer Randy Clark for his dedication and expertise during his term of office.


Structure Fires 8

Chimney Fires 8

Dump & Rubbish Fires

Woods & Grass Fires 18 Motor Vehicle Accidents 19 Standy at Traffic Accidents 37

Box Alarms 6 Investigations 35 Mutual Aid Given 22

Mutual Aid Recieved 9

There were 153 fire calls and 156 rescue calls for the year,

Respectfully submitted. Chip Hastings, Chief Paul Wentworth, Deputy Chief Neil Emerson, Captian Jim Gilmartin, Lieutenant Kerry Clark, Lieutenant

41 .

Town Fire Wardens and State Forest Ranger Report — 1986

Between July 1985 and June 1985, we experienced fewer fires than normal. The two leading causes of forest fires were again children and fires kindled without written permission of a Forest Fire Warden. Both causes are preventable, but only with your help, Please help our town and state forest fire officials with forest fire prevention. Contact your Forest Fire Warden for more information Enforcement of state timber harvest regulation is the respon- sibility of State Forest officials. Our state has excellent tim- ber harvest regulations, however, your assistance is needed. If you know of a logging operation and suspect a state tim- ber law may be violated, call your Forest Fire Warden. If you own forest land, you became responsible for the tim- ber tax payment starting April 1, 1986. This is a change in the Timber Tax Law that will impact all forest landwoners. Contact your Board of Selectmen for timber tax forms.


State District #9 Hampstead 18 Number of Fires 840 424 . Acres Burned 751 215 7 Cost of Suppression $275,956 $2,570 $319

Respectfully submitted. Chip Hastings, Warden Cliff Demeritt, Deputy Warden Al Brickett, Deputy Warden Paul Wentworth, Deputy Warden Glen Fitts, Deputy Warden Neil Emerson, Deputy Warden Randy Clark, Deputy Warden Jim Gilmartin, Deputy Warden

42 .

Hampstead Emergency Rescue Squad Report — 1986

People are always asking us how we can do what we do. If your neighbor called and said she or he needed help because some- one had fallen, wouldn't you go and do whatever you could? That is what we do, the only difference is that we have learned some specific skills so we can assist in a professional capacity. And we are always seeking more members of the community to join us. The Rescue Squad is a volunteer organization compromised of twenty men and women. We are trained in emergency medical and rescue techniques. We meet twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays This was our first year contracting with Shanahan Ambulance Service. They have brought a new attitude of professionalism to our Squad. We are learning more on each call, which is a benefit of working with the paramedics. There was some initial concern about the response time for Shanahan and about our communication with them over the radio. The average response time is 11 minutes. The Squads response time is three minutes, which gives the squad about 8 minutes to evaluate, stabilize and prepare a patient for transport. The "problem" of radio communications just never developed. We have recommended that the contract for amulance service with them be renewed. Two new pieces of rescue equipment were added this year. One was a suit designed for cold water rescue. The suit was researched and the information presented to the Sunset Lake Association. The "dry suits" are designed for ice rescue, but are useful for any type of water rescue because they provide dry, boyant, flotation for prolonged periods of time. The Association was convinced and donated one to the Squad. Our thanks to them for their generosity. Water rescue should only be attempted by pairs of rescuers and for this reason a second suit was purchased. The Squad had discussed the value of air bags in rescue work for a long time. Their use- fulness in lifting any heavy object effectively and safely so a trapped victim can be released is impressive. The Frank E. Howard Memorial Fund provided the bulk of the money needed.

43 The memorial funds are to provide money for special equip- ment which the Squad might not otherwise be able to obtain. We thank all the people who contribute to these funds. We also are grateful to the Townspeople for their encouragement and support of our efforts. The Squad could not exist without the understanding of our families, their patience and encouragement is enormous.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan E. Hastings, President David Duston, Squad Captain Paul Wentworth, Training Officer

44 Hampstead Public Library Report — 1986

The Library continues to be a vital part of the community. The year's circulation is up 15%, in-house use is up 22%, and reference questions up 21%. This increase, coupled with last year's increase, stretches the capacity of staff and space to the utmost. Some services have been deleted and programs have been minimized so as not to close the children's room during evening hours any more than necessary. The library will be open four more hours this coming year to help spread some of the usage as well as to meet the state's minimum suggested requirements.

In 1985 the New Hampshire Public Library Standards were passed urging all libraries in the state to meet certain minimum levels of service and furnishing guidelines to meet these levels. Meeting a level of certification enables the library to receive certain benefits

(cataloguing service for new books, van ser-vice, retrieval ability,

and funds if available) . One requirement for certification is that a library be catalogued. Cataloguing the collection has been a primary goal of the library for several years. The adult section is now completed and the children's room is 60% finished. This year's emphasis will be to complete as many requirements as possible.

The Trustees and Staff appreciate all the support given to us by the town organizations. The Mother's Club conducts a story hour and they have donated many books, records, and magazines to the benefit of the town's children. The Lioness Talking Book Shelf has grown and is a very popular area in the library. The Garden Club continues to do our window boxes. Many townspeople have given memorial books and we thank all of those who have donated books and magazines.

We were pleased and proud to accept a display cabinet made by

Robert Rockwell for his Eagle Scout project.

45 Our children's craft workshops were done in the spring by Adele

Treated and this fall, by Kathy Hootman. We held a book discussion pro- gram on children's books with Sandown Public Library sponsored by the N.H.

Council of the Humanities. The Bearded Iris conducted two adult workshops.

The Summer Reading Program was very successful. The theme of "A

Region of Readers" was a cooperative effort with Plaistow, Atkinson,

Danville, and Sandown. Adults as well as children participated. Gloria

Rothe led the pre-school story hour and summer crafts were conducted by

Adele Trested. V7e held our very popular "worm race".

The Friends of the Library is an active group whose continued support of the library is of great importance. Gloria Lanning transferred the chainrianship to Gail Lapham in the spring. The Friends sponsored the

Hollyhock Thrift Shop headed by Alex Draper and supported the Art and

Photography shows and the summer reading program. Of great sadness was the passing of Mary E, Clark who had been a Friend since the group's inception and who also served as a Library Trustee. Elsie Miller, Elaine

David, and Margaret Noonan volimteer many hours in the library. Their contribution has been invaluable.

Mrs, Rooney, the staff, and the Trustees have attended local, regional, and state meetings and professional programs for the benefit of the library. The Trustees continue to pursue plans to ensure the best

long term library services to the people of the town. Special thanks go

to Mrs. Catherine Robbins for her many years on the Board of Trustees.

In March, we welcomed Dr. Lincoln Palmer to the Board.

We were sorry to accept the resignations of Assistant Librarian

B. Joyce Miller, and part-time aides Mary Robert and Marianne Crowell.

Mrs. Joan Hennessey joined us in the spring and Judi Crowley was promoted

to Assistant Librarian.

46 .

Services for the forthcoming year will be dictated by space and staff-time limitations. Automation, programming, and other library related services will have to be put on hold until space problems can be resolved.

Mrs. Joan Hennessey, Mrs. Judi Crowley, and I will continue to work with you and for you in 1987

Respectfully submitted.

Elizabeth B. Rooney Head Librarian

Librarian: Becky Rooney

47 . . u . r Public Library Building Committee Report — 1986

The Hampstead Public Library Building Committee has continued meeting and addressing the critical problem ot adequate space tor the town Library. This includes much needed space tor books, workshops and exhiaits, access far the handicap, expanded areas for study and reading, and improved space for reserarch and reference.

With the extremely narrow loss of our building addition proposal m March, we arB encouraged that significant support for additional space exists. Therefore, work proceeded along two paths to reach the best passible solution. The first was to continue revising the addition proposal by examining, with local consultation, the projected cost of each aspect, of the program. The other was

to explore, with the help of concerned townspeopl €5 , the feasibility of a new building.

This new approach would solve many of the key issues of the

earl ier proposal , shared parking and septic systems and the restriction of no future additional growth possible on the existing site. The practicality of this aDproach was greatly enhanced with the offer of a donation of approximately 3 acres of land on Emerson Avenue by Mildred and Mable Emerson. This site is conveniently situated within the town center. F"or these reasons the building committee has decided to concentrate its efforts on this solution. We strongly bel ieve that a new building will be in the best long term interest of the town and will be a rewarding investmtsnt for the future

Funds will be sought for architectural fees to develop a

complete proposal , including full working drawings of the propcjsed new library. The building committee welcomes any

a n d a 1 1 s u g g e s t i o n s a n d c o m m e n t s f r o m t he c o m m nit y . Y o u. assistance is needed to ensure continued success for our

1 ibrary

Debra Bertrand

Al 1 un Hamtal ett Douglas Keyerl eber Albert Lake Lincol n Pal rner Donna Renaud Marl i se Swart^

Warren Trested , Chrm Paul Went, worth

48 1986 Town Warrant — Town of Hampstead, NH

To the Inhabitants of the Town of Hampstead in the County of In the case of Cluster Subdivisions, the overall density of lots for Rockingham in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs: development within the parcel shall be determined by using Table 1A and computing a weighted average of all soils (excluding You are hereby notified to meet at ttie Memorial Gymnasium in said wetlands) found in the parcel proposed for subdivision. One addi- Hampstead on Tuesday, ttie 10th day of IVlarch, next at ten of the tional lot shall be permitted for each four (4) acres of poorly drained clock in the forenoon, to act upon the following subjects: soil. Each lot will not exceed four (4) bedrooms. 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing. (b) Wetlands may be used as a part of the computed lot size 2. To choose all necessary School Officers for the year ensuing. according to the following:

3. To see if the Town will vote to amend Zoning Regulations of the (1) Areas designated as poorly drained soils may be utilized to fulfill Town of Hampstead as proposed by the Planning Board to read: 25% of the minimum lot size required by Town ordinances and SOIL BASED LOT SIZE subdivision regulations, provided that the non-wetland area is sufficient in size and configuration to adequately accommodate all 1. PURPOSE required utilities such as sewerage disposal and water supply, The Planning Board of the of Hampstead, New Hampshire, Town including primary and auxiliary leach field locations. hereby adopts these regulations in accordance with the provisions of R.S.A. 674:35-36 in order to protect the Town against the danger (2) Areas designated as very poorly drained, fresh or saltwater to health, safety and prosperity occasioned by the lacl< of marsh or alluvial soils may not be uitlized to fulfill minimum lot size. municipal water prevent the excessive expendi- and sewer and to (3) No subsurface wastewater disposal system shall be ture or public funds for the supply of such services. constructed within 100 feet of any designated wetland area.

2. DEFINITIONS (c) Minimum lot sizes for residential developments with greater in this regulation, the following terms shall have the follow- As used than four (4) bedrooms per unit and for commercial and industrial ing meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: development shall be determined as follows: Commercial: defined the of Zoning As by Town Hampstead (1) For residential use with five (5) or more bedrooms per building, Ordinance. the minimum lot size shall be proportionately larger than the lot Community Wastewater System: A non-municipal wastewater size indicated in Table 1A as determined by the formula: system that serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) Lot Size (sq.ft.) = Number of Bedrooms / 4 X (lot size from Table 1 A) individuals daily year-round or that has at least fifteen (15) service (2) For duplex use, the lot size shall be increased by 50% of the connections. minimum lot size as determined by Table 1A. Community Water Supply: A non-municipal water supply system (3) For commercial and industrial uses, lot sizes will be determined that serves an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily (25) by the formula: year-round, or that has at least fifteen (15) service connections. Lot Size (sq.ft.) = Gal. of Wastewater/Day / 1837 (gpd/40,000 ft.)^ Industrial: As defined the Town of Hampstead Zoning by X (Lot size from Table 1A) -i- Land Required for Well Radius Ordinance. Gallons of wastewater discharged per day shall be determined Municipal Wastewater System: A wastewater collection, treatment from Table 5-1, "Unit Design Flow Figures" of the New Hampshire and disposal system that serves an average of at least twenty-five Water Supply and Pollution Control Control Commission publica- (25) individuals daily year-round or that has at least fifteen (15) tion, Guide for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Smail service connections and that is owned and operated by a municipal Sewerage Disposai Systems, January, 1978, as amended. or regional government. (4) Final site plan approval for industrial development which is of Municipal Water Supply: A water supply system that serves an such nature or character as to require state or federal permits for average of at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily year-round or pre-treatment and discharge or subsurface disposal shall not be that has at least fifteen (15) service connections and that is owned granted until all such permits are secured. The conditions upon and operated by a municipal or regional government. which such permits are issued shall comply with state and local

Qualified Soil Scientist: A person qualified in soil classification and regulations and be made part of the record before the Planning mapping who is recommended or approved by the New Hampshire Board.

State Conservation Committee. 4. DETERMINATION OF SOIL TYPE

Residential: As defined by the Town of Hampstead Zoning (a) Tests for determining soil information for use in this section Ordinance. shall be performed by a qualified soil scientist using published soil Slope: The average steepness of the land surface under data with on-site inspections as necessary. consideration. For the purpose of determining lot size categories, (b) Soil data using the standards of High Intensity Soil Maps of New slope shall be determined by slope factors used by the National Hampshire shall be provided as part of the subdivision plan at the Cooperative Soil Survey soil classification (where B = B-8%; scale and dimension required. Any cover letters or explanatory data C = 8-15%; D = 15-25%; E = greater than 25%). provided by the qualified soil scientist shall also be submitted. Soil Intensity Soil for Type: As defined by High Maps New (c) Such tests shall be performed with the advice and under the Hampsfiire on file with the Rocl

(a) Where more than one soil type is found on a lot, a weighted 7. Table 1A is provided by the Soil Conservation Service or the average of those soils occurring on the lot shall be used to Rockingham Conservation District and may be amended by them determine the minimum lot size. from time to time. .

4. To see if the town will vote to adopt the Hampstead Wetland 2. Establishment of a District Ordinance as part of the Zoning Regulations of the Town of The limits of the Wetlands Conservation District are hereby deter- Hampstead as proposed by the Planning Board: mined to be the following: (1) all areas of very poorly drained soils;

A. Purpose and Intent (2) areas of poorly drained soils one half acre or more in size; and

areas of poorly drained soils of any size if contiguous to surface The purpose of this article is to protect the public health, safety and (3) streams general welfare by controlling and guiding the use of land areas waters such as lakes, ponds and subjected to high water table for extended periods of time. which have been found to be saturated or subjected to high water tables for extended periods of time— including established and 3. Boundary Appeals seasonal wetlands. In the event that the Building Inspector or Conservation Commis- sion questions the validity of the boundaries of a wetland area on a It is intended that this article shall: specific parcel of land, or upon the written petition of the owner or 1 Prevent the development of structures and land uses on naturally any abutter of the said property to the Planning Board, the Board to pollution of surface and occurring wetlands which will contribute may call upon the services of a qualified soil scientist to examine sedimentation; ground water by sewerage or toxic substances or said area and report the findings to the Planning Board for their

2. Prevent the destruction of, or significant changes to natural determination of the boundary. wetlands which provide flood protection; provide filtration of water Any necessary soil testing procedures shall be conducted at the flowing into ponds and streams, augment stream flow during dry expense of the landowner or developer. Any costs incurred through periods and are connected to the ground or surface water supply; such appeals shall be borne by the landowner or developer. natural areas; 3. Protect unique and unusual E. Relation to Other Districts District 4. Protect wildlife habitats, maintain ecological balances and Where the Wetlands Conservation is superimposed over enhance ecological values such as those cited in R.S.A. 483-A:1-b. another zoning district, the more restrictive regulations shall apply.

5. Protect potential water supplies and existing aquifers (water F. Permitted Uses bearing stratum) and aquifer recharge areas; 1. Poorly Drained Soils: Permitted uses in areas of poorly drained soils are as follows: 6. Prevent unnecessary or excessive expense to the Town for the purpose of providing and/or maintaining essential services and a. Any use otherwise permitted by the Zoning Ordinance and state utilities which might be required as a result of misuse or abuse of and federal laws that does not involve the erection of a structure or wetlands; that does not alter the surface configuration of the land by the

addition of fill or by dredging except as a common treatment 7. Encourage those low-intensity uses that can be harmoniously, associated with permitted uses b,c,d,e,f,g,h listed below. appropriately and safely located in wetlands; b. Agriculture, including grazing, hay production, truck gardening 8. Preserve and enhance the aesthetic values associated with and silage production provided that such use is shown not to cause wetlands in the Town of Hampstead; significant increase in surface or ground water contamination by 9. Prevent damage to structures and properties caused by pesticides or other toxic or hazardous substances and that such inappropriate development in wetlands. use will not cause or contribute to soil erosion.

c. Forestry tree farming to include the construction of access B. Definitions and roads for said purpose. High Intensity Soil Maps for New Hampshire: The most recent and document prepared by the Society of Soil Scientists of Northern d. Wildlife habitat development management.

