From the perspective of Allameh Seyed Jafar Morteza Ameli Islamic researcher

Sayyid Husseini


Abstract: A study of the history of Shiite scholars and jurists shows that many of them have always been familiar with the problems and solutions in their time and have been, as the famous saying goes, "the child of their time". Allama Seyyed Jafar Morteza Ameli, a contemporary scholar and writer of Jalil al-Qadr, is among these scholars and one of the heirs of his righteous predecessor, who has rightly followed their path. In this article, we follow their views on the environment and nature by emphasizing and kindness to them. Arzavi Allameh.Allama Seyyed Morteza wished that one day the Islamic teachings about animal rights and kindness to them would be applied and that jurisprudence and [١] .ethics would be the basis and criterion in human dealings with animals Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021

I would like to present a group of narrations and verses about kindness to animals to the ninth readers in the hope, and perhaps, perhaps, and in the hope that a group



of those who have worked hard in this field (environment), at least some of them Execute and act.

Key words: environment , Islam, animals, rights

The destruction of nature and the All scientists in the field of environment is one of the greatest environment, natural resources, challenges of contemporary man in our agriculture and many other scientists time. The astonishing advancement of who have a hand in this field and even industry and technology, the distancing many ordinary people are very from morality and spirituality, the concerned about the current situation growing and unbridled greed for and the horizons opened to the wealth, the growing population of the environment of future generations and planet, the burning wars, The actions all of them believe unanimously. and plans of a group of governments to Which must stand up and return to an change nature, such as the diversion of acceptable situation with a global and large rivers and the indiscriminate use united uprising and a tireless and of groundwater and other resources of extensive efforts to restore, preserve, the earth, and such actions, have revive and develop the environment. accelerated the process of Experts in this field believe that environmental degradation on the religious cultural activities have a planet to one of the largest It has significant impact on this. Therefore, transformed the problems and studying the views of great scientists in challenges of today and the future. this regard and propagating it will play Desert expansion, deforestation, an important role in achieving this goal. extinction of plant and animal species,

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 urban environmental problems and air The urban environment and water pollution are some of the manifestations of this crisis. A reflection on Allameh's works (the contents of which are scattered in his ٦٣

Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

works) shows his broad and framed time, the houses were next to each other view of nature and the environment, and the number of inhabitants was not which is summarized in this section of more than a few thousand, so much so this article under the following that it can be said that the number of ١۵ did not reach headings: men over the age of .١٬٥٠٠ Urban environment .١ The reason for this claim is that when Allameh has made very important Bilal called the call to prayer, all the points in this regard. In the book of people of heard his voice and ٢٢٠ Takhtit al-Madan al-Islami, about came to the to pray, and the pages, he describes the do's and don'ts mosque could accommodate all of of the Islamic city and discusses issues meters ١٠٠ them; A mosque that was related to its environment. This content ,meters all over its area. Thus ١٠٠ by is very important in our time. First: ٢٢ by ٢٢ when the area multiplied by permanent support for trees in the city; (square kilometers kilometers (۴۴٠ It is narrated from the Messenger of surrounded Medina with its many trees, God: the result was nothing but the softness and purity of the air on the one hand ّﺍﻥ ّﺍﻟﻨﺒﯽ(ﺻﻠﯽ ﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭ ﺁﻟﻪ) ّﺣﺮﻡ ﺷﺠﺮ ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﻨﻪ and the elimination of birds on the ﺑﺮﻳﺪﺍً ﻣﻦ ﺑﺮﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﮐﻞ ﻧﺎﺣﻴﻪ؛ [٣] [٣] other; Birds that the Prophet (peace and The Prophet of God (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) blessings of Allaah be upon him) insisted on banning if their forbade the cutting of the trees of offspring were in danger of extinction. Medina for four farsakhs (about [۵] Second: A clean city twenty-two kilometers) all around Medina. [۴] In the analysis of this In the Holy Qur'an, in , the

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 narration, he writes: This order of the pure Qur'anic city "Al-Balad Al- Prophet is very important; What is Tayyib" is considered to have three more, Medina was very small at that characteristics: A city surrounded by



trees and surrounded by lush greenery (al-Balad al-Tayyib) for habitation and A city ruled by secondly the necessity of fertile soil for .٢ .of plants and trees The city has spirituality and the growth of dense plants and thirdly .٣ .security is subject to divine forgiveness. according to Allameh the importance of health and cleanliness of the َﻟ َﻘ ْﺪ َﮐﺎﻥ ِﻟ َﺴ َﺒﺈٍ ِﻓﯽ ﻣ ْﺴ َﮑ ِﻨﻬ ْﻢ َﺁﻳﻪٌ َﺟ ﱠﻨﺘﺎﻥ َﻋ ْﻦ َﻳ ِﻤﻴﻦ ﻭ ِﺷ ٍﻤﺎﻝ environment and cleanliness of the city َ ِ ِ ٍ َ ُﮐﻠُﻮﺍ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﺭ ْﺯﻕ ﺭ ّﺑ ُﮑ ْﻢ ﻭ ْﺍﺷ ُﮑ ُﺮﻭﺍ ﻟَﻪُ َﺑ ْﻠﺪَﻩٌ َﻁ ّﻴ َﺒﻪٌ ﻭ ﺭ ﱞﺏ can be used. The narration narrated ِ ِ َ ِ َ ِ َ َ ﻏَﻔُﻮﺭ[٦٠] from Imam Sadegh (as) observed:

َ ﻻ ﺗَ ِﻄ ُﻴﺐ ﱡﺍﻟﺴ ْﮑﻨَﻰ ﺇِ ﱠﻻ ِﺑﺜَ َﻼﺙٍ ْﺍﻟ َﻬ َﻮ ِﺍء ﱠﺍﻟﻄ ِّﻴ ِﺐ َ ﻭ ْﺍﻟ َﻤ ِﺎء Indeed, for the people of Sheba their ْﺍﻟ ِﻐَﺰ ِﻳﺮ ْﺍﻟ َﻌ ْﺬ ِﺏ َﻭ ْﺍﻷَ ْﺭ ِﺽ ْﺍﻟ ﱠﺨَﻮ َﺍﺭﻩ؛[٩] abode was a sign [of God's grace and power]. Eat two sets of green Human habitation and living will not be vegetation from right and left pleasant and clean except in three [surrounded the city]. Very forgiving. ways. Clean air, plenty of fresh water [١٠] .And God Almighty says: and fertile land

In a similar narration, the narration of َ ﻭ َﻣ ِﺴﺎﮐ َﻦ َﻁ ِّﻴ َﺒﻪً ﻓِﯽ َ ﺟ ﱠﻨ ِﺎﺕ َﻋ ْﺪﻥ [٧] Imam Hadi (as) is quoted as follows: This verse also describes the dwellings of Paradise as "Tayyib" and says: O Abu Musa, I was forcibly brought to Samarra and I will not leave Samarra ﻭ ْﺍﻟ َﺒ َﻠﺪُ ﱠﺍﻟﻄﻴّ ُﺐ َﻳ ْﺨ ُﺮ ُﺝ ﻧَﺒﺎﺗُﻪُ ﺑﺈ ْﺫﻥ ﺭ ّﺑ ِﻪ ﻭ ﱠﺍﻟ ِﺬی ﺧَﺒُ َﺚ ﻻ :unless I am forcibly expelled. I said َ ِ ِ ِ ِ َ ِ َ َﻳ ْﺨ ُﺮ ُﺝ ﺇ ﱠﻻ ِﻧَﮑﺪﺍ ً[٨] . Why is that, my lord? He said: Because ِ By the permission of his Lord, the pure of the purity and happiness of its air, the city of its plants grows thick and rich, sweetness of its juice and a little pain [١١] .(and the filthy and salty earth grows (its viruses [٩] .nothing but small, thin plants In this regard, Allameh believes that Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 The noble verse is firstly the there is a reciprocal relationship importance of a pleasant and clean city between the existence of abundant trees and the purity and gentleness of the air. ٦٥

