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VOL. 111. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER aj, 1894 NO. 203 CONSOLIDATED YOUNG OFFICIAL DIRKCT0HY. THOMAS BROS., HAWAII. WHEN HE BROUGHT THE BLACK SILK The Hawaiian Star. SODA WATER HAWAIIAN MASOaVIC temple. WORKS AVER'S STAK. COMPANY, LTD. The OM Thl MR In if. For Whhh Mrm. MRimfui'tuiwH and Dealers in VuiiiiK iy ..it. Too 1.1. k BUSINKSS DIRKCTORV PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON all in. is of Enplannde, SOfXMf "H vei j ninny ear ao, Allen ami Kurt street. ' Dlogtatl have aid. It wan nu very tttCtJng amliitiuu tli:it EXCEPT SUNDAY beta lllet were catl hi a sudden throe Cherry Pectoral ftobtii focing! imTlier had obariafatd or Hohoixlu. OF THE REPUBLIC HOLLISTER Sl CO.. Agents. Out of the ocean DM, IIY THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- Bamboo Furniture. nil her lifn. She Hvol very qiiiHly on PER ASSOCIATION. Ltd. P. O. Box 297. Telephone 240. Ml wlgn that we see around. the WVStefB prairie farm to which she We offer tnthH people of Honolulu I'nli.t In thtl area! Ulieaal, HAS NO EQUAL uu hm The strata daiknf lav.i found biubaiid bid bom together . OF HAWAII. article of liamloo furniture at LEWIS & CO. It not the to k primeval. wlii n they were tmth youna. J a iKTHTJR JOHNHTONK, - . BDITOB. manufacturers' prices. Call and see us. Mtdtf martin, not adoqI Agent, Hllo. IMPOHTKIIS. Bo frefh tind MCMl are MN Ulex, expeol loMrioh of tYvn think Stak Naval Siipplieti. Wholesale anil Retail All yiiung In nature here, it. She wan content with the homely RlTOflCRIFTION KATCfl. TIs lely nventea all amlles Colds, Coughs, round r bat daily life. Sometimee her AGENTS AND COLLKCTOKS. THE Dealers in (IrucerieH, Provisions, etc. And dlilplM Ofl t Pet Year In Advance, - - -- IK.00 nnil lear. DAVID Ill Fori St., Honolulu, 11. 1. htubaad nnd to tts that if thty hail DAYTuN, Per In Advance, .76 Council. On Influenza, and Mutual Tel. No. M-- r, Month Executive ICE CREAM PARLORS iH.tl Hawaii vohanu (Iris. imly bappMMd hertrur there. WMta m. M. haiit Ht. Foreign, pur Year In Advance, - 12.00 ELITE Mill glow and Reroely Imrn, Uko H. Dole, President of the Republic of uann of Katnahatpehat1 sires tOOBC of th friemlfl of hi.s youth had To it ill SORE THROAT. ARTISTS. Hawaii. Candy Factory, Cake Bakery. M. PHILLIPS & CO. whom all ye turn. lottad OOpfJtt Ot rttW or struck oil. they AnVKaTISINO HATK8; F. M. Hatch, of Foreign Affairs. t. HOWARD Minister Tufa not for aid 10 f re Ik ti hire. It will rollfvrt llaomtehl bavabtaa worth millions, but HiTim ui k FINE HOT Wholesale IfiiiMrUr anl Jobben of y- M. r. Kile, lor transient and regular advertising J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. fei undy all all ret. tho nioHt fli (he wife always answered: "It wa'n't to hant St publlt-atlo- o trice. M. In Hnlley m beds of woven wire rough. can be obtained at the 8. Damon. Minlslvrof Finance. IOE OREAM8, COFFEE, tri"ohm be, An l AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. No rust. No sag. The J. S. I M- i- in- - John;it wa'n't to be. wi 'vedoiio T'oveeure prompt Insertion all advertise- W. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l. bet. the TEA, CHOCOUTE H pretty well, as thiny; I bIiouM "a" ARTISTS MATERIALS. ments must bo delivered at the Business CKE8. CANDIES In e d nietll-- jto, hut Corner Fort and Qui en St. . Honolulu. loOMfl like Mice Is, 10 a. m. H7tf bfMS one nooii black silk dress," PACIFIC HAKIlWAHE CI.I lore Advirokv Council. I8LAND CURIOS. WOVEN WIKE BAILEY. 1 I MM Ii I CHERRY i rum , This WM tho only IHafa that Robert Fort St Our Establish meat is the Pinest Resort in the tnd tiidiK')' re Tides, Run and Moon. City. Call see us. Open till n p. m. kotil irmti Yountf hud aval he. ml his mother ex- - W. F. Allen, Chairman of the AOTtOOry and J. M. MON8ARRAT. (reshliiK lee. rOl tlie Ottffl ol praat, and ba uw-- bdaajr to himatlf whaa ATIOKNKY'S A1 LAW. Council of the Republic of Hawaii. MANl'FAl Tt'HKK Off CtOWB, V1hmi- he wan a boy: W. ( I'AKKK C. Bolte, Ooittjb, 1 John Nott, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTAKY METALLIC BEDS, iiil' Bori "liless tho dear mot her! She ahull have Ifl Kaahufiianu Si. a! a? WIHK MAT Throat, nntt Day. J John Ena. E. D. Tenner, nl it the very first money I eiirn." WJI.LIAM FOSTKR 5? v: 'si a F. Morgan, A. Young. PUBLIC. the patmoitary troubles to whirh un 'um: it James THK.SSKS and CfiAlttS, so liable, Robert's fathaf. planned in hie 42 Merehunt St. Mendonca, D. II. Smith, Castle & Cooke, ate their is no other Menad so t". a e J. P. Cartwright Block, Merchant St., Honolulu. effe,ctive as own mind the same thing, but ono year lohn Emmeluth. 