Formal request for the New York State Attorney General to seek an injunction on behalf of the citizens of New York against further activity on the "Freedom Tower", pending an inquiry into malfeasance on the part of Governor Pataki and the Lower Development Corporation in the redevelopment of the World Trade Center. Dear Attorney General Spitzer,

October 20, 2006

Delivered by hand to the office of: Attorney General Eliot Spitzer 120 Broadway, 22nd Floor , NY 10271

Formal request for the New York State Attorney General to seek an injunction on behalf of the citizens of New York against further activity on the "Freedom Tower", pending an inquiry into malfeasance on the part of Governor Pataki and the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation in the redevelopment of the World Trade Center.

Dear Attorney General Spitzer,

The Twin Towers Alliance represents thousands of New Yorkers and other Americans who believe that the terrible tragedy of September 11, 2001, has been needlessly compounded in the years that followed by the arrogance, blindness, incompetence, and malfeasance of Governor Pataki and the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. Our government officials turned their backs on their fellow New Yorkers, shut their ears to the voices of the people, and proceeded in a secretive and illicit fashion to turn over the redevelopment of to the special interests.

As the Attorney General of New York, only you have the power to investigate the malfeasance of Governor Pataki and the LMDC. As you yourself have pointed out, the rebuilding effort at Ground Zero has been “an Enron-style debacle” and the LMDC has been “an abject failure” that “violated” its “duty to the public”. We never expected they would get away with it, but apparently they will, unless you act quickly on the public’s behalf.

This is not just a matter of local significance, but of national importance. It wasn’t just New York that was attacked on 9/11, but the of America. This is an issue that resounds all across the country. Millions of Americans still believe the Twin Towers are going back up. And when they learn that that there are no plans to restore the skyline of New York, they are invariably baffled and appalled. What happened? Even in the days just after the attacks of 9/11 a majority of both New Yorkers and Americans said they wanted to see the Twin Towers rebuilt. But the wishes of the people were never even considered by Gov. Pataki and the LMDC. From the outset, a small coterie of city planners had decreed –for reasons that have everything to do with architectural fashion and nothing to do with architectural sense –that the street grid must be restored. Why? Because they said so, that’s why. And damn what the people wanted. Restore the street grid and the people can’t have their Twin Towers back becausethen they become vulnerable to truck bombs. (That’s why the so-called Freedom Tower had to be redesigned to sit on twenty stories of concrete.) This is the kind of arrogance that has characterized the whole process. Damn what the people want! That has been the credo of the LMDC all along. And let’s not worry about legalities or public trust either.

1) The LMDC claims it conducted an “open” process. It was never an open process. From the beginning, it made key decisions behind closed doors.

2) The LMDC claims that it “listened to the people”, but from the start it only listened to those who validated its preconceived agenda.

3) The LMDC claims it gave the people what they wanted, but in poll after poll the people have said they wanted the Twin Towers rebuilt. If they had really wanted to establish the public's preference it would not have been difficult.

4) Rebuilding the Twin Towers was never an option with the LMDC, despite what the public wanted, because from the very beginning the LMDC unilaterally and arbitrarily decided that restoring the street grid on the site was priority one. Why? There never was any real public debate about that. It was imposed by the LMDC by fiat. It immediately negated any possibility of rebuilding the Twin Towers and thus doing the public’s will, which amounts to the misappropriation of public funds.

5) The LMDC’s design selection process was bogus and a fraud. There was a Design Study program for idea gathering that suddenly and arbitrarily was turned into an essentially closed competition based on wrongheaded ground rules. There was never any honest and open design competition if it was closed to the people's choice. In the end, neither of the two semi-finalists beat "Neither" in the public's opinion and Governor Pataki chose the won that was the least popular of the two.

6) The LMDC tried to sell the Libeskind plan as the people’s choice, but nobody bought it. The people’s choice –rebuilding the Twin Towers - was never even allowed on the table. Then, Governor Pataki acted with complete disregard of the public will, the rules he had put into place, and all the public monies spent to supposedly find out what the public wanted and declared the least favorite model "the winner." In other words, the Governor, with the connivance of the LMDC, engaged in a fraud.

7) Enormous sums of public money were spent perpetrating this fraud and all that followed the selection. So far, there has been no real accounting. Where did our money go? You are the People’s Advocate. You are our last hope. We turn to you to redress these terrible wrongs before it is too late and we are stuck with a mediocre mishmash of buildings that belong on Third Avenue or in Jersey City, but not at Ground Zero. What Governor Pataki and the LMDC are trying to ram down our throats defines governmental arrogance, incompetence, and malfeasance. It must be stopped.

You are likely to be the next Governor of the Empire State. Do you really want to preside over the erection of a hodgepodge of disappointing, uninspiring, meaningless, and unpopular buildings as one of the key events of your administration? Or do you believe, as we do, that what rises at Ground Zero should be at least as spectacular as what was destroyed there?

This is an issue that cuts across party lines as well as state lines. It concerns the whole nation. We represent people from every political persuasion. In a deeply divided country this is one issue that galvanizes liberals and conservatives alike.

As Attorney General, you have the legal authority to investigate how this whole mess at Ground Zero developed and to take action to prevent it from continuing.

It is not too late to do the right thing and do the thing right. New York is a great city, but it cannot continue to be a great city if it shies away from great challenges. The people know this. They want their Twin Towers back – stronger, safer, better than ever. It’s time to rebuild what the people want, not cave in to the special interests.

You have valiantly taken on those who were trying to subvert Wall Street and the insurance industry and brought them to justice. We appeal to you now to take on those who have subverted the rebuilding process at Ground Zero before they can do any more damage. Let’s not compound a terrible tragedy with a terrible mistake. We appeal to you to be the People’s Champion.

Submitted on behalf of the Twin Towers Alliance by,

Richard Hughes Margaret Donovan 196 Pinehurst Avenue, 3K 186 Pinehurst Avenue, 6E New York, NY 10033 New York, NY 10033 212-781-1816 212-568-3898

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 Narrative in support of these allegations and the request for a remedy:

Most people believe that rebuilding the Twin Towers is the only fitting response to the devastation of September 11, 2001. Most New Yorkers and Americans have always preferred the option of rebuilding some version of Twin Towers to any other plan. Indeed, it can be asserted that any redevelopment of the WTC site that did not restore the legendary skyline of New York could not legitimately claim to be the "World Trade Center". The term was clearly linked with the Twin Towers from its inception and that continues in full force to this day.

We charge Governor Pataki and his appointees at the LMDC with deceptive practices in the redevelopment of the site that amount to using their offices against the public good. They started by making a show of "listening to the city" and then conducted a mock competition. They set ground rules that amounted to "No Twin Towers Need Apply" and then made no effort to address the concerns of thousands who wrote in the Twin Towers as their choice. Surely, "listening" implies that a response will follow. In the case of the pro-rebuilding majority, none did. Rather than draw attention to the arbitrary ground rules, which were indefensible, the LMDC pursued its objectives in a manner that could not be countermanded in the court of public opinion.

That miscalculation rendered all that followed illegitimate. The master site plan that has been on and off the operating table ever since can never be made worthy of our city because it was based on a fraudulent process. "While it's not possible to please everyone, it is possible to please most people, including a significant number of first responders and victims' families, by raising Twin Towers beside a noble memorial. If that is what the people want, and have wanted all along, why should anyone stand in the way?

All the delay in achieving something truly great at the site can be blamed on an unwillingness to let the public participate in the recovery. The narrow definition of who qualified as a "stakeholder" willfully ignored the legitimate interests of people who were not directly touched by the attack, but were nevertheless profoundly affected –and that was a crucial blunder.

Excluding the segment of the population that had not been directly affected and could therefore be the most clearheaded about the recovery was an enormous mistake. Within the various groups who have a say in the process can be found those who want to rebuild the Twin Towers and those who do not –for a variety of reasons. When you zoom the lens out a little you get a more tempered perspective on the competing interests, which should all be finally weighed against the overriding national interest. Then the reasons to rebuild the Twin Towers become compelling.

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 The unforgettable unity that was the hallmark of the weeks and months following the attack is still pent up –waiting to be poured into a true resurgence. As recently as May of last year there was a groundswell of excitement that the mismanagement of the rebuilding process might be swept away by the megawatt aura and undoubted abilities of . It is still common to hear his name linked with a glimmer of hope that the blocking of the public's will to see the Twin Towers rise again can be reversed, but he was effectively silenced a year ago.

Those of us who continue to believe that such a glaring injustice can not prevail and who will not be silenced are mainstream New Yorkers and Americans of every political persuasion. We are reluctant activists, who would prefer to be minding our own affairs, but are committed to seeing this struggle through. And we are astonished that this is something we have to be involved with at all or that it even needs doing. As citizens of the foremost representative democracy in the world we expect our elected officials to represent us –not dismiss us. And certainly, when our national security is intricately linked with a show of spirit and resolve, undermining that is a serious offense against the body politic.

We have been watching the disheartening developments at Ground Zero with a sense that someone with power and principles would eventually come to the rescue, but so far no one has. New Yorkers and Americans are waiting for a real leader to emerge.

As you commented earlier this year, no doubt on good authority, the post-9/11 rebuilding effort was "an Enron-style debacle" and the LMDC was "an abject failure" that "violated" its "duty to the public." (Frittering away hundreds of millions of dollars in the process.) Now it is clear that Governor Pataki's plan is to move things as quickly as possible to the point of no return and has employed the largely complicit media to create a sense of unjustifiable inevitability to a plainly unworthy site plan.

We see no reason to believe that that point has been reached and trust in the office of the Attorney General to prevent that from ever happening. For these reasons, and others enumerated below, we are calling on Attorney General Spitzer to initiate a class-action suit on behalf of the people of New York, based upon plausible evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the governor and his appointees AND to secure an injunction against any further steps that are inconsistent with the public good pending discovery. Whatever sovereign immunity protects the government from being held accountable for its malfeasance should not extend to giving it and its officers carte blanche to continue to abuse their power once it has been brought to light.

Five years of the wrong plan for the wrong reasons is long enough.

While it may be politically inconvenient, we are relying on your pledge, Mr. Spitzer, to decide which fights to take on based on the standard of "is it right or wrong." Since you could spend a

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 lifetime doing battle on behalf of the people and never come across another issue as worthy of your advocacy, we are confident that you will not turn away from it or sidestep the issue. The official website of the Attorney General's office promises that the "People's Lawyer is dedicated to aggressively prosecuting and defending the interests of all New Yorkers" and we trust that extends to the bloc of citizens who have been locked out of the World Trade Center redevelopment.

What's more, now that it has been reported that Governor Pataki is trying to limit the next governor's discretion over the site plan, which would be one more maneuver to thwart the will of the people, we are confident that you will rise to this challenge and use this appeal from the citizenry to prevent the governor from achieving his shameful objective.

In the interests of moving forward, we are perfectly willing to concede that the aftermath of 9/11 was so disorienting that inevitable mistakes in judgment were made on all fronts. We recognize that our people and leaders suffered from post-traumatic stress. But glaring irregularities point to a pattern of subterfuge that can be easily established and rises to the level of blatant official misconduct, malfeasance, and dereliction of duty on the part of the governor and his appointees, who have violated their oath to serve the public good and have shown contempt for the democratic process, pandering to special interests, while overriding and subverting the public will.

Governor Pataki suggests that the latest additions to a patently uninspired site plan are stunning. What is truly stunning is how entirely unresponsive our officials have been to the legitimate input of the people at large on something we care about so deeply.

We at the Twin Towers Alliance are certain that as long we persevere we can prevail –and must. Otherwise, if we let those behind the current development get away with their arrogant, self- serving agenda, then what is built in place of the Twin Towers will not just be a trophy for the Bin Ladens of this world, but proof that the citizens of New York and America have lost their voice and become irrelevant.

Columnist Nicole Gelinas wrote: "It is shocking - almost inconceivable - that we haven't snatched back from our enemies what belongs to us. Americans always understood the Twin Towers. They were us: stark capitalism, power and beauty without explanation or apology." Save Us From "Freedom" | NY Post 5-5-05.

After five long years, many have given up and reconciled themselves to diminished expectations in the name of progress. That is sad in the city that claims to be the Capital of the World. But there are others who will uphold the banner of reborn Twin Towers for as long as it takes and will not relent.

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 The attack on the World Trade Center was an attack on America executed in New York and what we build on the ashes will affect all Americans. We do not say that the voice of the people should have been the only factor to consider, but it should have played a significant role in the debate. Instead, it played virtually none. And that has to be redressed for real progress to occur.

At the "Aftershock" forum held last month at Pace University, a question from the audience asking why we are not rebuilding the Twin Towers was met with much sputtering, and when turned over to LMDC head Stefan Pryor the best he could come up with is that there is "a moral imperative to restore the street grid." We didn't think they had a better excuse, but it is still a chilling response. Some intrepid reporter should get out on the street and try that answer out on New Yorkers. Ask them if they know why we are not rebuilding the Twin Towers and then tell them.

In closing, there is still good reason to believe that the best memorial to all that we lost and to all we have still to protect is to rebuild the Twin Towers. The LMDC has conducted a disinformation campaign aimed at deceiving the public. Its website is rife with misleading information regarding the selection and rebuilding process. If they were a public corporation they would be on their way to prison or at least out the door.

Their central claim that "Public Input Shapes the Process" is a blatantly disingenuous statement, which we assert is part of an official design to subvert the redevelopment of the World Trade Center. The following statement is an example of the official mendacity, which clearly intended to suit a narrow agenda by fooling the public into believing that their input guided the process:

"Since its inception, LMDC has received an unprecedented amount of public comment from all over the world regarding the rebuilding of the , the creation of a permanent memorial, and the revitalization of Lower Manhattan. During the comment period in the first phase of the planning process for the World Trade Center site, LMDC received over 10,000 comments from around the world. During the Plans in Progress campaign, LMDC received over 15,000 comments on the Innovative Design Study for the World Trade Center site and the draft Memorial Mission Statement and Program."

The outpouring from around the world that flooded the LMDC and continues to the present, is heart- wrenching testimony to the stake everyone feels in the rebuilding of the World Trade Center and damning evidence that people were led to believe that their input was valued when it was worthless.

The bizarre truth was if they were hoping for new Twin Towers their preference had been rendered irrelevant within days of the destruction and they needn't have bothered to write. That was when an unelected elite, who felt some sort of mystical "imperative" to restore the pre-WTC

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 street grid, moved into action to exert their behind-the-scenes influence over our future. They saw our tragedy as their opportunity and mounted a mission to correct the multitude of "wrongs" they imagined had resulted from the creation of the World Trade Center.Even though their views are not shared by the general public, their prejudices went unchallenged and proliferated as reporters repeated the personal opinions as oracular wisdom.

By January 2002, LMDC Chairman John Whitehead was busy creating the impression that to rebuild on the former scale was undesirable: "I think there is a developing consensus –among everybody I've talked to –that it is not either practical or appropriate to build another 100-story building,'' Mr. Whitehead said. Since the contemporaneous accounts of the man on the street reported that he, or she, wanted to restore what had been violated and objected to the symbolic implications of failing to do so, Mr. Whitehead's public comments made clear that the "everybody" he was talking to did not include the people who had elected the governor that appointed him.

His LMDC went on to hold a specious competition that was missing the one design most people looked for –new Twin Towers. The official requirement that at least Greenwich Street would be slammed through the superblock spelled the end of the true World Trade Center and everything that followed after that was disconnected to what the public wanted.

The first round of the competition was greeted with public disdain and led to a surreal process detached from the heart of the city. And to this day they have not won the citizens' hearts. Most people had no faith in the process and did not get involved. If those who did get involved showed the bad taste to press for rebuilding the Twin Towers, they were marginalized and their opinions were trivialized. Finally, two semi-finalist designs were selected. When the public was polled it voted for "Neither", but of those that chose one or the other, our governor awarded the prize to the design that finished last.

Since then, a massive disinformation campaign has presented black as white and droned on that we got what we asked for, but most people don't buy it. It is safe to conclude that anyone who parrots these stories is either willfully ignorant or downright malicious –or both.

John Whitehead said in the Public Dialogue Report of April 2005 "The public input received from these activities formulated the guiding principles for the recovery and rebuilding of the WTC site and lower Manhattan, and continue to guide the overall rebuilding process." That was a lie –a total fabrication.

And the result is a complex that now needs to shuffle government offices and workers around –at further untold and wholly unnecessary Federal and State taxpayer expense –to meet the mandated occupancy requirements in order to raise the funds to proceed with the Freedom Tower. The lack

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 of prospective tenants and reluctance to sign on to the ironically named Freedom Tower is not out of fear, but because the moribund project lacks the excitement that would be generated by raising safer and better Twin Towers.

There is nothing the people can do about the incompetence that resulted in the wasting of many tens of millions of dollars and resulted in a still barren pit, other than hold those who did not exercise strenuous oversight accountable at the ballot box. But going forward, we can demand that what is done with our money, on our land, in our name reflect what we want! We can demand that anything that deviates from that position be given the most careful scrutiny. And we can demand that the current foundation of lies and contempt for our opinion and values be publicly exposed and those who fostered it be stripped of the right to proceed.

Finally, let it be noted that the public record of the rebuilding program is rich in instances that point to a gross violation of the public's trust. Those of us who have worked hard to keep blowing on the embers of the public's hopes of ever seeing the real World Trade Center again, lack the time and formidable resources needed to truly get to the bottom of this. Credible accounts have been written and, no doubt, historians will dissect and reveal the sorry truth of what took place.

But we are adamant that the burden of preventing a terrible mistake from being made, while there is still time, should not rest on a few citizens, and we hold that by bringing this to the attention of our Attorney General we are taking the proper steps necessary for the truth to be discovered and to form the bedrock of all future building at the site of the World Trade Center. A true consensus will not be hard to achieve once the hidden agendas are exposed.

We are confident that it will result in a World Trade Center of which we can all be proud for generations to come.

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 Attachments

Spreadsheet of Twin Towers Alliance signatures under the categories that prominently relate to New York citizens, in order to establish our right to call upon Attorney General Spitzer for relief.

One of the categories lumps the residents of New York and New Jersey together, as the Port Authority constituencies, and there is no way to separate them.No doubt there are also New Yorkers in a couple of the remaining categories, but in any event, what we are providing should be sufficient to establish our authority and initiate an action.

In addition, we encourage you to visit our website and read the "Selected Comments" from people around the country and the world, which reflect a point-of-view that has never been officially addressed! If they are right, and if everyone who has had enough spirit to sign our petition is right, then there is a lot more at stake than real estate interests, or the conceit of city "planners", or the pandering of politicians. The strength of their convictions is arresting.

We have never maintained that public opinion was the only thing to consider, but it should have played a major part in a debate that NEVER TOOK PLACE and to build anything until it does take place is a clear dereliction of duty. What could be more important than to do the right thing at the WTC and who can legitimately say what that is without an HONEST national referendum? There is ample evidence to suggest that whether a vote were held in New York or the country at large, the Twin Towers would easily win the popular vote. SO WHAT DOES THAT TELL US?

The Twin Towers Alliance website has received almost no coverage in the media so the true number of supporters of rebuilding is anyone's guess, but polls and all other anecdotal evidence would suggest the figure is in the millions.

Please note that when people sign our petition they are told that their "email will not be shared or used for any other purpose than to establish that your signature is unique and for occasional reports on our activities." Therefore, we are not including the addresses, even though we could safely assume that revealing them in this appeal would be consistent with the individuals' wishes. But, we will contact them in the meantime, asking anyone who would like to opt-out to let us know and will be in a position to submit the addresses early in November, if requested to do so.

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 "They Made Us All Stakeholders/So Much For Consensus" A Twin Towers Alliance web page on the threat that isn't going anywhere soon and why the symbolism of the Twin Towers is such a key to successful counterterrorism. It includes powerful public comments from a Nicole Gelinas column in the NY Post in May of 2005.

An opinion written by a college student in Georgia. To read how deeply he cares about this issue and how significant he believes it to be for all Americans is inspiring. He sent it out to many of the leading newspapers, certain that at least one of them would let him speak for the millions who share his conviction. We hoped along with him, but were not surprised at the lack of response from those who only pretend to serve the public good. His words eloquently express why we will never accept anything less than the World Trade Center we deserve.

The opinion of a professional woman and resident of Manhattan, which was submitted to and shared with us. What characterizes both of these opinions and many of the selected comments referred to below is the strength of their convictions and ideals, which are full-blown and well-informed. The position they advance is shared by many others and deserves consideration.

TTA Press Releases, in descending order, which chronicle a flagrant history of official (and journalistic) malpractice.

Back Pocket- It's Not Too Late To Do The Right Thing | The Empire State Building took 14 months to erect and once this is issue is given the attention it deserves there are a number of worthy concepts of new Twin Towers, in various stages of readiness, for review. We are including a printout of questions and answers related to the popular Belton-Gardner model, because the answers shed light on the various elements now in play. In the near future the Twin Towers Alliance will create a page of links to some of the exciting plans and concepts which are a breath of fresh air in a very musty backroom.

Review of this submission will reveal that there is a clear imperative to correct course. Once we do that, we are actually much closer to the goal of restoring the beloved New York skyline than most would imagine. Thank you.

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 It'll be great to bring those towers back up. I've only saw them in my own eyes in 9/11 Families & Close Friends Adrienne Encarnacion New Jersey a couple of times in the past and I could never forget their presence. Forget the freedom tower, bring back the towers...NOW! 9/11 Families & Close Friends Andrea de Acosta 9/11 Families & Close Friends Anita Belcher At Good Shepherd Church I witnessed the suffering of many families, one of which who lost her son and his body never recovered. Prior to 911, I too 9/11 Families & Close Friends Arelis Nunez suffered the trajic loss of my daughter, my heart bled for each and every family, I cried daily. My cousin Christopher Blackwell, a firefighter out of Rescue 3 was killed on September 11th. I am now in the United States Air Force stationed at RAF 9/11 Families & Close Friends Brandon Boucher Mildenhall. I chose to join and serve in the same service as he once did. His family is very proud!! 9/11 Families & Close Friends Brian Jacobs Nothing will signal America's resolve more that rebuilding the twin towers stronger and one story taller than the old towers. My brother, Dennis J Pierce, was killed after he entered Tower 2 to insure that his co-workers left the building. They had been informed by PA that it would be safer to stay in the building. It wasn?タルt. Now, we are told not to be audacious, to think small and that that 9/11 Families & Close Friends Carey Pierce would be more fitting. It is not. The memory and the honor of those who died would be best served by our emboldenment now. The two floors that received the most direct impact of the two airliners could be realistic museums in rebuilt towers. Families and friends, New Yorkers and Americans will be best served by a bold rebuilding of the TWIN TOWERS. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Claudia Zink 9/11 Families & Close Friends Devon McMullen This would show our enemies and the world that you can't keep the USA down, 9/11 Families & Close Friends Diane Gayoso and it would also be a fitting memorial to those whom we lost on that tragic day, that they will live in our hearts forever. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Doris & James Vignapiano 9/11 Families & Close Friends Frank Lakat Rebuild - but bigger! NY needs it's Ronzoni boxes restored! FREDANDANN 9/11 Families & Close Friends CAPOBIANCO I lost a high school friend--Tim Ward--a passenger on the plane that hit Tower 2. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Greg Tashjian For Tim and every other American touched by 9/11, we must rebuild! I am not an Amrican, nor do I live in US, I am writting to you 1000 miles away from UAE, even though I am not an American, 9/11 did have a impact on my life, I would be more than glad to join this alliance to rebuilt the glory, the pride that was lost. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Haroon Rashid I believe that NY would not be NY with out its towers. Thanking you and god bless all. Regards, Haroon Rashid. Dubai. UAE. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Heather Williams REBUILD!!!!!!!! 9/11 Families & Close Friends Jennifer Tirado Lieutenant General Timothy Maude, the highest-ranking military officer killed in 9/11 Families & Close Friends John Switzer the attack on , was my cousin. We rebuilt the Pentagon, we can and should rebuild the Twin Towers. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Judith Hobson Mother of Robert Wayne Hobson,III.WTC,North Tower,105th floor. 9/11 Families & Close Friends latisha bias hi im from england im so upset about the twin towers even today i think you 9/11 Families & Close Friends laura stidolph should builld them again 9/11 Families & Close Friends Lauro Arantes Not rebuilding the TWIN TOWERS would only show those that destroyed them, 9/11 Families & Close Friends Luis Thomas that they have won and made us weak. 9/11 Families & Close Friends M Samadani 9/11 Families & Close Friends Melissa Baron As a child I saw the World Trade towers going up. I was so awe stricken to see these two cities in the sky. I was also at the WTC when they were brought 9/11 Families & Close Friends Mike Izady down. I want them back psychologically and as the standing symbol of defeat to the terrorists. I lost a friend from the Foran High School class of 1980, Mr.Michael Miller. He was always so proud, to tell everyone that he worked in the Twin Towers! The 9/11 Families & Close Friends Peter Walukiewicz BEST memorial to him, and all of the others lost on 9/11, is to PUT BACK what Osama Bin Laden TOOK AWAY from New York City! NO OTHER MEMORIAL WILL DO!

