
Open Journal of Mathematics and Physics | Volume 1, Article 63, 2019 | ISSN: 2674-5747 https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/3tqeg | published: 11 Dec 2019 | https://ojmp.wordpress.com CK

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Greatest Common of the Fibonacci and their indices

Open Mathematics Collaboration∗† December 30, 2019

Abstract A very interesting property of the Fibonacci numbers alongside the steps involved in its proof are presented.

keywords: greatest common , gcd, Fibonacci numbers


1. a, b, i, j, m, n, q, r ∈ N = {1, 2, 3, ...}

2. Let fi be the Fibonacci numbers. 3. (i, j) is the (gcd) of i and j.

4. iSj means i divides j.

∗All authors with their affiliations appear at the end of this paper. †Corresponding author: [email protected] | Join the Open Mathematics Collaboration

1 Theorem


(fi, fj) = f(i,j)

Steps required to prove the theorem

6. The following steps prove (5) [1].

7. Suppose i ≥ j.

8. Use the Euclidean , i = jq + r.

9. Lemma 1: fi+j = fifj+1 + fi−1fj.

10. Lemma 2: iSj → fiSfj.

11. Lemma 3:

∃(a, b − na) → (∃(a, b) ∧ ((a, b) = (a, b − na))).

12. Lemma 4: Two consecutive Fibonacci numbers are coprimes.

13. Lemma 5: ((a, b) = 1) → ((ac, b) = (c, b)).

14. Lemma 6: (((a, b) = 1) ∧ (aSc) ∧ (bSc)) → (abSc).

15. Lemma 7. Let: a0, a1, a2, ... be a sequence of natural numbers; a0 = 0; ∀m ≥ n, (am, an) = (an, ar); r is the rest of the division of m by n. Then (am, an) = a(m,n).

2 Final Remarks

16. The calculations outlined in the previous section are left as an exercise.

17. Theorem (5) states that the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two Fibonacci numbers is equal to the (gcd)-th Fibonacci .

Open Invitation

Review, add content, and co-author this article. Join the Open Math- ematics Collaboration. Send your contribution to [email protected].

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This original work was pre-registered under the OSF Preprints [2], please cite it accordingly [3]. This will ensure that researches are conducted with integrity and intellectual honesty at all times and by all means.


[1] Hefez, Abramo. “Aritmética.” Rio de Janeiro: SBM (2016).

[2] COS. Open Science Framework. https://osf.io

[3] Lobo, Matheus P. “Greatest Common Divisors of the Fibonacci Numbers and Their Indices.” OSF Preprints, 11 Dec. 2019. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/3tqeg

The Open Mathematics Collaboration

Matheus Pereira Lobo (lead author, [email protected])1,2

3 1Federal University of Tocantins (Brazil); 2Universidade Aberta (UAb, Portugal)