
X TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1970 PAGE SIXTEEN Avwasre Dally Net Press Rnr H attrl;(0t?r lEttPJting 3|?raliJ f F or r a e W eek ISnded The Weather ^ 1970 VOLKSWAGKI June 97, 1B«» Partly cloudy, cool again to­ again by a full five-man board. T H IN K s m a l l "MSJ v sedan night; low in 60e. Tomorrow In­ Camp Trailer Sales Site Martin Foley, who cast the I DeUveped to M M irfiest* creasing cloudiness, cool; high About Town negative vote in May on iEiipntng B pral!) in TOs. Friday -- cloudy, chante Bauipped with leatherette 1 1 5 ,6 1 0 Nlcholaa D. OonverUno of 19 grounds of a potential traffic tSior windshield washer, of rain. U Strickland St. haa been named Approved in New ZB A Vote hazard, said last night his feel­ gp ^ ' electric wipers, beater, Mmchester— A City of Village Charm to the dean’a Hat at tb« Unlver- ings basically had not changed. defogger, 4-way safety ftoShers, alty of Hartford, where he re­ After a fourth hearing before During the public hearing por After the stipulations were back-up lights, front and reae VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 248 ceived Mb bachelor pt aclence the Zoning Board of Appeals, tlon of the meeting. Schwartz posed, however, he voted for seat belts, leatherette headrests, (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 (Classified Advertising on Page S3) PRICE TEN CENTS decree in husiness adminiatra- the Yankee Aluminum Corp. represented himself and ssdd in the application along with the atsering wheel lock aad iv- wiadow dWroeter. tlon In June. last night was unanimously answer to questioning, that he other members. granted permission to display .would provide ample parking Following that vote, members B t. 83 Tolland Tpk. ICIaa Anne Creed of 53 Liake* and sell camp trailers at 86 and display areas, and would also passed unanimously on a TED TRUDON TalcottviUe, Conn. wood CSrcIe haa been naimed to Oakland St. not object to a limitation on second application for a camper the dean’a liat for the spring Along with its vote, the board the number of display vehicles trailer permit, which they had VOLKSWAGEN •48-9838 Panther Tortured, • • aemeater at the University Of 3^ ^ stipulated that several condi­ allowed. tabled in June imtil resolution Arab Commandos Vermont In Burlington. tions must be met by the appli­ He said the business would of the Yankee Aluminum mat­ cant, Sidney Schwartz, at the be highly seasonal, and that he ter. Witness Testifies 4 ^ Wayne Bedurtha, 132 Wether- outdoor display site, which is expected traffic of only four or This was the application by a t t e n t i o n PARENTS! M e ;' Seize Greek Jet ell St., haa been named to the located at Oakland St. and five cars per hour even during Farr, owner of Farr’s Camping By DAN HALL dean’s list for the second semes­ Apel PI. the peak selling months. Center at 2 Main St. SUMMER READING CLASSES Associated Press Writer ATHENS (AP) — Arab commandos seized a Greek ter at Yankton (S.D.) College. The stipulations were to sat­ The only time he might have George Churilla, who had NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)—A key pmsecution wit­ more than two or three camp­ pressed for the tabling of Farr’s Elcmentery, Jr. High, High School and College Studento jetliner and held its occupants hostage at Athens airport isfy concerns by some members ness testified today that Lonnie McLucas, on trial in today for more than seven hours. Then the plane took St. Mary's Episcopal Church of the board over the possibili­ ers at the site was when some application last month, made the connection with the slaying of fellow Black Panther motion last night to accept it, TWO FOUR WEEK SESSIONS o ff after all of the 53 passengers, except six commandos, will hold a Holy Communion ty of hazardous traffic condi­ had been sold and dropped off Alex Rackley, helped torture Rackley at Panther head- for (delivery to customers, also with a stipulation limiting were released. ------— ;;------service tomorrow at 10 a.m.„ tions they felt might be gener­ FIRST

MOVIE RAnNGS 6heinwolcl on Brfdge I'T A It / -Bjr CLAY R. POLLAN- Film-Makers Finding FOR RARENTB AND ARIES LlIRA TORTOISE BEATS HARE AT HAR. 21 ' Ybur Daily AcfivIf/'Guidb Is Open 6 Days For Your Shopping Convenience The Yeor Round__I YOUNG PEOPLE NORTH BRIDGE TABLE, TOO •AfR. It According to tho Stars. 'f Price Th0 obi9Cttv9 otJh9 ftUngt it to intorm 4 106 Gold in Black Pictures pofOfitt obovt tho tuilobiMy ot ?\17-18-I9.3i To develop message for Thursday, 36-37-39-5dA«5 By ALFRED 8HEINWOLD C 8 6 '42-46.-87 read words corresponding to numbers said St. Jacques, but he beiieves mo¥io comotH tof viowing by tbotf ebiidfon. tai: 55-59-81-89'> Smashing By BOB THOAIAS O Q 10974 of your Zodiac birth sign. MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. to 5:.30 P.M. — THURSDAY and FRIDAY until 9:00 P.M. Aasoctated PreM Writer more whites will be attracted by The race between the Hare TAURUS SCORRIO ♦ 0152 Agnes Davis ARR. 20' 1 Join 31 Hopes 61 Abeyonce the action and humor of the de­ ALL AGES AOMIHEO and the Tortoise takes place OCr. 21a HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Re­ GintrtI AiNlicnces EAST I HAY 70 2 Friends 32 Or 62 News cently the film business discov­ tective ^ e. every day at millions of bridge 3 Your 33 Important 63 Through NOK. 2 (' tables all over the world. The 9 7 5 4 2 4 0 1 (11-13-40-43 4 Surprises 34 Person 64 Dealing ered that movies aimed at the Aiready young Goldwyn is 10-76-79-84 51-53^58-61. Hare dashes off as though shot 0741' C? J 109 5 Groups 35 Liable 65 Con 65^7-80'82f ★ black community can be profit- planning a sequel; he has a sup- ALL AGES AOMITTEO GEMINI 6 Can’t 36 A 66 Private PArtntil GutdAnci Su99f9tetf out from a cannon’s mouth, and 62 0 K853 7 You 37 Day 67 Now SAGITTARIUS able. That came as no surprise ply of plots trom the detective during the early tricks of a 7 6 ♦ K843 'P i^ H A Y 2 1 8 That 30 Today 68 Hopes OpmDflilv 9 Keep to actor Raymond St. Jacques. novels of Chester Himes, on one bridge hand he stops only to 39 When 69 1s St. Jacques stars with God- of which “Cotton" Was based, 10 (^In 40 Change 70 Involves 9R.ni.to9P.ni. thumb his nose at the Tortoise. A K 8 3 23-41-47-49 11 Moke 41 You've 71 Opens RESTRICTED 2- 6- 9-25 U frey Cambridge in “Cotton Most actors are leary of Be­ But you know who wins the A K 5 2 .^2-69-74 12 Through 42 To 72 Up 28-29-85-861 Save *30 on This Stratorestef Rediner Undtr 17 rtguirtt GCCompAnying comes to Harlem," which is one quels. Not St. Jacques, CANCER 13A 43 Which 73 Dealings Pirtm or Adult Gutnliin race—and the hand. A J 14 Due 44 Position 74 Indicated CAPRICORN ^ GATEWAY of the new films that has proven "I’m optioned for six pictures, South dealer. A 109 June 21 15 An 45 Chance 75 And DEC. 22 successful with Negroes. Pro- and I hope we make all of North-South vulnerable. JULY 22 16 Today 46 Make 76 You .South North East 17 You 47 Relations 77 With JAN. It ducer Samuel Goldwyn Jr. has them,” said the actor, who en­ , NO ONE UNDER 17 AOMinEO Opening lead — Seven of 2 NT 3 NT All Pass 3-44-48-57 18 Could 48 1s 78Antl>soclol I20-26-30-45/O FOODS predicted that the film will joys a percentage of the pro­ (Ago limit mty vory Clubs. P R I« “< ^^3-66-73 19 Be 49 Abroad 79 In 60^71-72 V S l LEO 20 A 50 Children 80 Go gross $12 million. Us cost: $2.6 ceeds. m cirttin ifios) West led the . seven of clubs 21 Aid 51 Plans 81 Be AQUARIUS million. A native of New Haven, against South’s contract of ^ JULY 22 22 Concerning 52 Show 82 Forword JAN. 20 Conn., and a Yale man, St. three notrump, and declarer, a to run the diamonds. He would Mr. Steak =i,AUG. 2? 23 If 53 Held '83 Individuals m \ I t “The movie business has Q 8SB S) PMi«MC«fVf 24 Friends 54 Tolerance 84 Sacrifices made all-black films before," Jacques learned his trade in the TMiAUAl^^ O' THC notorious Hare, dashed right up thus win two spades, two '|52-54-56-64| 25 A 55 Seem 85 Causes 7-r0-12;-l! MOrtON PtCTUNB ttl9 Nf OULAnON COCt Of with dummy’s queen of clubs. hearts, four diamonds and two "America’s Favorite 7-78-83 26 Long- 56 In 86 Sadness 33-34-38 S-Vifciy H ealth Reclineti cites St. Jacques, “ but none of New York theater before com­ East thought things over for a clubs with no pain and no de­ Family Bestannuit’’ VIRGO 27 Your 57 Strengthened 87 Errors PISCES them has been profitable—‘Por- ing to Hollywood. He worked as 28 Secret 58 In 88 Objectives lay. AUG; 23 Fet. It gy and Bess,’ ‘Carmen Jones,’ a regular in “Rawhide” on tele­ second and produced a low club. at 29 It 59 To 89 Unruly South saw in a flash what Daily Question 30 Awaited 6D Now 90 Wishes HAR. 20 ’Cabin in the Sky,’ etc. vision and appeared in such THE.^TER TIME s A s e n . 22 East’s hesitation meant. Our Partner opens with 2-NT (22 244 Center St., Manchester ' 1- 5- 8-21 4-14-16-22A “The reason for their failure films as “The Comedians,” Adverse ^ ^ N eutial SCHEDULE speed merchant continued with to 24 points), and the next play­ Phone 646-1996 27-68-75-88 24-31-32-901 “Madigan,” "The Green Ber­ is that such films were always a low club from dummy and er passes. 'You hold: Spades, Q- SALE PRICED white Hollywood's idea of the ets” and “Uptight.” i t Frontier Fillet a f t e r s a le Cinema I (East Hartford) — won a finesse with the ten. Then J ; Hearts, 3-10-9; Diamonds, K- black experience. They were di­ He is one of the principal reci­ Getting Straight 7:00, 9:25; he hopefully led the ace of 8-5-3: Clubs, K-8-4-S. Beg. $3.29 NOW $2.99 SA VE $30 $129.95 WALL TO WALL rected by men who claimed to pients in the upsurge of impor­ Magic Machines 9:05. clubs, although It would have What do you say? Pioneering Spirit Needed understand the blacks—’Some tance for Negro actors. Now he East Hartford Drive-In — done him no good if the king Answer: Bid 4-NT. This asks i t Steak Kebob of my best friends are colored,’ detects a backlash in the use of Getting Straight 8:30; Ambush- had dropped, partner to bid slam if he has 24 Beg. $3.26 NOW they said. But only a black di­ blacks in films and television. ers 10:45. South stopped to count his points, to pass If he has 22 $2.99 In Blacks^ Return to Africa DISCOUNT! rector like Ossie Davis, who has “ Because of the tight money East Windsor Drive-In — Out tricks and saw that he was points and to use his judgment it Top Sirloin been in the mainstream of the situation, business Is bad In all ot Towners 8:30; Downhill Rac­ home if he could get two dia­ if he has 23. By EUAN STAGE They still lack many creature black experience in America, segments of the econom y,” he ers 10:15. monds. He proceeded to play Copyright 1970 Reg. $4.60 NOW $3.75 Aaaoctsted Presa Writer comforts but Mrs. Mococo likes There’s A Story Behind This Recliner . . . A Story of can really portray it on the observed. "As usual, blacks are Manchester Drive-In — The the rest of the hand very slow­ General Features Corp. .. _ It well enough here to become a VERNON i t New York Strip Sirloin KINS^SA. the Congo (AP) jj^jg depressed at the thought of Rich Resolve To Create A Chair Capable of Relax­ screen.” the last to be hired and ihe -first Love Bug 8:40; Parent Trap ly, hoping to -persuade some — At home in Detroit?- Blaine g;olnghom e: "I think of living In ROUTE 03 AND THRALL ROAD Davis directed “Cotton Comes to be fired. That’s true in films 10:40. witless opponent to lead a dia­ Reg. 4.86 NOW Wamba considered herself as g black society here, the pace of ing Away the Late-Date Tensions of Today’s to Harlem.” his first try at a and TV as well as in other in­ Mansfield Drive-In — The mond. Nobody obliged, and Murder Record $3.99 black as the next Negro. Two ufg back there, the sunshine and movie, and St. Jacques believes dustries.” Hellcats 8:45; Weekend with South was eventually down a i t Steak and Lobrter Hurried Man. Twenty Minutes A Day Spent In the CHICAGO (AP) — The Chica­ years ago when she came here air and openness in Kinshasa.” REDEEM ALL COUPONS WiTH A that is why the film has sue St. Jacques conducts classes The Babbysitter 10:15. slow and painful one trick. go police department homicide State Theatre — Chisum 2:35, Reg. $4.60 NOW to Uve the Congolese called her Another reason Is the effect Soothing, Vibrating Massage Relaxation of This SiNGLE $7.50 PURCHASE ceeded. for acting hopefuls in Watts. Might Have Been unit reports the city is heading $3.99 6:00, 9:20; Hook, Une & Sinker "mundele,” a Ungala word that on her two chOdren. The last "Not every black director How does he advise them on If a Tortoise had been playing for an all-time record of more i t Lobster Plate 1:00, 7:50. represents the way whites feel time they visited New York the Chair Will Help Banish That Fatigue That Gets could have done it,” said the ac­ their prospects for careers? the South hand he would have than 90 murders this year. made the contract by taking a and- act. elder child became so immersed tor. “Take some fellow who had "I tell the students that their “ We’re now 92 murders ahead Reg. $4-26 NOW You Down. VALUABLE COUPON little time at the beginning in­ $3.99 ”I have fairer skin than most in American life she forgot all come from a nouveau riche prospects for employment are of this time last year,” said stead of floundering helplessly i t Fillet Mignon Congolese but that was the last her Ungala, HALF QAUON FUtX, STBEIfGTB dim—^If they have no craftsman­ Film Explains Cmdr. John T. Cartan Jr., in family and had gone to the Yale at the end. South can win four thing I expected to be called, Mrs. Wamba answers an em- predicting the highest yearly Yes . . . 5 ways to relax your everyday Drama School. He would never ship in the theater arts. Even diamond tricks if he just makes Reg. $4.60 NOW she recalls. phatic ”yes” when asked if she Baha’i Faith murder toll in the city’s history $3il5 PUREX have been able to depict the when they have that, it won't be sure of a late entry to the dum­ H iat was the first impression thinks other black Americans tensions . . . this chair HEATS . . . kind of cloistered life of the peo­ easy. I try to make them realize In 1970. There were 716 murders HELPFUL HINTS “ And His Name Shall be my. for Mrs. Wamba, 24, the former should try the experience of MASSAGES . . . RECLINES . . . that although we have gone In Chicago in 1969. If you can’t find an Icebag, BLEACH ple who are walled up In Har­ Our slowpoke would play a you can make one by filling Elaine Brown. At college in coming back to the source. GIVES PERFECT T.V. POSITION With a purchase of $7.50 of other items. . One," a CBS film of the Baha’i Cartan. 58, blamed “ changing lem .” through a period of social low club from the dummy and a rubber glove with cracked Michigan she met and married Mrs. Mococo is not so sure, Limit one coupon to an adult customer. ' faith, will be presented tomor­ times” and a national trend to . . . and is a great LOUNGE CHAIR! So far the majority of patrons change, there is still a long way would win with the ace in his Ice and tying the wrist tight­ Good thru Ju]^ 25,1970. row at 7 p.m. at Mott’s Com­ more violence for the sharp in­ a Congolese student. Now she’s "l® P®"' Come in and try one . . . you’ll never for “Cotton” have been black. to go.” own hand. He would cash the ly- munity Hall sponsorel by the crease. one of the dozen or so black concerned. Black Ameri- ace of diamonds and overtake , cans come here and they say: want to get uji! lATEWAY FOODS^ Baha'is of Connecticut. Americans who are here trying g^ ^^e squalor. No water, Originally produced for the the jack of diamonds with dum­ m y’s queen to drive out the Ufe African style. Ten are worn- „g electricity. Look at the chil- television program, “Lamp Un­ to My Feet,” the film has king. . . . dren with their fat stomachs VALUABLE COUPON Our Tortoise' would win the They had very different back- gj^j dirty feet. How can you live Book Review scenes from the World Center t B O U , P A C K spade or heart return and lead grounds but the same ambition: that” in Haifa, Israel, and the United a club to dummy’s jack. East AMIKENICHOLSFIIM As a black to live in a black so- -This ‘ sounds melodramaUc States House of Worship in Wil­ could take the king of clubs, OFT WEVE THE ADVENTURESS. By phecy—a psychic, as he would mette, m . ^ have to have a pioneer- but then South would get to Mrs. wamba has a comforta- spirit. If you haven't got Santha Rama Rau. Harper, be called in m odem times. The Baha'i faith has follow­ ALANARKIN dummy with the queen of clubs ble home; her husband fills a that you can’t really come here TISSUE $0.0^. With these many talents he ers in all parts of the world and With a purchase of $7.60 of other items./ senior civil service post. It and hope to integrate with Afri- This adventuress lives by her becomes a court follower of Am- of all races. Literature about Lindt one coupon to an adult customer.^ wasn’t always like that. Just cans. And if you don’t want to wlts, in Tokyo, ManUa and brosius, who turns out to be this religion is available at the RECLINES Good thru July 26,1970. after her arrival she carried integrate totally there’s no real WATCH _. , , , J ..1 Merlin’s father, and Ambroslus Mary Cheney Library. For r a / ~ v MAKwsnR paiimK - ms-msi ’ Shanghai. She U complely dedl- t^^j^rarily unites the British ■ M / A lilt t: iMii I $41 IS water in a jug along unpaved point in coming.” more information, call Mr. or THEATRE EAST streets and competed for sleep However much they tty to Ga t e w a y f o o d s s Gated to getting ahead, and she tj^bes by means of the sword, Mrs. Conrad Rothman of 12 tmt m FHi us? Nuai against the decibels from a bar Integrate, black Americans run does. There is a lot of huffing and Carol Dr., Rockville. FREE! next door. into one stumbling block, tribal- She is known at various times puffing about sword-play, horse- The film is open to the pub­ VALUABLE COUPON When her husband started ism. Mrs. Wamba’s husband Is 15-DAY HOME TRIAL! as Kay, Kelko, Catalina and manship, sigpis from on high lic. There will be no admission 'QHlEBiSK or BAPaAOB work he earned $70 a month, a member of the Bakongo tribe Kate, but usually as Kay. She 1s and melodramatic torchlight in- charge, nor a collection. They lived in one of the teeming but she finds herself left out of Try it in your own home! If you are not absolutely a Filipino who was an art stu- trigue. satisfied return it in 15 days . . . no obligation! ROMAN dent in Japan when Pearl Har- Miss Stewart is a successful areas that surround the chic, family councils, which settle Europeanized center of Kinsha- disputes involving family pro- 15 O Z . bor came, and was interned, novelist who should have made New Name LOUNGE HEATS MASSAGES PIZZA PKO. 59 then sheltered by a Japanese this historical tale more Inter­ sa. She became pregnant, had a perty and even act In marriage With a purchase of $7.60) of other items.items, family. Her homeland considers estlng than it Is. Other writers GREELEY, Colo. (AP) — natural birth, and lost the baby, guidance. Limit one coupon to an adult customer.customer, her a collaborator, so she cannot have been more convincing, Colorado State College, which At that time she didn't think She doesn’t speak Kikongo, Goodood thru July 25,1970,26,1970. _ O f } go back except by trick—hence with less tedium This Is the was founded more than 80 years she could make it. Now she sees the tribal language, and feels she tricks a middle-ageJ Ameri­ sort of novel that wears out the os the State Normal School, no reason why she couldn’t s**® 100 per cent accepted, GATEWAY FOODS^ can who is with the Occupation reader took a new name this year— spend the rest of her life here. her two years here have forces in Tokyo. Miles A. Smith University of Northern Colo­ ”As a black I have a sense of Siven her some Insight . In Manila she connives to gain rado. S T™ A T H E 643>7832 freedom here I never had In the “ Black Americans come to New Permaneer Creates DUPONT VALUABLE COUPON the confidence of a wealthy old BEFORE THE EAGLE LAND- AIR-CONDITIONED • FREE PARK REAR THEATRE NOW States,” she says. ”I feel here expecting to be wel- LABGE M OZ. BOTZUB wldow, and when that avenue to e d . By the Editors of Air Force TODAY: "CHIStIM’’ Mat. 8:35 - Eve. 6:0$ ft 9:80 as I never could go back there with open arms,” she SOI advancement fades, she gets Times. Robert B. Luce, Inc. My own sltuaUon is different “They’re not. The Con- BmonT m a iD g w w . help from another old lady, who je.95 and I can look at things in a dlf- Sotose regard them much as provides a job at the Interna- The editors have assembled in TohnWayne ferent way. It’s changed me- non-Africans. A FANTASTIC Continuous svBUP tlonal dub, a good place to variety of first per- for the better, I think.’ They have to work to get ac­ cepted.” With a purchase of $7.60 of other items. meet travelers. eyewitness accounts of Charles Robinson, a Washing­ One (Congolese custom Mrs. Filament Limit one coupon to an adult customer. Kay’s next problem is to got memorable incidents in aviation a “Chisum” tonian, has been in the Congo on Good thru July 25,1970. 2 and off for nine vears He has Wamba rejected: that of the TABLE BARGAIN out of Manila without a pass- history. These are highlights As Big as the West , ^ . wife and children sitting on the port. The solution comes when personal adventures, not a seen some of the worst of the „ __ ... v w . floor while the husband sits at GATEWAY FOODS^ * e meets Jeremy, an English- continuous record, itself and as violent as country’s crises. the table and eats. Permaneer is a remarkable surfacing material YOUR CHOICE Enough To man on holiday He U based In ^g^j MASH "You’ve no Idea how It feels the range wars that . . w . ... . But she adopted the libaya, an of rigid vinyl... has the look and feel of wood vine Wright was Injured and his An Ingo Premingei Production Govor 3 VALUABLE COUPON UNRRA supplies into China. made the name to b® a member of to® majority g„Me-length robe plus some- . . . plus it wipes clean and it’s heat, abrasion pupil was fatally hurt is detailed Color by D elu xe* instead of toe minority, he ob- thing that looks for all toe world :| f 1 P K O . q C A B T E B S She manages to persuade him to by a journalist who saw the Panavision* L^l Chisum a Legend. serves. ” I never felt insecure uhg g busUe. 'When she took to and stain resistant. Choose the extra large get her there. And in Shanghai Rooms crash. An American fighter pi­ here even when toe trouble was Congolese dress, she recalls, toe coffee table or the lamp or hexagon comer she meets David, a smooth op­ m.U ^ iLond 0' InkEB Greater Hartford Won’t Let worst—even when every police­ erator apparently engaged in all lot In World War I tells graphi­ FonestTuckerChristopher Geoi^Ben)ohnsonBaKe Cabot ''mundele” label vanished. table with black vinyl tops that look like Wall To Wall It Go! This Fantastic man was carrying a gun, shout­ sorts of illegal deeds, who is cally what it was like to engage BUTTER Film Held Over Glenn Corbett - Fbtric Knowles-Anidrew Prine-Richaid laeckel ing at you, asking, for your pa­ leather. All feature walnut permaneer vinyl 4 9 busy liquidating his assets be­ in combat. John A. Macready With a purchase of $7.60 of other items.. 16th S'»M*A»S*H WEEK pers. I felt like I was one of toe After Sale Price $29.98 fore the Chinese take over. narrates his 1921 feat of setting Lynda Day-And Introduang, Geoffrey Deuel & Fbmela NfMyler P rom otion finish. Limit one coupon to an adiilt customer. \ an altitude record of 40,800 feet. m ajority.” ...... Good thru July 26,1970. ^ There are times when the nov­ Executive Producer Michael Wavne Written and Produced hv .Andfcsvlfenadv A newspaper account depicts Itobinson, who is in his 40s, is NEW YORK (AiP) — LlUlan el moves slowly, but it builds up Creeled bvAnd-e^vVMCLaglen- reovwamerbros. the arrival of Charles A. Lind­ In a 60-50 partnership with a Block, managing editor of ReU- ONLY gradually to a thorough account PANAVISION- TFCHNICOIOR" * KlflfieV COmDdnV ______1 ATEWAY FOODS^ bergh in Paris, 1927. Congolese businessman. He nel- 8?eus News Service, has been of the strange adventures of a Co-Hit "HOOK, U N E ft SJDfKEB’ ’ Mat. 1:00 - Eve. 7:60 ther seeks nor rejects black or n^med a vice president of toe beautiful young opportunist. An excerpt from two fliers' book about a 1928 flight -across white company. He plays in In- National Conference of C ^s- The heroine is such an adroit ‘‘Head straight for Getting Straight !” | jE R R ir/ lm a Tk o o k s t o u r : VALUABLE COUPON the Pacific in a trlmotor plane — 000 Saimaggi. WlNS-RaOio tegrated poker game Thursday e"** Jews, under whose scamp that she engages the r.niiii.iRiAPir.TiiRF.s''-." .. 1 SUBGBEST PCBE CAMS. gives a vivid picture of a storm nights. ”I could spend a lot of auspices toe service operated, reader a sympath^^^^ ^ y^g^ downed the aircraft. ELLIOTT CANDICE my life In Africa,” he s a y s . ------5lb.BRG ______Explorer Lincoln Ellsworth re- [ i w p g Yvonne M ococo cam e to the \r Omgo because she married a ★★★★★★★★★★★ After Sale Price $379.00 THE CRYSTAL CAVE. By his experience of flying GOULD-BERGEN 4 V O T E F O R Mary Stewart. Morrow. $7.96. North Pole with Roald ^ A-.-, Congolese but doesn’t rule out With a purchase of $7.60 of other items. In this whopping, 607-page Amundsen. Several chapters toe poesIbiUty she might have 40 sq. yds. Enough to cover a 12’xl8’ Living Room, 9x12 Dining floom, and ^ Limit one coupon to an adult customer. novel. Miss Stewart turns to dtevoted to gripping tales of come along due to "back to the J JO E t Good thru July 26,1970. source” feeling in the United a 3’xl2’ Hall. This price includes this fine carpet plus resilient paddlto and all a Britain of the 6th century to World War n acUon, and anoth- labor for a wall-to-wall Installation. ™ construct a tale from the frag- describes helicopter tech- PErERUMBWByitilMMeFlMMfK States. 1 DUFFEY ? f o o d s ^ Mrs. Mococo, bom Yvonne ments of legend that have been Vietnam, I DEMOCRATIC X handed down from that period. could have given Wiggins in Birmingtuun, Ala., 31 years ago, spent toe first two It was a Ume of tribal strife f «>e way fA sr HAHJt una ^ PRIMARY. X VALUABLE COUPON PLUS years in a house without elec­ H among Britons, Welsh, Saxons J" which they present some of g C A B T J A B INEMA 1 “Magio Mnchlnaa” DISNEY’S 2 GREATEST tricity and water. She and her August 19, 1970 -k and many others, with each the material, but avlation^.fans I o o » p » » o . »T. m r TO ■Am » t.i husband had no car and that Sponsored by Citizens i tribe having Ite king who must P^bably won’t mind. There are mANCHESTe FUNNY SHOWS meant two 10-mlIe trips a day ^ for Duffey D IIRHCIE ^ make war on the other tribes ‘"teresUng lllustraUons. * Peter Richtmeyer. Treas. “ Miles A. Smith RTES 8 & 44A • BOlfON NOTCH LOVE BUG SHOWN FntST on a bus usually carrying twice for the sake of survival. .And the recommended passengers. IIIHIP ^ there were Druids and followers Miracle With a purchase of $7.60 of othef items, j FREE 12 Transfstor Radio CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE of Mlthra scattered all around. Walnut Finished Whip Limit one coupon to, an adult customer.. Given Away NIGHTLY "to Lucky Good thru Jidy 26,1970. The central figure and narra­ Cuatomer NOW Through TCES. tor is Merlin. Most of us have a Can Heibie, a clean-living, Book Rock fcSATEW AY FOODS^ vague recollection that Merlin WALT DISNEY hard-working small car in manchester year around Take Along Price was some sort of magician in productions j,. find happiness King Arthurs’ court, but the SHE CAME TQ pretentt in today’s VALUABLE COUPON Merlin of this story is a younger S I T W I T H After Sale $14.98 hectic world? TSy ttO Z. GLASS POT figure, and the novel ends be­ BABY... craft supplies a Holds up to 76 hard cover books fore Arthur is bom. -A AND Merlin is the illegitimate son FAIRWAY. • Beautiful walnut finish of one of the tribal kings. He • fel+ sequins ------wafii^ll^a------F/RSZ a Ferfaot for den, bedroom, office learns the mysteries of conjur­ A W A ^ . : '■ u E d U ^ w lilwaiy BRK K I -K -K -k -ft -K •»< -K I Square xl9 ’’H ing from an old hermit in a WITH 23’’ Wide x 19’’H With a purchase of $7.60 of other items, cave, studies engineering with BONUS DAYS & NIGHTS • gli'Her • styrofoam • candles a Easy-to-aasemble, no nails,' lim it one coupon to an adult customer. WHAT ah old master of the trade, MON lUf WfO IHUR 'Rl DAoqjMi^ OAMU • glues • spray paints • trims screws, or bolts Good thru July 25,1970. dID LOOK TO m t KAUl WAlTOOKCrrOK tUt TMtSTlK flUKLr IKWLttKKAtKr picks up the lore of the medi­ ENTIRC PARK OPEN • 1 P.M. MOMMY we have the largest assortment of supplies for your aMatailwrMMMiM«y«mtM xw want Cftoww M netuT on ai p c r u a it i h m h a Perfect tor students, proteaalan- cine men and has the gift of pro- PLAY holiday, decorations, we give a discount to all organi­ ^ G A TEWAY FOODS^ Ncra’a aM you pay tMa WHILS I als, and tbe home . aftem een PADOY sations. We most always have what you need. ewMrteipHlQraaaa . . , Gl.OO WEEKEND WAS It'saRING-A-DINCF a 3’ high - 2' w4de laanwerrar Wiraaca . . .S I.5 0 AWAYT VALUABLE COUPON •emit iMtai •« «1.< W wrni THE _ LAUGH AFFAIR! LAKGX M OZ, QAir LCftftG Ht 99 rWM trftfti 1 f JR. It G4G f JM Ntra’i al yoN pay taniglitl IBABYSITTER CMMnaea . . . GUW ’— C O L O R by DELUXE Have You Tried Keith’s "One-Stop Shopping?” Never A Parking Problem Hero! [VAL VITA I.ari>«ar ewr U tmn . . .St«50 In d it d t Pubtlahed Doily Ezceix Sund&ya MNtM MMU CM tau r M M M PJl a We’ll Come To Your • All Purchases e itit ■ad BoUdays at IS BLuell Street (•M4 iw T e.a. M amk« Home To Advise , PEACHES Mancbeater, Conn. (06040) T H E t rREE MAIN STREET PARKING FOR 4 89 fRII ADMISSION fR il PARKtNt. You' Inspected Before With a purchase of $7.60 of other items, Tatepbone 643-3711 • --'I ■■ • A(.AVS.*.V • Use Our New Delivery! lim it one coiQwn to an adult customer. Second Claas Poatage Paid al 1 1 1 ) M A I N ST. 2 HOURS, or PARK FREE IN OUR Good thru July 26,1970. jg > l MAnebester. Revolving Credit • We Have Terms To MANCHESTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Coming Sunday Plan! Please Everyone! Payable in Advance Jeannie C . Riley Opposite the Bennet Junior High School on Lower (South End) Main Street LOT NEXT TO STORE . . . ^ G A TEWAY FOODS^ Ona Tear ...... $30.0u Tteluieohi^ . . . . For Friendly Service, Phone 643-4159 . .. ■is llootha ...... 16.60 3 FREE SHOWS «tMa«Naw«ie Ibrae Motdlia ...... 7.10 jJ3JS/SJSJ5IBEE/5JSJ3JSISJ5ISIS15f5fSJ5ISIBJSI5JBJSI5l5ISI5JSfBfSfSJSISISJEfcUil*!!fi P A G E FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 Tolland County 2nd Congressional District Columbia Town Takes Case Mt. Issue Cycle Gang Provides 4-H Program STUBENTS Primary Candidate Calls Deadline Dynamite, Senators Told Empoys Student Veterans Park Attendance WASHINGTON (AP) — Mem­ unit of Students for a Democrat­ In Summer Post Over 8J000 Since June 20 WILLING TO BO WORK Baek To General Assembly Aug. 10 For ic Society while setting up the For Rapid Transit Use bers of a motorcycle gang Daryl Uiglnbuhl of TtoUand, a By SOI. R. COHEN ly was withdrawn, when the Must Notify HUD called "The CTiosen P ew " have dynamite transfer with the Veteran’s Memorial Park In and 13, free choice, and Aug.| Democratic Second Congres- former 4^H (31ub member, • and Cleoftinq— Perinring— Window Choning have been working toward solv­ (Herald Reporter) town applied for federal funds Several of the directors in- been linked to the underground gang. He said he believes SDS South Windsor has had excellent 16 and 17, circus floats. sibnal District candidate Wil­ ing it,” Stanley said. “Mr. The 1971 General As- *°r acquisition of Manchester forced Dr. Spaulding that the Dump Plans has launched a campaign of na­ now a student at the University The Wapplng School play-1 Pickett recognized the railroad sale of thousands of sticks of attendance since the pork open­ NO JOB TOO SMAU •— liam Stanley has called for Im­ sembly, when it convenes Water Co. open space lands. town, if it applies tor a federal Selectmen have been notified stolen dynamite, senators prob­ tional bombing and terror in the of OonnecUcut, is working as ground winners of the "stuffed problem when he needed votes, in January for its five- in April-of this year, the fed- grant, must notify HUD that the last year and a half. ed on June 20. Over 8,000 per­ animal contest!’ held Friday plementation of existing plans and it seemed like a good is­ eral Department of Housing town's 25 per cent cost share is l>y Malcolm Shute Jr., senior ing terror bombings have been Summer 4-H program assistant PHONE 644^1256 “Well-calculated guerrilla in Tolland County. sons have frequented the peurk were, for the biggest animal, for a rapid rail service for New sue to be on." "To my knowl­ month session, again will and Urban Development (HUD) available, and that it might sanitarian of the State Depart- told. warfare has become an integral and used its facilities, accord­ first place, David Hill; second,| England, and termed his op­ edge Mr. Pickett has never at­ be asked by Manchester approved a $371,634 grant for necessitate a bond issue. The ment, that plans regarding a Dn at least one occasion, told L^iglnbuhl Is assisting the part of SDS strategy,” he said. lOmberly Falletti; third, Mike ponent’s plans for nationalizing tended a transportation hear­ officials to approve state the water company lands. The taxpayers, he was told, might disposal site for the town by undercover agents they in­ county 4-H staff In planning and ing to a report from Town "Workshops on explosives and ’James, and fourth, Kevin Dona­ the railroads “a headline-orient­ ing, never offered one previous acquisition of Case Mt. sum is HUD’S 50 per cent share object to an additional bond ^nust be in his office by Aug. 10. tended to blow up half the city carrying out the many summer Manager T er^ Sprenkel. "The sabotage have been common 4-H activities. hue. ed statement.” word concerning railroads, and It was the consensus of for purchasing ITS.sXacres of issue in November, and might, • ghute said the french oper- of Chicago, gang members will­ largest crowd, over 700, used since the Boulder, Colo., confer­ M s responslblUUes include Th prettiest, first, John Stanley claims his opponent is doing it now only to appear the Board of Directors, at watershed land. Under\(ederal consequently, defeat other bond present dump on ingly provided 1,10 0 pounds of the area on July 7,” he said. to be in step with the times.” dynamite at about for each ence in 1968 . . . . ” helping the Fair Association of­ Bochlno; second, Louis Rosen; In the upcoming Democratic an informal meeting last grants for open space afcqulsl- Issues scheduled for referendum ^outleday Rd. is nearing com- $50 Veteran’s Memorial Park has Flows on smoothly— primary, John Pickett, spoke Promising to present a full two-pound stick, an Illinois in­ In separate action Tuesday, ficers and directors, assisting third, Linda Anderson, and ight with representatives O lai pletion and further retrenching had some improvements during out on the "possible need to scale report, on the entire rapid vestigator testified. Secretary of the Interior Walter dairy and livestock clubs and fourth, David lOU. no brush marks. Of the Town Consei-vation ° ^ ^pauiding - will cause a serious problem in the past year. A sediment basin nationalize the railroads,” and transit presentation within the Charles Siragpisa, chairman of Hickel announced details of an leaders and the county and the For the funniest, first, Peter , „ . , _ ...... R eaeh ... $...... *ave provided the 50 per cent available space for .sur- administration bill to control was installed, the land was re­ • Covers most surfaces called for a complete study of next two "weeks, Stanley favors Commission, that, should 200,000 the Illinois Crime Investigating youth exchange committee. James; second, Jimmy Kup- a "fast, modem, direct line contoured and trees and grass in one coat. the rail transportation system. the State Legislature fail Xhe 25 per cent town-cost f^eral share and the 25 per Commission, said two of the sales of high explosives and The county 4-H fair wlU be chunos third, Steven Donahue, route with fast, clean, on time, planted. Picnic tables and a This statement, according to to take favorable action on factor is what moved the board cent state share \v*th their ^ ^ o , j three men arrested last October punish bombers. held at the Agricultural Center, aind fourth, Jeanne Donahue. air-conditioned trains that will new playground area have also • Odorless. Stanley is "in keeping with my the acquisition, the town last night to press for state ac- taxes. We should get our present site was donated as they were delivering the dy­ The proposed law would re­ R t 80, Vemon, Aug. 21, 22 and Most unusual, first, Melissa speed people from Boston to been added to the park. A dam opponent’s reactionary nature then will apply for federal quisltion. Under the terms of share.” ’ namite, blasting caps.and plas­ quire federal licensing of explo­ 28. Jenkus; second, Susan Hyman; and with his great desire to New York in less than two was erected on one end of • Fast dry: high gloss. funds for the purchase. a federal grant, even if approv- Deputy Mayor David Odegard ® Inonvert^d^mtn tic explosives were members of sives manufacturers and deal­ Applications are being accept­ third, David HIU, and fourth, speak out on every issue, wheth­ hours.” The 1971 request will mark ed, the town’s share for Case commented, “There are people ana converted into a land- Spring Pmd to keep out the the gang. He said the third man ers, positive identification of ed for the International Farm Steve Falletti. • Use it inside or out— er he is familiar with it or not.” "The construction of this new the third time the proposal will Mt. acquisition could be as high all over the country sajring the oper^ion because of a new buyers, and safe, theft-proof “murkey swEimp debris” and to True to life, first, Lisa Kup- railroad concept would also was a low-ranking m em ber of a Youth Exchange. Tliey will be for furniture, appliances, As chairman of the Port Au­ have been presented to the Gen- as $200,000, without Improve- same thing.’’. ’ storage of dynam ite and other retain the natural pool. chunos; second, Hturold serve the purpose of putting crime syndicate. reviewed by the committee In fences, garden furniture. thority Study Commission State eral Assembly. A 1967 bill, call- ments and maintenance costs. Dr. Spaulding said that an- Officials are hard put to find potential bomb components. Mayor Howard Fitts, at the Bochlno; third, Scotty TTue, Sen. Stanley has been a long­ vast numbers of unempli yec! Testifying before the Senate’s September. ing for a $425,000 appropriation Under state acquisition, the other possibility for raising the another location since nobody C rim inal use of explosives Town Council meeting this time advocate of rapid rail to work." A secondary benefit Investigations subcommittee, Young men or women, 20 to and fourth, Diane True. ' Tough, durable finish. for a state park of 273 state would be responsible for lown’s 25 per cent share, if HUD wants a town dump anywhere and trafficking in stolen explo­ week, coihmended the public All playgrounds were closed • NON-TOXIC transit and has endorsed the would allow "the taxpayers to acres, died in committee and improvements, mainte- approves a grant, c6\ild be un- near his property, Siragusa said caches of dyna­ 80 years of age, with a high sives would become federal of­ workers for their part in mak­ today because of a trip to Bos­ • Wide range of fade- New England Reg^ional Com­ save money in the construction was not reported out for a vote, nance, policing, and fire pro- tier a campaign of public con- Interest has narrowed down mite under control of the gang school education and a knowl­ fenses carrying maximum pen­ ing Veteran’s Memorial Park ton by some 70 boys and girls. mission’s concept of a direct of highways by attracting an In 1969, a bill was introduced tection, at no cost to the town, tributions. He conceded the pro- to a gravel bank on Rt. 6 now have been seized by police in edge of rural life, may apply, resistant colors. Hubbard, Ohio, and in Buffnio, alties of 10 years in prison and a the "envy of surrounding The children attended a Red line rapid rail system between important number of passen­ which asked for a $530,000 ap- Dn. Fred Spaulding, conser- cosal might not get off the owned by the state, a natural A delegrate spends from five towns.” gers to the new railroad and N.Y., w here he said 4,000 sticks $10,000 fine. Sox baseball game at Fenway Providence and New Haven. propriation for acquiring 212 vation commission chairman. round, because of the high lar a dump site as the sand and to seven months abroad living Arts and Crafts "Ten years ago I recognized away from highways,” Stanley acres of Case Mt., also for a said last night he is against figure needed an"l because of gravel need not be trucked in of dynamite were taken from with rural famlUes in different Park. the transportation problem and concluded. two men. The South Windsor Recrea­ state park. state acquisition. He said he cue lack of personnel to conduct as it is at the present dump. Al- parts of the host country. Any­ tion Department has announced ('alled Unrealistic favors town acquisition, even at tne drive. though selectmen have been in " ‘The Chosen Few’ motorcy­ Animals Immune one interested may contact the (Manchester Evening Herald arts and crafts scheduled for South WTndsor Correspondent The Legislature’s State De- Ibe estimated cost to the town. jg owned by Mrs. I°ueb with state officials re- cle gang, which operates out of ST. LOUIS (AP) — If the St. 4-H office on Rt. 30, Vemon, for the remainder of the summer Barbara Varrlok, Tel. 644-8274. Vemon velopment Committee, after a H® said that, in his opinion, ^(orothy Beach, Wells Dennison garding the problem, they say Youngstown, Ohio, was contin­ Louis Zoo doesn't pay it’s water more Information. at the playgrounds. public hearing, recommended Ibe state, if it bought Case Mt. Robert Denni.son. Mrs. *be state is not interested in ually involved with the sale and bill the animals will get water Hu’ee girls from Tolland They are: possession of explosives,” Sira­ that a $50,000 item be included ^pr a state park, might estab- Heach owns 50 per cent. The parting with the property at the but the people won’t. Water County wlU attend the 4-H ClU- Tomorrow, copper pictures; gusa said. Gentle Sex I2tfi Circuit Court Session in the state’s omnibus bonding 'lab undesirable activities there gi^^er two own 25 per cent each, moment. Commissioner Conway Briscoe zendiip Converence to be held July 27 Euid 26, sand painting; bill, to be spent on "a feasibili- — auch as a network of roads, Mrs. Donahue Visit "The gang apparently operat­ NEW DEUR (AP) — The In­ F avor Town AcqiiiHition said Tuesday .as he demanded at the national 4-H Center in July 29 and 30, paper weights ty study” of the proposed pur- parking lots, camp si'es, rccre- The first of a series of coffee ed an interstate racket of steal­ dian government has “sympa­ Ctverflows Outside Building that a bill of $26,078 be paid by Washington July 28 through and paint on wood; Aug. 3 and chase. saTdTha^Tffer conv^rs^rors h°“rs for Mrs. Alphonsus Don- ing explosives from hardware Aug. 3. Aug. 1. thy toward the gentle sex” but The recommendation was activities, he said, might neces- ^ ^ggjj j^e stores, construction companies, 4, macaroni craft and tissue cannot refrain from arresting I r ^ ^ e of the lengthiest circuit B reach of peace^^ charges in oUnfn Z t — . with the owners, he came away ' The zoo board began battling Karen Allison, Vemon, Karen adopted and the $50,000 was sitate ^e removal of many borne of Mrs. Albert Hadiglan mines and quarries.” the city on the price of water craft; Aug. 5 and 6, bead work, them when women indulge in E. A. Johnson Paint Co. Person, Andover and Nancy court ^^kets to date in Rock- unrelated cases resulted in fines provided. However, Donald C. trees. The town’s object, he ex- convinced that the three would go^go belts and modeAs; Aug. 10 agitations, a government like to- see the town acquire Hemiequin Rd Siragusa said his agents posed when rates were raised last Rychling, Hebron, will join wltta 723 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER ville 113 {arsons were scheduled of $35 for Joseph C. Bray, 20, Mathews, the director of the plained, is to keep the area in and 11, leather craft; Aug. 12 spokesman told Parliament. Case Mt. and that they would The coffee hours will be held as members of the Weatherman year. for appeWauice yesterday, of 291 Talcottville Rd., with a State Park and Forest Com- natural state. 89 other 4-H teens from Con­ About 13 of wese did not appear charge of resisting arrest noll- all over the state and are spon- necticut to attend the Citizen­ mission, questioned the need of Dr. Spaulding said that, after ffrst ^Lfor^arthe'^'toby the D em icratic Wo- and another 3Vcases were con- ed; Ronald Chapman, 20, of "a feasibility study,” called the talking to Mathews, he came first informing the town ^ ship Short Course. Members tinned. Those remaining, with Mountain Rd., Ellington, $25; $50,000 "an unrealistic figure,” away convinced that the latter expects to get a from six other states will also relatives and att^uiieys, added John P. Gottier, 22, of 14 Flor- and didn’t request its release, will never consent to using binder from the owners Mrs. Donahue, accompanied be attending. Strange Catch 11 Oak St. Downtown Manchester - Tel. 643-5171 - Open 9 A.M. up to a lull courtroom Including ence Ave., Ellington, $25 and In mid-1966, the town had ap- state funds for a Case Mt. state September, giving the town by two daughters-in-Iaw, was Dana Adams of the fishing boat Dorothy Betty II out of Portland, Maine, to 5:30 P.M. - Thurs. and Fri. until 9 P.M. - Closeo. Mondays. standing space along the walls, $15 on a substitute charge of plied for federal funds for town park. He said that Mathews had ^n® first option to purchase. The escorted by Mrs. Naomi Ham- SEE THE ALL NEW Photos for Sale holds one of the flipper-like appendages of a strange 65-^und fish caught off I WatkUta. a crowded hallway and a^crowd- failure to yield right of way, ownership of the Case Mt. par- told him the state has 27 areas would extend mer, Democratic state central the Maine coast. Local fishermen believe it may be a species o^ ray, but it does ed sidewalk outside the \build- and David Wilson, 19, of Main cel. The application subsequent- of higher priority than Case Mt. Legislature’s 1971 ses- committeewoman for the 35th HIROSHIMA, Japan (AP)— ing. \ St., Ellington, $26. Sion. district. A former U.S. serviceman is of­ not have the typical whip tail. (AP Photofax) ------^----- Weiss said that neither the About 30 women attended. fering to sell Hiroshima six aer­ Since everyone is due at 10 Other fines imposed were. town nor the owners have ar- Mrs. Joseph Szegda, wife of the ial i^iotographs of the city’s during the night and was down­ most of the midcontinent. Al­ SEMIANNUAL a.m. it means many hot houiX\ Dennis Bergstrom, 23, of Rt. rived at a fixed price for the First Selectman, poured, atomic bombing for $6,000, the Nation’s W eather graded from a hurricane to a though slight warming fanned of standing where it is easy to 8^- Emneton. defective exhaust Three Area Women Display acreage. That determination School Budget FARR’S municipal government said to­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tropical storm early today. The through the Great Plains and FURNITURE miss hearing the summons by system, $16. operating a motor- would come later, he said. The Board of Education is day. Heavy rain drenched a wide storm’s ill-defined center was Into the Midwest, chilly over­ name to appear before the head^^^d/^ce Weiss acknowledged that Ma- working on the school budget FOR ALL YOUR Officials said the price Is too area from Texas to the CaroU- about 60 miles south of Panama night temperatures again pre­ bench, adding another com- protedtion, nolled; Robert L, 85 Paintings in Hartford tnews is against state acquisi- which is expected to be consid- nas today as tropical storm City, Fla., near daybreak. pllcaUon to the legaliUes. LaChane^, 36, of 82 Village St., hlgAi, but they will ask the man vailed in sections of the Great — ji failure td^. grant right of way. Three area women are fea- Mrs. Vogt has shown recentiy Mt. Ho was instruc- crably higher than last year’s, SUMMER FUN NEEDS! —Identified as Elmer Dickson of Becky drifted toward the Gulf (Forecasters wanted of up to 8 Lakes. One man. upon discovering ^ tured artists at the "Three 'n the Connecticut Women ‘’y "higherups” to take the due to increased salaries, trans- lyier, Tex.—^to donate the pic­ Coast and a cold front crept in inches of rain In some parts of Temperatures before dawn court was over late in the after­ Jobs Hill RA-, Ellington, speed­ Women” art show bein^ held Pointer’s Show in Canton and °®"®'-“I Assem- portation and tuition to several FUN AND tures to the city’s museum com­ from the north. the Florida Panhandle and In ranged from 48 at Toledo, Ohio, noon, chased the prosecutor Women art show being held Connecticut Artists *’'y’ overrules Ma- secondary schools local students Lawn ing, $30, and J^erbert H. Neff, SKILL! memorating the bombing on The weather bureau attribut­ adjacent areas of southwestern to 95 at Needles, Calif. right to his oar to let him know thews.” attend. 41, of South Rd\ operating an through Aug. 14 in the main lob- ghow at the Slater Museum in Aug. 6, 1945. ed the downpours to a combina- Georgia as the storm moves in­ he had "been there. Says Chances Better Special clas.ses formerly held unregistered motoi\yehlcle, $10. by of the Hartford Insurance Norwich. She has won numer- Darts Dickson wrote city officials Uo of the two factor;—the sea­ land. The present courtroom in the Also, Peter D. Riddle, 21, of Group, Asylum St., Hartford. ous awards in local shows. Dr. Spaulding remarked that in Rham in Hebron have been that he noticed on a visit in 1966 son’s second tropical storm and Outside the Southeast, numer­ ‘Done Up Brown* Administration Building 1s KgUy failure to''obtain a The exhibit is open to the Mrs. Kingsman has also he doesn’t agree with Weiss’ moved to Rockville and the chil- Our Reg. 3.99 that the museum’s display had a cool air mass that had ous thunderstorms rumbled (When a loaf of bread or a small, but the situation has -motorcycle operator’s license, public from 9 a.m to 4 p.m studied ar‘Th7‘“university“‘o't concerning the Gen- dren attending will be bused no aerial {Aiotos of the explo­ dropped temperatures to record over the Rockies late Tuesday. batch of biscuits is “done up worsened since the deci.sion was jis; prank S. Spaulding, 18, of Monday through Friday. It fea- Hartford Art School and the eral Assembly s overrule of rec- there at an ircrease in cost. 0th- j . X, . ommenrl.atif^n.s bv M ath^”'«; we_ er schools arc W indham Hicrh sion, He said he was a photogra­ July lows in the midcontinent. Hail pelted Bozeman and Bill­ brown,” It is complete, fin­ made two months ago to hold Hurlburt Rd., unnecessary tures some 85 paintings done in Wadsworth A^engum^ She is a Mathews, as directoHchool, Vo-Ag in Lebron and pher for the 20th Air Force at Two-inch rains were common ings, Mont. Two funnel clouds ished, ready to serve. So, when circuit court in Rockville only noise, $10; Frank Wierzshowskl, a varl^ety of media and member of the Sou^ Wmdsor ^^e State Park and Forest Norwich Free Academy, .96 Saipan and Guam during World in sections of Texas, Mississippi were sighted near Salt Lake a project is "done up brown,” twice a month instead of every 38, of 5 Ridgewood Dr., failure categories. Art League, the Manchester Commission, has almost final Principal Richard Kells was War n, but he didn’t say wheth­ and the Carolinas. City. nothing more can be added to week. Resident Judge Nicholas to observe State Traffic Control All three women were stu- Fine Arts Association and the say in matters which concern authorizL to buv laneuaee er he took the pictures. Becky became less organized Fair skies again dominated it. Armentano said he has heard signals, $15, and Raymond L. dents of Peter McClean at the Springfield Art League. funds for state parks. equipment for the reading only rumors that there may be Burns, 24, of Sherry Circle, Tol- University of Hartford Art Mrs. Linton, a member of the Weiss said, "It’s anyone’s center reading inventory tests a change of location, but the land, operating a motorcycle School last year. Tolland County Art Association, guess what the 1971 Legislature ;or the departmentalized grades A new outdoor lawn game for matter has been discussed by without a license, $10, failure to Featured is the work of two received her BS at St. Rose might do. The state is in a tight ;wo sets of World Books mate- the fami ly I Sets up in seconds. OPEN TILL 9 Vernon’s Board of Representa- drive in established lane, $20, women from South Windsor, in Albany, N. Y. Besides study- financial squeeze. However, I fj,,. ^ew grade 1 room an tives which is considering mov- and operating with no head Mrs. Margaret Kingman and ing with McClean, she has also leel that the chances of approv- extra heavy duty swing wall THURSDAY NIGHT Ing the circuit court to the old protection, nolled. Mrs, Mary Jean Vogt, and one studied with Gail Martin and ® Case Mt. State Park is screens, record players and tape CASUAL VILLAGE# MON. thru SAT. Superior Courtroom in the Me- Leon T. Pine, 48, of 30 Nye from Rockville, Mrs. June Lin- Roy Superior at the University better now than in previous ses- recorder Giant Pop-Tent, 9:30 to 5:30 morial Building. No action has St., was fined $20 on a charge ton. ■ of Hartford Art School. tinrwo!TM ^Iso corkboard installed in 10 MANCHESTER • 956 main facing oak / been taken as yet. ' of being found intoxicated, with Mrs: Vogt received her BA at Mrs. Linton was the recipient more beneficial for tables, musical in- save There were five bindovers to charges of breach of peace and Principia College and has of the "New Talents” Award acouisition T hate to “spo siruments, flagpole and lettering by highter courts with hearings for operating under the influence studied at the Wadsworth at Plaza 7 and has also shown „noortiinitv nass T rnrnmmena o'! ‘be school for a total cost of THERMOS probable cause waived in all of intoxicating drugs or liquor Atheneum as well as at the recently at the Connecticut Art- approaching the General Assem- WE ACCEPT on cases. John L. Breneman, 23, of nolled. University of Hartford. ists Show in Norwich. She has biy again.” " Approval for the purchase of CHARGE CARDS . .. White Rd., Ellington, was bound A charge of breach of peace She is presently serving as .shown in the Tolland County Art q-j,g consensus of the board television sets was denied. over on a charge of Indecent I^y assault was transferred to president of the South Windsor Association’s shows and won a was to try for state asquisition ------assault on which he was arrest- juvenile court for Gary T. Poz- Art League and teaches three number of awards. She is a re- first. If the try falls, the town Manchester Evening HehaUI ed May 5. Three $15 and one zato, 17. of 21 Echo Dr. children’s classes for the porter for the Manchester Her- will apply for HUD funds, the •.Columbia correspondent Virgin- SLIPCOVERS $10 fine on motor vehicle Nolles were granted to David League. aid. directors agreed. ia Carlson, tel. 2‘28-9224. B' DIamalar - avs' High charges were remitted because A Cordner, 30, of Rt. 6, Coven- aiseps Four Adults Breneman is presently in prison I’^y’ *l6fective brakes; Leonard ENJOY MORE FAMILY FUN. The Giant Pop-Tent DRAPERIES serving a sentence he received •I“i'''l8. 22, of 1238 Hartford Camper erects in two minutes - has all the conveni­ last month in Tolland County breach of peace; Russell ence of the regular Pop-Tent and is roomy enough to Superior Court. A charge of Ea*'^- I®- °I Irene D r., im- sleep four adults! Treated fabric of 7.68 oz. High Count operating under suspension was Pr°Per right turn; Linda boat sail drill is water repellent and treated to prevent REUPHOLSTERY Levesque of Crystal Lake, Every Chevrolet mildew. Ronald Strano Jr., 19. of 10 Allen Dr., was bound over on roadway and Maurice JUG AND ICE CHEST The slipcovers, draperies or re-upholstering charges of breaking and enter- f « Franklin COMBINATION you choose at Watkins are custom made, just ing with criminal Intent and ” Improper left turn. fHERMDs. for you. You select your fabrics from the REVOLUTIONARY larceny over $2,000 in connec­ listed here is lower “PosxrrzinEF’’ \ ' WOMENS SLIPCOVERS largest selection in this area and Watkins tion with the theft of a safe enStsmanship is the finest you’ve ever seen. from the Rockville Memorial Public Records i n s u l a t i o n Draperies and slipcovers are installed when Nursing Home on June 11. Warrantee Deed When your sofa and chairs become shabby, Hugh C. and Shirley Veil to delivered to insure perfect fit! So, start your Eddie L. Bums of Hartford A $34.45 covering worn, Watkins custom-made slip­ decorating today, and save! was bound over to Tolland ^ “'^nd L. and Joyce R. Sever- priced than other FAMOUS MAKE SHOES covers will transform them into smart, color­ County Superior Court on a ance Jr., property at 130 Bryan VALUE ful pieces once again. charge of theft of a motor ve­ D r., conveyance tax $31.35. Executor’s Deed hicle, and Frank F. Strehlan of First, you choose your fabrics from a collec­ .... . , . Marjory C. Lindsay, estate Ashford was bound over to charlotte J. Gouldf to Doris both for • POSITE3MP insulation—high-effi­ \ 0 tion of prints and correlated solid colors that comparable models! ciency foamed urethane DRAPERIES Win^am County Superior l . Gorsch, property at N. Lake- are pre-shrunk, vat-dyed, and treated with •Bas.ed on manufacturers’ suggested retail prices for comparable models, . Atherlite liner—tough, sanitary, Scotchguard® or Zepel* ifor soil repellency. Court on charges of possession wood Circle, conveyance tax including federal excise tax and suggested dealer new vehicle preparation charges. leakproof of marijuana and possession of $33.30. • Atherlite base—will not rust, Then the fabrics are skillfully cut and pinn^ To make sure your new draperies will fit, controlled drug. A charge of re- Trade Name corrode or chip right on the pieces in your home. Your slip­ each window is measured down to a fraction celving stolen goods was nolled Michael E. Foley, William C. Impala Sport Coupe, 6-cyl. Brookwood Wagon-2-seat . Enameled steel upper section covers are hand crafted with handmade of an inch. and lid for rugged durability PER PAIR and bond of $l,50o reinstated. Baker and Lorraine L. Baker, welts, and self welted for added beauty. Box Fabrics can be selected right in your home L. Nelson and Sons Trucking doing business as Foley-Baker Impala Sport Coupe, V8 Monte Carlo Coupe • Light in weight, easy to handle • Chrome plated hardware with or ki(^ pleats are precisely tailored. Slip­ from exciting collection of imported linens, Co. of East St., was fined $213 Enterprises, Buckland. other Ice Chests covers are then placed on your sofa and on a charge of operating an Building Permits Impala Sport Sedan Chevelle Sport Coupe, 6-cyl. attached bottle opener .VP'’ colorful cottons, elegant traditional patterns F rom 99c -S ize 13% X 22 x 12%: s F chairs when delivered as a final check for overloaded vehicle. Public Sign Service for Vin- and co-ordinated solid colors to fit every dec­ to $29.97 hoidh 40 12-oz. bottles. 70 lbs. of perfect fit. Charges of breach of peace cent’s Food Haven, 6x6 foot Impala 4>Door Sedan, S-cy!,. Chevelle Sport Coupe, V8 ice, * food tray, drain. I f ’ * ' orating theme. were substituted for larceny un- projecting sign at 999 Main St., Impala 4-Door Sedan, V8 Malibu 4-Door Sedan, V8 *The low Smni-Annual kale prices below in­ Your draperies are made with the finest der $50 for two teen-agers S200. •. clude fabric and labor for (1) Sofas up to 78 sateen linings, hand finished hems and head­ charged with attempUng to take Stanley Bellefleur for Stephen Impala Convertible Malibu Sport Sedan, 6-cyl. 4 PLAYER BADMINTON SET inches with two or thre cushions and (2) ings, and with weights at seams and comers. a tire from a gas station. Hie F4’I®tz,- enclose porch at 707 one-cushion chairs. There is a slight ad­ boys, Allen Berube, 18, of 40 Rd.. $350. ORIGINAL PRICE TO $20.00 dition^ charge for the extra fabric required Olcott St., Manchester, and . Albert Rizzo Inc. for Subur- Kingswood Wagon-2-seat Malibu Sport Sedan, V8 COMPLETE WITH 8 0 9 9 NET AND POST ‘ £, for wing and channel back pieces. Arm caps Dale Ransom, 17. of 104 Home- Development Corp., 60x26 KIngswood Wagon-3-seat Malibu Convertible, 6-cyl. are extra. stead St.. Manchester, each re- ♦.eived $40 fines. Townsman Wagon-3-seat Malibu Convertible, V8 RE-UPHOLSTERING