500 In the harvest turned badly, an-- i C. T. Hodgers, .secretary Executive and Ad out and CAftJUAQI MANUKAL I UHhKS li .30110 40 4 Ml 1.3fl Ayer's my Men .... visory Councils. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS Cherry Pectoral other the children had diphtheria, and W. W. VTRIOHT. Tiles.... I0.W1MS IMPORTERS, it was $rood black silk Fort ia.m. HIGHEST that the had never St., opioit. Club Stablee. 101 B 15' AWARDS AT THE Wed .... 11- - - r' 10 6.17 BISHOP & CO., been DOOght 12- 0: 11.20 5.17 SuPKr.Mk Court. Ttaur.... - 6 20' I5 Hardware IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION teUkhid in iht8. It was a Mrjuiu'o thin that the son of 11.111. World's Frl 1. 0! 0 .vi 7 aoi 0 16' MERCHANTS. Great Expositions. John and Rachel Voting should have Ik KSSM AKf.KS B 5.171 lion. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice. Hat i.no' 1.40! lil A41 and Fort Street, Honolulu. BANKERS. been an artist. Uut Kolert began to MISS O. H. ORKSKWBLL. Nun 2.151 S. 51 9.20l 5.17 Hon. It. F. Hlckerton, First Associate Justice. Mactoby Ir. J.C.Arer Co ImrOll.MtjlB .TJ B.A. Hon. W. E. Frear, second Associate Justice. HoKOLtTLC, Hawaiian Islands. draw before he could write, and at last Bll Fort KL l quarter moon OB the llllh at A hr ast of tin Henry Bmtth Chief Clerk. Commission C'Hewnri' uf rlie;.i Imllallr.ret Tii- ntn he got bold of a box of colors through 117 in p. ra. M.S. GRINBAL'M & CO. ),-- rry on 111., DRAW K.XCHANGE ON iirunii d FUNiTURt; fUnt Whittle Blows at 28m.. 34s. p.m. of George Lucas, First Deputy Clerk. Hi.- wr;ii.r, it ml itrnwnibluwu In the f tach the kindness of ono his Sunday school and UPHOLSThKhks which is same as uih.Om., Limited. f our iiotilf Honolulu time, the C. F. Peterson, Second Deputy Clerk. Merchants, THE BANK OF C1UFQRKIH, SM FRANCISCO. leachers, and then he made pictures that ORDWAY A: PORTER 0s. of Greenwich time. HONOLULU H. I 1000 of the ob- J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. uazh-- the eyes of his prairio neighlKirs. Hotel Ht. For every feet distance of AND TM KIR AUKXTK server (from the House) allow one IN ho J. HOPP & CO. rustom Commission Merchants ami Importers , As ho grew older got orders for second for transmission ot sound, or 5 seconds General Merchandise, , Chit-ago- Boston, Paris, HOLLISTER" DRUG C(f 4 King st to a statute mile. Circuit Juihieh. of General Merchandise. portraits from proud parents who were MESSRS. Ii, Mi R0FOIL0 & SONS, LONDON, willing to give for a daughter's or a Han Franciwco Office, MT Frnt St. WHOLBBA1 E AGBNTS. HOR8ESHOEK8. First Circuit : II. E. Cooper, W. A. Whiting, ( ) N' son's likeness, and ho saved these small MKTK4IROL4IU1CAL. KKCOKII. Agricultural FR A N K KORT T J. W. atODOVAU), Oahu. Tho Commercial Hanking Co. Bydnqr, sums until by Mm timo he was 18 he had W. lUi. - Come unil o. Fort Hi. , opKKtite Pantheon Stables. Second Circuit Maui, J Kalua. C. ft. RIPLEY. n. n. . That enough money to take hiin to Boston, I'.y llic 4tuvernme.it Survey, Implements t Third and Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L.Austin. The Hank of New Zealand. Auckland, and There are seme birds hnt depend almost where ha hoped to tind a good teacher Kvery Monday. Fifth Circuit: Kauai. J. Hardv. ARTHUR REYNOLDS. its branches in Chri.stchunrh, DtlMdlll entirely for their means of subsistence 1NSUKANLK FIRh AND MAK1NK. and Wellington. ind to do something really worth while. unices and Courl-ruoi- n In Judiciary and upon the light Winged summer flies that The Hank of Uritinh Columbia, Virtoria. and His struggle in the city was hard BISHOP 00. 