New England detailing the standards for making high intensity soil e. Recreational uses consistent with the purpose and intent of this maps. On file with the Rockingham County Conservation District. Article as defined in Section A. Cooperative Soil Poorly Drained Soil: As defined by the National f. Conservation areas and nature trails. Survey or further defined by High Intensity Soil Maps for New g. Water impoundment and the construction of well water supplies. Hampshire. On file with the Rockingham County Conservation District. h. Drainageways to include streams, creeks, or other paths of normal runoff water and common agricultural land drainage. Qualified Soil Scientists: A person qualified in soil classification and mapping who is recommended or approved by the New 2. Very Poorly Drained Soils: Permitted use in areas containing Hampshire State Conservation Committee. very poorly drained soils, marshes, bogs, open water and major streams are as follows: Very Poorly Drained Soil: As defined by the National Cooperative Soil Survey or further defined by High Intensity Soil Maps for New a. Uses specified under Section F.I (a through h) shall be permitted Hampshire, on file with the Rockingham County Conservation except that no alteration of the surface configuration of the land by District. filling or dredging and no use which results in the erection of a structure, except as provided for in Section J, shall be permitted. C. Wetlands Defined b. The construction of fences, footbridges, catwalks and wharves Wetlands are areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or only, provided (1) said structures are constructed on posts or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and pilings so as to permit unobstructed flow of water; (2) the natural that under normal conditions do support a prevalence of vegetation contour of the wetland is preserved; and (3) the Conservation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. They include, Commission has reviewed and recommended the proposed but are not limited to swamps, bogs, marshes, ponds, lakes, as well construction. as soils that are defined as poorly or very poorly drained. 3. Lot Size Determination: Areas designated as having poorly Wetlands are identified by the Town of Hampstead Soil Map drained soils may be used to fulfill 25% of the minimum lot size prepared by the USDA Soil Conservation Service and "Town of required by Town ordinances and subdivision regulations, provided Hampstead Wetlands Inventory Map" on file with the Planning that the non-wetland area is sufficient in size and configuration to Board. This map is considered as a guide only. The precise location adequately accommodate all required utilities such as sewage of a wetland boundary in any particular case must be determined disposal and water supply, including primary and auxiliary leach by on-site inspection of soil types and vegetation. This data will be field locations. prepared by a qualified soil scientist using the standards of High Intensity Soil Maps for New Hampshire. No part of areas designated as having very poorly drained soils, or bodies of water, may be used to satisfy minimum lot size. D. District Boundaries G. Buffer Provisions 1. Wetland Conservation District 1. No septic system, leach field or other waste disposal facility The Wetlands Conservation District is defined as those areas shall be installed within 100 feet of the edge of any wetland. delineated as very poorly drained and poorly drained soils by the National Cooperative Soil Survey conducted by the USDA Soil 2. All construction, forestry and agriculture activities within 100 Conservation Service. The Wetlands Conservation District also feet of any wetland shall be undertaken with special care to avoid includes those areas listed in Section C. erosion and siltation into the wetlands. The Planning Board, pursuant to its site plan review authority, may require an erosion 2. Non-Conforming Lots control plan approved by ttie Rockingtiam County Conservation 1. Special exceptions to this ordinance shall be permitted only District for any project undertaken up-grade of a w/etland. No upon authorization by the Board of Adjustment. In order to permit building activity (building does not include septic systems) stiall be the erection of a structure within the Wetlands Conservation permitted wlttiin 100 feet of any very poorly drained soil and vi/lttiln District on vacant lots, the Board shall find that such exceptions 50 feet of any poorly drained soil except as provided In subsection 3 comply with the following requirements and other applicable of this section. Where required, permits from the New Hampshire requirements as set forth in this ordinance: Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission, under RSA 149:8-8 and the Wetlands Board under RSA 483-A shall be obtained. a. That the lot upon which an exception Is sought was an official lot of record, as recorded In the Rockingham County Registry of Is destroyed or 3. Where an existing building within the buffer zone Deeds, prior to the date on which this amendment was posted and it that re- In need of extensive repair may be rebuilt provided such published In the Town. building Is completed within two years of the event causing b. That the use for which is destruction, and the new or rebuilt structure shall not extend the exception sought cannot feasibly be carried portion or of further Into the wetland or buffer area than the original foundation. out on a portions the lot which are outside the Wetlands Conservation District.

H. Filled Lands and Pre-existing Uses c. That due to the provisions of the Wetlands Conservation District, no reasonable and economically viable use of the lot can be made 1. Lands, which may have been wetlands but were filled under without exception. properly Issued state and town permits granted prior to the the adoption of this ordinance shall be judged according to the soils d. That the design and construction of the proposed use will, to the and flora existing at the site at the time application for building extent practical, be consistent with the purpose and Intent of this permit or subdivision is made. Article.

2. Structures and uses existing at the time of the adoption of this e. That the proposed use will not create a hazard to Individual or ordinance may be continued, provided that such use shall not be public health, safety and welfare due to the loss of wetland, the expanded to further encroach upon the wetlands or designated contamination of groundwater, or other reason. buffer areas. The Board of Adjustment may themselves, or upon petition from the Building Inspector, Conservation Commission or abutters, hire I. Exemption for Residential Structures a qualified consultant or consultants to prepare such studies as Notwithstanding other provisions of the Article, the construction of are necessary to determine whether the conditions set forth above additions and extension to one and two-family dwellings shall be have been met. The cost of such studies shall be borne by the permitted within the Wetlands Conservation District provided that: applicant. (1) the dwelling lawfully existed prior to the effective date of this L. Article; and (2) that the proposed construction conforms with all Procedure other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Special Exceptions shall only be granted by the Board of Hampstead. Adjustment after due public notice and public hearing and for undertaking the preceding uses In the Wetlands Conservation J. Conditional Uses District, when the application has been referred to the Planning

1. A Conditional Use Permit may be granted by the Planning Board Board, the Conservation Commission, and to the Health Officer for review and at least prior the hearing. (RSA 674:21 11) for the construction of roads and other access ways, comment twenty (20) days to and for pipelines, powerlines, and other transmission lines M. Other Provisions provided that all of the following conditions are found to exist: 1. The Building Inspector shall not Issue any permit for construc- a. The proposed construction is essential to the productive use of tion within the Wetlands Conservation Overlay District unless such land not within the Wetlands Conservation District. activity conforms with the provisions of this Article. The Board of b. Design and construction and maintenance methods will be such Selectmen shall have the power to enforce this Article and as to minimize detrimental impact upon the wetland and will violations may be punishable by fines as provided by RSA 676:17. include restoration of the site as nearly as possible to Its original 2. Any wetlands altered In violation of this ordinance shall be grade and condition. restored at the expense of the vlolator(s) as provided by RSA c. No alternative route which does not cross a wetland or has less 483-A:5. detrimental impact on the wetland is feasible. d. Economic advantage alone is not reason for the proposed 5. To see if the town will vote to amend the Zoning Ordinance as construction. proposed by the Planning Board by 2. Prior to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit under this Amending Article X to read: Section, the applicant shall agree to submit a performance security to ensure that all construction Is carried out in accordance with an Prologue: In order to insure the provision of a variety of housing approved design. The Security shall be submitted in a form and opportunities, especially for the young and the elderly of amount, with surety and conditions satisfactory to 1) the Planning Hampstead, the erection of multiple unit dwelling structures shall Board for site plan and subdivision applications and 2) the Board of be permitted within Zone A. Selectmen in all other cases. In addition, Town Counsel approval Tract Size: Any tract for development of multiple unit dwelling must be acquired. The Security shall be submitted and approved structures shall have a minimum of ten contiguous acres. prior to issuance of any permit authorizing construction. Development Criteria: Such multiple unit dwelling development 3. The Planning Board, with the concurrence of the Conservation proposals shall have a minimum of twenty dwelling units. Commission, may require the applicant to submit a wetlands Lot Size: Minimum lot sizes for multiple unit dwelling structures assessment when necessary to evaluate an application made shall be based upon soils capability for adequately treating under this Section. The cost of the assessment shall be borne by domestic wastewater, without adversely affecting adjacent wells, the applicant. The Planning Board may also assess the applicant surface water, or otherwise compromising the residential quality of reasonable fees to cover the costs of other specific investigative life. studies and for the review of documents required by particular applications. Density: Density shall be not more than one third of the density calculated when using the procedures and standards set forth in K. Special Exceptions the regulations established by the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission, Administrative Rules, Ch.WS 1. Water Impoundments for the enhancement of a wetland area 1000.03, WS 1000.04 and 1000.05. with a permit from NH Water Resources Board. Where required, permits shall be obtained from the New Hampshire Water Supply Soil Type Determination: Determination of on-site soil conditions and Pollution Control Commission under RSA 149:8-a, the shall be required of the applicant and shall be determined by a Wetlands Board under RSA 483-A, and the United States Army qualified soil scientist as designated by the Rockingham County Corps, of Engineers. Conservation District. Setback: Every multiple unit dwelling structure shall be located not 11. To see if the town will vote to amend the Zoning Ordinance as less than 100 feet from the nearest pre-existing right-of-way. Every proposed by the Planning Board by expanding Zone D to include multiple unit dwelling structure shall be set back from the property that parcel of land located northeasterly of Kent Farm Road, known lines at least fifty (50) feet. The distance between buildings shall be as Tax Map 9, Parcel 24, consisting of approximately 40 acres, in not less than 75 feet. that part of Hampstead bounded: Screening: Abutting properties shall be protected by appropriate Beginning approximately 1,450 feet northwesterly from the screening of the adjacent multiple unit dwelling structures if intersection of Wash Pond Road and Kent Farm Road thence: required by the Planning Board. Northwesterly by the northeasterly line of Kent Farm Road approximately 700 feet; Approval: The final approval of the subdivision for multiple unit Northeasterly approximately 200 feet thence; dwelling structures is subject to and conditional upon site plan and Northwesterly approximately 200 feet thence; subdivision review by the Planning Board. It shall be the Northeasterly approximately 950 feet thence; responsibility of the Code Enforcement Officer to insure that the Southeasterly approximately 250 feet thence; conditions and/or restrictions of this ordinance have been fulfilled. Northeasterly approximately 1,000 feet thence; Height: No dwelling shall be built to a height of more than two and Southeasterly approximately 700 feet thence; one-half stories or thirty-five feet in height from the ground level to Southwesterly approximately 1,000 feet thence; the highest roof peak. Features such as chimneys, towers, Northwesterly approximately 350 feet thence; ventilators and spires may exceed thirty-five feet In height. Southwesterly approximately 1,500 feet to point first begun on Kent Farm Road.

6. To see if the town will vote to amend the Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board by: 12. To see if the voters of the Town agree to modify Paragraph 2,

Section II, Article 111 as follows; Amending Article XX, Section 4, to read: Multiple Unit Dwelling Structure: A building or portion thereof change "approved street" to read "street or way" containing three or more dwelling units occupied exclusively for By petition. residential purposes, but not including trailers or mobile homes, Not recommended by the Planning Board however mounted, or commercial accommodations for transient occupancy. 13. To see if the voters of the Town agree to modify the Hampstead Zoning Ordinance by replacing the existing Section V of the Article Duplex Dwelling: A dwelling unit constructed purposely to provide III, Recreational Zone B with the following new sections: complete and independent facilities and living space for two families. Article III, Section V 1. The maximum habitable floor space for a multi-level dwelling In-Law Apartment: Living space in a single family dwelling without cannot exceed two times the ground floor area. The ground floor Is all the complete and independent living facilities, but still maintain- that living space located at, or Immediately above, street grade, ing the character of a single family dwelling. which is not a basement.

feet when measured 7. To see if the town will vote to amend the Zoning Ordinance as 2. The height of the building cannot exceed 28 proposed by the Planning Baord by from the top of the foundation to the hightest roof ridge of the dwelling. Amending Article III, Section II, 2, to read: By petition. "2. A building lot in Zone B shall have frontage on an approved Not recommended by the Planning Board street, and shall have a width of no less than 150 feet continuous on the street side of the lot. All lots shall be rectangular in shape if 14. To see if the voters of the Town agree to clarify the meaning of possible." the "grandfather clause" of Recreational Zone B by replacing the

existing Section I, Article III, with the following: 8. To see if the town will vote to amend the Zoning Ordinance as

proposed by the Planning Board by Article III, Section I 1. The following regulations shall govern the erection and alteration Amending Article III, Section II, 3, to read: of new buildings and use of land In the Recreational District. "3. Every new building or structure shall be set back from the front property line no less than 30 feet. Where there are no established 2. Any building or use of land in existence as of December 17, 1968, street lines, all buildings shall be set back a minimum of 60 feet shall be permitted and are hereby granted an automatic exemption from the center line of the existing traveled way. All new buildings from all the requirements of Article III, said exemption being or structures shall be set back not less than 30 feet from the side binding upon the Board of Adjustment, per RSA 674:19. Article III and not less than 50 feet from the rear property lines." shall apply, however, to any alteration of said building or use If the purpose or the manner of the proposed alteration will result in a

9. To see If the town will vote to amend the Zoning Ordinance as substantially different use from that which existed on December proposed by the Planning Board by 17, 1968. No other criteria shall be Imposed by the Board of Adjustment, and no other considerations shall govern its Amending Article XI, Section III, to read: determinations. The burden of proving that such conditions have "Signs may be illuminated with external illumination only in Zones been or will be met shall be upon the applicant. A, B, C-1, C-2, and D. By petition. Not recommended by the Planning Board Amending Article XI, Section V, to read: "Temporary signs must be removed within 30 days from the time of agree to add to Article XIV, they are erected." 15. To see if the voters the Town General Provisions, the following new section:

Amending Article XI by adding Section VI to read: Article XIV, Section VI "The Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception to the LAN new septic and waste disposal system installatlonsas well as terms of Article XI provided that 1) the spirit and Intention of the upgrading or replacement systems shall conform to the regulations Ordinance are met, and 2) that there is no diminution of of the current Ordinance Governing Sewage and Waste Disposal surrounding property values." Systems.

2. In the specific case of upgrading or replacement systems, should 10. To see if the town will vote to amend the Zoning Ordinance as the applicant be denied a permit tor failure to meet the Hampstead proposed by the Planning Board as follows: Ordinance Governing Sewage and Waste Disposal Systems, the Article IV, Commercial Zone C-1, Section 1, A. Permitted Uses, add Town will allow the applicant to submit the plan to the State for "5. The maximum building height shall be no greater than 35 feet." advice and approval. If the applicant's plans are approved by the State, as originally presented or with the State sanctioned Article V, Commercial Zone C-2, Section 1, A. Permitted Uses, add modifications, the Board of Adjustment shall direct the Building "9. The maximum building height shall be no greater than 35 feet." Inspector to issue the permit.

Article VI, Commercial Zone C-3, Section 1, Permitted Uses, add By petition. "2. The maximum building height shall be no greater than 35 feet." Not recommended by the Planning Board 16. To see if the voters of the Town agree to modify the require- 22. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen ments of Sections IV and V of Article XIV, General Provisions, by to make application for and to receive and spend in the name of the incorporating the following: town, such advances, grants-in-aid or other funds for town purposes as may now, or hereafter be forthcoming from Federal, Section IV, after the sentence ending "....in effect at the time of State, local or private conversion," add: agencies that would be of benefit to the town. "If the existing waste disposal system is operational, suitable for 23. To see if the town will vote to the proposed conversion and there is no indication of imminent accept the donation of $3,500.00 from the failure, the applicant may submit, as proof of compliance, a design Cohen Foundation Camps. for a replacement system by an approved engineer which the Board Recommended by the Budget Committee. of Adjustment shall accept and approve the conversion. Should the system fail in the future, the owner is bound to install immediately 24. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of this previously approved system. $500.00 for the purpose of supporting the Rockingham Hospice program. Section V, after the period, add: "If the existing waste disposal system is operational, suitable for Recommended by the Budget Committee. the proposed alteration and there is no indication of imminent failure, the applicant may submit, as proof of compliance, a design 25. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of for replacement system by an approved engineer which the Board $20,000 for the purchase of a one-ton, four-wheel drive dump truck of Adjustment shall accept and approve the alteration. Should the with snow plow for the use of the Cemetery Department and the system fail in the future, the owner is bound to install immediately Town Buildings & Ground Supervisor. this previously approved system. Recommended by the Budget Committee. By petition.

Not recommended by the Planning Board 26. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000 for the purchase of a new Police Cruiser. 17. To see if the voters of the town agree to clarify the provisions of Recommended by the Budget Committee. Section II, Article XVI, by inserting the following new language in the appropriate place, as indicated below: 27. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of After the period at the end of paragraph 2, add: $19,000 for the purpose of purchasing and installing a generator at

"Exceptions shall be granted by the Board of Adjustment if, but the Central Fire Station. only if, the Board of Adjustment finds that the conditions of this Recommended by the Budget Committee. ordinance relating to such permitted exceptions have been or will be met. No other criteria shall be imposed by the Board of 28. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Adjustment, and no other considerations shall govern its $10,000 for the purpose of up-grading the fire alarm system for town determinations. The burden of proving that such conditions have buildings. been or will be met shall be upon the applicant." Recommended by the Budget Committee. and after the period at the end of paragraph 3, add: "Hardship, for the purposes of this Section, means that the land, 29. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of building or structure, if required to be constructed or literally used $15,000 to enlarge and provide additional storage space for the in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, would produce Town Clerk-Tax Collector's office. unnecessary hardship to the owner, whoever, that might be. If the By petition. variance is denied on the basis of a) violation of the spirit of the Recommended by the Budget Committee. Ordinance, or b) diminution of property values, or c) being contrary to the general good or welfare, the Board of Adjustment must 30. "Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 72:1-c which authorize furnish the applicant, in writing, the specific reasons and quote the any town or city to elect not to assess, levy and collect a resident specific, explicit requirements of this Ordinance upon which the tax?" Board's denial is based. If the applicant chooses to appeal the denial, the applicant need only correct the specific points stated by By petition. Recommended by the Budget Committee. the Board and, if the applicant successfully does so, the Board of Adjustment shall grant the variance. The applicant will not incur 31. To see if the town will vote to accept Beverly Drive as a town additional fees if he/she chooses to appeal a Board's decision." road. By petition. Not recommended by the Planning Board 32. To see if the town will vote to accept Johnson Meadow Road as a town road. 18. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the 33. To see if the town will vote to accept Geiser Lane as a town same. road. General Government $ 294,846.00 Public Safety 197,550.00 34. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Highways 244,000.00 Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to fund a research and mapping Sanitation 150,000.00 study to determine the feasibility of establishing a multi-purpose, Health 39,099.10 town-wide system of trails throughout the community, such study Welfare 26,000.00 to be conducted under the direction of the Recreation Commission Culture & Recreation 89,660.00 of this town. Debt Service 132,782.50 Not recommended by the Budget Committee. Miscellaneous 79,800.00

$1,252,937.60 35. To see if the voters of the Town agree to appoint a Citizens Commission for the specific purpose of redrafting the Hampstead Recommended by the Budget Committee. Zoning Ordinance, said Citizens Commission to be guided by the following rules: 19. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to hire 1. The Town Moderator will appoint one member and alternate money for the use of the town in anticipation of taxes. from each of the five Zoning Districts in the current Hampstead Zoning Ordinance at his convenience after Town Meeting's 20. To hear reports of Auditors and Committees and to act thereon. adjournment but no later than April 1, 1987.

21. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to 2. The Selectmen, the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment dispose of by public sale any real estate acquired by the town will designate one of their members to be advisors to the through Tax Collector's deeds, excluding those parcels of real Commission, and to render whatever assistance the Commission estate which the Conservation Commission recommends for needs in the discharge of its duties. They shall have no vote in the retention in the best interest of the town, as provided in RSA 80:42a. proceedings of the Commission. 3. The Citizens Commission will convene within one month of its 43. We the undersigned Petition the Town of Hampstead to see if appointment, but no later than April 30, 1987, for the purpose of the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $31 ,000 to be electing a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and a Recording used by the Police Dept. for another police officer. This will give the Secretary. Thereafter, the Commission shall meet at the call of the Town 24 hours, seven days a week police protection to begin Chairperson, but no less than once a month, to conduct its immediately. business. By petition. Not recommended by the Budget Committee. 4. The express purpose of the Commission is to restate the language, not the substance, of the Hampstead Zoning Ordinance 44. To see if the town will vote to raise in as clear and concise a manner as possible, so that the average and appropriate the sum of for of citizen will be able to read and understand all its parts, especially $1,995 the purpose purchasing a terminal to be added to the the sections concerning the requirements to be met when applying present computer system for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector's office. for special exceptions or variances and similar situations that Recommended by the Budget Committee. require an appearance before the Planning Board or the Board of Adjustment, the appeals procedures and the remedies available to the applicant. Special care shall be taken that the wording will 45. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of complement, not contradict, the provisions of the BOCA Code, $5,250.00 for the purpose of purchasing equipment for the use of except as previously adopted by Town vote. The Commission is the Cable TV Advisory Board for local origination. empowered to restructure, redefine, retain, revise and add anything Recommended by the Budget Committee. to the current Ordinance as long as it meets the purpose and intent of the Commission's charter and does not violate the state's 46. To see if the town will vote to allow Mr. and Mrs. Randall Offord statutes regulating Planning and Land Use, even if this results in a of Hampstead to own and operate a Bed and Breakfast, with no totally new Ordinance which replaces the existing one. more than three (3) rented bedrooms, at 545 Main Street, Hampstead, in the Residential Zone. 5. All Commission meetings are open to the public and the Commission shall endeavor to solicit as much public participation 47. To see if the town will vote to adopt the provisions of RSA as possible. All acts of the Commission shall conform to the 76:15a and 76:15b which allows the town to collect taxes on a semi- requirements of RSA 91-A. annual basis. 6. The Commission will submit the final draft of the Zoning Recommended by the Budget Committee. Ordinance to the Selectmen as soon as practicable but no later than December 1, 1987, for inclusion in the 1988 Town Warrant, 48. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Tax Collector to pursuant to RSA 674:16 and 675:2-5, and shall explain it to the receive pre-payment of taxes according to RSA 80:52a. voters at the hearings prior to the 1988 Town Meeting.

Given under our hands and seal, this 23rd day of February, in 7. The Commission shall be dissolved at the adjournment of the 1988 Town Meeting. the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty seven. A true copy of VVarrant — Attest: By petition.

36. We the undersigned registered voters of Hampstead request the allocation of $2,000 to the Vic Geary Center in Plaistow to be Selectmen used to maintain the senior center facility. i-..:^..<;^:^.....:irL...-T'.--rl....°^"^'^P^'^^'^ By petition. Recommended by the Budget Committee. The polls will not close before 6:00 PM. It is understood that a motion will be made at the opening of the meeting that the polls remain open until 8:00 PM. 37. To see if the town will vote to require ail salaried and elected The business meeting will be held on Friday, March 13, 1987, at town officials to attend town meetings. 7:00 PM in the Memorial Gymnasium. By petition. Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15,16, 17 will be voted by ballot on Tuesday, March 10, 1987. INVENTORIES are mandatory. They must be filed with the 38. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Selectmen on or before April 15th. Forms are distributed by mail. $50,000 for the purpose of beginning development of a new town VETERANS should understand that it is their responsibility to Public Library, including preliminary site engineering and request forms for tax exemption. The Green Card is a permanent architectural work, to include full working drawings. record and must be filed only once. However, in order to receive the Recommended by the Budget Committee. exemption each year, the Inventory must be filled in, signed and in the hands of the Selectmen before April 15th. ELDERLY EXEMPTION APPLICATION. For persons over 65 who 39. To see if the town will vote to instruct the town's represenatives think they may be eligible and who have not received the exemption to the Court to take all necessary measures to insure that no low before, forms may be obtained from the Selectmen and returned by level radioactive the or other nuclear waste from Seabrook any April 15th. The Green Card is a permanent record and must be filed plant shall of this of be stored or disposed within town Hamsptead only once. However, in order to receive the exemption each year, unless and until the site of the storage or proposed proposed the Inventory must be filled in and in the hands of the Selectmen disposal has been approved by the voters of the town at the annual before April 15th. Town Meeting written ballot. by The SELECTMEN meet in their office in the Town Office Building on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 8:00 PM. 40. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the purchase of 2 plow and wing set-ups for use of the The PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting is held on the first highway department. Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. The BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT meets on the first Thursday of Recommended by the Budget Committee. every month at 7:00 PM.

41. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000 to hire a consultant to evaluate the condition of town roads Auditor's Report for the purpose of planning for future maintenance. Recommended by the Budget Committee. The firm of Carey, Vachon & Clukay, Certified Public Accountants, was retained by the Town of Hampstead to conduct the annual audit for the year 42. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 to be used as a scholarship, $500 each for one boy and one ending December 31, 1986. girl, to be awarded at the discretion of the Recreation Commission. Copies of Mr. Vachon's bound report are available Recommended by the Budget Committee. at the Town Office during normal business hours. Budget of the Town of Hampstead, New Hampshire

Actual Appropriations Appropriations 1986 Expenditures Ensuing Fiscal PURPOSES OF APPROPRIATION (RSA 31:4) 1986 Year (1986-87) 1987 (1986-87) (1987-88) GENERAL GOVERNMENT Town Officers Salary 32,050.00 31,371.85 38,100.00 Town Officers Expenses 70,320.00 70,429.62 93,000.00 Election and Registration Expenses 1,600.00 1,399.50 725.00 Cemeteries 19,520.00 28,276.82 38,750.00 General Government Buildings 80,100.00 63,018.49 77,700.00 Reappraisal of Property Planning and Zoning 22,800.00 22,212.16 29,000.00 Legal Expenses 5,000.00 5,297.90 6,000.00 Advertising and Regional Association 3,298.40 3,298.40 3,521.00 Contingency Fund Board of Adjustment 6,800.00 10,743.77 8,050.00 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department 78,660.00 83,487.03 99,700.00 Fire Department 57,850.00 60,635.58 57,050.00 Civil Defense Building Inspection 22,470.00 20,822.53 24,000.00 Rescue Squad 19,000.00 18,880.86 16,800.00 HIGHWAYS, STREETS & BRIDGES Town Maintenance 164,300.00 154,673.00 227,000.00 General Highway Department Expenses Street Ligfiting 17,000.00 15,///.24 17,000.00 SANITATION Solid Waste Disposal Garbage Removal 160,000.00 138,872.10 150,000.00 HEALTH Rockingham Child & Family Service 500.00 500.00 500.00 Family Mediation 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,100.00 Ambulances 8,600.00 5,850.00 11,750.00 Rockingham County Community Action 1,048.00 1,048.00 710.00 Newmarket Health Center 600.00 600.00 900.00 Center for Life Management 4,617.76 4,617.76 5,382.10 Derry Visiting Nurses 13,263.75 13,263.75 14,257.00 Retired Senior Volunteers 500.00 500.00 500.00 WELFARE General Assistance 40,000.00 4,078.93 20,000.00 Old Age Assistance 12,000.00 290.50 6,000.00 Aid to the Disabled CULTURE AND RECREATION Library 44,485.00 44,485.00 52,280.00 Parks and Recration 23,925.00 23,490.24 27,880.00 Patriotic Purposes 2,500.00 2,522.61 2,500.00 Conservation Commission 7,575.00 5,468.89 7,000.00 DEBT SERVICE Principal of Long-Term Bonds & Notes 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 Interest Expense — Long-Term Bonds & Notes 25,852.03 25,852.03 22,782.50 Interest Expense — Tax Anticipation Notes 100,000.00 65,668.60 70,000.00 Fiscal Charges on Debt Actual Appropriations Appropriations Expenditures Ensuing Fiscal 1986 (RSA 31:4) 1986 Year 1987 PURPOSES OF APPROPRIATION (1986-87) (1986-87) (1987-88) OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Payments to Capital Reserve Funds: MISCELLANEOUS Municipal Water Department Municipal Sewer Department Municipal Electric Department FICA, Retirement & Pension Contributions 12,000.00 13,278.80 18,000.00 Insurance 52,000.00 56,758.94 60,000.00 Unemployment Compensation 1,000.00 628.50 1,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,156,234.94 1,043,099.40 1,252,937.60

Estimated Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue SOURCES OF REVENUE 1986 1986 1987 (1986-87) (1986-87) (1987-88) TAXES Resident Taxes 34,000.00 36,100.00 37,000.00 National Bank Stock Taxes Yield Taxes 3,500.00 1,805.10 2,000.00 Interest and Penalties on Taxes 30,000.00 23,028.57 20,000.00 Inventory Penalties 3,000.00 3,856.00 3,000.00 Boat Tax 4,500.00 5,261.90 5,000.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE

Shared Revenue - Block Grant 130,000.00 127,929.54 130,000.00 Highway Block Grant 45,000.00 42,370.80 51,924.37 Railroad Tax State Aid Water Pollution Project

Reimb. a/c State - Federal Forest Land Other Reimbursements Highway Safety 4,500.00 4,500.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES — FEDERAL LICENSES AND PERMITS Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 375,000.00 450,701.50 480,000.00 Dog Licenses 2,000.00 3,339.30 3,500.00 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees 500.00 134.00 100.00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Income from Departments 55,000.00 60,997.34 60,000.00 Rent of Town Property 5,000.00 4,185.00 4,000.00 Sale of Tank 7 4,200.00 4,200.00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES Interest of Deposits 1090,000.00 94,148.88 10,000.00 Sale of Town Property OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Proceeds of Bonds and Long-Term Notes Income from Water and Sewer Department Withdrawal from Capital Reserve Revenue Sharing Fund Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES AND CREDITS 796,200.00 862,557.93 806,524.37 . .

Public Library Trustee's Report — 1986

The Hamp stead F'ublic: Library has cant in Lied to strive to maintain its high 1 sevel ot service to the comrnun i tv ., This has been accomplished in spite of the continuing increase in the number of library users u Much credit must go to our director, Eliirabeth Rooney , and the other able and competent sta-f-f members. Their dedication and hard work is greatly- appreciated by the Trustees and all library users n Through their continued eft arts great progress has been made toward our goal to complete cataloguing o+ the library's books.

With the completion, in the early part o-f the v&a.r ^ o-f the major renovation project on the -front o-f the library, whicn included complete r e s t o r a. t i o n of t h e e n t r a n c e c o 1 u iti n s , t hi i s historic building remains structurally sound. Additional work completed was repair and replacement, with long lasting material , o-f the -front steps.

The lack of adequate space far the normal functioning of the library remains the primary concern of the Trustees. Additionally, we ar^B concerned over the lack o+ hand i canned access. Our library is a place vjhere people of all ages and interests may freely go in search of information, tenr ichment and social activity. More space is needed to keep tnese attributes m line vs'ith our growing town. The Trust se-s have been working closel'y with the dedicated members of the building committee to devise the best long term plan for the townspeopl e

Eagle Scout F'roject , go to the Friends of the Library who raised money for

' u n ta u d g e t e d i t ems, t h e H a fn p s t e a d M o t hi e r s C 1 u b a n d L i o n e s s w h o g a v e g e n e r o u s gifts a n d t h e Ha m p s t e a d G a rzi e n i n g C 1 u u w hi c p rov i d ed n umer ous beaut i f i c at i on benefits.

Warren Trested , Chrm F'amel a Hartung Lincoln F'al mer

49 . .

Hampstead Historic District Commission Report — 1986

This has been a quiet year for the Hampstead Historic District Commi ss i on unth not too much activity. The commission, under the direction of vice chairman George Moore, sponsored the annual Conmiemorat i ve Thanksgiving Service on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, uith many old friends as well as neu.' friends attending. The Rev. Carlos Paz, pastor of the Island Pond Baptist Church, giving the traditional service. He was assisted by the Rev. Robert Dobson, pastor of the Hampstead Congregational Church and the Rev. Florent Bilodeau, pastor of St. Anne's Church. In the late fall, landscaping of the 01 de Meeting House was completed and hopes are Spring will bring a nice green lawn and blooms from the bulbs, donated and planted by the Hampstead Gardening Club. We realize now a brick walk should have been placed from St. Anne's parking lot to the center walk and from the center walk to the parking lot on the other side, as people Just cut across the newly planted lawn. Mike Curry, who did the planting, has promised to fix it in the spring. Also, several shrubs were damaged by plowing and we hope these will come back Activities in the 242 year old building have included meetings by various clubs and organizations ana in November, Patricia Mortensen sponsored a successful craft fair, donating table rental to the Senior Citizen's Christmas dinner The kitchen is now complete and usable for light refreshments to be served at meetings, showers or other f unct ions. Among the others who have used the building 3.re the Hampstead PTA, Hampstead Gardening Club, Women's Resource Center for regstration and Candidates Night, Friends of the Library, Sunset Lake Assocation, Zone B Committee, Grade 2, Central School for rehearsals for Thanksgiving play, nursery school graduation, Christmas party for Montessori School, a family reunion, a wedding, showers, f)th Regiment, New

Hampshire Volunteers, (Dave Mor i n ) , the Hampstead School System for pre-reg i strat i on of incoming readiness and first graders plus others. The building is being used constantly and is available to any resident of the town, free of charge unless money is earned from the event. For further information on use, call Chairman Elsie T. Carideo. Respectfully submitted. The Hampstead Historic Distrci Commission, Elsie T. Carideo, chairman, George Moore, vice chairman, Muriel Goton, secretary, Priscilla Lindquist, treasurer, Kenneth Parker

60 Hampstead Board of Adjustment Report — 1986

In accordance with the Home Occupation Ordinance which was passed at the March 1986 Town Meeting, the Board has been conducting public hearings for applicants who propose to operate home businesses within the residential zone. After consideration of the requirements of the ordinance, notification of abutters, and inspections by the Code Enforcement Officer, ten home occupation permits were issued during

1986 .

The board experienced some budget overruns because of unexpected lawsuits which were filed during the year. The town has not lost any of the legal arguments yet. However, people are continuing to file suits against the Board.

During the year we held hearings for 57 Special Exceptions, granting 43 and denying 14. Ten of the Special Exceptions were for Home Occupations. Hearings for 29 variances resulted in 20 approvals and 9 denials. There were five rehearings granted and two hearings were held for Appeals from an Administrative Decision.

Respectfully submitted, Donald Reese, Jr., Chairman

51 Conservation Commission Annual Report — 1986

Considerable time this year was devoted to the development of efficient and effective methods of processing dredge and fill applications. Our local wetlands are a vulnerable resource, as Hampstead continues to be subjected to development pressures and the Commission places a high priority on the protection of these indispensable areas. The final phase of the Hampstead Wetlands Inventory was completed in the sviBuner of 1986, further classifying 52 of the 114- wetlands delineated in Phase I of the project. Results of this study provided the necessary data to comment on dredge and fill applications at state and local levels. Professional engineering assistance was sought on selected projects as well as the services of the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service and the Rockingham County Conservation District.

In 1986, 23 dredge and fill applications were processed, including on-site inspections and input to the NH Wetlands Board and Hampstead Planning Board which consisted of written reports and attendance at meetings. One violation was noted and acted upon.

The Hampstead Conservation Area trails continued to provide educational auid recreational enjoyment for the public. Field trips were provided for many Central School students as well as classes from area nursery and private schools. The Women's Resource Center of the YWCA sponsored a summer science course taught exclusively on various Hampstead conservation properties and public walks were offered for all. By the end of 1986, the educational brochure and trail guide for the Conservation Area was published, detailing the 26 points of interest located on the 5 miles of trails.

The Commission co-sponsored the annual Fishing Derby at Shop Pond with the Civic Club and Mothers' Club, with N.H. Fish and Game Department again providing a matching fish donation.

Seminars attended by Commission members included the Natural Resource Lecture Series, Hi^ Intensity Soil Mapping, N.H. Association of Conservation Commissions Annual Meeting. We were asked to present the Hampstead Wetlands Inventory at a regional meeting of Conservation Commissions held in Kingston, N.H.

The current wetlands ordinance is being revised by Commission members, S.C.S., Rockingham Planning Commission and the Hampstead Planning Board to provide the town with regulations that will adequately protect our wetland resources.

Thank you to former members Denis Currier, Christopher Miller, John Klett and Leonard Katz for their contributions to the Commission.

Kathe Cussen, Co-Chaiman, Treasurer Peter Archibald, Co-Chairman Al Maley, Secretary Peter LaPblnte Nick Pangaro Joel Saren

5S Rockingham Planinng Commission Report — 1986

The Rockingham Planning Commission provided a variety of assistance to the Town of Hampstead in 1986.

The most significant form of assistance was the preparation of a Wetlands Ordi- nance incorporating the new Conservation Commission's Wetlands Map. This project was done in conjunction with the Soil Conservation Service District Conservation- ist, Jim Hayden. Staff met with Mr. Hayden on several occasions to work, on drafting the ordinance, and met with the Conservation Commission and Planning Board twice to discuss revisions and to finalize the ordinance.

The following assistance also was rendered to Hampstead during calendar year 1986:

1. Made two site visits with Wetlands Board inspector to a proposed development location regarding a dredge and fill application.

2. Reviewed plans for above-mentioned subdivision application with Wetlands Board inspector to discuss methods for reducing the development's impact on wetlands.

3. Provided copy of Town's Flood Hazard Boundary Map to realtor.

4. Provided model Aquifer Protection Ordinance to Conservation Commission.

5. Prepared Citizen's Summary of new Wetlands Ordinance for use by the Planning Board.

6. Discussed Town Trail System with town consultant and described our agency's past activities in this regard.

7. Spoke with Conservation Commission member to coordinate inter-town coopera- tion between Hampstead and Kingston for establishing a Town Forest in Kingston.

8. Discussed in-law apartments and duplexes with Len Chase and provided sample definitions on same. Provided suggestions on how to allow duplexes by special exception.

As a member of the Rockingham Planning Commission, Hampstead also benefited from a wide variety of services beyond those listed above. During 1986, the Commission:

1. Assisted in the organization and hosting of the 3rd Natural Resources Lecture Series — a 3-session seminar on the environmental impacts associa- ted with land development.

2. Organized and hosted a 3rd "Legislative Get-Together" to inform local legis- lators of the functions of the Commission and to provide a forum for discus- sion of local, regional and state growth issues.

3. Assisted in the organization and hosted the 11th annual Municipal Law Lecture Series for town boards involved with land use decisions.

4. Organized and held Commission-sponsored workshop on subsurface waste

disposal. ,

53 5. Continued, for a second year, a Rockingham County-wide Household Hazardous Waste Collection Project, at which residents disposed of unwanted hazardous household products in an environmentally safe manner.

6. Through the Special Advisory Committee on Transportation, organized radio dispatch center at Exeter Hospital to coordinate social service agency and hospital transit services.

7. Assisted in the organization of the Southeastern Rockingham County Sanitary Solid Waste Management District and assisted in its merger with the Seacoast Solid Waste District and the Hampton/Exeter District to create the Southeast Regional Solid Waste District.

