The following codes will help you locate S H : Calliope Hummingbird S St,Cl,As,J Bird S H Seasonal Status Codes (S) Belted Kingfisher S W Yellow Warbler S St,As S - Summer Northern Flicker S Z Yellow-rumped Warbler S C,St M - Spring/fall migrations Red-naped Sapsucker S As,St (Audubon’s Warbler) W - Winter Hairy Woodpecker S As,C MacGillivray’s Warbler S St R - Resident, occurs all year Downy Woodpecker S As,C Wilson’s Warbler S ASt Habitat Codes (H) Willow Flycatcher S St House Sparrow S Z R - Rock areas of canyon Cordilleran Flycatcher S C Bullock’s Oriole S St J - Juniper/sage meadows Dusky Flycatcher S As,St Brewer’s Blackbird S St,J C - Western Wood Pewee S C,As,St Brown-headed Cowbird S...St,J As - Aspen groves Violet-green Swallow S R,Z Western Tanager S C,As,St Ci - Clearings in Tree Swallow S As,St Black-headed Grosbeak S C St - Streamside bushe and trees Cliff Swallow S R,Z Lazuli Bunting S St,J W - Around water Gray Jay R C Indigo Bunting S St Z - Found in most habitats of park Stellar’s Jay W C Evening Grosbeak S C,St,As Black-billed Magpie R Z Cassin’s R C Common Raven R Z House Finch R Z Bird S H American Crow R Z Pine Grosbeak S C,St,As Mallard R W Pinyon Jay W J Gray-crowned Rosy Finch W R Common Merganser R W Clark’s Nutcracker R Z Pine Siskin R C,Cl,As,St Turkey Vulture S C,As Black-capped Chickadee R Z American Goldfinch S St Sharp-shinned Hawk S C, As, St Mountain Chickadee R Z Red Crossbill R C Cooper’s Hawk R Z White-breasted Nuthatch R C,As Green-tailed Towhee S J Red-tailed Hawk S Z Red-Breasted Nuthatch R C,As,St Spotted Towhee S J,Cl,St Golden Eagle R R,J Brown Creeper R C,As Vesper Sparrow S J Prairie Falcon R...R,J American Dipper R R Dark-eyed Junco R C Peregrine Falcon M R House Wren S As,St (Pink-sided Junco) Merlin M Z Canyon Wren S R,J Chipping Sparrow S C,As,Cl American Kestrel S J Rock Wren S R,J Brewer’s Sparrow S J Blue Grouse R C,Ci,As,St Grey Catbird S St White-crowned Sparrow S St Ruffed Grouse R C,Ci,As,St American Robin S Z Song Sparrow S St Chukar R R,J Hermit Thrush S C,As,St Lincoln’s Sparrow S St Spotted Sandpiper S W Swainson’s Thrush S C,As,St Western Meadowlark S J Veery S St Mourning Dove S...J Mountain Bluebird S J,Cl Rock Pigeon R R Townsend’s Solitaire R J,Cl Great Horned Owl R Z Ruby-Crowned Kinglet S C Saw-whet Owl R C,As Bohemian Waxwing W J Northern Pygmy Owl R C Cedar Waxwing S C,J Common Poor-will S J Northern Shrike W J Common Nighthawk S Z Loggerhead Shrike S J White-throated Swift S R European Starling R Z Broad-tailed Hummingbird S St,Cl,As Warbling Vireo S As,St,C Rufous Hummingbird S St,Cl,As,J Orange-crowned Warbler S As Townsend’s Warbler M C,St