3 9 llulldlng. King Sireet. Sitting in Honolulu: Plantation love the sunshine. These the economy of Firemen's Olotw 5" hranc hes, Vaueouver, Nanniin . VeHt begin tund, London and 5 May, Aroliltects. its our cold season doea not provide for. enough to with. Every snowstorm Monday in February, August and The g. fr 8i First Supplies. Orrit'E New Safe De.xmit Building. minister, H. C.aud Portland, Oregon. was CASTLE & COOKE. a November. tree creeper end the tits, insectivorous in a friend to him, for wherever he r ? st 423tf Honolulu, H. 1. The Azores and Madeira Islands. Aetna, Alliance, Kaw England Mutual Stockholm, Sweden. their pfopemltiee, ere content to seek food shoveled ofl Bteps and sidewalk thev Plans, speclilcfttions Hank of in the crevices of bnrk, up and down the were sure CO want him again, ho did his Department ok Fohkion ArrAius. and Superintendenco The Chartered India, Australia and NOTAK1ES PUBLIC. Hun ii :mo:i i.i.'.M vi 80 80 1 HSW 1 given tor every iiescniH ion 01 iiiuiding. China hranches of old treeM, in the cracks of work so cheerfully and so well. .Moll 12 2 116 3II.S7 07 BO 70 3 S8K 4 Office in Executive Building, King Street Old Buildings successfully remodeled and The Hongkong and Shanghai. China: and walls, in and out ttnong the Btoneaand E. M. NAKUIXA, 21I.IIK 11.91 74 ho 0.00 77 4 Space enlarged. He paid tor his lessons by taking care Tile. 13 -- 8 This Hiogo Nagasaki, 17 M. Botch, ul Foreign Affairs Yokohama, and Jhmui. bricks of old boildinge( peeringi pnihing, :m 14 UI.OJ 20.0 1! 80 0 10 8 Francis Minister I)pnlghf for Interior Decorations. of of the Merchant St. W.I I - And transact a Oeuerul Hanking Husiness. the studio artist under whom Thu il5i2li InTW.tM 08 75 1.77 00 KHW t 5 Geo. C. Potter, Secretary. M;ii'- Mi'i Imiiit iil Drawiin;, Tracing and pecking at the treat ores that havethuugbt ' he studied. Ilo was ready to do any Frl. UK K! 10 7J M.- - Lionel liliievrlntlng. to get safely thnniKli the OOld weathef by PLUMBEKb AND K! u 70 4 NK 8 it. AJIlart, Clerk. Drawings Books Newspaper HlUs-- Sat - is ttr" for or Not so honest thing to cam an honest penny, J. W. Glrvin, Secretary Chinese Bureau, hiding. our migrant siiiKers. EMMELUTH & CO., llnromeler corrected for temperature anil C, BREWER CO,, LTD Manv of them, like the iwannai. ml and at last, even in Boston, jx'ople found elevation but nut for latitude. only such things as they oan cutch in out that ho had a sptsjml talent of hie 6 Nuuami Ht. DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR. their Reserved sw ift flight njH'u mouthed through the air. own and began to tuy his pictures. Building, King Street King St. Restaurant! PIANO TUNKKS AND FOKKIO.N MAIL MKUVICK, Office In Executive Queen St, HodoIiiIq, H, I., TbaM are few and far between in the raw There were so many things at tirst to RbPAlKbKS. J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. nd coM atmosphere of winter here. Swift do with the money that he earned! He W. M OMOBHS, will leave for and from Chief Clerk, John A. Hasslnger. for the U1..I IHV..I1..11. .l,rl.tit,,rrl.. u, ...... Hteainshins arrive 1 W must tmve a nttio stuuio or his own Mut. Tel. 81t Arlington Bl.s k, Hotel St on following dates, till the JameB H. Boyd, M. K. Kin and Ala AGENTS FOR bier, wry- - San Francisco the Assistant Clerks, Corner wheatear, whimhat,"r: blackcap, wh(PM nnM nmn unA if .,, close of 1SH4 : Keohokalole, Gus Hose, Stephen Maha kea HtreetB will neck, Ilvcjiti her all the merry troop of Life Assurance Society 'v' Hawaiian m ullural Co., Onomea not answer for the who AiiuiVB H'n'i.ulu iLkavk Honolulu roR ulu, George C. Kobs, Edward S. Boyd. Epitatle you the best ineal for Ai strolling singers must follow the sun and artist had his KbSTAURANT 8. at Hon, 111111 Siiyar Co., Wai-Ink- Ban K'cihco Ban Francihuo or 25 m Snar Co.. t own studio to live like tho youth who from cents the city. Co., the creatures hat dance in the sunbeams CHAH. I.INIJ OK VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. We are now in our Nuar '.. Wnibea Suar to lnnds that are sunny in Deed to above! ofl sidewalkB. He did not Bt. CHiEra or Bureaub, Department or 25c Makee Co., Haleakala Iiuneh winter. Nuuanu On of tlie Uniteft States. Surar The movements of the birds come forget the good black silk dress or On or About or About Interior. new rooms, everything fresh and Co.. Kapupala Ranch. that the Oct 28 Alameda Oct 18 and of the birds that o In spring and mother who waa to wear it; he only Aruwa 1 clean. Plaotett' Line San FranciBco I'acketB. SALOONS. Monowal Oct 2o W iirriinoo