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The land where the air, soil and water Allameh has given numerous and are bad, from which you grow only a varied narrations in the continuation of few plants, and the land where the air is the discussion so that those who are clean, the water is sweet and fertile, and interested in this category of topics, the soil is fertile, grows all kinds of especially environmentalists, refer to [١٢] .plants. This is the knowledge of the his valuable work Qur'an. Therefore, in urban planning, Plants, forests and pastures .١ water, air and soil of the place of establishment of the city should be Plants are one of the most important examined at the beginning. components and elements of the environment. The immortal earth Third, the roads and squares of the city remains a graveyard in which there is must always be clean and tidy. Fourth, no good and blessing, and in the most water pollution and under and around beautiful and delicate interpretation of trees should be strictly avoided. Fifth, the Qur'an, it is depressed, withered and people should always clean the front dead, and the land surrounded by trees, door of their homes and shops. Sixth, flowers and plants is alive and vibrant, cemeteries should also be clean. and from which all kinds of blessings Seventh, there should be places for [١٣ .arise urination, defecation, and discharge. After quoting the narrations, Allameh In addition to what we have mentioned writes: about the necessity of having many plants and trees in the Islamic city, Steps must be taken to ensure that the Allameh has many, accurate, diverse environment is not polluted in any way. and numerous contents in this regard in Eighth, any noise pollution has his various works. In Al-Sahih I, Sira devastating damage to human health, Ali (pbuh) mentions the tree planting of Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 and instead of noise pollution, there the Prophet along with the Commander should be peace throughout the city. of the Faithful (pbuh) and the [١۴] :importance of tree planting



According to a narration of Imam These gardens, groves and farms of the Kadhim (as), the Prophet of God, the Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh) were Commanders of the Faithful and all his especially in Yanbu, which became a ,١۵] model for agriculture, arboriculture] .ancestors (as) planted trees construction of groves, gardens and According to a narration from Imam farms and a large field. And provided Baqir (as), a man met the Commander the accelerating movement of of the Faithful and he had a bag full of towards an unforgettable civilization in date kernels with him. The man asked: the field of agricultural development, O Commander of the Faithful, what is natural resources and the environment. in this bag? Hazrat said: One hundred [٢٠] thousand palm trees, God willing. He planted all the kernels. They all grew Another very important issue in this ١۶] regard is the felling of trees and the] .and came to fruition destruction of forests and pastures, This narration shows that he knew the which is very important in our time; number of date kernels and planted Because on the one hand, trees and them carefully and according to the forests have many benefits, and on the plan so that they all grew, and this was other hand, the people of our time have one of his cases of tree planting. In fallen in love with forests, and have Yanbu, in the light of the many wells cruelly and cruelly accelerated the and springs that he created, he built process of their destruction. numerous and varied groves and Forests play an important role in [١٧] .planted many trees in them According to Ibn Shabba, the purifying the air and eliminating toxic Messenger of God gave a part of Yanbu gases in the air, beautifying the living to Ali (as) and He bought the other one environment, controlling surface water,

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 himself and created several springs in nourishing groundwater, preserving and after that he established soil, reducing noise, temperate climate [١٨] .it and flooding, wind. They slow down [١٩] .numerous groves and gardens


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storms and have a variety of economic prohibitions are permitted; Even killing people is a problem. After a relatively [٢٢] .They do [٢١] .benefits detailed study and research, he Allama Ja'far Morteza has discussed concludes that it is permissible as much this in Al-Sahih Man Sira Al-Nabi. On as necessary and expedient only in case the occasion of the discussion of the of necessity and expediency, even in siege of Bani Nadir and the cutting war. We mentioned earlier that the down of the date palm trees of the , Messenger of God (peace and blessings he has given a useful, numerous and of Allaah be upon him) forbade the varied information about the ruling on cutting of trees around Medina four cutting down the trees. The summary of [٢۵] .farsakhs in four farsakhs its novelty is that according to the fatwa of a group of Shiite jurists, cutting Iqta’ down trees is forbidden even in war, The Messenger of God (peace and and according to the fatwa of another blessings of Allaah be upon him) was group, cutting down trees in war is sent at a time and place where He sent them to fight [٢٣] .abhorrent ignorance had dominated the whole the enemy, gave them advice, and one society. The considered the trees « َ ﻻ ﺗَ ْﻘ َﻄﻌُﻮﺍ َﺷ َﺠﺮﺍً ﺇ ِ ﱠ ﻻ ﺃَ ْﻥ ﺗُ ْﻀ َﻄ ﱡﺮﻭﺍ of them was to be evil and filthy, and a group of : ﺇِ َﻟ ْﻴ َﻬﺎ» them worshiped some of them to protect themselves from the evil of the ﻭ ﻣﻦ ﻗﺘﻞ ﺻﻐﻴﺮﺍً ﺍﻭ ﮐﺒﻴﺮﺍً ﺍﻭ ﺍﺣﺮﻕ ﻧﺨﻼً ﺍﻭ ﻗﻄﻊ trees. In their minds, just as the trees ﺷﺠﺮﻩ ﻣﺜﻤﺮﻩ ﺍﻭ ﺫﺑﺢ ﺷﺎﻩ . … were evil, good and blessing also arose Anyone who kills a child or an old man, from them. In fact, the trees had two or burns a palm tree, or cuts down a dimensions, sometimes they were the tree, or kills a sheep, has not returned source of evil and misery, and [٢۴] .as a mujahid Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 sometimes the center of good and Thus the permission to cut down trees, blessing, and in both cases they were even in war, in which many sacred and worthy of worship, and so



on. The reason was that they strongly blessings of Allaah be upon him) ceded avoided trees such as figs and the like. various lands, waters and valleys, sometimes with a very large area, to [٢۶] individuals, persons or tribes, and their Socially and politically, a tribal system revival had many sweet results. The ruled their lives. Rival tribes fought late Ayatollah Ahmadi mediates the from time to time, burning farms and optimism of the people towards Islam palm groves in wars or destroying and gaining their satisfaction, groves by drowning. They filled wells providing the ground for achieving and springs that depended on the sustenance, anti-poverty, survival of palms, orchards, and farms, prosperity and prosperity of destroying green fields and destroying agriculture, environment and blowing the environment. In a situation where the spirit of joy and hope in the people. virtues have disappeared and ,Allameh Seyyed Jafar Morteza [٢٩] oppression, misguidance and ignorance while mentioning a group of plots of have cast a heavy shadow over the Arab the Prophet of God (peace be upon him The Prophet of God [٢٧] ,society and his family) such as plotting to Bani (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon Tamim and Bani Aqeel, pointed to the him) in the light of divine teachings and philosophy of these plots and while sought the greenery, prosperity and criticizing a part of Ahmadi Mianji, the prosperity of the Islamic land. Using most important goal of the Messenger various tools in this field, he was able of God (peace be upon him) Considers to flourish agriculture and greenery and the development of the Islamic land take great steps in this regard, one of and green and its destruction. which was the action of "cutting". Aqta 'means the transfer of a certain amount In the light of revelatory teachings, the of land and water, or land alone or Messenger of God (pbuh) correctly Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 water alone (part of a natural resource) recognized that the transfer of natural to a certain person or person or tribe. resources to the private sector and the The Messenger of God (peace and supervision of the restoration and [٢٨]


