PEACE Info (February 24, 2021)

’s Key Parties Reject Regime’s Election Body Invites to Meet − Myanmar politics must be re-made, not restored − No Protests in War-torn Half of Myanmar’s Rakhine State, Where Some See Upside of Coup − Involvement of EAOs in peaceful protests may fall into the twist of dictatorship: RCSS/SSA − ASEAN’s Responsibility Is to the People of Myanmar, Not the Generals − Myanmar Protesters Call ASEAN Not to Endorse Military Regime − China Says It Will Work With ASEAN to De-Escalate Situation in Myanmar − Nearly 700 people arrested, prisoned since February 1 − Myanmar Junta's Foreign Minister Visits Bangkok for Talks with Regional Neighbors − Myanmar generals under renewed pressure after G7 condemnation, sanctions − Burma Army Launch Offensive Against KIO/A − Civilian Killed By Shell During Fighting With KIO/A − NLD OVERTURES: How will the proposed national unity government be formed? − Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand foreign ministers hold talks in Bangkok − ���င�ငံ�ရ� အက�ပ�အတည��က�� PPST ဦ��ဆ�င�ည����င���ပ�ရန� PNLO �တ�င��ဆ�� − စစ��က�င�စ�ရ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ���က��မရ�င�န�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�ပ�တ��က��တခ���� �တ��ဆ�ံမည�မဟ�တ� − ���င�ငံအ��ံ� စစ�အစ���ရ ဆ���ပပ���တ� ဆက�ရ���န၊ မင��ဘ��ဆ���ပသ� ရ�စ�ဦ� ဖမ��ဆ��ခံရ − အ�ဏ�သ�မ�� စစ��က�င�စ�က ခန��သည�� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�မ��မ��� ကန��က�က�ဆ���ပခံ�နရ − CDM လ�ပ�သည�� က�န��မ��ရ�ဝန�ထမ��မ���အ�ပ� အက�က�ဆင� ဖမ��ဆ��မ�မ���ရ���န − ပ����မန��ဆ���ပပ��မ�� သတင��သမ���တ�က�� အင�အ��သ�ံ�ဖမ��ဆ��ဖ��� � က �� � စ � � − ဆ���ပပ��မ���တ�င� သတင���ထ�က�မ���က�� လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ� တပ�ဖ���ဝင�မ���က ဖမ��ဆ��တ��က�ခ��က�မ�မ��� ရ���န − �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၁ ရက�မ�စ၍ ဖမ��ဆ��၊ တရ��စ��၊ �ပစ�ဒဏ�ခ�မ�တ�ခံရသ� ၇၀၀ န��ပ��ရ��လ� − အင�ဒ��န��ရ���န�� �မန�မ� စစ��က�င�စ�တ��� ထ��င��မ�� �တ��ဆ�ံဖ��� စ�စဥ် − �မန�မ�စစ��က�င�စ� ���င�ငံ�ခ���ရ�ဝန��က�� ဘန��က�က� က�� ဘ�လ��� �ရ�က�သ���တ�လ� − ထ��င��၊ �မန�မ�၊ အင�ဒ��န��ရ��� ���င�ငံ�ခ���ရ�ဝန��က��မ��� ဘန��က�က�တ�င� �တ��ဆ�ံ�ဆ������ − �မန�မ�အရပ�သ��အစ���ရက��ပ� အင�ဒ��န��ရ��� ဆက�သ�ယ�ည����င���န − မ�ဆယ��မ ���တ�င� လက�နက�က��င� လ�တစ�စ�က KTV၊ ပင�လယ�စ� စ���သ�က�ဆ��င���င�� �ပည�သ��စစ� �နအ�မ�တ���အ�� လ��ရ�က� ပစ�ခတ�တ��က�ခ��က�မ� �ဖစ�ပ��� − မ�ဆယ��မ ��� အတ�င�� ပစ�ခတ�မ� ၂ဦ��သဆ�ံ�


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Myanmar’s Key Parties Reject Regime’s Election Body Invites to Meet By The Irrawaddy | 24 February 2021 The military council meeting on Feb. 16 in Naypyitaw. /

Yangon — The new Union Election Commission (UEC) formed by Myanmar’s military regime has invited political parties to a meeting on Friday.

The invitation letter did not give an agenda and only asked the parties to say if they will attend.

The Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) told The Irrawaddy that the central executive committee decided not to attend the meeting.

The SNLD won 15 seats in the Union Parliament and 27 Shan State parliamentary seats in the November general election.

General secretary Sai Leik said: “The SNLD’s political stance and objectives totally contradict the military council’s actions.”

He said it is too early to say whether the SNLD would contest any election arranged by the military, saying their political viewpoints are “totally different”.

Sai Leik said the party accepted the voter lists for the 2020 election as accurate and legally sound.

The Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP), based in Myitkyina, Kachin State, will attend following an intense debate within the party, said vice-chairman Gungrawng Awng Hkam.

“We decided to attend the Friday meeting because we can’t say for sure there won’t be an election. We have to think how our party can survive and represent the people,” he said.

The KSPP said it only to listen to the military-appointed UEC but will not cooperate with the regime’s State Administrative Council nor accept any council seats.

The KSPP won a Lower House seat and three Kachin State parliamentary seats in the November general election, which Myanmar’s military refused to accept.

The Kayah State Democratic Party, which won five Union seats and three state seats, said it has not been invited and is unlikely to attend. The party is based in Loikaw, Kayah State.

“We will have a central executive committee meeting to decide whether to attend the meeting. We will also consult with other ethnic parties. But we are unlikely to attend. Attending will cause us political problems,” said Khu Theh Reh, the party’s general secretary

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Amid protests against the military regime, the party’s reputation will suffer and it will lose the people’s trust if it recognizes the military’s new UEC, said Khu Theh Reh.

The Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS), a Yangon-based party, which has been joining anti-regime demonstrations, said it will not attend the meeting.

The Arakan League for Democracy said on Wednesday it will not attend Friday’s meeting.

The military seized power in a coup on Feb. 1, claiming the November general election that brought a landslide victory to the National League for Democracy (NLD) was marred by fraud. The regime has been attempting to prove its accusations against the NLD and the election commissioners it appointed. The junta says it will hold a new election within a year.

The NLD has already declined its invitation to the meeting.

The military has detained numerous election officials across the country.

Of 93 registered political parties, over 30 parties, including the military-proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party, have supported the military coup. Most ethnic-minority parties in states and democratic parties in Bamar-majority regions refute the military’s accusations of electoral fraud. body-invites-meet.html ------

Myanmar politics must be re-made, not restored

February 24, 2021 | By KYAW HSAN HLAING | FRONTIER

Protesters wave the flags of different ethnic nationalities while marching through Yangon on February 18 to oppose military rule. (AFP)

The growing democracy movement needs to look beyond Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD, and listen closely to ethnic voices.

On the morning of February 1, my hopes disappeared when I learned that the civilian government had been overthrown in a military coup. Growing up under army rule, I did not have access to quality education or healthcare, and couldn’t use the internet until 2014. Terrified of the military, my parents always warned me to stay away from politics or activism. Now, I don’t want the next generation to grow up like I did.

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Yet while I strongly condemn the military takeover, I do not support the National League for Democracy, or a return to the way things were before. During the NLD’s term, non-Bamar ethnic people like me continued to experience political and socio-economic exclusion, as well as human rights abuses from the military.

Fighting in my native Rakhine State over the past two years between the Arakan Army and the Tatmadaw was particularly severe, and my family spent many nights hiding in a bunker next to our house. Sometimes they ran away from our village when soldiers were nearby.

Since the coup, the whole country has suffered the dangerous consequences of blocked internet access, but in my village in Mrauk-U Township, we were under an internet shutdown from June 2019 until recently. While living in Yangon for my studies, my family would call me daily for news and information they could not access due to the shutdown.

Although conflict between the AA and Tatmadaw escalated in recent years, civil wars between ethnic armed organisations and the Tatmadaw have gone on for more than 70 years in Myanmar. These conflicts have many roots, but one of the reasons they haven’t been solved is the central government’s failure to respect the demands of the ethnic nationalities, particularly for self-determination.

While many ethnic communities trusted Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 2015 campaign promise to pursue peace during her term, and were optimistic that we would be listened to and our histories and identities celebrated under her leadership, many of us feel betrayed. Instead of respecting our diversity, her government built statues of General Aung San in non-Bamar areas, appointed its own party members to chief minister positions in all states and regions including Rakhine, where the Arakan National Party won the most seats, and engaged with China on mega-projects on our land, including the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone. These actions left many of us feeling like we were living under another form of dictatorship.

On top of this, the NLD failed to speak out against human rights violations committed by the Tatmadaw. I strongly disagree with Aung San Suu Kyi’s defence of the military at the International Court of Justice against charges of genocide for their violent campaign against the Rohingya, and I also felt abandoned when she remained silent as the military committed alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Kachin, Shan, and my own Rakhine people.