Page 1 of 37 By the grace of God, my husband, the father of my children, was a survivor...he 9/11 Families & Close Friends Polly Guarnieri lost co-workers and friends on 9/11 and still has not recovered emotionally. Let the people decide this issue. the same towers should be built, not something shiny and glitzy. that's not what 9/11 Families & Close Friends Rhoda Ehrlich this is about. all the fat cats want to get richer, but we the people want our old city back the way it was. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Ricardo Thomas 9/11 Families & Close Friends Shelly Kindler 9/11 Families & Close Friends Susan DiBiase Rebuild the towers....Stronger and taller than before.... 9/11 Families & Close Friends Susan Leys My friend Don DiFranco of WABC-TV would want the Twin Towers rebuilt. He worked on the transmitter for the station and was proud of his accomplishments 9/11 Families & Close Friends Teresa King there. REBUILD them and make them one floor higher like Donald Trump suggested! We lost my brother-in-law, FDNY Lt. Bill McGinn of Squad 18, Manhattan, in Tower 1. Bill was a Civil Engineer by background, and a student of the Towers since the 1993 bombing. He was also the first voice on tape to call this a 9/11 Families & Close Friends Thomas DeAngelo terrorist attack. Bill left a wife, 2 small children, and a large extended family. In his honor as a fireman, gentleman and engineer, and to all of those lost to other families, I hope to see the towers rebuilt. 9/11 Families & Close Friends Uniquika Mason 9/11 Families & Close Friends V Ranaldo Let America vote! My beloved cousin John(flight 11), I believe, would not expect anything less than Twin Towers as I think most or all victims would expect. Honoring our loved ones is honoring their word. Lets do what we have to, to do just that. When 9/11 Families & Close Friends Victoria Mary Stong terrorists or anyone destroys something, it's usually expected to be replaced with the same. My thoughts & prayers remain with all 9/11 Family members as we struggle with everything. Please make this one less struggle? Justice is Safe Fire-proofed Twin Towers! 9/11 Families & Close Friends Walter Knapp 9/11 Families & Close Friends William Shepherd I lost six good friends on 9/11, I want the towers back in memory to them. 9/11 Families & Close Friends William Zampino Cousin of William Micciulli, 9/11 victim 9/11 Survivors & Families Alejandro Betancourt I am British and have never been to NYC, but I believe the towers should be rebuilt bigger than before to show the cowards who did this 5years ago that America & her people are not afraid of anything. And stand for what they believe 9/11 Survivors & Families anne owen in, the skyline when you see it now, doesn't look right, it looks all wrong, NY needs her towers back. The terroists can not be allowed to win this! They need showing! The rebuilding process has degenerated into a pathetic mess. Just rebuild the 9/11 Survivors & Families Arthur Cognato towers already!! To all those who survived the attack of September 11, 2001, i give all my faith. 9/11 Survivors & Families Carolyn Taveras We shall trust the new ability to rebuilt the WTC. Not to live the pain over again, but to realize that we still need the World Trade Center. 9/11 Survivors & Families Christian Boisits 9/11 Survivors & Families connie custer God Bless America. 9/11 Survivors & Families Denise Hendrickson 9/11 Survivors & Families EDMUND SINGER 9/11 Survivors & Families Edwin Morales rebuild the towers 9/11 Survivors & Families Eric Klien 9/11 Survivors & Families Herman Belderok 9/11 Survivors & Families Ivette Batista 9/11 Survivors & Families jan flanders My prayers and thoughts are with the people that immediately suffered from this 9/11 Survivors & Families Jesse Johnson horrible act. My God bless and keep you and your loved ones. 9/11 Survivors & Families John D. Lictro 9/11 Survivors & Families Karen Nucci 59th floor WTC 2 survivior of that day. 9/11 Survivors & Families Keri Dooreman 9/11 Survivors & Families Leslie Feffer 9/11 Survivors & Families Mariah Durment The same towers should be rebuilt as tall and proud as they once stood before. 9/11 Survivors & Families Marie-Elena Ansbro They made the NYC skyline. 9/11 Survivors & Families mcdermott heather 9/11 Survivors & Families melissa figueroa 9/11 Survivors & Families Phillip Brooks I agree. Rebuild them like they were.

Page 2 of 37 As the wife of a 9/11 survivor I wish to see the Towers rebuilt as they were. 9/11 Survivors & Families Prudence Vignapiano This will greatly ease the void left in my husband's heart when our precious towers were restored. 9/11 Survivors & Families Rich Sganga I firmly believe the Towers should be replaced NOT redesigned. I worked in the 9/11 Survivors & Families Rose Hemmerich Law Dept. when the towers were Austin Tobin's dream. I'd like that dream to become reality once again." 9/11 Survivors & Families Sheri Clemons We would honor those who perished by rebuilding to the occupied height (at 9/11 Survivors & Families Steve Golding least) and doing what they did here--live. We are not OKC, we are NYC--the concrete jungle, not the perpetual victim. As a former employee working in the upper floors of WTC 1, and a relative of one of the 9/11 survivors, I strongly feel the City needs to have the towers back 9/11 Survivors & Families Theresa Canellis as they were. Their beauty far surpasses any of the replacements presently proposed. All Other NY & NJ Residents Aaron Weis Rebuild! All Other NY & NJ Residents Adam Glickman If the terrorists only got one tower, you can believe we would already see the All Other NY & NJ Residents Adam Spence second one rebuilt. Do not let the terrorsists win! All Other NY & NJ Residents Alex Efron All Other NY & NJ Residents Alexander Ilyutovich All Other NY & NJ Residents Alexander Schenk All Other NY & NJ Residents Alexander Schwarzmueller This petition says it all. All Other NY & NJ Residents Alfredo Rodriguez This seems like a no-brainer: Rebuild.What is wrong with that? All Other NY & NJ Residents Anders Brownworth Build 'em bigger, better and taller. I do not think that the current plan to replace the towers does any justice to All Other NY & NJ Residents andrea porter previous skyline that New York once boasted. Please rebuild the twin towers. I thought this was a no brainer! All Other NY & NJ Residents Andrew Bernstein The WTC represents everything great about America. Let's re-build the towers. All Other NY & NJ Residents Andrew Hale All Other NY & NJ Residents Andria Ferraiolo I watched the towers go up and was proud. I watched them crash down and was stunned, distraught and enraged. They need to be built again, to show the All Other NY & NJ Residents Anna DeMarinis jihadis that we are stronger than they are. They can knock us down but we will stand again. I don't live in NJ now, but I grew up there and still consider it home. I too always believed in the Twins being rebuilt -- the only way to restore our NY skyline. I'm thrilled there are so many who agree. The Freedom Tower is ugly All Other NY & NJ Residents Annamay Olsen with it's piercing sword-like, tacky, twisty design! A weakling compaired with what we once had. All Other NY & NJ Residents Annette Alves All Other NY & NJ Residents Annie Yao All Other NY & NJ Residents Anthony Germano All Other NY & NJ Residents Anthony Barone All Other NY & NJ Residents Anthony Donadio The twin towers not only conferred a bold and unique topography to the New York skyline, they also provided comforting reassurance of ones proximity to the All Other NY & NJ Residents Anthony Fabbricatore greatest city on earth to the 5 boroughs and as far away as Westchester and Monmouth counties. If we do not Build eather the same but taller we have been defeated. We are a All Other NY & NJ Residents Antonio Petritsis Strong Nation, We need to build the tallest building in the world, cause WE ARE NUMBER ONE. All Other NY & NJ Residents Ara Boyajian All Other NY & NJ Residents Ardis Gerber All Other NY & NJ Residents Aristides Mendes All Other NY & NJ Residents Arnold J Cross III Put em back up, now!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Arthur Martin Bravo! This is what I have wanted to see ever since 9/12. LOOKS ALOT BETTER THAN ANY OTHER DESIGN I'VE SEEN. BUILD IT All Other NY & NJ Residents ARTHUR OTTOSON BETTER, AND HIGHER. USE THE SIDES FOR THE BIGGEST MARQUIS AND WIRELESS TELEPHONE ANTENNAS All Other NY & NJ Residents Ashleigh Bennett Rebuild the 'Twin Towers' just the way they were before but using 21st century All Other NY & NJ Residents August Costanza construction If the twin towers were rebuilt exactly the way they were, it would be the most All Other NY & NJ Residents Austin Cordes symbolic thing that the U.S. has ever done. It would be somewhat of a \slap in the face\" to all the terrorists." All Other NY & NJ Residents avi geldwerth

Page 3 of 37 I think the Towers should be rebuilt, Don't forget all the Americans that died on All Other NY & NJ Residents Barbara Brandt 9/11. Let's do this in memory of them, if not for anyone or anything else. Do not let the terrorists win! All Other NY & NJ Residents Barbara Kupecz All Other NY & NJ Residents Barbara Tedesco 9/11 was the 1st time I was glad that my father & mother were no longer alive. I cannot imagine what people who lived through the Depression & World War II would have thought. However, it would be a greater torture to see that we no All Other NY & NJ Residents Barbara Weismann longer have the can do spirit & guts to rebuild what had been stolen from us. This is the 1st time in US history that we have been intimidated. This is the true victory for the terrorists. To not rebuild is a blight on our national psyche. Losing is un-American. I PERSONALLY GREW UP WITH THE PILOT (VICTOR SARACINI) OF THE SECOND PLANE THAT CRASHED IN THE SECOND TWIN TOWER. I AM All Other NY & NJ Residents BERNADETTEBAUMAN ONLY TOO HAPPY FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE MY NAME ADDED ON AND TO PASS THIS ON TO ALL MYONLINE FRIENDS SO THEYCAN DO SO. THANK YOU! The New York skyline will never be the same again without the Twin Towers. All Other NY & NJ Residents Betsy Kapulskey Please rebuild! Its time to make the skyline look correct again. The day the towers fell, a part of All Other NY & NJ Residents Bill Johnson my life was changed forever. I know it won't change that, but, it will make things look more like they should We need to rebuild the towers only each tower should be 1 floor higher, and All Other NY & NJ Residents Bill Schall those floors should be the memorial along with a monument next to the new towers. Please stop thinking of seeing your own names in the cornerstone of a building that has nothing to do with you. The twin towers were savagely destroyed, taking with them the classic New York skyline. I understand that this is the All Other NY & NJ Residents Bill Starring twenty first century and its time to look ahead, but this is too important for greed to get in the way. There is no better way to show the world what we are than to reconstuct the twin towers exactly as they were. Let the message go forth from this mornings first light,we love our All Other NY & NJ Residents Bill Williams country and for it's Towers we'll fight! God Bless America! All Other NY & NJ Residents Bob Arnone All Other NY & NJ Residents Bob Danielsen All Other NY & NJ Residents Bob Keller Please rebuild the towers All Other NY & NJ Residents bob litras The Twin Towers should be rebuilt the way they were, if not, then taller. We All Other NY & NJ Residents Bob Pachomski should not allow terrorists the satisfaction that they destroyed our buildings and took away so many lives. We can not replace lives, but WE CAN REBUILD!!

I saw the towers that morning, before they were hit, as I drove the turnpike North on my way to work. I saw the first one fall as I was driving South on my way All Other NY & NJ Residents Bob Royer home to be with my family. I will never forget the anger and sorrow I felt at that moment. Build them better and stronger and UP YOURS OSAMA! Not rebuilding them shows weakness. Changing the design shows weakness. All Other NY & NJ Residents Brandon Kaiser They should symbolize strength without fear. I am stunned that our politicians have not demanded the Twin Towers be rebuilt. All Other NY & NJ Residents Brian Baugh The citizens will need to take over this issue. What better way of showing the terrorists they will not change our way of life? All Other NY & NJ Residents Brian Brennan All Other NY & NJ Residents Brian Castillo I want the towers back! All Other NY & NJ Residents Brian Talley Rebuild the towers - one floor higher this time. I agree with rebuilding the Twin Towers wholeheartedly. It's the only solution for All Other NY & NJ Residents Brian Wong lower Manhattan that makes any sense. All Other NY & NJ Residents Bruce Barton All Other NY & NJ Residents Bruce Tanis Make them ten stories taller, facing Mecca true new yorkers are \in your face\". I can think of no better response NY or America could give the terrorists. Rebuild; show them we are NOT afraid. We All Other NY & NJ Residents Cali West give terrorists the power by letting them influence our decisions and showing them we are scared." All Other NY & NJ Residents caren wallen All Other NY & NJ Residents Carl Grosso All Other NY & NJ Residents Carl Scalise Jr. All Other NY & NJ Residents Carol Freed i think they should either rebuild, or make a beautiful park.

Page 4 of 37 All Other NY & NJ Residents CAROL KOY The best thing to do would be to rebuild the twin towers. All Other NY & NJ Residents Carol Rosselli All Other NY & NJ Residents Carol Stack All Other NY & NJ Residents Carrie Lee-Rickard The towers should look exactly the way they did, majestic. Any engineering by strengthening of the structure itself should come into play, but as far as the All Other NY & NJ Residents Catherine Rehfuss appearance of the towers, let them stand exactly as they did and the skyline of NYC will send a great message to everyone who can see it.

The only acceptable replacement for our towers is an exact replica of what was robbed from us, but taller. One story or one inch, I don't care, just taller. We must send a message of resilience and defiance to the demonic barbarians who All Other NY & NJ Residents Catherine Tenga perpetrated this deplorable act. Nothing will assuage the pain of that day, but any other edifice will only serve to remind us of what we lost, and convey the message to them that they've won. Our skyline needs healing, and so do we. All Other NY & NJ Residents Celeste Kaptur The site is a vacant lot without the towers! No other structure is suitable or All Other NY & NJ Residents Charles Sandland acceptable All Other NY & NJ Residents Chris Fazio All Other NY & NJ Residents Chris Regan All Other NY & NJ Residents Chris Riley This is the right thing to do. I would like to see the twin towers rebuilt - not this Freedom Tower hooey. Since I moved to the East and all the time I worked downtown, they were a symbol of All Other NY & NJ Residents Christel Wilson NY to me. To replace them with some fancy pants design would be a disappointment. The Freedom Tower would never be able to restore what was lost that tragic All Other NY & NJ Residents Christina Loguidice day. Rebuilding the towers is the only answer. All Other NY & NJ Residents Christina Villalobos All Other NY & NJ Residents Christopher Lynch All Other NY & NJ Residents Cindy Fung All Other NY & NJ Residents Claire Seldes All Other NY & NJ Residents Clare Paone All Other NY & NJ Residents claude trecate To attempt to build anything less than the Twin Towers is to admit defeat. All Other NY & NJ Residents Claudia Thomas All Other NY & NJ Residents Cleveland Foat Jr If anything besides the Twin Towers gets built, it will just be a sad reminder of All Other NY & NJ Residents Colleen Donohue what used to be there. Please bring back the skyline we only know of and love. I miss the Twin Towers. They rebuilt the Benedictine Abbey of Monte Cassino under a directive which stated: All Other NY & NJ Residents Costantino Cerini as it was -- where it was" and it stands today as a monument to the triumph of good over evil." I cant think of a better thing to do than build those towers again just the way they were, can you believe the incredible message that would sent, it says: YOU CANT CHANGE ARE WAY OF LIVING, YOU HAVE NO POWER TO All Other NY & NJ Residents Cristina Rosario DESTROY US, YOU TAKE US DOWN WE GO UP STRONGER AND BETTER,a memorial tower is a: \you hurt usyou won\"...well no!!! Lets build the meorial somewhere else but as we rebuild those stronger towers we rebuild a solid strong America and those towers are not going down never again." All Other NY & NJ Residents Curt Vigneri Anything less and the terrorist win... All Other NY & NJ Residents Cynthia Farissier All Other NY & NJ Residents Dan Schuler All Other NY & NJ Residents Dan & Linda Albert It would mean so much to the people of New York to see the Twin Towers rise All Other NY & NJ Residents Dan Avidan again. All Other NY & NJ Residents Dan Manzo All Other NY & NJ Residents Dana Holt All Other NY & NJ Residents Danielle Olszewski Rebuild the twin towers but with one exception,....add 1 more floor to each tower All Other NY & NJ Residents Darrell Wilbur then they originaly had, making the statement to the world that we're back bigger and better then ever. All Other NY & NJ Residents Darren Pincus All Other NY & NJ Residents Darryl King New York, the US, and the World needs to have the Towers rebuilt. The ONLY possible thing to do is restore the great Twin Towers! How can one unattractive building replace two magnificent structures that stood for Peace? All Other NY & NJ Residents Dave Frieder This is New York Engineering at its best and that defined a skyline!

Page 5 of 37 All Other NY & NJ Residents Dave Merkel All Other NY & NJ Residents Dave Semanchik All Other NY & NJ Residents David Keesey Shall we have a NY skyline or Osama's skyline? Without the towers, they win. Bring them back!! Don't let the terrorist win and dictate what we can and cannot All Other NY & NJ Residents David Scott build here. It's our country, our state, our city. Let's go Pataki. Let's go Bloomberg. Let's go Corzine. Stop ignoring us!! All Other NY & NJ Residents David Swift All Other NY & NJ Residents David Weatherell All Other NY & NJ Residents Davitra Goode I think it's a wonderful idea to rebuild what we have lost. When you lose a home or a business, what do you do? Rebuild it. It's only right to rebuild the Twin Towers as they once were. The 2 same and tall buildings that we once looked All Other NY & NJ Residents Dawn Darnsteadt upon and in hopes that our children and childrens children will be able to look upon and enjoy as we once did. Let's show the world that 9/11 didn't bring Us down by just letting It look like ground zero. Let our voices and hearts be heard and let's let the r All Other NY & NJ Residents dawn gangi All Other NY & NJ Residents debbie raroha I miss the view of the Twins travelling down Route 46 East going through All Other NY & NJ Residents Deborah Chamberlain Hasbrouck Heights.. it is like a gaping hole. Let's rebuild! I always said we should rebuilt the same Twin Towers - All Other NY & NJ Residents Debra Parisi ONE STORY HIGHER THAN BEFORE 9/11. All Other NY & NJ Residents Denard Cannady All Other NY & NJ Residents Denise DeVries All Other NY & NJ Residents Denise Petti rebuild the twin towers All Other NY & NJ Residents Desmond Burke All Other NY & NJ Residents Diana Martin All Other NY & NJ Residents DIANNE GASTINEAU All Other NY & NJ Residents DICK DICKMAN All Other NY & NJ Residents Dina Gulotta All Other NY & NJ Residents Dominick Schiaffo I have a picture of myself on the Staten Island ferry with the Twin Towers in the All Other NY & NJ Residents Donald Kroll background. And this was before Battery Park City was built! All Other NY & NJ Residents Donna Cole There is a hole in my sky--please repair it...not re-design it! All Other NY & NJ Residents Donna Mazlish As a native New Yorker, rebuilding the Towers would serve as an act of defiance and strength against the terrorists who took them down on that day. In All Other NY & NJ Residents Donna Smith building the Freedom Tower, those of us who knew and saw the Twin Towers everyday will still feel the gaping hole that lingers in our minds and hearts of the buildings that made New York the greatest city in the world. All Other NY & NJ Residents Doreen Havlicek Very early on I thought we should rebuild the towers exactly as they were before. This would send a message to the Jihadists and the world that we will All Other NY & NJ Residents Doug Antelman not be defeated, that we will rebuild and rise again. If twin towers were to be built again, they would need extremely high security inside and outside- that would be my only concern. And would they get tenants? Build them back the way they were and add another 30 stories to them! It is inconceivable that New York should be shamed into the ugliness that Libeskind All Other NY & NJ Residents Dr. Richard A. Sandell design will bring onto our city! Let a private group deal with it and stop the interference! All Other NY & NJ Residents Ed Mazlish Rebuild the towers at least one story higher! THIS MUST BE DONE!!!!!!!!! FOR NEW YORK, FOR THE USA, FOR MAN All Other NY & NJ Residents Edward Cipollari KIND, for thoes that where murdered!!!!!!! on 911...! All Other NY & NJ Residents Edward DeMeo All Other NY & NJ Residents Edwin Morales rebuild the towers the same way All Other NY & NJ Residents Edwin Vazquez All Other NY & NJ Residents Eileen Kyriacou I hope you succeed! God Bless America and Pray for those lost to us. Preserve the memory by All Other NY & NJ Residents Elaine Rackett rebuilding the towers - our symbolic tribute to those who perished. About time! Politicians don't seem to give a damn about what the people All Other NY & NJ Residents Elizabeth Cianflone want.To do anything less then rebuild the towers as before or higher is a disgrace. All Other NY & NJ Residents Elizabeth Rios All Other NY & NJ Residents ellen keane All Other NY & NJ Residents Emil Hibian All Other NY & NJ Residents Eric Edzenga All Other NY & NJ Residents Eric Wing

Page 6 of 37 All Other NY & NJ Residents Erinn Martin All Other NY & NJ Residents Ethan Garr All Other NY & NJ Residents eugene tripi we need to rebuild ,the way it was so we'll never ever forget. The towers should be rebuilt and all that nonsense of the freedom tower shoud go down the drain. We need a stronger icon such as the Twin Towers to show All Other NY & NJ Residents Evelyn Cruz the world and the terrorist that we have never been defeated and we rise again but this time, we won't fall All Other NY & NJ Residents Francis Cullen All Other NY & NJ Residents Frank Crisafi All Other NY & NJ Residents Frank Fano All Other NY & NJ Residents Frank Feola We should not back down to terrorists Rebuild the towers. All Other NY & NJ Residents frank gizzie All Other NY & NJ Residents FRANK MUGNO All Other NY & NJ Residents Frank Shavel It is the right of every New Yorker and American, to have a say in what is built at All Other NY & NJ Residents Frank Tufaro ground zero. i don't know ANYONE who doesn't prefer rebuilding to what they plan now. The people did not choose this design. corporate greed and those with power and All Other NY & NJ Residents Fred Palumbo influence did. The terrorists are attacking democracy...and without rebuilding, they've succeeded! All Other NY & NJ Residents Frederick Greenwood All Other NY & NJ Residents Gary DiFrancia All Other NY & NJ Residents Gary Einloth All Other NY & NJ Residents george delorenzo All Other NY & NJ Residents George Kiladtis All Other NY & NJ Residents George Knips All Other NY & NJ Residents George Szrir I grew up going to my backyard, looking up and seeing the towers, that?タルs how close I was to them. All Other NY & NJ Residents Gil Hernandez I was in training (military in Mississippi) on 9/11 - it took me 3days to get back to the tri-state area, my unit provided support for the rescuers @ Ground Hero. 108th Air Refueling Wing, NJ Air National Guard By rebuilding the towers it would show the enemy that they didn't succeed in destroying our spirit. We feel All Other NY & NJ Residents Gilbert Baldwin that the people who lost their lives there would want \ the buildings replaced. All Other NY & NJ Residents Gina De Santis All Other NY & NJ Residents Greg Winter The Twin Towers should be rebuilt EXACTLY as before -- or taller. The fact that All Other NY & NJ Residents Greg Hernandez they were destroyed by acts of terrorism means that they have become a symbol for what needs be done, not what expedience allows. Don't put some phony memorial in. Show the world we have what it takes to All Other NY & NJ Residents Greg Mathers overcome evil and build some beautiful, new towers in place of the old. We are a victorious people and we'll stand for nothing less. Thank you. All Other NY & NJ Residents Gregory Ferguson All Other NY & NJ Residents Gregory Knox All Other NY & NJ Residents Gregory Levitsky All Other NY & NJ Residents Gregory Sands All Other NY & NJ Residents Guadalupe Quiala All Other NY & NJ Residents Guy D'Esposito All Other NY & NJ Residents heather migliorato I fully support the reconstruction of two new towers All Other NY & NJ Residents Helen Cerbini and will always remember those we lost. It's been almost 5 years now since that horrible day. Let's show the world our strength, our resilience, our determination as Americans to preserve our way of All Other NY & NJ Residents Henry Frank III life...and also as New Yorkers, to preserve the historic skyline of the greatest city in the world! Let's put back the Twin Towers just as they were... only about 100x stronger! All Other NY & NJ Residents Henry Lipka I support this petition Rebuilding the Twin Towers is the only way to bring back what we lost as New Yorkers, and for our great city. By not rebuilding, we're giving in to those awful cave dwellers and letting politicians stand in our way. When something is All Other NY & NJ Residents Henry Paciullo destroyed, it's rebuilt! Why is it that other countries are getting taller buildings but we can't get Twin Towers, this is an insult, a shame! Let's start over, no more nonsense or political talk. It's time to REBUILD THE TWIN TOWERS AND BETTER! I miss them!