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guarantee of its property rights for the which the continuation of this article revivalists will be the best means of mainly seeks to express. agricultural development and Animal rights and kindness to them environmental protection, but also its growth and prosperity. Was. So he There are many, varied and important made extensive cuts that should be topics about animal rights in Islamic considered instead. After the teachings. Information about , Messenger of God (peace and blessings veterinary medicine (veterinary), the of Allaah be upon him), the abductions place of animals in human life and in sometimes went astray and in some meeting their needs. Ayatollah's ways went astray, and during the animals in existence, knowledge and of Amir al-Mu'minin, they consciousness of animals, protection of were performed again with the same animal species, hunting and principles of the period of the slaughtering, rules of birds and aquatic Messenger of Allaah (peace and animals, and the like, which are abundant and should be examined in ٣٠] .(blessings of Allaah be upon him their place. So far, we have brought the useful and scattered materials that were mentioned Articles, books, dissertations, and or discussed in the context of Allameh's dissertations have been written about words. In a macro view of Allameh these topics sporadically and about the environment, it can be said incompletely, which are praiseworthy. that he has effective and important Among his contemporaries, the late points about the environment that he Ahmadi mediated various articles in has scattered and occasionally brought the "Nature and Life" section of the in his works, but he has focused on two Farhang Jihad quarterly. Meanwhile, topics: First: The urban environment the late Allameh Seyyed Jafar Morteza Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 that We brought a summary of it wrote a work entitled The Rights of ٢٠٠۴) ١۴٢۵ AH earlier. Second: Kindness to animals, Animals in Islam in .AH ١۴٣٢ AD) which was published in



Although this work is incomplete like dimension, to some extent. In the the ones mentioned above, it has dealt zoological sciences of our time, with this issue in an original way. In the animals like humans are trapped in the continuation of this article, we will barrier of materiality and the scholars discuss his views on this matter based of the Maghreb have not been able to on this work, of course, with the help of go beyond it despite their fruitful his other works, such as Al-Sahih Min efforts, and this is a matter that is very Sira al-Nabi al-Azam. important in our time for many environmentalists living in different First, Allameh deals in detail with countries. . generalities about animals: Allama Jafar Morteza points out that Animal ethics .١ the morality of animals is sometimes Animals have morals and their evil and vicious and sometimes temperaments are different from their merciful and virtuous. For the first own. In this regard, we have received type, Aisha's is used as an many narrations from the infallibles example in the battle of Jaml, which the (peace be upon them) which, as an Commander of the Faithful ordered to example of Imam (pbuh) says about the follow, and Salman, one of the rooster: distinguished companions of the Messenger of God (peace and blessings The white rooster has five of God be upon him), called it the devil ,That is [٣٢] .characteristics of the prophets: before the battle of Jamal awareness of the times of prayers, zeal, animals with good morals remember generosity, courage and abundant the horse; Especially those horses and other animals that were in the service of [٣١] .intercourse [٣٣] .(the Imams (as Traditions are used that people in our Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 Animal consciousness .٢ time, with all their efforts to know about animals, have only been able to become aware of their material ٧١

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It was mentioned earlier that animals retaliate against them. Obviously, have morals. In this section, Allameh gathering and retaliating according to has proved by quoting the verses of the the intellect is only a that is Qur'an that in addition to morality, perceived. , Alright. Of course, we comprehension and understanding are should not exaggerate about this and different from each other; Although we should know that their they share some degree of consciousness is much less than human consciousness. In a narration from the consciousness; Just as their punishment [٣۶] .master of martyrs Hussein Ibn Ali and retribution are different (PBUH) it is said about this: So far it has been proved that, in short, all animals have a stage of َﻣﺎ َﺑ ِﻬ َﻤ ِﺖ ْﺍﻟ َﺒ َﻬ ِﺎﺋ ُﻢ َﻓ َﻠ ْﻢ ﺗُ ْﺒ َﻬ ْﻢ َﻋ ْﻦ ﺃَ ْﺭ َﺑ َﻌ ٍﻪ َﻣ ْﻌ ِﺮ َﻓ ِﺘ َﻬﺎ ِﺑ ﱠﺎﻟﺮ ِّﺏ consciousness, and this is what a group َ ﻭ َﻣ ْﻌ ِﺮ َﻓ ِﺘ َﻬﺎ ِﺑ ْﺎﻟ َﻤ ْﻮ ِﺕ َ ﻭ َﻣ ْﻌ ِﺮ َﻓ ِﺘ َﻬﺎ ِﺑ ْﺎﻷُ ْﻧﺜَﻰ ِﻣ َﻦ ﺍﻟﺬﱠ َﮐ ِﺮ َﻭ of Imami philosophers have called َﻣ ْﻌ ِﺮ َﻓ ِﺘ َﻬﺎ ِﺑ ْﺎﻟ َﻤ ْﺮ َﻋﻰ َﻋ ِﻦ ْﺍﻟ ِﺨ ْﺼ ِﺐ [٣٤] sensory, partial, and imaginary

perception, and they believe that Animals know four things: God animals have this stage of perception, Almighty, death, male and female, but is it in addition to generalities? green pasture. The second reason for They also understand and their the existence of consciousness in all behaviors are due to consciousness and animals is that they are gathered. The thinking? There is disagreement among Holy states: [٣٧] .Imami philosophers about this ﻭ ﺇﺫَﺍ ْﺍﻟﻮ ُﺣ ُﻮﺵ ُﺣ ِﺸﺮﺕ؛ Here we omit the study of others who َ ِ ُ َ ٣۵] have commented on this, and we only] .When wild animals are gathered point out that the rational argument in Also, according to a group of the proof or negation of the animal's narrations, the Almighty God holds Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 perception at higher levels is flawed. true justice among them in that world, But it must be said that the life mixed and the oppressed animals take their with the amazing and very precise right from the oppressive animals and ٧٢


َﻓ َﻤ َﮑ َﺚ ْﻏَﻴ َﺮ َﺑ ِﻌﻴﺪٍ َﻓ َﻘﺎﻝ ﺃَ َﺣ ْﻄ ُﺖ ِﺑﻤﺎ َﻟ ْﻢ ﺗُ ِﺤ ْﻂ ِﺑ ِﻪ َﻭ ِﺟﺌْﺘُ َﮏ system of a group of animals shows ِﻣ ْﻦ َﺳ َﺒﺈٍ ِﺑ َﻨَﺒﺈ ؛… that their actions are not only instinctual and they have a says to Solomon: "My absence consciousness commensurate with was not without reason. I have become their nature and truth which goes aware of something of which you are beyond the perception of details and the not aware, and I have brought you words of those scholars who deny this. important news from Saba. The truth is that their inattention to the mystery of animal life stems from their Allameh has pointed out a very inattention. important point in this regard that -of Surah An ٣١ to ٢٠ and ١٧ verses Allameh Seyed Jafar Morteza was well Naml, which we have mentioned only aware of this point and believed that, a part of two verses, have important, firstly, animals are different in precise and delicate contents and points consciousness and perception, and about zoology that need to be written in secondly, a group of them have high an independent book, but briefly in levels of consciousness and perception. ١۶ points about Hoopoe Here are just To put this claim to the throne, he that use these verses: quotes the verses of Surah An-Naml, .Birds are also obligated .١ :which say

They sometimes tell the truth and .٢ َﻗﺎﻟ ْﺖ ْﻧَﻤ َﻠﻪٌ ﻳﺎ ﺃَ ﱡﻳ َﻬﺎ ﱠﺍﻟﻨ ْﻤ ُﻞ ْﺍﺩ ُﺧﻠُﻮﺍ َﻣ ِﺴﺎﮐ ُﻨَﮑ ْﻢ ﻻ َﻳ ْﺤ ِﻄ َﻤ ﱠﻨ ُﮑ ْﻢ .sometimes they lie ُﺳ َﻠ ْﻴ ُﻤﺎﻥ َﻭ ُﺟﻨُﻮﺩُﻩُ َﻭ ُﻫ ْﻢ ﻻ َﻳ ْﺸﻌُ ُﺮﻭﻥ؛

Sometimes they are obedient and .٣ Enter into your nests, O ants, so that Solomon and his army will not trample sometimes rebellious. on you while they understand. They are punished for violating the .٤ Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 And then quotes verses related to divine laws. Hoopoe: .They argue and argue .٥


Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

He knows the heavens and the .١٥ They find out the unknown from the .٦ known. earth.

