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1919 - 1969

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4. ~L...... L_....., e...... , STATE OF MONTANA


Uuno M. Sahinen, Director




1919 - 1969


Butte, Montana 59701 Date~ ______

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Room 203-B, Main Hall Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology Butte, Montana 59701 CONTENTS Page Gentlemen: Introduction...... 1 General information ...... 1 Enclosed i_s ______in payment for the following publications: Orders for publications ...... 1 Postage ...... 1 Publications out of print ...... 1

Book publications ...... 2 Memohs ...... 2 Bulletins ...... 4 ,-. cD Information Chculars ...... 8 ;§ Miscellaneous Contributions/Special Publications ...... 9 '" Reprints ...... 11 :s gp Subject index ...... 12 0 C;.... ::> u Author index ...... 20 (1) ~ ~ Reproduction costs of out-of-print reports 22 ~

Order blank ...... (in back)

Please send to the following address:

ii de) ~ ~S ;< '6' 13 7c; d / 6 C) SP 22- 50 :A I 6{ d I y 'lO ~ / f/eJ 13 ~ I ~~ 4; / o-cJ ~~ I , d- 6 ;1:2. / r 76 \ I ~ / ' 7S 8' /'e>--CJ

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/ ~: /, tJ---U / b---6 ( INT RO DUCTIO N This pamphlet contains a complete list to date of the Bureau's Memoirs, Bulletins, Information Circulars, Reprints, Miscellaneous Contributions, and Special Publications, and is revised annually to include new issues. The ultimate objective of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology is the dissemination of information concerning the geology, mineral resources, and ground-water occurrences of the state. This objective is partly accomplished by the distribution of the publications listed in this brochure. Additional information can be obtained by mail or by calling in person at the Bureau offices. Questions on all phases of the mineral industry are welcomed and answered promptly by qualified personnel. Rock and mineral specimens will be identified as to the mineral content, and assaying will be recommended when justified. A quarter of a pound of material is sufficient for a rock or mineral identification, If specimens are to be returned, sufficient postage should be included. All specimens examined are tested by fluo­ rescence and for radioactivity. This service is free of charge to the citizens of Montana. Quantitative analyses or assays are not made. The Bureau acts as an agent for the U.S. Geological Survey in the sale of topo­ graphic and geologic maps of Montana localities. A list of maps available at the Bureau may be obtained free of charge upon request. GENERAL INFORMATION As of January 1, 1959, all publications of the Bureau are issued in only three series, and the information contained therein will be classified as follows: Memoirs.- Highly technical information on basic science. Bulletins.-Less technical information on applied science, Special Publications.-Miscellaneous information on subjects related to the mineral industries and not necessarily of a technical nature. Those series that have been discontinued or included under another series are indicated under the series title in the body of this brochure. The discontinuation of these series does not mean that information generally compiled for pUblication under such will be eliminated, but only that this same information will be pub­ lished under the series "Bulletins" or "Special Publications," ORDERS FOR PUBLICATIONS Memoirs, Bulletins, Special Publications, and those publications under the discontinued series that are still available can be obtained by writing or calling personally at the office of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Room 203-B, Main Hall, Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, Butte, Montana, 59701. A small charge is required for commercially printed publications. Those which are free are so indicated. An order blank is found at the end of this booklet. POSTAGE No charge is made for postage on book publications sent within the United States. Canada and foreign countries should include postage with their orders. PUBLICATIONS OUT OF PRINT Publications that are out of print are indicated by an asterisk(*) , These issues can no longer be obtained from any official source. Many of these pUblications can be consulted at public h'braries in the United States, and some can be pur­ chased from dealers in secondhand books. (See page 21 for cost of reproduction of out-of-print reports.) 2 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY


MEMOIRS "'MI . The Kevin-Sunburst and other oil and gas fields of the Sweetgrass arch. E.S . Perry. 1928. 41 p., 8 pI., 3 fig. Date *M2. Ground water in eastern and central Montana. E.S. Perry. 1931. 59 p., 10 pI., 1 table. *M3 . Natural gas in Montana. E.S. Perry. 1937. 96 p., 13 pI., 19 fig ., 6 tables. ---.. *M4 . Geology of a portion of the Rocky Mountains of northwestern Montana. C.H. Clapp. 1932. 30 p., 1 pI. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Room 203-B, Main Hall "'M5 . Placer-mining possibilities in Montana. O.A. Dingman. 1932. 33 p., 5 pI. Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology (pt. I reprinted in Misc. Contr. 13; Pt. II reprinted in pamphlet form, 1963.) Butte, Montana 59701 *M6 . Paleozoic formations of northwestern Montana. C.F . Deiss. 1933. 51 p., 3 pI. Gentlemen: "'M7. Ground-water resources of Judith Basin, Montana. E.S. Perry. 1932. 30 p., 1 - "1-"\.-11 ..JK...J:; 3 pl., 2 tables. Enclosed is -----in payment for the following pUblications: - ; ",M:8. Geology and gold deposits of the North Moccasin Mountains, Fergus County, Montana. J.E. Blixt. 1933. 25 p., 4 pl., 1 fig. <---"'M9. A geological reconnaissance of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison County, Montana. Wilfred Tansley, P.A. Schafer, and L.H . Hart. 1933. 57 p., 5 pI., 22 fig. ..-. "'MlO. ' Some gold deposits of B~oadwater, Beaverhead, Phillips, and Fergus a> Counties, Montana. A.V. Corry. 1933. 45 p., 9 pI., 12 fig ., 1 table. ;.§ "'MIL Geology and artesian water resources along Missouri and Milk Rivers in ./ ~ northeastern Montana. E.S . Perry. 1934. 35 p., 1 pI., 15 fig ., 5 tables. i!!' *M12 . Physiography and ground-water supply in the Big Hole Basin, Montana. 0 ~ E.S. Perry. 1934. 18 p., 3 pI., 2 fig. . -;i ------*M13 . Geology and ore deposits of the Neihart mining district, Cascade County, <.> Montana. P.A. Schafer. 1935. 62 p., 8 pI., 14 fig ., 1 table. ~ .,in Mountains, Fergus County, Montana. B6 5.90 1323 9.70 1349 9.10 R.N. Miller. 1959.44 p., 5 pI. , 7 fig., 3 tables. $1. B9 4.80 B24 6.10 B58 990 M38 . Pre-Beltian geology of the Cherry Creek and Ruby Mountains areas, south­ B67 9.50 . E.Wm . Hemrich and J.C. Rabbitt. 1960.40 p. , 5 pI. , 9 fig., 4 tables. $1. INFORMATION CIRCULARS * P M39 . Geology of the Garnet-BeaImouth area, western Montana, by M.E. Kauff· man; chapter on Metallic resources, by F.N. Earll. 1964. 40 p., 1 pi., IC5 $1.80 ICl3 $5 .70 IC20 $5.90 1 fig ., 6 tables. $1. IC6 1.30 IC14 3.10 lC21 5.80 M40. Ground-water resources along Cedar Creek anticline in . IC8 1.25 lC15 2.20 TC22 3.40 O. James Taylor. 1965.99 p., 5 pI., 17 fig ., 3 tables. $1. lC9 .80 IC17 4.30 lC24 2.60 M41. Bedrock geology of the Sheridan district, Madison County, Montana. lClO 1.50 ICl8 1.70 IC25 5.70 p H. Robert Burger, III. 1967. 22 p., 2 pI., 7 fig., 3 tables. $1. IC12 1.30 IC19 2.10 IC26 5.30

MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS" MCI $ .90 MC6 $1.50 MCIO $2.70 MC2 5.30 MC7 1.80 MClI 2.30 MC3 1.00 MC8 2.40 MCl2 4.40 MC4 .90 MC9 1.60 MC13 7.00 MC5 1.20 <- SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS * SP29 $9.50 SP33 $4.50 SP41 $2.50 SP32 3.50

REPRINTS Rl $2.85 R2 $1.50 R3 $1.30 ------*Individual pages can be reproduced for 10 cents a page. 4 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY AUTHOR INDEX 21