8. Completed slide shows on regional development and master planning for presen- tation at service clubs and other gatherings.

9. Prepared an updated version of "Regional Facts," a brief overview of the region's social and economic condition for use by area realtors, entrepre- neurs and interested citizens.

10. Prepared and distributed a zoning and building code amendment calendar informing area towns and local planning boards of the timing of events associated with bringing zoning and building code changes before town meeting.

11. Assisted in drafting legislation to permit municipalities to charge develo- pers for off-site costs resulting from new development.

12. Completed the Regional Data Report containing basic demographic information on all towns in the region.

13. Prepared a Regional Housing Element describing the housing situation in the region and options available to provide opportunities for the construction of low and moderately-priced housing.

14. Prepared an update to a 1978 study of shoreline change along New Hampshire's 18-mile coast, Including recommendations and cost estimates associated with mitigating the changes described.

15. Prepared a map of the region showing zoning conflicts at town boundaries, along with text explaining the conflicts.

16. Met with, and provided testimony to, the Public Utilities Commission regard- ing the need for continued and expanded rail service in Southeastern New Hampshire.

17. Distributed memo to member towns describing how to assess traffic impact fees on development.

18. Developed correspondence and shared associated memo describing basis of municipal requirement to show adequate quality and quantity of water prior to issuance of building permit.

Leonard R. Chase Susan E. Hastings Rockingham Regional Planning Commissioners

54 Family Mediation Annual Report — 1986

In 1985 Family Mediation of Southern Rockingham County- has continued to provide essential services to juveniles and families in the communities of Atkinson, Danville, Hampstead, Kingston, Newton and Plaistow. The program serves as a juvenile court diversion program for juveniles who are experiencing difficulties at home, school or in the community. Services provided include mediation, probation, case assessment, case management, referrals and crisis intervention.

During 1986 the program worked with over seventy area juveniles and families. Funded by the six communities and the Hampstead- Timberlane United fund, the program is able to offer services to any area juvenile or family free of charge. As a result of this, many families have utilized the program successfully, resolving issues without further need of Court intervention and possible placement of the juvenile outside of hisAier home and community.

Once again I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude to the volunteer mediators and Board of Directors without whom the program could not function, it is their dedication to the members of their communities that allow the program to provide the effective services that it does.

We look forward to another year of involvement with local families and hope that area residents will continue to support the work being done by this program.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Barnes Krygeris Program Coordinator

55 Lamprey Health Care Report — 1986

Lamprey Health Care (formerly the Newmarket Regional Health Center) marks its sixteenth year of providing services during 1987. Lamprey Health Care operates two medical offices, one in Newmarket and one in Raymond. Both facilities provide general medical care, preventive health services, com- munity outreach, social services and short term counsehng with referral to mented health agencies. Services also offered by Lamprey Health Care include Senior Citizen Transportation and Information & Referral Services for Rock- ingham County.

The change of name from the Newmarket Regional Health Center to Lamprey Health Care was the result of a long and careful planning process. The word "Lamprey" was chosen because it brings a sense of history, and "Health Care" was chosen because it best summarizes what we do and what we believe in.

Along with our new name, 1986 was a year of big changes for Lamprey Health Care. In January, the new Raymond facility opened on Route 27. The new 6,200 square foot facility allows Lamprey Health Care to provide more services in a spacious modern facility to the residents of the Raymond area. The Board and Staff of Lamprey Health Care are in the planning process for a new facility in Newmarket to replace the current one on Elm Street.

Paul Friedrichs, M.D., a Family Practitioner, joined the staff in June, as did John Mark Blowen, FamUy Nurse Practitioner. They join Edward Benoit, M.D. and Karen Brainard, M.D. - Family Practitioners, Cynthia Ras- mussen, M.D. - Obstetrician /Gynecologist, Sarah Oxnard, M.D. Pediatrician, Michael Lewis, P.A.-C, Barbara Janeway, A. R.N. P., and Anne Fawcett, A. R.N. P. to the medical team for Lamprey Health Care. In June of 1987, Micki Kantrowitz M.D., Family Practitioner, wiU join the staff. The ad- dition of physicians in recent years aUows Lamprey Health Care to serve the growing population of this area effectively.

Under the direction of Dr. Rasmussen, Lamprey Health Care offers a prenatal program which includes prenatal, delivery , and postpartum care. Other components of the program include nutritional counseling, prenatal classes and social service referral.

Lamprey Health Care continues to operate the Senior Citizen Transpor- tation Prograjn. In December of 1986, Lamprey Health Care purchased two new 18+ passenger busses to replace two busses with many miles and high maintenance costs. These two new busses were purchased in cooperation with COAST (the Cooperative AUiance for Seacoast Transportation) and are a wel- come addition to our fleet of busses. Three of the five busses are equipped with hydraulic Ufts to provide services to the handicapped. The transporta- tion service enables senior citizens to remain independent, self-sufficient and active by providing the means to needed services, including medical, food shopping and recreational trips. For further information, caU 659-2424 or toU-free 1-800-582-7279.

66 In early 1987, a new medical information program will be available, Tel- Med is a taped Library of "non-diagnostic" health information designed to provide basic facts about certain diseases, conditions or health issues. The library will contain 200 taped messages which can be accessed 24 hours /day, 7 days /week by residents with touch tone phones and Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm by residents with rotary dial. The numbers to caU to reach Tel-Med are 433-3232 and 433-3242, and 659-7514 and 659-7516. The Tel-Med Program is funded by the Foundation for Seacoast Health of Portsmouth. For more in- formation about Tel-Med, call 659-3106.

Lamprey Health Care wishes to express its deepest appreciation for the support of the town of Hampstead.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann H. Peters Executive Director

57 U) <0 c (U n u 0) > a) -d rH >i +J £ Ul d u •H f^ Id Xi P rH •H d Id T3 >i 10 rH Id S in P in o M d S u (U !h Di tt) (d tt) d iH s j=; in •H (d S in OJ Id J rH. •m d Id o 5 ^ S 01 S g d 3 in •d a c o >i in •H (J u .p M-l H o H XI Id Id 3 d a u M tt) > o s h) •p X •H rH 0) a: 3 tt) o in P 3 Id a 0) & (1) 1^ T) Id p Id 3 -P Id •H 4 (d Id 0) U d (H • d M c Oh , to •H •rH 1^ l-D H 3 0) (d d Q) >i tt) (d U cu s tt) 1-^ J 2] Q 0) hj s XI tt) D 5 Id d U C lU 0) fn rH Id •^ d •H tt) >i 0) >i C (U rH d •H Id >i <: rH d Id o d rH Id d H 0) •H ^ (d d •H d o 01 Id >1 u M 2 rH -H u n n •p in d Sh d d d £ in XI XI (d p (d M 3 •| pi Id •H 0) x; •H Id Id ^ 1 s m s Q CU Q Q u

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61 H0)

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o EH

O P +» P 55 in HId ^(d . .H c ip o a) -H •rH u en s -d 0) c '0 w o S u o Id CO

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s o c x; o O u in p Ul P Id o 4J -p


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n § •9 0) P c G P U 0) >. UI (fl 5 a ^ 4-1 0) M 0) rH V4 in u >i XI c u x: in MH 4J C x: 01 »H x; 4-1 rH rH Id N o c x: OJ M 0) 01 01 01 01 MH c 01 +j rl 01 Id 0) en x; -a 01 +J x: ^! Id 01 4-1 M N 4-1 3 o o U +J Id >. c Cn in w V4 < in -rl o 3 3 3 in rl CO S 4J tP 0) 0) C 0) O rH rl C Id Id rH U Id O 4J 2 0) r^ Id in tH -rl 3 c rH 0) Id -a a 0) rH H u • o Q r^ .P U w rH >i ^ • a Di Id H 4-1 x: 4-1 rl 0) > V a 0) H Ul • rH ^^ Id CO x! C 4J s & u • w 0) 3 J • hi 0) a a • hi 3 2 • • S CJ 0) CO Id m p< Q J h) x; hi o CO 05 Id Q s • U >i < MH 4J • c >i c 6 • • U •H MH Ui c • Id • 0) Id • tl 0; rH • a' rl >i • • w < < a M < J < 4J 0) hi H a M a 0) id )H O U 4J 01 H a in w 3 IH e x: >, x; T) Id 4-1 H •rl 01 >i •H m H >i 0) c >i Id f** 0) 0) ft -a M 4-1 <-t N rl XI 4J X! !h XI rH rH rH M rl MH g rl H rH M E G 4J U 0) c U c 3 H > U 4-1 ;4 +J ^ M rH MH E 3 M 10 i3 )H 4J 0) >i Id rH Id Id O 3 Id h' Id 01 Id ^ 01 id Id 01 x: 2 C3 w S 1 u Pi w Q pq w « m s S a u W (h u hi EH P4 « H hi >i ^1 XI

a) (T Id •rH V4 cn o o M CN IN Id a u 01 MH u P 4-1 4-1 P 4-1 ^ 0) in Ul Ul Ul Ul 01 X5 01 3 4J o 4J Ft> ft +1 Id 3 3 3 3 3 3 0) o U L < CO o

64 Annual Report of the School Board of the Town of Hampstead, NH

Back Row: Assistant Principal Richard Zacchilli, Superintendent Robert Crompton, Principal Robert P. Little Front Row: School Board: Ruth Jordans, Henri Eastman, Richard Mushial, Maurice Randall (absent from photo: Virginia Clark)

Officers of the School District of Hampstead


Name Term Expires

Henri Eastman, Chairman 1987 Richard Mushial, Vice Chairman 1988 Virginia E. Clark 1987 Ruta Jordans 1989 Maurice Randall, Jr 1988


Michael J. Gorham District Moderator Mary Stenson District Clerk George Stokinger District Treasurer


Robert J. Crompton Superintendent of Schools Terrance F. Holmes Asst. Superintendent of Schools Thomas H. McDonald Business Administrator

65 .

Effectiveness and Achievement by Robert J. Crompton, Superintendent of Schools

As I observe the current state of the Hampstead schools, I believe that we are at the highest level of achievement in the history of the school district. I have absolutely no doubt that this upward achievement spiral will continue into the future because we have those characteristics found in effective schools. Let's look at some of these characteristics.

Clear goals, both academic and social, are found in effective schools. We have high expectations of our students to achieve academically and to behave in an appropriate manner. We expect our students to work harder at learning than is the case in ineffective schools.

Teacher efficacy is a characteristic of effective schools. Efficacy, in this case, means that teachers are confident; they know they can teach the children in their charge, and they do, and they do it well.

A thing called pervasive caring will be found in good schools. This simply means that the adult staff genuinely cares what happens to students. It means consideration for a safe environment, and it also means a demand for student performance, something that causes some students discomfort. Caring teachers also say "no"! sometimes because they care.

Effective schools have sound administrative leadership. There is direction; there is help; there is evaluation; and there is decision-making

Good schools also attract parental and community interest, participation, and support. The home-school-community triangle lights up like a Christmas tree and gets brighter each year.

As I indicated, these characteristics jump out at us as being common sense and obvious. We need, however, to work at these things, day in, day out, and every hour of every day. I think that our school district is healthy and effective.

I have served this School Administrative Unit since 1969 and have seen student enrollments rise from 1900 to 3700. In all, I've been privileged to have made what I hope has been a meaningful contribution to the education of 15,000 boys and girls, including three of my own, who have passed through our school system. I have worked cooperatively and happily with forty-eight different school board members at over 2600 meetings. It has also been a pleasure to work with some 900 employees in this School Administrative Unit.

Hampstead has undergone significant change during my tenure. Growth, of course, is foremost among the changes and here, in 1987, we once again face major challenges in coping with that growth.

It has been a rewarding and exciting personal and professional experience and a truly grand adventure. I extend my heartfelt gratitude for permitting me to have done THE TOUGHEST JOB I'VE EVER LOVED.

66 .

Report of the Principal by Robert P. Little

Monday, January 19, 1987, was Martin Luther King Day. It snowed the night before. Many Hampstead parents had the day off from work. Two hundred and fifty Middle School students came to school. Nine were absent. All of the teachers were present.

Does the previous paragraph have a message or two? It means many things to me. It means that the vast majority of our parents and students take their education seriously. As far as teacher attendance is concerned, the research data clearly indicate that productive, contributing employees have a very good attendance record.

We continue to feel the impact of an ever increasing enrollment at the Central School. In October of 1983, there were 197 students. In January of 1987, we have 331 students. In our budget for next year we are projecting 385 students.

For the past eight years. Central School students have been bussed to the Middle School for art, music, and physical education classes as the Central School has no facilities for these programs. The growth in student enrollments in readiness, grade one and grade two has made it impractical to continue that practice. The Increase in the number of homerooms has left us without enough teaching spaces for art, music, physical education, reading, speech, occupational therapy and guidance personnel. I could go on and on about the lack of needed facilities, but I hope I have made my point

Next year the school cafeteria will be divided into two classrooms. We may have to lease a trailer or two to provide teaching areas.

Since the opening of the Middle School in 1978, all observable criteria suggest that the children of Hampstead have been the beneficiaries of an excellent education. During the 1970 's, when the Central School housed all grades, the available criteria suggest that the education that Hampstead children received was not excellent.

What happened after 1978 that improved the quality of education? Perhaps the two most important things that happened were as follows:

First, teachers and students had appropriate spaces in which to teach and learn. Secondly, the school board authorized decent teacher/pupil ratios.

Unless we have added space, the quality of education in Hampstead will slowly regress. Please vote affirmatively for the bond issue to add to the Central Schodl. Although the cost of the proposed addition will be substantial, the rewards of a good, sound education for our children will more than offset the financial burden.

Helen Stratton, Grade 4, Central School, and Raymond Flaherty, Grade 6, Middle School wrote a successful grant proposal to provide all of the Central School teachers with the training and equipment to help them become computer literate and functional. All teachers have computers, printers, and software at home for three years. The effort has been an outstanding success.

Mr. Gary Tepe, Guidance Counselor, Ms. Bea Steer, Reading Specialist, and I co-authored a report submitted to the New Hampshire State Department of Education as part of the National School Recognition Program. The Middle School was selected by the State Department to be one of five schools to represent the state

67 at the national level. Our school survived the first selection round and thus became eligible for an on-site evaluation from a representative of the United States Department of Education. It was an enlightening and rewarding experience. We went to the final round but did not make the final selection. I guess the faculty and students felt like the New England Patriots did last year. We may not have won the Super Bowl, but we at least got there!

Parent to teacher: "I wouldn't want your job. All those kids to manage and you have to compete with T.V. and give them a formal education too! No thanks!"

Teacher to principal: "I wouldn't want your job. I have enough to do without dealing with septic tanks, unhappy parents, budget building, suspending students, etc., etc.! No thanks!"

Principal to superintendent: "I wouldn't want your job. I got into this business to make an impact at the teaching/learning level. Your job is too far removed from the classroom. You have to be a politician, master contracts, raise taxes, build schools, deal with the bureaucracy, and attend meetings night after night. No thanks!"

Not everybody has the knowledge, stamina, or temperament to be a superintendent of schools. The Hampstead School District has been fortunate to have had Robert J. Crompton as its Superintendent of Schools for the past 18 years.

Mr. Crompton (we don't call him Bob) has been my Superintendent for the past nine years. I must confess to being biased as he recommended me to the Hampstead School Board as the first principal of the then new Middle School back in 1978. Over the years, I have gotten to know him well. He is at his best when the going is tough. Because of his stern exterior and professional demeanor, I am convinced that most people do not know how much he really cares about children and teachers.

He has insisted upon a quality education for the children of Hampstead. He has worked many long and successful hours towards that end. Mr. Crompton has announced his retirement. June 30, 1987 will be a bittersweet day for him. Somehow I think that most of us as educators who have served under him will be looking over our shoulders in the succeeding months wondering if he will appear if we "goof up". That's my way of saying he will not be forgotten.

On behalf of the many thousands of students that you supervised, the staff that you supported, the administrators that you guided, the school board members that you served as Chief Executive Officer, and the citizens of Hampstead a sincere thanks for a job well done and best wishes for a long and healthy retirement!



Superintendent of Schools Hampstead Share $11,176 Timberlane Share 45,324

Total $56,500

Asst. Supt. of Schools Business Administrator Hampstead Share $ 9,534 Hampstead Share $ 7,714 Timberlane Share 38,666 Timberlane Share 31,286

Total $48,200 Total $39,000

68 School Warrant — State of New Hampshire

To the Inhabitants of the School District of the Town of Hampstead, qualified to vote in District affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Hampstead Middle School in Hampstead, New Hampshire on the ninth day of March, 1987 at 7:30 in the evening to act upon the following articles:

1. To see if the District will vote to construct and equip an addition to the Hampstead Central School and to provide parking and playfields on the site of that school and authorize the School Board to borrow money, under the provisions of New Hampshire's Municipal Finance Act, in the amount of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) to pay for the projects and to apply toward the cost of the projects all grants and interest received, or take any other action relative thereto.

2. (BY PETITION: J. Curry et al) To see if the District will vote to construct and equip an additional five (5) rooms to the Hampstead Central School for the purpose of implementing a kindergarten program and authorize the School Board to borrow money, under the provisions of New Hampshire's Municipal Finance Act, in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) to pay for the project and to apply toward the cost of the project all grants and interest received, or take any other action relative thereto.

3. To see if the District will vote to authorize the School Board as agents to carry out the purposes of the Capital Reserve Fund and to authorize said agents to withdraw money from the Capital Reserve Fund as needed to fullfill that purpose.

4. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ninety Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($97,500) to meet the first interest payment due on the borrowing authorized under Article 1.

5. (BY PETITION: J. Curry et al) To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($16,250) to meet the first interest payment due on the borrowing authorized under the above article.

6. To see if the District will instruct the School Board to execute a proposed new contract between the District and the Trustees of Pinkerton Academy and to see if such contract shall be deemed to be a contract by this school district with the Trustees of Pinkerton Academy.

7. To see what sum of money the District will vote to raise and appropriate for the payment of salaries of school district officials and the support of schools and agents and for payment of the statutory obligations of the District.

8. To see if the District will vote to authorize the School Board to apply for, accept and expend, without further action by the School District Meeting, money from the state, federal or other governmental unit or a private source which becomes available during the 1987-88 school fiscal year provided that such expenditure be made for purposes for which a school district may appropriate money and that such expenditure not require the expenditure of other school district funds.

9. To see if the District will accept reports of agents, auditors and committees.

10. (BY PETITION: C. Flaherty et al) To see if the School District will vote to mandate that School Board meetings be open to citizen participation and input at all times, excluding executive sessions.