In Rakhine, the NLD government took several actions that further alienated ethnic Rakhine people. It called for the Tatmadaw to “crush” the AA, imposed the world’s longest internet shutdown, designated the AA as a terrorist organisation, excluded the AA from its landmark peace conference, and blocked humanitarian assistance to conflict- affected people. These actions did not only affect the AA but put the entire civilian population, including my own family, in danger. I cannot support a government that does such things.

Following the coup, I have joined many pro-democracy protests in Yangon. I believe the current moment offers not only a chance to fight against military dictatorship, but also to

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bring better understanding between the Bamar and other ethnic groups, so that we can join together to end the decades-long civil wars and build a federal democratic union.

I want to participate wholeheartedly in these protests. But when I stand amid the crowds, I feel a distance between us. Around me, people shout, “Release Mother Suu! Our cause! Our cause!” and, “Accept the 2020 election results! Our cause! Our cause!”

My ethnic nationality friends and I want more.

We want to end not only military dictatorship, but all forms of dictatorship. We want to abolish the 2008 Constitution, which allows the military to play a major role in politics and does not promote ethnic people’s right to self-determination. We want to establish a federal democratic union. We want all political prisoners to be released. But when we shout for the causes we believe in, I sometimes see fear and distrust on people’s faces.

When I look online, I also at times feel disappointed. On February 17, the prominent activist group 88 Generation Peace and Open Society posted on Facebook that “hundreds of thousands are gathering to free Mother Suu”. I agree that she should be released, but by focusing so much on this at the expense of the many other problems our country is facing, I fear that even if the protests succeed, our country could continue to suffer from civil war for decades to come, and may again fall back under military rule.

There is cause for hope, however. Within the broader protest movement, some activists and protest leaders, including from student unions and labour groups, are standing with the ethnic nationalities; and since February 11, a General Strike Committee of Nationalities representing more than 24 ethnic groups have come together to protest.

If the coup fails and the elected government is restored, I hope the NLD will start on a new path towards a genuine federal democratic union. As long as they privilege the interests of the majority, our country will continue to suffer militarisation, violence and civilian displacement.

The current upheaval is devastating, but it also offers a great opportunity. As we join together in opposing military rule, we must also unite under a positive vision that values the rights of all. It is a critical moment in our history, and it must not be squandered.

Kyaw Hsan Hlaing is a researcher and freelance journalist from Rakhine State focusing on peace, human rights and social justice. He has written for TIME, Foreign Policy, The Nation, and Al Jazeera, among other media.

This article was written with support from Emily Fishbein, a freelance journalist also focusing on peace, human rights and social justice in Myanmar. ------

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No Protests in War-torn Half of Myanmar’s Rakhine State, Where Some See Upside of Coup 2021-02-24 An anti-junta protester stands in front of a military tank in Myanmar's largest city, Yangon, Feb. 15, 2021. RFA

In a country convulsed with weeks of protests against military rule, people in the war-torn northern half of Myanmar's Rakhine state are standing down — out of fear, ambivalence, and, in some quarters, support for the ouster of the civilian government of Aung San Suu Kyi, local residents told RFA.

The northern townships of Rakhine have been a war zone for two years, with the conflict between Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) having killed 300 civilians, injured more than 700, and, at its peak, displaced roughly 230,000 people to makeshift refugee camps.

On top of enduring widespread atrocities committed by government troops over the past two years, the citizens in the northern half of Rakhine were disenfranchised in the November 2020 elections after Myanmar election authorities cancelled voting due to security concerns, and then ruled out a make-up vote.

The fresh grievances are part of what the predominantly Buddhist Rakhines, a population of some 2.2 million also known as Arakanese, say is a long history of neglecting their interests and rights in what they consider to be their historic homeland on the Bay of Bengal coast next to Bangladesh.

Security is yet another reason that northern Rakhine citizens aren’t taking to the streets, despite a de facto cease-fire in their region since the Nov. 8 election.

“We are already under military rule. If we go out into the streets and protest, it could result in heavy causalities,” said a young resident of Mrauk-U township who declined to give his name.

He recalled a rally in January 2018, when officials banned an annual Buddhist event marking the fall of the ancient Arakan kingdom in Mrauk-U 233 years earlier, sparking protests and the attempted takeover of a government building that was met with police gunfire that killed seven people and injured 13 others.

“We learned our lesson,” the resident said. “We prefer a civilian government without a doubt, but under the given situation in our region, we have to stay quiet to be safe.”

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No differences between NLD and junta

In the southern half of Rakhine state, which has a lower percentage of ethnic Rakhines and has been largely free of conflict, activists and civil servants joined the nationwide wave of anti-coup protests that has drawn up to a million people since the military took over the Myanmar government on Feb. 1.

Several northern Rakhine residents said they see little difference between Aung San Suu Kyi’s deposed civilian-led National League for Democracy (NLD) government and the junta and will not protest against the military regime that ended democracy because Rakhines never enjoyed it in the first place.

“We don’t like the dictatorship no matter what, but the interests of Rakhine people have been ignored under the civilian government for the past five years,” said Nyo Aye, chairwoman of activist organization Rakhine Women’s Network.

“This is the widespread sentiment among our people,” she added.

Rakhine-based political analyst Soe Naing Htun said residents largely believe that the previous civilian administration was not any different from the current military regime.

“Under the past five years of the NLD government, there have been successive armed conflicts, combat, and human rights violations,” he said.

“The civilian government didn’t do anything to protect the local citizens.” he said. “They did nothing but aid the persecution, so there is a widespread opinion among the Rakhine public that it won’t make any difference.”

Before the Arakan Army hostilities flared up, northern Rakhine erupted in brutal communal violence pitting Rakhines against Rohingya, culminating in a scorched-earth military crackdown that killed thousands of the ethnic Muslims and driving more than 740,000 others into neighboring Bangladesh.

ANP wants concessions

In another sign of low trust in the civilian government, the Arakan National Party (ANP), whose lawmakers hold the majority of seats in the Rakhine state parliament, have agreed to join the State Administration Council, the formal name of the junta government, in exchange for concessions from the regime.

The ANP wants the AA, a 12-year-old force thought to have 7,000-9,000 fighters, and its political wing, the United League of Arakan, removed from the official list of designated terrorist groups. It also seeks the release of Rakhine political prisoners, including politician Aye Maung and social critic Wai Hin Aung, and civilians arrested and charged for allegedly abetting the AA.

Some local residents told RFA that they supported the arrests of Aung San Suu Kyi, Rakhine state minister Nyi Pu and other leaders, though they did not condone the military coup.

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But Tun Lwin, a resident of Kyaukphyu township, said Rakhines should participate in the protests against the military regime without backing the NLD.

“I think we should go out onto the streets and participate in the protests to fight against the 2008 constitution and the military regime,” he said. “The cause should not be to fight for the NLD party.”

Social worker Soe Naing, who lives in the state capital Sittwe, said that Rakhines are confronting a risky choice between local, immediate interests and long-term objectives.

“For the best interest of Rakhine state alone, I welcome and support the ANP’s decision to cooperate with the military,” he said.

“But if you look at it from the perspective of contributing to the military dictatorship, then the ANP will go down in history as a traitor,” he said.

Reported by RFA’s Myanmar Service. Translated by Ye Kaung Myint Maung. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. ------

Involvement of EAOs in peaceful protests may fall into the twist of dictatorship: RCSS/SSA

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 | by - ယ�င��တ��င�� (သ�မ��သံ�တ��ဆင��)

“The involvement of armed organizations in peaceful protests could be exploited by the military and bolster dictatorship” cautioned Major Sai Kham, Spokesperson of the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA).

The RCSS/SSA is one of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) which had signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with the government and a member of the group of ten ethnic signatories that recently declared their support for the CDM and the nationwide rallies against the military coup. Last Saturday they announced the suspension peace talks with the military government and they “will support efforts to topple it.”

Major Sai Kham elaborated ““We have officially announced that we would give protection to the people. If we guard the people during the protests, we are in a position to fall into the trap. The protestors have no arms and weapons. The world is watching the protests. We are worried that the interference of armed organizations under this circumstance may fall into the trap of the army. We want the people to understand that.”

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The military council’s violent crackdowns on and shootings at unarmed anti-coup protestors, have resulted in causalities .The RCSS/SSA denounces the military coup, and the people can ask for the help.

The Karen National Union (KNU) gave security covers to anti-coup protesters in Myawady in Karen State due to the blocking by the police and Tatmadaw.

The Kachin News group KIO reported KIO General Secretary La Nan: (KNG) comment “what’s more important is to remove the dictatorship in Burma.

The main problem is the 2008 Constitution. Regardless of whosoever in power, under this constitution they will become a dictator. We need to think about how to scrap the 2008 Constitution. Currently we have the opportunity to make this happen and I want to say this is our primary objective. dictatorship-rcssssa ------

ASEAN’s Responsibility Is to the People of Myanmar, Not the Generals By Kyaw Zwa Moe | 24 February 2021 Anti-military regime protesters stage a sit-in protest in front of the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon on Wednesday. / The Irrawaddy

History shows that when a Myanmar military regime holds an election, it will likely be neither free nor fair. It also tells us that when the vote is free, the result may well be disregarded. It’s a fact of which Myanmar’s neighbors and the rest of the international community must be mindful.

