PAGE TWENTY-POUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather i®anrljp0tw lEofiting For The Week Ended September 12, 1970 Hazy, warm with chance of showers—thundershowers from Mitchell E. Cohen, son of Mr. United Fund Bidders Soug;ht dawn through Sunday. Tonight’s About Town and Mrs. Sidney Cohen of 118 15,792 low 65 to 70. Tomorrow’s high Scott Dr. and a junior politi­ For Water Main about 80. The Rev. Robert W. Riloff, cal science major at the Unl- CARPETS an^motlonally (■0.'\1I’.\N> . l.N< . dent Agenw "are killing people," many mistakes.” ^ Internecine struggle. disturbed moth^ w th her house MAIN .STI{i:i:i' the vice president called for his And one member, Revius Or- 800 Police "We tried to implement the and chlldrenv^ ri;i,. resignation. tlque of New Orleans, said re­ cease-fire,’(pf Numairl told a Umkii'illi' >-7.'i-32Ti Rhodes, one of four Negroes cently the violence at Kent State news conferenc, "but we failed Janet Rlfce 1ms been one of on the panel, refused to reslg^n the si^ttgen ladles In pink for al- and Jackson State showed the Seek Killer because one of the parties vio­ and said later he believes the National ■ Guard Is Ill-equipped lated the agreement.” He left no m9 st a year. As her two sons HARDY _ President is making sincere ef­ to handle civil disorders. doubt that in his view the viola­ , rOached high school and college forts to reduce violence and un­ age, she was ready to take a Of Policeman tions came exclusively from the ALL COLORS rest. (See Page Eight) part-time job. She had lived in Jordanian side. Jordem said the Manchester for eighteen years. HAVERHILL, Maas. (AP) — violations were the work of die­ Her background included home WANTED More than 800 policemen hard PalesUnlan guerrillas. economics, teaching, and years i JOHN E. searched through the night In Guerrilla leader Yasir Arafat of homemaking for her own (Herald photo by BuoelvloluB) Clean, Late Model northeastern Massachusetts, and flew to Cairo with Numairl Fri­ family. Visits to hospitalized Mrs. Rice gets them ready for school. Cambodian^ Laotian Troops New Hampshire, for William M. day night to represent the PaJ- members of her church made USED CARS Gllday, one of five persons stlnlan ■viewjx)int at a contin­ • Tvxi and Three Button Styles her aware of the frequent need standing to adjust to different ent, and her service in each Top Prices Paid charged In the machlne-gim uing meeting of Arab leaders in • New Double Brsdsted Models for temporary help to keep WHITHAM Seize Areas Held hy Cong slaying at a Boston policeman the Egyptian capital. home situations. She must be in case is temporary, a matter of For All Makes! The Iraqui News Agency released this photo in Baghdad which they say shows households going in time- of LANDSCAPE NURSERY during a bonk robbery. Numairl said the EgypUan Great asiortment of styles and colors Including good health. weeks or months. She works captured by the Cambodians a woman guerrilla during an attack on the Mal'rak raili’oad station in fighting Aid Planned crisis. When she answered the Homemakers are trained by By GEORGE ESPER The officers from 18 commu­ Embassy in Amman; which 2-button side vent,-3-button center vent and new with tier clients to find a long- CARTER CHEVROLET “GROW WITH US" Friday. Homemaker Services’ adver­ the State Health Department, Associated Press Writer nities also manned roadblocks between a group of Palestinian guerrillas and Jordanian troops. (AP Photofax) serves as headquarters for his double breasted'styles. Solid-color blazers, Shet­ range solution to their prob­ Associated gpress correspond­ tisement, the Service found an­ and in-service training con­ CO., IN C. Bonl« 6, eoRon— aoe Yds, from Bo|taa Notch— U f-7SM SAIGON (AP) — Government where Gllday, 41, of Aniesbury, delegation, was fiercely shelled land wool plaids, herringbones and checks, lems. The most Valuable contri­ ent John T. Wheeler reported fiegulars,^ longs, shorts. other well - qualified Home­ stantly broadens their profes­ troops In Cambodia and Laos was spotted several times Fri­ F or Jordan by Jordanian artillery while the bution a worker makes is in­ 1229 Main St. OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY 9:00-5:30' from Phnom Penh that outnum­ maker and Mrs. Rice an ab­ sional outlook: in some cases it have captured key areas of day. During the chase, police group sheltered there—despite a tangible; she is there, she un­ Phone 649-5238 bered North Vietnamese and sorbing job. may be desirable lor a worker derstands and comforts and _ their countries from Commu­ said, he stole three cars, took truce ordered by Arafat and ALIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERA'nONS V’lCt Crng traaps apparently had A Homemaker is a paid pro­ to suggest use of food stamps cares. nist-led forces with support two persons hostage and' was Freed Hostages in Cyprus; War Victims Hussein. fessional certified by the State or purchase stamps for the from American warplanes, offi­ evacuated nearly all their cornered once but eluded cap­ The work of the Homemaker By t h e ASSOCIATED PRESS "As we left for Uve airport to Department of Health. Mrs. family, so on Monday the troops and casualties from dug- ture after exchanging shots with Service is guided by a board of cers said today. Nations and relief organiza­ leave Amman our armored was Louis Hutwitz, director of the Homemakers will hear Cecil in bunkers before the final as­ police. directors and a number of com­ In Cambodia, a large force tions around the world were also shelled," Numalrt said. service since its beginning in McCarthy, state director of sault on the village. The final Also sought were Katherine A. Next Stop Will Be Europe mittees, of which all members Men! Here Is iL Sale To carrying out the first major making preparation today to “ Hussein himself is personally 1964, explains that while no par­ Food Stamps. The workers also drive came from the west after Power, 20, of Denver, Colo., reg­ are volunteers from the com­ government offensive of the send food and supplies to aid the responsible for all that has hap­ 1 l o r s i m ] iA:U' ticular education or experience confer often with Mrs. Hurwltz Your Liking! Era-Fall a North Vietnamese strongpoint istered as a senior at Brandeis NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A the Popular Front for the Liber. The 16th man, a Swiss was. pened." is required, a Homemaker munity. Mrs. John P. Cheney Cambodian war seized the vil­ in the town’s high school was victims of Jordan’s eight-day about their clients’ progress. University in Waltham; Susan Middle East Airlines plane ar- ation of Palestine. The front en- found later, but Radio Amman Numairi echoed Nasser’s must be a special kind of per­ Jr., president of the Board, re­ lage of Taing Kauk, driving out destroyed by air and artillery civil war. 94S MAIN ST., MANCHESTER A Homemaker can be a sub­ Saxe, 20, of Albany, N.Y., a rived in Cyprus today from Am- gineered the hijackings of three did not say where, charge, declaring: "We are con­ son, warm, friendly, and tact­ calls tiiat ln,1962 a need was felt an enemy force that had strikes. A State Dpartment spokes­ stitute mother when a mother June graduate of Brandeis ; and man carrying 16 of 16 foreign airliners Sept. 6 and 9 and took The rescued hostages were vinced there is a plot by the Jor­ ful, whose own life has g^ven by the directors of the MPHNA blocked its progress lor two The Cambodian troops who man .said the United States will Is ill, free a father to keep for a homemaking service in weeks. Stanley R. Bond, 26, of Cam­ hostages freedjby Jordanian sol- more than 400 persons aboard taken to an army headquarters danian authoriti^es to liquidate, her the maturity and under- captured the village reported bridge, PoUce said they be­ dlers from Pfiestine guerrillas, them to a desert air trip north- for debriefing, sources said, and working, enable an elderly or Manchester and a planning com­ In Laos, government forces 350 tons of rice, 350 tons of sug- the Palestine Liberation Organl- finding four enemy- soldiers lieved the trio flew to Los An­ disabled person to remain at mittee was formed, to result in seized a hill position called They had been questioned by <=“st of Amman. All of the host- newsmen were barred. Red nr, 100 tons of canned food, 50 zatlon." The organization heads SALE dead and a small quantity of geles Thursday, Jordanian intelligence agents a-ges except the Americans have Cross officials were negotiating cooking oil and 50 tons of the guerrilla movement, home, teach a handicapped per­ 1964 in the new agency with a Xieng Dat overlooking the prov­ son to make the best of his abil­ arms and ammunition. Robert Valeri, 21, of Somer­ about their three-week ordeal now been freed. for their repatriation Friday other foodstuffs. Although Toukan, a civilian, director and offices at 237 E. O ne Day Only — Sat,, incial capital of Attopeu. Atto- A spokesman for the Cambo­ ities, and train a disorganized Center St. Any resident of Man­ peu is on the Bolovens plateau ville, was arrestd a few hours three Westem airliners Fifteen of the hostages—eight' night. Capt. Kurt Herzog, pilot In Jerusalem, Israeli Premier heads the 13-man Cabinet, key dian military command refused after the $26,000 robbery family in home management. chester or South Windsor may in southern Laos near the north­ were hijacked early in Septem- Britons, five Swiss and two Ger- Swissair rescue flight Golda M^ir .said her country defense, interior and informa­ Now the Colonel makes feeding the whole family to disclose the government cas­ Wednesday of a branch office of She is not a domestic, but she call upon the seiwice, and fees ern border of Cambodia. her and flown to Jordan. They mans were found huddled in- charted by the Red Cross, said had cooperated with the Arab tion posts are held by military as easy as apple pie. Feed your family a finger lickin' Sept. 19 ualty figures in the battle but in­ State Stret Bank and Trust Co. will shop, cook, take care of are based upon a family’s ability Both battle sites are on North were found by Jordanian sol- side a house in the Wahdat refu- ^ns told they probably would leadership of the occupied Jor­ men. good Kentucky Fried Chicken dinner and dicated they were light. Local Patrolman Walter K. Schroe- children and keep t^e house, in to pay. Vietnamese river and land infil­ diers In a refugee camp near gee camp near Amman. The released today. danian West Bank to send 25 Six military officers are held make sure they get their just desserts, too! corhmanders had reported der, 41, was killed during the order. The Manchester Homemaker Amman Friday. camp had been heavily shelled The Americans, who the truckloads of food to Jordan. over in the new Cabinet from The bucket has 15 pieces of tender, tasty Kentucky Fried tration corridors that have been Thursday that more than 200 robbery. Neither is she a nurse, but Service is one of the Red Feath­ The plane landed at the Royal during the civil war and guerril- Palestinians say are considered Iraq announced it sent three the military government of Chicken, with rolls and gravy. The Barrel is under daily U.S. bombing at­ Cambodian troops had been Gilday, Bond and Valeri all she can carry out the instruc­ er agencies of the Manchester Alr Force base, at AkroUri, 66 ^aid it was 80 per cent de­ Israelis because of the U.S. gov­ convoys of 50 trucks each with Prime Minister Mohammed all chicken, 21 pieces. An 8 inch Table Talk tacks aimed at curbing the flow killed or seriously wounded in served terms at Walpole State tions of the Public Health United Fund, whose annual of enemy troops and war mate­ miles southwest of fllcosta. The stroyed. ernment’s ties with Israel, were food and medical supplies. Thd Daoud, who resigned in mysteri­ apple pie is free with either. the two-week effort to take Prison and had been associated Netherlands said it would send Nurse; imder contract with the campaign will be conducted in rials southward into Cambodia hostages will transfer to a Brit- As soldiers approached the not in the camp. As the price of ous circumstances in Cairo ear­ Taing Kauk. Enemy losses were with Brandeis through a convict some $200,000 to the Red Cross. But hurry, this offer expires September 27, 1970. MPHNA some cafe of the elder­ October. Your contribution, giv­ and South Vietnam. ish Royal Air Force plane leav- house, the hostages shouted, their freedom, the Popular lier this week and sought politi­ not known. rehabilitation program called Noi-wegian humanitarian organ­ ly relmbursible under Medi­ en the United Way, will keep Taing Kauk, along Route 6 be­ ing immediately for Europe. "We are foreign hostages, help. Ki-ont is demanding freedom for cal asylum in Libya. Hussein - The spokesman .said the vil­ STEP. izations .said they had ear­ care. these agencies on Active Ser­ Soldiers of the Jordanian help. Don't shoot!” The troop.*} an undertermlned number of accepted - the resignation of tween Phnom Penh and the lage was not heavily damaged. A Brandeis official said Miss marked $294,000 for Jordanian The Homemaker’s hours are vice for another year. provincial capital of Kompong army continued to search for broke down the door and freed held in Israeli jails Daoud’s Cabinet Friday. geared to the. needs of her cli­ By Harriet Handley The return of the Americans relief. Canada said it would give Thom 80 miles to the north, was (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) the 38 Americans still held by them. $25,000. Pope Paul VI donated It appeared the new regime is "one of our most serious con­ $50,000. would not meet guerrilla de­ cerns,” Robert J. McCloskey, In addition to its rdllef aid, mands that the military govern­ press officer for the U.S. State the United States said it would ment be abolished. It was cre- Department said Friday in tion of a military regime that RU b B e RIZ c D replace arms and anjmunition In California Washington. Jordan lost in the fighting. Dep- provoked the outbreak of the A New Jersey rabbi disclosed uty Secretary of Defense David civil war last week. Friday that he had received Packard said the aim of the Hussein declared his forces our entire word from his 17-year-old son .-irnis aid was to make sure the had observed the cease-fire "de­ who is among the 38 Americams Jordanian government has "a spite endless provocations” and stock of Thousands Flee as Fires Gut Costly Homes still in guerrilla hands. continuing military capability.” urged the guerrillas "to slam / beautifies.. .protects... preserves David Raah wrote his par- (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) doubles blacktop driveway life LOS ANGELES (AP)— Fires ents, Rabbi and Mrs. ' Mena- fanned by “ devH winds” blazed chem Roah of Trenton: FREE through tlnder-dry brush and “ Dear Mom and Dad, Feeling grassland in Southern California Fine. Hope to be home soon. Be M e n 's N e w Fall today, leaving expensive homes Well. Love, David." In ashes and forcing thousands Mrs. Raah and David’s three 8 INCH 1ABLE TALK APPLE ME of residents to flee. brothers and sisters were with The winds, hot and di-y sea­ him when a Trans World Air­ SUITS tiid ward blasts from the desert, lines Boeing 707 tvas hijacked, whipped the dozens of fires Into but they were released last I. con fast-moving infernos after they WITH A BlICKETOR BARREL week with most of the other started Friday. Firemen said it hostages. may take days to control the Offer expires 9/27/70 6.45 SPORTCOATS j Ransom for the non-Ameri­ dres. If your blacktop driye is shabby, faded More than 88,000 acres were cans had been set at seven Arab and deteriorating, renew it with a coating of blackened,' an estimated 140 prisoners—three in Zurich, Jennite J-16 aurface seal. ; homes destroyed and as many Switzerland; three in Munich, PIOTlCTSi Jennite J-16 aeijls out water . . . as 400 homes and businesses West Germany; and one in Lon­ protecta against oxidation', drying eflTects of damaged. don. But those govmments aun . . . prevents frost damage . . . resistant agreed to meet the demand only to gasoline and oil. k A l l SU IT S and SPORT GOATS Actor Dale Robertson’s home was destroyed, ' fire officials If all the hostages were freed. r- ■iAUTmiSl Jennite J-16 eliminates unsightly ON SALE. INCLUDIMO OUR appearance and raveling. You’ll be proud of said, and the blazes damaged BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — A Gov. Ronald Reagon’s ranch your Mtin black Jennited drive, for it will NEW FALL STYLES! relative of Jordan’s military bring new beauty to your home. and the Spahn movie ranch. There were numerous reports governor has been kidnaped by PRiSfRViSI Jermite J-16 adds years of life to ^FAMOUS BRAND NANES Arab guerrillas In Lebanon, se­ 18 Of bums and other injuries to r driveways , . . save! patching. curity department sources re­ Jennite J>'16 is the Original . . . the most INCLUDED - NOTHING WITH- firemen and residents but no ported to^ y. %idely used blacktop protective coating. deaths were reported. HELO! The most d^tructlve blaze They said Dr. Abdel Salam \ Phone for FREE astinatet spread in the Malibu Canyon, a Majall, reportedly a cousin of REG. 99.00 ...... NOW S 7 9 fasionable scenic area on (he Field Marshal Habls Majall, coast about 30 miles northwest was abducted from his hotel by REG. 85.00 NOW 9 6 8 of dofwntown Los Angeles. It 40 commandos before dawn to­ linked on one front -with a fire in day. REG. 80.00 ...... NOW 9 6 4 western San Fernando Valley, a Majali came to Lebanon when largely residential area about 26 REG. 50.00 ...... NOW 9 4 0 the Jordanian civil war began I - I miles northwest. nine days ago. The sources said ONE DAY ONLY — SAT.. SEPT. 19 In Fillmore, 60 miles north­ he was staying at the Atlantic east of Los Angeles, winds Hotel on the outskirts of Beirut ^G.GLENNEY north spread a fire which started In a with his wife and two children Don’t miss this important Pre-Fall Sale! Simply deduct 20% off any citrus packing house, nearly de­ when the guerrillas surrounded MAIN stroying a 9 lty block, authorities the hotel, broke in, tied up the i n t u C ^ Drice ticket of men’s suits or sport coats! Choose from deluxe tailored said. An automobile agency, hotel staff, cut all telephone- Power oi Suggestion (vorsted suits, ’sport coats hardware store, auto ' parts lines and searched the rooms. ixiChf shop, antlqud store and an Ten-month-old Olga Anastasia of Waterford seems STREET W(hen the commandos found to be under the power of suggestion as she sleeps, electrical supply shop were all Majali, the Informants said, FREE CUSTOM ALTERATIONS but destroyed. straddling a package with a picture of a sleeping Flames roar across the roof of home in Chatsworth area of Los Angeles late yesterday. (AP Photofax) (See Page Eight) infant in a carriage in New London. (AP Photofax) a n MIDDLE TURNiPIKE WEST, MANCHE^,TER • ACROSS FROM P.ARKADE TEL. 649-5253—MANCHESTER MS MAIN STREET DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER (See Page Eight) am BUBNSIDE AVE., EAST HARTFORD • ACROSS FROM MARTIN PARK.. • I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.'MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 PAGE THREE P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HEKAGU, MANGliE-oiEn. ^juinjn.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 MOVIE RAONdS SHeinwolfl on Bridge CBS Told Court Holds Sophia Free Labor Unions Challenged Detergents THEATER TIME Lieutenant FORR<\nENTBAND [ews for Senior Citizens SCHEDULE YOUNG PEOPUE IMPATIENCE KILLS ALL NORTH NEW YORK (AP) —Movie ToGiveGOP Confession star Sophia Loren has kissed As Holding Bias Intent Sentenced SORTS OF CATS ♦ 32 By WALLY FORTIN M ay Be % SATHItDAT Xh9 obf0Ctiv9 ot th0 tlin g t it to intotm off the women’s liberation porontt tbout Iho tvtttbiM f ot 8 5 4 WASHINGTON (AP) — A ■ DIRBCnrOR By ALFRED SHEINWOLD F r ^ Time movement with the observa­ on the HUl; they put a lot of Burnside — Catch 22, 7:10, movio coolont tor vtowing by fttotr cttildron. 0 AKQJ5 Admissible Nixon administration official money into congressional cam­ HI therel Well It’s that Ume I had to do the calling, and npt Outlawed 9:20. In Bombings Everybody knows at least one + 743 tion that "a woman shouldn’t bridge player who ^ takes esich WASHINGTON (AP) — The forget her duties and respon­ has charged unions with throw­ paigns. of the weeK^^agaii\ again, and as usual knowing a thing,about It, I^was _ _ East Hartford Drlve-In — A IL A6E$ AOMITTEO ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) The con­ COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — trick at the very first oppor­ wFisr EAST sibilities as a womn'n.” j "Labor Is playing all those there’s plentyiw .of of news lor you. happy to see that all the' hard HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. (AP) — Cherry, Harry & Raquel, 7:80; General Audiences Federal Gommunlcatlons Gom- viction of Richard Robles for ing their weight aroimd Con­ cards. It’s playing all those Air Force Lt. William L. Harris .•25- tunity. "Never win tomorrow 4 1 8 7 4' ♦ 65 We’veWe’ve' beem been' backba in business work William Harvey put in as Strong support was expressed Faster Pussycat, 9:00|. A K Q J .1 2 ^ 96 nilsslon has refused to reverse klllti^ two Manhattan career She told a news conference gress -to perpetuate segregation cards to be blunt with you,” ho for the second week'- now, and ofUr instructor the past season Thursday night for a proposed East Windsor Drlve-In — Two received a 12-65-year prison sen- the trick you can win today," Thursday a woman “ shows ALL AGES AOMtnEO 0 "J 0 10963 Its decision of Aug. 18 that Indl- In the ranks of organized labor. said. so far we have had some great re^ly paid off. he says with a sage look, but girls has been upheld on intelligence or does not show Mules for Sister Sara, 9:36; tence alter confirming in court Parental Guidfnca Suggested ♦ 0 5 ^ J 9862 ca'ted the GolumUa Broadcast­ "I ’ve found that labor unions As a result of labor actions, turnouts for our various pro- The gang moved like pros. I ^ GP If you trust his sagacity, you grounds that his confession was it If she has too much.” Topaz, 7:30. ’Thursday that he bombed two SOUTH ing System erred by giving have been jawboning on civil Fletcher said, there is a wide­ grams. must also thank Albert Ryden detergenU in Suffolk County. should have your own head ex­ admissible even though his law­ Miss Loren stood along on Manchester Drive-In — ’The department stores as a diver­ 4 A KQ 109 Democrats free air time to rights and lining up with Con­ spread feeling In government Well now, time is drawing for coming in with some of his Opposition to the law came Student Nurses, 10:00; Juliette amined. Simple Impatience is yer W { i s not present when he the stage at Radio City Mu­ sion for robbery. RESTfllCTEO 9 10 7 counter speeches by President gress on civil rights bills for so that although President Nixon closer to our Canada trip, and records, which added m uch-to from representatives of the de- Desade, 8:46; ’The Blob, 7:20. the reason for his speed, and made it. sic Hall to answer (Questions No money was taken but 13 I Under 17 requirts Kcompanying O 872 Nxon. long that they feel they’re above backs equal-opportunity pro­ Just a reminder that all monies impatience kills more cats than In the opinion Thursday for from about 100 newsmen, as the dancing. Between squares, tg^gent Indsutry at a hearing in Mansfield Drlve-In — Short persons were hurt. Parent or Adult Guardian 4k A K 10 The FOG also said a response and beyond having to comply grams, labor will be able to hold should be paid no later than curiosity. Appeals, the state's highest about 6,000 fans watched in and waltzes, the gang enjoyed Hauppauge CommunUy Cen- SubJecU, 7:20; Love Is a Wom- Harris pleaded guilty. In to the Democratic ■ bro{idc{Lst— themselves,” Assistant Secre­ baclj minority workers through this coming Wednesday, Sept. West dealer. West North East South court. Judge Adrian Burke the huge auditorium. themselves, sweat and aU. jg^ an, 7:40; How to Succeed with county Common'pieas made July 7—by the Republican tary of Labor Arthur A. Fletch­ friends on key congressional 80. ’Ihe latest report I have Is Both sides vulnerable. 1 C? Pass Pass Double Klein, chairman of the 3®*, 9 :16. < court to four charges stemming NO ONE UNOEK 17 AOMIHEO National Committee can be wrote: As for the women’s lib er told a House Subcommittee. that if you were bom In this Opening lead"— King of Pass 0 Pas.s 3 ♦ committees. Friday Setback county legislature, drew loud State ’Theatre — "Z ” , 1:60, from the bombings. He told (Age limit may vary made at any time. (3BS had said “ It would be unreasonable complaint that men tend to Fletcher, who heads the de­ country, chances are all you’ll in certain areai) Hearts. Pass 4 0 Pass 4 A Rep. Charles H. Wilson, D- By the way, last F r ^ y night ^ppi^use from the audience «A BAt. A rmm__a._. 'West led the king of hearts, All Pass Calif., chairman of the subcom­ we had 64 players fair the set­ about 200 when he said deter­ U. A. ’Theatre — Hello Dolly, tions were "Irresponsible and fendant’s lawyer is physically jects, Miss Loren asked: and standards, is the govern­ cense, or a social security card. continued with the jack, a n d ------but the Republicans insisted the mittee, said the panel has found back tournament, and the lucky 1:15, 4:00, 7:00, 9:46. foolish.’ ’ . m l Q ( 8 MClrVt present In the very building and “ Being a sex .symbol? ment’s top job rights officer. However, it wouldn’t hurt to be gents are "fouling up our wa­ then led the ace of hearts, monds and gets a total of 10 time be made available before no evidence defense work Is suf­ winners were; Grace Baker, ter." So did legislator Fred Explosions damaged a J. C. Oct. 10. on the very floor where ho has What’s wrong with it?" Fletcher told a House Armed sure by having your birth cer­ SUNDAY MOnOR MCTWW COQI or Ul^-RIOUlATtON South ruffed the third heart and diamonds in those three hands. fering as a result of federal re- 128; John A. Person 128; Ted Penney store and a Zayre’s de­ conferred with and presumably Service subcommittee Thursday tificate, preferably a copy of it, Merz when he asked: led out the three top trumps. The Initial question of reply to _ • j ,1,. .» qulrements that contr{ictors Rivard, 127; Charlie ’Tucker, Burnside — Catch 22, 2:30, partment store. ’The Penney's "nils means that South has the advised the defendant of his many mdustries are wUhng to . , , , , _ or an official voter’s certificate “ Do we want cleaner clothes When the trumps broke badly. the President centered on tem of requiring students to — 1 j 1-* hire and train minority workers, 123; Agnes Bablneau, 123; Eva 4:30, 6:30, 8:30. blast damaged an adjacent llq-- other three diamonds. rights, to hold that the defend­ comply with federal civil rights ■' purchased at the town clerk’s or drinking water with a head South begun to nm the dia­ ■whether he Is herid of the nation sign in and sign out of schools. Lutz, 123; Ann Perras, 123; East Hartford Drive-In — uor store. Peron Game West should wait to ruff the ant’s voluntary admissions of regulations on defense contrac------office for fifty cents. • on it?" or head of his politlcril party The school buildings them- Fritz Wilkinson, 122; James C. Cherry, Harry & Raquel, 7:30; Damage was estimate at monds. trick that contains South’s last gullt .are Inadmissible because gg,^gg g„^g radical tors. But other ctises have to be Just, a reminder, also, that Another legislator, Walter When declarer led the second vdien he delivers his nationwide Comlns, 122; Mildred Hayes, Faster Pussycat, 9:00. $123,000. diamond. In this way South gets made In the ‘absence’ of coun­ taken to court. everyone should arrive at the Hazlitt, said that there was Occupying broridcaats. changes too, he added. Legal Notice 122; Elizabeth Jesanis, 122; East Windsor Drive-In Two Lt. Harris was captured out-, high diamond from the dummy no discards and will not be able sel.” He said he has learned one Center by 8:30 a.m. on O ct 6. "overwhelming support” In the The FOJ said In Augpist he ” We need to knock down some Martha Mansfield, 121; Felix Mules for Sister Sara, 7:30; side the Zayre store by a motor­ West found that he had the to lead a diamond to dummy large industry is operating un­ We do not advise anyone to country for the legislation. was both, but CBS should have Robles, 28, a former dope ad- walls In some of our older right to ruff, and he did so very later. der a union contract that ex­ UQUOB FSBllIT plan on leaving their car park­ Jesanis, 119; Julia Vend^io, "“e u T 'c h ^ le T B utitm ^ r vice cyclist, Roger Penwell, who Argentine exercised control over the Dem­ diet and burglar, sought to have school buildings,” he said, NOTICE OP AFPUOATION Drive-In — ’The spotted Harris running from the joyfully. He led another heart, Dally Question cludes nonwhites. Although he Thil la to give notice that I, ed around the Senior, Center for 118; and Lee Stelruneyer, 117. president of the Soap and C^Aer- ocrats when they took to the air, two first-degree murder convlc- Shaheen said classrooms Student Nurses, 8:60; Juliette By WILLIAM F. NICHOLSON forcing out South's last trump. As dealer, you hold: Spades, would not name the industry, he RODEMCK A. WRIGHT of 103 the four days. It will be safer You know, I was thinking^ Association, a technical re- building after the explosion. by limiting them to discussion tlons and two sentences of life should be larger, combining Green Road, ICanchester, have filed Desade, 7:20. Despite gunfire from Harris, AU the trumps were gone, but A-K-Q-10-9; Hearts, 10-7; Dla^ ajn^appllcatlon dated Septmber 16, to have someone bring you to a plan of communicaUon search group, said the law was BUENOS AIRES (AP) — It’s of Vletnrim. It later said the Re­ Imprisonment overturned. He several classes In different the office of Contract C?om 1970, with the Liquor Cbntr^ COm- our seniors who live alone. This Mansfield Drive-In — Short Penwell knocked him down with South still had a diamond, so monds, 8-7-2; Clubs, A-K-10. the Center, ann^lon__ Ion (or_ for a_Ome^-B«er a Grocery-Beer for the. was to more or less keep in the cycle. Harris suffered a he easily won the rest of the What do you say? Such practices, he said, keep Houvr on the' up upon your return. the cause,” which he said was an, 7:40; How to Succeed with time to counter the Democratic was not admissible at his trial students to move about with touch with them occtisionally. broken leg. pastime: Guessing whether ex­ tricks. Answer: Bid one spade. Do minorities out of the defe;,se In fe'?.*"'***’ * * I talked with the bus cotn- the lack of proper sewage treat­ Sex, 9:16. broadcast, which had gone be­ because it was obtained in the more freedom, However, my good hard work- Harris told police of three oth. dictator Juan Peron Is or isn’t Simple Signal not consider an opening bid of dustry. "It's just about impossl- i^ ^ y , and It s o i ^ like we’ll „ g Bengston, ment. State 'Theatre — "Z ” , 1:60, yond Vietnam and touched absence of counsel, “ But the overriding thing, re- er charges he had planted. ’Ihey coming back. West should have defeated 1-NT, even though you have 16 ble foi- Uiem — the industry — Green Road, Mancheete^ and will be in for a real good Ume, and ^ A representative of the Suf­ 4:05, 6:30, 9:00. ■many subjects. Robles was convicted liy De- gardless of the structure of the and John Derby compiled a list the contract by ruffing the third points and balanced distribu­ to be in compliance. should bo riding In fine style. folk chapter of the Automatic U. a ! 'Theatre — Hello Dolly, were defused. . . ’The odds are 99 to 1 he won’t, ’Thursday, the FOG expanded cember 1966 of killing Janice building, is the attitude of the of our members who live alone. Harris, a native of Oklahoma, speculative round of diamonds instead of tion. Your strengrth is concen­ Union leaders, Fletcher s{ild, cheater, aa MnnlUee. In the comfort of the “ high and came up with a very large ^ u n d ry ^ Association, Howard 2, 6, 8. its August decision. ’There waa a Wylie, 21, a research {isslstant staff and community toward was stationed at Lockboume Air the second round. ’Then a heart trated in two suits, and your "feel they have a lot of friends RODrODERICK A. WRIGHT risesrs.’’ total of 79S. We have 2,711 his group was not op- stories off the front pages of distinction. It said, between the at Newsweek mtigazine, . ahd young people,” he added. Dated S e p t 17. 1970 Force Base here, in an adminis­ continuation would make South powerful major suit is likely to members, so this means ap- th® p r o v e d ]aw^Jbu_t Buenos Aires newspapers this President as leader of the coun­ Emily Hoffert, 23, a sch o o l______^______trative capacity. ruff, and South would eventu­ be a surer road to game than Races Wednesday proxlmately 29.3 per cent live asaed ^at It contain a provision U . S . C a r f f O F l c C t week. try {ind as leader of his party. It teacher. In their apartmOnt ally have to give up a club. notrump would be. 'Our trip to the races Is just alone. I’m afraid It’s next to protecting laundromat owners o He has been reported missing was this distinction, the com­ Aug. 23, 1963. One girl was A simple signal would tell Copyright 1970 , about all set for this coming Impossible to try to communi­ from prosecution If customers from his lavish villa in Spain for West exactly when to ruff. Eqst mission said, that CBS had Ig­ Art on the Avenue stabbed and the other bludg­ Future Gloomy Professor Sees General Features Corp. nored. Wednesday, and those ^ in g cate with such a large group, used banned detergents in laun­ several days. Aides say they is supposed to play high-low to Madison Avenue never looked like this before but in middle of an arts festival, eoned to death. "When the President delivers should arrive at the Senior Cen­ so we’ll have to think of some­ dromat machines. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) don’t know where he is. show an even number of dla- painter Alexander Calder was loosed on sidewalk. (AP Photofax) ter at 8:30 a.m. ’There may be thing else. A proposal ^ t detergenU ^ Need to Change However, Peron "disap- mohds; but low-high (the nor­ a veto message or informs the an outside chance of a seat or used In automatic dishwashers , , peared” before when rumors Phony Fire nation concerning his decision Grilled Ham and I had a nice card from Eliza­ mal order) If he has an odd Jailer - Teacher two available, so if you’re in. head of America s ■ Military Ideas on Women on Cambodia, he Is not making beth Schultz, one of our long- be exempted from the ban was are highest about his possible “ ” i^'r"'of ia m o n ^ In this FRANKLINTON, N.C. (AP) Kent State Chief Rowayton Pilot terested, give us a call the first members. Remember she supported by Anne L. Lyiig, dl Sealift Command, says most of return. an appetirance within the 'politi­ NEW YORK — A law pro­ case. East would play the ten — Police were fed iip with am- cal p{irty’ doctrine,” the PCX3 Role Decried of the week. jjad a stroke while visiting her rector of home economics for the aging v^sels that make up He was ousted in 1956 In a diamonds at his 'first oppor- bulance and fire truck chasers Vows University In Muddy Viet Speaking of trips, we have daughter, out in Long Island? Procter and Gamble C.o the nation’s government and fessor told a hearing on the sta­ said. foday's FUNNY tus of women that the legal con­ miUtary coup. He actually tried ^ 7; ^ “ ia m on T I®-" so they cried wolf, By Educator Cheese Sandwich... another one hot to go, and she’s coming along very nice- She gave a demonstration of commercial shipping will be to come back in 19M. On A^®n- jgj. Some 300 motorists flocked to Nevertheless, last July, the cept of women' Is essentially Democrats were {illowed by To Stay Opened Chute Rescue that’s to the Danbury Fair, on ly^ but It all takes time. She pots washed in both soap and ready for the scrap heap before tine request, Brazilian author!- signal would make it what looked like a fire and res- ^ SAN FRANCISeX) (AP) — that they are children and CBS to answer Nixon’s broad­ Friday, Oct. 9. It will be an received a number of cards, detergent, showing that the pot the end of thd decade, ties surrounded his {ilrllner on a KENT, Ohio (AP) — Presi­ SAIGON (-AP) — When Air Thfa city's new school chief wards of the state who can be eaisy for 'West to see that East cue scene. Many others turned casts In a "party-oriented’’ all-day affair, and include some and wants me to thank you all, washetl In soap emerged from . j . , Motirmnl Dp. stopover and headed him to­ Force Capt. John W. Newhouse y^nj^g ^ classrooms are punished for deviating from a started' with four diamonds. away when they saw that the po­ m{inner, the commission said. dent Robert I. 'White yesterday good entertainment. This trip on her behalf, and she says she the machine covered with spoto. ^ ** ■rt^Mportation Assocla- ward Madrid. West. counts dummy’s five dia­ lice had staged the scene and of Rowayton, Conn., balled out , j will Include a grandstand tick­ really misses you folks. strict moral code. As a result, “ our holding Is renewed his vow to keep Kent m < S 0 V £ R of his crippled jet fighter oversized jail cells and teachers Only The tion, Gndla said IrVednesday all Officials from the v{irious monds and his own singleton, were handing out citations rap­ et, « ) you’ll be able to relax "There are numerous exam­ simply that on the facts here State University open {ind de- but four of the government’s Peronist labor unions and politi­ idly. »6 7We bomber hit on a raid over Laos, 3P®Rd 1®® much time acting os Thursday Pinochle ples of how this attitude Is adds them to East’s four dla- presented, fairness ^ d speclfl- elared, “ We are not going to udiile watching the show. We’re ocean-going cargo ships cal organizations still existing In he landed in mud up to his jailers. Thursday morning the warm Italian Berets a^’e harmful and prejudicial to wom­ cally the 'political party’ corol- ,, , , going to start registering for nearly 26 ye{irs old. Argentina regularly make pU- MOANING waist. That’s one of the reasons for weather was still with us, but en," said Normsm Dorsen, a laiy, requtoed that the RNC ^ P®rpetual BEST this trip on Monday morning, "Wd anticlpsde we will have grimiiges to see their leader. In­ "It was necessary to utilize a student rebellion, ,s{ild Dr. It didn’t seem to bother the Prove Burners professor at New York Universi­ (Republican National Commit- prehension.” starting at 8:30 a.m. So if . to scrap 90 per cent of the total variably, each of them comes AFTER hoist to get him out,” rec{illed Thomas A. Shaheen. The sur- players einy, as we had 54 p{ir- ty Law School emd widely re­ In new screen s|)leii(I»r...Tlie most magnilirenl pirtiire ever. tee) also be given a similar op- He told new students arriving you’re interested, the package WASHING’TON (AP) — ’The government fleet by 1979,” he back and announces the forth­ Capt. John O. Llndgren, 30, of prising thing is that more do not ticlpatlng in the tournament, garded as an expert on the legal DAVID 0 .SELZNICKS portunlty to Inform the public,” on the campus where four stu- -T H E A/I<3HT, deal will be seven dollars per Feder{d Trade Commission says added coming return of Peron. After a pnouuC7K>N04 MAHtjAHLI M lK U im S .Spokane, Wash, commander of rebel, he added in an Interview with the following winners: Bea­ status of women and juveniles. the commission stated. dents were shot to death last For You! person, so drop by Monday. few days the fuss dies down the rescue helicopter. Thursday. trice Mader, 644; Cledre Renn, thousands of highly flammable “ Equally frightening,” he de- Dorsen outlined several In­ However, the request for time May that security will be suffer .BEFORE “nils trip will be our last one until another Peronist official Newhouse, 30, was on a raid “ Our schools are orgtinlzed on 600; Eva Lutz, 671; Alice An­ red berets made in Italy are clardd. Is the nation’s com m er-______stances of _a double standard in 'G O N E W I T H before Oct. 10 was turned dovm this year and, "Heaven knows, I for a little while, and plans are leaves Spatin with a similar an­ T h a n v lo iigainst North Vietnamese posl- a semiprison approach, on derson, 667; Lucille Crawford, being sold dally to American clal shipping status. Well over the state’s criminal code at the McM illion being made to go to Radio <31ty nouncement. because it "effectively cuts off regre(^lt as much as you do.” 666; George 'Vallone, 664; Flor­ women. half of the 500 ships of the com- hearing ’Thursday conducted by THEWINDT -Becklcx, W. Va. lions along the Ho Chi Minh sup- crime and punishment, M d cops for the Christmas Show. ’This Some politicians believe Brig. CBS right of appeal” to Thurs- But he warned them to be ply troll Wednesday when his and robbers techniques,” he ence Kohls, 665; George Schroll, ’The chenlle berets ignite merclal cargo fleet are past 20 the City Commission on Human Winner « day’s decision. aw{ire of “ the rumor mill—a year we hope to go while the 663; Edith’ Dexter, 660; Esther q“ lcWy ‘'burn with great In- years old and “ 300 are ear- Rights. Gen. Roberto M. Levlngston, ofTt-n F105 Thunderchlef was hit by said. CIAUK (J:\liLK Atiuli’fliy A CBS spokesman said the gh{istly institution that works city is gaily lighted. Only thing tensity, release a large amount meirked for scrapping by 1978.” a woman arrested for vogran- president of the country since a (g) 1970 by HEA. Inc. enemy gunners and caught fire. ” We have lack of trust—slgn- is, we don’t want to see Charlie Anderson, M7; Florence North, VIMENLTOl AiAariU J network will seek court reversal overtime.” S h a d if Sl£tL0jcuAjj^ SioJi&A. 541; Louise Hagenow, 639; of heat and are extremely dlffi- The transportation specialist gy or petty larceny can get up military coup in June, probably He was able to guide his crip- in and sign-out slips, detention Brown einymore. I sure hope cult to extlngiilsh,” the PTC sujggested a return to fatter sub- . . . " •- ‘ of the denial. 