Amp/'WRI- 50Min!
Nov. v10, 1942. - A. J. YSANIAL ' ' . 2,301,459 ELECTRIC MEGAPHONE Filed Dec. 28, 1940 “23 2 ~ ~ Amp/‘WRI-INVENTOR. 50min! Patented’ Nov. 16,11 2,301,459 ‘ ‘ 9 STATES \ rsNr ‘ OFFlCE 2,301,459 nnncrmc maarnona Arthur J. Sanial, Flushing, N. I, 'assignor to Guided mop Quotation, New York, N. Y., a corporation or New York, ‘ 7 Application December 28, 1940, Serial no. “2,08% _ _ _ , (01. 179-1) ‘ This invention is concerned with‘ an electric which’ the loudspeaker unit a and the tubular‘ megaphone by means of which sounds, such as _ ‘ extension 2 are'rnounted. spoken sounds, supplied to one end oi’ the device ._ A second annular wall forming member 8' is issue from the other end in greatly ampli?ed secured atone end to the support d and extends I volume. ' from that support back towards the support 5 but An object of the invention is the provision- of . terminates shortithereof, as clearly shown in a simply controlled, portable device for usein > Figure 1. The wall forming members 3 and ii’ place of the ordinary megaphone and by means de?ne an annular space 5 which forms a re of which a speaker’s voice may be greatly ampli versely extending annular passage in communica _ lied and easily directed as required. 10 tion with the passage through the tubular exten Another object of the invention is the pro sion 2; Surrounding these elements is an outer vision in a single portable instrumentallty, of a cylindrical or other suitably shape‘d' housing ‘l combination microphone and loud ‘speaker re-v which with the wall member 3' forms another spectively associated so as not to cause any elec annular passage 8 which is in communication trical interference therebetween when intercon with the passage 5 around the end of the wall nected by’ means of an ampli?er.
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