Members of The Bach Choir of Bethlehem e{ Boch Festival Orchestra Greg Funfgeld, Artistic Director e{ Conductor present BACH at NOO A Gift of Music & Spiritual Refreshment

March 8,2011 - PROGRAI'|

Ludwig van Beethoven Sonata in G Minor, Opus 5, No. z BHB Adagio sostenuto e espressivo - Allegro molto piil tosto presto So loists Rondo Allegro Ros a Lamor eaux, sopr an o -

B arbara H ollinshead., alto - Loretta O'Su11ivan, cello, Greg Funfgeld, piano Greg Oa.ten, tenor

Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata BWV z3 Duwahrer Gottund Davids Sohn (Cantata for Estomihi - The Sunday before Lent)

The March Bach at Noon concert is named in _,L honor of the blrthday ofJohann Sebastian Bach on zr March, by Dr. Albert & Ingrid May, long-time rN Guarantors ofThe Choir, and residents of Marion, RAC}I is supported in part by their generous CHOIR Ohio, and of Bethlehem endowment gift. '{r0r}' ,ffi* Cantata BWV z3 | Duwahrer Gottund Davids Sohn (Cantata for Estomihi) W97 Transtation by Ettis Finger, Director of the williams center for the Arts, Lafayette college 5+€a l. Aria (Soprano and Alto Duet) Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, You true God and David's Son, der du von Ewigkeit in der Entfernung schon who evenfrom thefor reochcs ofetemity mein Herzeleid und meine Leibespein have gazed upon my sorrowful heort umstdncllich angesehn, erbarm dich mein! and my tnornl pain, have merc'y on me! Und lass durch deine Wunderhand, And. gront through your wondrous hand, die so viel Btises abgewandt, that has fended of such great wil, mir gleichfalls Hilf und Tiost geschehen! that help and solace be ollattrd olso to mt.

. Mary watt and Nobuo Kitagawa, oboes .

2, Recltatlve (with instrumental chotale) Tenol Ach, gehe nicht vortber; Ah, do not poss me by; du, aller Menschen Heil, you, the soior ofall monkind, bist ja erschienen, hove indzed come to us die lcanken und nicht die Gesunden zu bedienen. to serve the sick ond not those wha ore well. Drum nehm ich ebenfalls an deir:er Allmacht teil Therefore even I toke part in your power: ich sehe dich aufdiesen Wegen, I encounter you on tfuse poths, worauf man where I wqs meont mich hat wollen legen, to be lsid, auch in der Blintlheit an. even in my blindnas Ich fasse mich I gather myself und lasse dich and shall not tum you loose nicht ohne deinen Segen. without your blessing.

3. Chorus Aller Augen warten, Herr, AII eyes wait, o Lord, du allmSchtger Gott, aufdich, thou all-miplrty God, upon you, und die meinen sonderlich. especially my own. Gib denselben IGaft und Licht, Grant thsm strenglh end light, lass sie nicht do not obandon them immerdar in Finsternissen! forever to the realm ofdarknes! Kiinftig soll dein Wink allein From this moment on your signal alone dei geliebte Mittelpunkt shall be th.e cheished center aller ihrer Werke sein, of all their acts, bis du sie einst durch den Tod until one day at the moment of death wiederum gedenkst zu sdrliessen. you will onn again seal them shut. \ .tar Cantata BV/V 2j I Duwahrer Gottund Davids Sohn cont. @

4. chorale Christe, du Lamm Gottes, Chist, Lamb of God, der du tr:igst die Siind der Welt, you who bear the sin of the world, erbarm dich unser! have merq on us! Christe, du Lamm Gottes, Christ, Lamb of God, der du trigst die Siind der Welt, you who bear the sin of the world, erbarm dich unser! have mercl on us! Christe, du Lamm Gottes, Christ, Lomb of God, der du trdgst die Siind der Welt, you who bear the sin ofthe world, gib uns dein Frieden! Amen. gront us your peace! Amen. lGerman Agnus Deil

Trrr Becrr Crrorn oF BETHLEHEM

FOUNDED lN 1898, The Bach Choir of Bethlehem gave the first complete performances in the United