Townsman Wagon-2-sGat, V8 Concours W agon-2-seat, 6-cyl. •COAST GUARD APPROVED $ 2 ' 59 Regul ar $108.50 In order that your rebuilt sofa and chair will LIFE VESTS UP SALE STARTS THURS. JULY 23RD. be as good as new . . . or even better . . . they SOFA, up to ...... 8995 are stripped to the frames and loose jointe All of these Chevrolets are lower priced to begin with. • SURF-RIDERS • SWIM FINS reglued. Bases are rewebbed and coil springs And now that America’s back on Chevrolet Savings Time, your Chevrolet BITUMINOUSl • WATER BASKET BALL COMPLETE SELECTION of SPRING and SUMMER FASHIONS Regular $166.25 lumd tied eight ways. New fillings are added dealer is more anxious than ever to make owning one easy. Putting you first, keeps us first. as needed, fabrics carefully cut and matched, • BABY POOL SEAT $4.97 All Women's Sandals— V2 PRICE! . SOFA and CHAIR ... 13995 seams and waitings custom .sewn and exposed DRIVEWAYS frames polished. Parking Areas • Gas Stations o Basketball Courts Clearance savings now. Now Booking for Summer Work Regular $225.50 There just isn’t a better way to make uphol­ PLACE YOUR OBJDER NOW BECAUSE OF A stered furniture. Watkins superb workman­ If PRICE INCREASE SOON TENTS — SLEEPING BAGS SOFA and 2 CHAIRS ... 18995 ship insures the finest re-upholstery you’ve All Work Pentonaily Supervised. We Are 100% Insured. YbuVebackon AIR MATTRESSES — COTS 3 DAYS ever seen. DeMAIO BROTHERS 2 MAIN ST. BE EARLY! CALL 443-7591 FARR'S MANCHESTER IDOWNTOI Call 643-S171 for ShoprAf-Home Service Formerly Manchester Surplus Sales Co. FOR BEST SELECTION Chevrolet SavingsTime. O PEN DAILY TO 9 :00 P.M . — TEL. 643-71U MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX aiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C»NN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 ■ f Under the Mushroom Cloud; ‘stirrer-uppers’ involved in each younger scientists, some' of chalm an, “ with no scientific Appointed Deputy one of the meetings.” whom might be a Uttte bit on background or competence.” LONDON (AP) — Hie itov. ’’llia t is a good name, ’stirr­ the extremist .'Side vdio seem to “ None whatsoever,’’ replied Dodd T ell Hospital Phone Democratic Robert Jeffery, SI, has been ap­ er-uppers,” agreed Holifield. always be talking on matter be­ Ramey, whose degree is in law. Hearing Set Aug. 4 pointed acting deputy to Bishop The telephone number for Ramey described them in yond their professional Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Rivals Agree AEC Reacts Badly to Criticism competence. .” John Howe, Executive Officer o t H is Plans more detail as "Gentlemen the Anglican (tommunion. The tal ' was changed a few from some 'paper 'conservation Then Holifield added, “ a cer­ Traffic Through Locks On Water Rate Hike mfonths ago, but too late to Rev. Jeffery, who will be hosed On Thursday On the W a r organizations that you can hard­ tain number of book writers, The ^ u lt Ste. Marie locks in London, has spent moat o t Us The Manchester Board o f Directors is schedulingr a be listed correctly in the new ly find an address for, to per­ too, of sensational books.” phone books. The hospital From a Pollution-Weary Public handle 14,000 ship passages dur­ ministry in the Province of the DANBURY, Conn., (AP) — sons associated with the coal in­ Yes, agreed R^mey, "they public hearing Aug. 4 on a proposed rate increase for OLD LTME, Conn. (AP) — number is 646-U22. ing an average eight-month Church of South Africa. He is a users of town water. It was the consensus of the board The three Democratic candl- ‘ dustry who always seem to be are usually journalists and pub­ shipping season. The locks raise canon o f Capetown and has been An informcMl. source said today around these days. lic relations men.” last ziight that the increase, estimated to }deld an addi- dates for the U.8. Staiate ships 21 feet from the level of Warden of Zoimebloom College that Sen. 'thomas J. Dodd will produces only Martell said that at a meeting tern for lack of fire breaks, use "Second, there is a group of "That is right,” said the Lake Huron to Lake Superior. ttonal $220,000 annutdly to the ----- ' ------squared off before a youthful since 1960. water department, is neces- ing^ about 4,800 cubic feet of wa- announce at a news conference Manchester oontury. Now pieces o f warheads for inclusion Feb. ,10 among people from the of flammable material In the sary to finance a $2 million ter a quarter year, 'Thursday that he will run for audience here ^ 'Tuesday night its acuvltes are under increas- elsewhere In a completed weap- AEC, Dow and the (Colorado shielding, and placement of heat and found one area of agree­ tag scrutiny as environmental on, so there Is no danger of a committee, he learned for the bond' issue for distribuUon and l,ast Hike in loss re-election as an independent, Hospita] Notes detectors outside the gloveboxes quality water improvements. He said that water rates have" ment-opposition to the war In concern Increa es. This first In- nuclear explosion there. first time there had been anoth- today. where they were comfortably The $2 mlUion capital Im- *>een increased in the past few Vietnam. stallment of a four-part series But there Is considerable de- er major fire at Rocky Flats to insulated from the heat generat­ vnixiNO HOVBi “ The war will only end, at provement program, to be Im- years by almost all water com­ Dodd's office said the from Qfe AP Special Assign- bate about the danger, parUcu- 1966. He also was told machine ed by the fire toside the boxes. conference would be at 10:30 n.n^*Md 4^ ^ . leglalative action ment Team tells how the AEC larly to workers, of . oil contaminated by plutonium plemented over a five-year perl- pnnles in the area. Manchester's Dow officials say a brand new od, was recommended in the increase was in 1955, and has coped with some of this dls- Plutonium ra^oactivity is not had been stored In barrels out- rfe’ T-' December 1968 Water Study Re- betore then in the I920’s, he Hilton Hotel in Hartford. s®nt. penetrating, unlike that of many * 0*at country by dirtot- secrecy and personal attack. vdiich still has half Its radioac- of the federally financed center "Die poet-fire action of Ollier’s %• n it* •••’. garding his decision, but he ... $142,000 in yearly income. for about $2 million. It had been Criticism over Intertwining is­ Uvity after 24,400 years, was for atmospheric research, and office to forcing plant officials The proposed $2 million bond expected that a referendum gave no firm Indication which o S 'V 'S ^ T m n T ” “ “ Phonsus J. Donahue, the sues of pollution, radiation. blowing around outside the said he planned to fotmally to work with outside groups and issue would provide an estimat- would be held Nov. 3 for a bond path he might choose. Agi^uimtS’: 10 in maternity, party-e^jdowed can^dato, ^ health and safety is arising worried Dr. complain because he felt It was agencies resulted, according to ed $1,203,000 for water-quality issue for the purchase. However, 'The New Haven Journal Cour­ 12 to other arena, no limit in troop :^thdrawal mte from both the emerging concern E. A. Martell, a member of the Immoral for people in one g;ov- Siek, in his office getting full . 2 ^ < ; * improvements, $486,000 for dis- an inventory of the holdings ier said today that it learned adf-aerdoe speeded up. “ I, like all of you over environment and the inher­ private (Tolorado Committee for ernment agency to spy on an- AEC cooperation. Health offl- tributlMi improvements, $253,- and appraisal figures of the from informed sources 'Tuesday aeu aem oe. _____ rmffey, want the 2 ent conflicts in the .AEC's dual Envlronmental Information. other. dais are now being cleared for 000 for peak-load accommoda- value are not ready. The dead- that Dodd would announce his The admlnlstmtlon reminds ®^er fast," he role as promoter and regulator Martell, a West Point gradu- Examination of the contaml- access to seiuitive plant areas. tions, and $8,000 for supply im- line date for board action on decision to run as an inde­ visitors that witii constmctlon be added "I am for s^cturtag of atomic energy. ate, had been associated with imted soil continued and finally President Nixon’s reorganiza­ provements. proposed Nov. 3 referendums pendent "within 24 to 48 hours.” imd>,r way. parting spaoe is toe antiwar arguinent a UtUe The bureaucratic devices used nucleeir weapons testing from everyone agreed that the pluto- tion ot environmental cmitrol Dodd declined comment on limited. Visitors are asked to differently.'' Donahue did not fimction chips away at one area The estimated $220,000 added ...... by the agency to counter the its earliest days until 1962. nium came from the oil spill annual income to the water de- .^ e is s s^d l^ t night, "We that report. bear with the liospttal while the elaborate. .. ___ New senior scientist on the *’®ther than the 1969 fire. When where critics say AEC’s atomic parting ptoUem ezlata. ‘be d eb a te^ fore toe dissent are heightening some partment would finance the (in our water When the veteran of 12 yecu's buiiuwDiwBs and threatening the National Science *^® leaked, the pUto- promotion and regulation duties In the Senate pulled out of the Danbury Young Democrata, controversies conflict. P ^ p l e and interest i^yments % “ ’i s r r ^ ral^s.” ^" the A ^ - T reputetion f r ^ c t f F^dati^’s Center for Atmos- s^ng“lto^ Democratic race in mid-June, Marcus repeated the chaige that for tae $2 mlUlOT bond issue, ^^^ng last night's discussion, Patients Today: 276 hla opponents are inexperienced Under the plan to go into ef­ to Town Manager Deputy Mayor David Odegard It was apparent he could not tiflc obj^tivlty. a^ 'eT recalll^ t in ^ “ ^oracr^ss tlTlSfts^m fect later this year, AEC’s au­ ADMj.'lT'El> YES'TERDAY: government affairs and of- The ABC has the worst pub- ^ congressional “ '® carried an undeter- 2 win the endorsement of his own 1962 he told thority to set standards for the ...... u * remarked, “ We have many Fred L. Bellows, WUUmantlc; jgred to give them advise on lic relations since the storm mined amount beyond the plant night that the expenditures ahead of us party two weeks later. Hans W. Bertram, 470 Adams basics of legislation and a committee that nuclear weap------'7 — protection of the general envi- Tliat nomination is still imde- troopers,” commented one nntnlV boundary. M^iOOO added annual re i^ u e —school improvements, road- St.; Mrs. Doris R. Brown. Hart- guided tour of the State Capitol, scientist. ons testa In Navada were an Im­ romnent from radioactive mate­ from sewage fees is a definite ways, sidewalks, storm sewers, cided. To prevent further windblown rial would be transferred to the ford; Mrs. Nyla J. Carlin, Wind- i hear one more time how Many AEXl officials are work­ portant contributing factor to i , ,. need, if the sewer department purchase of the Manchester Endorsed candltote Alphon- sor Locks; Mrs. Emily M. Cal- important it is to hold pubUc of- radioactive Iodine Llout which c^tanilnatlon, ^ w covered the new Environmental Protection ing to change that image. But oil spill area with asphalt. is to avert an estimated $100,- ^ater Co. I wonder if it is the 8U8 Donahue of S j^ f o r t was vano. 378 Tunnel Rd., Vernon; flcrbefore going to the Senate, was showing up In milk and Agency. many others provide ample evi­ A Dow spokesman said he (XW deficit in the current fiscal proper time to raise water rates SUB Donahue of Stanford was Mrs. Florence E. Cole, 83 Park- mst going to cry,” Donahue then in the thyroid glands of dence of how that negative Im­ thought that eventually the soli The ABC would retain respon­ now ?"^ challenged by State Sen. Edward er St.; Tlieresa A. Dion, 86 ^ trip through the children. age developed. —^which will be contaminated sibility for Implementing and He said that the added reve- He recommended that more L. Marcus and the Rev. Joseph garter St.; Mrs. Alva M. Dou- capitol isn’t going to help me ‘When the May 11, fire was For example: for 46,0(X> years—^would be enfordng the standards, howev­ ^ to the sewer departm^t emphasis should be placed on Duffey of Hartford after each cette, 22 S. Alton St.; Mrs. Bar- bit.” flrst ^ c e d It was jurt a Ut- a i r ^ ^ e T to er. wUl ^ sufficient to cover ta- 3^,^ individual of them polled more than 20 bara A. Doyon, 156 Wells St. —In Denver, a state public "I came here to debate the tie affair,” MarteU said. " L a t e rAEC------nuclear waste - -burial Another reorganization plan creased maintenance costs ____ i- per cent of the convention vote. Alos, Robert B. EHain, 35 Issues,” Duffey told the audi­ health service rfficer says when u came out It was $46 to'$80 mU- ’ presented to Nixon by a presi­ when the Secondary 'Treatment have lived with them for many Maixsus and Duffey decided Bunce Dr.; Mrs. Irene M. ence of about 3(», “ and not to he asked the A E C about reports Honnon nnrtand invoi^A/iInvolved na huge sum of .I ' „ dential task force imder direc­ Plant is ready for operation. Victory Smile Evans, 146 Union St., Rockville; plutonium had been found In the plutonium.” Martell still isn’t convinced . . , , years.” as opposed to massive to force the first statewide trade insults and accusations.” that anyone knows with certain- tion of Roy Ash, former presi­ about a year from now He said improvements to the entire svs- Mrs. Murielle P. Fletcher, soli outside a nearby weapons Membera of the Colorado en- Six-year-old Anthony Liporace of North Adams, Mass, flashes his victory Democratic primary In the ty that all plutonium stayed on dent of Litton Industries, report­ he is convinced that the reve- g^,^g problems Storrs; Mrs. Gloria Gagne, 67 manufacturing facility, “ they vlronmental smile as he displays prize catch on frog hunting expedition. (AP Photofax) state’s history, which will be committee asked the plant site during the two edly would have shifted AEC nue ^ m users, added to the g^,g„ ^g^^g flrgtlpd p,a„ Wadsworth St.; Kenneth I. just said they’d rather not dis­ held Aug. 19. Britain Presses Dow officials if plutonium might major fires. He also is disturbed weaxxms respoiuibiUties to the rate Increase, will be si^lclent improvements for future us- Irish St., 85 Durant St.; Gordon cuss it at that time.’’ have gotten into the air and car­ Pentagon. to operate the expanded sew- ^^g I. Johnson Jr., 197 (Center St.; that Dow doesn’t know how ToUand Tax Payments —Drs. John Gofman and Ar­ ried, like fallout, beyond the much plutonium was involved in But AEC Chairman Dr. Glenn age system. Explains Projects Mrs. Monique A. Kenlson, Boy­ Dock Workers thur Tamplin of the Lawrence plant boundaries. the oil spill and thus can’t know Seaborg says: “ I believe those The consensus of the dlrec- O’NpIII explained that the ma­ The Manchester tax collec­ Connecticut er Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Irma A. To Move Food Radiation Laboratory in Liver­ “ They put us off," recalls how much blew off the plant recommendations have been by­ ters last night was for Imple- ior projects In the $2 million pro- tor’s office will be open to 7 Llmberger, RFD 2, Rockville; more, Calif., have attacked fed­ Martell. Thifault Asks State Install p.m. tomorrow and from 8:30 FaUs Short In Roberta F. Lowry, Hartford. grounds. passed,” as have other previous mentation of a rate increase jfram would be for Improving eral radiation exposure Umite So the committee went to major proposed reorganlzaticMis vdilch would cost the average the quality and distribution of a.m. to noon on Saturday, Also, Patrick J. Mooney Sr., LONDON (AP) — Hie British Dow counters that all its tests for the payment of first half Draft Quotas 18 Llndman St.; Michelle Mor­ government pressed the nation’s as far too high. Their theory has Gov. John Love vriio wrote to indicate no plutonium got out of the agency, homeowner, with four ocou- the present supply. A second $2 Posts Along Rt, 30 and Rt. 74 set off an emotional, name-call- ABC Oiairman Glenn Seaborg. and offers a state public health One factor working In the pants, about 27 per cent more million, flve-vear program, rea­ of taxes. ris,-14 Delmont St., Anthony T. striking dockworkers Tuesday HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — tag debate between the AEC Maj. Gen. E. B. Glller, chief of service study to back its claim AEXl’s favor is the close rela- per year. ommended by Oriswold to follow Palenza, East Hartford; Rich­ First Selectman Charles Thl- elk, and the school building Collector of Revenue Ern­ Local draft boards in Xlonnectl- night to handle food cargoes and the two scientists. the weapons division ot the The state report said, "It is tionshlp between the agency and 'Die proposed rate schedule, the one under consideration, est Machell reminded those ard H. Pangretlc Jr., 147B fault told the Board of Select- committee. cut have fallen far short of fill­ Downey Dr.; Beatrice A. Par- with an implied threat to call to —Federal Water Pollution ABC, who has a reputation as our conclusion that no public Ck>ngress,’ Joint Committee on O’Neill explained, would raise would take Into account correc- 1 * t^u4. ..jii Referring to the vandalism of paying In person to bring men last night he will meet ^ , x,_* * i ^ ing their quotas for the first enteau, East Hartford; Stephen the army to do the job. Control Administration officials one of the most open and health hazard now exists from Atomic Energy. One commis- rates for all users — small and tlon of complaint problems, he ** road signs this past weekend, with them all cards and bills An answer from the strlketra large. "It would not dlscrimi- said. with a State Highway Depart- -^i,ault was especially critical five months of the year, but of­ J. Paslow, 846 Tolland Tpke.; to Portland, Ore., hope a presi- cooperative of ABC officials, past releases from the Rocky slMier, James T. Ramey, is the J received in the mall. He cau­ ficials say there may be a re­ was expected today. dential executive .order will en­ told Dow officials to give the Flats plant. It would be Impossl- former staff director of the nate against the smaller user. Mayor Nathan Agostlnelli re- ment official from the Norwich of the stealing of the road sign tioned against bending or Mark A. Polkney, Buff Cap Rd., versal In the near future. Tolland; Alvah L. Sllbey, 943 Harried by rocketing food able them to win a long struggle Colorado group all the informa- hie, however, to estimate any Joint Committee, and It would benefit all — by marked, just before the board office tomorrow afternoon to on the comer of Goose L,ane mutilating the cards and E. Middle Tpke.; Duncan Smith, prices, the government sum­ tlon It requested within security hazard which existed in the In one friendly exchange dur- providing increased water facll- authorized the Aug. 4 public and Anderson Rd. which has bills, explaining that they Maj. Frederick H. Russell, with the Affix; over use of Co­ discuss road problems in town. 51 Elsie Dr.; Mrs. Judith M. moned leaders of the 47,000 UmltatiotM. post.” ing a Joint (Jommltte session, (SI Ities and by providing water hearing, "Raising the water repeatedly been publicized as are prepared for data proc­ the state's manpower chief, said lumbia River water to cool Weiner, 127 Downey Dr.; Kath­ striking longshoremen Tuesday Dow argued that Its filtering Workers handle the volatile Ramey said he had attended for increased fire protection,” rates certainly Isn’t a popular Specifically he will request one of the town’s most danger­ essing. Tuesday local boards fell 213 reactors at Hanford, Wash. For erine A. Zwlck, 35 (Xx)i>er St. and reportedly told them it system had worked—that no plutonium in heavily shielded many hearings on proposals to he said. thing to do. We could postpone the state to install posts and ous intersections. Taxes for the first half of short of their quota of 715 could not allow perishable food years water has carried back b O’Neill said that, under the it two or three years, but even- BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son containers with lead lined buUd nuclear power plants and guide wires along a portion of "Only a very immature per­ the current fiscal year will through May. The quotas are set to rot in holds and on wharves with 11 .™ «h h..t to »dho,.r rate hike luider consideration, tually we would be in a crisis plant boundaries. MarteU disa­ gloves at one end. "there are some professional son could have done this,” he monthly by the National Selec- “ r- while shortages forced house­ Columbia salmon and a small the average homeowner would situation. Rt. 30 by his home, where eight be delinquent if not paid by Grant Hill Rd., Tolland; a greed and suggested that Dow stated, adding If the signs were Aug. 3. Those unpaid by tive Service Headquarters In wives to pay high prices. amount of radioactivity that V' ' S ^ f pay about 10 cents additional “ We have to lace up to the accidents have occurred, and daughter to Mr .and Mrs. Rob­ take soil samples outside the wanted as decorations in then will be subject to an in­ Washington. Jack Jones, general secretary turns up in shellfish at the U ert A. Herold, Alice Dr. plant. per day — 6 cents for increas- problem now. (Conditions can to replace the posts and wires Russell said, however, that the 66 mouth of the river more than ed water fees and 4 cents for only get worse, not better. The homes, used signs could be terest penalty of three-quar­ Coventry; a daughter to Mr. and o* the Transport and General Dow did nottitog. So MarteU HOMES on Rt. 74 near the Caron home. state may erase the shortage ------~ Workers’ Union, said after the 200 miles away. increased sewage fees. He Griswold Repoit is an excellent bought from the state at a very ters of one per cent per Mrs. Richard Kingsley, 3 Coun­ and an associate walked round Thifault will also call for the by the end of the year. "Many meeting, "We were asked if —In Congress, a senator final­ said he was basing his estimate g;ulde to our needs. I will back reasonable cost. month, dating back to July 1. try Lane, Vernon; a daughter the plant one day coUeettog Ut- State Highway Department’s Voter Registration Rilla under $50 must be students are losing their defer­ to Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson, anything might be done by the ly pried loose from ABC files a tle packets of top soU. Tliey WANTED on an average dwelling — us- the proposal.” ments and going into the lA cooperation regarding the re­ Last night’s two-hour voter paid in one installment, Ma- 34% Elm St.. Rockville; a son unions rather than by other three-year-old report from the found the soU east of the plant - . painting or refinishing of the registration session resulted in cnell said. pool” since the school year has to Mr. and.M^s. Donald Ladone, means. We asked for time to National Academy of Sciences contained unexpectedly high TO TRAIN Quarterly Costs for Water Use Cider Mill Rd. underpass. a record number of new voters ended, Russell said. 20 Wetherell St.; a daughter to 8t the problem.” , that sharply criticized AEC han­ concentrations of plutonium. The graffitU painted on the for a two-hour period as 66 new Russell said the shortage heis Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kneeland, Jones warned: “ We are dling of -. MarteU wrote a long memo­ Meter Present Proposed Chiblc Feet walls of 'the underpass have be­ names were added to the voting Manchester Area 78 Glenwood St., South Windsor; aware that the government —Another report that lay hid­ Size In Minimum Minimum Allowed For been caused by ceilings placed randum to Seaborg describing SIDING come increasingly graphic, as ______a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. might want to press troops Into den for a year waimed that un- L Inches Charge lists. on the lottery numbers available his findings as weU as other Charge Minimum Pee part of a growing wave of acts % $4.60 $8.60 , 1,200 Democrats maintained their Coventry Boy, 7, for call. Theceiling rose to 190 Reginald Lewis, Lebanon; a son operation. But this would exac- dergitxmd nuclear explosions misgivings about the operatlcm INSTALLERS % 4.50 8.50 1,200 of vandalism in town. lead with 22 additions to the In July. He said It appears the to M):. and Mrs. William Lewis, erbate toe situation and create can trigger earthquakes. of the Rocky Flats plant. 1 6.00 18.00 1,600 'Thifault read a letter from a party rolls while the Republi- Hurt Slightly In celling will climb no higher 166 Broad St. tension.” For years the ABC has had Robert D. Siek, chief of the New England’s largest siding compiany needs homes for 1% 0.00 30.00 2,400 resident of the Partridge Lane- cans added 15 namesn»a tfito th$»lrtheir _ ™ • i _ than 216 by the end. of the year. IHSCHARGED TESTER- Meat and produce workers the task of selling the public the radiation hygiene section of the factory Installers to train local Installers for the Installation of aluminum, vln^l and steel aiding. 2 12.76 46.00 3,400 Grsmdview Ter. area complain­ party. Despite the closeness of J x U n - I n W l t U U O F Russell speculated that one of DAY: Ix>rl A. Smith, 124 Phoe- voted Tuesday to retose to tam- Idea that there were peaceful Colorado Department of Health, W m 3 20.25 85.00 6,600 ing of the use of “ high power­ the party primaries, 19 new vo- the reasons Connecticut has been St.. Vernon; Daniel R. De- goods i^ o a d ^ by wldlei^ uses for atomic energy. heard about the MarteU memo 4 47.76 140.00 13,276 Last week the nation's truckers Savings May Be Effected By Your Participation ed B-B guns” In the area, The ters still reg;istered Independent Philip Clark, 7. of Bonavlsta having difficulty filling its quota Martin Jr.. East Hartford: °° ° Boni in the shadow of the and caUed kOchael J. Runder- S 75.00 280.00 21,000 ___ 41 declared they would not move In This Program. Charges for water in excess of the cubic feet allowed for complainants, Mr. and Mrs. of either party. Rd., Coventry, was ti%ated at is because the state has had a Laurie E. Starkweather, mushroom clouds that rose over assistant manager of the ' i \ ^ the minimum charges are as follows; Joseph Osuna, named the young The next voter registration Windham Memorial Hospital high number of men enlisting In Starkweather St.; Deanna Lynn for the army, ABC’s Rocky Flats oftice. Squads of soldiers were re­ Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the LIVING VINYL, INC., HARTFORD, CONN. CHARGE PER 100 CUBIC FEET people Involved in an Incident session will be moved up to last night lor cuts and bruises the armed forces, shrinking the Krar, 40 S. Alton St.; Kenneth “ “ o so a ABC fjEiced a public frightened According to Siek, he asked to Existing Proposed which a large thermopane win- Aug. 11 to permit both parties suffered when he hit the side H. Szarek, 8 Evergreen Rd. ported moving into a former discuss the problem and the CALL OOLLBGT 24 HOURS A DAY. pool of men available for the ” ” U.S. Air Force base In Kent by the power science unleashed. 7 DAYS A WEEK For the next first 10,000 cubic feet per dow had to be replaced at the k> register new voters before of a car as he was walking draft, Robert Felice, 144 Highland St.; ABC “ just said they’d lather quarter year 30 cents 31 cents County, 12 miles from the Lon­ After adjusting to the Obvious cost of $225 alter It was broken the Aug. 12 Republican primary along Rt. 31 in Coventry, police Mrs. Ruth E. Tumiensky, 70 potential devastation from nu- not discuss it at this time." For the next 40,000 cubic feet per don docks. An estimated 85,000 Sunderland says he thought 203^525-1151 by the shooting of the B-B g;uns and the Aug. 19 Democratic reported. Governor’s Highway, South cl6ar weapons, the pubUc grad- quarter year 21 cents 28 cents soldiers have been throughout Siek was asking for a copy of r^ . $14 to $32 All to excess of 50,000 cubic feet per The Osunas complained there primary. Police said Clark and an­ Windsor; Daniel Velzquez, RFD uaUy became aware of another I, Ellington; Dennis Kies, Wil- this nation which lives mainly quarter year 12 cents 18 cents was no provision In the local or­ other young boy were walking Cong Amhush hazard: Radiation, the poten- zV ' limantic. on imported food. dinances against the shooting of along the highway on the wrong Meat and fruit prices soared tiaUy deadly rays emitted by ra­ B-B guns In town, and Town side and the injured child was Also, Carol Ann Strong, 17 dioactive material- Senate Staffers Griffin Rd.; Benjamin Melro- as the first nation^ dock strike to€?re swimming in a pool Hebron Counsel Robert King, sitting In apparently walking backwards. Cambodians in 44 years ended its first week. As interest grew in pollution m witz. East Hartford; Mrs. Eva on last night's meeting, stated As he turned around he walked There are practically no re­ and the environment, attention Probe Trouble , (Continued from Page One) B. Banks, East Hartford; Mark the complainants have recourse into the side of a car driven by serves of fresh fruit available focused on the growing nuclear T. Entwistle, 13 Crestwood Dr.; Nancy Rychling Selected through the state laws against Terrance Nichols, 57, of Flan­ for markets. industry and the minute quanti­ In New Bedford leave the wounded because they Edward J. Slegski, 119 Bolton of famous name swimsuits destruction of property. This Is ders Rd., Coventry, police said. could not carry them all. They At Smlthfield Meat Market to ties of radiation going liito the a criminal and civil matter, he NEW BEaDFORD, Mass. (AP) St.; Mrs. Martha B. Andei’son, Nichols, according to police. London—one of the world’s big­ air and streams. Was this the For National 4~H Parley said, and the parents of the Four officials of the U.S. Sen- applied his brakes as did a sec- ^til^^tlwv Talcottville; Mrs. Margaret D. gest—some meat carcasaea first stage of a new and pairtic- youngsters Involved are subject Committee on Government ond car behind him driven by reached Hiahwav 4 where Cam. Calvert, 26 W. Middle Tpke.; went up 9 cents a pound. Nancy Rychling of Basket- Smallpox immunization and ularly deadly form of pollution? to responsibility for the actions Operations have begun an Inves- Robert Stetson, 32, of West bndian trooos are earrisoned Cindy J. Goodale, 74 Neill Rd., A spokesman for the National shop Rd. has been selected to pre-school physical examina­ (Questions like these arose STOtiS OP up to $1,500 If they are minors, ligation of the causes of four willington. A tlUrd car, driven jjjg Qonvov was trvin? to car- Rockville. Federation of Fruit and Potato • ALEXA • BEACH PARTY • BEACH MATES • IN attend the National Club Con­ tions are necessary prior to en­ about activitieB the .ABC spon- Even the local constables could nights of stone throwing, looting by Patricia Rose of Hickory ry suDDlies to the soldiers ficht- Also, Mrs. Ingrid A. Metell Trades said, “ Importers have gress in Oiicago in November trance to school. and daughter, Willimantic; Mrs. so n : • JANTZEN • ROBBY LEN • ROXANNE make the arrest, he added. and burning earlier this month. Dr., Coventry ran into the rear jjjg niateau which has virtually nothing left.” Are nuclear power plants a as a state winner In the 4-H Also, parents and the family Carole A. Brown and daughter, Further Reductions The selectmen aD (AP) — Vice liquid to a safer s c ^ form? There will be 4-H members necessitate the services of a dump. The Mcdellan committee in- sented in East Hartford CSrcult were resisting Cambodian ef- Sbona said he based his de­ President Spiro T. Agnew says, Do - tinderground nuclear (DSL, Sportswear, all atoree) from six other states attending. clergyman, parishioners are re­ He will serve until Nov. 23, vesUgators conferred for more Court 12 today, and the other forts to sweep the resort. cision on a report that one “ I believe that an avowed Com­ blasts trigger earthquakes? 1971, with the appointment sub- than two hours with Mayor scheduled to be pre. leg. $12 to $22 Mias Rychling has been a 4-H quested to contact Hedley Hill, Col. Sar Hor, deputy miUtary rabbit housed at the zoo became munist______. . . shouldn’t^ tedch aany- a ,- Why did tile -ABC choose Am- member for elgjit years, carry­ senior warden, for information. ject to revocation at the discre- George Rogers Tuesday. Nei- in Rockville (Jittiult commander of Kompoiq; Speu entangled in a wire fence euid where to a tax supported school chitka, an earthquake-prone ing v^etables, floweis, horse, Conservation Meeting tlon of the Board of Selectmen, ther the mayor nor the federal Court 12 on Aug. 4. Province, said planes would had to be rescued by a zoo vlsl- or a private school or anywhere -Aleutian Island, for the biggest food preservation, natural sci­ The Conservation Commission No salary is connected with officials would comment on ------carry supplies to the men on the tor—when no attendant was /on . . . in this country.” underground exploalcms yet? Sandals & Playshoes Children’s Shoes ence, clothing and dairy proj­ wiU meet this evening at 8 in the job, Thifault noted, adding their meeting. plateau to avoid further dlsas- hand. Agnew said to an interview On Sunday, May 11, 1969, the the Town Office Buildtag. the State Health Department ______German Rightist most expensive industrial fire in ects. trous ambushes. Superintendent of Parks John Tuesday over KTLA, an tode- requires the dump to be locked American history swept th r o u g h S h e received the town Plans New Party — W. English had earlier informed pendent television statUm, timt achievement plaque in 1969, and Manchester Evening Herald at night and unlocked in the British Arms Plan the main production buUdtog at Hebron correspondent Anne morning. MUNICH, Germany (AP) — P P ***® Park Commission that it is not unwarranted to “ put "the AB(78 Rocky Flats plant 25 the Connecticut Nurseryman’a Riles Africans the zoo did not have adequate this i-estriction on smneone wto> Emt, tel. 228-3971. Joint Meeting A top member of the rightist t'aafUUlg Uan ' mUes northwest of Denver. Association Plaque in 1968. She facilities and numbers of per- is consciously attempting to de- to » 1 2 »3«* to »6-’ ® has been on the ToUand County A joint meeting will____ be______held DAR ES SALAAM, . Tanzania______National Democratic .party . an- PITTSBURGH (AP) — The , . _ That $60 mlUlon fire touched Aug. 6 at o8 y p.m.. , . . . ; in the high


more widespread of the two what kind of a cheapskate is Tolland The Foibles of Man as Seen commonest fears in America that. BLACKY THE ANGUS SEZ: now—the fear of being followed, If your home hasn’t been or the fear of being a leader. robbed lately, there really isn’t Selectmesn Consider Joining From Behind a Typewriter . If you want to know how it much fun in going to a cocktail For ta td savings on oR By HAL BOYLE class restaurant, the beef stew feels to be a criminal, just walk 0arty. You’ll just have to stand In CofC Junk Car Program meot pinehcKes* shop NEW YORK (AP) — Jumping is a better buy for your'money through a department store car­ around and listen to everytme to conclusions: than the steak. rying an open shopping bag! else brag about how his was. The (Board of Selectmen last Commission, acting on several Wesiem Btef Moit. A Hie weather has nothing to do Why parents hate to see their You have the feeling that all the night weighed the possibilities complaints recently successful­ complele sslecHon of with why so many men now car- kids grow up: When he’s only 8, clerks—and at least half the of participating in a tri-town ly forced the owner of a former freshly cut ond display­ ry umbrellas in the big cities you can send a son half out of shoppers—are staring at the He’d Erase Debt ^rport on Browns Bridge Rd. after (lark. They aren’t u his mind with joy by giving him bag and wondering what you’re « junk car removal program un­ to clear his property of a large ed meots to choose afraid of being rained upon as a second-hand $5 bugle; «^en getting away with. By the time ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) — A clvU der the auspices of the Rock­ number of abandoned vehicles front. jumped upon. he’s 18, he claims life wUl hold you get out of the store, you’ve engineer,'who takes the $S71 bil­ ville Area Chamber of Com­ by threatening legal action. Nothing is less anonymous no meaning to him unless you begun to wonder yourself. lion national debt seriously, has merce Beautification Commit­ Details still remain to be than a horsefly in a boudoir. give him an auto horn—with a One of t)ie ways a wife tries to cemtributed $400 to Uncle Sam "Good health and physical fitness tee. worked out between the town One of the things about pole new sports car attached, make her husband feel guilty is during the last 19 months ss Tolland, Ellington and Vernon officials in the three towns and -SPECIALS- vaulters that has puzzled me for You can’t judge the contents to tell him she only had a smid­ pdrt of his share. would join in the program the owner of the crushing com­ years is how they manage to get of a book by the UUe of a jacket gen of tuna fish at home while John Rawlins, 36, said, “I ’m are the logical and necessary which would clear the tri-town pany Bill Shellaney. A perfor­ their vaulting poles from one anymore. One out of five girls he was enjoying one of those fa­ only one two hundred-millionths area of junk cars at no cost to mance bond will be required to THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY track meet to another. The you see reading on the subway mous two-hour business lun­ of the problem, but we’ve got to the property owners on whose protect the towns, and another poles are too long to fit easily is reading one of the new sex cheons. Don’t you believe her, starting points for land the cars are located. start somewhere. I’m not an ex­ meeting will be held in about into cars, bus, train or airplane, books—which she has inserted mister. If housewives ate all the pert’ oh economics, but I’m The cars would be stored at two weeks to iron out any On the other hand, it would into the jjacket of a more con­ tuna fish they claim to, they’d collection points in each of the problems which may arise. trying to tell the people that excellence in all things." seem too expensive to transport ventional volume. Yes, in some all be up to their hemlines in somebody thinks this problem Is towns, until a sufficient num­ The crushing operation is the BONELESS them on flatbed trucks as if cases. Into the jacket of a cook­ discarded cans. ber were obtained for a mobile worth doing something about.” same one that proved highly they were skyscraper beams. book. City streets are fully of shady Hie federal government esti­ car crusher to process for ship­ successful recently in South My guess is that they put the Our knowledge of nature characters hawking shabby ment to a scrap metal plant. Windsor, where it was also mates that each clUsen’s share front end of the pole on one grows less and less. If you send merchandise—ranging from of the debt is $1,806. The only costs to a town, ac­ sponsored by the Chamber of SIRLOIN TIP midget’s shoulder and the back a woman a bouquet today, un- cording to First Selectman watches to fur coats—at sup­ Commerce. end on anotjier midget, and then less it is made of roses, you can posedly fabulous bargain prices. Rawlins has sent four $100 Charles Thifault, who has been Story Hour tell both midgets that whichever tell her it’s a mixture of begon- Hie only way you can get full checks, all tax-deductible, to the attending the meetings with the gets his eral of the pole first to ias and rare crimson pandemo- U.S. Treasury I>epartment since Chamber regarding the situa­ A story hour for local chil­ value in anything you can buy dren will be held Saturday the next track meet site wins niums, and she’ll believe you on the streets today is to drop a 1908. tion, would be for providing a In 1609, donations of this na­ disposal area, and for getting morning from 10 until 10:46 at $10. and be flattered. dime in a blind beggar’s cup rid of the tires and wheels from the Tolland Public Library. Unless you’re in a really first It is hard to say which Is the and take one of his pencils. But ture totalled $167,397. the abandoned cars. The tires Warranty Deeds and wheels could amount to a Six warranty deeds and two ROAST $1 per car cost. quit claim deeds were filed with Thifault recommended the the town clerk last week. use of the side of the town dump for the temporary storage Warranty deeds filed were of the junk cars, which would Earl Construction Co., Inc. to We didn't say that. then either be towed to the mo­ Joseph Hirsch, property on Buff bile crusher in Vernon, or if a Cap Rd.; the Savings Bank of a o o D fir E A R The President's sufficient number was accumu­ Rockville to Horace and Erla lated the crusher would come Dalrymple, property on Old Council on Physical here. Kent Rd.; Horace and Erla He termed the CofC plan Dalrymple, to Herbert H. and Fitness did. But we “wonderful,” but had praise al­ Margaret M. Harrison, property couldn't agree more! so for the town’s present ar­ on Rt. 195, and William Benson INTRODUCTORY rangements which do not cost to Marcel and Sheila A. Goe- the town any money or any pfert,' property on Grand View problems. Dr. At present Bill’s Auto Parts Also, Gladys E. Merrill to has offered to tow any junk cars John T. Merrill Jr., property for a cost of $10. He tows them on Merrow Rd., Denis R. and to Koehler’s Junk Yard where Joan A. Joy to George S. and Teen Leaguer Kent Demers puts the finishing a crusher comes in and pro­ Dierdre Wachtel, property on touches on a platform while Kathy Maher and Mary cesses them. Baxter St. lb Anne Twaronite (left to right) clean up a glass Progress has been slow but Quit claim deeds filed are ALI Lutz Teen League excellent, according to Thifault Diane S. Gay to Claudette Gay, display case for fall exhibite at the Lutz Junior and 36 cars have been removed property on Mountain Spring _ Museum. The three are students at Bennet Junior since the start of the plan about Rd., and Beverly Rodman Jr. High School. (Herald photo by Pinto) Helps with Exhibits six weeks ago. to Barbara F. Rodman, proper­ ^o r twSnty years it has mission ol the European Health The Chamber’s plan. how­ ty on New Rd. EXCELLENT ON THE RPTISSERIE By 8HARON DOUTON ever, is aimed at removing an Spas to help men and women ^stover for themselves that vibrant good ferred at length with all of his Bulletin Board Judge Names appointees. (Herald Reporter) estimated 400 junk cars from health adds a plus to every — Jfes, every — activity and aspect of life. We Ralph Nader, the consumer Members of the newly organized Teen League at the the town, many of which have The Board of Recreation Girls have also demonstrated in ^ health clubs in this country and abroad that advocate, had urged appoint­ Lutz Junior Museum are in the midst of renovating a been abandoned on other peo­ Softball League will play tomor­ keeping fit is a pleasure in>i^elf the European Health Spa way. Four to Run ment of at least one trustee who ple’s property. For this reason row at 1 at Crandall's Park, and number of display platforms and cases in preparation many people don’t want to pay Eye Of Round would g^ve priority concern to for fall exhibits. ------a story hour for young children Our three-quarter-rr^idn-dollar facility now under construction in Manchester the public Interest, protecting About 48 junior and senior includes members of the mu- the lee for removal of the junk will be held there at 1:30. Penn Central shippers and passengers. high school students have join- seum’s board of trustees and cars, even though they are an Tax Collector Earl Beebe will is designed "from the ground up" to provide the latest and best in scientifically- eyesore and a hazard, said Bill (Continued from Paso One) The reorganization, involving ed the league which was or- several others. Mrs. Alan be at the Town Hall tomorrow developed coridltioning ec|uipment. No "store tront" operation, it will also passenger and freight opera­ ganized by Mrs. Donald White, Krupp is chairman of the corn- Summers, chairman of the Tol­ from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. for the land CofC Beautification Com­ include a large swimming pool, heated mineral whirlpool bath for body mas­ lam since the railroad filed for tions on Penn Central’s 42,731 president of the adult women’s mlttee. convenience of those wishing to sage, and Danish cold plunge for a bracing effect on the circulation. An reorganization June 20. miles of track in 14 states and Volunteer League at the mu­ Other members of the Teen mittee. pay their taxes lii person. The 08-year-old Wirtz, a tall, two Canadian provinces, could League Include Janet April, Once the town has been clear­ Arizona-dry inhalation room (good for sinus, head colds), Turkish steam room, seum. ed of junk cars, It can begin to The newly formed Town bespectacled pipe-smoker, last a decade' or longer. Three Teen Leaguers are at Tim Butel, Cheryl Champy, Building Study Committee will Finnish rock sauna and Swedish massage department' each will contribute served as labor secretary under Up to now, under the petition ______Anne Charest, Mary Charest, enforce state regulations which ROAST the museum each day painting . „ ,, Air... meet tomorrow night at 7:30 in John F. Kennedy and Lyndon to reorganize filed June 21, the ^ Anna Cyr, Maureen Daly, Betty term the keeping of two or regularly ^23.50 i:!SL something special to members' healthful relaxation and enjoyment. or cleaning up display cases more unregistered vehicles on the town Administration Build­ B. Johnson from Sept. 1962 Penn Central had been rolling and the room where the new ing. until President Nixon took of­ along with the old management, anyone’s property an Illegal exhibits will be housed. In the Maureen Donachie junkyard. This makes the prop­ fice. He Is currently a director headed by Paul C. Gorman, at fall, the volunteers will be there Manchester Evening Herald of BDP Technology Corp. the throttle. Also, John Fitzgerald, Steph erty owner subject to arrest and to explain the exhibits to fine. Tolland correspondent Bette Baker has served the federal On Tuesday there was fresh younger children. anie Fuss, Lee Anne Fuss, Les ONLY MINUTES AWAY.., evidence of financial distress lie Greene, Cemdace Hilton, Me The Planning and Zoning Quatrale, tel. 875-2845. government as an adviser on Mrs. Madeline McAwley, dl- railroads and airlines for a when the Interstate Commerce lissa Hilton, Chandra Kelly Commission disclosed the line rw tor of the museum, said that Barbara King, Joel Krutt, Da quarter of a century. He is a the fall «hlbite will be “par- Larrlmore, Susan Lllley, former member of the Civil had sought permission to drop Aeronautics Board. immediately 24 of 34 passenger tlcipatlon exhibits. As an ex- Richard Lombardo, Mary Ann trains operating west of Albany, ample, she added that the Teen MacKenzie, Regis McKeough. CONTRACTORS He had worked as a consult­ N.Y., and Harrisburg, Pa. Leaguers will help children try Also, Sandy Miller. George E-78-14 Tubtlau ant for the old Pennsylvania 800 cu. of TOP SOIL Blackwill Plus $2.25 Penn Central officials daid on saarls that are included in Monty June' Paplneau, Lorreen yds. and Fad. Ex. Tax. and served as dean of the busi­ they would not be able to meet an India exhibit. p^rt Judy Scott. Daniel Silver, 1200 cu. yds. of FILL Now Available No trada needed. ness school at Harvard from current bills if required to keep Mrs. - McAwley, and_^ Miss Janet Sisco, Marcia Strimaitis. 4 At Rear of 1663 until last January when he all of the western passenger Pamela Warga, curator of edii- Also, Elizabeth Sweetnam, BLACKWALL WHITEWALL Pin Fad. 1 retired. trains in opertlon. Penn Cen­ cation, are supervising the ren- Cindy Sterling, Marjorie Tag- HEBRON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Slu Rtl. Prlcx Sat* Prlci ,Rlt. Prict S*l* Prlc* NrTMf 1 Langdon, 63, who had tral’s payroll is $20 million ovation work this summer gart, Craig Turner, Scott Tum- Jimctions Rts. 85 & 66 — Hebron wini Trad* N* Trad*-ln witti Trad* No Trade-In NbbM I conferred at length Tuesday weekly. whlch will continue after the er, Kathy White, William Wll- 650-13 $21.40 $19.26 $24.75 $22.28 $1.78 with FuUam, has years of ser­ In March, the railroad had pe­ Call evenings; Did we ever mention the poolside, lounge area for carefree lazing and the museum closes this weekend. son, and Tony Lee Wing. $21.15 $26.85 $24.15 $2.25 vice with railroads. He served titioned the IOC to drop all 34 The museum will reopen alter George Alden 228-3374 lb E78-14 $23.50 private sun booths in which one minute of exposure equals one hour in the as president of the Baltimore & trains, but was required to keep the beginning of school in the Albert Coolldge 228-3230 R8-14 $24.90 $22.41 $28.25 $25.41 $2.44 Ohio before joining the Chicago, fall. Artist Benton Better Leroy Kinney 228-9074 sun? These, too, are favorites at our health clubs. them running while (he ICC in­ G78-14 $27.30 $24.57 $30.65 $27.57 $2.60 Rock Island & Pacific in 1964. vestigated. Mrs. McAwley said that she OAK BLUFFS, Mass. (AP) • New from Bead to Bead • 78 series • Low Bond, is a prominent Philadel­ Among the trains the Penn was very pleased with the Artist Thomas Hart Benton of profile • 7 rib tread pattern • Range of sizes H78-14 $29.90 $26.91 $33.25 . $29.91 $2.80 Of course, dressing and grooming areas will offer comfort, convenience, pri­ phia civic leader and had head­ Central wants to drop are the initial response by the young Kansas City has left Martha’s • Looks great 1 Low profile for stability, new J78-14 $33.90 $30.51 $37.25 $33.51 $3.01 vacy — with the security of individual lockers. Reception and lounge areas 7 rib tread pattern for mileage and traction. ed the Philadelphia Chamber of Penn Limited from New York to teen-agers. She added that the Vineyard Hospital where he had $25.35 $22.80 $1.75 ... but really, it's impossible to "tell all" here. Commerce. Chicago, the Manhattan Limited Teen League members seem been treated since suffering a BREADED High priced look in shoulder and sidewall 560-15 $22.00 $19.80 None of the new trustees from Oiicago to New York, and very Interested and excited heart attack at his Gay Head styling. Available in blackwall and extra nar­ F78-15 $24.90 $22.41 ' $28.25 $25.41 $2.40 If you value your health and fitness and want a trimmer, younger-looking ap­ were in the court room. the Duquesne from Pittsburgh about their work. summer home on July 5. row whitewall design. $27.57 $2.60 I UNIROVM. I lUNiravM. G78-15 $27.30 $24.57 $30.65 pearance, you owe it to yourself to check it out in person. You'll find the Euro­ Fullam also revealed that to New York. Exhibits being prepared for It was the second attack for UtE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGRAM Because of an expected Gorman, whose salary is the fall include archeology, the 81-year-old artist. The first Veal Steaks heavy demand lor Goodyear tires, we may run out o( some H78-15 $29.90 $26.91 $33.25 $29.91 $2.80 pean Health Spa offers something truly new and unique in the Hartford area. Paul A. Gorman, President and sizes during this offer, but we will be happy to order your board chairman of the Penn $250,000 a year, will still run the sound and music, and movie- occurred in 1966. size tire at the advertised price and issue you a rain check 900-15 $35.90 $32.31 $39.25 $35.31 $2.87 Central Transportation Co„ had Penn Central Transportation making, among others. The Mrs. Benton said her husband for future delivery of the merchandise. told him that he would be step­ Penn Centrl Transportation ideas for the exhibits are de- was feeling well and was ’’very ping down from that post as Co. is the railroad subsidiary. veloped from a committee that happy to be home” Tuesday. 0 0 i b soon as possible. Get fast, sure starts in all kinds o f weather I -- CVllam said Gorman did not YOU SAVE "TRACTION HI-M ILER' “wish to continue with the Penn X4W«KiA« >M '•-** x Central organization any longer A R M O U R ^ ^ H i A'*,') J f ■us: than necessary to bring about a DON’T MISS THE SHOW YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR LEAN BONELESS smooth transition.'’ 7.00 X 15 LILIES Tub* Typ* FUlam indicated tha\ if that 6 PR, was not the case Gorman would plus $2.05 have been considered for one of Fed. Ex. Tax the trusteeships. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th ■■ 8 P.M. D a is y R o ll The Greater Hartford Jaycees Present Concert 70 FITS MANY POPUUR CARS . . . Fullam said Langdon would BuIckleSabre ’64-’66; Chevrolet ’63- WITH TRADE-IN resign his position emd move to S H E ^ ’66 8 cyl. 327 and 409; Ford ’56-’64 SF24, SF24F, The Engelbert Humperdinck Show — Starring Philadelphia and that Baker (except 260 eng. 289 eng. std.) Mer­ SF29NF During construction, our friendly, professional staff ol health maintenance spcciafists is right at the Spa site, ready to answer iniPO iiifTnm Tm 6.70x15 tube type 6 PR, cury ’k -'64 all std.) Pontiac '55-’66 would resign from the board of 7 3 ® b ( Plus $2.40 Fed. Ex. Tax . . . and more , . . all your questions. Feel free to drop in at the big, comlo,rtably-appointed trailer lor your personally-conducted "visual preview Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Wat $30.35... s 2 B » 5 tour" You'll see true-to-lile color photos and receive a special invitation to use our beautiful new Hamden Spa. (You can have Tile Judge ssdd the railroad’s ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK your own "sneak preview" of the same wonderful lacililies which will be ready lor Manchester Spa members in a lew months.) MfiOO employes "have nothing IFOR NO TRADE NEEDED • FREE MOUNTING to fear from the reorganization. Britain’s Singing Sensation FRESH LEAN Hurry Sale Priced only through Saturday Might f Liberal Budget Term s— Tliey need have no worries Musical Director, Laurie Hollaway conducting a 31 piece Paul Landerman Orchestra ABOUT FEES AND ''PHASES" about their financial security.’’ Low Monthly Payments EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION j CORVAIR .Later, FuUam said that "no • nART •VALlANi Or Use Your The sooner you join the European Health Spa, the lower your fees will be. w ^lesale dlsmlBsal of employes • FALCON • CHEVY II Nylon Cord Tires Our company offers memberships in 10 gradually increasing "price phases." wiU be permitted” and that the THE YOUNG AMERICANS Ground Chuck B a n k A m e r i c a r d Phase One at the Manchester Spa is already closed. But you can still enroll at pension fund would be protect­ t«n smooth liiw oS Voorar. for PANELS, ed. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT—Order iickets NOW for your entire FAMILY, CLUB OR | the low Phase Two Charter Membership level — IF YOU ACT NOW! FuUam, who said he expected GROUP to see The ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK SHOW . To order by mall, mate checks ! PICK-UPS, VANS master charge a dramatic improvement in rdil payable and send with stamped self-addressed envelope to: Concert '70, P.O. Box 3393, | 76 THE INTERBANK CARD service, said the trustees wiU Central Station, Hartford, Conn. 06103 I for5 1 INS-LI.LOTS and CAMPERS. • CHEVELIX _ not be permitted to cut back raU • COnUNET apAIRLANE •TEMPEST service. • CHARGER •AMBASSADOR •FURY For your added convenience THE CONSTITUTION NATIONAL BANK will carry • MU9TANG •BELVEDERE •COMET Tile trustees wiU take over ETd-UiTaft-Hi/ F78-14