Page 7 of 37 The greatest memorial and the greatest show of the American spirit would be to All Other NY & NJ Residents Herb Kaiser construct the twin towers back to look just like the original symbol of this great city and country. All Other NY & NJ Residents Herbert Kaiser II THE ISLAND WILL REMAIN UNBALANCED AND THE SHADOW OF THE All Other NY & NJ Residents Hugh Brennan TOWERS A GAPING WOUND UNTIL WE SUMMON THE COURAGE TO REBUILD. The Twin Towers played an important part in each and every person's life who perished on that fatal day. Some earned a living there, while others supplied the All Other NY & NJ Residents IATAURO BERNARD needs of this miniature city within a city so large as to have it's own zip-code. The only true way to memorialize those we lost is to rebuild the towers as they were with an additional floor on each tower to serve as a memorial for victims. All Other NY & NJ Residents Ira Schafer All Other NY & NJ Residents Irving Malatzky Let's stand up like Americans and get the job done. Yes, I strongly agree that we should rebuild the twin tower as it was, only All Other NY & NJ Residents Jack Yao stronger. I think it would show to the world that how strong our nation is. All Other NY & NJ Residents Jacqueline Ambrici All Other NY & NJ Residents Jadwiga Adamski All Other NY & NJ Residents Jaime Gallagher All Other NY & NJ Residents Jake McCue Anything other than rebuilt towers would only serve as a monument to terrorism.

From Long Island. Lets show what it is to truly be american. Lets not show that All Other NY & NJ Residents James Albert Harley we will live in fear. Lets Rebuild them for our children and theirs! All Other NY & NJ Residents James Chern All Other NY & NJ Residents James Ewen All Other NY & NJ Residents James Gitlin Rebuilding the twin towers would boost American morale and pride in our All Other NY & NJ Residents James Larralde country's ability to rise above challenges. It would also be a slap in the face of the jihadists. All Other NY & NJ Residents James Mina All Other NY & NJ Residents Jane Brennan Rebuild the Towers.Put them back up as they were. To do anything else shows the world that they can come to our country, steal our planes and destroy anything they like, and we will take it. Put back the Twin Towers as they were. All Other NY & NJ Residents jane resko We are Americans, and no one will ever take that from us. Show the world that we stand tall and proud

I worked at the trade center when it first opened many years ago, it will always All Other NY & NJ Residents Janet Lajoie be the building that I look to see there. anything less than what was there before is an admission of fear and defeat.in fact,both buildings should be at least one floor higher.have a beautiful museum All Other NY & NJ Residents janice gordin on the ground floor dedicated to preserving the artifacts and explaining exactly what happened on 9/11. All Other NY & NJ Residents Jaon Keenan All Other NY & NJ Residents Jarad Ringer All Other NY & NJ Residents Jason Carmona All Other NY & NJ Residents Jason Doz Rebuild, restore the \World\"." All Other NY & NJ Residents Jason Morrell All Other NY & NJ Residents Javier Ferro the towers ought to be rebuilt All Other NY & NJ Residents Jay Liu All Other NY & NJ Residents Jay Young All Other NY & NJ Residents Jean Mizenko Please!!!!!!!!!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Jeff Kozlowski All Other NY & NJ Residents Jeffrey Kubach The answer is simple...REBUILD!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Jeffrey M. Groth All Other NY & NJ Residents Jeffrey Schwartz Please don't let terrorists decide our skyline for us! All Other NY & NJ Residents jenette&michael dreitlein All Other NY & NJ Residents Jennifer Cianflone All Other NY & NJ Residents Jennifer Knapp Please rebuild! Show them that terrorists do not shape our country and All Other NY & NJ Residents Jennifer Menite skylines. We do! All Other NY & NJ Residents Jennifer Natal All Other NY & NJ Residents Jennifer Sanducci All Other NY & NJ Residents jennifer weisent All Other NY & NJ Residents Jeri Rostron five years later...... let's get some work done. All Other NY & NJ Residents Jess Corpuz All Other NY & NJ Residents Jessica Bal All Other NY & NJ Residents Jessica Deatcher

Page 8 of 37 All Other NY & NJ Residents Jessica Paniccia All Other NY & NJ Residents Jessica Stier All Other NY & NJ Residents Jim Doody All Other NY & NJ Residents jim imparato All Other NY & NJ Residents Joan Callahan All Other NY & NJ Residents Joan Dimino All Other NY & NJ Residents Joan Kelly It takes true genius to make what is difficult seem simple. Let's do it! All Other NY & NJ Residents Jody Christie All Other NY & NJ Residents Joe Cmiel My hometown's skyline is not the same without the twins. rebuilding as they All Other NY & NJ Residents joe fayle were says to the filth that helped destroy them We will not be terrorized."" All Other NY & NJ Residents Joe Marino All Other NY & NJ Residents Joe McBride Anything other than the twin towers is a nothing more than a reminder of what was once there and is no longer. Rebuilding the towers is meant to show that All Other NY & NJ Residents John Yerkovich we will stand up after we get knocked down - that in itself is a memorial all on it's own. Today is 9/11/06 A couple of day's ago I thought that the best thing to do is rebuild the II's towers Just mightier & stronger. I never thought this way b4 but if they All Other NY & NJ Residents John ABRIL build the freedom tower it's going to be a hollow victory. These II's were Majestic they went on forever into the sky, they were the city's BIG Protective Brother. We the People of America and it's Allies must Build them again. You cannot replace the mona lisa with a lesser painting. All Other NY & NJ Residents John Barkowski Knowing people who have lost their lives on 911, I can begin to heal once the All Other NY & NJ Residents John Bis towers are rebuilt. I don't care about the design as long as there are 2 and they are at least the same height if not taller. All Other NY & NJ Residents John Ciervo All Other NY & NJ Residents John Corry Yes, this is what I thought from the beginning. Just build them the same way. All Other NY & NJ Residents John Cotter The only thing I would add (not seriously) is a hand on top of each tower giving the finger facing East. I went through the WTC PATH station every day for over 15 years. My All Other NY & NJ Residents John Cullen company celebrated our X-mas party at in Dec 2000. There were no X-mas celebrations there in 2001. The towers must be re-built! All Other NY & NJ Residents John DiBella All Other NY & NJ Residents John Farina New York City isn't New York City without the Twin Towers. When the original towers were built, they completed the New York City skyline. I see no reason All Other NY & NJ Residents John Fenner why the towers can't be rebuilt. Just be more careful as far as security this time around. The Twin Towers need to stand tall in New York again. With all respect to the people who have lost someone. The politians are only All Other NY & NJ Residents John Ferry using greed and their own agenda's rebuilding ground zero. The towers going up are the only way to stand up to these terrorists. All Other NY & NJ Residents John Flaherty Re-build them. All Other NY & NJ Residents john halstead All Other NY & NJ Residents JOHN LAZZATI LET'S GET GOING!!!!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents John Maimone Rebuild the towers as they were but make them one story taller. Rebuild The Twin Towers, Rebuild spirit of New York City!!! They are still fighting over there at the WTC site and nothing is getting done. Bring back The All Other NY & NJ Residents John Nicolaro Twin Towers, give back to the city of what it should be as well for the people!!! Its not the same with out the Twin Towers there. I hope and pray that the Twin Towers will be rebuilt!!! As we united on that awful day, we must unite to remove all obstacles that stand All Other NY & NJ Residents John Orecchio in objection to putting those marvelous structures back where they stood. All Other NY & NJ Residents John Rafferty All Other NY & NJ Residents John Ribeiro All Other NY & NJ Residents JOHN ROTELLA We should rebuild the Twin Towers, just as they were, but better, stronger and, All Other NY & NJ Residents John Stevens just to poke it in the eye of those who brought the first ones down, a little bit taller. All Other NY & NJ Residents John Sullivan Build it the way they were.. taller and stronger.. just like our hearts!!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents John Thomson III

Page 9 of 37 To allow the towers not to be rebuilt shows that our will is weak, and that we can All Other NY & NJ Residents Jon Brinck-Lund be defeated at home! The towers should be rebuilt, just the same as they were, as an outward sign of our determination to overcome and defeat terrorists. All Other NY & NJ Residents Jonathan McCleery There should be something bigger and better than before. Show the terroists All Other NY & NJ Residents Jonathan Bentley that we are not afraid. Show them that we are stong. All Other NY & NJ Residents Joseph Christ Dump the freedom center! Rebuild the towers one story higher. All Other NY & NJ Residents Joseph Darlington All Other NY & NJ Residents Joseph Greco I live in NY all my life, as a kid i loved seeing the towers, especially since my All Other NY & NJ Residents Joseph Gulotta fatehr was very involved in the building of them. You have my full support. All Other NY & NJ Residents Joseph Sievers I want to say that i'm very ANGRY that someone would do such a thing. I remember exactly where I was 5 years ago. If it was another event, I wouldn't have remembered but this event was so terrifying, so tragic that it is stuck in my All Other NY & NJ Residents josephine m mind and heart forever. On september 11th, 2001, i was sitting on the left side of my grade 6 class sitting beside my bestfriend and when i was listening, I started to cry. I was scared out of our own sake in canada. I was terrified and it brings me to tears. All Other NY & NJ Residents JOSEPHINE TANZI All Other NY & NJ Residents josh cherkes All Other NY & NJ Residents Josh Clancy As a civil engineer, I believe that we must be bold and rebuild NYC to its former All Other NY & NJ Residents Josh Joffe grandeur. All Other NY & NJ Residents Josh Vanderhoof All Other NY & NJ Residents Joy Mathiowdis Rebuilding is the only answer All Other NY & NJ Residents Juan miguel Puig All Other NY & NJ Residents Julie Albernas Rebuild the skyline and allow the strength of all those in the US to be All Other NY & NJ Residents Julie Albernas broadcasted throughout New YORK. All Other NY & NJ Residents Julie Michaels All Other NY & NJ Residents June Torres All Other NY & NJ Residents Justin Bogan All Other NY & NJ Residents k wesolek All Other NY & NJ Residents Kara Manna All Other NY & NJ Residents Karalyn Lepak-O'Melia All Other NY & NJ Residents Karen Sprinsky Rebuilding is the way to go!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Karen Miller Gotta Love NYC All Other NY & NJ Residents Kasey Noga its been almost 5 years and there is never a day where i am not reminded of that day. As i drive through or past the city there is a void, an emptiness, and All Other NY & NJ Residents Kate Dornemann thousands of souls that need to be remembered,...leave the footprints untouched and build them back the way they were just adjascent...bigger and stonger to show we will not be broken. I live in Rockland Co. and was greatly affected by the events of that day and those that followed in many ways. On a clear day, we could see the towers by All Other NY & NJ Residents Kathleen Brown-Romeo looking straight down rt. 17 from as far away as Ramsey NJ. Rebuild them to show we did recover All Other NY & NJ Residents Kathy Baca You know it belongs there...again. All Other NY & NJ Residents Kathy Shields All Other NY & NJ Residents Katrina Meier That hideous freedom tower is an expression of cowardice. REBUILD THE All Other NY & NJ Residents Katrina Simmons TWIN TOWERS! Besides an appropriate memorial, nothing other than the Twin Towers belong at All Other NY & NJ Residents keith curry that site. Period. All Other NY & NJ Residents Kelly O'Connell All Other NY & NJ Residents Ken Bowman All Other NY & NJ Residents Ken Loach All Other NY & NJ Residents Kevin Carney God Bless, America! Forget about this freedom tower or the reflection puddles, let's rebuild them, bring the skyline back the way it was meant to be. Take the first floor of each tower and have an awesome memorial set up. Not building these towers leaves All Other NY & NJ Residents Kevin Cook us defeated. These towers where often looked at as two ugly square bldgs. but thier beauty was not fully appreciated until they were gone. Please bring them back as they where before only strongly, and we as a country will be stronger for that. Thank You, God Bless.

Page 10 of 37 All Other NY & NJ Residents Kevin Corry All Other NY & NJ Residents Kevin Donoghue Put them back or do not put anything! Anytime I would get on the NJ Turnpike, or go over the Raritan bridge, I would All Other NY & NJ Residents Kevin Hoffman always strain to find the towers on the horizon. My loss was small compared to others, Astrid Sohan the girl that gave me my first kiss. All Other NY & NJ Residents Kevin Potter All Other NY & NJ Residents Kevin Prufer I agree 100% that the only thing that should go back on that spot are original design of the lost towers. Nothing else will work in that spot. Don't let progress All Other NY & NJ Residents Kim Venutolo in construction destroy the beautiful skyline that we had. We owe it to the many lost to give them back what was there. I grew up in Brooklyn and had the best view of The Towers. The Towers must go back up or the terrorists win. When I was little and had a nightmare I would All Other NY & NJ Residents Kimberly Sullivan run to the window and see the Towers and know everthing was OK. Now when I go back it's sad. All Other NY & NJ Residents Kristen Moloney All Other NY & NJ Residents Kristen Reed God Bless America..... All Other NY & NJ Residents Kristi Holland All Other NY & NJ Residents Krzysztof Adamski Rebuild the towers in the memory of all those who have fallen. Lets show the All Other NY & NJ Residents Kurt Fuss rest of the world that we will overcome the tragedy of 9/11! It is appalling that the Pentagon was rebuilt within a year of its 9/11 calamity, All Other NY & NJ Residents Kurt Nielsen while here in NYC we still have an empty, lifeless pit almost five years on. REBUILD THE WTC AS IT WAS!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Kyle Horn Let's rebuild. It will hopefully help in giving us all a sense of things returning to All Other NY & NJ Residents Kyle Nembhard normal even though we know things will never be the same. Those towers belonged to all of us. All Other NY & NJ Residents Laura Ciervo All Other NY & NJ Residents Laura McCullough All Other NY & NJ Residents Lauren Eliash All Other NY & NJ Residents Lauren Urbanowicz All Other NY & NJ Residents Laurie Koller I hope New Yorker Donald Trump will re-build us our towers and one story higher.Please do not allow the hard left PC crowd to manifest their planned contempt for all of the people who died on that day and afterwards, or for those who are even now becoming ill from that disaster. The current plans are clearly All Other NY & NJ Residents Linda Jones heavily weighted in favor of their anti-American propaganda. \

Thank You for the opportunity to make our opinions and wishes known. All Other NY & NJ Residents Linda Lambalzer Please have the courage to bring the towers back. They will be so good for the All Other NY & NJ Residents Linda McQuinn economics of New York, and the heart of America. All Other NY & NJ Residents Linda Tenner IT'S TIME!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Linda Weiss All Other NY & NJ Residents Lindy Rosato All Other NY & NJ Residents Lisa Plattner I have believed and stated from the very beginning that the towers should be put back exactly as they were before the attack. That's the biggest f" you I can think All Other NY & NJ Residents Lisamarie Marro of to show tose bastards they will NOT change us or our way of life. Stay strong never forget and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!" All Other NY & NJ Residents LIZ MURPHY All Other NY & NJ Residents Logan Singman All Other NY & NJ Residents Lore Gaetano REBUILD All Other NY & NJ Residents Lori Streahle What we build must above all show the strength of our recovery more than the severity of our wounds. Any retreat from the scale of the destroyed Towers is an act of surrender to the will of those who slaughtered thousands, and a betrayal of those who died at their hands. Terrorists sought to humble America, to cut us All Other NY & NJ Residents Louis Epstein down to size" and we disgrace ourselves unless we show their failure rather than their success. We must build anew in a fashion that inspires awe through both immensity and ingenuity and fulfills the great motto of the Empire State: "Excelsior"...ever upward! All Other NY & NJ Residents Louise Murray All Other NY & NJ Residents LUCINDA BUCARIA

Page 11 of 37 As a military vet and an American I support the rebuilding of the WTC.

Just as a matter of defiance against the terrorists (the in your face you will not defeat us" principle) we were from the beginning and are obligated still today to rebuild them perhaps even bigger than they were before. All Other NY & NJ Residents Luis Puig The current proposal is a surrender to the terrorists a capitulation to them. Personally it makes me sick to see it!

Were is Americas bravado???

Were is the defiance against evil?" All Other NY & NJ Residents Luis Romero I come to NY all the time. My children live there. It would show our strength to All Other NY & NJ Residents Lynn Bennett rebuild and show no fear. They cannot get the better of us. The best memorial is to rebuild the buildings ... to add a memorial room (like a All Other NY & NJ Residents Lynn Feliziani chapel in a hospital)would be a nice addition, but the buildings should be rebuilt.

The greatest symbol of our greatest city has been destroyed. We must rebuild it! All Other NY & NJ Residents LYNNE luper Terrorism is cowardice! Since when does America let cowards prevail? All Other NY & NJ Residents M Vanderputten All Other NY & NJ Residents Marc Sira Let's bring 'em back... All Other NY & NJ Residents Margaret Burke All Other NY & NJ Residents margie hartenstein All Other NY & NJ Residents Maria Germano All Other NY & NJ Residents Marie Collins All Other NY & NJ Residents Marjorie Groth Yes, myself and many, many others would like to see the Twin Towers rebuilt as All Other NY & NJ Residents Mark Dudas soon as possible, without delay. We can never claim victory in the war on terror without rebuilding the Twin Towers. All Other NY & NJ Residents Mark Pedersen Git-r-done and then push moosowee,yusef,etc off the top at the topping off All Other NY & NJ Residents Mark Smith ceremony.Pass the popcorn! The best way to tell the terrorists that they've lost is to put the Towers back All Other NY & NJ Residents Mark Smith exactly as they were before. Increase safety, but replace the skyline as it used to be. I worked in WTC 1 - 22nd floor 1985 & 1986. The best way to honor the lost All Other NY & NJ Residents Mark Vigneri people and defeat the enemy is to build it to look the same, plus 1 floor higher. All Other NY & NJ Residents Mary Duff All Other NY & NJ Residents mary levanti All Other NY & NJ Residents Mary Zdanowski All Other NY & NJ Residents maryann marcello The twin towers need no improvement;just our vigilance! All Other NY & NJ Residents matt fish All Other NY & NJ Residents Matt Scheck All Other NY & NJ Residents Matthew Infante All Other NY & NJ Residents Matthew Franck All Other NY & NJ Residents Matthew Healy PLEASE REBUILD! I think about this every day of my life! The twin towers were a national monument known the world over. Having them back in their original condition will only increase their presitige and ours. There All Other NY & NJ Residents Matthew Moran is no reason to re-invent the wheel. Please just repair the damage to our NYC skyline and show the world the indestructable ROCK that our country is. All Other NY & NJ Residents Matthew Sweeney Git'ur done!!!!! Rebuilding the towers higher than before would be an important act of self- All Other NY & NJ Residents Matthew Zachary Johnson assertion on the part of America, and an important demonstration to our enemies that we will not give in. I think we as a nation have waited long enough for restoration not only of the All Other NY & NJ Residents Maureen Longo towers, but of hope, pride and promise of a new beginning and new light! All Other NY & NJ Residents Mazyar Javidroozi All Other NY & NJ Residents Megan Feeney All Other NY & NJ Residents Melanie Bal All Other NY & NJ Residents Melanie McLeod All Other NY & NJ Residents melissa rivera

Page 12 of 37 It would be nothing short of a sign of weakness to not rebuild the twin towers to either there same greatness or even better. The current idea that makes this All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Staples new tower higher then the orignal is ridiculous. They only reason it would be higher is because of the stupid spire. How about building them back to original height then adding a spire. Rebuild the Twin Towers, not the uninspiring freedom tower that means nothing All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Artusa to NYC and the people of the great USA. The dirty polititions who want the freedom tower build should be sent packing in disgrace. All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Beggen All I want is our Towers back. All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Cappio Please do this. It's the right thing to do... All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Christopher All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Gaetano From day 1 I knew the best response would be to rebuild the towers, so that it All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Keller would be clear that the terrorists could not change us.

Two characters from the show Babylon 5 said it best... Delenn: By the way, there is something I've been wondering. Why Babylon 5? If the prior four stations were lost or destroyed, why build another? All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Kenney Sinclair: Plain, old human stubbornness, I guess. When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again, we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again - until it stays. That, as our poet Tennyson once said, is the goal: To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.