The previous military regime held two general elections, in 1990 and 2010. It ignored the results of the former, and rigged the latter.

The 1990 election organized by the junta, known as the State Law and Order Restoration Council, was free and fair. For that very reason, the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi won a landslide victory. The junta, which had itself organized the election, simply ignored the result because it had not envisioned an NLD win.

The regime didn’t stop at annulling the election result, however. It went further, arresting hundreds of elected members of Parliament and throwing them behind bars for lengthy terms of imprisonment.

Two decades later, the same military regime held another election. But not only was the 2010 vote not inclusive—with most of the main political parties, including the NLD and

Page 9 of 51 other ethnic parties sitting it out, condemning the electoral process as undemocratic—it was also widely dismissed as rigged. The election took place on Nov. 7, 2010, just a week before Daw Aung San Suu Kyi herself was released from house arrest. Having gone as expected—with the military’s electoral proxy, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), claiming victory—the rigged result was honored.

The elections held in 2015 under the semi-civilian government led by President U Thein Sein, a former general, met international standards. Fortunately, the result was honored, allowing the winning party, the NLD, to form Myanmar’s first civilian government since 1962, ending 53 years of absolute and semi-military dictatorship.

The integrity of the most recent election, held in November 2020, was not questioned by international or domestic election observers, or by the majority of the many political parties that contested the election. (The exceptions, unsurprisingly, being the USDP and its allied parties.) The NLD again emerged as the resounding winner, and again confounded the military’s expectations. The result was the military coup of Feb. 1.

Of the four general elections held in Myanmar in the past three decades, three were either rigged or overturned by force of arms.

Hence, there is simply no reason to believe any promise of a free and fair election made by the latest coup leaders, led by Senior General .

Mandalay residents, including children, demonstrate against the military regime on Wednesday and demand that it free detained civilian leaders. / The Irrawaddy

Somehow, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) appears willing to swallow this hollow promise. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised; protecting ruthless generals in Myanmar is an ASEAN tradition.

On Tuesday, Indonesia took the first step down that traditional path of knowingly ignoring the facts in order to help the coup leaders in Myanmar. According to reports, Indonesia initiated a push to have ASEAN back an action plan that would seek to hold the military to its promise to organize a “fair and inclusive” new election.

Such a move can only be described as outrageous.

Right after the report emerged, a large group of protesters—most of them young— mobilized and held a demonstration on Tuesday outside the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon. On Wednesday, even larger crowds continued to protest, not only at the Indonesian Embassy, but also at those of other ASEAN countries, including Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.

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Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi planned to travel to Naypyitaw to meet the coup leaders but later canceled, perhaps fearing she would be met by crowds of protesters.

Instead, the foreign minister of Myanmar’s military regime, U Wunna Maung Lwin, flew to Bangkok to meet Retno. It was the first in-person meeting between the minister of the military regime and his counterparts from Indonesia and Thailand.

ASEAN’s reputation has for years been tarnished by its willingness to protect Myanmar’s generals as they oppress their own people. In the past, the regional grouping shielded the military regime from any criticism from the West and the UN over the generals’ political persecution and human rights violations. And as they have in the past, Western countries led by the US have once again shown strong solidarity with the Myanmar people, demanding the military regime release the country’s detained leaders, respect the election result and restore democracy

US President Joe Biden has already imposed sanctions on the coup leaders, including Snr- Gen Min Aung Hlaing, who is the main culprit in this power seizure, heading the military regime’s ruling organ, the State Administrative Council.

For ASEAN, however, it’s a case of history repeating itself. ASEAN is unlikely to stand together with the people of Myanmar as they courageously and rightly protest against the military dictatorship. Instead, ASEAN leaders are likely to support the plans of the new military regime, which has no interest whatsoever in adhering to democratic norms.

It is, after all, their undemocratic and immoral tradition.

It is also further proof that ASEAN is politically and morally immature—just like the generals in Myanmar. These birds of the same feather will always flock together.

Myanmar’s people—including, significantly, its millions of young people—deserve the full support of the world and their regional neighbors. The duty of the international community is clear: to stand with the people of Myanmar and to refuse to help the military dictatorship. In other words, to be compassionate, righteous and democratic. not-generals.html ------

Myanmar Protesters Call ASEAN Not to Endorse Military Regime By San Yamin Aung | 24 February 2021

Myanmar’s anti-regime protesters gathered outside Asean member embassies, including Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, on Wednesday, calling them to reject any cooperation with the “illegitimate” military government.

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Muslims from Myanmar protest at the Indonesian Embassy on Wednesday afternoon. / The Irrawaddy

A larger crowd gathered at the Indonesian embassy in Yangon than on Tuesday, holding placards saying: “Dictator never keeps promise. Stop negotiating with them” and “Meet our elected government”.

Among the crowd were women’s rights defenders. They gave the embassy officials an open letter on behalf of Myanmar’s women asking Jakarta to refuse to recognize the junta as a legitimate government.

Indonesia is consulting with other Asean members to reach a consensus before a special meeting on Myanmar’s coup.

Myanmar’s military-appointed foreign minister, U Wunna Maung Lwin, flew to Bangkok to meet Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi on Wednesday after the latter abruptly canceled her planned trip to Myanmar following protests in Myanmar against a purported plan to support the junta’s new election proposal. Thai prime minister Prayut Chan-o-cha received U Wunna Maung Lwin in Bangkok and held talks which were also attended by Marsudi.

“We will do our utmost to condemn any country that supports the military dictatorship,” said Daw May Sabe Phyu, a prominent women’s rights defender, who marched to the Indonesian Embassy on Wednesday.

She added that secret talks would be seen as illegitimate, while stressing that Asean should respect the will of the people as it pledged, instead of supporting dictators.

Protesters at the Thai Embassy calling for discussions with the “Committee Representing the ”. / The Irrawaddy

Daw May Sabe Phyu said the protests at the embassies were fighting for human rights and democracy at home and across Asean to be respected.

Thailand and other Asean members were condemned on social media for meeting members of the military regime.

Protests were held at the Malaysian and Thai embassies, calling for discussions with the “Committee Representing the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw”, a committee representing elected members of the Union Parliament from the National League for Democracy (NLD) and ethnic parties, instead of offering to mediate between the military regime and protesters.

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Access to the Singaporean Embassy in Yangon was denied so protesters staged a nearby sit- in, holding placards saying: “Singapore: please stand with us” and “Freeze Myanmar junta’s bank accounts”. Singapore, however, said its banks do not hold “significant funds” from Myanmar.

U Aung Myo Min of Equality Myanmar said: “If Asean does not respect the will of the people, the international pressure on it will increase. At the same time, it will conflict with the basic principles of strengthening a member state’s path to democracy, as outlined in the Asean Charter.” military-regime.html ------

China Says It Will Work With ASEAN to De-Escalate Situation in Myanmar By Nan Lwin | 24 February 2021 Anti-coup protesters stage a sit-in protest in front of the Indonesian Embassy on Wednesday, demanding Jakarta stop backing the military regime's plan to hold a new election. / The Irrawaddy

YANGON—The Chinese foreign minister said Beijing supports efforts by ASEAN to ease the situation in Myanmar during a phone conversation with his Indonesian counterpart, amid growing anger among Myanmar people toward ASEAN’s largest nation due to reports that it backs the coup leaders’ plan to hold a new election.

Chinese state-owned media reported that China is ready to conduct close coordination with the bloc to de-escalate the situation in its southern neighbor.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said no countries were as concerned about the situation in Myanmar, and had a stronger desire to see the resumption and maintenance of peace and stability, than China and ASEAN, adding that ASEAN member Myanmar has friendly ties with China.

“The continuing turbulence in Myanmar is neither in the interests of Myanmar and its people, nor in the common interests of other regional countries,” Wang said.

He called on Myanmar’s military and political parties to take responsibility for the country’s stability and development, while expressing hope that all players would act in the country’s long-term interests.

Wang said this would allow Myanmar’s problems to be solved peacefully and within constitutional and legal frameworks, and the let country’s democratic transition proceed in an orderly manner.

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Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said Jakarta and other ASEAN member countries proposed holding an informal meeting, and hoped that China would support it.

She promised that ASEAN would help Myanmar find a way out of the current situation and advance inclusive democratic processes in Myanmar.

Indonesia faced condemnation from Myanmar people after reports emerged that it had been pushing other ASEAN nations to agree to an action plan that included keeping the military to its promise to hold a “fair and inclusive” new election. Myanmar State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) won a landslide victory in Myanmar’s general election on Nov. 8. On Feb. 1, the military staged a coup and detained national civilian leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior NLD members, citing alleged electoral fraud.