NOV Survej W. D. Alexander. are prompted by the abundance or waited. Australia.. f"0',:: Australia Nov 10 Supt. Public Works, W. E. Howell. ('has. Hrewer & Co.'h Line of Koton scarcity of among MERCHANTS 18 Nov 15 the certain kinds of tood At last came a spring when he had China Nov Mariposa Works, Andrew Brown. BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, Packets, S. Proprietor Alameda Nov 22 Peru Nov in Supt.. Water U, Rrmemht r the Place KinQ ond the varied store QUI Land alTords. The no wen fairly J. Shaw, 1 I AgentH Boaton Hoard of Underwritem. prosj)erouB, and he planned Nov 23 Arawa Dec Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassldy. madic wanderings of our resident birds Miowera Atakea ewtfffa ICS linn Uudei-writer- llec 1 Dec 8 AgenU Uoard of to go home for his mother's birthdav in Australia Australia Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrum. the are also fnraffiiiK expeditions. Only in the . , . . , , ... VbTKKINAKY SURQKONB. Oceania Uec 11 Monowal Dec 11 General Managers for Hawaiian 10 mm- 31 Deputy Registrar of Conveyances, R. W. and t he nrly miimm-- birds ''Brry lue "re wun - .Ucriposa Dec 30 Miowera Dec spring areiitiy AT" SCHNEIDER, D. V. S., Dec 81 : to find food in one uui jimt 110 ruci'ivi'u an Arawa Uecio China Andrews Islands. List of Officers aide the they require ion invitation Club Stables, Kurt St. Australia Dec 20 1885. Boad Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H. part icular neighborhood. that flattorwl him. His former teacher Jan 1 THE NEW P. C. Jonks PrcHident 1805. Warrimoo Then Insect life a boo nils, and round was going to Ipswich a China Jan 22 Uaellc Feb 16 27S-- UKO. H. Rohkhtko.n Muliaer for summer of O'canlc et 10 Peru Mar 20 Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hunt. E. F. Bishop..... Treas. and Hecy. about the nesting place enough and to sketching and asked Robert to go wilh V. IH11I SAI L LIQUORS. nhina Aurll2 Gaelic - Apr 28 Bupt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo. Herbert. JEWELRY Cou W. F. A1.1.KN Auditor spare is to be found DOth for the busy par- bim. W. 8. LUCE, Monowal Jan 17 Australia .Ian 6 C. M. Cooke ent birds and the insatiable chicks and ti 10 & It seemed Opportunity Merchant St. Australia ...Ian Alameda Jan CASTLE COOKE, H. . an too good to IN 14 Feb 2 Watkhiioi'mk. r Directors squabs. Rut In the autumn ami winter Alameda eb Australia BUHEAU AOHICIILTURK. ) be lost. So ho to Ipswich, Mariposa Feb 7 Or STORE, C. L. Caktkh is, went and tho Australia MM Wl-- there strictly speaking, no such thing 14 2 LIFE AND FIRE 1 y Hew by Mariikisii. Mar Australia Mar President J. A. KiK, Minister as a statiomtry population of birds In any summer as if on wings, and Rob- Australia Mar W Monowul 7 603 FORT STREET, ert did not go homo in August; he only Monowal Apr ll Australia Ma" 1)0 of the Interior. place. Then all turn gypsies and hither 21 Apr 4 wroto a letter. Australia Apr Alameda Members: W. G. Irwin, A. Jaeger, a. Her- la prepared to nmnufiirturc anything and thither wend their restless way, elud- A In May Australia- - Apr 27 Agents. in its line. ing the famine of n frost here, the desrth It was October before he started for Australia May 18 Mariposa May 2 bert and John Ena. Insurance 61 WILDER of a snowstorm there or the buffeting of the faroiT prairie Ouco on Malluosa June Australia May 26 of Agriculture and ex officio k CO. farm. his lime U Monowal May 30 CommUBioner storm winds by continually moving on. Australia Joseph M&rsdeu. Souvenir Spoons a Specialty. way, he hurried forward by night and Monowal July 4 Australia June 22 Secretary uf the Board: (Established in 1873.) Cornhill atagaatnei Australia July 13 Alameda June 27 day until he reached tho littlo station AlitllltMlll ..A1IB Australia July 20 that was nearest to his home. He had Australia Auk 10 Mariposa July 26 Dkpaktmcnt or Finance. AOKNTS FOB Also on blind 11 Fine Stock of Estate S, EL WILDER W, C, WILDER, u ,,111 tn In tli Aierndaut. 