The Freedom Tower only restores the skyline halfway. Two soaring Twin Towers would honor those we lost by celebrating their lives and standing as a All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Koy proud symbol of our resilience and defiance against those who wish to destroy us. All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Longobardi All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Mazza All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael McAleer All Other NY & NJ Residents michael monaco rebuild taller & stronger than before...what a memorial that would be! I'm tired of the fear mongering by the Bush administration. I live on Long Island and I do not live in fear of another attack. To those who are afraid to rebuild the All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Ramsay twin towers, I say crawl in a six foot hole. As for me, I will not change the way I live because something may or may not happen. All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Vezza All Other NY & NJ Residents Michael Zentgraf Please rebuild!! The Twin Towers is a representation of what New York All Other NY & NJ Residents Michelle Vazquez is...without them, New York is incomplete!! All Other NY & NJ Residents mickey mignone All Other NY & NJ Residents Mike Begendorf All Other NY & NJ Residents Mike Fitzgerald HEY YO! TIME TO WAKE UP! All Other NY & NJ Residents Mike Lucio Rebuild.... it's as simple as that. God bless... All Other NY & NJ Residents Mike Robie All Other NY & NJ Residents Mike Surbrug All Other NY & NJ Residents Mikhail Kats All Other NY & NJ Residents milton gant I want the twin towers back- then new york city will be whole again. They should All Other NY & NJ Residents mindy abraham be rebuilt to defy the terrorists. All Other NY & NJ Residents Minyi Wu The twin towers were iconic and the losses, as well as their physical loss from our skyline in such a horrific way will never be forgotten. The ultimate symbol of the strength and commitment of New Yorkers and the larger community would All Other NY & NJ Residents Mo Kafka be to raise a new set of towers on the same site. Perhaps they should be distinctly different and certainly they should include a memorial. Just think of the potent meaning of the word rebuild"!" All Other NY & NJ Residents Monica Murphy Rebuild the towers... Anything less would be cowardice and serve as a symbol All Other NY & NJ Residents Moses Burnett of shame! All Other NY & NJ Residents Myron Pilecki Rebuild The Twins We can best honor those we lost through rebuilding bigger, better and stronger. Nader Rezai The Twin towers represented Grandeur and unity. Best wishes for all those All Other NY & NJ Residents" impacted.

Page 13 of 37 I would like to see New York become the city I remember. Before the cowards who sucker punched us. I like Donald Trump's version of re-build the towers one floor higher. I also would like to dismantle the UN and free up prime NYC Nicolas Stanco waterfront property. Re-locate the diplomats to new digs at the new World Trade All Other NY & NJ Residents" Center.What better place for them to work from? The top floors of the new trade centers should contain any memorials. Also the replacement of the towers would be fitting tribute to all."

Nancy Hessian All Other NY & NJ Residents" the original twin tower buildings were a part of our majestic new york city skyline.they are sorely missed along with all of the heros that died there, too.the Nancy Best world trade center brought all races,colors and creeds together into a community- All Other NY & NJ Residents" like working environment.the twin towers represented strength for new york city.build them back with a 100% safer infrastructure!God bless.

Nathan Meryash All Other NY & NJ Residents" Neal Eriksen All Other NY & NJ Residents" I never had a chance to visit the towers. My heart sank on that day and all I could think about was revenge and how to get even. That hate and want for revenge turned me toward a realization that if turned to a life of hate, racism and Nicholas Genda I would have fallen victim to the terrorism that took the Towers and more then All Other NY & NJ Residents" 3,000 lives. Justice will eventually catch up to the criminals and those who follow their footsteps. Rebuild the Towers and show them what America is really made of. Nicholas Marks All Other NY & NJ Residents" Nicholas Vlismas All Other NY & NJ Residents" Nick Albernas Rebuild the towers with strength, dignity and hope for all to see. All Other NY & NJ Residents" Nick Belesimo Build em back, taller and stronger! All Other NY & NJ Residents" All Other NY & NJ Residents Nicole Bonelli Rebuild our towers! All Other NY & NJ Residents Nina DeLeon If we do not rebuild the twin towers, the terorist have got what they wanted! All Other NY & NJ Residents Norman Shmookler New York City skyline must return. Let's rebuild the towers as they were, but taller still! That'll send the people who All Other NY & NJ Residents Owen McCaffrey would tear down our way of life a clear message. Ain't gonna happen! All Other NY & NJ Residents Pamela Somers DEFINITELY REBUILD THE WORLD TRADE CENTER ESPECIALLY THE All Other NY & NJ Residents Patrice Jacobson TWIN TOWERS!!!!!!!!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Patricia Astore Yes I always said build them again. It would be a drastic mistake to build a half All Other NY & NJ Residents Patricia Schneider empty tower. We need to see the Twin Towers All Other NY & NJ Residents Patrick McMahon Please rebuild as per original twin towers. Do not change design. All Other NY & NJ Residents Patrizia Germano Let's stop appeasing the terrorists! They wanted the towers destroyed, let us All Other NY & NJ Residents Paul Beyer now undo their hideous work! All Other NY & NJ Residents paul buchwald All Other NY & NJ Residents Paul Crosta I'll never forget walking through 5 World Trade and out onto Church Street at 8:30 on 9/11. I am one of the lucky ones. I have spent my entire adult working life around those buildings. To look at the current proposal for the Freedom All Other NY & NJ Residents Paul D'Aula Tower is, for me, depressing and wholely unsatisfactory. Yes, I lost 2 people in the towers and I have to say that those of us who pine for a lasting memorial will get no more fitting tribute to their loved ones than two restored towers. I already signed my name, but I need to make a comment... It appears that the twin towers are not going to be rebuilt. For unknown reasons, our politicians want to build that ugly Freedom Tower All Other NY & NJ Residents Paul Herman instead. What can we do about this? I still feel the general public has been too silent too long. I strongly agree that the towers should be rebuilt as tall or taller than they were All Other NY & NJ Residents Paul Osborne before.

Page 14 of 37 There is no other way to say to the terrorist that there is no way you will beat us, All Other NY & NJ Residents Paul Resko then to rebuild!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Paul Slabowski I, along with other New Yorkers', feel we should rebuild the towers exact, only All Other NY & NJ Residents Peggy Wilbur one story higher, positioning them so the footprints remain untouched. How could we have anything else in our beautiful NEW YORK skyline? All Other NY & NJ Residents persy herrera THE TOWERS NEED TO BE REBUILT,FOR THE HEALING PROCESS TO BE COMPLETE & TO SEND A MESSAGE TO THOSE PEOPLE THAT All Other NY & NJ Residents PETER BUCARIA BOUGHT THE TOWERS DOWN,THAT WE WILL ALWAYS RISE UP ,FROM THE ASHES. All Other NY & NJ Residents Peter Andre Don't let ground zero be an open pit forever. All Other NY & NJ Residents Peter Ferraiolo Don't let the terrorists win. Let's get on with it aleady ! We can rebuild the twin towers ! All Other NY & NJ Residents Peter Korzun All Other NY & NJ Residents Phil Smith All Other NY & NJ Residents Philippe Petit All Other NY & NJ Residents Piers Vaughan All Other NY & NJ Residents Ralph Castaldo All Other NY & NJ Residents Randy Rosenheim New York is defined by courage and the ability to rise above adversity. Let's All Other NY & NJ Residents Ray Powers show the world we haven't strayed from that ideal. We could probably recoup much of the already-lost tap-dance time by reusing the existing foundations. Isn't that why we spent so much time and money All Other NY & NJ Residents Ray Hull shoring them up?

All Other NY & NJ Residents Raymond Beck Build them tall so we may once again occupy the sky. All Other NY & NJ Residents Raymond Kwasna All Other NY & NJ Residents re re staffieri All Other NY & NJ Residents Rebecca Gebman All Other NY & NJ Residents Regina Hoag america needs and wants to have the twin towers rebuilt at any cost. these towers are our national identity and a sign of our pride and power. the freedom All Other NY & NJ Residents reid dunlap tower is not an option. it is truly an eyesore and will not give new york and the country what we need. All Other NY & NJ Residents Rene Keenan Nothing other than the original structure would be unacceptional. We are a strong city, and should rebuild the World Trade Center just as it was, and add a All Other NY & NJ Residents renee diano memorial level for those who lost their lives. Show those terrorists they did not win... We absolutely have to rebuild the Towers: the most powerful memorial and the All Other NY & NJ Residents Reuel Topas most powerful statement we can possibly make of our determination to defeat and uphold the banner of freedom for the world. I've believed in your cause since 9/11. The twin towers should be rebuilt better then ever as state of the art green" buildings with passive and active solar heating and cooling systems an in house water treatment recycling plant etc. All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Aloia Lets show the world that we americans have the will and the smarts to build self sustaining environmentally friendly fully functional building that can be a model for the rest of the world!!!! All Other NY & NJ Residents richard estey All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Kalish All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Loeb Dear Sir, Having grown up in New York, I like so many others watched The Twin towers built, enjoyed there existence while they were here with Pride! 9-11-01 was a Terrible Day in Our Hearts because we lost a Family Member. Fortunately it's All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Loeser within our Power to give Them New Life! It's for that reason I Endorce The Rebuilding of The World Trade Center Twin Towers as The Tallest Buildings on Earth! This would show that we haven't forgot our perished Brothers and Sisters!

Page 15 of 37 To Whom it may concern, Similiar to so many other residents of New York, I watched The Twin Towers built originally and they meant so much to The Nation, including The World upon completion. The destuction of The Twin Towers has removed a vital piece All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Loeser of Society! The Twin Towers represented Man's ability to live together in harmony! Unfortunately The Towers no longer exist. However, if they were replaced with the same structures or Taller that would honor All Who were Lost on 9-11! Replace what was destroyed to show the world we will never be All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Ruggiero defeated by evil. We will never know the real reason for the attacks.No matter how much some one thinks they know.We however not just as Americans, but as people must stop the hate.What does violence solve?You can win a war but what does it All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Ryals mean? How do you fight an idea?How do you fight a war when the enemy is an opinion based on what we dont know? The war is in ourselves.Someone has to be the better person and initiate it.Starting with building the towers the way they were, and rebuild ourselves on both sides.

The twin towers were targeted by our enemies because they represented all that is great about America: free enterprise, individual rights and above all, the pursuit of happiness here on earth. Our enemies, the islamic militants, beleive in death worship and hatred of all that is held sacred by our society. All Other NY & NJ Residents RICHARD SEMENTILLI We need to rebuild the twin towers as soon as possible, but even taller than before. We need to show our enemies and more importantly to ourselves, that we are winning and we will beat them! Was the Pentagon rebuilt? Why is there even a debate? Tne WTC should be All Other NY & NJ Residents richard sherman rebuilt one story taller than before. All Other NY & NJ Residents Richard Stroh All Other NY & NJ Residents Rick Banks The solution is so simple. You replace what was lost, and make it better. All Other NY & NJ Residents Rick Perkins thank you All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert Foppiano Please put the Towers back up. All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert Bruning Anything else is a sign of surrender! Those two Towers should represent a clear message to any citizen of the All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert De Palma civilized world who loves and believes in freedom...together we stand,divided we fall...those two symbols need to be seen by everyone in the world once more. All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert DuBois Anything short of rebuilding is honoring the terrrorists! All Other NY & NJ Residents robert kaczanowski Yes rebuild the towers All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert Lakind All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert Mahoney I have long felt that the Twin Towers should be rebuilt as was. The floors that All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert Rosetta the planes hit should be made into memorial and museum space. I believe that by not rebuilding the Twin Towers we will make a very bad mistake. We will be saying that the terrorists have won we rebuilt the Pentagon. After the All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert Smith White House was burned down after the 1812 war it was rebuilt. Why not the Twin Towers? All Other NY & NJ Residents Robert Vignapiano Rebuild the Towers!

All Other NY & NJ Residents Ron Maslanka Restore the Skyline!!

Recover Completely!!! The Surrender Tower or Insanity Tower is substantially an empty shell of modern, ugly design. It's no replacement for the magnificent Twin Towers. By All Other NY & NJ Residents Ron Troy not rebuilding them, we tell the world that we are too afraid to rebuild New York City. I agree that the best option is to rebuild the Twin Towers to reflect the true All Other NY & NJ Residents Ronald Love strength of our country and our citizens and to show the world that we will not cower in the face of terrorism. All Other NY & NJ Residents Rosario DiGirolamo All Other NY & NJ Residents Rosemary Gately All Other NY & NJ Residents Ross Dinerman All Other NY & NJ Residents Saliann Deaver All Other NY & NJ Residents Samuel Longo,Jr All Other NY & NJ Residents Sandra Morrow All Other NY & NJ Residents Sandy LaRocca Always think of 9/11 and what the city went through.

Page 16 of 37 All Other NY & NJ Residents Sarah Duignan All Other NY & NJ Residents Scott Corrigall All Other NY & NJ Residents Scott DeMayo, Mgr. Rebuilding hte towers as they stood, or a close faximile of extremely higher structual rigidity has been my desire since the fall. The symbolic image of All Other NY & NJ Residents Scott Luckman seeing the towers again is a powerful thing and would show that attack can be overcome. All Other NY & NJ Residents Sean Ludlam All Other NY & NJ Residents Sharon Buge Rebuild There is only one opiton -REBUILD. All Other NY & NJ Residents Stacey Hoffman To see the Towers stand TALL again will be one step towards justice against those who murdered and destroyed on 9-11. All Other NY & NJ Residents stephen mcmillian BRING BACK THE TWIN TOWERS!!! Anything less than a complete rebuild of what was once there is an insult to All Other NY & NJ Residents Steve Cea Americans, and a sign of fear to the terrorist, LETS REBUILD BIGGER AND BETTER THAN BEFORE!!!! I wish to add, what is surely implied, the inability to fill the tenant space. As per the usual American businessman desire to see immediate profit they feel that a All Other NY & NJ Residents STEVE GUARIN full size twin tower will not produce a rent payer/profit ratio quickly. I want to remind that the original towers took over 10 years to rent out. All Other NY & NJ Residents Steve Physser All Other NY & NJ Residents Steven Speizer All Other NY & NJ Residents Stu Perlman In Europe after World War II many landmark structures were rebuilt. This is how a country and a civilization preserves its rich history. In my travels to Europe I felt a sense of longevity engendered by the presence of architecture that All Other NY & NJ Residents Stuart Tarant marked significant eras in each country's history. America will not have this deep sense of time if we do not protect and preserve our symbols of who we are and what we stand for. To allow the image of these icons to vanish into memory, is to erase our history. I would like to see the same proud towers rebuilt, along with a proud memorial.

All Other NY & NJ Residents Sue LaShomb Thank you!

Sue All Other NY & NJ Residents Sue Norrell All Other NY & NJ Residents Sundeep Sidhu All Other NY & NJ Residents Susan Spadafina All Other NY & NJ Residents Sven R Larson All Other NY & NJ Residents Tammy Cook They" knocked them down and we are obligated to rebuild bigger and stronger All Other NY & NJ Residents Tanya Polkowska Towers! They were a symbol and thus should remain so. A symbol that we can and will rebuild stronger and better each time!" All Other NY & NJ Residents Tawny Pfeiffer All Other NY & NJ Residents TEDDY SOKOLIK All Other NY & NJ Residents Terri Sandland All Other NY & NJ Residents Therese-Marie Pagano It's the only right thing to do. All Other NY & NJ Residents Thomas DeMarco All Other NY & NJ Residents Thomas Lusk All Other NY & NJ Residents Thomas Wozniak All Other NY & NJ Residents Tim Potter Anything built at Ground Zero, other than the original Twin Towers, is an admission of defeat. All Other NY & NJ Residents Timothy Hatt We are better than that. We are Americans. And Americans want the Twin Towers built! I have been in favor of rebuilding the original twin towers from the beginning. We must be defiant in the eyes of our enemies, and courageous in the eyes of our friends. All Other NY & NJ Residents Timothy Bal, Sr. I also believe that the twin towers ought to be rebuilt in their original footprints.

We must listen to the spirits of the brave Americans who perished on 9/11. They shout in one voice: rebuild the towers!

Page 17 of 37 I think the towers should be rebuilt in some manner and if a monument is to be All Other NY & NJ Residents Timothy Brady made to those who have lost their lives in the Towers then it should be like one of the monuments in Washington DC!1 Not a underground waterfall!! All Other NY & NJ Residents Timothy Lusk All Other NY & NJ Residents Todd Mizenko rebuild, rebuild, rebuild, taller and stronger!!! Rebuild the towers, anything else is just a trophy for the terrorists! God bless the All Other NY & NJ Residents Todd Pedersen U.S.A. If the Capitol Building, the White House, the Statue of Liberty had been destroyed, they would have been rebuilt as they were, because that would be All Other NY & NJ Residents Todd Slater the only way to truly defy the will of the terrorists. Why should the Twin Towers be any different? All Other NY & NJ Residents Tom Borowski NYC desreves the WTC back !! We should at least get a tower back which is a All Other NY & NJ Residents Tom Brady landmark as the WTC was!! It would takeapprox. ten years to build so many memoroes from some people will have lighten a bit. Tom All Other NY & NJ Residents TOM MURPHY Anything short of total restoration is an abomination.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is acceptable - other than total and complete All Other NY & NJ Residents Tom Shavel restoration of The Twin Towers.

Give the people what we want, and what we want is simple - we want the towers back ! All Other NY & NJ Residents Tony Barone All Other NY & NJ Residents Tonya Neuweiler I miss the Towers. If we don't replace them, the terrorists win. Anything less than All Other NY & NJ Residents Tracey Lawrence the majestic structures that once dominated our skyline is a sell out to fear. Let's unite and rebuild the Twin Towers! All Other NY & NJ Residents Troy Dinkel All Other NY & NJ Residents Tug Kubach The longer that they do not exist, the longer we've shown defeat! All Other NY & NJ Residents Turid Epstein All Other NY & NJ Residents Tyleen Zuppelli All Other NY & NJ Residents Val Garger All Other NY & NJ Residents Vera Yanovskaya All Other NY & NJ Residents Vicki Bowe I live 70+ miles away from Ground Zero, but work less than a block away. It is depressing to not see the 2 proud towers standing there anymore. My Grandfather worked on the towers at some point during construction. The Twin All Other NY & NJ Residents Victor Blusnavage Towers always made me feel good every time I saw them from any angle and any distance. I want to see them again. Let's make the skyline whole again. To do anything less would be a victory to All Other NY & NJ Residents Vince Ronga those that wish to intimidate us. All Other NY & NJ Residents Vincent Fano Jr. All Other NY & NJ Residents Vincenza Euripides All Other NY & NJ Residents Vittorio Cuozzo Rebuilding the twin towers would be my dream come true. If they had destroyed the Statue of Liberty would we have replaced it with something else. NO! This All Other NY & NJ Residents Walter Bartner new design looks like a twisted skeleton for some worlds fair. It's ugly! Get Donald Trump to rebuild the Twin Towers and it would never come down again. It would also be completed on time. Rebuild the Towers! Bigger and better than before. Anything less is a victory for these cowardly vermin. It is often said that everything changed on that dastardly All Other NY & NJ Residents Walter Tambolini day. That will be true only if we let it happen. I, for one, refuse to give an inch. The United States is the greatest country ever to exist and its people the finest. God Bless America! All Other NY & NJ Residents WENDY DIBELLA All Other NY & NJ Residents Wendy Lee All Other NY & NJ Residents Will Huysman All Other NY & NJ Residents William Gately Let's not build a monument that will give Osama and his cowardly pigs an opportunity to boast that an elaborate new tower is really a tribute to their All Other NY & NJ Residents William K. Pedersen success. Rebuild the towers as they were, but stronger! Show the world we?タルre still here, but stronger! Let the towers be our symbol of strength and determination to rid the world of the Osama virus.

Page 18 of 37 I just want to express my support for the cause of rebuilding the 110 story twin towers just as they were or even better and taller. I am also extremely disappointed with the Freedom Tower design. To me, this is a travesty that shouts retreat to those who would destroy our way of life. I don't know why the All Other NY & NJ Residents William Martone developers or the city felt a need to hold an "international" competition to come up with a design for the World Trade Center. Are there not enough American architects? This was an American tragedy so why are the Europeans designing the building? All Other NY & NJ Residents William Nadolski No other construction will ever be able to replace the original 2 towers within the skyline of NYC or in our hearts. All Other NY & NJ Residents Yaffa Glickman Rebuild the same 2 towers. Do not settle for less and do not give in to fear and intimidation. Ever since I first saw a picture of the Twin Towers as a child, I have loved those buildings. Seeing them fall on 9/11 broke my heart. Few things could bring me greater joy then to see those beautiful towers rebuilt, along with a lovely Construction Workers & Families Aimee Brooks memorial to honour all the people we lost that sad, sad day. We must find the courage within ourselves to reclaim the skies and rebuild what has been broken. No fractured Freedom tower can ever fill that void, only resurrected Twin Towers. Construction Workers & Families Amy Falcon

Construction Workers & Families Catherine Jallim

Construction Workers & Families christopher rosati

Construction Workers & Families Craig Lionel

To do anything less than rebuild equal or better towers is to give 'heart' to the Construction Workers & Families Craige Banios enemy. They will continue to count it as a victory in their 1400 year war against all who love Freedom and everthing our Declaration of Independence affirms.

Construction Workers & Families Dan Vazquez

Construction Workers & Families Daryl Cox as an ironworker who responde a 2:00 pm on 9/11 out of the armory. i think we should go at least 2 storys higher. put the U.N. on the top floors and the new Construction Workers & Families david levy york state setators on the upper floors. please do not let the port athu. re build it the frist time they save us change on the dollar at the cost of the steel industry in america Construction Workers & Families Dennis DeLay

Construction Workers & Families Edgar D. Bourne Anything less will not do. If anything, add more.

Construction Workers & Families Elaine Gregory

Construction Workers & Families Jeannie Mallory

Construction Workers & Families John Mowrey

Construction Workers & Families John Padovan

Construction Workers & Families Kathy Dolan

Construction Workers & Families lance lovejoy build it bigger and stonger and show how proud we are

Construction Workers & Families Linda Ferguson Replace the Twins or the cowards have won!

Construction Workers & Families Michael Cruger We need to get this project up and running,if not THEY have won!

Construction Workers & Families Michael E. Ferguson

Construction Workers & Families rodney alvarez

Construction Workers & Families Teri Ellis

Construction Workers & Families Tony Lloyd

Page 19 of 37 Construction Workers & Families Truman Wright Journalists & Media Figures Alicia Colon Journalists & Media Figures Andy Martin Rebuild the Twin Towers! Now. It's the only response. It's a ballsy, self-confident, F-U response. Anything else in their place is cowardly.

Journalists & Media Figures Mike Lester Mike Lester

Editorial Cartoonist

Rome News Tribune I support rebuilding the towers (with anti-aircraft installations on the roof), only Journalists & Media Figures Mike Lorrey second to building one big, 200 story tall tower, standing up in the NYC skyline as the biggest possible New York middle finger to the islamofascist world. I have thought this for some time now. I am thrilled that someone had the Journalists & Media Figures Pamela Geller Oshry sagacity to put this together. Thank you and G-d bless. This is what it should have been all along. Not only should the twin towers be rebuilt, they should be built taller and more Journalists & Media Figures Scott Allen magnificient than before. Let the world know that we (Americans) cannot be kept down. That we cannot be stopped. That we will build, grow and stay free! We need to rebuild the Towers. These buildings embodied the NY Skyline, as well as were my work home " for a few years. I am proud to say I worked there Metro New Yorkers A. Steinberg and hope that I have the opportunity to say: "I am working there again. " God Bless this country" While the World Trade Towers were pretty ugly ( the boxes the Empire State Metro New Yorkers Adam Honigman and Chrysler came in, as the old joke goes) it is essential that two buildings as big, hopefully better go on the site. American deserves no less. Time to stop the politicking. Get them built. Get Trump to do it, even. Metro New Yorkers Adam Macielinski Whatever. Just get 'em back up. Metro New Yorkers Adam Morvitz Metro New Yorkers Adrian Rivera Metro New Yorkers alan lazare Metro New Yorkers Alan Levitt Build it bigger and better. Metro New Yorkers Albert Jakira Rebuilding the WTC as it was is the best idea for the area, and sends a clear Metro New Yorkers Alex Henderson message to terrorists that we shall overcome. Rebuild them with pride and remember all those that lost their lives, may they never be forgotten!