Following the reports, a large crowd gathered in front of the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon on Tuesday, demanding Jakarta not back the junta’s plan to hold a new election, and that it recognize the results of the Nov. 8 vote. The anti-coup protesters held placards reading “ASEAN Respect our Vote,” “We don’t need another election,” “We want our elected government back” and “We don’t accept Indonesia’s action plan.” Later, Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry denied the report and announced that it respected the Myanmar people’s wishes. However, many in Myanmar remain skeptical of ASEAN’s stance and large numbers of protesters gathered outside the embassy for a second day on Wednesday.

According to a letter from the Myanmar Ministry of Transport, Retno was expected to arrive in Myanmar on Thursday to discuss ASEAN’s stand on the military coup. On Wednesday, however, the Indonesian Foreign Ministry said it had canceled the trip. The cancellation comes amid concerns among the Myanmar public that such a visit would be tantamount to recognizing the military government.

Myanmar military regime-appointed Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin flew to Bangkok on Wednesday to meet Retno following the cancellation of her trip. situation-myanmar.html ------

Nearly 700 people arrested, prisoned since February 1 Published 24 February 2021

Since the military seized power from February 1 to date, nearly 700 people were arrested, sentenced to prison, and filed for lawsuit according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).

From February 1 to February 22, 684 people were arrested, 4 were sentenced to prison and 34 were charged with lawsuits while 47 were released. On the February 22 Nay Pyi Taw

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protest, more than 100 peaceful protestors were arrested by the military and in Myawaddy, a civilian was arrested by the police.

Those arrested were President Win Myint, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, political activists, Union Election Commission members, ministers and deputy ministers of States and Region and government staff participating in the CDM campaign.Protests have been held in Myanmar since the military seized power. ------

Myanmar Junta's Foreign Minister Visits Bangkok for Talks with Regional Neighbors By VOA News | Updated February 24, 2021 FILE - Myanmar's Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin arrives to address attendees during the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, Oct, 2, 2015. Myanmar’s neighbors are stepping up efforts to resolve the political crisis triggered by the military’s overthrow of the country’s elected civilian government.

Wunna Maung Lwin, the junta’s foreign minister, traveled to Bangkok Wednesday for talks with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha and Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai, according to a Thai government source.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi is also in the Thai capital for talks on the situation in Myanmar. Reuters news agency reported Retno and Wunna Maung Lwin met Wednesday, quoting a source from Thailand’s Foreign Ministry.

Protest in front of Indonesian embassy

News that Jakarta is seeking support from other member countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for a plan that would hold the junta to its promise of new elections within a year triggered angry protests in Yangon Tuesday in front of the Indonesian Embassy.

Demonstrators display placards during a protest close to Indonesian Embassy in Yangon, Myanmar, Feb. 23, 2021.

The demonstrators demanded that Indonesia respect the results of last November’s elections, won in a landslide by deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy.

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Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Teuku Faizasyah denied the reports, telling reporters Tuesday that it “is not Indonesia’s position at all to support a new election in Myanmar.”

Demonstrators rally against the military coup in Yangon, Myanmar, February 24, 2021. REUTERS/Stringer

Popular protests have been staged across Myanmar on a daily basis since the military detained Suu Kyi and other members of the civilian government on February 1, claiming widespread election fraud. Three people have been killed as a result of the daily protests, including two who died Saturday in Mandalay — one of them a teenage boy — when police and security forces used live rounds and rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannon and slingshots against demonstrators.

FILE - Anti-coup protesters raise their hands with clenched fists during a nationwide general strike near the Mandalay Railway Station in Mandalay, Myanmar, Feb. 22, 2021, to protest against the military coup.

Massive demonstrations on Monday, combined with a general strike, took place in defiance of the junta’s ominous warning issued the day before that protesters were heading down a “confrontation path where they will suffer the loss of life.”

“UNICEF is once again calling on security forces to refrain from violence, to exercise maximum restraint and for differences to be resolved through constructive and peaceful means, prioritizing the protection and safety of children and young people,” U.N. spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said at a daily briefing, noting that two children had died in the protests in the past week.

The spokesperson added that there was a ship carrying Rohingya refugees in the Adaman Sea.

"Our colleagues at the International Organization for Migration today called on countries in the region to meet their international obligations and to ensure that all people on board are immediately rescued and safely disembarked,” he said. “The vessel has been at sea for more than 10 days and there has reportedly been loss of life on board.”

The United States and other Western nations have demanded the release of Suu Kyi and her lieutenants and have called on the junta to restore power to the civilian government.

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Myanmar generals under renewed pressure after G7 condemnation, sanctions By AFP | 24 February 2021

Myanmar's military leaders came under renewed pressure Tuesday as the world's wealthiest nations condemned the junta for responding to anti-coup demonstrators "with violence", while Indonesia angled for a peace-broker role.

Authorities have gradually ratcheted up their use of force against a massive and largely peaceful civil disobedience campaign demanding the return of ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Late on Tuesday, Myanmar's ministry of Transportation confirmed Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi will arrive in the capital Naypyidaw on Thursday for a day of talks.

She will be the first foreign envoy to touch down in the country since the February 1 coup. Indonesia has been proactive in lobbying neighbouring countries to help mediate the crisis through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

United Nations special envoy to Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener is also hoping to visit the country soon.

"They say I am always welcome 'but for the moment you cannot come' so it's a yes but not yet," she told France 24 ahead of a special UN General Assembly meeting on Myanmar scheduled Friday.

Three anti-coup protesters have been killed in demonstrations so far, while a man patrolling his Yangon neighbourhood against night arrests was also shot dead on the weekend.

"Use of live ammunition against unarmed people is unacceptable," the foreign ministers of the G7 group of rich democracies -- comprising Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, and the United States together with the EU -- said in a statement Tuesday.

"Anyone responding to peaceful protests with violence must be held to account," they said, calling for Myanmar security forces to "exercise utmost restraint and respect human rights and international law".

The sharp condemnation comes after the overnight blacklisting of another two members of the regime by the United States -- air force chief Maung Maung Kyaw and fellow junta member Moe Myint Tun -- after Washington announced targeted sanctions against other top generals earlier this month.

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Hours earlier, the European Union also approved sanctions targeting Myanmar's military and their economic interests, with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell saying financial support to government reform programmes was being "withheld".

Protesters continued staging rallies across Myanmar, though commercial hub Yangon saw much smaller numbers massing at key junctions on Tuesday, holding impromptu concerts.

"The military has always won using weapons and I don't like that at all," said protester Chan Mya. "We hate that and we'll keep protesting and expressing what we feel in peaceful ways."

In the northern Kachin state city of Myitkyina -- which has seen bursts of violence from authorities -- protesters rode their motorbikes across town waving the Myanmar flag and flashing a three-finger salute, a symbol of resistance.

Mandalay saw a more sombre crowd at the funeral of Thet Naing Win, a 37-year-old man shot and killed Saturday when security forces opened fire into a crowd of anti-coup protesters.

"I beg for all to help see that my husband's case is ruled with justice," said his widow Thidar Hnin, adding that she wants to see "the dictator dethroned".

"This country is owned by the citizens," she told AFP.

- Hundreds arrested -

Since the February 1 coup, a total of 696 people have been arrested, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners monitoring group, with nearly all still behind bars.

Overnight internet shutdowns have also become routine, fanning fears of anti-coup protester arrests during the blackouts.

In recent weeks, the Myanmar military has deployed tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets against protesters, with isolated incidents of the use of live rounds.

They have also stepped up the presence of security forces in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city.

The crackdown has failed to quell weeks of massive street demonstrations, joined by large numbers of striking civil servants, bank staff and healthcare workers.

Tens of thousands rallied on Monday in Naypyidaw, a military stronghold. More than 100 people were arrested as police chased protesters through the streets.

According to the Naypyidaw Justice Centre, a legal aid centre, they helped secure the release of about 20 protesters by Tuesday. It remains unclear how many are still behind bars.

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The civil servants' boycott has choked many government operations, as well as businesses and banks, and at the weekend the junta gave its most ominous warning yet that its patience was wearing thin.

"Protesters are now inciting the people, especially emotional teenagers and youths, to a confrontation path where they will suffer the loss of life," said a message aired on state media.

Suu Kyi has not been seen since she was detained in a dawn raid and has been hit with two charges by the junta, one of them for possessing unregistered walkie-talkies.

Her hearing is expected on March 1.

© AFP condemnation-sanctions ------

Burma Army Launch Offensive Against KIO/A By SHAN - February 24, 2021

The Burma Army attacked Kachin Independence Organization/Army (KIO/A) with mortar and artillery fire in Muse District, near the border of China, in Burma’s northern Shan State.

KIA on the road at nothern Shan State

“In the morning, we heard the sounds of heavy weapons. It was very loud and close to our location,” a female school teacher, who requested anonymity, told SHAN.

Tatmadaw—as the Burma Army are locally called—attacked KIO/A Battalion 9, Brigade 6, on Monday, February 22, near Dima village, during clashes that began on Saturday.