BULLETINS Lakin, H W...... B7 Sahinen, U.M. M19, M32; MC6; R3 Lambert, G.S...... B4 SP28;B8, Bll,B13,B27,B28, B30 *B1. The Montana State Bureau of Mines and Metallurgy. 1919. 8 p. Landreth, J.O ...... SP44 B39 , B48 , B6l; ICl, IC3 , IC6 *B2. Directory of Montana metals and coal mines. 1919. 30 p . Lane, C.W...... SP28 JClO, JCll , IC18, IC1') , IC23 *B3. Mechanical ore sampling In Montana. H.B. Pulsifer. 1920.72 p., 30 illus. Lawson, DC...... IC23 Sampson, Edward ...... MC7 *B4. Geology and oil and gas prospects of central and eastern Montana. B13,B27,B45,B48, B61 , B70,B72 Schafer, P.A ...... M9, M13, M18 C.H. Clapp, Arthur Bevan, and G.S . Lambert. 1921. 95 p., 9 pI. Lyden, C.J ...... M26 Schell, E.M...... B35 *B5. The location, representation, and patenting of mint!ral lands in Montana. Scott, H.W...... M16 / '" >;x'cfl,,::.L "7- >-1- - 71 A.E. Adami. 1923. 70 p., 9 fig . Ma rch, W.S., Jr ...... IC8 Seager, C F ...... M23 ./IC.! ~* B6 Geology and ore deposits of Bannack and Argenta, Beaverhead County, Matson, R.E...... SP41 , SP42; 869 Service, A.L...... SP42 Montana. P.J. Shenon . .1931. 80 p., 14 pl., 2 fig . McCarthy, J.H ...... B7 Shenon, P.J ...... M17 ; B6 B7. Geochemical prospecting by soil analysis in Montana, by Forbcs Robertson; P McComb, M.A ...... B72 Silverman, A.J...... B56 with a chapter on Analytical methods, by LB. McCarthy and H.W. McGill, G.E ...... SPl8 Smith, A G...... 1336 Lakin. 1956. 94 p., 58 fig ., S1 tables. $1. McGlashan, D W...... MC12 Smith, R.I...... SP42: JC23 ; R2 B8. Mines and mineral deposits, MIssoula and Ravalli Counties, Montana. P McMannj ~, W J ...... B43 013, 027, B39,B45,855, 870 U.M Sahinen. 1957 . 63 p. , 10 pI. , 10 fig., 9 tables. $ 1. McMurtrey, R.G ...... ICI6; B9, B21 Stermitz, Frank ...... 139; SP28 *89. Preliminary report on 1 he geology a nd water reso urces of the Bitterroot B3l,B47, 85 7, 865, 868, B71 Steward, J.e...... S1'17 Valley, Montana, by Frank Stermitz, R.G. McMurtrey, and R. L. MillcI, R.N ...... M37 Stone, Albert ...... IC26 Konizeski; with a section on Chc.mical quality of water , by H.A. Morgan, Thomas ...... B14, B20, B25 Stout, K.S .....1310, B22, B39, 1363; IC4 Swenson. 1959.45 p., 2 pI., 12 fig., 6 tables. 833,B38,B46, B49, 858, B67 IC5 , 1('7, IC14, IC20; Me 13, lVIC14 *BI0. Directory of known mining enterprises, 1958, by K.S. Stout and W. C . Munyan, A.C ...... SP23 Swanson, R.W...... SP28, SP42 Ackerman; with a chapter on the Mineral industry of Montana in 1958, Mutch, T.I\ ...... SP22 Swenson, B.A...... B9 by K.D . Baber, G .A. Kingston, and N.S. Peterson 1959.80 p., 1 pl., 4 tables. (Superseded by B14.) OJ.scn, A.H...... SP42 Tansley, Wilfred ...... 1\19 *B11 . Summary of Montana mineral resources. U .M. Sahinen and F .A . Crowley. Taylor, A.V. , Jr ...... M17 1959. 52 p. , 1 illus. Page, W D...... 1336 Taylor, O.J...... M40; B66 "' BI2. Geologic investigations in the Kootenai-l' area, northw(:st Montana Peoples, J.W ...... MC7 Thompson, f A ...... ICI No 1, western Lincoln County. W.M. Johns 1959. 56 p., 9 pI. , 1 table. Perry, E.S .. Ml, 1\12 , M3, 1\'17, 11111, M12 Trauerman, C.J ...... M20, M22, M31 *B13 PrOh'TeSS report on clays and shales of Montana. U .'\1 . Sahinen, R.I . Smith, M14, 1\127 , M29 , M35 ; MCl, MC2 Tysk, H.T...... SP42 and D.C . Lawson. 1960 83 p., 2 fig. , 7 tables. Me3, MC4, MC5, MC8 ; 131 'i, 1326 Vine, James D ...... SP33 814. Duectory of known mining enterprises, 1959, by r .A Crowley; with a list Peterson, N.s...... '" BI0, B20 Vine, W.A...... B39 of Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Poulter, C. l ...... SP Map 1 industry of Montana in 1959, by F.B. f ulk erson and G .A. Kingston Prinz, w.e...... SP28 Waldron, C.R ...... M20, M21 1960. 64 p., 1 pI. , 4 tables. (Superseded by 820.) (Free) Pulsifer, H.B...... B3 Wels, P.L...... SP28 , SP33 B15. Oil and gas in Montana. E.S. Perry. 1960. 86 p., 2 pI., 23 fig., 4 tables. Weissenborn, A.E ...... SP28, SP33 $1.50. Rabbitt, H.B...... M38 Williams, G.A ...... SP42 P 1316. Mines and mineral deposits (except fuels) , Jefferson County, Montana. Reed, T.E...... B57, 1:l65, B71 Williams, L.A ...... B73 R.N. Roby, W.C. Ackerman, F.B. Fulker on, and F .A. Crowley. 1960. Reid, R.R ...... IC24; M36 Wilson, W.B ...... SP42 120 p., 1 pI., 16 fig., 35 tables. $1.75. Reyner, M.L ...... M31 Winters, A.S ...... B64 ~ *BI7. Geologic investigations in the Kootenai-Flathead area, northwest Montana. Robertson, FOl'bes .. ... B7; R3; M34 Young, F .M ...... B30 No.2, southeastern Lincoln County. W.M . Johns. 1960. 52 p., 4 pI., Roby, R.N...... B16 7 fig. Rogers, C.P., Jr...... M24 Zimmerman, E.A...... IC15 B18 . Columbium-rare-earth deposits, southern Ravalli County, Montana. F .A. Roys, P.F ...... MCI2 BI9,B32, B50A,B50B, B60 Crowley. 1960. 47 p., 8 fig . (Free) B19. Geology and ground-water resources of northeastern Blaine County, Montana. E.A. Zimmerman. 1960. 19 p., 1 pI., 5 fig., 2 tables. (Free) B20. Directory of known mining enterprises, 1960, by F .A. Crowley; with a list of Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and. a section on the Mineral industry of Montana in 1960, by F.B. Fulkerson, G.A. Kingston, and N .S . Peterson. 1961. 67 p., 1 pI., 4 tables. (Superseded by B25 .) (Free) B21. Preliminary report on the geology and ground-water resources of the north­ ern part of the Deer Lodge Valley, Montana. R.L . Konizeski, R.G. Mc­ Murtrey, and Alex Brietkrietz. 1961. 24 p., 1 pl., 7 fig., 2 tables. (Free) 20 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY BULLETINS 5 AUTHOR INDEX P B22. Montana mining law . K.S. Stout. 1961 76 p, 1 pI., 30 fig., 3 tables. $1.75 . Abbreviations used: M, MemoiI ; B, Bulletin; SP, Special Publication; ~ * B23. Geologlc imestJgations m the Kootenai-Flathead mea, no! thwt;st Me' , Misc ellaneous Contd bution; IC , Info.rmation Circular; and R, Reprint. . Montana No. 3, northern Lincoln County. W.M. Johns 1961 58 p , A?e1--'L~ 7- ~ ).-7) Ackerman, W.C . .. BI0, B16; IC20, (Cn Fox, R.D . .. . B52 6 pi., 10 fjg . Adami, A.E...... 135 Fulkerson, F.B. .Jj::J --e> 'B24 Geol,ogy and ore deposits of the southeln Tidal Wa \'e mining distlict, Armstrong, F.C...... SP 28 BI4, B16,B20,B25, B33 , B38 Madison County, Montana. W.M. Johns. 1961 53 p, 2. pi , 15 fig B25 Directory of known mining enterpriSeS, 1961 , by F .A. Crowley; with a Atwood, George ...... SP42 Gardner, L.S, .. " ... " . M24 Ji~t of Active coal nunes by Thomas Morgan, and a seLtion on the Averitt, Paul ...... SP28, SP33 , SP36 Geach, R D. .SP28, SP41 Mine.fal industry of Montana in 1961, by F .B. Fulkerson and G A B33 , B38,846,B49, B58,B67 Babco .. k, Tim . . . SP42 Kingston. 1962 71 p, 1 pI., 6 tables. (Superseded by B33.) (Free) Gele, W.C. . .. SP42 Babc!, K.D. .. BI0 B26. Montana m the geologic past ES. Perry. 1962. 78 p., 2 pI , 18 fIg, Gilbert, F.C...... MIS 5 tables. $1 Barnes, we .... B36 Gilmour, £.H B27 . Pl'ogressreport on clays and shale; of Montana, 1960-61 U .M. Sahmen, Batem'1n , A F., Jf...... SP28, SP33 B36, B73;SP38,SP39,SP43 R.l Smith, and DC Lawson. 1962. 31 p., I fig " 6 tables. (Flee) Bell,LV ...... SP42 Gri swold, G.G , Jr ...... ' B39 P B28 F1uor~par deposits In Monlana. U M. Sahinen. 1962. 38 p., 8 fig ., Bentley, C.B...... SP28 Geoff, S.L...... IC26; S1'24, SP26 I tabie. (Free) Berg, R B...... B70;SP46 SP28,SP31 , SP3~ , SP36 , S1'42 ~ *B29. Geologic investigation' in the KootenaI-Flathead area, nor thwe~t Bevan, Arthur .. B4 Guldbrandsen, R .H ... , , . . . . SP42 ------Montana. No.4, southwestern Flathead County. W M. Johns. 1962. M8 Blixt, J.E .. . GWinn, V,E. . , . SP21 38 p., 4 pl., 7 fig . Blumer, J.W. . . B69 Habashi, Fathi 851, B59 B30. Marketing problems of small business enterprise~ engaged in lead and Bond, E.W ...... SP37 Hadley, H.D...... M24 ;:inc mining. F.M Young, F.A. Crowley, and U.M. Sahinen. 1962. Bondurant, K.T...... B72 Bale, W.N . .. . B46, 849, B58 , B67, B72 58 p., 9 tabll"s. $ 1.25 Botz, M K...... S1'37 Hanley, T.F . .. . . , . . , .. . .. , . SP28 B31. PJeliminary report on the geology and ground-water resour::es of the Brictkrietz, Alex Hamon, A.M. . , . , . . . . M33 southern part of the Deer Lodge Valley, Montana. R.L. Konize ~k i , B21,B31,B37,B47,B53,B68 Harnish , D.H., JI. ... SPI6, SP20, S1'30 R.G McMurtrey, and Alex Brietkrietz. 1962 24 p., 2 pI. , 8 f'g., Burger, H. Robert, III ...... M41 Harris, \V.L . . . . . B56 2 tables. (Free) Burnet, F.E...... SP42 Hart, L.H...... M9 B32. Plelinunary report on the geology and ground-water resources of Camp, H.W. , Jr...... R3 Heinrich, E.W. southern Judith Basin, Montana. EA. Zimmerman. 1962. 23 p., Carrillo, F V...... B67, 1372 M28 , M30, M38; MC10, MCl! I pI. , 4 fig. , 2 tables . (Free) Chadwick, R.A ...... 1343 Hendricks, T.S...... M24 *B33. Directory of known mining enterprises, 1962, by R.D. Geach and Chelini, J.M...... SP28, SP29, SP34 Hignett, T.P...... SP42 .r.M . Chelim; with a list of Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, B33,B44,B45,B54,B55,B62 Hintzlllan, D.E. . . .. B40 and a section on the Mineral ind ustry of Mon\ana In 1962, by F.A. Clapp, C.H...... M4 ; 134; Rl Honkala, F S...... SP42 Fulkerson and R W. Knostman. 1963. 84 p., 1 pI., 6 tables. Collins, R.P...... 849,858,867 Howland, A.L ...... MC7 (Supelseded by B38 .) Collum, S.E...... SP42 Jackson, E.D. . .. . SP28 P B34. Mines and mineral deposits (except fuels), Sanders County, Montana Corry, A.V...... M10 Jarrard, 1.D...... MC15 F.A. Crowley 1963. 58 p., 6 pI., 18 fig., 33 table• . $1.25 . Crowley, F A. SP25; Bll, B14 Johns, W.M. ... . B 12, B 1. 7, B23, B24 P B35 . Ore deposits of the northern palt of the Park (Indian Creek) district, BI6, BI8. B20,B25, 830, B34 B29, B36, B42,B48,B61 Broadwater County, Montana Elmer M. Schell. 1963 47 p., 1 pL, Johnson, L.H ...... R3 18 fig., 2 tables. (Free) Dahl, G.G., Jr...... B69; SP39, SP43 Jones, F .P...... ' B56, B70 GeologIC investigatiom in the Kootenai-Flathead area, northwest Deiss, C.F...... M6; Rl Montana. No . 5, western Flathead Counly and part of Lincoln DeMunck, V.C .. ... IC12, IC13 , IC22 Karlstrom, T.N.V...... M25 Kauffman, A.J ., Jr. ... " . '" B38 County. W.M. Johns, A.G Smith, W.C Barnes, E.H Gilmour, and Dingman, O.A...... M5 , c- Kauffman, M.E ...... M39 W.D. Page. 1963. 68 p., 4 pI., 7 fig ., 2 tables. Dougan, C W...... MC9 I Kelly, F.H. B39 837. Basic water data report no. 1, Missoula Valley, Montana. Alex Briet­ Earhart, R.H...... M21, M22 King, D.L...... S1'42 krietz. 1964. 43 p , 1 pl., 2 fig ., 3 tables. (Free) Earll, F N ...... M39; B39, B41 Kingston, G.A . . .. B10, B14, B20, B25 *B38. Directory of-mining enterprises, 1963, by R.D. Geach, with a list of Kirkelllo, Harold ...... SP33 Emblen, D J...... B39 Active coal mmes by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Knechtel, M.M...... SP33 Emigh, G.D ...... SP42 Knostman, R.W. industry of Montana in 1963, by F.B. Fulkerson, A.J. Kauffman, Emerick, E.B...... M22 B33,B38,B46,B49,B58 Jr., and R W. Knostman. 1964. 70 p., 1 p\., 6 tables. (Superseded Erdmann, C.E...... SP28 Konizeski, R.L. •...... ". IC16 by B46) Eyde, T H, ...... IC21 B9,B21,B31,B47,B68 *B39. Handbook for small mining enterprises in Montana. U M. Sahinen, F .N. Earll, G.G. Griswold, Jr., F H. Kelly, K.S Stout, R.I. Smith, WA Vine, and D. J. Emblen. 1964. 220 p., 29 fig. $2 . 6 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 19 P B40. Geology and ore deposits of the Clinton mining district, Missoula placer mining ...... MS, M26; MC13 County, Montana. Davis E. Hintzman. 38 p., 10 fig ., 1 pI., 1 table. districts ...... M5; reprint of M5 (Free) platinum ...... Bll; MC7; ICI P B41. Economic geology and geochemical study of Win~ton mining district, potash ...... SP33 Broadwater County, Montana. F.N. Earll. 1964. 56 p., 30 fig., 2 pI. prospecting handbooks ...... MC13, MCI4; IC6 $1. geochemical ...... B7 P B42. Geologic investigations in the Kootenai-Flathead area, northwest pumicite ...... , ...... B 11 Montana. No. 6, southeastern Flathead County and northern Lake quartz ...... Bll, B54 County. W.M. Johns. 1964. 66 p., 3 pI., 7 fig., 1 table. (Free) P B43. Geology of the Garnet Mountain quadrangle, Gallatin County, Montana. radioactive deposits ...... Bll; IC6 ; MCI5; SP28 W.J. McMannis and R.A. Chadwick. 1964. 47 p., 2 pI., 9 fig ., 2 rare earths...... SP28; B11, B18; lCI tables. (Free) reductIon plants, Butte ...... R2 B44. Limestone, dolomite, and travertine in Montana. J.M. Chelini. 1965. salt ...... , ...... Bll;ICll;SP28, SP33 53 p., 15 fig., 35 tables. (Free) sand and gravel...... Bl1; SP28 , SP33 B45 . Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1962-64. I.M. Chelini, sapphires ...... Bll; lC!; SP28 R.l. Smith, and D.C . Lawson. 1965. 43 p., 1 pI.., 2 fig., 6 tables. selenium ...... B 11 (Free) sedimentary rocks, Montana and western Great Plains ...... MC8; B26 Directory of mining enterprises, 1964, by R.D. Geach, with a list of shale, general ...... lCl2, lC18, lC23; SP28, SP33 Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Bl1,BI3,B27,B45,B55,B70 industry of Montana in 1964, by R.W Knostman and W.N Hale. silica ...... SP28; B 11, B54 1965. 81 p., I pI., 6 tables. (Superseded by B49 .) sillimanite ...... SP28; M30; Bll; MClD; ICI B47 . Geology and ground-water resources of the Missoula Ba ~ in, Montana. silver ...... Bll; ICI, IC8; SP28 R.G. McMurtrey, R 1. Kon i2.eski, and Alex Brietkrietz 1965 . 35 p , sod ium suU'ate ...... lCl, lCll; Bll; SP28, SP33 3 pI. , 13 fig ., 3 tables. $1. stone ...... SP28, SP33; B11; B44; lCI B4R Geochemical reconnaissance stream-sediment sampling in Flathead and .p stratigraphy ...... R 1; SP23, SP31, SP38 Lincoln Counties, Montana. U.M. Sahinen, W M. Johns, and D.C. Algonkian, Correlation of ...... Rl Lawson. 1965 . 16 p., 3 pI. (Free) Cambrian, southwestern ...... M33 "" B49 Directory of mining enterprises, 1965, by R.D. Geach, wIth a !lst of Mesozoic, south·central ...... M24 Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Paleozoic, no rthwestern...... M6 industry of Montana in 1965, by R.P. Col1in ~, W.N. Hale, and R.W. Paleozoic, south·central ...... M24 Knostman. ) 966. 87 p , 1 pI. , 6 tables. (Superseded by B58.) structural mateIiah ...... ICl2, lC18, IC23 ; R2, SP28; M29 B50·A Geology and ground-watet· resources of western and sout hern parts of Bll, B13 , B27, B44 Judith Basin, Montana. E A. Zimmerman. 1966. 33 p., 4 pI, 10 fig ., sulfur ...... Bll, B51; SP28 6 tables. $1.25 (includes 50-B) B50-B. Basic water data report no. 2, western and southern parts of Judith talc ...... M27; Bll; SP28 Basin, Montana. E.A Zimmerman. 1966. 40 p., 4 tables. (Free taxes, with 50-A.) gas ...... SP30 P B51. The recovery of elemental sulfur from sulfide ores. Fathi Habashi. 1966. oil ...... SP20 41 p., 10 fig., 1 table. (Free) thorium ...... Bll; MCI5; SP28, SP41 B52. Geology and ground-water resources of the Cascade-Ulm area, Montana. tin ...... Bll R.D. Fox. 1966. 64 p., 1 pI., 2 fig., 5 tables. (Free) titanium ...... Bll;ICl;SP28 B53. Basic water data report no. 3, Kalispell Valley, Montana. Alex Briet­ tungsten ...... ICl, IC21, IC24; B11; MCI2; M23; SP28 krietz. 1966. 25 p., 1 pI., 2 fig., 4 tables. (Free) '1 uranium ...... lCl, IC6; MCI5 ; Bll; SP28, SP33 B54. Some high-purity quartz deposits in Montana. J . M. Chelini. 1966. 43 p., 19 fig., 1 table. (Free) vanadium ...... IC 1; B11 B55 . Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1964-65 . J.M. Chelini, vermiculite ...... lCl ; Bll; M27; SP28 R.1. Smith, and F.P. Jones. 1966. 38 p., 3 fig ., 6 tables. (Free) wollastonite ...... IC9 B56. Stratigraphy and economic geology of the Great Falls-Lewistown coal field, central Montana. A.J. Silverman and W.L. Harris. 1967. 20 p., zinc ...... B11, B30; SP28 1 pI., 8 fig., 5 tables. 75c. zirconium ...... B11 B57. Water levels and artesian pressures in observations wells in Mo ntana. R.G. McMurtrey and T.E. Reed. 1967. 28 p., 6 fig., 2 tables. (Free) 18 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY BULLETINS 7 mining districts, continued- *BS8 . Directory of mining enterprises, 1966, by R.D. Geach, with a list of Stillwater ...... M18; MC7 Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Stone Creek ...... M30, M38 inrJustJy of Montana in 1966, R.P. ColJjns, W.N. Hale, and R. W. Sula ...... 138 Knostman. 1 %7. 95 p., 1 pI., 6 tables. Superior (lron Mtn., Cedar Creek, Dry Creek, Trout Creek). . B28 B59 . Kinetics and mechanism of gold and silver dissolution in cyanide Sylvanite...... Bl2 solution. Fathi Habashi. 1967. 42 p., 16 fig ., 13 tables. (Free) Thompson River...... 1334 B60. Water resources of the Cut Bank area, Glacier and Toole Counties, Threemile...... 138; lC22 Montana. E.A. Zimmerman. 1967. 37 p., 3 pI. , 9 fig ., 6 tables. $ 1. Tidal Wave (Twin Bridges) ...... 1\19; B24 P 1361. Geochemical investigations in Lincoln and Flathead Counties, Montana. Tizer-Wilson ...... 1316 U.M. Sahincn, W.M. Johns, and D.C. Lawson. 1967. 18 p. , 2 pI. , Trout Creek, Sanders County (Qua.rtz Creek) ...... fl34 S fig. (Frce) Troy ...... 1312; IC6, IC22 B62 . Market study and compendium of data on mdustrial Illinerals and Upper Camp Creck (Wickiup Creek) ...... ' M32 rocks in Montana. J.M . Chelini. 1967. PI. A-90 p. , I pI., 6 fig., Upper Hot Springs (Revenue) ...... M9 8 tables; Pt. B- Appendices, S4 p (Free) Vipond ...... MIO 136 3 Mining methods and equipment illu strated. K.S. Stout. 1967. 97 p. , Virginia CIty (Aldt:r Gulch, Junction, Nev;, da, Fairweather, 48 pI. $1. Highland , Summit, Pine Grove. Browns Gulch) . .. M9. \128 P B64 Gcology and ore dt:posits of th e Castle Mountain mining district. Warland (Big Creek) ...... 1123 Meagher County, Montana. A.S. Win~er s . 1968. 64 p., 4 pI., 14 fig., Warm Springs, Fergus County (Cillcdgc, l\laidcn) 1\11U; B28 ; Ie 8 1 table. 35 c. Washitlgton (Meadow Creck. MCAllister) . . . . \'19 136S . Watcr leveJs and artesian pressures in obsnlvation wdls in Montana Watson (Elk Creek) ...... MS tlu'ough 1967. R .C. McMurtrey and T.E. Reed. 1968. 40 p., 9 fig., Welcome Creek ...... MS 2 tables. IS c. White Pine ...... B34 B66. Ground-water resources of the northern Powder River valley, south­ Whitefish...... B36 eastern Montana. O. James Taylor. 1968. 34 p., 1 pI., 17 fig., 9 Whitchall (St. Paul Gulch) ...... 1316 tables. $1. Winston (13eaver Creek. . MIO; 1;7, B41: ICG: MClS "'1367 . Directory of mining enterprises, 1967, by R.D . Geaeh, with a list of WolfCreek (Fishel River) ...... 1316 Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Yaak River ...... 1312 , fl23 industry of Montana in 1967, by R. P. Collins, W. N. Hale, and Yogo ...... M5; IC6, ICl3 F. V. C.uTillu. 1968. 93 p., I pI., 6 tables. York (Dry Gulch, Magpie Gulch) ...... MS; lCn B68 Geology and ground-wate.r resources of the Kalispell Valley, northwest­ Zortman (Little Rockics) MlO: 1328 ern Montana. R .L. Konizeski, Alex Brietkrietz, and R.G. McMUItrey. mining methods ...... MCI3, I\1C14; MS: B39 , 1363 1968.42 p., 5 pI. , 34 fig ., 6 tables. $1. Jl101ybdenulll ...... _ SP28; 131J; iVIC7 1369 . Str ippable coal deposits on state land, Powder River County, Montana. Montana, geology of...... 326; SP28 R .E . Matson, G.G . Dahl, Jr., and J.W. Blumer. 1968 . 81 p., 4 pI., 19 fig., 5 tabks. 35c. natural gas ...... M3 , M35 : B4 , 1315 , 1326 ; IC10, R3; SP28 B70 . Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1966-67. R .B Berg, directory of ...... !\'I22 D.C. Lawson, F P. Jones, and R.I. Smith. 1968. 74 p., 4 fig. , fields ...... Ml,M3, M3S;BI5 7 tables. 15c. taxes ...... SP30 1371. Water levels and artesian pressures in observation wells in Montana nickel ...... MC7; 13 11 through 1968. T.E. Reed and R.G . McMurtrey. 1969. 30 p., 9 fig., niobium (columbium) ...... B18 ; SP28 2 tables. ISc. oil ...... B4,BIS, B26;M3S; lC10;SP33 Directory of mining enterprises for 1968, with a list of Active coal directory of ...... M22 mines, 1968, by K.T. Bondurant and D.C. Lawson, and a section on economics of secondary recovery ...... SPl6 the Mineral industry of Montana in 1968, by F.V. Carrillo, W.N. fields ...... ~11, M3S; B4, B15, 1326; SP33 Hale, and M.A . McComb. 1969. 64 p., 1 pI., 5 tables. (Free) shale ...... SP28; Bll; lC1 B73. Geology and coal resources of the Foster Creek coal deposit, taxes ...... SP20 eastern Montana. E.H. Gilmour and L.A. Williams. 1969. 9 p., 4 pI., 4 tables. SOc. pegmatites ...... M28; SP28 perlite...... R 11 petroleum ... Ml, M22, M3S; B4, Bll, 131S, B26; R3; SPI6, SP28, SP33 phosphate rock ...... Bll; lCl; SP2S, SP28, SP42 8 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 17 INFORMATION CIRCULARS mining districts, continued- (Series discontinued. Publications of this type now issued as Bulletins.) Mineral Point (Blue Nose, Sheep Creek) .. . . . M5; B8, B18; IC22 *ICI. A preliminary inventory of Montana mineral resources. F .A. Thomson. Monida ...... M5 1950. Revised by U.M. Sahinen, 1957. 20 p. (Superseded by Bll.) Montana City ...... B16 P IC2. Montana laws governing location of mining claims. 1947. Revised 1957. Moose Creek ...... M32; IC6 7 p. (Free). Neihart (Montana) ...... Ml3; B7; IC13 IC3. Bibliography of publications of the Montana Bureau of Mines and New World (Cooke City) ...... B7; M5 Geology. U.M . Sahinen. 1952. Revised 1957, 1960. 24 p. (Free) North Moccasin (Kendall) ...... M5, M8; IC l3 *IC4. List of known mining enterprises. KS. Stout. 