Metro New Yorkers Alice Schneider

r Metro New Yorkers Allen Prober Metro New Yorkers Andre Pujic The idea that we WOULDN'T rebuild the towers makes so sense at all. Metro New Yorkers Andrew Cassese Rebuilding the towers is the strongest statement of defiance we could make.

For me, the WTC symbolized many things, among them the strength and viability of this city and of this country, no matter what the odds. They were an unmistakeable part of the Manhattan skyline and they should be put back on Metro New Yorkers Andrew Di Schino opposite footprints. Remember those lost by building the WTC the same but better, not by reducing it.WTC IN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS! LETS PUT THE REAL DEAL BACK WHERE IT BELONGS! MAY THE TOWERS RISE AGAIN, AND GOD BLESS AMERICA! Metro New Yorkers Andrew Oliff

Page 20 of 37 We as a Nation never repeats history when the future is always ahead of us. We need to build a New World Trade but only to represent and even stronger America and even a greater Icon for NYC. Its # 1 on the page. Metro New Yorkers Angelina Casa http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2002/wtc.ideas/designs/page.123/

contact Marc for full presentation: [email protected] I dream of seeing those buildings standing again. That would be a victory in Metro New Yorkers Ann LaMattina itself. Metro New Yorkers Anna Anders Rebuild the towers as they were. Metro New Yorkers Annamaria Carlisi Metro New Yorkers Annelie Herrera Metro New Yorkers Anthony Cartesio Metro New Yorkers Anthony Elejalde Metro New Yorkers Anthony Fountain New York is not what it used to be. I have recently moved to Florida. I have Metro New Yorkers Anthony Gambino vowed that if the twin towers are rebuilt, I will move back to NYC. Metro New Yorkers Anthony Ranieri I agree with the many people who feel that the only way to show the world WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN and WE WILL NOT BE BROKEN, is to REBUILD Metro New Yorkers Antoinette Colakov the TOWERS. Any other extra buidlings are fine, but the TOWERS must be REBUILT! I worked in WTC for 4 yrs.They are the happiest years of my life. I want the twin towers back. Not just for nostalgic reasons, but also it makes perfect sense after Metro New Yorkers Arjun Reddy seeing the ugly alternatives offered to be built there. NYC skyline needs twin towers. Metro New Yorkers Arthur Sultan Metro New Yorkers Arthur Zanelli Metro New Yorkers Ashley Proscia Let's cease and desist with all of this incessent bureaucratic tail-chasing and rebuild the World Trade Center in its majestic entirety, EXACTLY as it stood Metro New Yorkers barbara byrd prior to 9/11/01. The Greatest City In The World (and all of America) deserves nothing less!!! Metro New Yorkers Bernie Goetz I think we should rebuild the towers the same way we need them in the skyline. we need to show the terriosts they cant take the towers away from us,i always thought the towers were so great to see i know all of the newyorkers would love Metro New Yorkers Bill Marco to see the towers again we need them back. NO FREEDOM TOWER,WE NEED THE SAME OLD TOWERS BACK GOD BLESS AMERICA.REBUILD THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. Rebuild the towers.Their beauty was their uniqueness.The Freedom tower is architecturally ridiculous. Half of it is unuseable.The designer was famous for building a three story building in Europe.He must be a relative of Sen. Schumer. Metro New Yorkers Bill Clancy What is this Memorial all about? I must have missed it. 58,000 soldiers died in Vietnam and a memorial could not be built until the funding was publicly raised.I am unaware of any public clamor for anything other than a plaque on the ground floor of the first tower Metro New Yorkers Bill Mackay Metro New Yorkers Bill Meade Make them the tallest buildings in the world!!! Metro New Yorkers Bill Teisher

I believe that the twin towers were unique in the world. Freedom towers can be found elsewhere; there is nothing special about them. We should rebuild the twin towers exactly as they were, except structurally improved and a couple of Metro New Yorkers Bob Brakel stories higher. That'll show the world what NY and America is made of.

Additionally, $500 mill for the memorial is an obscene figure. We should have something tastful and appropriate, but $500 million is simply over the top.

Metro New Yorkers Branwynne Burns Metro New Yorkers Brendan P. Byrne Metro New Yorkers Brett Cuvin I just want to express my support for the rebuilding of the towers. I'm very Metro New Yorkers Brian Hsieh excited about it. Metro New Yorkers Brian Perston Metro New Yorkers Brian Starkey I'd move my office into the World Trade Center if they put it back!!! Metro New Yorkers Brian Stout NY student and TX resident Metro New Yorkers Briselda Ramos

Page 21 of 37 Metro New Yorkers BRYAN ARIAS Rebuild the towers to a height of 2001 ft. (in commemoration of 9/11/2001). Locate in exact spot (to greatest extent possible). This hallowed site symbolizes not only a national tragedy but potentially a national triumph. With that in mind, the rebuilding effort should harness every dimension of American technology and the essence of the American spirit to create the world?タルs tallest building. I believe we do no justice to the victims'memory by rebuilding a Trade Center that will be a shadow of its former self. Metro New Yorkers Burt Weissman It's is worth noting that after the sinking of the Titanic, at the time the world's largest ship, shipbuilders went ahead and developed the technology which led to the building of the Queen Mary and other ships which went on to dwarf the Titanic. Creative minds of 90 years ago were not dissuaded from envisioning greater triumph in spite of horrific tragedy; neither should we succumb to diminished expectations. The legacy of 9/11 has to be that we will always rise above our despair - higher than ever.

Metro New Yorkers camille perez Bring the skyline back to NYC Metro New Yorkers Cara DeGaetano Metro New Yorkers Carl Weber Rebuilding the towers would be like getting up and brushing our selves off and Metro New Yorkers Carlo Letizio faceing the enemy with stronger resolve. Metro New Yorkers Carlos Jarama The tragic victims would want nothing less, otherwise their deaths were in vain. I Metro New Yorkers carol shurman would be honored to work in the new Twin Towers. not rebuilding the twin towers is the most ridiculous thought- these folks making the choice aint new yorkers, they dont really care. let the people's voice be Metro New Yorkers Casey Wurzbach heard. it makes me sick to see the freedom tower and if they make it, i will feel sick everytime i see it, and i should never feel sick looking at my city. god bless america. 319 Metro New Yorkers Catherine Brown Let's not have the victims name go in vain. Politics and greed have already got Metro New Yorkers Charles J Parker in the way of rebuilding. Metro New Yorkers charles scibetta Metro New Yorkers Charles Scisci Metro New Yorkers Charles Smith III Metro New Yorkers Chet Smith Metro New Yorkers Chip Joyce Metro New Yorkers chris santos Metro New Yorkers Christina Hu Metro New Yorkers Christine Morlando Metro New Yorkers Christine Dimino Metro New Yorkers Christopher Gigliotti Metro New Yorkers Christopher J. Gervais The rebuilding of the Twin Towers is a moral imperative,perhaps even more so than their initial construction. I am New Yorker by birth, a former downtown resident but still work downtown. A civilized and forward moving society does not Metro New Yorkers Christopher London cower in the face of challenge but instead rebuilds in a bigger, better and stronger fashion. That would be the greatest tribute and honor to those who died on 9/11, those who built this great city and a lesson for generations to come. Metro New Yorkers Chun Ho Metro New Yorkers Claudio Caballero Metro New Yorkers Constantino Ruscigno RE-BUILD DAMN IT! TO ALL THE PEA-BRAINS BLOCKING THE REBUILDING PROJECT, GET Metro New Yorkers DAN DONOVAN OUT OF THE WAY AND STOP BEING THE PROBLEM! Metro New Yorkers Dan Heffernan We as a Nation never repeat history when the future is always ahead of us. We need to build a New World Trade but only to represent a great nation, stronger Metro New Yorkers daniel America but to rebuild and even greater Icon for NYC. Its # 1 on the page. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2002/wtc.ideas/designs/page.123/ Metro New Yorkers Daniel T. Stein, M.D. Please rebuild the twin towers as they were! Metro New Yorkers Daniel Tibbetts Metro New Yorkers danny cellers WEVE GOTTA GET THEM BACK UP--AND WHERE THEY BELONG!!!!!

Page 22 of 37 Give us back these beautiful iconic structures, upon the view of which (from one mile north) I meditated every night. That stupid \Freedom Tower\" is nothing but a glorified tv antenna and the other buildings are nothing. The upper floors can Metro New Yorkers Danny Fields be sold to oil-rich middle-east countries for use as embassies consulates guest quarters mosques (?!--why not) for at least $100M each which is chump change for those governments. Kind of insurance and cash to re-build." Metro New Yorkers David Acevedo The Ground Zero isn't sacred ground--it's DEFILED GROUND. To deny this is Metro New Yorkers David Kupferberg to deny reality. Plain and simple. And shall maintain that status until the Twin Towers are restored. G-d bless those lost. G-d bless America. Metro New Yorkers David Pearsall Metro New Yorkers David Sutton Rebuild! Metro New Yorkers Denis Delaney Metro New Yorkers Dennis Moore Metro New Yorkers Desiree J. Gould Rebuild the Towers!" I would love nothing more than to see the Twin Towers back up!!! Nothing else comes close. The freedam tower is sooo pale in comparison. Let's show the Metro New Yorkers Diane Battista world how strong and resiliant us New Yorkers really are!!!

Bring back the Twin Towers!!! Metro New Yorkers Diane Stephan Metro New Yorkers Donna Zolla Amen! Metro New Yorkers Drew Bennett Everyone seems to forget the shouts in the street for rebuilding the WTC on Sept. 11th. I do, I am absolutely disgusted by this giant surrender tower/trophy Metro New Yorkers Ed Hallick to Al-Qaeda they want to build. They tried to bring it down in 1993, then they succeeded on Sept 11th. and it will forever be a success for terrorism as long as the towers are not rebuilt. i support your efforts to rebuild the twin towers...... as a former worker in the Metro New Yorkers edward adrion buildings, i want to see them rebuilt Metro New Yorkers Edward T Friel Metro New Yorkers Edwin America Metro New Yorkers Edwin Thorne Metro New Yorkers Elisabeth Weber Metro New Yorkers Elizabeth Sweeney Metro New Yorkers Elizabeth Lembessis Metro New Yorkers Ellen Leibrock Metro New Yorkers Enoch Lipson I worked at the WTC for 30 years. They should be rebuilt, better and higher.

Metro New Yorkers Enrico Savorelli Rebuild them as they were in their grand beauty, and stronger and sturdier! Metro New Yorkers Eric Dennis Metro New Yorkers eric nocera Metro New Yorkers Eric Schneck Metro New Yorkers Eric Slonaker Metro New Yorkers Erika Abreu To rebuild would send a tremendous message to the entire world that it is easy Metro New Yorkers Frances Randolph to kill and destroy.To rebuild will show them them that no matter what they did,they woke a sleeping giant.REBUILD!!!! Metro New Yorkers Francesca Bossey Put the Towers back as they were one foot taller. Metro New Yorkers Francis Brosnan Bring them back Metro New Yorkers Francis McLoughlin Metro New Yorkers Frank Santarpia Metro New Yorkers FRANK CUTILLO We should not have a hole in the ground. The towers should have been Metro New Yorkers Frank Salzone replaced as they were before 9/11 I think rebuilding the twin towers would show the terrorists and other people who Metro New Yorkers Frank Tagliaferro are trying to undermine this country that we are not afraid of them. This would send a message to them that they cannot mess with this great nation. we should build them bigger and higher. That is the real tribute to the victims Metro New Yorkers Fred Vera and their families. Metro New Yorkers Fred Warner Metro New Yorkers Gabrielle Everett Metro New Yorkers Galina Hamilton Metro New Yorkers Gary Di Franco We want our skyline back! Metro New Yorkers Gary Taustine

Page 23 of 37 Metro New Yorkers George Arnold Metro New Yorkers George Bodziony Metro New Yorkers George Domenick Metro New Yorkers George Meierhofer Metro New Yorkers Gerald N. Greenberg Metro New Yorkers Gian DeLuca Metro New Yorkers Glenn Harris We've suffered long enough! Metro New Yorkers Glenn Herman Rebuild! Metro New Yorkers Goran Strangmark 4 towers, twice the height of the fallen towers Metro New Yorkers Grace Anker In our hearts forever. The only buildings I want to see back are the Twin Towers the way they were. Anything less and we give in to the terrorists. I don't want the Freedom Tower. I Metro New Yorkers Grace Crowley want see my beautiful Towers back, nothing less. I truly believe the murdered victims would want the same thing. Rebuilding the World Trade Center will be a fitting tribute for the people who died that day. As Americans, We can't make the terrorists win over this country. Metro New Yorkers Grace Dormier We need to stand up as one nation show to the world that we can overcome 9- 11 and rebuild I have many pictures of the towers hanging in my home. They have been Metro New Yorkers Gregg Foti hanging since before 9/11. My father and I both worked in WTCI. It is heart breaking to look at the downtown skyline and to not see those majestic towers. Metro New Yorkers gregory daddona It is sad I drive over skyline drive and I used to look and see the twin towers but Metro New Yorkers Gregory McClure now its just a big gap of nothing. To build the towers again will fill hearts and hope for the country Metro New Yorkers Hanan Gimelfarb Metro New Yorkers Harry Binswanger Rebuild the towers one story higher. Metro New Yorkers Hartley Baker JR It make the US look very weak if the don?タルt rebuild the towers. We should rebuild the towers and put rocket launchers at the top of them so we can shoot down anything comin at them. I was in Manhattan on 9/11 and I can Metro New Yorkers Heather Senison say that even after the years of fear that I have worked through I STILL think we should REBUILD THE TOWERS!!!!!!!! Metro New Yorkers Henry Solomon i lost a close friend from high school that day steve lamantia & my old neighbor Metro New Yorkers herb buchsbaum was a fdny captain daniel brethel.i want the towers back up the way they were. thanks herb buchsbaum Metro New Yorkers Hindira Correa Metro New Yorkers Inez Martinez Metro New Yorkers IRA DICKMAN Metro New Yorkers irene bondar Metro New Yorkers Jaimie Lutwyche Metro New Yorkers JAMES FRAHM Metro New Yorkers James Trapp Metro New Yorkers James Walley U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Midshipman Metro New Yorkers James Wettereau Rebuild ASAP. Metro New Yorkers Jamie Vadher Metro New Yorkers Janet Baker Metro New Yorkers Janice Lin Metro New Yorkers Janice Lynch Metro New Yorkers Jarett Horehlad Metro New Yorkers Jason Darienzo Metro New Yorkers Jason Bennis Metro New Yorkers Jason Maeng Metro New Yorkers Jean Binswanger To allow Ossama to change our landscape is ridiculous. Metro New Yorkers Jean-Claude Chetrit Only rebuilding the twin towers will wipe out the affront done to us. Metro New Yorkers Jeff Lowell Metro New Yorkers Jeff Solomon NYC does not look the same without the Twin Towers. I hope one day I could Metro New Yorkers Jefferson Castillo see the new and improved Twin Towers from a far view once again. Metro New Yorkers Jeffrey Minck Metro New Yorkers Jennie Delaney Metro New Yorkers Jennifer Stryker Metro New Yorkers Jennifer Thorpe

Page 24 of 37 Please rebuild the towers. I lived on 26th street, around the corner from the Armory (where all the families went to find (what they thought were) missing loved ones. I watched the whole thing from my friend's apartment rooftop in Metro New Yorkers Jennifer Yoffe Brooklyn that day. Please rebuild those towers. DO SOMETHING ALREADY. It's a shame that they can't get past their differences, stupid politics. Just break ground and get building. Everyone will finally be able to move on from their aching hearts. Metro New Yorkers Jim Byrne Metro New Yorkers Jim Copeland Rebuild! Rebuild! We need our leaders to be men and women of vision, like Lew Rudin who showed the true spirit of New York: a can-do attitude during the lowest depths of the city's fiscal crisis. It was tragic that Rudin died just days after the 9/11 Metro New Yorkers Jim O'Neill attacks, and even sadder to know that he died with the knowledge that he would not be there to help his city recover, and that our current \civic leaders\" would simply not have what it took to dare to dream and to resist the demands of those who hate civilization." Metro New Yorkers Joanne Deaner Metro New Yorkers Joanne Feeney Metro New Yorkers Joanne Savarese Bring them back! Even five years after the attack you can look at any photo, painting, drawing, etc. of the New York skyline--What do you see? The Twin Towers. I refuse to Metro New Yorkers Joe Carey believe that we would allow our skyline to be altered permanently and then try to repair it with a shadow(Freedom Tower)of the symbolic & powerful buildings that once defined our city. Raise up the TOWERS! Metro New Yorkers Joe Laroy Rebuilt the WTC now the way it was on 9-10-01 I don't think we as Americans should let yellow-bellied impetuous terrorists have the upper hand in this tragedy. Metro New Yorkers Joe Sturgis Let us show our strength by unification into this venture by signing this proposal as a show of strength and defiance to coward Metro New Yorkers Joe Wright there is only one way to truly heal the nyc skyline & america's heart: rebuild the Metro New Yorkers joel lichtenstein twin towers, bigger n better than ever !! just do it....do it now !!! Metro New Yorkers John Davidson Metro New Yorkers John B. Duffy Let's get moving on ths project, NOW Metro New Yorkers John Bryan if i win the lotto, i going to file a lawsuit stopping anything from being built at wtc Metro New Yorkers john budnik site unless its the TWIN TOWERS!! Pataki and the Bloomberg are a disgrace, not as people, but as visionary men. The vision of New York's skyline will far exceed, outlive and outlast the current imbroglio that has produced the Freedom Tower compromise. Metro New Yorkers John Casale With the utmost respect to all family members affected by the death of loved ones in the tragic terrorist attack, the public should be allowed to debate which buildings should stand on this once brilliant site. There has been no courage from the government on this issue. Put those towers back and make them a symbol of what they \stand\" for once Metro New Yorkers John Coppola again!!" Let's stop embarrassing ourselves with allowing politicians to attempt to create Metro New Yorkers John Di Capua their own legacy when our (USA) legacy is so much more important//jdc Anyone remember the law of causality? Metro New Yorkers John Haralabopoulos Anything less than two, identical, massive, clean-lined skyscrapers that soar to unprecedented heights will invite more attacks. The Twin Towers need to be rebuilt, taller than before. They would be a great Metro New Yorkers John Hurley capstone to the resurgence of our city, complimenting the new stadiums and other facilities being built around the city. Metro New Yorkers John Lothian Metro New Yorkers John Mastroberti Metro New Yorkers John Miller Metro New Yorkers John Poulakos Metro New Yorkers John Szabo please, give this great city its balance back, and rebuild America's spine in the Metro New Yorkers John Viola process! Metro New Yorkers Jon Noltie Metro New Yorkers Jonathan Zeron Metro New Yorkers Jonathan Jurik Lets roll

Page 25 of 37 Metro New Yorkers Jonathan Markson Metro New Yorkers Jonathan Toppin I was a direct witness to this horror and still today the image of the towers coming down, reminds me of the horrible feeling in my heart at that moment. I felt powerless, without answers, without leaders, and still feel that way. As New Metro New Yorkers Jorge Motta Yorkers we will never heal if we don't rebuild what was part of us, part of our proud city. Our leaders mention the word rebuild, but what they are doing is changing, not rebuilding. I use to love to drive around the B.Q.E. under Brooklyn Heights and enjoy that view. REBUILD. Metro New Yorkers Joseph Gindin Metro New Yorkers Joseph J Zapater Metro New Yorkers Joseph Luizzi Metro New Yorkers joseph tessitore Metro New Yorkers joseph zagami Metro New Yorkers Joy E. Goldberg In an age of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Metro New Yorkers JR Guerra Orwell Rebuild !!" Metro New Yorkers Justin Layshock NOTHING COULD BE BETTER FOR NEW YORKERS AND THE WORLD THAN REBUILDING SIMILAR LOOKING TOWERS, STRONGER AND TALLER = TO BE WORLD'S TALLEST AGAIN! Metro New Yorkers K.SCHNECK IF YOU REBUILT IT QUICKLY, IT SAID KNOCK US AND WE GET BACK UP 123, BUT NOW DRAGGING ON TO BUILD SOME SILLY SKELETON BUILDING..BAD MOVES! REBUILD THE TWINS ASAP! Metro New Yorkers Kaitlyn Wolfinger Metro New Yorkers Karen Bradshaw Metro New Yorkers Karen Roenelt I wouldn't have known about this petition if not for the wonderful Alicia Colon of Metro New Yorkers Karen Sheim the New York Sun. So: Yes, rebuild them! rebuild them,

they would be the best practical office space,

Metro New Yorkers karl eriksson they would be the best monument,

they would be the best image of what america is and what the enemy hates.

rebuild them and rub it in! Metro New Yorkers Kathleen Costanza Metro New Yorkers Kathleen Seagriff Metro New Yorkers Ken Erikson If we don't rebuild then Bin Laden wins. Metro New Yorkers Ken Jacoby Metro New Yorkers Kenneth Richardson I agree with someone who said that the only response to 9/11 is to not only Metro New Yorkers KENNETH WACHTELL rebuild the towers the way they were, but to add one more floor! Fight on!

It is not an impossible project. Better security and safety features are available, and we're not wanting for construction workers and all the skilled labor required for such a project. Nor are the funds lacking. Two towers side by side, and that Metro New Yorkers Kerry McGauran crazy big antenna topping them off. I still see them in my mind's eye every day. Things can never be exactly as they were, but pride, achievement and ingenuity have no shelf life. Twin towers please! Metro New Yorkers Kevin Corrigan Metro New Yorkers Kevin Cuevas Metro New Yorkers Kevin O'Neil Metro New Yorkers Kevin Tomblin Metro New Yorkers Korisa Stambaugh Metro New Yorkers Kristine DiColandrea Although I believe there are alternatives to rebuilding the twins, I believe any Metro New Yorkers Larry Russo new structure should be at least one story taller than the original towers (with a public observation deck at its peak). Metro New Yorkers Laura Baron Metro New Yorkers Laura Collins

Page 26 of 37 New York will never be the same in beauty and spirit if we do not re-build the Metro New Yorkers Lauralee Giovanella Towers. I was there that horrible day, seeing them fall but my heart would rejoice at seeing them rise in the sky once again. Metro New Yorkers Laurence LeShay Metro New Yorkers laverne tessitore Metro New Yorkers Lawrence Raynor Time to make the silent majority heard. Any effort to build anything else but the Twin Towers is a victory for the terrorists who perpetrated this horrible act.

I grieve for the families and friends of those who perished in the attacks (I myself knew members of the staff of Windows of the World and of its security Metro New Yorkers Lee Mohanlall company, MAS).