This may involve sacrificing than crude, is changing as de- in his state may blight golden Randolph Thrower could never ship is weaving to and fro between the Short Winter Supply Seen some profits, toe source said. ■ mand ex ceed supply.' During Inside Report Republican prospects. have made his decision without RANGE rocks as if it ivas beginning to feel a Scientific advances, spurred the past year prices of residual ’ On the surface, Oommlssicmer Richard Nixon’s backirig,’ In- \ M I by great deraemd for aviation oU hkve risen $1 to $1.25. (Continued from Page 10) £omtui I^Frali) real chance of making it. If this miracle Of Low-Sulfur Residual Oil fuel and gaBoliiie, have made tl Residual - oil prices, which Tlirower a moderate Re- deed. White House aides' have FUEL OIL PDHL18HKD BY THB. can occur, there will be an urgent mo­ vote by moving leftward. Fur- publican from Atlanta.. — has been confiding the President HBltAU) FRINTINQ CO.. NEW YORK (AP) — Rising Libya, an area which produces P®“ *ble to. refine more of these vtuTr from region to region and GASOLINE IS Blsiell Street ^ ment in which to try for the second concern over the air pollution oil naturaly low in sulphur has iram crude oil. 'Gaso^ also depend on the size of the thermo^, toe President’s been made toe scapegoat. Dur- was forcefully opixised to igir Muclieeter. Conn. strongest Southern support- Ing a private session with toe exemptions for toe academies, THOMAS F. FEROUSOF miracle. That would be to try to take coupled with the oU industry’s *«cenUy been ordering foreign “ *** aviatlan fuel bring purchose, are now more than WALTER R. FERaTISO^ underestimaUon o< demand wUl to cut back oil pro- resldi^ oU. $3.50 per barrel. ers are warning that toe l ^ t e state chairmen last week in- Characteristically, however. Publlahers our new good fortune moderately, with­ -viiiiuiu WUl •• Refining more gasoline a n d ------House may cripple the party Wariilngton, he was batter- jijj., Nixon himself has given no BANTLY OIL ______Founded October 1. 18S1 ■ . (OMI’V.W I.M out trying to propel it immediately into f . Residual oU is available from ‘Tuesdav-to-Thursdav* in the South this autumn. unmercifully. State Chair- clue to his feelings. With such I'.l M\IN .-- Thursday. or using a high sulphur fuel and CSaaalfled deaoline — B p.m. day be­ aU the way forward again. But, unless fore publication. 6 p.m. Friday lor risking fines, an oil industry natnrday and Monday puUlcatlon we make a deliberate effort to think source points out. about it and feel it again, it is actually Third, municipalities faced Wednesday, July 22 a UtUe like yesterday's World Series, a with a diolce between factory shut-downs and clear air may WAKE UP AND SAVE I57..+ little difficult to remember in any detail be forced to suspend low-sul­ SEMI-ANNUAL The Economy May Make It which goes down to the name and num­ phur hmitatiims of clean air laws. 2 President Nixon dealt with many is­ ber of players. Industry observers say the F U R N ITU R E And as for that new sense of world sues in his Monday press conference, speed with which many munici­ Yes! Save 1570-^ on fine mattresses but seemed most assured and confident community, of common destiny, which palities enacted strict air pollu­ Fhotograiiiticd by David Silver tion regulations caught the pe­ when he came to a disousaion of the anybody who looked back at earth from THE FARM AT STORKS troleum industry unprepared. in either of 3 styles economic situation. the surface of the moon inevitably had The regulations limit the to experience for himself and thereafter amount of sulphur in fuel. Their He found that “ the Inflation has cool­ try to communicate to his fellow earth­ purpose is to cut doWn on sul­ of 4 sizes! ed.” phur-dioxide, which is given off lings, that has long since grown con­ The Beauty Risk during the burning process. He admitted that, since the coolinfi^ fused and lost again. In s id e Nixon^s One result is that many utili­ top maker , . . STEARNS & FOSTER of an inflation also involved the cool­ ’The conduct of earth has not Improved. By D. J, R. BRUCKNER ties and industries which were A year after the feat of landing man on burning coal had to find another ing of the economy, there has been more The Los Angeles Times energy source. Coal is naturally of an increase in unemployment than the moon, the magnificence of the tech­ Dixie Rebellion high in sulphur and is difficult ’The power of television over young are deceived by beauty, anyone would like. Tet, cmisiderlng the nology, engineering, and computering in­ to desulphurise. elections excites a lot of interest but who always prefer beauty (A $900,000 federally funded fact that "this situation has been volved stands undiminished. port now; but one aspect, which in the young. project is under way to remove But the spirit of man has not been aggravated by the act that we have been ought to be exposed, is shroud­ And it could be worse; some suphur from coal m it Is burn­ lifted up. ’Ihe dream that was within By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak ed in silence and distorted by cultures set a high premium on moving from a wartime to a peacetime ed, but this is expected to take the dream has not been given a live myth—the effect of good looks amazing malformations. In this at least five years.) economy," with "700,000 men out of the WASHINGTriN — ’The White stinging in talking to Adminis­ after 18 months of flipping back in a candidate. Media types in county the confusion about what Another result is that many birth. House received advance warn­ tration officials that night. One armed services and defense plants add­ and forth. Having pleased no­ the political business have def­ is pleasing and what is beau­ utilities and industries using re­ ing nearly two days before last Border state chairman— John One is tempted to paraphrase Shake­ body with ambiguity, he is be­ inite beliefs about this; give tiful is very great because there sidual fuel oil had to change to ed to the unemployment rolls," he found Friday’s attack from Sen. Kerr of Kentucky — matched them an ugly candidate and they is no modem standard of per­ speare rather freely and say that our ing pressed to say where he oil with less sulphur. Strom Thurmond of South Caro­ the chagrin of his Deep South will give you an interesting pro­ that “ we think this is a cost worth pay­ stands. sonal elegance; you arp either New York City laws, for ex­ true quest still lies not in our stars, but lina when Nixon administration gram. ing" so long as we “ cushion th^ transi­ colleagues. Backing up the In pressing Mr. Nixon to a beauty or something else. And ample, insist oa less than ode officials gathered at Washing­ in ourselves. chairmen in haranguing Nixon stand for the South, Dixie Re­ Because it was conceived as there is no standard at all for per cent sulidiur content in fuel tion aa much- as we can." analogous to films, television ton’s Mayflower Hotel for a re­ men there were two Southern publicans arg;ue he must run men. In ages when most walked oil. Chicago allows two per cent. ception given by Southern Re­ Republican Senators, Edward had this problem from the start. and many rode horses, the leg "Looking on through the summer," the well in their region to win in Both are lower than the 3.B to J In Its early years its announcers publican state chairmen. Gurney of Florida and ’Thur­ 1972. In no possible way, they counted. And Roman candidates 3 p6r cent sulphur found in drearily conformed to some no­ used to pull back the toga to President found that his economic ex­ The Pressure Is Beginning While violins played and mond himself. add, can he cut into the Negro much residual fuel oil. tions of what was handsome. show off astonishing battle scars perts Indicate "that the last half of the whisky flowed, the overriding What went on at that recep­ "The sulphur regulations Betting on horseracing is big business TTien there was a reaction. In that won approval—and votes. mood was tense. 'Die Southern tion directly contradicts ex­ (See Page Eleven) were Instituted at a rapid rate, year will definitely see the economy in states where such betting is legal, and the search for credibility some Socrates was known as the politicians were suddenly dis­ planations for Thurmond’s at­ too rapid to let industry make already pressure is mounting to legalize stations took on strange faces. ugliest Greek of his day. A turning up. And as all erf you have noted, carding their good-natured pa­ tack on the Administration now the technical changes to pro­ 'FOULED' betting in Connecticut. Construction of a One big station designedly hired nearly contemporary statue of Com fort there have been some indications, both tience of the past 18 months in duce low-sulphur oil in sufficient I! seeping out of official circles: a sports announcer who was him has survived; it , la pretty major race track in the state has been dealing with the Administration quantities," says Gerald Gun­ in the indicators, not all of the in­ that ’Thurmond’s view ia Isolat­ bald, lop-eared and wide- ugly. So, his friend^ idolized proposed, and a site in the Meriden .area A Thought for Today ning, an energy economist at — particularly Clarke Reed, ed, that it 1 ^ nothing to do mouthed. But his pregame pre­ him for his beautiful soul. Bud- dicators, but ’ a majority of those that has been talked of. ’The promoters con­ Sponsored by the Manchester Chase Manhattan Bank in New Mississippi state chairman and with ’Thrower’s tax decision, dictions were so often wrong tend that pari-mutuel betting is not nec­ Coimcll of CSmrches dah also had a beautiful soul, I 8 ^ 6 0 York. people watch, and also among the eco­ leader of the Southern Repub­ that it was provoked by a story that it was decided in the end it is said, but those big fat / 39 essary to support a major race track, lican chairmen. , nomic analysts that the downturn has but the experience of tracks elsewhere in Friday morning’s Washing­ that even his comfortable looks statues one sees are not so pleas­ A case in point is Chicago, ton Post about 100 Justice De­ Scripture Thoughts On Prayer which passed low sulphur regu­ bottomed out and that the last half of in the country casts doubt upon such a The usually gracious Reed did not make for a fair test of ing to western tastes. contention. made no secret of his anger partment lawyers going South credibility. ’The early pictures of that lations at the end of April and /AATTRESS or BOX SPRING the year will see an Increase In pro­ “ PRAY. . .GIVE THANKS” made them effective, July 1. In 1968, the last year for which com­ over Internal Revenue Com­ to push integration. ’The effort to deal rationally handsome blond man said to be Here are my directions; Pray Industry sources report that ductivity and an upturn in the eco­ plete figures are available, 39,859,973 missioner Randolph ’Thrower’s In fact, the Southern rebellion with the subliminal effect of per­ Jesus were actually portraits of TWIN or FULL SIZE much for others; plead for utilities and power plants are NOWl Have the marveously comfortable new persons paid admission' on 4,879 decision revoking tax exemp­ had been building for weeks. sonal beauty is one of the Alexander the Great. He was nomy." God’s mercy upon them; give rushing to buy low-sulphur resi­ thoroughbred racing dates: They bet a tions for private whites—only world’s ancient, frustrating deified after death; and later, “ We began to feel,” one South­ thanks for all he Is going to do dual oil. They add that tiie de­ bed you’ve been wanting and needing. Have total of 13,473,711,604. ’The same year “ academies.” “ If you’re such a ern Republican explained to us, problems. Even some media when people in some eastern EarUer in his remarks, the President for them. mand is greater than the sup­ 81,658,062,687 was wagered by 22,869,240 civil rlghta man,” Reed told the “ that we were losing more de­ types think a public man might places changed their religion, it in any of 4 sizes . . . Twin, or Full, King or L had candidly confessed, "I am a political Pray in this way for kings find it a disadvantage to be too they did not change the pictures. ply. persOfis who paid at the gate on 3,743 Georgian Thrower as bystand­ cisions than winning them.” and all others who are in mcui." harness racing days. ers gaped, "why don’t you go ’The triggering device was good-looking; interesting is quite Alexander’s striking looks Coal was responsible for $1 Queen. Have it in extra-firm Princess, firm authority over us, or are in enough. per cent of the electric power On a national average, each person over to HEW (the Depart­ Thrower’s decision on school mark him an anomoly. Rulers places of high responsibility, so Standards of beauty are sel­ and great men have so often generated in the United States Posture Built or medium firm Comfort Built. That being conceded, he certainly has who attended thoroughbr^ racing bet ment of Health, Education and tax exemptions, shattering Re­ that we can live in peace and dom well-defined. Paintings of been ugly and have added in 1969. Natural gas accounted to sense that when he talks about the an average of $90 per day. ’Ihe average Welfare) with the rest of the publican arguments down South quietness, spending our time do­ YOU SAVE FROM $10.50 to $15.00. was $70 for harness racing. celebrated beauties of the past beauty to themselves , in the for 38 per cent, residual oil for I state of the economy, he is talking about revolutionaries % ’ ’ that the courts—not President ing good and thinking much The heaviest wagering is at the New often make us wonder whether form of mate, mistress or 10 per cent, nuclear power forj Reed was not alone. Other Nixon—are to blame for quick­ about the Lord. the painter could see what oth­ the worst danger he and his party face York City tracks — Aqu^uct and Bel­ friend, that the world has got per cent and hydro-electric:; The eight hours you spend sleeping largely state chairmen were even more ening school integration. This is good and pleases God ers said they saw. And there are mont. There the average bet is well over the idea that power is ugly and power the rest. T govern how well you feel and how efficiently in connection with next November’s Following the tax decision. our Saviour, harsh reactions. Tbe nation is $100 per person. On a recent day at Bel­ the only use of beauty is its But according to C3uise Man-: state and congressiiHial elections. Heavy Southerners made the calculat­ For He longs for all to be in a reactionary period right use. you operate in the 16 hours you are awake. mont 20,640 persons left $2,380,138 at the hattan Bank figures, residual oil! ed decision days before Thur­ saved and to understand this now. Pop stars, for instance, the How wise, then, to assure yourself the great­ unemployment, continued doldrums on betting windows. truth: King James I of England was demand lis up 15.6 per cent this: mond’s speech to move into true heroes of the new people, est possible amount of deep, complete, unin­ At Green Mountain, Pownall, Vt., the ’That God is on one side and tiny, monkey-faced and pheno­ year. This compares with, ac­ the stock market, lack of upward lift in open criticism on grounds that tend rather strikingly to be of ill menally dirty, and he had a terrupted sleep with firm, new b id in g . You average person bets $60 per day. This Herald all the people on the other side, cording to other figures, a 3 per production indices—these are the factors quiet loyal support of Mr. Nixon posture, pale, with wide mouths peculiar soul; but his great cent Jump in demand between will get it from any one of these fine sleep means that the $2 bettor is in the minor­ and Christ Jesus, Himself man, and big lips and nostrils like which might conceivably turn wdiat could ity. If a $2 bettor plays nine races and Yesterdays was bearing diminishing re­ is between them to bring them friend the Duke of Buckingham 1907 and 1968 and an 8 per cent sets. And any style, any size you choose now, those of horses. ’The appear­ was magnificent. The Duke of the dally double, his outlay would be $20. turns. Their campaign will in­ together. increase between 1968 and 1969. during our ^mi-Annual Sale, is yours at ex­ be a Republican year in politics into ance has to be important; so Wellington, whose wife was Horse race gambling Is on the in­ 25 Years 4 go tensify Sunday in Atlanta with By giving His life for all man­ "The l9T0 estimate called for Posture Built cellent savings. Ck)me see them . . . give them something pleasant for the Democrats. an emergency session of South­ little of the music is. breath-taking, was as famous a growth in demand for residual crease. In 1969 the various states with This was a Sunday; ’The Her­ kind. This is the message which In some places there is a zom­ the comfort test . . .'let us show you their ern Republican chairmen and at the proper time God gave to for his nose as for Waterloo. 011 of 6 per cent, which is un­ In other words, the political part of legalized betting received $426.9 million ald did not publish. bie cult, especially among the superior construction features . . . consider of the pari-mutuel take of which $288.6 Southern Republican members the ■ world. President George Washington realistically low,” one petrole­ young; unhealthy is lovely. Peo­ tall and wide-hipped, had com­ the advantages of the super sizes. Make your President Nixon has fervent reason for million came from thoroughbreds. Ten of Congress. (I ’Timothy 2 :l-6) Taken from um industry source said. 49 each piece 10 Years Ago ple walk around in the open, ically narrow shoulders. Presi­ "ThOre will definitely be in- , choice and enjoy sound, healthful sleep every hoping for an upturn into better times, years before, in 1958, the state share was Moreover, many Southern “ Living Words for Today” stooped and shambling, expos­ dent Abraham Lincoln had a dustritU concerns who will not| night for years to come! $222 milUon. Cemetery Superintendent politicians and Administration Submitted by the ing shaky loose skin. This mani­ Just as Democratic politicians, for a George Elliott is named to head officials agree that a showdown most unprepossessing presence be aUe to g(et fuel oil this win­ Green Mountain, where races are held Rev. George W. Smith festation might only be a healthy and a squeaky voice. Enjoy your new bedding while you pay for few months more, will find their hearts safety prograihs for town em­ is at hand, a time of choosing ter," says I.F. Goldman, chair­ nightly and on Sunday afternoons, is an • Presbyterian Church of reaction to the tyranny of adults, The great political ' genius BOX SPRING R! Choose one of the convenient budget ployes. for Mr. Nixon on desegregation man of Petfb Products of Qe- , leaping if unemployment figures go up. attraction for Connecticut re^dents. Manchester of course, who suspect the Prince Talleyrand was aptly terms available at Watkins: Take up to three Buses are run on Sundays from Meriden troit, an oil shipper. He says hls^ FU LL SIZE called the spider. The I^psburg firm ^ be able to supply cur- g years to pay with as little as 10% down. Use That being the situation. President and other state communities. ’The con­ kings prided themselves on thin versation of the bus riders make it evi­ rent customers but will not be,l 30-60-90 day charge account or Master Nixon may have consciously reached for noses and oddly protruding Queen Set 159. dent that they don’t go to Pownall Just able to increase supplies to § Charge. impressive words of optimism aiid he By Whitaker ^ in s; and there are mothers in them or take on new customers. || to watch the horses run. ’Their interest Spain and Austria who still King Set 199. 2 ’Hie supply of residual fuel oil, g may possibly have clutched a few straws is in picking winners, hopefully at good pinch babies’ noses and pull odds. according to Oil Dally, has been THE INSIDE STORY along with the slight economic indices their chins to make them look declining. In mid-June supplies . Each w e e k ly an edition of the Arm­ noble. (one of these mattresses is impressive! which do seem to have begun turning strong racing sheets reaches Meriden totaled about 4i7.6 million bar- The media did not create the rris, a decline of 33.-4 per cent Here’s why they give bigger, better rest.) in his favor. just before noon. There is often a wait­ appearance problem; they have ing line to buy the tipster sheet, which from the supply in June 1969. only made it absurd. it la a Tim diortage has led many But the conclusion, here, would be that costs 50 cents a copy. great thing for a politician to be The heart of your mattress is made up of Conneiticut stands alone among the coucOms to buy oil from he was bouncy and buoyant because he able to get into everybody’s abroad. At the same time the hundreds and hundredsi of heavyweight pre­ states in the northeast which forbids bet­ living room, if he looks Uke had reached a real feeling that the worst shortage box resulted in a clam-, mium steel coils. Deeply resilient. Perfectly ting on horse racing. Every legislative someone they want In their liv­ 2 or for relaxed oil import restrlc-i was over, and a gradual and periiaps se^ion sees attempts made to repeal the ing rooms, or wherever. ’There aligned. Strongly secured. You get firm, tions. sounder revival of economic activity had ban so as to allow pari-mutuel betting. was always an element of se­ back-relaxer support. Its sponsors contend that It will bring duction in politics, and a lot of So far this year 18 requests already begun. for import quotas have been vast zenefits to the state in the form of it in entertainment; when the The upholstering is deep and lofty. Thick filed with the OU Import Ap­ revenue, a contention not well substan­ ^ o professions become one. the insulating pads are topped with heavy felted Most of us are more concerned with tiated by the experience of other states. funcUons get blurred. peals Board, as competed with what would be good for the economy But the supporters of legalized betting Even this new cult of ugliness only one last year. cottons, then layered with foam in the Pos­ fall silent when confronted by other is­ Itself a media creaUon— may The entire quota system—i ture Built and Princess, or extra cushiony than with what happens to any particu­ basad on oU Imports for the sues, notably moral and religious objec­ M t protect us long from the cotton Comfort Built. The support is bottom­ lar party in the elections next Novem­ tions to legalized gambling, with the so­ ^Utlcs of handsome imbecility, year 1997 udien the quotas were ber. What would be good for the eco­ cial evils which attend such activity. De­ wigs, creams and powders are esua#ihed-ia being studied by less; the surface, downy. the t ^ Policy Oommlttee, a nomy would be what the Nixon Admin­ spite the best efforts to keep It out, or on everyone, and they make ganized crime has a way of muscling in­ money for so many "^people group of tight top-level govern­ The borders are extra well built. Heavy, built istration has consciously been trying to to betting operations./The tracks them­ There is a new standard in toe ment ^offlcaals under the cl^air- up padding. Firm vertical stitching. Rein- do—dull inflation without creating too selves attract a proportion of undesir­ world, and it can be bought So manabip of George T incoin, di­ Jrced turning handles. Breathing vents. c^dldates dye their hair a^d rector ot the federal govem- much unemployment, co o V l^ m without ables. That is one reason why the State Police in Connecticut have been con- ^ makeup and turn' tailors ment'a Office of Emergency Your mattress stays firm, square, fresh. Re­ exploding a depression. It has actually slstenUy opposed to legalized betting at into sculptors. Preparedneea. sists both sagging and crushing . . . defvs there is some question been an unprecedented, open effort to race tracks, and why Governor Dem­ WeU. it never was easy to sell THURSDAYS “edge-sitters”. ^ psey has opposed it. a beautiful soul, anyway whether relaxed quotas can al­ manage the economy through a safe The issue will come up again in six leviate the shortage. FRIDAYS Princess Jndustiy sources say less channel between two dangers, and there months when the 1971 session of the Gen­ I' Current Quot^ low-sulphur oU wiU be available will be continual doubt, until clear water eral Assembly convenes. Already the Closed Mondajrs "Tbe American lead In sci- from European refineries, for- pressure is mounUng to lift the ban. But ^ c e U In Jeopardy—boding m 5 9 , « t o p ^ and open sea welcome us again, that merty a prime source for such Tel. 643-5171 whether the people of Connecticut, long both for naUonal security and cU, because the Europeans also MATTRESS or BOXS PRHMC, TWIN or FULL SIZE such a delicate operation can really be known as the Land of Steady Habits, wiU the American economy.” —D are flaced with sidphur restrlc- approve the change remains very much Philip Itandler, president of the managed. But\so far, political claims “■/’W Be Glad When the Linear Parks Are Built— This Place Is \tlons passed to limit air poUu- Queen Set 189. — King Set 229. \ in doubt at this point —MERIDEN one way or another notwithstanding, the National Academy of\3clences, RECORD. j? before the House science sub^ tlCTIr Getting Too Crowded with Family Type Pictwkt:ers committee. In Bdd***"", the government of 7


ZB A Tables Political Savvy U.S. Bombers Drug Center Coventry Young, Kevin Massey, Joe smaller. In addition to the de­ ’Three vehicles in the bam also Turnpike Holdup Myste:^ Sansone and Tim Slayton. canters, qll of which have stop­ Fire Bombs Hit were extensively damaged. Da'vid Odegard, GOP can­ Wine Decanters '' pers, there are two water ca­ A police spokesman said to SPECIAL JULY n - n Hearing On didate for state senator, had Hie Drug Advisory Center Fairfield Again Mrs. Joseph Terelmea In Attack On Ihe 24 wine decanters on the rafes, one blue and edilte and day’s flrebomblngs, from about problems with his car early 81 Russell St is observing the g a l l o n The funeral of Mrb. Friswyth shelves of the Historical Society the other white and amethyst 1:4S to 3 a.m ., were very simUar 1% FAT FREE MILK Mte ^ last night. It wouldn’t go. A following summer schedule: PAIRFIBJLD, Conn. (AP) — Council Keeps Power in the Town Hall- this month to those that gutted several Hughes Terelmea, 49. of Union- Mobil Bid call to his favorite gas sta­ Enemy Guns M onday, T u esd ay 'an d Cleared Up in Guilty Plea Early today, for the fourth time SAVE lOe buildings during the early morn­ ville. was held this morning at tion didn’t help; There was Wednesday, 8:80 a.m. to 0 are from the collection of A. Betsy’s Banner The Zoning Board of Appeals (Continued from Page One) larceny of a car. They were tak- Labbe through the , amljulanM James Adams of Sduth St. They this month, firebombs were ing hours on July 2, 4 and 8. the Ahem Funeral Home. 180 no one to send. p .m . By DOUO BEVINS EUREKA, CaUf. (AP)—Bet­ MOSER FARMS MILK Farmington Ave., Hartford. declined Mtmday to act on a re­ Thiusday and Friday, 8:30 (Herald Reporter) en to the Plymouth, Mass., service, which keeps a record To Close Beaches are aS "three-mold bloom,’’ and hurled in Fairfield. Each time, officials said, a light- Sd, Dave did the next best ters minotinced its troops had sy Ross has been appointed to Vi Gal. 49c — 2 for 9Sc Burial was In Cedar Hill Ceme­ vised plan by the Mobil Oil a.m. to 9 p.m. ' House of (Jorrectloil, where of all calls. ! ' nrere^made between 18(X> and Officials reported that the fire­ colored car' was seen in the thing. He called his wife and design a dag for this nbrthem no deposit —• no return Corp. for the new three-bay closed out one major operation When Roger Joseph they escaped on Oct. J9. Royce The day after the robbery, Hie Town Council has' decided ning. team were Dick Ganktrf- 1850( some of them l^lng Sand­ a re a . . tery. .'Haitford. She was the wife instructed her to get a tow Saturday, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. California city of 35,0(X). bombs were tossed at three lo­ of Joseph Terelmea ^ d the service station it wants to build in eastern Cambodia and Brown and Gustavous Lee was captured a few days later, Labbe was arralpied :in Ws to retain the authority for clos- side, Dave Bendel, Butch Rich- wich Glass, others Flttsburgdi. cations: At a large barn on the No linjuries were reported u) at the southeast comer of rope and to meet him with There be an answering Miss Mary Elizabeth Ross, 21, MT. VERNON DAIRY STORE mother of Mrs. Norrlne Hughes launched tw o, new ones in the service every nl^it except Carmi(ihael pleaded guilty l>ut Brown and (Jarmlchael re- room at Hartford Hos^tw. w- Ing lake development beaches .Mark Putnam, Mike nnd yet others coming from Regal Estate on Sasco Hill any of the incidents. Adams and Hillla]*d Sts. until a her car. whom everyone calls Betsy, eras *44 B R O A D STREET, MANCHESTER of Vernon and’ Michael K. Sunday from the time the to charges of bank robbery malned at large. Itce went to Philadelphia. Road, at three vehicles on later session. She arrived with the tow Parrot’s Beak region. These op- named Tuesday as cochairman Terelmes of Tolland. center closes until 8 a.m. A Grassmere Avenue and at an An appeal of the board’s de­ rone on schedule. Dave at­ eraticHis raised the number of in U.S District Court in 0“t on B ^ iJe ’The sizes range from a quart of a six-member committee to Rt 1968, more than 818,000 Survivors also include anoth­ backup person will be con­ TT^ a ri ^ A t the time o f the robbery, a New Britain Ave. garage, high, despite a recommendaUon well. Rick Stevenson, Eric empty gfarage on Alden Street. cision last May setting limita­ tached the tow rope, got into South Vietnamese troops operat­ to a pint, to a half-pint or even make a town haimer. Americans died of cancer. er daughter, two other sons, tacted to help the caller if Brown was,-o1it on bail on a where they recovered $S0,0(W of from Town Manager Dennis ------—------tions on the original plan is the disabled car and motion­ ing in Cambodia from 14,000 to nutted their participation murder ciiarge in connection the holdup money, which was three sisters, a brother and four n ecessary. Moore that this authority be pending before a higher court, ed his wife to tow him to the 17,500, but there was no report in the last of a senes of with the death of a sailor in Labbe’s share. Miss (Svitillo grandchildren. For drug advisory informa­ but Would be negated by a gas station. of any contact with the enemy bank robberies which net- Boston. was charged with “ unlawfully transferred to the individual de- The family suggests that any tion caU: 647-9822. favorable board action on the All went well for a while. in the sweeps. Shortly after their escape, receiving, possessing, conceal- vetopnaent , memorial contributions be ted them hundreds of thou- nvlslon. Then, the tow rope broke. As Thai officials in provinces sands of dollars. Brown and Carmichael appar- ing, storing, and depositing” of Oouncilmen took the action at made to the Newington Chil­ Dave was tying the two brok­ The board looked at the re­ bordering Cambodia announced , Their guilty pleas to the ently came to Manchester, stolen money, their meeting Monday nig^t, dren's Hospital, 181 E. Cedar vised plan, presented by Atty. en pieces, a passing motorist, today that they will move at spectacular November 1968 where they enlisted the help of Meanwhile, Brown’s wife and and at the same time decided St., Newington. Herbert A. Phelon for the appli­ who knew Dave but not his least 700 Vietnamese refugees Manchester bank robbery of Labbe in preparing to rob the a man by the name of Gerald cants, but agreed that it should wife, called out, "Boy! what from towns close to the border that the town will purchase its nearly $89,000 mean they will Manchester bank. It was podolske had driven to Hart- own idt for 'coUform analysis. John Joseph Spillane rehear the case at a later date a candidate won’t do for a to safer places further inland. face a maximum penalty of 10 Labbe’s job to "case the bank.” ford from Boston. Brown and ARRESTS Hits will enable the town to per­ ROCKVILLE — John Joseph because of the absence of “Wal­ vote.” One provincial official said the years in prison, a $5,000 fine. He went in the bank before the hia wife, Carmichael and Podol- Spillane Sr., 64, of East Hart­ ter Morrissey. relocations were taking place James A. Skiba, 21, of East or both. Both Carmichael, 23, robbery, located the vault, g^e then left for SeatUe, Wash., form its own tests on lake ford, father of Joseph F. Spil­ Morrissey was one of the five- because of "suspicious activi­ Hartford, charged with failure of Boston, Mass., and Brown, alarm system, noted the number ^id arrived there on Nov. 10. In water, speeding up the process lane of Rockville, died yester­ man board to hear the original ties” among Vietnamese to carry reg^istration, failure to 24, of Lewiston, Maine, are al- tellers, the guard, and the ‘ Seattle, Brown bought a Cor- of receiving results. As it stands day in St. Francis Hospital in application in May, when the Third Youth groups. display license plates, and fail­ ready serving time in a Mas- position of the bank camera. vette, and mailed between $16,- now, the Stkte Health Depart­ Hartford. board passed the request con­ Two days ago, the governor of ure to carry his license. He was sachusetts prison for other rob- He then reported back to qoo and $20,000 of the stolen ment analyzes the water test re­ Survivors also include his ditionally. Accused In the border province of Ubon or­ arrested on Forest St. early yes­ beries. In addition. Brown is Brown and Carmichael, and money to ail Atty. Thomas sults, with delays often running wife, two other sons, three sis­ The original Mobil plan show­ dered police and intelligence of­ terday afternoon. Court date serving a sentence for man- ‘ hey planned the robbery for ^roy of Braintree, Mass, about two weeks. ters and six grandchildren. Aug. 3. ed four driveways onto the sta­ ficers to keep a close watch on slaughter. the afternoon of Nov. 7. Brown ^he money, sent by third With the delay in learning the The funeral will be held to­ tion site, two off Adams St. and the estimated 3,000 Vietnamese Introducing the Fund Fraud By pleading guilty to a sub- ®"^^*™ lohael, in preparation dagg mail, could not be traced results, tbe situation at one par­ morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the two off Hilliard. refugees under his jurisdiction. ACCIDENTS stltute information of bank rob- g e t^ a y , had purchased p g j jg unknown ticular beaph could very likely Newkirk and Whitney Funeral The board, however, stipulat­ A 16-year-oId youth has been Robert P. Ledoux, 23, of East, bery. Brown and Carmichael cars. They bought a 1 ^ ^^g actually sent or have changed since the time the Home, 318 Burnside Ave., East ed that, because of hazardous taken into custody by Manches­ Hartford, charged -with failure WEiived a grand jury indictment ^ received. Hartford , with a solemn high traffic conditions at the inter­ ter Police and accused of soli­ water was tested. By having al­ to drive a reasonable distance and forestalled what would While still in SeatUe, Brown’s Mass of requiem in St. Christop­ section, the station should be citing funds under false pre­ apart. He was arrested after most instant analysis of lake Policies Set ^ b a b ly be a lengthy trial. apparenUy flew back to her’s Church, East Hartford. limited to single driveways off tenses in connection with inci­ his car was involved In a colli­ water, town officials hope that Burial will b« in St. Mary’s each street—at the ends of the dents Monday afternoon in sion with a car driven by Elmer They had previously pleaded M ^ n eW er nnUre frl Boston, taking $16,000 wlUi her. they can discover patterns in not guilty, and U.S. District g BroWn, Carmichael, and Cemetery, East Hartford. site farthest from the intersec­ which two other boys were ar­ Behind Bars L. Ostrout, 48, of 39 Wadsworth high coUform counts, or even Friends may call at the funer­ pinpoint particular areas \riiere lowest-lead, highest-octane tion. rested on the same charge. St. The accident occured yester­ o r Z l d a fu T tr ia “ ^“ ^" ’ Bank Closed al home tonight from 7 to 9. The Phelon Monday night showed day afternoon while both cars problems occur regularly. Hien, East Hartford Lodge of Elks The youth, whose name was For Panthers the board the alternate plan, were traveling west on Center 1 "^'h‘d^if’ ar^ved\f[h'^“ '’h°T‘"fr’ PoitTand, bre" through dye testing of sanitary will hold a service tonight at withheld because of his age, ley had lined up, more than 60 arrived at the branch office late r, i i .. . ■ ». which limits access from Hil­ St. Three passengers in the Os­ systems, polluters can be found. 7:30. and two companions, Kenneth (Continued from Page One) witnesses, in seein g a co“ vic the afternoon, all set to rob ^ ConnecUcut. on Nov. O liard St. to a single driveway D. Osborne, 18, of 509 Adams trout car, Craig, 10, Ellen, 8, tlon. Among these were em- ‘t- Unfortunately, the bank was tr ^ Moore, reported Monday night 100 feet from the Intersection. St., and Frank Stoner Smith, because it makes me look like a and Wayne Ostrout, 11, were ployes of the Hartford National dased. Brown and Carmichsel, Inmcted that several violators have al­ The original called for two 17, of 8 N. Park St. were I'e- monarch. We have a democratic taken to Manchester Memorial Bank’s branch on W. Middle ’"ad at Labbe, decided to go t"“ ’™tchael and ready been pinpointed in Water­ Soft Drink driveways off Hlllhard, ivlth one ported going door-to-door ask­ party." Hospital, treated for minor in­ Tpke., Manchester and Hart- around the corner and rob the Civitulo in connection with front Park, and have been very 30 feet from the intersection. ing for funds for the Manches­ juries and released. Court date ford policemen, FBI agents Parkade branch office of the robbery. Brown and Car- cooperative in correcting faulty gasoline for the mone>L Newton said his primary Off Adams St, the revised ter Drug Center. Aug. 3. from Connecticut: Boston, Connecticut Bank & Trust Co., ’"t^hael were now the subjects sanitary systems. B o y co tt plan would still require two goals include the freedom of A prowler has been reported Police responded to two re­ Mass.; Reno, Nev.; SeatUe, hut it was closed also. They ^ nationwide search by the H m coUform analysis kit will drivew^fl^, Phelon said, but Black Panther Chairman Bobby in the neighborhood of 114 Ra­ ports from two women in the Wash.; and others who had then went back to the Hartford cost about $460, and can be used the closest would be 53 feet Kennedy Rd., Scott Dr. area Seale, charged ■with murder of a chel Rd. Incidents have occur­ come in contact with the two hank, checked the bank hours Head for Reno Threatened red on several occasions since with a minimum of training. from the intersection instead of and captured Osborne and Panther in New Haven, Conn., suspects after the robbery. nrinted on the door, and saw After a short stay in San (Continued from Page Unei Saturday. the 30 feet called for in the Smith after a chase. The 16- and the safe return to the Unit­ Two persons, previously found that the bank would reopen at Francisco, the three fugiUves 'The testing of the water has ploitatlon, however, Mondale original. year-old youth escaped, but ed States of Eldridge Cleaver, guilty in connection with the ® P m. went to Reno, Nev. There, they been cairried out since mid-Mhy, A burning rag was thrown on said the exploiters must be ex­ Following the original deci­ was picked up today after posi­ Panther minister of Information Manchester robbery, were also “^t 6:15, Brown entered the purchased a Jaguar XKE, -with not aU beaches being test­ the front porch of Margaret Anywhere. posed and the situation must be sion, an appeal to the Court of tive identification was estab­ who has been a fugitive since he prepared to tesUfy. Richard D. hank, wearing a Halloween trading in the Corvette. ed every time. Results have Quinn, 68 Spruce St. yesterday corrected. Common Pleas in Hartford was lished. was declared a California pa­ Labbe, 23, of Hartford, is serv- mask and carrving a nearl- They also bought several fluctuated widely, although by afternoon. "The cost of a decent life filed by Atty. Phelon for the Osborne and Smith were re­ role violator. ing a 15-year sentence for his handled .44 Magnum. Labbe, handguns. Spending a lot of now, in a relatively dry season, ought to be incorporated in the company and the owners of the leased on a promise to appear For 45 minutes, Newton, a sol­ part in the job, and his girl- ’'’tth a 12-gauge shotgun, and money in Reno gambling most beaches have tested out cost of every product," he said. proposed station site, James in Circuit Court 12 Aug. 12. The id 5 foot 10 inches tall in his Sometime between 1:10 a.m. friend, Lucille (JivlUllo, also of Carmichael, with a nine-mllli- casinos. Brown was noticed by weU within safe swimming lim­ “ I don’t think that’s too revolu­ and Paul Aceto. 15-year-old has been referred haggy prison blues, answered and 2:08 this morning the Sun­ Hartford, has served a sentence meter hand gun, followed him casino employes. A mistake its. This means the count has oco Station at 610 Hartford Rd. tionary in this day and age." In their appeal, the plaintiffs to juvenile authorities. questions about the Panthers’ for receiving stolen money. *"• that led to his apprehension was been leas than 200-800 coUforms New Big Plus. gasoline. But it’s important. He said the strategy of paying charged that the ZBA, in estab­ Mark Swerdloff, director of goal of bringing about what he was broken into and the coin Guns Held While Labbe guarded the Brown’s use of new money with per miuiutre of water. box from a cigarette machine starvation wages to farm work­ lishing the driveways limitation, the Drug Information Center at calis "a dmocratic society free As evidence, the FBI had ob- listened on the walkle- consecutive serial numbers to ’The only beach now consider­ ers has been costly for rural had exceeded its powers and Manchester Memorial Hospital of racism.” was taken. It is not known how tained the guns used in the hold- talkie, Carmichael emptied the pay for purchases, WeVe taken lead out, kept the octane Big Plus will work perfectly in cars much was in the box. ed hazardous is the Idllk Bar America, not only in the health acted arbitrarily. said that the youths were not He explained that his project­ up. Uie masks worn by the ban- "'’sh from the tellers’ cages and The FBI was notified and on beach, vriiere poUutants are en­ of the workers but in the spin­ The appeal is still pending. conneeted with or even known ed revolution would create a so­ dits, a walkie-talkie used by one Brown anoroached the manager. Dec 11 Brown was picked uo tering the water from inade­ high. And weVe priced it below off economic benefits to local Last week, however, the at the Drug Center. He hopes ciety in which the people control At about midnight last night of the men to monitor the police Brown then went into the vault, jj, ^ casino. From him authorl that don’t have real high-compression communities which result when Listro’s Citgo Station, was brok­ quate qanitary systems in a Mobil matter was again placed that the incident will not inter­ the institutions, the government radlo frequency, several photo- and cleaned out most of the re- ties learned the whereabouts of nearby. trailer park. Owners of the residents are well paid. fere with citizens participation is a cooperative, and large pri­ en into and the coins from a cig­ on the board’s agenda ^ter dis­ p-aphs of the holdup in progress se^ e cash the motel the three were stay- the park are, however, comply­ premium. engines. Cars that do should use our A Florida Mexican-American, in a door-to-door survey plan­ vately owhed corporations be­ arette machine were taken. taken by a bank camera, and Meanwhile, a bank employe tng at and ao'enta cussions among Phelon, Town ing with a town request to pump Rudolfo Juarez, 31, told Mon­ Planner J. Eric Potter, and ned for sometime within the come public entitles. piles of small items bearing the had managed to set off a silent ^ About 200 feet of copper tub­ the septic tanks out on a daUy dale he has picked crops since Town Counsel John Shea. next two weeks. No funds will "Eventually these companies suspects’ fingerprints. alarm, connected to police head- ^ Carmichael To help clean the air. premium gasoline, Esso Extra. ing has been taken from outside b asis. he was five. Potter, who is on vacation, be solicited in connection with will be absolutely socialized and An FBI agent, who wished to quarters. As the bandits fled the a ° "The conditions haven’t im­ was not at Monday’s session of the survey, nor are there planS turned over els public enter­ the Furniture Super Mart in the remain unknown, praised the hank, they were met by pa- , a rested l^er the same Samuel Allen Report last week. There are 83,000,000 cars on the proved in all those years,” the board, but a letter from him for door-to-door fund drives in prises,” Ne'wton said. "There efforts of the Manchester Police trolman Richard Rand, who had ® search of the motel Assessor Samuel P. Allen has Cleaning the air is the biggest thing Juarez said. "We still are being to the board was read by the the future, he said. Those con­ will be no profit to any particu­ Department for their part of received a radio call. room turned up another $25,000 issued I his report on the activi- exploited by farmers, crew acting chairman, John Cagla- ducting the survey will have lar group and the people them­ The windshield of a car owned the investigation. Rand jumped out of his car, stolen mpney, and several tles for the month of June. we wanted to accomplish. So we took road today. What we’ve done is to make leaders, insurance companies, proper credentials. selves will reap the benefit." by Nancy Cummings of Hartford With the help of Buckley and yelled at them to stop, and was weapons, Houses measured and -viewed stores—you name it, the whole nello. In it. Potter stated it was was smashed sometime yester­ other sources. The Herald has answered by a gpinshot, missing Brown and Carmichael were in connection with reassessment society is against us." Big Plus an anti-pollution gasoline that Shea’s opinion that the statutes day while the car was parked attempted to reconstruct the him. Rand drew his pistol and held in lieu of $25,000 bonds in numbered 284, outbuUdings lead out of Big Plus. Actually, there Juarez is director of Organ­ do not give the board power to in the back of the Parkway series of events surrounding the fired at the men. ’he Washoe County Jail in Ne- viewed and measured were 348. ized Migrants in Community Ac­ Restaurant, 937 Center St. Manchester robbery. Much of The three robbers jumped into vada, awaiting extradition to set conditions, and that he ITT Growings Growings Allen’s office issued six new- 9 out of 10 drivers of today’s cars can tion Inc., the largest farmwork­ this information would have fhe Ford convertible and tore Massachusetts. Podolske was wasn’t that much lead to begin with. ers group in Florida dedicated would find it difficult to defend house building permits, and 17 the board’s position on appeal. Several lawn articles were, been made known at the time ^he parking lot. Rand charged with possession of bank to helping migrant workers. broken at the home of Rose other building permits. Electri­ use without worrying about engine He also urged the board to ac­ An Ever-Growing Concern of Brown and Carmichael’s Jumped into his car, radioed robbery funds, but was not ex­ One-and-a-half go’s of tetraethyl lead, Schwoerer, 103 Mather St., cal permits Issued were 14; cept the revised plan proposed trial, had it been held. headquarters, and pursued the tradlted, and the charges were (Continued from Page One) sometime Sunday night. Preceding the Manchester getaway car. In the pursuit, two later dismissed. The U.S. At- heating, one; plumbing, 12, and by Mobil. few payments have been made, septic, 11. knock. And it’ll be good for the 1971 1968,' the document describes robbery. Brown, Carmichael "lore shots were fired at Rand, torney's office is considering less than an eyedropper-full in a gallon. Witness In deciding not to act Mon­ they would cell the paper. They Five cases were referred to what kind of money-making op­ and another Massachusetts und Rand fired back, hitting a case against him now. day, members agreed with feel that the principal ingred­ the Zoning Board of Appeals, portunities would open up for man, William Royce, had rob- Babbe in the mouth. Their apprehension in Neva- cars, too. Cagianello that Morrissey ient in making sales of this type Two Attending 1667 miles were traveled, and Now we’ve removed one cc of that. To Says Panther should be present for the re­ Hartford if the two companies bed $18,355 from a Brockton, ditched the Ford on W. da meant the end of a three- could work out some kind of a of land is the name of the com- Mass., bank. Middle Tpke., past the Parkade month string of robberies, which 626 telephone calls were an­ hearing because only three oany selling it and ITT, Levitt Rainbow Parley deal, not even a merger: In this robbery, the three Apartments, and Brown and included a $37,000 robbery of a swered.,' make Big Plus 99.98% lead-free on Why we didn’t take out all the lead. Tortured members there had attended produces a lot of confidence in the original session. They were "They (ITT) are being espe­ Miss Kathleen Didan, g(rand men, armed and wearing Carmichael took off in the 1963 Springfield, Mass., bank; a PoUoe Report (Continued from Page One) the buyer. George Churllla, Martin Foley cially cautious about what is worthy advisor of the Connecti­ masks, entered the First County Pontiac. Labbe, wounded and $17,(XX) Cambridge, Mass., bank Pcdlcq Chief Gordon Bmith "There are now 80 airports in National Bank of Brockton on heeding profusely, was stun- job; and at least a dozen oth- a volume basis. We could have, of course. But engine It is Sams whose affidavit and Charles McKenzie. The gdven us in writing because they cut Grand Assembly of the In­ has also' submitted his monthly the Apcoa (parking) system and Oct. 16, and were observed by "ed, and headed into the woods, ers. and pretrial testimony have im­ fifth member sitting Monday have received a letter from the ternational Order of Rainbow report for June. ’Ihere were 162 Justice Department inquiring as 'vithout additional airports there for Girls, and Mrs. Arthur an off-duty policeman across I-abbe Stranded Brown and Carmichael were complaints answered; dog war­ plicated Seale in the case. was Wilbur Bennett, an alter­ is 15 per cent growth per year Then we doubled the amount of testing shows that some lead is needed to just what the specific areas Jobes, supreme inspector for the street. The unarmed police- Labbe, then, finding himself brought back to Walpole, Mass., den referrals, 18; accidents, 16; Seale’s lawyer, Charles Garry, nate. built in. They feel that 100 mil­ of mutual investment Interest Connecticut, have left for Cleve­ man ran across the street, took stranded, started to look around state prison, where they have accident arrests, 4; missing has charged that it was govern­ Charles Plrle, former board lion (Apcoa) transactions per were . . . land, Ohio, to attend the annual the keys out of the bandits’ get- fu*" ® with the keys left in been ever since, persons found, 6; assistance to engine-cleaning detergent, to reduce to prevent possible valve damage. ment agents who killed Rackley. chairman, also sat on the orig­ year involve excellent clientele "First, they talked about the Supreme Assembly sessions. away car, and called for help. He found a Hartford Gas in February, 1969, Labbe was other police, 18, and motor ve­ Twede said his testimony was inal hearing but was absent .vho would be good prospects for Monday. He has resigned from marketing possibilities with ITT. Miss Didan is the daughter of Upon emerging from the Uo. pickup truck, and drove to found g(ullty in U.S. District hicle arrests other than acci­ based on statements given to insurance.” eidiaust emissions even more. So we left the minimum amount in. the board effective yesterday. They have over 300,000 employ­ Mr. and Mrs. Rushid Didan of Brockton bank, the three found the Franklin Ave. apartment of Court by Judge Clarie, and sen- dents, 12. him by McLucas in June, 1969, The board has yet to name a es — about one-half in the There are other documents 36 Bolton St. She will be acting themselves without a car, and his girlfriend Miss Civltillo, in tenced to 15 years. h Is request Also, hoiise checks numbered shortly after McLucas was ar­ replacement. The ZBA does not United States and one half over­ outlining other possibilities and Supreme Page during the ses­ hijacked one from a man near- Hartford. to be allowed to be married to 28; fire calls, 4; buildings found It all adds up to this: Big Plus can And still made a cleaner gasoline. Try it rested in Salt Lake City. meet in August, and its next seas. They are in the process of •■•ther projects like a projected sions. by. By this time, police cruisers Police later found the truck Miss Civltillo was denied open, 12; criminal arrests, 14; In them, Twede and McLu­ session will be Sept. 21. developing a salary and savings $1 billion worth of new Sheraton Mrs. Jobes, Hamden, is an had come on the scene, and had abandoned on Stedman St. in Miss Civltillo, sentenced to incidents investigated, 7; break­ cut automotive air pollution from your soon. And help your car run clean. cas said he took Rackley to plan which would involve mutual liotels and motels. active member of the Supreme blocked off the area. (Jut off by Hartford. - three years, is now out on pro- ing and entering, 17; warnings rural Mlddlefleld from Panther iunds and life insurance, and But does America, with an In- Assembly and executive officer detectives, the getaway car ran Brown, Carmichael and bation, and living in Rhode Is- Issued, 12, and burning warn­ headquarters in New Haven by they would like to consider add­ f’ustrial base requiring new in­ head-on into a bus. Labbe met at this apartment land. While in custody she gave car significantly. Right now. for Connecticut. in g s, 1. There may be other questions car, accompanied by Warren n r Seen ing property and liability insur­ vestment to compete with for- Miss Diane Bernard, past The three robbers were taken and split' the holdup money birth to Labbe’s son ' * T a x e s D ue Klmbro, 35, a New Haven Pan­ ance to the package (That’s r.in-n comnetition, need $1 billion worthy advisor, and Miss Nan­ into custody, and charged with three ways. Brown and Carmichael are Tax (joUector Audrey Bray ther, and George Sams Jr., a •vhat Hartford sells.) worth of new Sheratons? In the cy Spicer, members of Man­ armed robbery with masks, as- Labbe was in critical condi- gtm at Walpole while has put out a reminder that 9 out of 10 drivers can use about gasoline you’d like Panther from Detroit "sent out Involved In ’They control the Hamilton old days the test would be made chester Assembly are driving sault with attempt to murder, tion, and Miss avltillo called sentence investigation is belne taxes are now due on the grand by the national" to New Haven. Management Corp., which sells by a free market, but by doing to Cleveland with Mr. and Mrs. assault by means of a danger- Hartford Hospital, asking for made. They still have not been lis t ot last October. Motor ve­ Big Plus without worrying answered. Like Sams, Klmbro has plead­ Stock Probe mutual funds and life insurance. 'ts own financing, playing with Paul Bernard, to attend the ous weapon, and two counts of an ambulance. Police traced tried on the Massachusetts rob­ hicle taxes are due in full this ed grullty to a second-degfree There are some 6,000 sales rep­ lease-backs, tax gimmicks, cap­ closing sessions and will return bery charges. There is a pos- month as are real estate and murder charge. (Continued from Page One) resentatives . . . and they could tive customers and what-have- July 31 with Miss Didan. personal pn^rty taxes of $60 atout engine knock. So we’ve prepared a sell property and liability insur­ you, ITT can be as Indifferent brought to Massachusetts court, o r le s s .) taking put-options on stock,” the ance. to what the real demands are as Summer ’70 Youths To Hold ^ ^ -M-fc I Charges will all be consoll- Real estate and personal Big Plus is high in octane. story said. "Through the Sheraton hotels, a Russian economic planner. pn^perty taxes over $60 are comprehensive brochure. Arabs Seize Selling short and taking put- Rockville the havt 1.2 million credit card With ITT’s congeries of com­ Leremonies in Center Park S"'*yet. “ payable in two installments, one ESSO PUi5 options both are moves designed panies in building materials, holders and' there are another No date has been set for sen­ this month and one in January It has what engineers to produce profits for those trad­ retailing, finance, communica­ Hospital Notes You can get it free at Esso 1.5 million through Avis . . . they A liturgical Celebration, de­ The group has received a per­ tencing. 1971. If the first installment Is Greek Plane ing in a stock if the stock loses tion, education, food and fin­ Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 have 200,000 stockholders. All of scribed as a "very free, very mit from the Town Park De­ not received by Aug. 8, Interest (Continued from Page One) value. ance, the corporation can take p.m. in all areas except ma­ I'lese might be considered as alive ecumenical liturgy,” has will be charged from the due call a ‘research octane’ stations. Or write Humble’s The story quoted reports that huge tracts of land; build cities ternity where they are 2 to 4 partment to use the park. In ed the plane for the Rome vHartford) prospects in their been planned for tonight by Tolland County date of July l at the rate of the put-options taken out just opinion. in which everything the inhab­ and 6:30 to 8 p.m. members of the Summer ’70 case of rain, the Celebration flight. itants use comes from ITT head­ three-fourths ot one per cent rating of 96. Octane, of Police said the commandos before the refusal of permission "They own Levitt & Sons. . . . program in Center Park. It will be held at Jesse-Lee House, Consumer Affairs office, to merge in December were quarters in New York. Soil, Water Unit per hfobth. got off after the plane arrived These home sales produce possi­ Admitted Monday: George will begin at 7:30. a former Cheney mansion, not GOP Primary "very profitable,” but that the bilities for mortgage insurance Aside from the wisdom of per­ Hanko, South St., Nettie Rem- from Lebanon, sffint some time Miss Sally Kelly, who’s in far from Main St. on Hartford Meets Tomorrow The fiberetary of State’s office course, is not the only Box 2180, Houston, strong buying before the second and other personal lines of prop- mitting this new, consumer-age klewlcz, Franklin Park W., Rob­ in the transit passengers’ charge of arranging this and Rd. The Tolland (Jounty Soil and has officially notified the Town announcement—the approval— eriy and liabiiity insurance. . . . version of the company town, ert Dobosz, Trumbull St., Paul­ lounge and did not make their other weekly celebrations Miss Kelly says balloons will Water Conservation District will derk Elisabeth Rychling of the was’ijt as profitable because of Levitt has great need for iand, there is the further question of ine Luetjen; Liberty St., all of guide to choosing a move until they reboarded the throughout the summer, says be given to all children attend­ hold its annual meeting tomor­ upcoming Republican primary Texas 77001. market conditions. and ITT feels there may be allowing ITT or any other eco­ Rockville; Brian Bard, Maple plane for the trip to Rome. the religious program is based ing and anyone else who wants row at 8 p.m. at the Tolland on Aug. 12. ’Die statewide pri­ The newspaper story left its some way to participate in a nomic mega-thlng to dispose of St., Ellington; Sandra Foody, Then they made radio contact hundreds of thousands of acres on an order of worship ar­ one, while the supply lasts. Af­ (Jounty Agricultural Center, Rt. mary jvUl pit party-endorsed sources and those who reported­ iand bank company. . . . They Willow St., South Windsor; Wil­ with the control tower and de­ of land in this way. There is ranged by a number of Protes­ ter the Celebration is over, peo­ 30, Vernon. U . B. senatorial candidate Low­ ly engaged in the stock trans­ estimate that land properly se­ lis West, Reed St., Harriett manded to talk with Premier only a finite amount of land, tant churches for ecumenical ple are Invited to Jesse-Lee to Frank Nlederwerfer, chairman ell Welcker against his chal> actions unidentified. lected will appreciate 13 to 15 Dzicek, Highland Ave., James service. George Fapadopoulos. Told he none of which Is manufactured Hazen, Skinner Rd., Glenna visit the residence and talk with of the district, said all cooper­ lenger John Lupton. Party- ITT and Hartford have already per cent a year. . . . They have The service follows some of was not availaole, they issued by ITT. But by virtue of ITT’s Palre, Union St., all of Rock­ Summer ’70 participants. ators, landowners and anyone endcMwed gubernatorial candi­ put their merger into effect by many ideas about capitalizing the patterns of traditional wor­ their ultimatum while police unholy economic power the ville; Melissa Anestis, River­ While both Manchester and else concerned with good man­ date Hiomas MeskiU will face exchanging nearly all outstand­ iiiterest and taxes for income ship but it is "very alive,” Miss for cleaner air formed a cordon about 500 ing Hartford Fire stock for a corporation will make better side Dr., Vernon; June Edlund, Willimantic Summer ’70 mem­ agement of natural resources is his challenger, Wallace Barnes. reporting purposes and ideas for Kelly says. It includes a variety Invited to attend. yards away from the plane. new issue of ITT stock. Two ITT than 10 per cent per year on Estelle Dr., Vernon; Anna Got- bers will be involved in this -Voting hours will be noon to ways to use ieverage to buy of songs. TTie Board, of Supervisors of Csso board members have been land while causing major chang- fryd. Village St., Theresa Lewis, Celebration, future programs, 8 p.m., with polling places In blocks of land instead of putting es in the ecology. Preceding the ' Center Parl^ named to sit on the Hartford Village St., Michael McKenney, as now planned, wil be held the district is responsible, under the Town Hall for first district all the money in ourselves. . . . Conglomerates contribute activities, there will be a picnic the direction of Commissioner voters, and at Coventry Grand- Personal Notices Fire board. Grove St., Mona Reilly, Crystal separately, with Celebrations in Levitt wili require $140 million nothing to productivity, effeci- for Summer ’70 participants Manchester on Tuesday nights Joseph Grill of the CJonnectlcut mar School for those In the sec­ L But the merger could still be next year alone. . . . Lake Rd., all of Rockville. ency or creativity. The compan­ Births Monday: Son to Mr. from both Willlmantlc and Man­ and Willimantic on Wednes­ Department of Agriculture and ond district. overturned if a pending U.S. "The Rayonier (an ITT-owned Card Of Thanks ies they own were doing well be­ and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Village chester at the Jesse-Lee House days. Natural Resources, to hold an . All Star Game Justice Department antitrust land and lumber company) Tlm- Humble Oil & Refining Company W« Irish to thank our neighbors, fore they were purchased. Their St., Rockville, and daugfther to on Hartford Rd. It begins at 6. Summer ’70 is a coed, ecu­ annual meeting to elect super­ Ooventrjr's American League friends and relatives for their kind­ suit—a separate move from the berland in Florida Involves sub- ness and sympathy, fiorat and spir­ efforts are in the domain of fis­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reilly, After the Celebration, to end menical, communal living pro­ visors, reporting on last year’s AU Stars swept a recent series state action—is successful. stajitial acreage. . . . They hope itual txMiquets, oars, drivers, mes- cal manipulation and proflt- Crystal Lake Rd., Rockville. at about 8:30, there will be an gram under the directorship of activities and to develop a pro­ o t games with the Trl-Town AU aacen and various courtesies during gram lor the coming year. our raoent bereavement. *o have 100,000 acres of land hyping. In return for these ac­ Discharged Monday: Lillis informal candlelight folk sing The Rev, Russell H. Allen of Stars (Scotland, North ETank- which will be available for va­ Those on the present Board of Grabowaki Family. complishments of dubious social Bowers, Royalton, Mass.; Saxon for about one hour. Everyone St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Un and'North Windham), w 1b | F ire Sale cation site purposes after the Supervisors, besides Niederwer- -utility, these economic x- Overfelt. Rosewood Dr.. Vernon; is Invited to attend the ’Cele­ The participants, from all over nlng the best-of-three series in Card O f timber has been token off. They mutants have in the last 20 fer, who is from Ellington, are We wish to thank our I many SEATTLE (AP) — The fire Arthur St. Louis, Old Town Rd., bration’ and folk sing. Miss the country, who are living in two games, and 2-0. The 11 have ideas for thar mutual lund years been given tremendous Horace F. Pease, Somets, vice Meads tor their kiodaeae anq sym­ departmeht this, week sold 23 Mrs. Frances Reindeau and son. Kelly says. There wili be about Manchester this summer, are mmI 12-year-old boys on both pathy. Bond and spiritual bouquets, salesmen'^ to selA the lots'' in­ power to shape the lifd of the chairman; Norman R. Strong, meaautcs and various courtesies old brass poles, i the: kind fire­ West Rd.. Mrs. Patricia J. Zep- 22 young peipple from both Sum­ working as volimteers in vari­ tMnna were picked as tbe best cluding the cest of development couhtry. It’s power they have Vernon, treasurer; John Mbr^ ihuing our recent bereavement. men slide down, and all 23 were peri and son. Terrace Dr., all of mer ’70 p^rams participat­ ous community-help projects lo­ o t aU players In the league. Odra Andrew Ooldanider bought by firemen. in the price of the lot. After a not used well. Rockville. y ing. 1 dasky, Stafford, secretary, and •Bad temMy. cally and in Hartford. William Kralovich, Andover. Joe Peck was the winning pitcher, with Kenny SolensU in reUef. Other boys on the win- T-'-TTS pv- —T.r*T^;y--'-,^".'85p^ V- •■ i -7. y» ‘ -(f T^r^' .’•^1