1953 . 18 p. (Super­ seded by IC5 .) Norwegian Creek ...... M9 "'IC5 . List of known mining enterprises. K.S. Stout. 1954. 18 p. (Superseded Noxon ...... B34 by IC7 .) Nye ...... M18 *IC6. Prospecting for uranium in Montana. U .M. Sahinen. 1955 . 13 p., 1 pI. Ophir ...... M5; (Snowshoe, Deadwood) B7 "' IC7. List of known mining enterprises. K S. Stout. 1955. 23 p. (Superseded Park (Hassel) ...... MI0; (Indian Creek) B35 by ICl4.) Petty Creek ...... B8 "'IC8 . Preliminary mvestigation Silver Dike prospect, Warm Springs district, Philipsburg ...... (see Flint Creek) Fergus County, Montana. W.S. March, Jr., 1955 . 11 p.,2 fig. Pilgrim Creek ...... B34 "'IC9 . Wollastonite. Reprinted from Mineral I nformation Service of California., Pioneer, Beaverhead County ...... M5 Div. of Mines. 1955 . 7 p. Pioneer, Powell County (Gold Creek) ...... SPI8, SP22 *IC10. Mineral resources of Richland County, Montana. U.M. Sahinen . 1956. 11 p., 4 pI. Pipestone (Little Pipestone) ...... B16; M28 ICll . Preliminary report on sodium sulfate in Montana. U.M. Sahinen. 1956. Plains ...... B34 9 p. (Free) Pleasant View...... B8 *IC12. Possibilities for lightweight aggregate for concrete near Great Falls, Pony (Mineral Hill) ...... M9, M27 , M28, M36 ; B7; IC24 Montana. V.C. DeMunck. 1956. 11 p., 2 pI., 1 fig., 1 table. (Super­ Potomac (Copper Cliff) ...... M5, M39; B8 seded by IC18 .) Potosi ...... M9, M36; IC21 "'ICl3. Iron deposits in Montana. V.c. DeMunck. 1956. 49 p., 7 pI., 5 fig. Prospect Creek ...... B24 *ICI4. List of known mining enterprises in Montana. K.S . Stout. 1956. 11 p. Pryor ...... B28; IC6; MC15 (Superseded by IC20.) *lCI5. Pleliminary report on the geology and ground-water resources of parts Race Track (Danielsville) ' ...... SP22 of Musselshell and Golden Valley Counties, Montana. E.A Zimmer­ Radersburg (Cedar Plains) ...... M5; B7; IC13 man. 1956. 13 p., 1 pI., 2 fig ., 2 tables . Rainy Creek (Libby) ...... M27 , M28 ;B12 .* IC16 Progress report on the geology and ground-water resourGes of the east­ Ramshorn (Union) ...... M5, M9 , M28 ern part of the Bitterroot Valley, Montana. R.G. McMurtrey and Remini (Vaughn) ...... B7 ; M5 RL Konizeski. 1956. 28 p., 2 pI. , 5 fig., 4 tables. (Free) Renova ...... M9; IC13 *ICI7. Biennial leport of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ Revais Creek (Dixon) ...... M5 ; B34 ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the State Board of Educa­ Riceville (Kibbey and Goodman) ...... M29 tion for the reporting period July 1, 1954 to June 30, 1956. 40 p. Rochester (Rabbit) ...... M18; (Camp Creek) IC6 "'IC18. Expandable shale in the Great Falls area, Montana. U.M Sahinen. 1957. 14 p., 1 pL, 2 tables. Rock Creek ...... M5; IC22 *IC19. Directory of Montana geologists. U .M. Sahinen. 1957 21 p. Revised Ruby Mountains ...... M38 1964. (See Reprints, p. 11 .) Running Wolf...... IC13 *IC20. Directory of known mining enterprises of Montana, 1957. KS Stout Saltese, Mineral County ...... IC6; MC15 and W.C. Ackerman. 1958. 57 p., 1 pI. (Superseded by BI0.) Sand Creek...... M5; (Sappington) M28; IC6 ~ * IC21 The Potosi tungsten district, Madison County, Montana. T.H . Eyde. Scratch Gravel ...... M5 1958. 51 p., 4 pI., 2 tables. See pay Creek...... B34 *IC22. Barite deposits in Montana. V.C. DeMunck and W.C Ackerman. 1958. Sheep Creek, Meagher County ...... IC13 30 p., 3 pI. Sheridan (Mill Creek, Brandon, Quartz Hill, Indian Creek). M9, M28 IC23. Progress report on clays of Montana. U.M . Sahinen, R.I. Smith, and D.C. Lawson. 1958. 41 p., 2 pI., 6 tables. Silver Butte ...... B29; (Vermilion) B34 Silver Star (lron Rod) ...... M19 ~* IC24 . The Strawberry-Keystone gold-tungsten property, Pony mining district, to Madison County, Montana. R.R. Reid. 1958. 18 p., 6 pI. Slate Creek ...... B8 *IC25 . Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ Soap Gulch ...... M32 ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the State Board of Educa­ South Boulder (Cardwell, Mammoth, Bismark) ...... M9, M36 tionfor the reporting period July 1, 1956 to June 30, 1958 . 57 p. South Moccasin ...... M37; B28; MC9 *IC26. A summary report of the ground-water situation in Montana, by S.L. Squaw Creek (Mica Creek) ...... M27, M28 Groff, with a chapter on Montana and the law on ground water, by Star Meadow...... B23, B29 Albert Stone. 1958. 45 p., 7 pI., 1 table. Stemple (Fool Hen, Gould, Poor Man) M5, MI6-p. 13 16 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS/SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 9 mining districts, continued- "MCI. ArteSIan wells as a source of water for the Winnett irrigation project, Darby ...... M5 Montana. E.S. Perry. 1932. 5 p., 3 pI. Deer Creek, Beavechead County . . . . IC6; MC15 *MC2. Possibilities of ground-water supply for certain towns and cities of Dillon (Axes Canyon, Timber Gulch) .. M27, M28, M30, M38; MCn Montana. E.S. Perry. ~ . 93?.. 49 p., 2 pI., 70 fig . Duck Creek ...... , ...... B28; MC15 *MC3 Shallow wells near Terry, Montana, as a source of irrigation water. Dunkleburg , ...... SP21 E.S. Perry. 1932.7 p. East Butte, Liberty County ...... B28; lC13 *MC4. Artesian wells as a source of water for municipal supply at Fort Benton, Eddy Cleek (Swamp Creek) ...... B34 Montana. E.S. Perry. 1932. 7 p., 1 p\. Eightmilc ...... , ...... , 138 "MC5 . Shallow wells as a source of irrigation water in Frenchtown and Camas Elk Creek ...... , ...... (see Coloma) Prairie Vallcys, Montana. E.S Perry. 1933.8 p., 2 pI. Elkhorn, Beaverhead County ...... MS; IC 13 ~ * MC6. Badger Pass mining district, Beaverhead County, Montana. U .M. Sahinen. Elkhorn, Jefferson County ...... M5; B7, R16 1934. lOp., I pI., 1 fig. Elliston (Ontario, Nigger Hill) ...... M5; B7 *MC7 . Sti1Iwater igneou3 complex and associated occurrences of nickel and Elmo (Chief Cliff) ...... M:'i platinum group metals. A.L. Howland , J.W. Peoples, and Edward Emery (Zosell) ...... B34, 137 Sampson. 1936. 15 p., 1 pI., 3 tables. Emigrant ...... MC15 *MC8. Distribution of sedimentary rocks in Montana and the northwe~tern Ennis ...... , ...... M27, M28 (~reat Plains. E.S Perry. 1945 . 10 p., 8 ilIus. Eureka...... 1323 "MC9. Dickite-clay deposit of ]:ergus County, Montana. C.W . Dougan. 1947. Pish Creek, Mineral County...... B28 11 p., 3 pI. , 4 tables. Flint Creek (Philipsburg, Granite) ...... M5; 137 , 1326 ; lC13 *MCI0 Sillimanite minerals south of Ennis, Madison County, Montana. E.Wm. French Gulch ...... M5; (Watson Gulch) M26 Heinrich. 1948. 22 p. , 1 pI., 6 fig . Frog Pond basin ...... B8 "MCll . The Camp Creek co rundum deposit ncar Dillon, Beaverhead County, Gallatin Gateway...... M27, M28 Montana. F. Wm . Hei mich. 1950.20 p., 2 pI., 1 fig . Gamet (First Chance, Bear Gulch, Top O'Deep) .. . . . M5 , M39 *MCl2. Tungsten situation ill i\'lontana as a factor in national defense. D W. Georgetown ...... ICI3; SP Map 1 McGlashan and P.F. Roys. 1952.47 p., 1 pI. German Gulch...... M5 ~ MC13 . Practical guide for prospectors and small-mine operations in Montana. Golconda ...... B16 K.S. Stout. 1955. 105 p., 19 pI. Green Horn (Austin) . . , ...... M5 , M28 MC14. Operating ideas for small mmes. K.S. Stout. 1956. 81 p., 36 pI. $1. Hamilton ...... B8; M7.7, M28 MCI5 . Some occurrences of uranium and thorium in Montana. 1.D Jarrard. Heath ...... M29 1957.90 p., 5 pI. $1. Heber...... , ...... M5 (Name of series changed to "Special Publications") Hecla (Bryant, Glendale, Trapper Creek) . . . M25 Helena (Park, Spring Hill, Unionville) ...... MS, M27 p Map 1 (Geologic map 1) Geology of the Georgetown thrust area southwest of Helll'oaring Plateau ...... M18; (Red Lodge) lC6 Philipsburg, Granite and Deer LodgeCounties, Montana. C.J. Poulter. Henderson Gulch ...... MS 1957 . 2 sheets. 40c. Highland (Fish Creek , Red Mountain) ...... M5 , M32 SPI6. Economics of seco nd ary recovery in Montana. (Oil) D.H. Harnish, Jr. Hog Heaven (Kila) ...... MI7;1336 1958.4 p., 3 fig., 3 tables. (Free) Homestake ...... M5,M28;1316 SP17. (Geologic map 2) Geology of the Dryhead-Garvin BaSIn, Big Horn and Horse Prairie ...... M5;IC6;(LemhiPass)MCI5 Carbon Counties, Montana. J.C. Stewart. 1959 1 sheet. 40e. Hughes Creek (Alta, Overwich) ...... M5 ; 138 ; MC15 P SP18 (Geologic map 3) Northwest flank Flint Creek Range, Montana. G.E. Indian Creek (Townsend, Park, Hassel) ...... M 10; 1335 McGill. 1959. I sheet. 40c. Iron Mountain, Stillwater County...... M18 ; 137, 1326 SP19. Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ JakeCreek ...... • ...... M38 ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the Legislative Assembly, ( Jardine (Sheepeater, Bear Gulch) ...... M23 \ fox the reporting period July I, 1958 to June 30,1960.15 p., 1 pI. Landusky ...... MIO (Pree) Libby (Snowshoe) ...... M5, 1312 SP20. A comparative tax study of Montana's oil industry. D.H. Harnish, Jr. Lincoln (Heddleston) ...... M5; 137 1961. 10 p., 2 tables. (Free) Lolo Creek ...... B8 P SP21. (Geologic map 4) Geology of the Drummond area, central-western Lower Hot Springs (Norris) ...... M5; (Beartrap) M28 Montana. V.E. GWInn. 1961. 1 sheet. SOc. Lowland (Elk Park) ...... " .. . . . 1316 P SP22 . (Geologic map 5) Geology of the northeast flank of the Flint Creek Marysville (Ottawa, Bald Butte) ...... M5; 137, B28 range, western Montana. T A. Mutch. 1961. 1 sheet. SOc. Maxville (South Boulder, Princeton) ...... M5; B28; SP18 ,* SP23 A different stratigraphic interpretation of Pennsylvanian-Permian­ McClellan (Mitchell Creek) ...... 1316 Triassic sequence, southern Montana and adjacent areas. A.C. Munyan. 1962. 12 p., 7 fig. (Free) 10 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 15 SP24. (Ground-water report 1) Reconnaissance ground-water studies, Wheat­ manganese ...... SP28; Bll; leI land, eastern Meagher, and northern Sweet Grasg Counties, Montana. marketing ...... B30, B39, B62 S. L. Groff. 1962. 31 p., Ipl., 1 fig., 3 tables. (Free) mechanical ore sampling ...... B3 SP25 . (Mineral resource data sheet 1) Phosphate rock. FA. Crowley. 1962 mercury ...... B 11 8 p., 1 fig., 4 tables. (Free) metallurgy...... BS I SP26. (Ground-water report 2) Reconnaissance ground-water studies, northern mica ...... Bl1;JCl;M28;SP28 Park County, Montana. S.L. Groff. 1967.. 14 p., 1 pI., 5 table~ . (Free) mineral industry ...... SP28, SP33 SP27 . Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart· BIO , BI4,B20,B2S, B33,B38,B46,B49, B58 , B67,B72 ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the Legislative A~sembly mineral rewurces ...... ICI, ICIO; Bii. B26; R3; SP28, SP3 3 for the reporting period July 1, 1960 to June 30, 1962. 16 p., 1 pI. mines, directory of .. . IC4, ICS, IC 7, ICI4, IC20; MIS, M20 , M31 (Free) B2 , B10,B14, B20, B2S , B33,B38, B46,B49,BS8,B67, B72 SP28 . Mineral and water resources of Montana. U.S. Geological Survey and mining districts ...... B2;MS, MIS, M20, M26 , M3J Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology for U.S Committee on Alhambra (Hot Springs) ...... B16; IC6; MClS; MS Interior and Insular Affairs at request of Senator Lee Metcalf. 1963 Amazon ...... B16 17 contributors 166 p., 51 fig., 10 tables. $1. Ana~onda (Lost Creek, Garrity Hill, Weathervane Hill) ...... M28 *SP29. Preliminary compilation, index of unpublished geologic studies in B28; IC13, IC22 Montana. J.M. Chelini. 1963. 81 p., 1 pI. (Superseded by SP34.) Argenta (Montana) ...... MS; B6, B7 SP30. A comparative tax study of Montana's gas producing indu~try . D.H. Armstead ...... M30 Harnish, Jr. 1964. 17 p., 4 fig., 1 table. (Free) Bald Mouniain ...... MS, M10 tt... SP3L (Correlation chart 1) Stratigraphic correlations for Montana and adja­ Badger Pass ...... MC6 cent areas. S.L. Groff. 1963. 1 sheet. 20c. Bannack ...... M2.6; B6, B7 "SP32. Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ Barker (H ugh e!ov ilIe) ...... MS ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the Legislative Assembly Barton Gulch ...... M9 for the reporting period July 1, 1962 to June 30,1964. 30 p. , 6 fig ., Basin (Cataract) ...... MS; B7, B16; IC6, IC22 2 tables. Bearpaw Mountains ...... M27 , M28; (Rocky Boy) MClS *SP33. Mineral potential of eastern Montana- a basis for future growth. Report Big Foot (State Creek) ...... B 16 compiled by U,s. Geological Survey and U.S . Bureau of Mines at the Birch Creek ...... IC 13 request of Senator Mike Mansfield, 89th Congress, 1st Session, Blue Creek (Htlron) ...... MS; B34 Senate Doc. 12. 1965. 77 p., 18 fig., 12 tables. Blue Wing ...... B6 'f SP34. Index of unpublished geologic studies in Montana. J.M . Chelini. 1965 . Boulder ...... B16; IC6, MC7 88 p., 2 pI. (Free) Boulder River ...... , ...... M 18 SP35. Reconnaissance ground-water and geologic studies of western Meagher Bozeman ...... , ...... M28 County, Montana. S.L. Groff. 1965. 23 p., 1 pI. , 1 fig ., 3 tables. Burnt Fork ...... B8 (Free) Butte (Summit Valley, Independence, Silver Bow) ...... M28 SP36. Proceedings of the first Montana coal resources symposium, by S.L. B7, B26, B28; IC6; R2 Groff, including a reprint of Coal section and bibliography from Cabinet , ...... MS; B12, Bl7, B29 "Mineral potential of eastern Montana- a basis for future growth," Camas Prairie ...... , ...... B34 Senate Doc. 12, 89th Congress, 1st Session. 1966. 89 p., 9 fig., 10 Cardwell (Whitehall) ...... B16 tables. $1. Carter Creek (Dillon) ...... M27, M28, M30, M38; IC13 SP37. Index and bibliography of ground-water studies in Montana. Compiled Castle Mountains ...... B64; lC13 by M.K. Botz and E. W. Bond. 1966. 1 sheet. 25c. Cherry Creek ...... MS P SP38. Selected bibliography of stratigraphy in Montana and adjacent areas. (Johnny Gulch) M27, M28, M38; IC13; MCIO E.H. Gilmour, ed. 1966. 61 p. (Free) Clancy (Lump Gulch) ...... B16; IC 6 SP39. Index map and bibliography of coal studies in Montana. E.H. Gilmour Clark Fork, Carbon County ...... MS and G.G. Dahl, 1.£. 1966. 1 sheet. 25c. Cliff Lake ...... M27 SP40. Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ Clinton (Wallace) ...... MS; B8, B40 ment of Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, for Coloma (Elk Creek) ...... MS, M39; B8; IC22 the reporting period July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1966. 28 p., 6 fig ., Colorado (Corbin-Wickes, Gregory) ...... MS; B7, Bl6 2 tables. (Free) Confederate Gulch (Backer) ...... MS * SP41. Thorium deposits of the Lemhi Pass district, Beaverhead County, Copperopolis (Musselshell) , ...... MS Montana. R.D. Geach and R.E. Matson. 1966.22 p., 8 fig., 1 table. Crevasse Mountain ...... M23; B7 SP42. 1966 Industrial seminar, western phosphate region. Montana Bureau of Crystal Mountain ...... , ...... B8. B28; IC6 Mines and Geology and Montana State Planning Board. 1967. 8S p., Curlew ...... B8 $1. 14 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 11 geology, continued- SP43 . Montana coal analysis. E,H. Gilmour and G.G. Dahl, Jr. 1967. 21 P lSc. Strawbeny-Keystone ...... IC24; M9 SP44. High calcium limestone deposit in the Rattler Gulch area, Granite Tidal Wave district ...... B24; M9 County, Montana. J.O. Landreth. 1968. 10 p., 1 fig ., 1 table. (Free) Tobacco Root Mountains ...... M9, M36 SP4S . Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ Zosell (Emery) district ...... M34 ment of Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, for glaciation ...... B26 the reporting period July 1, 1966 to June 30, 1968. 33 p. , 6 fig., gold ...... Bll; IC1; SP28;M8, MIO, M23, M26 1 2 tables. (Free) graphite ...... M27; Bll; IC1; SP28 *,SP46. Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana. R.B. Berg. 1969. ground water, general ...... _ . . . . IC:?6; SP28 IS p. (Free) bibliography, ground-water studies in Montana ...... SP37 Big Hole basin ...... M12 REPRINTS Bitterroot Valley...... _ ...... B9; IC 16 Blaine County, northern ...... _ . .. B19 (Series discontinued. Publications of this type now issued as Special Publications.) Camas Prairie Valley ...... MCS *Rl. Correlation of Montana Algonkian formations. C.H. Clapp and C.F. Cascade-Ulm area ...... BS 2 Deiss, 1932. 22 p. Cedar Creek anticline ...... M40 *R2. History of the early reduction plants, Butte, Montana. R.1. Smith. 19S 3. central and eastern Montana .. _ .. _ ...... M2 17p., 2 pl. cities and towns ...... MC2 *R3. Raw materials resources of Montana. Forbes Robertson, H.W. Camp, Jr., Cut Bank area ...... B60 L.H. Johnson, and U.M. Sahinen. 19S4. 12 p. Deer Lodge Valley .. . _ ...... B2I, B3I Reprint of Part II of Memoir S, Placer-mining possibilities in Montana: Fort Benton, artesian ...... , MC4 Placer-mining districts of Montana. O.A. Dingman. 1963. 10 p. (Free) Fort Peck dam ...... M 11 Frenchtown Valley ...... MCS Golden Valley County ...... ICIS Judith Basin ...... M7; B32, BSO Kalispell Valley ...... BS3, B68 law ..... _ .. . _ .. __ ...... • ...... IC26 Meagher County ...... _ .... _ . _ . . _ .. SP24, SP3S MissoulaValley ...... _. __ . _ _ . _. _" _ . _ ... B37,B47 Musselshell County ...... ICIS northeastern Montana, artesian ...... Mll observation wells ...... BS7, B6S, B71 Park County, northern ...... SP26 Powder River valley, northern ...... _ ...... B66 southeastern Montana ...... _ _ . . . . M 14 springs ...... B26 Sweet Grass County...... SP24 Terry area ...... MC3 Wheatland County . _ . __ .. _ ...... _ . _ . .... _ SP24 Winnett, artesian irrigation ...... MC1 gypsum ...... SP28,SP33;IC1;Bll;M29,M37 industrial minerals ...... B62 iron ...... SP28; IC1, IC13; Bll kyanite . _ ...... M30; MCIO; Bll lanthanum ...... B18 law, ground water ...... IC26 mining ...... BS, B22; IC2; MC13 lead ...... Bll, B30; ICI; SP28 lightweight aggregate...... IC12, IC18 lime and limestone ...... SP28, SP44; M29; Bll, B44 12 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 13 SUBJECT INDEX geology ...... SP28; B26 Badger Pass district ...... MC6 Abbreviations used : M, Memoir; B, Bulletin; SP, Special Publication; Bannack and Argenta ...... B6 MC, Miscellaneous Contribution; IC, Information Circular ; and R, Reprint. bibliography of geology and mineral resources ...... M21 agate ...... B11; ICl; SP33 Big Hole basin ...... M12 aluminum ...... B11; ICI , Bitterroot Valley ...... B8, B9; IC16 antimony ...... B11; IC}; SP28 Blaine County, northeast ...... Bl9 arsenic ...... •...... B11;ICI;M23;SP28 Cascade- Ulm area ...... ' . B52 artesian water ...... (see ground water) Castle Mountains ...... B64 asbestos ...... B11; ICI; M27; SP28 central and eastern Montana ...... B4, B15 ; M3 , M35 barite ...... ICl,IC22; B8 , B11;SP28 Cherry Creek area ...... M38 bentonite...... B 11; ICl; SP28 , SP33 Cut Bank area ...... B60 beryl ...... B11 ; ICI Deer Lodge Valley ...... B21, B31 bibliographies ...... SP37 , SP38 , SP39 ; IC3 ; M21 Drummond area ...... SP21 biennial reports of MBMG , Dryhead-Gatvin basin ...... SP 17 1954-56 ...... ICI7 Flathead County ...... B29, B36, B48, B61; M17 1956-58 ...... IC25 Flint Creek range ...... SP18, SP22 1958-60 ...... SP19 Garnet-Bearmouth area ...... M39 1960-62 ...... SP27 Garnet Mountain quadrangle ...... B43 1962-64 ...... SP32 Georgetown thrust area ...... SP Map 1 1964-66 ...... SP40 Golden Valley County ...... IC15 1966-68 ...... SP45 Great Falls- Lewistown coal field ...... B56 bismuth ...... Bll; ICl ; SP28 Hecla district...... M16 Butte, history of early reduction plants ...... R2 Highland Mountains ...... M32 Hog Heaven district ...... M 17 cadmium ...... Bll; ICI Index of unpublished geologic studies ...... SP29 , SP34, SP46 calcite ...... Bll;ICl; SP28 Jardine- Crevasse district ...... M23 caverns ...... B26 Jeffer:;onCounty ...... B16 cement materials ... M29; B 11, B13 , B27, B45, B55 , B70; ICI , IC23, SP28 Judith Basin ...... B32 , B50; M7 cerium...... B18 Kalispell Valley ...... B68 chromite ...... M18;Bll;ICl;MC7;R3;SP28 Kootenai·- Flathead area. . .. B12, B17, B23, B29, B36, B42; M17 clay . .. Bll, B13, B27 , B45 , BS5 , B70; ICI, IC23; M37; MC9; SP28, SP33 Lincoln County . , ...... B12 , B17 , B23, B36 , B48, B61 coal...... ICI, ICIO; B11 , B26, B56 , B69, B73; R3 Meagher County, western ...... SP35 SP28,SP33, SP36, SP39,SP43 Missoula basin...... B47 directory of mines ...... B2 , B14, B20, B25 , B33 , B38 , B46 Missoula County ...... B8 B49 , B58,B67, B72 Musselshell County ...... IC15 columbium (niobium) ...... ICl; B11, BI8 Neihart district ...... M13 construction materials ...... ICI, ICIO, ICI2, IC18, IC23 Northern Moccasin Mountains ...... ' ...... M8 BI3, B27,B44, B45,B55, B70;M29 northeastern Montana ...... MIl copper ...... Bll;R3;IC1;SP28 northwestern Montana B12, B17 , B23 , B29, B36, B42;M4, MI7 corundum...... , . . . MCll; lC1; Bll Pleasant Valley ...... B23, B29 cyanidation ...... B59 Potosi- Tungsten district ...... JC21 , M9 diatomaceous earth ...... IC t; B11 RavalliCounty ...... B8, B9, IC16 Richland County ...... IC 10 earthquakes, Helena ...... MI6 Rochester and adjacent districts ...... M19 feldspaI'...... M28; Bll; SP28; ICI Ruby Mountains ...... M38 fluorspar ...... B11, B28; SP28; ICI Sanders County ...... B34 fossils ...... B26; M24, M33 Sheridan district ...... M41 Silver Star ...... MI9 garnet ...... • ...... ICI; B11; M23 South Moccasin Mountains ...... M37 gems and gem materials ...... SP28 , ,SP33 southeastern Montanan ...... MI4 geochemical prospecting ...... B7 , B41 , B48, B61 Stillwater compiex ...... MC7; M18 NEW PUBLICATIONS