'White received a standing Todo/t FUNNV aill poy $1.00 for pled plane eastward toward the systems, wardens and jailers. Bess Moonan, 539; and Mar- to three years in prison, he said 'would welcome Peron’s return, LESLIE IIOWMI) And Democratic National ovation when he stood to ad- TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS he’s found his blanket by now. said In a general W{imlng to the sldi^ for shipping may be "a eoch originol "funny" uted. Send gags East China Sea, but he just fear of escape, regimentation, g{iret Domihue, 539. while a man gets three months, at least for p. few days. Levings- Chalrm{in Lawrence F. O’Brien dress approximately 4,000 fresh- to: Todoy's FUNNY, 1200 West Third More on this trip later. Just public ’Thursday. premium we have to pay to in- OLWLLdclLWlLLAiND couldn't make It to the water, limited opportunities for choice. By the way, we had quite a Women, 16 to 21, who commit ton has been meeting with a issued a statement saying his men and other new students to CIcTcland, Ohio 44113. Bt. 6 & 44A—Open Dally and Sun.; Parkade Branch—Mon. thru Sat. one to keep in mind as the At least 28,000 berets have sure development of an adequ- misdemeanors are subject to number of ex-presldents In re- '.URIOfUONtCSOUNO MEIROCOIOH AnMGMRe letedif J He balled out In the northern barricaded or locked toilet number of players stating they committee is studying what can the Kent campus, (John and Bernice Rleg) stage show is edways well been Imported for s{de In this ate strategic sealift force” In “ Indefinlte commitment,” or up cent weeks to discuss the possl- part of South Vietnam, was rooms, cell-llke classrooms.” worth the'^rice {done. could use a ride to and from country through firms In Chica^ the face of Soirlet shipping ex- be dope. "We do not Intend to white closed the university Shtiheen, 67, is beginning his this pinochle program, there- to three years In prison. Men blllty of having elections. ’The slightly injured when he hit the go {ind New..,York and many pansion. let the matter drop here.” jgg^ May 4 two hours after four ground, and was rescued 66 first year os superintendent of are exempted from this provi- Peronlsts are still a formidable I opyum oR IT. m iTr TOt o MAUIm a i i i G E P lan s Kitchen Social fore we will start, fols coming thoug^nds more probably have "In 1961, thef U.S.S.R. had 896 gjon j,e students were shot to death and the 90,000-student Stin Francisco Thursday morning to run the political group. minutes later, Monday morning we had an­ been sold, said Edward B. ships in her merchant fleet," he nine other wounded In a con­ public school system {ifter five bus over the seune route as we W o r ld L ink other fine turnout for • our Finch, {icting director of the s{dd. “ ’The United States had ------wmm m m m m manwHistir Train Service frontation with Ohio Nation{il years as schools chief' in Rock­ do for {dl pickups. It will leave kitchen social, and htid 68 p{ir- agency’s textiles and furs dlvl- 973. By 1968, the Russians had Gueirdsmen. Flaf; Unscathed ford, m. the Center at 8:30 a.m., to start STATE To Computer ticlpale in the afternoon pinoch­ slon. doubled their fleet to more than AIR-CONDITIONED • rREE PARK REAR THEATRI NOW Appeal Made The troops h{ui been sent to He said one of the first things pickups. Return trip will be at ’To demonstrate the hazard, 1,600 ships. We had six less thiin RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A he pltins to do Is abolish the sys- le tournament, with the follow­ the Completion of the pinochle Today- ■1:60 - 4:20 - 6:60 H 9:20 — Sun. 1:60 • 4:06 - 0:86 A 0:00 the campus to put an end to a NEW YORK (AP) — General 25fh Anniversary Candybrafion Finch touched a match to one — wd Imd In 1961.” B y Sargent North Carolina State flag that ing winners: Eva Poet, 706; <31s games. As long {is there are at series of students disorders. Electric Co. announced ye.stof- Wilson, 676; MoUle McCarthy, White noted the Kent State waved untattered In Vietnam 26th TO FRIDAY, OCT. 2nd least ten nersons taklne advan- Inunedlately burst Into has been given to Gov. Bob 676; Peter Frey, 669; Bess flames and within 30 seconds Boston (AP) — Gov. Fran­ campus police force has been day what it described as the OPEN ALL DAY tage of this service, we will con­ cis W. Sargent has asked Secre- largest data communications Scott fpr the state Department Moonan, 662; Ann Lehmann, tinue. However, if the p{isseng- was a g;ray heap of {ishes. Petrol Patrol beefed up from 36 to 48 full-time Known exporters of the berets tary of Transportation John A. of Archives and History. SUNDAY 662; Eva Lutz, 646; Grace ers slack off we will then have officers ____since last spring and network ever built (or transmit­ DENVER, Colo. (AP) — One Volpe to continue the New York ggjj that additional coordination Tile donor is Mitchel W. Shoff- Btiker, 636; Andy Noske, 636; to {irrange____ a different tr{ins- are Donatello, Santelll & FMglio; ting computer services around 9 A.M. fa 9 P.M. Kreiger Ltd. with Straw Indust- police car, its red lights blink­ to Boston TurboTraln "until- jjgg peen established with near- ner, 23, of Laurel Hill, who car­ Ann Hoffman, 631; Leo Fallot, portation setup'. ing, diverted freeway traffic Special the world. 631; Alice Shorette, 626; May ria; and Bing of Florence, all of ...further exploration and devel- poUce agencies, ried the red and blue flag in a ARTHUR DRU8 Priday we had our kitchen around two other police cars {is WINNER irick during much of his months Derby, 624; Floyd Poet, 628; Florence, Italy. '* Prloee opment of high-speed rail trans- tpjjg new strength nad n e w The network, which GB at­ soci{il games, {md because this red-faced officers drained gaso­ and Agnes Bablneau, 617. Known Importers {ire Acces­ OF 4 for Senior portation between Boston and coordination, he said, "are de tributed to major technological in Southeast Asia. column h{is to be In ’The Her­ line from one cruiser Into the Tuesday morning, we started sory F{ishlons and O’Connor- ACADEMY New York.” signed to keep other law en- break-throughs, will have "a ald office the first thing Friday other. an oil painting cltiss under the Goldsteln Mlllinary and Wig Co., AWARDSL The TurboTraln, with a dally forcement agencies off the cam- profound effect on the whole morning, we can’t tell you how both of Chicago and Mr. Gross- round-trip between Boston and pus.-- computer Industry,” the compa- very capable supervision, of many members were on hand. Mrs. Kay Hendrickson, and had man & Sons, Inc., and Betmar »uiaNiuRyroxPii(S(Nis New York, has been an experi­ "B{islcally, we are saying we ny said, We also started our crewel Hats, Inc,; Four Seasons Hat* WALTER MATTHAU ment In rail transportation. will handle the job ourselves,” Uke other systems, the GE sixteen persons on hand. ’Ihis embroidery class In the {ifter- BARBRA STREISAND 177 Hartford Bofid Club, Inc.; and Moees L. Aron­ THE LITTLE THEATRE Funds for the experiment exiiire he added. "We are going to stay network will enable a compa- is a weekly affair, {ind open to noon,' and you’ll have to wait MICHAEL CRAWFORD M{uichester, Conn. everyone — beginners {is well son, Inc., all ot New York. Mon. - Fri. at 8<00 next month. open. We are going to operate.” ny’s individual offices In various TKC' until next week to hear the re- OF MANCHESTER, INC. Saturday at 1:16 - 4:00 - 7 :M __ i‘-W i«i Across trom MAnchester as {idv{inced. IflMiU In his letter to Volpe niuTs- ■White said earlier he will cities to liave a direct, telephone Community CoUege sulta of that one, too. and 8:46 day, S{irgent cited "compelling In the {iftemoon, the Senior Schedule pteaente 'HH1KEAST combine orderly university op- tle-ln to one computer on a Bowling League was In action, Portland Crash Sunday at 2:00-6:00-8:00 environmental and technologi­ eratioh with closer student-fac- time-Sharing basis, Schedule for the week: cal reasons” for continuing the at the P{irkade Lanes, and I 'T im • nm • till • Tiii • ulty communications to keep the Q^-.g network, however, dlf- Monday, 10 a.m. to noon. train. there was the usuid fine tum- kitchen social, no c{inned goods Fatal for Driver school open. fgj.g from current systems in out. Still room for a few more needed; 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., plnoch- H® said the Metropolitan Area Classes begin Monday, and ^jj^ee major ways, a spokesman bowlers, so why don’t you get le tournament; bus pickup at POR’TLAND, Cfonn. (AP) — A TONITE Planning Council has rejected a university officials anticipate out {ind enjoy yourself, and 8:30 a.m.; return trips at noon two-c{ir accident at the Inter­ m i 8 ADULT FIRST BUN HITS proposaloronosal for a second major malor air­air- student______enrollmentn___ * **t6 approach expiameu, ANCHEST FLUB BONUS HIT port in eastern Massachusetts By next year, the network will meet the wonderful people. {ind 4 p.m. section of Route 66 and Grove 4- ) -*V / W f*. - //V ’ the 21,000 registered last fall. make all services available to P!fS 6 UK • ROI IMN NOM.H because of "thie environmental Closed Saturday ’Ihe results of Tuesday’s ’Tuesday, 10 a.m. to noon, oil Street Friday caused fatal In- thousands of business firms In Open Mon.-Frl. bowling shows that the Angels ptiinUng class; 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., juries to Victor S. Organek, 64, costs In terms of I{ind acquisi­ tion, community disruption and 160 major., cities throughout the 9:30-9:30 are the highest scorers, with Senior Bowling Letigue at the Portland, Julie Teaching United States, Canada and high te{un single of 713, {ind Parkade Lanes. No bus schedul- crash occurred at 5:80 air {ind noise pollution.” and Org{inek died In Angela Lansbury .. Sargent also s{iid "it is Impor­ abroad. It presently serves 42 high triple of 2008, respectively, ed. p.m., and Organek Michael York I* Black Students cities. Current systems have ...... Wednesday, 8:30 a.m., bus to Middlesex Memorial Hospital In by Frank Gilroy m snuE iiniiR SE s tant that we continue to experi­ ’The women’s high triple was “Something been able to tie together only a won by Mary MbOormick with Rockingham Park; 1:30 p.m. to Middletown at 8:36 p.m. ment with various kinds ’ of I II TheiyVe tearning feat. for Everyone In Washington handful of cities, the spokesman 399; high single by Marion * p m., Fim-Day under the dl- Th® driver of the other car . Ihe basic black coine^- high-speed rail service in order BAROAIM HOUR 'TIL » to develop a service that will be said. Furthermore, he added, OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 6 James with 160, and the high rection of Mary Rhodes {uid Joe reported "resting comfort- OCTOBER 1, 2, 3 1 SmIPT tUWOAYl t HOLIOATS . WASHINGTON (AP) Julie average by Mary McCormick Magora. Bus pickup at noon ably” today at Middtosex Mem- able to convey large numbers of for the first time, a linkup with wlth 133 0 return trip at 4 p.m. orial. He Is Samudl, Hill Jr., 36, people tor Intermediate dls- Nlxbn Eisenhower has begun Europe via CX)MSTAT satellite FAU COTTONS for data transmission purposes The meiis’ triple was won by Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to noon; that at Bailey, tances In a time span. that Is twlce-a-week practice teaching Al ijiniftTit with 616 hiirh pinochle tournament; bus pick- police report that BERLIN TURNPIKE I BERLIN TURNPIKE competitive with other modes of g predominantly black school h{is been successfully field test­ N1 XT TO TWO GUYS ond ORANTMOOR i NEXT TO TWO GUYS nnri GR ANTMOOP ^ l ^ b y i;D k r^ n ^ u p up at 8:30 a.m., return trip at Organek’s car w ^ stopped at inter-city travel. in Washington as part,of her, ed. single oy mikc ^ n nu p, _wiui f ^ Grove Street, All telecommunications {ire 183, w d the high average of uw**- ^ Auditorium, MHS COLOR new collegd course In teaching yd. Friday, 10 a.m. to noon, kltch- started to c n ^ Route . controlled by computer, increas­ 171.2 by Al L^Iant. 66 en social, one can of canned Troopers of the *Juiiettef she did everything!* Batista Denied at Catholic University. ing the sysWm’s reliability, the racks werd investigating, She is helping out with read­ spokesman said. Current sys­ In assorted patterns, colors and styles. Val­ Fun-Day goods needed; 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., 8:80 PJH. Wednesday w{is our Pun-Day, crewel embroidery class; 7 T H eutA iiM Funeral Visa ing {ind social studies with sec­ tems use mechanical controls, ues to 88c yd. Priced to move. Don’t pass up XX RATING XX ond-grade youngsters at Bene­ this buy!- {ind for a cluinge we had a cou- P-ui- to 10 p.m., setback tourna- TICKETS $2.50 he pointed out. \ dictine-operated St. Anthony’s ple of quiz games going. Man, it ment; bus pickup at 8:30 a.m., J u u e P T E DRIVE-IN No Ont Undtr 17. Ptemt LISBON, Portugal (AP) — The GEJ network will enable sdre was an extra warm, or bet- and return trip at noon. at The U.S. government will not School in the northdast section comp{inies with their own com­ W . ! ' I f n Cl rvt' c ■! ? 3 - 2 4 2_3 grant a visa to former Cuban *^® capital, a predominantly puters to integrate their data ter yet, a retd hot day, and our Remember the building Is ‘“SODE" open Mimday through Friday,- ^Ltonord's Shoa Start KA«TMAMee«i.OM dictator Ehlgenclo Batista to go b'ack community. processing operations into the crowd was down to about seven­ " S E X V I L L E W I T H A W I N K ! Red-blooded girl- (Ihe principtil. Sister Alice, — WHY p m _ 8:30 a.m. to noon, and 1 p.m. to Florida for his brother’s fu- GE time-sharing network and M o a ■ ■ ■■ ty people, which wtisn’t b{ul. i d H IT — " 'T H E A L O r ^ watchers will dig the goodly share of buxom said the President’s During the program, we were to 4:30 p.m., for programs, ’TV Manehtsttr neral, a U.S. Embasw of(lcl{il ® thereby extend their present bouncing babes. groovy bonanza of active onlH tnHnv daughter started there Monday nomnuter canabllities. This had told of the following people ad­ vie'wing,^ pool, ctird playing, A s{iid today. computer capabilities. This had Tile.former Ctirlbbean Island in a class which has 29 pupils never been possible before, the mitted into the local hospital; visiting, *{ind business, so stop beauties and CUties!" -Bob Solmoggi. Group W and "she sedms to like It very {iround to where the action :^ strongman has been living in spokesm{ui said. John Vince {uid Jean Shields; so 1 much.” and see for yourself. exile In, the netu-by jet-set resort The system Is expected to P. Stevens let’s pep them up with a few The principal said Jiille "has J. of Estoril since fleeing Cuba on give time-sharing networks a Washable QUILTED get-well ctuxls. EASTHARJfORO very beautiful character. She Despite the hot weather, we New Year’s Eve to m S before fg ;^gTuk“ o fT ? l( T lo v e to IN it h ' the advance of Fidel' Castro’s had two sets of square dancers. Cfdley Loses Bid have her.’ dustry, he said. WOOL NYLON You can tell a good instructor For Civilian Panel a N c ^fbrahtghtmel rebels, _Sister _ Alice _ . ___ said most of the The system, which so far cost by the way his pupils do" when BXG - WEEK Batista’s brother, Francisco, pupils to JuTle’s'class million, is controlled from single he’s not around, and such was WASHING’rON (.AP) — A fed­ med Thurw^y to Miami after a aware she is the Presl- ''supercenter” .located In FLANNEL face 31 yd. the case tor our squ{ure diincing. eral judge has dismissed Lt. heart attack. dent’s daughter, although come Cleveland. By next year, GE Stainless Candy Dish Filled With Our Candy FREE| William L. Galley Jr.’s suit con­ -Russ Meyer’si= : "Under current provisions, of the older ones do. Slater Ailed '^•1 '>® running Its network from tending he is entitled to a civil­ Mr. Batista is not {dlowed to go called Julie ” a very natural two other Interconnected cen- double With The Purchase Of $2.00 Or More ian trial on charges of killing to the United States,” an em­ person.” ters as w®ll, one to Los Angeles face 32 yd. fllanrlywtor Vletmimese clviUtins at My Lai. [Cher^, Harry^\ bassy offlcliil said. "He has not The school where Mrs. Elsen- and one In Te{meck, N.J. During Our 25th Anniversary Candybration U.s'. District Judge Aubrey E. ^pplied for a visa and If he did hower is teaching Is integrated, Stogie and double Cut from bolts. From Sat., Sept. 26th To Friday, Oct. 2nd. Robinson Friday rejected Gal­ there would be no wavering.” but, SUtdr Alice said, "It Is (ace. Single face ley’s request for a three-judge The former Cuban president, mostly black because It is In a Plaids and solids' . “ H OW TO No Fooling Around Mix 'n Match your ideal for robes and PobtWiad DeUr Bzoept aundaya civilian pcmel to hetir his con­ 09, lives to a villa with his sec- black community.” h W BoUtey* at IS Blaaall Sirect & Eaquel HONOLULU (AP) — Yee niew fall outfit. Reg. linings. Double face tention that a trial under the SUCCEED WITH SEX” otMl wife. He is reported .to Julie, who was graduated SsnrhaHir Oonn. (06040) COIIX) by MOVCLAB RMasM by MOFORO FIIM CORKIRATNW $3.79 yti. T«l*liba>M 648-arm Uniform Cfode of Military Jus­ maintain contacts with Cuban from Smith College last June, Chung Ting' 106, who'came here , idetU for jackets. Munson's Candy Kitchen •aoaod Oasa Foetace Paid at tice would violate his constitu­ AIR CO ND IH O N tn exiles and oveifsees a huge to- went back to school at Catholic from China during the reign of Sew and Save! Reg. $3.00. Plus Russ Meyer’s IROUTE 6. BOLTON ■faoobMter. Ooim. tional rights. . plus — "LOVE IS A WOMAN" vestment fund to Spain and University earlier this month to King Kolakaua, attributes his OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY till 8 P.1 subscription b a t e s ;;gASTER PUSSYCAT’ long life to his style: r m r M * In Advuca G{dley’B court m{utial has BURNSIDE SwltzQjdand. take education courses to quall- t *. E A '. { E A ’ M A i • > . Batista was unavailable t^r fy as a tdacher anywhere to the "I don’t fool around with Tear ...... W g J been jioetponed by the Army IPIP PAPKir.'G ^‘.*8 .Hi- petting outcome of the suit. i . comment. country. Women.” 1. . ^ MANCHESTER E\hENING HERATJD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 PAGE PTVB Forgotten Man PAGE EOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HEI^ILD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26„ 1970 Vernon G e m s G o n e Stocks Volume Skyrockets, WBWPON, Conn. (AP) — Free elections and the rig^t of all clU- Ramsdell Issues" Warning State police are Investigating Reflecting Tension Ease i®anrl|pBtpr Connecticut a house robbery Friday In Dempsey Reacts to Inaction zens'to vote. which thieves made off with By JOHN HENRY week r ^ to 83j^,560 shares m EIKLE the gubernatorial candidate de- wore the reasons. But, although On Stoning of School Buses $ worth, of jewelry and lEuptitng l^prali) The closest approach to universal edu­ 12,000 from 05,2^,270 shares the pre- jj^^-j-poRD Conn (AP) parted from his prepared text Dempsey stuck by his decision, silver. NEW YORK (AP) — Mo­ FUBUBUBO BY THB cation in the history of the wotfd. Yankee vious week , . to praise the governor by name, rejecting the pleas of'those who mnPAi.n PRINTINO CO., INC Reports have been received Reters or the church. Walk-lna They say entry Into the, ments before the closing bell in Equality beford the law and an In-. During the past week the The forgotten man in the current ^ applause at wanted him at the hted of the 18 BlsaeU StreM by the superintendent of will also be accepted. home of Mrs. Glsela Spring­ last Thursday’s session, a cheer Dow Jones average of 30 Indus- election campaign is Gov. John tj,at point. ticket again this year. It has Uanclieateic Conn. By A.H.O. Sidewalks Completed . THOMAS F. FERQUSON creasing equality of opportunity. schools, ,Dr. Raymond Rams­ er on River Bank Road was went up from some 2,000 men on trials rose 0.82 to 759.30, The As- Dempsey—and the governor is r ,., .t-g hard for the eovemor been difficult to Uve with the WALTKR R. FERGUSON Two sidewalks In top priority Fubllshera Diversity of life. When Congressman Tom Mea- dell, that students have been gained by forctog a rear the floor of the New York Stock to he i totn 83.97as 07 whilewhite the , ...... “ >e lo n gesi tenure in o iiic e ui and Hotldaya. Entered at the Foat Oltice at reached out over'th e largely shows signs of regret that he gjiy Connecticut governor since Mancbester, Conn., aa Second CSaaa Mall cases the reason for the 'abuse Walks have been installed The value of the pins and cheer: ‘Turnover that day New York Stock Exchange in- Matter. form. blue collar asMmblage In front ■ decided to retire froVn politics, early 1800’s seems to be due to die fact from Grove St. on the north dex of some common Freedom from want for S pdr cent of rings stolen was $8,000, troop­ soared to 21.34 million shares—a 1,200 O o n g r a s s ^ EmUio Q. Dad- She Sees Throu|^ SUBSCRIPTION . RATM 8 of blm to pay hie critical re- that bus stops have been side of Rt. 30 to White St. and ers said, and the remainder stocks rose 0.78 to 22.26. Payable in Advance specta to any'iyhlte collar teach­ level in Big 'Board history sec­ dario, the D ^ o cra t who wants democratic state convention, the One Year ...... 8M.00 its people. etaanged since'school started. the entire Skinner Road school of the loot was silver. The American Stock Scanty Threat Sir HonUu ...... U.SO ers In Connectleut who might The superintendent said he area from the comer of Dart to succeed Dempsey, has not bit Uabilltteo ond only to the 21.36 million c h ^ e index advanced 0.41 to mad“e"“much D ^ p s e y to role^’L a be- Three Montha ...... 7.80 be out on strike In d^lance of wants parenta to know that the Hill Rd. to the Ellington town shares traded June 13, 1968. CLEVELAND (AP) — Police One Month ...... a.00 ■ . his campaign for governor. ' 'Ihe persistehoe of racism. court injunctiona, he* was Illus­ stops were changed because line. The swollen volume that ses­ loved has-been. While the cam­ believe a young woman wear­ ' MEMBER OF Of the week’s 20-m6et active Daddario has been putting ing a see-through blouse foiled THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Poverty for 16 per cent of our people. trating hla own instUcta to some of the children were mali­ The area gflven third priorfty ^Paper Gold’ sion plus a turnover 'Friday of eras were being focused on Dad­ reach out lor lesuee and hit ciously damaging property Is that from'Skinner Rd. along issues on the New York Stock ^^g emphasis on the Daddario her own robbery attempt Friday The Aaaoclated Preaa la exclualvely en­ An undeclared war in Vietnam. 20.47 .^million shares—the fifth dario and the other candidates, titled to the uae ot republlcadlon of all them hard, with fdiarp, periiape where the stops were originally Dart Hill Rd. to Rt. 88 and ijxchange, 15 advanced, 4 de- future, not the Dempsey past, by ,not going to a male teller. newa dlapatches credited to it or not' other- Plea^Hj^ard highest volume In exchange Ms- clinod, and 1 was unchanged. .j-jjg Rgy Joseph Duffey, the Dempsey regained the attention wlae credited In thla paper and alao the Juvdnile delinquency, crime and cutting Impact. located. work has started there. Next tory—provided fresh evidence of the news media, at least for The woman went to Mrs. Ken­ local newa publlahed here. Installation will be a short strip The five most active Issues on Democratic candidate for U.S. neth K. Kansy In the Parit View All rlghta ol republication ot apeolal dla­ mental illness among 6 to 10 per cent Every IndicaUoa te, eo fW,* Asking for the cooperation of that investors hAve Indeed shak­ the moment, by declaring his from Rt. 83 from Sunset Ter­ the Big Board were: senate. Is no confidante of support for a direct primary Savings & Loan Association’s patches herein are also reserved. of Americans. that Congressman Mlm Dad- the parents. Dr. Ramsdell said B y B a i t e r s en off the despair that gripped Plessey Ltd., up % at 3%; Dempsey. The governor support- race to Pleasant View Dr. system—something for which he downtown office and banded her ^The Herald Printing Company Inc,, as­ dario, hla opponent, la going to he alao wishes to remind them them after the market's 18 Telex, ,up 2Vt at 20Mi; Federal gy Alphonsus J. Donahue in the sumes no financial reaponalbillty for typo­ Environmental waste and pollutioa. that if any child Is apprehend­ Mayor McCoy said he hopes had never previously displayed a note saying, "Ttiia is a holdup. continue a campedgn poeture COPENHAGEN (AP) — The month decline. National Mortgage, off 4% at senate primary which Duffey graphical errora appearing In adveruae- ed throwing stones at the buses, that all priority areas will be with any enthusiasm. Give me six packs of twenties. I menta and other reading matter In The A legal system of police, courts and which offers almost a oomplete heads of both the World Bank "Before August, no matter %; Occidental Petroleum, off ^on last month. or causing damage to buses in completed by die end of Octo- 51 have a gun pointed at your Manchester Evening Herald correction which has not been able to contrast. how good news was, it wouldn’t If Dempsey is unhapipy about any way, the parenta ■will be ber,r.'StlU to done are Dobson and the IntemationaJ Monetary % at 20%; and University Com- could be argued that Demp- Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlmea-Waahlnt- The Democratic candidate lift the market. Now It’s the oth- being put out to pasture, then head.” ton Post Nevra Service. match &e theory of equality with its held responsible. Ave. from Rt. ^0 to Rt. 83 and Fund promised yesterday to puttog, up 6% at 32. ggy may be a liability, since the Kansy. 24, unflustered for Governor will be found tak­ er way around," commented The five most-active issues on jg facing a $200 million why did he decide not to seek Mrs, Full service client of N. E. A. Service Inc. practicd.^ Dr. Ramsdell said he hopes Tunnel' Rd. from Lake St. to look Into the pleas of the poorer by the blouse, told the woman Publishers Representatives — Mathews. ing hie stands. But he likes, In John Smith, analyst for Fahne­ re-election? that any action on his part will Old Stone Rd. the American Stock Exchange And any governor, no she did not have the money to Shannon and ' Cullen Inc., Special Agency An Inclination to cherish things above areas which are highly contro­ nations to use the newly created stock & Co. “ When the investor The answer is a personal one, — New York, Chicago. Detroit and Boston not be necesaaiy. Enforcing the were Cinerama, up 1% at 6%; matter how popular, i s ^ n d to ^ governor explained when twenties and puriied ^a silent versial, to mute hla yas or his “ paper gold" as a form of de­ n M rt ■ ■ V— ■ ■ 1 n A n r t Wh • • Vx ^ - * hiunan life. rules and regulations concern­ psychology changes, bad news Equity Finding, up 1% at 29%; accumulate a number of critics alarm. The would-be robber Display advertising closing^ hours no. He would rather roll hla way he made the announcement on Jpr Monday — 1 p.m. TShiday. Iirelevancies and inadequacies In ing bus transportation could Columbia velopment aid. is taken to stride." Asamera Oil, up 1% at 17%; if he stays to office as long as took her note back and ran. For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Bl^rday. around to hie own eventual posi­ Jan. 10. Family considerations mean the .denial of bus privi­ Leading Industrial nations of Bad news the past week Saxon Industries, up 2% at 19%; 10 years. For Wednesday — 1 plm. Monday much of educatloa. tion than batter hU way to It. For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. leges, aa well as payment for the world. Including the United meant the civil war between the and Milgo Electronic, up 4% at Still, Dempsey remains a For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. We have an idea- that If he* GOP Completes For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday Prejudices and frustrations arising damages, he noted. State , oppose such a link. Jordanian gfovernment and Pal­ 32%. valuable i»lltical property, even Classified deadline — 5 p.m. day be­ could have hla position on an The paper gold, technically estinian guerrillas. . as a lame duck. (Incidentally, fore publication 5 p.m. Friday for from the Puritan ethic. Service Award Preparation On Fofl SpecMs Now On Issue discovered without having Special Drawing Rights—SDR Largely as a result of this cri­ he detests the Idea of being con­ Batnrday and Monday publication Just to list these assets and liabili­ It ever noticed that he bad been Second Lieutenant Mark C. ALUMINUM Buchert, son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘^^egas Night’ —on the IMF, first went.into use sis, according to analysts, the sidered a lame duck.) Saturday, September 26 ties dods not explain how they have in process of making his choice this year. Some $9.5 billion Dow Jones industrial average Bond Market It’s hard to find Dempsey- on it, that would be the mode Salvatore Bucheri of 78 Talcott AWNINGS ★ WINDOWS come about, of course. And probably Ave., Rockville Is a member The committee for the GOP- worth are to be crated by the riied a total of some 1 1 points to haters to Connecticut, to either of operation he would choose. political party, and the governor t SIDING ★ DOORS there are more Items that could be list­ of a unit that has earned the sponsored "Las Vegas Night” end of 1972, and more after that. Monday’s and Tuesday’s ses- U p fo r W e e k Calling A New Signal? It has already been noticed The bulk of them go to wealthy sions. is likely to get the heartiest ap­ i t DOOR CANOPIES ed in both categories. that It seems to be almoat a set U. S. Air Force Outstanding v,na announced that plans for j u 4.1, plause of anyone when he Is In­ Unit Award h Industrialized countries to Analysts, however, said the NEW YORK (AP) — Most For some 40 years now the United The balance sheet is much more mdan-' formula. In the Daddarlo camp, T t. In "fun-filled gala” have been gtrengthen their reserves and market was fortunate to get off troduced at a gathering of any Free Esrhnoifes # Easy Terns for many questions where the areas of the bond market rallied kind. States has been calling the signals for ingful to the average 'American, how­ Nivlaa^^Slti^ complete. ease world trade. so llghUy. answer, whatever it Is, might WtoA at Mather AFB Calif. Everyone is welcome to the PieTre-Paul Schweitzer, man- "with all the bad news today early the past wedk, after the The' governor must occasional- a world of freer t^de. So long ets this ever, than the generalisations which BILL TUNSKY have to offend somebody, to get will wear a dlattoctlve’ service a«air which will be held at St. aging d lr o o ^ o f the IMF, sal^ Jordan the Dow average prime rate cut, but fell as the 'y get the Impression that he Is was the pronounced direction of United their answers not from the can­ come from the far right or extrdme left. ribboii to mark his amUatlon Columba’s Church hall Oct. 3 could reaUy have plunged," said week. Three - month Treasury PHONE 649^9095 States policy, the pressure and en­ didate Mmself, but from some establish the SDR firmly as an candidates of his own party. And because most Americans see their with the unit. from 7 p.m. to midnight, one analyrt T u e ^ y , f f f e r ^ the national Investment firm <>*. who hav^not been consplcipusly couragement <»i other natltHis of the "apokeeman” tor him. Tickets are $3 per person and effective and valued reserve as­ nation In the balance. It would be help­ to 6% pohrt 1 ^ to the blu^chlp Brothers. The suggestion la that Con­ 'Lt. Bucher is a 1066 gradu­ include $8,000 to play money set.” eager to consult him, to praise United States example presumably had ate of Rockvme- High School, Indicator that session. Instead him or to enUst him to their ful if they would speak up more often— gressman Daddario has no wish and refreshments. TTckdts are He said many countries had It dipped only a few points and m most noneth^ess, 1970 VOLKSWAO: some effect. received a B.A. degree from campaign. and act vriidre possible—to add to the to be seen standing In the mldat available from Howard Bates, asked for the link and that the th a fs^ th ln g in the Dow.” bond prices ended the week on THINK SMALLfflWBjll______SEDAN No perfect free trade world haa ar­ of swlrilng controvenlea, deal- Clark University find is a mem­ Nick Lanzolatta, John Sullivan executive directors will want to „ I , » the plus side. Daddario It must ,be admitted, Delivered In MtuMdieater "pro” list and reduce the "con" list. ber of Lambda Chi Aljdia. He The market was qtock to re- G^^,emment bond prices, both has been making more mention rived, not even in a long era when the ^ out valiant blows In one dl- and Dick Dann. think carefully about the fund’s Elquipped with leatherette in­ rMUon and another, but prefers was commissioned on comple­ program of work to this field. spond Wednesday to the favora- intermediates and long-terms, of Dempsey lately. In his speech terior, 'Windshield washer, 2- world had markets expcuiding ahead of •nie play money will be used to move through a kindly haae tion cf Officer Training School to win the games of chance, Robert S. McNamara, presl- ^----- ble news that’ t ------about % point during the before the Connecticut State speed electric wipers, heaiter, Its production capacity. But a failure to Transmission Towers------of Infinite serenity aa a figure at Lackland, AFB, Texas. black jack, ____ chuck-a-luck,______etc..— ., dent of the World Bank, said were withdrawing from JordaiL week. Three-montThree-mont Treasury Employes Association Thursday, defogrgar, 4-way esJfety (leaherB, on reach perfection — to lower the trade And the View who, unmoved and unehaken Veterans’ Exemption and prizes will be auctioned off there were sharply confUctiiig Prices a d v a n ^ on a broad j,j,ig declined dramatically, by beok-up lights, front and real hlmaelf, thereby demonstrates Veterans who have not filed* for play money at the end of views about Unking SDR with tmnt and the Dow todustri^ av- gg „guch as 40 basis points to he- suet belts, le'iithorette heodreat^ walls to the point where they became The United Illuminating Company has his own capacity to rule and dis­ for their $1,000 tex exemption,’ the evening. Prizes donated to- aid. Jumped nearly 7 pototo 5 70 per cent, the lowest lev- steering wlieel lock and lis* window defroster.. comidetely non-existent — is only ,one provided in recent days a careful public pel whatever troubles leiMer must do so by Oct. 1. The hon- clud7 a thennos picnic kit. The former U.S. defense sec- On Thursday, encouraging g, two years. However, thdy explanation of its plan for erecting over­ orable dlschaigre and DD Z14 hand-held hair dryer, electric retary said that the bank would news from the Middle East, and ^ose a little towards the close of side of the coin. men may pile about bis feet. PINE PHARMACY Rt. 83 Tolland Tpk. head power lines between its g^erating There is no euggesdon in this form must be filed with the razor, shower curtain, after; help to any study o t the matter a Labor Department report of the week, TED TRUDCN Hie other side of the same experience TalcottviUe, Conn. plant on Grand Avenue and a large new technique. If It Is raie, thai tito Assessor’s Office, Memorial ghave lotion, playing cards, Ice that the IMF undertokes progress in the fight against to- Federal funds declined fur- M4 CEN1W ST. offers the cimsolatlon that at least, dur­ facility to be built on the old haihorfront Congressman is lacking In the Building, Park PI. skates, toys, dlectrlc blender, ------— flatten combined to lift the Indus- ther, averaging about 5.90 pdr VOLKSWAOEN 048-2888 site of the Connecticut Coke Company. ing these four decades, we weren't turn­ same toughness hla Republican Any disablUty rating sUps re- one dozen coffee mugs, Chinese trial average almost 5 points. cent, lowest level since late The UI statements demonstrate the i49-W 14 rival wekra more openly. Fre­ ceived by veterans must be tea set and mystery prizes, Parolee Convicted Investors went on a buying 1958. Eurodollar rates, however, ing back toward that extreme kind of company’s established regard for public quently, when people get around turned over to the assessor to Historical Society spree, purchasing particularly were about unchanged, opinion and Its serious effort to meet re- protectionism which, in much economic Nature Study By Sylvian Ofiara. to noticing declMons and align­ veteran’s Members of the Columbia In ‘Threat’ Holdtip many of the so-called glamour Corporate bond prices nd- sponslbllHies to its customers. Its riiare- PRESCRIPTION theory, helped pin the whole world to de­ WINTERGREEN ments Daddario has made, they disability - exemption. Historical Society will attend issues that had silffered such a vanced. thdn eased. The largest holdere, and the general community. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — PIZZA-RAY'S have to classify the dedslaiis Property Declaration beating last spring. price improvement was to the pression in 1080. But we feel that there is an element of the meeting of the Connecticut Rudolph Moher Jr. was convtct- themselves as courageous. But, XOcUyber Is" the month to de­ Institutions—mutual funds, seasoned Issues. Deep and me- SPECIALISTS public Interest which must be more League ot Historical Societies ed Friday by a U.S. District PIZZAS Now, with the most urgent of domestic if so, they are never announced clare. i>eraonal property, not pension funds, banks and tosur- dlum discount Issues rose over a closely examined in the dispute oyer the m oon. is the key to the to Simsbury Saturday. Court jury of parlaying a hollow . excuse—the obvious signs o t hurt to spe­ t l e r a l d with any fanfare from the Oon- reglstoi^ motor vehicles. Per­ Robert Carder, league preel- threat to blow up a Bridgeport ance companies—waxled deeply point. The large $626-mllHon BEST GRINDERS whether the transmission lines should go Wonders of the Universe- exploration of the entire solar MBSW SHIPMENT 6F gressman himself. sonal property Includes ma­ dent wUl welcome visitors at bank into a robbery that netted Into the market. The result of Corporate calendar next week cific American industries and American overhead or underground. system. While many feel that Y e s te r d a y s This seems to be, in the world chinery, Inventory and equip­ all this activity, of course, was will continue to offer a wide SBLAUMAR p e r f u m e s MADE WITH PROVOLONE OR BLEU CHEESE labor—the House Ways and Means Com­ The gfist of the UI position is: landing on the moon Is the end the morning meeting to Eno Me- him $1,160 April 2. goal, scientists realize that our of the Daddario candidacy, not ment to a buMpess, farm ani­ morial Hall, Hopmeodow St. Hd was convicted imder a fed- a breathtaldng volume of 21.34 variety of Issues. The October a n d o o l o o n b mittee at Washington has approved a bill A) That the proposed overhead line Space-Age Paradoxes mals and maclUtiery, riding million shares. calendar now totals $1.7 billion. can be Installed for about $1.4 mllUcn success in landing men on the 25 Years Ago such a bad' world. It may have John Ellsworth, chairman of eral bank robbery statute that 10 Minute Service On All Calls— horses, contractor’s'q^ulpment, Of the 1,774 Issues traded on Municipal bond prices also ad- Limited Quantity which suddenly reverses this 40 year dollars while underground lines would moon also Indicates that the a few imperfections, such as a the Simsbury tercentenary and carries a maximum 10-year jail Don’t Believe Us Try Us By DR. I.M. LEVITT, neously believed that space Only fifteen families move UtUe too much Republican In­ mobUe homes, plck-iip. camp­ author of "History of Sims- term and a fine of $6,000. the New York Stock Exchange vanced early In the week, later trend and attitude on the part of the cost $4.2 million; outer planets of the solar sys­ from Ortord Village and Silver program expenditures deny tem are also within reach. fluence in Washington, or cer­ ers, . snowmobiles, boats ahd un- bury ’’ will speak, as will Moher, 36, was out of state the past week, 1,128 advanced declined, and closed generally Open All Day Sunday, 8-6 130 SPRUCE STREET — 643-0031 United States and which. If enacted, will B) That the area through which the DIRECTOR progress in the latter four Lane Federal Housing Projects; while 619 declined. New lows unchanged for the week. Next transmission cables will pass Is so While it would be foolhardy tain financial matters jued registered motor vehicles.' Christopher Collier, professor of prison on parole at the time, mean that the United States has begun The Fels Planetarium areas. houses are now being rented to Forms will be mailed out University of Bridge- and a parole officer linked him were touched by 98 Issues and week’s calendar will be moder- heavily Industrialized that a concern for to try to project what material slightly askew in Connecticut, Of the Franklin Institute The final paradox Involves service men or families of men Oct. 1 aito ^ o n e nM recelv- executive secretary of to the robbery after hearing a hlghs by 20. ate—$330 million—and the cal- giving another kind of signal to the appearance or esthetics is not really and scientific rich^ may evolve but nothing that a little calm, the worth of the space pro­ In service. reassuring stewardriUp from tag one B h ^ d as- ^ i ^ u o n for the Sj*idy of description of the robber, Blg Board volume to the past endar for all of October Is estl- world. practical; The recent cancellation of two aa a result of further planetary gram. Ehricke and Miller exploration, the most hardened some imflappable new Gover­ sessor’s office before Nov. 1 . , McJier was accused of tele- C) That If a precedent Is set for under- of six planned Apollo moon- claim the- biggest thing about Our 40-year signaling in the direction skeptic must concede that the 10 Years Ago nor could not cure. If not returned before that time oiven a tour of phoning the Englewood branch gpround lines the company's planned in­ the program Is Its demonstra­ ot freer trade at least helped keep the flights is most puzzling to many evolution of this technolog;y has Until then, as we sus^ct has a 10 per cent penalty wlU be J ^ I ^ K r c ^ t e r ^ Connecticut National Now the Colonel makes feeding the whole family vestment of $16 million in overhead ted and potential value — not Abraham Ostrinsky la re­ applied. Because the to i^ prop- are Bank/in Bridgeport and telling scientists who have been close provided benefits which affect been said before, kDm’s the as easy as apple pie. Feed your family a finger lickin’ whole world pointed that way. The new transmission lines over the next 10 years Its budget. Considering the pro­ elected to second term os presi­ e r^ has been revaluated this a bank officer that a remote to this prt^ram since its incep­ the lives of all mankind. The word. asked to bring a box lujich. Any­ good Kentucky Fried Chicken dinner gnd could be second-guessed Into a $106 mil­ gram’s innovative Impact upon dent of the Army and Navy year, a ^leclal form will be « “ control bomb was hidden near signal, if we go through with our pres­ basic technology and science un­ needing transportation may make sure they get their just desserts, too! lion underground investment and a seri­ tion. It is generally agreed that mankind, never has so much Club. enclosed. one ent legislative intention, will exert covered in our lunar quest has or Mrs. The bucket has 15 pieces of tender, tasty Kentucky Fried ous burden upon electric bill-payers. the powerful Impact of the been • accomplished with .so few S ______TTioee persons over 66 years call Miss Edith Haver Bank manager Daniel Moran whatever influence it has. in the opposite It is obviously herd to strike a sound been added to our scientific Albert Gray. Chicken, with rolls and gravy. The Barrel is Space Age on the advancement jy dollars. A Thought for Today of £ige, may apply for a $1,000 Jr., who took the call, said he all chicken, 21 pieces. An 8 inch Table Talk direction. It will invite those countries balance between the region’s need for cupboard to be available in the went up the street and delivered of technology and science has To amplify these paradoxes This, of course, renders in­ Sponsored by the Manchester exemption and tax freeze at the k i t c h e n w o r l p more and more electric power at reason­ future for the service of man. assessor’s office after Oct.. 1. Manchester Evening Herald $1,1^ to Mohdr. Police later apple pie is free with either. against whom we now seek to protect literaUy sped away from logi­ it is apparent that never be/cre valid any argument stating Council of Churches able rates and the rising national and re­ The space program by-prod­ Anyone wishing further infor­ Columbia corre^tondent Vir­ search^ the building and found But hurry, this offer expires September 27, 1970. certain industries of our own to seek out cal projections. Desplt.e this coi- has such technolog;lcal progress that spending money on space gional concern for maximum protection ucts or spinoffs thus far have mation may contact the office. ginia Carlson Tel. 228-0224. no bomb. • oBsal gain, restrictions in funds been effected in so short a deprives us of progress in other You object that prayers are those instances in which they, in their of the environment. benefited those cultural areas ROTO Scholarship OPEN HOUSE and personnel layoffs continue time, wiiile some may point to areas. What must be stressed repetitious. So are blrdi and It is true that most of the route of the where progress is difficult ^to Peter L. Rockx, Blm St., turn, can erect barriers against some­ the building of the A-bomb as is that ail of the funds allocated pain and joy and death. The proposed transmission lines Is through a to be made. see., Normally, only over long RookvUle, a junior forestry mo­ thing we like to sell to their populations. a tremendous f^at in an even to space are spent here on, earth basic emotlims are not many. ALL THIS WEEK totally industrial district. If space has been so fruitful, periods of time can this prog­ ot tile Unlveraity at Connect- shorter time, this involved a and every one who reads this Every great symphony repeats With such a prospect. Secretary of But it is also true that the most dis­ why, then, do we countenance ress be recognized. The space jor at the University of Connect­ CORl^ECTICUrS NEWEST single discipline. In the matur­ has benefited through these ex­ a limited number of musical tinctive aspect of the problem is not the the sharp cutoff of funds? Why revolution is, perhaps, the only icut, Is one of 12 upper classmen OPEN Commerce Maurice Stans boldly aasxires ing of the Space Age practical­ Ideas. But they set off great KITCHEN SHOWPLACE iiistallation of high wires in an industrial h-i-R ...n rermltted whittling one In history in which those in­ penditures. Force ROTC scholarship pro­ us that it is "a lot of nonsense" to think ly every scientific disciplintf surges