
2 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, APRIL 29,- 1910 Rapidly ' Coffers^' - ' ' ''" " —'"•L \u25a0 Fair— — — r - -•- Golden.'' Flood \u25a0 \u25a0 '_\u25a0-'•_ \u25a0. -•'-*." '\u25a0\u25a0 "... v"-" ..-.-. Into>'\u25a0 !"• ~^T~ "-T Pours\ *w...... ~SCEN£~IN THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE DURING THE RECEIPT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO STOCKiIN THE INTERNATIONALEX- " OF PANAMA-PACIFIC ' -•'• - "; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- - : •:•\u25a0•• \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0- > POSITION COMPANY '". .\u25a0..,; -'• .-; , .- ; r . -. -'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . -. ::\u25a0""..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. t INDIANADEMOCRATS IN STORMY SESSION MORE NEEDED After Scene Approximating a Riot They Decide ;to Nomi- BY DIRECTORS nate Man for Senate

Those Who Are Able to Give Attack Upon Tom Taggart by Small Sums Urged to Buy, John E. Lamb Throws Del- Exposition Stock egates Into Uproar

Great Enthusiasm Prevails Dur= . April 2Si— ln or.o of the stormiest political convention* ing Sale of Shares on Floor ever held in , the democrats of Exchange the state today by a vote of SSSJa t<^ of Merchants' Ssßfi decided to indorse a candidate- for the senate. Western Union sent up a hurry message The vote was taken after leaders of to th< effect that it subscribed $10,000; the party on both sides of the qups- company the Crown distillery came for- tion had been heard. Senator B. Iv ward with a like amount; J. W. Schou- ten & Co. bridged a pause with 51,000; Shively and Samuel Ralston spake and. while this was going; on at the against the proposition, while J. K. rostrum, men. laughing' and pushing McCullough and John E. Lamb argued way, each other out of the were sub- In its favor. scribing smaller sums, ranging from Shively protested downward, After had that tit* $'•00 at the desk. In less convention had not been called to nom- Ulan 10 minutes the 4.000,000 dollar — then, inate a senator and could not authori- mark was passed and just to tatively do so. Lamb closed the debut- sOiow that there was till fun left in the proposition. crowd, In favor of the they boomed it up $89,000 more. When he declared: "T anr eternal ly Tlio crowd was wild with enthus- opposed Taggartlsm." seenW, gone to a riot iasm. They would have on all imminent. night, but the end had to come. • The 783 delegates from Indianajjoli* While more than satisfied with the county, among sale; and Marion whom- sa-t opening the directorate', of the Thomas Taggart, arose in their pra^s fair realize that the grind is yet to hoots hisses. The 60 dele- com* in witt and the collecting of the last mil- gates liaute lion. They —from Terre — and .Vist know that of some of the county Lamb's hornr retorted wit£i amounts subscribed a part will not be cheers; delegations years the other took fides eollec-tf-d In the five intervening, and crowded from their seats into> the and i'.ie experience of past cities has aisles. shown the advisability of guarding "Lamb!" shouted a Terre Haute dete- asrainft this fact. gate. McCarthy giVess $.1,000 "Baa-a-a-a!" mocked- an Indianapolis Mayor McCarthy, who by calling out delegate, and the convention, with ;i j* of laughter, perrnltted subscription of $3.0<»0 received a whirl roar ' Lamb- to of applause, declared that the meeting go on. . \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0;\u25a0' was one of the most impressive he had "This is a battle for the rights of witnessed. the people," said Lamb, "and if that is "Itis a case of all join hands for San usurpation,' Iam a usurper. This con- Francisco." he said. "'I should like to vention—must nominate a man for the yee every man who is earning a dollar senate if not myself, some better in San Francisco give his share. This man." . :•"". exposition is one which will benefit the Senator Shively was permanent chair- city as a Whole and the workingmen man. The names