B 74. Bentonite in Montana. R. B. Berg. 1969. 34 p., 7 fig. , 7 tables. 35c. B 75 . Hydrogeology of the upper Silver Bow Creek drainage area, Montana. M. K. Botz. 1969. 32 p., 2 pI., 6 fig., 10 tables. 35c. B 76. Water levels and artesian pressure in observation wells in Montana, 1966-69 . T. E. Reed and R. G. McMurtrey. 1970. 36 p., 9 fig., 2 tables. 15c. *B 77. Directory of mining enterprises for 1969, with a List of active coal mines, 1969, compiled by Miller Hansen, and a section on the Mineral industry of Montana in 1969, by F. V. Carrillo, W. N. Hale, and Mary Anne McComb . 1970. 62 p., 1 pI., 5 tables. B 78. Strippable coal deposits, McCone County, Montana. R. E. Matson. 1970. 13 p., 1 pl.,2 fig., 3 tables. 25c. f' B 79. Geology and mineral deposits of Lincoln and Flathead Counties, Montana. W. M. Johns. 1970. 182 p., 3 pI., 57 fig. , 7 tables. $2.50. B 80. Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1968-69. R. B. Berg, D. C. Lawson, F. P. Jones, and R. 1. Smith. 1970. 27 p., 3 fig ., 6 tables. 15c. B 81. Surficial geology and water resources of the Tobacco and upper Stillwater River valleys, northwestern Montana. D. L. Coffin, Alex Brietkrietz, and R. G. McMurtrey. 1971. 48 p., 3 pI., 15 fig., 10 tables. 75c. p B 82. Directory of mining enterprises for 1970, with a List of active coal mines, 1970, compiled by Miller Hansen, and a section on the Mineral industry of Montana in 1970, by F. V. Carrillo, W. N. Hale, and Mary Anne McComb. 1971. 59 p., 1 pI., 5 tables. Free. (Available June 10, 1971.)