17 written when he should arrive, but he MariiKisa Aug 20 Australia Aug Imported Jewelry everything It would be harder to nay what women Santa Claus Alislt-- a Jsiuil Monowal Aug 22 Minister of Finance, S. M. Damon. did not see his father waiting for in the latest ,UnitsnH. . . are not doing these dnys than what they him as Monowal Sept 26 Australia Kept 14 Aulllor-Uene-a- l, H. Laws. NKW ENGLAND MUTUAL 19 I M t'OKTRHS ANI DKAIKRS IN for he had exiected. He felt a momentary Australia uci Alameda Sept KegtBtrar of Accounts, W. U. Ashley. are doing, their ambitlou has lavome Alameda Oct 24 Australia- - Oct 12 P. (). llox M Mat. Tel. as boundless as work itself, and there is sense of injury, but just then an old 17 Collector-Uener- of Customs, J. M. Caatle, Australia Nov 2 Mariposa Oct W7. Kurt Street. or or neighbor ramo up. Headquaters Australia Nov 9 Tux Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan Shaw. Life Insurance Co. hardly an industry, a profession, and oflice of any persever- s'poso you Deputy Assessor, W. .'. Weedou. Islani" Ohdkhs l'loniptly Attended to Lumber Coal an kind where their "I might as well ride home OK BOSTON. ing presence cannot 1h found. Womsn long mo," he said. Postmaster-Ueuera- l, J. M. Oat. with "I told 'em I'd UAHU RAILWAY LAND CO.'S has by her own deserving efforts become fetch ye, as long as yer la couldn't." E. A. ACOBSON man's competitor, eveu to the very thresh Whyr" C'OSTOMti BlIKEAU. J "Couldu'tl bristles again with the usual Building Materials old of equal ritthts, and has enthroued her- "Waal, I sort er hate to tell ye, but attractions of Holiday Goods, Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort tit. .ETNA self within the very sanctuaries that were SUCH AS once to man alone. yer mother, she bad a shock er palsy for the Ctdlector-Cieuera- l, J. B. Castle. sacred excellence of which, Hawaiian Co., Rut must not be thought In conse- yoMerday, and yer father don't liko ter r, F. B. Mctitocker. FIRE Wine it both as regards variety and quence of wider field woman's leave her jest yit." in I, mi Masier, Captain A. Fuller. Drown, Mgr. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, their that Frank There a choking quality Surveyor, M.'N. Sanders. hand has lost its cunning for womanly was strango in Robert Port INSURANCE CO. 3H and !)0 Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I. womanly Storekeeper, Geo. C. Stratemeyer, employment and arts, and that V'onng's throat. The good black silk TIME TABLE. her interest flags in the ever particular CONN dress was in his valise, but he hail Attoiiney-Uenera- OF HARTFORD, sphere of domesticity, for such is not the Prom and After June 1st, 18BS Deiahtuunt or l. The Republic being secured, we are Builders' Hardware, brought it too late. Youth's Companion. TKAINt, now prepared to sell at case. Never lief ore In tlie history of wom- Thos. G. Thrum's Office In Executive Building, King St. ankind hss her own exclusive work re- Palata, oils, Qhai, uf Nicaragua. TO KWA MILL. Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith. ceived so much attention or reached such Tti. Klt'h.. I'lilnbablt.d ATLAS - H. B. A. U. Deputy Attorney-Genera- l. A. G. M. Hobert-so- Annexation Prices a state of perfection Mr. J. Crawford, a well known resi- to A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. ASSURANCE COMPANY, THK BUST OF WALL PAPER, ETC. A visit the women's exchanges and dent of Managua, has just comnleted a Leave Honolulu 8:46 1:46 4:96 6:10 Clerk, J. M. Kea. decorative art rooms furnishes a revels- - tour covering alxiut 12,000 square miles Fort Street Store Leave Pearl City 9:80 2:80 5:10 6:66 Marshal. E. G. Hitchcock. POUNDI5D 180N. lion. Th,' tawny machine work, which Is . aavrltmwni the rennhlir of Ni,.,.r., Arrive Ewa Mill 9:57 2:57 5:86 6:22 Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Dow. Wines, tlclngly displayed In ,,..r large empo- - Mr Crav,.ford UIlillhttl)'. Hums, would pale with disgust at the com mOTtt that the TO HONOLULU. Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. Capital, - - $6,000,000 Ales o.nxl ited central mountainous part of the A. Low. Cor. Fort and Queen parlson of tluinty needlework, laces, em has long been famous C. U. B. A. Jailor Oahu i'risou, James Spirits, Streets, country is very rich in agricultural Prison Physician, Dr. C. B. Cooper. - - broideries and linen drawn work of every A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Assets, $9,000,000 At wholesale. No goods sold at retail. conceivable and description here, lauds, excellent for raising coffee, tobao Leave Ewa Mill 10:43 3:43 5:42 f HONOLULU, H. I. all done by the diiiniy fingers of women; co, grapes, almonds, corn, potatoes, Leave Pearl tllty 6:55 11:16 4:16 6:10 BoAKD or IMMIUBAHON. Having been appointed agents of the above exquisite liHiid painted china, vases, din vegetables, sugar cane, rice, cocoa, in- This season's stock consists Arrive Honolulu 7:30 11:55 4:55 6:45 excepted. Office, Department of luterlor, Judlclar Company we are now ready to effect Insur- ner cards, picture frames, handkerchief digo, plantains, mangoes, oranges, of selected orders from France, A Saturday's only. CSunday'e jewel cases; the loveliest cen- B Dally D Saturday's excepted Building, King Street. ances at the lowest rales ot premium, boxes and limes, lemons, bananas, etc. In the the Bittern States and San terpieces, dnllies and table scarfs, em- President, J. A. King. II. W. SCHM1UT & HONB. forests aro to be found mahogany, ce- Francisco, to which public at- Members of the Board of Immigration: broidered with lifelike clusters of violets rosewood, wood flowers. Ilrnoklyn Eagle. dar, walnut, india rubber. tention is respectfully called, J. B. Atherton, Jas. A. Kennedy, Joseph N KIM. and ROBT. LBWRBS. C. M. COOKB. V. J. LOW BY GOO nispero, gnanacasca, etc. Its lodes are Mursden, Jaiue G. Spencer, J. Cardeu. comprising new and attractive REMOVAL 411 rich in gold and silver, while large de- bee rotary, Wray Taylor. XuuBiiti IStroet. Buy. ..in Twelve tu Twenty. Toys Games, LEWERS & COOKE, posits of marble, granite aud magnesian and Dolls and Hoys from 12 to 20 are the most Impo- doll sundries, Rocking horses, Importer and in rtant factum of MocU-t- and should receive limestone are to lie found. Panama Boakd or Health. L"mber, Builders' Hardware, Bar- HUSTACE & CO the best thought and care of home, state Star. Wagons, Velocipedes, Office In grounds of Judiciary Building doors, sash, blinds, and church, whereas they do not receive rows, Doll Carriages, Tool have moved to corner of MUllani and Queen streets. Dry even an avernge an, omit. Infant years, Au Kuter Surprise Fur tlie Car. Chests, Alphabet and other Day, paints, oils, glass, European and Fancy Goods. Members: Dr. Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrew, on the other hand, have been greatly Emperor Alexander found a short blocks. Croquet sets, Drums Auction Rooms J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Ena, Theodore wall fames, mattino, Ladieti' Warea of tvery description. AUo frth line of I'tiinene Cioodn. in regard in their iiiMiience upon tune since in a photographic album on Morgan's Attorney-Gener- more) man. Under aud other noisy instruments, F. Lansing aud Smith. Beit Black and Oreeo i'liinene Tea. C repe Hluiwla, etc. the mental SUd lifeof his writing tablu a picture of the famous ,1,11,1, phywloally, men-tell- for u abort time. We ure "till Belling President, Hon. W. O. Smith. corrugated iron, of ll), the uihilist cuiintesa Soplue Perovskaia, who Rubber, wood, metal and other aud ui orally, Is In the germ During Secretary, Chas. Wilcox. lime, cement, etc. waa hanged wilh the murderers of Alex Toys iu variety. B. Reynolds. lie- - lirst 12 miinthsof HI,- tht' bubels com- Ooa!, Executive Officer, C. smlcr II. It is now stated that at Kae Departure Bay Agent Board of Health, J. D. McVeigh. ing Into consci, lioness of its own life, Tailoring. I, riH,igni.e mother; how tcr the received another disagreeable of Merchant liming how to Its c.iir New and station- Inspector and Mauager Garbage Service, attractive CHARCOAL, CHAS. HUSTACE, Fit flnirinttniit, Prices Moderate. eyes hearing surprise. In his room at Livadia he L. L. La Pierre. King tu use its for seeing, tier, for ery. Christmas Cards, Calen- Lincoln Block, Street, telephone w. hands for feeling ice for laughing and found an i xqulhiti ly painted Easter egg. ALGEROBA and Inspector. G. W. C. Jones. mutual dars for 1895, Port PhyBlcIau, Dr. F. It. Day, Between Fort and Alakea Hu. feet tur walking. In alike man Inside it was a small silver dagger, two Booklets, 11, tin, 12 years of childlife are used Novelties, Dispensary, Dr. Henry V. Howard. DEALER IN r llrst Ivory carved death's heads aud a slip of Finest Leather KINDLING WOOD, Goods iu Leper ttettleiueut. Dr. K K. Oliver. '" " ",7. on