Rodents As a Food Source

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Rodents As a Food Source RODENTS AS A FOOD SOURCE LYNWOOD A. FIEDLER, USDNAPHIS/S&T, Denver Wildlife Research Center, P.O. Box 25266, Denver, C.Olorado 80225- 0266. ABSTRACT: Rodents, one of several kinds of vertebrates included in the human diet, are very suitable as human food. More than 71 genera and 89 species of rodents, mostly hystricomorphs, have been consumed by man. Some have even been domesticated for private or commercial production of food for human consumption. Rodents in the temperate world serve only as a supplement to the regular diet of humans; but in the tropical world, they are widely accepted and a popular source of protein. Although harvesting field rats for human food is beneficial, it is not an effective pest control strategy. C.Onsuming rodents in pesticide-treated areas and handling rodents with potential zoonoses are two possible risks. Proc. 14th Vertebr. Pest Conf. (LR. Davis and R.E. Marsh, Eds.) Published at Univ. of Calif., Davis. 1990. INTRODUCTION Capturing rodents for food is not a very effective method for Rodents comprise a substantial portion of wild game reducing crop losses; however, it is one way of recovering consumed by man throughout the world. Rabbits and hares, some of the food value destroyed by these pests. part of the diet for many human cultures, are lagomorphs, an Being a pest does not necessarily mean a rodent will be order of mammals closely related to rodents. This paper will eaten by man. For example, along the Trans-Amazon address only rodents and will follow taxonomic nomenclature Highway, where rats and mice are serious pests, they are not of Honacki et al. (1982). For several years, the U.S. National eaten by Brazilian colonists (Smith 1976). Among the Academy of Sciences has gathered information on the use of noncolonists, it is only when larger mammal species become rodents and other potential microlivestock for food. It will be scarce that Amazonians eat rodents regularly. In one area publishing a report later this year that will bring together the where the habitat was degraded and hunting was common, scattered literature on this subject (National Research C.Ouncil, pacas {Agouti paca) and agoutis (Dasvorocta spp.) accounted in press). for 39% of the annual game take by weight; but in forested areas where larger mammal species were still abundant, these Advantages in Utilizing Rodents for Food rodents comprised only about 3% of the take. Although human food habits are extremely diverse, man Rodents are occasionally consumed or used for special has been mostly opportunistic as well as preferential in the circumstances. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) in South selection of food items. Many foods available to humans are America and the house rat (Rattus sp.) in Ghana have been not physiologically acceptable; however, rodents are very used for medicinal purposes (de Vos 1977, Muller-Haye suitable as human food. Besides providing protein, rodent 1984). Rodents are also used for feasts, religious ceremonies, meat contains essential amino acids necessary in the human and exchanges for certain initiations (Sale 1983, Muller-Haye diet. 1984). At the University of Arizona, pack rats (Neotoma sp.) Rodents are one of several kinds of vertebrates that are are consumed by a social club (Secret Order of the Neotoma included in the human diet. Wild birds (which are not used Eater) that insists these rodents are a delicacy (Anon. 1987). as a food source to any great extent, Eltringham 1984), reptiles, and amphibians do not offer as many eating History of Rodent Eating advantages for human food as those provided by rodents. Peruvians have been consuming guinea pigs for centuries. Rodents generally are not encompassed by game laws and are The guinea pig, domesticated since at least 2500 B.C. usually abundant and easy to catch. Some rodents are even (Lanning 1967), was the first rodent raised for food. By the numerous near dense human populations where larger animals 15th century AD. (during the Incaic Empire), it was the arc scarce (den Hartog and de Vos 1973, de Vos 1977). principal meat consumed. Capybara (!!ydrochaeris Although one species of rodent eaten by man weighs more hydrochaeris)may have been domesticated in Brazil as early as than 50 kg, most are small enough to be consumed in one AD. 1565 (Gonzalez-Jimenez 1984). meal, thereby eliminating the need for refrigeration or other Early Chinese ate "household deer" [common rat food-storage methods such as sailing and drying. Relatively (probably Rattus norvegicus or B_. flavioectus) and bamboo high reproductive rates in rodent populations allow for rat (Rhiwmys spp.)] and during the Tang dynasty (AD. 618- continuous harvesting without depletion. Among 907) ate newborn rats stuffed with honey, conveniently invertebrates, insects offer most of the eating advantages for snatching them with chopsticks (Hendrickson 1983). Romans human food as rodents; insects contain about 35 to 50% popularized the