of feeling In the Ibten- district but the Installation of such lines down of the NASA budget? Why has been affected, for space ex­ volved in the revolution have We have made tremendous gram which enroUs 6,000 Mu- WESTOWII INVITES YOU that the House Ways and Means Oom- beside and actually across the Comect- are we sujrendering the Space been aware that it is going on. progress and spent a relatively ers. ploration involves man and It la not what Is in the play­ dents nationally. PHARMACY TO BROWSE THROUGH \ mittee blU could lead to a trade war. — icut Turnpike bridge over the Quinnipiac rtt,e vo 'uie Soviets whose eco­ there are few sciences which In education, medicine, com­ small fraction of our gross na­ Bloodmobile Visit ALL DAY River. nomic structure, though stable, munications and in our econom­ tional product to achieve our er book that is alone Importmit. It takes a lot of confidence on his part do not Involve man. What you bring to It is equaUy--- . The Red Cross bloodmobile OUR BEAUTIFUL MODEL KITCHENS ’The Quinnipiac bridge is today a key is considerably weaker than The culmination of all our ic life there have been both space objectives. TOe space pro­ Important. Open yourselves to^ will be at the Union Congrega­ to be so sure that one piece ol protective element In the estheUc image which ours? Why are we forfeiting our Space Age efforts has been to subtle and marked changes. gram has clearly demonstrated the. radiance of the Sabbath tional Church, Elm St. Tuesday retadlation is not going to lead to anoth­ New Haven presents to its own citizens— space posture when it so vitally place a man on the moon. Now Those whose business it is to its tremendous potential. The SUNDAY Service, to the security that from 1 p.m. to 6:80 p.m. and to the world. Going east or west on affects International relations? that we have achieved this project into the future are con­ potential is so vast in fac.t, that Anyone wishing to make an er and another , and another. permanent committees should comes from the silence of the All Medicinal Services Available the bridge there is an exceptional pan­ The answers to these questions goal, the monies necessary to scious of improved weather appointment may call VDem, The fact that the world followed us sit In continuous session trying Sanctuary during moments of oramic view of the city, its skyline and touch on a variety of critical keep the space sciences viable forecasting, navigation, the re­ Winfred Klotor or Mrs. John 455 HARiraRD RD. 543-523Q; only with slow a ^ faltering steps when landmark towers, ESast Rock aiid the are curtailed. To me it is like alignment of education and the to foresee our future In light of meditation-and you will find the topics. The space program Is faith which made our fathers background hills. The State Righway vitally affected by the distaste­ building a bridge to a country impact of space technolog;y op the present. It would be tragic if we were pointing toward free trade — we permitted budgetary prob­ sing unto the Lord. (Jacob Department estimates that an average ful war In Vietnam. It Is affect­ where resides untold wealth future business practices. We and the fact that we ourselves were lems to emasculate the space Weinstein) of 68JXX) automobiles use the bridge ed by our critical urban prob­ but, once having finished the can see “ real-time’ ’ telecasts often slow in having our feet follow our dally, or more than 26 million automo­ bridge, .we decide not to enter from other continents, commu­ program, to forfeit our position g INCH TIBLE W APPLE HE lems and the upsurge of nation­ From a Modem Treasury in the community of nations and finger—does not gmartmtee that either biles per year. This means that as many alism abroad. The attitudes ol that country. nications of a global nature, use Of Jewish Thou^ts to deliberately destroy our FRESH as 50 million people per year look at ^ the Congress and the President It is most unfortimate that the of space medicine , artifacts In I we or the world will be equally slow 11 future. New Haven from the bridge. affect our apace program. No public has been spoon-fed Infor­ medical practices toclay and the Submitted by we begin giving- the signal which points The view should obviously be kept as mation on the conquest of the upgrading of our educational Copyright 1870, Gen. Faa. , Rabbi Leon Wind WrrHABIKKETORBARREL pronram cin enjoy robust health Knudsen Dairy Products toward Increased protectionism. There pleasing as possible. when so many peripheral prob­ moon"without being shown how system and educators. Oorp. Tensile Beth Sholom is, somehow, a universal sest for the The bridge Is 67 feet above the water. lems affect It. However, even delivered 3 times a week ^ Offer expires 9/27/70 The proposed UI towers In the bridgre with this explanation, there' -building of fences and the trading of area would rise 186 feet above the river. exist paradoxes which defy a to your door! blows which never lends Itself to any This means that when the top 80 or 40 rational explanation. feet of the towers u e strung with trans­ By Whitaker recognition of commtm Interests. It Krafft A. Ehricke and Betty mission lines, these lines — running par­ would be a fair wager that the move­ A. Miller, ol the Autonetlcs Kniidsen's Dairy assures the allel to the bridge for most of Its length Division of North American MOW GNE A LOUD CHEER FOR DAV/E’6 MEM/ ment toward protectionism, we should DAVE WI6GIN IS OUR HEAD COACH/ 11 ' on the -inland side — would cmnpletoly Rockwell Oorp.,- have formulat­ THEV’RE OUT TO WIM AG AIM/* fr^ness of femous ■V.; 1% ■ ' ' < now give the signal, would progrees with lattice and intrude upon the view. ed four elements which high­ Such construction would be. In our at least three times the speed of our light the paradoxical nature of OTHER TEAMS MAY PGMT TO THE EMO/ (pinion, a grave defacement of the pan­ Knudsen's milk and oil long 40-year saimter toward a one world our present attitude toward orama now enjoyed by numberless mo­ But we will WIM —„ n , o space — an emotional disposi­ Knudsen's Dairy Products market. torists and travelers. - RUH^ RuH.e WMO COACHES YOUR IF YOU ARE PLANNING A NEW HOME OR tion toward a highly rational MC« AAAfI CONTEMPLATING REMODELING YOUR PRESENT ' ^ 4 ' The register recommends that the 0 endeavor. ALL QTHE.R PART6 f with, convenient, "3 tin M o KITCHEN IN TIME FOR THE COMING HOUDAY transmisalan line route be again studleil They point out that in one SEASON, ACT. NOW! OUR PROFESSIONAL STAFF U. .S. Society If the crucial one-third of the route par­ brief decade the U.S. space pro­ w€»ek", customer honie' OF DESIGNERS AND DECORATORS WILL ASSIST alleling and croBsing the Connecticut gram has been vigorously sup­ YOU IN DISCOVERING THE BEAUTIFUL NEW ' Turnpike bridge could ;be p la c^ under­ A federal Judge, speaking In Cleveland ported and then allowed to dis­ deliveries. For more WORLD OP FUNCTIONAL KITCHEN DESIGNS. _ recently to a group of infludhUal busl- ground or under the river, the remain­ sipate following Its greatest FOR YOVR COSSIDERATION WE HAVE ON DISPLAY ing two-thirds — from English Station to 15 STYLES IN: ness and professional men, gmve his own achievement thus far: Manned information coll: beyond Chapel Street and from the tank lunar landing. WALNUT-MAPLE-OAK-CHERRY-MAHCOANY-PINE "balance sheet ot American society" In farms to the new generating unit—^might The second pcoadox involves be kept above ground with sattsfactory IWO. ‘ how far we go' in pursuing the FEATURING THE ULTIMATE IN UNIQUE STORAGE results both In terms of economics and INNOVATIONS . . . Those who can hnd nothing right mr space program. They indicate esthetics. that manned lunar landing Is nothing Wrong with America today would The point of this whole controversy Is thought o( by many as a final FOR YOUR COHVEMENCE SHOWROOM WILL BE OPEN feel uncomfortable reading It. flhosd who not to create new problems or to set ex­ accomplishment of the space SUNDAY 1-8 P.M. < WEEKDAYS 10-1 P.M. pensive precedents ftw the United n- Pure flavor, Knudsen*s tliink ft is too much trouble to question program. Ydt its great poten­ luminating Company. ’Hie goal Is to pre­ tial for mankind through space Ice Cream at your door, some aspects of American life would serve for the greater New Haven com­ applications and for exploring tool Order from your find equally irksome tlje balance sheet munity a bridge panorama and a pros­ our solar J^stem . makes it only n n tu U e it pect of urban beauty which could be ir- milkman. K x l drawn up by Judge Qdotge Edwards the beginning. revocaUy degraded if power lines loom The third paradox deals with BROS 162 W ell Middle Tplce. M u I S c H I (A of the Sixth EMstrict Appellate Court, around, above, and across the Quin­ Space Age by-products. Initial Mancheiler, Conn. based in Detroit, which lists the follow­ nipiac River bridge: The effect of the space program spinoffs have Everybody knows . . . ing "assets” and "liabllltleB" of transmission Unes as seen from ground benefited not only science, Goodness goea 6 4 7 -9 9 2 4 307 MIDDLE TURNPIltE" WWfT, MANCHES/TEB • I level in an industrial neighborhood Is ar­ technology, managemjent and Eost Hartford 289-1501 SM BL’BNSJDE AVE., EAST ■ARTFtWD • ACROSS FROM M A M P l I America: guable; the negative effect of such trans­ industry, hut education, medi­ wUh KnudsmCs, mission Unes upon the t o ^ environment cine, communications and jLu.r. Freedom of dissent. of the Tunyilke bridge is,"in our opinion, many other aqiects of the f r r - i m m i E cam s beyond argument— NEW HAVEN American economy. Despite ( HURTS no BMT m a -UIE MlliCIW } Freedom of spedch, press and religion. REGISTER. this, It Is tragically and erro­ 7 PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 PAGE SEVEN

, Heralding Homee C h u r c h e s SQund and Sturdy as Ever^ Full Goapel ChrUtlan Church of the Assumption St. Johit’s Polish National PcUowililp Interdenominational Adams St. and ’Thompson Rd. Catholic Church • Orange Hall ] Rev. Edward 8^ Pepin, Pastor Rev. Walter A. Hyszko, But More Comfortable Now Rev. Philip p. Saunders, Pantor Rev. Robert J. Burbank “ Pastor (Continued From Page 6) home may be tax free if you 10:80 a.m., Adult Bible Study Saturday, Massed at 8:30 and Masses, 8:80 and 10:80 a.m. This column of questions and answers on federal are 65 or over before the date stopped the carpenter just In open discussion. Sunday 7:80 p.m. ' tax matters is provided by the local office of the U.S. of the sale and owned and used time from filling In three h o le g / ®**°®*- Sunday, Masses at 7, 8, 9:18, Chispel Hall the house as your principal thrcaigh the beam over the dhi- 7:80 p.m., Evangelistic eerv- 10:80 and li;48 a.m. 418 Center St. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public Ing room door leading to'^the ice. ______residence for at least five of service to taxpayers. The column answers questions the last eight years. entrance hall. “Don’t d® that,” St. Bartholomew’s Church 10 a.m,. Breaking bread. When these conditions are she said, "those ara''supposed Church of Jesus Christ of Rev. Philip Huseey, Pastor 11:48 a.m., Sunday School. most frequently asked by taxpayers. to keep the evH,-^lrlts out.” Catter-day Saints (Mormon) met, all the profit is tax free Rev. Edward M. LaRose 7 p.m.. Gospel meeting. when the adjusted sales price Evil Spirits, or.draft for a bet­ HUlstown Rd. and Woodslde St Assistant Pastor Q) A fellow at the place What might have happened is ter fire, the hoies remained. Paul E. NuttaU, Bishop is $20,000 or less. When the Calvary Church where I work after school says that the bill was issued before price is above that, only a pro­ ’The vrfde and well-worn Saturday, Mass at 6 p.m. (Assemblies of God) I can stop income tax with­ your payment had been proc­ portionate part of the profit is plank Jlbor. boards throughout 9 a.m., Priesthood. Sunday, Masses at 7:80, essed and credited to your 9. 647 E. Middle ’Tpke. holding on my pay if I want to. taxable. the hbuse Eire covered here and 10:80 a,m,, Sunday School. 10:18 and 11:30 a.m. Rev. K. L. Gustafson, Is that right? account. Classes for all ages. For details in this and other there with woven or braided Pastor Sometimes, however, pay­ benefits for taxpayers 65 and rugs in colors to harmonize 8 p.m., Sacrament Service. A) Yes, you may atop in­ St. Bridget Church ments are received that can­ over, send a post card to your with each room’s decor. Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor 9:80 a.m., Sunday School, come tax withholding on your not be credited because there district office and ask for a The Chases have adhered ‘to Community Baptist Church Rev. Harry McBrien earnings if you owed no Fed­ is insuflRcient information to classes for all ages. free copy of Publication 554, antique furnishings throughout An American Baptist Church Rev. Neil F. Fitzgerald 10:30 a.m.. Family Worship eral income tax last year and identify the payment. This Tax Benefits for Older Ameri- without sacrificing comfort. 688 E. Center St. ------7:30 p.m.. Evening Praise expect to owe none this year. happens when the payment is Many trips to Maine, a favor­ Saturday, Masses at 8 and 8 Service. Hymnslng, gospel This is done by completing received without an accompa­ Rev. Walter H. Loomis, ite vacation location of theirs, p.m. music and Bible message. Form W4-E and giving it to nying bill or notice and the .. Minister Q) I’m thinking of buying have resulted in the finding of Sunday, Masses at 7, 8, 9:18, w ------your employer. If you earn payment is not identified by some shares of stock. Is there a spool bedroom set with hand 9:16 a.m .,' Church, school for 10:30 and noon in the church, Second Congregational Church less than $1725 this year you the taxpayer’s social security won’t have t<^ pay tax. any advantage of putting the painted oval pastoral scenes, a all ages. Sunday School for United Church of Christ number. commode, or much tinware Nursery through Grade 4 con­ St. James* Church, If the payment carries a so­ account' in , my wife’s name as 386 N. Main St. which Mrs. Chase loves to tinuing during the worship Msgr. Edward J. Reason, Q) The $70 payment I sent in cial security number then it well as my own? A hand painted orien­ Rev. Felix M. Davis, paint. servlcd. Pastor Minister several weeks ago'was not de­ can be readily identified and tal fan complements ' Jests'1 A) There are many consid­ Mrs. Chase’s favorite color to 10:30 a.m., Worship Service. Rev. Joseph E. Vujs Rev. Ernest S. Harris, ducted from the tax bill you credited to the taxpayer’s ac­ erations to be taken into ac­ the large Chinese jar. 2 Rev. ’Itiomas Barry blue and appears In a reproduc­ Topic: "On Bridging the Gen- Associate Minister sent me. What should I do? count. count. From a Federal tax tion wallpaper, an upholstered Rev. James M. Boyle eraUon Gap.” A nursery is pro­ A ) Reduce the bill by the standpoint, the owner of stock chair, and a china bowl, among the colonial love seat for Q) My neighbors tell me I vided in the Children’s Build­ 10 a.m., Morning Worship. amount of- your last payment is entitled to exclude up to current periodicals. ing. Saturday, Masses at 6 and can sell my house and not pay other Items. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Chase at “Harmony Hill” in Bolton Nursery through Church School and pay the difference. Return $100 in ordinary dividends ’The living room, the most The horning room, off the 4# any tax on the profit since I’m 7 p.m.. Junior High Youth 7:30 p.m. Grade 8. Sermon by the Rev. the bill with your payment and from his income. If the stock formal of the rooms, Is done in keeping room, has become a Fellowship will meet in Fellow- Sunday, Masses 6, 7:80, over 65. Can I really do that? Mr. Da-vis, "Hope.” note on it the amount of your is jointly owned, then each a restful decor. An off-white charming bedroom papered In ship Hall. Senior High Youth 10:30 a.m., and noon. 7 p.m.. Senior High Group. previous payment, the date A) Yes, all or part of the could receive up to $100 in moire floral paper and white an antique red figure, Fellowship will medt in the ------paid and where it was sent. profits from the sale of the dividends tax free. fireplace paneling, with gold 'The Franklin stove In the Heralding Homes Youth Building. Center Congregational CSiurch Church of Ch’” 4t window drapes, are coordinated brick fireplace, the round maple The collection of trivets in the “keeping room” is a favorite collection of Flora Chase, seated by the old hearth. Ufilted Church of Christ Lydall and Veinon Sts. by a gold and blue oriental rug. table and Windsor chairs under Concordia Lutheran Church 11 Center St. 6 Eugene Brewer, Minister A pair of Empire chairs circa a center hanging chandelier and 40 Pitkin St. Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, 1810 with crushed gold velvet a Bolton rocker, by the -window Rev. Joseph E. Bourret, Minister 9 a.m., Bible Classes for all seats and a ladles’ wing chair would make a fitting country Still Sound and Sturdy, Pastor Rev. Wlnthrop Nelson Jr., Area Churches ages. covered in pale blue crushed kitchen scene for a calendar. An Rev. Louis E. Bauer Jr., Minister of Religious Education .10 a.m.. Worship. Sermon: Messiah Evangelical Lutheran United Congregational Church St. Maurice Church, Bolton velvet are among the fine an- antique hutch against one wall Assistant Pastor "The Church And Its Dla- Church United Church of Christ Rev. Robert W. Cronin, Paptor tique furnishings. displays an assortment of paint- 9:16 and 11 a.m.. Morning conate.” (Wisconsin Synod) Tollsuid Of special note Is a large cov- ed and unpainted tinware. Now More Comfortable 9 a.m.. Holy Communion. Worship. ’Hie Rdv. Mr. Nelson 6 p.m.. Worship. Sermon: Rev.'Donald G. Miller, Saturday Masses, 8 and 7 p.m. - Had Jerijah Loomis ever 296 Buckland Rd., Wapplng A back stairway, a^b one Church School and Nursery. preaching. Topic: “ Good "The Transparent Cross.” Rev. Karl R. Gurgel, Pastor Minister Sunday Masses, 7:30, 9:18 and ered beauUhmy ornate Chl^se from the front entrance, both dreamed that the house he built 10:30 a.m., T h e Service, ’Things to those who ask Him.” l l a,m. jar which belonged to Mrs. on a high rise In Bolton would, ______Chase’s______mother. TTie______mother be­ narrow, lead to the upstairs Church School and Nursery. Commissioning of teachers. Bi- Zion Evangelical Lutheran 10 a.m., Worriilp Service. 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Worship 280 years later during a Bolton gM to" fill Tt" with rose leaves bedrooms, or bedchambers as Coffee hour after each sdrvice. bles distributed to 4th Graders. Church 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Service and Church School. Rockville United Methodist historical celebration, be open ------10:18 a.m.. Coffee Shoppe, «- from her own garden. The scent they used to be called. ’The par- (Missouri Synod; 11 a.m.. High School Class. Churchi of dried rose leaves and dell- lor chamber, so called because to a couple hundred visitors, he Trinity Oonvenant Church Woodruff Hall. Cooper and High Sts.-^ St. John’s Episcopal Church 7 to 8:30 p.m.. Pilgrim Fel­ 142 Grove St. cate spices when the top Is lift- It was a large room over the wouldn’t have believed it. For 302 Hackmatack St. 7 p.m.. Parents of Conflr- Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, Pastor Rt. 30, Vernon lowship. Rev. Willard E. Conklin, ed from the nearly full jar Is parlor and had a fireplace, was TKdiat was soi special about his Rev. Norman E. Swensen, mands will meet with youth ad­ Rev. Robert H. Wellner, Minister house? Nothing then, for it was lovely. reserved as the guest room. Re- QPastor visors for Important prepara­ 9 a.m.. Divine Worship. ^ Rector St. Francis of Asalsi the usual, the very practical tions. 678 Ellington Rd. 9:30 a.m.. Church School, The h ^ painte^rienta^ fM^ central chimney style of abode. Nursery in Parish House. 9:80 a.m., Sunday School with ------8 a.m.. Holy Communion. South Windsor Nursery through adults. framed and hanging perfect setting for the cannon But what might surprise Mr. 10:18 a.m., Sunday School classes for all ages 3 through North United Methodist Church Foruin^ 10 a.m.. Family Service. Rev. Gordon B. Wadhams, 10:48 a.m.. WorshipService. Jy. P y " P ^ “ the^C h!.^ P^ll six-foot Hitchcock Loomis is that the house still 800 Parker St. adult plus an Infant Nursery. 10:10 to 11:30 a.m.. Grade 6 Pastor Nursery through Grade 4. who pafnted^ t^^ stands, sound and sturdy, and 10:48 a.m.. Morning Worship. Rev. Earle R. Custer, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Rev. Lawrence Bock, is much more comfortable than and 8. Youth Instruction. were destine^ to die young, ta-^le- A Hie Rev. Mr. Swensen preach­ Pastor, Sand Hill Rd., South Windsor Assistant Pastor it was then. United Methodist Church They would wl>e the brushes whyte bowfront chest y ing on "God Wants Us ’To Rev. James A. Blrdsall, Rt. 44A, Bolton When Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Love.” Nursdry lor pre-school 9 £ind 10:30 a.m.. Worship Saturday, Masses at 6 and 7 clear in their mouths before f^ ^ ® ” Vicar Rev. David M. Campbell working with a new color, and bf^rs the original eagle bryses Chase were looking for an old children. Service. Sermon: "Integrity Simsbury Youths p.m. house in the country some thirty- Minister eventually the paint poisoning of a great-yeat-gryt g r a n d ^ and Salvation.” , . 8 and 10 a.m.. Family Serv­ Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 9, odd years ago, their first re­ 9 a.m.. Church School. Nurs­ Visit St. Mary’s 10:18 aiid 11:30 a.m. would prove fatal. “ ^®“ ®” Inscrib^ South United Methodist Church ice. Baby-sitting pro-vlded. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. ’The keeping room, as In so o® ®ach brass. Atop a solid action upon seeing the present Main St. at Hartford Rd. ery and Grades 3 through 8. location was "like they were 10:30 a.m.. Church ' School. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Sermon: " E y y b y y ’s Doing ^ " ^ e * ew iy ’ A m erica cherry Queen Anne highboy Is Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D. D., St. iMary’s Church Sacred Heart Church It.” Church School and Baby „ ----- n ’way up in the sky looking Nursery, Kindergarten and -will host a Christian Witness homes, has become the real small antique child’s cup- S Pastor Rt. 31, Coventry Rt. 30, Vernon down,” as Mrs. Chase says. Nursery. family "living” room. The huge board displaying a set of china Rev. Carl W. Saunders, Glades 1 and 2. Team from the Senior High Fel­ Rev. F. Bernard MUler, Pastor Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor 7 p.m.. Youth Group. The major changes that they 8 p.m., Mlddl-llnks group will Rev. Richard Bernier, hearth, once the center of fam- ,, Associate Pastor lowship of Covenant Presby­ Rev. Richard F. Roughan, lly food preparation, was then. Other bedrooms are slmllar- have made since were necessary Rerv. Gary S. Cornell, meet at the parsonage. Assistant Pastor Assistant Pastor terian Church, Simsbury, to­ Bolton CongregatlonEd Church and still Is, the center of family ly furnished, changes—installation of electric­ Associate Pastor Bolton Center Rd. comfort. ’This Is the cozy room. “ Harmony Hill,” as the ity, central heating (it was 18 First Church of Christ, morrow at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Saturday Mass, 7:80 p.m. Saturday Mass, 7 p.m. Rev. J. StEinton Conover, Traces of many holes In the Chase’s home la known, was years and through a winter of 9 and 10:48 a.m., Christian Scientist Morning Coffee House In the Sunday Masses, 7:80, 9:30 and Sunday Masses, 7, 8, 9:16, 40 degrees below zero temper­ Minister paneling over the fireplace bear named thus because of Mrs. Education Sunday. Worship for 447 N. Main St. 10:46 a.m. 10:30 and 11:46 a.m. Parish Hall. ------evidence of the numerous cook- Chase’s great Interest and eic- ature before central heating the whole church. Sermtsi: was installed), and modem Tile young people have travel­ 10:30 a.m., Worsh^ Ser^ce. utensils that hung handy. Hvlty In the field of music. A "Important By-products.” The 11 a.m.. Church Service, Sun ___ First Congregational Church St. Bernard’s Church Sermon: "Is America Rdally plumbing. Until these improve­ ed throughout Connecticut and Rock-vllle . D.*, „ ^ family cradle — cherry — singer Emd a violinist, Mrs. E Rev. Dr. Shaw prdachlng. ja y School and Nursery. "Real- (ar United Church of CJirlst Sick?” Church School. rocked a family ancestor over ChELse shares with her husbEind ments were made,- the living Church school opens. Infant- i»y.. jg the subject of the lesson- P NevTjWMV Main St., Coventry Rev. George F.X. Reilly, was pretty rugged for people Rev. James W. McBride, Pastor 280 years Eigo. Now it’s a con- a love of dogs; they rEdse who were accustomed tp city toddlers through Grade 6. seimon. T h e Golden Text: “ ” ®^ j^e’event the Gllesid Congregational Church venlent receptacle at the end of cocker spaniels. 9 a.m.. Grade 7 will meet on 13^1^ n . 9. I" Teoi^e No^tk^^ « Minister Rev. William Schneider living. Mrs. Chase laughingly Rev. Anthony Mitchell Hebron recalls that “ a three-holer out Christian Science Read- ^ building.iuuui((...... ing me Room, Koom, open open to lo the uie pub.ic puu.ii: . ^ ' ______nt rnir 9:48 a.m., Oiurch School. Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey Jr., back was mlg^ity handy.” Pastor 10:48 a.m.. Senior High vdll exLpt on holidays, is located at ^ ^'’!!ho g r ^ t e k ^ a polltlve “ e-*"-- Nursery. Worship Saturday Meisb, 7 p.m. 'The house got its first coat of meet In Youth Lounge for study Main St. The hours are 11 Service. Sunday Masses, 7, 9:18, 10:80 paint it had had in twenty-five and constructive stand for a 11 a.m.. Worship Service. The Security Tight 8 p.m., Junior Pllgndm Fel- £uid 11:48 a.m. Eind discussion. a.m., to 4 p.m. Monday through purjiose and a belief. Visitors yekrs. Carpenters and electrici­ * 7:80 p.m.. Senior High Meth- Saturday, lo w ^ p . Rev. J. Jermaln Bodlne, EWsUt- ans, while making necessary odist Youth Fellowship w ill- ______will be welcome.” Senior Pilgrim Fel- St. Matthew’s Church ant pastor, will preach. His P 7 p.m. repairs to the interior, disco­ Mr. Eind Mrs. Herbert ’Tyler ’TollEUid topic: “ What D o^ the Lord Re­ Dresden china plates on the dining room hutch are part of a collection of old china and early American glass. ..medt In the Youth Lounge. 9t. Mary’s Episcopal Church lowship. As Nixon Planes vered paneling and a fireplace Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rev. J. aifford Curtin, Pastor quire? Nursery provided. Church and Park Sts. under the plaster in the dining Rabat are In charge of refresh­ Union Congregational Ctourch Emanuel Lutheran Church Rev. George F. Nostrand, room. 'Ihe paneling, restored ments. Hostesses Eire Mr. Louis Rockville Saturday Mass, 7 p.m. Union Congregational Church Church and Chestnut Sts. Rector and painted white, bears inden­ Heard and Mrs. Thomas Moore. Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Minister Sunday Masses, 7, 8:30, "EUid Rockvllld tations in the wood from candle Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Rev. Russell Allen Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Minister Prep for Voyage Peis tor Rev. Lymtin D. Reed, 10:30 a.m. flames that once burned in wall Rev. Timothy Cprberry, Associate Minister Rev. Lyman D. Reed, Bruce J. Evenson, Intern Rev. Ronald Haldemtin Associate Minister WASHING'TON (AP) — Ptesl- presidents for yeEirs will be the sconces. Unitarian Meeting House Duffey Supports Miss Janeth L. Kaplar dent Nixon’s European tour that care taken to make certEdn that Mrs. Chase tells how she 9 a.m.. Worship Service. 80 Bloomfield Ave., Htirtford 9 and 10:48 a.m.. Divine Wor­ 7:30 a.m., Holy Communion. Director of XSiristlan Education begins Sunday has his security potentially lethal "foreign mat- Rev. NaUmniel D. LEiuriat (Bee Page Seven) ship. Sermon by Mr. Evenson, 9 a.m.. The Ministration of Oass Action Bill ------agents troubled. Besides guard- ter” is not placed In their sult- "Questions and Answers. . Baptism. Sermon by the Second Congregational Church United Church of CSirist 10:48 a.m.. Worship Service, ing sigalnst the usual hazarch, cases In hotels where they will 8:56 and ^ Rev. Mr. <^arberry. crhurchChurch HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — 10:30iu.ov, a.m., Worship Service, Sermon topic: "The Price of they are expanding protection to stay along the nine-day route Rt. 44A, Coventry scnooiSchool I f oo r three-y^-olds school classes. Crib aass, Hie Democratic csindidate for Nursery and Worriilp Chui:ch ^h^ Rev. Mr. prevent an aerial hijacking of The Secret Service is pre- S tory l^y through Grade 8. Nursery for Rev. Robert K. Bechtold, School. the U.S. Senate said today he Minister Bowman preaching. the chief executive’s plEuie. pared, of course, for some hos- June B. Tqmpkins InfEints. 9:80 a.m., Sunday 9 a.m. Church School. As a direct result of airliner tile demonstrations, even riots. ------^ Coffee House for adulte°"and a bill In Congress Vernon A'sembly of God 10 a.m.. Worship Service. Grades 6 through 10. Adult hijackings by PalestlnlEin guer- in such cities as Rome. That , Photos by The Preabyterian Cburcb young people in the Old Parish which would permit joint law- 104 W. Main St., Rockville Study Group In library. rillas, all persons and bEiggage sort of thing happened both in Rev. Earl K. Pettlbone, \ Reginald Pinto 43 Spruce St. Hall. A ChrisUan Witness Team suits by people defrauded 10:30 a.m., Church School. In- making the Nixon flight will Rome and Paris Eind, to a lesser Rev. George W. Smith, Pastor covenant Presbyterian j,y ujg same businessman or Vernon United Metiiodtot Minister fonts through Grade 4. have to pass rather rigorous extent, in London, during Nix- Cffiurch, Simsbury, will be Church 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fel- scruUny. on’s 1969 European tour, manufEicturer. School, 9:80 a.m., Sunday School. guests. Rt. 30 9:46 a.m., Sunday lowship. Even newsmen, most of them However, despite a mounting " ’The ’get your money back’ ClEisses for all ages. 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer. Ser­ Rev. Joe K. Carpenter, clEtoses for all Eiges. ------on a first-name basis with Nix- leftist campaign against the or class action blU which would Minister 10:80 a.m., Worship Service. mon by the Rev. Mr. Carberry. 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Second Congregattoma Church on’s Secret Service bodyguard, Nixon visit, the Presidmt’s Origmal idank floor boards, still sturdy after 250 years of wear. permit group or class action 6:48 p.m., Christ’s AmbEissa- Nursery pro-vlded. United Church Of Christ con expect their hand 'baggage communications director, Hw- 7 p.m.. Evening Service. -The Unitarlan-Unlversalist lawsuits is a necessary safe- 9:80 a.m., Worship Service. dors youth group. Rt 44A Coventry to be searched If they are cho- bert G. Klein, said in Rome Fri- guard for the American con­ 7 p.m.. Evangelistic service. Society of Manchester . Nursery. Rev Robert K. Bechtold, sen to fly aboard Air Force One day he expects no anU-Ameri- sumer,”^ Joseph Duffey said In 10 a.m.. Story Hour for Kin­ 466 Main St. Minister as a pool member responsible can demonstration.^ Avery St. -niomEis S. Latham, president a statement Issued here. dergarten thrnil^ Grade S. ___ ------for reporting to colleagues Klein ■“was sent *■ to Rome to Duffey criticized the Nixon Christian Reformed Church 10 a.m. Service of Worship, flying sepEiratelyseparately ^auottxu aboard two make advance arrangements THE Administration’s version of the Prince of Peime Lutheran 661 Avery St. ' 10:30 a.m.. Service, Nursery, An antique Chinese tea chest is flanked by a pair of Japanese Irami vases. bill, which he said “ limits class Church / South Windsor 1 Church School In Church Jor commer e Kissinger, U j s f , BIBLE Eind Church School. the 2 Emtlons to 11 acts already spe- Rt. 31 and North River Rd. Rev. jEimes A. Bonnema, ClflcsJly outlawed by federal ■ Coventry Minister ■ caHo'n“ ' Moreover, such to thJ concern Presidents aide SPEAKS United Pentecostal CSiuroh ______that even those aboard press curlty affairs, leaves icr Paris law.” Rev. W. H. WUkens, PEistor 187 Woodbridge St. S J ies Wfed from Pan Ameri- today to confer ^ th U.S. nego- by 9:48 a.m., Sunday School for Jehovah’s Witmesses Robert Baker, Pastor Under the preseiil system, he can World 'Airways and Tteuis tiators at the Vietnam P«ace Eugene said, even when one firm cheats 9 a.m., Sunday School. all Eiges. Kingdom Hall World Airlines must, under talks. However, Nixons sched- 10:16 a.m.. Worship Service. 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Brewer 10 a.m., Sunday School. thousEoids of consumers, each Rt. 30, Rockville most circumstances, have their ule for the tour does not Include- There Is much debate as person" still has to go to court Nursery- 11 a.m.. Worship Sendee. Our Savior LutherEui Church 7 p.m.. Evening Service. baggage at the - White House a Paris stop. / to whether or not the moral 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic Serv­ on hto own and spend “ more on 9 a.m., PubUc talk "Your ready for Inspection by early, ------degeneracy affecting— a grow­grow- court and lawyer's fees than he 239 GrEiham Rosid Pml in Keeping the Congrega­ ice. this evening. ing minority of American _ is likely to receive If he wins.” South Windsor First EvangellcsU Lutheran tion ClcEin,” by RlchEwd Ober- Such precautions have been Reds Escorting ywth is ® <^mmu- Under the bill Duffey supports, Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, Pastor Church of Rockville beck, Watchtower Society rep­ taken for perhaps a decade on a liat to the defrauded consumers i^ould Rev. Richard E. Bertram, 6 resentative. can be no doubt that It la PEistor spot-check basis. This time, It Nixon Greeters share the cost of hiring lawyers^__ 8:30 and 10:46 a.m.. Worship 10 a.m.. Study of the Watch- being exploited skUfuUy by ______'The Service. Holy Communion at the and paying court fees tower, Aug. 16 issue, "Is the “ MESSm*. ,AP, - as. forefes bent up«i our de- God has consume'rs’ woulJ also share in 10:48 service on the fltet 10:30 a.m.. The Service. World Puzzled at Your Air Force QME Eind the two 6th Fleet ‘Ships on their way “^A*^dreadent and the judgment against the com- Sunday of each Course?” pany ^ I c h S ea ted them,” the 8:30 service on’ the third First Congregational Church chartered B o^ig 707 press fronj the CEistem MedlterrEmean reUglon, superficial » d Igr- a good Of Vernon armed pocrtttcal, has paved the Duffey added. Sunday. plEmes will be under to Naples to meet President 5Jay for this alarming p«>» 9:30 a.m., Sunday School and Rev. John A. Lacey, 8t. George’s Episcopal Oturcb whenever they Eire on the Nixon had a Soviet escort todfc.;/ lem. The spread of Comipur purpose Adult Bible Class. Minister Rt. 44iA, Bolton ground. It can be assumed that as they passed through the ntom tradlUonaUy has fol­ Bt^y’8; First Days Rev. Randall P. Ferrara, Rev. Robert W. Ihloff, Vicar gt least one man with a loaded mcssI^ . lowed the decline of rellglOT Weslejwi. United Methodist Assistant Minister ------weapon ^11 be aboard eJI three First through the stra’t was as an EUJtlve moral and etiu- for you. LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Church Rev. Betsy F. Reed, 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. as they move to Italy, Yugosla- the Springfield,' a ga>ided missile cal discipline In the lives m baby. speclEdist says the . t^ost CrystEil Lake Rd., Ellington Minister of Christian Education 10:16 a.m.. Morning Prayer, via, SpEdn, Britain EUid Ireland. Cruiser Eind flagship ,of the fleet. Its Eulherents. When people dangerous Eige of life to the first Rev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor Baptism, Discussion Sermon, What -wlU prove most unusual hold a form of go^lness but Next came two American de­ rndpth Euid this has been a 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Worship Nursery and Church School. to newsmen who have followed stroyers, followed by a Soviet deny the power thereof (z School servic®. The Rev. Mr. FerrEira Come to this "stepchild” of medicine. 9:48 a.m., Sunday ” 11:16 a.m.. Coffee Eind Con------—;------gdestroyer of the KEtshln cIeiss. -Timothy 8:8), they sow fte will pretich. Nursery CEU-e to seeds of Irrellglon; in the “ An Intensive care unit for Classes for sdl ages, versatlon. TalootUiUe Oongregadooai Last ship to pEiss was the SEira- Christian Science Lecture Service. avEdlable. succeeding generatlMi. the newborn In the small com- 11 a.m.. Worship 5:30 p.m„ Senior High Youth ' Church toga, one of two U.S. Eurcraft 9:26 Eind 10:88 a.m.. Church Genuine Oirlstlanlty, as munlty hospital is the lEist thing Nursery, Group, pizza a ^ planning ses­ United Church of Christ carriers stationed in -Jie Mcdi- taught and exemplified by on the priority list,” Dr. Marvin e p.m., Wesleyan Youth. School. sion. T Junior Pllgfiim Fel- Rev. Truman O. Ireltind, terran'an. Jesus, and revealed and re­ Cornblath told newsmen recent- 7 p.m., Evening“ Prayer. 8 p.m., The alups were salUhg tbout corded by inspired w^ter^ lowship. ly- 0:46 a.m.. Church Schodi: half a mile apEirt. to worthy of emyones ob- Trinity Evaqgelloal Lutheran 7 p.m., Senior Pilgrim Fel- .First Congregational Cbnreb Comblath of the University of Nursery through Adult Discus- N'x n is due to go aboard both ^ J ^ e study It holds the Tour Community and Ton' Church lowship. of Hebron MEirylEind School of Medicine the Sprir.glield and the Saratoga Liswers sought by young and by Hioinaa O. Povser of -Ihe (Missouri Synod) Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey, Jr. slMi Group. old alike—man’s origin, pur­ Christian Science Board of SEdd more humans die on the 88 Prospect St., Rockville Unltartoa Fellowship PEistor 11 a.m.. Public Wordilp. Ded- next week, pose, and destiny. U n l^ Lectnreahip, 8 p.m., Thurs­ first day of life than at any oth­ The U.S. ships were believed Rev. Bruce Rudolf of Glastonbury icalioii of CSiurch School teach­ you’ve tried the real thing, day. Oct. 1, First Chnrdi of er age unUl the 14th year and ers. Supervised child care. to b-T among those ordered to Christ Scientist, 447 No. Main Aesdemy Junior High 9:80 a.m., Worship Service. don’t knock it! more In the first week than at 6 p.m., CongregatlonEd pot- stand off IsrEtol during the re- Street, Manchester, Conn. any time until their 708; 8 and 10:80 a.m., Worship Main St.,. GlEistonbury The Rev. Mr. Kelsey will Church of Christ Service, Holy Communion. preach. His topic: “ What Does luck. Illustrated talk by Miss CJnt cjntiict in Jordan between “ If the infEint survives the gu-'imllas and troc^ of King Lydall and Venion Streeto nursery years, hto life expectEin- 9:16 a.m.', Sunday School. 10:30 a.m.. Service, Nursery the Lord Require?” Nursery Karin Krut on “CWU, South Comer cupboard in living room with colored gl^s and china picking up blue and gold tones of the room. The spool bed is part of a complete spool bedroom sett. L'ussein. Phone: MS-tSlT cy to about 74 years,” he sEild. Adult Iitotruction Class. and School. provided. America.” Pilgrim Fellowship. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY,' SEPTEMBER ^6, 1970 PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ,26, 1970 PAGE N IN E Hostages Cambodians^ Dnig Center Tolland County Politics Hospital Phone 8 0 0 Police Happenings Rare Lame-Duck Sessioja The telephone, number for TlM Drug Advisory Oonter For Teens Land In Laotians In Steele Calls for Tightening Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Seek Killer .Business Bodies Faced by Congressmcja 81 Russell S t is observiog the tal was changed a few foUowing S lim m e r schedule: WASHINGTON (AP) — The ness by Oct. 16. But v/ltti a fill- months ago, but too late to Saturday, 8^ . 98 Cyprus JOINS TOOL FIRM * Monday, Tuesday and Meat Quality Requirements be listed correctly in the new Of Policeman USED DOWN UNDER AETNA ANNIVERSARY prospect of the first "lame- buster developing, over a pit>- Victories ''D rug Adylsory (Center, 81 Edmund R. Hlnman, former­ Wednesday, 8:80 a.m. to 0 phone books. The hospital Russell fit., M7-6822, from 1 to 9 (Continued from Page One) An automatic drafting sys­ Miss Norma A. Dupuis of duck” session of Oongress in 20 posed Constitutional amend- (Continued from Page One) By BETTE QCATRALE Steele further proposes that (Continued from Page One) ly chief engineer for advanced years looms after election day p.m. number is 646-1222. p.m. tem built by the Gerber Scien­ Manchester, a supervisor In the ment to elect the President by (Herald Reporter) the U. S. Public Health Serv- they put him and hla family into manufacturing technology at —despite the distaste of leaders Villagers who returned after the Thursday and.Friday, 8:80 Power and Bond had registered Communlty Y, N. Main St., tific Instrument Oo. of South m ' life underwriting department at direct popular 'vote, the Senate ^ ice use its power to carry a car and drove off. the Lycoming Division of Avco of both houses for such a meet­ fighting ended Friday said ttiey a.m. to 9 p.m. A whirlwind Inspection Teen Center Night, 7:30 - 11 Windsor Is being used to plan Aetna Life & Casualty, Hartford, would have to aliandim many out inspections in those there this fall but "have not No shooting was reported, and Corp., has been nhmed 'vice a better hlg^iway network In ing. Saturday, 1. p.m. to 9 pjn. meats sold throughout the sec- p.m., bowling, pool and dance to celebrated her 26th anniversary major measures ji a post-electioh Sunday from the time the Steele to call for more stringent severed all relationships wlth erell St., lOH and 4-H’ers help­ burg State Teachers College. She The aim of the Cambodian of­ commended the Connecticut ported the kidnaping, the ment erf Main Roads in conjunc­ which all seats in the House and center closes until 8 a.m. A restrictions in the 1967 Whole­ the campus." ing on the horse show will be joined Aetna in 1945 emd was ad­ session some m ajor bills includ­ fensive is to reopen Route 6 all Consumer Protection Depart­ vismiio bOubs sources said. tion with its new $700,000 com­ one-third in the Senate will be ing a reclptocfil trade measure backup person win be con­ some Meat Act...... „ welcomed throughout the day. Majall's British wife and vanced to a supervisory post In the way to Kompong gthom, but ment as being "most coopera­ HitBUuvdlate C a n Send- puter complex and Is the first^ flUed. and an industr.-ial safety propoch tacted to hdp the caUer if During a press conference private, boon-S pJb-, and 4 p jn . three children were released by I960. She lives at 23 Andor Rd. a spokesman said he wets uncer­ tive, friendly and highly pro- a.m. - 7 p.m.. Pancake Day, Instrument of its type in Aus­ But House Speaker John W. al. tain when the operation wtmld necessary. this morning, at his Ellington jjgjgjjt and professional in their 9 p-m .; private teoOia, 19 aon.- Valeri had been accepted at the guerrillas a few hours later tralia. McCormack.. D-Mass., has said headquarters touted as "of ma­ adults, 81.25 — all the pancakes and retumdd to their hotel, but BRIEFS beg^ moving northward again. For drug advisory Informa­ appraisal of t h e samples 8 p jn ., and 4 PJH.-8 p-m. Northeastern. Department officials said the Oongress cannot finish its work jor importance," Steele c,lted and and eat! Majali was being kept hostage. John Devanney, owner of the Wheeler reported that the fol- tion caU: 647-0888. brought to them for evalu­ Pediatrics: Faicnts allowed Police said ammunition system 'will be used to prepare before election day without Hoii .se Passes Ing in Phnom Penh was that it examples of violations found in ation.” any *»"««» exoqit immo-8 p.m -; military supplies found in Mias AirTwiri- Highland Park Market at High­ junking some major legislation. gfrocery stores in Vernon, Staf­ perspective views of blind cor­ land and Wyllys Sts., was elect­ would be many days or weeks The actual shopping trips oUwn, 8 p-m. Power’s Boston apartment had windjmr Locks Bi^Uev "^ey- quoted Mrs. Majali as ners and other road visibility Already 20 members of the ford, New London, Middletown Sett Service: 19 a.m.-S p jn ., ed a vice president of the Con­ Nar colics Bill until any new effort to move were undertaken by a former been stolen in the bombing and noon 6 n m aayfoFi "The guerrillas treated problems, traffic density maps, -: lb- present Congress will not be and Norwich. 