States of Bach's Mass in B Minor an 19OO and Chtistmas Oratorio in 1901, both in Central Moravian Church. Since its founding, The Choir has been attracting thousands of national and international visitors every May to its annual Bethlehem Bach Festival, now held on the beautiful campus of Lehigh University. Ioday's performances feature the finely-honed vocal ensemble of loo volunteer singers, the professional Bach Festival Orchestra, and world renowned soloists. The Bethlehem Bach Festival is the heart of a vibrant season that includes 3l concerts, including Each to Schoo/, an outstanding educational program that has introduced more than 75,OOO chlldren to the genius of Bach. Under Greg Funfgeld's direction since 1993, The Choir has received critical acclaim for performances at the Thomaskirche in , the Herkulessaal at Munich's Royal Residence, The Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, and in July 2OO3, an eight-concert United Kingdom tour including the BBC Proms in London's Royal Albert Hall. The Choir's recordings are also heard world-wide and live recordings of The Choir's performances have been broadcast on National Public Radio, Deutsche Radio, the BBC World Service, CBS Sunday Morning, and as part of the Emmy award winning PBS documentary on The Cho.., Make A JoyfulNolse. ln December 2OOZ a radio audience of more than four million heard The Bach choir featured on Prairie Home Companion, Mr Bach Comes Io Cal/, a film based on the classical Kids cD, and produced by The Bach choir of Bethlehem in collaboration with Touchstone Theatre and GreenTreks Network, premiered at the lOOth Festivai in May 2OOZ lt was broadcast nationally on PBS and is distributed internationally by The Children's Group. Asour trrr Sororsrs

Ros, Lannreaw,gyarc, is an award-winning vocalist with a busy renowned westminster choir as part of the Chorus-in-residence for international career and is regularly featured at The Bethlehem Bach the Spoleto Festival of Two Worlds in Charleston, South Carolina and Festival and the Carmel Bach Festival. She is sought after for her Spoleto, ltaly. Mr Oaten has participated in numerous professional beautifully styled readings of repertoire from Hildegard to Shosta- recordings including the Grammy Awarding-winning live recording kovich. After winning the HandelAria competition at the Aspen of samuel Barber's ope'a Antony and Cleopatra. Mr Oaten has Music Festival, her career has taken her to Carnegie Hall, the Dorothy served on the Music Faculty of lvloravian College since 199i, and Chandler Pavilion, and the Kennedy Center. l.,ls. Lamoreaux has been was awarded the T. Edgar shields Prize for Studio Teaching in a soloist with the Atlanta Symphony and the Cincinnati Symphony 2OO3. He has also served on the Music faculties of Lehigh University, with Robert shaw. A popular chamber music performer, she sings Bethlehem, PA and Shippensburg University of . the Folger consort, Vocal Arts Guaftet, Arcovoce, and Hesperus. with Loretta O'Sullivsn, nlla, is the principal cellist ln Europe she has appeared at the BBC Proms in the Royal Albert of the Bach Festival orchestra. she is an "agile, of Bethlehem, and at the Reingau Music Hall with The Bach Choir eloquent player" (New York nmes), perlorming La Fenice Chamber Music Festival, and the Scandinavian Festival, extensively on baroque, classical, and modern Music Festival. Among her recordings are Bach's Mass in B Minor on cello. As a member ofthe Four Nations Ensemble, Dorian and numerous recordings on Koch lnternational. She enioys she has appeared on the Great Performers series given master classes for such institutions as Princ- teaching and has at Lincoln Center, and at the Kennedy Center, the 14etropolitan eton Universiw, l.4ichigan State, and the Smithsonian lnstitution. Museum of Art, Merkin Concert Hall, and the New York Historical furbara H inilwsil, srb, has studied in New York, washington Society, as well as the Mostly Mozart Festival, the Festival of Arts and with Max van Egmond in the Netherlands. She has sung Bach and ldeas at Yale University, and Tema culturais in Brazil. The ensem- at the Thomaskirche in Leipzig, Monteverdi at San Marco in Venice, ble has recorded for Gaudeamus. With the Haydn Baryton Trio and and the St Matfhenl Passlon with Tafelmusik in Toronto. She has the Classical Quartet, she toured throughout Europe, and recorded appeared with Chatham Baroque, the Four Nations Ensemble, Folger with Dorian, Titanic, and Harmonia Mundi. Ms. O'Sullivan has played Consort, Opera Lafayette, Washington Bach Consort, and The New continuo cello for many ensembles including Opera Lafayette, York Collegium, and has sung under eminent conductors, Christopher Florida Grand Opera,.the New York Collegium, Aston Magna, the Hoqwood and Andrew Parrott. she performs extensively in New York American Bach Soloists, the Grand Tour, Artek, and the Washington as a member of ARTEK, which recently received audience ovations Bach consort. She frequently plays with the Orchestra of st. Luke's. and critical acclaim for its performances at the Regensburg (Ger- Her performances for solo cello in recent years include the Each many) Festival for Early Music and the Edinburgh (scotland) Fringe Sultes, her transcription of Heinrich Biber's Passacagrb, Gabrieli's Festival. Ms. Hollinshead is professor of voice at American University, Rlcercat Benjamin Britten's fhrd Sulfe, and Junction of Tranquillity a leader of master classes on Renajssance and Baroque styles. and Feruour with tlle Taylor 2 Dance Company. ln collaboration with Larry Lipkis, she gave a pre-concert lecture for Yo-Yo Ma's Grryory S. Oto4terc4 is well-known to area audiences as a versatile performance of the Bach Suites in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and musician, dividing his time between performing, coaching individuals has given master classes at Brooklyn College and the University of and groups ofsingers, choral conducting and composing,/arranging. lowa. Ms. O'Sullivan has coached Performance Practice at Rutgers He has performed as both an ensemble and solo singer with The University, and assisted in preparing Baroque cellists for a 2OO9 Bach choir of Bethlehem since 1979. A graduate of Westminster masterclass with william christie at the Juilliard School of Music. Choir College, he performed, recorded, and toured with the world-



TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 6ro-866-4382 ext. 15 20to-2011 BACH at NOON Tnr CrNrner Monevrat Crruncs The Moravian church had its origin in the pre-Reformation awakening under John Hus SUPPORTING SPONSORS The LJnitas Fratrum (Unity of the Brethren) was organized in 1452 Because much of its early history is centered in Moravia, the Unity is known formally as the Moravian church, and recognized as the oldest organized Protestant denomination in the world. The Moravian Church places much emphasis on mission, music, and education lt was J. Fred Wolle, orqanist of central Moravian church in Bethlehem, who founded The Bach choir of Bethlehem in 1898 and conducted The Choir in the first performance of Bach's Mass,'-n Hanryon Morct KreE lnswance ffi continues to I Mmor in America here at central Church in l9OO. central Moravian church a |tffin of lntst have a flourishing music program presented by its resident music ensembles and visiting artists, under the leadership of Director of Music and organist, Rebecca Kleintop Owens. l.4ost recently the Central Moravian Choir released the long-awaited commemorative CD recording of the historic Christmas Eve Vigil. Please feel free to take a music brochure with a detailed listing of all musical events at Central, available in the pew racks

For further information on The Bach Choir's 2OlO-11 Concert Season and recordings: VMH: . Fill out the mailing list information on the enclosed envelope & drop it in the free-will offering basket or mail it to us. or, you can leave us your business card!

. We've moved to 44O Heckewelder Place, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Come and see us Rexroth at our new office, just up the street from our former location Bosch Group

Special thanks to: GENERAL SPONSOR Central Moravian Church, especially the Rev. Carol Reifinger, Rev. Janel Rice, @ and Rebecca Kleintop Owens, Director of Music. EMBASSY BANK' For the Lehigh Valley The cuarantors of The Bach choir for their continuing support.

The Bach Choir of Bethlehem gratefully acknowledges our Bach at Noon corporate sponsors. Bach at Noon help 2o1o-2o11 Schedule Free-will offerings to _,L support Each af Noon will be 20ll accepted at all four doors as you leave the church or you rN 6lo-866-4382 April 12 your BACH 888-743-3100 can mail offering CIIOIR in the envelope provided. .t lelhlehs$ ... {

o, 2orr at 4Pm Pre-concert Lecture by Greg Funfgeld at 3pm + First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem

FROM THE PSALMS OF DAVID to l8th century poetry by Ch.istopher Smart SOLOISTS written in an English lunatic asylum, and 20th centuly poetry by Cari Sandburg in depression-era ChicaSo, the texts of ou( Songs of Hope arc moving ROSA LAMOREAUX written 5Oprcno aff rmations of hope in the face ofadversity.ln the hands ofcomposers Bach, Britten, Bernstein, and hulus, these amazinS words resonate with the longing DANIEL TAYLOR countertenol for peace and healing in ou. own lime. This concert is offered in lovint memory of Winnie Erdman, former deputy executive director (1948-2010). BEN]AMIN BUTTERFIELD tenor 1.5. Each f685-1750) Motet - Singet dem Herrn BV"IV 225 WILLIAM SHARP Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) Rejoice in tbe Lamb boritone Stephen Paulus {b. 1949]lA Dream of Tine laach Choir commission)