P SP47. Painted Rocks Lake area, southern Ravalli County, Montana. H. G. Fisk. 1969,1 sheet (map). 25c. SP48. Conversion of section-township-range to latitude-Iongitude-A computer technique. M. K. Botz. 1969. 15 p., 3 fig ., 3 tables. Free. SP49. Development of a statewide system for computer processing of hydrogeological data. M. K. Botz. 1970. 15 p., 3 app., 3 fig . Free. SP 50. Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana, compiled by R. B. Berg. 1970. 24 p. Free. SP 51 . Bentonite deposits in the Ingomar-Vananda area, Treasure and Rosebud Counties, Montana. R. B. Berg. 1970. 5 p., 1 pI., 2 tables. 15c. SP 52. Uranium in phosphate rock. Fathi Habashi. 1970. 33 p. Free. P SP 53 . Index of graduate theses on Montana geology, compiled by R. B. Berg. 1971. 47 p., 2 pI., 1 fig. 35c. SP 54. Catalog of stratigraphic names for Montana, compiled by C. A. Balster. 1971. 448 p. $1.50. P SP 55 . Stratigraphic correlations for Montana and adjacent areas. 2d edition. Compiled by C. A. Balster. 1971. (Supersedes SP 31). 20c. P SP 56. Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana, compiled by R. B. Berg. 1971. 15 p. Free. *Out of print. ;' I

Because of increased costs, charges for postage and pack­ aging will now be made on all publications and maps distributed by the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology.

Charges to be made are listed below:

Postage --- actual cost, rounded off to nearest 5~ Packaging --- packages of 1 or 2 publications 25~ -- packages of 3 or 4 publications 50~ --- packages of 5 or more publications that require special wrapping $1 --- maps that can be folded and mailed in envelopes, per envelope 25~ --- maps that must be mailed in small tubes 50~ -- maps that must be mailed in large tubes $1

No charge will be made on small leaflets that can be mailed in a business-size envelope.

MBMG Fonn 119 .. (Rev. 1l/7~) STATE OF MONTANA Forrest H. Anderson, Governor

BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY S. L. Groff, Acting Director



1919 - 1971 k ~ ~ ..~ .. . "i Date------

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Room 203-B, Main Hall Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology Butte, Montana 59701

Gentlemen: Enclosed is -----in payment for the following pUblications:

Please send to the following address: NEW PUBLICA nONS AVAILABLE

BULLETINS B. 84 Mines and mineral deposits of the Southern Flint Creek Range, Montana. F. N. Earll. 1972. 54 p., 43 fig ., 3 pI. , 1 table. 70¢. B. 85 Mines and mineral deposits (except fuels), Beaverhead County, Montana. R. D. Geach. 1972. 194 p., 97 fig ., 3 pI. , 22 tables. $3.50. *B. 86 Directory of mining enterprises for 1971, with a list of active coal mines, 1971, compiled by Don C. Lawson, and a section on the mineral industry of Montana in 1971 , by the Division of Nonferrous Metals, U.S . Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. 1972. 43 p., 1 pI. , 1 table. Free. B. 88 Directory of mining enterprises for 1972, with a list of active coal mines, 1972, compiled by Don C. Lawson, and a section on the mineral industry of Montana in 1972, by the Division of Nonferrous Metals, U.S . Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. 1973. 59 p., 1 pI., 1 table. Free. MEMOIRS M. 42 Correlation of Pleistocene glaciation in the Bitterroot Range, Montana, with fluctuations of glacial Lake Missoula. W. M. Weber. 1972. 42 p., 18 fig ., 4 tables. Handling charge of 25¢. M. 43 Petrology of the northeastern border zone of the Idaho batholith, Bitterroot Range, Montana. Ronald B. Chase. 1973 . 28 p., 9 fig. , 5 pI., 3 tables. Handling charge of 40¢.

SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS SP 57 Hydrology of the west fork drainage of the Gallatin River, southwestern Montana, prior to commercial recreational development. Wayne A. Van Yoast. 1972. 19 p., IO fig .. 4 tables. 50¢. *SP 58 Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana. Compiled by R. B. Berg. 1972. 15 p. Free. SP 59 Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana. Compiled by R. B. Berg. 1973. 17 p. Free. STATE OF MONTANA


S. L. Groff, Acting Director




1919 -1971

' .