11. To see if the District wishes to take any other action which may legally come before the meeting.

Given under our hands at said Hampstead this seventeenth day of February, 1987.

A true copy of Warrant - Attest: School Board

69 Hampstead School District 1987-1988 Budget



1100-112 SALARIES 670121.50 815503.00 984867.00 1100-114 SALARIES 31922.17 31789.00 35112.00 1100-122 SALARIES-SUBSTITUTES 16245.11 7440.00 9990.00 1100-124 SALARIES-SUB. AIDES 0.00 300.00 300.00 1100-440 REPAIRS 576.50 1265.00 1265.00 1100-563 TUITION 534838.95 809970.00 869282.00 1100-580 TRAVEL 865.00 865.00 1000.00 1100-610 SUPPLIES 26795.95 33271.00 36360.00 1100-630 TEXTBOOKS 7653.80 9795.00 11930.00 1100-631 WORKBOOKS 7672,06 9984.00 12298.00 1100-741 NEW EQUIP 5051.55 4327.00 15231.00 1100-742 REPL EQUIP 3548.84 5675.00 4395.00 1100-850 OTH EXP-DRUG EDUCATION 0.00 0.00 7575.00 1100-890 OTH EXP-VENTURES 1093.84 5000.00 5000.00

TOTAL REGULAR EDUCATION 1306385.27 1735184.00 1994605.00


1200-112 SAL-SPEC ED 38670.00 50842.00 92867.00 1200-114 SAL-SPEC ED AIDES 7473.82 17524.00 29154.00 1200-122 SAL-HOME INSTRUCTION 12601.91 4978.00 6000.00 1200-569 TUITION-PRIVATE 253657.40 192310.00 273594.00 1200-580 TRAVEL-SPEC ED 608.00 670.00 1000.00 1200-610 SUPPLIES-SPEC ED 915.34 1400.00 1515.00 1200-630 TEXTBOOKS-SPEC ED 268.52 350.00 390.00 1200-631 WORKBOOKS-SPEC ED 343.56 715.00 915.00 1200-741 NEW EQUIP-SPEC ED 217.71 295.00 1725.00 1200-742 REPLACE EQUIP-SPEC ED 36.00 210.00 1.00

TOTAL SPECIAL EDUCATION 314792.26 269294.00 407161.00


1410-111 SALARY-ATH DIRECTOR 1000.00 1500.00 1700.00 1410-112 SAL STU. ACTIVITIES 6500.00 7150.00 7972.00 1410-390 OFFICIALS 2024.00 2100.00 2268.00 1410-440 REPAIRS-ATH EQUIP 16.65 100.00 100,00 1410-610 SUPPLIES-ATHLETICS 857.89 949.00 1300.00 1410-741 NEW EQUIP-ATHLETICS 1269.00 0.00 600.00 1410-742 REPL EQUIP-ATHLETlCS 2032.80 1951.00 1386.00 1410-890 OTHER ACTIVITIES 140.00 175.00 215.00

TOTAL OTHER INST PROGRAMS 13840.34 13925.00 15541.00



1690-112 SAL-ADULT ED 0.00 1.00 1.00 1690-610 OTHER EXPENSES 0.00 1.00 1.00

TOTAL ADULT ED 0.00 2.00 2.00


2112-111 ATTENDANCE 0.00 1.00 1.00 2114-380 CENSUS 473.20 480.00 694.00

TOTAL ATTEND. & SOCIAL WORK 473.20 481.00 695.00


2122-112 SALARIES-GUIDANCE 25390.00 38906.00 48967.00 2122-532 POSTAGE-GUIDANCE 111.22 100.00 200.00 2122-580 TRAVEL-GUIDANCE 274.00 585.00 500.00 2122-610 SUPPLIES-GUIDANCE 186.24 200.00 300.00 2122-630 BOOKS-GUIDANCE 19.97 50.00 50.00 2122-7A2 REPLACE EQUIP-GUIDANCE 600.00 1000.00 0.00 2123-370 TEST-ACCOUNTABILITY 721.47 1600.00 800.00 2123-610 TESTING 1818.13 2118.00 1500.00

TOTAL GUIDANCE SERVICES 29121.03 44559.00 52317.00


2132-113 SALARY-NURSE 11602.43 12998.00 25253.00 2132-330 PHYSICALS-STUDENTS 570.00 625.00 720.00 2132-340 PHYSICALS-STAFF 400.00 375.00 400.00 2132-580 TRAVEL-NURSE 121.40 200.00 100.00 2132-610 SUPPLIES-NURSE 329.10 600.00 732.00 2132-630 BOOKS-NURSE 39.47 40.00 130.00 2132-640 PERIODICALS-NURSE 0.00 90.00 25.00 2132-741 NEW EQUIP-NURSE 500.00 1105.00 1217.00 2132-742 REPL EQUIP-NURSE 0.00 0.00 280.00

TOTALri^' HEALTH SERVICES 13562.40 16033.00 28857.00


2142-330 SPECIAL TESTING 6454.05 5000.00 6500.00

TOTAL PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES 6454.05 5000.00 6500.00


2152-112 SALARY-SPEECH 6300.00 6937.00 9000.00

TOTAL SPEECH & AUDIOLOGY 6300.00 6937.00 9000.00



2190-810 SERESC 1721.52 2121.00 2387.00 2190-890 ASSEMBLIES 0.00 500.00 500.00

TOTAL OTHER SERVICES-PUPILS 1721.52 2621.00 2887.00


2211-112 CURRICULUM COORDINATION 1080.00 0.00 4000.00 2212-550 CURR DEVELOPMENT 2320.00 4000.00 4000.00 2213-270 PROF IMPROVEMENT 6511.00 8500.00 9500.00 2213-3A0 IN-SERVICE TRAINING 1944.15 2400.00 2600.00

TOTAL IMP. OF INSTRUCTION 11855.15 14900.00 20100.00


2222-114 SAL-LIBRARY 18019.76 20016.00 21823.00 2222-610 SUPPLIES-LIBRARY 496.76 600.00 1000.00 2222-630 BOOKS-LIBRARY 4060.31 5000.00 5000.00 2222-6A0 PERIODICALS 479.51 560.00 650.00 2222-7A1 NEW EQUIP-LIBRARY 306.70 1100.00 1100.00 2223-4A0 REPAIRS-AV 187.12 530.00 550.00 2223-A53 FILM RENTAL 99.05 200.00 200.00 2223-610 SUPPLIES-AV 1314.74 2696.00 2850.00 2223-7A1 NEW EQUIP-AV 499.25 1090.00 920.00 2223-7A2 REPL EQUIP-LIBRARY 0.00 0.00 735.00 2224-390 EDUCATIONAL TV 559.15 1008.00 1326.00

TOTAL ED. MEDIA SERVICES 26022.35 32800.00 36154.00


2311-111 SAL-SCHOOL BOARD 4200.00 4200.00 4200.00 2311-523 LIABILITY INSURANCE 1622.11 1750.00 2200.00 2312-380 SCHOOL BOARD CLERK 800.00 946.00 1000.00 2312-532 EXP-SCHOOL BD CLERK 72.06 90.00 90.00 2313-111 TREASURER & ASST 1260.00 1260.00 1260.00 2313-523 TREASURER'S BOND 272.00 325.00 335.00 2313-532 TREASURER-POSTAGE 242.00 300.00 300.00 2313-610 TREASURER-SUPPLIES 10.95 250.00 250.00 2314-380 DIST OFCRS & WORKERS 200.00 200.00 250.00 2314-550 ANNUAL REPORT 2598.67 1500.00 1500.00 2314-610 ANNUAL MTG EXPENSES 215.60 160.00 300.00 2315-380 LEGAL SERVICES 2276.80 5500.00 5500.00 2317-380 AUDIT 2000.00 2150.00 2400.00 2319-540 BOARD EXP-ADV 1211.50 1400.00 1400.00 2319-580 BOARD EXPENSE-CONF 50.00 150.00 150.00 2319-610 BOARD EXP-SUPPLIES 50.02 200.00 150.00 2319-640 BD EXP PERIODICAL 190.00 200.00 210.00


2319-810 BD EXP-ASSOCIATION 988.80 1497.00 1796.00

TOTAL SCHOOL BOARD SERVICES 18260.51 22078.00 23291.00


2320-351 SAU MO. 55 BUDGET 59476.00 65741.00 75616.00

TOTAL OFFICE SUPT. SERVICES 59476.00 65741.00 75616.00


2390-360 COMPUTER SERVICES 4131.39 4337.00 4554.00

TOTAL OTHER SERVICES-ADMIN. 4131.39 4337.00 4554.00


2A10-101 SAL-PRINCIPAL 37749.92 40750.00 44500.00 2410-111 SAL-ASST PRINCIPAL 0.00 28000.00 30800.00 2410-115 SAL-SECRETARIES 21904.76 27373.00 27820.00 2410-440 BUSINESS MACHINE REP 2213.16 2880.00 3890.00 2410-531 TELEPHONE 8836.77 7500.00 9200.00 2410-532 POSTAGE 922.00 800.00 1000.00 2410-580 TRAVEL 1550.31 1848.00 2048.00 2410-610 SUPPLIES-PRIN OFFICE 1595.38 1800.00 2400.00 2410-630 BOOKS-PRIN OFFICE 7.45 50.00 50.00 2410-741 PRIN OFFICE-NEW EQUIP 33.50 4500.00 0.00 2410-742 PRIN OFFICE-REPLACE EQUI 3093.18 3810.00 3550.00 2410-810 DUES-PRIN OFFICE 530.00 700.00 800.00

TOTAL OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL 78436.43 120011.00 126058.00


2490-890 GRADUATION 372.79 425.00 475.00

TOTAL OTH SERVICES-SCH ADMIN 372.79 425.00 475.00


2541-116 SAL-CUSTODIAL SUPR 20753.55 24024.00 26500.00 2541-580 CUSTODIAL TRAVEL 320.08 200.00 200.00 2542-116 SAL-CUSTODIAL 69253.43 101920.00 111280.00 2542-126 SAL-OT,VAC,SK.LV 1947.70 1855.00 2025.00 2542-431 RUBBISH REMOVAL 3453.22 2850.00 4000.00 2542-441 CONTRACTED SVCE-REP 13150.88 6325.00 8825.00 2542-442 PLMBG, HEATING, ELEC 7867.00 8200.00 10000.00 2542-444 CLOCK MAINTENANCE 0.00 200.00 200.00 2542-451 RENTAL OF FACILITIES 0.00 0.00 11088.00 2542-490 SEPTIC TANKS 435.00 650.00 650.00


25A2-521 INSURANCE-SMP 13710.47 14450.00 18658.00 2542-610 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 12257.27 10600.00 12500.00 2542-620 SUPPLIES-REP & MAINT 4009.04 2500.00 3500.00 2542-652 LIGHT 35078.53 39000.00 42500.00 2542-653 HEAT 29405.72 35000.00 38000.00 2542-657 GAS SERVICE 1111.79 1800.00 1800.00 2542-741 NEW EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 4448.00 2542-742 REPL EQUIP-MAINT 750.00 4600.00 5449.00 2543-432 SNOWPLOWING 0.00 450.00 500.00 2543-610 SUPPLIES-GROUNDS 2637.02 3370.00 3500.00 2543-656 FUEL-VEHICLES 172.55 275.00 550.00 2543-741 NEW EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2150.00 2543-742 REPLACEMENT EQUIP 184.95 2472.00 2615.00 2544-610 MATERIALS-EQUIP REP 97.78 420.00 420.00 2545-440 VEHICLE REPAIR 439.27 500.00 1000.00 2546-433 SECURITY CHECKS 883.50 900.00 1000.00 2546-890 ALARM MONITORING 224.45 600.00 725.00

TOTAL OPERATION & MAINT. 218143.20 263161.00 314083.00


2552-513 STUDENT TRANS 120203.40 124900.00 160236.00 2553-519 SPEC ED TRANSP 39630.68 43190.00 43000.00 2554-513 FIELD TRIPS 0.00 1800.00 1989.00 2555-513 ATHLETIC TRANS 2003.65 3825.00 3900.00 2559-513 MUSIC TRANSP 618.35 750.00 750.00

TOTAL PUPIL TRANSP SERVICE 162456.08 174465.00 209875.00


2900-211 HEALTH & DENTAL 68968.95 96039.00 103000.00 2900-214 WORKMEN, S COMP 9253.03 9300.00 11400.00 2900-221 EMP RETIREMENT 1820.64 4250.00 3500.00 2900-222 TEACHER'S RETIREMENT 6374.50 8500.00 10300.00 2900-224 RETIREE 'S-TEACHERS 2791.25 4500.00 3048.00 2900-230 SOCIAL SECURITY 74722.49 89490.00 110970.00 2900-260 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 3010.00 5000.00 5000.00

TOTAL OTHER SUPPORT SERVICE 166940.86 217079.00 247218.00


3900-118 COMMUNITY SERVICES 163.00 700.00 800.00

TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 163.00 700.00 800.00


4200-390 SITES 6975.00 10700.00 25000.00


TOTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS 6975.00 10700.00 25000.00


A600-460 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 76470.50 15000.00 0.00 4600-A90 RENOVATIONS 14992.21 12098.00 11258.00

TOTAL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 91462.71 27098.00 11258.00


5100-830 PRINCIPAL ON DEBT 48888.33 0.00 0.00 5100-8A0 INTEREST ON DEBT 2199.98 0.00 0.00

TOAL DEBT SERVICE 51088.31 0.00 0.00


5220-880 FEDERAL PROJECTS 33052.01 40000.00 40000.00

TOTAL TRANS. TO FEDERAL PROJECTS 33052.01 40000.00 40000.00


5230-880 CAPITAL RESERVE 0.00 100001.00 1.00



5240-880 FED FOOD SVCE REIMB 1106.00 65000.00 65000.00

TOTAL TRANS. TO FOOD SERVICE 1106.00 65000.00 65000.00


5340-119 SAL-FOOD SERVICE 27280.42 0.00 0.00 5340-129 SAL-FOOD SVCE SUBS 274.00 0.00 0.00

TO'lAL FOOD SERVICE 27554.42 0.00 0.00


6000-211 INS REFUNDS 9340.59 0.00 0.00 6000-880 ADJUSTMENTS 827.44 0.00 0.00

TOTAL REFUNDS 10168.03 0.00 0.00

SUPPLEMENTAL APPROP 0.00 100000.00 0.00

TOTAL BUDGET 2660314.31 3352532.00 3717048.00

75 Hampstead School District 1987-1988 Receipts



07.70 CASH/UNENC BALANCE $37,989.19 $842.00 $0.00 15.00 EARNED INCOME 15,052.13 10,000.00 10,000.00 19.20 PERMANENT FUNDS 0.00 0.00 2,200.00 19.90 OTHER LOCAL REVENUE 37,292.02 0.00 0.00


31.10 FOUNDATION AID $31,438.15 $20,960.00 $19,030.00 31.20 SWEEPSTAKES AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.10 BUILDING AID 23,381.45 1,630.00 0.00 32.20 VOC ED TRANSP 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.40 HANDICAPPED AID 0.00 5,558.00 0.00


43.00 FEDERAL PROJECTS $29,652.01 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 44.60 LUNCH REIMBURSEMENTS 3,279.00 65,000.00 65,000.00


55.00 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROP $0.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 61.00 REFUNDS-PRIOR YEARS 48,098.72 0.00 0.00

TOTAL INCOME $226,182.67 $153,990.00 $136,230.00

APPROPRIATION $2,434,974.00 $3,198,542.00 $3,580,818.00

TOTAL $2,661,156.67 $3,352,532.00 $3,717,048.00

76 Hampstead School District Expenditures by Account and Vendor Report

PAYROLL 1100-112-03 $16,733.00 0090 ADAI^ WS MACH 1100-112-25 $274,317.00 2410-44025 $72.50 1100-112-27 $247,827.50 241044027 $72.50 1100-112-29 $9,501.00 2542-441-12 $.00 1100112-31 $19,387.00 VMX3? TOTAL- $145.00 1100-112-34 $27,278.00 llOQ-112^1 $25,696.00 0091 ADDISON WESLEY 1100-112-47 $22,900.00 110O61O40 $90.58 1100-112-50 $26,482.00 1100-630-40 $1,290.22 1100-114-25 $11,991.86 1100-631-18 $144.13 1100-114-27 $19,930.31 1100-631^0 $809.25 llOO-122-OO $16,245.11 1200-61055 $21.62 1200-114-55 $7,473.82 1200-63055 $32.18 1200-122-55 $12,601.91 VOm? TOTAL- $2,387.98 1240-112-55 $35,936.00 1410-111-04 $1,000.00 0096 ADIR.BOT.GAS 1410-112-04 $6,500.00 2542-657-12 $941.31 2122-112-26 $25,390.00 VENDOR TOITALr- $941.31 2123-370-26 $427.50 2132-113-44 $11,602.43 0100 AICE 2211-112-25 $540.00 2213-27025 $2,115.00 2211-112-27 $540.00 2213-27027 $1,175.00 2212-550-01 $2,190.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $3,290.00 2213-340-01 $477.00 2222-114-37 $18,019.76 0102 GIACO^ AGAn 2311-111-01 $4,200.00 2213-340-01 $150.00 2410-111-01 $37,749.92 VMXK TOTAL- $150.00 2410-115-01 $21,904.76 2541-116-00 $20,753.55 0215 AMER CANCER SO 2342-116-00 $69,253.43 2319-580-01 $50.00 2542-126-00 $1,947.70 Vmm TOITAL- $50.00 2542-441-12 $3,792.00 3900-118-00 $35.00 0252 AM.GUID.SERVCE 5220-880-23 $32,202.01 1100-61018 $32.90 5340119-00 $27,280.42 1100631-50 $387.77 5340129-00 $274.00 2222-63037 $36.45 6000-880-01 $827.44 VEMXE TOITAl^ $457.12 Vmm TOTAL- $1,061,207.43 0275 AM.INST.CR.ED. 0014 AAA FUXRING 110058027 $65.00 2542-441-12 $1,077.00 Vmm TOTAL- $65.00 VEMXRTOTAIr- $1,077.00 CB47 AM.S/B JOURNAL 0033 ABC COPY FRENT 2319-640-01 $190.00 1100-61018 $.00 VEMX)R TOTAl^ $190.00 VMXE TOIAL- $.00 0365 PKSmCMK 0034 ABC SCHDOLSIP 290026001 $590.00 1100-61018 $196.82 VENDOR TOITAI^ $590.00 1100-610-40 $28.11 VMXE TOTAL- $224.93 0366 AMMEAOASSET 2900260-01 $2,420.00 0049 A A S A VENDOR TOTAL- $2,420.00 2319-610-01 $15.45 VEMXR TOTAL- $15.45 0402 APPLE OCMRJTER