On Sunday, a man in the village in Muse Township was killed from shrapnel after a shell landed nearby. An anonymous source told SHAN they were working in their farm when shells were fired. The same day Tatmadaw dispatched reinforcements, stoking fears among residents clashes in the region would escalate.

“After people protested against the military government, they launched the offenses. We’ve already suffered enough,” Sai La from Muse town told SHAN.

Hundreds of thousands across the country have been demonstrating against the military regime nearly everyday since health workers walked off the job spurring the Civil Disobedience Movement.

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After KIO/A and several ethnic armed organizations condemned the military regime’s persecution of protesters, fighting erupted in multiple locations in northern Shan State

KIO/A hasn’t signed the country’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). It is part of Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee, which also includes Shan State Progress Party, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, Arakan Army, Ta’ang National Liberation Army, United Wa State Party/Army and National Democratic Alliance Army. ------

Civilian Killed By Tatmadaw Shell During Fighting With KIO/A Wednesday, February 24, 2021 | Kachin News Group

A Burma Army shell killed a Burmese civilian during fighting with the Kachin Independence Organization/Army in northern Shan State during the weekend.

The 50-year-old ethnic Chinese was reportedly working on his farm near Dima village in Muse District when he was killed during the bomb attack.

Fighting started after Tatmadaw LID-99 launched an attack against a KIO/A Battalion-9 (Brigade-6) camp. According to locals, Burma Army was forced to retreat after suffering many causalities during the battle.

Tatmadaw deployed heavy weapons against KIO/A troops at 1 pm on February 21.

Locals fear fighting will escalate after Burma Army sent reinforcements to Dima. Five military trucks arrived on Sunday.

During fighting in northern Shan State, the KIO/A has been supported by fellow Northern Alliance members – Ta’ang National Liberation Army, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and Arakan Army.

On February 11, KIO/A’s Battalion 6 and 9, both from Brigade 6, clashed with Tatmadaw in Muse District.

Tensions have been rising since the Burma Army seized control of the country during a coup on February 1.

Last week, the junta sent KIO/A a letter warning not to get involved in the Civil Disobedience Movement launched by health workers who walked off the job several days after the coup. The letter said live rounds will be fired at demonstrators if protests got “worse”, according to KIO/A General Secretary La Nan.

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After the Civil Disobedience Movement started, demonstrations in the hundreds of thousands have erupted across the country everyday. In a statement, the KIO/A said it supports the protests. ------

NLD OVERTURES: How will the proposed national unity government be formed? By Sai Wansai - November 24, 2020

As soon as the National League for Democracy (NLD) landslide victory became known, on November 11, its Vice-Chairman Zaw Myint Maung issued an open letter, or rather an overture, addressing the 48 ethnic political parties (EPPs) to cooperate in the party’s quest for the realization of democratic federal system of governance.

NLD statement

This is being followed by a ten-point statement of November 18 outlining the party’s duty towards the people, which they have entrusted the party to serve.

The statement confirms the NLD landslide election victory and reiterates the party’s struggle of 32 years; thanks the people for active participation in the general elections; thanks the Union Election Commission (UEC) and party members; vows to realize the aspirations of the people which are peace, development and establishment of democratic federalism; acknowledges and thanks the elected MPs for their deliberations; demands the release of the three NLD candidates held by the Arakan Army; congratulates the elected MPs from the EPPs and calls for cooperation to realize democratic federalism; and thanks all well-wishers domestic and international for their congratulatory notes on the NLD victory.

EPPs welcome NLD overtures

In principle, the EPPs welcome the NLD overtures but most are cautiously optimistic. For example, the Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP) mentioned in its reply to the NLD that it is ready to cooperate in the national unity deliberations under the acceptance of 1947 Panglong Agreement.

U Kwan Gaung Aung Kham, Vice-Chair-2 of the KSPP said: “The NLD mainly needs to implement the 1947 Panglong Agreement. The KSPP will make discussions with other parties in ethnic regions on whether we will join hands with the NLD or not,” according to Burma News International recent report. Page 21 of 51

Likewise, the spokesman for Shan Nationalities for Democracy (SNLD), Sai Leik although he welcomes the NLD overtures told The Irrawaddy in an interview: “The NLD might have goodwill towards ethnic people but it did not have predetermined plans [for a coalition government]. It was just a response to the military’s statement (that the government has to take responsibility for the election irregularities).”

Shan Nationalities for Democracy (SNLD)

“If there is decentralization and regional and state ministers are given greater powers — at present they don’t even have proper offices — and if the NLD appoints members of ethnic parties as chief ministers and devolves greater powers to ministries, it will increase trust.”

“By doing those things, the NLD will boost national reconciliation and contribute to the stability and peace of our union,” according to The Irrawaddy recent report.

Recently, a video podcast posted by Kachin News Group showed Duwa Mahkaw Hkun Sa, a Kachin lawyer living in the UK, saying that the NLD overtures is a Bamar supremacy scheme and not offering the EPPs to participate in a national unity government. In other words, the EPPs may follow the NLD’s prescription on how to go about, but not as a coalition, equal partner.

Kachin State People’s Party – KSPP statement to NLD

Lopsided playing field

According to the military-drafted 2008 constitution the EPPs are handicapped from the outset.

Structurally the 7 ethnic states are balanced against 7 regions, mostly dominated by the Bamar ethnic people and they are also numerically the majority, which is said to be about 68% of the whole country, although the figure is disputed by many non-Bamar ethnic observers.

Again the electoral system is first pass the post (FPTP), which is the zero-sum game or winner take it all. And with the numerical majority constituencies with majority population, the competing Bamar-dominated political parties, such as the NLD and military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) are bound to collect the most seats. On top of that Page 22 of 51

as these two major parties, the former a financially well-heeled with the Bamar majority voters’ backing and the latter, the powerful military-backed party could field their election candidates all over the country. But the EPPs usually contest only within their respective own states, with some exception expanding into other ethnic states or regions where their ethnic kin reside, such as the SNLD running in Kayah and Kachin states where Shan have sizable population.

As such, so long as the FPTP system is in place, the EPPs will always be underlings within the parliamentary system.

The sum up statistic below shows how the EPPs will be handicapped unless the electoral system is altered, which means the military-drafted constitution will also have to be drastically amended or rewrite anew, so that a level playing field can be realized.

According to SNLD Joint-Secretary Sai Kyaw Nyunt’s compilation, the outcome of the 2020 general elections were: the appointed military got 168 seats or 25%; NLD got 396 or 59.7%; USDP won 33 seats or 5%; the EPPs combined got 46 seats or 7%; and 22 seats or 3.3% vacancy which were not elected, due to the UEC ruling to be excluded.

Likewise, the last legislature period, starting 2016 which is about to end in 2021 February, the breakdown were: the appointed military got 166 seats or 25%; NLD got 386 or 58.1%; USDP won 42 seats or 6.3%; the EPPs combined got 61 seats or 9.2%; and 9 seats or 1.4% vacancy which were not elected, due to the UEC ruling to be excluded.

As a result, the EPPs vote intake for 2020 elections were 2.2% less than in 2015, due to 9 excluded townships in Arakan State and one in Shan State, where the Arakan National Party (ANP) and SNLD would definitely win in their respective states. In all, the situation in ethnic states could be said to be the same, with even some increase win for the EPPs in Kayah and Mon states, where normally the NLD wholly win.

In short, in the Upper House and Lower House, known as and , the EPPs have no chance to become a formidable party bloc that can build national union government. In addition, even if the individual EPP could win in its respective state, it won’t be able to form government and install chief minister, as the Union president will be the one to decide, according to the constitution.

What kind of national unity government?

If in case, the NLD is really earnest to achieve peace and ready to pave the way for an acceptable federal union aspired by the EPPs and the ethnic nationalities as a whole, a few things have to be in order or adjusted.

Bridging conceptual differences

First of all, it is most important to bridge the differing concept of how the country called “Burma” came into existence.

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The successive Bamar-dominated regimes are convinced that the present day country stems from the immemorial Burmese empire handed down to them by the Burmese kings of the past and that the non-Bamar ethnic nationalities are part and parcel of that empire. In other words, the ethnic territories and the inhabitants belong to them, “colonial subjects” of the Bamar center if one wants to use the more politically appropriate term.

But in contrast, the EPPs and also the ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), including all the ethnic nationalities, see that Burma is a new political entity created by the virtue of Panglong Agreement in 1947, prior to the independence from the British in 1948. And the Panglong Agreement is the sole, legal bond between the Bamar State, then known as Burma Proper or Ministerial Burma, and the ethnic states.

Only after this hurdle is cleared can we start to ponder on the constitution-making which has been in crisis since the inception of the country in 1948.