Butte, Montana 59701 Date------

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Room 203-B, Main Hall CONTENTS Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology Page Butte, Montana 59701 Introduction...... 1 General information ...... , ...... 1 Gentlemen: Orders for publications ...... , . , , , . 1 Postage . .. , ...... 1 Enclosed is----- in payment for the following pubiications: Publications out of print ...... 1

Book pUblications ...... ,. 2 Memoirs •• • •• • • • • • • ••••• • • > ...... 2 Bulletins ...... 4 Information Circulars ...... 9 ~.. Miscellaneous Contributions/Special Publications ...... 10 :.§ Reprints ...... l3 :§ Subject index ...... •.. .. , . 14 ~ -a0 Author index '; ...... 22 (J ~ Reproduction costs of out-of-print reports ...... ~ 24 ~ Order blank ...... (in back)

Please send to the following address: 1

ii 24 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY INT RO D UCTION REPRODUCTION COSTS OF OUT-OF-PRINT REPORTS This pamphlet contains a complete list to date of the Bureau's Memoirs, Bulletins, Information Circulars, Reprints, Miscellaneous Contributions, and Copies of reports now out of print can be reproduced at the following Special Publications, and is revised annually to incfude new issues. prices (includes maps and plates): The ultimate objectiv e of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology is the MEMOIRS* dissemination of i.nformation concerning the geology, mineral resources, and ground-water occurrences of the state. This objective is partly accomplished by MI $ 4.00 M12 $ 2.60 M24 $10.50 the distribution of the publications listed in this brochure. Additional information M2 7.70 M13 7.80 M25 10.10 can be obtained by mail or by calling in person at the Bureau offices. Questions M3 11.60 M14 7.90 M26 16.10 on all phases of the mineral industry are welcomed and answered promptly by { M4 3.90 MIS 10.30 M27 5.20 qualified personnel. M5 4.70 M16 6.60 M28 6.60 Rock and mineral specimens will be identified as to the mineral content, and M6 5.90 M17 3.60 M29 5.60 assaying will be recommended when justified. A quarter of a pound of material is M7 4.00 M18 4.80 M30 5.50 sufficient for a rock or mineral identification. If specimens are to be returned, M8 3.60 M19 6.65 M31 15.50 sufficient postage should be included. All specimens examined are tested by f1uo- M9 7.00 M20 16.80 M32 7.60 rescence and for radioactivity. This selVice is free of charge to the citizens of M10 6.30 M21 36.00 M33 6.50 Montana. Quantitative analyses or assays are not made. Mll 4.10 M23 13.50 M35 7.10 The Bureau acts as an agent for the U.S. Geological Survey in the sale of topo- BULLETINS * graphic and geologic maps of Montana localities. A list of maps available at the Bureau may be obtained free of charge upon request. B1 $ .50 Bll $ 5.70 B36 $10.30 B2 1.60 B12 8.20 B38 7.70 GENERAL INFORMATION B3 3.70 B13 8.40 B39 22.50 As of January 1, 1959, all publications of the Bureau are issued in only three B4 4.70 B17 8.00 B46 8.50 series, and the information contained therein will be classified as follows: B5 3.60 B23 9.70 B49 9.10 B6 5.90 B24 6.10 B58 9.90 Memoirs.- Highly technical information on basic science. B9 4.80 B29 5.70 B67 9.50 Bulletins.-Less technical information on applied science. B10 8.50 B33 9.00 B72 6.80 Special Publications.-Miscellaneous information on subjects related to the mineral industries and not necessarily of a technical nature. INFORMATION CIRCULARS* Those series that have been discontinued or included under another series ar IC5 $ 1.80 IC14 $ 3.10 IC20 $ 5.90 indicated under the series title in the body of this brochure. The discontinuati IC6 1.30 IC15 2.20 IC21 5.80 of these series does not mean that information generally compiled for pUblication IC8 1.25 IC16 3.60 IC22 3.40 under such will be eliminated, but only that this same information will be pub- IC9 .80 IC17 4.30 IC24 2.60 lished under the series "Bulletins" or "Special Publications." IC12 1.30 IC18 1.70 IC25 5.70 ORDERS FOR PUBLICATIONS ICl3 5.70 IC19 2.10 IC26 5.30 Memoirs, Bulletins, Special Publications, and those publications under the MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS * discontinued series that are still available can be obtained by writing or calling personally at the office of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Room MC1 $ .90 MC5 $ 1.20 MC9 $ 1.60 203-B, Main Hall, Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, Butte, MC2 5.30 MC6 1.50 MC10 2.70 Montana, 59701. A small charge is required for commercially printed publications. MC3 1.00 MC7 1.80 MCll 2.30 Those which are free are so indicated. An order blank is found at the end of this MC4 .90 MC8 2.40 MC13 7.00 booklet. POSTAGE SPECIAL PUBLICATlONS* No charge is made for postage on book publications sent within the United SP23 $ 1.20 SP32 $ 3.50 SP34 $10.30 States. Canada and foreign countries should include postage with their orders. SP29 9.50 SP33 4.50 SP41 2.50 SP46 1.50 PUBLICATIONS OUT OF PRINT Publications that are out of print are indicated by an asterisk(*). These issues REPRINTS * can no longer be obtained from any official source. Many of these publications R1 $ 2.85 R2 $ 1.50 R3 $ 1.30 can be consulted at public libraries in the United S tates, and some can be pur- chased from dealers in secondhand books. (See page 24 for cost of reproduction ------of out-of-print reports.) *Individual pages can be reproduced for 10 cents a page. 2 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY AUTHOR INDEX ' 23 BOOK PUBLICATIONS King, D.L...... SP42 Sahinen, U.M. M19, M32; MC6; R3 MEMOIRS Kingston, G.A.. . . B10, B14, B20, B25 SP28;B8, Bl1,BI3,B27,B28, B30 Kirkemo, Harold ...... SP33 B39, B48, B61; IC1, IC3 , IC6 The Kevin-Sunburst and other oil and gas fields of the Sweetgrass arch. Knechtel, M.M...... SP33 IClO, ICll, IC18, IC19, IC23 E.S. Perry. 1928.41 p., 8 pI., 3 Ilg. Knostman, R.W. Sampson, Edward ...... MC7 B33, B38 , B46,B49,B58 *M2. Ground water in eastern and central Montana. E.S. Perry. 1931. 59 p., 10 Schafer, P.A ...... M9, M13 , Ml8 pI., 1 table. Konizeski, R.L...... ICI6 B9, B21 , B31, B47,B68 Schell, E.M...... B35 *M3. Natural gas in Montana. E.S. Perry. 1937. 96 p., 13 pI., 19 fig ., 6 tables. Scott, H.W...... M16 "'M4 . Geology of a portion of the Rocky Mountains of northwestern Montana. Lakin, H.W...... B7 Seager, C.F ...... M23 C.H. Clapp. 1932. 30 p., 1 pI. Lambert, G.S...... B4 Service, A.L...... SP42 *M5 . Placer-minirJg possibilities in Montana. O.A. DirJgman. 1932. 33 p., 5 pI. Landreth, 1.0 ...... SP44 Shenon,P.J ...... M17;B6 (Pt. I reprinted in Misc. Contr. 13; Pt. II reprinted in pamphlet form, Lane, C.W...... SP28 Silverman, A. J...... B56 1963.) Lawson, D. C . . . . IC23; B13, B27, B45 Smith, AG...... B36 *M6. Paleozoic formations of northwestern Montana. C.F. Deiss. 1933. Sip., B48,B61, B70, B72,B80 Smith, R.l...... SP42; IC23 ; R2 3 pI. Lyden, C. J ...... M26 B1 3,B27,B39,B45, B55,B70,B80 *M7. Ground-water resources of Judith Basin, Montana. E.S. Perry. 1932. 30 p., Stermitz, Frank ...... B9 ; SP28 3 pI., 2 tables. March, W. S., Jr ...... IC8 Steward, J.C ...... SI'17 "'M8. Geology and gold deposits of the North Moccasin Mountains, Fergus Matson, R. E. SP41, SP42 ; B69 Stone, Alber t ...... IC26 County, Montana. J.E. Blixt. 1933. 25 p., 4 pI., 1 fig. B78,B83 Stout, K.S .... .BIO, B22, B39 , 1363; IC4 "'M9. A geological reconnaissance of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison McCarthy, J. H ...... B7 IC5 , IC7 , IC14 , IC20; MC I3, MC14 County, Montana. Wilfred Tansley, P.A. Schafer, and L.H. Hart. McComb, M. A...... B 72, B77, B82 Swanson, R.W...... SP28 , SP42 1933. 57 p., 5 pl., 22 fig. McGill, G. E ...... SP18 Swenson, II .A...... B9 ·M10. Some gold deposits of Broadwater, Beaverhead, Phillips, and Fergus McGlashan, D. W...... MC12 Counties, Montana. A.V. Corry. 1933. 45 p., 9 pI., 12 fig., 1 table. McMannis, W. J ...... B43 Tansley, Wilfred ...... M9 *M11. Geology and artesian water resources along Missouri and Milk Rivers in McMurtrey, R. G... IC16; B9, B21, B31 Taylor, A.V., Jr ...... M17 northeastern Montana. E.S . Perry. 1934. 35 p., 1 pI., 15 flg .,5 tables. B47,B57, B65,B68,B71, B76 , B81 Taylor, 0 .1...... M40 ; 866 ·MI2. Physiography and ground-water supply in the Big Hole Ba ~ in, Montana. Mill cr, R.N ...... M37 Thompson, r .A ...... IC] E.S. Perry. 1934. 18 p., 3 pI., 2 fig. MOlga n, Thomas . ... . R14, B20, B25 Trauerman, C.J ...... 1\120, M22, M3l Geology and ore deposits of the Neihart minirJg district, Cascade County, B33 , R38 , B46 , B49 , B58, B67 Tysk, H.T...... SP42 Montana. P.A. Schafer. 1935 . 62 p., 8 pI., 14 IIg ., 1 table. Munya n, A.C ...... SP23 Vine, James D...... SP33 "'M14. Geology and ground-water resources of southeastern Montana. E.S. Perry. Mutch, 'f.A. . . . . : ...... SP22 Vine, W.A...... R39 1935.67 p., 3 pI., 27 fig . "'MIS . Directory of Montana mining properties. F.C. Gilbert. 1935. 99 p., 1 pI. Olsen, A.H...... SP42 Waldron, C.R ...... M20, M21 "'M16. The Montana earthquakes of 1935 . H.W. Scott. 1936. 28 p., 9 pI. , 5 fig ., Weis, P.L...... SP28, SP33 9 tables. Page, W D...... B36 Weissenborn, A.E ...... SP28 , SP33 "'M17 . Geology and ore occurrence of the Hog Heaven mining district, Flathead Peoples, J.W ...... MC7 Williams, G. A...... SP42 County, Montana. P.J. Shenon and A.V. Taylor, Jr. 1936. 26 p., 6 pI., Perry, E.S .. MI , M2 , M3 , M7 , iI111 , M12 Williams, L.A ...... B73 5 fig. M14, M27 , M29 , M35 ; MCl , MC2 WilSOIl, W.ll...... SP42 "'M18. Chromite deposits of Montana. P.A. Schafer. 1937. 35 p., 9 pI., 12 fig . MC3 , MC4 , MC5 , MC8 ; HI 'i , B26 Winters, A.S ...... B64 Peterson, N .S...... RIO , B20 "'M19. Geology and ore deposits of the Rochester and adjacent mining districts, Young, F.M...... B30 Madison County, Montana. U.M . Sahinen. 1939. 53 p., 5 pl., 11 fig. Poulter, C.J ...... SP Map 1 Zimmerman, E.A...... IC 15 Directory of Montana mining properties. C.J. Trauerman and C.R. Waldron. Prinz, W.C...... SP28 *M20. B19, B32,B50A, B50B,B60 1940.135 p., 29 pI. Pulsifer, H.B...... B3 Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Montana. C.R. Wal· *M21. Rabbitt, H.B ...... M38 dron and R.H. Earhart. 1942. 356 p., 3 pI. Reed, T.E ...... B57 , B65,B71,B76 Directory of Montana oil and gas industry. C.J. Trauerman, R.H. Earhart, M22. Reid, R.R ...... IC24 ; M36 and E.B. Emrick. 1943.291 p., 3 pI. $1. Reyner, M.L ...... M31 Gold, arsenic, and tungsten deposits of the Jardine-Crevasse Mountain "'M23. Robertson, Forbes .. . . . B7 ; R3 ; M34 district, Park County, Montana. C.F. Seager. 1944. 111 p., 11 pl., Roby, R.N...... B16 7 fig., 4 tables. Rogers, C.P., Jr...... M24 "'M24. Stratigraphic sections of upper Paleozoic and Mesozcic rocks in south­ Roys, P.F ...... MC12 central Montana. L.S. Gardner, T.S. Hendricks, H.D. Hadley, and C.P. Rogers, Jr. 1946. 100 p., 1 pI. 22 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY MEMOIRS 3 AUTHOR INDEX *M25 . Geolog~ and ore deposits of the Hecia mining district, Beaverhead County, Abbreviations used: M, Memoil; B, Bulletin; SP, Special Publication; Montana. T .N V. Karlstrom. 1948.87 p., 8 pI., 22 fig., 3 tables. Me , Mi5cellaneous Contribution; IC, Information Circular; and R, Reprint. *M26. The gold placers of Montana. C.J. Lyden. 1948 . 151 p., 24 pI. , 6 fig. "M27. Talc, graphite, vermiculite, and asbestos in Montana. E.S . Perry. 1948 Emerick, E.B...... M22 Ackerman, W.C . . . BI0, B16; IC20, Icn 44 p ., 8 pI., 9 fig., $1. Erdmann, C.E...... SP28 Adami, A. E...... B5 *M28. Pegmatite mineral deposits in Montana. E.Wm . Heinrich. 1948. 56 p., Eyde, T H...... IC21 Arm~trong, F.C. SP28 5 pI., 2 fig. Atwood. George ...... SP42 *M29. Gypsum, lime, and limestone in Montana. E.S. Perry. 1949. 45 p., 8 pI.. Fisk,H. G. SP47 Averitt, Paul . .. . . SP28, SP33 , SP36 2 fig., 2 tables. Fox,R.D. . B52 *M30. Sillimanite deposits of the Dillon region, Montana. E . Wm . Heinrich. 1949. Fulkerson, F.B. Babcock, Tim ...... SP42 43 p., 4 pI., 7 fig. $1. BI4,BI6, B20,B25, B33 , B38 Baber, K. D...... B10 *M31. Directory of Montana mining properties. M.L. Reyner and C.J. Tlauerman. Balster, C. A...... SP54, SP55 Gardner:,1.S...... M24 1949. 125 p., 25 pI. Barnes, W. C ...... B36 Geach, R D. .SP28, SP41 *M32. Geology and ore deposits of the Highland Mountains, southwestern Bateman, A. F ., Jr ...... SP28, SP33 B33,B38,B46,B49, B58 , B67 Montana. U.M. Sahinen. 1950. 63 p., 6 pI. , 6 fig. Bell, L. V...... SP42 GCl e, W.C. . .. SP42 *M33. Cambrian stratigraphy of southwestern Montana. A.M. Hanson. 1952. Bentley, C. G...... SP28 Gilbert,F.C...... MIS 46 p., 9 pI. Berg,R. B. B70,B74,B80;SP46,SP50 Gilmou ~ , E.H M34. Geology and mineral deposits of the Zosell (Emery) mining dlstrict, Powel! SP51,SP53,SP56 B36, B73;SP38,SP39,SP43 County, Montana. Forbes Robertson. 1953.29 p ., 6 pI. $1 . Bevan, Arthur ...... B4 Grj,wold, G.G , Jr B39 *M35. Oil and gas inMontana.E.S. Perry. 1953.54 p., 9 pI., 3 tables. (Superseded Blixt, J. E...... M8 Geoff, S 1. . . IC26; SP24, SP26 by B15.) Blumer, J. W...... B69 SP28,SP31,SP35,SP36,SP42 M36. Bedrock geology of the north end of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison Bond, E. W...... SP37 Guldbrandsen, R.H ...... SP42 County, Montana. R.R. Reid. 1957. 27 p., 8 pI., 6 fig. $1 . Bondurant, K. T ...... B72 GWinn, V.E. . .. SP21 M37. Geology of the South Moccasin Mountains, Fergus County, Montana. Botz, M. K .... SP37, SP48, SP49; B75 R.N. Miller. 1959.44 p., 5 pI., 7 fig., 3 tables. $1. Brietkrietz, Alex ... B21, B31, B37, B47 Habashi, Fathi B51, B59; SP52 M38. Pre-Beltian geology of the Cherry Creek and Ruby Mountains areas, south­ B53, B68, B81 Hadley, H. D ...... M24 western Montana. E.Wm. Heinrich and J.C. Rabbitt. 1960.40 p., 5 pI., Burger, H. Robert, III ...... M41 Hale, W. N...... 846, B49, B58, B67 9 fig., 4 tables. $1. Burnet, F. E ...... SP42 B72, B77, B82 M39. Geology of the Garnet-Bearrnouth area, western Montana, by M.E. Kauff­ Hanley, T. F ...... SP28 man; chapter on Metallic resources, by F.N. Earll. 1964. 40 p., 1 pi., Camp, H. W., Jr ...... R3 Hansen, Miller ...... B77, B82 1 fig ., 6 tables. $1. Carrillo, F. V ..... B67, B72, B77, B82 Hamon, A.M. . . . . M33 M40. Ground-water resources along Cedar Creek anticline in eastern Montana. Chadwick, R. A...... B43 Harnish, DR, Jr . .. . SPI6, SP20, SP30 O. James Taylor. 1965. 99 p., 5 pI., 17 fig ., 3 tables. $1. Chelini, J. M...... SP28, SP29, SP34 Harris, W.L...... B56 M41. Bedrock geology of the Sheridan district, Madison County, Montana. B33,B44,B45,B54,B55,B62 Hart,1..H...... M9 H. Robert Burger, III. 1967.22 p., 2 pI., 7 fig., 3 tables. $1. Clapp, C. H ...... M4; B4; Rl Heinrich, E.W. Coffin, D. 1...... B81 M28, M30, M38; MClO, MCll Collins, R. P...... B49, B58, B67 Hendricks, T.S ...... M24 Collum, S. E ...... SP42 Hignctt, T.P...... SP42 Corry, A. V ...... MI0 Hintzman, D.E. ' ...... B40 Crowley, F. A...... SP25; B11, B14 1I0nkala, F S...... SP42 BI6,BI8,B20,B25,B30,B34 Howland, A.L...... MC7 Jackson, E.D...... SP28 Dahl, G.G., JI...... B69; SP39, SP43 Jarrard,1.D...... MC15 Deiss, C.F...... M6; Rl Johns, W.M...... B12, B17, B23, B24 DeMunck, V.C . . ... ICI2, IC13, IC22 B29,B36,B42,B48,B61,B79 Di.ngman, O.A...... M5 Johnson, L. H...... R3 Dougan, C W...... MC9 Jones, F. P...... B56, B70, B80