However, when the Dutch purchased Manhattan in 1626 from the native Mannahatans, I am fairly certain that burial grounds and other lands that were considered sacred were rebuilt for the greater good. After these many months, I still cannot look in the direction of that empty space in our skyline, and in my heart. Your proposal gives voice to the personal hope that New York's majestic profile could be restored as it was, with towering twins Metro New Yorkers Lee Roy Kaminski to tell the world of our undaunted audacity. Nothing less can truly fill that void in our city's sights-to-see, and instruct our enemies in our citizens' constancy and courage. This idea is worthy of immediate support and action. Metro New Yorkers Leslie Kaminoff Metro New Yorkers Lillian Soto Metro New Yorkers Lisa Luizzi Every barbarian act of terror and kidnapping must be responded to with the same reply; you get nothing, you win nothing, you change nothing. To replace Metro New Yorkers Lisa Schneck what has been destroyed is first and foremost not a gesture, it is the reaffimation of who we are as a people. Metro New Yorkers Lon Vait Metro New Yorkers loretta vanarnam One storey more' Metro New Yorkers Lorraine Tutovic Metro New Yorkers Lou Mourelatos Metro New Yorkers Louis Coluccio Metro New Yorkers Louis Nieves-Matos Don't let the SOB's win. Rebuild the towers! Metro New Yorkers Louise Trigo Bring them back the way they were, just stronger and safer! Metro New Yorkers Luciano Taveras Im from williamsburg Brooklyn i had a very good view of the twin towers i went to high school two blocks away from the twin towers. it was a symbol of new york Metro New Yorkers Luis Baez my home. those people messed with my home and the slow response is just as painful i say put it back up give people some work and make it better and stronger than ever. Metro New Yorkers Luis Ugarte Metro New Yorkers Luisa Let's rebuild the towers to their former glory! All those who perished should not Metro New Yorkers Lydia Picano die in vain. Metro New Yorkers Lynn Berat Metro New Yorkers Lynn Lepofsky Let Trump build it and get the rest of these graft-taking incompetents ninnies out Metro New Yorkers M David of the way (that means you, Bloomberg!) Metro New Yorkers Marc Fenster I worked at One WTC on the 105th floor for nearly 20 years. I left that job in Dec of 1999. I lost many close friends in the 9/11 tragedy. The best way to keep their Metro New Yorkers Marc Pecorella memory alive is to put back what belongs there---the Twin Towers in all their glory. Terror MUST not change the way we want to live our lives. By putting anything else there, we are admitting our apprehension due to that fact. Metro New Yorkers Marc Singer Metro New Yorkers Marcella Mellos Metro New Yorkers Marco Ascazubi Metro New Yorkers Margaret Donovan The Free World needs the Twin Towers back where they belong. A good friend of mine worked in the WTC and tragically lost his life. He was Metro New Yorkers Margery Sosa engaged to be married October 20, 2001 please rebuild ! we need to see those towers standing taller then ever for the people who lost their lives ! for our country to stand tall and to show them ,that Metro New Yorkers maria amerosa we are the greatest country in the world and the greatest city in the usa~twin towers 4e Metro New Yorkers Maria Byros

Page 27 of 37 My family has lived in a Brooklyn brownstone apartment for 38 years, on the 4th fl. Our back windows face downtown and we watched The Twin Towers rise and Metro New Yorkers Maria Dallara fall. I look out each day and my heart aches. I want to see something there again! Metro New Yorkers MARIA VARTHOLOMEOS Metro New Yorkers Marie Boyle Even if we don't replace the twin towers in kind, they should build a twin for the Metro New Yorkers Mario Bruno Freedom Tower. We need the Towers to be rebuild. Anything less is yieldiing to the Terrorists. If Metro New Yorkers Marion Drage Bush, Pataki, and Bloomburg don't understand this then they need to go. Metro New Yorkers Mark Gorski As a permanent reminder and memorial the floors hit should be blacked out, creating black arm bands on both towers. Black steel creates the band for the Metro New Yorkers Mark Markarian day and light on other floors creates it at night.It will force us for every to remember that day Metro New Yorkers Martin Dolan the twin towers should be rebuilt--nothing else would fill the void that they left.Anything else would be a permanent reminder of what had been lost--not Metro New Yorkers Martin Goldstein just the lives of those so monstrously taken, but the resolve and courage of all our heroes. Rebuild exactly the same but higher.

Metro New Yorkers Martin Gregory Our security and armed forces will never allow such an attack again and this shows more than anything that evil and hatred will not be a force to subdue freedom and goodness. Metro New Yorkers Mary Triquet Build one story higher!!! Metro New Yorkers maryann pazmino-perez Bring the skyline back to NYC I saw the Towers built, watched them go up from what seemed like the bowels of the earth to touch the sky. We must rebuild them exactly, but stronger, better Metro New Yorkers Marylin Carey Lescher and one story higher. Would that some day I will again dine at Windows on the World. The only memorial should be the towers back and beautiful. Metro New Yorkers Matthew Carbone Metro New Yorkers Matthew Grabczynski Improve the original design and rebuild our towers! Metro New Yorkers Matthew McMillan Metro New Yorkers Matthew Urbanski I would like to see the skyline retuned to the stunning image I use to see from Metro New Yorkers Maureen OBoyle my home in Brooklyn. Metro New Yorkers Maureen Rodolfy Metro New Yorkers Mela Bolinao Baker Metro New Yorkers Melanie Wacker Metro New Yorkers Melissa Eulo Metro New Yorkers Melissa Gibbs If we really want to \get on with it\" let's do it and get on with it!" Metro New Yorkers Mercedes Key Yes lets continue to rebuild the Twin Towers. Its a great idea. Maybe not an exact replica but something close that restores the skyline and the Metro New Yorkers Merrill Frank planning principles espoused by the likes of Jane Jacobs. The Freedom Tower is contrived like Freedom Fries or the rantings of a commentator on Fox. Metro New Yorkers Michael Allocco "Metro New Yorkers" Michael Barone Give it to Trump - he knows how to build. Please do this. It is the only answer that 100 years from now Not that ugly projects. Same exterior design and taller - to show that we only will make our grandchildren Michael Batelman getting bigger and stronger. I think what all the victims would want. proud. "Metro New Yorkers" Hi I am graphic designer and die hard New Yorker I feel that they should rebuild the towers exactly like it was anything other than that would be giving into those punks that took them down.Let's face it if somethings gonna happen it Metro New Yorkers Michael Dean will happen.I only hope that we have learned from this so that we may prevent something like this from happening again.As usual the voices that matter are never heard or bush probley would'nt be in office,so all we can do is keep trying because we dont give up i had worked on this project as a cost estimator and change order specialist for Metro New Yorkers Michael FEDERMAN the port authority of NY & NJ. i want to see 2 TOWERS when i am getting ready to land.

Page 28 of 37 I watched them burn from the 69th St Pier, photographed the experience and cried. A Fireman's Bullhorn on the Pier is wonderful, but only rebuilding the Metro New Yorkers Michael Greber Towers bigger and better will tell the world: We are not afraid and can't be defeated by cowards. Metro New Yorkers Michael Maio keep up the fight... Rebuild this beautiful and vibrant NYC landmark with reinforced concrete. Metro New Yorkers Michael McBride P.E. Put the heart back into lower Manhattan. Metro New Yorkers michael nellen We need to rebuild the twin towers on a new footprint. They should be taller, stronger, and better. NYC needs this. Why not make them the tallest in the Metro New Yorkers Michael Oakleaf world? The current redesign proposal is simply too small and not tall enough. Let's do it! Metro New Yorkers Michael Robie Metro New Yorkers Michael Schmitt REBUILD THE TOWERS !!!! Metro New Yorkers michael valle Rebuild them stronger and taller and show our ememies that they can't defeat Metro New Yorkers Michael Zummo us! Metro New Yorkers Mike C Ferri Metro New Yorkers Mike DeFina If we do not rebuild the terrorists have won. Metro New Yorkers Mike McGrath Metro New Yorkers Mike Poblete This is not only a must for today's generation but for all generations to follow. New York needs to rebuild so that all of the world can see that it will never allow Metro New Yorkers mitch levy any person or persons to scare or intimidate the soul of our freedom and democracy. You can fly into buildings all day long and you will never be as strong as we are ! Rebuilding the towers is the ONLY answer...!!! NOTHING else will give me back Metro New Yorkers Murat Yilmaz the energy and satisfaction to be a New Yorker than seeing the even taller new twin towers in the skyline of our city...!!! Metro New Yorkers nadine ndanema Metro New Yorkers Nathaniel Falconer The terrorists attacked the Twin Towers but it was the politicians that Metro New Yorkers Neil Phillips took them away from us. Please rebuild the towers, make NY NY again. I want to look out my window and see them in all their glory and I think anything different would just be a constant Metro New Yorkers Nicholas Carillo reminder of what happend on 9/11 just like the emptyness of the skyline is right now. Metro New Yorkers Nick Tsepelis Metro New Yorkers nicky gaggs There is so much I would like to say.

Metro New Yorkers Nigel Harris I have been to the Towers many times and it hurts to see old pictures of it now. But firmly think it should be built as it was. Any other landmark (ie White House or Senate ) would be rebuilt as is so should the Twin Towers.

Stop the nonsense and put the Towers back up where they belong. Metro New Yorkers Nigel Eddis And enough with this nonsense about the Memorial being the most important thing. It isn't. It can be decent, dignified and appropriate without costing billions. If the towers are not rebuilt it shows weakness. Metro New Yorkers nik dallari If multiple phalanx \Anti-anything airborn\" Guns are not mounted on the building it shows stupidity." Metro New Yorkers Noel Sullivan-Duffy Metro New Yorkers Nora McDermott Metro New Yorkers Northrup Buechner The same twin towers, only a little higher. Terrorism is a war against the mind. It kills civilians so that the witnesses to this Metro New Yorkers Nuri Celikgil inhumanity will make decisions based on fear & hate. We can not submit to this. We must rebuild and defy those who have challenged our spirit. Metro New Yorkers Nuvit Celikgil Metro New Yorkers Ole Pedersen The sooner the better To me and many New Yorkers, rebuilding the Twin Towers wild definitely make a statement to the terrorists that we are stronger than ever. The Freedom Tower Metro New Yorkers Oliver Gellerman represents weakness by Governor Pataki and those in charge of the reconstruction. They should scrap the idea for the Freedom Tower and rebuild the Towers stronger than before and with a better memorial.

Page 29 of 37 Metro New Yorkers Pamela Dickman The towers should be as they were standing before, only stronger. Metro New Yorkers Patrick Kanceler It should defintiely rebuilt!!! I want the towers rebuilt to their former splendor. They were towers of hope and happiness; and of freedom and pride. I do not want the Freedom Tower built on Metro New Yorkers Patrick Sullivan the grave site of so many who were lost just because of a resolvement that people want only for money. God bless the Twin Towers and everyone who perished on September 11, 2001. Rebuilding the Twins would send a bold message of defiance to the 9/11 murderers from an aroused America, but NOT rebuilding them means we will let Metro New Yorkers Paul Deckelman the killers dictate what our skyline will look like for the next hundred years or more. NUTS TO THAT! Metro New Yorkers Paul Feffer I was working at 40 Worth Street from 1965 to 1991. I remember when the World Trade Center was under construction and I have been going through it hundreds if not thousands of time.To me it had been a personal loss. I would like Metro New Yorkers Paul Heimler to see it rebuilt to its original design. Leave all politics out of it and I do not believe that widows of that day have any more right than all the rest of us. Over 30,000 citizens die each year on the Nation's highways. What about their widows and widowers??? The Freedom Tower is a travesty. I beleive the way to show our reslove as a Metro New Yorkers Paul Piccolo nation and to honor those who have fallen is to search our souls, reach into the sky and rebuild the Towers as they stood on Sept. 10, 2001. Lower Manhattan isnt quite the same without the Twin Towers. Re-build them Metro New Yorkers Paul Rizzi bigger and better than before. Screw Bin-Laden and the crooked politicians up in Albany. This should about more than economics or the current fashions in architecture Metro New Yorkers Paul Vollaro and city planning. This is about the American Spirit. This is about ultimately winning the battle of 9/11 in the only place where true victory is possible. please put the towers back as they were and add a small memorial. its the best Metro New Yorkers pete dickman option. Metro New Yorkers Peter Berger REBUILD THEM,...WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN. WE WILL NOT BOW Metro New Yorkers PETERMARRERO DOWN TO COWARDLY TERRORIST TACTICS. NEVER ! The project should have been turned over to Trump long ago. I feel politicians create obstacles to cause delays and to protect their, lets say, "interests". I don't believe any consideration was given to the victims' families and to metro New Metro New Yorkers Peter Martucci Yorkers as to what we want to see happen at Ground Zero. I personally want to see the towers rebuilt bigger than before. Anger over what our government let happen to us as a nation consumes me till this day. Our elected officials should for once listen to what the people have to say. 2 twin towers built...not exactly the same...but with the famous "shape" they Metro New Yorkers peter rose once had." Metro New Yorkers Peter Verkooijen Rebuild as they were, but stronger and higher. Freedom Tower succeeds wildly at stating to the world that, for a moment in time, the United States withered in the face of global terrorism. The prior design, just as unfortunate, was alledgedly ripped off from a Yale architecture student. Metro New Yorkers Philip Carvelas There is no soaring spirit in this design, only morbidity and capitulation. The design says we couldn't soar; that we did not have the courage or strength to soar. Rebuild the Twin Towers taller and better than before. Metro New Yorkers philip gambino Metro New Yorkers Raj K Metro New Yorkers Ravi Chawla We need this twin towers. Mr. Trump, where are you when we need your help? Metro New Yorkers Ravi Singh Build better and taller than before Rebuild the Twin Towers. There is no compelling reason why anything less Metro New Yorkers Raymond John Mollica should be part of the New York City skyline. We have the greatest city in the world, and must not settle for less. Rebuild the Towers bigger and better than they were. Let's do something Metro New Yorkers Rich FitzGerald constructive now, it has been way to long without any concrete evidence of progress. Metro New Yorkers Rich Moccia

Page 30 of 37 Enough Already !

What we New Yorkers need right now is to have Donald Trump get started on Metro New Yorkers Richard Alvarado the New Twin Towers. Not have them will forever remind us and the world what once stood there.

I want my towers back ! ! Metro New Yorkers Richard Calagna Metro New Yorkers Richard Campbell Metro New Yorkers richard cintron rebuild them and add one more! Please push new twin towers in the name of the people of NYC and the Nation. Metro New Yorkers Richard Darienzo The Nation wants the towers rebuilt only maybe a little higher. RAD We should build the towers back the way they were. The Twin Towers is the Metro New Yorkers Richard Garcia real New York. I think we should put them back bigger, better and in gold! Metro New Yorkers Richard Hanno I would love to see NYC with the Twin Towers back. Once those Towers were destroyed it stopped being a local matter. The future of the site is something that people from across the nation and the world care Metro New Yorkers Richard Hughes about deeply. Why should two New York politicians be standing in the way of what most people want to see rebuilt? I think to not rebuild the Twin Towers is an act of cowardice by our political Metro New Yorkers Richard Jones leaders. I would be first on line to work at the top floors of the buildings. Metro New Yorkers Robert Christensen Metro New Yorkers Robert Bagley Rebuild them, bigger and better! Metro New Yorkers Robert Belloch Metro New Yorkers Robert Cappucci Metro New Yorkers Robert D'Erasmo Metro New Yorkers Robert Gerola This is a wonderful web site. I learned about it from an article in the New York Metro New Yorkers Robert Keller Sun. You need to find other ways to publicize it, so a groundswell can be created to rebuild the towers. Metro New Yorkers Robert Ojalvo Metro New Yorkers Robert Ralbovsky Metro New Yorkers Robert Schinkel Metro New Yorkers ROBERTA DICKMAN Metro New Yorkers Robin Collier Metro New Yorkers ROE BARLOW I also agree, and always have since the day I witnessed the fall of the Towers from the corner of West 4th St. and 6th Ave. that the best response to any terrorist, is for us to rebuild two Towers again, taller and Stronger than before. It Metro New Yorkers Roger E Olson Jr is my observation that fear is the ultimate weapon of terrorists or any other extremist group and that by not building Two towers again will forever be a mark of the fear that has been imposed upon us as a nation and people. Let us not give in to fear. Metro New Yorkers Roger Levy Metro New Yorkers Roger McIlvaine Metro New Yorkers Roger Perez Bring the skyline back to NYC There is only one way to restore America! If the towers were anywhere else in the United States, there would be no issue. But here in New York City where it Metro New Yorkers Ronald Biondo takes 20 years to develop Columbus Circle or Times Square, what do you expect? Restore WTC!! Metro New Yorkers Ronald Evans Metro New Yorkers rosanne drechsel The memorial should be in an added 5 story walk up to the observation desk. Metro New Yorkers Ruben Safir Along the walk up should be a stained glass memorial to each victim with an eternal flame in the center. Metro New Yorkers Russell Barton Metro New Yorkers Russell Gross Metro New Yorkers Ryan Mannion Metro New Yorkers Ryan Puzycki Metro New Yorkers Sal Durante Metro New Yorkers samuel kamhi The best possible solution. Metro New Yorkers Samuil Valkovski I love the Twin Towers. They have to get rebuild! Metro New Yorkers Sara Gimelfarb Metro New Yorkers Scott Cuomo Metro New Yorkers Scott Slater Metro New Yorkers Sean Naughton The towers should be rebuilt. Nothing else deserves to be there. Metro New Yorkers shahriar italian

Page 31 of 37 Metro New Yorkers Stanley Powierski To be in Downtown Manhattan is heartbreaking and it will always be. Whatever other building would stand at the World Trade Center Site- it will always be a Metro New Yorkers Stephanie Heintzeler building standing \where the Twin Towers used to be\" always a sad replacement." Metro New Yorkers Stephen DeVita Metro New Yorkers Stephen Gecewicz Metro New Yorkers Stephen Morton This is a great idea. BIGGER AND BETTER>>> WE WILL NOT BE SCARED AND WE Metro New Yorkers Steve Cassano WILL NOT BACK DOWN.... I'd work on the 110th floor. Heck, I might commit a felony to get to work on the Metro New Yorkers Steve Estes 110th floor. Metro New Yorkers Steve Keller Metro New Yorkers Steven Eiselen Metro New Yorkers Steven Lansman Metro New Yorkers Stuart Durnin Metro New Yorkers Sturgis Joe Include me in folks! The picture on your home page says it all: without the Twin Towers standing there will always be something missing. I worked on Vesey Street (across the street from the World Trade Center), witnessed the horrible devastation when I returned to work. Metro New Yorkers Susan Sayles It's about time we move forward and stop the bureacratic BS!

Thank you. The Towers were unique, as New York is. So many of us would rejoice in the Metro New Yorkers Susan Sylvers rebuilding. An honorable way to pay respect to the fallen. Metro New Yorkers suzanne schimatz please rebuild the towers! The Twin Towers deserve to be brought back to where they belong. The Freedom Tower symbolizes nothing but a victory to Osama Bin Laden and Al Metro New Yorkers Tal Barzilai Qadea. As a native of Israel, the Freedom Tower is a shot in the foot when it comes to defying terrorism. Metro New Yorkers Terence Bennett Metro New Yorkers Teresa Cutillo This is not about office space or urban planning. This is about taking a beating and refusing to go down. Surrounded by the Nazis at Bastonge, facing imminent Metro New Yorkers Terry Riley death, General McAuliffe simply replied "nuts." That's the American spirit we need here." Metro New Yorkers Theo Bos Rebuild the twin towers Metro New Yorkers Theodore Plevritis Metro New Yorkers Thomas Kelly Put the towers back the way they were, period.. The so-called "Freedom Tower" is a cruel joke. Don't let that abomination be Metro New Yorkers Thomas A. Olson built! Restore the Towers!" Metro New Yorkers Thomas Cultice Vote Yes for rebuilding towers. As a New Yorker who is serving in the United States Navy, I would love nothing Metro New Yorkers Thomas Meade more than to see the towers sore over the city again. Also to get a second chance to visit the towers, as I have never gotten the chance before Sep 11. Metro New Yorkers Tim Khisameyev Metro New Yorkers Tim Notestein Twice as tall. Metro New Yorkers Timothy Andrews Metro New Yorkers TIMOTHY AUPERIN How can you look out at the skyline and not think of what happened? If we don't Metro New Yorkers Tom Bonanno rebuild, we are not the land of the free. Metro New Yorkers Tom McBride Retired FDNY. Saw them built. Saw them fall. Dug and cried. Metro New Yorkers Vadim Yarmolinets NO to any new projects! Rebuild Twins! I hope to see the rebuilding of the WTC in the near future. We shouldn't let Metro New Yorkers Vickie Chandler terrorist stop us from rebuilding. I do hope it will be in a different location. Metro New Yorkers Vincent Quarato Metro New Yorkers Vincent Accardi Metro New Yorkers Vincent Lanzolla In the name of all that is Holy, rebuild the towers!!!

Page 32 of 37 New Yorkers DO NOT want that piece of garbage

called the \freedom tower\"

We want our towers back Metro New Yorkers Vinnie Cama Jr. the way they were

Show These terrorist SCUM they are all FAILURES

and REBUILD THE TOWERS NOW!" Metro New Yorkers Vitaly Ersler I'd like to see three towers built. Metro New Yorkers Vito Racanelli vr New York is not New York without the Twin Towers, and it is my belief that New York will never be New York without them. The Freedom Tower is nice however it still is not as dominating as the predecessor was. We need our Twin Towers back for the sake of those who lost their lives during that unfaithful day. We Metro New Yorkers Vladimir Florestal need to rebuild them to bring back America's Icon of long lasting freedom and independence.

-Vlad I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world. Metro New Yorkers William Conklin -Charles Dickens" Metro New Yorkers William H. and Diana G. Adams Metro New Yorkers william hargrove Defeating islamofascism requires not just beating this enemy on the battlefields and the rat-holes they hide in, it also requires defeating them in our own minds. What good is victory without resolution? Not only should the twin towers be Metro New Yorkers William Injeian rebuilt, but they should be taller, wider and more imposing than before. They should be more than mere buildings. They should be a statement....Don't tread on me! God forbid that The White House had also been hit by a stolen terrorist- commandeered aircraft -- as we now know was intended -- The White House would not have been rebuilt as a "White House Tower". It would have been Metro New Yorkers Williamson Henderson replicated as The White House. That's what should be done here. The Twin Towers and nothing else. Restore the N.Y.C. skyline as it was pre-September 11 2001! Native New Yorker I live in Manhattan and work right next to the WTC site both before and after 9/11. It is depressing to see a big ugly hole on the ground rather than the Metro New Yorkers Willis Phillip Ke amazing towers that used to be next door. With the learnings from 9/11, we surely can rebuild a safer WTC that looks the way it was. Metro New Yorkers Yasmin Mahlab I get cheers from the fellas at my local firehouse when they see me in my "REBUILD" shirt. Isn't it strange that when they had that architectural "beauty contest" at the Wintergarden back in 2002 putting back what was there was not even a choice? I wanted to scream! Metro New Yorkers Zev Stern The Israelis are old hands at this and to them it's not even a question. No debate no palaver no design contests. As soon as the bodies are removed (painstakingly bit by bit as Jewish law dictates) construction crews are on the scene and they put back what was there. That tells the Arabs that they cannot win." NYC's Bravest & Families ann amann When we act and build smaller buildings as a result of a threat of terror, terrorisim is working. If we alter in any way what we say or do, as a result of fear of terrorists, we have lost and they have won. This country is a great nation, and NYC's Bravest & Families chistopher coen we need to remember our roots and not be threatened by those who would do us harm. I hope a statesman rises out of this mess and leads our spineless politicians to be strong and follow the will of the people, and never bow to terror. Never forget the lost! NYC's Bravest & Families Eric Egan Put the towers back up. NYC's Bravest & Families John Gleeson NYC's Bravest & Families Rosaleen Tallon NYC's Finest & Families andrew owen

Page 33 of 37 Nothing would make me happier than to see the Twin Towers back where they belong. I think it is an absolute disgrace that nearly five years after the worst attack on American soil, not one thing has been done at the site. What kind of NYC's Finest & Families Anthony Lendemann message are we sending to the animals who perpetrated this heinous crime, and more importantly the world? That we could be so easily broken, as a city and more importantly a nation. I think now more than ever a clear message needs to be sent to rebuild the Towers.