77 1100-741-11 $981.09 1100-741-27 $27.77 VMXE TOTAL- $981.09 1100-741-50 $155.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $491.58 0414 ARLINGICNTRSr 2410-531-25 $572.81 1050 TUA BTNETTE 2410-531-27 $572.82 2542-61(^12 $1,254.87 VEMTR TOTAL- $1,145.63 VMn^TOTAI^ $1,254.87

0444 C ASHFCRD 1083 DICK BLia 4200-390-12 $6,975.00 2900-211-01 $.00 VMXE TOTAl^ $6,975.00 6000-211-01 $.00 msm TDTAL^ $.00 0445 BUL ASHRM) 4600^90-12 $3,623.36 1086 BC/BS-NH & VT Vmm TOTAL- $3,623.36 2900-211-01 $63,642.08 6000-211-01 $6,056.53 0455 ACT Vmm TOTAl^ $69,698.61 1200-569-55 $2,803.50 2142-330-55 $250.00 1183 BOSTON OJDBE VENKE TOTAL- $3,053.50 2319-540-01 $208.60 VEMXE TOTAL- $208.60 0499 AT & T 2410-531-25 $234.07 1210 BCS.WIR.GOCLER 2410-531-27 $265.87 2542-441-12 $216.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $499.94 VMXE TOTAI^ $216.00

0511 ATHENA MDUC 1320 SIBAN BRASSARD 2223-453-05 $33.00 2213-270-25 $235.00 VENDOR TOTAL^ $33.00 2213-270-27 $20.00 VENDOR TOTAL^ $255.00 0588 AUGER & SOC 1100-741-31 $398.00 1351 BRODART VENDOR TOTAL- $398.00 2222-610-37 $89.01 2222-630-37 $313.15 0590 AUGER AND SONS VENDOR TOTAl^ $402.16 1100-440-31 $174.50 VENDOR TOTAL- $174.50 1409 SAHONA BRCWN 2213-270-27 $13.00 0644 BAI£ PTO 00. VENDOR TOTAL- $13.00 2410-89(^27 $48.20 VENDOR TOTAL- $48.20 1459 DORIS BUX) 1200-610-55 $11.70 0700 BARNELL LOFT 2213-270-27 $275.00 1100-630-50 $84.75 2410580-01 $14.60 VENDOR TOTAL^ $84.75 VENDOR TOTAL- $301.30

0707 BARON'S ED 1476 BUREAR OF EDUC 1100-630-50 $3.35 1100-580-27 $77.95 VENDOR TOTAL- $3.35 2410580-01 $80.05 VENDOR TOTAL- $158.00 0840 BEn(LEY-CARDY 1100-61(^18 $67.92 1521 BUS mA TRAIN 1100-610-27 $8.32 2410-580-01 $44.00 1100-631-50 $6.95 VENDOR TOTAL- $44.00 1100-741-03 $42.00 1100-741-25 $183.62 1545 S P BYRNES D

78 2132-33CMA $130.00 1965 OOBBLESKWE PU mWS. IDTAL^ $130.00 2222-64C^37 $18.50 VENDOR TOTAL- $18.50 1595 CAERI, PmiEIK 2317-380-01 $2,000.00 2030 DTLLARD OQLLIN WmJR TOTiyLi- $2,000.00 1100-58O27 $106.15 241&-58CK11 $25.36 16« MLCANFTELD VENDOR TOTAO $131.51 2553-519-55 $823.A0 VEMXE TOTAL- $823.40 2058 OOLGR THE SUP 2542^!t41-12 $49.18 1680 CARCLINA BIOID VENDOR TOTAL- $49.18 1100-61(^53 $218.03 VENDOR TOTAI^ $218.03 2059 GODa^TTLE 2542-M1-12 $112.44 1709 CASFx OH SALES VENDOR TOTAI^ $112.44 2542-653-12 $14,450.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $14,450.00 2093 dM NURSE FOi 2132-63(W4 $9.50 1745 CNIR FOR INNOV VENDOR IDTAO $9.50 1100-610-40 $193.50 VENDOR TOTAl^ $193.50 2100 CEMPUTERTOWN 2410-742-27 $81.90 1746 CENT FOR LIFE VENDOR TOTAL- $81.90 2142-330-55 $3,074.14 VENDOR TOTAL- $3,074.14 2104 (TMFUIERTDWN 1100-63Q-11 $300.00 1747 CNIR FOR LIFE llOO-741-ll $127.96 2142-33055 $256.06 VENDOR TDTAL^ $427.96 VENDOR TDTAL^ $256.06 2112 C OONNAimrCN 1749 CENH^AL PAFEK 2142-330-55 $100.00 2542-610-12 $1,450.52 VENDOR TOTAO $100.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $1,450.52 2120 J O^JSENTINO 1767 CHAELES Oj^RK 1100^(4041 $36.00 2223-610-05 $86.68 VENDOR TCfTAI^ $36.00 VENDOR TOTAl^ $86.68 2126 OCNST & INSPBC 1773 CHASEUEINC 2542-442-12 $967.20 1100-610^ $29.90 VENDOR TOTAL- $967.20 1100-61054 $8.41 VENDOR TOITAL- $38.31 2147 OCNSPEC 460046012 $1,836.50 1834 CHUXRENS PRES VENDOR TOTAL- $1,836.50 2222-630-37 $253.34 VENDOR TOTAL^ $253.34 2149 OMINENTAL PR 1200-610-55 $13.40 1842 CHRIST TREE SH VENDOR TOTAO $13.40 1100-610-54 $34.10 VENDOR IDTAL^ $34.10 2152 OOCK'S OCMIRN 1100741-31 $200.00 1929 W dlSBEE VENDCR TOTAL- $200.00 2314-380-01 $20.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $20.00 2289 CREATIVE AV 1100-61018 $.00

79 2222-610-37 $70.85 ,2451 CUSTEAU'S IHRI VEMIK TOTAL- $70.85 1100-610-31 $1,900.55 2542-610-12 $37.80 VENDCE 2291 CREATIVE CLASS TOTAL- $1,938.35 1100-890-29 $.00 Vmm TOTAL- $.00 2471 E DALEY 2213-270-27 $255.00 VENDOR 2302 CREATIVE EMI TOTAI^ $255.00 1100610-40 $118.35 1100-741-25 $406.10 2477 J DANISEVICH 1200-610-55 $55.07 2142-330-55 $110.00 VENDOR TOTAl^ $581.52 VENDCR TOTAL- $110.00

2303 CREATIVE L HS 2488 DARRELS MBIC 1100-890-29 $329.39 1100-610-41 $2.50 VENDOR TOTAL- $329.39 VENDCR TDTAI^ $2.50

2305 CREATIVE TE FR 2551 S DEFRdCD 1100-610-53 $7.45 2213-270-27 $577.00 VENDOR TOTAI^ $7.45 VENDCR TOTAI^ $577.00

2306 CREATUVE VvKSHP 2552 DKILSICN DATA 1100-890-29 $154.00 2410-742-27 $2,081.33 VENDO? TOTAL- $154.00 VENDCK TOTAL- $2,081.33

2322 CRITERIA FURNI 2553 T DELISLE 1100-741-25 $306.60 2123-610-01 $490.00 1100-742-25 $616.62 VENDCR TOTAL- $490.00 2542-440-12 $195.00 VENDCE TOTAL- $1,118.22 2569 JWCD EHJCAnO 1100-741-11 $156.68 2222-610-37 2366 CUISENAIRECO $74.79 1100-61040 $9.85 2223^53-05 $66.05 VENDOR TOTAl^ $9.85 2223-741-05 $128.31 VENDCE TOTALr $425.83 2391 OJRRICULLM ASS 1200-610-55 $119.47 f 2604 DEPENDABLE RUB VENDCR lOTAl^ $119.47 2542-431-12 $3,572.22 vmm TOTAL- $3,572.22 2392 OJRRICULLM INN 1100-610-53 $297.00 2605 DEPENDAHE SEW 1100-610-5^ $49.95 2542^90-12 $435.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $346.95 VENDO? TOTAL- $435.00

2409 JOJRRIH? 2637 AJ DESJARDINS 1200-569-55 $48.00 4600460-12 $43,674.00 VENDOR TOTAI^ $48.00 VENDOR TOTAl^ $43,674.00

2431 CIRRI INNOV IN 2664 DIDAX EC 1100-610-54 $56.95 1200741-55 $21.95 VENDOR TOTAl^ $56.95 VENDOR TOTALr $21.95

2432 C CUSSIN 2675 DILLm H?ESS I 1100-890-29 $90.00 2222-63037 $^9.54 VENDCE TOTALr- $90.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $49.54

80 2684 T DIMGMAN 1200^10-55 $18.50 2114-380-01 $473.20 VENDOR TOTA^ $98.50 VEMDR IDTAl^ $473.20 2867 R\SrERNMlEia 2688 DIS MAG SUB 1100-44O41 $280.00 2222-640-37 $108.27 VENDOR TOTAL^ $280.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $108.27 2948 EDUCATIOI CENT 2691 1100-610-18 $38.73 1200580-55 $120.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $38.73 VENDOR TOTAL- $120.00 2980 EDUCATION WEEK 2695 JUDIIHDnON 2122-630-26 $19.97 231^380-01 $20.00 VENDOR lUTAI^ $19.97 WNDJR TOTAL- $20.00 3033 EDlEAnONAL IN 2722 DODGE'S A(MY 1100-610-18 $26.18 2543-610-12 $79.55 VENDOR 'lUlAl^ $26.18 mSXR TOTAL- $79.55 3034 E I I 2723 SHIRLEY DCDGE 1100-741-11 $980.00 2142-330-55 $699.00 1100-741-25 $680.00 VMXE TOTAI^ $699.00 1100-742-03 $255.00 1100-742-25 $670.40 2747 SAMKA DCRVAL 1100-742-27 $210.00 2410-580-01 $90.88 1100-742-41 $370.50 Vmm TOTAL- $90.88 ????-741-37 $306.70 2542-^1 12 $2%.50 2792 DUBOIS OEM VENDOR TOTAl^ $3,769.10 2542-610-12 $99.82 VENDOR TOM;- $99,82 3073 EDUCATORS PUH. 1200-630-55 $90.83 2808 DUSraOILOO 1200-631-55 $68.25 2542-440-12 $14.20 VENDOR IDTAI^ $159.08 2542-653-12 $253.30 2543-656-12 $106.58 3104 EMBLEMS BADGE VENDOR TOTAL- $374.08 1100-610-18 $28.50 VH^ra? TOTAL- $28.50 2855 EARLY YEARS 2222-640-37 $12.95 3136 ENCYCLOPEDIA B VENDOR TOITAL- $12.95 1100-610-53 $24.50 1100-630-50 $48.80 2856 EARLY YEARS VENDOR TOTAL- $73.30 2222-640-37 $16.00 VENDOR TOTAI^ $16.00 3149 ETO FIB 2410-630-27 $7.45 2857 F^SI COAST LLN VENDOR TOTAI^ $7.45 1100-610-34 $286.27 2542-^WO-12 $98.31 3176 EXEIEKHOSPI 2542-442-12 $54.34 1240-112-55 $2,734.00 2542-610-12 $1,505.23 2152-112-55 $7,031.25 2543-656^12 $15.00 VENDOR TOTAL^ $9,765.25 VEMXE TOTAL- $1,959.15 3181 EXEIER NEls5 LE 2861 EASTER SEAL 2319-540-01 $201.00 120O58C^55 $80.00 VENDCE TOTAL- $201.00

81 3334 FTIZPAIRICK PL 3514 GAYIDRD BROS 2542-AA2-12 $164.59 2222^10-37 $158.25 VEMXETDTAl^ $164.59 VENDOR TOTAL- $158.25

3337 D FIIZGERAID 3524 OCT PUB 2541-580-12 $22.80 1100-890-29 $79.86 Vmm IDTAL- $22.80 VENDOR TDTAL^ $79.86

3343 R FLAHERTY 3576 GIFTED & TALEN 1100-440-11 $10.00 1100-89(^29 $24.00 2410-580-01 $11.52 VEMXE TDTAL^ $24.00 VENDOR TDTAl^ $21.52 3591 GINN & (D. 3350 FOLErrUHM 1100-610-18 $929.92 2222-630-37 $361.91 1100-610-53 $47.66 VENDOR IDTAL- $361.91 1100-630-50 $465.31 1100-631-50 $654.82 3356 RILEITEDUCA VENDOR TOTAL- $2,097.71 2223-610-05 $92.37 VMDCRTDTAL- $92.37 3616 GOLDENCRAFT 2222-630-37 $226.73 3364 mjmA FCRMAN VEMXE TOTAL- $226.73 2213-340-01 $174.^ VEMXE lOTAI^ $174.40 3630 GOOD APPLE 1100-610-54 $21.84 3366 H J RMIN SUP VEND(E TDTALr- $21.84 2542^(42-12 $643.44 2542-610-12 $219.24 3634 A.J. GODGMTIH Vmm TDTAL^ $862.68 1100-610-47 $67.95 1410-610-04 $730.99 3450 CAROL FRYER 1410-741-04 $1,269.00 1200-610-55 $114.70 1410-742-04 $2,032.80 VEMXETDTAI^ $114.70 VEMXE TOTAL- $4,100.74

3467 GKS SERVICE 00 3640 M J GCEHAM 2542^^1-12 $168.70 2314-380-01 $20.00 2542-^2-12 $253.60 VENDOR TDTALr $20.00 VEMXE TDTAL^ $422.30 3730 VGRTFTIN 3468 GPO 1410-^^0-04 $16.65 2213-340^1 $.00 VEMXE TDTALr $16.65 VEMXETDTAL- $.00 3775 (EDSS MANUFACT 3486 NATALIE GALLD 2410-890-27 $124.59 2410-580^1 $9.00 VEMXE TOTALr- $124.59 VEIffmTDTAL- $9.00 3780 GSD SYSTE^B IN 3493 BGARFIEID 2410-742-27 $660.00 1100-610-18 $4.09 VEMXE TOTAL- $660.00 241(^580-01 $143.17 VEMXE IDTAL- $147.26 3784 GUMIEOP BJMS 2222-630-37 $503.57 3505 J GARRTISOI VEMXE TDTALr- $503.57 2223-^10-05 $35.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $35.00 3843 J.L. HA^^E^T C

BZ 1100-610-03 $1,065.88 2543-610-12 $15.14 1100-610-18 $112.97 VENDOR TOTAL- $1,918.05 1100-610-25 $2,875.09 1100-61027 $3,516.17 3901 HAMP MIDL A F 1100-610-40 $167.46 1100-580-27 $15.00 1100-610-53 $6.27 1100-610-18 $19.90 1100-610-54 $203.24 1410-390-04 $2,024.00 1100-741-25 $64.73 2213-340-01 $585.75 1200-610-55 $10.05 2410-580-01 $336.00 ????-610-37 $43.48 2542-4^0-12 $45.00 2410-610-25 $33.80 3900-118-00 $48.00 2410-610-27 $13.05 VENDOR lUl'AL- VENDOR lUlAL- $8,112.19 3903 HA>F MUL P C 3844 'SLZAR 1100-610-31 $8.41 1100-610-18 $104.15 2122-532-26 $43.38 1100-610-27 $5.09 2410-532-25 $43.39 1100-610-53 $35.84 2410-532-27 $160.55 1100-890-29 $31.25 2S42-610-12 $7.77 ????-6in-37 $40.43 VENDOR lUlAL- $263.50 VENDCRTDTAl^ $216.76 3906 HAMPb'lEAD FHAR 3864 REMBI 1100-610-03 $7.96 1100-61041 $232.00 1100-610-30 $27.20 VENDOR lUlM^ $232.00 1100-610-47 $10.31 1200-610-55 $35.10 3876 HANP AIHECLB 2132-61044 $29.81 1100-610-30 $18.75 2319-610-01 $1.99 1100-610-47 $37.50 2542-610-12 $17.41 1100-610-53 $7.50 VENDOR 'lUlAL- $129.78 VENDOR TOIAL- $63.75 3925 HAMPSHADSCH 3878 HA^PCEN^ A F 2312-532-01 $18.48 2122-532-26 $12.63 VENDOR TOTAL^ $18.48 VENDOR TOTAL- $12.63 3928 HAMPSTEIAD OHL 3885 HA^FC:EN^PC 5240-880-01 $1,106.00 1100-610-30 $28.15 VENDCE TOTAL- $1,106.00 1100-610-31 $2.69 1100-610-41 $6.82 3949 TOWN OF HAMPST 2122-532-26 $55.21 2314-550-01 $2,598.67 717V370-26 $8.00 2542-442-12 $531.93 2410-532-25 $141.74 VENDOR TDTPL- $3,130.60 VENDOR lUlAI^ $242.61 3969 HAROOURT BRACE 3895 HANKl'EAD GARA 1100-610-18 $1,058.26 2545-440-12 $120.00 1100-630-18 $252.83 VENDOR lUlAL- $120.00 1100-630-50 $189.90 1100-631-18 $603.14 3898 HAMP. UCNS a 1100-631-50 $839.12 3900118-00 $80.00 VENDOR TOTAO $2,943.25 VENDCE TOTAL- $80.00 3990 HAROLD'S DXKS 3899 HAMPSTEAD HARD 2542-440-12 $213.61 2542-441-12 $1,754.85 VENDOR TOITAL^ $213.61 2542-610-12 $148.06

83 4081 haverhul gaze 4643 INTERSTATE ITO 2319-540-01 $336.30 1100-610-18 $24.00 VMIE TOTAL^ $336.30 VMXE TOTAL- $24.00