4 p-m. looting of a National G u a^ ar- ^ Museum, ^ noon - 6 p.m., j us well. They served us tea.tea, necticut Food Stores Associa­ WASHJJ70TON (AP) — The north was begim, if at all, be- Police Log reporter who is now a member ItoMUon; adults 76 cents and refreshments.’’ graph plots, road surveys and back for the new session start­ Many of the meats found in Inteoslve Care and Oorooary mory at Newburyport last Sun­ tion at the September meeting House b,as passed a broad nar­ caus of possible enemy am­ of Steele’s staff. A retired children, 26 cents. -. they had been taken profiles, and speedily perform ing In January. They have the supermarkets were mis­ Care: Immediate tamlly only, day. of its board of directors cotics 'control bill giving agents bushes. butcher inspected the meats, 87 a variety of other functions. ther annoimced their retire-__ , . . - ARRESTS labeled as to content or anytime, limited to five min­ Boston Police Commissioner Sunday, S^t. by taxi to Shatila refugee camp, Wednesday. Dominic Bruno of radges more power while The Cambodian task force pointing out their failings. MCC’a future campus, Weth- _ ^____ The system Is designed to re­ ments, sought other offices or 4, fl .. Thomas H. Hensen Jr., 16, of neglected to state what type of utes. Edmun L. McNamara said the guerrilla stronghold off the Wlnsted will serve as president “ reduCilng the penalty for pos- had up to 20 battalions, or per- Steele would further recom- lieve draftsmen and engineers for the 1979-71 year. lost In the primaries. Casualties haps 6,000 troops, In the final as- H Orchard St., was arrested meat was being sold. The labels jnend that the state legislature Maternity: Fattiers, 11 a-m.- equipment showed a “ poedUve ’ M“ e*>ester Junior road to the Beirut airport. She sess'mg a drug for personal use. iinv- Horse Show, starting at 9 a.m^ and the chUdren werd released of tedious drafting work and In the Nov. 3 elections may dou sault against Tiang Kauk after yesterday on a Circuit Court 12 Instead used fancy sounding make funds available to enable 18rid p-in., and 9te9 p-m.-S link” between the robbery-slay The bill eliminates all manda­ rain or shine, benefit <* after the guerrillas had ques- allow them more time on road ble the number of lame ducks. originally trying to take the vll- warrant charging him with at- terms, such as "smoked end” yjg state Department of Con- pan.; olbers, 8 pan--4 pan., and ing and "radical, revoluUonary John W. Shaughndssy Jr. of tory minimum sentences ft the lOH, free parking, donation tloned them for several hours, design. A major objecUon to sessions controlled drugs and brings/^ lage with a far s'’ m a l l e r tempted breaking fmd entering, or "country style spareribs” , sumer Protection to distribute a 9:89 p.m.-S pan. campus groups.” 287 Oak St., East Hartford, has of a dollar for over twelves! ghe said. It will be put to work on the atfer elecUon day is that too rehabilitation and researc' " force. In the face of the new and He was arrested in connecUon termed by consumer p io t ^ o n consumer’s guide for meat Age Limits: 19 in maternity, been re-elected executive vice larch''fea^ Bond, Miss Saxe and Miss Bradley International Airport, Majali, 46, is a former minls- $66 million first state freeway many defeated members are tures under a $408 ovecwhelmlng odds, the North with a break attempt at the Se- people as "fanciful labels." ac- U in otber axeae, no limit in president of the National ; ^inlUlon, purchasing to every household Power worked together last Rt. 76, Windsor Locks, Bradley taj- of public health in Jordan. scheme for Brisbane, accord­ looking for- new jobs and arcj three-year program, Vietnamese, who numbered "ior Citizens Center on Myrtle cording to Steele, in Connecticut. seU-servloe. Federation of Independent Un­ spring at the student strike in- MuseUm, noon - 6 p.m., ing to department officials. ions. He was renamed at the willing to onation: adults, 75 cents and group’s annual convention this log-rolling to get them. measure to the yikm ate which ly decided to pull out. ® $800 non-surety bond for a j^gj. periodic grocery shopping consumer, and as congressman The admlnlstimtkm reminds dels during protests of the dls- children, 26 cents, visttors that with coostmotlon president in charge of engineer­ COMMITTEEMEN week In Hartford. Shaughnessy House leaclers have agreed In- ig/rf January a more Um- Newsmen were still barred <^obrt appearance on ,Oct. 9 In trips, Steele would have the I will remember that we have patch of U.S. troops IntoCambo- Monday, Sept. under way, paridng space Is 88 ing at Manchester Tool & De­ Jack Keefover, assistant man­ Is president ot the 10 ,000-mem­ formally to a recess starting iu.-d verskm. from the battle zone. ’There Hartford l^slation tightened to include this in common," Steele added, limited. Visitors an» asked to Drug Advisory Center, 81 New Haven sign, Inc., 130 Hartford Rd. ager at Caldor’s store in the ber Connecticut Union of Tele­ about Oct. 16 and ending the in some instances the bill ex­ a “ financial incentive” for those "I intend to make sure that my All five were charged with Russell St., 647-9222, from 8:30 were reports that this decision bear with the hospital while the Burr Corners Shopping Plaza, phone Workers, which rep­ week after the election. The re- ceeds Nhtm administration pro­ was prompted by Washington’s Charles William Casey, 30. of states which Implement meat family and your family have murder and armed robbery on East Hartford, chaged with non- paridng problem exists. a.m. to 5 p.m. Noted for his work In devel­ has been elected to replace resents all non-management cess may start even soonor, posals in the drug portion of Its concern oyer reports that U.S. inspection systems and quality nothing but the best foods to state warrants ’Ihursday, and Pathfinders Club, Norman Girl Still support. He was arrested yes- ______... ______oping manufacturing tech­ Frank Bloking as a member of employes of the Southern New since anxious members want to antlciwe package, jets were flying close air sup­ standards which surpass the eat, and that we can buy foods federal w a r r an ts Friday St., 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., Alateens, niques for turbine blades and the executive committee of the England Telephone Oo. get home to campaign. ,^ w ever, the no-knock au- charged the four fugitives with port for Cambodian troops. fo federal standards and recom- of superior quality with confl- ADMITTEID YESTTIRDAY: open to teens with a relative Missing the use of electrochemical ma­ Manchester Chamber of Com­ Senate Democratic lender thorlty for narcotics agents and Manchester Circuit Court 12 fleeing to escape prosecution. American bombers have been mendations. dence John Aubln, 365 Adams St.; with a drinking problem. chining, Hlnman joined Lycom­ merce Retail Division for 1970- Mike Marusfleld of Montana sa yfrO ie new judicial authority both on a Circuit Ctourt 12 warrant Police gave this report on the (Continued from Page One) pounding route 6 from Taing and turned over to East Hart- Kara E. iBarbieri, Glastonbury: ’Tuesday, Sept. 20 ing In 1062 as a process engi­ 71. 20 Arrests Made Congress can wrap up its byA- had administration backing. Kauk to Kompong ’Ihom in ef- chase of GUday Friday: , _ . . ford police. No court date was Marian L. Campanelll, 1107 El- Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus- search for the Noon girl was neer. The appointment was announc­ forts to destroy North Viet- in^^gdiately assigned. He was Arab Leaders Say Hussein lington Rd., South Windsor; sell St.. 647-92122. from 8:30 a.m. centering. He later was g;lven responsi­ ed this week by George Shenk- By Drug Raiders namese overland supply routes, appggrfng Manchester Cir- ThomasTnomas G.u . Charette,tjnareite, oo66 Whitney wnuney ^ ' 7 , 7— ’ ----- ^ 7 ------' ® P '” ’ Mrs. Gilmore added: “ Now if bility for a variety of produc­ man, chalm an of the division. cult Court on other matters. Rd.: Roy Dunham, East Hart- Wednesday, Sept. SO only they would find that other tion and experimental manu­ Bloking recently assumed the HARTFORD, Conn.' (AP) — sett'us fm:. harvest party Violates Truce in Jordan ford;ford: Mrs.Mm. MarvMary A. Flathers.Flathers, her to drive him to ^ e m , N.H., Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus- . ^ ,, facturing engineering pro­ assistant managerial post at In a seventh regional crackdown where*he let her out and drove g^u gj _ M7-9222, from 8:30 a.m. “ ' Applies and decorations! Kenneth L. Chasses, 26, of 19 East Hartford. The search for Jennifer 'waa grams. Before joining Lycom­ the new Caldor’s In Rocky Hill. so far this year, police in the (Continued from Page One) away. She Identified Gllday jg 5 (organizatioiuil diseounto, too) Thousands Ashworth St., charged with in­ Also, Mrs. Frances J. GoOd- centering today In nearby Ham­ ing, he was employed in the The executive Committee’s Hartford area began making ar- from police photographs. Room A22, 7:30 p.m., toxication and breech of the the door shut forever on dissen- Making Voters row, 67 Olcott Dr.; Mrs. Mary den, vriiere a sweater, shoes and research department of the main function is to plan the resrts Friday in a series of nar­ we have a peace. He was arrested early tlon and hostility.” ’Die car -Ivas In a collision in m CC Chorus, open to members United Aircraft Oorp. division-sponsored sales activit­ Flee Fires ’The Manchester Board of B. Hayes, 1124 Sullivan Ave., socks identified as the Noon cotics raids. wonderful this morning after a disturb- The Jordanian army has been South Windsor; Mrs. Wilhel- Massachusetts near Tewksbury gf o,e community, MCC students, A g;raduate of Northrop In­ ies and programs throughout Admissions will be in session and whs abandoned. girl’s were found Thursday. The By late Friday night, 20 ar­ “ selection! alice at the Manchester Memo- standing still around Ramtha mena Klucewlcz, South St., faculty and staff. stitute of Technology, Hlnman the year. until 8 tonight, for the pur­ Police pursued the driver Into clothing was found acrcee the rests had been made, and police open thuTs. rial Hospital emergency room, and Irbid, 60 miles north of Am­ Rockville; Mrs. Carol A. Mo- Thursday, Oct. 1 street from a cemetery on 'Whit­ served with the U. S. Army In In California pose of registering new vot­ t)»e woods, where they ex­ OVERSEAS TRAFFIC said they were looking for more and fri. nights man, for the pfist three days, rottl, 149 Oakland St.; Mrs. Vir­ Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus­ ney Avenue, about seven miles Korea. He Is a resident of Mon­ (Continued from Page One) Court date Oct. 19. ers. The voter-making ses­ changed shots. One bullet Frank Cyrkiewicz of 9 Wood­ than 20 more suspected narcot­ the Idng said. The situation in ginia R. O’Meara, 64 Hickory sell St., 647-9222, from 8:30 a.m. north of downtown New Haven. roe. _ vVmele of sion is in the town clerk’s grazed the forehead of Edward land St., Rockville, has been ics dealers. / owntown nwmehrr ’The valley and Malibu fires Michael Shomanskle, 48, of 20 Amman was calm, he added, Dr., Coventy: Ntincy Plate, to 9 p.m. The search, with about 700 "except for scattered Incidents office in the Municipal Build­ Morris, a Lowell policeman. appointed to the newly created •rhe arrests were made by J-niinTTinnrlM>rMl ...... T tenoeu STiaay to uiciuuB two reached thd Pacific Ocean’s peace. He was arrested last attacked.” Also, Tadeusz J. WJttjda, 134 auT ^^ri^ shop-open to older teen Hamden-^eeplng named to manage the North Rt. 6, Bolton, well-known candy Munson’s was started by Ben­ fers over 300 varieties of candy Ing with men from thq Capitol edge. A third fire, around Agua night' at Main and Pe&rl Sts. He charged that a number of be at least 21 years of age, Rachel Rd.; M rs./R en a R. an auto at an ^ to agency ^ d y„ungyoung gd„,tg^ both in and out of jamin Munson in 1946 in a store and will mall anyplace in the Giant Park and Brooksrvale Manchester office of the Hart- manufacturer, this week is cele­ Region Narcotics Squ4d. Dulce northeast of the valley, after a domestic disturbance in guerrilla groups were opposed residents of Manchester for Weerden, 140 W. Middle Tpke.; forced Vincent Coyne, the sales school. . .free! on Oak St. as "Munson’s world. Its products are also sold manager, to drive him to New Park. foril National Bank and Trust brating its 26th year in busi­ The arrests, m a ^ on Superior burned toward the starting point his car. Court date Oct. 19. cease-fire and were at least six months, and must Diane Wicks, 67 Glenwood______St MHS, Bailey Auditorium, 8:30 Co. The office, temporarily lo­ Dandy (Ilandy Co.,” a whole­ through other outlets in Con­ REGISTEft AT THE of the valley blaze. _____ trying to sabotage It. be U.S. citizens. BIRTHS YE^PERDAV: A son Hampshire. p „i., The Little Theatre of Police said they were looking Court and Circuit Court war­ especially for other clothing that cated in a trailer on Hilliard ness. sale operation specializing in necticut. It was the worst series of fires xwo -year-olds were appre- ’The 'charge that Jordan had to Mr. and Calvin Stacker, Ooyne leaped out of the car as jjanchester presents “ The Sub- Here, Robert Munson of Riga rants, were ^ 1 d to have de­ FIRST CLASS MEETING 15 the girl had worn, including a St., will move soon to perma­ cream wafers and hard can­ Munson’s also features a In California, officials said, hended in connection with two brokdn the cease-fire agreement New Britein; a daughter to Mr. •'e slowed for a sharp curve and jgct Roses” . .. Uckets $2.80 Lane, son of the founder and dles. His first roadside store— fund-raising program for clubs veloped, for' the most part, blue and white checkered skirt nent quarters in the new shop­ from sales'* of drugs to under­ THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Since Nov. 6, 1961 when 484 separate shoplifting incidents was made by EgypUan Presl- and M ^Tjohn O’Mahoney, lllB at Leonard’s Shoe Store. ping center nearing completion now owner of the firm, is fill­ one of the first of its kind in and other organizations and Board To Hear and a white blouse. cover a|[«nt from the regional Non-Oredl.t Extensloq, houses in the exclusive Bel Air yesterday. One yesterday after- dent Gamal Abdel Neisser in a Sycamore Lane; a daughter to then pursued the car at speeds Friday, Oct. 2 at Main and N. Main Sts. in ing stainless steel candy dishes New England—was opened in has a brochure which explains 8 up to 100 miles an hour to Atkin­ Jennifer was going home from squad.^ and Brentwood sections of Los involved a young girl, the cable sent to Hussein and broad- Mry^and Mrs. Stephen Neptune, Drug Ad'vlsory Center, 81 Rus­ the North End Redevelopment with peanut butter kisses in 1949 on New Bolton Rd. in the operation of the program. Presente a coune In Report on Oil, son, N.H., where the car was school for lunch about 11:45 a.m. 43 warrants Issued includ­ Angeles were destroyed other last night Involved a cast over Amman radio. It was Center St.; a daughter to sell St., 647-9222, from 8:30 a.m. area. preparation for the anniversary Manchester, and the present A recent issue of the national The thred fires and Mrs. Regis Logan, 40 wrecked and another was re- Monday when she disappeared. “ Candybratlon” which runs to­ store on Rt. was built in 1964. trade magazine, ’’Candy Indus- ed 30 for Hiirtford, four each young boy. Both were turned sent In the names of nine Arab to 9 p.m. Kenyon Joined the bsink In 6 marked out a 40-mlle-long cres­ Learning Snags Olcott St.; a daughter to Mr. ported stolen. MHS, Bailey Auditorium, 8:30 Several witnesses say they saw day through next Friday. Dur­ The elder Munson is now re­ try,” cited Munson’s for its Tor Manchester and Middletown, ...... over to their parents. The boy nations whose leaders have 1966 as an executive trainee cent of devastation which • / ' and Mrs. Hector Esponda, 172 Gilday apparently spotted p.m. The Little Theatre of Man­ her six hours later near East ing the week, the kiss-flUed tired and living in Flordia. Christmas season advertising'' and one each in East Hartford, was referred to juvenUe au- holdl^ an emergency Dr. Robert E. Karns and oth­ following his service with the ranged from half a mUe to five summit in Cairo. Center St. several roadblocks during the chester presents “The Subject Rock, and several others say dishes will be given away free The firm has grown steadily carried in The Herald. / Rocky Hll, South Windsor, Glas­ U. S. Army. He Is a graduate miles wide. Jordan er members of the Manchester DISCHARGED WEDNES- day and turned uway from Was Roses” . . . tickets $2.60 at they saw her there with a ------7----- tonbury and New Britain. SPEED News reports from them, speeding away and elud­ middle-aged man the same of EVyeburg Academy in The cause of the blazes was AOOIDiENTfi Friday night said the fighting Association for ChUdron With DAY: Michael Uebledz, 82 Bis- Leonard’s .Shoe Store. AETNA LIFE OFFICERS to stations representing each of Manchester Lodge of Masons, unknown, fire officials said. V __ ...... ««^11 04 ing police cruisers on several evening. Maine, and Nlcols College of PoUce yesterday charged had ended. The round-the-clock Learning DisabiiiUes wlU ap- sch Saturday, Oct. 3 Business Administration. Two Manchester area men 12 major brand companies. Elks, Knights of F’ytlUM, Amer­ Fird fighters battled through „ . . _____ curfew which had been in effect DISCHARGED THURSDAY: occasions. pear at the B iril of Education Massachusetts state,police set Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus­ He was appointed a credit were recently appointed officers First place winners included ican Legion, Civitajr Club, and the night aided by a drop in the in Amman for more than a Mrs. Evelyn P. Roberts, RFD MozelU’s 'Vernon ” ” Station North United Met)Kxllst Churchy near 100 d^rees Friday after- evading responsl meeting Moni .y at' p.m. in up a command post In a drive-in sell St., 647-9222, from 1 to 9 analyst in 1967, transferred to at Aetna Life & Causalty in 66 week was lifted for five hours 8 1, Box 160A, Bolton; Janice A. B o b a n (Phillips Petroieum) on Rt. 83, READING p.m. noon and a lessening of the bility, in connection with an ac­ the Bennrt junior High School theater and Boston police sent a Branch Relief last year, and Hartford." In Hartford daily. Radio Amman said. Griffin, 385 W. Center St. Community Y. N. Main St., operated by Raymond Mazzelli; NEW D^ABTM ENT winds, which gusted to 82 miles cident Monday afternoon od Main Bulling. radio van to Haverhill to com- _ named an officer’s assistant in Richard J. Bolduc of Coven­ Emerson St. in which a parked The A1 Fatah guerrilla organi­ DISCHARGED FRIDAY: municate with their cruisers 7:30-11 p^m. Teen Center Night V em on Man the North Manchester office try was named manager, ex- and Grello Enterprises, Inc., Harold F. liiw s of Bolton has READING RATE ACXIEL ERATION & CM)MPREHEN8ION an hour Friday. Dr. /flarns said r^resenta- Where: Hartford Branch, 1800 Asylum Ave., West Hartford, car owned by Liggett Drug Go. zation in Beirut said the cease- James F. Campanelli, 79 Math­ taking part in the search. • • • '>“ ' 1 be announced next earlier this year. (Shell Oil)' Main St., Ellington, been appoiiued secretary in the Thousands of residents who UvM' of the drganization will Frank Cyrklewlci marketing operations division of Room 217. and In the possession of (diaries fire was shattered early today er St.; Matthew CoUettl, 19 In Dover, N.H., a gun dealer ''^®®*' • • ■ watch for it. » Faces Charge Kenyon is a member of the operated by John Grello. fled the flames In the two areas by a__ 3^-hour______battle at Zarqa,_____ 15pplnt out incidents of learning Each received a $60 U.S. sav­ the llfpfhealth and financial When: Tuesday evenings, 7 to 9:00 p.m. for eight sessions Brame Jr. of 118 Hollister St. Madison St.; Mrs. Lou E. identified Gilday from photo- MHS, Bailey Auditorium, 8:30 Manchester Civitan Club and and in scores of other fire-rav­ miles northeast of Amman. N assume leadership in setting tific Instrument Co. in South as top award winners. Second Travelers Insurance Companies. ern (Mlifomia spent the night in Evelyn T. Plourde, Willimantlc; bought several firearms from Chester presents "The Subject mer member of the Jaycees. Fee: $48. fee includies all testing materials and botAs. A truck operated by Stephen made In broadcasts over/the up adequate programs. He add- George Purdy, 24, of 41 He is married, the father of a Indsor. and third place winners were dvacuatlon centers set up by the Mrs. Theresa F. Lynch, 30 him Sept. 6. He said Gilday Was Roses” . . . $2.60 for tickets Cyrkiewicz, formerly with ’This course is offered via closed circuit talk back D. Joyner of 36 Phelpe Rd. government’s radio station. ed that, at the request of the Brookside Lane, Vemon was daughter, and lives In Granby. awarded certificates of merit. television. For further Information call 429-8311, Ext. Red Cross and other gproups. Bretton Rd.; Mrs. Agnes Ram- used his own name in register- at Leonard’s Shoe Store, arrested Friday night following _____ Combustion Engineering of struck a fire hydrant yesterday The guerrilla spokespW said “^sociatton, state consultants age, 19 Moore St.; George G. Second runner-up among y u 1280. ing as a g;im purchaser. a three car accident at the in­ ASSISTANT ACTUARY Winder, ^11 ^pervlse all In- bil Oil’s entries was Carp^- morning on Lenox St. '' the fighting started^ when an begun an evaluation of the May Sr., 34 Joseph St.; Vladis­ Note No. 1: "Vote 18” is re­ Manchester school system to The. acting president of Brtui- tersection of Quarry Rd., and ___ temational traffic activities for ter’s Mobile Service at 917/Cen- army unit tridd tq break Into a lavs Munds, 60 Ferguson Rd.; cruiting volunteers — contact determine if it meets the re- deis, Charles I. Schottland, an­ Rt. 44A, Bolton. No one was In­ 'Robert D. Hogue of M anxes- ^^d its subsidiaries. He ter St., Manchester, operated A car driven by David A. Palestinian refugee „ camp. . Hie Mrs. Margot Menard, Williman- nounced a pledge of scholar- Cheryl Schaffer (MHS, Room ter has been named an assistant management Dynes of 63 Hamlin St. struck guerrillas retaliated with an In- qulrements of Public Law 793, jured in the mishap. by David O. Carpente^ Obituary tic. ships at the university for the 209) or call Karen . . . she’ll a five-year-old girl, Keren Me- tensive mortdr bombardment of which mandates special educa- State Trooper CurUs Rich­ actuary ot Hai^ord Ufe Insu^ bachelor of law degrees The judging of the stations Also, Ke'vin Mahoney, West eight children left fatherless by pass along your name! Laughlin of 27 Lilley St. yester- army positions around the town, programs towns shall es- ards, vriio Investigated the ac­ ance Co. and Hartford Life and LaSaUe University. was based on the dbjectlves of Accident Insurance Co. _____ Mrs. Charles Smith, Sr. day evening at Summit and Lll- he sald^/*Ihe government foreds tabllsh for handicapped chll- Hartford; Laurence D. Lane, 70 the death of the policeman. Note No. 2: Manchester Youth _____cident, cited______Purdy for______failure good housekeeping, community OOLUMBIA — Mrs. Nellie jgy gjg The girl was Injured wiUwtedw, leaving a large num- dren. Oxford St.: Mrs. Mary Romano, An official of State Street for Conservation is looking tor ^-to obey a stop sign. The troop- APARTMENT DEALS good 'Will, and/beautifying sta­ . Bast Hartford; George A. Bank and Trust said a memo- ___ Driscoll Smith, 77, of WllUman but required no hospital treat­ ber/of dead and wounded, the Business members — get in touch ^ ggiq that Purdy’s vehicle ap- Hogue has been an actuarial John A. DeQuattro, president tions through/plantlng of flow­ tic, mother of Charles E. Smith ment. guerrilla spokesman said. Pierce will Sweet, 627 Center St.; Mrs. Sher- rial trust fund set up for the with Cheryl Champy or c^ l our parently hit an auto driven by associate In the life actuarial of J.D. Real Estate Co., J.D. ers, trees jmd shrubs. Pierce 'wui oiscuss me poien ry Hnrrinp-tonHarrington, Willimantic:Willimantlc; Schroeder family received more Karen at the number below ■"if F iU ltS S M lf Jr. of Columbia, died yesterday Nasser charged that "a horri­ John J. Calve, 28, of New Bol­ Real Estates Associates, Inc., tlal problems the possible oil Mrs. Thelma D. Lawson, Edst than $14,000 in less than 24 at the Windham Community A car driven by George ble massacre” was going on in you’d like your name to be in­ ton Rd., Manchester, and that Euid Investment Consulting, Inc., S K in TERM crisis may create in the sys­ St., Andover; Mrs. Florence hours. Memorial Ho^ital. She was Bourgue of 126 Pitkin St. Jordan "in 'violation of all- Arab tem this year. cluded. the Calve auto then hit one with offices at 618 Center St., Howdrd L. Holmes of M ^ - the wife of Charles Smith Sr. and human values.” The cable, Roberts, East Hartford. Note No. 3: Don’t forget to driven by Carol Latullpe, 33, has announced the firm’s hand­ a parked car owned by, It is expected he will point c h e ^ r last week was elected Survivors also Include 2 other drafted at a meeting attended Also, Mrs. James Jackson and attend the Manchester Junior RFD 2, Bolton. ling of sales and mergers of tq/hla sixth consecutive term H. Gates of 14 Evergreen Rd. out that on Sept. 15 three dis- SABRINA sons, 2 daughters, a brother last night in a parkii^ lot at E. by Palestinian' guerrilla leader daughter, 24B Vemon Garden Horse Show tomorrow — you’ll Purdy has been ordered to three area apartment buildings secretary of the Connecticut tributors did not submit bids Apts., RockviUe; Mrs. Joseph OIFTS REFRESHMENTS and 1 1 grand(dilldren. Center and Lenox/Sts. Yasir Arafat, said Jordanian as­ Aid Planned be gilving the lOH a boost as appear in Manchdster Circuit to Investors. 'Funeral Directors’ Association The funeral will be Monday surances that Hussein’s com­ on an estimated 430,000 gallons Spillane and daughter, 4 Olson well as the exhibitors . . . cheer Court 12 on Nov. 4. Properties Involved In the Richard J. Bolduc at the organization’s 82nd an­ POOLS of No. fuel oil, and the impli- at 9:30 aim., from Potter Fu­ A car park^ in a parking lot manders would observe the 6 Dr., Rock'ville; Mrs. Paul Fal­ your friends along who’ll be rid------transactions were: p nual meeting In Wallingford. cajUons this may have. F o r Jordan In the/cor- neral Home,.. 466 Jackson . St.. at 360 Maln/St. was struck by cease-fire were ' "completely cone and son. East Hartford; Ing in the special lOH Instruc­ Advertisement— The Park Court Apartments at pens® accounting , Hugh A. Keenan IV of New Where Qitalit/ Begins Wllllmantic, with a Mass^of re- ^ qi-jygii qy Keith V Slater broken and devoid of any real The board vriU take up the Mrs. Bradley Keazer and son, tor’s Claes — It may be the first Dancing lessons at St. Maurice 878-888 Park Ave., East Hart- P °«te Haven was chosen to serve as working budget for the school n . Elm St.; Mrs. John Zele quiem at 10 at St. J o s e f’s of 31 Summit St. last night. Both validity.” 133 War Victim s time they’re on a horse! Church (basement. Register ford, consisting of 31 unite and ^ b e r t W. “ ® C ^ ^ president for the 1970-71 year. Harold F. Laws BOUTE 44A — t i i MILES PAST 'n iE BOLTON LAKE HOTEL year and act on one profes- and daughter, Fleldstone Lane, Church, Wllllmantic. Bdrial cars moved prior to the eirrival The cable said a delegation of Monday September 28th 2 p.m.- own^d by Park Ave. Enterprls- Manchester was na^ed m ^ - Holmes is president-treasurer^ will be in St. Joseph CJemetery, four-Arab leaders headed by Su­ sional resignation and two ap- Coventry, (Continued' from i i ^ e One) Your correspondents are Fran 8 p.m. Pre-school, 'tap, ballet, es; merger value reported In ^®*'’ billing ^stqm , He previously served as sec­ of police. rtd accounting of the 'Holmes Funeral Hojne WUlimanUc. danese President Jaafar el Nu- pointments. . ------(Mrs! Frank J.) and Candy Con­ acrobaUcs jazz — beginner exUss of $600,000. 1“ ® <^ta control retary In the office administra­ Packard said the arms ship- at 4(X) Main St., founded jiym s Friends may call at the fu­ A car driven by Timothy P. mairi reported after returning way, 267 Hackmatack St., 649- through advance. Colonial Oak Apartments, 88- department 'father, tjie late Mark Holmes, tion department. neral home tomorrow from 7 to irthcastern Uni- Herlihy of 118 Deepwood Dr. from their cease-fire mission In Rockville mentn. would not upset the bal­ 6080 and Karen Gilmore, 649- 92 Oak St., consisting of 22 town- ^ * ^ ® ’ “ in 1922. ' Laws joined the company in 9 p.m. Jordan that there was "a deter­ house units owned by Colonial 'v®™ty gri .te, joined the 1952 in the marine department stmek a pole last night on Deer­ Ckurch Plans ance of power In the Middle 9275. A Manchester native and field Dr. near W. Middle Tpke. mination , „ on the part of Jorda- Oak Enterprises; merger as assistant/ underwriter and Louis J. Schleminger Hospital Notes East, and held out the possibili­ graduate of Iqcai schools, he at-, He was Issued a written warn- authorit es to continue, the ty Israel would welcome the Nixon Gets amount In excess of $400,000. was made underwriter two Funeral services for Louis J. Sacred Concert tended Hlliyer Cfollege, Hartford, ing for failure to drive to the,, attempts to visiting hours are 12:39 to 8 move. ! Edkerton Garden Apartments, years later. He was Schleminger of Munson, Mass., ® 9i;’ fmlfteJt thAthe VilrwiHaViAHbloodshed.’ *' Jury Selection and Tuttb University and is a right. The Rev. Phil Huff of Canton, p.m. In an areas except ma­ Algeria said it would give 148 Edgerton St., consisting of 16 promoted to administrative formerly of Manchester, who The message appeared to Unrest Report graduate ot the_^ American Acad­ assistant in 1966, agency assist­ Ohio, and Charles Lunn of ternity where they are' 2 to 4 $400,000 to the Palestinian resis­ Starts in Case one-bedroom luxury unite, merg­ emy of Mortuary Science in died Thursday In Ware, Mass., place Nasser and thd other Arab gouthington will be guest solo- and 8:30 to p.m. (Continued from Page One) er amount approximately $240,- ant in 1057, assistant secretary were held this morning at the COMPLAINTS 8 tance movement, but did not In- New York. leaders squarely behind the ^ 000. ' •%''I in 1960, and secretary in 1969. Lombard Funeral Home, Mim- A gravestone In East Ceme­ dicte the exact destinaUon of Hearings began yesterday in “ We can’t treat United States He Is a member of the Na­ Admitted Thursday: the aid. Robert D. Hogue C.J. Conlam and Richard He earned B.S. and- LL.B. de­ son, Mass. Burial was in East tery was turned over sometime , at 7:30 I t the Church of the Hartford County Superior Court clUzens In the same manner we tional F\meral Directors’ As­ Janice Burns, N. Park St., Zimmer m , sales represer grees at the University of (3on- (Cemetery. Thursday night. The 500 pound Col. Muammar' Kadafl, pro- Nazarene. The event ^ is open to for the selection of the jury In treat the enemy,” he said. department since 1968. He Join­ sociation and has been appoint­ stone was chipped by the fall. Rockville; Jpan Mobile, Sleep- WASHINGTON (AP) — A top Uvea of J.D. Real Estate, jfrere nectlcut. He is a member of the Stirvivora include a sister, posed an Arab poUce force to the public free of ^ e . the case of John F. Nazaroff of Comments such as these have ed The Hartford Group as an ed a representative from New Connecticut Bar Association and * , , ^ 'FKThea T\s*rwve*aper English as- DISCHARGED THURSDAY; lnclu(|lng those from the Wash- Naylor’s two t l ^ place fuel prices during the past few "MIM" DADDARIO Miller, former pastor of Gilead not radicals. the University of Connecticut. I AM INTERESTED IN □ ABOVE GROUND Egg Bandits Hit Astronomical Observatory o!gnment. Valerian Blotnlski, Maple St., Ington Post and the Evening awards were am ong^ given out months. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) .sun...... more. complaints...... ^_____ wer^^ He lives at 11 Quaker Rd. BILL COTTER F A U SA LE Oongregational Church, wlU of­ spacecraft scheduled for Oct. 16 One of them asked the teach- Rockville; Virginia G ei^y, . Ellz- Star, who detailed what took of 460 entries dlaflayed at the He stated that the company’s ficiate. Burial will be in Gilead WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Three men, Including two Md- made Thursday by the Unlversi: NEPPA annual BTOiventlon, held two Connecticut operating sub­ has been postponed because of er, Jane Dalvs, if they might co- abeth St., Rockville; Carmella P'a^- Ooy Air Ftorce Base airmen, ty Research Committee, a DAVID BARRY Oeriletery. (AP) — A rare bird neqr extinc­ 'Thoug^ there is lots of spec­ this year in Hxiuinis, Mass. Both sidiaries, The Connecticut Light STAHON BEAUTIFUL technical problems In the space- cape the assignment by selling Phillips, Tolland Ave.., Tolland: have been arrested and group c< professors and students PAT HOGAN FRAN MAHONEY — CHAS. BOGGINl Ih^re- are no calling hours. tion got another setback when a Mary Bodnar, Davis Ave., Rock­ ulation about why the Sj his entries T^ere portraits of and Power Co. and The Hartford Operators of three area serv­ craft, the space agency says. $10,000 worth of magazine sub- .charged 'with operating a $ 1 mil- sponsored by the conservative CO M E PREPARED TO SWIM large nesting area was de­ ville; William Jones, Brookside pulled out, in my judgment One young wown. Electric Light Co., have applied ice stations were among the DUE TO THIS IMPORTAMTJBiaENT Offlcials at Goddard Space, scriptlona instead of the $4,800 ring that obtained Us Young Americans for Freedom stroyed by egg robbers who „ , , „ j Lane, Vernon; Bruce Smith Jr., of the most important reasons Naylor/nas been a consistent to the Connecticut Public UtlU-, winners this week in the 18th Flight Center in Bethesda, Md, weirth needed to help finance the supply frofn- Guam, Vietnam (YAF). High St., Rockville; Mark Wii- jwas the Jordanian’s army’s prize \pmer In regional and na- ties Commission for fuel ad­ annual Service Statiem Beauti­ ♦ Personal Notices habltet ^ J ^ L e ^ la d t T k u f t o kav® found p o w ^ ^ p s In the $76 aimual trip of the seizor and teher points overseas. "There Is good reason to be- justment clauses applicable to fication CJontest sponsored by ® million spacecrafts electrical Mrs. wr« DavisiJAvia rAr>nii$>firecalled uvtrtavFriday: liams, Crane Rd.. Elling(ton; ability to give them a rough tlonal'’'^otographlc competition SABRINA POOLS an airboat. time.” Lt. Bob Tanner ot the Orange Ueve,” said the YAF’s commlt- for^teari years. He Is also their retsdl rates to offset these the Connecticut Petroleum system, the National Aeronau­ "Since I kneW'that $4,6(X) would Shari Payne, Tolland Ave., 3*'20 In Memoriam "I think the nests were de­ Rockville; Bernard Mulligan, The success of Hesseln’s Oounty SherifTs Office IdenU- tee, "that (the Scranton Oom- a.Jmember ot the Connecticut price increases. Council. ROUTE 44A — 2Va MILES ON U FT PAST BOLTON LAKE HOTEL tics and Space Administration be hard to reach and $10,000 fied the trio as Danny Throg- mlMion’s) report will ,be little Presentation of awards In loving memory ot John Vi stroyed inadvertently because Glen-Dr., Tolland; Anna Jamle- forces without direct U.S. Inter- ^Professional Photographers As- A decision by the PUC on their WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLXC TtOB EiHon, -who paased away Sent. 2T( said. was impossible, I felt safe in morhm, 20, Peter Jefferies,- 20, more than a rehashing of m y ^ applications for rate increases those judged tops among 'someto whoever did- it was after the ''^soclatldn. He has been with the I9B8. The launch of the telescope- saying yes.” son, Box 59, Tolland; Margaret ventlon showed the value of pro- FO R INFORM ATION, C A L L 742-d571 eggs to sell to collectors,” said and James Bearveldt, 21. and propaganda claims, not- Bachrach Studio In Hartford tor totaling $27.9 million is expect­ 2,600 stations in the state was SAT.. SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 equipped observatory may be The pupils sold $10,000 worth Whltakex, Dart Hill Rd., Rock- vidlng good military equipment A (Heat thought, a secret tear. biologist Walter Dineen. ’*R’' All were charged with posses- withstanding a denunciation of ed Monday. made at a banquet in Hartford Keeps his memory ever dear. rescheduled for early Novem­ in two weeks, an average of just 'ville; Nancy Salminen and and training to friendly nations, 16 years. BuUy JOaaed. all over for them this year. slon and sale of drugs, he said, violence as a political means.” M s and WMnXJt ber, NASA said Friday. \ over $200 worth ^ lece. daughter, Pine St., Rockville. he said.



CAMPING ■ ■ HIGH GRADE EQUIPMENT iiagBareiia«\ /anosiriiano. n;\ PRINTING Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, FUNERAL HOME Job and Commercial Air Mattresses, Stoves, rcM O N uins Lanterns CUNUFFE WOTORrxi,, Printing Prompt and Efficient Wm, J. Lennon, Director FARR'S Printliig of An Kinds Camp - Bike - Sport fCSVICC 142 E. CENTER ST. 2 MAIN STREET Community Press at Depot Square 254 Broad St., Rear 649-7196 <^n Dai^ to 9:00 P.M. K J . FARR — 64S-7111 Telephone 643-5727 DICK’S CUSTOM MADE / 9 FARKADE MANCHESTER CANVAS AWNINGS SHELL y . C lA A N E R S MEMORIAL GO. CunliHe Repairs Car Damages -\ ^ SERVICE MAlfCH. FARKADE Opposite East Cemetery Take Papers to Ostrinsky No one wants to think of hav­ loss and start looking tor a new ^ ' (Heat to Licgett Dni() 653 CENTER STREET PHONE Stt-ssn ing their oar damaged in an ac­ car, left CunUfXe Motor Sales look Quality Memorials Are you wondering just what of old newspapers sometimes cident but untortunaitely there the job over. They really work MECHANIC ON DUTT to do with all the old newspa­ presents quite a problem, es­ miracles here. Of course, they Over 80 Tears’ Experience are many axxddents today, some AT ALL HOURS ★ BACK TO pers you have piled In your pecially for those families who will be glad to furnish you an basement? Right now Is a good take more than one daily news­ m ajor repair Jobs, some minor. estimate on the cost of any such iStarters, Generators, ★ Call 649-5807 Carburetors, SCHOOL time to get rid ot them for cash paper. In collecting newspapers, Should you be unfortunate work as this. SEE US FOR( A. AIMETTI, Prop. as the market is good for old take note of the fact that no Domestic - Foreign Cars DON’T BUY NEW CLOTHES enough to have your car dam- Perhaps some of the greatest 648-7008 • Aluminum BoD Up .£gr^ .--x''u FOB SCHOOL. HAVE THEM Harrison St, Manchester newspapers due to their scarc­ corrugated paper is purchased aged, call Cunlilfo Motor Sales aggravations today are the Awnings IHSV CUCANED IJm c NEW,. ity. Just bundle them up and by Ostrinsky and no magazines. located on Rt. 83 In Vernon, just scratches and scrapes that most • D oor Canopies AND SAVE MONET. tie them and take them to Os­ Why not plan a late winter drive above the traffic drole on the cars have gained In a parking • Storm .D oors FREE !•% BONUS CARD trinsky, 731 Parker St., where and take advantage of the high­ road to Rockville. Their tele- lot. Oar doors scrape other oars, MANCHESTER e Coniblnatlon Windows ON m tT CE.EANINO. you will be paid cash for them. er market prices that prevail phone mnnber Is 643-0018. In grocery certs leave scratches— Manchester Awning Ooi. Remember one thing; do not now? Case of a serious accident, they none serious but all detract WESPBCIALIZE IN STEVENSON’S tie up magazines with your 195 WEST CENTER ST. If your cellar is piled high have a wrecker thalt will safely from the appearance of a oar. Telephone 649-3091 .1. 4«r SUEDE A LEA^HEB papers as they will not be ac­ with newspapers, bundle them S s u a ^ o d , CXRANIMG. tow your oar to the shop. Touch up work is not tor an un- Established 1040 IB ESSO cepted. up and tie them securely and The market prtce Is also high head for Ostrinsky’s, 731 Park- Dented fenders, bumpers that tradnsd person; i£cks and ^ i j S *• . ; '* " t w ' . CHOICE VARIETY 405 MAIN ST. for scrap metal, copper, brass, er gt. are tom off, smashed trunks, scratches need the hland of a mtmn skilled In the art of touch­ ^ J Upholstery TEL. 649-5533 lead, aluminum and nickel Look over some of the articles doors that are creased, hoods Qualify S i bearing grades,- stainless steel, that you have stored and no that are crumpled — all of these ing up paintt. It Is neoessary to P and IVI Shop RE-UPHOLSTERING ' •Tune-Ups etc. If you look over many of longer \lse, remembering that make a car look like a total have the right odor paint, of Seafood Osfrinsky the items that you have stored there is a good market for cop- wreck, but under the skilled course, but lit is the application s MODERN FURNITDRE • Engine Cleaning of this paint that is tricky. Cun- and ANTIQUES DEALER IN WASTE away because you do not use per, brass, lead aluminum and hands of the men employed at 43 OAK STREET t’s been a great sununer. What if the mos­ them any more, now is an ex- all nickel bearing grades, staln- CunUtfe Motor Sales. your oar lUfe Motor Sales does a par­ • Store Stools and Booths • Minor Repairs TEL. 649-9937 • Custom Furniture MATERIALS cellent time to get rid of them, jess steel, etc. can emerge looki^ as good as ticularly Hne job on touch up I quitoes did bite, and the hot sand stung, • Stamps new. It Is simply amazing how work, and If your car needs Slipcovers and Draperies You not only will get rid of By getting rid of these un- Made to Order and the lawn never stopped growing, and a many articles that you no long- wanted articles you will have all of these dents can be Ironed some work done along this line, IRON do take It to them. The coat of - Complete Selection of thunderstorm flooded the cookout. . .? er have use for but you will also a head start on spring house- out, and then the oar is painted M aterials Ihelr services is a modierate one Reuben Plen’s When Labor Day comes round again, it is SCRAP METAL get cash dividends for items that cleaning, give yourself more so that you would never know FREE ESTIMATES you no longer want. storage .space, and get cash in that it had been In an accident. and you wUl be delighted with Lower Level of thr, Farkode still too soon. Instant nostalgia softens the and PAPER VnitedRofit'CU iA. ' Ostrinsky’s Business was return for .something you no The men employed a.t. nimllffn the results. Texaco Sfafion 640-6324 retrospective view of summer and, as Sep­ started over sixty years ago longer have any use for. Motor Sales are all skilled In Perhaps you need a car only to Mon. & Tues. 9-9, Sat. 9 9 7S1 PARKER ST. 381 Main Street tember sidles in, the country seems to gather in Manchester buying and you are always sure of the thiedr particular field, and If you run errands around town, and T e l. 61S-518S o r «4S-5819 858 BURNSIDE AVE. handling all grades of salvage- .current market prices being should have the misfortune in this case an older model Phone 643-9149 itself for one last glorious celebration of the BAST HARTFORD able materials. Of course, the to you when you deal with to have your car damaged, be- would probably be just what golden idyll—before turning away from it 289-6333 market for these salvageable ostrinsky.______*<>re you write It off as a total you need. It ceiitainly Is a con-i Hydramatto Transmission GLASS LUCA’S items changes with the times. = = = « = vendsnee to have a car to shop Repairing ■ back to the city, to business, to school. Power and Hand Toola • For Auto Windshields SBLJF'-SSBVICE A few years ago the market for with. One-car famlUea have to lAUNDRAMAT Painting and Decorating All Work Guaranteed Then there will be the moments of humor to old newspapers was glutted and make their car do double duty, • For Store Fronts and D Ctaining- and Talloctos Toola Texaco Lubrication Service V remember, a part of the season’s afterglow, < 7 aU sizes of windows Aitoo: Reweaviiic' and cuatom Garden and Land Toola today they are a much wanted shop at night and put off all We Give Green Stamps errands until the evening. Ask helping to warm the cold months to come. made suite, pants and oowts. Baby, Houaehold, Party item. • For Table Tops and Banquet SnppUea the salesmen about a car that Here is AP cartoonist A1 Simonsen’s view of Fair Prices, too! In 1946 Abraham Ostrinsky re­ Invalid Needa turned from service and went wll'l fill the bill for you; you OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. — the summer that was. • TABJONMa into the business. One thing wUl find them oouiteous and SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON CtltANlMD TOURAINE iL^NONVJI that you may be certain of eager to help you In any way. YOUR when you deal with Ostrlnskys; Of course, you can also UimI J. A. WHITE n e - i w COMI>ljeTE you will always get the market late model cars at Cunllfle Mo­ PAINTS GLASS CO., INC. tor Sales, some of which carry 8t>niee Sttrtelf PET CENTERI i| price loT salvageable materials. 