Though a remark about images (visual reminders) and not the towers itself, I find it applies equally and agree completely: Mr. Mark Gobe, president and CEO of the Desgrippes Gobe Group, remarks in NYC's Finest & Families Audrey Silk NY Post, Sept. 19, 2001: \The question is if the towers because of events have transcended being just office buildings to being an icon meaning 'freedom.' The Twin Towers qualify as a symbol of pride for people and should be kept. Build the twin towers back up and add at least 10 more stories high to each to NYC's Finest & Families Bobby Bishop show the world that NYC is the toughest city in the world! NYC's Finest & Families Daniel Modell NYC's Finest & Families Fredric Gambale NYC's Finest & Families gary puma As a retired NYCPD, with 27 years of service, Watching those two building being built from the ground up and then seeing them destroyed from the top NYC's Finest & Families George Riffone down, I believe and agree that these building MUST be replaced the same way as before. I would love nothing more than to see the Towers rebuilt bigger and better as a sign to the world that the USA can not be defeated. The rebuilt Twin Towers would be a true symbol of the power,resilience and strenght of America and its NYC's Finest & Families George Howley people. I imagine how great it would be to look up and see the Twin Towers back in their place as symbols of American/New York strength. I could not think of a better memorial to the victims of this horrific tragedy. George Howley- Native New Yorker / Veteran USAF / Lieutenant NYPD There is no other solution that is so perfect, so right, so just and so effective than to rebuild the Twin Towers. My wife & I celebrated our engagement there, at the "Windows on the World" restaurant. I grew up in Hicksville Long Island NYC's Finest & Families John Anthony Ferrado admiring the towers as they were built. I love those buildings. I abhor the animals that tore them down. The only way to exact justice upon these miscreants is to put back the symbol they can never destroy. Our Twin Towers! God Bless America!!" NYC's Finest & Families Marilyn Gaffney I watched those towers built as a young boy living in new york. I want to watch NYC's Finest & Families Michael Gambale the new ones rise even higher than the originals. What better place to honor the lives that were lost than at a new Top of the World outdoor observation deck? NYC's Finest & Families Patricia Dyer GOD BLESS YOU FOR STARTING THIS PETITION. NYC's Finest & Families Robert Jaeger Build the towers an extra 10 stories high - I'd work in the top floors! Other NYC Responders & It is NOW TIME to REBUILD the TOWERS!!! Andrew Butler Families We shall overcome, but we will never forget. Other NYC Responders & Bruce Markowitz In memory of Harry, Tommy, and Mitch, and FF John Bergin Families Other NYC Responders & Chris Barrella Families Other NYC Responders & Gary Gronert We must rebuild without any more delays. There are no other options. Families I WAS THERE THE DAYTHE BUILDING FELL DOWN WITH THE MINE HILL FIRST AID SQUAD AS PART OF THE NEW JERSEY STATE FIRST Other NYC Responders & GEORGE MORRIS AID COUNCIL ALONG WITH ME WERE LISA ALERS,RONALD REGAN Families AND EDNA DEACON WE WHERE SITTING ON THE CORNERS OF CHAMBERSANDWESTSTREET. I think NYC deserves the landmark which was taken away from us !! Just as Other NYC Responders & Jean Brady John D Rockefeller said when he wanted to build the WTC, NYC is the large Families Tall Buildings so we cannot change that now!!! Other NYC Responders & Justin Acocella Families Other NYC Responders & LINDA GRAVES Families Other NYC Responders & michelle washington Families Other NYC Responders & Monique Balsamo Families

Page 34 of 37 Other NYC Responders & Nestor Rodriguez Families While I don't think our local politians have the wherewithal to actually rebuild the Other NYC Responders & towers as they once stood, doing so would send a strong message to Bin Laden Phil Katz Families and his group of merry murders that this city's landscape, and the U.S. in general, would not be altered by terrorist acts. I ALWAYS WANTED THE TOWERS TO BE BUILT AGAIN, BIGGER, STRONGER, AND SAFER. WE CAN DO ANYTHING IF WE HAVE THE Other NYC Responders & PHILIP MCMANUS WILL. DONT LET THE TERRORISTS WIN. REMEMBER THE TWIN Families TOWERS! REBUILD THE TWIN TOWERS! BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME. Other NYC Responders & ROBERT DONATO Families Other NYC Responders & we need to put them back the way the were we can not let them win i am a NEW steven strzepka Families YORKER who moved to fla and i am in the ems field i need them back ! Other NYC Responders & susan chilton Families Other NYC Responders & Susan Singer Families Other NYC Responders & Tony O Families I fought in Iraq, a Corporal in my beloved Marine Corps. I am also currently a employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Hospital Long Beach, CA. Our Armed Forces & Families John Gorman My father retired from the NYC Fire Department September 10th, 2001. I grew up in New York and I thank God for everyday of freedom and life I have in these United States of America. Our Armed Forces & Families John Hammer Air Force NYU grad says restore the towers. As a child I remember visiting the Towers right after its opening ceremony along Our Armed Forces & Families Johnny Benitez with my Dad. I served the military twenty years, shipped out from Fort Hamilton Army Base. Please rebuild. Our Armed Forces & Families Joseph Marsh I am a New Yorker that knows that the Twins need to come back home. I looked Our Armed Forces & Families Karl Wolert at those buildings as a sign of strength and to not do them justice and show the world what we can do is ridiculous. P/A (Past and Present) & Alan Davidson The towers must be rebuilt as they were only higher! Families P/A (Past and Present) & Catherine DiGirolamo Families I grew up in Bergen Cnty in view of the NY skyline. I'd like nothing more than to P/A (Past and Present) & have the towers back. Maybe a little taller, a little modernized, but most of all as Chris Hutter Families a symbol of our resolve against the animals who murdered our friends & families. P/A (Past and Present) & Donna West Families P/A (Past and Present) & Ellen R. Keane Families P/A (Past and Present) & Heidi Sheets Families Tower One P/A (Past and Present) & Jay Glass 73W Families 8:46AM P/A (Past and Present) & John D'Amore Families P/A (Past and Present) & John Kersye Families If we don't rebuild the towers just the way they were, the terrorists have won P/A (Past and Present) & Paul D Panici forever. Of all the people who worked in those towers who died, I bet each and Families every one would be more proud if they were rebuilt as they were. P/A (Past and Present) & Vincent Giaimo 1 WTC 71 Families Residents of Lower Manhattan Adam Allan Please restore the world trade center the way it was. build the Twin Towers Residents of Lower Manhattan Angel Ramos again. We miss them. Thank You Residents of Lower Manhattan Angela Luttrell

Page 35 of 37 After 22 years living at the Fulton Fish Market , 1 klik from the pit , I've left NYC Residents of Lower Manhattan Bob Armstrong for the West in part because of the mediocrity the nanny police city-state of NY has become , exemplified by the shattered Lebeskind design fiasco . Residents of Lower Manhattan carole-lynn gale let's get started rebuilding on the site...it's been held up long enough. Do not falter in the face of terrorism, rebuilding them as they were is the biggest Residents of Lower Manhattan Charles Chawalko slap in the face to the dastardly terorrists who did it. I fully support rebuilding them the same since they are too iconic to replace in the skyline. I've lived at 99 John St since 9/01/04,where my brother lived before joining the Marines. He was killed in Iraq 11/19/04. I wanted him to be able to come back to Residents of Lower Manhattan Christina Gavriel the sight of the towers being rebuilt. What a crock of $hit. Thanks Mr. Silverstein. I am in favor of rebuilding with a memorial. Rebuild them is to rebuild our dignity Residents of Lower Manhattan Cynthia Pardy and pride. It is time enough to make sense of what is right now. Nothing can replace the towers in my heart. Rebuilding would be the one and only american way to show that our nation is Residents of Lower Manhattan Danny Rehbein not afraid... Residents of Lower Manhattan David Compton Nothing else will do! Residents of Lower Manhattan David Ging Please.. we need those towers back.. nothing built but those towers will make Residents of Lower Manhattan Debra Usvaltas the downtown complete. Residents of Lower Manhattan Eric Halberstadt Almost 5 years later and nothing done? That isn't very New York of us. In fact, Residents of Lower Manhattan Eric Kimmel it's pathetic. I have lived about a half mile from the WTC since before 9/11. I considered the Residents of Lower Manhattan Erik Paul Weingold scape that included the Twin Towers my home. The rebuilding efforts are quite personal to me and I welcome the rebirth of the Twin Towers. Residents of Lower Manhattan Erin Pardy Residents of Lower Manhattan Gavin Keating A part of NYC has been taken away, please rebuild the towers! Rebuild the towers in all its glory. Let the towers themselves stand as the Residents of Lower Manhattan Glenn Berman memorial to all who perished and for all who live, will they be remembered.

Residents of Lower Manhattan Hela Miodownik Residents of Lower Manhattan Herbert Lewin REBUILD THE WTC! Doesn't have to be exactly like it was... It just needs to be Residents of Lower Manhattan Jason Figueroa an image of twin buildings so we can say that we rebuilt even better WTC and maybe even taller if at all possible. I always felt they should be rebuilt. Don't know if anyone would want to work Residents of Lower Manhattan Jenny Worsnopp there, but I resent that they were taken from us very much. I always knew I was home when I saw them. Rebuild the World Trade Center exaclty as they were. Say no to the freedom Tower. That is wrong. It shows that we are cowards. Don't let them build a Residents of Lower Manhattan Jimmy LeDuc trophy for those terrorists. Build the Twin Towers as they were and a memorial next to it. Do the right thing. I would work there anyday if they rebuilt them because I'd feel much much safer. Residents of Lower Manhattan John Dellaportas Residents of Lower Manhattan joy toboroff Residents of Lower Manhattan Learan Kahanov If something is going to be built, build the new Twin Towers site. If the new Twin Towers site won't be built, don't build anything at all. Both of those decisions are Residents of Lower Manhattan Luis Rodriguez better than the pointless "Freedom Tower" that has no match to New York City whatsoever." Residents of Lower Manhattan M. Eder Residents of Lower Manhattan margot hentoff Residents of Lower Manhattan marilyn howard

Freedom Tower!?!

1776 feet tall!?! Residents of Lower Manhattan Mark Mace Please, spare me the patriotic symbolism? I heard that nonsense two decades ago in the Eastern bloc countries. Rebuild the Towers right where they were and lets get on with life.

Whatever we re-build it must be tall.Taller then the building that is currently Residents of Lower Manhattan MARK SUALL being presented and preferrably taller than the original WTC buildings.Build tall to stand tall!

Page 36 of 37 Residents of Lower Manhattan martin bowe I support rebulding the towers: higher, wider and stronger. Residents of Lower Manhattan Matt Nelko Rebuild the Twin Towers even bigger and better than before! Residents of Lower Manhattan Meyer Alexander Polanco Residents of Lower Manhattan Michael Lockitch Residents of Lower Manhattan Michael McGarry Residents of Lower Manhattan Miroslav Nedeljkovic Just rebuilt Twin Towers! Residents of Lower Manhattan Mitchell Bell Residents of Lower Manhattan nat hentoff Residents of Lower Manhattan Patti & Rich Brotman Our city is weak and naked without the Twin Towers. No subsitute will ever Residents of Lower Manhattan Philip & Gertrude Stein serve its power and beauty. Residents of Lower Manhattan Phoebe Kahanov Residents of Lower Manhattan ralph lavado re-build the twin towers. Residents of Lower Manhattan Raymond Ayala They can't win.Build them bigger and better i love what you guys are doing. Residents of Lower Manhattan Rob Kamphausen as someone in the empty shadow where the towers stood, there's nothing i'd love more than to see them return Residents of Lower Manhattan Robin Flaumenhaft Residents of Lower Manhattan Sarah Decsi United we Stand! Residents of Lower Manhattan Scott Rein Residents of Lower Manhattan Shirley Roman Residents of Lower Manhattan Simon Skelly Residents of Lower Manhattan Stephen Stertz IK VIND DAT DE TWINTORENS TERUG MOETEN KOMEN WAND HET WAS MIJN KINDESDROOM OM OP HET DAK OVER MANHATTEN TE KIJKEN DIE KUT FREEDOMTOWER IS OERLELIJK EN PAST TOTAAL NIET IN NEW JORK DIE TOREN HOORT IN DUITSLAND THUIS EN NIET WTC Tenants Who Would IN AMERIKA NEW JORK IS GEEN NEW JORK ZONDER DE andy muldery Return TWINTOWERS EN IK VIND JULLY ONTWERP ZO MOOI DAT IK OOK EEN MODEL VAN DE TWINTOWERS AAN HET MAKEN BEN MIJN TORENS KRIJGEN 120 ETAGES MET TWEE LUCHTBRUGEN EN VIER GEBOUWEN VAN TWINTIG ETAGES IK WENS JULLY VEEL SUCSES GR UIT HOLLAND. I am a 9/11 survivor. The best tribute to those who perished is to replace the WTC Tenants Who Would Arthur Vignapiano towers as they were. By doing this we do not accept defeat from any foreign Return terrorist. WTC Tenants Who Would Cheryl Metzger Return WTC Tenants Who Would Clare Blenkinsop Return WTC Tenants Who Would Darrin Aubain Viva la resistance! Return WTC Tenants Who Would Dennis Avenoso Return hello i am glad to see that alot of people want the twin towers back not the very ugly freedom tower i think that thing is very ugly and will scare people away from WTC Tenants Who Would dylan osborne New York City for ever.. Return thank you... WTC Tenants Who Would Imran Zahid Return Failure to rebuild the Towers, is to assign ourselves to permenant humiliation and degradation. WTC Tenants Who Would Jonathan Bornstein The only thing worse than the Attack on 9-11, is our failure to restore our Return skyline.

How will our Children judge us?


"All the world is a battlefield open in front of us," said Bin Laden's deputy al-Zawahiri in July 2006 as he posed in front of a poster of burning Twin Towers. "...It is a Jihad for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails...We will attack everywhere."

In response to the people who use our LobbyByFax feature to contact the Port Authority, Kayla Bergeron, Chief of their Government & Public Affairs, has been selectively sending out a letter with the following outrageous claims:

"There are more than 19 million people in this region, and hundreds of millions more around the world who have aired their feelings about what's been done, what's being done, and what should be done."

"In the past 4 ½ years, we have undertaken an extensive public outreach campaign to gather input as to what should be built at the site. During that time, comments were solicited from hundreds of stakeholders, including the public, business owners, civic and government officials, which were

http://www.twintowersalliance.com/zawahiri.html taken into consideration. We've worked diligently to respect all opinions, because this rebuilding process is unlike any we've ever seen, and unlike any we will ever see again. Every stakeholder has shared valid ideas and concerns, and as a result, we've managed to build a consensus."

Ms. Bergeron and her cronies expect us to accept that they "managed to build a consensus" after considering the comments of hundreds of "stakeholders" from among millions of people. But, there are stakeholders and, then again, there are Stakeholders . . .

Ms. Port Authority Bureaucrat: Meet Dr. Demented. Thanks to his exhibitionism, we have a hideously graphic reminder of how important the symbolism of the Twin Towers continues to be for those who intend to destroy us. And it is the enormity of their malice that makes us all stakeholders in the truest sense of the word. They are equal opportunity destroyers.

But our enemies are not the only ones who see the powerful significance of the Towers. Most stakeholders with a small "s" understand all too well and are heartsick at the blindness of our governor and mayor. The following sentiments were recorded in an editorial by Nicole Gelinas in May 2005 and are just as compelling today:

Susan Cohen lost her twin brother, firefighter John G. Chipura, on 9/11. "I have been saying this since the towers came down," Cohen wrote . . . "I have been sending e-mail to everyone I could think of . . . Hopefully, finally, the . . . governor and mayor will open their eyes to what we really need. We need to say to everyone: You took [the towers] down, we will put them back (on the opposite footprints). No one will beat us — not New Yorkers."

Daniel Christopher also lost a relative, and a friend since childhood, at the World Trade Center: his brother-inlaw, Dennis Scauso, was also one of 343 firefighters murdered. "I think the best tribute to him and all of the other heroes of that terrible day is to rebuild the Twin Towers . . . to show these evil people that they cannot ever win," Christopher told me.

Jim Powers is a New York firefighter: "Of course, I speak only for myself," he wrote to me. "I was there that fateful day, arrived at Vesey St. just before the second tower collapsed. It was horrible, and, believe it or not, that very day . . . I hoped we would be brave enough to put the towers right back where they belong . . . It can and should be done."

"As a paramedic," wrote John Feldman, "I responded to the carnage and devastation of 9/11. It broke my heart, and subsequent plans to replace the towers have only rubbed salt in that wound . . . I [have] become ashamed and disgusted at the timid and anemic responses that have been adopted with such fanfare . . . Is it still possible to rebuild the towers?"

Powers and Feldman have company from another first-responder: "My name is Victor DiPierro and I'm a New York City police officer," one of New York's Finest wrote. "I was part of 9/11 and, yes, I believe it should be preserved as sacred ground, but I also believe the Towers should be rebuilt. . . . What Gov. Pataki is doing is an injustice to New York . . . ."

And another: "As a former employee of the 1st World Trade Center," Port Authority Police Sgt. Sean Peters writes, "I can recall how . . . people would arrive on warm

http://www.twintowersalliance.com/zawahiri.html sunny days to participate in one of the many scheduled events. Everyone loved the WTC. . . . But the most important reason for rebuilding the Twin Towers is for all the people lost that day. . . . We need to step up and speak for them because they are no longer here to speak for themselves."

Bob Isaacs worked at the World Trade Center, shortly after its opening until his retirement from the Port Authority in 1999: "To me," he says, "and to all my Port Authority colleagues, the World Trade Center . . . was our home. On 9/11, I lost many 'family' members . . . After the initial shock wore off, I often said . . . that I would like to see the Twin Towers rebuilt. . . . I think that if the so-called Freedom Tower, or some other lame WTC replacement is built, it will signal defeat."

"I . . . was there for the bombing in '93, and was there on 9/11," writes Charlie Bily, who worked at a financial firm at . "I lost my best friend along with many other friends. I always felt that the only memorial for them would be to rebuild the towers."

"I used to work in the south tower," wrote Eric Fransen. "I knew people who died. I still can't believe that anyone is taking seriously the thought of building back anything but the towers."


Back to Petition

http://www.twintowersalliance.com/zawahiri.html The following opinion was written by a college student in Georgia, and reading how deeply he cares about this issue and how significant he believes it to be for all Americans is inspiring. He sent it out to many of the leading newspapers, certain that at least one of them would let him speak for the millions who share his conviction. We hoped along with him, but were not surprised at the lack of response from those who only pretend to serve the public good. His words eloquently express why we will never accept anything less than the World Trade Center we deserve.

Rebuilding the Twin Towers Transcends Politics | by Justin Ove

It may be fate, but I managed to convince my father I was too sick to go to school on September 11, 2001. Watching the horrific scenes that day and the national unity that followed made me realize like no other event what it meant to be an American. Five years on, I still remember the overhead highway signs reading "Airport Closed-National Emergency" and the plethora of American flags and patriotism, and wonder why it took such a tragic event to bring us together. Fortunately, the rebuilding-not replacement-of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center site can easily galvanize Americans on either side of the political spectrum to work together to achieve a common goal and make the new Towers an emblem of our resolve to unite against our deadly enemies. We must not allow the wishes of a few elitist developers and political cronyism to overpower the desires of every day Americans to see their towers rebuilt. This is no Willet Creek, but it is easy to imagine how Jefferson Smith would view our failure as citizens of the United States if we don't do our duty to stand up and be counted.

After the tragedy of September 11, Governor was presented with a crisis like none other in the history of his state. As such, there were no precedents that would have indicated how he should have acted. Unfortunately, the "public process" for selecting the design for the rebuilding of the World Trade Center (WTC) site was given merely the appearance of being public and set a sad precedent. If only Pataki had said, "This is a terrible tragedy, and we must come together to rebuild the area together. You elected me, and as your representative, I will listen to your wishes and together we will restore our skyline and pride." But, instead, by resorting to cronyism and behind the scenes deals, Governor Pataki effectively stifled the will of the people of his state. In a recent press conference, Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC, the organization tasked with rebuilding the WTC site) president Stefan Pryor was asked why the towers were not being rebuilt. His replied that it was, "...an imperative to restore the street grid to Lower Manhattan." The normal grid was disrupted when the Twin Towers were originally built in the 1960s and 70s. This callous reply shows the opportunistic, perhaps vulture-like attitudes of the LMDC. The designers and urban planners, who never liked the Twin Towers to begin with, are taking advantage of our greatest tragedy to redesign the skyline as they see fit. They like to say that nobody liked them, but they are wrong; many more millions loved them and they represented New York to the world like a soaring goalpost.

The design Pataki, not the people of his state, chose could not have been less appropriate and universally despised. After a number of overhauls, the so-called "Freedom Tower" (FT) and its accompanying buildings are supposed to inspire our future generations of Americans. , the developer, actually said that a hundred years from now our citizens will say "we did

http://www.twintowersalliance.com/justinove.html them proud." If the Freedom Tower is built instead of the Twin Towers it is much more likely to be remembered as a low point in our history and a monument to a society that lost its identity.

The design of FT is uninspiring at best and dangerously shallow at worst. And recently, an architectural review published in the Financial Times lambasted the latest addition to the site plan as "a curiously sterile mismatch." The single tower, intended to replace the twin towers, will stand at 1,776 feet tall. As awe-inspiring and symbolic as this height may imply, in reality there are only some 82 occupied floors planned. Therefore, more than half of the tower will be empty and hollow. Is the message of "externally impressive, but hollow on the inside" one we really want to send to our allies and enemies? As Americans, we have become frighteningly desensitized to corruption and below the table dealings, but this should shock and anger every American, regardless of political leanings.

At a recent rally for rebuilding the Twin Towers, a heckler was present. When asked by one of the participants why he did not want to see the site rebuilt as it was, he replied, "Of course I think that is the right thing to do, but it isn't going to happen. Move on."

Move on?

There can be no greater indictment of the apathy of the American populace than letting the politicians get away with symbolic murder. I was taught in school that if you perceive a wrong, you fight tooth and nail to see it corrected, much like Jefferson Smith and his never-ending filibuster. The remark by the heckler made me painfully aware that not only are the politicians and urban planners to be held accountable for this travesty, but also the apathetic American. This sort of "lay down and take it" attitude must be fought and defeated. If we do not become more firm willed in our citizenship, and understand our obligations as well as our privileges, we may well be on the way to our downfall.