of 10 candidates wer^' will share with the business —interests presented to the convention when norn- in its fruits. IfSan Francisco— that is, Inatlons for United States senator wer* the rank and tile of the city will fol- .called for as foHows: low the Example set at tliis meeting the G. V. Menzies,- Mount Vernon; Robept state and the nation will respond with W. Meirs, Bloomington; Joseph 11. She*. greater generosity. We want every dol- Seymour; Ert Siaek, Franklin; John K. lar that we can raise for the exposi- Lamb, Terre Haute: Thomas Taggart. tion. Itis going to be the biggest thing Indianapolis; John W. Kern. Indianap- th<" world has seen and we can not af- olis; Lawrence Becker, Hammond; Dan- \u25a0ford to cripple ourselves by quitting iel W. Sims, Lafayette; Edward G. Hoff- on the proposition 'after the fine start man. Fort Wayne, and John A. Adair. it has received." Portland. Th<- value of small subscription"! is When the result of the first ballot re«-ojrnized- \>y the directorate and tWs was announced Kern led with 303 votes morning subscription lists will be left and Taggart was second with 23& at all the main branches of the news- Th«re are 1.147 in the convention.. $71 paper offices, at the Merchants' ex- the room the California ladies' flower Alexander & Baldwin. George Fredericks. George H. Pippy. Mrs. A. E. Buckingham. necessary to a chpice. change, plant prettily Robert F. Morrow. Bates Chesebrough. \u0084 t-'ulifornia title insurance and trust Mrs. K.D. Goodrk-h. the Mission Promotion asso- and company in a worded company. & ciation and all savings banks. asked for 10 shares, and the re- Drexler estate Somers & Co. company. Robert Green. Plans letter H. E. Bothin. Mark Sheldon company." Harry J. Moore furniture company.. Henry Jacks. for starting the campaign this morning quest was cheered with as great vim SIERRANS WILL DEDICATE Donohue-Kelly banking company. Pacific tool and' supply company. Abrains & Co. ' James W. uohert.v. were madf by the finance committee us the subscription <:-: com- tree to Glfford the father of** with small subscriptions of $100 or les^j Gavin McNab. Mrs. A: B. Forbes. . 1 Dent Robert. pany. conservation in this country, will be "We've beaten the first record," said The payment on the installment plan, Babcock estate. brewery, I Colbrldge A. Carlyle & Co. principal event of the walk to be Hale, Weinhard Portland. . Russell.-*. . the R. B. r "Now let us keep on beat- allowing a stock holder five years in Roth -Blum Co. Cyclops iron works. Benjamin Curtaz company. Sonoma land company. taken Sunday by the Sierra club to ing them right down the line until we to meet the obligation, lightens Hooker estate company. Macondray & Co. J. C. Judklns. Charles C. Boynton. . which Harron, McCone. Henry company. B. H. Dibblee. the Muir redwoods. The dedication to double our present ligure so that every the burden and places the stock within Rickard & Levy. Baldwin piano Pinchot will,be made in recognition of men. woman and child the O. Scribner. Kuh Brothers. L.esser Heineman. '.< C. W. Slack. in United the reach of all. John Baker Jr. realty company. Thomas, Gerstle, Beedy Cohl Brothers. his character and public services, and States will know that San interesting Lincoln &Frick. tablet, Francisco Among the features of the California pine box and lumber com- Hulsc-Bradford company. W. Hall. Nolan & Earl boot and shoe company. a beautiful bronze designed by \u25a0 can not be beaten in anything it un- buying of stork was the sale of $500 pany. G. Brenner. Maldonado & Co. . Mrs. Rebecca Jenning3. $200. William B.Favllle. willadorn and mark drr^akps. Ican not lay too \u0084much worth to the Waldorf hotel- of Los An- California transportation company. Henry Aeh. Premium' theaters conipany. California Ladies' nower and plant the tree already selected at the lower j stnp#s Winship Casey. company. $100. on the fact that the hardest-work geles, "a similar, amount to F. A. Curry, & . Berry &Bangs. Livingston Brothers. the woods. come.,' ; .James