81 Blssell S t.— Tel. 619-7322 M an oliestor ' Now, as in the past, Ostrinsky used guarantee. No matter FOR BEST RESULTS IM ve-lii PaiUM; Canaries — Parakeets pays higher prices to organiza­ what you want you will find It 'Tropical Flisb — Tui^li^; tions, clubs, etc. who put on at CunUffe Motor Shies. Now... on to tho petunlaal” Hamsters —' GetbHs ' drives to raise funds for their Ounliffe Motor Sales also M ixed Breed PilqipleS;i PAUL'S D uPO N rS particular project. There is one takes cars In trade, so you can Aquarium Afx;easoriea, eto. PAINT SUPPLY KIDDIE Our Own Special Btowiled great advantage to putting on trade up to a better oar If you stop ’n Go P et Foods such a drive; people are more wish. 645 MAIN STREET , For all body work, for wad­ KORRAL than happy to cooperate in get­ Tel. 649-0300 Prop: ‘‘Rudy’’ DuPont MANCHESTER ting rid of things that they no John’s Atlantic Services ing, touch-up work, depend CHI1.D PCT CENTER longer need. In fact, getting rid upon CunUffe Motor Sales and 275 Main Street DAT OABE CENTER 88B Main St. Manchester be weU atvtiafled.______Hourly • D ally • Weekly John C. Kensel of-John’s At- Some of the producte that Phonei 649-6977 Are you a family that could trlTlnl Beaponalble Care fo r 2, 8, lantlc Service. 706 Main St„ Man- AUTOMOTIVE 4, 8-yr. olds from 7 a.m. to H ijack use a used car for your second Featuring a complete line of S p.m. Monday ttam Sat- Manchester, is a good man to^ Chester, are, Fllko IGN prod- car? If you are, It will pay you Shell Producte plus nrdmy. MEMORIAL know when it comes to service ^cts, Anco wiper blade service, to drive up to CunUffe Motor SUPPLIES General Automotive Hot liimclies Served CORNER STORE Joking for your car. John has been a Jetzoo tires, Lee tires, Good- Sales and look over their se­ Repairing 9 Delmont S t. Manchester mechanic, and a mighty good year tires. Eastern batteries, lection of used cars. They have • Party Goods, Magazines PLUS 649-5531 one at that, for eight years. He Monroe shock absorbers and aU makes and nradels of cars to • Groceries, Cold Cuts Costly opened his present station In front end parts. Gates belts and choose from. MACHINE SHOP • Fruits—Vegetables r AP\ Tjpxf July of last year. - Prior - to - open------hoses, 3, AC products, oil, air and SERVICE DON W ILLIS < r • Greeting Cards WASHINGTON------(AP) — .^xi . ^ leading fuel filters.filters, AP mufflemufflers and We Depend On Tou . . . Shopping Perilous GARAGE MERCURY ^ Tou Can Depend On Us! For Woman and Car MANCHESTER old fashion BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (AP) 18 Main St.. Tel. 649-4531 Travel Agency Open 7 Days A Week or even on the phone to a reser-course, neTghborir"e^ice stop in and - Linda Barnett had quite a till Midnight cjerK. Qualified to work on cars. Not see John C. Kensel soon. It’s shopping trip. Her car was sto- AUTO PARTS Specializing in 646^2756 F a l^ ii^rm aU on given msJi- but the best thing yo ucan do for len twice in three hours. 270 BROAD ST. 362 MAIN ST. 0293 NO SERVICE ^ b r i i ^ ^ u f t o ^ ^ your satisfaction is the knowl- your car and yourself. Should Mrs. Barnett told police that BRAKE SERVICE , CHARGE five in pri^. But even edge that all work is fully ^ar- you ^ave any questi^after doingto ask, some shopping, she jokhig around about it can be anteed. What could be f a l ^ please call John at 649-8a32_ returned. to where she had left OPEN Front End AUonnMnt '\ jr\ b e s e Uv I t i o n s f o b * AA|N C Buy - Sell the car and it was gone. • HOTELS nearly as costly — up to a 31,0(X) __ J ______,_-k Police found It 90 minutes lat­ SAT. TO 1 P.M. s AIRLINES General Repair Work v U I R w Appraise fine or a year in jail. er in a parking lot around the • STEAMSHIPS In Minneapolis recently, 'TAR. G iVXElC^V M l Collections Wanted com er. -By CLAY R. POLLAN- LIRRA We’re Paying Top Current someone called to get tickets on ^ ARIES S27 Main St.Manchester y i -Your Doily Actirily Guido Mrs. Barnett left it there and Flue Quality Prices, Contact Us a flight already booked solid. continued shopping. Then she JOHN'S When he learned a seat couldn’t if According lo lh» S(ar«. “You knew the aand was hot. .. Why didn’t you wear your sneakera?” It returned to the parking lot, CONNECTICUT be guaranteed, the caller jok­ To develop message for Sunday, 19.25-39-42^ 2- 4-22-40 read words corresponding to numbers again no car. ATLANTIC ingly said It had better be made ;§y43-53-77 73-74-75 ^ D iamonds of your Zodiac bi rth sign ’Hie California highway pa- 128 E . CENTER ST. V A U E Y COIN CO. available "or I’ll hijack the ^TAURUS SCORPIO F rom MANCHESTER GUNLIFFE 1 Poys 31 Hold 61 Some tnU, hearing a radio broadcast, “Nerves of steeir 97 Center Street, Manchster 62 Concerning OCT. 23 npR V *6 JEWELRY plane.’ ’ 2 A 32 To located it six blocks from the MOTOR SALES 648-6295 The clerk then said the man I ^ ^^AY 70 3 To 33 DiwppoinI 63 interestirrg NOK. 21 D im i W STORE I 649-8132 4 Doy 34 Hozords 64 Activities second location. Same Address—6-Years could come to the airport and ^12-23-33-35 65 Eosily 1- 3. 6-17^ • Expert W atdi BepfOring ^62-67-69 5 Loved 35 You 18-20-55 Patrolmen said a man was e x p e r t a u t o ^ D T and Daily 9-6 Tfanrs. till 9 standby for a possible vacancy. 6 Listen . 36 Be 66 Some • FIm Seleotlon of GIfte 67 An SAGITTARIUS seen running from the auto. He f e n d e r b e r a i b s Monday Closed When he appeared, the FBI was GEMINI 7 Ones 37 For For AU Ocawlons BRAKES, TUNE-UPS 8 Get 38I IMistokes 68 News NOK. 77 ^ ehidsd them. ENAMEL and LACQUER II 39 Who 69 Obligation • Longlne, Bnlova, waiting. 9 Success Wittoauer and OaraveUe - BEFINISHINOS ’The A ir Transport Association 70 lO ln 40 Flottering 70 Invite Dec. 21 MINOR REPAIRS ^1^21-31-34 ) 1 Instructions 41 You 71 Indicated 41-44-48-61^ W atcher ^ v y v ^ v i j REASONABLE PRICES 'Ibursday asked for public help ^54-5896-90 12 Someone 42 Are 72 Cooperative 63-6895-89^ 787 Main St, Mancbeator at the nation’s airports. Hijacks, 13 Are 43 The 73 Settled JOHN KENSEL, Proprietor B T. 88— VERNON, COI«N. CANCER 14 Defer 44 Should 74 And CARRICORN Phone 643-0817 . which now total 286 since the 75 Conservotive Jnst Above the Trafflc HamilTs mS juhi 71 15 Just 45 Gifts 46 Porty- 76 And CIroIe first was recorded in 1930, have 16 Finonciol JAN. It Prinfery put air crews and airport per­ ^JULY 77 17 Carefully 47 Truthful 77 Sex TEL. S4S-0016 18 To 48 Receive 78 Receptive 14-24-51-57 \ , 8-11-30-318 79 Mode 72-76-78 ^ Commercial Printing and sonnel on edge, and the ATA >49-65-79-82 19 Choose 49 Are has asked that the joking be put D 20 Good 50 Demand 80 Or . TV ^ Rubber Stamps LEO 21 Affoirs 51 Portners 81 Young 82Todoy aside. 1 JULY 77 . 22 For 52 Giving • Wedding Invitations and The FAA Thursday released a I 23 May 53 Opposite 83 Of Accessories L a I/S. 77 J 24To 54 And 84 Folks FRONT END statistical survey of hijacks, 5-27-37-46 I 25Associotes 55 Advice 85 Concerning • Business Cards, which showed there have been s 26 Affectionote 56 Gomes 86 Cautious • 'T Letterheads, Envelopes -709194^ 57 Be 87 Invitotions D j o i ^ DYNAMICS 286 documentSd hijacks since t 27 Right PISCES • All t rpes o f Business VIRGO z 28 Poys 58 Require 88 Others /ei. It ^ 944 BROAD STREET 3 1930. Of these, 64 were u i^ c - I 29 Produce 59 Or 89 Friersds h o m e o f FAMOUS BRANDS Form s—^Register—One­ « 30 Right 60 Competitive 90 Hondling maL 20^ (Behind Dairy Queen) cessful. 22 • Hotpoint • Maytag •Frigidalre • Zenito Phone! 649-4045 time Carbon—Padded—etc. Of the remainder, 128 In­ J-32-36-47 ^Adverse Neutral J-19-56-59/C • RCA • Panasonic • Westlnghouse # Hotpoint SpednMxlng In • Custom Made 6094-7.1 Rubber Stamps volved aircraft' hijacked- to />S0969398 e Stereos s Dishwashers s Radios s TVs s Dryers • Etc. I t o n t End Geometry Cuba, and 68 to other countries. :^^Nh^*Nawwiwe<' Stake Service end Refugee attempts to escape Open Eves, till 9 P.M. at the Porkode Phone m s-ssm Shock Abeorben dwell our LOW prieos Got A Painting Probiem? We’ll Help! —.OBVxrelgn and Domeetk^ (Jonomunist cxmtrol by hijack started In April and M ay 1948 Service still means something to us— and service STee Inapectlon PHONE 647-1268 No Obligation John Dennis Hamlll vriien two (JzechoslovaUa air­ means spending enough time with you to help you craft were commandeered to dOHN TBOMZA, Manager U SERVER STREET selecrt the right paint finish for that’re plan­ _ . eCO nVAS COAST TO f V* the U.S. zone of West (Sermany. ning. See us for paint and service when you plan yoqr ^ Cuban hijackings started In 1068, moskly aircraft of Cuba hi­ next project. <• ^

* 1 . jacked to Miami or Key West. sMilex f c c i a u s t s i n c l s c t m o n i c f r e | a ip M U II. raFSiNi TUNC-UP * ANAWVSIk ■

The first jet hijacking was STOPS STACUNO 4 H A R O that of a Continental Airlines 723 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER— PHONE 649-4501 STARTS • IMPROVES OAS MILEAGE 4 ENGINE PCRTORMANCE 707 from Los Angeles to Hous­ BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WOR'TH TTIE WORK ‘AHHH . that’s better... see Jf there’s any more cubes in the freezerl” “You wtfre right... end of the season... privacy... beach all to ourselvesl” ton, T ex., Aug. 3. 1961, an un­ - sAMKOArsana successful attempt by Leon Your independent •249 BROAD ST. Bearden and his son, Cody, to , fi Jlieaf A MANCHESTER I divert the flight to Cuba. took for the golden arches. . ^McDonalds The first political hijacking of 643-2197 46 WEST CENTER STREET ^U.S. airliner to Castro’s Cuba dealer. SILVER LANE EXTENSION was that of a Naticoal Alrttoes Convalr 440 M ay u 1961. PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. COI^N.. SATURDAY,. SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 RlANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 PAGE THIRTEEN

THE Herald Angle Durocher and Hodges Ageevs Miscues on Base Paths By Sox Q in ch EARL YOST Vital as Pirates Defeat Mets Pirates Nip M ajor Ledgue ' Sports Editor Third Spot Mets, Op en = L e a d e r s ; = V PTTT«lTlTTRrH (API ___ eighth Inning, his second RBI of led off by drawing a walk. Agee that play and If I get a chance, third and tried to score. Star- Two Sets of Infielders American League rii lODUttvxxi ^ o Insiders feel that the Pittsburgh Pirates have an “in” BatUng (400 at bats)—A. In Standing Among the things Tommie ^ « R R ® ^ breaking pitch (to about I6 feet in the torrid National League’s Eastern Division pen­ Lead of 3 V2 Johnson, California .327; Yas- . “ . . “ ii- 1. 8anguUlen went three for four the score 4-3. qbamakv) I’m thlnklne 1 have a nant race. T he Bucs, should they manage to hold on .and trzemski, Boston .322; Oliva, WASHINGTON (AP) — Agee missed was the bus y, ^ ^Is average to .329. He Then Joe Gibbon relieved to m S t?lt ^ >“ ■ NEW YORK (AP) scored two runs. Lamb and prompUy walked throw. If it’s a fast ball, he’s tU the seventh with runs In the beat out New York and Chicago could well be the first ^eo Durocher and Gil American League The regular members of carrying the New York East Division the Boston Red Sox who Mets back to .the hotel, stargell threw out a runner at plnchbatter Joe Foy. SUU no going to hit it. He doesn’t strike first on a triple by Matty Alou team in the major leagues ever to perform the-trick by jjpdggs are whistling in the wa^wn^ton 124- j PoweU Bai- W. L. Pet. O.B. simply shrugging when the plate in the eighth which outs, and now there are runners out often. • But he missed it. and a double by Dave C a ^ and using two different infields from day to day. (j^rk but Danny Murtaugh umore 114 .664 — have struggled through a X Balti. 102 64 frustrating year are going someone tried to hurry him would have tied the game at the on first and second. That’s the way it goes.” on m l T f Pittsburghrthe first batter he IS just whistling ^ a y af- Hits-Oliva, Minnesota 195; A. New York 90 68 .670 13 ^ Ume at 84. SanguUle, the Pi- Cleon Jones hit a dieep fly to SanguiUen was ready for the gulUen and StargeU s infield out. to get a new hundred dol­ ^^ ^ on lv be half right Is it faced as a Met . . .Oddity De- ter the Pittsburgh Pirates Johnson. California 193. Boston 84 74 .532 19 “ Why’ ” he replied.“We’re rate catcher, made the tag at Roberto Clemente at the warm- attempted steal and g u M ^ a The Mets Ued tee g ^ e In tee ^ b Rotertson or A1 Oliver? partment; Pittsburgh has a took a long stride toward Doubles—Oliva. Minnesota 35; De^troit 77 80 .490 26% lars each to salve their not gcLg a n y w h ^ .” tee plate on StargeU’s throw and ing track In right. Agee, howev- perfect throw to Richie Hebner sevente m a walk and R ^® J*"' The pair divine Uie assignment. Moose (Bob Moose), a Lamb nailing down the National 6 tied with 33. Cleveland 76 82 .478 27% damaged pride. That seemed to be tee com- also fired a strike to third in tee er, ran too far off second when who made tee tag on Agee s gles. ^ d with one out, tee Mets Now you come to second base. (John Lamb' and a Ve.ald (Bob League’s East Division Triples-Tovar. Minnesota 13; Wash'n 70 86 .449 32 Hie Red Sox assured them­ mon feeling of tee Mete after ninth to catch Agee sUdlng In tee baU was hit and couldn’t get head to end Uw g j^ e on tee Pi- still had runners on first and The peerless, and aging. Bill Veale) on its pitching staff . . . fi^g. Stanley, Detroit 10. West Division selves of a share of the World they fell 4-3 to the Pittsburgh headfirst. The attempted steal back in time to tag up and go rates’ fourth d^ ble play. ^ ^ T^ Series money by eUrtching third Pirates Friday night and 3% was tee final out and tee bot- to third. "He’s fresh. Mr. Speed, said Mudeat Grant rep lied Dave Mazeroskl was the incumbent Da-ve Stoneman, former Man- Pirates nipped New York Home runs F. Howard, xMinn. 96 61 .609 — for a decade but now he shares Chester High track star^ is a ^ 3 Friday night to open a 3^ Washington 42; Klllebrew, Mln- .648 9% place in the American League games behind in tee NaUonal tom end of a double play begun “Anybody who knows baseball Sanguillen. “ He likes to take ^ GulsU on the mound ^ d p t Oakland 86 71 East for the second consecutive League East race. when Art Shamsky struck out. should know you tag up when many chances on tee bases. He Jones to hit teto a double play . the middle base with Dave member of the Central game bulge over both the Mets nesota 41. California 81 76 .619 14 year with a 6-1 victory over the Agee’s mlsoues on tee base- Agee would have given tee you’re on second, there are no likes to run, run, run.” , o, Cash. The shortstops platooned nectlcut State College varsity Chicago Cubs, who lost to Stolen bases—Campaneris, Kansas Caty 62 94 .397 33 by Manager Danny Murtaugh cross country team this sdason. Philadelphia 5-^. Pittsburgh's Oakland 40; P. Kelly, ICansas .395 Washington Senators Friday paths as much as tee hitting and Mets extra Ufe had he not made outs and you get a deep fly to In tee eighth, tee Mets threat- ^ e victory reduced tee Pi- Milwaukee 62 95 throwing of Manny SanguiUen "a mistake In judgment” ear- right,” said Met third base ened with two outs. Ken Boswell ^ tes magic numter to three, are Gene Alley and Fred Pa- Stoneman- is a transfer student, njagic number, with five games Cify 36. Chicago 66 100 3B9 39 night. Ray (3ulp, the 29-year-old and WUUe StargeU led to the Pi- Uer In tee last inning. coach Eddie Yost. singled and plnchbatter Ken Sin- TOey w V* tek. Over at third base. Rich * ' to play, is three. The Cubs and Pitching (15 decisions) Cuel- x-CUnched division title right-hander acquired from the rate 4-3 victory. John Lamb was pitching in tee "My judgement was bad on gleton drew a walk. Ken Harrel- front of b ^ Chicago and New Hebner and Jose Pagan are the Here ’ n There Mets have six remaining ihclud- 'oc, Baltimore 24-8, .750, 3.54; Friday’s Results NaUonal League after the 1967 StargeU drove In what proved ninth and tee Pirates held a 4-2 teat play,” Agee admitted. "I ’m son followed with a single to York, with five games remaln- in and out lineup operators. Captains with the offensive ing four against each other. McNally, Baltimore 23-9, .719, mil BalUmore 9, Cleveland 7, 13 ‘“ ‘r ' t X i r . ______Casey Stengel was the mas- and defensive units of the New Manager Murtaugh, elated by 3.26. . campaign, fashioned his 60th to be tee winning run In tee lead. Plnchhltter Roi^ Swoboda thinking I made a mistake on left and Boswell raced around Ing.______innings American League victory with a (AP Pliotofax) ter of .platooning when he so York Giants are Joe Morrison his club's suddenly healthy posl- Strikeouts — McDowell, Boston 6, Washington 1 THAT'S IT — Third baseman Rich Hebner of Pittsburgh has just tagged out successfully guided the New and Spider Liockhart. Joe Na- tion as the race moves into its Cleveland 295; I»lich, Detroit (our-hltter against the Senators. Detroit 3-3, New York 1-8 Culp, enjorylng the finest sea­ . Tommie Agee of Mets for final out of game. Agee attempted to steal third base. York Yankees to American math and A1 Atkinson, who were final days, ^alm s he isn't look- 223. Oakland 6, California 0 son of his career despite lack of league pennants and World Se- at odds earlier this season, -will ing at the'’^magic number. "I National League Minnesota 1, Kansas City 0 support by his mates in many ries triumphs and Murtaugh handle like assignments with the only believe," said Murtaugh, Batting (400 at bats)—Carty, Chicago 6-2, Milwaukee 1-3 East Catholic Bows starts, hiked his 1970 record to rates a seat on the same train ^ew York Jets . . . Sam I)e- "in having them (our out with Atlanta .366; Clemente, Pltts- Today’s Games a score was nullified by a cUp- tee full distance for tee final AND the way he's been manipulating Luca, former Jet lineman, has three to go." burgh .350. 17-14 wit his 16th complete ------By PAT McCABE Oakland (Blue 2-0) at Califor­ Scattering of Fine Games ping penalty and tee score re- TD. his charges this season. Joined ABC radio as an account Durocher, manager of the Runs batted in—Bench, Cin- game. JEWEXj — Joyce Bigelow 178, nia (Murphy 15-13), N The soft-spoken Texan who _ _ It was a long night for malned 12-0 after three periods. Sullivan again Impressed for Fhttsburgh's two sets of in- executive . . . Bob Corlett, new cubs, was gloomy but still hopfe- cinnati 144; Perez, Cincinnati Detroit (Reed 1-3) at New Dee KrasceUa 180, Beverly Gar- fielders have been one of the soccer coach at Manchester fni_ "it's never over until it says 129. (AP Photofax) rarely complains despite mis­ ndr i79-4697Rl/I bantam,Larrlom setoot aq majorm oiov throw.f^row. 1 I wouiaiviWouldn't say matthat mrowthrow hockey,hoekev er Mickey in the second game Philadelphia 5, Chicago 3 Longhorns Attempt _____ sparked a third period East dergraduate degree b y ' corres- Championship. straight victories will be the -Mickey Stanley. He clouted a Pittsburgh 4, New York 3 Jersey Jays move. Fran Tursl, Norm Yester pondence courses from Colo------Manchester High Indians this league record Friday night by playing his 2,219th game if approved by the associa- . 585 COMMERCIAL — Alme gnd Pete White were on tee re- ^gdo College where he is classi- at shortstop as the White Sox trimmed the Milwaukee ...... recommendation win two-run homer in the top of the Montreal 7, St. Louis 6 afternoon when they face Ma­ In the bottom of the eighth, f,g forwarded to the university eighth to tie the game 3-3 before Former Gridders Houston 7, Atlanta 4, 12 in­ Watts 149-138-387, Ken Washburn celvlng end of passes. A Sul- jfgd eis a senior. Y a s lr z e m s k i N a m e d loney High of Meriden at 1:30 Brewers 5-1 in the opener of a doubleheader. Manny Sanguillen ripped his president and the athletic coun- the New York fireworks, nings At/Stadium 143-362, Mike Napoletano 152- livan to White toss was good for "I’ve been training and go- BOSTON (AP)—Carl Yas- To Continue Streak 378, Denis Boxx 366, Ed Spence 34 yards but tee drive petered („g. to school for the” past four trzemski, tee Boston Red Sox' Ceppa Field. Then, as the Brewers bounced sota nipped Kansas City 1-0 on hit of the game, moved up cii. with one out in the Yankee Star for Schools Los Angeles 9, Cincinnati 3 back to take the nightcap 3-2, TT" on a walk and scored the decld The Hartford Knights, in a 357, Tony Yacono 360, Gerry out on tee eight. years,’” said tee three-time slugger bidding (or his fourth Manchester looms as pre- ^ member of the half of the frame, Frank Baker Former East Catholic kicking San Diego 7, San Francisco 4 NEW YORK (AP) — wouldn’t mind Today’s Games three-way deadlock for first ^ I Rldel 360. St. Louis’ 73-yard gallop for United States NaUonal Skating American League batting cham- &sime favorites- after their ^ m - W s^tlve''^e1nM ue?a-^wi^ S e Yankees won their double- S e nhdh Conference, may pro- and Jake Gibbs singled. Me- specialist, Steve Clccalone, San Diego (Kirby 10-lC) at place In the Northern Division being No. 1 but right now he’s-more concerned with N ^ champion and twice winner of pionship in the closing days of rniinding 48-14 thrashing of Sorts. Howard, Washington’s mas- lanta (Stone 11-10) The Knights, defending North- tlve triumph Saturday night Mississippi, Mississippi lege education and I’ll find a Others named to tee confer- Three Maloney gridders are HITE SOX - BREWERS — "1^” ®__ Vermont football team, two more on a throwing error Cadets' home ground sive slugger, took an O-fbr-4 col­ Joe Calaci, Rockville High's New York (Seaver 18-12) at em Division champions, present- against Texas Tech to Lubbock, gtate vs. 'Vanderbilt at Mem- way to get back to it. ence with Yastrzemskt *Friday___ _ ° " ^he doubtful , list. t. If * they are e Senators bowed to Aparicio, wincing up his 15th th T douw V play and end the y e ^ f w^^sVlted^lU^irifs Gates Brown and John Ellis Pittsburgh (Blass 10-12) ly have a 2-1 record and are And Lubbock’s Jones Stadium p,^jg Marshall at Toledo, North- Wood’s enthusiasm and deter- included Eddie Arcaro.'one of suited up Manchea^^could Tlay Culp and the Boston Red AL season, broke the all-time year, was belted 47 0 in its 1970 flv leading scorer a year ago, STAFFORD SPEEDWAY Chicago (Decker 2-7 or Gura tied with the Jersey Tigers and just happens to be tee place lUtools at Xavier, Pitt at ... ____ mlnaUon are boundless. He ex- Y^orae racing’s aU-Ume great to win No. 2. 'The In- Sox 5-1. He has gone hiUess in longevity mark for shortstops ^ . debut against Connecticut last tallied all of his teams point The crowning of two track Patriots Face Jets week. The freshman team has one a 23-yard run and the other 2-2) at Philadelphia (Lersch 5-3) their down-state rival, the where Texas last lost a football Bgyior, Wichita State at West * ^.-ng g„d a giant fire- cels to several sports, plays jockeys; former Red Sox star ®’'® “ "® ^'’ “ P® five games against Boston over I’®!'* *^y ex-White Sox star Luke pnjx_g . cUBS — only 27 players, forcing cancel- BOSTON—Bobby Covino, 175, a 34-yard pass from quarter- Louis (Brlles 5-7) at Mont- Bridgeport Jets. game. The year was 1968 and Texas______State, San Jose State at ® P display will ...... help bring...... NEW YORK (AP) — The Chicago Bears might be the guitar and has written sev- Ted Wliuams, now manager of ®®Py- the last seven days. Appling. Aparicio had signed his Rick Wise fired a five-hitter lajion of g frosh game with Somerville, Mass., stopped Jim- back Bud Wieezorkowski. *‘®a1 (Stoneman 6-15) The Knights and the Jays have the score was 31-22. Arizona, Kansas State at Arizo- • . gtgfford Springs Motor without the great Gayle Sayers in their National Foo't- ®ral of his own songs to his jjjg Washington Senators, and Head Coach Dave Wlggto. in met once previously this year -r-. -I ‘ v* t' O . ** 4-. i . 4.4* 1 T-» • 11 . 1_____i_ _ L _ T\rAforT*4»H Art! intrV.nV»lf atvlo. , __ ... _».x. •... Uir, ei^aann Mflll PAHH ViIh Senators' skipper Ted Wil- Fnday. ^ Phillies and consecutive Dartmouth Oct. 2. my Cherico, 171, Brooklyn, N.Y. Calaci also had one PAT. Sunday’s Games Both teams are unbeaten this „g state, Texas-El Paso at Brig- g„eedway season to a conelu- ball League game Sunday. The Buffalo Bills hope 'to be Preferred co u n t^ -^ k styl^ Jack Nlcklaus, an all-time golf -his sixth season, will send his liams said Howard, who leads ^ think I will be able to play isomers by Tim McCarver and _ St. Louis at Montreal with Hartford emerging victor­ young season, Texas routing j^gm Young and Villanova at tonight. The management without Paul M c G u ir e . ------RecenUy married to Ta Taffy great. son John out as opening quarter­ the American League with 42 ®-t least two more full seasons, Money sunk the Cubs, Chicago at Philadelphia ious. This fact should provide MiUer, his high school, sweet- back with Jim Balesano, Denis home runs, is so tired he barely ^nd maybe three, if my legs wise also drove tn a run with enough Impetus on the Jays’ Oalifomia and T e x ^ Santa (Jlara. hgg decided on double points for Sayers could miss tee Bears’ Green Bay and Oakland at San ia“eoMhinr hVr 'a o New York at Pittsburgh der new coach Jim Carlen, the afternoon. Otoo State modlfieds and tee six home opener against Phlladel- Diego. a h r^ a ^ ^ oin terJ ee Capades _ Wirtalla and Dave Fleishman can swing a bat, but will not out," said Aparicio, who g gfter the Cubs had walked Jimmy Pier sail Speaks from Experience part to provide a rough, hard­ Unugeport Winnsr gg the backs. On the line wlU be Houston at AUanta downing Tulane and Kansas, opened up at home a g ^ s t Tex- eyUnder sportsman cars, Insur- phia because of a brulsqd knee Monday night Kansas a t y ballet Itoe leave the lineup while the horn- "’as given permission to leave Lgi^y Hisle to get at him in hitting football game. HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — always tough Greg Germain and Los Angeles at Cincinnati ” I was pleased to see teat,” as A&M and third-ranked StM- g battle for the track title hone suffered to pre-season ^ j j he at Baltimore to a game er race is undecided. Minneso- ^')® And join his wife in Ca- fouj-fh inning. Tony Taylor had San Diego at San Francisco Head Coach Nick Cutro has In'1908'nm captured tee U.S. Quarterback Harry TheofUedes jgg^ Hblik, co-captatos, Mike ta's Harmon Klllebrew is just rs-cas next week for their 14^ three hits including a double for built his team around a nucle­ Royal said after Texas picked ford was at Oregon. Penn State, ^j^ht to tee checker (lags. pigy. The brilliant halfback did j natl.mallv televised bv threw two long touchdo^ Crockett, John Duffy, Mark Monday’s Games up 68 points on top-ranked Ohio ranked fourth, was at Colorado, Action starts at 8:15. play In Chicago’s 24-16 victory beginning at 9 o m EDT one behind. wedding ai^versary. "Then, if the Phillies. Psychiatric Help 'Needed us of returning veterans, a T i t P®®*® ^®*‘ Friday p,g„tg g^^ Tyo Chicago at New York, N State in The Associated Press rated 18th, in a nationally tele- All eyes should be on Ed Yer- over tee New York Giants last h, . Elsewhere, Baltimore topped ^ Am fortunate, maybe I will be Durocher summed up Ws feel San Francisco at Houston, N blend of CFL draftees and new secondary for tee Indians (Cleveland 9-7 on Terry Crow- s-ble to manage fin the majors jggg jjy saying simply, "I'm not ______. I college standouts. The offense poU this week to pull within 13 rised contest. ' rington, to tee 50-lap modified Saturday, gaining 43 yards on 18 “ ® . '"P®! Little Known -victory over Long Island to tee TheseconLyfor 0/-VW4 n . . . • ___ MM points of the Buckeyes. “ Uke I Kentucky faced fifth-ranked rg^e, the veteran driver hoping carries. defenses ^ tested ley's ISth inning homer; Minne- someday.” going to leave here and jump off is directed by former Syracuse Atlantic Coast Football League. P®®"®y '^®® outstanding Tommy John scattered seven g building.” By McLain to Save Career slgpial-caller Rick Cassata, who said, if you enter a beauty con- Mississippi to Jackson, Miss., for a strong finish to top off a ^ McGuire doesn’t see action, .1“ ® ^®®T“ n season Golfers Share The victory gives Bridgeport as it allowed quarterback Frank MllwauHee hits and catcher Ed • • » has been among the league’s test vou Uke the folks to vote and No. 6 Notre Dame, seeking very successful season against ^ mean tee Bills’ offense is *" . j j L ^f™,®' a 3-1 record and ensures tee Cipolla only eight passes to 27 ^ you pretty.” to end a string of three losses to the powerful NASCAR modi- moving against tlie powerful D et^ t s defenders, ied by tack- Herrmann hit a three-run horn- ]gxPOS - CARDS _ In Jund, claimifig some $400,000 leading passers this season. Jets of at least a tie for first attempts for 130 net yards, NEW YORK (NEA) — Sports Slate Tech's defense, led by end Purdue, entertained tee Boiler- fieds. Yerrington goes into tee Loe Angeles defense to their |® Karras and defensive first-game vie- Rgg Falrlys' three-run homer Denny McLain must seek in unpaid bills.) Cassata’s running backs will First Place place to the northern division. Last season at Memorial Field Bruce Dowdy and Unebacker maker to South Bend. race, which pays $1,000 to win, ggme at Buffalo. McGuire is a ^“ ®®? depending on tee outcome of to- the Indiana tacked a 26-7 de- tory. The Brewers built a 3-0- two out in the ninth Inning D<,vchiatric heln or eke his “ Then he came^^ackcL to the SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 most likely be Mike Campbell, ^ M oZ aie, will have to be Southern Oalifomia. ranked with tee point lead. ®miter. And punting has been a ^ COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) — night’s games. feat on Maloney. lead in the nightcap and held on carried the Expos past the Car- PSycniairiC neip or else nis Tigers In July arid wasn’t win­ a 195-pound halfback from Len­ RIVERSIDE at its best to contain tee Lon^ .seventh, was at I°wa. Army at f SPEEDWAY ®W®* weapon for tee powerless Rbv behind Dick Ellsworth's solid dinals. St. Louis had rallied for baseball future IS impenled, ning. I think he became impa­ Football oir Rhyne College; and Pete THOMPSON yards to 40-0 rout at Green Bay. „®®""“ , relief pitching. three in the top of the ninth to a source close to Base- Manchester at Maloney Jilleba, a 220-pound fullback horns’ devastating Wishbone-T No. 8 Nebraska, 20te-ranked Air BlUs. A victory for Cincinnati would ®“ “ y’ ®®*'* Pennsylvanian SPB^O W AY tient after several years of a ^ k with Eddie Phillips at Force vs. No. 9 Missouri to St. Sunday funaay afternoonmiemoon stock ^ car ^ A lleles figures to have ^ ^ lor woma Toscano after shooting * • • take the lead before singles by ball CpmmiSSloner Bowie great success. When you’rd im­ Rockville at Bloomfield from Alabama. ORIOLES - INDIANS Mack Jones, Bob Bailey . and Kuhn. patient, any little thing can set the coktrols and . Louis and No. 10 Michigan at g“ g ° " ^ jh tee N A S ^ R >‘“ >® trouble offensively against * wL"^surprlreTo^*^ ®'"*' ®*’“ ‘® Gates Gomes on Fast Crowley's two-run blast In the j i ^ Falrey closed the gap and Th® source said that Kuhn you off. He saw a headline in Jim Bertelsen and BlUy Dale Washington. imd lit a ^ e l Buffalo, wlte Roman Gabriel g ^ d ^ ^ L T s u n Z AuatraUan Bob Stanton tee gobbling up the yardage.. Daylight games involving Sec- M ^ ^ ^ 1q,^ 31 21 last Sunday. ,^g^ g^ . 13th lifted the Orioles past. Fairly delivered his 16th homer, suggested McLain seek psychla- a Detroit paper that he dldn 'That game is just one of 17 ond Ten teams included No. 11 ®®” " lo's main offensive threat, O.J. The K ^ a s aty-Baltlmore qoo Green Island Open Golf SUHDAY Cleveland after they squandered ' » » » trie treatment. He can only sug- like. I guess he felt it was likdd Clay Talking Loud and Clear under tee lights Saturday night. Houston at Oklahoma State, P the Modified and the Simpson could have his prob- ^ m e vriU bring ^ e te e r two of Tournament. As Harriers Triumph a 7-2 lead in the ninth. Dave ASTROS - BRA’VES — ?®®b lor he knows that therapy being kicked when you’re down other one featurtog a Tulsa at No. 12 Arkansas, No. 13 Both the penetrating or getting the great quarterbacks-Len Toscano and Stanton moved ,^ McNally, trying for his 24th vie- Houston broke loose forifour of this nature is of value only If So he got back at the report-' tory, left for a pinch-hitter in runs Ih the 12th Inning to whip the patient acknowledges the era. In Promoting Chicago Fight mem^r^of The AP’s Top Twen- Florida at Alabama, Oregon ‘ ® ^ ^ ® j^ ^ g ^ (md ^ o l a - a,round'Los Angeles (Front Four. ®P ® “ ® *°*‘ ®®®°"‘* ®^‘*'‘ ■ Mjke Adams set the early pace for the Manchester tv takes place In Los Angeles, State at No. 14 Oklahoma, VMI ^ eve^^^wlth the Modlfieda Other Sunday gamea Include Johnny Unltas of Baltimore. sizzling 66s to tee opening Harriers yesterday afternoon, but it waS dependable the top of the ninth and the In- Atlanta. Marty Martinez’ pinch need. “ I think he’s become scared, ONLY dlans promptly raked relievers single drove home the tie-break- McLain was recenUy sus- CHICAGO (AP)—“ It was all Athletic Commission- to renew where 15th-ranked UCLA enter- at No. 16 West Vli^nla, No. 17 ‘ ° j portion of tee pro- Cincinnati at Detroit, .aeveland Dawson went all tee way last round, but tee short, 6,711-yard steve “Rusty” Gates who came through in flying colors too.' Hd’s getting that fear of n, u wacic __ tn nt.«- Capping^ ^ ______n . 1/«io nor ?«_?IK_7n nroon tolonH -V ‘ - 4* . X ___TT* 1- TT__ Ln__ 1 Eddle Watt and Tom Phoebus ing run and then Doug Rader pended from the Detroit Tigers failure. You know, what can I a put-on, and everybody bought ‘ be license of the fighter who for five runs, with Ted Uhlaen- singled for two more and Norm for the third Ume this season, do now U I. can’t play baseball? It." Muslim name of other night action finds East mingham and MianU, Fla., at ^ Models with a at Minnesota, the New York to the MInne.sota .y i k l^ ’ their coursd took Its g^ Memorial Field 20-39 to a C ^ l n a at The atadel. Wake No. 19 Georgia Tech. ®"“ Jets------at- -- Boston------Miami at Hous------Super-h Bowl .ia TT„.*a« victim, toll while. .Fridav Unitas toll Friday. cross country meet “ ®" ®‘ Gen®"e3e and Newhouse der’s three-run pinch homer the Miller capped the rally with an in February, he was suspended ____ 20-lap feature. crMS country meet. finishing fifth and sevente. big blow. RBI-double. by Kuhn for 90 days for alleged P r 3 l b l y ^ ’'thls is a prime ‘“'BuM^SteveM fredi from his ton, Pittsburgh at Denver, New missed only one offensive play At flret glance, tee course ap- Gates, tee top runner in the J' ^ _i„*u njau, vlcto^ to the Thom pson 500, York Giants at Dallas, Washing- as tee Colts squeaked by San pears to ^ easy and some OCIL, was running third as Genovese placed sixth New- 3 for 1 : * * * » » • gambling. In August the Tigers screamed ^ the ump^es. But “ heavyweight boxing step for a long-bruited match ’Ictory HI ,M were predicting a urfnriinor TWINS - ROYALS — DODGERS - REDS — suspended their former star JIMMY PIERS ALL if you've got problems, you’ve champion three and one-half with Joe Frazier, who owns the will lead tee parade of na- ton at St. Louis, Atlanta at Ihego 16-14. Modified-Heats Curtain N ears for Gretel, s T o .; o/'w ^undT p 'T ’i ^ t " t f " ‘"Gates (M) 16;15, 2 Perry limited the Royals to a Tom Haller had three hits, pitcher for dumping water on v u t Aartho+it Bot 1° get them off your chdst. y®Ars because of military draft title stripped from Clay. ttonally prominent drivers in tee small greens are trea- ,gg^ ^^g^gr I ^ o n (P) 3 Adams (M) 4 & 30 .i,- nf ainirloa hv Onnirio Rnin.Q scored three runs and knocked two i-enortors .Qhortiv after C'C"' York, too. Ana 1 tnougnt, better to talk with evasion, spoke of his.brash and Clay was all business in his pair of singles by Cookie Rojas, scored three runs and knocked two reporters. Shortly after the racing events. chdrous. Lap Feature making rookie Steve Brye’s in another in Los Angeles’ vlcto- that, Kuhn suspended McLain 'The commissioner probably ^ psychiatrist? But you Invincible era when he predict- Chicago news conference to help U,Sa Lawn Tennis Group Acts Intrepid Needs One Victory RIVERSIDE PARK “ The caily way you can score Sportsmen-Heats -scoring double in the fourth ry over Cincinnati. Lee May g g ^ for ,the duration of the have to be careful about choos- ®<1 ‘n poetry trie round and man- Irv Schoenwald, iong-Ume fight ;Tick’ ^^tered^to^l “ veSp?,/j.S;rS!: run' The second ta a series of fam­ here Is to get tee ball close to "®*'- Adaj"® “ ^® g Newhouse (P), 9 Gagnon (M), stand up for his 24th triumph, homered fpr the Reds. season “ at least," for. among ° tmiah- j really think a base- ner his foes would-fall'. promoter, publicize closed clr- hole,” said Stanton, ’"mere are and Gates throttled In high gear I 3 0 , NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) — Gre- The uproar overshadowed Sat- ily-style racing matinees la set 10 (Jrafta (M). Lap Feature BalUmore’s Mike Cuellar Is the , » * » charges, carrying a gdn. ed baseb^l. - player needs a doctor who Clay was working hard on his cult T V showing of the (Jlay- tel n meets Intrepid, tee United urday’s flfte race which would gggjgy aftemoon at 3 at Rlvdr- Billy Jean King Suspended rio straight putts and you really ®"‘* ®®®‘}y P"” ®^ f ®®^ In the Junior varsity - meet, only other 24-game winner PADRES - GIANTS — Kuhn seems to want to give But D e ^ y nas to WMt to do understands baseball and its new subdued image when he ap- Quarry bout in this area. e ■' •' son at tee finish by three sec­ Figure 8 States defender, to tee fifth keep the cup in America If In- park Speeifway. Another have to judge your speeds be­ Tim Banning crossed the finish • • » San Diego overcame four Son HcLaln every opportunity to pressurds. ' ' peared here in Chicago Friday Clay, his neat black jacket cause these are tricky greens.” onds. Gates' time for the 2.9 30 Lap Feature America’s Cup race and It could trepid wins. tripleheader will be offered, Along ^vil\l Other Net Pros iB.m -nm line 16 seconds ahead of secmid A’S - ANGELS — Francisco homers, two by Willie renmln in basiball and presum- be's got to be thinking, 'Hey, ,, oossible that Dennv help promote the closed TV loosely iljanging, said 760,000 The course became a mon­ mile course was 16.15. Bill ^jjgg^ of Penney. be curtains for tee Aussie chal- southwest winds of 10-16 knots featuring the modified stock ~ ------Krause of Manchester was 'The A’S spanked the Angels McCovey, to whip the Giants. McLain,, at 26, "'Aybe ^ toere s a o m e tl^ didn’t reaUze how bad he was circuit phase of his now-heckled fans already are expected to lenger following a long night of ^gre forecast, tee type of ears, sportsman sedans and HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — “ We open tennis dventa, will no long- ^e*"' ^®'" round feeder Hert ^ j,*jj But tee Indians, missing runners behind the four-hit pitching of Rafael Robles contributed l^o ^gg victim of bad ad- m ^it acting detrimental it Proposed return to the ring view the fight naUonally on wrangling over a race she won, breeze in which Intrepid and (igure-etohts. really don’t care',’’ Billy Jean er be ranked by the USLTA and Brothers Jim and Jeff-Geyer Pete AtmulU______and_ Marty Fisher, John “ Blue Moon" OdcLn to bits to spark a pair of Pa^® vlsers, of pampered treatment m i was to his family and to base- against Jerry Quarry at Atlanta closed circuit TV i^th a total of teen lost, almost a week ago. ber skipper, Bill Flcker, took in Thd IMUgural of this poet- ggjj Friday night after won’t be able to compete on tee °” e double "OKey ^ d U ^ e bo- Manchester were credited *®®^ *® **’® Knights by only one move within one victory of nail- rallies and rookie Dave Robin- himself. Immature and Paycblatnst. Maybe he has al- „ oct. 26. 1,200,000 seats to be available. 100 Laps of ■___ son_ crashed an Vi/Mvtohome tninrun. - -. rc&ay. What had sepmed to be ^ 3-1 y^eir sailing triumphs. But a champio|bhip series was met ^eng informed tee United States U.S. team in tee Wl^tman and Keys, leaving him to a five way breaking up the combina- P®*"*’ ing second place in trie perhaps maladjusted. "Wa oil Picrsall. HOW gcncrol manag- Even as Clay persistenUy He got Into the discussion of American lead in the best-of- ^gavy fog lay on Newport oveh- with strong fan approval last .r Tennis Association had Federation Cup, Interrtatlonal seventn at iw . m s open- Racing for g3.00 West. We all need psychiatric help Roanoke (Va ) Buck- brushed off questions about his his old-time pre-fight theatrics Tsi 1 * ^ ultimatum of. psychiatric - g «.v j one'"tim7"or''''£uioie'ri one time or another. '^ve^*ve ,, . , , . . . Hraft r * — * seven series was thrown into gjgbt and fog has forced cancel- week. Many new faces were to JuTgnded her and other top matches. remains tee low round so Children under draft ckse appeal and Black when somebody asked if ^he turmoil Friday when the Aus- igtigg of one race already in this the lineup competing against ^o„,en pros. Thd ladies all turned contract IVOlin Keporiea ^ t m e n t or termlnaUon of. a ^ g •times and he ^ xx t . „ smius wou 12 years — g1.00 __ ^ ^ ^ baseball career is not a first. -® t Denny .a * V a few'times i j and he added that McLain needs *"0 a Mulum-iviusiim siaius,status, vxeorgiaGeorgia oov.Gov. wouwould have a poem for Quarry’s sles decided to reopen tee dls- uproarious contest. some of the popular Riverside j^j.g received a telegram pro Wednesday, taking a token T f l Trevtoo and 0 '’Y**|e Feeling Better £ ? Jl! '‘If, quaUflcatlbn of Gretel H follow^ „ - ^ have been a dime a champions. Friday from Alistair Martin, $1 from World Tennis Magazine ” ®®^’. ® P“ '‘ V'®' Play Golf 3:0Q P.M. ography. Fear Strikes Out,’ t can no longer play in Detroit, would seek a'means to halt the "First of all,” snapped Clay, tog a collision in the second opg ggries which has Therd will be three 3(> ap pr^ident of tee USLTA,. inform- and playing to the unsanctioned ‘ ®^ Word at Manchester High that can take your mind off ,.j Denny would do well controversial fighter’s Atlanta "Quarry is the world’s No. 1 race last Sunday. ,gji overboard, a main events, one in each dlvl- ^er teat she and other worn- match here. Also turning pro toe 146 ^ t . Each finished at SUNDAY ONLY LIMIT your troubles. . . _ . . yesterday was ^ t Greg Nolin, n^chi- u . . bi Washington, with Ted Wil- bout with Quarry. contender, and I’m making my ’m e New York Yacht Club m ista k e^ identi- sion. " , .1 ^ w h o signed as contract pros were Australia’s Kerry MelvUle W e v Tollwoo^ ” in the Riverside Park seriously injured in an automo- “ ^ ® a psyem happened so fast y g „g gg ,yg „,gngger, because “ We’ll jus^ teve to go to the comeback against the best man One Per race committee, after pondering ,|ogting mine and a bee ------and played in tee Virginia SUm and Judy Tegart Dalton. I n d ^ n ^ v b^ r SpNdway Stadium bUe accident a week ago, has ™ for him, success came so fast williams has had problmns Garden’s” (New York’s Madl- -n o t a stumble bum. tee appeal all evening aboard yog "te^^caused an Intrepid L a st N ig llt's F i ^ t S $5,000 Tournament being held The women ddcided to com-, M (^ y a TO that included Customer — snapped out of his coma. It was "® P*ay™ and the pressures on him were y,g prggg or with the Cubs son Square Garden) was Clay’s "As for what I used to say ------boat, s s . . ----- ^ jjjgg® C a iif._ ^ n Wil- here were cast out of tee or- pete here because of what they ^ * ’*® C.C. Incredible, tee committee b<»t, j.g^uien to be rushed ashore by aAi*! ^------J ,------Chris Blocker of Lubbock, reported he had consumed a "au reen a m go ^fantastic. He saw people g^y manager Leo Durocher.” only comment to the possiblUty before a fight, it was all a put- ruled that Its original decision beiicopter 6 4 6 - 1 1 5 1 Reliable RIVERSIDE PARK * mllk shake and had said hello a soassacnuseiis meniai nospi- ground him leading a fast life (Durocher was suspended for the Atlanta bout may take the on and everybody bought it. It’s i:L i'^ ou s°d ec“ on o T r ^ l o ^ ^^^ta^dgram said that Mrs. Tex., traUed tee leaders by one , RELIABLE would stand.. ^ E N TO PUBLIC to the nurse. and he tried to live that way. one year In 1947 for alleged count. just like your mayor or politi- But it was not until well after ™ n wtoTh gT c t ^ n Z V r ^ - 164 San Jose. 10. King along with Peaches Bart- Soutew^t T ou n i^ en t^ b^^^ ^ o t after NoUn was the second man be- “ I was reading about Denny beqape very expensive. It gambling associations, too.) > Clay is expected to be grant- clan, kissing babies and looking 1 Mile from Gay City Used Card hind Steve' Gates on the cross being called to the commlsion- s^m s to rhe Denny pu^ed the " i vvlsh Denny a lot of good ed a New York boxing license up reporters to talk to cm the Rt. 85, S^bron, Conn. ROUTE 159 • AGAWAM Used Cars! country team and was tilso a er’s office,” said Plersall, “ and paiilc button, and he went into luck. I’m pulling for him. And Monday In the wake of a feder- street. But once, they get elect- FRU PARKING top candidate for the 1,000 yard I saw where the Tiger’s team allj that debt. if he evdr feels a need to talk al court ruling against a pre- ed, you have to make an ap- be unable to compete to non- $1,600. - * « : - that tee Australian’s case ell, Mass., 1. state title this season. doctor was asked to come to (McLain filed for bankruptcy to me, I hope he calls.” vlous refusal by the New York pointment to see them.” again been denied. Britain 36 years ago. l -V