which were these words stationery aud Fancy in any quantity. and Provisions. n tlrlU"7HIHilll',HUM. Illl'l nifli'nis ill nuivu Groceries llClin" )VoaUt,1 B,ml1 "J? Lines, plain and silver mount- 'Doth Telephones 414, o54tl he learn, to u.e wordn, bk and took.; Boaku or Education. learns to dUtinguUh form, .ize, number l Hi,,tu Mideavom the ed, Manicure and Toilet sets, Fresh California Roll Butter and Island oeret poll, e have not huccetHled m find Office, Judiciary Building, King Htreet. MAWS and color of obiect.: learn, hi. way aiwut Work boxes, Collar and Cuff Butter always on hand. tug Presideut, W. K. Castle. Warranted thu village, town and neigh loriug olty; out where either the portrait or the ljxes, Shaving aud Traveling In relailou to the .ur-- egg came from. London IN ewe. H. MAY & CO. Clerk, J. F. Scott. Fresh Goods received by every Steamer learn., .hort, hi. casts, Vases, Albums, Photo. Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson. rounding world. Tin y are year, of awak from San Francisco. TOOTH Perfect. He notante Frames, parian figures aud Wholesale and Retail enlng, eon.tant .urprtHeM. ha. Kl.clrlcltj. tW HATIHKACTION GUAKAHTVCn. JpJ or ability for mature or runt inuod thought. There i. time during the remaining years brie a brat, etc., etc. Boaku ok Chown Land Comhikhioneks. During these early years you can no more of the century to make many discoveries Next week will lie added a J. A. King, Minister of the Interior; W. G. BRUSHES establish the moral or religious In the usee to which electricity may be choice selectiou of presentation Mm! h, Attorney-Gener- life of the chili', than you determine what put. Electricity ha. suddenly become the GROCERS and C. P. Iaukea. JAS. F. MORGAN. miscellaneous books Office In Judiciary Building. shall be the first ll, word, the liabe shall favorite mean, of tractlou for all short dls- - aud of 98 Fort Street. No. 45 Queen Street, speaker on what duyor hour it shall take tauces. Messages are now priuted by tel- latest issues from le.st authors: first step. Rev. A. E. Wiushlp. egraph the rate uf 40 Words a DiHTHicr Couar. lis at mluute also new styles Indian baskets Both Telephones 2J. P. O.Box and bsik when completed like tyiiewrls-te- 470 111. Kiplauatlun. ami other desirable goods. folice Station Building, Mert-hau- Htseat. Auctioneer and Stock Broker, sheets. The new application, of ) Large Lubin's your be- all Antonio Perry, Magistrate. Justice How do you explain already made ludicste what i. Id Prompt attention to orders, To James Thompson, Clerk. Special attention glveu to the ing found Inside Colonel Ciiuger'e chicken .tore for thu world in the nuar future. and Goods fur shipment packed Rent.. handling of Assortment coop lust night f American Cultivator. with care. Jackson lie trufe Is, jedgc, I math- - all POHTOmCE BUltKAlT. Perfumes. my iirritiigeiio'iils ter git up arly in du T h.ii 1 hr Siuall Hoy'. Saeeplas ( rlllul.iu. commodiouB building formerly Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds 1 wanted ter sleep here 1 cud Postmaster General, J. Mort Oat. uioruiu, an Company hail droptasl lu heuh de crow UohIoii VVomau's occupied by the Union Ice Worka, Set rotary, W. t. Atwaler. roosters tu diniK-- at the home of the boy Thos. G. Journal. small Thrum. Sup'l Pontal Savings Bank, K. H. Wodehouae. For Sale, who was fund uf pic. Ills mother, uot Lucas' 1'laning Mill. . Money Order Department, F. fi. Oat. Direct Kor.la-n.-r- lu slain. having au anoL) Quantity, illimniuhi-- the 1IW Kort Ht. Ilrewer Wo'k. Terma moderate. General - ... I.. T. Keiiake. punier lot tit 1'unalnmlOii ly , t llu w, re pioneer foreign generous usually wtiroom, The Portuguese the slice lie reccued bud Keglstry G. L. Desha. ruiituiliH ltarlor, illiininif Lliruf Importation BENSON Apply to Iepartmeut, tied rtmnih, Imlli hot him! QOld witter sttilcrs in plgjll Thef lltfl rUltod the be objeoiad, and pushing his pl.ite a.ide Clerks: J. I). Holt, H. A. Dexter, S. L. , i,m l.iKr boUMi ry early the sixteenth centtir) and guiug to take thai plts-- of fir. lul'V and 'tt eounl in .aid. "I ain't - on Die St K- c HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC (JO,, F. B. Angus, J, l.iwal, Heury Kalu 1 In- Kruiiuin aie welT lalU out in fruit and Just enjue,l exclusiie commercial privileges pic. It's long and slim and thin, sud uot TIIIC DIDCD uakV omitim-nlu- t reen. mid rflrtn adv.rn.iu Ag- uc . ami eft K N. K.Keout. T. Flguarad . & CO. loo years. Th,- Dutch came aud a bit sr4e end hardly any thick. " uue ti Vlerchanl'. gxchaase. Km 475 'Juio, Narita. J. tor uarticularh, additiM A. H., tliitt uttUe SMITH for Kraut leo, (.'ah, where tor Miss M. Low. Received by aft, iln-- the i'rench - Phihideliihiu I'reaS. sud LaaiUiur Rvporier. contracts adver. lis nu 1 an be uia.le fur It. tl IMF HAWAIIAN STAR. FRIU.W NOVEMBER 23, 1804.