Constitutional amendment

Basically, the EPPs, EAOs and all ethnic nationalities want to establish an equitable ethnic- based federal union, while the Bamar-dominated political parties and the military prefer a unitary system, with some federal trappings and power devolution to a certain extent. In other words, the Bamar supremacy stance would have to be maintained and in place, as has always been the case. Some decentralization may be allowed but the central control will be in tact, which will be in the hand of the Bamar-dominated government. And the emphasizes will be 14 unit-based, to counter the 8-state based, where ethnic nationalities’ ethno- nationalism aspirations are predominant.

In short, the name of the game will be ethnic federal rights with veto rights to protect weaker states versus unit-based, with limited decentralization according to the prescription of Bamar-dominated powers that be in Naypyitaw, so to speak.

Federal democracy or democratic federalism

Another sticking point is the argument of federal democracy and democratic federalism. The EPPs want to use federal democracy, while the NLD prefers democratic federalism. The EPPs argued that using federal in front is to emphasize ethnic identity rights and should be a built-in group protection against tyranny of the majority. The NLD wanting to have democracy in front of the federal is to insert its domination in national politics, as it might see, rightly or wrongly, as a majority voice holder, it is entitled to call the shots in national politics.

Thus, this seemly unimportant choice of words needs to be tackled, clarified and agreed upon in the course of time, as it is crucial in the underpinnings of the constitution for the ethnic nationalities.

And finally, the NLD needs to consider if it just want to hand out some portfolios to some ethnic leaders, without consulting their respective parties, or would like to work in the form of coalition partner with coalition agreement officially signed, like in all Western democratic countries. Page 24 of 51

Practical undertaking for national unity government

Nuts and bolts needed to usher in a workable national unity government can be numerous. But let us concentrate only on some of them.

First, the attitude of the NLD to act as a coalition partner is the most important factor. It won’t do if it consider itself as an employer to the EPPs and just appointed some ethnic individuals in some important portfolios, without bothering to talk or agree with the concerned EPP as a coalition partner, like during the last legislature period, which is about to end soon. Many EPPs have pointed out that this kind of undertaking foster more division among themselves and also with the NLD, rather than empowering reconciliation.

Second, NLD needs to empower the EPPs, especially in the governing of the ethnic states, giving them incentive to run their own state affairs, either in coalition with NLD or empowering the local parties that have won the most seat, for example like the ANP in Arakan State, with the least central intrusion in the ethnic states’ decision-making process.

Third, in union or national level, EPPs’ leaders should also occupy some key ministries as their parties’ representatives, to portray the national unity government means business.

Beyond unity government

During the national unity government period, provided that the NLD really is earnest to form one, the issues of achieving peace or at least a durable truce with the EAOs countrywide; constitutional amendment; and socioeconomic development should be discussed and implemented, in a united front manner, for the sake of the country.

And beyond the unity government considerations for the future political system be brainstormed and agreed upon. For example, to foster the two party system of US and UK; two and a half political system of Germany; or one party system of Singapore and so on.

While the two party system of the US and UK are well known as a competition between the conservative and democrat parties, the two and a half party system of Germany is not quite well known in Burma.

In Germany, two people’s party the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Socialist Party of Germany (SPD) have been contesting the elections since the end of Second World War. But both parties have to rely on a medium third party such as Free Democratic Party (FDP) or Green Party to form government, as both parties most of the time don’t achieve absolute majority and thus have to form a coalition pact with the third medium party.

During the last decades the people’s parties have dwindled to an extent that they barely receive 30 to 40 percent of the votes and thus have resorted to a grand coalition between themselves (CDU & SPD), to be able to govern.

And then, we have Singapore one party system where the People’s Action Party (PAP) always won the super-majority since 1959 until today. The opposition parties have no influence or meaning in electoral landscape of Singapore.

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As all can see NLD might be tempted to become like the PAP of Singapore. But the situation is different as there is the Tatmadaw or military and also the ethnic states, which are more inclined to uphold their ethnic identities and power-sharing along ethnic lines, which are deeply rooted.

But first and foremost, the NLD task now is to end the ethnic conflict war and amend the constitution. And to be able to do this it will have to build a national unity government, or better a national reconciliation government, between the ethnic nationalities, Tatmadaw and itself. ------

Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand foreign ministers hold talks in Bangkok 24-Feb-2021 | CGTN Myanmar's military-appointed foreign minister is in Thailand for talks with his Indonesian and Thai counterparts on efforts to resolve a crisis over Myanmar's takeover. This is the first foreign trip for the minister, Wunna Maung Lwin, since Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint and some other senior figures were detained by the military on February 1. After the meeting, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi held a press conference saying her country is conducting "intensive" communication with Myanmar side to contribute to problem-solving in Myanmar. "We ask for everybody to use restraint and not resort to violence ... to avoid casualties and bloodshed," Retno told reporters. She stressed that the safety and welfare of the Myanmar people need to be respected and Myanmar people need to be heard. A Thai source said the Myanmar foreign minister also had a meeting scheduled with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha. hold-talks-in-Bangkok-Y9dcKe3xwQ/index.html ------

���င�ငံ�ရ� အက�ပ�အတည��က�� PPST ဦ��ဆ�င�ည����င���ပ�ရန� PNLO �တ�င��ဆ��

By ခ�စ�မင��ထ�န�� | 24 February 2021

လက�ရ�� �မန�မ����င�ငံတ�င� �ဖစ�ပ����န�သ� ���င�ငံ�ရ�အက�ပ�အတည����င�� လ�ထ�အ�ဏ�ဖ�ဆန��ရ�လ�ပ�ရ���မ� (Civil Disobedience Movement-CDM)အ�ပ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ���(PPST)မ� ဦ��ဆ�င� �စ�စပ� ည����င���ပ�ရန� အဖ���ဝင��ဖစ�သည�� ပအ��ဝ�အမ����သ��လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�အဖ���ခ��ပ�(PNLO)က �တ�င��ဆ��သည�။

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အဆ��ပ� �တ�င��ဆ��မ�က�� PPST ၏ ယ�ယ�အဖ����ခ�င���ဆ�င� ရ�မ���ပည��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ��က�င�စ�(RCSS/SS A)ဥက�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က�� ယ�က�စစ�ထံ PPST အဖ���ဝင� PNLO ဒ�ဥက�� ခ�န��မင��ထ�န��က လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ���၍ ၂၀၂၁ ခ���စ�၊ �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၁၃ ရက�က စ�ပ��� �တ�င��ဆ��ထ����က�င�� သ�ရသည�။

PNLO ဒ�ဥက�� ခ�န��မင��ထ�န��က “ က�န��တ��တ��� PNLO ရ�� သ�ဘ�ထ��န�� ပတ�သက��ပ���တ�� PPST အဖ����ခ�င���ဆ�င��ဖစ�တ�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က�� ယ�က�စစ�ဆ�က�� စ�ပ����တ�င��ဆ��ထ��တယ�။ အခ� ���င�ငံ�ရ�အက�ပ�အတည��န�� CDM လ�ပ�ရ���မ�အ�ပ� PPST က �က��ဝင��စ�စပ�ည����င���ပ�ဖ����ပ��။ အ�မ�� ���င�ငံတက�အသ�သက��သ�တ�က��လည�� ပ�ဝင�ဖ����တ�င��ဆ��ထ��တယ�။ ဘ�လ���ဆ�� က�န��တ��တ��� NCA ထ���တ�န��က ���င�ငံတက� အသ�သက��သ�တ�လည�� ပ�တယ��လ။ ဒ���က�င�� PPST က�န ဦ��ဆ�င��ပ���တ�� ���င�ငံတက�အသ�သက��သ�တ�န��အတ� အခ� �ပည��ထ�င�စ�အစ���ရန�� တပ�မ�တ���က���ဖစ��နတ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�အက�ပ�အတည��က�� ��ဖရ�င���ပ�ဖ��� �တ�င��ဆ��ရ�ခင�� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�”ဟ� ��ပ�သည�။

PPST က ဦ��ဆ�င� �စ�စပ�ည����င���ပ�ရန� �တ�င��ဆ��ရ�ခင��ကလည�� CDM လ�ပ�ရ���မ�တ�င� ပ�ဝင��သ� �ပည�သ� လ�ထ�က�� ပစ�ခတ��ခင��၊ ဖမ��ဆ���ထ�င�ခ��ခင��၊ အ�ရ�ယ��ခင��မ��� အဆက�မ�ပတ��ဖစ��ပ�လ�လ�က�ရ���နသည�� အတ�က� မ�မ�တ��� �ပည��ထ�င�စ��က��အတ�က� အလ�န�အမင�� စ���ရ�မ�ဖ�ယ�ရ� အ��ခအ�န တစ�ရပ��ဖစ��ပ��န�ပ�� အလ�န� တရ��ဆ���ဝ��သည�� အ��ခအ�နဆ����က�� တစ�ရပ�သ��� �ရ�က�သ����စ���င�သည�� အတ�က���က�င��ဟ� PNLO ဘက�က ဆ��သည�။