The inability for the American citizen to hold his elected officials responsible for their actions makes me sick. I am fully aware that no country is immune from corruption, but this symbolic rape of some of our most hallowed ground must not be tolerated. The deaths of 2,602 Americans in New York City on that horrible day must not serve to profit a select few. As a younger American, I may be somewhat naive, but I refuse to allow this calamity to befall my country. The cronyism and shady dealings that led to the decision to build the "Freedom" Tower disillusion me. Unlike the heckler at the recent rally, I will not take this sitting down. I remember going to New York City in 1996 and seeing the simplicity yet majesty of Yamasaki's Twin Towers. I refuse to allow anything to hinder my children from being greeted by the same sight. How could we look the next generation in the eyes and tell them we could have rebuilt the towers, taller and better than before, but because of apathy and complacence we built a disgusting shadow of the site's former glory?

The recent events in the world have turned American against American. Liberal, Conservative, Republican and Democrat are thrown about not as adjectives, but slurs. It seems to me that many in the country see themselves as Republican/Democrat first, American second. This is a dangerous and tragic occurrence. If there is one thing that liberal, conservative, libertarian and socialist should be able to agree on, it is that as Americans, we have a right to decide what is done to our cities. I realize we will never totally agree on anything, but we can at least agree that we are all American citizens, and as such we have a duty to ourselves and our country to see that our best interests are looked after. It took the destruction of the Twin Towers to bring us together, therefore it only stands to reason the effort to restore them to the skyline of New York City is a worthy goal that can be supported by all Americans. Rebuild-not replace. This is our tragedy, therefore it must be our memorial as well. Do not let yourselves, your children or the millions of Americans yet to be born

http://www.twintowersalliance.com/justinove.html down. We can all be Jefferson Smiths.

Back to Petition

http://www.twintowersalliance.com/justinove.html This opinion was sent to the Wall Street Journal. It was not chosen for publication. It is no public service that the media outlets have chosen to ignore a position which is so deeply ingrained among the people, instead of reporting the fact.

”In America, public opinion is the leader.” –Frances Perkins, People at Work

New Twin Towers is the aspiration of too many Americans to dismiss the subject outright. In the very birthplace of free speech, the voice of the American public is not being heard. All decisions concerning the future of Ground Zero have been left in the hands of politicians with no interest in what New Yorkers, Americans and indeed the entire world feel should be the architectural response to an unthinkable act of terrorism.

What we do today can communicate to future generations that America is still a fortress for liberty, freedom and ideals. The wrong message would depict a frightened America, one afraid to stand strong against her enemies. We must remember that we are but one of many nations engaged in a global struggle against anarchy and terrorism that aim to demolish free civilizations throughout the world. Freedom is never a compromise, and neither should the rebuilding of Ground Zero.

The Twin Towers were not a ‘target;’ the American way of life was under attack. The Towers were a "United Nations" of commerce. People from 80 countries came to do business in the city that was the World Trade Center. An architectural marvel at its inception, the Mighty Towers created a center for commerce in the world like no other.

New, reengineered Towers would set the tone for the Ground Zero Memorial. The space should not be designed as a patchwork quilt, each element given entirely different consideration. Unfortunately the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, a private interest, is treating it as such. The Freedom Tower plans of today are nothing but the product of five years of back room politicking.

Just as Lady Liberty continues to shine in New York harbor, let the memory of her Towering brothers remind us that this nation and its people are good and right and strong. Building new Twin Towers is symbolic of that. The victims of 9/11 are best remembered with the building of a grand edifice marking the place where they died on that tragic day. This is no place for a featherweight design such as the Freedom Tower. This is no place for a compromise. The world watches.

Lisa Schneck New York City Private Citizen

8/31/06 212 686 2025 [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 9, 2006 Contacts: Margaret Donovan, Twin Towers Alliance –212-568-0207 Richard Hughes, Rebuild-the-Towers –212-781-1816 Robin Heid, Team Twin Towers –310-295-9864 /951-283-0739 Louis Epstein, WTC Restoration Movement - 845-225-4848 / 845-225-3234

New York, NY –A grassroots alliance of people who advocate rebuilding the Twin Towers weighed in on the latest proposed additions to the WTC redevelopment with one question: "What's the point?" Margaret Donovan, Director of the Twin Towers Alliance –www.twintowersalliance.com –asked "Why would we litter the site that means so much to so many with an odd collection of novelty buildings? Why would we build anything but new and improved Twin Towers? Why would we want a lot of designer labels slapped onto the redevelopment of our World Trade Center? Do we really want to show the world that we are as shallow as they say we are?"

The organization has a rally planned for Sunday, September 10th, 4 PM, at the Bandshell. "A British documentary crew will be on hand to capture what they term 'the American Spirit' and they'll get plenty of that." The event is intended to trumpet the group's conviction that it is not too late to put the Twin Towers back in place and that to do anything less does nothing to promote real healing. "In fact," she insisted, "it takes us in the other direction. It's as if New York's two front teeth had been punched out and we're putting four jagged caps in their place. Why?"

Donovan went on to add that during the "Aftershock" symposium held at Pace University in Lower Manhattan this week a gentleman in the audience asked why rebuilding the Towers was never one of the options presented to the public. The question was answered by Stefan Pryor, chairman of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, who praised the Libeskind plan saying it had come out of the "public process" and said that rebuilding the Twin Towers didn't allow for the "imperative" of restoring the street grid.

In response, Donovan said: "The Twin Towers Alliance would like to go on the record that anyone who suggests that the process that gave us the Libeskind Master Plan was responsive to the public is, at best, ignorant of the facts and certainly not serving the public good. As the late, great Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan used to say, we're all entitled to our own opinions, but not to our own facts. If only his inimitable clarity and common sense were still with us, the Towers would be halfway up by now."

She stressed that "the notion that anyone other than so-called experts, critics, and planners consider restoring the former street grid to that little corner of this city an 'imperative' is outrageous and absurd. The imperative is to make New York New York again. They have no right to make these decisions for us. They are the sort behind the wanton destruction of Pennsylvania Station, a Beaux Arts masterpiece, forty years ago to put up what Senator Moynihan termed 'a basketball court with a hole under it.' And now we are going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to deal with that blunder. God save us from experts. Better yet, let's save ourselves."

She said that invitations have gone out to celebrities and guest speakers, but that it is "anyone's guess" who will be there, and added: "It is an uphill battle to convince people to try to see beyond the extraordinary spin campaign that has been launched to make the public think it has no choice." But, she contends that the event will be a success by any standard "because people want to know why the rebuilding has been so mishandled and what we can still do about it –and that is what they will learn." After the rally, a candlelight tribute will shine through the evening around a stunning 12' stainless steel model of the Twin Towers that was crafted by Ed Schramling of Columbus, PA in 2002.

Donovan concluded: The only way to truly honor the heroes, the victims, and the American spirit is to rebuild the Towers and a noble memorial. The simple question we are proposing is not can that be done or will that be done, but should that be done? And if the answer is "yes" then everything else will fall into place. We CAN have the World Trade Center we deserve. It's not wishful thinking; it's just common sense. And it's not too late."

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 22, 2006


The plans for Ground Zero haven't gotten off the ground and don't deserve to because they are not what the people want. Most want to see the Twin Towers rise again –our only agenda being that we take pride in our city and our country.

But Governor Pataki and his appointees at the LMDC have instead tried to ram an uninspired, second-rate plan down the throats of their fellow New Yorkers. Far from playing a real part in an "inclusive process", the people have been excluded from the LMDC proceedings from day one and comprise the only group that hasn't qualified for special-interest status.

The consequences were predictable. The arrogance and mismanagement at the LMDC was highlighted this past Thursday at the first public hearing ever to examine performance and accountability at the site of the WTC redevelopment. Under the sharp scrutiny of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Chairman Richard Brodsky and Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal, a number of the assumptions underlying the plans were shown to range from fuzzy to delusional.

The most recent snag –the murky state of the insurance payouts –is not the only hindrance. Due to the tepid response of the private sector to the current WTC redevelopment plans, government agencies will have to play musical chairs. This means they will have to leave offices they occupy elsewhere, including possibly breaking leases to do so, in order to commit them to the new WTC before bonds can be issued –with the cost of the dislocations and the significant disruption not factored in to the taxpayers' bill.

Lack of interest on the part of the private sector is directly related to the mediocre quality of the development and not to threats of future attacks. riders (and workers in other tall towers all over the country) live with that reality everyday. They do not allow the "new normal" to change their routine and it is unlikely they ever will.

Early in the proceedings Chairman Brodsky had recommended to builder Larry Silverstein that he not break any more ground for the time being. After a full day of testimony from others, including Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff, LMDC appointees and Port Authority officials, the Assemblyman concluded that the plan for Ground Zero is "hanging by a thread," and it would be hard for any impartial observer to disagree.

The Twin Towers Alliance urges Assemblymen Silver and Brodsky and the powers in Albany to cut that thread now and start over. It is not too late to do the right thing and do the thing right. Governor Pataki can and should take steps to disband the LMDC and move forward to rebuild the Towers, even enlisting the know-how of Donald Trump to make up for lost time. His legendary can-do, will-do spirit would be the perfect antidote for the moribund state of affairs, as he reprised his public service on a grand scale.

www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 Contacts: Richard Hughes | Margaret Donovan The Twin Towers Alliance / 5-22-06 / Page Two

This is the only course of action that makes sense for a variety of reasons:

1) Poll after poll has shown that the majority of New Yorkers and the majority of Americans want to see the Twin Towers rebuilt. In fact, there exists widespread confusion, with many out-of-towners assuming the Freedom Tower is to be the first of two.The assumption that we would rebuild was universal on 9/11. 2) The current plan is so uninspired and ill-conceived it cannot possibly draw the prestigious tenants needed to make it economically viable. There is good reason to believe that many high-profile businesses would occupy rebuilt Twin Towers, while having no interest in the current hybrid design. Larry Silverstein's prepared statement predicted that the new World Trade Center would be the "Rockefeller Center of the 21st century," but that only becomes likely if the complex includes Twin Towers; the new Rockefeller Center was daring in a way that the current WTC plan certainly is not. New Twin Towers would generate all the excitement it lacks. 3) By concentrating the 10,000,000 square feet of office space back in the Twin Towers, much of Ground Zero would be freed up for other purposes –and the first should be an iconic sculpture of the three firefighters raising the flag, naming all the first responders and honoring all who charged into hell to rescue others with an eternal flame. Furthermore, Mayor Bloomberg's recent suggestion to move the memorial into the lobby of the Freedom Tower becomes especially appropriate if the artifacts and tributes were to occupy the vast sunlit lobbies of the Twin Towers instead of a concrete bunker. Far from being morbid or representing business as usual in spite of the losses, it would be business as usual because of the losses –because the most fitting way to honor those whose lives were stolen would be to reclaim their lost world. For people who worked in the Towers they had magical quality that made just coming to work something special. Many who escaped on September 11th would love to return to new Twin Towers. The current plan dishonors that spirit and gives the terrorists a power they do not deserve. 4) By refusing to reintroduce the street grid to Ground Zero, security concerns can be better addressed. Moreover, this particular element of the redevelopment is emblematic of the opportunistic spirit which distorted the early design process and is most certainly not a legitimate concern of the majority of New Yorkers. 5) By rebuilding the Twin Towers New York City would show the world that it has fully recovered its self-confidence and trademark chutzpah and will not be cowed by anyone. It would become the hottest property on earth.

We urge Governor Pataki and other concerned parties to immediately set in motion plans to rebuild the Twin Towers. We all remember how desperate the times were that set us on the current course and fault no one. But now, almost five years later, it is not too late to keep a terrible tragedy from being compounded by a terrible mistake.


www.twintowersalliance.com | [email protected] | 212-568-0207 Contacts: Richard Hughes | Margaret Donovan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Contact: Richard Hughes, Rebuild-the-Towers (212) 568-0207; Robin Heid, Team Twin Towers (951) 657-4000


New York, NY –Nov. 14, 2005 An alliance of groups for rebuilding the Twin Towers calls on the media to investigate the mess at Ground Zero –before it gets worse.

Millions of New Yorkers and Americans want to see New York's disfigured skyline restored to its pre-September 11th glory. Tell us who is standing in the way and why. If you don't know, find out.

Recent developments have demonstrated the fluidity of the situation and given journalists good reason to investigate all the angles –regardless of who is opposed.

Fact: It's no secret that a majority of New Yorkers want to see the Towers rebuilt and always have. Many polls have been taken and many columns written in support.

Fact: It's no secret that the so-called "inclusive, democratic process" that resulted in the so-called "master plan" was demonstrably exclusive, undemocratic and corrupt.

Fact: In any other public affairs arena connivance and cronyism of this magnitude would have sparked a media firestorm of Watergate-size proportions.

So we call on you now to give this issue the attention you would pay to any other public interest project of this scale and significance. The people of this city and nation deserve to know why this has been handled so dishonestly and who benefits from flouting the people's will.

It's a red herring to say it would be hard to fill new Twin Towers; to the contrary, what would be hard to fill are any buildings that fall short of what the Towers were and can be again.

Are we victims or victors? What we etch into our skyline is going to establish that. Common sense, civic pride, and New York's place in the world demand that we rebuild the Towers. To replace them with anything less would be seen as a monument to Osama bin Laden and his demented followers.

New Yorkers get it. NYC firefighters get it. Americans get it. Our Armed Forces get it. People around the world get it. So why doesn't the LMDC get it? Why don't Pataki and Bloomberg get it?

Why is a plan that most of us loathe being shoved down our throats?

Don't let them get away with it. Do what you do best –dig up the facts, fill in the blanks, connect the dots –and tell us why the people's will is being thwarted at Ground Zero.

Otherwise, a terrible tragedy is going to be compounded by a terrible mistake.



Email your Comments, Questions, and Suggestions to the addresses at the bottom of the page.

Q: Some damaged wall sections from the original Twin Towers were saved for possible use in the new footprint memorials. If these damaged sections are used, won't the new memorials look like "a train wreck"? A: Your concern about a raw look has merit, but some of the saved original wall sections are impressive: the damaged wall section shown on our home page is over 150-feet high. A responsible group (with artists) could select out the best pieces for the memorial walls. It might be preferable if some of these wall sections were straightened, trimmed, and finished. However, replicas of the wall sections might look better. A combination of original wall sections and replicas might work best, either in an outdoor or indoor memorial. Models with different designs could be built and compared. Our present plans are to straighten, appropriately trim, and restore many salvaged wall sections to the original finish. With due diligence and calm deliberation, good taste should triumph.

Q: Did family members ask that the memorials be underground? Can the memorials have access to bedrock? A: Family members did not ask that the memorials be underground, and most family members strongly object to this. Family members asked for some accessibility to bedrock, which is not a problem since the pit is already excavated. Note that it makes economic sense to basically develop the entire pit underground (which has a volume equal to about one of the Twin Towers).

Q: Will the Arad waterfall memorials have to shut down in the winter? A: Not only will the waterfalls likely be shut down in the winter (see: Downtown Express), they might have to shut down during heat waves, which presents a problem with charging $10 admission. Even worse the waterfalls might ultimately have to be abandoned for technical reasons and high operating costs, and the site will be permanently blighted.

Q: Can the footprint memorial design be changed? A: Yes. There is still time to modify the plans. The Arad design is impractical and expensive, and lacks focus on the enormity of the event, the names of the victims, and history. Standard practice for national memorials is to have the arrangement and placement of names approved by a committee made up exclusively of surviving family members. The LMDC has not done this. Casual queries indicate many people prefer the south memorial with original restored wall sections and the north memorial with replicated and restored wall sections, or the option of an indoor memorial or museum replicating the original

http://www.triroc.com/wtc/media/suggestions.htm tower lobby, as shown in the picture on the right.

Our original choice for the memorials: Our alternate choice for the north memorial: Two above-ground outdoor memorials The restored tower lobby is an indoor memorial.

Q: Will any funds be available for alternate memorial designs? A: It depends on how much money is spent on the official design. Unfortunately Gov. Pataki recently appointed a WTC Memorial Foundation head who might spend construction money on the official design in spite of unresolved operating expense issues. (If Ms. Dykstra had not resigned, memorial construction probably would have been delayed.) The LMDC has misspent federal memorial money so far, but recently turned over $250 million to the foundation for construction of the memorials. Fortunately the official memorials are only slightly into construction and only a relatively small amount of the construction money has been spent. Conventional above ground memorials could be easily built with the funds that the WTC Memorial Foundation already has.

Q: Is it too late? Do we have to live with the Freedom Tower? A: No, it is not too late, and we advocate building modern Twin Towers instead. New Twin Towers would be safer and more successful than the Freedom Tower, and might be built and owned by private investors instead of the Port Authority. Engineering money has been spent on bad designs and redesigns, but the Freedom Tower is only slightly into construction, and only a small amount of the construction money has been spent. Much more engineering money has to be spent on the rest of the site anyway.

Q: What can be done now? A: For quality development at Ground Zero the following two step plan should be considered:

http://www.triroc.com/wtc/media/suggestions.htm (1) The memorials and development at the SW corner of the site would probably be best determined by the victims' families, subject to government approval. After the November election, the governor-elect could poll the victims' families on the Arad Memorials, and if the memorials are overwhelmingly rejected the governor-elect could announce he intends to ask that memorial construction be temporarily suspended . The victims' families should be allowed a reasonable period of time, perhaps 90 days maximum, to propose an alternate design. It is likely the families would choose conventional memorials and development at the SW corner that could be built with the funds the WTC Memorial Foundation already has. An independant contractor or agency should probably recertify that Ground Zero is free of any known contaminants or human remains.

(2) Alternate plans for the rest of the site should also be considered.

We advocate that modern Twin Towers be built. If the present parties can not do this, we recommend that land sufficient for two new twin towers at the site be given or sold to a private consortium at locations of their choice, subject to government approval and a reasonable construction schedule. It is likely the consortium would choose sites similar to those shown on fig. 5 or fig. 2. The consortium would build, own, and operate the towers. Up to two floors in each tower could be reserved for public space. The towers would be built under the jurisdiction of New York City building and fire codes instead of the Port Authority. The remainder of the site (areas B, C, D) would be for lower density usage to be determined later, and for about 2 years these areas would serve as construction areas for building the memorials and towers.

Q: Wouldn't new Twin Towers be terrorist targets? A: Certainly, and so would the Freedom Tower, the rest of the site, the stock exchanges, Washington, and other places. However either Twin Tower would withstand a plane crash better than the Freedom Tower, and interconnected Twin Towers would be safer and much better for commerce than the Freedom Tower. Restoring the super block without above ground streets is easier for security and reduces the need for embassy building standards. Whatever is built, lower Manhattan probably should have minimal economical anti-aircraft protection.

Q: Wouldn't building modern Twin Towers add too much commercial space to the downtown real estate market? A: Most of the tower occupancy, other than some public areas, would be determined by the owners and the free market, and selling and renting the space would be the responsibility of the owners. Present plans are to have commercial space on the lower floors, hotel space on the middle floors, and residential and public space on the the upper floors. It doesn't make sense that government and the taxpayer should have to subsidize the Freedom Tower by renting expensive office space

http://www.triroc.com/wtc/media/suggestions.htm there.

Q: What about Larry Silverstein? How would new Twin Towers be financed? A: The best plan for Ground Zero should be selected first and afterwards Mr. Silverstein's involvement determined.

We advocate that new Twin Towers be financed, built, and owned by private investors, who have already expressed their interest. Perhaps Mr. Silverstein should be legally removed from the site with a court ordered settlement. Mr. Silverstein could participate later.

Q: Why not simply rebuild new Twin Towers at the original locations? A: If new plans for Ground Zero are considered this should also be on the table. Rebuilding modern Twin Towers at the original locations and upgrading the rest of the site is what most societies would do, and this would save billions on foundation work. However we think moving the towers east is a better solution: the footprint memorials would be more meaningful, the better tower locations are preferred by potential private investors, there is more support from victims' families, and the site would probably look much better.

Q: Are models available for viewing? A: A large model is presently on display at the Plainfield Public Library in New Jersey. Contact [email protected] if your organization is interested in displaying a model.

Q: Could new twin towers be connected by passageways at the top and at each sky lobby? A: Yes. These would be very desireable for regular pedestrian traffic and could be invaluable in an emergency. Tower structural openings could be made large enough and strong enough for 3 inconspicuous pedestrian conveyor skybridges. (Each skybridge could have 3 reversible conveyors.) Click here for a PDF (635 KB) of one of the best proposed skybridge concepts.

Q: Are other unconventional tower evacuation methods practical? A: Possibly. For example the Escape Rescue Systems (Tel Aviv) arrangement or a similar tracked system could be economical and practical. Note the tower tops and walls are often very windy.

Q: Are the floors in the proposed new towers vulnerable to pancaking? A: The floors in the proposed plan use I-beam construction, are significantly stronger than in the old towers, are more resistant to pancaking, but might be problematic with the largest jumbo jets if about 6 floors are destroyed. A stronger backup design has about 26 very strong main structural floors, each 11-feet high, spaced about 44-feet apart. Each 44-foot high internal space would contain lighter custom construction, with optional column-free space. The 11-foot structural floors would provide egress and ventilation, and contain building equipment (plumbing, electrical, heating, fire fighting,

http://www.triroc.com/wtc/media/suggestions.htm communications). There could be design requirements that each fully loaded 11-foot high structural floor could support the weight of two additional fully loaded 11-foot structural floors plus 3,000 tons minimum, and that the building would stand with the loss of two 11-foot structural floors. Internal walls are also an option, can include stairways, and improve fire safety. Internal columns are another option.

Q: Will the new towers have automatic dampening systems? A: A space could be reserved in each tower for an experimental automatic dampening system.

Q: Great to see on some plans that Tobin Plaza is reinstated and the site is not sub-divided. But I'm disappointed in the aesthetics of your tower facade. It looks like a typical office building. Yamasaki's design had a unique facade of closely spaced columns creating a more attractive vertical line effect. Try to change as little as possible in terms of form, architecture, and aesthetic. Use the exposed tube technology, however to strenghten the facade use solid tubes instead of hollow tubes. Try increasing the floor to floor height to improve internal lighting conditions. Can your facade be changed? A: Yes. The final tower design would be selected after a site plan is chosen. The tower models shown on this website are the best looking ones presently available and are satisfactory for site plan decisions. If new plans for Ground Zero are to be considered, our tower design and other tower designs should be evaluted by professionals, government, and the public. The vertical line effect on our design could be restored, possibly with a stronger outer wall and the wider windows, by joining the Y-arms to form a single vertical column. Our design goal of a 10 times stronger wall for the lower third of the tower might be lowered. The following two images illustrate your point.

http://www.triroc.com/wtc/media/suggestions.htm The lower facade of the original Twin Towers.

The facade of our present model.

Q: I think the scale of your proposed WTC 3, 4, and 5 clutter the site and don't tie in with the aesthetic of the Twin Towers. I suggest smaller elevated buildings (see image at right) retaining the boxy form used by Yamasaki. A: Maybe. Development at B, C, and D can be determined at a later date.

This website welcomes comments, questions, and suggestions for the memorials, towers, and site plans.

Contact this website at [email protected] and Ken Gardner at [email protected] .

http://www.triroc.com/wtc/media/suggestions.htm http://www.triroc.com/wtc/media/suggestions.htm