Earhart, R.H ...... M21, M22 Karlstrom, T.N.V ...... M25 Earll, F N ...... M39; B39, B41 Kauffman, A.J., Jr ...... B38 Emblen, D.J. ., ...... B39 Kauffman, M.E ...... , . .. M39 Emigh, G.D...... SP42 Kelly, F.H...... B39 4 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 21

BULLETINS placer mining ...... M5, M26; MC13 districts ...... M5; reprint of M5 *BL The Montana State Bureau of Mines and Metallurgy. 1919. 8 p. platinum ...... Bll; MC7; ICI *B2. Directory of Montana metals and coal mines. 1919.30 p. potash ...... SP33 *B3. Mechanical ore sampling in Montana. H.B. Pulsifer. 1920. 72 p., 30 illus. prospecting handbooks ...... MC13, MC14; IC6 *B4. Geology and oil and gas prospects of central and eastern Montana. geochemical ...... B7 C.H. Clapp, Arthur Bevan, and G.S. Lambert 1921. 95 p., 9 pI. pumicite ...... BII *B5. The location, representation, and patenting of mineral lands in Montana. A.E. Adami. 1923. 70 p., 9 fig . quartz ...... B11, B54 ·B6. Geology and ore deposits of Bannack and Argenta, Beaverhead County, radioactive deposits ...... B 11 ; IC6 ; MC 15; SP28 Montana. PJ. Shenon. ] 931. 80 p., 14 pI., 2 fig . rare earths...... SP28; B11, B18; IC1 B7 . Geochemical prospecting by soil analysis in Montana, by Forbes Robertson; reduction plants, Butte ...... R2 with a chapter on Analytical methods, by J.B. McCarthy and H.W. Lakin. 1956.94 p., 58 fig., 51lables. $1. salt ...... B11;IC11;SP28,SP33 B8. Mines and mineral deposits, Missoula and Ravalli Counties, Montana. sand and gravel...... B11; SP28 , SP33 U .M. Sahinen. 1957. 63 p., 10 pI. , 10 fig., 9 tables. $1. sapphires ...... Bll;IC1;SP28 *B9 . Prehminary report on the geology and water reso urces of the Bitterroot selenium ...... , ...... B 11 Valley, Montana, by Frank Stermitz, R.G. McMurtrey, and R. L. sedimentary rocks, Montana and western Great Plains ...... MC8; B26 Konizeski; with a section on Chnmical quality of water, by H.A. shale, general ...... IC12, ICI8, IC23; SP28, SP33 Swenson. 1959. 45 p., 2 pI. , 12 fig ., 6 tables. B11,B13, B27,B45,B55,B70,B80 "'BI0. Directory of known mining enterprises, 1958, by K.S . Stout and W. C. silica ...... SP28; B11, B54 Ackerman; with a chapter on the Mineral industry of Montana in 1958, sillimanite ...... SP28; M30; Bll; MClD; ICI by K.D. Baber, G.A. Kingston, and N.S. Peterson 1959.80 p., 1 pI., silver ...... Bll;ICI, IC8;SP28 4 tables. (Superseded by B14.) sodium sulfate ...... ICI, ICll ; Bll; SP28, SP33 *Bll. Summary of Montana mineral resources. U.l\1. Sahinen and F.A. Crowley. stone ...... SP28, SP33; Bll; B44; IC1 1959.52 p., I illus. stratigraphy ...... RI; SP23, SP31, SP3&, SP54, SP55 *B12. Geologic investigations in the Kootenai-Flathead area, northwest Montana. Algonkian, Correlation of ...... Rl No. 1, western Lincoln County. W.M . Johns. 19.59. 56 p. , 9 pI., 1 table. Cambrian, southwestern ...... M33 *B13 Progress report on clays and shales of Montan3 . U .!'.'1. Sahinen, R.I . Smith, Mesoloic, south-central ...... M24 and D.C. Lawson. 1960. 83 p., 2 fig ., 7 tables. Paleozoic, northwestem...... M6 *BI4. DlIectory of known mining enterprises, 1959, by C:.A . Crowley; with a list Paleozoic, south-central ...... M24 of Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral structural materials ...... IC12, ICI8, IC23; R2, SP28; M29 industry of Montana in 1959, by F.B. Fulkerson and G.A . Kingston. Bll, B13, B27 , B44 1960. 64 p., 1 pI. , 4 tables. (Superseded by B20.) (Free) sulfur ...... B11 , B51;SP28 B15 . Oil and gas in Montana. E.S. Perry . 1960. 86 p., 2 pI., 23 fig., 4 tables. talc ...... M27;Bl1;SP28 $1.50. taxes, B16. Mines and mineral deposits (except fuels) , Jefferson County, Montana. gas ...... SP30 R.N. Roby, W.C. Ackerman, F.B. Fulkerson, and F.A. Crowley. 1960. oil ...... SP20 120 p., 1 pI. , 16 fig., 35 tables. $1.75 . thorium ...... B11;MCI5;SP28,SP41 *BI7. Geologic investigations in the Kootenai-Flathead area, northwest Montana. tin ...... Bl1 No.2, southeastern Lincoln County. W.M. Johns. 1960. 52 p., 4 pI., titanium ...... B 11; IC 1; SP28 7 fig. tungsten ...... ICl, IC21, IC24; B11; MCI2; M23; SP28 B18 . Columbium-rare-earth deposits, southern Ravalli County, Montana. F.A. Crowley. 1960. 47 p., 8 fig. (Free) uranium ...... IC1, IC6; MCI5; B11, SP28, SP33, SP52 B19. Geology and ground-water resources of northeastern Blaine County, vanadium...... IC 1; B 11 Montana. E.A. Zimmerman. 1960. 19 p., I pI., 5 fig., 2 tables. (Free) vermiculite ...... IC 1 ; B 11; M27; SP28 B20. Directory of known mining enterprises, 1960, by F.A. Crowley; with a list of Active coal nUnes by Thomas Morg;ln, and. a section on the wollastonite ...... IC9 Mineral industry of Montana in 1960, by F.B. Fulkerson, G.A. zinc ...... Bl1, B30; SP28 Kingston, and N.S . Peterson. 1961. 67 p., 1 pI., 4 tables. (Superseded by zirconium ...... B 11 B25.) (Free) B21. Preliminary report on the geology and ground-water resources of the north- ern part of the Deer Lodge Valley, Montana. R.L . Konizeski, R.G. Mc­ Murtrey, and Alex Brietkrietz. 1961. 24 p., 1 pI., 7 fig., 2 tables. (Free) 20 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOl.OGY BULLETINS 5 B22. Montana mining law . K.S . Stout. 1961 , 76 p, 1 pl., 30 fig ., 3 tables. mining districts, continued- $1.75. Stillwater ...... MI8;MC7 *B23. Geo .iog;.c imestlgadons in the Kootenai-Flathead area, nOfthwt;;st Stone Creek ...... M30, M38 Montana No. 3, northern Lincoln County. W.M. John ,~ . 1961 58 p, Sula ...... B8 6 pL, 10 fjg . Superior (Iron Mtn., Cedar Creek, Dry Creek, Trout Creek) . B28 ' B24 Geology and ore deposits of the southern TidaJ Wave mining d isltict, Sylvanite ...... , . . B12, B79 Madison County, Montana. W.M . Johns, 1961. 53 p., 1. pI. , 15 fig Thompson River...... B34, B79 _y~ B2 S Directory of known mining enterprises, 1961, by F.A. Crowley; wi~h a Threemile ...... , ...... U8; IC22 Jir.t of ActIve coal mmes by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Tidal Wave (Twin Bridges) ...... !\I9; B24 Mine'.ai industry of Montana in 1961, by F .B. Fulkerson and G A Tizet-Wilson ...... 1316 Kingston. 1962. 71 p, 1 pl., 6 tables. (Superseded by B33.) (Free) Trout Creek, Sand.:rs County (Quartz Creek) . 1334 B26. Montana 111 the geologic past. E.s. Perry. 1962. 78 p., 2 pI, 18 fIg, Troy .... IC6, IC22; BI2, B79 , 5 tabJes. $1 . Upper Camp Creek (Wickiup Creek) ...... M32 • i -B27 . Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1960-61, U .M . Sahmen, Upper Hot Springs (Revenue) ...... M9 R.I, Smith, and D.C Lawson. 1962 . 31 p., 1 fig, 6 tables. (Flee) Vipond ...... , ...... MI0 B28 Fiuonpar deposits m Mon!.ana. U M. Sahinen. 1962. 38 p., 8 f.ig ., Virginia City (Alder Gulch, Junction, Nev,lda, T'airweathcI, I tabie. (Fre",) Hi~hland, Summit. Pine Grove. Browns Gulch) . .. "19. ~128 *B29. Geol.ogic investigation' in the Kootenai-Flathead area, nort.hwe~t Warial1(l ('Big Creek) ...... B23, B79 Montana. No, 4, southwestern Flathead County. WM. Johns. 1962. Warm Springs, Fergus County (Giltcdgc, Mailil'11) I\IIU: ll28; Ie H 38 p., 4 pl., 7 fig . Washington (Meadow Creek. "'I cAllister) ...... \'19 B30. Marketmg problem~ of small business enterprise" engaged in lead and Watson (Elk Cleek) ...... M5 ::inc mining. r.M . Young, f ,A. Crowley, and U.M . Sahlnen. 1962. Welcollle Creek ...... 1115 58 p., 9 tab It's. $1.25 . White Pine ...... B34 B:n. Preliminary report on the geology and ground-water resou.rces of the Whitefish ...... B36, B79 southern part of the Deer Lodge Valley, Mon~ana, R.t. Konize ~ki, WhitchaLl (St. Paul Gulch) ...... BIG R,G. McMurtrey, and Alex Brietkrietz. 1962 24 p., 2 pl., 8 fog., Winston (Beaver CIcek ...... ~1l0; e7, B4l: leG: \1C15 2 tables. (Free) Wolf Creek (Fishel River) ...... BI6 B32 , Preliminary report on the geology and ground-water resources of Yaak River ...... , ...... B12, B23, B79 southern Judith Basin, Montana. E,A. Zimmerman, 1962. 23 p., Yogo ...... , .. MS; le6, ICI3 1 pl., 4 fig ., 2 tables, (Free) York (Dry Gulch. Magpie Gulch) ...... M5; IC22 "B33. DirecloiY of known mining enterprist;s, 1962, by R.D. Geach and Zortman (Little Rockies) ...... M I 0: 828 .r .M. Chelim; with a list of Active coal mines by Thomas MOigan. mining methods ...... MeI3, MCI4; M5 ; 839, B63 and a section on the Mineral industry of Mont.ana in 1962, by F,A. molybdenulll ...... SP28 ; 1311 ; Me7 Fulkerson and R.W,. Knostman. 1963. 84 p., 1 pt, 6 tables. Montana, geology of...... B26; SP28 (Supelseded by B38 .) natural gas ...... , ...... M3, M35 : 114, nI5, B26 ; ICIO, R3; SP28 B34. Mines and mineral deposits (except fuels), Sanders County, Montana. directory of ...... 1\122 F.A. Crowley. 1963. 58 p., 6 pl., 18 fjg ., 33 table~. $1.25. fields ...... Ml, /If 3, 1\135; Hl5 B35 . Ore deposits of the n01th"lfi part of the Park (Indian Creek) dist.rict, taxes ...... SP30 Broadwater County, Montana. Elmer M. Schell. 1963. 47 p., 1 pl., nickel...... MC7; Bll 18 fig., 2 tables. (Free) niobium (columbium) ...... B18; SP28 *B36. Geologic inve.tigation ,~ in the Kootenai-Flathead area, northwest Montana. No . 5, western Flathead County and part of Lincoln oil ...... , ...... B4,BI5, B26;M35; ICI0;SP33 County. WM . Johns, A.G Smith, W.C Barnes, E.H . Gilmour, and direct()ryof ...... M22 W.D. Page. 1963 68 p., 4 pI., 7 fig ., 2 tables. economics of secondary recovery , . , ...... SPl6 B37. Basic water data report no. 1, Missoula Valley, Montana. Alex Briet- fields . . , ...... , ...... MI , M35; B4, B15, B26; SP33 krietz, 1964. 43 p, 1 pl., 2 fig., 3 tables. (Free) shale ... , ...... , ...... SP28; Bll; lCI *B38. Directory oLmining enterplises, 1961, by R.D. Geach, with a list of taxes ...... ,., ...... SP20 Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral pegmatites ...... , . , ..... , ...... M28; SP28 industry of Montana in 1963, by F.B . Fulkerson, A.J. Kauffman, perlite...... , ...... B 11 Jr., and R W. Knostman. 1964. 70 p., 1 p\., 6 tables. (Superseded petroleum ... Ml, M22, M35; B4, Bll, B15, B26; R3; SPI6, SP28, SP33 by B46) phosphate rock ...... Bll; ICl; SP25, SP28, SP42, SP52 ~B39. Handbook for small mining enterprises in Montana. U M. Sahinen, F ,N. EarJl, G.G. Griswold, Jr., F H. Kelly, K.S. Stout, R.I. Smith, W.A. Vine, and D. J. Emblen. 1964. 220 p., 29 fig. $2. 6 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 19 B40. Geology and ore deposits of the Clinton mining district, Missoula mining districts, continued- County, Montana. Davis E. Hintzman. 1964. 38 p., 10 fig., 1 pL, Mineral Point (Blue Nose, Sheep Creek) ... . . M5 ; B8 , B18; IC22 1 table. (Free) Monida ...... M5 B41. Economic geology ana geocnem!cal 3tuay or wtnston mmmg OlstrlCt, Montana City ...... B16 Broadwater County, Montana. F.N. EarlL 1964. 56 p., 30 fig., 2 pl. MooseCreek ...... M32; IC6 $1. Neihart (Montana) ...... M13; B7; IC13 B42. Geologic investigations in the Kootenai-Flathead area, northwest New Wodd (Cooke City) ...... B7 ; MS Montana. No. 6, southeastern Flathead County and northern Lake North Moccasin (Kendall) ...... , M5, M8; IC 13 County. W.M. Johns. 1964. 66 p., 3 pl., 7 fig ., 1 table (Free) Norwegian Creek ...... M9 B43 Geology of the Garnet Mountain quadrangle, Gallatin County, Montana. Noxon ...... B34 W.J. Mc:Mannis and R.A. Chadwick. 1964. 47 p. , 2 pL, 9 fig., 2 Nye ...... MI8 tables. (Free) Ophir ...... M5; (Snowshoe, Deadwood) B7 B44. Lime3tone, dolomite, and tlavertine in Montana. J.M. Chelini. 1965. Park (Hassel) ...... MlO; (Indian Creek) B35 53 p., 15 fig. , 35 tables. (Free) • Petty Creek ...... B8 B45. PlOgress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1962-64. I.M. Chelini, Philipsburg ...... (see Flint Creek) R.I. Smith, and D.C. Lawson. 1965. 43 p, 1 pL, 2 fig ., 6 tables. Pilgrim Creek ...... B34 (free) Pioneer, Beaverhead County ...... M5 "'B46 Directory of minmg enterprises, 1964, by R.D Geach, with a list of Pioneer, Powell County (Gold Creek) ...... SPI8, SP22 Activp. coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Minelal Pipestone (Little Pipestone) ...... B16; M28 industry of Montana in 1964, by RW Knostman and W.N Hale. Plains ...... B34 1965 . 81 p., I pl., 6 tables. (Superseded by B49.) Pleasant View...... B8 B47. Geology and gTound·wateJ reSOUl(;e~ of the Missoula Ba ~i n, Montana. Pony (Mineral Hill) ...... M9 , M27 , M28, M3ti; B7; IC24 R.G. McMurtrey, R L. Konileski, and Alex Brietktletz. 1965 35 p, Potomac (Copper Cliff) ...... M5, M39; B8 3 pl., 13 fig ., 1 tables. $1 . Potosi ...... M9, M36; IC21 ""B48 Geochemical reconnaissance stream· ~ediment !'amplirtg in Flathead and Prospect Creek ...... B24 Lincoln Counties, Montana. U.M Sahinen, W M. Johns, and D.C. Pryor ...... B28 ; IC6; MCI5 l .awson. 1965 . 16 p., 3 pI. (Free) Race Track (Danielsville) ...... SP22 ~ B49 DIrectory of mining enterprises, 196~, by R.D. Geach, wIth a Ust of Radersburg (Cedar Plains) ...... M5; B7 ; ICI3 Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Rainy Creek (Libby) ...... M27, M28; B12, B79 industry of Montana in 1965, by R.P. Collins, W.N. Hale. and R.W. Ramshorn (Union) ...... M5, M9, M28 Kno~tman . 1966.87 p , 1 pI , 6 tables. (Superseded by B58 .) Remini (Vaughn) ...... B7; M5 B50·A Geology and ground-water resource ~ of western and southern parts of Renova ...... M9; ICl3 Judith Basin, Montana. E A Zimmerman. 1966. 33 p. , 4 pi, 10 fig, Revais Creek (Dixon) ...... MS; B34 6 tables. $1.25 (includes 50-B) Riceville (Kibbey and Goodman) ...... M29 B50-B Basic water data report no. 2, westein and southern parts of Judith Rochester (Rabbit) ...... M18; (Camp Creek) IC6 Basi.n, Montana. E.A Zimmerman. 1966. 40 p , 4 tables. (Free Rock Creek ...... M5; IC22 with 50-A) Ruby Mountains ...... M38 B51 . The recovery of elemental sulfur from sulfide ores. Fathi Habashi 1966. Running Wolf ...... ICl3 41 p., 10 fig ., I table. (Free) Saltese, Mineral County ...... IC6; MCI5 B52. Geology and ground-water resources of the Cascade-Ulm area, Montana. Sand Creek ...... M5; (Sappington) M28; IC6 R.D. Fox 1966. 64 p. , 1 pl., 2 fig ., 5 tables. (Free) Scratch Gravel ...... M5 B5 3. Basic water data report no. 3, Kalispell Valley, Montana Alex Briet- Seepay Creek...... B34 krietz. 1966. 25 p., 1 pl., 2 fig., 4 tables. (Free) Sheep Creek, Meagher County ...... ICl3 B54. Some high-purity quartz deposits in Montana. 1. M. Chelini. Sheridan (Mill Creek, Brandon, Quartz Hill , Indian Creek), M9, M28 1966. 43 p., 19 fig ., 1 table. (Free) Silver Butte ...... B29, (Vermilion) B34, B79 B55 . Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1964-65 . J.M. Chelini, Silver Star (Iron Rod) ...... MI9 R.I. Smith, and F.P. Jones. 1966. 38 p., 3 fig., 6 tables. (Free) Slate Creek ...... B8 B56. Stratigraphy and economic geology of the Great Falls-Lewistown coal Soap Gulch ...... M32 field, central Montana. A.J. Silverman and W.L. Harris. 1967. 20 p., South Boulder (Cardwell, Mammoth, Bismark) ...... M9, M36 1 pL, 8 fig., 5 tables. 75c. South Moccasin ...... M37; B28; MC9 B57. Water levels and artesian pressures in observations wells in Montana. Squaw Creek (MIca Creek) ...... M27, M28 R.G. McMurtrey and T.E. Reed. 1967. 28 p., 6 fig ., 2 tables. (Free) Star Meadow...... B23, B29, B79 Stemple (Fool Hen, Gould, Poor Man) MS, M16 -p. 13 18 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY BULLETINS 7 mining districts, continued- *BS8 . Directory of mining enterprises, 1966, by R.D. Geach, with a list of Darby ...... MS Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the Mineral Deer Creek, Beaverhead County ...... IC6; MC15 il1r:1ustIy of Montana in 1966, R.P . Collins, W.N. Hale, and R . W. Dillon (Axes Canyon, Timber Gulch) .. M27 , M28, M30, M38; MCll Knostman. 1967.95 p., 1 pI., 6 tables. Duck Creek ...... B28; MC15 BS9. Kinetics and mechanism of gold and silver dissolution in cyanide Dunkleburg ...... SP:?l solution. Fathi Habashi. 1967. 42 p., 16 fig., 13 tables. (Free) East Butte, Liberty County ...... B28; ICl3 B60 Water resources of the Cut Bank area, Glacier and Toole Counties, Eddy Creek (Swamp Creek) ...... B34 Montana. E.A. Zinll1ll:rman. 1967. 37 p., 3 pI. , 9 fig ., 6 tables. $1. Eightmilc...... 88 B61. Geochemical investigations in Lincoln and Flathead Counties, Montana. Elk Creek ...... (sec Coloma) U.M. Sahincn, W.M . Johns, and D.C. Lawson. 1967. 18 p., 2 pI., Elkhorn, Beaverhead County' ...... M5; ICl3 5 fig . (Free) Elkhorn, Jefferson County ...... M5; B7, B16 B62 . Market study and compendiullI of data on industrial minerals and Elliston (Ontario, Nigger Hill) ...... MS; B7 rocks in Montana. J .M. Chelini. 1967. Pt. A- 90 p., 1 pI., 6 fig ., Elmo (Chief Clift) ...... MS; B79 8 tables; Pt. B- Appendices, S4 p (Free) Enmy (ZoseIl) ...... M34; B7 B63 Mining methods and equipment illustratl-d. K.S Stout. 1967. 97 p., Emigrant ...... MC1S 48 pI. $1. Ennis ...... M27 , M28 B64 Geology and ore deposits of the Castle Mountain mining district. Eureka...... B23, B79 Meagher County, Montana. A.S. Winters. 1968. 64 p., 4 pI., 14 fig. , Fish Creek , Mineral County...... B28 1 table. 3S c. Flint Creek (Philipsburg, Granite) ...... M5: B7 , B26; lCl3 B6S. Water leveJs and artesian pressures in observation wells in Montana French Gulch . . . . . M5; (Watson Gulch) M26 through 1967. R.G. McMurtrey and T.E . Reed. 1968 . 40 p., 9 fig., Frog Pond basin ...... Btl 2 tables. 15 c. Gallatin Gateway...... M27 , M28 B66 . Gi:ound-waterresources of tlie northern Powder River valley, south­ Garnet (First Chance, Ilear Gulch, Top O'Dcep) MS , M39 eastern Montana. O. James Taylor. 1968. 34 p., 1 pI., 17 ng., 9 Georgetown ...... lel3; SP Map I tables. $1. German Gulch...... M5 ·'·B67 . Directory of mining enterprises, 1967 , by R.D. Geach, with a list of Golconda...... Bl6 Active coal mines by Thomas Morgan, and a section on the l'I-lineral Green Horn (Austin)...... MS , M28 industry of Montana in 1967 , by R. P. Collins, W. N. Hale, and Hamilton ...... B8; M27, M28 F. V. Carrillo. 1968. 93 p., 1 pI., 6 tables. Heath ...... M29 B68 . Geology and ground-water resources of thc Kalispell Valley, northwest­ Heber ...... M5 ern Montana. R.L. Konizeski, Alex Brietkrietz, and R.G. McMurtrey. Hecla (Bryant, Glendale, Trapper Creek) ...... M2S 1968.42 p., 5 pI. , 34 fig ., 6 tables. $1. Helena (Park , Spring Hill, Unionville) ...... ' " MS, M27 B69 . Strippable coal deposits on state land, Powder River COllnty, Montana. Hellroaring Plateau ...... M18; (Red Lodge) lC6 R .E. Matson, G.G . Dahl, Jr., and J.W. Blumer. 1968 . 81 p, 4 pI. , Henderson Gulch...... M5 19 fig ., 5 tabb. 35c. Highland (Fish Creek , Red Mountain) . . . M5 , M32 B70. Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1966-67. R.B. Berg, Hog Heaven (Kila)...... M17; B36, B79 D .C . Lawson, F P. Jones, and R.l. Smith. 1968. 74 p., 4 fig., Homestake ...... M5 , M28; Bl6 7 tables. 15 c. lIorse Prairie ...... MS; IC6; (Lt:mhi Pass) MC1S B71. Water levels and artesian pressures in observation wells in Montana Hughes Creek (Alta, Overwich) ...... MS; B8; MC1S; SP47 through 1968 . T.E. Reed and R.G . McMurtrey. 1969. 30 p., 9 fig ., Indian Creek (Townsend, Park, Hassel) ...... M 10; B35 2 tables. IS c. Iron Mountain, Stillwater County ...... " M18; B7 , B26 ";': B72 . Directory of mining enterprises for 1968, with a list of Active coal " Jake Creek ...... M38 mines, 1968, by K.T. Bondurant and D.C. Lawson, and a section on Jardine (Sheepeater, Bear Gulch) ...... M23 the Mineral industry of Montana in 1968, by F.V. Carrillo, W.N. Landusky...... M10 , Hale, and M.A.. McComb. 1969. 64 p., 1 pI., S tables. (Free) Libby (Snowshoe) ...... MS; B12, B79 if B73. Geology and coal resources of the Foster Creek coal deposit, Lincoln (Heddleston) ...... MS; B7 eastern Montana. E.H. Gilmour and L.A. Williams. 1969. 9 p., 4 pL, Lolo Creek ...... B8 4 tables. 50c. Lower Hot Springs (Norris) ...... M5; (Beartrap) M28 B74. Bentonite in Montana. R. B. Berg. 1969. 34 p., 7 fig., 7 tables. 35c. Lowland (Elk Park) ...... '...... B16 B7S. Hydrogeology of the upper Silver Bow Creek drainage area, Montana. Marysville (Ottawa, Bald Butte) ...... MS; B7, B28 M. K. Botz. 1969. 32 p., 2 pI., 6 fig., 10 tables. 35c. Maxville (South Boulder, Princeton) ...... MS; B28; SP18 McClellan (Mitchell Creek) ...... B16 8 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 17 manganese ...... SP28; B11; ICI B76. Water levels and artesian pressure in observation wells in Montana, 1966-69. T. E. Reed and R. G. McMurtrey. 1970. 36 p., 9 fig., 2 marketing ...... B30, B39, B62 mechanical ore sampling ...... B3 tables. 