4199 D.C. HEATH a>l 4648 INTERSTATE RES 1100-630-54 $823.78 1100-742-31 $293.78 1100-631-18 $523.53 VEMXE TOTAI^ $293.78 mWR TDTAI^ $1,347.31 4649 INTEKSTATE IKO 4220 DHEKEEK 1100-610-18 $111.25 1100-610-31 $18.61 VEMXE TOTAL- $111.25 VEMXE TOTAL- $18.61 4715 N JOHNSON 4247 D HEKIER 1410-890-04 $140.00 1100-610-31 $40.89 VENDCE TOTAL- $140.00 VEMXE TOTAl^ $40.89 4716 F. T. JONES 00 4298 J HILLS AGEIO 2900-211-01 $91.00 2542-521-12 $17,245.25 VEMXE TCITAI^ $91.00 2900-214-01 $5,990.25 VENDOR TOTAL^ $23,235.50 4810 KEM)ALL INSURA 2311-523-01 $1,622.11 4312 fflLLYARD SALES VEMXE TOTAI^ $1,622.11 2542-610-12 $273.35 VMDCR TOTAI^ $273.35 4830 KENS RADIO IV 2223-440-05 $29.00 4361 HXTRIMlARr VEMXE TOTAL- $29.00 1100-630-50 $79.53 VMXJR TOTAL^ $79.53 4856 KEYE FTOCNIR 2410-580-01 $%.00 4424 fflUGHICNMIFK. VEMXE TOTAL^ $96.00 1100-630-18 $412.50 1100-630-40 $31.03 4916 KINNEY'S GARAG 1100-630-50 $10.35 2542-440-12 $48.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $453.88 2545-440-12 $10.00 VEMXR TOTAl^ $58.00 4453 P HDWARD 1100-890-29 $53.25 4973 H.P. KOPFLEMAN VEMXR TOTAL^ $53.25 1100-630-50 $78.12 VEMXE TOTAL- $78.12 4504 HYGEIA 2542-^2-12 $142.00 4992 OJrnNG SCHOOL VEMXE TOTAL^ $142.00 1200-569-55 $8,220.06 VENIXE TOTAL- $8,220.06 4548 lEM 2390-360-01 $300.00 5054 LAIDUWBROS VENIXE TOTAL^ $300.00 1100-630-54 $164.32 1100-631^0 $50.00 4575 INCENTIVE PUBL 1100-631-53 $50.00 1100-61054 $19.64 1100-631-54 $312.56 VENIXE lUTAl^ $19.64 VENIXE lUTAL^ $576.88

4637 INTER SYMPOSI 5059 LAMBERT 03 INC 2122-580-26 $50.00 1100-610-34 $196.84 VENIXE TOTAL- $50.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $196.84

84 5067 LANlllARK SCH 254^433-12 $.00 1200-569-55 $17,800.00 VmOCRTOTAI^ $.00 VmXJR TOTAL- $17,800.00 5288 R P LITTLE 5092 R LATTIME 2410-580-01 $206.10 1200-569-55 $757.50 VEMXKTOITAL^ $206.10 VMXE IDM^ $757.50 5316 km; ELECMM 5096 DLy?SCE 1100-610-34 $13.20 2542-M1-12 $373.00 1100-610-53 $63.17 4600-490-12 $1,392.00 1100-610-54 $18.20 VMBR TOTAL- $1,765.00 VEMXETOTAL- $94.57

5097 LINDA LAESEN 5319 lORAL PRESS IN 1100-580-27 $220.50 2314-610-01 $92.60 VMIE TOTAl^ $220.50 2319-610-01 $32.58 2410-610-27 $39.75 5102 MVALLJEE/BREJB VENDOR lOTAL- $164.93 4600^(60-12 $960.00 Vmm TOTAL- $960.00 5363 LYNN LADJM 2542-610-12 $558.40 5105 lAWREHi: EAGLE VENDOR lOTAL^ $558.40 2319-540-01 $315.35 VTODCR TOTAL- $315.35 5450 MARION MACNEIL 2212-550-01 $.00 5110 LEMMNS VENDOR TOTAL- $.00 2222-640-37 $13.95 VElffiCR TOTAI^ $13.95 5478 MAG4tt BRLEH 4600-490-12 $946.02 5112 LE^UMNG 85 VEMXETOTAI^ $946.02 2222-640-37 $18.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $18.00 5479 MA(>NI BRUSH 2542-61(^12 $160.00 5131 DU LEIXJC GYM VENDOR lOTAI^ $160.00 2542-441-12 $.00 4600490-12 $1,526.00 5483 W A MAGUIRE 00 VEMXE TOTAI^ $1,526.00 2542-441-12 $370.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $370.00 5132 LEARNING TREE 2223-610-05 $89.44 5494 MAIJETREAM WmJR TOTAI^ $89.44 1200-610-55 $10.00 VEMXETOTAL- $10.00 5163 LEENER RJELICA 2222-630-37 $118.00 5497 S MALIBY VENDOR TOTAL- $118.00 1100-610-18 $16.64 1100-610-31 $7.00 5201 LETOILE RDCFIN 1100-610-47 $19.70 2542-441-12 $212.00 VEMXETOTAL- $43.34 4600490-12 $300.15 VEJffiOR TOTAI^ $512.15 5515 MANCHESltK UNI 2319-540-01 $150.25 5203 R LEVESQUE VENDOR lUlAL^ $150.25 254^433-12 $802.50 VENDOR TOTAL- $802.50 5568 A MARGOLTS 1100-58(^27 $58.40 5230 ffiWARD LffiBY 1100-610-31 $6.75

85 1100-61053 $25,45 1100-63050 $45.28 2410-532-27 $66.00 VMKETOTAL- $50.01 WmJR TOTAL- $156.60 6043 MODERN PAINT & 5572 F. H. MARCNEY 2542-441-12 $38.56 2542-440-12 $294.72 2542-61012 $130.78 mWR TOTAl^ $294.72 VEMXE TOTAL- $169.34

5633 MAXFTELD FSESS 6125 RAYMM) MXEE 2122-610-26 $127.50 2132-330^ $4«).00 2410-610-25 $150.00 2132-340-44 $400.00 2410-610-27 $277.50 VEMXE TOTAL^ $840.00 Vmm TUIAL- $555.00 6162 TRUDY NCKRIS 5690 NCDOUGALLITIL 110058027 $.00 1200-630-55 $7.91 2213-27025 $760.00 1200-631-55 $29.32 VEMXE TOTAL- $760.00 WND3R TOTAI^ $37.23 6185 ANDY MES APH. 5754 NDCINNEY ARIES 2542-^1-12 $44.95 2^2-441-12 $1,4%.42 VEMXE TOTAL^ $44.95 Vmm lOTAl^ $1,496.42 6210 J MJRHIY 5776 T MITEAGUE 2132-580-44 $121.40 2541-580-12 $101.60 VENDOR TOTAL- $121.40 2542-610-12 $10.00 VEMCR TOTAL^ $111.60 6293 N A S S P 1100-63050 $7.95 5779 HEARS TRIET VEMXE TOTAI^ $7.95 2542-W0-12 $35.00 2544-610-12 $35.00 6298 NAESP 2545-440-12 $132.20 2410-81027 $110.00 VENDCE TOTAL- $202.20 VEMXE TOTAl^ $110.00

5797 CJ MffiRS & SON 6384 NHASP 2542^41-12 $.00 2410580-01 $43.00 4600-490-12 $500.00 2410^1027 $200.00 VEJffiOR TOTAl^ $500.00 VEMXE TOTAO $243.00

5817 C. MERRni FUB 6398 N H S A A 1100-630-40 $60.84 2122-58026 $15.00 1100-630-53 $110.00 VEMXE TOTAI^ $15.00 Vmm TOTAL- $170.84 6483 NATL FIRE M) 5855 ^EIRA CHEM OE 2542-61012 $42.35 2542-^2-12 $1,394.75 VEMXE TOTAL- $42.35 2542-61012 $990.25 2542-653-12 $613.50 6501 NATTOWL GEDGR VHffiCR TOTAL- $2,998.50 2222-64037 $10.95 VEMXE TOTAO $10.95 5904 MHHaIEST HJB 1100-89029 $38.23 6502 NAT GBXRAfHEC VEMX3? TOTAL^ $38.23 2223-610-05 $441.90 VEMXE TOTAL- $441.90 6034 NDDERN ajRRICU 1100610^ $4.73 6520 NATIONAL LTTEK

86 2222-630-37 $71.59 6689 NERA VENDCR TOTAL- $71.59 1100-580-27 $67.00 VENDCE TOTAL- $67.00 6530 NATICNAL MEDIL 2410-S1O27 $35.00 6699 SCHOOL SUIY VEMXE TOTAL- $35.00 1100^610-03 $1,285.60 1100-610-18 $8.95 6552 NAT SCHXL PUB 1100-610-25 $1,977.39 1100-630-50 $48.50 1100-610-27 $1,416.05 2123-610-01 $173.25 1100-610-40 $100.62 VMXE TOTAL- $221.75 1100-61053 $57.30 1100-61O54 $47.15 6553 N/S-En-G/T 2410-610-25 $109.68 2410-58001 $115.00 VENDCR 'lUTAT^ $5,002.74 VENDCR TOTAL^ $115.00 6700 NESS

6561 NAIL SERV CLEN 1100-610-18 - $53.70 2542-441-12 $.00 1100-610-25 $738.32 4600490-12 $1,000.00 1200-610-55 $175.01 VENDCR TOITAL^ $1,000.00 VENDCR TOTAL- $967.03

6598 NATICEAL VfOL 6706 N E TELEHENE 2222-640-37 $31.00 2410-531-25 $1,880.65 VEMXE TDTAI^ $31.00 2410-531-27 $3,616.10 VENDOR TDTAI^ $5,496.75 6644 NE ASSOCSCffiO 241C^10-27 $100.00 6793 N.H. FACTLTTAT VENDOR TOTAL- $100.00 2213-270-27 $57.00 VENDOR TOTAl^ $57.00 6650 NEBA OMUrEE 1100440-11 $30.00 6797 N H FEKE 00 VENDCR TOTAL- $30.00 2543-61012 $1,232.00 ^/ENDOR TDTAT^ $1,232.00 6651 NEBA 2410-742-27 $269.95 6824 NHMEA VENDCR TOTAL- $269.95 2410-810-27 $15.00 VENDCR TOTAl^ $15.00 6653 TIE NEURDPSYCH 2142-330-55 $344.00 6834 NH PROFILES VENDCR TOTAl^ $344.00 2222-640-37 $8.95 VENDCR TDTAL^ $8.95 6666 NEEDS 1200-569-55 $4,056.00 6835 NHPUELICIV VENDOR TOTAI^ $4,056.00 2223-61005 $.00 2224-39001 $559.15 6672 NE KINDER OW VENDCR TDTAl^ $559.15 2410-580O1 $30.00 VENDCR TDTAl^ $30.00 6842 NH RETTREMENT 2900221^1 $1,820.64 6678 NE LEAGUE CF M 2900222-01 $6,374.50 2410-810-27 $70.00 2900224^1 $3,164.05 VENDCR TOTAL- $70.00 VHNDCR TOTAI^ $11,359.19

6680 NE NEURDPSYCH 6853 NHSBA 2142-330-55 $1,127.50 2319-81CM)l $988.80 VENDCR TOTAL- $1,127.50

87 2541-580-12 $15.00 7062 OPEN COURT PUB TOTAL- Vmm $1,003.80 1100-610-18 $1,040.86 1100-630-18 $29.57 6861 NHSTA 1100-630-40 $197.63 2410-580-01 $67.50 1100-630-50 $320.72 VMXETDTAl^ $67.50 1100-631-18 $662.69 1100-631-50 $1,286.00 6970 BARBARA NOET 1200-610-55 $22.91 2222-610-37 $19.95 2222-640-37 $16.65 2223-610-05 $15.51 VENDOR TOTAI^ $3,577.03 2410-580-01 $27.89 VMDCRTDTAL- $63.35 7072 OPPCEIUNinES 1100-610-18 $.00 6980 NCM'l'S HARDWAR 1100-631-18 $.00 110(>610-03 $3.95 1100-631-50 $.00 1100-610-31 $8.26 1100-890-29 $10.95 2542-610-12 $6.30 VENDCETOTAL- $10.95 VMIETDTAL- $18.51 7081 OREISON TEACHIN 6991 NCFIHEAST AUDI 1100-630-18 $32.00 2223^kiO-05 $158.12 1100-631-18 $64.04 2223-610-05 $142.25 VENDOR TOTAL- $96.04 2223-741-05 $370.94 VMXE TOTAL- $671.31 7218 THE HHJON 1100-580-27 $58.00 6992 NCMHEASTDECT VENDCRTOTAL- $58.00 2900-211-01 $5,235.87 600(^211-01 $3,284.06 7237 PAIRIOT ELEC VENDOR TOTAL- $8,519.93 2542-442-12 $772.85 VENDCRTOTAL- $772.85 6993 NCKIHEASTENG 2542-^1-12 $650.00 7238 PATRIOT ELBC 2542-^2-12 $485.% 2542^442-12 $445.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $1,135.96 VENDOR TOTAL- $445.00

6999 NORTHEAST MECH 7280 FENDBSOOT INN 2542^^41-12 $75.00 2122-580-26 $50.00 2542-442-12 $1,610.15 VENDCETOTAL- $50.00 VENDO? TOTAl^ $1,685.15 7282 PEOPLE 7028 NURSIM; 85 2222-640-37 $25.75 1100-610-30 $.00 VENDCRTOTAI^ $25.75 VENDOR TOTAL^ $.00 7286 J W PEPPER & S 7029 mJBSim LIFE 1100-610-41 $393.57 1100-610-30 $17.95 VENDCXTOTAL- $393.57 Vmm TUYMu- $17.95 7294 PERKIMS MUSIC 7035 CM ASSOCIAnON 1100-610^1 $130.00 1100-890-29 $65.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $130.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $65.00 7300 PERSONAL FKHJ 7049 OLD KERRY BEVE 1100-610-30 $7.50 2542-441-12 $874.50 VENDCETOTAL- $7.50 VEMXE TOTAL^ $874.50 7333 PHIUIPS AUID

88 2545^(40-12 $177.07 1100-580-27 $40.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $177.07 VENDOR TOTAL- $40.00

7354 PIANO TUNA 7528 POSIMASTER 1100-44041 $46.00 2313-532-01 $242.00 VMXE TCfTAlr- $46.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $242.00

7359 7550 PRECISION ELEC 2542-441-12 $119.00 2542-^1-12 $45.00 VmXJR WDL- $119.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $45.00

7377 THE PINE CENTE 7555 FREOTICE-HALL 1100-610-34 $405.76 1100-630-50 $22.42 VEJJKE TOTAL^ $405.76 2542-610-12 $23.11 VEMXE TOTAl^ $45.53 7388 PIMEKICN ACAD 1100-563-28 $534,838.95 7564 REPRESOOTT 1200-5^-55 $107,953.90 2542-442-12 $154.13 VEMXE TOTAl^ $642,792.85 VEMXE TOTAL- $154.13

7391 ANN PINID 7566 PROF raESS GRP 2123-370-26 $193.97 2222-6iO-37 $50.00 2212-550-01 $90.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $50.00 2213-340-01 $365.00 VENDOR TOTAI^ $648.97 7592 PRDGRAI^ KR E 2123-370-26 $42.00 7393 PnCHER Assoa 2222-630-37 $15.50 4600490-12 $1^.68 VEMXE TOTAL- $57.50 VmXE TOTAI^ $159.68 7601 PSYCHDDXICAL 7409 PLAISroWBANK 1100-61040 $197.16 5100-830-01 $48,888.33 VEMXE TOTAI^ $197.16 5100-840-01 $2,199.98 VENDOR IDTAI^ $51,088.31 7609 FROG KR ED 2222-^30-37 $32.80 7434 PLAISIUWSIMI VEMXE TOTAL^ $32.80 1100-610-40 $11.17 1100-610-54 $37.00 7622 FUELIC SERVICE 1100-890-29 $30.72 2542-652-12 $35,078.53 1200-610-55 $151.25 VENDCR TOTAL- $35,078.53 2132-610-^ $24.90 2312-532-01 $24.70 7631 PULSAR AL^ S 2410-610-25 $37.80 2542-^1-12 $25.00 2410-610-27 $207.15 2546^33-12 $156.00 2542-610-12 $78.60 2546-590-12 $181.00 VEMXE lUlAI^ $603.29 VEMXE TOTAI^ $362.00

7511 EWPOORE 7674 R & S CARPET 1100-610-34 $210.20 4600-490-12 $5,175.00 VENDOR TOTAL- $210.20 VEMXE TOTAL- $5,175.00

7512 POFUUR SCI 7685 RAM PRINITNS I 1100-610-53 $9.97 2314-610-01 $123.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $9.97 2410-890-27 $200.00 2490-890-27 $257.40 7520 PORT OONC ASSO VENDCE TOTAL- $580.40

89 7690 RAIOTREE PUELI 7^72 RIVEKSIDE HJBL 2222-630-37 $363.33 1100^1018 $450.77 msm TOTAL- $363.33 1100631-18 $575.82 VEMXE TOTAI^ $1,026.59 7691 RAND KMLLY & 1100-610-54 $127.09 7874 RIVERSIDE SOCK 1100-742-25 $71.37 2123-610-01 $341.24 2222-610-37 $.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $341.24 2222-630-37 $78.44 VEM3CR TOTAl^ $276.90 7875 RN MAGAZINE 2132-630-44 $29.97 7692 AEBIE RANDALL VEMXK TOTAL- $29.97 2313-111-01 $420.00 VEMXE TOTAL^ $420.00 7924 RDCH INSn TEE 1200-61O55 $10.18 7694 RAINIKEE PUB VEMXE TOTAL- $10.18 2222-630-37 $77.24 VMDCR TOTAL- $77.24 7988 R ROUEY 2541-58012 $78.60 7724 RANDCM HXBE I VENDOR TOTAL- $78.60 1100-630-40 $128.76 VENIXE TOTAI^ $128.76 7998 GROIHE 2410532-27 $14.09 7755 NEIL REARDOI VEMXE TOTALr- $14.09 2314^380-01 $20.00 VEMXE TOTAl^ $20.00 8004 THE RDURKE PUB 2222-630-37 $371.30 7783 REGION 10 VENDOR TOTAL- $371.30 1200-56^55 $4,020.00 VENDOR TOTAI^ $4,020.00 8030 ROYAL BIBINESS 2390-360^1 $231.39 7789 REHAB CaBULT VENDOR TOTAL- $231.39 2142-330-55 $980.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $980.00 8106 SI JDSP KSPl 1200569-55 $3,777.50 7792 RE>EDIAL RJELI VEMXE TOTAO $3,777.50 1200-610-55 $45.05 VEMXE TOTAL- $45.05 8108 SALEM SCHXL D 1200-569-55 $3,770.00 7816 NANCY RICHARD VENDOR TOTAL- $3,770.00 2213-34(K)1 $224.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $224.00 8220 F. SCEAETER RJ 1100-610-18 $7.45 7840 RINEHART INC 1100^10-54 $32.67 1100-61018 $11.27 VEMXE TOTALr- $40.12 VEND(E TOTAl^ $11.27 8221 F. SCHAFFER SD 7841 RHINEHAKr INC 110C^580-27 $69.00 1100-61&-18 $44.27 1100-610-18 $31.63 VEMXE TOTAI^ $44.27 2222-640-37 $12.95 2410-580-01 $138.00 7860 JAMES RIVER 00 VENDOR TOTAO $251.58 1100-610-25 $137.78 1100-610-27 $184.16 8249 SCHOLASnC, IN VENDOR TOTAL- $321.94 2223-610-05 $245.40

