IDL 8 Functional Summary
IDL IDL 8 Functional Summary Supported Operating Systems Remote File Access Sobel, shift difference Windows 7, Vista, XP SP2 (32/64-bit) TCP/IP socket support (client-side) Morphological operators: erode, dilate, Macintosh OS X 10.5.7, 10.6 Intel (32/64-bit) HTTP & FTP server distance mapping & thinning Linux kernal 2.6, glibc 2.5, gtk 2.10 (32/64-bit) OGC WMS & WCS server Noise reduction & image restoration: Sun SPARC Solaris 10 command line mode Butterworth, band pass, band reject, hurl, impulse response, least squares, mean, only (32/64-bit) 2D Graphics & Image Display median, order statistic, pick, Savitsky-Golay, Sun x86_64 Solaris 10 command line mode Line plot, scatter plot, histogram, bar plot only (64-bit) scatter, slur, Wiener Error bar plot, polar plot, vector flow plot, Geometric transformations: magnification, dendrogram reduction, rotation, polynomial warping Data Structures & Types Contour plot, multiple contour levels & fill Region growing Scalar Image display Region of interest Vector Zoom & pan Unsharp masking Array Annotation Hough transform Aggregate structures RGB, HLS, HSV, indexed color display Radon transform 1 to 8 dimensions Contrast enhancement Lomb periodogram Byte Animation Mixed Radix 16, 32, 64-bit signed/unsigned integer 2-D transformations String Image tiling Wavelet Toolkit Single & double-precision float Double precision plot Single & double-precision complex Date/time Interactive interface Pointers - circular, self-referential data Linestyle, pattern, plot symbols Multiresolution analysis structures
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