He knows that it is God who has .١٦ .Know the types of worship .٧ revealed what is hidden in the heavens They know the difference between .٨ and the earth, and He is the Knower of the righteous worship that Solomon did [what you conceal in your hearts. [۴١ and the corrupt worship that the people were suffering from. Those who have a hand in the fire in these areas in our time know the value They can discover a new country .٩ of this valuable knowledge of the and property. Qur'an. The Qur'an seeks to warn They can know the difference mankind that not all animals should be .١٠ between a king and a servant. considered instinctual and unconscious, but that a group of them, In such as Hudhud and the ant, have the .١٢ .They know male and female .١١ addition to recognizing the male and power to analyze, understand and female and the fact that a woman is the comprehend things accurately and king of the Sabaeans, they also know should not be confined to them. He her rank and greatness. Hoopoe says imprisoned materialism and the that the woman is their ruler and has a narrowness of instinct and perception seat and her seat is magnificent. of details. Allameh mentions only three points about the ant: First, the ant Hoopoe knew the sun and .١٣ realized that an army had entered their understood that they worshiped the sun. area. Secondly, he recognized the .He rooted out their error and commander of that army, Solomon .١٤ misguidance, and considered their Third, he realized that Solomon and his

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 religion to be false and their worship to army might trample them out of be corrupt by reasoning. ignorance, and he immediately gave the most appropriate instructions and



advice to the other ants; In such a way Hence, in addition to the heavy that it made Solomon smile. It is oppression that modern mankind has appropriate to point out in Nahj al- inflicted on all kinds of animals in our Balaghah that the Commanders of the time, and by destroying natural ithful (pbuh) have given detailed resources, especially forests, has explanations about ants, bats, exterminated thousands of species and peacocks, and locusts, if not to the polluted the air, water and soil, making extent of a scientific miracle, which can life difficult for them. And ignorance at least be deduced from the scientific about them due to referring to the wonders of Nahj. He knew the rhetoric. sayings and sciences of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) has caused another type of Animal worship A group of verses .٣ oppression on them, the first of which and narrations are used that worship the we call "superficial oppression" and the animals of God and obey His laws: second "secret oppression". ﻭ ﺇ ْﻥ ِﻣ ْﻦ َﺷﯽ ٍء ﺇﻻﱠ ﻳُ َﺴ ّﺒ ُﺢ ﺑ َﺤ ْﻤ ِﺪ ِﻩ ﻭ ِﻟﮑ ْﻦ ﻻ ﺗَ ْﻔ َﻘ ُﻬ َﻮﻥ Shepherding the Prophet of God (peace َ ِ ْ ِ ِ ِ َ ﺗَ ْﺴ َﺒﻴﺤ ُﻬ ْﻢ ﺇ ﱠﻧﻪُ َﮐﺎﻥ َﺣﻠﻴﻤﺎً ﻏَﻔُﻮﺭﺍ ً [٤٧] (and blessings of God be upon him ِ There is nothing unless they glorify According to historical accounts, the God with their praise, but you do not Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah understand their glorification. be upon him) was a shepherd in According to this narration, everyone for some time. He was very kind to his glorifies God and their cry of sheep during this period and his glorification creates a commotion in [kindness is famous in this regard. [۴٩ the universe that robs sleep of mystics, but human beings do not hear their The law of kindness to animals voices or worship because of the veils Allama Seyyed Jafar Morteza on of all kinds of . They see them and Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 kindness to animals believes that the « ُﺻ ﱞﻢ ﺑُ ْﮑ ٌﻢ ,do not understand their truth narrations received from the Prophet of ُﻋ ْﻤ ٌﯽ َﻓ ُﻬ ْﻢ ﻻ َﻳ ْﻌ ِﻘﻠُﻮﻥ God and the Imams (as) about kindness


Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

to animals can be an example of the law the Messenger of God (peace and of dealing with animals. The sayings blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw a and narrations that were issued more camel with a plan on it and it was tied. than a thousand years ago (PBUH), but The Imam said: "Its owner must be in such a way that today in all ready to be hostile to that camel in the [international centers related to animal future (other world)." [۵٠ rights and moral treatment of them can .You should not stand on his back .٦ be presented and be a source of pride; The animal should not be run too .٧ Narratives whose secret of success is that their narrators have correctly and much and too much. comprehensively known animals, man, When someone travels with an .٨ nature and the future, and based on this deep, accurate and comprehensive animal, when he reaches his knowledge, they have said these words. destination, his first job should be to Seyed Jafar Morteza, from reflecting water and feed the animal. The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) has ١٠٨ on this narration, has brought points about dealing with animals and narrated from the Messenger of God being kind to them: (pbuh) who said:

Must be kind to animals. The quadruped has six rights over its .١ owner. Give him fodder as soon as he They should not be kept upright gets off. Whenever they cross the .٢ while carrying a load. water, expose him to drinking water. Do not touch his face; For he glorifies He did not give them water with .٣ his Lord. Do not stand on his back restraint. except for jihad in the way of God. Do .Do not put too much burden on the not put too much weight on his back .٤

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 animal. Do not overdo it.

Stables and animal shelters should be .٩ He should not be kept standing while .٥ his plan is behind him. It is narrated that cleaned. ٧٦


Water and pus from his nose should did not feed him and would not let him .١٠ be removed. go I saw the plants fall to the fire of Hell, and I saw the owner of a that Stopped harassing the animal and .١١ had entered Paradise because his dog did not bother him. It is narrated from ١۵. No animal should be .was watered the Messenger of God that you should killed without purpose and without clean the place where the sheep are kept reason. and clean the fluids that come out of their noses; Because sheep are from the Allameh further explains and writes in four ends of heaven. this regard that no animal should be killed for the sake of the soul and All animals, even insects and .١٢ without a religious and rational animals whose meat is forbidden to eat, purpose. In a narration from the should be watered if they are thirsty. Prophet of God, it is narrated that They should not be imprisoned; whoever kills a sparrow without any .١٣ reason and out of joy will complain ,They should not be imprisoned in against God on the Day of Judgment .١٤ [special circumstances] [who die of the sparrow will say: "My Lord, this hunger or thirst due to limitation]. servant of yours killed me in vain." "It did not benefit me, nor did it allow me It is narrated from Imam al-Sadiq (as) to go and eat the plants of the earth." that a woman was subjected to divine punishment because she tied a [and In another narration which is very as a result that cat could not get food important and Allameh has quoted it and water] until she died of thirst and from Shiite and Sunni narration hunger. It is also narrated from the sources: Messenger of God (peace and blessings ﻭ ﻗﺪ ﺭﻭی ّﺍﻥ ﺍﻣﻴﺮﺍﻟﻤﺆﻣﻨﻴﻦ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ ٰﻗﻀﯽ ﻓﻴﻤﻦ of Allaah be upon him) that… In the Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 ﻗﺘﻞ ّﺩﺍﺑﻪً ﻋﺒﺜﺎ ﺃﻭ ﻗﻄﻊ ﺷﺠﺮﺍً ﺩﻭ ﺃﻓﺴﺪ ﺯﺭﻋﺎً، ﺃﻭ ﻋﺪﻡ fire of Hell [on the night of Ascension ﺑﻴﺘﺎً ﺃﻭ ّﻋﻮﺭ ﺑﺌﺮﺍً ﺃﻭ ﻧﻬﺮﺍً، ﺃﻥ ﻳﻐﺮﻡ ﻗﻴﻤﻪ ﻣﺎ ﺍﺳﺘﻬﻠﮏ when they showed me Paradise and Hell] a woman who had tied her cat and ٧٧

Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

verses of the Qur'an, cutting down ﻭ ﺃﻓﺴﺮ ﻭ ﻳﻀﺮﺏ ﺟﻠﺪﺍﺕٍ ﻧﮑﺎﻻً. ﻭ ﺍﻥ ﺩﺧﻄﺎ ﻭ ﻟﻢ trees, destroying agriculture and ﻳﺘﻌﻌﻤﺪ ﺫﺍﻟﮏ ، ﻓﻌﻠﻴﻪ ﻣﺎ ﻧﻘﺺ ﻣﻦ ﺛﻤﻨﻬﺎ [٥١ ] polluting and destroying water is It is narrated that the Commander of the corruption on earth, which has a very Faithful (pbuh) judged the punishment painful punishment. of a group of crimes as follows: One who kills an animal in vain, or cuts And one of the signs of a worthy down a tree, or destroys a farm, or government is the revival, greenery and destroys a house, or a well or a river. development of agriculture, and Blind, in addition to paying the price consequently food security, and on the for what he destroyed and corrupted, he other hand, one of the signs of a corrupt should be punished by flogging [at the government is that greenery and dates discretion of the judge], and if he disappear from the national scene and committed one of the above-mentioned agriculture declines. God Almighty acts by mistake and unintentionally, he says: should only be compensated. And he ﺇﺫﺍ ﺗَﻮ ﱠﻟﻰ َ ﺳﻌﻰ ِﻓﯽ ْﺍﻷَ ْﺭ ِﺽ ِﻟﻴُ ْﻔ ِﺴﺪَ ِﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﻭ ﻳُ ْﻬ ِﻠ َﮏ ِ َ َ will be released from imprisonment ْﺍﻟ َﺤ ْﺮ َﺙ ﻭ ﱠﺍﻟﻨ ْﺴ َﻞ ﻭ ﱠﺍُ ﻻ ﻳُ ِﺤ ﱡﺐ ْﺍﻟ َﻔﺴﺎﺩَ ﻭ ﺇﺫﺍ ِﻗ َﻴﻞ َﻟﻪُ َ َ َ ِ and imprisonment. And if someone ﺍﺗﱠﻖ ﱠﺍَ ﺃَﺧَﺬَﺗْﻪُ ْﺍﻟ ِﻌ ﱠﺰﻩُ ﺑ ْﺎﻹﺛْ ِﻢ َﻓ َﺤ ْﺴﺒُﻪُ َﺟﻬ ﱠﻨﻢ ﻭ َﻟﺒﺌْﺲ ِ ِ ِ َ ُ َ ِ َ injures a , he must pay as much as ْﺍﻟ ِﻤﻬﺎﺩ [٥٢] he has deducted (the difference between the price of a healthy and And when he gains power or when he injured animal) as compensation. turns his back on you and returns from you, he tries to corrupt the land and The government of the Amir al- destroy agriculture and agriculture and Mo'menin is the government of justice, generation (livestock and race) and progress and a model for governments. God does not like corruption and when He also preached justice and he tells them If you practice piety and Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 development in the fields of animals, fear God, your arrogance leads you to plants, agriculture and water. sin. Hell is enough for him and he is in According to a group of narrations and a bad position.



Regarding the first sentence of the based on the interpretation of Allameh verse: The first is that when he gains Tabatabai and the reality of science and power and from the writer's point of life leads to the destruction of animal view, this possibility is in accordance and human generations. This indicates with the appearance of the verse or has the importance Agriculture and more appearance. According to this greenery of the land. interpretation, one of the signs of a Also, according to this verse, those righteous government is that rulers who move in the direction of agriculture flourishes, vegetables and destroying agriculture and destruction dates overshadow the land, and the like animals are not only illegitimate, generation and race of animals and because they are corrupters and God humans are preserved and remain. This does not like corruption, they are is in fact the meaning of the verse, but coveted by God and should be according to the corresponding and punished; Of the type of punishment rational meaning of the verse, it is a "corruptor on earth". sign of corrupt rule that destroys agriculture and destroys the earth, Reason dictates that believers should which is the food of animals, by be vigilant and not allow such rulers to destroying plants and date palms, and gain power, and if they do, according to by destroying plants, depression and verses and that the protection of stagnation. The destruction of natural resources, the environment and agriculture, the food security of human the generation of plants, animals, beings is also endangered and their aquatic animals and humans is generation is also threatened and obligatory, their rule should be destroyed. overthrown.

According to the appearance of the One of the most neglected and Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 verse, one of the types of corruption on important manifestations of the rule of earth is the destruction of agriculture the Amir al-Mo'menin, which will last and greenery of the earth, which is forever and will certainly receive


Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

special attention in the future, is the intelligence, sincerity and goals he digs strategy and policies of the rule of the and plants seedlings in the ground, Imam regarding the agriculture of sows seeds, irrigates, digs wells and natural resources and the environment. prunes nature. Didn't he build dozens of To further explain this issue, which refreshing and life-giving springs, seems necessary, we will first briefly especially in Yanbu, and set up fruitful discuss the manner in which he dealt fields, fruitful gardens and unique with nature. We want to look at this groves whose lush palm-tree view superman of history from another overwhelmed the viewers with joy, angle; vitality and freshness !?

According to him and his biography of Amidst the vast and scorched desert the freshness and charm of the flowers, and the scorched and dry deserts the chirping of the nightingales, the around Medina, the gardens, groves, peacock feathers and feathers he fields, wells, springs and streams of Ali described in his eternal sermon, the (pbuh) remain a paradise that had vision of the ants and their small, arisen in the midst of Hell; A paradise mysterious bodies, which also whose branches, leaves, greens, explained them in a wonderful way. flowers, shrubs, bushes, blossoms, and The hearing wonders of the locusts that fruits were so full of beauty, Seyyed Razi reported in Nahj al- tenderness, and freshness that they Balaghah, the firmness of the seemed to be eternal. He (pbuh) taught mountains, the meaningful calm of the us well how to think and act in the face seas, the clarity and sweetness of the of natural resources and the waters, the song of birds that have environment. strange expressions about it, the He taught us innovative, constructive, wonders of the world of fish and

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 and timeless teachings about animals aquatic animals and things like that such as ants, , peacocks, bats, How he interpreted and how he treated locusts, horses, , birds, and animals kindly, With what passion,



aquatic animals, the practice of which development of the planet, the only leads to health, the development of inhabited planet. nature, and the environment. On the A living animal should not be .١٦ other hand, it guarantees the happiness targeted for shooting. of this world and the hereafter. Ali (pbuh) created them and knew the verse Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (as) has of existence, knowledge and power of narrated: God and therefore did not look at them as a tool. As he considered agriculture, The Messenger of God (peace and arboriculture, greenery and date palm blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the development of dead lands as passed by a group of people who were the main duties of Muslims, especially shooting at a live . Hazrat said: the rulers, and always emphasized the Who are these? May God curse them! development of this planet. .Night is the time and bed of birds .١٧ He forbade his followers from cutting They should not be approached in any down trees and believed that green way. space and environment full of flowers Bird chicks should not be removed .١٨ and plants not only make human from their nests until they have bodies, but also have wonderful effects fluttered their wings and are unable to on their souls and spirits, and fly. This is not a case of hunting; intensively religion and the human Because these are under the world. And provides his livelihood and obligation and guarantee of God spirituality, and in a word, Ali (pbuh) Almighty until they have wings and was the model of building the body, Animals should not be .١٩ .feathers soul and environment of human beings, targeted for shooting, so as to tie them and his lifestyle and religious and up and shoot them so hard that they die. Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 secular plans provide the most ,Animals should not be imitated .٢٠ constructive roadmap for the that is, their corners and noses should be cut off. It has been narrated from the ٨١

Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

Prophet of God (peace and blessings of The old worshiper and mystic of the Allaah be upon him) that God's curse is Children of Israel worshiped God. He on anyone who imitates an animal. saw two children worshiping and praying, making live rooster feathers. If in the territory of the enemy's .٢١ He continued his worship without country, a human four-legged animal forbidding them. God Almighty (horse or camel) stops moving and is ordered the earth to be angry with him. unable to move, he should not be The earth became angry with him and followed, but he should be slaughtered. engulfed him, and he is always and In those days, when the Muslims were forever sinking into the floors of hell. fighting in the land of the enemy, because their horse stopped moving, it .The animal should not be burned .٢٤ was given to the enemy and it was in his favor. Hence, they followed the The person who is milking the .٢٥ horse. Ja'far Tayyar (pbuh) followed animal should remove his nails so that his horse in the battle of Mutah for this the animal's breast is not irritated with reason. his nails. It is forbidden to hunt birds in their .٢٢ To take an animal, one should not .٢٦ nests, because the nest is a safe place listen to it, but one should take its neck and a place of rest for them, and and take it with it. hunting is allowed only when it has When is given to zakat .٢٧ flown from the nest and gone to another place. officers as zakat or camel tax, it should not be done in such a way that there is It should not pluck the feathers of a .٢٣ a separation between the animal and its living animal. child.