edible dormouse [Myoxus (=Glis) gfil] by the protein (DeFoliart 1975)-a much higher percentage than 2nd century. It was caught from the wild in autumn when it rodents. However, insect food sources are generally very was fattest and either roasted and dipped into honey or baked seasonal. while stuffed with a mixture of pork, pine nuts, and other Many rodent species that are eaten are agricultural pests. flavorings. Romans also raised dormice in special pots called In fact, the majority of rodent pest species in West Africa are "gliraria" and in large outdoor enclosures where they were fed frequently consumed (Funmilayo 1979). Despite decades or walnuts, chestnuts, and acorns for fattening (Brothwell and even centuries of human predation, most of these rodents Brothwell 1969). Southeastern Europeans still enjoy dormic.e. continue to be pests and cause significant crop losses. The Maoris of New 7.ealand used snares and pit traps in family hunting territories to trap the kiore or Polynesian rat 149 (R. exulans, Best 1942). In the 16th century, they introduced much as local beef, mutton, or pork (Asibey 1974a, Baptist this rat to Polynesia as a food item by carrying it in their and Mensah 1986). Also, in Manaus, Brazil, the top ten wild ships. Elsewhere the Irula, a tribal group in India, has animal species served in 23 urban restaurants included three traditionally included rats in its diet and today is hired by rodents-paca, agouti, and capybara (Wetterberg et al. 1976 Indian farmers to capture rodent pests. cited in de Vos 1977). More recently a United States Army Quartermaster About 75% of the African population below the Sahara Corps survey identified 42 different societies in which people depend on traditional sources of protein such as wildlife cat rats (Harris 1985). Traditionally we think of "rat eaters" (mainly fish) and insects (Asibey 1974b). In West Africa, as (rodentiophagists?) as belonging to primitive societies--small much as 73% of meat comes from wild animals (Eltringham groups living in remote areas with large, undisturbed land 1984) of which the grassculler is the most popular rodent areas available for hunting and trapping small mammals. eaten. Meat from the giant rat is widely accepted, but in However, squirrel hunters today could be considered just as some areas it is not popular and difficult to market (Baptist traditional. The squirrel, a rodent in the Sciuromorpha and Mensah 1986). In eastern Africa, Ethiopians along the suborder, is one of the most important game animals in the western border eat mice and giant rats (de Vos 1977), and United States. About 40 million gray squirrels (Sciurus some Sudanese eat Nile rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) and field carolinensis) and a lesser number of fox squirrels (§. nigcr) mice. are harvested annually (Flyger and Gates 1982). In southern Africa, rodents are consumed in Zimbabwe Tal:>oo.s on rat eating are not as common as one would (Gelfand 1971), Z.aire, Z.ambia, Botswana, and South Africa. expect. Leviticus 11:29 prohibits eating "the mouse." The Species eaten include cane rats (Jbryonomvs swinderianus), Hebrew word used means rat or mouse. Judaism apparently porcupines (Hvstrix africaeaustralis), yellow-footed squirrels is the only religion to specifically ban rats, since Christians are ~araxerus ~ . and springhares ~edetes capensis). Wild not bound by food restrictions written in the Old Testament. animals, including substantial numbers of readily available Although Moslems avoid scavengers, the Holy Koran (2, 168) springhares (Butynslci 1973, Butynski and von Richter 1974), only forbids "the flesh of swine," and Buddhists are only provided 90.7 kg of meat/person/year and about 40% of the prohibited from killing or witnessing the killing of animals diet in some areas of Botswana (Child 1970). Von Richter (Harris 1985). Thus in Burma, where most people are (1969) conservatively estimated that 60% of the protein Buddhists, the rat hunters described by Drummond and consumed in Botswana came from wild animals. Crowe (1 985) arc either tribal or Christian. Consumption of rodents is popular in Asia. In southern There are several tal:>oo.s, including supernatural beliefs, Asia, primarily rats and squirrels are hunted. Hunts in that prevent many Nigerians from eating giant rats Thailand may yield 20,000 rice rats at a time (Hauck et al. (Cricetomvs spp., Ajayi 1974). Although commensal rodents 1959). Filipinos commonly skin, eviscerate, and sun dry are generally not eaten by man, because they are associated Philippine ricefield rats @. !.· mindanensis) and Asian ricefield with urban filth or disease, the siege of Paris in 1871 and rats @. argentiventer), which are then deep-fried and served food shortages in World War II forced many people to eat in coconut oil. In a taste test at the University of the city rats. In Malawi, only rats caught in the bush [Praomys Philippines at Los Banos, rat meat sausage was ranked as (=Mastomvs) natalensis), not in homes@.
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