90 VEMXE 'lUi'AI^ $245.40 VENECE TOTAL- $48,776.28

8250 SCEDLAsilC, IN 8345 SEMEAI EDUCA 1100-610-18 $445.50 1100-61054 $32.00 1100-61G-31 $72.00 VEMIE TDTAL^ $32.00 1100-610-53 $148.50 1100-630-50 $834.09 8360 SENTEE AUTO SU VEMXE 'lUl'AI^ $1,500.09 2543-656-12 $27.84 2544-610-12 $62.78 8252 SCHDWbTlC MAG VEMXE TOTAL- $90.62 1100-610-54 $127.50 VENDOR lUlAl^ $127.50 8361 SERVITO 4600-490-12 $200.00 8265 SAU # 55 VEMXE TOTAL- $200.00 2320-351-01 $59,476.00 VEMIE TOTAL- $59,476.00 8414 SILVER BURDEII 2222-630-37 $278.80 8270 SCHDL HEALTH VEMXE TOTAI^ $278.80 120(^741-55 $195.76 2132-610^ $274.39 8439 SMIEX TIME R 2132-741-44 $500.00 2542^41-12 $91.20 VHCCR TOTAL- $970.15 VEMXE TOTAL- $91.20

8315 SCTEMELAND 8440 SIMHEXTIME 2222-6«)-37 $24.00 2542-441-12 $84.00 VEMXE TDTAL^ $24.00 VEMXE TOTAI^ $84.00

8316 Sa RESRH ASSO 8511 D F a-ITTH 1200-630-55 $51.16 2542-^44012 $2,305.99 1200-631-55 $148.32 VEMXE TOTAL- $2,305.99 VEMXE TOTAL- $199.48 8540 SOULELESLEEZ 8335 SUUIT'S & SONS 231^380-01 $2,540.30 2543-610-12 $1,275.84 VEMXE TOTAL- $2,540.30 VEMXE TUiAL- $1,275.84 8542 SOKSOCKS 8336 SOOTT EDRESMAN 1100-63O41 $32.45 1100-610-18 $421.91 VEMXE TOTAL- $32.45 1100-61053 $211.30 110063018 $642.53 8559 SOJIHEASTEEN R 1100-63030 $5.08 1100-61027 $34.50 1100630-40 $175.00 1100-89029 $34.47 1100-63050 $257.38 1200569-55 $63,239.50 1100-631-18 $634.22 1200-61055 $22.97 1100631-50 $68.02 2190^1001 $1,721.52 120063055 $86.4i VEMXE TOTAO $65,052.96 1200-631-55 $83.16 VEMXE TOTAL- $2,585.04 8586 SFECTRCWAXOE 2542-61012 $2,551.37 8339 D SOOTT 2542-742-12 $750.00 1100-61053 $27.22 VEMXE TOTAL- $3,301.37 VEMXE TOTAO $27.22 8587 SPEECH, HEARIN 8343 SEAOOAST OOLLA 120058055 $81.00 1200569-55 $10,192.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $81.00 2553-519-55 $38,584.28

91 8621 SPORIS nUUS 2213-34001 $220.00 2222-640-37 $32.40 Vmm TOTAL- $310.00 WmJR TUTPL- $32.40 8803 C SULLIVAN 8624 CH SFKAGUE & S 2541-58012 $90.28 2542-653-12 $14,088.92 VENDOR TDTAI^ $90.28 VMXE TOTAL- $14,088.92 8807 SUNBURST 0CM4J 8626 STAG ENTER 1100-89029 $90.10 2542-441-12 $37.10 2223-610-05 $30.74 VMXE TDTAl^ $37.10 VENDOR TDTAl^ $120.84

8641 STANDARD DlHl 8820 SURPLLB OFFICE 1100-742-25 $1,061.17 1100741-27 $340.00 VMDCR TOTAL- $1,061.17 2542^44012 $320.00 2542-61012 $401.40 8642 STANDARD DUFU 4600-49012 $170.00 2410^^40-25 $96.36 VENDOR TDTAO $1,231.40 2410440-27 $90.00 Vmm TOTAL- $186.36 8846 SYNERGETICS 1100-89029 $19.80 8684 STAR PAPER OCM VENKE TOTAL- $19.80 2542-61012 $926.05 VEMXETDTAl^ $926.05 8861 TAFT HEINESS 241(M4025 $1,014.36 8718 SitOC-VAlIM C 2410-44027 $867.44 1200-61055 $25.91 2410-61025 $347.38 1200-631-55 $14.51 2410-61027 $301.00 VEMXE lUl'Al^ $40.42 2542-44012 $41.00 2542^^41-12 $.00 8721 EEATRTCE SrhH< VENDOR TDTAI^ $2,571.18 110058027 $68.00 120058055 $15.00 TEACH & LEARN 2213-27027 $615.00 1100610-40 $119.62 241058001 $46.08 VENDOR TDTAI^ $119.62 VENDOR lUl'Al^ $744.08 8896 GARY JTEPE 8727 MARY K Sl'EWSON 120058055 $362.00 2312-380-01 $760.00 2122-58026 $159.00 2312-532-^1 $28.88 VENDOR TOTAL- $521.00 2314-380-01 .$80.00 2410532-27 $12.63 8904 THETELEGRAffl 241058001 $26.16 1200569-55 $33.60 VEMXE TUi'AI^ $907.67 VENDOR TOTAL- $33.60

8728 P. STEFEENSEN 9000 THM'Sai'S 2542-^441-12 $250.50 2313-610-01 $10.95 VENDOR TDTAI^ $250.50 VENDCE TOTAL- $10.95

8760 G SIDCKINGER 9015 TTMBERLANE PLA 2313-111^1 $840.00 1100-61034 $42.00 VENDOR TDTAL- $840.00 2542-44012 $398.21 2542-441-12 $35.09 8785 HFTFN SIRATTDN VENDCE TOTAL- $475.30 2123-37026 $50.00 2212-550-01 $40.00 9020 TTMBERL\NE REE

92 1200-569-55 $60.00 2410-532-25 $241.80 VENDOR TOTAL- $60.00 2410-532-27 $241.80 VENDffi TDTAL- $483.60 9032 UMB RH^ SC DI 1200-569-55 $10,040.00 9392 HARRY VAUGHN C 2390-36CWD1 $3,600.00 2542-441-12 $703.00 VEMXE TOTAL- $13,6^0.00 VENDOR TOITALr- $703.00

9050 UMBERLANE TRA 9393 VERCTM (F SYS 2552-513-01 $119,038.70 1100-610-03 $63.62 2553-513-04 $2,003.65 1200-742-55 $36.00 2559-513^1 $400.00 2122-742-26 $600.00 VENDOR TOTAl^ $121,442.35 VEMXETOTAL- $699.62

9051 UMBERLANE TOA 9438 DEB VOTTER CNT 2559-513^1 $218.35 2553-519-55 $159.00 VENDOR TOTAL^ $218.35 VENDOR TOTAL^ $159.00

9053 TIME 9455 WAIT DISNEY ED 2222-640-37 $58.24 2222-630-37 $406.35 VMJCRTOTAI^ $58.24 2223-610-05 $135.45 VENDOR TOITAI^ $541.80 9060 TCM RAY (FFICE 2122-610-26 $58.74 9489 NANCY WARREN VmXRTOTAL- $58.74 2123-610-01 $480.00 VENDOR TDTAL- $4SO.0O 9084 TOTAL CONCEPT 1200-610-55 $52.45 9503 OERYL WATERS VMBRTOITAI^ $52.45 2314-380-01 $20.00 VENDOR TCITAL- $20.00 9110 TREASURER 2900-230-01 $74,560.91 9523 G A WAISCN AND VENDOR TDTAL^ $74,560.91 2542-442-12 $122.02 VENDOR TOTAL- $122.02 9111 TREASURER STAT 2900-230-01 $161.58 9581 WEEKLY READER VEMXE TOITAI^ $161.58 1100-610-40 $11.84 VENDOR TOTAL- $11.84 9113 TRM) ENTERFRI 1100-610-18 $37.85 9663 WESTVniE SUFP Vmm TDTPL- $37.85 2542-442-12 $73.79 VENDOR TOTAL- $73.79 9135 IROIL ASSOCIAT 1100-610-54 $14.32 9668 m E WfflTE 2222-630-37 $97.32 2142-330-55 $500.00 VMXE TOITAI^ $111.64 VENDOR TOTAI^ $500.00

9286 UNIT MAINT SUP %73 RUm WHITELEY 2542-610-12 $951.09 2314-38CMD1 $20.00 VENDCE TOTAl^ $951.09 VENDOR TOTAL- $20.00

9338 UNH 9691 WHTMMH'S 2223^53-05 $9.00 1100-61O47 $347.10 VENDCE TOTAL- $9.00 1410-610-04 $126.90 VENDOR TOTAI^ $474.00 9351 U S STMW EN

93 9739 WHUCW TREE 1200-569-55 $12,771.00 VEMER TOTAL- $12,771.00

97^ R A WTLMJT 1100-580-27 $20.00 2552-513^1 $1,162.00 VENDOR TOTAL^ $1,182.00

9786 K WISECARVER 1100-61C^27 $24.77 2213-270-25 $50.00 2213-270-27 $190.00 Wmm TOTAL- $264.77

9837 THE \v[MD AIM 2222-630-37 $47.56 VEMXE TOTAL- $47.56

9840 VmLD ALMANAC 110(>-63(>-50 $235.61 2222-63037 $357.39 WmJR TDTAl^ $593.00

9847 WCKLD BOCK YEA 2222-640-37 $20.95 VEMXE TDTAL^ $20.95

9870 THE WRIGHT (3» 1100-630-50 $233.20 VENDOR TDTAl^ $233.20

9895 XEROX EDUCAITO 1100-610-18 $211.05 1100-61053 $157.50 1100-61054 $260.70 VENDOR TOTAI^ $629.25

9900 YANKEE BARGIN 1100-61027 $27.12 VENDOR TOTAl^ $27.12

9995 ZODIAC NEtvS 00 1100-61054 $52.20 VENDOR TOTAL- $52.20

DISIKICT TOTAL- 2,625,159.95

94 Report of the District Treasurer for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986


Cash on Hand July 1, 1985 ($ 14,908.74)

Received from Selectmen: Current Appropriation $2,434,974.00 Revenue from State Sources 55,925.60 Revenue from Federal Sources 33,417.01 Received from All Other Sources 99,621.95

Total Receipts $2,623,938.56

Total Amount Available for Fiscal Year $2,638,847.30 Less School Board Orders Paid $2,625,159.95

Balance on Hand June 30, 1986 $ 13,687.35

August 14, 1986 GEORGE STOKINGER District Treasurer

Hampstead School District Financial Report

Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1985 and Ending June 30, 1986


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. The accounts are kept in accordance with Section 17 of Chapter 71-A of the Revised Statutes Annotated, and regulation Chapter Rev 1100, Financial Accounting for Local Education Agencies on file with the Administrative pro- cedures Act, and upon forms prescribed by the Department of Revenue Administration.

Mrs. Henri Eastman, Chairperson Mr. Richard Mushial, Vice Chairman ROBERT J. CROMPTON Mrs. Virginia E. Clark Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Ruta Jordans September 8, 1986 Mr. Maurice Randall

95 Hampstead Central School — 1986-1987

Professional Staff Degree University

Trudy Morris, Asst. Principal M.Ed. Lowell State College Evelyn Cotter B.S. Boston State College June Deyo B.S. Lowell State College Kim Gallant B.S. Plymouth State College Marion Lake B.Ed. Keene State College Jennifer Latham M. Music University of Lowell Karla Mabeta B.S. Easter Conn. State College Marion MacNeil B.Ed. Plymouth State College Sabrina Maltby B.S. Keene State College Mary Ellen McDonald B.S. Plymouth State College Ann Pinto B.S. Lowell State College Darian Scott B.A. San Francisco State University Helen Stratton B..A. Mt. St. Mary's College Cheryl Taylor B..A. Gordon College Mary Timson M.Ed. Notre Dame College Adele Treated M.Ed. Boston College Jennifer Wilson B.A. University of New Hampshire Kathleen Wisecarver M.Ed. University of New Hampshire Loretta Wood B.A. University of New Hampshire

Hampstead Middle School — 1986-1987

Professional Staff Degree University

Robert P. Little, Principal CAGS Boston State College Richard Zacchilli, Asst. Principal M.Ed. Plymouth State College Marilyn Archibald B.S. Fitchburg State College Linda Baenig B.S. Youngs town Ohio State University Susan Brassard B.S. Keene State College Doris Buco M.Ed. Notre Dame College Dillard Collins B. Music University of Lowell Judith Cotter B.S. Bridgewater State College Edith Daley B.A. Lowell State College Kathleen Deacy B.S. Lowell State College Steven DeFronzo M.Ed. Northeastern University James Dodge CAGS Boston State College Sandra Dorval B.Ed. Plymouth State College Patricia Dostie R.N. Lawrence MA. General Hospital Raymond Flaherty B.Ed. Framingham State College Diane Herter B.S. University of Minnesota Patricia Howard M.Ed. Northeastern University Rosemary Langlois B.A. Riverview College Betty Levine B.A.E. Ohio State University Andrea Margolis M.Ed. University of Maine Patricia O'Connell B.S. Lowell State College Jeanne Sullivan M.A.T. University of Massachusetts Gary Tepe M.Ed. California State College Robert Wilmot M.Ed. Plymouth State College

96 •

Auditor's Opinion

We have examined the general purpose financial statements of the Hampstead School District and the combining fund financial statements of the School District as of and for the year ended June 30, 1986, as listed in the table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances

As described in Note IB, the general purpose financial statements referred to above do not include the General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts, which should be included to conform with generally accepted accounting principles. The amount that should be recorded in the General Fixed Assets Account Group is not known.

In our opinion, except that omission of the General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts results in an incomplete presentation, as explained in the above paragraph, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the Hampstead School District, at June 30, 1986, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Also, in our opinion, the combining fund financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of each of the individual funds and account groups of the Hampstead School District, at June 30, 1986, and the results of operations of such funds for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.

Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole and on the combining fund financial statements. The accompanying financial information listed as supporting schedules in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the financial statements of the Hampstead School District. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the general purpose, combining fund financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements of each of the respective funds and account groups taken as a whole.

August 19, 1986 CARRI, PLODZIK, SANDERSON Professional Association

97 School Warrant — State of New Hampshire

To the Inhabitants of the School District of the Town of Hampstead, qualified to vote in District affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Hampstead Middle School in Hampstead, New Hampshire »n the ninth day of March, 1987 at 7:30 in the evening to act upon the following articles:

1. To see if the District will vote to construct and equip an addition to the Hampstead Central School and to provide parking and playfields on the site of that school and authorize the School Board to borrow money, under the provisions of New Hampshire's Municipal Finance Act, in the amount of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) to pay for the projects and to apply toward the cost of the projects all grants and interest received, or take any other action relative thereto.

2. (BY PETITION: J. Curry et al) To see if the District will vote to construct and equip an additional five (5) rooms to the Hampstead Central School for the purpose of Implementing a kindergarten program and authorize the School Board to borrow money, under the provisions of New Hampshire's Municipal Finance Act, In the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) to pay for the project and to apply toward the cost of the project all grants and interest received, or take any other action relative thereto.

3. To see if the District will vote to authorize the School Board as agents to carry out the purposes of the Capital Reserve Fund and to authorize said agents to withdraw money from the Capital Reserve Fund as needed to fullfill that purpose.

4. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ninety Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($97,500) to meet the first interest payment due on the borrowing authorized under Article 1.

5. (BY PETITION; J. Curry et al) To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($16,250) to meet the first interest payment due on the borrowing authorized under the above article.

6. To see if the District will Instruct the School Board to execute a proposed new contract between the District and the Trustees of Plnkerton Academy and to see if such contract shall be deemed to be a contract by this school district with the Trustees of Plnkerton Academy,

7. To see what sum of money the District will vote to raise and appropriate for the payment of salaries of school district officials and the support of schools and agents and for payment of the statutory obligations of the District.

8. To see If the District will vote to authorize the School Board to apply for, accept and expend, without further action by the School District Meeting, money from the state, federal or other governmental unit or a private source which becomes available during the 1987-88 school fiscal year provided that such expenditure be made for purposes for which a school district may appropriate money and that such expenditure not require the expenditure of other school district funds.

9. To see if the District will accept reports of agents, auditors and committees.

10. (BY PETITION: C. Flaherty et al) To see if the School District will vote to mandate that School Board meetings be open to citizen participation and input at all times, excluding executive sessions.

11. To see If the District wishes to take any other action which may legally come before the meeting.

Given under our hands at said Hampstead this nineteenth day of February, 1987.

A true copy of Warrant - Attest: School Board

98 Historic District Commission: Muriel Gorton, Cable TV Advisory Committee: Bill Cross, Chris Harper, Ray Priscilla Lindquist, Kenneth Parker, George Flaherty, Clay Shaw (absent from pfioto: Charlie Miller) IVIoore (absent from photo: Elsie T. Carideo)

Deputy Police Chief: Joseph Beaudoin Town Clerk - Tax Collector: Alfred Brickett


Selectman William Beane cuts ribbon to open new Police Station. With him are Police Chief William Letoile and Chairman of Building Committee Robert Weimar.

99 "f^.




Emergency Calls Be Calm!

FIRE Call 389-6948

Be sure to state location of fire. Tell Operator you want the Hampstead Fire Department.

In Case of Emergency Such as:


Call EMERGENCY RESCUE SQUAD 389-6948 POLICE Call Chief Letoile 389-5700 Rockingham County Dispatch Center Toll Free 1-800-588-7177 or Call Operator —State Business Briefly —


Chip Hastings, Warden . 329-6442 Paul Wentworth, Deputy Warden 329-5571 Neil Emerson, Deputy Warden 329-6938

MUNICIPAL PICKUP OF RUBBISH EVERY WEDNESDAY Must be on Roadside at 6:00 a.m. 8 Bags or 4 Barrels (not 55 gal. drums) Allowed Each Dwelling


Monday 1:00 - 6:00

Tuesday 9:00 - 9:00

Wednesday 1:00 - 6:00

Thursday 9:00 - 9:00

Saturday 9:00 - 1:00