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 Allama has quoted a narration from An animal should not be milked .٢٨ Shiite and Sunni sources that is very enough to leave nothing for its infant. shocking. Imam Sadegh (as) says:



The animal should not be moved .٣٨ If a person has several animals and .٢٩ travels with them, he should not ride from grassy places to grassless roads one of them, but should divide the ride and paths: among them [fairly]. ﺃﻥ ﻻ ﻳﻌﺪﻝ ﺑﻬﺎ ﻋﻦ ﻣﻮﺍﺿﻊ ﺍﻟﻨﺒﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﯽ ﺟﻮﺍﺩ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻕ ﻓﺂﻧﺠﺎﺩﻩ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻕ ﻻ ﻧﺒﺎﺕ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ . When the animal is tired, he should .٣٠ be allowed to rest and be kind to him in In the interval between movement .٣٩ this regard as well. hours, time should be devoted to the .The condition of a camel with a rest of the animals .٣١ perforated, wound or torn sole should ﺃﻥ ﻳﺮﻭﺣﻬﺎ ﻓﯽ ﺍﻟﺴﺎﻋﺎﺕ . . be considered. Careful reference to the sources of The condition of a camel whose leg .٣٢ shows that the ٣٩ and ٣٨ cases is bent, crooked or limp should be intention of the Imam (as) and the observed. jurists who narrated the and Charpa should not be intimidated issued a fatwa according to it is .٣٣ and given Rome. something else. This means that the animal should not be relocated while it .Charpa should not be tormented .٣٤ is resting. The text of the narration is as :The animal should not be pulled follows .٣٥ violently and cruelly. ﻭ ﻻ ﻳﻌﺪﻝ ّﺑﻬﻦ ﻋﻦ ﻧﺒﺖ ﺍﻷﺭﺽ ﺍﻟﻰ ﺟﻮﺍﺩّ ّﺍﻟﻄﺮﻕ ﻓﯽ ّﺍﻟﺴﺎﻋﺎﺕ ّﺍﻟﺘﯽ ﺗﺮﻳﺢ ﻭ ﺗﻌﻨﻖ Riding with an animal should not .٣٦ be so much that it is difficult and And he should not drag the animal from painful. the vegetated land to the roads and When crossing the water, he should paths [at the time] when he is resting or .٣٧ Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 be exposed to drinking water. when he is drinking water at the end of the day.


Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

Do not ride the animal naked, (but .٤٤ When passing the animal through .٤٠ plants and small pits of water, give the ride on the animal's clothing such as animal time to drink water or graze on saddle and saddle). the plant if it wishes. ,When it descends from the animal .٤٥ He should not hit him when he is on do it right. (Give him rest, fodder and .٤١ all fours. water, and estimate if he needs anything else.) Do not touch the face. It is narrated .٤٢ He should ride on it only while he .٤٦ that Imam Sajjad (as) went to ten or twenty times with his camel and did is healthy, and he should not ride on it not even visit him once. if he is sick.

Do not place him in the streets and .٤٧ Imam Sajjad (pbuh) commanded .٤٣ that the animal with which he had gone markets to speak to others; That is, to Hajj be buried after his death so that while he is riding, do not stop him to his predators would not eat him [but his talk. It is narrated from the Messenger body would be transformed and turned of God (peace and blessings of Allaah into dust]. In the continuation of the be upon him): hadith, it is stated that the Imam made If the animal is healthy, ride on it and a will to the Imam (as): My son, I have do not put it in your chair to talk to gone to Hajj twenty times with this others on the roads; Because how many animal and I have not beaten him once. inks are better than the one they are The Messenger of God said: "Every riding on; Because more than him, they camel that stays in Arafa for seven say the remembrance of God Almighty. years, God Almighty places him from the cattle of Paradise and blesses his The narration that we brought before generation; When [after the martyrdom Imam Sajjad (PBUH) is used that Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 of Imam Sajjad] the camel died, Imam animals such as camels also use Baqir (as) dug a hole and buried him in spiritual places and times and this it. narration is used that sometimes ٨٤


animals are more spiritually successful Allaah be upon him) calmed him down than humans. by tapping on his hump… The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon He should not heat his face and face .٤٨ him) said to the owner of the camel: and mark it. "You do not fear God for keeping him When he goes with him, he should .٤٩ hungry." calm him down in the green and grassy Keep the sick animal away from the .٥٤ land, and when he drives him in the dry and grassless land, he should act healthy animal so that its disease does quickly. not spread to the healthy animal.

Do not sterilize livestock. (Do not The Messenger of God (peace and .٥٠ kill the testicles of cattle.) blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not bring a sick animal over a Animals should not be provoked to .٥١ healthy one," but the narrations that fight and fight with each other, except briefly indicate that the disease is not . transmitted among animals may mean For the lost and found four-legged that the owners should not be obsessed .٥٢ animal, provide a suitable place and with it. Have and worry and their worry water it and give it suitable forage. should not reach the level of obsession; Undoubtedly, a group of narrations is He should not let the animal go used that is contagious to a number of .٥٣ hungry. In a narration, Abdullah Ibn diseases of cattle and animals. Ja'far narrated from the Messenger of God that the Prophet of God (peace and It is possible to interpret the narrations blessings of God be upon him) came to which say that the disease is not the grove of an Ansari and there was a contagious among animals in such a Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 camel in it. When the camel's eyes fell way that some diseases that are not on the Messenger of God, tears flowed. contagious were thought to be The Prophet (peace and blessings of contagious and the Messenger of God


Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

A camel with an infant should not .٦٢ peace and blessings of Allaah be upon) him) expressed their non-contagion be struck or killed unless its children with these narrations. Not all animal are given as alms or slaughtered. diseases. ۵۵. Imam Sajjad (as) used to If a camel slips or falls, it should .۶٣ build a farm with this intention so that not hit it; Because its removal is not he could eat ghanbara from this farm. without reason, although you do not .When a person eats in the desert, it understand why .٥٦ is recommended that he does not pick If Charpa slips, he should not ask .٦٤ up small pieces of food from the table God for his death and curse him. so that the creatures can eat them. If an animal has a child, it should .٦٥ Three or more people should not .٥٧ not express all its milk, but should keep ride on the animal, because they are some of it. heavy and the animal is annoyed. ,He should not hit the horse's mane .۶۶ ;should not sleep on the animal .٥٨ mane or tail. Because sleeping on the compound Do not delay milking the animal .speeds up the healing process of ۶٧ wounds and injuries to the back of the for a while so that the customer thinks animal. he is an animal with a lot of milk.

He should not let his animal kick a .٦٨ He should not curse the animal, in .٥٩ which case God will curse him. farm while he is riding or not riding.

Do not prolong riding on all fours .٦٩ He should not curse the animal and .٦٠ curse it. without reason and need.

Protect the animal and try not to .٧٠ Try to make the animal or animals .٦١ Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 fat and obese waste it.