15c. mercury ...... Bll *B77. Directory of mining enterprises for 1969, with a List of active coal mines, 1969, compiled by Miller Hansen, and a section on the metallurgy ...... B51 Mineral industry of Montana in 1969, by F. V. Carrillo, W. N. Hale, mica ...... B11; ICl; M28 ; SP28 and Mary Anne McComb. 1970.62 p., 1 pI., 5 tables. mineral industry...... SP28, SP33 BI0,BI4,B20,B25,B33,B38,B46,B49,BS8,B67,B72,B77,B82 B78. Strippable coal deposits, McCone County, Montana. R. E. Matson. mineral resources ...... ICl, IClO; B11, B26; R3 ; SP28, SP33 1970. 13 p., 1 pI., 2 fig., 3 tables. 25c. mines, directory of .. ... IC4, IC5, IC7, IC14, IC20; MIS, M20, M31; B2 B79. Geology and mineral deposits of Lincoln and Flathead Counties, Montana. W. M. Johns. 1970. 182 p., 3 pI., 57 fig., 7 tables. $2.50. BI0,BI4, B20,B25,B33,B38,B46,B49,BS8,B67,B72,B77,B82 mining districts ...... B2 ; M5 , MIS, M20, M26, M31 B80. Progress report on clays and shales of Montana, 1968~9. R. B. Berg, Alhambra lHot Springs) ' ...... B16; IC6; MC IS ; M5 D. C. Lawson, F. P. Jones, and R. I. Smith. 1970. 27 p., 3 fig., Amazon ...... Bl6 6 tables. 15c. Ana~onda (Lost Creek, Garrity Hill, Weathervane Hill) ...... M28 B81. Surficial geology and water resources of the Tobacco and upper Still­ B28; IC13, IC22 water River valleys, northwestern Montana. D. L. Coffin, Alex Argenta (Montana) ...... M5 ; B6 , B7 Brietkrietz, and R. G. McMurtrey. 1971. 48 p., 3 pI., 15 fig., 10 Armstead ...... M30 tables. 75 c. Bald Mountain...... MS, MlO Directory of mining enterprises for 1970, with a List of active coal ., B82. Badger Pass ...... MC6 mines, 1970, compiled by Miller Hansen, and a section on the Bannack ...... M26; B6, B7 Mineral industry of Montana in 1970, by F. V. Carrillo, W. N. Hale, Barhr (Hughesville) ...... M5 and Mary Anne McComb. 1971. 59 p., 1 pI., 5 tables. Free. . Barton Gulch ...... M9 B 83. Strippable coal in the Moorhead coal field, Montana. R. E. Matson. Basin (Cataract) ...... MS; B7, B16; IC6, IC22 1971. 18 p., 3 pI., 2 fig., 3 tables. 35c. Bearpaw Mountains ...... M27, M28; (Rocky Boy) MClS Big Foot (State Creek) ...... B16 Birch Cteek ...... IC 13 Blue Cfeek (Heron) ...... M5; B34 Blue Wing ...... B6 Boulder ...... B16;IC6,MC7 Boulder River...... MI8 Bozeman ...... M28 Burnt Fork ...... B8 Butte (Summit Valley, Independence, Silver Bow) ...... M28 B7, B26, B28; IC6; R2 Cabinet: : ...... MS;B12,B17,B29,B79 Camas Pralne ...... B34 Cardwell (Whitehall) ...... B16 Carter Creek (Dillon) ...... M27, M28, M30, M38 ; IC13 Castle Mountains ...... B64; ICl3 Cherry Creek ...... M5 (Juhnny Gulch) M27, M28, M38; le13; MC10 Clancy (Lump Gulch) ...... B16; IC 6 Clark Fork, Carbon County ...... MS Cliff Lake ...... M27 .. Clinton (Wallace) ...... M5; B8, B40 Coloma(ElkCreek) ...... MS,M39; B8;IC22 Colorado (Corbin-Wickes, Gregory) ...... M5; B7, B16 Confederate Gulch (Backer) ...... MS Copperopolis (Musselshell) ...... M5 Crevasse Mountain ...... M23; B7 Crystal Mountain ...... B8. B28; IC6 Curlew ...... B8 16 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY INFORMATION CIRCULARS 9 (Series discontinued. Publications of this type now issued as Bulletins.) geology, continued- Strawberry-Keystone ...... IC24; M9 Tital Wave district ...... B24; M9 *IC1. A preliminary inventory of Montana mineral resources. F .A. Thomson. Tobacco Root Mountains .....•...... M9, M36 1950. Revised by U.M. Sahinen, 1957. 20 p. (Superseded by B11.) Tobacco-Stillwater Valleys ...... B81 IC2. Montana laws governing location of mining claims. 1947. Revised 1957. Zosell (Emery) district ...... M34 7 p. (Free). glaciation...... B26 IC3. Bibliography of publications of the Montana Bureau of Mines and gold ...... B11 ; ICl ; SP28 ; M5, M8, MI0, M23 , M26 Geology. U.M. Sahinen. 1952. Revised 1957, 1960. 24 p. (Free) graphite ...... M27; B11; ICl; SP28 *IC4. List of known mining enterprises. K.S. Stout. 1953 . 18 p. (Super­ ground water, general ...... IC26 ; SP28, SP49 seded by IC5 .) *IC5. List of known mining enterprises. K.S. Stout. 1954. 18 p. (Superseded bibliography, ground-water studies in Montana ...... SP37 by IC7.) Big Hole basin ...... M12 *IC6. Prospecting for uranium in Montana. U.M. Sahinen. 1955 . 13 p., 1 pI. Bitterroot Valley ...... B9; IC16 *IC7 . List of known mining enterprises. K S. Stout. 1955. 23 p. (Superseded Blaine County, northern ...... _ ...... B19 by ICI4.) Camas Prairie Valley...... MC5 *IC8 . Preliminary Investigation Silver Dike prospect, Warm Springs district, Cascade-UIm area ...... B52 Fergus County, Montana. W.S. March, Jr., 1955 . 11 p., 2 fig. Cedar Creek anticline ...... M40 *IC9. Wollastonite. Reprinted from Mineral Information Service of California, central and eastern Montana ...... M2 Div. of Mines. 1955. 7 p. cities and towns ...... ' . .. .. MC2 ~IClO . Mineral resources of Richland County, Montana. U.M . Sahinen. 1956. Cut Bank area ...... B60 11 p., 4 pI. . IC1l. Preliminary report on sodium sulfate in Montana_ U.M . Sahinen. 1956. DeerLodgeValley ...... B21,B31 9 p. (Free) Fort Benton, artesian ...... MC4 *IC12. Possibilities for lightweight aggregate for concrete near Great Falls, Fort Peck darn ...... M11 Montana. V.C. DeMunck. 1956.11 p., 2 pl., 1 fig., 1 table. (Super­ Frenchtown Valley ...... MC5 seded by ICI8.) Golden Valley County ...... : ..... IC15 *IC13. Iron deposits in Montana. V.C. DeMunck. 1956. 49 p., 7 pl., 5 fig . Judith Basin ...... M7; B32, B50 *ICI4. List of known mining enterprises in Montana. K.S . Stout. 1956. 11 p. Kalispell Valley ...... B53, B68 (Superseded by IC20.) law ...... IC26 *ICI5 . Preliminary repol't on the geology and ground-water resources of parts Meagher County ...... SP24, SP35 of Musselshell and Golden Valley Counties, Montana. E.A . Zimmer­ man. 1956. 13 p. , 1 pl., 2 fig ., 2 tables. Missoula Valley ...... B37, B47 -ICI6. Progress report on the geology and ground··water resources of the east­ Musselshell County ...... IC 15 ern part of the Bitterroot Valley, Montana. R.G. McMw'trey and northeastern Montana, artesiaIL ...... M11 R.L. Konizeski. 1956. 28 p., 2 pl., 5 fig., 4 tables. (Free) observation wells ...... B57, B65 , B71, B76 '" ICI7. Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ Park County, northern ...... SP26 ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the State Board of Educa­ Powder River valley, northern ...... B66 tion for the reporting period July 1, 1954 to June 30, 1956. 40 p. Silver Bow Creek valley ...... B75 ·]C18. Expandable shale in the Great Falls area, Montana. U.M. Sahinen. 1957. southeastern Montana ...... M14 14 p., 1 pl., 2 tables. springs ...... B26 *ICI9. Directory of Montana geologists. U.M . Sahinen. 1957 21 p. Revised 1964. (See Reprints, p. 11 .) . Sweet Grass County ...... SP24 *IC20. Terry area ...... MC3 Directory of known mining enterprises of Montana, 1957. K.S. Stout and W.C. Ackerman. 1958.57 p., 1 pI. (Superseded by BID.) Tobacco-Stillwater Valleys...... B81 Wheatland County ...... SP24 "'IC21. The Potosi tungsten district, Madison County, Montana. T.H. Eyde. Winnett, artesian irrigation ...... MCI 1958.51 p., 4 pl. , 2 tables. gypsum ...... SP28, SP33; IC1; B11; M29, M37 "IC22. Barite deposits in Montana. V.C. DeMunck and W.C. Ackerman. 1958. 30 p., 3 pI. industrial minerals ...... B62 IC23. Progress report on clays of Montana. U .M. Sahinen, R.1. Smith, and iron ...... SP28; IC1, IC13; B11 , D.C. Lawson. 1958. 41 p., 2 pl., 6 tables. *IC24. The Strawberry-Keystone gold-tungsten property, Pony mining district, kyanite ...... M30; MC10 ; B11 Madison County, Montana. R.R. Reid. 1958. 18 p., 6 pI. lanthanum ...... B18 *IC25. Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ law, ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the State Board of Educa­ ground water ...... IC26 tion for the reporting period July 1,1956 to June 30,1958. 57 p. mining ...... B5, B22; IC2; MC13 "'IC26. A summary report of the ground-water situation in Montana, by S.L. lead ...... B11, B30; ICl; SP28 Groff, with a chapter on Montana and the law on ground water, by lightweight aggregate ...... IC12, IC18 Albert Stone. 1958. 45 p., 7 pl., 1 table. lime and limestone ...... SP28 , SP44; M29; B11 , B44 10 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX 15 geology ...... SP28; B26 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS/SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Badger Pass district ...... MC6 Bannack and Argenta ...... B6 '"MCI. Artesian wells as a source of water for the Winnett irrigation project, bibliography of geology and mineral resources ...... M21 Montana. E .S. Perry. 1932. 5 p., 3 pI. Big Hole basin ...... M12 '"MC2. Possibilities of ground-water supply for certain towns and cities of Bitterroot Valley ...... B8, B9 ; IC16 Montana. E .S. Perry. :.93?. 49 p., 2 pI. , 70 fig. Blaine County, northeast ...... B 19 "MC3 Shallow wells near Terry, Montana, as a source of irrigation water. Cascade-Ulm area ...... B52 E .S. Perry. 1932.7 p. Castle Mountains ...... B64 *MC4. Artesian wells as a source of water for municipal supply at Fort Benton, central and eastern Montana ...... B4, B15; M3, M35 Montana. E.S. Perry. 1932. 7 p., 1 pI. Cherry Creek area - ...... M38 *MC5 . Shallow wells as a source of irrigation water in Frenchtown and Camas Cut Bank area ...... B60 Prairie Valleys, Montana. E.S Perry. 1933. 8 p., 2 pI. Deer Lodge Valley ...... B21, B31 Drummond area ...... SP21 *MC6 . Badger Pass mining district, Beaverhead County, Montana. U .M. Sahinen. Dryhead-Garvin basin ...... SP17 1934.10 p., I pI., 1 fig . Flathead County ...... B29, B36, B48, B61, B79; MI7 *MC7 . Stillwater igneous compl.;x and associated occurrences of nickel and Flint Creek range ...... SPI8, SP22 platinum group metals. A.L. Howland, J.W. Peoples, and Edward Garnet-Bearmouth area ...... M39 Sampson. 1936. IS p., 1 pI. , 3 tables. Garnet Mountain quadrangle ...... B43 *MC8 . Distribution of sedimentary rocks in Montana and the northwestern Georgetown thrust area...... SP Map 1 Great Plains. E.S Perry. 1945. 10 p., 8 ilIus. Golden Valley County ...... IC15 "'MC9 . Dickite-clay deposit of Fergus County, Montana. C.W. Dougan. 1947. Great Falls-Lewistown coal field ...... B56 II p. , 3 pI. , 4 tables. Hecla district ...... M16 Highland Mountains ...... M32 *MCIO Sillimanite minerals south of Ennis, Madison County, Montana. E.Wm. Hog Heaven district ...... M17 Heinrich. 1948. 22 p., I pI. , 6 fig. Index of unpublished geologic studies ...... SP29, SP34, SP46 *MCll The Camp Creek corundum deposit near Dillon, Beaverhead County, SP50,SP53,SP56 Montana. r- Wm . Heinrich. 1950.20 p., 2 pI., I fig. Jardine-Crevasse district ...... M32 ..,~ MC 12. Tungsten situation in Montana as a factor in national defense. D W. Jefferson County ...... B16 McGlashan and P.F. Roys. 1952.47 p., I pI. Judith Basin ...... B32, B50;M7 / .... "._;;.1., L *MC13. Practical guide for prospectors and small-mine operators in Montana. Kalispell Valley ...... B68 K. S. Stout. 1955. lOS p., 19 pI. Kootenai-Flathead area ..... B12, B17, B23, B29, B36, B42; MI7 MC14. Operating ideas for small mmes. K.S. Stout. 1956. 81 p., 36 pI. $1. Lincoln County ...... B12, B17, B23, B36, B48, B61, B79 MCI5 . Some occurrences of uranium and thorium in Montana. L.D Jauard. McCone County coal ...... B78 1957. 90 p , 5 pI. $1. Meagher County, western ...... SP35 Missoula basin ...... B47 (Name of series changed to "Special Publications") Missoula County...... B8 Map I (Geologic map J) Geology of the Georgetown thrust area southwest of Moorhead coal field ...... B83 Philipsburg, Granite and Deer Lodge Counties, Montana. c.J. Poulter. Musselshell County ...... ICI5 1957. 2 sheets. 40c. Neihart district ...... M13 SP16. Economics of secondary recovery in Montana. (Oil) D.H. Harnish, Jr. Northern Moccasin Mountains ...... M8 1958.4 p ., 3 fig., 3 tables. (F ree) northeastern Montana ...... Mll SPI7. (Geologic map 2) Geology of the Dryhead-Garvin Basin, Big Horn and northwestern Montana ...... BI2, B17, B23, B29, B36, B42, B79 Carbon Counties, Montana. J .C. Stewart. 1959. 1 sheet. 40c. M4, M17 SPI8. (Geologic map 3) Northwest flank Flint Creek Range, Montana. G.E. Painted Rocks Lake area, Ravalli County...... SP47 McGill. 1959. 1 sheet. 40c. Pleasant Valley ...... B23, B29 SP19. Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart- Potosi-Tungsten district...... IC21; M9 ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the Legislative Assembly, Ravalli County ...... B8, B9; IC 16 fox the repofting period July 1, 1958 to June 30,1960.15 p., 1 pI. • Richland County ...... ICI0 (Free) Rochester and adjacent districts ...... M 19 SP7.0. A comparative tax study of Montana's oil industry. D.H. Harnish, Jr. Ruby Mountains ...... M38 1961. 10 p., 2 tables. (Free) . Sanders County ...... B34 SP21. (Geologic map 4) Geology of the Drummond area, central-western Sheridan district ...... M41 Montana. V.E. Gwmn. 1961. 1 sheet. SOc. Silver Star ...... M19 SP22 . (Geologic map 5) Geology of the northeast flank of the Flint Creek South Moccasin Mountains...... M37 range, western Montana. T.A. Mutch . 1961. 1 sheet. SOc. southeastern Montana ...... M14 Stillwater Complex ...... MC7 ; M18 14 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 11 SUBJEcr INDEX * SP23. A different stratigraphic interpretation of Pennsylvanian-Perm ian­ Abbreviations used: M, Memoir; B, Bulletin; SP, Special Publication; Triassic sequence, southern Montana and adjacent areas. A.C. Munyan. 1962. 12 p., 7 fig. (Free) MC, Miscellaneous Contribution; IC, Information Circular; and R, Reprint. SP24. (Ground-water report 1) Reconnaissance ground-water studies, Wheat­ agate ...... B11; ICl; SP33 land, eastern Meagher, and northern Sweet Grass Counties, Montana. aluminum ...... B11; ICI S. L. Groff. 1962. 31 p., Ipl., 1 fig., 3 tables. (Free) antimony ...... B11; ICl; SP28 SP25 . (Mineral resource data sheet 1) Phosphate rock. F.A. Crowley. 1962. arsenic ...... Bll; ICl; M23: SP28 8 p., 1 fig., 4 tables. (Free) artesian water...... (see ground water) SP26. (Ground·water. report 2) Reconnaissance ground-water studies, northern asbestos ...... B 11; IC1; M27; SP28 Park County, Montana. S.L. Groff. 1962. 14 p., 1 pl.,,5 table~ . (Free) SP27 . Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart· barite ...... ICl, IC22; B8, Bl1; SP28 ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the Legislative Assembly bentonite ...... Bll, B74; IC1; SP28, SP33, SP51 for the reporting period July 1, 1960 to June 30,1962. 16 p., 1 pI. beryl ...... B11;ICI • (Free) bibliographies ...... SP37, SP38, SP39; IC3; M21 SP28 . Mineral and water resources of Montana. U.S. Geological Survey and biennial reports of MBMG, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology for U.S. Committee on 1954-56 ...... ICI7 Interior and Insular Affairs at request of Senator Lee Metcalf. 1963, 1956-58 ...... IC25 17 contributors. 166 p., 51 fig ., 10 tables. $1- 1958-60 ...... SPI9 *SP29. Preliminary compilation, index of unpublished geologic studies in 1960-62 ...... SP27 Montana. J.M. Chelini. 1963. 81 p., 1 pI. (Superseded by SP34.) 1962-64 ...... SP32 SP30. A comparative tax study of Montana's gas producing industry. D.H . 1964-66 ...... SP40 Harnish, Jr. 1964. 17 p., 4 fig. , 1 table. (Free) 1966-68 ...... SP45 '~ SP3L (Correlation chart I) Stratigraphic correlations for Montana and adja­ bismuth ...... B11;ICl;SP28 cent areas. S.L. Groff. 1963. 1 sheet. 20c. Butte, history of early reduction plants ...... R2 · SP32. Bi.ennial report of the Montana BUreau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ cadmium...... Bll; ICI ment of the Montana School of Mines, to the Legislative Assembly calcite ...... B11;ICl;SP28 for the reporting period July I, 1962 to June 30, 1964. 30 p., 6 fig., caverns ...... B26 2 tables. cement materials, M29, B11, B13, B27, B45, B55, B70, B80;ICI, lC23, SP28 *SP33. Mineral potential of eastern Montana-a basis for future growth. Report cerium ...... B18 compiled by U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Mines at the chromite ...... MI8; Bll; lCl; MC7; R3; SP28 request of Senator Mike Mansfield, 89th Congress, lst Session, clay ...... B11,B13,B27,B45,B55,B70,B80 Senate Doc. 12. 1965.77 p., 18 fig., 12 tables. lCl, lC23; M37; MC9; SP28, SP33 ·SP34. Index of unpublished geologic studies in Montana. J.M . Chelini. 1965 . coal ...... ICl, lClO; B11, B26, B56, B69, B73, B78, B83; R3 88 p., 2 pI. (Free) SP28,SP33,SP36,SP39,SP43 SP35. Reconnaissance ground-water and geologic studies of western Meagher directory of mines ..... B2, B14, B20, B25, B33, B38, B46, B49 County, Montana. S.L. Groff. 1965 . 23 p., 1 pI., 1 fig., 3 tables. B58,B67,B72,B77,B82 (Free) columbium (niobium) ...... IC1; B11, B18 SP36. Proceedings of the first Montana coal resources symposium, by S.L. computer techniques ...... SP48, SP49 Groff, including a reprint of Coal section and bibliography from construction materials ...... ICl, lClO, ICI2, lC18, IC23 "Mineral potential of eastern Montana-a basis for future growth," BI3,B27,B44,B45,B55,B70,B80~29 Senate Doc. 12, 89th Congress, 1st Session. 1966. 89 p., 9 fig., 10 copper...... B11; R3; ICl; SP28 tables. $1- corundum ...... MC11; IC1; B11 SP37 . Index and bibliography of ground-water studies in Montana. Compiled J, cyanidation ...... B59 by M.K. Botz and E. W. Bond. 1966. 1 sheet. 25c. I SP38 . Selected bibliography of stratigraphy in Montana and adjacent areas. diatomaceous earth ...... lCl; Bll e E.H. Gilmour, ed. 1966. 61 p. (Free) earthquakes, Helena...... M16 SP39. Index map and bibliography of coal studies in Montana. E.H. Gilmour and G.G. Dahl, Jr. 1966. 1 sheet. 25c. feldspar ...... M28; Bll; SP28; ICl P40. Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ fluorspar...... BLl,.B28;.SP28;ICl ment of Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, for fossils ...... B26; M24, M33 the reporting period July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1966, 28 p., 6 fig., garnet ...... IC1;Bll;M23 2 tables. (Free) gems and gem materials...... SP28, SP33 *SP41. Thorium deposits of the Lemhi Pass district, Beaverhead County, geochemical prospecting ...... B7, B41, B48, B61 Montana. R.D. Geach and R.E. Matson, 1966.22 p., 8 fig., I table. 12 PUBLICATIONS OF MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY REPRINTS 13 SP42. 1966 Industrial seminar, western phosphate region. Montana Bureau of (Series discontinued. Publications of this type now issued as Special Publications.) Mines and Geology and Montana State Planning Board. 1967.85 p., $1. *R1. Correlation of Montana Algonkian formations. C.H. Clapp and C.F. SP43. Montana coal analysis. KH. Gilmour and G.G. Dahl, Jr. 1967.21 p. 15(' Deiss, 1932. 22 p. . SP44. High calcium limestone deposit in the Rattler Gulch area, Granite *R2. History of the early reduction plants, Butte, Montana. R.1. Smith. 1953. County, Montana. J.O. Landreth. 1968. 10 p., 1 fig., 1 table. (Free) 17p.,2 pI. SP45 , Biennial report of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, a depart­ *R3. Raw materials resources of Montana. Forbes Robertson, H.W. Camp, Jr., ment of Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, for L.H. Johnson, and U.M. Sahinen. 1954. 12 p. the reporting period July 1, 1966 to June 30, 1968. 33 p., 6 fig., Reprint of Part II of Memoir 5, Placer-mining possibilities in Montana: 2 tables. (Free) Placer-mining districts of Montana. O.A. Dingman. 1963. 10 p. (Free) *SP46. Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana. R.B. Berg. 1969. 15 p. SP47. Painted Rocks Lake area, southern Ravalli County, Montana. H. G. Fisk. 1969. 1 sheet (map). 25c. SP48. Conversion of section-township-range to latitude-longitude-A com­ puter technique. M. K. Botz. 1969. 15 p., 3 11g., 3 tables. Free. SP49. Development of a statewide system for computer processing of hydro­ geological data. M. K. Botz. 1970. 15 p., 3 app., 3 fig. Free. Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana. Compiled by R. B. Berg. 1970. 24 p. Free. SP51. Bentonite deposits in the Ingomar-Vananda area, Treasure and Rosebud Counties, Montana. R. B. Rerg. 1970.5 p., 1 pI., 2 tables. 15c. SP52. Uranium in phosphate rock. Fathi Habashi. 1970. 33 p. Free. SP53. Index of graduate theses on Montana geology, Compiled by R. E. Berg. 1971. 47 p., 2 pI., 1 fig. 35c. SP54. Catalog of stratigraphic names for Montana. Compiled by C. A. Balster. 1971. 448 p. $1.50. SP55. Stratigraphic correlations for Montana and adjacent areas. 2d ed. Com­ piled by C. A. Balster. 1971. 20c (1 sheet). (Supersedes SP31.) Current geological and geophysical studies in Montana. Compiled by R. B. Berg. 1971. 15 p. Free ChaS ff rr.y J,-

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