J ‘ . ' PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER. CONN;, SATURDAY, SEPtEMBER 26, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. ‘SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 PAGE FIFTEEN BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Business ^rvice s THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help W onted- Help Wanted— Mala 36 / SPEANINSOFTHE Offered 13 Female 35 TVANTED short order cooks full BtoARPERC, h u s t l e and part time. Apply in person UAA. YAS, MARThtA, WEU. POWN -S? TH E AAA«NBT Answer te PrCTioai 'raisla UlNET-f-NlbJE PER CENT CLASSIFIED SHARPENING Service —• Saws Howard Johnson Restaurant, P irr TME AW^OR ON TfAE ANP Sa, 26 ------Sea 7=” Oil Co. 316 Broad St. Manches­ iJOT t He r e a c t io n IS 2692, 646-2047. SHORTEN^ with Chrysler motor oars pre­ He h o p e p f o r = 27 Auricle u (Rockville, 'Toll Free) ter. 9-»fc c wt >. 28 Mountain pass ferred. Paid holidays and oth­ 29 Bitter vetch 16 ■1 18 1 ■ 643-2711 875-3136 er benefits. Apply in person, 30 Arab name 20 Household Services Chorches Motors, 80 OaklancL 31 Sea eagle 1 1 _ r St., Manchester. TOP WAGES OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS 32 Rate of 24 25 Offered 13-A motion ■ Automobilos For Sola 4 PRINTING PLANT 2t 28 r PARTS Manager for local new ^4 Pairs (ah.) car deal^ship. One that’s fa­ 35 Hawaiian 1 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Fast back trucking, yards, cellar, J ' COME ON--GET WITH IT.' WE’LL I DON'T MINP SURPRISIN' \ 29 30 HERALD attics cleaned and removed. miliar ■with Mopjar parts. Paid PLATEMAKER— avl. butthatsistee of garland sedan. $1,100. 1968 Plymouth 9 -as ■ ------. ~ViSi SURPRISE YOUR MOTHER ANP 1 Bulk delivery. 644-8962. holidays and other benefits. ^Experience necessary. SISTER ANC- HAVE THE HOUSE , MINE IS SONNATAKE THIS 36 Thus (Latin) 31 33 Fury III, power steering, auto­ AS A MORAL VICTORY ROE HER! 38 Italian Help Wantad— Apply In person! Chorches Mo- ALL TIDIEP UP BY THE TIME ■ BOX LE H E R S matlc, $1,660. 1964 Ford, $176.- REWEA'VING of bums,, moth- R o o filig — SldlBQ 1 6 BUSIBBSS Opportunity 28 ic H IE F ’S O P E R A T O R — DAVY JONES BY LEFF ahd McWILLIAMS THEY SET BACK FROM SHOP^ SHE WON'T SAY A WORP, BUT community 34 35 3$ 37 Savings B ^ k of Manchester, 35 ,^tors, 80 Oakland St., Mcuiches- SHE'LL C5RIN AN' SLOAT FOB 39 Social insect ■ holes, zippers repaired. Win­ PIZZA and gander shop In an Female Experience necessary. PINS.' SET OOINS WITH 39 41 923 Main St. Manchester, 646- ter. THAT DUST EAS.' A WEEK 'CAUSE YOU KOPEPj^ 40 Duct (anat.) 38 1 40 For Your dow shades made to measure, P & S ROOFING and repairs excellent Main St. location. 42 Church fete ■1 1700. - PRESS HELPER— I DIG g ir l s , m is s LOWERY, DIVING'S A DEADLY L'M AN EXPERT SCUBA BUT YOU CAN HAVE THANKS. BUT I'LL PAY^ ME IN ON IT.' ------p-|^ all size Venetian blinds. Keys done realistically. Free esti­ LANE maintenance man 45 State 42 43 44 46 46 47 Infomuition Will sell or take In a partner. Moving^ stock, wash up. BUT NOT AS DIVING BUDDIES.' SERIOUS BUSINESS. d iv e r ... I NEED A MAN BOTH OF US FOR THE DOUBLE FOR JU ST 1966 SATELLITE — 426, Heml- made while you wait. Tape re­ mates. Call anytime. 649-1516 Completely equipped, sensible nights, 12-8 a.m. Inquird Holi­ roc/, MARCO. positively 48 4^ THE HERALD will not ATTENTION malnteiumce—will train. T o BE MV BUDDY ON H I N T ^ 48 Cubic meters 4-speed. Take over payments. corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 or 742-8388. lease. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, day Lanes, 30 Spencer St., A VERY SPECIAL JOB dlsclnno the .identity of 49 Ogler so bl Call 646-2990. . ______Main St., 649-5221.______643-1677. ______Manchester. WRAPPER- 50 French city n any advertiser using box BIDWELL Home Improvement HOUSEWIVES letters. Readers answer­ PART-TIME help wanted for No experience necessary- 51 Examinations PARTIALLY restored - 19M “ ^ht trucking, car­ Co. Expert installation of MANCHESTER — Boutique ing blind box ads who pentry, roofs, miscellaneous re­ aluminum siding, gutters and IN»wipap»r [nUrpriu Alin.) desire to protect their Plymouth Special deluxe, 4- shop. Illness dictates fast sale. Evenings free? Sell Toys J^torial work. 9_a.m.-12 ntwn, BINDERY—Need man ex- identity can follow 'his door sedan, many extras, $50. pairs, patios, porches, retain-, trim. Roofing installation and All offers considered. Must he and Gifts Party Plan. No six-day week. Tremsportation perlenced In all bindery necessary. Call 649-6334. procedure; 643-4013. Ing walls, ceramic tile, con­ repairs. 649-6495, 876-9109. sold. Frechette Realtors, 647- cash investment. No Collect­ equipment — primarily fold­ I KNOW crete work. Clean up. 646-0253, THAT. llv i 9993. ing. No Delivering. No ex­ ers. Enclose your roply to anytime. APPLE pickers wanted. Apply 0‘ G perience needed. Also book­ Orchard Hill Fruit Farm, 426 the box in an envelope — 1960 PEUGEOT, 403, good con- address to the Classified LIGHT TRUCKING, cellar and Roofing and ing parties. Call or write Avery St., Wapplng. Top wages, plus a liberal dlUon. $190. Call 649-0630. - &AM LRrp Manager, Manchester attics cleaned, odd jobs, lawns, Chimneys 16-A Private Instructions 32 "Santa’s Parties” , Avon, benefit program that in­ ' Evening Herald, together Gonn. 06001. Telephone 1- EXPERIENCED gaS station at­ ------!/M_ 1964 CHEVELLE, MAUBU SS, trees cut £ind removed. 643- cludes a non-contrlbutory z e with a . memo listji^ the ROOFING — Specializing re­ PIANIST-Teacher graduate 673-3465. tendant. No repairs. Hours CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 6 cylinder, standard. $360. 643- 6000. pension plan. companleq, you do NOT pairing roofs of all,kinds, new of UConn and Licentiate, Roy­ 5:16-10 p.m. 83-A-l Gas Station, 8642. want to see your letter. TWO handymen want a variety roofs, gutter work, ^chimneys al Schools of Music (L on d on )___ Vernon, 646-1634. Apply in person or call: Your , letter wlii be de­ cleaned and repaired. 30 years WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE stroyed U the sulvertlser 1962 PONTIAC cbnvertible, ex­ of jobs by day or hour. We T dv^cfd'*''W 6'.32lf SALESWOMAN and Cashier m sPE CroR , second shift, cellent condition, low mileage. clean yards, attics and cellars. experience. Free estimates. needed, full and part-time. Is one you’ve mentioned. Call Howley 643-5361, 644- plasma flame spray depart­ ALLIED PRINTING YOU HAVE 1% SENDING HE, If not It will be handled 643-4868, after 6 p.m. Reasonable. Call 643-8305. Working hours to suit your ment, experienced. Must be SERVICES In the usual manner. 8333. schedule. Apply- In person to SPECIALIZES PIANO TUNING and band In familiar with general Inspec­ A DISEASE Y O U T O A HEROES ARE MADE-NOT BORN Schools and Classes 33 Mr. Shenkmah, Jr. Pilgrim 679 Middle Tpke. West I HATE Trailers— strument repairing by Hartt ^ tion procedures Involving air I KNOW D O C T O R ’ IN N O T BULLDOZER TRAINEES Mills, Oakland St., Manches­ craft parts. Small company, Manchester, Conn. TO Mobile Homes 6-A College of Music graduate. Heating and Plumbing 17 ter. WAGNER.' KNOW ING Ward Krause., 643-6336. NEEDED many benefits. Please apply In TELL NOTHING Lost and Fonnd 1 person, Klock Co., 1366 Tolland 643-1101 W HAT SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL 1969 CAMP trailer, sleeps 6, GRANT’S Plumbing Service — Train for a high paying job. ABOUT.' LOST — Passbook No. 'W11041 stove, refrigerator, 'heater. Ex! CUSTOM made draperies, slip estimates, plus quality Construction needs men 18-46. y^(AITRESS wanted full or part- Manchester. YOU T O D O ! covers and reupholstering. Savings Bank of Manchester. cellent condition. Call after 6 work. 643-6341, Complete resident training pro­ Budget terms. Established in time. Call Tolland — 876-9960. THIS.V Application made for payment. p.m., 646-2463. gram. Part and full-time class­ 1946. Days, 624-0164, evenings, SAM. WATSON Plumbing and es. Licensed school. RESPONSIBLE woman to work 649-7690. LOST — Passbook No. 98067 Heating. Bathroom remodel­ Call 1-225-8719 anytime afternoon 1 to 6:30 in rest home. COLONIAL BOARD CO. Savings Bank of Manchester. ^UtO D riv in g SchOOl 7 -A ing and repairs. Free esti­ PALL clean ups. Attics, cellars. Call 649-5985. KSN Application made for payment. garages cleaned. Trash mates. Call 649-3808. and /MUS= DAY’S Driving School — 26 ‘?-26 LOST — Passbook No. 69482 years professional driving ex­ moved. Free estimates. Help Wanted— CLERKS Sa-vings Bank of Manchester. perience. Call 649-6160. 0670. Female 35 Lydall and Foulds Division Application made for payment. Millinery. Full-time openings for ex­ perienced figure clerks. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE I' Dressmaking 19 MATURE sitter, to care for 2 Motorcycles Bunding— children, hours 7 a.m. -school Company offers excellent Skilled and unskilled. Excellent wages. Full-time. CONGRATULATIONS, SON/ GREAT SPEED.. GOOD PASS CATCHING, SAWYER. !k Automobiles For Sole 4 Bicycles I f "raOUBLE finding minis? Cus­ time and 3-6. p.m. Fountain wages and working condi­ Six days per week. Shift differential. Blue Cross, .• 3 TOUCHDOWNS.',.. AMAZING/ QUICK AWVES... VERY FAST.' Contracting 14 tom made dresses, ladies suits, Village or Washington School tions. Convenient free park­ CMS, life insurance, paid holidays and other fringe I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU OUT FOR NEED CAR? Credit very bad? LEON Cleszynskl builder—new gowns and alterations. Prompt area. Call 289-1687 aftdr 6 p.m. ing and an excellent free benefits. VARSITY FOOTBALL. Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ 1967 HONDA 306 chopped, best homes- custom built, remodel­ service. Call 649-1133. benefit program. NO, I'W ONT TAKE VOU TO offer. 647-1181 after 6 p'.m. HOUSEWIVES — earn a steady -TME d a n c e TONieMT IVE est Douglass accepts lowest ing, ad^tions, rec rooms, ga­ lifetime Income In your spare Apply 615 Parker St., Manchester, Conn. down, smallest payments, any­ rages, kitchens remodeled, BEEN RAIN DANCIN6 AU. DAV/ time. Represent our welcome FIRST NATIONAL where. Not small loiin finance Business Services bath tile, cement work. Steps, Moving— rucking— service to local merchants. No dormers. Residential or com­ STORES INC. Mrs. E. F. Loftus company plan. Douglas Mo­ Offered 13 Storage 20 home visits. Exclusive fran­ tors, 345 Main. mercial. Call 649-4291. chises now available In Man­ Park and Oakland Aves. chester area. No. Investment East Hartford 1967 OLDSMOBILE 442, head- HALLMARK Building'Go. for light trucking and package de­ moving large appliances. home Improvement, additions, required. Call 617-065-2724 col­ ers, gears, many extras. Set livery. Refrigerators, washers (0 IW h NIA. W. "f-M. IH- 0^ >*»• Burning barrels delivered, $4 rec rooms, house painting, lect. Ask for Mr. McGee. FASHION Frocks can help you. SALES for racing. 646-4696, 646-2482. and stove moving, specialty. 644-1776. garages, roofing, gutters. Free Managers Eind Counselors Folding chairs for rent. 649- MALE HELP "O f course it's for me, Dad . . . I’m home, aren’t I?" 1970 CHEVELLE Super Sport, estimates. All work guaran­ needed. Work 3 evenings a POSITION I V- ROTO-TILLER for hire, custom 0762. week, earn $60. Car necessary. 4-speed, vinyl Interior. 360 h.p. teed. 646 0202. Office / School stationery % $2,800 or best offer. 643-6689. tilling. Lawns, gardens and OFFICE CLERK 742-7662, 643-6686. h ' M I ______tobacco beds. Call 643-9920. DORMERS, garages, porches, department, Monday-Fri- WANTED 1969 DATSUN 4-door ------,sedan. ______day, 9:80 - 6:30, Thursday MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD rec rooms, room additions, Painting— Papering 21 Temporary office help need­ WOMEN to collect and pack till 9. No Saturdays. Man­ whitewalls, radio, snow tires MANCTESTER Tree Service kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, ed. Must perform general eggs. Miller Farms, Coventry, Specializing in tree removal, chester’s oldest yet new­ I'LL GO TO ^ WHEN I LOOK Included. Excellent condition. siding, general repairs. Quality JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom office work. Ability to type 643-8021. THAT'S ON RIGHT— AND I ALSO pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. est stationers. Sales ex­ FUU-TIME MAIN STREET FOUND A CARD WITH HUDSON'S ROOM INTO VDUR EYES, STEVE CANYON BY MH,TON CANIPF 742-7697. workmanship. Financing avail­ Painting, Interior and exterior, a required necessity. No WITH THE POLICE, MINERVA— FHilly insured. Call 649-6422. perience desirable. WIU BEFORE HE SLUGGED ME, I IN OUR HIS OLD ADDRESS — able. Economy Builders, Inc. paperhanging, fully insured. bookkeeping required. Apply CHILDREN back to school? train. REOlBIVINO CLERK SAW TWO THINGS IN HIS ROOM, CITY] 927 GRAND STREET AND PICK UP THE T FEEL -S ▼ 1965 VOLKSWAGEN square m a r v e l o u s ! • ALAY STEVE AND % 0 YOU WISH TO ^’^O K A Y / I G UES^ ^THANKS FOR THE SO MUCH FOR CONTRITION., LAWN Mowers — Garden trac­ 643-6169, 872-0647 evenings. For free estimates call 649- in person. House clean and peaceful? MICKEY— A SHIRT WITH THE -O N E BLOCK AWAY f l o w e r s , CANYONS.' MRS. C.,THE NEXT TIME vVe back excellent condition. $1,- FIVE-DAY WEEK FROM THE MURDER STOP BY AND SAY VIEW THE REMAINS YOU'VE EARNED tors repaired and sharpened. 9658. If no answer 643-6362. What then — lonely and rest­ LABEL— 5T/if5 SHOP' GOODBYE ? A LOOK AT THE YOU'RE BOTH KIND MEET,TOURNAMENT RULES WILL 095. 628-6028, anytime. N. J. LaFlamme — Carpenter Parts and accessories. New less? Fill those spare hours Harrison's Apply in Person BOMB DAMAGE.' TO PUT UP WITH ME / A6AIN BE IN EFFECT-AND WE contractor. Additions, remod­ B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, MANCHESTER HOUSING « 1968 BLACK Imperial all pow­ and used lawn mowers. Hours with new friends and high SHOOT THE PERFUME TO KILL! eling and repairs. Call any­ interior and exterior painting, AUTHORITY er, heml, used daily. No rea­ 8 to 6, Monday to Saturday. profits serving AVON custom­ time for free estimate. 875- paper hanging. Thirty years sonable offer refused. 649-1294 Mini-Motors, 188 (re&r) W. 24 Bluefield Dr. ers. Call now — 289-4022. Stationers TREASURE 1642. ' experience, four generations. 849 Main St. after 6 p.m. Middle Tpke., 649-8706. Manchester, Conn. Free estimates, fully insured. See Mr. Harrison CITY WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ 1964 CHEVY II, 6 cylinder auto- POLLARD Tree Service — Ex- 040,700$ 0:30 • 12 noon. modeling specialist. Additions, ______An equal opportunity employer PRINTING PLANT matlc, good tires, $360 or best pert tree removal, pruning 64e-6S41 tor Manchester Parkade rec rooms, dormers, porches, FALL— A good time to have offer. Call 647-1698. trimming. Reasonable. Free VARITYPte OPERATOR. appointment cabinets, formica, ’ bullt-lns, your house painted. Call Rich- ^------estimates. 628-3021. bathrooms. ^itchens, 649-3446. ard E. Martin 649-4411. Pro- ^ cR E T A R Y wanted for busy PART-TIME—Hours can be 1966 FORD custom 600, asking CLEANING — Interior —both - — ------r— fesslonal painters, free esu- MASONARY — All types of doctor’s office In Manchester, flexible. Experience desir­ $760. Cqll 643-4302. - residential and commercial. stone and concrete work.,^No 1 ...... 4 days a week: Must be neat, able but will train a good MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY Satisfactory work guaranteed. cooperative and have a pleas­ typist. 1956 HUDSON Rambler, 68,000 F or' friendly free estimates, job tod small. Free estimates. CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex- miles, very good condition. Quality workmanship. Work terior painting, paper hanging. ant telephone voice. Typing es­ POLISHERS WAHTED SHE^ DONT FORGETTHE J. call Suburban Floor Mainten­ sential. PlcEise reply Box M, Wages commensurate with GARDENIA PLANT Call 649-0449, after 6. guaranteed. Out of season Discount on wallpaper. Call experience plus a liberal I h a v e n Y HELPING ance, 649-9229. Manchester Herald. Men who are willing to learn polishing for finish ivork on HILDA. . OLD PAL! rates. Call after 6 p.m., 643- Oscar Hebert, 646-30 benefit program that in­ SEEN My PET BY DICK CAVALLl 1870 or 644-2976. n ~ n r WINTHROP MR. K’s decorating . service. PART-TIME, experienced, elec­ cludes a non-contributory turbine blades and vanes. Above average hourly rate, e l e p h a n t 1964 , CHRYSLER Imperial, CARS removed, $10 tric typist, flexible hours. Re­ pension plan. CUDDLES, ALL $760,649-2416. S A V E ^ O N E Y ! Fast service. Painting, Interior and exterior, fringe benefits and profit sharing plan. BOTACTJMUy, ITb IS WHEN I each. Call 872-9433. ply to P. O. Box 1067, Man­ /MORNING. ______o______Dormers, room additions, ga­ paper and vinyl hanging. Free Apply in person or call; PBOPLeTHINK 0 A PRETTY EASY FLYO VER A 1966 RAMBLER American 6 rages, porches, roofing and ^timates. 668-8089. chester, Conn. W H E R E ITS PRETTY CUSTOM MADE slip covers, LIFE. THE ONLY b a k e r y ; cylinder, 2 - door, standard $82 - $129, In the convenience siding. Compare prices. Add- RED LEE METAL FINISHING CO, INC. IS S H E ? TOUGH BEING AN TIME f 6U FFER ... shift. Excellent condition, 649- INSIDE—outside painting. Spe- WOMAN for small congenial ALLIED PRINTING of your living room. Choose A-Level Dormer Qorp. 289- clal rates for peimlc’ over 65. office. J^ust be good typist and ASnaOMA^.;. 4886. SERVICES tff WOODLAND STREET—MANCHESTER from over 200 exciting prints. 0449. Call my competltws, then call able to transcribe. Working Grant’s of Vernon. 872-9171. 1964 CATALINA, 4-door, excel­ CARPENTRY — concrete steps, me. Estimates given. 649-7863. hours can be arranged. East 579 Middle Tpke. West Rartord location. Call 628-2164 Manchester, Conn. J0NES4- lent condition, power steering, CONCRETE work, sidewalks, floors, hatchways, remodeling 9> I.OOIH, ROGER’S PAINTING. Interior for interview appointment. 643-1101 RCGeWAY u - power brakes. No reasonable patios, etc. Free estimates. porches, garages, closets, cell- exterior, celling, wall- offer refused. 232-5955. Call 742-9791 or 528-8880., Ings, attics finished, rec papering. pall anytime, 643- CLEANING woman, one day rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ wedkly, own transportation. CLEANING woman wanted, 3-4 SUmEMENT YOUR INCOME! PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER t r e e SERVICE (Soucler) — er related work. No job too 0923. OORVETTE 1961, red with one Trees cut, building lots clear­ - 643-4747. days weekly. Permanent posi­ small. Dan Moran, Builder, your own price, Paint- Earn extra money by working part-time, eveolngB. I -SUPPOSE ON SUNDAY AI LISTEN TO A V -C v y C30T TO top. Call 649-0768. ed, trees topped. Got a tree tion. Send najne, address, problem! Well worth phone Evenings, 6^8880______paperhanglng removal. NIG MTS VOU RELAX. TME SERMONS 1 / M KEEP AN EVE DtCk: HAIRDRESSER for smalL ag­ phone number and references Work In pleasant ■urroundlngs with excellent wages, M»tl REVEREND W^EMS. ^:a n t u n e IN ' O N T M E (CAVALLl f -26 1067 MUSTANG. GT, 390, 4- call, 742-8262. CARPENTRY and remodeling Prompt service, fully tasure to Box R., Manchester Herald. allowances, flexible hours and otter fringe benefits. COMPETITION. speed, many extras. Excellent gressive shop. 649-3906. (O, INDEED. rec rooms, dormers, kitchens. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call All replies confidential. Writ­ condition, $1,460, as Is. 872-0625 r q OFING and carpentry — additions and garages. Call Jerry Kenny, 647-9564. HAIRDRESSER — full-time; ing ability not r^ulred. Hours available between 5 pan. - 11 p .m .; • p jn . • 11 p jn . CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER after 6. new and repairs. Capable, con­ Tom Corbitt, 643-0086. experienced. Call 643-0322, or 7 p.m. - 11 p.m., 3 or 4 nights weekly. ■vA^rrrvyrv,^ scientious work at reasonable Petite Beauty Salon. LICENSED practical nurse A ^ y In person between 4 - 1 p.m. 1067 CHEVROLE-T 2^- prices by Scotty, 646-2829 graduate. Conn, license. 3 p.m. 'Uo. 5TRAN6E AS IT SEEMS- PEVIL WORSHIP Hurst. Good mechanioal condl- f ^ Floor Finishing 24 ' THE WITCH COLT STILL EXIST IM OUT FULL and part-time help. For to 11 p.m., five week days. FRIENDLY ICE CREAM SHOP -WAV CORMEKS OF NEW EM6LANP! Uon Body fair, $125. Call 649- a M E S I T E WORK—Repair walks Special Services 15 Small nursing home. Rock­ FLOOR SANDING, and refin- interviews. Sept. 29, 11-3, MANCHESTER 6148. , and driveways. Holes repaired, Ishlng (specializing In older Home Town Laundiy, Caldor’s ville, 875-9121. MAIN STREET 1966 CHEVY with glass nose, r r / . floors). In and outside paint­ Shopping Center. lA ing. Ceilings. No job too small. Heml powered, many e x t r a s ,______call ^ ______wedding reception, house par- John Verfallle, 649-6760. WAITRESSES — full-time and NURSE’S Aides — 7 to 3 p.pv, needs drive shaft. Best Offer, xiMBERLAND______Tree Service, ty, dinner dance, Christmas part-time. Apply In person, W. part-Umq. Call 649-4610. 646-2778. tree removal, pruning, airubs,' party. - Make your party the T. Grant Co., Manchester , —z----- :------r— LEGAL Secretary — Manches­ and lota cleared. Fifteen years talk of the town with a live or- Parkade. 1961 2-DOOR gray, Mercury experience. Bonded and Insur- chestra as low as $120. Call Bonds— Stocks ter law firm has position avail; Inspector Monterey. Very good condi­ ed. Free estlmales. Gall 647- 247-7136, 232-5476.______27 KEYPUNCH operator, experl- able. Applicant must have LANCELOT BY COKER and PENN tion. One owner. Reasonable Mortgages Must be quality control oriented and able to r e ^ j 9479. ---- enced. Alpha-Numeric. Iona some shorthand, good typing, offer. 643-7667 after 6 p.m. _____ FREE TOYS and gifts can be and transcribing proficiency. and understand blueprints. Capable of using all in-l IC O U LR RR IT ALL DAV. 1/X LOPI^ HCW WOULD H’OJ LIKE \ yours In time for Christmas. MORTGAGES — 1st. and 2nd., Manufacturing Co., 643-2111. ( TOeiDF OW Mt/rtHOni DBeel P- mortgages—Interim financing------— Legal experience preferred but spection instruments, such as Hardness tester, | L0N 6, BUT I s u p p o s e ( topicT O RIPE ON (M SH O ULP EP& f o r d 1968 Torino S^rer^ry ‘^dri^vt t« t me give a toy party In ISHCDUUP Bg FAIR ABOUT, f o r a w h il e ? — expedient and ■ confidential not required. Salary commen-, Comparator height 8 ^ e , etc. good condition, power steer­ ways -sealed and small truck­ your home. You’ll love it! 647- T THETHIS! tP IfTO WU. tocl TM U t. US f t ON ing. brakes, air-conditioned, service. J. D. Real Estate NURSES Aides, 3-11. Call 640- surate with qualifications. Call ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- 9613. Bea. Mr. Karlson, 646-6277 to ar­ Should be able to keep good records. Will work in| new tires. $2,196. 646-0557. Assoc. 643-6129. mano Trucking Service toll- range interview. close liaison with engineeriiig; department. CREATIVE Catering — offer- LOOKING for a change? We LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON 1966 FORD Custom, 2-door, free. 742-9487. Ing formal dining, modem buf- MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec- Apply in person at: ^ __ All teln/Ua T9AOlf\y feel this is an especially at­ good condition. Must sell. Call ond, third. All kinds. Realty INTERESTING part-time work MASON work expertly done. feta, cookouts, stag parties tractive position In Hartford. as secretary In doctor’s office, SHOW' SHOW 643-6013 after 5 p.m. statewide. Credit rating unnec­ Stone, brick, block, fireplaces, created especially for you. 24 Ndw modem office, well equip­ afternoons only. Monday W. Leggett St., East Hartford, essary. Reasonable. Confiden­ PONTIAC. 1964, Bonneville, au­ brick homes, patloe, steps, tial, quick arrangements. Alvin ped and attractive. Doctor through Friday. Write Box DD, NOBLE WESTBROOK sidewalks, cellar floors and re­ 528-5348. needs a secretary-receptionist tomatic, power steering and Lundy Agency, 627-7971. 983 Manchester Herald. 20 Woitbrook St. _ brakes. Excellent operating pair work. 1-749-6116.______WEDDING. Showers, Parties, Main St., Hartford. Evenings, who is a good typist, neat and BOOKKEEPER and secretary, watermelon baskets filled poised, able to meet the pub­ ccmdltlon, good body, $600. 649- g,j,gpg^ sidewalks, stone walls, 233-6879. experienced, to take charge of East Hartford, Conn. 8649. with fresh fruit. 643-6832. lic. Hours 9 until 6, Monday fireplaces, flagstone terraces. - MORTGAGBS — First and sec- through Friday. Personal and small office. Work load very 1037~CHEVROLET 2 - door All concrete repairs, both in­ ■ ond. All types to suit requlre- business rdfer«nces required. light. Apply In person. Engi­ 289.2717 C*»« r»a-.'»e side and outside railings, land sedan, original, near mint con------1 XX I Ji A Ji ments. Confidential, efficient Please reply Box “J” Man­ neered Metals, 10 JlUliard St., \ dition. $760. 742-6092, alter 6 scaping. Reasonably priced. H e r a l Q A Q S sendee. P. A. Thome. 649-6281. chester Herald. Manchester. \ p.m. CaU 648-0861.

\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SA'rURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1970 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTE^ffiER 26, 1970 ■/ Invostmonf Proparty Housas For Sole 72 Housas For Solo 72 Housas For Sola 72 Housos For Sola 72 Lots For Sola 73 Out of Town Out of Town B u s Im s s Investmont Property For Solo 75 For Solo 75 Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 Businoss Locoliom Property For Sola 70-A A'rTRACnVBj 7«room ColonlEl 27 HOFFMAN RD., largb three- VERNON — Acre plug, high BERRY’S WORLD For Root 64 ■ For Solo 70 For Sole 70-A three bedrooms, living room CONTEMPORY 7% - room $19,600. FRESH on the market bedroom Ranch with 1% hatha, scenic location. $6,900. Bolton b OLTON — French Rd., new 6- BOLTON — Immaculate Ranch MANCHESTER — 17 - room with fireplace, rec room with Ranch, large lot In beautifully In, Manchester, 6-room Ranch, appliances, aluminum siding, Lake, Vemqn, half acre $4,200. room Raised Ranch, 3 bed- Attached garage. Only $18,900. THREE blapk kittens, free to VERNON—-Route 88, near traf- bouse on high traffic count fireplace, walPto-wall carpet- wooded setting. Fireplace aluminum siding, garage, carport. Asking $24,900. Heri- Tolland acre, $3,000. Hayes rooms, acre treed lot, 2-car $2,000 down to qualified bi^er. CLASSIFIED \^ciod home. Call 643-2662. STORE or office, 687 Main St., highway situated on 19,800 Ing upstairs and downstairs. bedrooms, 1V4 baths, fam- basetnent, carpeting. Owners tage House. 648-2482. Agency, 646-0181. garage, $27,600. Owner-Build- Pasek Realtors, 289-7476. paneled, $136. 629-0618. buildinghnlMlnir approximately«nnPovlmnt»lv 33009900 ping, Pl"K. 4-famlly With 4 rOOm Sarah's babies, two apartments, 4-car garage, new square foot parcel, good busl- Excellent central air-condi- ^ly room, large flagstone patio, want fast sale. Wolverton er, 643-4887. square feet, central air-con­ ness potential. Phllbrick Agen- tionlng, eat-in kitchen, 1% *29,600. Phllbrick Agency. Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. ANDOVER — Wooded building ______NORTH Coventry — SH-room sllw r gray angora kittens, 7- MAIN STREET office space, ditionings large display area heating systems and roof. Mid ADVERTISING weeks, box trained. Free. 646- cy. Realtors, 646-4200. baths, attached garage with Realtors, 646-4200. WEST MIDDLE lot, artesian well, walking dls- ANDOVER — Price reduced for Ranch, fireplace, bullt-ins, ga- 100 per cent location near plus waiitlng and conference 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. DUTCH Colonial, 9 rooms. Por­ tance to lake and school, very quick sale. Beautiful 6^4-room rage, patio, nice area near 4338. banks, air-conditioned, auto­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS rooms, large paved parking iSboM E - South Main St.. 3- S * l o t ’'centeal N a tion GARRISON Colbnlal, modem ter 'St. area. Four bedrooms, good...... residential area. Paul W, Raised Ranch. Hand split school, $(20,900. Hayes Agency,. matic fire sprinkler. Apply TURNPIKE lot, $60,000. Phllbrick Agency, family property, excellent In- sumable m o S e X T ’2^te' }“ “ =‘'en formal dining rwm. formal dining room, library, Dougan Agency, Realtors, 649- shakes, two fireplaces, 2-car 646-0131. 8 AJML to 4 :3 0 PJM. FOUR pretty, friendly kltttens, Marlow's, 867 Main St. 646-4300. vestment, central location, city bv owne^ aw aln' ^ assumable $21,000, 6 per cent 4636, 646-1021. garage. Large woodM lot. trained. See at 43 Lyndale St. uy owner, 643-9871. , two-half Ideal office and professional BOL’TON — Ranch, six rooms, 649-5160. utilities. Owner says sell. Mor­ mortgage. Phllbrick Agency, Near schools qnd Lake. Only COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT STORE, 20’x70’, '846 lilain St., u q u OR store In Manchester, baths. Four bedrooms, lot lOOx location. Comer parcel with iHANCHESTER — 2% acres, large kitchen, three bedrooms, Downtown Manchester. Avail­ INVITATION rison Agency, Realtor, 643- EIGHT-ROOM Raised Ranch, Realtors, 6464200. one year old. Financing avail­ good location. - Good income. dining room, large family 180'- $30,900 Phllbrick Agency, extra building lot. Existing beautiful wooded hide-a-way, large living room with fire­ 4:N PJt. DAT maroRE PCBUOAItOM able September 1st. Call 632- 1016. building easily converted. able. 233-3687 or 249-0667. Articlos For Solo 45 For details call Phllbrick T O BID room, recreation room, garEige, Realtors, 646-4200. ^ j MANCHESTER — Just listed. A s k i n g $10,000. Frechette place and exposed beams. Lot DeAdUne tor SatnrdAy and Monday !• 4:N 'p .m . FMday 8114. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Immaculate 8 - room Ranch, Reasonable. Realtors, 647-9903. city utilities. Assumable mort- BOWERS School HEBRON with 300’ frontage. $22,700. GOOD VISIBLE highway loca­ NOTICE Loiid For Sola 71 gage, $30,900. Hutchins Agen­ plus beautiful family’ room, BACKDROP OFNATURE Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, Cape, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, garage, large treed lot. Must TODB OOOPEBATION WHX PARTS for "1963 Falcon, 568- tion, store and office building, The Manchester Board of Ed­ cy 649-6324. Four season beauty can be 646-4200. BE APPRECIATED 4129. Invesfnwnt Property VERNON — 6 acres, 600’ front- fireplace, paneling, garage, be seen. Upper 20’s. Frechette HERITAGE HOUSE Rasoit Property DIAL 643-2711 storage sheds, large yard. ucation seeks bids for Garbage yours with a 7-room Raised ■ For Solo 70.A age on West Rd. LaPenta THREE acres beautiful, 7-room covered patio, treed lot, child- Realtoiis *647-^ For Sale 74 Ranch. Raised hearth In liv­ SCREENED loam, processed Suitable all types of business. and Rubbish Removal from the safe anchor fenced rear yard. __ ’ Agency, Realtor, 646-2440. 1966 Colonial, 2-car garage, 4 646-2482 ing room, formal dining Wontod— Rool Estota 77 Write Box AA. Manchester MANCHESTER — business public schools during the 1970- Asking $26,900. Helen D. Cole, ANXIOUS owner leaving state. COVENTRY —. Log Cabin sum­ gravel, bank run gravel, sand, bedrix>ms, aluminum siding, room, 3 bedrooms, family Continuod From Prtcoding Pog» Herald. 1971 school year. Bid opening: GLASTONBURY — 60 scenic Realtor, 643-6666. Four-bedroom, 1% baths, Colo- mer cottage, fireplace, com- ALL CASH for your property fill, stone. George H. Grlffing, blojk with 6 apartments, ex­ trees, $39,900. Hutchins Agen­ room, garage. One acre of Inc., Andover, 742-7886. cellent condition. Owner will October 6, 1970 at 3:30 P.M., acres, owner asking $70,000. nial, 2-car garage, aluminum MANCHESTER — Three-bed- pletely carpeted, enclosed within 24 hours. Avoid red OFFICE space, Mansfield Pro­ cy Realtors, 649-5324. natural beauty — privacy. tape. Instant service. Hayes fessional Park, close to UConn, Hnanee 80 per cent at 8H per D.S.T. Specifications and bid Over 1,000’ frontage. 17 min­ MANCHESTER Immaculate giving, city utilities, central, room Ranch, Ideal starter or porch, large lot, owner will Hdp Wontod Molt 36 Holp Wontod— NEED tires? 40 per cent dls- Easy commuting. Mid 30's. Agency, 646-0181. rapidly growing area. Over 2,- cent. Terrific income produc­ forms mqy be secured at the utes to Constitution Plaza. Jea- 7-room Ranch, fireplace, ga- Morrison Realtor, 643-1015. retirement home. Convenient- help finance. $9,000. Hayes Molo or Fonudo 37 coimt. Premium. First tine. dor Realty, 633-1411. rage, carpetmg In all r o o m s ,------—----- ; ■ ly located with city water and Agency, 646-0131. CaU Mr.' Lewis, 649-6806. 000 squard feet available at er. Call now, Hayes Agency, Business Office, Broad of Edu­ U&lR OUT-OF-TOWN buyer wishes to ELEJCTRICIANS — Joumey- Wide ovals. And truck tires. cation, 1146 Main Street, Man­ gorgeous yard. Asking $26,900. MANCHESTER - Beautiful 6- Basement beautifully------^------men and helpers. New work, OR woman to sell once. Clean electric heat, lots 646-0181. approximately 5 acre^ purchase 3-bedroom Colonial Coles Discount Station, 461 chester, Connecticut. The right, Better Home Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. room Cape with 8 bedrooms, carpeted. Flag------estate. Elxperlence helpful but of light. Keith Real Estate, 641’ frontage. Five-room old­ • •B & W*» with formal dining room and residential, Farmington area. West Center St., 643-6383. is reserved to reject any and all Valuesvalues NEW LISTING — Beautiful 7- formal dining room, carpeted r - - - - gtopg pgUo, permanent gas BARROWS and WALLACE Co. 1-693-4622. not essentltd. Will train right 649-1922, 646-4126. er home, half mile to Martin Out of Town first-floor family room in a bids. Manchester Parkade person. Ask for Mr. Phllbrick, f u l l SIZE pool table, very School. Owner will take siz­ $25.500-MANCHESTER asking room alumlnum-qlded Raised WoWerton '’“ *’®^“ ® 75 price range of $30,000. — $86,- MANCHESTER — Middle Douglas E. Pierce For Sole Manchester 646-5306 IMMEDIATE openings ^ 646-4200. good condition, low price. 649- able first mortgage, M. H. price on this well kept Ranch, bullt-lns, fireplace, It*® backyard. $22,900.______000. Call Paul W. Dougan Turnpike Near Parkade, mod­ Business Manager older colonial that of- wall-to-wall carpet. 1V4 baths. Agency, Realtors, 64»-aH8.___ Dougan Agency, e a s t HARTFORD —Six-room lathes and mill machinists, 6618, 648-8019. Palmer, Realtor, 643-6321. BOLTON —New 8-room cus- ______Agency, Realtors, 040-4686. tool makers. Must be capable and em office or store space for TOWN OF ers 6 large rooms In family room, swimming pool, OWNER anxious Spacious Realtors, 649-4636, 648-1021. Cape In cream puff condiUon. direct summer day camps in DARK, rich, stone free, loam, lease. Will sub-divide. (2- tom built Raised Ranch. Four « of making own set-ups and MANCHESTER perfect condiUon, 2-car 135,900. Wolverton Agency 7-room Colonial, 1% baths, N^vj/Tvllated 2-"f^ llv ^ ^ ir e e flreplaced living room, bedrooms, double garage, acre LAND — Louis Dlmock Realty perform precision work. Over­ your area. No experience five-yards, $20. Sand, gravel, months free rent for new ten­ Housas For Sole 72 detached gar^ e, walk- Realtors, 649-2813. fireplace, carpeting, garage, apartmente. Larie ""L f ants.) Call Lou Arruda, 644- ASSESSORS treed lot. $31,600. Hayes Agen- Realtors 646-0823. time, all benefits, second shift necessary. Up to $6,000. for the stone, fill, manure, pool and Ing distance to schools, central. Open for offerings. hcntlnir hvb- bedrooms. Priced right. Mit- SUBURBAN Splendor, 8-room cy 6460l;ll. ______with first shift possibilities. summer. For those who want patio sand. 648-9604. 1639, 648-6464. WOODLAND shopping and-bus. MANCHESTER is next door to financing Morrison, © 1970 lir NIA, OFFICE Contemporary Split In ex- j 26,900—HEBRON new 8-room this beautiful 4-room Ranch, Realtor 648-1016 Apply J. T. Slocomb Oo., 68 money now, attend our re g io n ------M. H. Palmer. Realtor, 643- M7-1678.______al meeting at the HoUday Inn USED galvanized angle Iron 113 E. CENTER ST. — New of­ qulsite setting on 1% acres. ’ raised ranch, cathedral has oversized garage and In ______|______Matson Hill Rd., South Glas­ ...... „ 1 „ In nrlrflh K’W 41 CENTER ST. MANOR at New London off Route 96 IW to 6” in width, 6’-20’ "Psst! How would you like to buy a copper bracelet that fices, air-conditioned, off- Only three years young, 1% celling living room with excellent condiUon. CaU on this. m a NCHES’TER — 8-room Colo- 6321. COVENTRY — Four acres with tonbury, Conn, or call 633-9486. MANCHESTER, CONN. Logoi Noticos and 32 on Friday, Sept. 26, at lengths in excellent condition, will make you rich and famous like a top pro?" street parking, ideal for pro­ OFFICIAL NOTICE baths. basement garage. In- huge stone fireplace, $19,600. Mitten Agency, Real- nlal, four bedrooms, 1% baths, MANCHESTER frontage on two roads, trees, Daytimer fessionals. Many extras. 1,100 APARTMENTS DECREE ON LIMITATION 8 p.m. or at the ^oreham Mo­ large quantity. Rockville . Inhabitants of the Town of numerable extras you must kitchen with glass doors tors, 643-6930. recreation room and two ga- CONVENIENCE PLUS running trout brook. Gravel OF CLAIMS Scrape, Route .30, Rockville, square feet, will subdivide. Homestead Street tree lined road runs through tor Hotel, 440 Asylum St., Manchester are hereby notified Manchester, Conn. see. Mitten Agency, Realtors, rages, on a rural % acre lot Handy to everything—Ideal .. . AT A COURT OF PROBATE, 872-9032. Beechler - Tanguay, 646-2212. and MANCHESTER — 6 and 6, spa- VI«K'^"pMlbrick A property. Four-bedroom home, holden at Coventiy, within and for CARPENTER’S Hartford, Saturday, Sept. 36, 8 Household Goods 51 Rooms Without Board 59 that: 643-6930 or 647-1673. appliances. 10% down two-family in excellent ‘^*^® for children. Immaculate i, . the Dlatrict of Coventry, on the Oct. 1 of each year is the as- WOODLAND MANOR offers fireplace, basement garage. 23rd day of September, A. D. 1970. p.m. Wives invited. Toung VERNON for lease, 3,000 to qualified buyer. condition. Recently modemlz- <=y. Realtors, 646-4200. Cape with city utilities, a HELPER Travelers Day Camps, Inc. ^ ROYAL Electric typewriter, SEWING MACHINE — New ses^ent date In Manchester, the ultimate in- convenient \ ■ CIRCA 1740 large authentic Co- n mnm ...... ------ExceUent value. $25,900. Can- Present, Hon. David C. Rappe, regularly $196. now $85. Royal NICE ROOM In private home, . square ft. building suitable for large detached garage on a Personal appearance only. 1969 zlg zag, unclaimed laya­ Conn., a ^ aU personal property prestige living, with schools, lonlal, 11 rooms, 7 fireplaces, " t •, ®‘*' *®*’*^® *^®®‘* ®*' tor St Goldfarb, Realtors, 643- On motion of William C. Ward, portable, $76. Remlngron add­ way, buttonholes, monograms, for working girl, free paridng. light industry, offices or any 2o baths, some of the original raised ranen, i acre tras. Asking $33,600. The Mlt- private lot. A home of Skid shop, Six-day week. must be deriared to the asses­ shopping and religious facil­ EXCITING - 8442, 876-6244. administrator; 188 Blackman Street, er, regularly $189, now $89.96. Please call 643-6609. commercial use. Centrally lo­ ities nearby. floors, laths, doors, etc. Can treed lot, aluminum sld- Agency, Realtors, 643-6930 warmth and charm. Im­ Wilkes Barrc. Pennsylvania, on the hems, etc. Now only $64. Easy sor by the owner during the ing, a stoned front, 347.1573, first shift. Royal adder, $80. Call 649-7798 cated, ample parking, good rent upstairs whUe restoring if mediate .occupancy — three estate of Mary Ward, late of Cov­ terms. 622-0931 dealer. month of October to avoid a ten cathedral celling Uving New 8-Room BOLTON LAKE entry within said district, deceased. after 6. ’ terms. Cantor & Goldfarb desired. Assumable mortgage. bedrooms—two zone heat. This Court doth decree that three PART TIME WORK FOR per cent penalty Imposed by IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY room, 2 fireplaces, tiled- MANCHESTER — New custom A steal—low 20's. Mr. Lew­ 1835 COLONIAL Blue cross, CMS, life in­ Realtors, 643-8442, 876-6244. the Connecticut State statutes. Spacious one-bedroom apart­ Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, CONTEMPORARY months be allowed and limited for Apartments— Rats— bath with vanity, work 4-bedroom, Garrison Colonial, is, 649-5306. Larke home with lake privileges the creditors of said estate to ex- surance and other fringe MEN AND WOMEN ALUMINUM sheets used as KENMORE, 4-bumer gas stove. Personal property consists of: ments, refrigerator, stove, 646-4200. in.raiu cattino- nt loro-o trAaa- hlblt their Claims against the same benefits. printing plates, .009 thick, 23x 6 years old, $60. Call 649-1649. Tenements 63 MANCHESTER , Green—Groimd ^shwasher, disposal, air-con- saver kitchen, glass aluminum siding, fireplace, In lovely setting of large trees administrator and directs that Aircraft, machinery, water pow­ anti stone walls. Good Income public notice be given of this order 36” , 26 cents each or 6 for $1 floor, 900 square feet, front dlUoning, full carpeting, elec­ ATTRACnVB tour - bedroom doors and sundeck. Only dishwasher, disposal oven and SCENIC ACRE SETTING • O Sell KNAPP SHOES for CLEAN, u i ^ refrigerators, SIX-ROOM, Mcond - floor flat, er, dams, horses, cattle, sheep, B W from vAnr ’round ciipst house by advertising In a newspaper hsv- 643-2711. portion carpeted. Second floor goats, swine, poultry commer­ tric heat. Cape with garage, acerage and 10% down. range, city water and sewer. riADwrtura ood war T Af'IT <-.n nouse ^ circulation In sold district. COLONIAL BOARD CO. Men, Women and Children, ranges, automatic washers central location, redecorated 3 adjoining offices. Will rent horse stable. Located in town. $36,600—MANCHESTER Immac- Walk to bus, shopping and BARROWS and WALLACE Co. pj„g possibility for home busl- and by posting a copy thereof on Big Commissions—Big Bon­ and modem, $170. Adults. cial furniture and fixtures, This 4-bedroom, 3-bath home Manchester Parkade ness. 9 l&nre rooms include 5 the public sign post In said Town COMPLETE bathroom set, sold with guarantees. See them at together or one or two separ­ M o^ l apartment open for Exceptional quality. Call ulate 7-room colonial schools. $3,300 down to quail- 015 Parker St. us. No eTcperience, No In­ Morrison Realtor, 643-1016. boats, farming tools, tractors, has been carefully deslg;ned Manchester 649-6306 bedrooms, large living room. as a unit or separately. Hot B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 ately. Call 649-2741, 649-6688. road machinery, farm produce, inspection Sat. and Sun. 1-6, Heritage House, 646-2482. cape. First floor pan- fled buyer. Builder 649-6524, Manchester vestment—Start today. Con­ to provide- the ultimate In ------TvrTrjr^STlPPl dining room, family room, large Certified from Record water oil furnace. Kitchen Main St. Call 648-2171. CLEAN, 3 - room apartment. ™r^TTonr,^77T _ _ mectuuiic’s tools, goods of man­ week days by appointment. eled family room with 643-0609. $24,900 - J ^ N C r a ^ R DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge Mrs. E. S. Loftus tact Anthony Gionfriddo, 126 sink, counter and cabinets. heat, hot water, appliances INDUSTRIAL space of various Starting at $176 monthly. NEW LISTING — Immaculate many bullt-lns, 2 fire- — -----^------gracious family living. Huge Ridge Road, Bristol—Tele­ sizes from 300 to 10,000 square ufacturers, traders, and mer­ open foyer, sliding glass large five-room Ranch. T t^ - , Reasimable. 