He should not tie the animal's hands Therefore, whistling is bad and one .٧١ and feet together and still leave him to should not whistle to guide the sheep. graze. What is mentioned in the It should not kill bees, ants, eye .٧٣ narration about this is the "shape" that stones, swallows, hooded and the Prophet (peace and blessings of many other birds mentioned in the Allaah be upon him) did not like; But narrations. what is "shape"? Allama Majlisi writes: Animals should not drink forbidden .٧٤ In his famous book, Muslim has beverages such as wine. interpreted it as the whiteness of a He should not lean or sit on the load .٧٥ horse's foot and has written that the "shape" is that it is white in the left or placed on the animal. Probably because right hand of the horse or white in the sitting on it (according to the types of right hand and left foot, and Abu loads at that time) causes the thorn or Ubaydah and most lexicologists have dirt to reach the back of the animal and written that That is, one of the animal's hurt it. limbs should not be white and the other When he eats, give the same food .٧٦ three should be white. And they liken it to a horse being chained, for often its to the animal that is looking at him. three arms and legs are chained and one He should not sing songs .٧٧ of them is set free. when he rides an animal. (Get rich) He should not whistle when the .٧٢ A should not be put on a .٧٨ sheep go to pasture. Sheikh Saduq purebred Arabian horse so that a mule narrated in the causes of that can be born from them. they asked Imam Sadegh: Most likely, this narration is a type of How and how did the people of Lot find

Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 government narration; That is, certain out that men had come to Lot's house? horses that were not expedient to be The Imam said: "His wife came out and exposed to donkeys. whistled and they understood."


Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

He should not sharpen his knife in .٨٣ He should avoid wearing necklaces .٧٩ [of the superstitious and ignorant type]. front of the victim's eyes so that the victim can see it and as a result be Seyyed Razi (may God bless him and frightened and annoyed. grant him peace) has interpreted a .٨۴. Slaughter quickly .narration on this subject in two ways First, do not seek bloodshed and Do not cut off the head of the .٨٥ plunder the property of others like ٨۶. Do .slaughter during the slaughter ignorant riders. Second, do not tie a not skin the animal before the soul bow or turban around the necks of leaves the body. horses like them. Give him water before .٨٧ They should not allow the male .٨٠ slaughtering. animal to mingle with the female Do not slaughter an animal that is .٨٨ animal openly for people to see, in public places such as paths. pregnant for no reason.

Do not slaughter a lactating animal .٨٩ An animal that is moving should .٨١ not be thought of as stone, wood, or for no reason. other inanimate objects, and should not When slaughtering, let go of the .٩٠ .lean on it, sit, and strike birds' hands and feet and do not tie .Regarding the slaughter of animals, them .٨٢ instructions have been received from You should not turn the knife inside .٩١ (the infallibles (peace be upon them and it is stated in the rules of the throat by turning it upside down and jurisprudence that from this issue turning it upside down. onwards, it is about the rites of He should not hold the animal's .٩٢ Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 slaughter. He must hide the knife with hands and feet during slaughter, but which he slaughters the animal, so that should control it by taking the the animal cannot see it. slaughtered wool and hair.



Do not slaughter an animal that .١٠٤ When slaughtering a cow, tie its .٩٣ hands and feet and release its tail. has served man for some time.

Do not slaughter animals and .١٠٥ For the camel's snout, tie its hoof .٩٤ under its shoulder and release its legs. birds that have taken refuge in humans.

He should not be beaten or kicked .١٠٦ Do not break the animal's neck .٩٥ before the animal dies and cools. so that the soul can leave his body sooner (die). .Do not slaughter before dawn .٩٦ Do not move the sacrifice until the .١٠٧ Do not kill or force an animal to be .٩٧ soul leaves its body (dies completely). slaughtered by force or violence. Do not rape an animal. In Islamic .١٠٨ Do not drag him to the slaughter .٩٨ jurisprudence, penalties are imposed with your feet. for raping animals.

Kindly take him to slaughter and Sources .٩٩ sleep. Quran Use a sharp knife so that the .١٠٠ Approach to rhetoric animal is slaughtered quickly and not Sayyid Jafar Morteza Al-Ameli; Animal disturbed. rights in Islam; Beirut, Islamic Center for .٢٠١١ - AH ١۴٣٢ ,Do not cut the animal's spinal cord Studies, Second Edition .١٠١ before the animal's soul leaves Takhtit al-Madan fi al-Islam; Beirut, ٢٠٠٩ - AH ١۴٣٠ ,complete death). Islamic Center for Studies) AD. Do not slaughter the animal he has Sayyid Ali Husseini; Plants and life in .١٠٢ trained. religious thought; Qom, Aye Hayat .١٩٩٨ ,Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 Cultural Institute, first edition Do not slaughter an animal that he .١٠٣ Baqir Majlisi; Sea of Lights; has kept for himself and was with him. .٢٠١٣ ,Tehran, Islamic Bookstore


Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

Muhammad ibn Ya`qub ibn Kalini; Al- Murtada; Qom, Wala 'al-Muntazr, first .AH ١۴٣٠ ,Kafi; Beirut, Dar Sa'b, Dar al-Ta'rif with edition the research of Ali Akbar Ghaffari, third Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Tabataba’ee; ;AH. Balance in the interpretation of the Qur'an ١۴٠١ ,edition Nature in the Alawite tradition; By Seyed Qom, Ismailian Press Institute, third .٢٠١۴ ,Ali Hosseini; Qom, Khakian Publications, edition Fadl Ibn Hassan Tabarsi; Assembly .٢٠٠٩ ,first edition bin is not a visual idiot; History of Statement; Tehran, Islamic Bookstore .٢٠١۶ AH ,the enlightened city; Qom, Dar al-Fikr, Publications, fifth edition Imam Fakhr Razi; Al- Al-Kabir .١٩٨٩ Writers Group; Green Alchemy; Tehran, (Tafsir Fakhr Razi); Qom, Maktab al-A'lam .AH ١۴١٣ ,Forests and Rangelands Organization, first al-Islami, fourth edition Abdul Ali bin Juma Hawizi wedding; Noor .٢٠٠٣ edition Rahim Mirzaei Mullah Ahmad; Forests of al-Thaqalin; Qom, Qom Theological ; Tehran Agricultural Education Offset, n.d. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and a group of .٢٠١٠ ,Publishing, First Edition Ali Ahmadi Mediator; Makatib al-Rasool; researchers; Guide Interpretation; Qom, Islamic Propaganda Office Publishing .١٩٩٨ ,Qom, Dar al-Hadith, first edition .١٩٩۵ ,Mohammad Hassan Heidari, Seyed Ali Center, First Edition Hosseini; Nature in the Prophetic tradition; Muhammad ibn Hassan Har Ameli; Detail Qom Publishing the verse of life, first of Shiite means to Sharia purposes; Beirut, Dar Al-Ahya Al-Tarath Al-Arabi, fourth .١٣٨٨ edition .AH ١٣٩١ ,Sheikh Mohammad Ali Ansari; The edition encyclopedic jurisprudence of Egypt; Seyed Mohammad bin Ali Mousavi; Qom, Islamic Thought Association, first Documents of rulings; Beirut, Al-Bayt ,١۴١۵. Foundation for the Revival of Heritage ,edition

.AH ١۴١١ ,Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 Seyed Jafar Morteza Ameli; Al-Sahih from first edition the biography of Imam Ali (as) or Al- Hassan Ibn Ibn Ali Ibn Motahar Murtada from the biography of Al- Hali; The end of the matter in the research