PPST ယ�ယ�အဖ����ခ�င���ဆ�င� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က�� ယ�က�စစ�ထံ �ပ�ပ���သည� စ�ထ�မ���တ�� ဤက��သ����သ� အ��ခအ �န အက�ပ�အတည��မ����တ�င� မ�မ�တ��� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ���(PPST)၏ �ဆ������ဘက� �ပည� �ထ�င�ဘက�မ����ဖစ��က�သ� �ပည��ထ�င�စ�အစ���ရ၊ လ�တ��တ����င�� တပ�မ�တ��တ���အ�က�� �ဖစ��ပ��န�သ� ���င�ငံ�ရ�တင��မ�မ�မ���၊ ���င�ငံ�ရ�ပဋ�ပက�မ���၊ ���င�ငံ�ရ��ပဿန�မ���က�� အ��ဖရ�����င��ရ�အတ�က� PPST မ� ဦ��ဆ�င�၍ �စ�စပ�ည����င���ပ�ပ�ရန� တင��ပအပ�ပ�သည�ဟ� ဆ��ထ��သည�။

ထ��သ��� �ဆ�င�ရ�က�ရ�တ�င� ���င�ငံတက� အသ�သက� �သမ���အ�ဖစ� NCA စ�ခ��ပ�တ�င� ပ�ဝင� လက�မ�တ��ရ� ထ���ထ���ကသည�� က�လသမဂ�(UN)၊ ဥ�ရ�ပသမဂ� (EU)၊ ဂ�ပန�အစ���ရ၊ အ����ယအစ���ရ၊ ထ��င��အစ���ရ��င�� တ��တ� အစ���ရ အပ�အဝင� ���င�ငံတက�အသ�သက��သမ���၊ မ�မ�တ��� �ရ� ့�မ��က�တ�င� NCA �ရ�ထ���ခ���ကသည�က�� သ�ရ����က�င����င�� အ�လ�အနက�ထ��ပ���က�င�� ��ကည�ခ��သည�� ���င�ငံတက� အစ���ရမ�����င��အတ� ပ���ပ�င�� �ဆ�င�ရ�က��ပ�ပ�ရန�က��လည�� တင��ပအပ�ပ�သည�ဟ� ပ�ရ��သည�။

PPST မ� ��ပ�ခ�င��ရပ�ဂ� ��လ� ရ��ဘ��သံခ�က “တ��င���ပည�အတ�က� က�န��တ��တ���က အ��ဖရ��မယ�� နည��လမ���ပ�င��စ�ံ က���တ�� လ�တ��င��မ��တ�ဝန�ရ��ပ�တယ�၊ အ�ပ�စ�တ��င��မ�� တ�ဝန�ရ��ပ�တယ�။ ဒ��ပမယ�� ဒ��န� ���င�ငံ�ရ�အက�ပ�အတ ည��ဟ� က�န��တ��တ���အ��လ�ံ� အတ�တက� ည����င����ဖရ�င�����င�တ�� အခင��အက�င��က�� သ���ဖ����တ�င��ဆ���န�ကတ� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။ က�န��တ��တ��� အဖ���အစည��အ��လ�ံ�ဟ� စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ� ယ���က��မ�က�� လက�ခံခ���ခင��မရ��ဘ��။ လ�ထ���င��အတ� ဒ�မ��ကရက�တစ� ဖက�ဒရယ��ပည��ထ�င�စ�က�� တည��ဆ�က�ရမ���ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။ လ�ထ��တ�င��ဆ�� ခ�က�န�� လ�ထ�ရပ�တည�ခ�က�မ����အ�က�မ�� က�န��တ��တ����တ� အ�န�ဖင�� ဝင�လ����ရ� ဘယ��လ�က�ထ� လက�ခံမ�� လ�”ဟ� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၂၀ ရက�က သတင��စ� ရ�င��လင��ပ��မ�� ��ပ�သည�။

PNLO ��ပ�သည�� လက�ရ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�အက�ပ�အတည��ဆ��သည�မ�� ၂၀၂၁ ခ���စ�၊�ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၁ ရက�က အမ����သ��ဒ� မ��က�ရစ�အဖ���ခ��ပ�(NLD)အစ���ရထံက အ�ဏ�သ�မ��သ���ရ�မ� လ�ထ�အ�ံ�ကမ� အ��ခအ�နက�� ရည���န���ခင���ဖစ� သည�။

လက�ရ��တ�င� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�သည� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��စစ��က�င�စ� �ဖ�တ�ခ��ရ���င�� ဒ�မ��က�ရစ��ပန�လည� ရရ���ရ� အတ�က� ���င�ငံတစ�ဝန�� ဆ���ပ �တ�င��ဆ��လ�က�ရ���နသလ�� CDM လ�ပ�ရ���မ�မ����ဖင��လည�� �ဆ�င�ရ�က��န�ကသည�။ ထ����န�က� ဆ���ပ �တ�င��ဆ���နသည�� လ�ထ�က�� လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ� တပ�ဖ���ဝင�မ���က �ဖ ��ခ�င��ရ�မ�� �သဆ�ံ� ဒဏ�ရ� ရရ��မ� မ�����င��ဖမ��ဆ��မ�မ��� ရ���နသည�။

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ထ����န�က� PPST က CDM လ�ပ�ရ���မ�က�� အ�ပည��အဝ �ထ�က�ခံ��က�င��၊ CDM လ�ပ�ရ���မ�က�� ပံ�ပ����ပ� မည��ဖစ� ��က�င��၊ လက�ရ��က�လတ�င� အ�ဏ�သ�မ��စစ��က�င�စ���င�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�အရ �တ��ဆ�ံ �ဆ������ည����င��မ�မ���က�� ရပ�ဆ��င�� ထ��မည�၊ �င�မ��ခ�မ��စ�� ဆ��ထ�တ��ဖ��သ�မ���က�� အ�ကမ��ဖက��သ� နည��လမ���ဖင�� ���မ�နင���ခင��မ���က�� ဆန�� က�င� ကန��က�က���က�င��၊ အ�ဏ�ရ�င�စနစ� ခ��ပ��င�မ���ရ���င�� လက�ရ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ��ပဿန�မ���က�� နည��လမ��ရ�� ��ဖရ�င�� န�်�င��ရ�အတ�က� ���င�ငံတက�အသ��င��အဝန�� အပ�အဝင� �ပည�တ�င�� �ပည�ပ အင�အ��စ�မ�����င�� ပ���ပ�င�� �ဆ�င�ရ�က� သ���မည�ဟ�လည�� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၂၀ ရက� PPST ၏ အ�ရ��ပ� အစည��အ�ဝ�အ�ပ�� ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�� သည�။

PPST မ� ��ပ�ခ�င��ရပ�ဂ� ��လ� ရ��ဘ��သံခ�က “လက��တ��အ��ခအ�နမ�� အခ��ဖစ��နတ�� �ပည�တ�င�����င�ငံ�ရ� အ��ခ အ�နက အင�မတန�မ� ခက�ခ�လ�မ��မယ�၊ �န�က�တစ�ခ�က ��ပ��ထ��လ�မ��မယ�၊ �န�က�တစ�ခ�က ခဏက ��ပ�ခ��တ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�ပ��င�� ဆ��င�ရ��တ�မ�� ��ပ��ထ��မ��တ�ရ�����င�ပ�တယ�။ ဒ���က�င�� က�န��တ��တ����တ� အ�နန�� ဒ�အ��ခအ�န ဟ� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�န��အတ� ရပ�တည�မယ�။ �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�ရ� ့CDM က�� ဝန��ရံမယ�၊ �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�န�� �ထ�က�ခံ မယ�ဆ��တ� က�န� �တ��တ��� ��ပ�ထ���ပ� �ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။ ဒ���က�င�� ဒ�အက�ပ�အတည��ဟ� က�န��တ��တ��� အ��လ�ံ�ရ� ့ အက�ပ�အတည��ပ�”ဟ� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၂၀ ရက�က သတင��စ�ရ�င��လင��ပ��လ�ပ�စ�� ��ပ�ခ��သည�။

PPST ဆ��သည�မ�� တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ�အပစ�အခတ�ရပ�စ��ရ�သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ�( NCA) လက�မ�တ�ထ���ထ��သည�� လက�နက�က��င� ၁၀ ဖ����ဖင�� ဖ���စည��ထ���သ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ����ဖစ�သည�။

PPST တ�င� ပ�ဝင��သ� အဖ���မ���မ�� RCSS/SSA၊ PNLO၊ ကရင�အမ����သ��အစည��အ��ံ�(KNU)၊ ဒ�မ��က�ရစ� အက�����ပ� ကရင��တပ�မ�တ��(DKBA)၊ ကရင�အမ����သ��အစည��အ��ံ�/ကရင�အမ����သ��လ�တ���မ�က��ရ� တပ�မ�တ��-�င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ��က�င�စ�(KNU/KNLA-PC)၊ ရခ��င��ပည�နယ�လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�ပ�တ�(ALP)၊ ခ�င�� အမ����သ��တပ�ဦ�(CNF)၊ �မန�မ�န�်�င�ငံလ�ံ�ဆ��င�ရ��က��င��သ��မ���ဒ�မ��ကရက�တစ� တပ�ဦ� (ABSDF)၊ မ�န��ပည� သစ�ပ�တ�(NMSP)၊ လ��ဟ�ဒ�မ��ကရက�တစ� အစည��အ��ံ�(LDU)တ����ဖစ��ကသည�။