648-2466, 648-8609. CHROME kitchen set In good and garage. Call after 6. 646- chants, utility equipment and Ranch with finished basement, places, huge living CENTRALLY located 6-room phone 682-2787. _ condiUon. $30. Call 643-6739 af- feet. Suitable for many pur­ garage, living room with wall- room, formal dining house. Four rooms down and doors to living and dining workshop, ’mere are 7 flre- DECREE ON UMITATION 3672. fixtures and all other taxable utilities. Assumable 4% per cent OF CLAIMS DON’T merely brighten your ter 6 p^m. poses. Glastonbury area. Call room decks. Unique “ U” places, inside shutters and oth- AT A COURT OF PROBATE, MECHANIC — fully experi- goods. to-wall plus beamed ceiling. room, carpeted through- two up. Bath up. Small lot, carpets. . .Blue Lustre them 633-7611, days. Evenings, 649- $20,600. Wolverton Agency Real­ shaped kitchen .(breakfast mortgage.e. Hutchins Agency, ..’ AnnUier acre holden at Coventry, within and for ' enced for domestic oil burners, ______KELAUNATOR electric UUUKING for anything In real Do Not Declare Real Estate out. Central air condi- minutes to Main St. Only 649-6324 a.u , *®®"'^®®’ ^ 0«>®r acre District of Coventry, on the . . .eliminate rapid resoiling. estate rental - apartments, 7287, or 746-7819. tors, 649-2813. room), family room with Realtors,, ^gQ available, ism day of September A. D. 1970. permanent position. Elxcellent OFFICE help, male or female. stove, very good condition, $60. or Registered Motor Vehicles in tionlng. Immediate oc- $19,600. T. J. Crockett, Real- Rent electric ahampooer $1. homes, multiple dwellings, no cupancy. Excellent val- tori> 643-1677. bar, etc. etc.. Mid 60’s. Call q N the Market __ West Call Suzanne Shorts, 646-3233 or Present, Hon. David C. Rappe. fringe benefits. Apply in per­ full or part-time, days or eve­ 742-7284. Manchester. MANCHESTER — Four - bed­ Paul’s Paint St Wallpaper Sup­ fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As­ Attention: You May Be Eln- Suzanne Shorts, 646-3233. J. comer lot, B-zoned. Bohnne, 668-2029. *On* motion of Nels Hammerllnd. son, W. G. Glenney Co., 336 nings. Eixcellent wages, learn Housas For Rant 65 room oversized Cape. Large ply. sociates, Inc. 643-6129. titled to an Exemption. ruuiii u v c .o .ic nnh_MAivnFrF’STFR new 10 MANCHESTER Bowers School N oi^ Main. St., Manchester. while you earn. Call M6-0680 DINING room table and 6 wooded lot. Walk to bus, ^ ’ 6-room'Cape, fireplace, car- ®‘"®" ‘'°'"®' J- WATSON BEACH CO. S ”rd; C^nneS ok®ufe eniS l SEVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch. 1, Veterans of any war pe­ Co., Realtors, 0471000. car garage. $19,000. Keith Real Hartford Office 647-1650 ^ Emma H., Hammerllnd, late of for details. DARK, rich loam for sale, chairs. $76. Hi-Fi cabinet, $6. ONE - BEDROOM Townhouse U & R school, shopping. Renovated All mahogany. 647-1263. Rec room, fireplace, two-car riod—(a) If you have filed raised ranch. 4 bed- P®“ "K’ ’ Estate, 649-1922 , 646-4126. Coventry within said dlatrict, de­ reasonable. Call 742-9477 or apartment at beautiful Pine bath and kitchen. Immediate ceased. garage. $280. per month. The your hmorable discharge REALTY CO.. JNC. rooms, family style lot. Pri®®dJo seU. This Court doth decree that three 873-4366. Ridge Village. Available Oct. occupancy.. $21,600. Meyer Situations Wonlud— REFRIGERATOR, sofa - bed, Paul W. Dougan Agency, 649- papers with the Town Clerk 99 EAST CENTER STREET wtrhAn inree Uvlne *23,600. Hayes Agency, 646- YOUR FUTURE address could MANCHESTER vicinity —Look- months be allowed and limited for PRINTING PLANT 1st. $190 per month includes MANCHESTER, CONN. Realtors, 643-0609. ' ® 0131. be 628 Wetherall St., Manches- ing for a starter home? We the creditors of said estate to ex­ SAVE BIG! Do your own rug two chairs, end table, drop 4635, 646-1021. of Manchester before Oct. 1, room, paneled rec- NEW LISTING WITH hibit their claims against the same Fomolo 3B heat, carpeting, alr-cqnditlon- ______ter. Conn., 06040. Take a ride have several priced from $14,' and upholstery cleaning with leaf table, rugs, lamps, some 1970. 648-9561 or 643-2692 o fii*onionoa 9 A w » n -.-.w icr, L^nn.. uouau. Attivts cl wuo nave several priceu livm to the executor and directs that PROOBHEADEI^-To read antiques. 2 h.p. motor, tools ing, dishwasher, range, re- goUTH Windsor — Perfect 2. Disabled Veterans— MANCHESTER — Two-famlly, hothq’ 2 car ^ earalre Pi^O^^^P^O^AL ni^. s Ranch, details and 900 to $19,600. Mitten Agency, ASSUMABLE public notice be given ot this order WILL care for chUd In my Blue Lustre. Rent electric needs work, excellent poten­ baths, by advertising In a newspaper hav- plates. Prefer eTcperience and much more. Call 643-2295 frigerator, disposal, private faonlly location. Three-bed- (a) If you have filed your w ^ e d i K e h 2,800 squwe The Paul W. Dou- Realtors. 643-6930, 647-1678. licensed home, days. Hebron- shampooer $1. Olcott Variety tial. Asking $18,900. Three- large wooded lot high ,3^1 of living space, 16x24’ Uv- ^ Agency, Realtors. 6 4 9 ------— Ing a circulation In said district, but will train. after 3:30 p.m. basement and patio. Paul W. room Split Level, Ihi baths, honorable discharge papers MORTGAGE and by posting a copy thereof on Bolton area. 646-0080. Store. family, needs work, excellent location. Ing room with fireplace, * ^0*1021 ^ MANCHESTER — Huge 4-bed- the public sign post In said Town Dougan, Agency, 649-4636, 646- fireplace, garage, recreation with the Town Clerk of Man­ Wages commensurate with ROPER gas stove, $60. Frlg;l(^ potential. Asking $21,900. $39,900-SOUTH WINDSOR ______lining, modem kltch- ______room older Colonial, 1V4 baths, of Coventry nearest the place where DAY CARE — 3-6 year old In ABOVE ground pool, 20x22’, 1021. room. $260 monthly. After 6:30 chester and ^ AND ^ Move-ln condition, 6-room the deceased last dwelt. experience, plus a liberal alre refrigerator, two years Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. choose your own decor library with fireplace, OWNERS anxious for quick garage, excellent condition, Certified from Record my licensed home, playmate, overall 24x30, with deck, lad- p.m. 644-8009, weekends any­ (b) If you have filed a cei^ SUDDENLY Cape, beautiful treed yard. DAVID C. RAPPE. Judge benefit program that In­ old, bdSt offer. Call 647-9264. NEWER two - family duplex, tlflcate of disability with the on this new 7-room tjjree large bedrooms, spacious sale. Six-year-old U & R. Co- Large lot. Asking only $28,900. Hackmatack St., 6434)124. der and new filter. Best offer. time. YOU’ RE IN HENRY ST. — Owner moving, Brand new wall-to-wall car­ cludes a non-contributory four large rooms, wall-to-wall assessors showing the per­ raised ranch, cathedral paneled family room with fire- lonlal. Five bedrooms, 3% Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. pension plan. 643-7634. renovated 7 - room Colonial, peting, central vacuum sys­ ORDER OF NOTICE le-SO WANTED to clean, dentist or carpeting in living room, SIX-ROOM Colonial. Rental centage of disability obtain­ BUSINESS ceiling living room, pjace, 3% baths, wall-to-wall baths, 2 fireplaces. Many other ------—— ------■— HAVE round table wish to sell, beautiful bright new kitchen, family style kitchen, carpeting in many rooms, extras. Price reduced to $89,- OVERSIZED 2-famlly, 8-6 Du- tem. Plaster walls. $7,000. AT A COURT OF PROBATE, doctor offices. Call after 3 GARAGE and attic_sale — Sat­ baths, full basement with agreement, $225. Wolverton ed from the Veterans Admin­ held at Manchester, within and for Add this graceful dress Apply in person or call: 2 chairs also. Call 643-0681. MAKING dining, living room, den and complete bullt-lns, 2 swimming pool, two-car 900. For deu.tis call Phllbrick plex. Newly paint^, m^®™ assumes 6(^% mortgage. the District of Manchester, on the p.m., 643-6789. urday, Sept. 26, ail day. 123 hookups. Good location. Close Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. istration. to your wardrobe for GOOD MONEY lavatory down. Three bed­ full baths, 2-car garage, garage and a 3 acre lot with a Agency. Realtors, 646-4200. baths. Only $28.9OT. Pa®®* Transfer reason for sale. 23rd day of September. 1970. Summer St. 649-0228. CRANE CHEF — stove, refrig­ to school. $190. per month. (c) If you have reached the $22,900. present. Hon. John J. Wallett, those daytime engage­ (Recession Proof) rooms up. Fine neighborhood, Convenient location. vlewf sfirrounds this lo v e ly ------Realtors, 289-7476, 646-4678. Judge. ments. No. 8293 with ALLIED PRINTING erator, sink unit, 38”3^"x28” ______Call 643-2282 or 644-8866. age of 66 and were receiving Dogs— Birds Pals 41 TAG SALE — 26 Gardner St., a disability at that time, you Immediate occupancy. Sens!- ^ , 000—SOUTH WINDSOR Im- custom built home. $60’s, Phil- SEVEN-ROOM Cape, four bed- Estate of Marlon M. Suhle, late PHOTO-GUIDE is in Sizes Out of Town We*re proud to talk about our of Manchester, In said District de­ SERVICES Saturday, all day. Antiques, electric. Ideal for apartment. VILLAGER Apartment — one- are entitled to $8,000 exemp­ bly priced at $28,900. T. J. mediate " occupancy on “ brick Agency. Realtors, 646------rooms, "2 —car garage, “ 1% 38 to 50, bust 42 to 64. AKC POODLE, small minia­ business. It’s fascin^iag. ceased. clothing, household goods; Excellent condition. Reason­ bedroom, carpeting, two air- For Rant 66 tion. If you file a o ^ y of your (Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. thisfkio 8-roomQ.twhm customnitotnm co­/>rw ___ ^ . « b&ths, wcll lanoBCSpea. Rock’ BIG-BIG-BIG M. H. PALMER, The administrator having exhibit­ Size 40, 44 bust . . . 3% 679 Middle Tpke, West ture, black, female, 8 weeks able, 649-4102. Dynamic. Appeals to thVsmall 4200. ed hlB administration account with yards of 45-inch. sports equipment. conmu^nerS’ heaL appUances, COLCHESTER — Unfurnished birth certificate with the as­ investor;. No experience neces­ lonial. Paneled first _____ ledge area. Under $30,000. REALTOR said estate to this Court for allow- ^ Manchester, Conn. old. 6^9-9462. FOUR families . . .ekcellent In­ Cape, Kelt)i Real Estate, 649-1922, Four-bedroom home with Patterns available only $185. Charles Lesperance, 646- 4-room apartment In residen­ sessor. sary. With very little money he floor family room with ATTRACTIVE 6-room ance. It la . . . 648-1101 MILES — Shop arc welder, 236 D O ^ L E bed w ^ box spring or she can achieve financial vestments. We have two of family room, 2% baths. 2- ORDERED; That the 6th day of in sizes shotun. AKC registered black miniature 7620. tial section. Half mile from 8. The BUnid— rustic stone fireplace, with attached garage and fire- 646-4126. 648-6321 October, 1970, at four o’clock and mattress, Frlgidalre re­ satisfaction — quickly or mod­ them for sale on the east Mde. car garage and gorgeous ItRD 999 !■ eelH ftr MCb poodld puppies. Bred for lov­ amp, high, medium, low shopping center. $160 monthly. Should be notified that 'proot country style kitchen, place, private wooded lot on - • - - — ------afternoon at the Probate Office In tan to iBchito flnt-cltu ■al*ig. range. Never usdd. Cost $168 frigerator. 649-4447. 3% ROOMS, heated, refrigerator erately. It*s yours to decide. Good financing. T. J. Crocket, treed lot. Low 40’s. the Municipal Building In said Man­ able disposition, housebroken. Heat and utilities Included, se­ of their disability must be Ours is a vending machine formal dining room and ygad end street. Rich Merritt Manchester chester, be and the same Is assigned Baimett, M ueheeter new, sale price, $100. Call 646- and stove supplied, $160. per filed with the Town Clerk. Realtor. 643-1677. living room. 4 large Agency 646-1180. FOREST HILLS AREA for a hearing on the allowance of BveBlwt aenaa, UM AVE. MECHANIC — Pin setting ma­ Call 649-7406. curity deposit required. 687-1698 program. The best. We sell you OF aS e b ic a s , n e w TOBK, 3663. "• month. Near hospital. Phll­ 4. Farmers— Ussery machines, establish bedrooms, 2V4 baths, ______[------—------SALE BY OWNER HERITAGE HOUSE NORTH COVENTRY — $23,600. ^mlhtatration account with chines, will train. Inquire HoU- or 742-7607. If Tt 19998* FREE — Black male kitten, 8 Musical Instrumants 53 brick Agency, Realtors, 646- Application for exemption of route locations. Provide finest aluminum siding, 2-car GREAT 2-famlly value, 6-6, Nicely designed 6-room Ranch, eald estate. “ f,®rtalnment helra Prist Name, ASdraaa arltli ZIP . day Lanes, 39 Spencer St., 646-2482 — “ , J * and order of distribution, and this CODI, ttyla Naatoar aai tin. weeks old. Half Siamese, half 4200. livestock, poultry and ma­ line of snack items. We train, WANT HORSES? garage. walk to shopping, schools and • 4-BEDROOM CXILONIAL Fireplace, paneled family Jourt directs that notice of the time Manchester. neighborhood. 649-1076. Boots and Accossorios 45 chinery must be filed with counsel, guide, hold your hand $67,000—MANCHESTER Excep- church. A lovely home and a • 1 YEAR OLD room, new ceramic tile bath, and place assigned for said h ^ ^ g The Fall & Winter ’70 REYNOLDS slide trombone, WE HAVE customers waiting RIDGEVIEW HEIGHTS until you’re firmly entrenched. . . , , . . . w s bo srlven to all persons known to Basic FASHION Book is MEAT cutter wanted, good the assessor during the month ' Look at this Immaculate tional type 11 room fine investment. The smart • - spacious tree shaded lot. Louis ^ iSterested therein to appear and AKC registered Brittany Span­ GERICH Marine Service 1083 ask for Tom, 643-9471. for ' the" rental - - of - your apart­ - No experience necessary. Just ■ Dlmock. Realty^ 649-9823. be heard thereon by publishing a 65(, includes postage and wages, good working condi­ of October each year. honesty, integrity, willingness cape with 1V4 acres of land. 6 bedrooms, spe- w^y te become a property own- . NEW WALI.TO.’WALL CAR- NEW LISTING - $M ^ iel puppies. Excellent hunting Tolland Tpke., Buckland. ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ .______copy of.„thls order In some new^ handling. tions. Apply In person to John Evlnrude Sales and service DRUM. SET, 4-pieces, A real High In the hills of Wllllng- 6. Elderly Home Owners— to listen, work and give good Large horse stable, ga­ ploua llvlnir r o o m e d er *26 000 CaU Warren E. PETING, 6 ROOMS maculate 6-room Cape. ------.------rSoHB A paper having a circulation In said stock. $76/ CaU 1-267-9801. tate Associates, Inc. 648-6129. If 66 or older and subject to' service. rage and fence. U pper 20’s. clous living room m u »zo.uoo. ^ 1 1 FAMILY ROOM / FIRE- ragd, remodeled kitchen, over- WILLIMAITIC — uiass A District, at least seven days before Quigley, First Foods, 646 Cen­ and Evlnrude snowmobile bargain. Call 742-8371 after 4 ton. New deluxe 3^ and 4% f ^ l l y room, sepa How an ,______' PLACE sized bedrooms. Pasek Real- neighborhood, three-bedroom the"day "of "said hearing,' ^ d by NORTHWOOD Apartments — certain other lift e d condi­ You need a car and at least ter St., Manchester. AKC :ered black miniature sales and service. Boating- p.m. rooms. $160, $176, $186. Util­ $600 to $1500 for minimum in­ studYt Dg C en _ SIv - room _ a t TTmj’T’KTTTW arr^Txm tors, 289-7475. r*nn#* uHth fnrmAl Hlntncr rnom. mailing on or _ One and two-bedroom apart­ tions, may qualify for a delux built-ins, 3 sets ^^f^NCaTOSTER - r^ m . ALUM N^^^Srom O Cape with formal dining room, !S?i""gy°"certlired i^all, *^a copy of female es. Six weeks old. Snowmobile accessories. ities not included. Wall-to- 1,000 vestment strictly for equip HERITAGE HOUSE bullt-ins, garage, city utilities, mis order to John A. Suhle, 69 PIANO — Shaeffer black, up­ ments, - central alr-condltlon- $ exemptiixi and tax ment and inventory. No fee or of glass sliding doors, 3 ^ TL m m___\ . • U/ll... left. $100. 649-4063. wall, sliding glass doors to freeze. Application should be living room, fireplace, three BULLEKJZER trainees needed. right with bench. Good condi­ Ing, carpeting, balcony, car­ extra of any kind required. Be 646-2482 baths, 16x32 in the Cool Style terrace or balcony. Roomy made to the Assessor’s Office C3o., Realtors, 1-423-9291, 742- Saybroo'k, Conn.; Richard J. Suhle. See Schools and classes. 7GESE — AKC, male, 8 Horista—Nursarios 49 tion. Has excellent tone. 649- ports, plus other luxury fea­ with many extras. Call Pat ambitious and willing to ex­ g;round cement pool, bedrooms, garage. Excellent • viAnAum r'entral Askine after October 1, 1970 and be­ pand. condition. Only $24,900. Hayes , NEW ALUMINUM STORM R e ^ ^ t a te ^ 071P 1646 Farmington Ave.. Apt. 6, sired by champion 2660 after 3 p.m. tures. From $226. J. D. Real Huffman, rental agent. ^ treed lot, high location. Unlonvllle. Conn., and return make CANADIAN Hemlocks — Dig fore December 1, 1970. Vending is a vigorous 4- COUNTRY Club area . . .new Agency. 646-0131. WINDOWS / SCREENS ^®®* _onl-Tol of Ra-Lyn. Call mom- Estate Associates, 643-5129. billion plus recession proof Many extras. Must be VERNON—Immaculate j o h n your own, $3 each. Call 644- GRETCH Country Gentleman 6. PubHc Act 490— nine room colonial. Four bed­ • EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT 046-4126.______8-room ^** ' J. ^ALLETT, Judge Hulp Wonfod— 'ings o r ' after 7 p.m. 649-7410. Application must be made an­ business. Cash sales. No seen. MANCHESTER — Three-bed- 1438OO. Ck)Ionial reduced to $29,900. Ef­ 1864 or 1-746-8401. guitar and Fender super re­ 636 CENTER St. —4%-room 742-6955 credit risks. Equipment works rooms, 2% baths, two car ga- FIVE bedrooms, three baths, Mala or romola 3 verb amplifier, $660. 648-2960. duplex, 1V& baths, all appli­ nually during September and for you day and night — even Lots & Acreagre room Ranch, modem kitchen ten - room custom Contempo­ ficient eat-in-kitchen, dining obdeb of notice October for preferenUid land rage. Now imder coMtrucUon. goLTON—Birch Mountain, 8- with bullt-lns, dining “ L” , fam- • Call 648-0860 __ room, paneled fireplace wall, a t a c o u R ’T o f p r o b a ’TO. ances, fully carpeted, 2 air- ______while you sleep. Quick turn­ Cholce setting, land adjoins rary Raised Ranch, 3,000 ’ held at Manchester, within and for SCHOOL drivers for station Mmo. 3he,*.nl a«d OoUl. ”*“■ “ ■> M” *"™ “ conditioners, heat, hot water, assessment on Farm, Forest over. Original investment can acres 1,000 ft. of front­ lly room, fireplace, wall-to- ^ aulre‘feet''llvlng‘“roace” ’ ta heated rec room professional- the® DiWrtct" of Manchester, on the wagons, Bolton area, 7:20 all colors, 90 cents each. Open PIANO—Tllfany upright needs and Open Space Land. be returned in short time. Town watershed property. T. age only $$16,000. wall carpeting, garage and M A N ^ S T E R - ^rat time s q u ^ leei i i v i ^ y gundeck >y landscaped. Louis Dlmock 22nd day of September, 1970. $6 each. McCurry, Bolton, 643 sound proofing, storage and b OLTON — Thrde-room winter­ 9:16 a.m. and 3:16 - 8:80 p.m. 7 days a week and evenings work, $36, Call 742-9362. All Property Owners—If you Requires only 6 to 8 hours J. Crockett, kealtor, 643-1677. BOLTON—Route 86, 26 acres, parking. On bus line, near ized cottage. Call 643-7246. Lnoy wS” K.-.y, Judge. - C'—'- , ^ 0787. till dark. PonticelU's G reen ------have change!^ your address in per week of serious attention. 326' frontage, good in­ Estate of Anna Augusta Johnson, 649-8400. shopping. $196 per month. Like getting retirement pay, LAKEWOOD Circle — Unusual the past year, you should not­ ” *"1; X ’.’ ’ im’ m ) n U M c k *^'**"r and sun 26x2B' p eeled family w m . vERNON late of Manchester, in said District bouse and Nursery, 483 No. Phone Charles Pontlcelli, 649------annuity or pension — only Ranch with fireplace living vestment property $28,- Main St., Manchester. AUBERT clarinet, case, good ify the assessor’s office any mortgage. *2®’®°°’ room down. $18,600. Wolverton two fireplaces, 3-zone heat. CAN YOU TOP THIS? deceased. better! room, formal dining room, 000. Agency, Realtors. 646-4200. Aeenev Realtors. 649-2813. many extras. 60’s. Owner- The administrator c.t.a. having ex­ ______1______condlUon, $69. Call -649-6840. week day between 8:80 a.m. If you^re serious, sincere, 76 Over 1500 ft. of living area hibited hts administration account 5------Wantod To Rant 68 den, laundry room, three bed- BOLTON—Appro^mately ------® builder, 649-6973. with said estate to this Court for m a l e fem a le SIX ROOMS and garage. Secu------and 4:80 p.m. let’s talk.^ Letter preferred, acres. Ideal for subdl- CENTRAL location . . .six gEVEN-ROOM Raised on a big, treed lot for only BLUE spruce all sizes. Call 648- giving name, address, phone rooms and garage. Large Ranch allowance. It is . , rity deposit, nS) pete. $136 FAMILY of 6 looking for a 6 or P. Joseph Murphy, wooded lot assures privacy vision or investment. bedroom single In good resl- with 2-car garage, large kitch- NEW LISTING—$14,600, 7-room $23,900. We think not. Sit­ ORDERED: That the 20th day of 7686, after 6. OfRca and Stora Assessor number, and sufficient refer­ October. 1970. at ten o'clock • FINISHING MACHINE OPERATOR monthly. Call 643-8418. 6 room apartment with ,heat. ences to verify. and lovely view of Country $76,000. dential area. ,2% baths, fire­ en with built-ins, 3 bedrooms, Cape, 1V4 baths, Immediate uated just minutes from forenoon at the Probate Office In Call 648- Uated at Manchester Sept. 28, Equipmant 54 will pay up to $160. Club and reservoir. Reduced to place . . .a home loaded with dining room, huge family -occupancy. Pasek Realtors, Manchester or the highway the Municipal Building in said Man­ • WEAVERS ONE-BEDROOM at Sunny 1970. chester, be and the same Ls assigned 0746. Write to: $28,900. For Immediate sale. posBlbtUties. Lot Is 90 X 160. room, 2 full baths, 100x186 lot. MLS, 289-7476, 742-8243. to Hartford. This home of­ • LOOMFIXERS Fiial and Food 49-A COOLED candy display case, Brook Village, Oct. 1st. occu- U&l-R for a hearing on the allowance of • • Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9382. Owner will consider taking fers, many, many conven­ said administration account 4’x4’x26” , original value $990. peincy. $166 per month In- WANTED four-room first-floor REALTY CO., INC. your preTem KUUWOOD F a ^ i n T ^ f ^ e iences. Call Mr. Bogdan to­ said estate, ascertainment of dis­ • INSPECTOR FIREPLACE wood for sale, $20 Will sell, take with you for $76. U l ( '.?vrri/ hjflustrics, Inc., tributees and order of distribution, per cord, delivered, Rockville eludes, heat, air-conditioning, apartment with garage or CAMBRIDGE St. — Six-room 99 East Center St. Soon vacant. T. J. Crockett. Realtors, 649- ______owner, 6-room Ranch. Call day for an appolntiftent. and this Court dll^cts that notice • MATERIAL HANDLERS Call 643-1581, display manager. U95 Empire Cehiral, Dr/ir.TLTSA area. 876-6676. and appliances. Paul W. Dou- parking, by ^' mature woman, home, well maintained. Estab­ Manchester Realtor, 643-1677. MAN<3HESTERIvlANOHJCjaSiC^K — 2Z family,XalUlija 6-60 * 0 643-7234 IAaf* for details. \VI of the time and place assigned for gan Agency, 649-4635, 646-1021. Call 649-1163. ^ OallaK,rv.\aK 75247 said hearing’Ing be givengiv< to* all persons - - - Company paid benefits including profit sharing. Read Herald Ads lished shaded yard. Rugs and Robert D. Murdock, Realtor with- 2 car garage^ nice floor pTjADXfTNG five-room quality ® ® vy O O ..known...... to..3 be __ ------Interested therein— to appliances. Garage. Conven- 643-2692, 643-6472 Apply; 2V4-ROOM apartment, utilities BUSINESS woman looking for p l^ including 2 b e d r ^ ® . ®x- ^ ^ ^ g p a c i o u s rooms, ga- b ARROWS and WALLACE Co. "c^py'‘%rthis‘'TrdSr 'Z Goirdan— Fonn— Antiquas 56 Manchestei* publlshlns - —„ — — - , ^ furnished. Call after 6 p.m., 4 or 3-room apartment. Rea- lent to shopping, schools and cellent condition. A good buy. rage. Excellent condition, ex­ Manchester. Parkade some newspaper having a circular Dairy Products 50 'bus line. Owner - Broker, 649' Wolverton Agency, Realtors, tlon In said District, al least seven ANTIQUE wrought iron fence 643-0678. sonable rent. Call 646-3880. cellent location. Owner, 648- Manchester 649-5306 days before the day of said hearing, CHENEY BROTHERS, INC CONCORD grapes, pick your railings, 8 ten foot sections. 9644, 872-4732. ’gS^ge."^orm^ OPEN FOR INSPECTION 649-2818 1669. and by malting on or before Septem- FIVE-room apartment. Inquire — VERNON — Modem 6-room Co- her 25, -- 1970, - ‘ by Y certifiedcertllled mall, a 31 COOPER HILL ST. own, bring own container. 270 Call 1-423-7287 after 6 p.m. -83 Birch St., after 7 p.m. SOUTH FARMS development— dining room, fireplace UNDER $21,000, six-room Cape, lonlal. Three bedrooms, two- of thla “to ’Lloyd *— C. Ny- MANCHESTER, CONN. Hackmatack St., rear, Man­ Businoss Proparty Manchester SUNDAY, 2-5 p.m. 14 Bar ingtoion St., Weslberry. Adults preferred. New homes with city utilities, floor family room, one full, 2 three or four b^rooms, large king sized, sewing room, spa- do,ng Island ...... ____ 1 1 ^ : and . by , malting chester. For Solo 70 Prices start at $31,900. Rich half baths, central air, loads yard, Ideal for children. 5% NO'nCE clous living room with fire- a like co^py .by rekUteredIstered air maU Wantod— ^To Buy 58 Directions: Bast Middle . , , to Roy E^'NyauUt, P. O. Box BB, AVAILABLE (^tober 1st, four h b STAURANT business show­ Merritt Agency, 646-1180. of closet space. Many more ex- per cent assumable mortgage. Of The Tax Collector 'Mirn ^ PICK your own peppers. 224 ® * ^ ______tras. A must see home offered Turnpike to Vernon, right place, form al dliung room , Agna. Guam 9M10, and return make HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques large rooms. Range, refrigera­ ing excellent net profit in high- R. T. Dolln Agency, 247-8780 EIGHTH UTILITIES HllUtown Rd., Manchester, UNUSUAL home, actually two for $29,900 by the Paul W. on Hilltop, left on Agnes. wall-to-wall carpeting. 1^4 “ j. vvalLETT. Judge brick-a-brac, locks, frames, tor, dishwasher, air-condition­ traffic count location. Es­ or 643-2861. DISTRICT baths, large lot with a view. .({r^^^vld KeUb, Atty.' ______bring your own containers. glassware. We buy estates. ing, garbage disposal, heat, SOUTH FARMS homes, one with 8 rooms and Dougan Agency, Realtors, 649- Signs on property. Only WANTED tablished over 20 years. Price All persons Uable by law to Assumable mortgage. $25,900. wall-to-wall carpeting. $190. one witH 6 rooms, both expand- 4636, 646-1021. $29,900. Move right In, fa ih -/ NINE-ROOM colonial, 6 bed­ TURNIPS, yellow globe and Village Peddler, Auctioneer, includes all the real estate, pay taxes In the Eighth Utilities phllbrick Agency, Realtors, obdeb of notice Lab monthly.^ 643-1070. lly Split Level. Very ntpe' rooms. paneled family room, P®y ‘ “ ®« *" ------t-mionc, EXPERIENCED puriAe tops, $1.28 half bushel. 420 Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. restaurant fully equipped, plus ter I d ^ l s IMMEDIATE Uccupancy — 8- condition. 3 bedrooms, 2 full hatha double ea- Dlatrict o f Manchester are here- 646-4200. AT A COURT OF PROBATE, Open Sunday 2-S scaped acre. Call ter ,|^18^ bedroom oversized Cape, rec­ built-lns, 2% baths, double ga- - October 1 held at Manchester, within and for WANTED - Antique fu n u W , ^ . G R e n ^ AMOciates - Ab a house. $65,000. Owner will baths, living, dining room, rage, large treed lot. Hutchins by notified teat on October 1. the district o f ' Manchester, on the OPERATOR Asking $64,900. Technician land St. ^ N^ar Mancheater, glass, pewter, on paintings or tentibn tailaloraa, complete take back mortgage. PhUbriek reation room, wall-to-wall car­ kitchen first level. FuHy -VA hcv RuRitan. 649-8324 WO, I wlU have a rate bill tor 23rd day of September. A. D, 1170. Eaat Hu^ord town line. Agency, Realtors, 648-4200. ^ e n c y . Realtors, 649-8824. collection of two and one INVITATION Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. Capable of taking over other antique Items. Any quan- rental services available con* Agency, Realtors, 648-4200. Oriwr Timas By Appoiritmant peting, garage, central. All of­ finished recreation room and Judge. 54641 fers considered. Morrison, bar. Many extra cabinets, MANCHESTER — Three-bed- half mills on the list of 1969 due Estate of Jane B. Wilcox, late of Socond Shift established foUowing. tity. -me Harrison's, 643-8709, steting of rentals, coU ecti^ , MANCHESTER suburbs, busi- 6% -ROOM Ranch, breezeway, Mancheater In said district, de­ Realtor, 643-1016. office area, garage. Just room Ranch. Large rooms, to the collector October 1, 1970 T O BID 166 Oakland Street and minor repairs. Call 876- ness location' 6H-room Ranch, Quality built homes in a double “ A” suburban garage, baths, fireplace, ceased. A pretty mesh vest is I Good opportunity tor high I Fortillzars 50-A 0006. setting with all city utilities and conveniences. right, well landscaped lot. fireplace, full basement, car- Taxes will be accepted at 32 Notice Is hereby given that upon application of Mary E. War- p'ui'ckfv croch eted ' in I school graduate who I MARGUERITE'S Ihi baths, excellent condition, king sized CAPE - 6 room plus 1% baths port, spacious lot. Exceflent Main Street, In tee Firehouse, the Eighth Utilities District will white or favorite color ELECTRIC trains for 3-rall Choose from : Ranches, Capes, Raised.Ranches, rooniT air-conditioning, view. Congenial neighborhood. o<r,i,r fiiot t*> Certain real estate particular- wants to learn plastics | SALE — Good clean cow track, any age, any condition. country stor^ ^ out buildings. Jalousied sunporch, detached location. Mid 20’s. 4H per cent office hours are accept bids to supply fuel oil jy described in said appil^tlon on to delight the young b e a u t y s a l o n Colonials with many different variations. $29,900. Hutchins Agency, 649- garage with large utility shed. business from ground up I lanure delivered. $6 and $12 Lionel, Ives, etc. Please have 260’ frontagi: Hayes Agency, assumable mortgage. Monthly SEPT. —-NOV. 2nd for the firehouse at Hilliard and file, it is miss! No. 5464 has cro­ in a small manufacturing | Furnished 8324. ______Westelde, $24,900. Owner, 643- g a l e r e a l t y CO. Rockville 876-5674 /loads. 648-7804, 649-8781. your price ready 649-7603. 6464)181, payments $135. Owner^-. 643- Monday-Friday Main Sts., and the sanitary sew- i^iato^ind d e U m ^ chet directions for Sizes plant. Math and mechani­ Come see our models or plans and choose the 4-12 inclusive. Apartments 63-A EIGHT-ROOM Colonial. ■- like 6649. REALTORS 0852. 10 ;00 A.M.-l ;00 P.M. er plant. The bidders must have at the Probate office In Mancheater cal aptitudes required. Ex­ home that fills your family needs. SENO sot Is cslsi tor sset pst- cellent fringe benefits. new, tastefully decorated. 2:00 P.M.-4;80 P.M. their own service department &tobl^r, ^A*'D®‘ m o,‘it ten o’c^o^' tsre to iscIsSs flnt.clau snlRsf. Household Goods 51 Rooms Without Board 59 ATTRACnVE 3-room, fumteh- Wall-to-wall Mrpetlng. g ^ j ^ m s fo^ MLS. 289-7939, 289-1923 MANCHESTER - U A R. 7- SATURDAY — OCT. 31st and tee prices quoted are to be in the forenoon, and that notice be DRIVER- ______ed, heated apartment. Large presidential As m Qsbet. BEaaehestor ina in kitchen. 14x24’ living room deluxe Colonial. 2% 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. dellvereaHpltvei-efl pricesnrtppa in f^anchestcrwiancnesier, Ktven estate to all of persona the pendency Interested of said to I For appointment call WAREHOUSEMAI APARTMENT size refrigerator, furnished room for closets. Private entrances, room with fireplace, large ™®* ^ ______baths, double garage. Ex- like new, $76. Gas range, $30. Vil l a g e PRICES START AT NOV. 3 — MAY 1, 1971 Conn.' application and the time and place A*s* igggg* male only, park ig, $16. week- Adults. No pete. References. ♦31.900. screened porch and patio. Penta Agency, Realtor, oao- jjanCHESTER — A spacious elusive rttecuUve nelghbor- ThP hida will be accented at “ hearing thereon, by pubUshtog a , LORRAINE MURPHY For wholesale mlllworVcom- Metal wall hung kitchen cabi­ Tuesday afid Thursday Prist Ksas, AdSrsts wtn ZIP ly. Call 644-012 rafter 6. 643-4860. Flrst-floor family room, four 2440.______i lawn surrounds this four-bed- hood. Selling below replace- 643-6162 pany. 6-day week, paM hoU- nets. Alumlniun combination a p a r t m e n t s 11:00 A.M.-l :00 P.M. thflfrehL.. 3! Main s’. SR,"Lim T ’Sr.ffi.STVffiS “ “ “ DlKctions: Main St. to South Main — left on Spring St. bedrooms. Well planned cloa- ^ ^ M r y p n e Price reduc- room Cape In a neighborhood ment cost. Hayes Agency, 646- days and vacatUxte, plus storm doors, 32x80 and 36x80. THE THOMPSON House — Cot- THREE rooms, shower, all utll- or Fern, both run into Dartmouth Rd. So. Farma is off ete and storage areas. Phil Ideal for your children. Asking . oi3l. many other beneflta/Call Mr. Reasonable. 643-2465, 643-8609. tage St., centrally located, Iti'es included. Just finished re; Now renting, one and two Dartmouth Rd. across from the Richard Martin School. ed on this quality 9-foom, five- . 1970 win be charged Interest at Monday. October 6th, 1970. if they see cause at said time and uostajre and handlini? brick Agency, , Realtors. 646- - - o f ------ROQERS GORP. Siidtii between 9 a.m. • 8 large pleasantly furnished decorating. No children or bedroom apartments. Carpet­ bedroom, two-year-old Gar $24,900. Mortgage balance j,ew Ustlng . the rate of 9 per cent (?_%) The Board reserves the right Slf^by^^tog Tl/bete^^^ »HE PIECE au.lTl... |Ss« jieS- p.m., 289-1691. SINGER touch and "sew with rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 pets. Older employed person, ing, 2 air-conditioners, 1 % 4200. rison Colonial. Kitchen with $14,600 is assumable___ ^ j6,200 assumes 6 per cent year from October 1, 1970 until (q reject any or all bids ber 25. 1970. by certified mall, a J l MIU and Oakland St. •»binet. Monograms, hems, baths. bullt-lns. family room with monthly payments of $129 In­ for overnight and permanent parking. 272 Main St. Call Frances K. MERRITT AGENCY $26,500 6V4-ROOM Raised Ranch. m ortga^ 5V4-room ’ Ranch, paid. J. A. Volz, Clerk «»py of teto !!iU!'in.todirjsiton S i tol! SEABOARD embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ fireplace, 2% baths, 2 garages cluding principle. Interest and Mary P. Larala, Eighth Utilities District ‘® dllni. Manchester, Conn. PLYWOOD * LUMBER guest rates.' Wagner, Rental Wall-wall carpet, 1% baths, taxes. The Paul W. Dougan ExceUent condition. Private lent condition. Guaranteed. AVAILABLE now — Spacious Manager, 646-2828 paneled recreation room, fire­ and aluminum siding. Now yard, rec room, $23,600. Collector Dated at M anchester, Cjonn., this JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge I An equal oKrartonlty em­ OORP. Agency, Realtors, 649-4636, 646- Full price now $56 or 7 month­ ROOM for ladies only, kitchen 3H-room apartment. Oak or 648-lOU. 646-1180 place. garage. acre lot. asking $41,600. Phllbrick Agen­ Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Manchester, Conn. 22nd day of Septem ber, 1970. °®' ChAflo® N. Crockett, Atty. J Pleasant VaUey Rd. ployer. ly payments of $8. 522-0476.' privileges, laundry facilities. Lodge. Adults, no pete. Securi­ cy, Realtors, 646-4200. 1021. South Windsor Hutchins Agency, 649-6324. dealer. 649-6129. ty. $160 monthly. 643-9171. .. I

. SAITHIDAV, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 PAGE EIGHTEEN Hanfli’wtpr Ewntng !?fralii. About Town College Exhibit Junior Horse Show Fire Calls Registrations’ are being ac­ To Show Works cepted for a new arts and The Baby Ha^ Town firemen responded to crafts class and’ two openings By Avon Artist two calls yestci-day. in a play group in the Oonn- Slated Tomorrow •A one-man. free, public ex­ The Manchester Junior Horse Show will be held to- A fire in a cellar at l f i munlty Enrichment Courses at -117 hibition- of oil paintings and niorrowr rain or shine, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the fu­ West St., called in at 7:50 last Temple Beth Sholom. The arts B een N am ed ture site of the Manchester Community College on Weth- night, was put out without ditfi^ and crafts class will be taught drawings by John Ellis of Avon culty. by Mrs. Diane Garfinkel and is will open on Friday Oct. erell St., for Grades 1-3 on Tuesdays • The show, sponsored by the A car fire at 10 RusevcU St., 2 at the Stairwell Gallery of the Nor.tli Chiircli called in at 12:01 a.m. this from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. The play Hlllstown Leather Pounders of group, formed from an over­ Manchester Community College, morning, resulted in moderate Blatt, Amanda Joan, daughter of James and Joan Duell ' the 4-H, will benefit the In­ Classes Be"in flow of otoer groups, is for ages Hartford Rd. building. damage to the vehicle. Blatt, RPD 4, BOX 64, Alice Dr., Coventry. She was born Sept. structors of the Handicapped. 3 and 4, wlU meet Mondays “ Nature, and especially nature There will be a donation at the Church School Classes;will be­ Eighth District firemen re- 13 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. gin tomorrow at North United from 9:30 to 11 a.m., and be by the sea, continues to be John « * * x gate for spectators over 12 years ;:poiided to a call at 12:37 yes­ taught by Mrs. Barbara Stol- Ellis’’ source of inspiration for Methodist Church at 9 and 10 :30 terday afbemoon in Hickey’s GrOmnio, Eric Arthur, son of Francis and Nancy Bar­ of age. zer and Mrs.’ Dorothy Sheklin. his visual creativity,” comment­ a.m. Parents m,ay register their woods near Union Pond where ney Gremmo, 811 E. Middle Tpke., Manchester. He was bom The program will include Further information may be ed Robert Manning, MC3C fine children after each of tomor­ an abandoned car was on fire. Sept. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. IBs maternal eight championship events. obtained from Mrs. Donald arts department chairman and They are English Division; row’s services. It was quickly extinguished. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barney, Bristol. His pa­ Teachers and staff members Spiel, 16 Woodstock Dr. gallery director. “ Although his Hunter Division; Pony Divi­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Felix Gremmo, 845 E. have completed training ses­ landscapes are representational sion; Jumper Division, Senior Middle Tpke., Manchester. He has two sisters, Julie, 8. and , sions, along with other Methodist Perennial Planters Garden in the sense that the object and Western; Junior Western and Karin, 5. Church teachers, at the Burn­ Rec Accepting Club will have its first meeting vistas depicted are easily rec­ Gymkhana; and a special 4-H of the season Monday at 8 p.m. Guest Minister ognizable, his work is not a f'itting !md Showing Division side United Methodist Church, Palmer, Nycole Marie, daughter of Bradford and Jean East Hartford. Registrations at the home of Mrs. York photographic reproducing of na­ the Mayor's Pleasure Class with The Rev. Arnold F. We.stwood ture. He filters and rearranges Patruski Palmer, 100 Windsor St., Manchester. She w m bom Mrs.' Nicholas LaPenta and Strangfeld, 158 Greenwood Dr. Sept. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal he Mayor’s Pleasure Class with , , ^ u , For Program Co-hostesses are Mrs. Harold of West Cummlngton, Mass., nature into a personal visual aesthetic statement." grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. August Patruski, Springfield, Lavanway and Mrs. Ralph will be the guest minister to­ Mass. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs.-Edwin Palmer, 640 R^istrations are bglhg Shaw. Plans will be discussed Several of the works to be dis­ y ayor gos Flaherty is in charge of supplies morrow at 10:30 a.m. at the Parker St., Manchester. Free parking will be avail- materials. Audio-visual cdu- cepted at the Recreation Do­ for the club’s annual Garden played were completed during » * •' » *1 able. Pony rides as well ns pony Unitarian Universallst Society cation is under the direction of partment office, 110 Cddar st., Boutique on Oct. 23 and 24 'at the summer on Prince Edward Atwell, Jennifer, daughter of Douglas and Marilyn Mc­ cart rides will be offered Mott's Community Hail. Arthur Randall. for five programs that will of Manchester. His topic is “ Up Island and Cape Cod. They will Kinley Atwell, 9 Columbus St., Manchester. She was bom Sept. throughout the day. and refresh­ Classes imd their teachers at ----- the Down Institution.” remain on display through Oct. ments will be available, start during the week of Oct. 5. 16 at Mtinchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ the 9 a.m. sessions are: Grade Friendship Circle of the Salva- Tlie Rev. Mr. Westwood will 27. The gallery is open to the ents are Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McKinley, Framli^[ham, Mass. On Mondays, at Manchester tlon Army will have a work pro-, also be guest speaker at the public, Monday through Friday, John Michalak of Hackma­ 3. Mrs. Philip Angell; Gr.ade 4, Her paternal grandpaaren^s are Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth Atwell, gram at its meeting Monday at' tack St. will be the show an­ Wayne Steely; Grade 5. Robert High School, a senior lifesaving Oct. 4 meeting of the society. from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Framington. She has a brotljer, James, 2. 7:45 p.m. at the church. Co­ He was minister of the Unitari­ Ellis holds a, BFA degree nouncer. Ringmasters are John Meek; Grade 6, Mrs. Gtonn Law; class will be held from 6:30 to -*i »i\» •. • Garaventa of Manchester in the Grade 7. Mrs. Earle Custer and hostesses are 'Mrs. William an Church in Westport from from the Hartford Art School, a 8:30 p.m. Women’s sllmnastics Hull, Heidi May, daughter of Barry and Alma Proven- Western ring and Jayne Vullo of David Gorke. Spatig and Mrs. Doris Howard. 1958 to 1966. After leaving West- BS from Central Connecticut Glastonbury in the English ring. At 10:30: Kindergarten will medt from 7:30 to 8:30 port, he became senior' minister State College, and an M.Ed cher Hull, 33 Brooklyn St., Vernon. She was bom Sept. 14 at Capt. Joseph McCooe of the for 3 and 4 year olds, Mrs. Ern- p.m., with a women’s swim The executive committee of of the fihst Unitarian Church of from the University of Hartford. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Manchester Fire Department est Hints .and Miss Vicky Glass; period until 9:30. the Ladies Guild of the Assump­ Cleveland, Ohio in Shaker He teaches at Hartford Public Mrs. Ruth Provencher, 83 Union St., Rockville. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hull, 70 Tankeroosen Rd., has arranged for a -first aid kindergarten for 5 year olds, On Wednesdays, also at MHS, tion will meet Monday at 8:15 Heights. He recently left that High School, c e s e , and the WesS p.m. at the Assumption School Hartford Art Leaguje. He has Vernon. " tent which he will man along Mrs. Keith Hazzard and Miss a family swim period is sched­ church and he and his family *. *. >*| *1 »r with Peter Beckwith, Colin Fox, Deborah Dow; Grade 1, Mrs. uled for 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. On library. moved to West Cummlngton. served as vice president of the Braga, Kyle Michael, son of Kenneth and Kathleen George Borque and Paul Qwor- William Dow and Miss Cynthia the same evening, the 7 to 9 Connecticut Water Color Soc­ dek. Sterling; Grade 2, Mrs. Jack period will be filled by men’s George Frost of 187 Wells St. iety and is currently secretary- Valclulis Braga, Hopkins Rd., Elllngiton. He was bom Sept. 10 Stroup and Miss Susan Sterling; baskdtball and swim has been appointed 1971 March treasurer of the Connecticut at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Nursery, Mrs. James Glass and of Dimes treasurer lor Manches­ Duplicate Bridge Academy of Fine Arts. Mr. and Mrs. John Valclulis, Ellington. His paternal grand­ The following are the sched­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Braga, Rehoboth, Mass. Miss Nancy Turgeon. ules for youth swim lessons, all ter. The evening* will open at 8 Party Tonight p.m. in the cafeteria with a He has two sisters, Kerry and Kristen. Grades 8 and 9 comprise the to be held at the East Side Rec: Re.sults last night in a dupli­ Navy PO 3C Gerald J. Davis showing of the 1924 “ camp” • Confirmation Class and will cate bridge game at the Ital­ For Ned Coll Girls: Beginners, 6 p.m. of 37 Mills St., is serving with classic film, “ Lighthouse By the meet Tuesday evenings under ian-American Club are: North- Williams, Dawn Patricia, daughter of Thomas Jr. and neoDle are exDCCted ‘he leadership of the Rev. Earle T^esdy and Wediwsday; inter- the U.S. Naval Air Facility Sea,” .starring the original Rin About 100 South, Richard Pasternak and Patricia Day Williams, RFD 1, (joose Lane, Tolland. She was people are expected ^ DMtor mediate, .7 p.m. Tuesday; ad- Naha, Okinawa. Tin Tin. A reception will be held Robert Whitesell, first; Mitchell bom Sept. 11 at Rock’vllle General Hospital. Her maternal tonight at ar cocktail party in vtmeed 7 p.m. Wednesday; ju- at 9 p.m. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Day, Somerville, N.J. Manchester for Edward" (Ned) tti ______» nior lifesaving, 1 p.m. Satur- Miss Iveta Mitrevics, daughter Bala and Louis Darti, second; ior Hi Forum, will also meet James Baker and Sidney Wyde, Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wil­ Coll of Hartford; independent Tuesday evenings .with Mlrs. day. of Mr. and Mrs. Ansis Mitrevics liams, Baltimore, Md. She has a brother, Thomas HI, 3. Boys: Beginners, 6 p.m. third. candidate for First District con­ Arnold Newman and Jack of 33 Richard Rd., Manchester »i *1 *■ »i » Thursday and 10 a.m. Satur­ Also, East-West, Mr. and Mrs. Class Planned gressman. Stroup. / is now enrolled at Pine Manor Jolly, Sheila Marie, daughter of Cpl. Kenneth and-Althea day; intermediate, 7 p.m. Donald Weeks, first; William , The party is at 9 p.-m. at 91 Junior College, Chestnut Hill, Dancosse Jolly, 18F Progress Ave. Rockville. She was bom Thursday; advanced, 10:30 Gordon and Dana Jewett, sec­ In First Aid Mass. Sept. 12 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grand­ Mountain Rd., the home of Mr. Bliies Return / a.m. Saturday; junior lifesav­ ond; Donald Lewis and Myles !Uid Mrs. Alvin Hirschfeld. PHILADELPHIA (AP) ^ The The Manchester Red Cross parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Bilow, 21' Hale St., Rock’ville; ing, noon Saturday. Betsy Houle, daughter of Mr. Walsh, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ Coll, who is director of the Philadelphia Zoo is no longer announces the scheduling of a and Mr. and MrS. Wilfred Dancos|e, Rt. 31, Coventry .Her pa­ and Mrs. Raymond P. Houle of seph Marcello, tied for third. Hartford-based Revitalization singing a blue tune - that Is Mrs. M^s. Charlotte Murphy will Standard First Aid training pro­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Jolly, 414 Tal- Bunker Hill, Andover, has been The game, sponsored by the since it got a Rhapsody of Blue instruct a 10-lesson craft pro- gram to begin on Wednesday, cottville Rd., Vernon. She haa a brother, (^irlstopher, B. Corps, has recovered from an elected "president of Beta Sigma Manchester Bridge Club, is attack of heat exhaustion suffer­ croakers. that will meet Thursday Sept. 30. Classes will be held p *1 * * 8, from Sorority at Defiance (Ohio) Col­ played each Friday at -8 p.m. ed Tuesday night. He had col­ Not since last November when evening^, starting Oct weekly in the Red Cross Office, Treadwell, Matthew Maf»uley, son nf the Rev. Sherwood School. The lege. at the club, 135 Eldrldge St. lapsed on Scarborough St., Hart­ two boys kidnaped the ^oo’s 7 to 9 at Wadddll Play is open to the public. 237 E. Center St., beginning at and Nancy Macauley Treadwell, Indianapolis, Ind. He was bom rare blue frog — named “ Blue class will be limited to 20 per­ ford, and was admitted to St. The executive board of Man­ Results in a duplicate bridge 7 p.m. and will run for two Sept. 17 at Community Hospital, Indianapolis. His maternal Moon” — to Stratford, N.J., sons on a first come, first grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Macauley, 28 Andor Francis Hospital. He was re­ chester Auxiliary, Child and game held Wedne.sday at the hours each night for six weeks. where it died, has’ the zoo had a sei-ved basis. No telephone reg- Oolin Fox will be the instruc­ Rd., Manchester. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. leased Thursday and reports Family Services of Connecticut, Community Y are Mrs. Mary blue frog. Now it has five. istrations will be accepted. tor. Cecil Treadwell, 411 Center St., Manchester. His maternal that he is in good health. will meet Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Wilhlde and Mrs. , Jackie Ko- Points covered in the Stan­ great-grandmother is Mrs. H. Ross Lewis, .28 Andor Rd., Man­ at the office, 110 Main St. vacs, first; and Mrs. Sue Fe­ lice and Mrs. Judith Pyka, sec­ dard First Aid course include chester. He has three brothers, Stephen, 12, Timothy, 7, and dressings and bandaging, James, 4; and a sister, Judith, 10. Francis B. Gummere Jr., ond. artificial respiration, treatment »i »i *1 « * I Lake Forest College admissions The game is played each FOR of shock £ind burns, bleeding, Difronzo, Justlna Marie, daughter of John Jr. and Jac­ PARKADE director, will be at Manchester Wednesday from 9 to 11:30 a.m.- poisoning, broken bones, and queline Little Difronzo, 83 Rachel Rd., Apt. J, Manchester. She High School Tuesday to ac­ at the Community Y. New PRESCRIPnONSI players are welcome. Those other common injuries was born Sept. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her ma­ III quaint prospective students and ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James E. (Little, Hart­ their parents with the curricu- wishing more information may Anyone interested in register- contact Mrs. Arthur Pyka, 99 ing for this course can do so by ford, Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Can- lum offered by the co-education- 1 White St., or the Community Y contacting the Manchester Red zanella, Newington. She has two brothers, Jeffrey, 6, and John­ al liberal arts college in Lake office. ■ Cross office. ny, 7; and a slater, Jennifer, 4. ALL DAY Fbrest, 111. Save You Money The 'Confirmation Class of W e SUNDAY I South United Methodist Ctiiuxdi wlU meet Monday In the youth I lounge at 2:46 p.m. for Bennett CUP THESE COUPONS TIME TO FILL W YOUR Junior High students and at 4 AND SAVE p.m. for all other students. FOR SUNDAY ONLY MEDICINE CHEST The Rev. Walter H. Loomis, 1 pastor of “ Community Baptist I Church, will conduct a service at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Green Lodge. (He will be assisted by HAI K A ^ T E _ MYADEC THERAGRAN L. Fred Bunch. Itaeraputio \ i A F T E R F orm u la Theraputic Formula SHAVE EBgh High Potenoy Drive Donations P oten cy 1 / ixmoN U s t IJSB Reach $2,489 P lea sa n t Save 3.80 L ist 7.46 w ith '1 T H f R A G R A N Receipts from the 1970 Man- and ' 30 F R B E HAMby racK I Chester Mental Health FYind Refreshing ov er k r ™ “ • Drive total $2,489 to date, it was 4-M o. tSS reported today by Atty. W. Da­ 1.60 Supply vid Keith, town chairman. This 5*3.99 represents 88 per cent of the n * ^3.9999 ^ established, goal of $8,000. Last TO LEND A HAND KL I year Manchester Mental Health m Fund receipts totaled $2,646. Keith expressed his apprecia- during COUPON I tion to all realdents who contributed to the fight against n o b t h u r m ChiMreii's mental Illness, and urged those HUMID DPIEK SINUTABS I volunteera who were unable to ROMILAR carry out their assignments last COLD STEAM spring to do so now. r GOUOH 38's. VAPORIZER SY R U P C lears m F ru it Pfailippuif^ Name Memorial _ size F la v ored Sinuses New Envoy to U.S. op erates Non- i Stops Drip MANILA (AP) — The PhlUp- 10 -12 hours N a rcotic 3-oz. size List 2 J » plnes Foreign Office announced Hospital s Keg. 9.06 today that London Ambassador B e g . 1.09 Narclso G. Reyes has been «i:49 named the Philippines perma­ •6.99 67^ nent representative to the Unit­ ed Nations. He replaces Ambassador Sal­ vador P. Lopez, who resigned in COUPON 1969 to become president of the University of the Philippines. OLD SPICE C I6 A R S TYLENOL flhd new ambassador to Brit­ Xnniversary WHITE OWIS FULL 188 ain was not announced. GIFT SET B o x 80s Replaces A^lrln © S h a v e Invlncibles, Reg. 4.75 SAVE $1.01 Lotion OPEN ALL DAY NOV. 8 - NOV. 14 e Skin Perfecto Special $3.99 SA’VE $1.12 91.72 Conditioned] SUNDAY e B ody T al^ DUTCH MASTER 9 A.M. l« 9 P.M. - BUDGET COMMITTEE - e C ologa e P e rfe cto e D eod ora n t B ox o f 60 Reg. 5.89 $4.99 ARTHUR DRUe T Y i£ m RicharJ S. 'Carpenter. Chairman Walter P. Gorman AMPHORA — $1.9$ •3.7^ Beg. 2.49—1 lb. can , H Mrs. Edson M. Bailey Roberl C . Dennison Thomas F. Ferguson Edward M. Kenney Gordon G . Fogg David A. Bourne VITAMINS...SfockiUp Winter Edward H. Glenney 1 11.50 SIZE—VITAMIN C $2.98 SIZE—VITAMIN A | Jacob F. Miller Paul P. Somoza 1 100 MG FULL 100 ...... ; 39c 25.000 UNITS FULL 100_73c 1 i "42.95 SIZE—ONE A DAY TYPE $2.98 SIZE—VITAMIN B12 1 1 FULL 100 ...... 99c 25 MCG FULL 100...... 6%l 1 MANCHESTER 1 98c SIZE—IRON TABLETS ' $3.28 SIZE—B-COMPLEX ^ 1 PET Their Help + Your Help Makes A Better Hospital 1 5 GRAIN FULL 100 ...... 38c FORTIFIED FULL 100_$1.68 1 \ CENTER 1 -$1.69 SIZE—COD LIVER OIL $1.98 SIZE—VITAMIN B1 1 1 FULL PINT ...... 87c 100 MG...... 69c 1 OPEN SUNDAYS 1" $2.95 SIZE—CHILD’S CttfeWABLE $6.95 VALUE—THERAPEUTIC 1 12:00 TO 6:00 1 BfULTIPLE VITAMINS 1 ■ * FORMULA—HIGH POTENCY 1 MON. - SAT. 9-6 THUR. till 9 1. FULL 100 ...... 99e FULL 100...... $1.99 1 995 Main St., Manchester

r d Nancy Bar- He was bom His maternal ristol. His pa- «mmo, 84S E. Julie, 8, and iKanrijMtpr SEPT. 26 thru OCT. 2 Ford and Jean En^nitui il^ralb Evi^nm0 i^^ralb She was bom TVSIwws Her maternal tl, Springfield, n Palmer, WO Ranger Station Smoke 1 IMarilyn Mc- To Feature Tale was bom Sept, mal grandpar- Scare li^^haim. Mass. By Area Author FeimeUi Atwell, A yet-unpublished children’s ‘Saved’ book, "White Tails and Green Clover,” will be featured on WASHINGTON (AP) — Anti- Alma Proven- Channel 3 television’s Ranger smoking broadcasts, required }m Sept. 14 at Station program next week, to­ since 1967 to counteract ciga­ 'randmother Is gether with Its creator, author- rette commercials, must contin­ . Her paternal photographer ToUa Niclas of ue after the commercials end in nkeroosen Rd., East Hartford. January, says a top federal Miss Niclas will appear on the communications iawyer. program Monday to tell how the and Kathleen story came to be written. ’The “ We will have to have some s bom Sept. 10 show is aired daily at 4 p.m. transitional period,” said Henry andparents are On Tuesday, Wednesday and .M. Geller, general counsel of >atemal grand- Thursday afternoons, program the Federal pommunicaUons ehoboth. Mass. host Jim ’Thompson will relate Oom mission, in an interview. the story, using Miss Niclas’ original photographs and'text. GeUer declined to estimate homats Jr. and ’The story, a tme one, is about how long the "transiUon” mig^t }lland. She was a family of wild rabbits which ■take but Indicated antlsmoking Her maternal lived in Wickham Park across broadcasts might be required as omervllle, N.J. from the author’s apartment on long as smoking-versus-health rhomas J. Wll- Bumiside Ave., and which she remains a public issue. las m , 3. photogiraphed over a period of Television and radio broad­ several months. casters ,say this leaves them Miss Niclas has appe^ed on leth and'Althea with a curious puzzle. She was bom the progpram before. Two of her natemal grand- published works serialized on When he carried cigarette St., Rockville; the show last spring were ‘"The commercials, the broadcaster ventry .Her pa- Flower of 'Vasslliki, a Story of was required by the FOC to add Jolly, 414 Tal- Greece” and “ Da'^d and the anticigarette announcements opher, E. Seag;ulls.” under its "fairness doctrine” re­ The latter, set on Maine’s quiring balanced presentation a t Rev. Sherwood Monhegan Island, won a Book controversial issues. rid. He was bom of the Tear award from th e . His maternal Boys Clubs of America. How can he now carry ocUy 3.uley, 28 Andor The author has been an area one side of the issue—this time e (Mr. and Mrs. resident for about two years. the' antismoking side—^without His maternal She is the wife of Rudol]^ perhaps jeopardizing his broad­ indor Rd., Main- Sachs, a teacher at Manchester cast license? nmothy, 7, and Community CoUegre. GeUer suggested a way. Smoking may be so widely seen as a health hazard, he tm Jr. and Jac- said, that the subject is no long­ Manchester. She er "controversial” and there­ >spital. Her ma- Modesty fore no kniger subject to the E. LitUe, Hart- FOC “ fairness doctrine.” [rs. Joseph Can- "It’s an issue,” he said, "but •ey, 6, and John- No Virtue we’re not so sure a licensee i(broadcaster) couldn’t reach a To Bruce judgement that it’s no longer controversial. I don’t know that "Being the tallest and hand­ Goldie Hawn shows Oscar she won for “Lotus Flower” as she gurat stare on we’d upset his judgment. somest fellow around, I was Rowan and Mm Imi's “Laugh-In” Monday night at 8 over NBC Channel 30. "He might not be obligated to naturally chosen for the part” present two sides of this issue;” says tall, handsome Fred Wll- Nevertheless, said Geller, the <.liamson, who plays Julia’s reg­ broadcaster may be required to ular romantic interest in the' continue presenting the anti­ NBC Television Network com­ smoking side "under the general edy series "Julia” in the third pubUc interest standard.” season of the popular situation "He has a duty to inform the comedy each ’Tuesday (in color, public,” said (3eUer. "If clg;a- 8:3D p.m.) rettes continue to cause death, Williamson, who earned fame that can’t be lg;nored.” as a football player, portrays "It could be through public Steve ■ Bmce, a widower with a young daughter. Bruce’s wife, (See Page Pour} a 'Vietnamese, was killed in the war. "He’S- a nice, likeable fellow, who doesn’t make much money,” said Williamson, de­ scribing the character. "He’s a law student and a chauffeur.” Wllliamsoi|r'waa one of sev­ eral "boyfrimds” who appeared ELECTRONICS during the past two years dat­ ing Julia (star Diahann Car- LABORATORIES roll). Producer Hal Kanter de­ cided it was time for Julia to have a regular, steady boy­ 277 BROAD friend. “ Hal and -I had estab­ lished a nice rapport,” added Williamson. < 'When asked why he switched STEREO from football to acting, the for­ mer defensive halfback said, TAPES (See Page Four) __ F0R MINI-MOTORS CARS S M A T .T . ENGINE SPECIALISTB Bob Keeshan as Captain Kangaroo has ^ -an early-m on^ TV-Badlo Sales and Service LAWN MOWERS TV screen 1954. He and his animals open program s 16th year m October. REPAIRED SHARPENED “I am a fanatic on the sub­ Joan Crawford, whose per­ formance on NBC-TV's “Tlie We Are Not Satisfied ject of horticulture,” aaye Olenn L T. WOOD Pbrd. “ A t present I have 160 '\nrginian” series last sea­ 51 B IS S EU STREET 1 ® ^ Until You Are! ^ son was crlUcally acclaimed, fruit treee and nearly evmy va­ Blocks, C ie * e d . (Mbeak St-Bhmv Vendor Servlee on 1M b. bag 649-8705 riety of berry and vegtable tiiat has been persuaded by the pro­ Cmahed lee. Fleat epen weekdays 8-5, Sundays 8-1. BtaseU win grow in Southern Califor­ ducers to star In another St. ions east tMm Mata St. at State Iheatre. 1S8R W . m dd le Tompike drama. mnia,” m . ^

oifal PAGE TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 PA G E I B R E B SATURDAY JU PROGRAM Educational MONDAY JO PROGRAM Morning TUESDAY JO PROGRAM (84) Movie ( 0 > (84) Adam (O) (9) Virginia Graham Bhssr (0> ,lrit ft) T IniB la Oraham Shaw (0> <0 ' 1Z:« ( » KFD N». > ^ (8) Mi£e Doeglaa Show WJ "The Loot Man” 'I Sidney TV (8) Mike Deoglaa 8haw <0) 8:38 (848) ____ (M> M Dw N» (8-44) lA w i W eft TV Stottler, Joanna SU ois and (8) Hmrdy Bojm . <0> 4:44 (8) Aral* («) (88) Tales of Wells Fargo (86) Tales at WeUs Fargo "Night Stovetf' Jamea Fraa- ( « ) AH My ChUdroa <0> A1 Freeman J r . , ______(M> AU My ChUdren (O) clscuB, Lee Grant, LeaUe Nieh- ' (18) DmteUme N em <0> (84) Movie (Monday — Friday) ‘ 'Gruns (or San Sebastian". An­ (WEDB, Channel 2 4 ) 1:88 (8) As the World Tams (B) Tolan and Leon Bibb. Leader 1:33 (3) Aa the World Tuna (C> sen. < ^ e t cooatal town taken (48) Caadleptai BawUas (0 ) of tdack organisation plans (8) btonuiooaal Zaae (C) thony Quinn A Anjanette Oonv- (14) Words aad Mnslo (0) (SS) Words aad Masic (0> on mysterioua overtones after U d ( Premiere robbery to get money to aid (8-M) Let’s Make a Deal dark complicating attempted (8) CemmMito aad P eople (C) er. A m » deserter in 18th oen- civU rights cause. (18) V u b rM ced (O) „ tuiyr Mextno assumes identy (8d4) LePs Make a Deal (C> 3:M (3) Love la a Many UpMadorad marital reconciliation of m a n Snday, September 87 8:88 (8) Levo Is a Maay Spieadorad (8-M) NFL N ^ FoetboU (O) 6M3 (3) Siga On aad ift a y r Thlag (O) with steel plate in his ahnu. (St) K efsin SpeDliw Bee (C) of dead priest in plan to pro­ 6:66 (3) Tawa Crier tect tiny village of Sen Sebas­ PM TkfoS <0) Kansas City Chiks va. Balti­ (nTbaye of Ow Uvea (Oi (IS) Mevie (8) Daativdljr akd ftetUep (O) 6:88 84th Centary M u le more Colts. 1 3:36 (3) SaariM Smzestor (V) (18) Ceui. Bepert (0) tian from periodic raids by (34) Days of Oar Lives (C> (8-M) Newlywed Oame (0> "Saboteur” Robert (himmings, ' Pierre Boulez (8^) Newlywed Oame (0) t:M (8) Doris Day Show (C) 6:14 (8) Neweeepa 8:83 (8) OaldlBg Ught (O Priscilla Lane. (48) Cem bel (C) Yaqui Indians.. '68. 3:16 (8) Penvecttvez 4:84 Frawh Chef B 8:84 (8) Oaidiag Light (C) 14:84 (8) Carol Barac«t ^ w (C) (0> (M) The Dactora (O (St) Jolla (0) (8) The JeteoBO <0) 4:84 (8) Mary Tpler Moore Show Roast Suckling Pig Gueots: Steve Lawrence^ Na- 8:86 (8) Your GommanUy (0> (8-M) Dattag Oame • (C) (8) TBA 844) "Howdy” (O) 7:44 At Home WSh Maa at W oM (14) n o Doetoro (0 ) nette Fabray. (M) ConraltaliOB (0> 8:83 (3) Onaamake (0> Down - home comedy - varie­ (844) Dattng Oame <0) 8:M (8) Beveriy HlUbUlies (O (SS) Movie (18) Yoe Asked Fer It 8:44 Chicago FeoUval (O) (18) Ooam. Bepart (C> 8 :U (8) MaiBiBg Betlentfmi <0> (M) Another World—Boy GHr > (8) Xovie ty speclaL Grant Robbins periorms origi­ 8:44 (I) Beveriy HnuiUliiis <0) 18:84 (18) Hartford Thlk-U (C) "San Francisco Inteniational "End of a Gun” '67. Richard (84) Another W oild-^Bay OMy 7:83 (3) Newe (0> (8-M) Oeaeral Hoepital (C) Airport" Van Johnson, PemeU 14:44 (8) Maaalx (O) nal compoeitlona in (oik, ]azz, U :M (8) News — Wealhor (8) Mr. Oeeber <0> S:M (8) FamUy Affair . (0> Onto, John Barrymore Jr., 14:84 (8) All Americaa CoUege Show rock. (8-14) Oeneral Hospital (C) SMrts Roberta, (3u Ouloger and Beth Marilyn Erslclne. (44) Her Come the Stars (O 8:14 (8) Famlfar Affair (C) (33) Today Shaw (0> (88) Bright Promlae (C> BrickeU, others. Thngs bold 8:34 Mister Smith and Other Noa- (18) News with Brisa 8:83 (8) Kaagama (0) (843) One LUe to U ve (0 ) "Bedtime F or Bonao” '6L 11:44 (8-8) News — Weather aad sense (84) Bright Promise (0 ) U:15 (M) News — Weather an aitplhne pUot’s wife boo- Professor whose criminal fa­ Sports (O) (8-M) One U fe to U ve (M) Tha'PYtototoaea 4:33 (8) Banger Station (0) toge in plot to steal i f f mllllop Children’s poetry. 8:88 (8) Hop Biohsrdz Shaw (0) ther died in prison adopts U :U (84) News — Weather * Spoite 4:44 (8) Banger Station (C) U:86 . Movie (SS) Another World—Somerset from cargo plane. FUm is 4:44 Forsyte Saga (8) Cana-Taet <0> (8M) Dark Shadows (O) chimp to prove Uiat environ­ U:1B (84) News — Weather and "Portrslt M Fleur" (84) Another World —Sem eitel ‘Never Love a Stranger" '68. forerunner of "San Frandsoo ment determines child’s future Sports (C) (84) OaUapiac Goarmet (0> 4:8# (8) Haael (O) Intemotioaial" segments of 14:44 Evening at Pope (O) (8-M) Dark Shadows (O) Rise and foil of young man (M) Leave It to Beaver thus disproving Dean's theory U:8S: (8)(») IMovie "Old ^Timer’s Night Smg- (8) David Frost Show (G) NBC-TVs "Four-In4>ne” 4:84 (8) Basel (C) raised in orphanage and who (M) Mr. Ed that Ills chlldremto-be would ’ "The HusUer” '61. Traveling along special — condudtag (8) David Frost Show (C> becomes bead ot racket syndl* 4:16(8) Yegl Bear Shew (0> ‘ series. inherit criminal tendencies. pool shark becomes Invtdvedved summer series. (88) Mr. Ed cate. John Banyxnore Jr., Llta 8:86 (8) Lacy Shew (0> (M) Flintatones (O) 13:33 (3) SS Mlnntoo (O IRoimld Rengan, Diana Lynn, with gambler who indirectly HUan. Steve McQueen. (St) Newa <0> 6:16 (8) P e n y Mason (846) Marens Welby, MJ>.(0> (M) FUtttstoaes (O (46) M autoia (18) WUd WUd West (O) Walter SlesaJcl causes his girl to commit sui­ Monday, September 88 6:84 (8) Perry Mason I lr it (18) Merv Orlftia SIm»w (G> 14:34 (18) Hartford Talk-fa (O) (84) Major Leagae Baseball cide. Paul Newman, Piper (18) WUd WUd West (0) 11:45 (St) Tooicht Show Johuur Gar- 18:88 (8) Movie (86) Addanu FamUy (}ame-of-week - tba Laurie, Jackie Gleason. (M) Dlaah’a Place (0> (M) OUIlgna’s lalaad (O) U:M (8-8J4-M) Nean — Weather I FUm (0> (84) Addams FsmUy ■•a (C) (8) TBA "The Raging Tide" '62. Shel­ (8) Beal Tom Kennedy Shew 5:36 (M) Weather Watch (O) and Bperta (C> "Venomous Anlmalw of Sea" (M> OnUgaa’s Island (C) (84t) News — Weather aad (15) News with Briaa Dow (18) Yankee Baseball ley Winters, Richard Conte, \ Spcivii (M) MoHale’s Navy 6:36 (3S) OUUgaa’a bla ad (O) I What’s New B 6:86 (M) Weatoer Wateh (0) (M) What’s Bly LineT (O) New York va Detroit Cbas Bickford. "The Ipwt Pony” U :15 ( M ) Dick Cavett Show (O) 16:88 (M) Coneentratiea (U) U:36 (8) Mevie (M) FDm (C) 11:84 (8) Movie 8:84 (44) onUgaa’s Island (O) (M) Jack LaLaaae Shaw 6:86 (S«48) Weather — Sporto aad "Secret of Blood lalan d"..'65. I Film (M) WhaPs My LiaoT (O) 1M3 (8-M) News — Prayer aad I (844) Wide Worid of Sports R ichard K iley iis boim-^ "Pony Express" '63. Chariton '’Europe: Outboard Play­ Barbara Anderson po­ Sign OR U :M (88) Sale ef the Ceataiy <0) News (O) Rene Jarrett, title star When young woman secret (844) NDAA Football (C) Heston, Rhonda Fleming, Buf­ •;44 (S-S-M) Weather — Sports aad (8) That Oiri (O) (18) Dick Yea Dyke agent Is shot down and poi» ty hunter on “Gun- ground” News (C) licewoman on NBC’s 1:13 (8) :News aad Weather — Ho- (SS) To Ten the Trath (0> of “Nancy”, plays Penn State vs. Colorado. falo BiU Co S:S6 (M) Bawhlde daughter of President camp in Malaya, iNrisoners are smoke” episode. Mon­ "More' About Potatoes” (M) TO TeU the Troth (C) OK S:W (3) Newa with Walter G r » . > (18) News (C) lish a fast direct mail route World Press (S3) HoHywood Sqaams (0) on NBC. determined to protect her. (84) Movie day on Channel 3. from Missouri Plains. to Black Joataal (0) 4:46 (M) Rawhide a t 7:3 0 . (8) ActiOB Newa (0> kite (O) Jack Hedley, Bariiara SheUey, "Seated Cargo". Dana An­ ^ c U lc . 4:84 (8) Nows with Walter Cna- (M) That Gill (C) (8) Newe wUk Frank Bey- Patrick Wymark. Frederick Hamilton, teaches ktto (O) drews portrays master of car­ (44) News (C) art of self-defense to Mack U :33 (3) Twelve O’Glook B « e r t Bolila aad Howard K. Smith U :8 t (S-M) Dick Cavett Show „ (C> go ship who becomes involved (84) News — Weather aad 11:46 (84) Playboy After Dark (C) (8) News with FXaak Bew- Saotta (0 ) Renne Jarrett, vdio will star (18) Caadid Camera youths in Haatem fpetto, three (3) MMe DoogUa (0> (8) Tm lh er Oaueqnaaeea < 0 (16) Merv OrlffiB Show with Nasi plot on North Atlan­ Sports <0) (44) Movie prominent Mack nlm-makers Bolds. aad Howard K. S m n 7:84 (34) Bad Skeltoa (O) (38) Jeopardy (0> (M) NBC News (C) (84) Toalght O o w Johniiy Carl tic during WW II. 7:84 (8) Mlsiiea : ImptssHile <0) "Suez" (C) (18) Caadid Camera Guests are Robert Wagner and as a President’s daughter in 7:66 (8) After Dtaner Movie (U) Hhat’e Hy UaeT (C> discuss hiring practices in TBmmikJtna Henry. "The R adc" '66. Decorated 1:N (88844) News — Prayer and (18) Amatear Hoar . (C) (844) Let's Make A Baal <0) 1:44 (8) Chiller Theatre 7:84 (8) After Diaaer Mevin (8) Toang Lawyers (OF war hero, returned after al- Bperta (O from OongresB of African P eo­ ride a horse for the new NBC- 13:36 (8) Seareh far Tenurraw <0) 7:18 (38) Dan Kastto Shew <0) Sign GH I (8) Weather — Sports sad - 8:44 (844 Newlywed Game <0) "(featu re of the WaUdng ple held In Atlanta recently. "A 'ncklisb Affair” '63. When I ^ ( « (36) The Wha, What or Where moet three years In Korean Navy orldow's 6-yeapold son (44) U nUtoo a TUat (0 ) FOW camp, facee court mar­ Guests: (tauck Connors. Lea- 1:46 (8) News and Weather — Mo­ News (C) (IS) DoabU Deeker Theater Dead" '63. Rock Madison, Ann U:M Toy That Grow Up TV comedy series. Oame (0> (18) Voyage to Bottom of Sea "Lorn. Doone". Blehard dashes an SOS from his win­ 8:44 (84) Bowaa aad ' Martfa’ o tial for treason. Paul NOwman, non Sisters and Mac Dnvla. ment ot iMeMtotim and Sign "An Hour with Charlie Chap­ (M) A World Apart (4» (8-46) Mad Sqnad (0> GH I ) (8- News Boger Mndd (O) Greene, Barbara Hhla 1:14 (44) News — Prayer A Sign lin" dow, a handsome commander Laagh4a (0> U:66 (36)...... Newa (O) Walter Pldgeon, Anne Francis. (84) NBC News (C) "When Lovers Meet". LocUle Oft (O) reeponda and O9oin finds ttw 8:34 <84f> SBeat Fsree (V> I (8) Here’s Lucy (C) (BaU, George Brent 3:40 (3) MomerU of Meditation A Navy bock in her life. (18) Movlo Though Red Skelton uses a (18) Mitch Miller (O) 8:84 (8) My Three Seas (0 ) Sign Off <0) Tuesday, Septomber 89 (8> Truth er Censeqaenoes (O) "Shadow on the Window" PbU large, unlit cigar during his PM (18) What’s My LineT (C) Qirey, Betty Garrett. 6:84 FUm (8644) News — Weather aad 3:48 (3) Mayfeerry BFD (O) monologues, he is a non-smoker. "B om in Freedom” WEDNESDAY PROGRAM 6:84 Modem Sspervisory Tech­ W E D O JO niques 7:44 PlLn <0> 1:88 (8) VIrglaia Graham Show (0> ny Youngmon. SUNDAY J(/ PROGRAM "Barbados" (8) Mike Doaglae Show (C> (S-M) j M n n Cash Shew (0) 7:84 Man Against his Eavlroameat (88) Talos of Wells Fargo lt:M (8) HawaH Five-O (0> •:M (3t) AfricMltare oA Parade hla (lance and has afCair with 8:44 House on the Beach (M) AU My CtaOdren (0 ) (848) Don Angut (C> 7:M Faith for Todajr <0) he was hired to train.' Based of "Synanon" drug addict re- BREATHTAKING COLOR TV (84) Words aad Mnaie (O i»-M (18) Hartford Talk-ta (C> (SO) Around the World on novel by Daniel Stein. habUltaUon program In Cali­ (844) Let’s Bloke a Deal (O) U:8S (848848) Newa — Wentte 7:S6 (S) Sign On and Prajrer (^) 1:84 (8) News and Weather — Mo­ fornia. viewing is yours with this per­ 3:44 (3) Love Is a Maay Spiendored and Sparta (C> 8:00 (S'«) Chr^tophers (C> ment ot MeditoUoa aad Sign 4:44 NET Festival Thing (G> (18) News with Brian Dow (SO) Three S ^ fes OK George SzeU: One Man’s Tri­ sonal sue 102 sq. in. screen poiv MAY WE SERVE YOU? (34) Days of Onr Uvea (O) U :35 (8) Movie 8:15 (S) Adventures of Oumby (C> 1:84 (80) News aad Sign OU umph TV RECEPTION SIMULATED table. 8-etage IJ*. amplifier en­ (8^) Newlywed Game (C) "The Whirlpool’’ ’49. Klepto­ ( 8 ^ ) Sacred Hearts (G> 8:14 (44) News — Prayer aad Sign 14:44 Chicago Festival 3:34 (3) Galdiiig Ught (O) maniac, married to noted 8:80 (8) Saints for ChUdren (C) OK Grant Bobbins R sures sharper pictures . . . more When your needs are (84) The Doctor* (0> peychoanalyst. is put into hyp­ (40) This Is the U fe (C) , 8:84 (8) Newscope 14:84 Mister Smith and Other Non­ pleasing sound'. Has Sylvania’s (8-M) DaUag Oame (C) notic state by charlatan Ini 8:45 sense B (0> electrical let us take care votvlng her In murder. Rich­ 8:08 (S) World around Ui (O) color bright 85® picture tube. ard Conte, Jose Ferrer, Gene / (8) Capt. Noah (C> Wednesday, September 84 Built-in \nELF and UHF antennas. of them expertly. ’Tierney. (18) Blue Door (C> PM 11:14 (84) Toalght Show Johnny Car- (S0> UuderdoE (C) Actress McNeil 6:00 FUm (C) All in an attractive, charcoal Allen King Host oen (O) (40) Faith for Today (C> "Venomous Animate of Sea" R cabinet of lightweight, high im­ Electric Heat Specialist (844) Dksk Cavett Show (C) 9:M (S) University of Mlchlgaa (C) 6:80 Put It In Writing (U) Merv Orlffln Shmr (U> (8) Action 70*s 7:00 Sounds For a Summer Night pact plastic. 1:M (844) Newo — Prayer and (18) Children's Gospel Hour Joins Lawyers Featuring Ron Ernst Sextette Of ‘Music HaU’ Sign on (SO) Samson 7:80 Chicago Festival B (84) SU Scene (C) (40) The Christophers (C) Grant Robbins WILSON Alan King- hosts a comedy- Program directed towards mll- 10:00 (S) CBS Special (C> Distinguished actress CSaudia 8:00 Mister Smith and Other Non­ llons of beginners and ski en­ “ The High Holy Days” McNeil guest stars as Bessie sense B (C> ELECTRICAL,CO. variety hour that also stars thusiasts. Hosted by expert (8) Dialogue (G> Gray, an elderly domestic who 8:80 Evening at Pops B (0> Lena H om e, Ctaarles Nelscm older and TV personaJIty John­ U8) Oral Boberts "Old l-imer’s Night" Besldential-Gonun.-Ind. ny Morris. Includes visits to (80) Us Celebrate (O) charges that a training school 9:80 Book Bent (O) ^svrisiii^ \ 846-1418 Reilly and the Jerry Stiller and all m ajor ski areas of vrorid. (40) Government Story (C> has taken her (or $600 and (ailed "Stelmark: Family Recolleo- Anne Meara comedy team on 1:U (8) News and Weather — M»- “ The View from Mt. Vernon” tlon” by Harry Mark Petralda. NBC’s "Kraft Music HaU" Oct. ment ot MeditaUan and Sign 10:30 (8) Music for Bosh to deliver the medical lab job 10:00 Hoiue on the Bench B on (18) Cool McCool (O promised her, on "The Store- 7 (in color, 9-10 p .m .). 1:84 (84) News and Sign 0 « (80) Sacrifice of the Mass Thursday, October 1 KITCHEN Dan Rowan, top, and (40) Beligiohs Heritive (C) (ront Lawyers” Oct. 14 (7:30- TlUed "Things Ain’t What 11:00 (S) Camera Three (0) 8:30 p.m.) in color on CBS. > FUm •njey Used to Be,’’ the program his partner Dick Mar­ (8) Opinionated Maa (O) "E urop Outboard W O RLD INC features some comedy sketches tin are jolly hosts of (18) Come Little Children (C) Linda Cristal star»,on David Hansen and his co­ ground' (40) Bnllwinkle (0) “High Chaparral” Bo­ I What's New PBESENTINO with a "times have changed" “ Laugh-In.” 11:15 (SO) JewUh Life (0> workers take the case but find It I Book Beat theme, and musical segments. ! TYPEWRITERS 11:80 (S) Perception (C) days on Channel 3 at dUficult to prove Mi^. Gray’s "Stelmark: FamUy Reoolleo- (8) This Week iu P io Fooi- tlon" STANEK At the beginning of the show, :SS (8) Beverly HUlbnUes (C) charges against the school. GUARANTEED ball (C> 7 :30 p.m . 7:80 TBA MUTSGHLER the principals sing "’Things (84) Another W e r i d - t e W (18) Upbeat Then they light chi the scheme 8:00 Washington Week In Beview Ain’t What They Used to Be," (844) General HoepUal (Q (SO). Conn. Weekend (G) o( having store(ront clerk Rob­ 8:86 NET PUyhease WOOD-HUE (8) Family Affair SERVICE (40) Discovery *70 (G) "Tliat Night with You" Fron- "7he Write-Off" an original composition that sets (88) Bright From lje U:45 (SO) Kofsky’s SpeUlng Bee chot Tone, fhimnnA Foster. erto Alvarez and his Aimt Luisa Qaallty with by am taetooy 10:88 NET Festlvsl B (C> - ELECTRONICS OBIOINAL DESIGNS the mood for the program. (848) Onn Life to U ve (W 15:00 (S) We Believe (C> (M) WUd Kiegtem (0) pretend to seek enrollment to Gj^rge Szell: One Man's Tri- (8) K eefer Statton (C) "CJatholic” 7:M (t> Cetamed Worid What Happens’’ in a solo per­ (8-M) Dark Shadows (0) (40) Boiler Deiby (G) Final half of "The BoF Who school director. -. Friday, October 8 (8) Hasol _ (O) i t T4#w 4< lorvtea 1S:S0 (S) Face the NaHoo (G) Stole the' Elephant" David Amish Craftsmanship formance and joins Alan king (8) David Fiwrt Shnr (0) (8) Yale FootbaU Highlighto Wayne, Jime Havoc and Mark Film in a medley. (84) Mr. Ed To AONEW t CO. (18) Movie Lester. "B om in Freedom” Major Appliance (M) EUnUtones (C> “Magic Carpet” Lucille Ball, 8:44 (8) Ed Sailtvaa Shew (0> What’s New B In one sketch about an "Im­ 6:44 (8) Perry John Agar. Entire program ia devoted to TBA Flioor & Carpet Center personal doctor,” King plays (18) WIM WUd West (C) (80) Meet the Press (C> "HoUday on Ice." Ghtesta: Glen Campbell 88th Century Mnsic (88) Addams FamUy 1:00 (S) Your CommuaiW (C> Bobby Vinton, Karen Wyman. MET Plnyheose B Visit Our Showroom a patient suffering agonizing (M) GBUinui’s Island > (O) ’ (8) TBA Rare Earth. "The Write-Off" Make a Difference Where You Save! pain from a back ailment and (M) Weather-Wnleh (C) (SO) Pro FooHwU (G> (844) The F3.I. - " (C> 9:80 The Toy That Grew Bp B IT DOES OUUgaa’s lalaad (C) New. York J e^ vs. Boston 8:84 (14) BiH O oriv Shew (C> Guests Listed "An Hour with Charlie Chap- 647-9924 Reilly is the doctor much more (M) IThaPs My LfaeT (O Patriot^ (18) wniiam F. Bmddey dr. Urt" concerned wltlPhis business in­ (8444) Weather — Sporto and (40) ConversatioBs with . . . 8:88 (8) Oleea Campbell OeodUme Comedian Paul L(ynde, the INSTANT ^ 183 Middle Tpke. Hancheider terests. News (O) 1:30 (S) The NFL Today (C) B oer (C> e p f t c A M i G ^ A (14) Diek Von Dyke New Yortc Giants vs. Dallas Guesta; Shecky Greene, Lily singing Osmond Brothers, "Hee pi another. Miss Meara is the (84) To TeO the TrMh (C) (8) Mets Baseball (C) Tomlin, Nancy Wilaon, Buck Leonard Mann, in charge o t (M) BawUde RENT New York Mets vs. Pittsburgh Owens, Mel TlUla. Haw" star Roy dark, singer EARNINGS girlfriend of "constmetion work­ — - (V) wardrobe for ‘‘Hie Doris Day S A V I N G S (8) News with Walter Cim Pirates at Pittsburgh. (84) Anne Murray and comedian- er” Jerry Stiller, intent on sev­ kite (C) (844) Movie Show,” renewed an old acquain­ .For Parties, (40) Issues and Ansarers (G) signer Mel TUis join host Glen 5% Dividend paid erity their relationship until she (8) News with Frank B » 2:00 (18) BasebaU (C) "Hurry Simdown” '67. Mtohnel tance when Robert Shayne was cv }i(/ L O AIV neldo aed Howard K. SmlHi New York vs. Detroit Caine, Jane Fonda, Dlahann Campbell and regular Jerry., finds out that he has similar cast (or an episode of the Mon­ .\ s s t ) 4 I \ r 1 o N’ from day of depoalt. (18) Caadid Camera Banquets, (40) Centenary Mass (C> . CarroH, Faye Dumiway and lieed on "Tlie Glen Campbell HONDA plans. King and Miss Meara (84) NBC Newo (C) Diocese of Springfield Robert Reed. Screen aOaptar day night CBS series. In 1988, tion of .K. B. Gllden'fl best- Goodtim e H our" Oct. 4 (9-10 4 tiiiiM yearly. also play the parents of a (8) What la the Worid (0) 4:00 (80) Pro F o o t i^ (C) Mann was Shayne’s stand-in (or Host John Dando quissas panel Receptions Cleveland Browns vs. aelltng novel about aodal and p.m.) in color on CBS. l a s T i f T i a H Hos // youngster whose actions drive on subject of London. Season Francisco 49ers. racial tensiona' in Georgia the Paramount feature "Wel­ All tbwiL '■ vthe "father” to despair. Premiere. (40) 1 Spy (O) Comedy highlights include come Stranger.” 1007 MAIN STn BIANCHBSTER* a BODTX 81, OOVENTBT (8) Tmlh or Oonseqneomes (0> 4:M (8) M o ^ 8:88 (18) Kathiya KahUnaa Show • SUPER SPORTS (U ) What’s My LineT (0> niMtlca • GLASSES “Genghis Bltan” Omar S^rif, 18:48 (8) Tim Coaway Comedy Hiari lomde as a talkative piano tuner, e BANQUET TABLES (St) Bold Oaes (C) (S8)M) News — Weather and James Mason and Stet^en a classical musician w ho joins (0> Boyd. Adventures of one of (IS) Movie • TRAIL BIKES Its e SILVEBWABE history’s greatest leaders from "The Juggler" Kirk Douglas, a country trio (eaturing CHaiiip- 7:84 W IStoreCroat Lawyers (0> • TABLES RICHARD MARTIN (St) SUiaS (C) his teyhood enslavement by Httly Vitale. bell and (3ark, and as the com­ • SILVER SERVICE Merkit Mongola. U:88 (M4) News — Weather aad • SCRAMBLERS (8-M) CoaiioUp of Eddie's Fa­ 5:00 (S> Mevie Bporto (C) mander o t a submarine staffed ther (O) CHAHtS • UNEN MANCHESTER PAINTING (15) I Spy (O) “The Fifth Passenger” Story U:85 (i) Ibvie by Campbell, CTlaik and the VISIT OUB SHOWROOM o f British naval captain sus­ "Bigger than Life" '66. Drama BEST (848) Make Beam (or Otaad- pected of giving secret Infor­ of aiick man and how hla illneas Osmond Brothers. 15 Great Bikes To CONTRACTOR dadte (O) mation to communists. Mel aKecta hla family. Jamea Mar OLDSMOBILE SA^ Turn Vou On (8) n e O w em er aad J. J. (O) Ferrer. Dana Wynter, Leo son. Barbara Rush, Walter Interior or Exterior (8-M) Beam 338 (C> Genn. Mntthaji “Yoiir OManeba. tlMtor" (U ) M erle CAR, Largest Dealer in Om b . "Queen Bee" Joan Crawford. irz.o a 9 (18) Yea Asked Far It UtS4 (St) PrealdeaUal B an pM a Kstelle Winwood, who made (40) Twelve 0*Cleck High (C) Tear (O No Job Too Small Barry SuUlvaa. 5:80 (18) Joarmey to Adveataxe 18:84 (8-U) Newa — Weather aad her stage debut in 1898 in Stag- 4M4 (8) Medleal Ceator (C> 'RgNTAL ‘ 'Philippine^' ’ . Sports (O) land, and John McOiver, star o( $12 WEST CENTER ST. - SO-ISII 649-9285 (14) Kraft M m ie HaU (0) 5:H (44)Newv (C> (84) Toalght Shaw with M aa- "The Friars Roast Don 4:44 (t> Flipper (C) ay CaraoB (0> "Many Happy Returns" on tele- HONDA 649-44II Rickies” Members of Vtiais Voyage to Bottom ef Bee U :U (44) Movie Club roost and toast comedian 4 “ vlsian a few seasons ago, guest SALES & SERVICE Don Rickies. Johnny Oaraoo <44> Yeeag Lawyers "Lusty Men” FREE ESTIMATES 4:44 ( » Newi — Bager M e U (0> U:S4 (4) Movie star in an episode of ‘"nie Dofis is host "Roosters’’ tnetnda NEW or USED ' MAMC^HESTER Alan ring, Milton Berle, OUc 156 CENTER ST^-MS-MM T:44l (6) Lew ie (01 "W all of Noise" '68. Susanne Day Show" scheduled for broad­ 813 Center St. W H S ^ 0 1 ^ — — ...... 1.1 <»44> Y a o g B ebeb (0> Fleahette. T y Hardin. Race cast later this season on CBS. Cavett, caiet RuoUey and Bm- ,(U ) Movie horse trainer breaks up with PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970

Radio for the Week THURSDAY JQ PROGIUUVI .These SLre the basic listings, and Include only .those news ($) Virginia Graham Shov (0) Puckett. 1:M 8:S0 (SO) Ironside 9:00 (3) Movie WTIC — 1080 C3> bove Is a Many Splendored '•■Butterfield 8” '60. Story of w — 1230 Thing (C) high-priced New York fashion (Moi(day>Friday) (30) Days of Our Lives (C) model who devotes better part < Mo^day-Friday) 6:00 Town and Country (840) Newlywed Game (C) of her life to her romances. 6:00 Uncle Ja j\ 6:00 Bob Steeic Show (3) Guiding Light '(C) Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence 7:00 News \ 10:05 Theatre of Melody (30) The Doctors (C) Harvey. Eddie Fisher, Dina 7:15 A1 Gates —Speak Up 11:05 Jean Colbert Show (8^) Dating Game (^) Merrill. 8:00 CBS World News Roundup 12:00 News, Weather (3) Beverly UUlbUlies (C) (840) Barefoot in the Park (C) 8:15 A1 Gates —Sp^ok Up 12:15 Meet Me on the Flosa 1:00 News (30) Another Vvorld—Bay City 9:30 (SO) Nancy (C) / 3:30 Arthur Godfrey (840) General Hospital (C) (840) The Odd Couple (C) 10:10 Jeff Riggs —Speak Up 1:15 Mikellne 3:05 Afternoon Edition (3) 'Family Affair (C) 10:00 (30) Dean Martin Show (C) 12:00 News (30) Bright Promise (C) Dean welcomes Ruth Buzz!, 12:15 Bob Goldfarb—Speak Ud 6:00 News —SlocKs. Weather 6:25 Strictly Sports (840) One Lifeo Live (C) Godfrey Qimbridge, Dom De- 2:10 chuck Grouse —Speak Op (3) Ranger Station (C) Luise. Britt Eklund and 4:10 Uncle Jay 7:05 Accent '70 7:35 Edward Newman Reixirts (30) Another World—Somerset (Charles Nelson Reilly. 6:00 News (840) Dark Shadows (840) The Immortal (C) 6:15 Walter Cronkite 7:50 Joe Caraeiola 6:20 Faultless Phil on Sporta 8:()0 News ‘ (3) Hazel (18) Un-abiidged 12:15 Chuck Crouse —Speak Up 2:00 Opera \ nolds and Howard K. ^nlth Sport* <0 > <8-44) Dick Cavett Show (O) 6:00 News 5:00 Monitor (18) Candid Camera 7:M (S) Family Affair ( 0) . (18) Merv OrUfIn <0> 6:JU Mike Wallace 6:00 News. Weatl^er (30) NBC News .1:40 (8 3444) News — Prayer and 7:15 Bob Goldfarb—Speak Up 6:20 Strictly Spor 7:00 (3) To Rmne With Love (0) (18) I Spy (C) Sign Off ’» 12:0U Sign Off 6:30 Monitor (8) Tmth or Consequences (€) (84) nip WUm b Show (0 ) 2:65 (3) News and Weather — M^ 8:40 (8) 4bn N abon Hoar ic> ment of Meditation and Sign 6:30 News and reiii^ous programs 11:20 Sports Final (30^) News — Weather and Gueata: Kate Smith. Off 1 12:30 Facp the Nation 11:30 Bfoiiltor (Speak up Highlights during other 12;W Other Side of the times, day and night.) (Sunday) 6:30 Sunrise Serenadenaae 7:00 Sunday Strings Q • nn 8:15 Sabbath Message FRIDAY J(^ PROGRAM WDRC — 1360 30 Guideline 00 News. Weather f:44 (3) Virginia Graham Show (18) Movie “Surprise Package” Mitzl (Monday-Friday) 10 Hymntime (8) Mike Donghu Show (C) fil 30 National Radio Pulpit (30) Tale* of Wells Fargo Gaynor. Yul Biyivier. *6:00 Bob I>eCario 00 Sunday Showcase 9:44 (3) Movto b1< 10:00 Bob O aig (40) All My ChUdren (0) :00 Sunday Showcaae f;34 (3) As the World Turns (C) “ None But the Brave** *66. Lc 3:00 Dick McDonough 10 Sunday Showcase (34) Words and Music Story of grroup of Marines 7:00 Joe Hager 45 Travel Trends whose disabled aircraft lands Inj 12:00 Dick Haddad (8 ^ / Let's Make a Deal (C) :00 Sunday Best (S| Love fs a Many Splendoi- ■ - iiM on small Pacific Island policed inj *<6:00 on Monday) 00 Monitor by unit of Japanese soldiers. ' (Saturday) Thing (C) 00 News <30) Days of Onr Lives (O) Prank Sinatra, Clint Walker, 6:00'Bob DeCarlo 10 Sunday Edition (C) Tommy Sands. 10:00 Bob O a ig -.840) Newlywed Game 00 News, Weather, Sports 2:84 1) Gntding Light (C) (8-40) That Girl <€> 3:00 Terry Woods Meet the Press (8-40) Love, American Style ac \ 9:84 7:00 Joe Hager Monitor 14:44 (30) Bracken’s World <0) a 12:00 Dick Haddad :3p^ale Renorts (8-40) This is Tom Jones (Sunday) 06 Y6ur Box at the Opera 14:34 (18) Hartford Talk-ln (C) Bk 6:00 Religious and public service 30 E t^al Light 14:34 11:00 (3-8-30-40) News—Weath­ ut programming 05 Monitor i d e s t y er and Sports 9*001 I^ott Morgan 30 Congressional Report (18) News with Brian Dow m B:00 Dick McDonough (alternate Sundays) U:25 (3) Movie cc 7:00 Terry Woods 00 News. Weather. Sports (Continued npm Page One) “^am c Over India*' *60. Brit­ m 10:30 Religious aoid public service 30 Other Side of the Day I"-:' ish soldier is assigned to res­ programming cue Indian prince and British Fi 12:00 Sign Off ” I’m not mercenary, and when governess from rebellious the fun had gronfe out of the Moslem tribesmen. Lauren game, I was boredA^d I didn’t Bkcall. Kenneth More, Herbert fil Lorn. want to play ju ^ for the “Shack Out on 101” Frank W RCH — 910 Smoke money.” Williamson Had played Lovejoy, Terry Moore, Leo Marvin. B .(Monday-Saturday) for the Kansas City Cl^efs, the U:34 (80) Tonight Show Johnny Cai^ 6:00 ReveUle (Continued from Page One) Oakland Raiders, theV Pitts­ son 9:00 Rhapsody (18) Merv Griffin Show h< ------.tfm burgh Steelers and t h ^ San 12:00 Matinee service announcements,” he (8-40) Dick Cavett Show <0> it 4:00 Highlights of Hartford added, "or he might do it by Francisco 49ers. He coml 1:04 (8) With This Bing (C) 8:00 Gaslight his acting and football to pl^y Lloyd Nolan is doctor (SO) News and mgn Oft A 12:00 Quiet Hours network coverage, documenta­ (40) News ~ Prayer and ^ gn a< (Sunday) the football player in the on “Julia” series, Off Same as Monday-Saturday listing, ries, one-minute spots—he w would have discretion. film “M*A*S*H” and subset shown Tuesdays • on 1:15 (8) Newsci^e except: 3:20 (3) News and Weather — Mo­ aj 8:00 Religious programs "But it -will no longer be quently was seen with Liza Min­ Channel 30. ment of Meditation and Sign 11:00 Quiet Hours Bl geared to cigarette commer­ nelli in “ Tell Me TTiat You Love Off Me, Junie Moon.” cl cials.” y (30) The Doctors modesty In describing himself 3:00 \S) Beverly Hillbillies ^ censes by guessing/-wrong on 7:00 (3) Golden Vevage iC> ELECTRONICS . “ I wrote a 44-page thesis on “Roundabout Capetown” Host YOM SEE their next move. / this character (Steve Bruce), Jack Douglas takes'us to Cape­ “ It doesn’t put his license in town in South Africa, where THIS LABORATORIES his - background and motiva’- we witneas Maylay wedding. jeopardy if it’s 'a good faith Uons. I took soihe acting train­ (8)------Truth .. or ^ Consequeuaes ' w (C) SIGN ^ judgment,” he said. '"Ihe only (18) What’s M r LiaeT (V) ing, too. I just want to be the - (8444) News — Weather and 277 BROAD time we've taken action against finest actor around.” Sperta (8-M) Biadjr K a e h (0) The ban on cigarette commer­ 8:44 (8-44) Naaajr aad the Piefeaaer GORMAN BROS. F.M. AND AJi. cials means a loss of some $200 Peter Duell, who starred in 8:84 (8) Beadmaater <0> "Love on a Rooftop” on tele­ (84) Name of the Game (0> 710 MAIN ST. million to $200 mtilion a year in (8-it) Partridge FamUy (0) revenue for the radio-TV Indusi vision, has been cast as a pa- GAR 'try. I tlenb who is refused use of a ’Ihe president of Mutual cosUy artificial kidney ma­ ! k Broadcasting S y ^ m , tnetw C. chine, in an episode of “Tlie Dm WIUJS Gtrag» STEREO Interns.” Diehm, tried to rally a court IN challenge against the now law AUW RNT AND RADIOS last May, but the pitqioeal was Sal Mlneo has been signed for AKRORVIOR ’ killed a month later by the dl- a guest star role in “My Ttaree. ADfO REPAIR MAIN RR. TV'Kadto Sales and Sarvlee rectora of the Nattonal^ Asaodap Sons,” Saturday night series tkn of Broadcastera. starring Fred MacMurray.