PAGE FOURTOEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERA}.D. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 PAGE FIFTEEN /' South Windsor have been trying since last De­ three-year contract with wage Edenfield, 48, of Ledyard, who B o lto n to 8:30. A six-month residency Nation^s Oldest Shipyard fodav's FUNNY “Whatever The Blackout cember' to negoUate a contract increases totaling 29 per cent, Woliian Killed was killed. His car, police said, is required to register. As Others See Us to replace one which expired Budget Surplus Occasioii—FloweiB and retroactive pay for the first crossed into the eastbound lane Selectmen’s Meeting Gains New Lease on Life (D 1*70 ^ HEA, Ik . TOKYO (AP) — Calling re­ an American news magazine Is Threatened Dec. 31. three months of the year. The In 1-95 Crash and collided head-on with the Star Gazers The selectmen will meet to­ Is at $134,739, duction of American forces had reported that Washington Say It Best!” ’The present pay scale pro­ comptuiy also offered a S7H- Lathams* car, which then struck night in the selectmen’s office. Meatown WASHINGTON (AP) — The to about 6,000 employes by the NEW LONDON, Conn. (AP) would demand $1 billion as the At Providence vides a $200 weekly top for a re­ hour week, four weeks vacation a car driven by Wayne Vinal Schedule Game end of the year. overseas "an Inevitable devel- porter with five years’ experi­ 1215V^ Silver Lane nation’s oldest government ship­ Over Estimate price of maintaining present after 10 years and 10 paid holi­ — A 67-year-old Rhode Island of Eastford. Manchester Evening Herald Details of the yard’s future opmen," a Japanese newspaper • PROVIDENCE (AP) — Me­ ence. The Guild asks an in­ yard, once doomed by the John­ troop levels in Europe. PENTLAND the Florist days a year, woman Injured Friday afternoon Also injured was Miss Ruth Mike Giglio, captain of the Bolton snmmer corespondent East Hartford assignment are to be worked In a report to the Town Coun­ said Japan must provide eco­ diators meet today with negotia­ crease to $252 in four steps, the ’The Guild asked a union shop, son administration and damned "As an Atlantic leadership na­ «4 BIRCH snr. «4S-4444 • M3-«$47 in a three-car accident on In­ Moore of Riverton, N.J., who Star Gazers, reports that his Alan Cocconl, .tel. 649-09(M. out by the Defense Department cil this week from Town Man­ nomic aid to South Korea to off­ tors for the Providence Journal first iperease retroactive to last severance pay and Improved tion," said the editorial, "Amer­ dpeA Monday throu^ Saturday 8:80 A M , to 5:8# P,M- Co. and the I^rovidence Newspa­ terstate 95 in Waterford died was listed today in Improved team will play the Hebron Fire by an influential Admiral, has under Nixon’s new'directive. ager Terry Sprenkel, Monday set the proposed reduction of Jan. 1 and the others on Oct. 1, iar allowances. ica cannot negotiate about bal­ per Guild, which has voted to Tuesday in Lawrence & condition. I n o lo r^V B T o n a won a rare new lease on life In addition to being the site of night, the towq budget balance U.S. troop strength there. 1970, Jan . 1, 1971 and Ju ly 1, As of last Sept. 30, the Even­ Department in a non-league anced troop reductions with the Why Not Uve A UtUe! Flowers From PENTIANIVS strike the newspapers no later Rainbow Division the signing of Uie ’Treaty of sheet showed a budget surplus 1971. ing Bulletin reported daily cir­ Memorial Hospitals. game tomorrow night. The slow freshest meert dis­ from President Nixon. In another foreign editorial Soviet Union and at the same WUI Brighten Up Your Worid So Much — DoUvery than S a.m. ’Thursday. Portsmouth which formally end­ 300K9, of $134^739. The figures are sub­ Anywhere In The World! ’The union proposes that in­ culation of 148,812, the m orning She was Mrs. Margaret La­ ’The Insignia of the 42nd Di­ •nie Portsmouth, N.H., Naval comment in the past week on time hinge the presence of its The .Guild’s steering commit­ Tea Drinkera pitch softball action begins at play in the whole ed the Russo-Japanese war in jected to the annual audit, and creases bt! allocated from a pool Providence Journal 67,052 and tham of Charlestown, a passen­ vision of the American Expedi­ Shipyard—historic birthplace of American policy, a West Ger­ troops onto the purse strings of tee voted unanimously Tuesday 6:16 p.m. at the high school 1905, the yard has been associat­ formed by ^a $34 across-the- the Providence Sunday Journal ger in a car driven by her People of Great BritMn and tionary Force was a rainbow U.S. vessels from sail to atom "part of the surplus,’’ Sprenkel man paper s^d the Umted the Gerinans. to strike after the company re­ field. board increase for all members 205,604. husband, Louis. It was the sec­ Ireland are considered the superimposed on a black field. power—will remain open be­ ed with American naval history said, “will be used to defray the States must maintain a sizable jected a Guild proposal to sub­ "We know that the Nixon ad­ of the bargaining unit in a two- ond death resulting from the world’s g^atest tea drinkers, Voter Session The 42nd was made up of Na­ in triumph and tragedy since its town’s taxes." military presence in Europe, mit all open issues to binding cause it is important to national ministration- must cut military year contract. The unit numbers Drained pineapple chunkc left­ accident. consum ing about 10 pounds per There will be a voter registra­ tional Guard troops drawn from BONELESS. defense, the White House said purchase by the federal govern­ m 6Am ’Town officials had expected a but the price to Germany arbitration. expenditure. Reduction of over­ about 200 m em bers. over. Heat them with Harvard The crash Involved a west­ person annually, according to tion session tonight. It will be in almost all states of the Union, m ent in 1800. surplus over $100,000 in May mustn’t be too high. Tuesday. seas personnel is one important The. company and the union The company proposed a beets. bound car driven by Ralph the Encyclopaedia Britannica. the selectmen’s office from 6:30 hence its name of Rainbow Di- ROTISSERIE The nuclear submarine ' I ‘nianx fo when tax levies for South Wind­ ’The 'Jap an ’Times cited a joint The change in plans climaxed Horold Andtrtofi. step to do so. But one should not GARAGE SALE ’Thresher sank in the Atlantic in a concentrated campaign, di­ Colorado. Spriii9i, Colo. sor were set, and used that Japanese-American declaration ask too much of a friend." 1963 in its first test dive after rected by the bipartisan amount toward reduction of the last November that South Ko­ In other comment last week— being overhauled in Ports­ congressional delegation from mill rate. In South Windsor, rea’s security is essential to Ja­ Japan’s Asahl Shimbun said if July 25 26 9 - 5 p.m. mouth. All 129 men aboard were Todoy'i FUNNY will poy.$l.00 for New Hampshire and Maine, to tocK "funny" ut«d. S«nd gags fo: $100,000 is approximately one pan’s own security. It said eco­ the U.S. Congress passes the Pork lost. keep the yard in operation. Todoy'i FUNNY, 1200 W«tf Third $f., mill. nomic aid to South Korea "has Mills bill to restrict U.S. im­ Courts of inquiry cleared the CItvtIond, Ohio 44113.' The surplus came from vari­ an importance which is com­ ports of textiles, Japan should HEVENOR FARMS Former Secretary of Defense yard of any blame in that inci­ ous accounts but the two parable in many ways, and per­ restrict imports of U.S. cotton, PRE-INVENTORY R obert S. M cN am ara in 1964 o r­ dent and in the sinking of anoth­ largest w ere $65,000 from the haps even superior, to purely dered the yard—located on an wheat and com. LLOYD N. HEVENOR Rolls er Portsmouth submarine, the sewer debt which was balanced military aid.” island in a river separating New Squalus. ’Twenty-six men of the out with a grant and $31,000 It said, however, that Japan "Now when a wave of protec­ 47 DEMING ST.. WEST C aldor Hampshire and Maine—to phase Finnish Chief tionism is sweeping the United Squalus were killed and 33 were from the Unexpended Contin­ cannot give military aid to WAPPING, CONN. out operations by 1974. The clo­ States,... we should unite with rescued when the sub went gency Fund. Seoul because that “would be an sure was part of a series of mili­ Due in States European and other countries to down just off Portsmouth in The remaining surplus will be unconstitutional action which tary base cutbacks intended to SALE! press the United States to — MANY COUNTRY ITEMS — 1939. HELSINKI (AP) — Finnish placed in the general fund to the national consensus would save more than J1 billion a change its mind," said Asaiil, President Urho Kekkonen left earn interest. not support.” • ROLLTOP DESK year. today for an official visit to the Japan’s largest newspaper. • BRIC-A-BRAC 2 With Sixth Fleet The comment on proposals to lb The yard’s most recent critic. • HORSE HARNESS United States. Navy Fireman Steven J. De- increase the cost to West Ger­ ’The American correspondent • CHINA Save Vice Adm. H. G. Kickover, AL Unit Cited • SADDLE ’The 69-year-old president re­ Maio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ many of American forces there for the London Dally Express • GLASS $3 called Portsmouth "the most oy ^ Columbia General Eleeli’ie turned Monday from Moscow, seph DeMaio, 65 Birch Rd., is came from the conservative had unkind words for American • CHAIRS • GUNS-12 GAUGE Big B Inefficient nuclear submarine At Convention where he renewed the Finnish- now serving aboard the gpiided Frankfurter Allgemeine Zel- secretaries who elected Ann • HALL RACK AND 22 GAUGE SAVE AT LEAST 20c LB. yard, private or public, i; have A plaque and cash award for Soviet treaty of friendship and missile cruiser USS Albany Fallon, 40-year-old secretary to • GLASS SHOW CASE ev er seen.’’ tung, which said: "Let there •BOOKS Long Plav Records Hair Seller outstanding service for child assistance for another 2 years. with the Sixth Fleet in the be no doubt: The Americans a Texas oilman. International • PICTURE FRAMES •TABLES 24” BBQ All M eat — E asy to (Jut “I have observed more loaf­ Observers in Helsinki believe he Mediterranean. must stay in West Germany Secretary of the Year. • DISPLAY CABINETS • STOVE ing there than at any other welfare was presented to the is carrying a message from So­ Our with a convincing military con­ Frederick Ellis wrote: “From • OLD VICTROLA • 24 IN. UPRIGHT Cnldor yard,’’ Rlckover, deputy com­ American Legion Auxiliary last Grill 1 )!«>}{ Reg. viet leaders to President Nixon tingent. my experience of American sec­ AND RECORDS FAN ON STAND 10.97 Priced! 2 mander for nuclear propulsion weekend at the state conven­ concerning the European securi­ He Keeps ’em Guessing ‘"The A m ericans not only pro­ retaries I would give them a in the Navy’s Ship Systems tion at the Hotel Sonesta in ty conference the Russians want tect us, they cover all of West­ very low rating for efficiency— With Hood - Sftil - Molar ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Bob MACHINE SLICED Command, added in testimony Hartford. held. Kekkonen has offered to ern Europe. They secure their and despite visa problems a Sa>«’ More 7.97 Short kept everyone gpiessing to a House Appropriations sub­ be host to the parley. British-trained girl commands a 12 r.iii^lc-liCL* bluo inlk’is lio.il snmilLmo- AMERICAN CXX)KED ’The child w elfare, program until the last possible moment, home base by being here." at I laltliM'! committee last May. ’The conference proposal, Fin­ Read Herald Advertisements Our , ousiv. l.igli! icIK u Iilmi lollois jic u*atl\ !>> provides such things as scholar­ then decided not to run for gov­ But the newspaper noted that premium in New York.” However, Reps. Louis C. Wy­ nish neutrality and Finnlsh-A- Reg. 2.94 3.44 (.hargp lour Purenase. use.ViKi): ships, food and clothes for vet­ man, R-N.H., and Peter N. Ky- ernor of Minnesota. 18.99 Our Reg. 19.99 erans’ children. It also has a merican trade reportedly will Fealiiring: On a Clear Day You Can .See Forever - liarbra ros, D-Malne, challenged Rick- Short, Minneapolis business­ separate fund for children of be the main topics the Finnish 12.74 Slrcirrand O ripnal Sound Track man and owner of the Washing­ Lcncral Ucririr Salami over’s statement the yard is leader will discuss with Nixon, non-veterans. ton Senators baseball club, was ( luomo plulcd ytid opcrules on crank Also: Marrying M aiden-It’s a Beaulilul Day - .Sesame Street- inefficient, wasteful and costly. The auxiliary also received Vice President Spiro T. Agnew Deluxe Hair Seller They insisted it had an excellent in the office of the secretary of life. Hood holds ruyged motor which Donovan - Open Road - Blood. Sweat & Tears a citation for its rehabilitation and Secretary of State William state when the 6 p.m. deadline lurits spit evenly lor delicious broiliitg! 18 tangle-lree tollers-a new set in record. P. Rogers. He also will meet AUTOMOTIVE minutes. Smart case lor travel. #H (’DI program, which includes pro­ ,♦ :402 In recent years, the yard has expired Tuesday, but did not file harffe it: 8-Track Tapes . . . Now Only 4 .9 4 viding patients in veterans hos­ with U.N. Secretary-General U hi candidacy for the Democrat’ 15.70 concentrated chiefly on repair­ ’Thant. pitals with personal items not ic-Farmer-Labor nomination, ing and overhauling subma­ supplied by the government, Kekkonen and Foreign Minis­ rines. Short’s decision leaves state spending money and other serv­ ter Vaelnoe Leskinen were due Sen. Wendell Anderson unop­ lb At the time the phase-out or­ Full Quart Caldor ices. in Washington ’Thursday after a posed in the Sept. 16 primary SERVICE CENTER Make Caldor Your Tennis Center! der was issued, the yard em­ Delegates to the conventions night with friends outside New State Atty. Gen. Douglas Capacity! I alue! ployed 7,600 w orkers a t an an­ Included Mrs. Wilber Little, York. Head has three opponents in the Voiingslar Tennis Kaekel nual payroll of J61.6 mUllon— K Mrs. Everett Kennedy and Mrs. ’This is Kekkonen’s second of­ Republican Ihimary. C h a r lie making it one of New England’s ■■nil C.iiMor Leon Bradley and Mrs. Joseph ficial visit to the United States. Short said he decided not to In Spald largest industries. u : Wallet. Delegates-at-large were The first was in 1961, at the invi­ run because he could not visual­ Custom racket lor P r i c e d : Manpower reductions figured Mrs. Henri Pessini and Miss tation of President John F. Ken­ ize getting a big enough majori­ PRE-INYEKTORY the young player. 7 Our to lower the civilian work force Barbara Wallett. nedy. ty to lead the state effectively. ply I'rame, overlay.s. nylon stringing. No Reg. PLUMP, MEATY rain checks. 4.99 3.99 CLEARANCE SALE! Panelio (ron/.ales Tennis \ |e Save S3 SAVE AH EXTRA Kaekel bv Spalding FM /A !V 1 Fumoiis Brand Soda Fountain Folding J Laminated (tame Now Tiirtalilr Ktulio Orbital Sander Syphon by Kitlde Walnut Chair Sew and Save w iM ew with overlays. Nylon Only stringing, leather 7.49 Our Our Our Our OUR REG. LOW Reg. % grip. No rain checks Reg. Reg. Only 24 Reg. 5 17.70 12.99 12.88 Per Store: 3.49 PRICES ON C h a r lie 15.88 9.99 9.87 2.99 CiiMor Spalding Tennis Kalb Advanced transistor design, quality Heavy duly walnut finish wooden OFF For wood, metal, plastic, 2 amp Soda King Chargers chan. Folds compactly when not ') '' ,1 balls, vacuum circuits for I'M. Gift boxed with motor, .1 wire grounding wire case and battery. No rain checks. Thumb switch #9l,s 1 by Walter Kidde 1 IQi m use. « / (.aidor! packed for I'rcshtress. Box of 10 tml 7 ROAD^^KING . No rain checks. 1.88 AV,) < W a lb U As Seen on Television lucredihle St. Josephs Deluxe Kunlwel PREMIUM PLUS* Low lUallress Wool & AcryH Fall I nine I Romper Room Priced’ Baby Powiler 594 6 ’/4 Oz. Lxira thick hair block with loam EXCELLENT FOR Absorbs mois­ lop and sides. Flower lace pal- Mr. Magnet Man OUTDOOR GRILL Blend Fa^ •ics Dress Prints BLACKWALL TIRES ture. Safe, un­ tern. Our breakable can. 1 9 IN OUR STOCK Reg. Your Choice! 3.99 Our L 2.99 Coppertone 9 9 / ^ 9 9 Full 4 Ply Nylon Cord >AII Brand New Reg. Turbo Caldor 24 magiteli/cd pieces to form endless No Trade-in Needed amusing I'acesl I'or 2 to (> year olds. Tunning Butter 24.99 Acrylics Priced! Yard > Free Mounting EASTER STYLE 2 1.29 All Metal 854 1 5/8 Oz. M A > 25.97 18.88 Imported Italian Slide File Box New blend of i Each Carriage Bopded and unbonded wools and acrylic Perma press, machine washable. Komper Koom Ji^mbo IVneils cocoa butter, 4-^ • | liends, in marvelous Fall shades. 54 to 60 45 inch wide, 100% cotton, 1 2 hexagon shaped jumbo pencils artd sharpener. . . ; coconut oil. ’ Our inches wide. wrinkle resistant. OUR Bunny Bear Deluxe Reg. 66.97 Polish REG Plus Komper Koom Seoop- A-boop Swimmer’s Crib Mattress Multi bladed twin traction tread. Wrap around ■ i l . 2 9 52.88 19,99 1.78 2 cblorl'ul plastic scoops and ball for active I'un. . .. Supporter N ylon labric on easy-folding : Six inch thick foam mattress with traction arc shoulders. Laminated inner lining. F.E.T. S A V L Binoculars, chrome frame. Large wheels, lilt- Reg. 1.21 • I pretty quilted licking. Mfgr’s 3 Romper Koom Pnnebing ( low n 79* proof double brake. Removable 16.99 F V T R A /c Telescopes Colton. year guarantee. Kielbasa L X I R A in our stock body. Solid & Print Dacron •There currently exists no industry wide or other accepted system of SIZE REGULAR SALE F.E.T, Colorful clown inllales to .15" tall...... quality standards or grading of tires. Kilt-Cloth Double Knits 735x14 23,99 20.39 2.04 Floor Model Clearance!> ...... ■■■...■■ii.i I 775x14 24.99 21.24 2.17 Jewelry Dept. Clearance Sale!- ^ h b ^ I UIPETIMC QUARANTEE 825x14 25.99 22.09 Our Evary tira Is quarantaad through­ CHARGE 2.33 A-C3-I C OHE3F* Caldor Reg. out iha Ufa of tha original traad. 855x14 26.99 22.94 Caldor b H ragardlass of tima or mllaaga, 2.53 ■ f ^ All 14Kt. All 14 Kt. lb . Priced 4.99 against manufacturar's dafacts YOUR 775x14 25.99 22.94 2.19 Yard Yard and all road hazards, cuts, brulsas, Range 3.88 blowouts, ate. Wa will at our op­ 825x14 26.99 22.94 ^36 P ierced & R egular Men’s & Ladies’ 1.66 tion rapak It at no charga. or ra- PURCHASES 7qwith self-cleaning oven placa (t, charging only for tha 855x14 27.99 23.79 2.57 50% polyester, 50 cotton, D acron® polyester in jacquards and amount of traad worn, E arrings* Rings * perm anent press, machine tone-on-tone knits. Machine washable. 60 iim iin irfnsiim m iiiiwtriiiiim ip AT CALDORI TRY SOME ON YOUR washable, 45 inch wide. Slub Our inches wide. Sizes 900x15 and 915x15 availabla in WW only. Cba rg< Pearl Stud Earrings Men’s Linde Star OU’TDOOR GRILL! i-weave surface. Whitewalls also on sale $3,00 addiUonU par tira. Reg. Eskimo 20” With Carry Case 319.70 it! Beginner’s ,*257 Portable Fan Reg. $4.95...... 2.98 Reg. $85 42.50 Paint Set WHEEL NEW TUBELESS Installed iiVitti Free Local Our Bamboo Hoop Ladies’ Opal/Diamond purchiise of ti t*. Reg. Our 6 9 Delivery! 15.88 Reg. $14.95...... Reg. $145 ...... 72.50 Reg. HAVE YOU TRIED BALANCING Price includes parts and labor TIRE VALVES 11.88 7.98 i 9.99 Bonded Crochet or Upholstery - 2 ‘ Timer controlled oven. Cook lop Hoover 8” Desk Fan Carnet and Pearl Ladies' Turquoise & 5 . 9 7 OUR ALL BEEF elements slide out for easy clean­ Diamond ^ Includes 12 tubes of Fine quality Knitted Operates oil paints, turpentine, linseed oil, Orion® Fabric ing.,Many other features! Our Reg. 7.70 Reg.$21.95...... 10.98 Reg. $216...... ! FRESH GROUND COMPLETE PROfESSIOHAL precision quietly, no T V 1 0 8 pre-skelched stretch canvas, I interference. * Not all price categories in all stores. • N o t all price categories In all stores. brushes, palette, table easel. No Co-ordinates Vest Kit Closeout Stable base. 5.88 ‘ Diamond earrings not Included • Diamonds and predominantly diamond rings ram checks. Toy Dept. TUNE-UP Magic ('hef 30” (»as Range S 9 T 7 not Included. Hamburg Our [FRONT END ALIGNMENT] Reg. Hotpoint 10 Cn. Ft. Refrigerator 81 A T >“ - 4 . 2 9 v . j 2.78 MOST 6 Our Reg. 179.00...... A Pei Dept. Savings! 2 f'or Most Fords, 1.97 ||“2.99J CYLINDER CARS Hotpoint .Vntomatie W'asher 8 1 A You Save Sweater knits, ready to sew! Easy to make, fun to wear! 54 inches wide, famous mill 0 g Plymouths Wardley's Vacation Fish 18.93 Vacuum Match a sweater to your Fall Complete kit for knitting your selection. Choose from brocades, Food ^ ^ 11.88 Whirlpool 13 Cii. Ft. Refrigerator Purifies water as it feeds fish. skirt or slacks. Tricot back, 54” own vest. matelaises, tweeds and stripes. 1 5 .8 8 Cleaner lb m o sti| 08 U1CYLINDER VIIMW*-*- CARS.------Our Reg. 294.98 Avocado...... Impregnated with food. s™. 2 9 ' wide. Large color selection. OUR MECHANICS DO THE FOLLOWING: -I rrton. b»,d •Correct camber, caster, toe In. Norge Eleetrie Dryer Glass Wool. Jumbo I lb. Complete with Tools! Our Reg. 159.90 With Auto. D ry ...... For maximum filtering - not NOW •Align front end. > l«mll nTO too fine nor too coarse. Soft Tools 13.95 Norge 13 Cu. Ft. Freezer spun. 1 .4 9 Vacuum 59.88 a Adjust carburetor timing. 9 M** Sportswear Our Reg. 188.70...... Total Rag. 73.83 Fashion Sergeant's 8 Oz. Flea & Tick Sprav Air Conditioned Cars only ‘S S RC.A 14” Portable CoIor^TV Sesirtortypejajkp^^ Checks scratching, deodor­ 54.88 Fabric Clearance Fabric Closeout Our Reg. 259.00 — ...... izes. Repels flies, mosquitos, 4 Position Control! Rayon, linen prints, Reg. 1.49-1.99 yd. Our Reg. 99c - 1.49 With torsion bars additional 4 00 gnats. Voile, canvas, duck, Cars Zenith 23” Walnut Console TV S l . 0 9 DIal-a-Nap control adjusts suction for canvas suitings, sail leno, pique. Machine CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Our Reg. 499.70...... maximum cleaning efficiency on any cloth. Many patterns. QOe 129 washable prints/solids. •Other car, riijfttlyhi^,,. Hartz Flea ('.ollars for Dogs & Cals mg. Adjustable 3 position handle, toe Meatown 45” wide. switch. Lifetime lubricated motor. 45” wide. to G.E. 23” Color Television Kills fieas from head to tip of Caldor y y X yd- DRIVE IN FOR OUR FREE #2010 Our Reg. 449.98 Walnut or Maple...... tail for up to 3 months. Valuel No Rein Chei 1 .9 8 SPECIALS for AUONMINTCHICiri Thurs., Fri. and Sea. Sale: Wed. HAMDEN WATERBURY MANCHESTER WALLINGFORD CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Sale: Wed. thru Sat. We Accept Food Stamps Lakewood & Wolcott Rd. thru Sat. MANCHESTER WATERBURY WALLINGFORD 1145 Tolland Turnpike 2380 Dixwfell Ave. R t 69 Rt. 5 At Meriden Line Open Late Every Night Manchester, 1145 Tolland Tpke. !.«.* m l. Lak«w««4 A WtlctM M. It. 69 We Reserve tlie Right EXIT »3. WILBUR CROSS PARKw S y . 1145 Tollaid Tiripik* 2310 MiwtII Avt. It. 5 At Ntridti Um To Limit (tuontitlea OtiMr «tor«« locaue In Oinbury, Norwillt, SUmford, RivarUda, PaaktMII,-Oadford HIIK, Kiniiton, Pomhkaapila. Northampton a Framlniham Except SaUrdfly to 6 P.l Other ttorss locatad in Danbury, Norwalk, Sumford, Rivarside, Paakskill, Badford Hills, Kingston, Pouf^kaepsia, Northampton & Framingham Open Late Every Night


WORLD ALMAMC 'VUE n FAQTS YELLOW CLING S O L ID P A C K F A M I iy ^ ^ : ALL FLAVORS O V E N B A K E D MOTT'S lA W A ^ E R - IEW 7TIT 7 D EI MONTE B&M Y Tax Free Dollars Your neighbor carelessly backs W HITE TUNA GRAND his car into your fence, causing $200 worth o f damage. Acknowl- ed^ng his fault, he hands you a check for $200. Do you have 1 qt , » | 0 0 UNION to pay income tax on this 14 0/ i i o o amount? ca n s SUPERMARKETS Volleyball was developed No, because it is not really c a " s I as a game by William G. “ income” at all. The money Morgan in 1895, The World merely makes you “come out Almanac recalls. Morgan even." was a physical director at Now, suppose he refuses to pay '■ i '/ s" the Young Men’s Christian w*: __ ' f f 5 *'• *'^** -cr and you have to sue him for the Association i n Holyoke, money. Then, too, if you win the LOW LOWa omOBO Mass. Initially the game $200, it is tax free. Again, it was called mintonette and simply makes you come out even. was played with a basket­ GRAND UNION ALL PURPOSE GRIND TOP QUALITY GRADE 'A' ALL WHITE MEAT- ^ ^ v M ball bladder struck over a This principle has wide appli­ " ^ } cation, notably in personal in­ I I rope. jury cases. Accident victims some­ m f'o p y rlg h t © 1970, times win verdicts involving large ^ IT H THiT c O U P O ^ R d PURCHAbt ur FRESHMK NfWHpaptT lOnterprlHo Aann. sums o f money. T o the extent 2 DOZEN that the money is compensation for their injuries, it is not sub­ Computer Billing 2 ject to income tax. UMCVEIW COFFEE PARTS In fact, the injury need not 2 COUPON ROOD THRU SAT., JULY 25 r o u n d c h u c k even be physical at all. In one LEGS with thigh BREASTS with rib . COUPON GOOD Has Drawbacks, case, a man won $100,000 for lj7^UIVilT?6NE MUP^^^^ Oaim s Proxm ire defamation of character. The government tried to collect in­ with WASHtNO’TON (AP) —Con­ come tax on this sum, but a court 1-qt. 14-oz. rib gress has been asked to do ruled that is was not taxable. The STAMPS court said the purpose p f the cans 4 -6 something about those credlt- p o u n d s money was just to “ make the vJirlfTHI^OUPON ANU lb. bllUng computers which some­ 2 plaintiff whole.” 1-lb. CAN YOUR FAVORITE BRAND times won’t take the facts for an And in another case, the 2 GRAND UNION money that a girl won in a GRAND UNION ^ SWIFT’S PREMIUM breach o f promise suit was like­ LIBBY *1116 problem, says Sen. W il­ qt. COLD CUTS S liam Proxmire, I>-Wls., Is that wise held not taxable, since it was decanter SAUSAGE Z VC ... 69' COUPON GOOD THRU SAT., JULY 25 TOMATO JUICE SWEET PEAS 6 NOGEN DAVID MIDGET SALAMI OR corporations tend to rely com­ compensating her only for the PETER PAN-SMOOTH ,.,b RATH SOCIETY « < w r - n GRAND UNION STRAWBERRY pletely on computers to send out harm she had suffered. ONE C^OUPON PER_CUjI9W iS BOLOGNA However a verdict may also PEANUT BUTTER ;; 5 9 ' HAMS *1®® monthly credit statements and PRESERVES ARMOUR STAR refuse to admit the machines • include “ punitive” damages, im­ CATSUP RAGU-NEAT MEATLESS MUSHROOM MARMARA s h A . posed not to compensate for the 1 4 -o z. make mistakes. ' 'S ' SLICED BACON . . 9 5 ' . ai IaXa niellM n k s (pivnpir » .juicihi) CRISPRITE plaintiffs injury but to punish the PRIDE i^^E FARM btls. SPAGHETTI SAUCE 3 9 ' And once a mistake Is made, defendant for his wrongful con­ A' Proxmire said, it is almost im­ duct. On this portion o f the ver­ possible to get the error correct­ dict, a tax may indeed be col­ ed; the computer reacts with an lected. escalating series of statements For example: TBSh INSTANT COFFEE DESSERT FAVORITE F R E S H C U T LEGS SMALL-UNDER 4 LBS. —coaxing, warning and th reat­ In another defamation case, WITH BACK ening the customer about his the plaintiff won $1,000— $650 OR credit rating, for the damage done to his repu­ BREASTS Proxmlre’B bill requires a tation, and $350 to teach the de­ Tastes Best TASTER'S JELLO WITH WING company to acknowledge within fendant a lesson. The $650 was 10 days the receipt of a com­ held tax free, but the plaintiff 4-7/8 0 1 . TENDER HLATY C W A n ak plaint that Its computer has did have to pay income tax on pkg- goofed. Before 00 days Is up the the $350. This was considered in­ i - e - 3 QUARTERS lb. lb. VEAL CHOPS "S *1®® t 9 9 ' FARM FRESH HYDRO COOLED SMOKED _ _ firm would have to correct the come because, in spite o f the error or explain to the consum­ harm he had suffered, be came . . er why there was no mistake. out $350 richer than he had been PORK SHOULDER Z 5 5 ' “ If the company failed to do before. JUMBO RRFFN niAM T HUNT’SW TIDBITS ^ A n . AXnUUK » l AK _ both of these, It would forfeit An American Bar Association COLONIAL - - n F IR S T C U T 100-ft GRAND UNION SKINLESS the light to collect the amount public service feature by Will SARAN WRAP roll 6 5 ' TOMATO SAUCE 2 25*^ DRY SALT BELLIES , . 6 5 ' the consumer claimed to be In B e rn a rd . CORONET-DEAL LABEL . <.^nn POLISH KIELBASI ,.7 5 ' na use a a a a a a k NEPCO-CHUNK BOLOGNA OR ^ . error,” Proxmire explained. © 1970 American Bar Association Stewed T omatoes 4 8 9 The next step would be up to J FACIAL TISSUES 4 .4 *1®® Shrimp Cocktail 3 8 9 ^ LIVERWURST ,.95' the consumer. I f he could prove BUTTERY FLAVOR a A J BALKAN CHICKEN STEW _ FRESH GENUINE c u i f i an error, he could sue for a re­ ARMOUR STAR Adk. Potato Sacking DOG FOOD 4 'L °- 8 9 ' WESSON OIL imi S!' 3 9 ' bate, treble punitive damages FILLET OF SOLE H ‘® . . and legal fees. GRAND UNION WHITE a i-ib. O A r s o r SPREAD l l b A A c SLICED FAT BACKS 3 9 ' Takes on Look SWIFT'S PREMIUM n g k . And the company would b e re ­ mperial argarine p k g. L aundry Detergent Z I M SWORDFISH STEAK .b 9 9 ' quired to Inform the ouatomer Of Bright Glamor ALL NEAT FRANKS ib 7 9 ' of his computer rights a t the time he opened an account and BAN FRANCIBCX) (AP) — D^/niCLCOO on each monthly bill. 0 HMy've prettied up the old po­ Proxmlre’s “fair credit billing U tato sack to the point where you CHUCK FILLET bill” also requires statements can hardly recognlie it. CALIF. SWEET BONELESS be mailed at least days.b e­ Hie familiar 100-pound spud fore payment Is due to end what holder used to be fabricated of a RED PLUMS 1 2 .. . 3 9 ' CHUNK WHITE TUNA FIRM-GREEN he calls the shrinking blUIng pe­ coarse, loosely woven mateiial SHLDR. STEAK riod. m ade fro m Jtite an d it w a s a “Normally creditors allow a dull brown. CUCUMBERS 3 .. . 2 5 ' CHUCK customer 80 days from the bill­ Now the potato sack has be­ ing date to pay the full new bfU- come a colorful woven-plasUc CMcl»i"0 fam ily Size^acks Though the rubble still hasn’t isn’t supposed to figure out be­ SWEET RED RIPE 2 ^ 1 5 pkg. been cleared away, church serv­ fore Mommy catches iq> with B ean s of the Sea ices are being held as usual. him . with thi( coupon and purehoie with this coupon ond purchoio Chips Salttoes ° ° Plans to rebuild are being for­ with th ii coupon and pur A bottle made from a new of $5.00 or more of SS.OO or more with thii coupon and purchoio CHICKEN HEARTS 39' * 'A* of SS.OO or moro ill mulated. type of plastic is being shown of SS.OO or more rORGRIUING-ENDGUT nga,. dkdk Coupon good thru Sat., July 25 w i __ __ _po> Coupon good thru Sat.,_Jidy_2^ Pastor Glenn Davis conducts for fruit Juices and other liq­ Coupon good thru Sat., July 25 Coupon good thru PorkChops’“k 7 9 ' "»s 8 9 ' services outdooas, weather per­ uids, replacing glass and in m/kferMe&t QUICK, CONVENIENT F ^ t O Z C T l J F ' e ^ t U l ^ S EASY TO PREPARE mitting, under hard maple trees some cases paper containers. It that surrounded the small costs more than pcq>er, but is FROM church and survived the blaze. OUR ^Ustiry Case FRESHBAKE-SANDWICH STYLE much lighter than glass and rel­ ^ealth&^^eauty^ds In had weather, services are atively unbreakable. SWANSON'S 3 COURSE B IR D S EYE held In a school building on the WHOLE ((ock/flltf||u1s New plastio and aluminum ASST. FLAVORS property. foil packages tor wet soups, sal­ Davds said the new church 2 ad dressings and cocktails are 2 will not be ultramodern In de-- on exhibit with the idea of trans­ eacfi POUMI sign. forming the appoaraace of su­ “We’re a country congrega­ permarket shelves. •TURKEY tion and we feel the church -SALISBURY CAKE One item attracting major at­ ♦ 3 loaves 9 K should reflect this,’ ’ he setld. tention is a huge paper contain­ STEAK YOSURT er molded like the egg carton -FR CHICKEN that Inqdred it. Made of pa­ 1-lb. Mail Service pier-mache, tt bolds six tons of packaged goods or machinery, pkg- BREAKSTONES LOUISVItXffl, Ky. (AP) — 2 8-OZ. 2 and coats about $S per e ^ . Un­ JOHN’S BIRDSEYE-QUICK THAW Jack Koch, business manager like its wood and steel predeces­ ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEAL LABEL CTN. GRATED PARMESiAN for a radio station, ordered a sors, its disposable and doesn’t THERE ABE NO CHEMICALS IN THE CAKES OF COniBE CHESE Post Office Department .pam­ .. CHOCK F U ll 0' NUJSANO THEY W ElGHrX FULL POUHD-11 OZ. have to be returned. SECRET SPRAY - phlet on “ How to Improve Your LOTION SHAMPOO - DEAL LABLE Mail Service" in January. It ar- KRAFT CHEESE 8-OZ. InhnsMii*> Hirassiia Head & Shoulders V .;r i rived late In May. BIRDS EYE PEACHES OR KRAFT CRACKER BARREL Pf C I cent. VBNIGB, Fla. (AP) — Al­ GRANDDNION _ . though there’s no official mon­ Ai%t> CHERRIES 2 'pi...-8 9 ' Sharp Cheddar Sticks pkg. 7 9 key census, an expert claims COSTA COTTONS SWABS.,»’’6.4 9 ' the treetop count is now 700,000 pkg. A A r BORDEN’S DRINKS „ . Adk. (4801.) of 24 s 51 ROBERT in the United States with 40,000 JETSICLES PETROLEUM JELLY 'i‘ 3 9 ' rosted hakes more swinging into the country F S b 4 ’° ’an»” 6 9 each y e a r. STAVNITSKY Mike Oorradlno, director of Flcclda Monkey Sanctuary, says the q)indly-legged monks make fine pets but that some humans LL WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF do Inhumane things after tiring with this coupon-ono (790 value) WITH THIS COUPON AN D PURCHASE OP WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ONE PKG. OF 6 B4V. INSTANT VVITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ONE I’/S-QT. CONT. UQUID DISH ANY SIZE PACKAGE WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ONE 10-OZ. PKG. ASST.. YEUOW OR DEVILS FUDGE of the animals. ONE 1-LB. JAR TWO PKGS. OF ASSORTED ONE 27-OZ. PKG. OF TEN Oorradlno's nonprofit sanc­ ll"xl4"PICTURE tuary cares fbr homelss mon- PILLSBURY OCTAGON CHEERIOS BORDEN'S NYLONGE SCLAFANf HANSCOMS kejrs “Our biggest problem is with this coupon and purchase of $S.OjO or more 10c that we’re running out of (axcapt items regulatad by law) NYR BREAKFAST DETERGENT ^ CEREAL CREMORA MRD PiZZA PiES CUP CAKES cages,’’ be said in an interview. Coupdn■ gopitlhni - Sat., July 2Sth ______COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 25.______i ^ COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 25. SPONGES COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 25. COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 25. OotnuHno said one moneky COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 25. COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 25. COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 2$. NOW AT Was found Ih a state park near­ LIMIT ONE COUPOH PER CUSTOMER LIMIT DIME CDUPOW PER CUSTOMER LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER j I LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER CARTER l im it o n e c o u p o n p e r c u s t o m e r LIMIT DNE CDUPDN PER CUSTDMERi LIMIT DNE CDUPDN PER CUSTDMER LIMIT DNE CDUPDN PER CUSTDMERI ly starved to death after an PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAT., JULY 2Sth. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UJMIT QUANTITIES. CHEVROLET owner apparently dumped him. ’ PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAT., JULY 2Sth. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMFF QUANTITIES. ltt9 MAIN STREET TWO mote monks were found Manchester Parkade, Middle Turnpikarl^ rriple-S Redemption Center, West Hartford, N. Main St. and Albany Av#., 825 E. Main St. Meriden Parkade Middle Turnpike. W ait — Tripla-S Redemption Canter. W ait Hartford. N. Main 5t. and Albany Ava.. 125 E. Mein St. Meriden MANCHESTER Slot, he said. Open Tuat., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 9:00-5:30 — Wad. 9:00-9:00 Closed Mondays Meneheyter Perkede. M iaaie ^ 9-0(r-5;30 — Wed. 9:00-9:00,Cloied Mendeyi .