B. Coryell. , Lally - milling company Won Sun Yue, $10. end of is 1yet to That was but the who telegraphed from , and the company. & Co. Phoenix of Sacra- of the day will made opening. Of course, wa were pleased, Phoenix, Lent estate $2,000 EACH mento. * The address be- same to P. F.Hayes of Ariz. Greenbaum, Weil & Michaels. Landt, by Alexander D. McAdie, vice presi- but we must not forget that we yet Hinds & Chicago. Mrs. Helen M.McGrum. The subscription of the Waldorf hotel J. C. Wilson. Standard gas engine company. TRIAL OF ABERDEEN dent of the -.Sierra club. It win be have to raise more than a million to of Los Angeles was met with great California door company. mattress company. by a short talk on *"Pinehot, the demands us." Dr. Law. Bernard Colonel H. D. Loveland. SLAYER BEGINS MONDAY followed meet upon applause, it being the first of the Los Hartland Llpman Saclis. , & Co. by William Kent, the donor , Such the views John Rosenfeld Sons. J. W. Schouten V the Man." . also were of A. W. Angeles concerns to show a material company. Andrews' diamond palace. Rolla V. Watt. of the woods. Vandeflynn- will fireworks," said, Hardwood lumber George , George company. Stow Scott Jr. "The he "are interest in the exposition. Clinton E. Worden. P. McNear. Eberhardt Will Take Probably Three speak on "Redwood Forests" and will over, and now we will commence the was the result of the open- company. Haslett warehouse company. : Lastreto & Co. No sooner West Coast life insurance Newman Brothers; v millingcompany. Jury touch on the Bohemian: club .occupancy" lerrind of eoljoctihg the remaining sum. "\u25a0\u25a0:.- ' Albers Brothers Weeks to Get ing sale made known than telegrams S. H. & E. D. Cowell. North Alaska salmon packers. . Pacific box factory. of the woods, and George C ParJee. There arc thousands- in San Francisco were sent~to the members of the con- - White Brothers. \u0084Leo Puckwitz realty. Patterson, Smith & Pratt. [Special D'upalch to The Call] former governor of the state, will talk wiia>Jua.ve,uot jcl-guLscribed, or rather. gressional delegation in "Washington Niebaum estate. A. P. McCreery. Slnsneimer & Co. — "l > on "Conservation." A splendid 1 Pr;ri!Ttft"f::.Ty." lnvestcd. These' \u25a0will do news W. S. Graham. ' * L. Brown. ABERDEEN, April2S. With the trial nausical•* : and the wires were carrying the W. D. Frank * Charles Schlessinger. program willalso be rendered. .' ; ": s6:i<" tliey.«*•*>- approached in the proper of world. Governor Sesnon. Pioneer automobile company. Li. B. Dutton. of William Gohl close at hand interest .- to all parts the Argonaut hotel. G. Lathrop. which been lagging has At the close of the dedicatlon\.cer>- manner «nd if it is impressed upon will leave for Washington with Taeoma millingcompany. Charles Joseph Thieben & Co. has of late re- necessity helping Gillett — A. W. Wilson. A. vived renewed vigor and predic- monles luncheon will b*» served on-; tbK. them the urgent of • delegation Sunday morning. Rolkln &'Sharp. company. H. Hornleln. — with which, city." his sugar white pine, agency. Hecht investment Boys on the road commercial trav- tions are numerous as to the probabil- adjoining Kent property, at the ". th*>lr The news of the result of the meeting California Gantner & Mattern. elers. owner will play the pjjrt of host. :• \u25a0 • lOne of the most charming features public at all theaters last Barron estate. . Sterling company. ity of conviction. The attorneys of was made the Pleasant Valley farming company. furniture both ready premised of "tJie meeting in the afternoon was night, being received with deafening ' Golden Gate cloak and suit house. Gould-Sullivan company. sides are- for the M. L. Requa. . E. D. Connolly. company. legal battle, begins Monday at the enthusiasm with which the smaller applause. At the same time it was Welch & Co. - Helbing hotel which GIRL JAILBIRDS VOICE •nbiwriptiona were received. While pointed the directorate now Coffln-Redington M. Friedman. . / L. B. Samter & Sons. Montesano. out that Co. Lachman Brothers. Attorneys SINGS HER TO FREEDOM thousands were -being: hurled through •looked to the bulk of the citizens to Holbrook &McGuire. Cross and Hutcheson of couple mil- Wilson Bros. & Co. Thiebach & Co. Riidoiph He'rold. .'