١۴٠٢ ,of religion; Mashhad, Islamic Research Publishing Office, second edition .AH .٢٠٠٢ ,Foundation, First Edition Muhammad Baqir Majlisi; The choice in Sayyid Ja’far Murteda; Al-Sahih from the the understanding of the refinement of biography of the Great Prophet; Beirut, Dar ١٩٩۵- ,news; Qom, Ayatollah Al-Marashi School, al-Hadi, Dar al-Sira, fourth edition .AH ١٤١٥ .١۴٠۶ ,first edition .Animal rights in Islam, p. ۶ .[١] Muhammad Baqir Majlisi; The mirror of .The same .[٢] the minds in the explanation of the news of The transgression of civilization in .[٣] -Al-Rasool; Tehran Dar al-Kitab al .٨٢ .١٩٨۵. Islam, p ,Islamiyya, first edition .٨٢-٨١ .Al-Wafi Book; Isfahan, School of Amir al- [۴]. Ibid., Pp ۵]. See: Plants and Life in Religious] .١٩٨٩ ,Mo'menin PBUH, first edition .١٠٩-٩٧ .Jewel of the word in the explanation of Thought, pp .Islamic law; Beirut Dar Al-Ahya Al-Tarath [۶]. Mystics: ۵٨ .١٢ :Queue .[٧] ١٩٨١ ,Al-Arabi, Seventh Edition .٨ ١۵ and see: verse :Saba .[٨] -Muhammad ibn Hali; Al-Sarai Al Translated by Sheikh Mohammad .[٩] Hawi to write the fatwas; Qom, Islamic .Yaseri ١۴١٧ ,Publishing Institute, fourth edition .Conversion of Islamic Civilization, p .[١٠] .AH ٢٣۴, corrected by Ali .Tahf al-Aqool, p ;٨٣ Ruhollah al-Musawi Khomeini; Lectures on Imam Khomeini's philosophy; Imam Akbar Ghaffari. .١٣٠ .p ,Sea of Lights, vol. ۵٠ .[١١] .Khomeini Publishing House, First Edition ,Conversion of Civilization in Islam .[١٢] Sadruddin Mohammad Shirazi; The .١٠٢-٨٢ .travelers, the transcendent wisdom in the pp -Surah An« َ…ﻓﺄَ ْﺣﻴﺎ ِﺑ ِﻪ ْﺍﻷَ ْﺭﺯَ َﺑ ْﻌﺪَ َﻣ ْﻮ ِﺗﻬﺎ … .[١٣] four intellectual journeys; Beirut, House ٢۴ for the Revival of Arab Heritage, Third Nahl, verse ۶۵, Surah Romans, verses

.…and .١٩٨١ ,Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 Edition ١۴]. Al-Sahih from the biography of Amir] Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Hassan .١٣-٣١٢ .pp ,٣ .Tusi; Description of signs; Tehran, Book al-Mu'minin, vol .٧۴ .Kafi, vol. ۵, p .[١۵] ٩١

Safinah al-nejat. Vol. ۵, No. ۱۹

.١۴ .٣۶]. Ibid., P] .٧۵ .Ibid., P .[١۶] .pp ,٣ .Description of references, vol .[٣٧] ;١٩٢ .See: Nature in the Alawite Sira, p [١٧] Imam ;١٥٨ .p ,٨ .Asfar, vol ;٣٢٣-٣٢٢ .٢٢٩ .Hejaz in the beginning of Islam, p .p ,٣ .Khomeini's Philosophy Lectures, vol ,١ .History of the enlightened city, vol .[١٨] .٤٥١ .٢٢۵-٢٢١ .pp -٣٢٢ .pp ,٣ .See: Sharh Asharat, vol .[٣٨] .١٩۴ .Nature in Alavi Sira, p .[١٩] .٣٢٣ -١٧٠ .See: Nature in the Alavi Sira, pp .[٢٠] .١۵٨ .p ,٨ .See: Asfar, vol .[٣٩] .٢٦٣ See: Imam Khomeini's Philosophy .[and pp. [۴٠ ١٧-١٢ .Green Alchemy, pp .[٢١] .p. ۴۵١ ,٣ .Lectures, vol .١٦٣-١٤٩ .١۶ .Animal rights in Islam, p .[۴١] .١.Forests of Iran, p .[٢٢] ,About the life of an ant ;١٧ .Ibid., P .[Al-Sahih from the biography of the [۴٢ .[٢٣] see: The Miraculous Sermon of the Amir .١١٨ .p ,٨ .Great Prophet, vol ١١۵. al-Mo'menin in Nahj al-Balaghah, Sermon .Ibid., P .[٢۴] ١٨٥ .١٢٢-١١٢ .Ibid., Pp .[٢۵] ;١۵۵ Nahj al-Balaghah, Sermon .[RK: Plants and life in religious [۴٣ .[٢۶] Explanation of Nahj al-Balaghah Ibn .١٨-١٧ .thought, pp .٢۵٧ .p ,٣ .The same. Maysam, vol .[٢٧] .١۶۵ The encyclopedia of jurisprudence, [۴۴]. Ibid., Sermon .[٢٨] .١٨۵ .۴۵]. Ibid., P] .٣٨٩ .vol. ۴, p RK: [۴۶]. In Nahj al-Balaghah, the names of ;p. ۵٨٣ ,٣ .Makatib al-Rasool, vol .[٢٩] ,more than twenty animals are mentioned .١٤٢-١٣٢ .Nature in the Prophetic Sira, pp Al-Sahih from the biography of Amir and about some of the four cases, the Imam .[٣٠] has given some explanations that I have .١٤١-١٣٩ .١۶, pp .al-Mu'minin, vol -given in the book of animals in Nahj al .٩ .Animal rights in Islam, p .[٣١] .Balaghah .١١-٩ .Ibid., Pp .[٣٢]

Isra, ۴۴ .[۴٧] .١٢ .Ibid., P .[٣٣] Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 ﺧَﺘَ َﻢ ﱠﺍُ ﻋﻠﻰ :١٨ and ١٧١ :Al-Baqarah .[۴٨] .quoting Kafi, p. ۵٣٩ ,٢٠ .Ibid., P .[٣۴] God ;…ﻗُﻠُ ِﻮﺑ ِﻬ ْﻢ َﻭ َﻋ َﻠﻰ َﺳ ْﻤ ِﻌ ِﻬ ْﻢ َﻭ َﻋ َﻠﻰ ِﺑﺄﺻﺎﺭ ِﻫ ْﻢ ِﻏ َﺸﺎﻭﻩ ,Quoted from Kafi, vol. ۶ .١٣ .Ibid., P .[٣۵] .p. ۵٢٩ ٩٢


.Animal Rights in Islam, p. ۴٩ .[has sealed their hearts and ears, and their [۶١ .Ibid., P. ۴١ .[eyes are veiled. [۶٢ .١٩٧ .p ,See: Baharalanvar, vol. ۶١ [Al-Sahih from the biography of the [۶٣ .[۴٩] .٩٧ .p ,٢ .Great Prophet, vol .٢٧ .Ibid., P .[۵٠] .٢٣ .Ibid., P .[۵١] Isra, ۴۴ .[۵٢] ;٩٨ .p ,٢ .See: Al-, vol .[۵٣] p. ۵۴; Tafsir ,٢ .Assembly Statement, Vol

-Noor al ;٢١٩ .p ,٣ .Fakhr Razi, vol ٢١۴; Guide .p ,١ .Thaqalin, vol .٣۵-٣٩ .pp ,٢ .Interpretation, Vol .٩٨ .p ,٢ .Al-Mizan, vol .[۵۴] -٢٢٢ .pp ,See: Baharalanvar, vol. ۶١ .[۵۵] .٢٢٣ For further explanation of the .[۵۶]

meaning of the hadith, see: Baharalanvar, .٢٢٣ .p ,vol. ۶١ .p. ۵٣۶; Civilization, vol ,٣ .Kafi, vol .[۵٧] .٨٨ .p ,٦ .Tools, vol ;٢٧٤ .p ,٤ ;p. ۶٣٧ ,٣ .See: Sufficient Margin, Vol [۵٨] ;٢١٠ .Documents of rulings, vol. ۵, p -Malaz al ;٩٢ .p ,٨ .Muntah al-Muttalib, vol .٢۵٧ .Akhyar, vol. ۶, p .p. ۴٥٦ ,١ .Al-Sarair, vol .[۵٩] .١۶, pp .The Mirror of the Minds, vol .[۶٠]

-Al ;Malaz al-Akhyar, vol. ۶, p. ۵٧ ;٦٨-٦٧ Downloaded from safinah-al-nejat.ir at 11:39 +0330 on Saturday October 2nd 2021 ١۵۶; Documents of .p ,١٠ .Wafi, vol ,Jawahar al- ;٢١٠ .rulings, vol. ۵, p .٣٣۴ .١۵, p .vol ٩٣