Upubmmz!! Ubf!Lxpo!Ep! Issue 3 www.totallytkd.com May 2009 The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine Thanking The Founders hee AArrtt attee OOff TTh SStta TTFF sseess WW IITTFF VVeerr Plus Evolving And Training The TKD Clinic Top Tips forfor SuccessfulSuccessful Competition ITF Verses WTF Dollyo Chagi A Star In The Making? Fighting Physics: Newton’s 3rd Law & TKD The Front Kicks of TKD: More Than You think! As well as Book Reviews, Essays, Tae Kwon Do News from around the World, and many more great articles inside Upubmmz!! Ubf!Lxpo!Ep! EditorialEditorial The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine Issue 2 - May 2009 Produced and Published by: Hello and welcome to the May issue of Harrow Martial Arts in association with Totally Tae Kwon Do magazine. Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy This is our third issue and we are still Email:
[email protected] going strong, as you will see from all the Tel: +44 (0)7759 438779 great articles inside. Once again we have This PDF may be distributed by all provided such something for everyone I believe; from distribution is not done commercially. Charging a fee for historical articles to interviews, as well as this PDF (in whole or in part) is strictly prohibited. This technical articles and sport related stuff. includes distribution by any body, group or individual where a membership, subscription fee or any other charge is required to access or view this PDF and / or its contents. Regarding the sport related articles, this Such distribution by commercial entities is prohibited. was one of the items requested in the 1st issue survey and we Commercial entities may distribute this PDF so long as access is open to all and no charge (direct or indirect) is could really do with more articles covering this area, I have made.