* i

:.V 'Vl1 ■ PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 u “ ____ WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 Pages 19 to 36 those without tickets off the Section Two WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. mo jia ttrlfe a tfr lEttentttg ilferalii Compromise grounds. Study of State Deficit Several young campers who arrived nearly two weeks early Looms For have been told .to leave and Asks New Personal Tax camp in state parks until July HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) —a revenue grap of ^90 million $1.99 Million Estimate 29. A wooden fence is being put Rock Show up around the area by a young The Connecticut Public Expen- projected by CPEC for 1971-73. MIDDLB?r0WN, Conn. (AP) crew of workers. And a spokes­ dlture Cornell Issued a report cwncil, while InslsUng _ . ^ ^ tlMtt spending priorities be reor- — A compromise has begun to man for the promoters an­ ■1 appear possible in a dispute be­ Tuesday calling on the state to jered to r e i ^ n increasing ex­ For School Renovations nounced that without tickets, halt its growing budget deficit penditures, recommends that tween promoters of a platuied rock devotees might be kept as Uon, $513,(X)0 for the Nathan Work will also begin on the and create a favorable tax cli- the most feasible course for the By GLEN GAMBER rock festival and the town fa­ much as three miles away from (Herald Reporter) Hale addition, and $234,0(X> for wording of .the proposal which thers of rural kQddlefield, where the conceirt. mate for business and Industry. ^ take to balance its the Keeney St. addition for a will be submitted to the Board the rock festival is to be held. The report said that "a broad budget and put its fin- After two weeks of total-of 41,366,(X)0. of Directors at its Aug. 4 meet­ At least one important town tax revision program” Is needed, *** order is to include, as “ homework,” Mankey As­ The cost of renovations would ing. offlcial and a lawyer for the Andover with state restraint in spending ® r®vislon pro- sociates, with help from be $235,000 for the Nathan Hale If the Board o t Dlroctors ap­ and consideration of a state per- Srem, the Impo^Uon of a per­ promoters have said they both some meifibers of the Town School and $j22,000 for the proves the proposal, a public can live with an attendance fig­ sonal Income tax two important Income tax,” the report Duffey Backers said. r ' Building Committee and Keeney St. School for an addi­ hearing to discuss the matter ure of 18,000 or 20,000. elements. " > 4* The council said Connecticut's REGAL MEN'G GHOP the Board of Education tional $267,000. will be held and it wlU be put The state’s fiscal condition has The remainder of the total *nie dispute stems partly from Set to Organize financial condlUim had deterior­ Building and Sites Com­ on the November ballot. actually worsened during the an inltisd announcement by the ated and noted that the last two- 901-907 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER mittee, has submitted a cost would be taken up by Floor plans for the Robertson promoters that the three-day An organizational meeting of tax tnere^es ^3^^ architect and engineering fees, and Keeney _St. ____ Schools have the Andover Citizens for Duffey cost estimate of $1,996,000 festival would sell 00,000 tickets. in . r fund deficit of $160 mil- fo r t h e T r O T O S e d '^ a ffi^ a ^ e ^ e d ta 'Ihe Herald'on the It is to be held at the Powder will be held tonight at 8 in the in effect, the report said. 3^ lor tne projwseu uuuiuuuh nilsceUaneous costs such , , trvidftVB Plans for the Hill ski area July 31-Aug. 2. home of Mrs. Bette MacDonald, The report was addressed to rent two year budget deficit has and renovafaons to the surveys, legai fees, and in- sn n e^ Keeney St.. Robertson and surance. The town, which has 4,000 Lakeside Drive. the State Revenue Task Force, been projected by the state this week. residents, asked a Superior Anyone interested in partici­ n ie public expenditures council comptroller at $189 million by Nathan Hale Schools. The Appearing at last night's Court Judge here for an Injunc­ pating in the primary campaign is a privately financed group. June 30, 1971. estimate was presented meeting were town Manager tion barring) the festival, on for Joseph Duffey, who is seek­ The CPEX:: recommendations ‘"nils substantial increase in last night at the combined Robert Welss and Director of grounds that it will create a ing the Democratic vote for include: the deficit is in prospect despite 4 V meeting of the two com- Public Works William O’Neill, Hunter Starts general nuisance and a health U.S. senator, or is interested in —Expanding the sales tax aggregate tax Increases of close V ^ r mittees. ' O’Nelll asked that two exterior To Build School hazard. Heairings have been con­ discussing the views of those base to include personal ser- to 50 pef cent enacted at the M. Philip Susag, building and access rest rooms be added to tinuing since early last week. who support him, is welcome to vices. 1969 legislative session,” the sites committee chairman, said the plans for the Robertson ad- In Glastonbury On Monday, a lawyer for the attend this meeting. —Examining taxes on menu- council said. that it was decided to go at the dltion. These facilities will be promoters said at the court The Andover Women's Soft- factuers, merchants, banks, in------estimate from the viewpoint of needed when proposed basket- Voters of Olastobbury ap­ hearing that his client. Middle- surance companies and public average cost. ball courts and additional base- ball Team lost for a second Nude Freedom proved a $7,266,000 bond issue ton Arts International, could time last night when it was de­ utilities to make sure the taxes Figures for the state revealed ball diamonds are completed in last night for the construction that the average cost of school the Robertson schoolyard. He hold ticket sales to 18,000-20,000, feated by Bolton. 22 to 4. do not penalize them. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) of an addition and renovations construction for the first six also mentioned the possibility If a court decision was reached The Andover Team plays —Exempting business invent- —A curvy go-go dancer says to the existing high school. The months of 1970 was $26.38 per of a skating area being estab- in enough time to complete a Coventry next Wednesday. To ories, machinery,and equipment police violated her right of free vote was 1,666 to 1,018. square foot. In addition, an al- Ushed at Union Pond for which contract with a closed-circuit date, Andover has two wins and from local taxation and offset- expression when they arrested Jack R. Hunter Inc. of 104 lowance of 1 per cent per the facilities could also be television firm. two losses. ting the local tax loss through her last month as she danced Hilliard St., Manchester, will be month for escalation of building used. That firm would telecast the Winners at bridge Friday state add to towns. nude in a nightclub, and she contracted for the construction. costs had to be considered. The committee members festival to Madison Square Gar- were: First place, B. Burton —'Establishing stronger state wants an injunction to prevent Ground breaking ceremonies Allowing eight to ten months agreed to this proposal as it deij in New York, which can Smyth and William Radzew- supervision of local property them from arresting her if she were held at 10:00 this morning for a referendum to pass and (joog not alter the floor plan or seat another 20,000. lecz; second place, Mr. and assessment practices. dances bottomless again. and construction will begin im­ Then, on Tuesday, first select­ construction to beg^ would significantly increase the cost mediately. Mrs, Archibald Ramage; and —Clollecting and reporting mu­ Lisa Hoffman, 25, said in Cir­ bring the state average cost man Arthur Meckley said at the of the addition. third place, Mrs. B. Burton nicipal finance data annually on cuit Court Tuesday, “ Three- into the neighborhood of $27 or In reviewing the plans for the hearing that he would sign a Smyth and Mrs. Kaye Horrl- a uniform basis. fourths of the songs and music $28 per square foot. Nathan Hale School with the Deadly Sex Traps permit, for the festival if attend­ gan. —Expanding the tax research today denote freedom. I like to For planning purposes, $30 State Department of Public ance is limited to between 18,000 Bridge will be played Friday activities of the State Tax De- he free of my clothes so I can per ^uare foot was used as the Saving Timber Susag reported that and 20,000. at 7:46 p.nj's-'ln the social room partment. move my body.” basis of the cost estimate for there is the possibility of the BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Meanudille, the promoters of the Andover Congregational —Giving consideration to a Judge Marion Gooding re­ the Robertson and Keeney st. state requiring the installation Thousands ot the timber-killing have been taking steps to keep Church. personal income tax to help fill served a decision. State Grant Provides Funds for This Road Work Schools. A figure of $29 per of an elevator in the building western pine beetles have been square foot was used for the to comply with state regula- lured to their deaths in traps PRICE Many town roads are getting a new face these days. This stretch per mile for the average 30- to 32-foot wide road. The work is Nathan Hale School because a of W. Middle Tpke. from Deerfield Dr. to Adams St. was being being paid for from a grant of $141,000. It involves an overlay large portion of the area o"f Thf addlti^l c o ^ ot baited with synthetic sex com- resurfaced today. It is 44 feet wide and about 1100 feet long, so of 11/2 inches of Grade-2 bituminous concrete, which Senkow de­ that admtlon is open area which t**® elevator would be $30,000. pounds. . „ . . resurfacing it will cost about $4,650, according to Town Engi­ scribed as the best state-approved surface course. (Herald photo will be used as an auditorium- Richard Mankey of Mankey T h e U.S. Forest Bervlco a The Drug itorc thal neer Walter Senkow. He estimated that it costs about $16,200 by Pinto) gym. Associates has written a letter Range Experiment Station re- The use of a slightly higher to the State Department of ported Tuesday that last April it figure than the projected aver- Public Works requesting a put out 257 traps, each cor,sl8t- T bate Judge John Wallett, a Re­ of Operations Analysis at Sikor­ Bison Census age cost for the state would pro-. waiver of the elevator require- Ing of a sticky net and a vial of Saves You Money publican. sky Aircraft in Stratford, has .. .,...,..-1,...... SUMMER PITTSBURGH (AP) — the possibility of ment. “ Due to the age of the artificial chemical sex lure, in a been named director of organl- PITTSBURGH (AP) - The tect against the possibility Also, Democratic justices of L E T zatlon for the Daddario for South Park game reserve now getting caught short of funds building, it is anticipated that 26-square-mlle area of Sierra Heralding Politics the peace William DeHan, we will get a waiver,” he said. National Forest east of Fresno. US Governor Committee. U.S. Rep. has a four-member bison herd, when actual construction on the PBICE^ • FREE PARKir.G Frederick Nasslff, Thomas Con­ Emilio Daddario is the Demo- A 60-pound bull, as yet un- projects begins, Susag said, The Board of Education will The result: from 500 to 16,000 ------By Sol R. Cohen------ran and Albert Vincek; and Re­ YOUB A J cratlc candidate for governor, named, was bom July 9. gam- Using these figures, estimates meet Monday to give formal ap- beetles in each trap, except the publican justices Donald Knofla, proval to the plans and cost ones that had no sex lure. They NEXT • FREE DELIVERY Connecticut’s election laws do to May, of the odd-numbered Dr. Kellis is Democratic town keeper Thomas Turner said for construction only came to years. Mrs. Barbara Sasse and York estimate for the entire project, were empty > B E SC B IP < not provide for absentee ballots chairman in Fairfield. Tuesday. ,$609,000 for the Robertson addl- • CHARGE ACCOUNTS 4. To establish the office of Strangfeld. HON SALE in primaries. As a result, none attorney general as a state Manchester has seven jus­ are being issued for the Aug. The Democratic National Com­ • PRESCRIPTIONS THURSDAY -FRIDAY-SATURDAY ■ : - ** --(•'■ent. it is the only tices, with the Democrats au­ mittee apparently wasn’t too 12 Republican and Aug. 19 Dem­ state office not defined in the thorized four and the Republi­ attentive when it Invited Repub­ • COSMETICS ocratic primaries. constitution. can three. Under state law, lican National Committeeman fHONB or <43.1504______SELECT GROUP SUMMER the party whose governor is in Ihe polls will be open both John AIsop of Avon "to send in U.S. Rep. Lowell Welcker of office is authorized the majori­ D K II BtEBY SIHIDaY FOB YOUR SHOPPmS CONVEWEHCEl days from noon to 8 p.m. Con­ your membership contribution servative estimates are foi. Greenwich, the party-endorsed ty. today and become a card-car­ turnouts no higher than 36 per GOP candidate for U.S, sena­ Hugh Ward of 3 Evergreen rying member of the Democrat­ tor, will be in Manchester Tues­ cent of those eligible to vote on St. is an announced Democratic ic Party.” day afternoon for a quickie SPORTCOATS ^ each of the election days. ceindidate for Genovesi’s seat AIsop, the GOP candidate for campaign tour. from the 18th Assembly Dis­ Connecticut governor in 1962, de­ SINGLE & DOUBLE BREASTED - Reg. Longs-Shorts As of today, there are 8,383 y Arriving at the Shopping trict. No RepubUcans have an­ cided to open its eyes. In a let­ Manchester registered Democrats and 8,270 Parkade in his campaign bus at nounced for Mahoney’s seat ter to Democratic National LOSE registered RepubUcans In Man­ about 3:45 p.m., he will be met from the 19th District and Bog- Chairman Lawrence O’Brien, he chester. by Manchester Republican glnl’s from the 20th District. wrote, “ You must be quite de­ Dontlie Reg. *40 NOW «20. The last opportunity for new leaders. They will accompany Judge Wallett, who has been sperate for funds, to be solicit- SAVINGS voters to sign up and to be eligl' him on a one-hour tour of shop- probate judge since first elected ing the Republican National ble to vote in the primaries will ping areas. Afterward they will jjj 1943^ appears to have no (Committeeman ~ from (Connecti­ be Aug. 6, when the Board of meet him at dinner to discuss Democratic opponent for the cut. Or, maybe your organiza­ A L O A X WEIGHT Reg. *50 NOW ^25. Admissions conducts a 6 to 8 election campaign strategy. tion has the sub-normal effici­ p.m. voter-making session in ------Moriarty is the dean of Man- ency of the usual Democratic the town clerk’s office. The Republican Town Com- ehester qfflce holders. He has State or National administra­ Association start This SlimminK Plan Today! Lose pounds and inches tion.” Reg. *60 New voters may sign up also mittee has scheduled a meeting jjeen Democratic registrar since Here is an up-to-the-minute concept start today.. . take weight off now this proven NOW ^30. on any week day, with the town for Aug. 7 at 8 p.m., in the Mu- 4332. fle had been deputy reg- State Sen. John Lupton of to help you shed those extra pounds, clinically tested way. No starvation diets, clerk or the registrars of vot- nicipal Building Hearing Room, igfj.gr from 1927 to 1932. era. Appearing will U.S^ Rep. ,,gg Republican Weston, who is in a primary get rid of those extra inches with­ no harmful drugs. fight with Cong. Welcker for out harmful drugs, fad dieting or Users say: "Lost 10 pounds — it sure registrar since November 1960. Reg. *70 the GOP nomination for works." "It's wonderful — I lost 18 NOW ^35. llie voters, in th* Nov. 3 state the party-endorsed GOP candi­ The Republicans will endorse strenuous exercises. date for governor. It will be U.S. senator, said of Welcker pounds." "Lost 20 pounds — an easy way election, will consider four pro­ their candidates oil Aug. 17. Today is the day to start. One Meskill’s first public appear­ ______last week, “He was elected as a to lose weight." posed amendments to the state The Democrats can set any date capsule before meals helps Slim-Mint really works.. . and fast — re­ constitution: ance in Manchester. ^tw een Aug. 4 and Aug.'20. It Republican, bu^ in flow c h ^ e s control your appetite, State Sen. Wallace Barnes of to vote as a Democratic liber­ leases a scientific combination of ingredi­ SELECT GROUP SUMMER is anticipated that they will " ‘ supplies important vita­ 1. To extend voting privileges Farmington, his challenger in al.’’ ents to help you control your appetite — lose to those 18 years of age and choose Aug. 17 or Aug. 18. mins. pounds of unwanted fat. the Aug. 12 GOP primary, spoke Citing support for the Presi­ older. It is now 21 years. in Manchester prior to the Re- It's up to you, a slimmer, You can start losing weight today — Get the Former U.S. Atty. Jon New­ dent and Republican principles 2. To specify 21 as the publican State Convention, more attractive figure. Slim-Mint Chewing Gum Reducing Plan at your man of West Hartford has been as the major issue in the Aug. minimum age for those seek- ..— 12 primary, Lupton ssdd, “ Welc­ Get FIGURE-AID Slim -* druggist now . . . Enjoy a slimmer, trimmer, named special adviser to Joseph more attractive figure soon. SUITS ing election to state office or Except for Republican State DufflBy of Hartford, in his ker has voted, not with I ming Plan Capsules to the General Assembly. The Rep. Donald Genovesl, who has campaign for the Democratic President Nixon and House Re­ today. You'll enjoy mak­ SINGLE & DOUBLE BREASTED-Reg. Longs-Shorts present rule is merely to be not disclosed his plans, all Man­ nomination for U.S. senator. publican Leader Gerald Ford, ing the scene . . . slim. chester incumbents whose posts but on the same side with Ted­ 36 Tablets an elector. An elector now ts Newman, who lost out in a dy Kennedy, Abe Ribicoff and Regular $1.98 deOned as one 21 years of age are to be filled in the Nov. 3 try for the Democratls nomin­ 42 Capsules Reg. *50 or older. If the 18-year-old pro­ election, have indicated they ation for First District Congress­ William Fulbright (all Demo­ Regular $2.98 SPECIAL NOW ^ 2 5 . posal passes, an elector would will nm for re-election. man, was administrative assis­ crats).” PRICE I be 18 or older. They are Democratic State tant to U.S. Sen. Abraham Rib- t - % :# £ / 1 SPECIAL 3. To provide for aimual ses- Reps. Francis Mahoney and N. Icoff In 1963 and 1964. He had Barnes, in a statement releas­ “ '‘ •UIS ------(1 $ 2 y - 5 o m^maged Riblcoff’s successful PRICE I Reg. *65 slona of the General Assembly. Charles Bogglni, Democratic ed today, accused the State De­ ------NOW The General Assenibly now Regristrar of Voters Edward bid for the U.S. Senate in 1962. partment of Transportation of 1.6 6 meets for five months in the Moriarty, Republican Registrar “ scandalous duplicity.” He de­ twx>-year term — from January of Voters Frederick Peck, Pro- Dr. James C. Kellis, director manded that Gov. Dempsey ap­ point an “ objective commis­ Reg. *80 » 4 0 . sion,” to review planning for ARTHUR DRUG STORK ARTHUR DRUG STWIE NOW more proposed Rt. 291, a planned Make COUPON GOOD THRU JUI.Y 26 highway belt around Hartford. 9 BUFFERIN Reg. *100 Barnes said that his request TABLETS » 5 0 . was brought about by the dis­ Oeg. $1.49. 1008. 7 7 - w NOW WHAT IS AN ARBYS? N O W t closure, last week, that the same than ever before Bottle of 24 - A* Arby's if a tandwicli unlike any you have ever eaten. Selected cuts ef firm which designed the safe- f.nw rr 1 PEB CUSTOMER ,guards against pollution of the i h N S t |iremiuin beef are tiawly barbecue reofted to a turn'. From tbit your Your savings earn more money at Manches+ar Savings & Arby‘t it sliced wafer-thin, heaped high on an oven-froth, footfed, buttered six reservoirs on the proposed Reg. 1 1 .3 9 6 8 ^ A ll CHINO - GOLF - TROPICAL Rt. 291 was also hired by the Loan than over before in our 79 years of serving Manches­ .xjO U PO N g o o d t h r u J U L Y tetame bun. Simple at that. Nothing it Transportation Department to ter. Come in tomorow and choose the savings plan, or plans, L IM IT 1 P E R COUPON added but care. Arby't are what Roast decide whether the safegfuards CLIP THIS COUPON CUP THIS COUPON Beef Sandwiches really should be. Try were adequate. that best fit your needs. one today. You wiH .never again be He concluded, "That makes PANTS about as much sense as a doc­ Highest interest ever. 6% Certificate Savihgs sotistied with anything lest than on CLIP THIS COUPON CLIP THIS COUPON PRICED iFHOM 07.-$2S. tor hiring himself as his own mature in two years; minimum deposits $1,000. Buy One A t Regular Price Arby's — deliciously different! consultant.” 6 % COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 26 Interest compounded daily. l i m i t 1 PER COUPON SIZES 28-42 Get Another For Only ^1®® The Nov. 3 state election has 6 3/4 oz GELUSIL LIQUrO to be called one of the most un­ Highest interest ever on Certificate Accounts usual in (Connecticut history. that mature in one year. Interest compounded R e g . ™ Arby-s ANTACID The only Incumbents running every day. Minimum deposits $ 1,000. for re-election, on the national 1V\acleans 12 oz. bottle 7 7 0 SHORT SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS 2S7 BROAD STREET and state ticket, are U.S. Rep. TOOTHPASTE Reg. $1.27 # / Robert Gialmo, in the Third Highest Passbook interest ever! Deposit or Ckmgressional District; U.S. withdraw any amount at any time. Interest COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 26 l i m i t 1 P E R COUPON MANCHESTER Rep. John Monagan, in the 5% Vi PRICE Fifth Cong;resslonal District; compounded daily from day of deposit to day S-M-L-.XL (Next to A&P) and Atty. Gen. Robert Killian, of withdrawal providing $5 remains in your ac­ ililH I all Democrats. I count. . V ARTHUR DRUG STOREi Killian was never elected to liS W i i f f l i ARTHUR DRUG STORE SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS his state office. He was named COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 26 to replace Harold Mulvey as ★ ★ "A -A ★ VO* HAIR SPRAY COUPON GOOD THRU JULY 26 attorney general, when the lat­ ter was appointed a Superior '10 OK. Can YO-5 SHAMPOO Court judge. MANCHESTER'S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Rag. an^ Hard to Hold ARBY However the election goes, 1007 MAIN STREET, NEAR MAPLE STREET - TEL 649-4588 REG. - DRY - OILY whether won by the Democrats " HUH R eg. $1JI0 TT HUH REGAL MEN'S SHOP or the Republicans, newcom­ COVENTRY OFFICE - ROUTE 31 - TEL 742-7321 R ^ . $1.89 ers will fill the posts of U.S. "The Marvel of Main Street, Manchesfer" Senator, U.S. Representatives IJMIT 1 PER COUPON POR'nONS) U B O T 1 P E R COUPON JULY: from the First, Seexmd, Fourth 901-907 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER—643-2478 \ and Sixth Congressional Dis­ CLIP THIS COUPON CLIP THIS COUPON tricts, governor, lieutenant gov­ OPEN MON. thru SAT. 9:30 to 5:30 THURSDAY 9:30 to 9:00 P.M. ernor, secretary of the state, treasurer and comptroller. "‘M PAGE TWEI^-ONE PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY.. JI/l Y 22, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970


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Long Hairs Join Long Hairs In Park Concert nuni-pticing NEW YORK (AP) — They came by the tens of thousands g t i / i s y o u —hand-hoI(Bng boys and girls, young marrleda and quiet elder­ ly couples—all streaming into Central Park’s Sheep Meadow m o t s t h s ^ n to hear the New York Philhar­ monic. ’Hie occasion ’Tuesday night was the first of the Philharmon­ you tHinhg. ic’s free summer park concerts. It was also the first U.S. ap­ pearance in 21 years of guest More Savings! More Quality! conductor Dean Dixon, an American Negro. Since he graduated from the More Variety! More Service! Julllard School and found litUe demand for black conductors here, Dixon, 06, has been living More Convenience in Shopping! and working In Europe and Aus­ tralia where he gained a meas­ ure of fame. ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES Estimates of the size of the aucBence varied but one observ­ er put it at a minimum of 76,000. The program Included Brahms Second Symphony, the Sibelius Violin Concerto and Werner Henze’s three dances from "Un­ dine.” Mayor John V. Lindsay, who —.....Ill ^ SUPERMARKETS ^______Fashions for Frost presented Dixon with a key to the city earlier In the day, ar­ Clothes to face the worst of Jack Frost’s work in this winter are embroidery and a gray and purple colored woolen design. Girl rived during Intermission and Check these added mini-priced specials currently being shown in Paris. At left, model wears a blouse and at right wears a black woolen maxicoat with yellow woolen em­ watched from the wing of the trousers ensemble in jersey with a miller cap, by Pierre Cardin. broidery from couturier Guy Laroche’s collection for this win­ band shell. at Stop & Shop! Cardin models in center wear an evening dress, left, of Vermont ter. (AP Photofax) New York ’Times music critic ------Harold C. Schonberg declined to 2 spot possibly harmful long-term Iron in Bread there were too many extraneous Young Scientists Demand side effects from such thing T V Tonight drugs and pesticides. factors such as audience noises, Stirs Cauldron airplanes and other distractions. —National research organiza- See Saturday’s TV Week End to Irrelevant Study ___ i j __ . But he said, “ It was clear that Of Discontent for Complete UsUngs. Independencelnd«nAnrtpnn» -.fof science ^e Is an experienced conductor WASHINGTON (AP) —-niree LONDON (AP) — Eighty sion session at the Imperial Ool- industry. in thorough command of the music and the players.’’ doctors say that tripling the S:00 (S) Bnrke’i hnvr young scientists from Europe, lege of Science that he and sev- —More—More concentration amount of Iron In bread could (SO) Hanaters America and Asia are demand- eral other delegates had world hunger and overpopula- Amyas Ames, chairman of the (M) F Troop LandO’ harm more people than It helps. 6:ZS (40) Weather Watch Ing an end to "irrelevant" re- dropped out of convenUonal and Uon. ^ ’ h h The (Food and Drug Admlnls- S:S0 (80) OUllsan’t itland (C) search and more emphasis on sclenUfic research because of Deeper consciousness among Boneless Roast Beef Sale! traUon recenUy proposed such IS! a "„ch p„wen.. „ o, a, Italian an Increase to combat Iron defi­ 6!S« (8-8) Weather — Sporta uiil ine, polluUon and the population role of science In altering our of their work. ♦ ^ m i i = ciency. The baking Industry, asTVertemer. explosion. environment” and becau^ he Richard Noonan of Bryan, ’ “ ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ .“^hUu’^&ewlng Co. American Medical AssociaUon <») MclUle’i Nevy The group. In London for an believed some current scienUfic Ohio, (Columbia University grad- Milwaukee has contributed and American DieteUc Associa­ 6 (M)*’?7 Sunset Strip International science seminar, methods are stockpiling trouble uate now doing research In Swe- *70 000 for the park concerts. Uon support the proposal. 6:S* (8) New* with Walter Cron- said Tuesday that 90 per cent of Lbe future. den, urged the creation of na- ’ ______Lakes SAUSAGE But two Boston medical pro­ «)* New* with Frank BtS- world’s scientists are “ wast- “ We are concerned by the tional "peoples’ science coun- TOP > BOTTOM ROUND fessors and an upstate New nolds (C) ing their time” on experiments way things are going In the cils” financed with public mon- T een K ille d in ICrash York general pracUUoner have (sl) ’ Hnntley^B^Uey Report unimportant and some- scientific world,” he said. ey but “ free of government or challenged the proposal in let­ 7:80 (8) Cesar’s World (O) times even harmful to humanl- Harper told the seminar ear- business control.” He said these BETHEL (AP) — Pifteen- or Stop & Shop ters to the FDA that raise the (W ^ C a a id “ 0*20“ '** biochemistry councils would make feasibility year-old Garry Selleck of Bethel issue of tolerance to Iron. (8*-4*) Nows — Weather — The scientists, most of them research at Susax University studies of all aspects of a re- was Wiled Tuesday when the The doctors, the only ones on 7;8« ^ ^ h e r » ’s*'*Hu5l'SosT (Cl members of the because he feared his experi- search project by drawing on car he was riding In missed a Sweet (88) The Virginian B (C) International Students Move- ments on the transfer of memo- experts from every field In- curve and struck a tree at the SHOULDER record against the proposal, say (8-48) Nanny and the ment for the United Nations and ry cells between rats might be volved. there is no firm medical evi­ intersection of Routes 202 and ( ) Movie another group called LASITCXl tried on humans later. —------dence to confirm that Iron defi­ 18 68, police said. ciency is a major health prob­ 7f " “i^iiieJi af«x=‘ates said the Extended Forecast Four other teenagers who Father (C) Committee, an international space race also Is Irrelevant Rain likely Saturday clearing were Injured In the crash. In- lem. (B*lt?*nnom rTT*****'*” * (C) ®^*lve in Britain and possibly harmful to man- in the evening with fair weaUiM eluding the driver, were ad Nor is there enough evidence J 9: (8) Medical. Center . (C) “ “ “ Sweden.t>wcucii. Kina.Wnd. on Sunday. Temperatures will mltted to Danbury Hospital. ’Two to saUsfy them that adult men, ROASTS \ SAUSAGE MEAT (M 8 > '^ L v “c ih “ *HT««,nu ^ ^ T O C ’s dl- They suggested: average In the 70s during the were In critical condition and who use less Iron than women Evei^ Broufers (C) Britain, told a dlcus- —More Intensive research to day and In the 60s at night. two were In serious condition. and children, will not be 8:88 (U) Alfred BItohoook Butter DUBUQUE harmed by consuming much «=•• lS!«'?*^u.^^*^,oth?r. 8^- LIMIT 2 PLEASE! P u re I larger quantitites of Iron In mer Show <0) uieirtheir bread methe opponentsomvmentn say.nav (18) Ton O’dook Bronoon Report (O) R egu lar Dr. Philip L White, secretary 18:88 (isj Tempo 18 of the American Medical Asso- aad Oporto Now* —Wonther ciatlon’s council on food and nu- 11:Z5' (8) Merle triUon, has called Iron deflclen- 11:88 <">(881 % U ■O B cy anemia and the resultant (8-48) Dick Ca-ratt jpow (O) faUgue and low resistance to uM USDA diseoBe *‘one of the major nutii- meat ef Me^tatloa aad Sica tional problems of teen-age girls, i ,m ?m s 8*48) New* — Prayer CHOICE and Indeed adult women as and sign Off well.” BDVOATION (TV (28) In a 1066 survey, the U.S. De­ Wednesday, July 22 partment of Agriculture found pm that 26 per cent of boys 12 to 14, 6:88 Chicago Festival B ^ ^ ^ ^ 8:80 Whafs New B L and 88 per cent of women and 7:00 Third Annoal Hartford Jass Eye Round Roast lb girls 9 to M received less than | Bar-B-Que Canned Hams recommended allowances of g:80 Something Else Iron. ’Ihe survey showed short- ® ages were more severe among "Mary Stewart" 18:00 Thirteen against Fate the poor. ^he Widower But the opponents of the ------Extra Lean bread enrichment proposal note that Iron shortage Is not the D o i i a l l l i e R c i e C t S TOP SIRLOIN or same as anemia. ’They question ^ J Ranchers Pride Sold in 21b pkg m m vriiether the often undetectable 6 C 1 1 1 1 f f A n O I l t GROUND evidence of Iron shortage Justl- • 1 ttes Increasing Iron In bread. L l a i l i p a i f i r i l C J a s h Veal or Beef Patties One opponent. Dr. William H. r O Crosby, a professor of WA’TERBURY (AP) — One ROUND RUMP ROASTS and chief of blood studies at candidate for the Democratic New England Medical Center nomination lor U.S. Senator said Hoepltals, said doctors agree . ... Sun Glory Boneless Polish Sausage "’9 9 ’' ti^the body does a poor Job of Tuesday he wUl not meet with working off excess Iron. ’Hie primary challengers to 0 Tender Flavorful mineral concentrates In the put a limit on campaign spend- Uver and other glands, possibly j„g lb leading to gandular failure, he ' , l U S D A I SALAD SALE " Alphonsus J. Donahue, a mll- CHOICE lb ” No one Is in a position to as- Uonaire businessman from Stam- k sure us that a large segment of ford, said his costs were de- Potato Salad O f C the population would not be termined many weeks ago, and or Cole Slaw ” X ^ placed at Increased risk from campaign would cost less absorption and storage of un- yjg Joseph IN aU D ED ^^ M i r % | l^ lsW lB TO needed Iron,” said Crosby. Duffey, who urged the spending ceiling. 2 First To Remarry *“tve an obugatitm to the ^ 1 1 SWIUMIHG Grover Cleveland’s widow, people who supported me before, Frances Folsom CHeveland, was during the convenUon and now • U M B R E L L A the first U. 8. president’s wife ^ expose myself to the people Seafood Specials! Service Deli Department! to remarry. She married Oliom- o* ConnecUcut,” said Donahue, • 2 CHAIRS I as Preston Jr., a professor at the designee of the DemocraUc Princeton University, on Feb. party’s state convention last 10, 1018. month. 2 TURBOT FILLET CHICKEN BREAST INCLUDES: ■ C A f NO RETURN BOTTLES All White i v e Greenland ^ ’ - ...... ■ m M m m S W i Meat lb FINAL a FILTER & PUMP • SA FE ^ ■ Roll half lb

Freshly Hade I COMPIETEIY CLEARANCE! .s“ •NV.NYILWER ■ Cod Fillet Genuine Smoked lb 75C Cole Slaw lb ENTIRE STOCK OF QUALITY r ? A T .O S U » OECK------Casino Clams CbetttOoKs'ot linlt Ntcbs' White or Yellow SUMMER MEN’S WEAR American Cheese lb Scallops Heal N Serve 12 oz pkg 1.29 NOW A T THE Testy Treat MUT0e«Y-21-HllSniVI«E{ ■ LOWEST PRICES EVER! DAILY & SUNDAY ■ 5 Heal N Serve lb 99( Postrami Haddock NAlhCB Available in Stores with Service Deli Department GLENNEY'S S 780 MAIN OTlUMrr, OOBNEa OF BXHGH Wb reserve the riaht to limit quantities W « IwMirv* TIm I i 0h« To Limit Quantitias 77^2521 j e:^ = I P ricf Iffwotiv. Thru Sat., July 25,1970 in AAoncha.t.r First Nationol Suparmarfc.ts We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities att MIDDLE TURHRKE WEST. MANCHESTER,


To make sure you know the food you buy is fresh at Stop ^ Shop

■ w


S llK S p OUITBRANDED MEAT OUR FRESH MEAT CODE OUR FRESH DAIRY GET A COPY OF OUR SUPERMARKETS We know the food you buy at Stop & Shop Is fresh CODES Stop & Shop Fresh Meats and Fish carry codes governed by the type of weighing and pricing machine in the department. At the present time CODES FRESHNESS CODE BOOK We want to moke sure you know it, too! Mostineat manufacturers and processors we are using two types: (1) N.C.R. (Which is a square label). (2) TOLEDO The following Stop & Shop Dairy use the code suggested by the American (Which is a rectangular label). Regardless of the machine in use, three AT OUR CUSTOMERS Meat Institute (AMI). A four digit code is items: Eggs, milk, cream, fruit Every supermarket in the country has what we call a used and represents the day of manu­ separate codes are used: (1) A.M. Packages (from opening to 1 p.m. that day). (2) 1:00 Packages (from 1 P.M. to closing). (3) Rewraps (rewrapped drinks, and cream cheese, use SERVICE WINDOW IN freshness code. It’s those mysterious numbers on every facture. the following coding system, All branded meat products that are vacuum because of torn packaging or excess leakage). The following are the YOUR STOP & SHOP package (or can or bottle). They're there to make sure you packed are given a 21 day store life from codes for both machines: which signifies the expiration get the fresh, tasty foods you want and are entitled to get. date of manufacture at Stop & Shop. This date, after which the item must ANOTHER FIRST time assures freshness in normal home We don’t want them to be mysterious any more. use after code date. < NCR (Square Label) TOLEDO (Rectangular Label) be taken off display. These Actually, they never should have been. Because those num­ A package of frankfurts reading 0147 means 1:00 1:00 items use the four di^it code: FROM STOP & SHOP bers don’t tell you when to stop eating the product. July 14. DAY A.M. P.M. REW. DAY A.M. P.M. REW. Example: 0621 — June 21. The They tell us when to stop selling the product. 1. The first and last figure added together MON HH HT HS MON AA first two numbers — month, the give the month. Example: 0 plus 7 = AAH AAJ -T H E HOME OF Which is an entirely different thing. Because every 7th month (July). TUES KK KT KS TUE BB BBH BBJ last two — the day. THIS MEANS JULY 14: code is timed to assure freshness in normal home 2. The center two figures are the day of WED LL LT LS WED CC CCH CCJ Most brand name Dairy prod­ the month. usage after the code date. THU NN NT NS THU DO DDH DDJ ucts are coded as indicated 3. This item will be removed from sale at FRI 00 OT MINI-PRICING^ (2nd & 3rd nos. give the day) But to reassure you that we never sell any thing that isn’t the close of business on the 5th of OS FRI EE EEH EEJ above, after which time they fresh, we’re revealing our codes. We want you to know August. SAT PP PT PS SAT FF FFH FFJ are taken off sale. , what you’re buying. ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES (1 St no. + 4th no. equals month) STOP & SHOP. When you talk, we listen.

Our coffee is your best buy! * i C i ^iokii , , Fia^/ ... Most coffee drinkers are particular about every cupful. So ^ ISsfreshment Stand Specially bred to be meaty, moist and tender new crop S l i b p are we. In fact, we’re so sensitive about our Stop & Shop is % brand coffee that we keep a close watch on its preparation, is® Rich, full bodied . . . it’s sptecially blended for New England fs SUPERMARKETS tastes. There’s nothing like a good cup of coffee. Our mini- priced Stop & Shop brand. m DeliciouSy Golden Brotvn Cooked . White Gem U. S. Grade A • s"* srf-' "XV Haddock or Shop our Farmer^s Market Cranberry Cocktail Johnston Cookies the freshest spot in town! 2-lb, 6 oz box

Gallon Ocean Spray $ r 'ummy with juice or milk. Fudge Sugar, Flounder Great on the rocks by itself, sparkly mixed )atmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chip. A fish platter in minutesi Just heat and serve had­ with ginger ale or soda. I . dock, flounder, deep sea C - < - ^ ( S n o p ( treats, mini-fish cakes with lots of French fries, tartar sauce and ketchup. A toss­ ed salad completes your SQf f e e Tropicana Fruit Drink Sugar Wafers menu. lb Goldtn Brown H A* Deep Sea Treats Cookfd 16 oz pkg 0 7 TURKEYS Orange, Grape Golden Brown C A* ‘irr,.,., , si Cookie Treats Mini Fish Cakes M oz pkg 07 ' -6 0^ II POUND) J or Fruit Punch Cherries Fresh, crisp sweet-tooth pleasers for kids Non-carbonated drinks that won't 5 Big juicy Bing Cherries of all ages. 16 oz. pkg. with a wonderful flavor fill them up. Single bottle 20(. are waiting for you at your Stop & Shop at a low, low mini-price. Treat H e llo r M H your family this week. They’re great! COFFEE Lincoln Apple Juice Sun Glory Cookies Stop & Shop Full-bodied flavor Q ,3,^ $ 1 All Varieties Q Light, bright-tasting, a natural thirst cans I Good-togethers . . . crisp cookies and pkgs B At our service Deli Hut lb 1-lb can quencher. Single can 34(. Stop & Shop Fruit drinks! (where available) ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES % Reg., Orip or Electric Perk '■f- Young Hen Turkeys 10-14 lbs WITH THIS COUPON ANO I I - Mellow Rich Marshmallow Piiffs, gm Try Stop & Shop's l A h n C V A I I Vanilla Marshmallow SMioz, < I Sliced Belled Ham A *5 PURCHASE punchy-good fruit drinks! J U IIIId lU II FudfoSundaoMarshmallow7Vioz W I IMPORTED. Wonderful flavor Coupon good thru Sol., J u t, 25. I r Cookies. Coffee Cream, j Boz Only I con por coupon por fam ily Delicious vitamin C added, non-carbonated and not a speck of waste in juice drinks loaded with real fruit goodness. PG K F ro an Pnncess,Nice 4 Pkp I Delightful summer fare roasted to The kids will flip over all 8 fun flavors . . . 6 this tender ham. Squeezer Pleaser Orange, Purple Feet Grape, Half Pound golden brown perfection on your Famous Chiquita Pucker Up Lemon, Groovy Group Punch, Ding S h fo p outdoor rotisserie . . . l/.S. Grade A f j SbOPcShoo a Ling Breakfast Drink, Double Up Cherry Ap­ Sunshine Cheez-it X 3S° 8 9 ' ple, Waki Saki Pineapple Orange, Pow Wow SUPERMARKETS ■ II Cranberry Apple! Cooked Corned Beef *"i” 99° dDRfMK White Gem Bananas 2^- 29 Nepco Turkey Roll » r “m99° Grade *A' ifM is f tofen 5-9 ibs Onion Dip Cattrtrs Kitehin .49° Broiler Turkeys Broccoli ~>s39 m \ Oiutehnuker We reserve the right to limit quantities. Breakstone Yogurt Knockworst Gennan Style .89° m m Plain or Choice of 8 Flavors Br-r-ing home these extra fine values! 1 0 * o f f Delicious for your summertime fresh m fruit salad. Plain Yogurt is only 67 [Minute Maid Orange Juice c." 39‘ YOGuili YOGiSff calories per 4-oz serving— and it’s low Half Gallon Fruit Drink in fat content— no salt, either. 2 > 3 9 ° Sara Lee Pound Cake 59° Ribboned with rosy lean! Zesty sandwich meats! (Stop & Shop. Choice of 8 flavors) Borden’s Dutch Chocolate Drink 5c^.is 89* Our large, fresh Homestyle iTasteo'Sea Shrimp 59° with this coupon and any *5 purchase Armeur Stcp&Shcp Effective thru July 25. Limit 1 container per customer. Macaroni & Cheese Stouffer 2 ph(t 85° Our freshly baked sliced white ^ Chicken Pies or I I Rich’s Whip Topping 39 Sliced Bacen French Style 9oz i i q C Daisy Brood Sliced Cold Cuts Birds Eye Beans or Cut Green pktt 07 I Single A I . , 4 M Bologna, P&P, loaf K 8 OZ ? I 0 . Tasty, Olive. 6 oz. Beef Pies (|Q c Caterer’s Kitchen 7 9 ' Quart Ice Cream 50‘ oil 10* off 25*off m 15*off 34< ^leaves lE M pkg. Each delicious pie serves two 16 oz # n C 8 8 * generously. 23 oz, pkg. Stop & Shop Cheese Pizza pkz 0 7 Instant utekM Cugkaua/ mgo D k o f Coffee Star Gold M edal I Ivory Liquid Rinso Detergent • i gkf.rtf.asa 97 m 12 02 *1 Juicy all meat variety! Sknop Custards Reedy to eet. 10 oz 39° (4 oz jar) with this coupon (Flour) with this coupon stag f Skog A 12VS u S t Minute Maid Lemonade H cans I (32 oz bottle) with this coupon (49 oz box) with this' coupon •rana A akf> I SUPERMARKETS Effective thru July 25. Limit 1 bag per customer H i Pineapple,Pineapple-Gnpe, m 6oz Effective thru July 25. Limit 1 jar per customer '--J * Vo Effective thru July 25. Limit 1 bottle per customer Effective thru July 25. Limit 1 pkg per customer Armour Fronkforts 7 5 lb ' Pound of Potato Salad 39° II0I6 JUIC6S Pineipple-Oraoge J cans 07 (aSbopeSho^ai 3 [ i . QSbopeShop i Cole Slaw Fresh, crisp. IS iz 39° Nabisco Prince 500 cr A O < Sunshine Burry c r^ J ^ n ,P ie ’r 4 7 ‘ Coronet pkg £ 0 Gravymaster"‘”M r ' ' ' ' 4 9 * " Baker's Burnett's Confidets Modess Three Diamonds Barbecue Style Chickens .69° Mueller M oaironI 2 Viva Towels iSiSS 37* Peanut Cookies Famous Cookie Ass't Gemelli ^ «31‘ Medium Household Boos 57* ! Chun King 41* Catcher Shrimp 4W-0Z con 0 7 Tidy Home ’’n’covnt pk, Regular or Super Solid White Tuna White Rice Vanilla Extract Vanilla Extract Regulax or. Super River Brand 16-ei pkg Sweet N'Low 79* Spaghetti 4 5 ‘ Riggio Pizza IZioeh 75° 6c off label Colgate Fomlly size tube 75- Evans Topping ^VzViaT* 3 5 ’ Kleenex Is o cr, 2 r_e^ 2-o z 12 count ^ L t 24 count Facial TIuuct r 49* 4 5 » Italian Cheese'r~'S3‘ Scotties pkg of 200 2-plys YDS 'S'SISS? B5* US. 43* b o ttle 43* pkg o o pkg 83* V'-esaap- 41* ' Slop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons IB MIDDU TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER Slop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons 2S3 AUDDIJE TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER, CO NK

\ sat \ i .'HI. — -JZ. ^ ■


SHORT CUT From the First 4 Ribs Only!


MORRELL'S - 1-lb. ROLL FRESHLY G R O U N D . . . 3-lb. pkg. or MORE I BUY 4 - SAVE 40c I Deep Colors and Paisley Sausage Meat 59.1 Ground Beef 691 KRAUSS SKINLESS ALL MEAT Kleenex"® "® ?"*' 4 - s - 1 . 0 0 SUPER-RIGHT SKINLESS HAWAIIAN 12-oz. Frankf urts.!::^p!i;i.1.99 Franks pkg. 59 READY TO EAT - HEAT & SERVE TURKEY (WITH PARTS OF BACKS) Pineapple Juice .wand 3 » 1 . 0 0 le g s , d r u m s t ic k s , t h ig h s o r b r e a s t s 10 “*• Leg Quarters 391 ^^neparker Fried Chicken 99 Hood’s Whipped Topping. ..etnr. 4 9 0 >/4 LOIN SLICED-PACKAGE CONTAINS 9 to 11 We reserve the Westpac Whole Strawberries 2 jSg.? 99d FRESH. . . LEGS 59c lb. or CENTER AN D END CUT CHOPS riflil to IImH W h ite B re a d ENm'cHED 99< Macaroni & Cheese quanllllee Chicken Breasts 69ifb. OUR OWN TEA BAGS - 69 m pkg. 57c Pork Chops Sara Lee Coffee Cake - 690 Tinti’s Garlic Bread • • • « •% • • s • • • « Hendries Fudgsicles *12 Pok 590 Jumbo Cake Mixes a n n p a g e 8 7 Rolfs WHOLE PEELED TOMATOESor Your Choice WESTPAC VEGETABLES Tomato Puree 3 '® Sliced Carrots - Mixed Vegetables > Peas & Carrots 14 0/ Cut Green Beans - Cut Corn - Peas Stewed Tomatoes 4 ' mmAROtSaFtlSIHB Fresh Plump Peaches 3 lbs. 69 NATIVE GREEN AND YELLOW 800000 COOCR 79. Worth Purchase of Wordi' nm tm lF # <^PMr«haiuic^> ARMOUR CANADIAN B A CO N ...... frW S I.A B ib. Large Juicy Lemons 4 b'!, 39' SPAN FRESH GREEN POLISH VEAL LOAF/OLIVE LOAF FRESHLY SLICED 7901b. Chock Full O'Huts , I r V Ww I B ■ Nettie LIVERWURST or BOLOGNA CH U N K ...... \ 6901b. X X , vcOFFEi^-*" ONLY Cucumbers 3 FOR . . ,Y IMPORTED BOILED HAM sLiceo’^SLICED 69C|be ONE COWON ra t FAMILY . Red Ripe Watermelon 99e< I <»«COWONPttfAAAlLY ^ A. JONES BREAKFAST SAUSAGE W.V. I COUPONVAtMTMBtlAAY'aidi. LARGE STALK H r 790 RICH’S FRESH OQD FILLET...... qq^ h,. CELERY BUNCH WHIPPED MIIQ ALASKA GRAB LEGS...... $1.39 lb. A&P 100% Colombian Hudsen Nescafe Riches Minute Maid Oman Pizzo Quick Frozen ..if^a59* IJS.'ISI hr TOPPING FARM FRESH E8CAROLE AND Coffee Showcase Napkins Instant Coffee Coffee Rich Orange Juice Sara Lee Quick Frozen jr.'sa'iaiyiyi aa 69‘ FROZEN FROZEN CHICORY CORINA VALUABLE COUPON 16-oz. CONCENTRATE!/Ad Royal Instant Puddings Asst. Flavors Iz. 27* 3 '° x ^ 1 . 0 0 Mb. con I.I'.’i'SS' 16-oz. con OY 98^ 1.13 tent. AJ LARGE OAUF. VALENCIA C O L D D O W E R Sere Lee Pecan Coffee Cake IZHhImIb. 79* doz< TOMATOESi Sliced Provolone ^ with FOR / Cascade Pillsbury Hour after Hour Vermont Maid Syrup er 79* t f 99* CHEESE pk9 ORANGES 10 coupon Jay Thrill Armour's only Per Dishes / For Dishwashers Buttermilk Biscuits Vienna Sausage Deodorant B-C Orange Pineapple Juice 49< K ra ft Liquid Detergent 10* OFF 1^0FF Coupon jfood only at Popular Manchester-, UBEL UBEl Sunshine Hydrox Cookies 47* CHEESE WHIZ & South Windsor thru Sat. July 26, 1970. f 0 8oi. OA( Limit One Ooupon Per CuTomer. S ' ' U cents. A 7 4^oz.7 Q< X 59' '* 35' 77 29' (on / 7 con U/ ^^-^rmour Chopped Hem 95*.

VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON JIMIO AIL PIUSBIRY FlIIR BORATEEM plaid Stamp gifts DETERGENT O f f TH E ENERGIZED BORAX ooupon and purdiaso o4 with c coupon «<|69 ANY S IZ E only PKQ. OP CHEERIOS Coupon good at all Popular MarfcoN mru Saturday, July IS.» . m 0 . ^ Coupon googood at all Popular M arktH thru Satvrday* July 25.1970. Coupon good at oil Popular AAortitt* thru Saturday. July 23. m o . Coupon good at all Popular Morktti thru Saturday. July 2S, 1070. make summer livinProducts Pfotiibitrd by State Loweasier. Exempt from Plaid Somp Offer X LLimIt Ont Coupon Por Customer ’ Limit Ont Coupon P tr Cuttomtr Limit Ona Coupon Par Cuttomar Limit Ona Coupon P tr Customor ____ J f . __ Prkof o lfttiv through SoL, July 25th in A 6iP storM in this community and vicinity. 'If unoblo to pUFchos* any advertised item . . . Pleose request o RAIN CHECK.'' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-NINE PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEb, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1900 Vacationeers Should Arrange In the Neum ALL SHOP-RITE STORES JOIN IN THIS GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION For Care of Home and Pets

By Viv ia n b r o w n the shady tree that your pet the home and caring for the AP Newafeaturee Writer might be tied to for his airings, grounds. The couple’s child :lo It you are going on vacatiem, U that is the way he is to be missed her own bcuikya^ and your pets, house or apartment aired when you are away. toys and the family decided to should get a safe fairewell. Hie sitters might also water go home, hut the man continued 2"" Big Week ^ Newingten Shop-Rite Herd are some reminders: house and garden plants, air the to maintain the house. Hie s ) b y the Inquirer T o u ^ teen-agers might be house occasUsially, run the wa- place was burglarized in his ab- hlred j!o care for your animals, ter If you’ve left it on, and mow sence and the house borrower IVY HILL SHOPPING CENTER * 218 HARTFORD AVENUE * NEWINGTON, CONN A Bcremed porch or garage is a the lawn, H they are old enough was extremely chagrined at die By 8YD KBONI8B good place for the animals to to do such work; coincidence of the robbery. It AP Newsfeatore* sleep at night. You can leave a If you haven’t anyone—young was only natural that the own- Tbe latest U.8. stamp In the SHOP-RITE - U.S. GOVT. GRADE ’A’ quantity of canned food, can sitter or adult—to act as care- era should feel that he hadEach acted week, The Manchester Evening Herald will present "Potpourri" . . . dedicated entirely to assist opener, paper plates snd a pa- taker, It may be a good Idea to Improperly In vacating the Unidllfe Conservation series fea­ you in the fine art of shopping. So why wear out those pretty feet girls? Now you can stop hiking tures a buffalo—more accurate­ per bag for dirty plates on the batten down the hatches com- premises since he was charged ly known as the American U- porch or in the garage. pletely—turn off electricity and with the responsibility of living and get all the info right here in the Manchester Evening Herald. It is a much better solutilon to water. If everything must be on die premises In their ab- BREASTS make plans for your little pets left connected, be sure that ap- sence. H ie e-cent stamp will be is­ Boneless than to let them roam, taking pUances aren’t leaking and that ______sued with first day ceremonies AND THIGHS pot luck with neighbors. Hiere the dbdi washer is turned to at Custer, S.D., where the larg­ are always those vacationors "off.” Main Street SO POpUlaF Around toum ...... Suburban est buffalo herd in the country who say to their neighbors—“ U Check closets, cellar, geirage Flower Quilts la located. New Books you see Tabby, will you give for old cloths, oil, paint and gas- i Bargains Galore Picnic Needs Up to '/i Off Postmaster General Winton hlm some scraps.” (There was oline cans. Run the mower to M. Blount, In announcing the lUrkey Roast If you still need summer THE PLAZA DEPT. STORE PlANDORA’S BOX, that ardlng An upstairs window might be Mather—^The break. with it, sew the button securely coat the thumb tack used so arrived in America, an estimat­ problem, but most people can’t left open slightly so that the Meriwether—Daddy was a heavy starch solution and put in Pirst Cut washing machine with final to a strong piece of cloth. Push they will not rust and leave ed 300 million buffaloes roamed afford the tab in addition to house can be aired, number runner. Rib Steaks Chicken Parts rinse. If you want to tint cur­ the button through the hole with permanent marks upon the gar- the continent. Today there are their own vacation expenses. If you live in a burglar belt, the square of cloth left on the Patten—Red runs the river. tains a delicate shade that will ment. A coating of clear finger­ only some 30,000 and these are WINGS BREASTS 'Then, too« kennels charge for you should arrange to give your wrong side. ’Then sew the Pollock—The persuader. come out with the next wash­ nail polish on them does the found in national parks and various snots whfeh hike the house a lived-ln look. Leave a square of cloth onto the gar­ CUT Chuck Steaks ing, use food coloring Instead trick. Why Pay More ? boarding boets. light on. Discontinue all dellver- Sallaska—Priam’s daughter. ment and dam around the hole. 2 SHORT of dye. Collectors desiring first day Cats can take care of their les—papers, milk, mall. A local Sllverberg—Nlghtwlngs. cancellation may send ad­ own airings, and they might be caretaker or neighbor mlg^t be Toyota Is Here Visit Fairway dressed envelopes, together "NEW” 7 FLAVORS 0 put In a garage or on a porch in asked to check the doors a few Non-Fiction ’THE TOYOTA — a woman’.s Today in History with remittance to cover the FOR 35« 49« 59« the evening and released early times a week. The caretaker Barltz—’The culture of the Bring your vacationing friends car now on display at MORI- BAR-B-Q > ^/owe/i Bas^cf Qui/f ^ By TBE ASSOCIATED PRESS cost of the stamps to be affixed, lb. In the morning. But dogs cannot mlg^t cut gross and run the wa- twenties, to FAIRWAY—downtown Main ARTY BROS, on Center St. Elizabeth York FRESH CHICKEN LIVERS 55‘ Today is Wednesday, July 23, to the Postmaster, Custer, 8.D ., 49! i w loose in mwt are^. If y ^ ter Callahan-Abortlon law, St. ’They will have a ball just FYom $1,835 delivery. See and the 203rd day of 1970. There are B7780. Personal checks will not leave a dog at home, be sure to If relatives or friends are to choice and morality. looking around and finding test drive one today. Once you Delitaiessen . . . Shop-Rite PricedI specify how the dog should be use your house while you are on those hard to find Items. Open 162 days left In the year. be accepted in payment. The ICE CREAM , Oeelify Fresh freits ted VegeteUes . . . Shep-Kite Ptitedi Casola—Successful mass have your hands on a Toyota— outside envelope should be en­ aired. Borne well-meaning chll- vacation, you should give them 'Thursday and Friday till 9 p.m. you’ll never let go. SHOP-RITE ^ ______-V dren may tl a dog on a long a Ust of emergency measures cookery and volume feeding. Today’s Blghlight In Biatory dorsed “ Bhrst Day Covers Wild­ f l w ^ESHFRESH JERSEY ^ 8 ------On this date In 1938, Wiley leash to a tree for an airing, tuid and instrugtions on how to oper- Chorley—Water, earth, and Marinate canned, drained life Conservation 8tamp.” „ Let the youngsters amuse completed the first round- Canned N $ 0 9 9 then U^ey will go off to play for ate all appliances and uUlities man. chick peas in French dressing to themselves on a bad-weather tjje-world solo flight In his hours while. the animal fights and the names of those to whom Cunningham—Singer sewing Gen. Douglas MacArthur soon Ham ^<.n Mm \riiich minced onion has been day by making puppets from p j^ e,'toe ’‘Winnie Mae. the suA. While they lose track of they can turn for help In emer- book. added. Serve the chick peas on will be honored with a U.8. com­ Dille—^The collected works of old white socks. ’The heel of toe On This Date memorative postage stamp. De­ SWEET SMOKED TASTE SWIFT S PREMIUM time, poor Fldo Is winding him- gencies. Instruct them in such lettuce with cold sliced meat. sock Will serve as toe mouth self around trees trying to find a matters as locking doors when Buck Rogers in the 25th cen- In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte sign of the stamp and date of is­ Sweet Cem10~"59^ and toe bottom for toe eyes, EXTRA FANCY Sliced Bacon diady niche, and he makes mat- they leave the premises, tury. captured toe Egyptian city of suance will soon be announced Canned salmon, served cold, ears; nose and hair. Features SHOP-RITE’S FINEST QUALITY LUNCH MEAT COOKED SALAMI BOLOGNA ters worse. One family Invited a young Dorset—’The new E!ldorado: tastes good with a sauce made Cairo. by the Poet Office Department. Cantaloupes oits Aum own TWMifolpostal * ' Shepard — Marathon 16 resentative of Southern New spells. They need more water cup of bread cubes to a couple Orange Plus SHOP-RITE or DIXIE _ WHY PAY MORE? items offered are preselected by 1960 it was up to 147 pounds Issues, also will have the same 9" WHY PAY MORE? CAMPBELLS Slater — The pledge England Telephone Co. Mr. at this time. When you see lots of tablespoons of butter or olive POLY BAG CUT BEANS or SHOP RITE 51-60 COUNT from' thousands more available and In 1968 to 162. Undoubtedly stamps. Smith — The horse in toe West Hoops is serving with toe Air of extra fronds coming up, oil; serve toe croutons as a gar- Paper Plates "ilo’* 89^ Pork & Beans A ’s 99* In toe warehouses. And some­ It’s higher now. water more often. nish for a soup or toss them to a H ie Helnemann stamps' will French Beans where behind toe scenes, thou­ Taylor — Uranium fever ;or No Force at Ramey AFB in Puerto be available at your local dealer WHY PAY MORE? SHOP-RITE SHRIMP LB. Poultry consumption has risen talk under million ------green sadad. A U VARIETIES SWANSON 1-ib. j sands more products are being $1 Rico. or stamp department. 16 V) -«i. 4h>z. much more sharply, partially as Tompkins — Merchants and Painted blocks, cars, trains ------Hand painted 3 Course Dinners plif. 7>oz. Cold Cups '’TSo*' 59* Tomato Catsup 4 bits. readied, to fill old needs or to a result of production line farms and other toys that children are Leftover sliced pickled beets, "WHY P a y MORE? masterpieces. 2c OFF LABEL. ALL COLORS SOFT-WEVE p kg. • SMO*> R m JELLY IS THE BEST~ORANGE create new ones. For a nutritious drink, mix forever handling and dropping drained, are good added to a "NEW” SHOP-RITE S OWN MARMALADE. CRAPE PRESERVES SHOP4IITE _ and scientific feeding methods, Toward Century 21; technolog;y, ^nfinitilipd Symphony’ This is part of toe fascinating recently as 1960 toe per capi- chilled buttermilk with chilled on toe floors should be washed salad, Whip Topping Turbot Fillet Lb. s r society, and human values, Bohubert’s "Symphony No. 8 Bathroom Tissue rath 25* Grape Jelly 4 picture that emerges from a ta poundage was only 25; to 1968 E(J. by C. S. Wallla cocktail vegetable juice and frequently. ■ Tole In B Minor" Is called Jils “Uh- CRINKLE CUT or REGULAR statistical study of toe food to' season with Worcestershire ------Quick tarter sauce for fish: $ 1 It ivas more than 46. Wenner — Shamba letu Hnlshed Symphony" because It Easy To Find dustry, the nation’s largest sin­ To make frozen all-day suck- Mayonnaise mixed with lemon haa two. Instead of the three or Birdseye Potatoes Americans have been cutting Wheatley — ’The restoration of sauce. gle Industry, prepared by toe back on their starch consump- antique and classic cars ------ers for children, freeze fruit juice, sweet pickle relish and In- four movemonta of the ninmicRl POLY BAG PCAS/CORN/PEAS A CARROTS ^ l-th National Industrial Conference juices, chocolate milk or flavor- slant minced onion. Allow toe s3maphony. tion, which is typical of a rising Williamson — African wings; When you are charcoal-broll- Shop-Rite Vegetables 3 L*.'. 8 9 ^ Boai^ for toe grocery manufac­ standard of living. In 1910 they poems tog meat outdoors, always ed colored water to ice cube mixture to stand at least half an SPAR KOOL FRUIT DRINKS OR m ^ turers. swallowed 221 pounds of pota Wolk — Yes power brush toe grate with salad oil to trays and place a stick to each hour before using so flavors will The tremendous Increase to toes, on average, but now they Young — ’The last of toe loners prevent meat from sticking. cube. blend. Shop-Rite Lemonade lOt." 99^ toe products available—toe ggt ^niy 105 pounds or so. 1 NICHOLS number has doubled since toe amount of vegetables eat- late 19408—18 not accounted for remained fairly stable at MANGHESTEfl solely by food products. As any 200 pounds per person, MFQ. Tewsvdt iIm pukIm m af man vitoo accidentally gets a nature of those vegeta- captures the 2 ■ KMb. ll'-ei.baxaf look at the shopping lists can y^g jg changing. • Almost all WIG TOWNE TIRE testify, toe supermarket is not yg^gtables to 1910 were fresh; SALE! Cold Power only a food store. ^ those pounds are proc- beauty of SPECIALISTS In 1960, for example, $8.1 bll- gggg^j^ most of them canned but Famous Make WHY PAY MORE? 3c OFF LABEL. ALL COLORS BIG lion of I nonfood products were xgggt 10 pounds of them fro- m Detergent old tim e m WITH-THIS UmIFi Osbo soupodi pov IsNibBy . zen. Vernon Cmtp*m Maphe* Jo)y H, 1970. Dei Monte Peas 5 ^ 1 Scott Towels •heels 29* Shells COUPON [ Do Americans eat well to craftsmanship • AUGNMENT i li8|i iHm l yfH ifio ^ ltw iifO W l lohlt) ■ MFO- KRAFT ' comparison with other nations? (Front Ebid Parts) WANTED $ 9 . 3 3 POST ROAD -±-^ Hawaiian Punch 3'con; 89 ^ Macaroni Dinner i liDUions of Americans stlU have REG. $5.00 NOW ^ lliAviriklW H .Clean, Late Model poor diets, but generally speak­ 2 • BRAKES WHY PAY MORE? Looking ior an inexpensive m m m ALLVAIMCTIESNUMBCRCOI-B _ ing, most Americans can afford PLAZA (Disc or Regular) VALUABLE COUPON IL.fln n l! substitute for silver and pew­ to eat well. OR FOR 2A»3 Lipton Tea Bags ‘Too' 99^ Purina Cat Food o^ca".’ ^ 1 I ■ 5 USED CARS 3 ’9** ter, Yankee ingenuity turned • MUFFLERS Towofdo tlio pwidiwio of Top Prices Paid ' In toe United States and Can- 8 7 2 - 0 6 0 8 • d ^ cw o ol SHOP-RITE YELLOW CLING ^ j . , _ BEEF or CHICKEN to sheets of tinned steel, im­ ‘ ada less than per cent of all Tetril t Wlieleiel# For All Miakes! 20 ported from England. They • TAIL FIFES Peaches UKEOerHALVES '3 can t o 7 Cndilloc Dog Food 6 ' 1 "personal consumptiem expendi- ; tures" are for food. In less de­ pounded out tea and coffee MoxweN House ZERO/MILKSHAKE/BUTTERHUTor _ OCEAN SPRAY AViRY CARTER CHEVROLET If your W IG isn't becoming to YOU, YOU should • SHOCKS veloped countries, toe figures pots, pans, boxes and innum­ 5 9 < HEIGHTS CO.. INC., GROW OF be coming to us. We specialize in personalized erable other useful pieces and Coflee Hollywood Pay Day 19^ Cranherry Juice bit. are much higher. In Ghana, for • Gdyr. BallwMt I4IIY U Y iJ iC UmlliOeseeeiFWbpwiewBr 1229 Mein St. example, about 60 per cent goes hair styling for your wigs and hair goods. first offered them in their fViin I n i a Cmmpm —0^m% Ji4| fS. 1970 Phone 649-5238 for food, and even to Spain toe LONQ SLEfVE joFF natural finish. Then came black painted COUPON ^ Him »ittl MEiiim .l^ n Wliii> w ilit li). B F Q ALL FLAVORS-KELLOGG percentage is around 40. pieces with gold decorations to rememble 390 Broad St., Tel. 843-1161 Japan ware, and finally the painted tinware HOURS 3 BIG DAYS! which we prize so highly today for its rich Danish Go Rounds Redeem Your Federal Food JERSEYS THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Mon., Tubs., Wed. 8-0:80 colors and hand-painted decorations. Stamps at Shop Rite Stores Blon., Tnea., Wed 16 a.m. to 6 pjn. JULY 23 - 24 - 25 Hiurs., Fri. 8-8 Thom., Fri. 16 a.m. to 6 pan. “Yankee Peddler” Tinware has captured all GIAIfT. the charm and beauty of the old time pieces Sat. 8-1 Sat. 9:86 o.m. to 6d6M paa» 3-lb. OFF. CONN. OOU*PLAKD as these four examples illustrate. See num­ 10c OFF 3-«z. S 8 7 JA S T Coupon Cascade LABEL pkg. erous other intriguing pieces in Your Gift WE HONOR Gallery displays. Reading top to bottom: MIDDLE TURNPIKE mMtDT charo* OFF ON SOME “,Pieplate” Candle Sconce $6; Paper Napkin lOc OFF LABEL With Limit On* coupon ptr cvtlomor SYNTHETIC WIGS or Letter Holder (a 20th Century innovation) This Coupon •xpirto July ZJ, IF7I MANCHESTER if $4; Handsome 9V^ in. Coffee Pot $15; and Cevpen toed at any WITH THIS COUPON Coupon SlWRrRKt Suptnqarliat Lux Liquid auKHTinni Chainberstick (candlestick) with adjustment to raise the candle as it bums low, $8. SAVE lOel TALCOTTVILLE, ROUTE 83 x 4 N Price* eHective thru Saturday, July 3$, 1970. Net recpontible for typographical errors. s s S e S s u We reserve the right to limit quantities. PAGE T ™ T Y MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 PAGE THIRTY-ONE Palmer-Nicklaus Combo San Diego Gomez Has Last Word^ Favorites in Four-Ball LIGONIBR Pa. (A P )__ The site is the. demanding crowned British Open champ, weeks but Casper said he has Pirates Eastern Margin Disappears been assured hl» partner will be IV The imposing duo of Ar- Laurel VaUey Golf Club, Pal- \ nold Palmer and Jack Nick- nier*s home course. It’s a 7,046- adelirtiia Classic, conplaimng available. ^ "I sure hope so,” Casper said. NEW YORK (AP) — It I knew he had a no-hitter going bother Gomez though, who after he’s (Gomez) the manager” the Mets as the Astros topped kins cracked a two-run homer laus r S S as th^ favor- ^ “ I can’t handle Palmer and was Clay Kirby’s first but we got to score some runs.” the game said he had done the As he calmly smoked a ciga­ them for the second successive and limited the Braves to four ites in a snarkling field toughened and lengthened ed to arrive until Wednesday, hits in the Chibs’ triumph, de­ ______Nlcklaus alone. One at a time, brush with baseball immor­ The pinch hitter, Clarence same thing while managing at rette in the clubhouse and joked night sparked by Jesus AIou’s assembled forthe $foO,000 “ host to the Palmer played a practice Gaston batted for Kirby with Spokane of the Pacific Coast and smiled, the 6-foot-3, 176- fifth inning solo homer. layed by rain five times. 1966 POA National CSiamplon- round with "Holwle Jrfmson and okay, but not both ot them.” tality and he didn’t want to League a couple of years ago. pounder said, "Heck, last year I Alou also'scored in a two-riin National Four - Ball Golf ship. Chris Blocker Wednesday, did Dave HUl, paired wlthlbrother leave but Preston Gomez the crowd of 10,373 in San Diego Jenkins evened his record at "Phil Ortega was pitching a lost 20 games.. So I wouldn’t Houston first inning after draw­ 11-11 while Hank Aaron drove in Championship. It’s a lushlv beautiful course not keep score, then went Into Mike—both are tournament win- roaring its disapproval loudly had been there before. As no-hitter for eight and I batted have minded losing a no-hitter. ing a walk. Norm Miller and a run with a sixth Inning single, The event, the only one of Its set In the Plttsbunih to be honored at a „ers this year-w as a late arriv- with cries of "No, No, No.” One usual the San Diego mana­ for him in the bottom of the in­ It was the first time I had ever Doug Rader drove in the Astros giving the Braves’ great his kind on the pro tour, hasn’t been em Pennsylvania. It’s heavUy tesUmonlal dinner for his selec- al. They are one of four brother V fan jumped onto ()ie field and played for two years, \^en ger had the last word and attempted to get at the Padres ning,” Gomez said. “ The pinch come close to one.” runs while Gene Alley had a 1,800th lifetime RBI, the ninth trapped, studded with trees and t**® Associated Press as comblnaUons In the tournament, rUn-scoring double lor Pitts­ George Archer and Bobby Ni­ Kirby was gone. dugout and Gomez. Security po­ hitter doubled and we won 2-1.” Kirby allowed five walks and player to reach that mark. features undulating, two-level Athlete of the Decade. ^he others are Dick and John burgh. chols captured the title in Okla­ The mlnl-confllct occurred lice, however, thwarted the Kirby, a right-hander with a struck out four while Baldschun Ron Santo and Randy Hun­ greeris. Water comes Into play The field Is possibly the Lota, Tom and Mlokeyi Shaw « * * Tuesday night as the f3-year-old spectator’s attempt. 5-12 mark this season, surren­ was ripped for another single by dley stroked homers for the homa City. on seven holes. strongest of the year. About the amt south Africans Hai^d and ‘Ihey’re also likely to be Kirby twirled eight no-hit in­ dered the Mets’ run in the open­ Cleon Jones and a two-run sin­ DODGERS -EXPOS — Cubs. only major names missing are Allan Henning. And therf’s one The boos continued as Gaston Carl Morton slammed a hom­ among the favorites for the “A team that can average 66 nings against the New York ing inning, when he said "the gle by Joe Foy. • • « U.S. Open champion Tony Jack- uncle-nephew team, Charles and struck out and became even er and won his 12th game to team tournament that carries should be In pretty good posi­ Mets but left the game for a mound was muddy and I was In other National League lln. South African Gary Player louder when Baldschun took the become Montreal’s wlnningest REDS - PHILS — the official title: National FOur- tion,” said Palmer. ” I won’t say Curtis Slfford. pinch hitter In the bottom of the games, Houston stopped Pitts­ mound to face the Mets in the throwing a lot of high stuff.” pitcher ever. The right-hander Ball Championship Tournament that score, 264 will win it, but It and Frank Beard. Lieading money winner Lee eighth, trailing 1-0. burgh 3-1; Montreal tripped Los Pat (forrales ripped a two- ninth. * Tommie Agee opened with a Angeles 5-2; Chicago ripped At­ had the support ol consecutive run. two-out seventh Inning sin­ Players Division, Professional will be close, unless the course In addition to the Palmer- ’Trevino Is paired with Jesse The Mets greeted reliever is playing a lot faster and the When Mets’ shortstop Bud walk and one out later Ken Sin­ lanta 8-2; Cincinnati nipped St. fifth inning blasts from .Ron gle to give the Reds their victo­ Golfers Association of America. Nicklaus and Archer-Nlchols WhittenhHi, a part-time tourist Jack Baldschun with three hits gleton walked. The two runners ’The format calls for 60 teams gT®ens a lot slower than I ex­ Harrelson greeted Baldschun Louis 6-5 and Philadelphia Fairly and Rusty Staub. ,Steve ry, snapping a 4-4 tie. Deron combos, some other outstanding and Trevino’s business partner. and a pair of runs in blanking pulled a double steal and Agee of two players each, competing P®®*- them to be.” with a leadoff single to left, rocked 9-6. Garvey had a solo shot for the Johnson drove in three runs teams are Ken Still and Gene iSome other outstanding teams the Padres 3-0 behind Jim Mc- scored on Art Shamsky’s ground In medal play, with the team Nlcklaus and Palmer, the two snapping the no-hit bid, the Dodgers. with a single, double and his Uttler, winner of the team-play include Sam Snead and Gardner Andrew’s three-hitter out. « « « scoring only on the better ball, giants of the game, won this ______reaction from the fans was a PIRATES • ASTROS — 19th homer in the Phils victory. CBS Golf Classic last year, Aus- Dickinson, Bruce Crampton-Or- “ He was coming out,” said CUBS - BRAVES — ^The loss went to Juan Marich^, ’Ihey’ll play In foursomes for T2 event In 1966 and are the heavy trallan Bmce Devlin' and Bob v tilirM ^ y , Dave Stockton^b mixture of cheers and boos. Kirby said he was “ a little The Pirates saw their East Gomez, "because I play to wjn. The fuss didn’t appear to mad and a little surprised but lead shrink to one game over llight-hander Ferguson Jen­ ^ whose record dipped to 3-9. holes, with the field cut to the favorites this time. Between Charles of New Zealand, and Lunn, Doug Saaders-Chl CSil low 40 teams and ties for 40th them they have about $2.2 mil- Masters champion Billy Casper Hodrlguez, Dave Mair-Johnny position after 36 holes. lion in official earnings and and Bert Greene. Pott, Bunky Heiwy-Larry Kn- ’Ihe final two rounds Saturday have a total 89 tour victories, In- Orioles Best Royals in Ninth and Sunday will be telecast na- eluding 16 major titles, Greene has been out of action son, Ray Bloyd-Bob Rosburg Pitcher Nagy Bombed, with an Injured shoulder for two and kOller Barber-Don January. (Herald i>hotOB by Bucetvichia) tionally by NBC-TV. Nlcklaus, the recently NATIONAL WINNERS— Finishing with a fine 11- Bill Kelly. Second—Greg Holmes, Terry Culvey, 5 record, Moriartys was eliminated in postses­ Scott Eagleson, Mike McCarthy. Third— Nick Nico­ McLain Doesn’t Last Route Tatum Unloads Blast sion play. Left to right are: First— Gary Hohen- la, manager, Guy Salley, Tom Leone, Mike Gramato Club Owners, Unable To Reach thal, Rick Plepler, Keith Gemmell, John Bigelow, and manager Jim McCarthy. BOSTON (A P)— Red Sox Manager Eddie Kasko jsn’t But Records First Victory ready yet to throw in the towel on Mike Nagy. ( 'He's going to continue in the Settlement in Negotiations NEW YORK (AP) — miss his next scheduled start, leadoff walk and was forced by By THE ASSCXIIATED PRESS rotation,” Kasko said Tuesday Wagner, had his first pitch belt­ Denny McLain scored a which would be his seventh. In Brooks Robinson. Ellle Hen­ American League night after the Red Sox dropped ed into the leftfield nets lor a between the (ISiiefs and the AU- would be In trouble, but the East Division Comets Propel Past VWs, NEW YORK (A P )— The WALLFLOWERS — Houston Astros’ Jim Wynn major breakthrough, and his first five starts, all Incom­ dricks then singled and Terry a 10-6 decision to the California three-run homer by relief pitch­ College All-Star game, the Stars In Chicago July 31, which pre-season contests as well, plete games, he was tagged Crowley ripped a run-scoring W. L. Pet. G.B. Angels, with Nag;y absorbing his er Ken Tatum. Tatum, however, has • been jeopardized with the They start one week later, Aug. and Cesar Cedeno (right) chase Cincinnati’s pitch­ got a break. Baltimore 58 36 .617 — preseason schedule and The breakthrough was the De­ with two losses. double. second defeat in five decisions. is no slouch when it comes to Chiefs being unable to prepare 7. ALUMNI JUNIORS er Gary Nolan’s hard-hit ball to the wall. Both made In starting to turn the comer, Ron Grich singled in Balti­ Detroit. 53 39 .676 4 "He made two bad pitches,” hitting „home' runs. He hit two possibly the entire season for the game. However, a promoter In Jack- troit right-hander’s first victory Win Fifth Straight Contest Behind 12 hits, league-leading leaping catch, but Cedeno came down with the ball. —6-2 over the Minnesota Twins McLain kept the Tigers within more’s first mn in the third. New York 51 42 :548 0% Kasko said. One of them, he Inst season. remained up in the air to­ —^The preseason schedule, sonvllle, Fla., said he has been Yankees scored 19 runs and Boston four-games of American League Kansas City tied it in the sev­ 47 44 .518 9((. said, was a three-run homer by Carl Yastrzemski, who is 8 for day as pro football owners which also has been threatened assured that an opening week g^ut out the Mets last night at Tuesday night—since being Washington 43 51 .457 15 11 batters stepped up to the reinstated after his halfseason East-leading Baltimore, which enth on Cookie Rojas’ one-out Tom Egan in the second inning. 10 since the All-Star break, had In a free-wheeling con­ TONIGHT’S GAMES continued their marathon by the lockout by owners which game between Miami and Pitts- west Side Oval. ’The win Cleveland 42 60 .467 15 plate. Sportsmen vs. DeCormler, suspension for association with edged Kansas City 2-1. Minneso­ single with the bases loaded, but ■'The next three innings he two home runs and a run-pro­ test marked by heavy traf­ meeting after failing to has kept veteran players from burgh would be played, with ^ yjg Yanks at 6-1 while the West Division ducing double for the Red Sox. Stalled again for two innings, 7:30 — CX)ak gamblers. ta’s loss cuts the Twins' West the Royals were unable to do pitched well,” Kasko said. fic to and from the pitch­ the VWs started to accelerate come up with any answers organized practices whl(di be­ rookies. If necessary, rookies winless at 0-7. lead to Z% games over Califor­ Minnesota 67 31 .648 Nagy, who has yet to com­ Yaz’ first home run, scoring Acadia vs. Billiards, 8:46 — gan for most teams this week. Yanks Fortunate, The break was he didn’t suf­ further damage. er’s mound, Moriarty In the sixth before veteran MB Tuesday in their dispute have been permitted to work winners scored 10 runs nia, a 10-6 victor over Boston. • • • California 56 37 .602 plete a game in 13 starts this Reggie Smith ahead of him, ori­ Brothers outpaced Volks­ —^The regular season itself. fer a broken left leg when he Oakland 50 44 .532 season, pitched six innings be­ ginally was called a double by reliefer Lev Spencer put the Dickensons vs. OB&T, 6:16 — with the players , , . , ^ ^ In the fifth inning. ’The losers The New York Yankees A’ 8 - SENATORS — 'The 26 club owners ’’touched ‘"There was some discussion “ I feel In my own mind that gg^^m ed 18 errors. was felled by Cesar Tovar’s line Kansas City 34 58 .370 fore he was lifted for a pinch- second base umpire Lou Dl- wagen 10-7 last night at brakes on the attack. Garrity Robertson topped Milwaukee 4-2, Oakland Sal Bsindo tripled in a nm and Nebo. on------every aspect_ ------of the negotia^ along those lines,” replied Hal Dan Smachettl led the Yanks drive In the eighth inning. Milwaukee 33 62 .347 hitter. He gave up five runs and Muro. DlMuro then conferred had allowed two hits, two Barrys vs. Town, 6 :16 — Nebo Score on Wildness blanked Washington 4-0 and the then scored in the fourth inning Three hurlers apiece for each walks, a homer to Mike Pitri- tions and no firm decision was as to a question concerning the played, said Hunt, who is the hitting with lour singles. Jeff “ A major breakthrough,” said Chicago White Sox downed Chlci 33 63 .344 nine hits while striking out four with chief umpire Hank Soar, Albertis vs. Tedfords, 7:30 — possible canceling of the entire president ol the American and Oakland went on to beat team traveled to the mound in zello and a hit batter before the made,” said Lamar Hunt, own­ Gott chipped in three hits. Hurl­ NEW YORK (A P )—The New York Yankees haven’t McLain. ”l think I’m getting Cleveland 3-0 in other AL ac­ Tuesday’s Results and walking two. who ruled the ball hit the top of Nebo pro football season. ” A few own­ Cfonlerence ol the NFL. Halas is Washington as Paul Lindblad the high speed contest that in­ rally screeched to a halt. er of the Super Bowl Champion ers Smachettl and John Rubi- been called lucky for a long time, but they were just better, i think I’m starting to tion. faltimore 2, Kansas City l “ He got off to a slow start this the wall and waved Yastrzem­ A&N vs. Motas, 6:16 — ers did bring it up.” the president of the National saved Diego Segui from a cluded a number of wild pitch­ For the Comets, Bob Carlson Kansas CMty Chiefs In a joint now teamed up tmd allowed that Tuesday night and manager Ralph Houk was the the com er” Detroit 6, Minnesota 2 year, and he hasn’t been able to ski home. Keeney However, he shrugged off Conference. ninth-inning iSenators’ th r e ^ es that flew past the catchers, had three hits in four trips to SILK CITY LEAGUE press conference with George only one Met runner to reach first to admit it. "H e’s not quite at midseason TIGERS - TWINS — California 10, Boston 6 get untracked," Kasko said. Ynstrzemski’s second homer, such talk as having little serious Hunt said it would "not be ap- and pitches that collided with the plate including a double Halas of the Chicago Bears aft­ Bristol. "That’s what I told him “ e’s getting there,” Reggie Jackson homered for jne CaUcago 6, Cleveland 3 Nagy, who was 12-2 last year as again to the opposite field in the League-leading Center Bil­ Intention, but admitted It might propriate to speculate on feder- third base. "W e’ve got to consider our­ McLain allowed six .hits, one several batters. that drove in three runs. Rich er Tesday’s 11% hour meeting. said Tiger Manager Mayo A’s. Oakland 4, Washington 0 a rookie, missed most of spring seventh, was his 26th of the sea­ liards limited Sportsman be brought up again. al mediation” in the dispute, al- Yanks 201 4102 0-19-12- 0 selves fortunate to win this when I went out to the mound of them a two-run homer by * * « The Comets were In low gear Riordan also went 3-4 driving He did say some decisions Smith. New York 4, Milwaukee 2 training due to an Army com­ son. Tavern to two runs and then In another hotel across town, though Mackey reaffirmed later MeU 000 0 0 ----- 8-18 one,” Houk said after the Yanks In the fifth. You’ve got to stick George Mitterwald. Willie Hor­ through three frames collecting in two runs. scored eight runs, downing the were expected today vdien the McLain almost lost any fur­ WHITE SOX - INDIANS — Today’s Games mitment and his marriage. Boston’s final run came in the .’’ohn Mackey, ol Baltimore, and his decision to leave for Wash- Smachettl, Rubinow and Oirl- took advantage of young Skip with these kids and really try'to ton’s two-mn homer in a four- Baltimore (McNally 12-7) at a lone run In the opener and In the pitching round-robin, ’Tavern, 8-2, last night in the owners resumed their talks In a Lockwood’s wildness for a 4-2 ther chance of reaching midsea­ Gail Hopkins drove in two Kasko was asked how much ninth, when Tony Cfonlgllaro the president ol the NFLPA, ington today despite the re­ son, 'Tweedle; Banning and build their confidence and these run fifth inning, was the big of­ Kansas City (Butler 3-9), N adding two in the third. ’The Garrity, credited with the win, first of two games at Charter midtown hotel at 10 a.m., EDT. victory over the Milwaukee son form when Tovar’s liner runs with a single and sacrifice longer he intended to go along doubled and came home on Rico sold he had never h ep d anyone sumption ol the meeting of own- Duffy. guys are going to profit from fensive backing for Mclain. Detroit (Lollch 9-10) at Min first tally came on a single by allowed two hits for two runs Oak Field. Certain to be discussed were: Brewers. struck him on the left leg and fly, Ed Herrmann homered with Nagy as a starter. Petrocelli’s single to center. talk on those lines. ers In New York. my being patient. But It all boils * • * N Rich Riordan who advanced to In one and two-thirds innings. Mike Reardon, Dave White, —^The pension plan lor the sent him writhing to the ground. and Luis Aparicio pounded out *'®^^ "You got somebody else I can Ken McMullen, who had four Hunt said he held out hope "I can understand that they W. L. "I wish I knew why a pitcher down to execution. With Cincin­ ORIOLES - ROYALS — Chicago (Miller 4-5) at Cleve­ second on a pitching error, ^ b Starting hurler for the locals, Randy Smith and Skip Cool players, which is the crux of the He suffered a badly bmised shin three hits In leading the White pull out of the ‘pen?” was the hits for the Angels, knocked in that his Oiiefs still could play in might have to meet again when Bantly Oil 9 0 loses his control all of a sud­ nati last it wasn’t too hard to land (McDowell 14-4), N Carlson drove him home with Burke, gave up three hits for knocked out two hits for OS’s. dispute with the National Foot­ bone and was to have precau­ Baltimore gained its victory Sox over Cleveland, which got a reply. two runs, while Sandy Alomar ball League Players Associa­ the All-Star game, noting that there are 26 owners,” he said, Nasslff Arms 4 6 den,” sighed his opposite num­ bring on a Granger or a- Car- Oakland (Hunter 13-8) at a base hit. five runs in four frames. Do­ Mike Davis had two hits for tionary X rays taken. over Kansas Caty with a run in two-run homer from Roy Foster The weakness In the Red Sox and Alex Johnson batted in one Kansas CSty Cfoach Hank Stram but added "if we spent as much Fire A Police 3 6 ber,; Dave Bristol. roll.” Washington (Cox 5-7), N In the bottom of the third, RICH RIORDAN ing relief-work for one and a Sportsman. tion. Smith didn’t expect McLain to the ninth. Boog Powell drew a and solo shot from Vada Pinson. “'bullpen” was on display again each. —Whether to send a repre­ has said he could get the team time talking to each other as Pontlcellis 2 7 The Brewers came up short Milwaukee (Bolin 2-6 or Bra- Riordan again led the charge third ihnings, Spencer allowed Bob Kowalski worked on the Tuesday night. Gary Wagner, The two teams will play a sentative to Washington tonight ready If practice begins at least they have talking to themselves although they outhit the Yan­ Bender 5-12) at New York with a single and sped to sec­ cinsky completed the circuit on no hits and no runs. mound for Billiards instead of ALUMNI BASEBALL who pitched an inning of hitless day-night twin bill today, with to join In a meeting between one week before the contest. we might reach an agreement.” (Stottlemyre 9-8). ond on a passed ball by VW Carlson’s drive. Steve McAdams. The season came to an end kees 10-4 and played e a r le s s Jifcts’ McAndrew BUmks Padves ball Monday, was racked for Gary Peters (7-8) and Sonny For the losers, Doug Sidalau ’That would be Friday. ’The owners and players have ball while the New Yorkers catcher Ek:onomopolaus. Stan Idling for the first two Billiards 024 110 0-8-12-2 players’ representatives and (Ilalifomia (Bradley 0-1 and four hits and four runs in two- Siebert (9-5) going against Tom gave up five hits and three runs If no settlement is reached, had only private and unofficial last nig^t at Memorial FHeld committed several mlscues. Major League Slomcinsky’s power-house dou­ frames, VW roared to life In Sportsman 110 000 0—2- 6-4 federal mediators. Queen 1-2) at Boston (Siebert thirds of an inning. Bradley (0-1) and Mel Queen in 2 % innings, and Rotko allow­ —The College All-Star game not only the All-Star game contact for the past week. and Bantly Oil made it through Loc'kwood’s wildness was the ble scored Riordan, and Slom- the third, rolling over two pitch­ Second place Green Manor 9-6 and Peters 7-0), 2, twl-nlght Lonborg, who relieved (1-2). ed three for one run in one and without a defeat. ’Ihe oilmen reason. = L e a d e r s = Thursday’s Games ers, Brendan Burke and Ed two-thirds grames. Gilbert, kept on the heels of the leaders topped Pontlcellis, 6-6, to keep The 23-year-old right-hander, Kirby Flirts with No-Hitter, AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore at Kansas CHty, N Mavlactjr (IS) Garrity, for a crushing five credited with the loss, noted with a 9-7 victory over Walnut their slate clean, winning all o/b r e ibi a former $100,000 bonus infield­ BATTING (275 at bats) —F. Detroit at Minnesota, N ■ !_ tallies. ’The locals aided the op­ four hits and six runs in two Barbers at Oak. Both Richeys Advance < 4 8 0 a nine games while the losers are er with the Kansas City A’s who Robinson, Baltimore, . ^ ; 3 tied Chicago at Cleveland, N lb 4 a posing cause with three errors. innings. Manor was paced by the bat 2-7. turned to pitching two years with .322. California at Boston Shifting into high gear In the Moriarty Brothers defends its of Don Simmons 3-4, and six Manager Out to W in Games Ckrtoon. ol 4 Jeff Maher doubled in two ago, breezed through four in­ RUNS — Tovar, Minnesota, 76; Only games scheduled acarlno, ab 4 fourth, the Comets surged 13-2 record tomorrow night at 6 players had two hits apiece. Johnwo, Sb 3 Bob Carlson, Gary Wright and Law Student Upsets runs In the seventh Inning to nings with a 2-0 lead and sharp Yastrzemski, Boston, 73. Puts*!, as e ahead 9-5 on four hits, three against the East Hartford Jets secure the victory. Maher had SAN DIEGO (AP) — nouncement brought the fans to pretty blonde as she tearfully National League WIdtaotm, o 4 Bob Goehring banged out two contfol. RUNS BATTED IN—J. Pow­ walks and two VW errors, as at Dillon Stadium. another single with Mike their feet. left the stadium before the end. East Division Burtoe, p 1 hits each. But he walked Thurman Mun­ Clay Kirby allowed a first- ell, Baltimore, 79; Killebrew, OauTlty p 1 Paganal to pace the team In Boos and catcalla filled San “ We come all season and they W. L. Pet. G.B. Bpenoer, p 0 Manor 122 120 1-9-17-4 son and Gene Michael to start inning run to the New Diego Sta'dium, seat cushions Minnesota, 78. Yugoslavia Net Star hitting. lose,” said one Padre fan. , Pittsburgh 62 43 .647 Walnut 300 031 0-7-11-1 the fifth and they were turned and paper cups still full of liquid HITS—A. Johnson, Cailfomla, 30 10 aa York Mets and after that, “ When we finally get a chance New York 50 43 .638 1 Telkswacea (7) Small Kenya Settlement INDY LEAGUE For the losers, Ken Roback into trie tying runs on a sacri­ refreshment came flying out of 119; Harper, Milwaukee, 118 CINCINNATI (A P )— Unseeded Turner Howard, who through eight magnificent, to see something, he lakes It . Chicago 46 46 .500 4V4 a b Klock remained atop their re­ singled and tripled while Al fice, Horace Clarke’s sacrifice the stands. away from us.” DOUBLES — Harper, Milw UaCDoer. lb 4 considered giving up tennis a few weeks ago, came up XJidrreor‘Md“ 'H)‘m RU^r hitless innings against the Phlla. 42 60 .457 S% n ores^ U 4 spective loop last night, trounc­ had fly and Jerry Kenney’s single. One furious male fan leaped Gomez wanted to win the kee, 27; ' Cardenas, Minnesota, PltitEeho, ct 6 Captures Hurdling Honors EUmgton Ridge with quite an encore in the Western Tennis Champion- sineies defending world champs, ' St. Louis 41 52 .441 10 ? ing American Driving School, An Inning later, the bases the wail and ran toward Gomez game and after his team 24; B. Robinson, Baltimore, 24 BootumcpolouB, c 4 x-vffjK BALL ships Tuesday. ----- ;—. Montreal 40 54 .426 11% Oertoh, 4 23-4. discontent the Bantiy 004 000 2—6-8-7 fans in the stands thought: but he was stopped by park flubbed three scoring chances TRIPLES—Tovar, Minnesota, 0 EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) when they were kids. ’Then ^ ey Tuesday The law stu in t from Knox- with calls by were loaded on a walk to Roy ’ West : Division Lovlgiie, a> a Mike Orlowski and Jim umpire. Pontlcellis 100 031 0—6-4-6 He might have to come out for guards. “ No, no, no,” cried the against the Mets’ Jim Mc­ 8 ; Kenney, New York, 6. VatiEtteo, as a ® — ’The little village of Kapken- drifted apart. Low net — Sid Keller, Rich vllle, Tenn., upset fifth-seeded White, CJurt Blefary’s infield hit Cincinnati 67 28 .706 Boionrey, Sb 0. Warner had four hits with Tom In other McKee, Maher and Dynes; a pinch hitter. fans. Andrew, he said he felt a HOME RUNS — Killebrew, Harmon, John Richmond,tichmond, Joe Zeljko Franulovic of Yugoslavia “i matches, second " which Lockwood knockel down Los Angeles 54 30 .581 12 / BUilui, p 1 0 yelol, nestling among the w(X)d- tjj0 African countries, who Jezoult, ___ Ron Glrouard,______Art change of pace was needed. Minnesota, 29; 3 tied with 25. OHbert, p 1 Kenert, 40-10- 30; second net- 6-1. 3-6 . 6-4 to advance to quar- marched on Goss and Nicola. and then turned the wrong way As it was, Kirby, the San Die­ Gaston struck out and the Atlanta 46 47 .495 20 HnUoo, p 1 § ed slopes of the Nandi district of came here with bright prospects E arner and Tony Kastaukas - - with a 6-2 , 6-2 decision over ------In the third inning, Ed Spiezio STOLEN BASES — Harper, to look for it and another walk go Padres’ 20-game loser last fans got angrier. Epithets flew [ San Fran. 44 47 .484 21 Kenya, can call Itself the cham- the track evenUrstiil haven’t getting three hits each. Orlow- ^ N a k te^ ^ Milan Holocek of Czechoslo­ to M ^son. The tie-breaklhg run year, didn't allow a hit but he led off the Padres’ half with a Milwaukee, 29; P. Kelly, Kan­ 30 T 6 * Z hurdling village of the — „ „ ,v-,ia Zm w «.,,er io\ n‘® Menschell, Pete Naktenls ousted Australia’s Allan Stone again when relief pitcher Jack Houston 41 53 .436 26% U oriB itys 103_____ 601_ X—10 __ P‘" “ the won a gold medal. But they had ski, Jim Warner (2), Jezoult, vakia. double but he died at second sas (Jity, 23; Stroud, Washing­ 40-10—30; third net — Reggie who finished second in the SASKETBAlh scored on a wild pitch and Mi­ didn’t get a no hitter either. He Baldschun came in. San Diego 38 59 .392 30 VoUowBgen OW 003 0— 7 wprld. a great chance texlay as Kip Kastaukas and John Salcius had Richey’s sister, Nancy, who is came out in the eighth inning base. In the fourth, Al Ferrara ton, 23. Ob, Bfomcl Mosher, Al Pasternack, Cliff Western iMt year. chael delivered the final tally Gomez rocked back in his Tuesday'a Results zaUo, ab, Vb. hr. Bitrt- Kapkenyeloi has only about Keino of Kenya set out as one of homers. the top-seeded woman, knocked of the Padres dumped a double PITCHING (9 Decisions) — G a rrity: Pasternack, Ralph Tartaglla SCOKES. with,, a sacrifice fly off reliever for that pinch hitter the fans chair in the clubhouse after the Chicago 8, Atlanta 2 te, Vanfitten,VanBtten, Soloway, Uagoner, 1,000 people. But Tuesday two of Uie favorites for the 1,800-me- For the Drivers, Ken Ferry "Look, I know I ’m not sup­ off Lulu Gongora of Mexico C!lty to left center but didn’t ad­ McDowell, Cleveland, 14-4, .778, fly out to FitriaeUo to Botoway; lob, 40-10—30. TONIGHTS GAMES Bob/ Humphreys. hoped they wouldn’t see and the game and defended his action. Montreal 5, Los Angeles ! ICorlBitys 7, VoUceowBCen U; bb, its sons won medals in the 400- ters final. had three hits iniUudlng a hom­ posed to beat these guys,” 6-3, 6-3, and fifth-seeded Fat vance. And Bob Barton singled 2.56; Cain, Detroit, 9-3, .760, 3.73 MEMBER GUEST Barry’s vs. PFOT 7:46 North The Brewers had nicked 22-year-old Kirby and the Pa­ "I play to win,” he said. "I New York 3, Sam Diego 0 ito a Garrity 6, Spencer 0. Sldl- meter hurdles event of the Brit- Don Quarrie of Jamaica had a er with Bob Martin, Tom Howard said. "But what am I Walkden of Rhodesia tunied with two out in the Padres’ fifth STRIKEOUTS — McDowell, j 1. GHtbert % Rotko 1; so, Burke Low gross — Bette Wolff 93, Biota vs. Mota’s 9:00 North Bahnsen for a run In the first on dres lost 3-0. would do the same thing again. Phlla. 9, San Francisco 0 L Garrity l, Sppenoer l, SkUlou 0. ish Commonwealth Games. chance to win his second gold Creech and Dave Henniguin get­ supposed to do, just lay down back unseeded Ann Lebedoff of but McAndrew struck out Kirby. Cleveland, 197; Lollch, Detroit, Helen rioel 87; low net — Jo SENIOR LEAGUE two singles and an Infield tap Manager Preston Gomez sent I never hesitated tonight. AU I Houston 3, Pittsburgh 1 Gtlbert 1. Rotko 1; hUB olt Burke BIH Koskei, who grew up in medal of the games in the 200- ting two hits. Creech also had a and die? Oceanside, Calif. Those were all the hits the Pa­ 138. 3 for 6 nuis in 4 inningB; Sldilau 6 Chup^ 102-25—77, Faith Rustln PNEU 66 (J. Redmond 22, T. and one in the fourth on Gerry pinch hitter Clarence Gaston to know Is that I play to win and Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 6 tor a runs In 3M Ini^m; Garrity 3 Kapkenyeloi but now competes meters. circuit blow. 102-23—79; second net — Ann "I decided when this thing In matches involving leading we got to score some runs.” Ihe dres could muster and, even Klock 103' 686 2-23-29-1 Sullivan 14) Ed’s 61 (T. Lom­ McNertney’s double and Ted the plate for Kirby with two out NATIONAL LEAGUE Today’s Oaunes HalloweU 107-28—79, NelUe John­ started I was just going out players today, top-seeded Ken in the bottom of the eighth Tues­ fans apparently didn’t agree. though Kirby was pitching a 4 tor 6 nns in 9 binlna;'Spencer from Uganda, won the silver He already has the 100-meters Driving 001 012 0— 4-10-4 bardo 14, B. Grant 10) Kublak’s single. BATTING (275 at bats) —Car- Cincinnati (Merritt 16-7) at son 106-26—80; third net — Mary there and play ball. Why should Rosewall of Australia was day night and Gaston’s an­ “ Why did he do It?” cried one gem, he trailed 1-0. a SS? 1 SSTta 1 3 3 Charles Yego, who is gold safely packed In his bag. DUSTY LEAGUE Jets 53 (B. Grant 20, D. "From our reports,” said Chicaigo (Hainds ll-V) Heslin 100-21—79, Edith Zubrow I press? I don’t have anything scheduled to meet unseeded Jim ty, Atlanta .361; Clemente, Pitts­ SocH]DmxM>olou8 ; b, Garrity;* wppl ^ Kenyan police force, won Meanwhile, Karen Moras, 16- Allied Printing won by forfeit Grindmeier 11) Nuts 49 (B. Houk, “ Lockwood has those burgh, .350. Atlainta (Stone 7-6) at Pitts­ Buries.; *, Ga.- the bronze. year-old Australian swimmer, 110-29—81; low putts Devra ^ ’®®® ’’ McManus of Berkeley, Calif., rity; I, Oabert. last night over North End Fire. ^ v.-.-on wild innings, although RUNS—B Williams, Chicago, burgh (Moose 7-6), H John Sherw(x>d of England, Howard said that law. school Richey was to play unseeded Grybz 18, J. Rood 10) added the 200-meters freestyle to The Firemen fielded nine men „^ /“ ® ^1.“ the first time we’ve seen Houston (Griffin 3-10) at St. (AP Photofax) ■MMH Smith 32; longest drive first has been "quite a deterrent” to Patricio Cornejo of Santiago, INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE 84; Bonds, San Francisco, 82. who won the race, said: "It is her collection of gold medals. for three Innings, then one got But we looked on him early Salerno-Valentine Testimony Louis (Briles 2-2), N SP/4 BILLY C — Red Sox young slugger Billy hole— Beverly Saffir 200 yards; his game and he felt like he C3iile; and third-seeded Ilie Lakers 66 (Maher 19, Cham­ RUNS BATTED IN — Perez, quite frightening to think how She had already won the 400 and injured and the umpire called might quit a few weeks back. the game and he wasn’t wild. Cincinnati, 93; B. Williams, Chi­ Montreal (Nye 2-2 or Me Ginn Conigliaro selects bat as he gets ready for batting good these Africans are going to closest to pin 15th hole—Nina Nastase of India was to take on berlain 16, Brazdzjonis 18) Sports Dial goo. the game. TTie score at that time He’s I got a good arm, but he cago, 83; Bench, Cincinnati, 83. 6-6 ) at Los Angeles (Osteen practice at Fenway Park. Conigliaro is putting ses­ be when they have had more In- ____ Adaschik 9’6’’. While Howard scored the up­ unseeded Jim Osborne of Hono­ Beavers 30 (Tomko 13, M. Lan­ was 14-6 Allied. just lost it all at once.” Continues Before Labor Board HITS — Perez, Cincinnati, 123; 11-7), N sion in with Army National Guard. 7:86 Angela vs. Red Sox temational experience.’’ set of the day. Bob Hewitt of lulu, Hawaii. dry 7.) REG LEAGUE you forget the sixth. Each day M. Alou, Pittsburgh, 120; Gas- New York (Seaver 14-5) at Sam w nc Koskei and Yego both have South Africa and Roy Barth of “ When you’re In trouble^ ^ Is , BOSTON (AP) — Joe and Valentine, specifically ” to Playing In a free swinging con­ is a new game, and no grudges ton, San Diego, 120. Diego (Wilson 0-1), N 10:26 Mets vs. Padres WBMI the same tribal name of Kop- iV J H y ty l Greenwich Youth San Diego, Calif., played one of wheA you’ve got to reach back p, • ^rpsident of the try to salvage them.” Athlete of Decade test Pizza House nipped VFW' aniljremei^ber the basics,” said Gronin, president oi tne should be carried over.’ DOUBLES — W. Parker, Los Philadelphia (Buiming 7-9) at kembol and knew each other the most exciting matches. Cronin testified that Hub­ PITTSBURGH (AP) — Some and local pollUciana. last night at Mt. Nebo, 24-21. American League, was to He said the pair was dis­ Angeles, 31; San Framcisco (Perry 14-8) Leads MGA Play Hewitt, seeded ninth, defeated bard’s assessment after the trip Bench, Cincinnati, 700 persons including Gov. Ray­ Palmer had received 231 votes The winners had 28 hits and the resume testimony to(iay at missed Sept. 16, prior to the 25. Thursday’s Games ‘ GLEN COVE, N.Y. (AP) — unseeded Barth 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 in a was ” We might just as well re­ out of 641 cast by sports writers losefs 21'. ’ f a National Labor Relations World Series, because Salerno Cincinnati at CSiicago mond Shafer paid tribute to Harry Roy had two three run Jeff Hadley of Greenwich, Conn, match marked by the players’ place these two now. I can’t do TRIPLES —Kessinger, Chica­ golfer Arnold Palmer, who was and broadcasters across the was scheduled to umpire in the Atlanta at Pittsburgh, N homers, seven RBI’s and three has moved Into the third roimd Board hearing into the fir- anything with them. go, 10; W. Davis, Los Angeles, honored as Athlete of the Dec­ country. Rodriguez Series. 10. Houston at St. Louis, N hits to pace the Pizza gang. of the Metropolitan Golf Ass(x;la- ing of two league umpires Much of (Cronin’s testimony ade Tuesday night. The Idea of the Decade Award "Sademo had been in so much Only gauhes scheduled. Jim Piro banged out four hits tion’s 68rd junior championship Life Size Statue in 1968. centered on specifics that he HOME RUNS — Perez, Cincin­ Among the celebrities at the was conceived by the Associat­ NOW! OPEN The umpires, Al Salerno and said led to dlsmissad of the two. trouble that year, we couldn't nati, 30; Bench, Cincinnati, 28 and two homers and five RBIs. tournament. dinner at a hotel here were Stan ed Press. Runner-up In the vot­ Enters GHO see putting him in the World Dennis Madtgan had four hits Hadley, who is 16, Is 'winner P n T O B U B O H (AP) — A life- Bill Valentine, were fired by Chonln called the pair “ techni­ STOLEN BASES —Bonds, San Yesterday’s Stars Musial, several of Palmer’s fel­ ing was former Boston Celtics’ sized wax statue of Pittsburgh Series,” he said. The New and Al Senna, Robin Wollenberg, of last year’s MGA boy’s title. Cronin because of alleged "In­ cally pretty fadr umpires,” but Framcisco, 35; Tolam, Cincln- BATTING — Deron Johnson, low pro golfers, other athletes. basketball star Bill Russell. Pirates' star outfielder Roberto' said "an umpire must keep his Cronin added that the league natl, 30. Dick Bissell and Dick Jagoutz He was a semifinalist in the G olf Match competence.” But they have Phils, drove in three runs with a Cletpente will be unveiled BH- composure. had purchased contraicts for mi- homer, double and single in had three hits with Rich Hig­ junior last year. ! j : filed an unfair labor practice PITCHING (9 Decisions) — day at Three Rivers Stadium “ The first rule in the book is nor league umpires—to replace Philadelphia’s 9-6 triumph over gins and Roland Cote knocking On ’Tuesday, he routed Mike Chi CJhl Rodriguez has In- suit contending that they were Glustl, Pittsburgh, 8-1, .889, 264; during . pre-game ceremonies when the seventh Inning is on. Salerno and Valentine and pre­ San F’ranclsco. out two. Chemuchln of Forest Hills, 7 forpied Jack |Bariow and Bruce dismissed because they were Simpson, Cincinnati, 13-2, .867, Bob Rand collected four hits marking C3emente Night Wilson, Co-Chairmen of the 19th trying to organize a union for pare for expansion—and the 2!VJ PITCHING — Jim McAndrew, and 6, in the second round of ’The statue, along with wax pair was dismissed before the Mets, hurled a three-hitter, fan­ with a homer Included to pace play at Nassau Country CTub. GliO of his Intentions to play in league umpires, STRIKEOUTS —Seaver, New TALLWOOD the Vets. Dick Coldmitzer rap­ figures of famous third base- the . toumampnt Labor Day Testifying Tuesday before end of the season to give the York 187; Gibson St. Louis ning nine and walking none as Also mo'vlng Into the third ped out three hits and Bob God­ man Pie Traynor and shortstop Weekend at 'Wethersfield Coun- Board Examiner David Davld- league a chance to see how the ^03 New York blanked the San Die­ round were Dave DeRosa of in, Rick Fontanelia, Mike Zotta, Honus Wagner, both of whom try Club. son, Oonin cited “ arrogance” new umpires would work out. go Padres 3-0. Wayne Hills, N.J., and Tony COUNTRY CLUB Al Lange and Bill Schick hail are in the Baseball Hall of Last year, ^ l Chi Rodriguez as one reason leading up to the two apiece. Lange hit a grand Kaezenski Jr. of Westhampton, Fame, will become part ^findsor 000 030—3-3-3 ' -'