•.-•\u25a0 the defense were yesterday taken over htlp it out with another of Magee ;:L 51.r»f>o EACH lion dollars or more. Thomas & Sons. Marks Brothers.- the ground where the murder of Plaintive Melody..lssuing From August Lang & Co. Charles Hadberg ia supposed to have LIST OF THOSE WHO Philadelphia shoe company. taken place. They were piloted to In- Bars Moves Attorney v... Jules' cafe. _- Slack, $750." creek MONEY FOR Hannah Gerstle. Judge dian and the shack in which it FRESNO, April 26,-^-Ethel B6yakin. SUBSCRIBED Columbia savings and loan society. is said Hadberg -was : L. Lftwin. . murdered and aged 16 years, detained in tree county THE EXPOSITION BONDS all the surrounding places were : Scott, Magner & Miller. Wilson estate company. jail for alleged ineorrigibiHty. today $12,500 \u25a0Trower Brothers. Dr. Washington Dodge. tramped over for the purpose of getting sang to Her, Rudger Merrill. Mrs. PI J. all possible with herself freedom.. voic«. Meyer. Francisco planing Pacific Coast paper company. Benedick. Information respect issuing from the bars of the. Jar! in "Daniel San mill owners' Cook belting company. Mission savings bank. to the conditions which existed at the association. A. Week & Co. plaintive melody, so appealed "to-"As- Hastings clothing company. Charles E. Green. Fred time of the supposed killing of the sistant District \u25a0 company. and lunch hall. McCSrJniek company. Pacific title -insurance Fountain beor. Attorn^ 1 Mercantile national bank. California baking M. T. Freitas. Edw. Hlrschler. sailor. that he made a plea befere Judge Aus- Biscuit companies.^ N. Liebes & Co. It is predicted that it will take at release; M. Gopcevich. Portuguese-American bank. Albert E. Montgomery. . tin of the Juvenile court to hff Anglo-American crockery company, Frank A. Mott. least three weeks of the trial to secure on par,ole. stated', - *p $c l t tfue Roos Brothers. Van Arerfale Harris. ; Chicago. jury alleged McCormivk in<"i*'?rf c v & i Robert L. Coleman. F. A. Curry, * a on account of the preju- that he the girl Tho estate of J. B. Stetson. Employes German $1,400. R. F. Allen. existing believed wouhi'-w'i"> Crown Wiley B. Allen company. I bank. dice against the accused man. fame as a. prtma donna ifher voice warrel company." . French-American Bank of Savings, company. ' boarder and her brother to help hold Robe^s \u25a0 estate to com- Nathan company. $4JiOO. •\u25a0: \u25a0•\u25a0-'•\u25a0\u25a0 - Schmiedell company. Brizzolara & Sons. me. went through my authorized select the various Dohrmann. . . .. building and asso- Then she pock- mittees," meeting, paint company." \u25a0 brewing malting company Continental loan United studios. ets and got $11." and at the next Wed- Parafiine company. < Pacific and ciation. £ nesday o'clock, Many people dislike Loop lumber :"'v' and Taeoma bottlingcompany. $4,000. - . %,.:. "Did you rob Mrs. de afternoon at 4 these Brothers. s Security savings bank, $4,000. Samuel Altshuler. him?" Kolky assigned' Neustadter Bank ofSan \u25a0 company. • was asked. committees will be to their to buy clothes because Orpheum theater. Humboldt savings bank, $4,000. Francisco. Cumming McCall respective duties. C. Moore. Prager & Co., $4,000. Robinson &Suhr. B.F. Hayes. Phoenix, Ariz. "Yes,' ldid," she said. '"There was no C. San Francisco motor company. way money Hills Brothers. Dairy delivery company, $r.;r.00. other to get out of him. HONOLULU" OSPHEUM BURN3—Honolulu. of the trouble. Isn't it Folger & Co. ."\u25a0• Jewelers' buildingcompany. — J. A. Johnson-Locke mercantile company: Byron Mauzy. He hasn't given me a cent for over a April 2S. Tt>»» Orpbcnm theater In this city Selah Chamberlain. $3,500.: - . ... - year. So Idecided to rob him. Icalled was destroyed by lire today. The loss i--< A. . ..53,500. Myer& Schmiedell. , W. realty company. easy when you can come W.. Foster. /H. S. Crocker & C0. Johnston-Dienstag-Ayres. . \u25a0.'".J.