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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 24 February 2021

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CDM လ�ပ�သည�� က�န��မ��ရ�ဝန�ထမ��မ���အ�ပ� အက�က�ဆင� ဖမ��ဆ��မ�မ���ရ���န

By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 24 February 2021

အ�ဏ�သ�မ�� စစ��က�င�စ�သည� က�န��မ��ရ�ဝန�ထမ��မ���၏ Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) �ဆ�င�ရ�က��န�ခင�� က�� ���မ�နင��ရန� အ�ကမ��နည��၊ အ��နည���ပ�င��စ�ံ�ဖင�� �က ���ပမ��လ�က�ရ����က�င�� �တ��ရ��ရသည��အတ�က� က�န��မ��ရ���င�� အ��က စ��ဝန��က��ဌ�န CDM အဖ���မ���မ� �ပင��ထန�စ�� ကန��က�က���က�င�� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၂၃ ရက�စ���ဖင�� ထ�တ��ပန� ��ကည�လ��က�သည�။

�ဖ�ဖ�ဝ�ရ� ၁ရက� တပ�မ�တ��မ� အ�ဏ�သ�မ���န�က� က�န��မ��ရ�ဝန�ထမ��မ���က ၃ရက��န�တ�င� စတင�က� CDM လ�ပ��ဆ�င��ခင���ဖင�� စတင�ခ��သည�

အဆ��ပ� ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က�တ�င� စစ�တ��င���ဒသမ���၏ ��န��က��ခ�က�မ���တ�င� CDM �ပ�လ�ပ�သည�� က�န��မ��ရ� ဝန�ထမ��မ���အ�� ရ�တပ�ဖ�����င�� စစ�အစ���ရ အလ���တ��ရ�မ��� အက�အည��ဖင�� အ�ခ���ပစ�မ�မ����ဖင�� အက�က�ဆင� ဖမ��ဆ�����င�ရန� စ�စ���နသည� က�� �တ��ရ��ရသည�ဟ� �ဖ���ပထ���ပ�� �ပည��မ ��� အ����အထ��က�ဆရ�ဝန� �ဖစ�စ��က��လည�� ဥပမ��ပ� ရည���န��ထ��သည�။

ယင���ဖစ�စ��က�� ယမန��န� ည ၈ န�ရ� MRTV သတင����င�� ယ�န�ထ�တ� �မန�မ��အလင�� သတင��စ�တ�င� �ဖစ�စ����င��တက� ဆရ�ဝန�၏ အမည�၊ ဆမ အမ�တ�၊ ဓ�တ�ပ�ံမ���က��ပ� ပ��တ���ဖ���ပခ���ခင�� �ဖစ�သည�။

၎င���ဖ���ပခ�က�အရ �ပည��မ ��� �ပည�သ���ဆ���ံတ�င� တ�ဝန�ထမ���ဆ�င��နသည�� �ဒ�က�တ��က���သ�ရသည� CDM ပ�ဝင� �ဆ�င�ရ�က�သည��အ�ပင� တ�ခ�� ဝန�ထမ��မ���အ�� စည����ံ��ခင��၊ �ပည�သ�မ��� က�န��မ��ရ� အခက�အခ��ဖစ��စရန� ဝန�ထမ�� စည��မ������င�� ဆန��က�င�လ�က� မတရ�� �င���က��တ�င��ခံ က�သမ��ပ���က�င�� စ�ပ�စ��ထ��သည�က�� �တ��ရသည�။

ထ�����က�င�� �ဒ�က�တ��က���သ�ရအ�� ဥပ�ဒ��င��အည� အ�ရ�ယ��ပ����င�ရန� လ�န�အမ����သမ��တဦ�က �ပည��မ ��� �မ ���နယ�စ�မံ အ�ပ� ခ��ပ��ရ� �က�င�စ�အဖ���သ��� တ��င��က��ခ��သ�ဖင�� စခန��မ�� ဒ�-ရ�မ�� �က����အ�လ�င�က ရ�ဇသတ��က��ဥပ�ဒပ�ဒ�မ ၅၀၅(က)�ဖင�� အမ�ဖ�င��ထ���ပ�� ဖမ��ဆ��ရမ��ရ� �ဆ�င�ရ�က�လ�က�ရ��သည�ဟ�လည�� သ�ရသည�။

အဆ��ပ� �ဖစ�စ����င�� ပတ�သက�၍ �မ��မန��ရန� ဧရ�ဝတ�က က�ယကံရ�င� �ဖစ�သ���င�� အဆက�အသ�ယ� မရ�သ��သ��လည�� ယင��ဆရ�ဝန���င�� န��စပ�သည�� အသ��င��အဝ��င��က ‘�ပည��မ ��� �ဒ�က�တ��က���သ�ရ �ဖစ�စ��အမ�န�’ ဟ�ဆ��က� လ�မ�က�န�ရက�တ�င� �ပန�လည��ရ�သ�� �ဖ���ပလ�သည�က�� �တ��ရသည�။

ယင���ဖစ�စ��မ�� သတင��အခ�က�အလက� အမ���သ��ဖစ��ပ�� CDM လ�ပ�သည�� ဆရ�ဝန�မ���က�� စံ�ပအ�န�ဖင�� �ခ�မ����ခ�က��ခင��၊ ဆရ�ဝန���င�� �ပည�သ��က�� �သ��က���စခ�င�၍ �ပ�လ�ပ��ခင�� �ဖစ���က�င��၊ လက�ရ��တ�င� �ဒ�က�တ��က���သ�ရမ�� တ�မ���ရ��င��နရ �ပ�� �ဒ�က�တ��က���သ�ရ၏ စ�တ�ဓ�တ���င�� �န�က�ခံအ��ခအ�နက�� သ�သ�မ����ဖစ�သ�ဖင�� ၎င��ဘက�မ� ရပ�တည���က�င�� စသည��ဖင�� �ဖစ�စ����င��တက� �ရ�သ���ဖ���ပထ��သည�။

CDM လ�ပ�ထ��သည�� ဧရ�ဝတ�တ��င��မ� ဆရ�ဝန�တဦ�က “ဒ� တမင�သက�သက�က�� အမ����ပည�သ�က�� ��ခ�က�လ�န���နတ�လ��� ထင�တယ�။ က�မတ��� ဆရ�ဝန��တ� ဘက�က�တ�� လ�ံ�ဝ လက�မခံ���င�ပ�ဘ��။ �ပည�သ��တ�ကလည�� လက�ခံမ�� မဟ�တ�ပ�ဘ��။ ဒ�ဟ� သ�တ��� ဂ�င�ဆင�တ�ပ� �ဖစ�မ��ပ�” ဟ� ��ပ�ဆ��သည�။

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လက�ရ�� အခ��န�တ�င�လည�� CDM လ�ပ��နသည�� က�န��မ��ရ�ဝန�ထမ��တခ���� တ�မ���ရ��င��နရသလ�� တခ����မ�� ဖမ��ဆ��ခံထ��ရ �ပ�� မည�သည��ပ�ဒ�မ�ဖင�� အမ�ဖ�င��ထ��သည�၊ မည�သည���နရ�တ�င� ထ�န��သ�မ��ထ��သည�က�� မသ�ရဘ� မ�သ��စ���င�� အဆက� အသ�ယ� �ပတ��နရသ�မ���လည�� ရ���နသည�ဟ� ၎င��က ��ပ�သည�။

၎င��က “ဒ�လ��မ���� ဆရ�ဝန��တ�က�� ���ပ�စက��နတ�၊ အဖမ��ခံရတ��သ��တ� ဒ�မ�မဟ�တ� အဖမ��မခံရ�သ�တ��သ��တ�လည�� ပ�ဒ�မ အမ����မ���� တပ��ပ���တ�� ဖမ��ဝရမ���တ� ထ�တ��နသ�ရ�� ဒ�လ��မ���� အ�ပ�အမ��တ�န��က ဘယ�ဆရ�ဝန�မ� လ��ပ�� အလ�ပ�တက�မ�� လည�� မဟ�တ�ဘ��။ CDM က ဆက�လ�ပ�မ��ပ�” ဟ� ဆ��သည�။

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 24 February 2021

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Published 24 February 2021

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ရ�စည�သ�က� (ဝ�ရ�င�တန� ဒ�စ�) | 2021-02-24

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Published By DVB | 24 February, 2021

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24 �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ�၊ 2021 | ဗ��အ���အ (�မန�မ�ပ��င��)

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Published 24 February 2021 | �ပည��စ�ံ (မ�ဆယ�)

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မ�ဆယ��မ ��� အတ�င�� ပစ�ခတ�မ� ၂ဦ��သဆ�ံ�

By SHAN - February 24, 2021

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