PAOB THIRTY.'mo MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 MANCHES'TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 .PAGE THIRTY-THREE BU6GS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help Wanted— Help Wantod— Mala 36 MUSTARD ON ONE YA ONLY GOT ENOUGH DOUGH O ffered 13 END... KETCHUP O N, SOMEBOPy OUGHTA I THEIR Fem ale 35 ^ F E R O f ^ e H O T D O G / T H E O T H E R J M om ju st cannot get little ioimouat B ut mcjtN b a l l s - d e t e r g e n t s - mair WANTED — General macliinlct C IC E R O i TELL HIM IDEA OF CLASSIFIED AS I TOLD THE CONi/ENTTON, a b o u t t h e IMPROVED s t e p s , sidewalka, stone walls, ID (XJWN ANV OF TNATCOUGN MEDICINE . tonic - d o g f o o d -- you n a m e it / and lathe operators. . Apply WOST FlRE-F\GHTlNG IS IM CITY COUNCIL lEOUlPMENT Aaiver ta Pcrriass Paida fireplaces, flagstone terraces. b a b y s i t t e r wanted, days, Metronlc’s Inc., Route 6 tt 4AK, th e horse AMD BUGGY' THAT TASTES Lll plant ■ knives, axes, shears, skates, fcr HU, t.., TM YOU'VE EXPLAINED 48 Disfigure 25 26 27 2t 30 31 32 steering. Call 628-8642 6 to 9 second shift. We offer a good BUT THAT BLAMED THINS WOKE A/IE rotary blades. Quick service. retary. Must have knowlege of UP FROM A N AP--AN D I NEVER t h a t TO THE l a d y 49 Male geese ■ BOX LETTERS p.m. starting rate in a clean modem 35 payroll and general office pro­ S E T A C A L L ,a n y w a y .' IV E B E ­ ON THE PHONE, S3 Chicken 33 35 Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Roofing and Business O pportunity 28 Help Wanted— plant. Located in East Hart­ DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS COME A ONE-MAN ANSWERING WOULD You MIND 57 Retired for ■ 1 ■ Main St., Manchester. Hours cedure. Call 649-7159. 37 40 For Yoni MGB 1967, Red, excellent con­ Chimneys 1 6 - A Fem ale 35 ford, Conn. For an appoint­ SERVICE AROUND HERE, BUT I ’M TAKINSTHISf rest dally 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:30-9. ^ O U N D I'M SORRY, BUT DAVY...TELL HER I'LL ADOPT IT'S FOR. YOU/ ■ ■ dition, low mileage. Must sell. WOMAN — Part time. Must ment call 628-9471 and ask for THERE'S NO ^ WELL, I ’LL DARN WELL KEEPSTORMY-A RETIRING FROM TH'JOB/ FROM 58 Simian 42 43 45 Information Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7938. ROOFING — Specializing re­ THE BOV MUST 60 SHE'S WRONG.' NOW ON, WHEN TH' PHONE Call 643-1788, after 5. FLOOR have typing and shorthand ex­ Mr. Kelly between 10 a.m. - STORMY.' CHANCE OF THAT, El/JE/V / F I //At/ero GET/^ARR/EPi 60 Feminine ■ 1 pairing roofs of all kinds, new TO THE CHILDREN'S __ RINSS, JUST MAKE OUT THE HER.\LD will not 3 p.m. weekdays only. MR. JONES. YOU'RE name 45 SHINE-A-SHOE WAITRESS wanted full or part- perience, 9-1 daily. 646-3876. SHELTER... 'v LIKE 1 AIN'T HERE/ 61 Evergreen tree ■ 1 dlsclnoo tie Identity of CHALLENGER 1970, plum cra­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys A SINGLE M AN ' $3 54 56 55 JUNK CARS removed, time. Call Tolland — 876-9960 62 Masculine W SO 51 52 .uiy adveriiser using box zy, 440 six-pack, black vinyl $13. cleaned and repaired. 30 years' Automatic Paste wax shoe '2 PILG R IM M ILLS is looking for LOCAL bank looking for a man r ''- . appellation ■ each. Call 872-9433. 57 &8 St 66 letters. Readers answer, roof, 408 rear with 4-speed, experience. Free estimates. shine machine. 20c profit on a girl Friday for accounting interested In banking as a 63 Rich soil ing blind box ads who stereo tape system, tinted Call Howley 643-5361, 644- a 2Sc shine. career. Experience not neces­ 64 Plant ovule 4$ POLLARD TREE Service — LPN — Part-time or full-time, department, typing, light SI 62 desire to protect their windows. Has not been raced 8333. sary. Service must be com­ . ' f 65 Consumed identity con follow’ ‘ his Expert tree removal, pruning Investment of $2,000 and up. 7-3, 3-11. 649-4519. shorthand and some bookkeep­ food 64 65 55 or abused. Cali 647-9436, 643- ing required. Call Miss Arndt, plete. For interview call Mr. a procedure 8027 after 6:30. and trimming. Reasonable. w - M Units of For demonstration of unit WOMEN to work packing eggs. 646-4422. Matrick, 646-1700. energy FTee estimates. 528-3021. Heating and Plumbing 17 Enclose your reply to and marketing facts: Write: Miller Farms, Coventry, 742- (Hmnpaptt liiltrprim A$ik .) 1966 OLDSMOBILE, Cutlass, ra­ the box in an envelope — SAM WATSON Plumbing and 6232. STEADY part-time opening in MOLD MAKERS or first class address to the Cla.sslfled dio, automatic, power steering, Heating. Bathroom remodeling GLOBAL Franchises sales and stock work, about 20 machinists. Must be able to set Manager, Mancheslei power brakes, decent body, ex­ Household Services and repairs. Free estimates. 219 W. 9th Street hours per week, including Sat­ up machinery and read blue­ Evening Herald, together cellent mechanical condition. Kansas City, Missouri, 64106 prints. Apply In person. 'Tri­ with a memo listing ths Offered 13-A (Jail 649-3808. TOYS & GIFTS urday and one night. Schedule Asking $1,050. 643-7791. angle Mfg. Co., 100 Winder- companies you do NOT Include Phone Number not suitable for students. Apply CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNEB TWO handymen want a variety want to see your letter. 1964 WHITE Ford custom, 6 GRANT’S Plumbing Service — P A R T Y P L A N to Manager at Fairway, Main mere Ave., Ellin^on. of jobs by day or hour. We Your letter wUi be de­ cylinder, good condition, $350. Free estimates, plus quality St., Manchester. clean yards, attics and cellars. work. 643-6341. Our new line now available. SERVICEMAN, experienced oil WAYOUT stroyed if the advertiser Call 649-6872. Private Instructions 32 BY KEN MUSE is one you’ve mentioned, Reasonable. Call 643-5305. Dealers needed. Also book­ COOK for part-time work for burner and heating man, full­ ing Parties. Call or write Q 1*70 if not It will be handled LE A R N to swim — Experienced small concern, handle morn­ time position with excellent Syedksi*, !•«. CUSTOM made draperies, slip ’’Santa’s Parties’ ’, Avon, ♦SN in the usual manner I960 AUSTIN Healy 3000, $400. MilFinery. female Red Cross Life Guard- ing coffee break and lunch for salary, good working condi­ covers and reupholstering. Conn., 06001. Telephone 1- tions and limited night service. 4lUfe tSRAMPA'W or best offer. 644-1204. Dressmaking 19 Water Seifety Instructor. 649- office personnel. Hours 9 a.m. Budget terms. Established in 673-3465. Blue Cross, CMS, Major Medi­ T h t - SOUND 4403 after 6. — 1:30 p.m. Pleasant sur­ 1945. Days, 624-0154, eve­ DRESSMAKING eind alterations 1962 OLDSMOBILE WAGON, roundings, ample free parking cal, uniforms, bonus and out­ PROOFING Lost and Found 1 good condition, excellent tires, nings, 649-7590. done in my home, reasonable. standing profit sharing and Prompt service. Call 649-1133. FLAIR for decorating? ’Turn it available. Call Personnel Of­ SPECIALISTS SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL $350. or best offer. 649-4339 af­ LIGHT TRUCKING, cellar and Help Wanted— pension plans. Call 563-0131. L<0ST — Male mongrel dog, into cash with a few free eve­ fice, Consolidated Cigar Corp. ter 6 p.m. attics cleaned, odd Jobs,i lawns, white with brown and black Female 35 nings spare time. 628-0606. 131 Oak St., Glastonbury, ONE experienced arc welder markings, Bolton area. 643- trees cut and removed. 643- M oving— ^Trucking— Conn. 8:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m., 6000. and one experienced assem­ BI.AST OFF.'/ m oi. 1960 PONTIAC, cream puff, WOMEN for work In home for 633-9441. S torage 20 aged, all shifts. Responsible, bler, both men must be able to $250. Call 613-4208 after 5:30. REW EAVING of bums, moth- BXIUND—^Beagle female, black, mature women. Mrs. Miller, PA R T or full-time. National work to blueprints, Harper holes, zippers repaired. Win­ MANCHESTER — Delivery- brown and white. Call Dog 640-6986. company provides thorough Buffing Machine Co. 289-7471. dow shades made to measure, light trucking and package de­ OPERATING Warden, 646-4655. training, flexible hours, high 1957 CHEVROLET wagon, ex­ all size Venetian blinds. Keys livery. Refrigerators, washers M ANAGER to help me run my cellent condition. Call 643-9121. Income. 646-0361, 4-6. FOUND — Puppy, light tan made while you wait. Tape re­ and stove moving, specialty. BEHIND business, some sales knowl­ Folding chairs for rent. 649- female. Call Dog Warden, 646- corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 STATISTICAL 'TOY PARTY demonstrators — edge helpful. For appointment Main St., 649-5221. 0752. call, 289-3272. BUZZ SAWYER 4556. Trucks— ^Tractors 5 sign up now for your biggest BY ROY CRANE THE TIMES? CLERK WINDOW CLEANING done at season ever. Hottest line, best NA’TTONAL concern offers NO INITIATIVE...NO SENSE OF FOUND — Light tan male pup­ 1965 DODGE Camper half-ton special low rates. Fast, effi­ Pointing— Papering 21 deal you ever had. Free kits, unique opportunity for am­ RCSPONSIBILITV...NO PRIDE/ py, white spot on chest. Call truck, DlOO, clean, good tlrea, Position open for person with AND TO THINK I ONCE HOPED cient service. Call for free summer bonuses, monthly bitious men. Possibly $11,000 Dog Warden, 646-4566. radio, heater, excellent running JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom Join a progressive com­ statistical backgroiuid or prizes, many Incentives. No I'D BE A CHIP OFF THE OLD condition. Call 649-2333 after estimates. 646-4220. pany that offers lots and up. 646-0361, 4-6 p.m. Painting, interior and exterior, above average figure aptitude. Investment, everything sup­ BLOCK 6-30. of opportunities. SNEiT Company offers excellent b a c k t d LIG H T trucking, yards, cellars, paperhang^g, fully insured. plied. Write or call collect Mu­ OH. WELL- needs Directory Assist­ wages, good benefits and good Personals 3 attics cleaned and removed. For free estimates call 649- ■THE fueling STATiaN.I working conditions. Apply tual, 20 Simmons St., Boston, Bulk delivery. 644-8962. 9658. If no answer 643-6362. ance Operators. Help SATURDAY WORKERS NOEL ADAIR Dry Skin Foot ^uto Accessories others and yourself. A r­ Mass. (617) 277-6662. Crenie, lubricants for callous­ Tires SMALL Appliances repaired. CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ range for an interview FIRST NATIONAL KEYPUNCH Operators — ex­ NO SELLING es, hard dry skin, rough heels, today. Lamps, cords, clocks, razors, terior painting, paper hanging. perienced, days, part or full­ legs. Softens and soothes tired FIVE chrome mag wheels, 14’’ . blenders, space heaters, etc. Discount on wallpaper. Call STORES Will fit big sized PonUac, Olds- time. Immediate assignments, Good pay for light deliveries. feet. Quinn’s Pharmacy, 873 Door bells and locks. Simoniz Oscar Hebert, 646-3048. SNET Offers: Park & Oakland Ave. mobile, Lincoln and Mercury. very high pay. No fee. Apply ■Jar needed. Apply 35 Oak St., Main, Manchester. paste wax all cars. $6.95. Cost $250., will sell for $126. NAME your own price. Paint­ East Hartfonl Staff Builders, Suite 602, 11 ’ ’Marcel,” 25 Wadsworth. 643- Manchester, 'Thursday, 7 p.m.- * U70 Ir HU. W, TM ItH Ur. M. OK. Call 646-3042 after 6:30 p.m. ing, paperhanging, removal. Pull Pay with 'Tratalng Asylum St. 278-7610. 6922. 8 p.m. E 7 >-»- Automobiles For Sole 4 Prompt service, fully insured. * Scheduled Raises • “So Junior got a haircut... I wonder, is he trying Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Excellent Benefits * Op­ NEED CAR? Credit very b^~? HOURS well spent — This sum­ Help Waiited<—Male 36 to influence me politically or financially?!’’ Traflers— Jerry Kenny, 647-9564. portunities for Advance­ MICKEY FINN Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ mer your spare hours can earn METAL Fabricators — open­ BY LANK LEONARD Mobile Homes 6-A Building— ment • Job Security. OPENINGS for collection and est Douglas accepts lowest $$ if you visit local customers ings with excellent union bene­ C ontracting 14 B.H MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, delivery of orders. $3. per AND I HAD TO SELL ALL THERE'S SOMETHING ELSE DON'T YOU RUN down, smallest payments, any­ 17’ SHASTA 1966, sleeps 8, self- Interior and exterior painting, with Avon’s wide range of fits and pay. Continuous work For complete Informa­ hour. Car necessary. For In­ with overtime. Contact Mr. I — OF MY STOCK— AT A THAT WORRIES ME, MINERVA! YOURSELF DOWN, PHIL where. Not small loan finance contained. Excellent condition CAR PE N TR Y and remodeling paper hanging. 'Thirty years magnificent cosmetics and I'M NOT A RICH W OMAN ANY MORE, DIDN'T YOU'RE A FINE LADY OF — YOU'RE THE M A N I STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF tion visit our employ­ terview call Mr. Star 6(4-0202. Kllbum, Allied Building Sys­ TREMENDOUS LOSS.' YOU compaity plan. Douglas Mo­ throughout. $1,800. 649-4339. rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, experience, four generations. Toiletries and gifts. Call now P H IL' THE AAUTTON M A T T R ESS OOMPAN) KNOW JUST WOULDN'T BELIEVE HOW J CULTURE— AND, WELL— LOVE — AND YOU'RE GOING ment office at 52 East Students welcome. tems, Inc., 646-0124, Manches­ HAS GONE DOWN HILL SINCE M Y SON ^ THAT/ tors, 346 Main. additions and garages. Call Free estimates, fully insured. 289-4922. FAST A FORTUNE CAN I ’M JU ST A ---- ^ BE tK/HUSBANP! BUT WE'RE INVITING^ WE KNOW YOU,/MISS PERSONALLY, I'/M^ 19’ YELLOWSTONE trailer, Center St. open Monday ter, Conn. TOOK OVER THE BUSINESS/ Tom Corbitt, 643-0086. 643-7361. DISINTEGRATE' OURSELVES'To LEAVE.' CANYON-WE READ GLAD MRS. RICH- 1969 DATSUN station wagon completely self-contained In­ through Friday from W AN’TED — Full-time, School ; CANY CHARSe YOUR STORIES ABOUT tw itch d i d n 't 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Or custodians, second shift, excel­ PART-’TIME retired or semi- with radio, whitewalls. New cluding hitch, mirrors and DORMERS, garages, porches, EXPERIENCED house paint­ ADAM AND M E WITH ADAM APPLE HERE HAVE ANYTHING call 643-4101 x-368 for an SECRETARY lent benefits. Contact office of retired man to do night main­ snow tires Included. Excellent jacks. Many extras. Call 649- rec rooms, room additions, ing, very reasonable. Call for TKESPAS6INS B E ­ ON YOU appointment. Chief of Maintence, South tenance work. Apply In person CAUSE WE ARE UN- condition. Call after 6 p.m., 4677. kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, free estimates. Wonderwall Windsor Board of Education. to Allied Building Systems, VITED GUESTS... 742-7697. siding, general repairs. Quality Painting Co., 1-423-8117. Centrally located Manches­ Timothy Edwards School, workmanship. Financing avail­ ter law office. Legal exper­ Inc., 260 Tolland 'Tpke., Man­ 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, Motorcycles INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ ience preferred, but intel­ Wapping. or call 644-2410. chester, Conn. new paint, excellent condition. able. Economy Builders, Inc. Bicycles 11 B43-6159, 872-0647 evenings. cial rates for people over 65. SOUTHERN ligence, Initiative and per­ Best offer. 649-2696. Call my competitors, then call sonality may make the dif­ I^ iT P L Y M O U T H wagon, 9- I960 BSA 660 cc, b o r ^ newly WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ me. Estimates given. 649-7863. ference. Insurance and pen­ passoiger, fully equipped with reconditioned, $726. Call 643- modeling specialist. Additions, ______NEW sion benefits. Call 649-2865. RICHARD P. RITA air-conditioning, $2,900. Call 9027.______rec rooms, dormers, porches, 643-8277. cabinets, formica, bullt-lns, Floor Finishing 24 ENGLAND PERSONNEL SERVICES bathrooms, kitchens, 849-3446. SECRETARIES — Typists — MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY FLOOR SANDING, and refln- 1968 GTO, convertible, H liiiTi- 1989 TACO Mini Bike, good con- Clerks and other office skills. HALLMARK Bulldlng^CoT fOT Ishlng (specializing in older Are you looking for your first job, unemployed or ...AFTER ALL, A PRETTY GIRL LIKE YOU CERTAINLY spee4, red with black interior, dition. Call 643-6762. Many needed for assignments home Improvement, additions, floors). In and outside paint­ TELEPHONE ready to make a change? Call us now! Many posi­ Y O u te A PERFECT w o u l d n ’t V\iANT TD GO WALKING WITH Can be seen at 125 No. School HARLEY 'Three-wheeler, 1968 near home. Temporary, full­ HI, HCJNEY, rec rooms, house painting, ing. Ceilings. No job too small. time or 9-3 p.m. Highest pay, tions available within commuting distance and na­ STRANGER. AN IMPERFECT St. 649-0293. Honda, 460 engine, needs An Equal Opportunity Employer HOWABCXJT WINTHROP garages, roofing, gnitters. Free John Verfallle, 649-5760. no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ tionally. ^ S T R A N G E R ! BY DICK CAVALU work, $600. or best offer. Call estimates. All work guaran­ TAKING A THAT SHOULD 1963 COMET, $250. 1966 Ponti­ lum St., Hartford. 278-7610. LITTLE STROLL ac, all power, air-conditioning, 646-4268. teed.. 646-2627. Bonds— Stocks SETTLE IT, F L o : THBPe/merBe m o e : i r s y GRANDMOTHER, wanted, with WE NEVER CHARGE AN APPLICANT A FEE THROUGH THEN... excellent condition. $1,200.si,zoo. SPRINT, good $60 IN FAMOUS brands free If no: T H ie IS SChAE WAV TO KEEP P U T T IN G A N. J. LaFlamme — Carpenter M ortgages 27 own transportation. Pleasant THE PARK TEI2RJBLF.' I THESE BILLS DOWN.' BKa pacX3K.C3N Call Savings Bank of Manches- jjgS. Call 646-2493 contractor. Additions, remodel­ you run a weekly shop-by-mail ly WWITH ME ? CANTSEBVi ter, 646-1700. MORTAGES, loans, first, club for few friends. Send for working conditions. Call 643- THEM/ before 10 p.m. ing and repairs. Call anytime 0633 after 4 p.m. 63 EAST CENTER ST. lO K E E P O U R . second, third. All kinds. Realty details and free all new cata­ 1965 GRAY Ford custom 600, for free estimates. 876-1642. BILLS COWN.' statewide. Credit rating un­ log. No obligation. Popular V-8, automatic, $595. Call 649y LAD Y wanted to live In as com­ JONES d- r C ARPEN TRY — concrete steps, necessary. Reasonable. Con Club Plan, 'Dept. Z602, Lyn- MANCHESTER 6464040 Business Services panion to disabled lady. Own aPSEWAy 8135 or after 5 p.m. — 643-6013. floors, hatchways, remodeling fidentlal, quick arrangements brook, N.Y. room. Call 872-3900. Typ O ffered 13 porches, garages, closets, ceil­ Alvin Lundy Agency, 627-7971 CXJRVETTE 1966. Serviceman ings, attics finished, rec must sell or tmde. New 427, 'TWO YOUNG married men 983 Main St., Hartford. Eve­ rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ wlll do small repair jobs and nings, 23.3-6879. PRISCILLA’S POP balanced,'2 tops. Hurst, modi er related work. No job too BY ^ VERMEER painting, also cellar cleaning R ITA GIRL fled suspension. $2,660. 872 small. Dan Moran, Builder. MOR’TGA’TES — 1st and 2nd, and light trucking. Call 646- SECURITY GUARfi IN iSGA HARM ON wow.' YOU DICK i 6642. Evenings, 649-8880. mortgages — interim financing ACCOUNTS ANALYST — SECRETARY — Are you a KILLEBREW LED THE R E A L LY ^ 2692, 646-2047. — expedient and confidential taWALU g 1968 VOLKSWAGEN bus, run- Modem area firm is seeking business school grad seeking Full time or part-time steady poaitlou are available A m e r i c a n l e a g u e i KNOW YO UR MASONRY — All types of stone a capable accountant with WITH 4 9 HOME RUNS] '7 - * l nlng condition, needs battery. MANCHES’TER Tree Service — service. J. D. Real Estate a position where your secre­ due to rapid growth. Must be supervisory type, clean cut, BASEBALL and concrete work. Quality proven ability to fill a key tarial skills will be appreci­ neat appearance, alert and Intelligent. Must have dean MOM.' $360 or best offer. Call eve- Specializing In tree removal, Assoc. 643-6129. workmanship, work guaran­ opening In its accounting ated? Then this responsible record. Excellent pay rate, plus fringe benefits. Gall nings 647-1101. pruning, shrubs, lots cleaned. teed. Call after 6, 643-1870, 644- department. Degree required position with a highly rated Major Rome, or Michael DlBella, 687-4291. CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER ------— , Fully Insured. CaU 649-6422 Business O pportunity 28 for this high level career area firm is perfect for you. VOLKSWAGEN — 1966, recent 'i______2976. spot. $433. Management potential. 'To A9V HASN'T TOLD UIANE ABOUT HI? BKU?H WITH engine overhaul, Excellent TREE SERVICE (Soucier) — B EAU TY SALON — 4 stations, g IF YOU'LL WAIT HERE/ I'L L TELL ) SAVE MONEY! Fast service. $540. THE CLEFT-CHIMNBP MAN f ^ ----- HIM YOU'YE ARRIVED!; g running condition. Must sell, Trees cut, building lots clear­ excellent Main St. location. SANITAS SECURITY SERVICE Dormers, room additions, ga­ WHERE HAUAM'S moving to Arizona. $750. 644- ed, trees topped. Got a tree CaU for details. Frechette BOOKKEEPER — If you liYE?...HE'? rages, porches, roofing, and 'TYPISTS — Fast paced of­ 151 W A LN U T ST., HARTFORD, CONN. STAVING ...QUITE EKPECTIWE 2930. problem! Well worth phone Realtors, 647-9003. have on-the-job bookkeeping A PLACE FOR. siding. (Compare prices. Ad- experience and a sincere de­ fice is seeking a bright be­ caH. 742-8282. ginner with above average A EECUKITY 1967 VOLKSWAGEN, low mile­ A-Level Dormer Corp., 289- sire to get ahea4> why not typing skUls and a desire to age. Reasonable offer. Call 643- ORIGAN and stereo service of­ 0449. E A R N $15-$30,000 move up to this responsible, full-chatge position in a well team office procedure. Bus 1962. fered by professional electronic C h LEON Cieszynski builder—new AS A known area firm? Good typ­ line location and excellent V—'-.O service. For appointment call company benefits. $390. K n> l»78 W MIA Ut TM let US Pa» 04« ^963 VOLKSWAGEN, good con­ homes custom built, remodel­ ing a must. To $433 plus. I after 6:30, Mr. James CharOer, SHELL DEALER dition, $300. Call 649-8664 after 647-1303. ing, additions, rec rooms, 'ga­ rages, kitchens remodeled, <30MPAI7T REPRESENTA­ LANCELOT BY COKER and PENN 6:30. Ambitious man wanted now for CREDIT CLERK—'This busy TIVE — A liberal aits degree ------LIGHT trucking, oddbath Jobs, tile, also qement work. Steps, existing high volume 3-bay co­ easb-of-the-river sales man­ plus some previous' experi­ 1964 COMET, tan, standard moving large appliances. Bum- dormers. Residential or com­ lonial service station located in ager needs a vivacious girl ence with the pubUc, will if I'LLm 'l PLAV CENTER \ /AS TALKING A P O U T ^ shift, good condition, $280. <3all barrels delivered, $4. 644- mercial. Call 649-4291. Wapping, Conn. willing to pitch in and help open the door to an exciting 1 ANPVDU KICK IT! J. THB FO O TB A LL/j' 643-0874. 1776 Paid training, financing avail­ out with diversified duties. new career as company rep­ Figure aptitude a must; resentative for 'Jiis reputable j& B la COMET 1966, 2-door, V-8, stand- SHARPENING Service—Saws, able, insurance and retirement plana and many more benefits. banking or bookkeeping back­ local firm. Ebccellent growth ard transmission, $600. Call jytives, scissors, garden and Roofing— Siding 16 ground a plus. To $433. CaU weekdays, 289-1521, nights potential. $600. 74|2-83SS.o gjjjjp tooja. Power mowers re­ LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON BIDWELL Home Improvement until 9 p.m., 563-7420. MANCHESTER OPEN BY APPT. WED. 'TILL 7 P.M. paired and serviced. Pick up Co. Expert installation of V a a and delivered. Shsrpall, 585 MUST SELL —1969 Volkswag­ aluminum siding, gutters and SHELL OIL CO. NEVER A CONTRACT-NEVER A FEE INNIH6 Adams St. (rear) Manchester, en FBstback. CaU 649-4707. trim. Roofing Installation and 477 CONN. BLVD. ou rs^ 643-5305. repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. EAST HAR’TFORD, CONN. Tn\n\A\oiO\o\o\o\ R ITA GIRL 1963 VOLVO, 122S, 4-door sedan, LAW N Mowera - G a r d e i ^ - P & S ROOFING and repairs 'jrafdaaHHHi 'HOUSE OF 10,000 Frames,” a . Ifl, $260. CaU 649-8290. ^ r s rep:Ured and ^ a n > en e^ done realistically. Free esti­ 800 SILVER LANE 99 E AST CENTER ST. ______Parts and accessories. New mates. CaU anytime, 649-1616, franchise. Ideal for lady or ATEENTIDN Handyman! 1961 and used lawn mowers. Hours retired man. Complete train­ EAST HARTFORD MANCHESTER a im w NH. Ik. tiom et or 1961 VoUeswagen. 8 to 6. Monday to Saturday. ROOFING and roof repair, ing, financing ayaUable, no |«.#y Cepr. It OmI BiaNiaa C Needs work, best offer. After Mini-Motors, 188 (rear) W. Cou^ilin Roofing Co., Inc. 643- franchise fee. Write Frames, 528.-9416 646G441 ■ 6 p.m., 649-1264. Middle Tpke., 649-S7CS. 7707. 82 Hanover, Manchester, N.H.

t 'A ‘


Household Goods 51 Rasort Proparty Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sate 72 Housos For Sate 72 Housos For Sate 72 Housos For Sate 72 Housos For Sate 72 Lots For Sate 73 c Out of Town For Rant 67 IMMACULATE 2-family du­ For Sate 75 Ripon Society Urges Nixon 30” GAS STOVE, good ^ MANCHESTER — Ideal first COMBINATION — Two-family plex, on East side. Modeni home with smaller single in MANCHESTER - New listing. MANCHESTER — B-zone lot CLASSIFIED dltion, $50. or best offer. 16 COVENTRY — Lakeside cot­ home. Aluminum sided Cape BOLTON — SPAC30US 4V4- BERRy’S bath’, and kitchen. Complete PORTER STi Lovely 7-room Cape with 2-car of record, $8,000. FYechette Rosemary PI. before 11 or af­ tage for rent. Call Mitten Agen­ 69 DIANE DRIVE rear, close to Main St. Several room Ranch, like new condi­ To Quit ^Southern Strategy’ aluminum siding, 2 - car with four rooms finished, two possibilities. Business zoned. garage in popular Rolling Realtors, 647-9993. ter 4. cy, Realtors, 643-693J. unfinished. Flreplaced living tion, eat-in kitchen, built-ins, garage. Bralthwalte Agency, First time offered—Imma­ Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. Park. Heat in finished base­ WASHING’TON (AP) — The The periidieral'South can be 7-room Cape. Four bed­ room, large kitchen, detached (COVENTRY — 'Valley View, 5 fireplace, garage, lake privi­ ADVERTISING COLUMBIA Lake — waterfront Realtor, 649-4693^______culate 7H-room Colonial- ment. Attractive patio and Ripon Society urged President wooed, the report said, by culti­ rooms, 2 baths, family room, garage with patio. High shaded acres, 323’ road frontage, ex­ leges. $20,600. Hayes Agency, cottage, all facilities. Openings Cape. First floor paneled NEW LISTING --Drive By"~T4 garden house in rear. Mr. Nixon today to woo voters in the vating moderate support on is­ OiASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS buement room, large lot FIRST TIME offered, better Fulton Rd., notice how clean cellent area. Possible 2 lots, 6490131. Public Notice Aug. 22 on. 649-0498, 228-9852. family room with many cus­ lot. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Zinsser, Belfiore Agency, 647- "peripheral South” and aban­ sues of social progress that with trees. $28,000. than new, large 3-bedroom Co­ tors, 6492813. and well kept this gorgeous $10,900.. Hayes Agency, 649 8 AJH. to 4:30 PJM. tom built-ins, spacious liv­ 1413. SEVEN-ROOM Split Level, . 3 don “ the. Southern strategy” be­ have broad appeal in the South. SIX-ROOM shore cottage, pri­ lonial, plus 2-car garage. 1% Cape 1s. Be informed that it is 0131. ing room, formal dining bedrooms. family room, 2- cause George Wallace’s victory “ Racism will fall, as it has in vate beach. Available August baths, fireplace, wall-to-waU To Lease or Buy MECHANICS SAVINGS room and convenient kitch­ NINE-ROOM Colonial, large as clean as the proverbial MANCHESTER - For the large acre treed lot, fireplace, ga­ in Alabama killed it as a nation­ CXMnr CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT, 15, to September 6. Call 643- BOL’TON --- Building lots with the past,” the society added. 3 Rooms of New Furniture m carpeting, rec room, alum­ en, three bedrooms, 1% kitchen, formal dining room, whistle on the Inside. Features family, five bedrooms, new rage. Priced to sell. Hayes al tactic. If Nixon “ does not pursue a 6931. BANK include two full baths, a fin­ beautiful view of Connecticut «:M P3L DAT BEFORE PL'BUGA'^0^ from inum siding, ideal for doctor’s tUed baths, flt^ floor laun­ 20’ living room, 1% baths, first- roof, furnace sind storm win­ Agency, 6490131. "In short, Mr. Nixon is in moderate strategy, he must ei­ ished basement, family room Valley, one of Connecticut’s DMuIUne for Saturday and Monday Is 4:S0 p.m. Friday residence or practice. One dry room, two fireplaces, floor family room., 4 bedrooms, dows. On bus line, for $18,600. trouble,” the Republican re­ ther put Wallace on the ticket . 525-8661 and library, enclosed jalousled highest elevations. Owners will block from Manchester Memo- wall to wall carpeting, cen­ 2-car garage. Laiga lot. $27,- Flano Asehey, 646-0191. TINKER POND and Birch search-and policy group said in or concede defeat,” the report MODEL HOME Wantod To Rant 68 porch, double amesite drive­ help finance lot of your choice. irlal. Be first to see. Upper tral air conditioning through­ 600. Philbrick Agency, Real­ Mountain Rd., Bolton, new 6- an 84-pkge report to OOP Na­ said. TODB OOOPEBATION WILL f%| A I 1 tors, 646-4200. way, etc., etc. A best buy in NEW RAISED RANCH in High­ Will also construct home of ★ COLONIAL WANTED —Year ’round home 30’s. Colll-Wagner 666 Bum- out. Attached garage, many room Ranch, three unfinished tional Chairman Rogers C. B. “ Given a choice between a BE APPRECIATED UIAL 04^271 I the mid-twenties. Oh, yes, land Park area, 6 rooms on your choice. Flano Agency, ★ MODERN on Bolton, Andover, Columbia RANCH — 6 rooms, large living side Ave. East Hartford, 289- extras. Eecellent value. $38 - second floor. ’Two baths, cast Morton. conservative Republican and a MANCHESTER — For the nice, neat garage. Belfiore first floor, modern kitchen, 646-0191. or Coventry Lakes, for one' room with fireplace, paneled 0241. 600. iron baseboard heating, 3-zone ‘"The old strategy that alms at conservative Democrat, South­ ★ SPANISH homeowner who wishes to be Agency, 647-1413. large living room with fire­ year beginning in September. family room, air-conditioned, ’TOLLAND — % acre building system, 1,000 gallon oil tank the old South has failed,” the so­ erners both black and white will C on rinyd Prom Preoding Poqt ★ PROVINCIAL NINE ACRES — sweeping near stores, churches and place, 3 large bedrooms,, 2-car Call 643-8712. large master bedroom, attrac­ lots, $l,500-$2,500. Hayes Agen­ underground.' Aluminum sid­ ciety said. vote for the Democrat,” it add­ from views, lovely six-room stone U & R REALTY CO., INC. schools, we offer this delight­ BRAND new seven - room garage. Priced below market tive yard with privacy, $26,900. cy 646-0131. ing, 2-car garage, two fire­ Nixon has denied the exist­ ed. Help WontMl— Mate 36 Articles For Sate 45 Ranch. Large enclosed porch, 643-2692 ful Cape .Cod home With alu­ Ranch, t-car garage, two-fuU value. Philbrick Agency, Real­ Philbrick Agency, Realtors, places, one acre comer lot. ence of any strategy that would But even if the GOP is forced 2-car garage. Out-building, Robert D. Murdock, Realtor minum siding just off East baths, automatic kitchen, wall tors, 646-4200. BUILDING LOTS, city sewer LB-MI CORP., Manchester, $288 Business Property 646-4200. Much more. For appointment write off politically any part of to cede the deep South on the Center St. ’This is a potential to wall carpeting, etc., etc. and water, A and B zones. Conn. 643-2362. Experienced DARK, rich, stone free, loam, For Sate 70 Hutchins Agency, 6495324. call Towne Real Estate, 649 .the nation. -Any item may be purchased LARGE unusual Ranch with a 4-bedroom home with fire­ Panoramic view from a MANCHESTER 9room home, Philbrick Agency, Realtors, presidential level, the society lathe and Bridgeport opera­ five-yards, $20. Sand, gravel, separately. 4066. “ The right-wingers in the ad­ CONVALESCENT home, 1 ^ view. Features 24’ living room NORTH ELM St., 2 family du­ place living room and family high on a hilltop treed lot, yet with expansion room for a 6494299. said, "This does not mean that tors, second shift only. stone, fill, manure, pool and ministration have failed to elim­ A; established business. Always large formal dining room, 11 plex, 7 large rooms each side, sized kitchen. One-car detach­ still in Manchester! Mr. Mer­ growing faunlly. Huge living ANDOVER Ali electric state parties fhould throw up patio sand. 643-9604. INSTANT CREDIT NOTICE ritt, Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. room with fireplace, 3 or 4 ANDO'VER — Wooded building inate Wallace, and now Mr. Nix­ their hands and let the Demo­ PART-TIME dishwasher want­ full, great opportunity for right brary, 3 or 4 bedrooms, three nice condition, 2-car garage, ed garage. Lovely landscaped Ranch, kitchen a housewife’s PUBLIC HEARING bedrooms, private yard. lot, artesian well, walking dis­ on must eliminate their strategy cratic one-party rule continue ed, nights. Older person pre­ TWO portable TVs, one Motoro­ OPEN SUNDAYS 10-6 person. For more information, fireplaces, 3% baths, recrea lot 100x160. Call Peg Cieszyn­ lot. Priced to sell at $21,900. NEW LISTING — Big, big dream. Five bedrooms, ex­ if he hopes to win in 1972 and BOARD OF DIRECTORS ski, Broker, 649-4291. $20,600. Wolverton Agency, tance to lake and school, very unopposed indefinitely.” ferred. Apply Cavey’s, 46 East la, $46; one Zenith, $20. Call MON.-FRI. 10-9 call Philbrick Agency, Real­ ion room, garages, on a three Call Doris Smith, Jarvis Real­ Dutch Colonial, total of 9yes, quisite setting. To inspect this build a tmly two-party South,” ‘TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Realtors, 640-2813. good residential area. Paul W. “ In order to build a grass­ Center St., Manchester. 643-0389, 643-5796. tors, 646-4200. acre lot. Call for appointment ty Co., Realtors, MLS, 643- 9 rooms- Bathrooms and lava­ beautiful- home call the Flano the society said. Philbrick Agency, Realtors CONNEC’nCUT VACANT. Nice 3 - bedroom EK>ugan Agency, Realtors, 649- roots base for the Republican 1121. tories on every level, com ­ RCXIKLFIDGE — 4' - bedroom agency, 646-0101. . . ."We call on the President COPIER, Savin 210. Phone RESTAURANT business show­ 646-4200. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Ranch near shopping, schools, 4535, 646-1021. party in the South, and capture l pletely remodeled inside. Fire­ Cape, original owner retiring, to fulfill his campaign pledge to BANK answering machine, call con­ H (S G ing excellent net profit in high- Notice is hereby given that churches. Pull cellar. Swedish WOODHILL HEIGHM — 7‘/j- SOU’TH WINDSOR —AttracUve the local and state government . r . place in large front to back IH baths, rec room, breeze- forge a 'new alignment,’ and trol RS-101. Both in excellent traffic count location. Es­ REGENT ST. — 4-room house the Board of Directors, ’Town of fireplace, aluminum storms, room Ranch, first-floor family 6% room-Raised Ranch with positions that comprise that in­ Man with bank or finance condition under maintenance FURNITURE © 1970 by NEA, Inc., tablished over 20 years. Price on industrial zone lot 100x150. Manchester, Connecticut, will living room. ’Two-car oversized way, double garage, flowering bring the new Southern moder­ frastructure of American poli­ company installment loan ex­ screens. 4% per cent mortgage room, large beautifully finish­ garage. Truly parklike yard Resort Property good assumable mortgage. ates—blacks, young workers contract. Sacrifice prices. Call Includes all the real estate, Call Peg Cieszynski, Broker, hold a Public Hearing in the trees, $29,90()i. Hayes Agency, tics, it will be necessary to bid perience. Ebccellent opportun­ 669 Burnside Ave. assumpUon possible with large ed rec room in basement, en­ with shade giving, stately Three bedrooms, 1% baths, and businessmen—into the after 6 p.m., 742-7697. cigarettes are like women: The best ones are restaurant fully equipped, plus 6494291. Hearing Room at the Munici­ 6490131. For Sale 74 carefully for the kind of voter ity for advancement with lead­ East Hartford down payment, or conven­ closed patio, garage. Excep­ trees. Work relocation only kitchen with stove and dis­ GOP,” the society said. thin and rich.'— HA!" a house. $65,000. Owner will pal Building, 41 Center Street, who will vote Republican more ing local bank. Reply Box 289-0756 tional financing available. Mr. tionally well maintained. Phil­ reason for sale. A fine gracious MANCHESTER — 7 room (Co­ COVENTRY — Log cabin sum­ posal, carpeted living room NEED tires? 40 per cent dis­ take back mortgage. Philbrick MANCHESTER — To settle es­ Manchester, Connecticut, Tues­ It predicted Wallace will car­ frequently than every four "P ” , Manchester Herald. count. Premium. First Line. Zinsser, Belfiore Agency, 647- brick Agency, Realtors, 646- home conveniently located. In lonial, 3 bedrooms, 1^ baths, mer cottage, flreplaced living and dining area, family room BEFORE YOU BUY FURNI­ Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. tate, older 6%-room 2-story day, Aug. 4, 1970, at 8:00 p.m. ry the areas he won in 1968 and years,” the report said. Wide ovals. And truck tires. 1413. 4200. the low thirties. Belfiore Agen­ fireplace, closet space galore, room, completely carpeted, with fireplace, large lot. Con­ TURE ANYWHERE, SEE OUR home, central, quiet, con­ to consider and act on the fol­ said Nixon must look to the ma­ It cited in this connection the WESLiDER and assembler need­ Coles Discovmt Station, 461. cy, 647-1413. 2-car garage. Numerous ex­ enclosed porch, excellent con­ venient to stores, bus and high­ LOW PRICES. Apartments— Flats— Business Locations venient location. Excellent lowing : CAMBRIDGE St. — 2-atories, jor industrial states for his mar­ efforts by Govs. Winthrop Rock­ ed. Electric arc - welding West Center St., 643-6332. Investment Property terms to qualified buyer, $26,- FIVE-BEDROOM Colonial, two tras. Morrison Realtor, 643- dition, treed lot. $9,000. Hayes ways. $30,500. Phillips Realty, gin of victory. Also, it said, Tenements 63 For Rent 64 a proposed ordinance pro­ years old, aluminum siding, 6 rooms, heated garage, large SDC-room, conveniently located Agency, 646-0131. efeller in Arkansas and A. U n­ Motor cycle accessories. Full- SEWING MACHINE — New 000. J.D. Real Estate Asso­ 1016. 872-3214, 6499258. "The GOP must decide which wood Holton in Vlrg;lnla. GERT’S a gay girl-ready for a For Sate 70-A hibiting trespassing on pub­ 2V4 baths, formal dining room, lovely shaded yard, patio. older home. Modem kitchen, Ume, Call 649-7169. 1969 zig-zag, unclaimed lay­ MAIN STREET office space, ciates, 643-5129, 643-8779. part of the South it wants,” the The report came soon after whirl after cleaning carpets lic lands, as follows: first-floor famUy room, mod­ Owner going South. Can be two-full baths, two-car garage. RA'YMOND RD. 9room Garri­ VERNON — Deluxe Ranch lor away, buttonholes, mono­ LOOKING lor Euiythlng in real 100 per cent location near MANCHESTER close to shop­ Deep South or the peripheral Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., PLUMBERS and steam fitters with Blue Lustre. Rent electric BE IT ORDAINED by the bought with or without com­ Walk to public or parochial son Colonial on one-acre lot. Out of Town only $25,900. Can’t beat this grams, hems, etc. Now only estate rentals—apartments, banks, air-conditioned, auto­ ping, 4-famlly with 4 room $22,500 DOLL HOUSE, dead-end ern kitchen with built-ins, 2- South. criticized the Nixon administra­ Board of Directors of the'Town plete furnishings. Convenient schools. Priced right. Mr. Mer­ Four baths, 4 bedrooms, large home for this price, m baths, wanted, wages $6.25 per hour. shampooer $1. Barrett Plumb­ $64. Easy terms. 522-0931 deal­ homes, multiple dwellings, no matic fire sprinkler. Apply apartments, 4-car garage, new street, 160x160, trees, 6-room car garage. $43,950, Philbrick For Sale 75 "You cannot take all of the tion’s school desegregation poli­ of Manchester that the Town of to schools, shopping and bus. ritt, Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. formal dining room, 24’ living kitchen carpeted, three bed­ Call 875^2605. ing Supply Co., 331 Broad St., er. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As­ Marlow’s. 867 Main St. heating systems and roof. Mid Ranch, breezeway, 2-car g;a- Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. South,” the society said, noting cies and said the President sociates, Inc. 643-6129. rage, Hutchins Agency, Real­ Manchester adopt the following Reasonably priced. Charles room, screened porch, 2-car ■VERNON rooms, big dry cellar, fire­ 649-1604. 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. BRAND NEW, eight room, dis­ the region has not voted solidly could not be confident of car­ TRUOKDRTVER for our yard. HOTF*OINT electric range, HAR’TFORD RD.—2,000 square tors, 6496324. Ordinance: 180 FOOT frontage, secluded Ponticelll, Owner-Broker, 649 garage,, beautifully landscaped. SCHOOL DAYS . . . place in living room. And it MANCHESTER Center — landscaped wide open country­ tinctive Dutch Colonial. Im­ Will soon be here again and in presidential elections in 26 rying the South in 1971. Davis A Bradford Lumber Co. QUALITY stereo tape record­ good condition, $46. or best of­ feet with overhead door. Ideal FOUR 4-room apartment build­ TRESPASSING 9644 or 872-4732. For further information call is .well kept. Give us a call, Home and office for leEtse, one IMMACULATE 6%-room Ranch mediate occupancy. ’Truly ele­ this six room Ranch is years. 200 Tolliuid St., East Hartford. er, nearly new, $170. Was $243. fer. Call 647-1101. for manufacturing. etc. 649- ing. Monthly income, $480. ON PUBLIC LANDS side, plastered walls, lovely Philbrick Agency, Realtors, T.J. CJrockett, Realtor, 643- child preferred, $260. per with rec room and garage, 6-room Ranch, attached ga­ HACKMATACK - Keeney St. gant and gracious living. Mr. within walking distance of “ The choice should be easy,” new. Call 9-9 p.m., 649-7513. 7296. Monthly expenses. $26. As­ B 179-A (1) 6494200. 1677. the report said, “ because not Lottery Sales PRACTTICALLY new Kenmore month, heat included. Refer­ three bedrooms, kitchen has rage. $26,000. Hutchins Agen­ area . . . nice 6‘^-room Ranch Merritt, Belfiore Agency, 647- the Lake Street School. NEW YORK (AP) — About sumable $13,700, 6% per cent Sec. 1 Any person who, when only is the peripheral South Halp Wantod— WELL kept carpets show the electric dryer. Can’t use, need ences required. Hayes Agency, MANCHESTER Green grotmd bullt-lns and dining area. Im­ cy, 6496324. on half-acre lot. Lavatory in 1413. MANCHESTER — 6 - room Large wooded lot and 1^ BOL’TON 6 room SpUt |^v^, 800,000 $3 tickets have been sold mortgage. Secondary financ­ willfully trespassing upon lands more lucrative, but it has also results of regular Blue Lustre gas dryer. Asking $100. 646- 648-0131. floor 900 sq. ft., front portion mediate occupancy. Assum­ basement, carport, many ex­ Ranch, attached garage, alu­ baths makes it easy on flreplaced living roohi, tile in the state’s special mllllon-dol- Mate or Fomate 37 ing through owner. $36,900. belonging to the Town, operates MANCHES’TER —Large center SOUTH FARMS — Manches­ been far more receptive to Re­ spot cleaning. Rent electric 1831. carpeted. Second floor, 1800 sq. able mortgage. $23,600. Wolver- any wheeled motor vehicle over tras. $14,500 GI mortgage as­ minum siding, fully land­ Mom. Priced at $34,900. bath, large kitchen, £lxcellent lar lottery. The state Tax De­ REAL Estate Sstlesman want­ Francis E. Boland Agency, entrance lour bedroom Ranch. ter’s most popular area —Call, publican campaigners on all shampooer $1. Paul’s Psilnt & THREE beautiful rooms, heat, ft., suitable for light manufac­ ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. any area of said lands not spe­ sumable. Asking $26,900. T.J. scaped lot. Owner 644-1362. Please call John McLaugh­ condition, treed lot, $20i,5OO. partment said Tuesday it was ed. Young Eiggressive reEd es­ RCA Whirlpool coppertone re­ 643-1654, 649-8773, 649-7066. ’Two baths, double garage, 42’ Rick Merritt and see why! levels.” Wallpaper Supply. hot water, stove, refrigerator, turing. Also second floor, 3 ad­ cif i.cally designed Jo accommo­ Crockett. Realtor, 643-1677. lin at 6495306. Hayes Agency 648-0131. pleased with the i>ace of sales tate office. Lucrative commis­ frigerator and stove. Very MANCHES’TER — 2 family, 5-5 family room, fireplace, fenced Yes, you can still get a big, MANtZHESTER The report noted the deep parking included, 568-0833. joining offices. Will rent to­ T.J. CROCKETT, Realtor is the date motor vehicle traffic shall since the tickets were offered sion EUTEUigement. Paul W. TREAT rugs right, they’ll be a good condition. Call 633-0666. with 2 car garage, nice floor wooded lot. $31,000. Pat Huff­ MANCHES’TER quality built home with city (COVENTRY 6-room Raised South—a belt of states from gether or one or two separate­ agency to call for multiple be fined not less than Ten water and sewer, a short 5 BEDROOMS!! June 10. DougEui, Realtor, 649-4636. delight it cleEmed with Blue WE HAVE customers WEiiting plan Including 2 bedrooms, ex­ man, Meyer, Realtor, 643-6930. COZY CAPE—PRIVATE Exceptional 3 year old, 9 B (Sl W Ranch. Modem kitchen with South Carolina to Louisiana and ly. Call 649-2741 or 649-5688. family dwellings. Some top-in­ ($10.00) Dollars nor more than splash from swimming, and a The tickets will be on sale lor Lustre. Rent electric aham- for the rental of your ' apart­ cellent condition. A good buy. room Raised Ranch on a BARROWS and WALLA(JE Cto. built-ins, 1% baths, fireplace, Arkansas with 63 electoral votes NURSE Director — After 12 Machinery and Tools 52 PLEASANT office, ideal loca­ come producers available. Fifty (50.00) Dollars. IMMACULATE 3 - bedroom Clean as a hound’s tooth. 6 chip shot from golfing, all this Manchester Parkade three months, with the drawing pooer $1. Olcott Variety Store. ment or home. J.D. Real Why get Involved in stocks, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, deep treed lot. baths, family room, sundeck, 2-car —has been on the losing side in yeEirs of loyEil, faithful service, Estate Associates, Inc. 643- tion and parking, near hospi­ Sec. 2 ’The term "motor vehi­ Raised Ranch loaded with rooms on busline, oversized in the low thirties. Call now. Manchester 6495306 five of the last six presidential to be held late in September. BIG drill press, lathe, and etc. when you can own income 649-2813. 2 fireplaces, built-in oven garage, % acre wooded lot, our director weu forced to re­ CLEANINGEST carpet cleaner 5129. tal, Personalized Floors Bldg., cle” means "motor vehicle” everything that you could garage. Colonial fireplace, Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. and range, dishwasher, dis­ $25,500. Philbrick Agency, races. At the same time, it said, Under the prize-and-profit tire because of ill heEilth. We motor. Best offer. Call 649- producing property and take as defined by Sec. 14-1 (26) private rear yard. Add to BOL’TON —New 8-room cus­ structure of the lottery, ticket you ever used, so easy too. Get 1628. 386 Main St., 649-9268. MANCHES’TER — 4-bedroom want. 2 baths, 2-car garage, CIRCA 1969 Raised Ranch, sub­ posal, paneled rec room and Realtors, 646-4200. the peripheral South—Florida, are looking for someone to fill MODERN second-floor, 4-room advantage of items like ap- of the General Statutes and this the remaining desirable tom built Raised Ranch. Four sales must bring in $3,787,(KX) so Blue Lustre. Rent electric Colonial, 1% baths, 2-car ga­ 2 fireplaces, built-ins, air-con­ urban setting in Manchester! a 2-car garage. Outstanding North Carolina, Tennessee, Tex­ her position. Salary is depend­ in 2-family dwelling, heat, dis­ OFFICE SPACE for rent, * predation, depreciation, re­ includes a “ motorcycle” as de­ features and you have a bedrooms, double garage, acre BOL’TON 6-room Cape, large that $1,515,000—or 40 per cent— shampooer $1. ’The Sherwln - rage with patio, aluminim sid­ ditioning, summer and winter Total of 10 rooms, 2 baths, 2 buy at $44,900. Please call as and Virginia with 78 votes— ent on experience and cap­ posal, rEmge, refrigerator, Northeast Shopping Center, pairs, etc. Call 643-1677. fined by Sec. 14-1 (25) of the once in a lifetime opportun­ treed lot. $31,500. Hayes Agen­ lot, large rooms, mud room, WiUiams Co. ing, fenced yard. Mid 20’s. drapes, wall-to-wall carpeting, garages. Beautiful brick ex­ 6495306. has backed the winner all the can be returned in prizes, in­ ability. Phone Mr. AUees, 628- Musical Instruments 53 shades, antennae, parking, Rockville. Includes carpeting, General Statutes. ity. Please call 6495306. cy, 6490131. lake privileges. Only $20,000. MANCHESTER — business Morrison Realtor, 643-1015. patio, walking distance to terior, two fireplaces, four bed­ way. cluding a $1 million top prize. 6978 for personal interview. ROOF ’TOP luggage carrier, yard, cellar, adults, no pets. heat, electric, and air-condi­ Dated at Manchester, Con­ Plano Agency 646-0191. block with 6 apartments, ex­ grade and junior high school. rooms. The Very best. Mr. WEST HAR’TFORD — (Colonial 6’x4’x2’. Call 742-8352 after FENDER Bassman Amp., also Jiug. 1st. .occupancy, $160. 644- tioning. Immediate occupancy. ASSUMABLE 6 per cent mort­ B (Sl W necticut, this 16th day of July Compare at $34,900. Colll-Wag­ Zinsser, Belfiore Agency, 647- 5-bedrooms, 1% baths, fire­ PART-TIME tellers for Satur­ 6:30. Vox bass guitar and Hage- 8169. Call Joe Mertan Agency, 876- cellent condition. Owner will gage, monthly payments $90. 1970. B (Sc W BARROWS and WALLACE Co. day mornings 9-12. Experience strom 12-string guitar. 643-6920 ner 666 Burnside Ave., East BARROWS and WALLACE Co. 1413. place, formal dining room, 2- 6798, 872-4289. finance 80 per cent at 8^ per small three-bedroom Ranch. James F. Farr, Manchester Parkade Wanted— Roal Estate 77 Primary Notice of Ropubiican Parly preferred but not necessary. or 643-8924. ’TWO large, 2-bedroom apart­ cent. Terrific income produc­ Hartford, 2890241. Manchester Parkade car garage. Immediate occu­ MOTOROLA black and white Modern kitchen, new furnace. Secretary FOUR-bedroom Split with Manchester 649-6306 TOWN OF BOLTON, (X)NNEOTICUT For interview call Mr. Matrick ments in new duplex, appli­ AIR-CONDITIONED office Manchester 649-5306 pancy. Reasonably priced at console TV, excellent condi­ UPRIGHT piano, gray uphol­ er. Call now, Haj'es Agency, Call and see this cuUe. Mitten Board of Directors PRIVACY with convenience — three-full baths! ’Two - zone 646-1700. ances, private basement, beau­ space available. Inquire Holi­ MANCHES’TER — 4-famlly plus $26,000. CaU Dick Martens at LAND —Louis Dimock Realty, tion, reasonable. 647-9690. U46-0131. Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. Town of Manchester a 6% per cent assumable mort­ RANCH — three bedrooms, din­ heat, automatic kitchen. Prox­ To All Town Clerks: stered, excellent condition. tiful yard. > One child, no pets. day Lanes, 39 Spencer St., restaurant rental, large gross, the Paul W. Dougan Agency, Realtors, 6499823. gage on a 7-room Cape. Con­ ing room, den, llreplaced-llv- imity to school, recreational fa­ Notice is hereby given that a Primary of the RepubUcw —;------;------MANSFIELD flush toilet, good $150. Call between 6-7 p.m., Both $175. monthly without Manchester, 643-2125. MANCHES’TER — 6-famlly, all MANCHESTER — 7-room Co­ excellent return, prime loca­ Realtors, 649-4636, 646-1021. Party in each town in the State will be held on Augwt 12, 1970, venient to schools, excellent Ing room. Scenic wooded lot, cilities. Immediate occupancy. ALL CASH for your property Situations Wanted— condition. For use in truck 646-4286. utilities. Rental agreement and 5-room apartments, excellent lonial, near bus line, back­ tion. FYechette Realtors, 647- lor nomination to the State Olllces hereinafter specified. MANCHESTER Green — Avail­ neighborhood. Take your Manchester’s best location. Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. COVENTRY — Newly Usted, within 24 hours. Avoid red Femate 38 or trailer. 742-8362 af- security. M. H. Palmer, Real­ income. Unusual offering. Call yard fenced in, needs some 9963. able July 15, two air-condition­ WOODLAND siesta on the patio. IM baths, Bel Air Real Estate 643-9332. 5^-room custom built Ranch tape, instant service. Hayes Notice is also hereby given that the following are toe Mines ter 6:30. tor, 643-6321. for details. Frechette Realtors, remodeling, $23,900. Mitten EIGHT-room gorgeous Coloni­ ELEXJ'TRIC guitar, with amp, ed offices, on street level with eat-in kitchen. Price reduced. for seller. Oversized garage. Agency, 646-0131. of toe party-endorsed candidates of toe Republican Party for RELIABLE high school girl 647-9993. Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. al with 2-car garage, 2Vii baths, FOUR-room Ranch below $20,- good condition. Call 643-6762. small work shop. 649-2741, 649 MANOR MANCHESTER — NewTllsL 000. Fenced-in back yard, alu­ Acre lot. Good barn. Lot and noiAlnaUon to toe State Offices specified, together with toe street seeks babysitting or child care FIVE - room duplex, no chil­ Keith Real Estate, 646-4126, first floor family room enclos­ OUT OF state buyer wants to 5688. ing — six-room Ranch, central minum siding. On bus line, house in beautiful condition. addresses of said candidates: by day, hour or week. 643-5749. PA’TIO SLA’TE, 140 pieces, 649- dren, no pets, garage, electric POUR 4-room apartment build­ MANCHESTER Green section— 6491922. ed porch, patio, wall to wall, buy 3-bedroom home in Man­ 6784. ing. Monthly income $466, ap­ APARTMENTS air conditioning, T w o full near shopping. Call Braith- Route 31, Manning HIU, 4 miles ADDRESSES stove, Frig;ldaire, $110. month­ Unique 4-room Colonial, all etc., etc. Prestige location. chester. Will pay up to $27,000. OFFICES NAMES STORE, 20’x70’, 846 Main St., pliances. Secondary financing new Inside, 2-car garage, treed Homestead Street AIANCHESTER — Assumable baths, fireplace, wall to wall from UConn, 8 miles from Thomas J. Mesklll 13 Vine Street Anfiquas 56 ly. 62 School St. between 12-9 Tree lined street. Belfiore walte Agency, Realtor, 649 Call the Paul W. Dougan Agen­ Governor SNOW BIRD snow blower, Downtown Manchester. Avail­ through owner. Never a vacan­ lot, $17,900. Hayes Agency, 646- Manchester, Comi. 654 per cent mortgage. Price carpet, garage, full basement. 4593. Manchester. M.H. Palmer, New Britain, Conn. SihKirions Wantad— p.m. Agency, 647-1413. cy, Realtors, 6494635, 6491021. model S262, good condition, ANTIQUE bam boards with able September 1st. Call 522- cy. $36,900. Francis E. Boland, 0131. reduced. Ideal for horses. Ad­ Shows well, owner transferred. Realtor, 643-6321. United States Senator Lowell P. Welcker, Jr. 446 Round Hill Rd. Mate 39 $150. 649-6784. original nails. $3. per foot or 3114. WOODLAND MANOR offers ditional acreage available. $24,900. Wolverton Agency, MANCHES’TER — You must Greenwich, Ooiin. FIVE-ROOM apartment, stove, Agency, 643-1664, 6498773, 649- the ultimate in convenient ’THREE FAMILY, central loca­ WANTED — Rent or buy field best offer. Call 647-1101. SDC-room Cape Cod on 100x200’ Pour bedrooms, 2 beautiful Realtors, 6492813. see this 6-room quality, Ctolo- BOL’TON — Three - bedroom EXPERIENCED students will closed in porch, centrally FOR RENT — one single room 7066. prestige living, with schools, tion, new heat, never a vacan­ lor pasturing horse, vicinity Notice is also hereby given that the following are too names MILLIONS of rugs have been treed lot. FTreplace with heat- baths, labor-saving kitchen, nlal, large rooms, garage, ex­ stone Ranch, high on a cliff paint, blacktop, mow lawns. No located, parking, adults only. office and one com er office shopping and religious facil­ cy. Lower mid-thirties and Andover Elementary School. of toe enrolled members of toe Republican Party who have filed cleaned with Blue Lustre. It’s BIRCHES ANTIQUES, EAST HARTFORD, 33 Central alator. Hot water heat, garage. paneled family room. Willing TWO-FAMILY of 4-4. New on cellent condition, excellent lo­ overlooking Eastern Connect­ Job too big. Call 643-0066 or 640- Call after 4 p.m. 643-8680. suite. House & Hale Bldg., 953 ities nearby. worth it! Belfiore Agency, 647- (Jould be back land. Call 646- petitions in conformity with Section 9-400 of toe General Statutes, America,s finest. Rent electric Ashford, Conn., open only Sat­ Ave. wide, deep, lot, 8 rooms, Bralthwalte Agency, Realtor, to swap for 2-family duplex, the market. Centrally located. cation, $27,000. Owner 646-1659. icut. Nine acres in aU. Also 4344. shampooer, $1. Plnewood Fur­ Main St. Call 643-4846. 1413. 1806. as candidates lor nomination to toe State Offices specified: urday, 10 a.m., to 4 p.m., dur­ FOR A REFINED working cou­ garages. Escott Agent. 266 6494693. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCJT Manchester vicinity. After 6 One heating system. One unit included is a service building. niture Shop. ing July and August. Resume One and two spacious bed­ vacant on sale. T.J. Crockett, MANCHESTER — 6 room Colo­ NAMES ADDRESSES ple or lady, a pleEtsant 4-room B R oii) STREET I^A^TTON High St. West., Manchester. p.m. or early morning, late OLDER seven-room Home, one One of the better buys avail­ OFFICES Dogs— Birds— Pats 41 regular hours September. MANCHES’TER — - room room apartments, refrigera­ evenings, weekends. 649-3408. Realtor, 643-1677. block from Center. Ideal for nial with 3 bedrooms, country able. ’T.J. Crockett, Realtor, Governor Wallace Barnes 50 High Street SPO'TS before your eyes—on heated, hot water, apartment, AVAILABLE Augaist 1st, space Sea Fanning Farmington, Conn. Ranch, 60x120’ lot, on bus tor, stove, dishwasher, dis­ growing family. Low twenties. sized kitchen, dining room, 1^ 643-1677. NFnV YORK (AP) — “ Mari- your new carpet-remove them and sun porch. No children or suitable for retail or service posal, air-conditioning, full HEY THERE — Terrific 3-fam- United States Senator John M. Lupton Norfield Road THREE little kittens, looking Land For Sale 71 line. $23,900. FTano Agency, SPRUCE ST. — Older four-fam­ Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. baths, garage, $24,600. Wolver­ culture”-the farming of the for good homes. Call 649-6480. America’s finest. Rent electric pets, on bus line, security. Call business. One 15x36’ and one carpeting, total electric lly income property close to (COVENTRY LAKE — Tremen­ Weston, Conn. 646-0191. ily, 18 rooms, needs work. ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. sea-could become a major after. 6 p.m. anytime week­ shampooer $1. Farr’s, 2 Main Wanted— To Buy 58 643-6627. 30x36’. Large 10x10’ doors. SOUTH MANCHESTER — Ap- throughout. everything. City utilities. More dous value offered in this jum­ Business zoned too. Corner ’THREE FAMILY, convenient world Industry by 1980, accord­ Date at Hartford, ConnecUcul, this 16to day of July, 1970. ends. St., 643-7111. 6496644. proxlmately 6 acres with 641’ PRICE REDUCED. Near high property. Reasonable mort­ information call the Morrison East side location. Excellent ’TRIM and tidy 6-room Ranch bo sized Colonial home. Fea­ HOUSEHOLDS lots — Antiques A'i t RAcT i VE 5 - room apart­ Model apartment open for ing to Marine Offlce-Appleton & ELLA T. GRASSO frontage, half mile to Martin school, older home, single or gage can be arranged. Will Agency, Realtor, 643-1015. investment, under $30,000. Bel­ with 2 bedrooms and family tures modem kitchen with GARAGE Sale-Moving-Loads of oric-a-brac, locks, frames, ment, centrally located, stove, NEW modem offices, ideal for inspection Sat. and Sun. 1-6, Cox Corp. (MOAC). MOAC said Secretary of toe State LABRADOR Retriever pups, glassware. W’e buy estates. Vil­ School. Owner will finance. M. 2-famlly, double garage, good week days by appointment. lease, build or sell. Call 649- fiore Agency, 647-1413. room, aluminum siding and a built-ins, 2 full baths, 20’ mas­ AKC registered, show and of odds and'ends, snow blower, parking, adults, references, no professionals. Plenty of free 80 PER CENT mortgage at 7% that there will not be enough lage Peddler. Auctioneer, 420 H. Palmer Realtor, 643-6321. Investment. Virginia Cellnskl, Starting at $175 monthly. 4622 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. garage. Only $19,900. Wolver­ ter bedroom., fireplace, garage. The foregoing is a copy of toe notice which I have received bric-a-brac, toys, games, furni­ pets. $150. Sept. 1st. 649-5324. parking. East Center St. loca- per cent, 4-bedroom Dutch (Co­ REDUCED to sell now! Nice 6- arable land available in the fu­ from Ella T. Grasso, Secretary of toe State, in accordance with field. Champion sired. Call 649- Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. Broker, 649-1116. ton Agency, Realtors, 6492813. Call quickly on this prime 7997. ture, upright freezer. 49 Brook- Uon. Call 646-2212. FOREST HILLS—Owner—Four- lonial, redecorated, ' near room Ranch in South End. ture to grow food for a popula­ Section 9-433 of toe General Statutes. As provided in said notice, a side Lane, Vernon, 10 a. m. to MANCHESTER — 'Two bed­ I ‘■•A value. $24,900. Philbrick Agen­ WANTED — Antique furniture, Houses For Sate 72 bedroom, 2V4 baths, 2 year old schools, shopping ^lnd bus, 3- Fireplace, breezeway, attach­ 68 SOMERSET Dr. Clustom tion increasng at the rate of 60 primary of the Republican Party for nomination of candidates to AKC registered Scottish terrier 5 p. m., Saturday. room apartment available OFFICE SPACE — Pyramid cy, Realtors, 646-4200. toe offices therein specified will be held August 12, 1970. The hours glass, pewter, oil paintings or Aug. 1st, $175., includes heat building, 367 East Center St. custom Colonial. Screened car garage with loft, lot lOOx ed garage, formal dining built. Immaculate 7 - room million a year. puppies, temporary shots, MANCHESTER — Deluxe cus- WANTED porch, sun deck, aluminum sid­ 140; Austin Chambers Realtor, room, treed lot. Mr. Zinsser, of voting at said primary and toe location of toe polls will be as SCREENED loam, processed other antique items. Any quan­ and appliances; 2 bedrooms, Small, modem, air-condition­ Raised Ranch. HeaveiUy pri­ follows: wormed. Do not shed. $125. tom 7-room Garrison Colonial, ing, large beamed ceiling fam­ MLS, 643-2326. Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. gravel, bankrun gravel, sand, tity. ’The Harrison’s, M3-8709, available August 1st. $190. in­ ed office. Secretarial and tele­ Recent vate wooded lot backing up to CaU 647-1101. 166 Oakland Street. 2Vi baths, 2-car garage, all ily room, many extras. Ap­ Nature Center. ’Two fireplaces, Out of Town For Sole 75 HOURS OF VOTING 12:00 Noon to 8:00 P.M. fill, stone. George H. Griffing. cludes heat, appliances and phone answering service on aluminum, private treed lot, 2-FAMILY DUPLEX POR’TER ST. area — Flcture- DRIVE by 880 Tolland Turn­ Inc., Andover, 742-7886. praised in mid 40’s. 647-1835. 2-car garage, bullt-lns, thermo­ VOTING wall to wall carpeting; one premises. Available June 1st. plush living in the finest of Manchester vicinity pretty Is this Immaculate one- pike, then call C!arl Zinsser, pane windows, natural trim, 1% LOCATION OF POLLING PLACES DISTRICT SIAMESE kittens for sale. Call bedroom available August 1st, Call 647-9903 weekdays, 9 to 6. neighborhoods. Hayes Agency, SWAP For U & R MANCHEJSTER — 9room old­ owner 6-room Colonial with to see this neat 6-room Cape ELECTRIC typewriter, origi­ Rooms Without Board 59 baths, huge rear redwood deck. 646-3168. $162 includes appliances, car­ 646-0131. 4-BEDROOM HOME er home on Pearl St. Needs formal dining room, beamed with fireplace, sunporch, alu­ Dated at Bolton, Connecticut, this 20th day of July 1970. nally $199.60, sacrifice $86. Also REALTY CO.. INC. One minute to new Route 6. OUTSTANDING NEW portable electric typewriter, THE ’THOMPSON House—Cot­ peting, and air-conditioning. work but well worth the effort. ceiling living room, fireplace minum storms and screens. FOR SALE —West Highland MANCHE3STER area — 4-room Owner 649-3408 99 EAST CENTER STREET Helen D. Cole, Realtor, 643- OLIVE H. TOOMEY never used, $76. Call 649-7798 tage St., centrally located, Security deposit and one year Houses For Rent 65 Priced accordingly at $17,900. and deep wooded lot. ’This Very low twenties. Belfiore Town Clerk white terrier, AKC. Call 649- Ranch in parklike setting, 2 After 5 P.M. MANCHESTER, CONN. 6666 . after 6. large pleasantly furnished lease required. We also have 2-family conversion possibili­ home is in excellent condition Agency, 647-1413. Town of Bolton 7129. rooms, parking. Call 649-2368 ’TOLLAND near Parkway. bedrooms, could be 3, 2-car ga­ 648-9551 or 643-2692 EXCLUSIVES other fine, one and two bed­ Available for one-year lease, ties. Call ’The Paul W. Dougan in a lovely neighborhood. A MANCHESTFIR — Constance for overnight and permanent rage. You gotta see it! $16,900. PRES’ITGE Redwood Farms, 6- room apartments available for 6%-room Ranch, $260. per Agency, Realtors, 649-4536, good value at $29,900. Helen room Ranch, one-year young, Dr., 6-room Ranch, aluminum 1. Bolton Lake — 10 rm. Federal Colonial. Well maintained guest rates. Mitten, Realtors, 643-6930. with many fine authentic features. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, AKC registered toy poodles, Boals and Accessories 46 September and October 1st oc­ month. References required. 6491021. D. Cole, Realtor, 643-6666. 2-car garage, IH baths, alu­ siding, fireplace, garage, treed Primary Notice of Republican Party cupancies. For information Hayes Agency, 646-0131. O'VEIRSIZEID 7-room Cai>e, lot, flowering shrubs. Call now. 7 fireplaces (Dutch oven in keeping room), formal living ready August 1st. 746-9091. A’TTRACnVE sleeping room, minum storms and screens, room, dining room has 2 fireplaces, office and large TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CX3NNEC!TICUT GERICH’S Marine Service — gentleman, shower bath, free call ’The Paul W. Dougan large living room with fire­ wall to wall carpeting. Lovely $24,900. Hayes Agency, 649 FREE —^ male dog with shots, 0131. heated workshop in ell PLUS carriage House converted NoUce is hereby given that a Primary of toe RepubUcan Evinrude motors, sales and parking. Apply 196 Spruce St. Agency, Realtors, 6494636, place, modern kitchen with treed lot. Mr. Merritt, Bel­ to 3 room apartment (income). 60’s. complete with dog house. 647- service. 1082 Tolland ’Tpke., 646-1021. Out of Town built-ins, m baths, 4 bed­ WE NEED YOU! Party in each town in toe State wlU be held on August 12, 1970, fiore Agency, 647-1413. IMMACULATE 4 - bedroom for nomination to too State Offices hereinafter specified.' 1022. Buckland, Conn., 643-2363. ROOM for gentleman, quiet, For Rent 66 rooms, formal dining room, The House That Says ^WELCOME’ 2. Bolton — Normandy Style, 14 room rambling house convenient location. 224 Char­ TWO-BEDROOM duplex apart­ full shed dormer, on a treed RN’s, LPN’s, full and part-time. Enjoy working NEW LIS’TING —Nice Rolling Raised Ranch, large living (custom built 1966) over 4,(KX) sq. ft. 1st floor living, 2 SAINT BERNARD, male, tan Notice is also hereby given that toe following are toe names MERCURY 1967, 60 h.p. mo­ ter Oak Street, 643-8368. ment, appliances, garage, VERNON — Willow Brook % acre lot. $27,900. Philbrick in our modern A-1 convalescent home with a doc­ Park Cape, treed lot. Fire­ room with fireplace, kitchen complete ells (ideal for two families—save on mainte­ of the party-endorsed candidates of toe Republican Party for and white approximately one nance and live luxuriously in this exquisitely appointed tor, $400. or best offer. Call yard, $170. heated. Call after Apartments. Immediately new Agency, Realtors^ 646-4200. tor on staff daily and graduate aides to assist place, formal dining room. with built-in range, dishwash­ nomination to toe State Offices specified, together with toe street year old. Veiy good with chil­ LARGE furnished room for ’This is a scarce item at a er, disposal, carpet and home, beautifully situated on parklike acre in fine resi­ after 6 p.m., 649-7149. 6, 649-8846. 3^ rooms at $160, 4H at $185. you. Exceptionally high rate, two-weeks sick dential wooded are'a. Must be seen. addresses of said caiulldates: dren. 646-3988. male only, parking, $16. week­ Heat, hot water,. refrigerator, moderate price. Belfiore Agen­ dinette, 22x12 paneled family ADDRESSES ly. Call 644-0123 after 6. oven-range, disposal, dish­ leave, two-weeks paid vacation, 7-paid holidays,' cy, 647-1413. room, large closets, country OFFICES NAMB» erf^ b reed pup- 3. Vemon-Bolton Line — Outstanding 4 bedroom, 2 bath Thomas J. Mesklll 13 Vine Street FIVE beautiful rooms, heat and washer, wall to wall carpeting, Blue Cross and life insurance, paid meal time. On size lot. Peterman Agency, RANCH home on SPECrTACULAR 3 acre setting with Governor pies, 6 weeks oid, one male, M9-390S. QUIET comfortable room for DRIVE by 46 Adelaide Rd., New Britain, Conn. hot water, parking, 568-0833. air-conditioning, swimming bus line. No rotation. Phone Mr. Atlas, East Realtor, 646-2223, 6499404. sweeping views from large formal dining room and Lowell P. Welcker, Jr. 448 Round Hill Rd. one female, 643-0919. refined gentleman. Centrally EXPERIENCED ) then call us to inspect this spacious living room, gracious foyer. House Beautiful United States Senator located. Call 643-6331. pool, lighted tennis courts, Hartford Convalescent Home, 528-6978. . Greenwich, Conn. 3‘4-ROOM apartment, stove, re­ basketball court, parking and custom crafted Colonial Ranch JUMBO SIZE (Colonial in execu­ kitchen has sunny breakfast room, handsomely carpeted SIX KiTTENS, need good LOOM FIXER ) with a plethora of extras, in­ tive neighbortiood ,6 years old, and decorated throughout. NICE bedroom for gentleman, frigerator, adults only, no pets. storage all Included. No pets. Notice is also hereby given that toe following are toe names home, found abandoned. Call G a rden— Farm— Available Aug. 1st. 649-7681. cluding central alr-conditlon- modern kitchen, large formal of ttie enrolled members of toe Republican Party who have filed 643-7270. with references, private home. Call Hartford, 627-9238, Ver­ 'W e have an opportunity'' 4. South Windsor — 12 room Greek Revival on Historical Dairy Products 50 for an experienced Ing, four bedrooms, 2M baths, dining room, family room with petitions in conformity with Sedtlon 9400 of toe General Statutes, Very near center. 649-4966. TWO - BEDROOM apartment, non, 872-4400. Main St. (quiet residential by-pass -vrea). Most unusual ^Crompton and Knowles. etc., etc. Mr. Zinsser, Belfiore fieldstone fireplace, large and attractive with wide center entrance, 2 living rooms, as candidates for nomination to toe State Offices specified: second floor, appliances, heat HEBRON area—Available im­ Agency, 647-1413. front-to-back living room with LIGHT housekeeping large lcx)m fixer. Wages are' large formal dining room, 8 fireplaces, dutch oven in NAMES ADDRESSES Live Stock 42 NATIVE blueberries for sale, and hot water. $166. Security, mediately, three-room furnish­ open and dependent on fireplace, half bath. Second OFFICES room, all furnished, stove re­ FOR SALE family room, modern kitchen and lavatory, 6 bedrooms. Governor Wallace Barnes 60 Hi$^ Street 454 Woodland St., Manchester. no pets. 6491166. ed apartment. Security deposit -background and aptitude. < LOVELY Green Manor Ranch, floor has 6 bedrooms, 3 full baths up. 60’s. HORSESHOEING or trimming frigerator. Ideal for couple. 6 rooms, garage. Hand split- Farmingtoii, Conn. required. $l60 per month. 228- 18' FIBERGLAS TRI-HULL POWER baths. Two-car garage, beau­ Norfield Rood U a must for your riding en­ 643-6071. 801 Main St. Work is in an expanding cedar shakes. Remodeled 6. Columbia Lake — Year round 7 room Redwood and stone United States Senator John M. Lupton joyment. Call 643-1490 or write 9300. - non-defense plant that has. tifully landscaped yard. For Weston, Conn. Household Goods 51 NINCE clean room, shower, Furnishod kitchen, jalousled windows. further details call PhUbrick contemporary built 1966 by transferred owner, thermo- Tom Robenhymer, 36 Falknor 'eiteellent growth potential' C A T BOAT Truly a Best Buy. Mr. Merritt, pane windows, paneling throughout. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, parking, gentleman preferred. and which is more closely Agency, Realtors, 646-42(X). Dated at Hartford. (Connecticut, this I6to day of July, 1970. Dr., Manchester. Apartmante 63-A Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. family room with unique bar. Choice 160 feet of water­ ELLA T. GRASSO CLEAN, USED refrigerators, 643-7760. Resort Proparty asscx:iated with the busi-. 90 h.p. JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, front. Below replacement in 60’s. ranges, automatic washers MANCHESTER — Beautiful 9 Secretary of toe State NICELY furnished three-room ’^ness machine Industry,' MASTERCRAFT TRAILER PITKIN STREET — Eleven with guarantees. See them at apartment, first floor in two- For Rant 67 than traditional textiles. $ 2 8 3 0 0 room Cape with 3 bedrooms, 6. Tolland Historical Green — 7 room Federal (circa 1830) room Oilonial, one of Manches­ The foregoing is a copy of toe notice adilch I have received Artietes For Sate 45 B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 family house. Heat and elec­ formal dining room, carpeted Call 1-347-6160 or apply:< rooiii, dining room, 2% baths, living room and dining ell, attractive kitchen with sunny LOCATION OF POLLING PLACES VOTING dealer. many features. Mid 20’s. Mor­ DISTRICT APABTMENTS minutes walk to beacdi. House School and the High School. No mortgage but brick front, double garage. braakfast room, paneled recreation room. $29,5(X). MANCHESTER — Northwood furnUhed completely, just rison Realtor, 6491016. Waddell School, 163 Broad St. 1 Now renting, one and two bed­ KITCHEN cabinets, over 2,600 Businoss Locatioas Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. For appointment to inspect these fine properties call Apartments. Luxury split-level, renovated. Bedding supplies, seller will (xinsider financing. Robertson Schoed, 46 North School St. 2 selling for fraction of cost. BOWERS School —^^'9room ex-, Suzanne Shorts, 6493233. Buckley School, 250 Vernon St 3 room apartments. Carpeting, one bedroom. Cental air-con­ For Rant 64 all but linens, TV. Available Walters SIX-R(X>M Cape plus rec room. 242-4144. Kitchen Cabinet Re­ Belting Industrie*, Inc. pandable Ranch, all rooms Highland Park School, 397 Porter St. 4 complete G-E kitchen, 2 air- ditioning, carpeting, formal liv­ ratire month of Augaist and Excellent condition through­ sales. OFFICE SPACE, excellent lo- very large, 2 fireplaces, 2-car Nathan Hale School, 160 Spruce St. 6 conditioners, IH baths. Call ing room, family room, 1% caUon, parking, first and sec­ fall. l^Tll accept two - week 46 Nook* HUl Bd. out. Cedar shingles, garage, garage, screened porch, $22,- West Side Recreation Building, 110 Cedar-St. 6 FYances K. Wagner, Rental baths, private basement, bal­ Cromwell, Conn. KEITH REAL ESTATE large private screened porch, Veiplmick School, 126 Olcott St. 7 g a r a g e SALE —Antiques, ond floor available. Electric periods. Electricity. Children 20 Gallon built-in tank. Compass, plus accessories. 900. Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. ]. WATSON BEACH &. C O Manager, 6492623 or 6491023. cony, carport, heat, hot water. heat, air-conditioning and Jani­ and pets welcome. Ebccellent ( large treed yard. Remobeled furniture, appliances, Thurs­ An Equal Opportunity bb:a l t o b s Dated at Manchester, Cimnectlcut, this 20to day of July, 1970. Available immedisitely, $200. torial service available. As low SELLING PRICE $1,800. 649-1922 kitchen, dltowasher, disposal day and Friday, 192. 146 Ben­ well. Rent very reasonable. Employer 646-4126 EDWARD TOMKIEL J.D. Real Estate Associates 643-5470 875-3471 fireplace. $26,9(X>. Owner, i- ton S t, Manchester. 647-1914. as $100 per month. Call 649 Outside privy. Call before 9 ( 750 Main Street, Hartford 547-1550 Town Clerk Inc., 643-5129. 6334, ask for Max Grossman. a.m. or after six p.m. 643-6157. 6699044. Principles Only. Read Herald Ads Town of Manchoster