* Treadwell my brother and we held him and got about *2T>.000. Henry J. Crocker. * - -r I Emily $3,000 EACH ; M.Phillips*Co. what was inhis pocket." to a modern men's shop 'Mrs. Donahue. Simpson company. Huston & Merton. \u25a0 San Francisco advertising:. as- "This Is a, plain case of robbery, but -lumber ' • men's-v company. S. Koshland' • "'•:\u25a0: I TO EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sarsaparilla for a great many years, Diamond \u25a0 • • - JL Jl uJL v/JLji - Gfttz^Bros." &'Co.", Sam Heller. : ~~ . County recorder. and attaches. and Ithink It the best blood medicine *5.000 BACH Wellman. Peck- & Co. Frledlander &Huston.* . A.:W.«Bullard. :\u25a0'.: NEW.'. YORK. April 2S.—Religtous Newman &. Levinson: Pig company. in the I spring and J. J. 11. Neubauer &-Co. and Whistle ; M. R.". Fleischmann.. and world. take it both Dunham-.Carrigan-Hayden Co. . M. Getz &!Co.; , company. H protective associa tlbn. charitable Institutions will receive Keilestate • Mission bequests" aggregating fall. . This last winter and spring I Bass-Hueter Co. Olsen Mahoney lumber company. Simon Clayburg. '-•'\u25a0 association., . . about $750,000 : - Downtown \u25a0\u0084. under the will of Mary was very poor was weak TWENTY Garret McEnerney. ' Charles R. McCormick &:Co. /. |«mmons draylng ,and Amoving Nippert.- ,/ Rhlnelander In health. I . . .: safe Paul • -^ \u25a0 building. . ',:.::\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0 .- \u25a0\u25a0 Cople y.' King, daughter Balboa Eyre investment company. jcompany. .. \u25a0'-. -\u25a0.\u25a0/:: ..- /» -'ig^^^ . W. W. " - of.John A. King, once and had lost all my appetite and Iwas Whittler-Coburn Co. fa.r.oo each ', John Keppler of Madison &Burke. Louis' Strauss. •;>s • governor of New York. The appraiser's all run down. As soon as Ibegan to r Hooper Jennings. Bernstein,. Bauer Broe. &. Co." & '• S. L«. report, made .public here today, places my strength Pauthorlties* George ' .. • Upham WSfltlSF'''''*'-' take Hood's Sarsaparilla UP Hass & Sons. - Isaac &Co/C a value of $515,569 on her Sussman. Wormser, &" Co. ''\u25a0TlVller, Klein."& Co. . estate. The came back and my appetite returned. Douglas rpalty-company; t • domestic and" foreign missionary - *._>- ' Sari. Francisco commercial travelers. so- Iam now well, do my housework, and :\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 Alfred &; Elmondorf. ciety of the Episcopal JLJl'ienf eld Co.' Bloom Brothers. \u0084' Mannon& church of Amer- no longer have that tired feeling." K^_/ . Sanford Sachs.-. : Kmpire planing mill. '?*'*?" ica receives property worth $500,000 the puiiaing Cunningham.. & - Ferry Drug store. : Hood's Sarsaparilla restores »P-j ISzwtXtrs Curtis Welch^ V Degan belting company.!; and* a share in the residuary personal petite sleep and re- Log-am*;- Bryjin. . • . H. Lelirke Sons'.>lnc. :-•>. ißrickelliCo.^ ;-->-- ; amounting $45,500. i and makes sound -; estate; estate to freshing by building up sys- &,*Co.. ..:\u25a0:. i.Hirschfeld &Meaney. -•..-.'"".- Rus»s r company. - the whole \u25a0 -" \u25a0 strength- reel .-*. Davls-Schonwasaer :&'-. Co. -.' \u25a0Rayior paper company. , J. A.- Johnson, $?.00. : tem. It purifies the blood, s lost.Sf near^earnrJ WANTED FOE FELONY-tlreulars • " :' J.K.-Hecht." ,' f2.*"iO KACII < were sent ens the nerves, aids and perfects the . Presidio and Ferries railroad com- William. r'Cluff. company. r . v broadcast by, the police flrpartmeDt Twsterrtav , : C.*B.Sloan. . ' with of digestion. Take Itthis spring. ' Thomas ;& Edward '-Dcnij3ran.°f^^^ 1L/ Alexander; : James Trwnior. alias liquid or O. D.'_ Baldwin. Moore & works." '> &^M.' " " Camp IWfern.* wanted for a felony for .Get it today in usual form Scolt^ron F.'B.TJacobs \u25a0& Bro. throwing acid in tbc face ofMiss Rnth Wilson chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.