1/ • We d n e s d a y , j u l y 22, m o PAGE THIRTY-SIX -T mmtrljpfitw ?Etiftting |waUi Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock -// 1 Oroup discussion of a Bible ta^l, penal instituticm. His bond songs his gfroups sings, he also Three Guards Zito To Direct coaches two prize-winning About Town aid will be held tonight at 7:30 wasfas set at $2,000. He was ar­ Avetaue Doily Net Press Run at 261 Woodbridge St. and 726 rested May 20. Sweet Adeline quartets, "The The Weather The Senior Hish Youth Fel­ N. Main St. in Manchester; 114 At Somers Held Edward J. O'Mallejr of Hart­ Sweet Adelines Illusions’’ of the Mountain Lau­ For The Week ikided Fair, not so cool tonight; low lowship of South United Metho­ Griffin Rd., South Windsor; and ford was chsirged with three rel Chapter and “ The Spar- Jane 27, INO about eo. Tomorrow partly dist Church will meet tonight at French Rd., Bolton. In Smuggling counts of conspiracy to convey. Regional Chorus kletones” from the New Haven cloudy, warm; high 80 to 85. 7 in the Youth Lounge. Two of the charges against Chapter. He sings hass with the EASY-UZY Saturday—oloi^y, chance of Vincent A. Zito, barbershop The Rev. Don Evans, evan­ Three .guards at the State O’Malley date back to Sept. 5 comedy foursome, “ The Sleep­ 15,610 showers. Hie Fair Workshop of South gelist from Cardiff, Wales, will Prison in Somers were present­ and the others to Dec. 23. On music authority, recently was less Knights of Harmony,” and Manchester— A City of Village Charm United Methodist Church will be guest speaker at the mid­ ed in Rockville Circuit Court 12 the later date, O’Malley was al­ appointed Regional Chorus di­ often acts as emcee for shows meet tonight at 7 :30 at the home week service tonight at 7:30 at yesterday on a variety of counts so charged with two counts of rector for Northeastern Region throughout the New England of Mrs. Dean Patterson of 107 1, Sweet Adelines, for a one- area. Advafttslng cm F a ce 21) PRICE TEN CENTS Calvary Church. involving smuggling materials Indecent assault. SUMMER M EU S VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 249 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1970 Tracy Dr. In the'case of O’Malley, one Zito is a Hartford resident. in and out of the prison, includ­ year term. He is director of the ‘Ihe First Church of Christ, count lifts a gun, one heroin 1970 regional championship ing drugs and a g;un. The West Side Reunion Com­ Scientist, will hold its regular and the other lists drugs as the chonis, the Mountain Laurel mittee will meet tonight at 7 at One of the three, Lester Sene- mid-week testimony meeting to­ items involved. Chapter, Sweet Adelines Inc., Peruvian Peak Climb Start at cal of Ludlow, Mass., pleaded the home of Steven McAdam of night at 8 at the church. and the Silk City Chorus 02 Weaver Rd. Innocent to three counts of con­ Fails by Only 150 Feet New Haven spiracy to convey unauthorized (SPEBSQSA), which qualified Snake’ s Castle Cadet Rickard E. Rein, 20, son Iri^ Rail Line LONDON (AP) — An attempt items into a penal institution to compete in the men’s district Dodd To Seek Three names were omitted of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Rein by eight Britons to climb 19,400- and two counts of conveying un­ Target of Blast competition in September. Is Toilet Bowl from the 4th quarter honor roll of 75 E. Middie Tpke., is receiv­ DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) Zito will be officially present­ foot El Toro, the highest un- Panther Jury of Mianchester High School. El­ ing six weeks practical applica­ authorized items Into a penal In- •VENTURA, CaUf. (AP) — stltution. Senecal waived hear- An explosion blasted tracks ed to members at the fall re­ cllmbed mountain in South len Kravitz, class of 1970, was tion in military leadership at PIICHURST Louis Chacon complained to gional meeting at Holiday Inn America, has failed by just 150 ing on probable cause and was apart on the Dublln-Belfast rail- sheriff’s deputies from time on the high honor roll. Ingrlda the Army Reserve Training in Meriden, Sept. 25, 26 and 27. feet. Hears Tapes Re-Election Dzenis, class of 1971, and Mark Corps advanced summer camp bound over to Tolland Superior way line today to time of a snake which Police said they suspected ter­ The meeting will be hosted by Sponsors of the expedition primary are U.S. Rep. LoweU T. Denley, class of 1972 receiv­ at Indiantown Gap, Pa., from Court. His bond was set at $500. lived in his toilet bowl. By SOL R. COHEN rorists from Northern Ireland the Mountain Laurel Chapter. said today it was- decided that By DAN HALL Weicker of Greenwich, the par- ed regular honors. He was arrested on May 26. The deputies visited Cha­ (Herald Reporter) June 13 to July 24. Rein, a stu­ As regional chorus director, the final lap to the summit of Associated Press Writer dent at Norwich University, The cases of the other two were responsible for the explo- con’s house without finding U. S. Sen. Thomas J. Dodd ty candidate, M d State Sem Zito will direct the chorus at all the iPeruvian peak was “ so dan­ NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — John Lupton of Weston, his Miss Nancy Ballard, daugh­ Northfield, Vt., is working to­ men were continued to the Aug. slon about 10 miles from here. the snake and began to scoff. made it official today. He is an meetings and music schools in gerous that going on would be challenger. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Delmont ward a degree in government. 18 session of circuit court. Or- The first train from Dublin A Superior Court jury listened On Wednesday, however, independent candidate lor re- the area and act as an advisor an unjustifiable risk.” 'The Entered in the Democratio Ballard of 79 S. Lakewood Cir­ lando Jorge, also of Ludlow, after the blast Jumped the gap today to the first of two tape they became believers. (Cha­ election to the U.S. Senate. and instructor at music schools climbers were threatened by primary are Alphonsus Dona­ cle, has been named to the Mystic Review Guard Club was charged with three counts in the track caused by the blast recordings made at the time of con telephoned the deputies, His announcement, at a and to choruses. He will select overhanging cornices on the hue of Stamford, the party-en­ dean’s list for the spring sem­ will hold its annual picnic Fri­ of conveying an unauthorized and stayed on course. No one said the snake was staring crowded news conference in the the two songs to be taught all ridge and the condition of the the Black Panther InterrogaUon dorsed candidate; and challeng­ ester at the University of Con­ day at 6 p.m. at the home of item into a penal institution and was hurt. at him while he was shaving, Hartford Hilton this morning, 42 chapters of the region. snow—loose, dry, powdery and of Alex Rackley, who reportedly ers the Rev. Joseph Duffey of necticut where she will be a Mrs. Kenneth Wilkenson of three counts of conspiracy to Army explosive experts are In- and asked the deputies to ended weeks of speculation and An arranger of many of the waist deep in places. was klUed because the Panthers Hartford and State Sen. H!d- Jtmior In the fall. Bausola Rd., Andover. convey an unauthorized item in- vestigating. hurry. reports—some that he would de­ labeled him an informer. ward Marcus of New Haven. 'The recordings, made May 18, They did,'and at the sight clare and some that he wouldn't of them the snake took a —but mostly that he would. Dodd, 63, said today that it LB 1969, in the basement of Pan­ makes no difference to him ther headquarters, were ruled dive. Animal control officers The news conference, In a dlsniantled the toUet and much too-small room on the who his opponents will be. "I ’m You CELn be sure of good eating when you start with First Prize inadmissible by the judge Wed­ not running against anyone,*’ nesday in the trial of Lonnie snared the snake with a fourth floor, drew top-level cov­ products at Pinehurst. . . noose. erage. In addition to state TV he said. “I’m not out to spoil McLucas, a Panther member or beat someone else. I’m run­ It was a 5-foot boa con- and radio, It was covered by l i f i m First Prize, Ralph Cote, Eussures that these 2 ^ to 3 lb. Daisy charged in connection with ning to win and I’m running srictor, depuUes said, a national TV and radio crews. P . Smoked Pork butts are exceptional quality EUid good enough to Rackley’s death. for myself, on my record.’’ Warren Kimhro, a Panther tricky, water-loving boa con­ The two-term U.S. senator be called Daisy Hems. strictor, pertiaps flushed He remarked, “ I didn’t leave 2 I who has pleaded guilty to read a prepared statement and the Democratic Party. It left 4s O down another toUet. then answered questions. He ‘>'Si "f second-degree murder in Rack- me.’’ Jin : lilk ley’s death. Identified the voices was accompanied by his wife, Asked, “ If elected, will you SMOKED on the tape for the court. Grace, and by his aides. The serve in the U.S. Senate as a ’The tape started with a des­ briefing, including questions Democrat, a Republican or an cription of Rackley’s activities E x ’ M a y o r and answers, took exactly 15 Independent,’’ he replied, ‘TU PORK Just before the quesUoning start­ minutes. j u i y answer that question when ed. Kimbro said a statement Sen. Dodd, who has until Aug. elected.” that Rackley had been disci­ 31 to obtain the signatures of BUTTS Of Newark He declined to name his prin­ plined twice in the basement of about 6,000 electors on petition (Daisy HanM) ciple backers. “ I’ll name them forms, has made it a three-way the building was made by in due time,” he said. Serve hot with Raisin sauce. 9 Ericka Huggins, a defendant in race for U.S. senator. Dodd suffered a mild heart C I?aR NGL Slice cold emd spread the mustard. the case and a member of the Convicted He will face the winners of (AP Color Photo) . „ ... attack in New Britain May IS, national Panther committee. Cambodian troops prepare to board South Vietnamese Air Force helicopters at TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — For­ an Aug. 12 Repiiblic^ primapr several weeks in the Phnom Penh for a battle at Kompong Tham, north of the capital. Cong Urged '“The brother got some disci­ and an Aug. 19 Democratic ^t home, recuper- We are building up quite a demand for First Prize pline, you know, in the area of mer Newark Mayor Hugh J. Ad- primary. '■7. Franks (skinless) in 4 and 6 lb. boxes. Featured at the nose and the mouth and he donizio and four codefendants Entered in the Republican (See Page Eight) To Identify began to show cowardly ten- face up to 20 years In prison on 9 9 0 lb. . . . a 4 lb. box 3 .9 0 or a 6 lb. box 5.94 dencies. .to whimper and ®hch of 64 counts of conspiracy moan,” she said. and extortion. J makes a money saving family or picnic value. Heavy Enemy Fire Forces GIs V.S. PO W s Most ■ of the tape recording All five were convicted by a 7 was concerned with questions Jury Wednesday night in what Ohio Paper Quotes FBI: Also from 1st Prize ... sliced to order ot our PARIS (AP) — American about Panthers in New York the federal government de­ An amazing selection in this spectacular sale of To Quit Patrol Base Near Laos peace negotiator PhiUp C. Ha- City who were thought to be po- scribed as a Mafia-backed dresses. Drastic markdowns in new summer Service Moot Cose ... A new cold cut . bib urged the North Vietnamese lice Informers. scheme to squeeze payoffs from styles—you'll want to scoop up several at this / .D . ry AT —u . c .1. T.i . . -.t. A. - . u J .. . __ . Cong todsy to identify At one point a voice identi- contractors doing business with Killing of Students low price. Popular colors and fabrics. Misses' Vietnam’s north- May 1969 touched off a storm of 0,^,^ ^.S. prisoners of war and fled as Rackley’s said: “ l was the state’s largest city, which Buffet Style hot spiced ham.. .CAPACOLA. Vietnamese fire that killed 61 em coast. 10 to 20, half sizes 12'/i to 2 4 '/i. J unior.s and correspond with scared brother. I was scared has a populaUon of more than petites 5 to 15. Americans and wounded 346 In As one officer put it, the para- gress as to why the United melr families. because the brothers there ( i n ------die famous MOTHER GOOSE LIYERWURST the area in the past three weeks troopers were to "keep track of States had taken such heavy _____ 400,000. Habib, who retemed Wednes- New York) were talking about No date was set for sentenc­ fo r c ^ tee United States today what’s going on and to prevent casualUes lor what some felt consult^ons witih**^ shooUng me. A t K ent '^Needless* ing by U.S. Dist. Court Judge # values to $16.00 Cooked Salami . . . Lg. and SmaU Bologna to abandon a patrol bam in he the Norte Vietnamese from was a worthless hlU. ministraUon officials Including The tape recording Is being AKRON, Ohio (AP) — An FBI loelng his life and there was no i Some Dreseee at $3.00 ft $5.00 ft $7.00 George H. Barlow. . . w . ^ Pepper Loaf and Genoa Salami nortewestern sector of South moving into tee lowlands where The enemy sprang an ambush his designated successor, Am- used by tee prosecution in an The trial, which began June 1, report on tee May 4 shooUng rocks before tee shoot- „ . all tee population Is.’ ’ ® paratrooper-patrol Wednes- bassador David K. E. Bruce, attempt to show Rackley was For another FIRST PRIZE feature we offer at a special price ended In a hushed courtroom in deaths of four students at Kent l^ tU y pulled ^ was tee first time since it was operating a mile told tee weekly session of tee questioned by tee Panthers - ottUoi <..t-Tr - -That cme guardsmen fired Freshly SUced TAVERN LOAF Ib. $1.8» .. /. x^uv.Nov. 2 thatuuib U.S. u.o. forcesxux$;t;B xxoax had east of Ripcord. ' peace talks:uuivo. “ The Aiie urgenturgtsiu ques-quet»- while wiuit: Inui Pantherirtuiuici headquELrters State University has concluded J 46 had deliberated less than six at a student making an obscene abandoned a patrol base, under The paratroopers returned the tion o< the treatment of prison- here in May. 1969. teat----- the— ------shootings------were “ —not kcbluic gesture tuxuand tuxuuicranother firedu ™ «.$at hours. o ^ enemy pressure and destroyed Are and called in fighter-bomb- era of war . . . la certainly one McLqcas is accused of taking ^ ^ >^®c®8sary and not in order." the student preparing to throw CHOPPED SIRLOIN PRICED AT the guns to keep teem out of en- ®rs and artiUery. The U.S. Com- o< tee fundamental Issues on part in a plot to kidnap and Mil Akron Beacon Journal said to- rock TfNDff? • tEAN - SlZ/ir GOOI» t e e ^ v l L t ^ u ^ U e s t e ^ ____ mand said tee enemyenemv withdrew which discussion can start nacvwRackley i^csusabecause, nn«c«police ssv say, thetee ®"-whlte jury of seven men and day. five women, read off each of tee Natlonal Guard officials con­ 109 iihe decision to puU out of ®tter night fell, but meanwhile immediately.” Panthers thought Rackley was The newspaper said In a copy- tended after tee shootings teat With the Its cHsimltv fimirefi iinid 12 level one aimed at avoiding crit- rounds Into tee Cong have consistently refused tion Is trying to prove that conciuaea mat om o NaUonal on three sides, that each of Most Respected Jukes Americans were k ill^ and 61 I®*®™ ^ U*e United States of a base, killing M d w o ^ d ^ more to dlsctiss tee prisoner of war is- Rackley was questioned and tor- ^ AHdnni»in Anthnnv Guardsmen were not surround- some 100 nlen in tee force In- amencans were xuiea ana oi ...... _ Amprtcnna Th» tt .q rvimmaTi/i mip rrpn/iiTTD' « ... ___j __n___i____ i____ .__ Hugh Addonizio, Anthony j . . . . . aw thou u> uio aua\.d ui Locked.In wounded in a mortar Lamorte, Joseph Blancone, demonstrators, had not volved had been hit by thrown Label In Women's day one at tee old Marine base n o t ^ y how many. ground attack Wednesday on a ** TrIt was a vaatee lawaraavlargest vaa number.va. of Habib told the Norte Viet- field and shot to death. Vlcaro, Philip Gordon |J^"e°“contr^U^ ^tee ^Itiwtion ^ ilu M at Khe Sanh farther to tee north they felt their lives Sportswearl patrol operating a mile from tee American casualUes in a single namese: “ Your atUtude . . . McLucas faces four charges, were found guilty by tee jury,” shootlmr. base. Enemy losses were un- in 1968. were endangered. , _ . The Khe Sanh base was _ aban-____action since 25 were killed and jg incomprehensible to Amer- including kidnaping resulting in Cook repeated 64 times. Each . qq im j aizenta in- Chuck or Sirloin Patties are available fresh or freshly I ’ ! ! command earUer American command- wounded May 6 in the N o ^ i^an and world opinion. Rackley’s death. time, he mispronounced the for- y y^ ^ footin g s The newspaper said tee report had listed...... a six.a------wounded.- Vietnamese attack on another t ^Is is a matter which cannot Seven other Black Panther mer mayor's name as “ Ad- v u p ie a me aiay « snooungs, was signed by Jerrls Leonard, frozen in 4 Ib. boxes. Many prefer the frozen to take ers drew sharp criticism from ______« , “® guardsmen y,g j„gy^g Department to % O F F some quarters for allowing U.S. patrol base 12 miles soum of me i,e jjgjy yj abeyance. It cannot members—all of whom are to donz-i-o.’ ’ OH47 Chinook heUcopter w «. y, demilitrized zone. aweiit me end of tee war." be tried later—also lace capital The cocorrect pronunciation is m°''®d to break crowd of ^ghts division. It said it CLEARANCE! CHILDREN'S demcHistrators. The Beacon on picnic or shore trips. shot down during tee evacuation g defensive position, American B52 bombers flew The Viet Cong accused Presl- charges in the alleged plot. The “ Ad-do-nlz-i-o.” had learned teat tee report list­ Journal said tee FBI’s 7,600- REGULAR 1.39-3.29 famous but there were no casualUes. y, g statemnt aimouncing more missions along toe dent Nixon of blocking a cooll- defendants include national Lamorte is director of tee renort wna RummnriTPd in ed ------’ names, ------ranks,’ ------and addresses The base was evacuated im- u.S. troops had closed Rip- Laotian border Wednesday Uon regime In South Vietnam chairman Bobby G. Seale Newark Utilities Authority. (3or- report w m summaruea m gy^ guardsmen In connection sportswear der enemy lire, and at least cord, tee U.S. Command" did not u*8ht, one of them within 20 while proclaiming his desire lor Seale’s attorney, Charles don is former city corporation __ with tee shootings. COMPANY CORNED BEEF three more Americans were ygt casualties lor tee Norte miles of Ripcord. Some 26 of tee peace and self-determlnaUiHi for Garry, has claimed Rackley was counsel. The government al- —About 200 demonstrators The Beacon Journal says tee leged that Vlcaro and Blancone who were heckling guardsmen raises tee question of Very lean Pinehurst U.S. Choice TENDERCURE killed and 20 wounded In tee Vietnamese but said they had bombers dropped 760 tons of tee South Vietnamese and killed by government agents. leged that Vlcaro a ' withdrawal. suffered heavy losses from a bombs on North Vietnamese called this “ incomparable hy- The...... sparringr ____ 6 between______prose-r - - were Mafia figures. could have been turned back if or not tee student- TO $12 corned beef is so deliciously different that some of our The base, on a 1,000-foot ridge constant pounding by American *’®®® camps and supply depots, pocrisy.” cution and defense over whether All live remained free on ball been made or more guarjjgnien confrontation could north of tee A Shau Valley and bombers______and__ artillery._____ J, ^ Phnom Penh, tee Cam bo- Acting Viet Cong delegate tee tapes could be admitted of $26,000 each pending sentenc tear gas fired. be considered a riot. It said that customers call it “company” corned beef. 13 miles from Laos had been in The total U.S. casualUes at dlan miUtaiy command tetecati Dlnh Ba Thl told tee 76th ses- dates back to pre-trial hearings ing. —That no guardsmen were report asserted that guardsmen operation lor the past 3% Ripcord surpassed those of tee ^ heavily reinforced Itorte hurt by flying rocks or projec­ Vietnamese and Viet Oong (See Page Four) Cooking time 3>/2 to 4 hours. months and had been under more than 60 Americans kiUed (See Page EUght) (See Page Eight) tiles, and none was in danger of (See Page Four) mortar siege since July 1. and 300 wounded in tee battle ‘“ ''f Cover corned beef with water . . . cover utensil am ed several Cambodian batta- T «»P 8 of tee lOlst ^ b o m e for H ^ b u rger mU just to tee y;ns“ o n ‘tee Kiri* R om ‘platTam cook slowly 3 1/ 2 to 4 hours. Slice it cold . . . an4 save Division operating in and south in tee A SMu V ^ e y But yg^^g jy^ ^ around tee base screened ene- tee Hamburger HUl battle last- ^^y^g g„ythwest of tee capital some for those favorite Corned Beef sandwiches with my infiltration corridors leading ed only 10 days. He ‘Feels Water in His Bones’ Pepperidge Farm Rye Bread. from Laos and Norte Vietnam The Hamburger HlU battle in (See Page Four)

SMOKED PORK CHOPS n>. 1.39 Skill o f ^Water Witcher% 91, Hailed by Many

Your family wlU enjoy Pinehurst U.S. Choice Americiui tender By ^ h u ju in q e b Lamb Legs. Nutritional Expert Downgrades Hie Los Angeles Times MOSCOW, Idaho — Floyd in e h u r s t f r e s h b l o c k is l a n d Walker, 91, drives and fUes P thousands of miles aU over tee Top Brand Breakfast Cereals west each year to do something most people beUeve is impos­ SWORDFISH WASHINGTON (AP) — Some chance to respond later, sub- tee on Human Needs and on last sible. !*!t*-**w.* oi tee moat heavily advertised committee aides said. year’s White ' House nutrition Walker is a water wltcher. cereals—including WheaUes, __ in_____ New York,____ , _a spokesman conference He’s in constant demand in Fancy center cuts of this fresh CheerioB______and tee top brands for Nabisco, whose Shredded “ -A- study of 60 ready-to-eat ce- Maho, Washlng;ton, Oregon, Cal- swordfish are offered at 20 to sh red d ed wheat and corn flakes wheat was at tee bottom of a reals reveals that they are pri- ifornla and Montana. You'll recognize the- label and ^ la v e about as much nutrition- cereal rating offered tee suB- marlly calorie sources, tee nu- He locates water veins with a marvel at the savings. All short sleeve styles, all per­ 30c below prices at the shore. ||| al value as a shot of whisky, committee, defended Shredded trlent content of 40 of tee 60 3-ft. long section of copper tub- • Sport briefs .. r«g, i.98.. manent press, all the new Senate investigators were told wheat as "made from 1(X) per being so low as to remind this ing teat has a 9-inch bend on Lightweight cotton lastex sports briefs—to wear shades, deeptones, stripes. S, This is the price that should nave appeared in last week’s m . today. cent _pure whole vdieat and an observer ' of - tee . •term 'empty . cal- . tee end he grips. under shorts, slacks, swim suits. S, m, I, xl. m, I, xl. “ In short, they fatten but do exceUentlent source of nutrition. cries,’ a term thus far appUed “ I don’t know why it bap- to alcohol and sugar,” Choate pens,” Walker says, • Panty girdles . r*g.3.98...... 2.99 PINEHURST Uttle to prevent jg g^ recognized by ex- malnutrition. . .They have calo- pg^a in tee field, tee medical said. “ Whenever I pass over under- Famous "slimview" of wanted Lycra Spandex. ICEBERG LETTUCE H i IN ries and Uttle else,” Robert B profession and dieticians . . . “Calories,” he added, “ are a ground water—when I put my S, m, I, xl in white only. MEN'S Choate, a Washington nutrition- ,pyg protein quaUty is superior measure of tee energy volume mind to wanting to find a vein— PINEHURST SW IM SUITS al specialist, told a Senate con- ^ that in natural wheat as a re- m „rrtea^“ U ^ e s 'T o n e “ to1^ ^ ‘^ 8 “ a Ttea5;e*^f«ling I remain healthy.” can’t explain It. It tires me out CUCUMBERS ea.7c If a ®®^' **® ®“‘ ^’ Submitting a chart ranking 60 something iawful. When I gel CtEARANCEl BOYS' 6 to 18 reg. $2.98 now H ^ ^ Vopalar ceroals, Choate said that feelingfeeling, when I find the Calif. LoHg Whits Potalow w v e .^ vrite '® ^ ct»W ® nutrl- fe ^ e of tee dry-cereal ^ u s t r y cereals-KeUogg’s water, my legs get weak. I ■ina small to z-latge tional^ content,” ^ ^ ^he said in a pro- . takes the form of describing a Product 19 and General Mills'iltiii.' stumble aloalong Uke a drunk.” playw ear a Kaboom and TVital-Beem clear- When he gete the feeling tee Lady Scott Bath Tittss a detaUed sb^ y of 60 cereal nation ^ Mgar M d mUk. g copper tubing moves back and Group I Group 2 brands on toe market. But, Choate said, his studies gtandixilnt ” forth, beating against his arms ” ^ t . ” h e ^ e ^ •Tt ia a p ^ ^ w e d "toe a v e ^ e ® ® r ^ He Usted six others which he and chest. •OYS' Scott Jumho Towels outelde of the top p o - ^ ^ ggjy g^^^^ nutritionaUy merito- Farmers, well diggers, stock- 1.33 2.33 Liquid Cold Water All deal *4 gaL industry analyses that we hu- as a complete meal even with ^ Nabisco 100 per m®" and water company and SW IM SUITS mans are viewed not as beings niUk added. Even if toe amount Bran (Juaker Oats Life city officials attest to Walker’s reg. J-98 reg. 3.98 Liquid Octagon for dishes, 48 oz. to be nourished, but as suckers of cereal were doubled while tee trortifipd net success in finding underground to be sold.” milk remained constant, tee nu- uoruiicu uai ^ Kellogg’s Special K, water. Two groups, each sole priced, including sport ?l-98 now New Frozen Pepperidge Farm ready to bake fillet Armed with charts, graphs trlent value of these meals Gleneral Foods Super Sugar Yet, no one has been able to shirts, walk shotts, cut-off jeans, swim trunks > sizea to and samples ot television ads would„ still be inadequate Crisp and KeUoggs Sugar explain the old man’s abUity — at substantial savings. M any permanent 6 18 Pastries . . . beef . . . chicken or Ham with Pineapple. programed for tee nation’s Choate, a citizen-lobbyistcitizen-lobby who g^gJ^jjg ^ at an art tee U.S. Geoli^cal press. Most sizes, colors. young, Choate presented a runs a small consulting firm," “ The bottom 40 seem to war- Survey and most scientists say sweeping indictment of tee ce- has studied tee naUim’a food rant tee term ‘empty *® ® myth, real Induatiy and called for a policies for tee past three years. calories,’ ” Choate said. Earl Witt, co-OMmer of Burns cmigreasional investigatloo. The He told tee subcommittee that Included______in this group were mid Witt, Lewiston, Idaho, one Pinehurst Grocery Inc. industry already is the subject he had worked during that peri- ranked 25th; Grape tlie largest 'water-well drill- ot a Federal Trade Oommiaalon od with tee Department of Nuts Flakes, 28te; WheaUes, outfits in tee Pacific North- p n be. Health, Education and Welfare, 945 MAIN ST. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER CORNER MAIN & TURNPIKE OBreal makers will be given a with tee Senate Select Commit- (See Page Eleven) (See Page Three) Floyd Walker, with tubing he uses to find water. (LosAngeles Times/Washington Post News Service)