leal tied frmii your letter of thf ilh of THE SfcNbE OF HEARING. The Oood mxi mci Lande af Alatka .lull last, that ii Itepiiblieoii the lluwa-iim- i The i.ad lands91 ff Alaska the lag The Hawaiian Star. Islands having been established nnil It, Dotleeta l' re. tf til, li III" !:ir 1 M,,ro npped mountain rikhai Wbefl tho ig Woe4erfn1 l imn tin' sre itmnd. and where the cc.untry STOP COUGH! 'Inly !.'. llacten THAT pfoolalaiad mi tilt' 'ill "I solemnly Tin' Is n wonderfully cnnipreliensivrt niii probably nerer nirr.i the rneangor PUBL1SIIKU EV1.KY AFIfcKNOUN last, vou have assumed thf oflkx "f lll'trillnent. A rntnpired Willi til" rye, mtstninlnn any bu' a m jk pulntlon KXCEPT SUNDAY President wit li nil tin' formalities pre- It. N vastly superior III extent "f tilt' MOM1 Its to the north ol tbe Sitka region, form" Received by the is Mpeblt t'f esperioaelag. The eye Ingtbe eaatsan and northern ahorai HV TUG HAWAIIAN SVAH NBWtl'A-I'&- aarlbad iiy tin- OooatttatloB thereof. tinni it The way to stop it is to use ti'iwiwn linrilv itn ih'Iiivi, ft net n lmlf t'f tbagulf of Alaska. This la the ragloa of ASSOCIATION, Ltd. in- NEW I nope vim will oonvtiMad, that My estieatlone, a hvreej tin image ear, mi wt high, Inaooeasibls and eternally enowctad S. S. Oceanic. government will alwajra endtavoar to know, has a range af si etatven, while mountain raiiK'. Here Mount st. Bllao - rally n .miinmhiNK, - uTTOlk od more acttteeeri Ikiv n aompeeeof nnrku the highest point the North Mirili'lt u.ta.n .mil Improve the leiat.ons. ,,. Kalrwe-.the- r, UMMINS r ) ( , ,;. continent, while - Ad bn American wbkmaam between ih Herman hm- aoenrate laatranraal ndeapaUa CrtllOUi La IVrouse ami n half dty:en oth-i- r I have just received, di- II OUGH srHMCUllTIO ATM. pire a:i, the Hawaiian i a tit ,,t nppretuil lug nimu'e tuutrcneeM mat not ytt named are fit mnteai to their IV Yinr in A'lviiiioc. - .(H. tn le fmtii vmu U tter, tlmt would M wholly impossible In thy r is., of Brand neighhofi Flowing to the sontb - tatittli'il tin URE. GOODS In Ail trafd down the slopesof lids Alpine region rect from Japan, a fine i'it Month vain f. M - 12.1 I - -...' in promotlb, this ZJMSSSt K Ht'uiu per Year la Advance. vumerous glaaiofl follow he valley ami I re-- ! - a, friendly intemmrae. nml sincerely two liui" ti. ithrr purnlM HOT in one plane, pi ice through all Obstacles t ill they reach J&g. w Goods, Ithvfl fof Mtttuatton by not i.tcrways made mi familiar by stock Dry Goods, Fancy oods MiVKII'l MM UATK1; oipfooili ilW food txpifliM made in irmr of ) the inland of My would gala credit tourists' descriptions. The sinht. of these never fails. i iiinl rcuulai' advertising MMOO Kit 0f Irninioni mwlfor tmnmal uftulMoD. Bui In tos MfOM- - Ice etreams. the crasliinw of their fm es nw ,,n eatalaed m tii publloetloa ofltee, is easy to take. which I will sell at bi I avail Myself of this opportunity. iininiiiitM o a nunrtef of a ton, they break ami fall into the water, the for the Holidays, the pfftttpfl Insertion all uilverllse- - tiiirtiftii I'll wlin nd by Mf "! foftf flftn Im nHUy dvttf floating bargs apparent ly about to h m iu is good for old or young. i i ! MMmm Monsieur le President, to assure you of nasi iieii viiihi mtnen.'1 a iklllfnl ptenoforln Innct onn und deatroy the si earner, all tend to leave ft. M tlltUngttished natocm costs only lowest prices. Call in and see my Stock. tttiee beam i" H'. moat do nttob more. Hfl It oallcd upon, fnr In In the minds of people whd sea only this 25 cents. dlntlngnbin bOtWOti n true nnd of an ImpreasioO of desolate It NOVEMBER S3, IMN. Written nt Uominten. the 4th of utrmcf, to part Alaska FBI DA V, an equally temporal Bfth wbon tho grandeur nol easily effaced. Ootobat, I8M, Kt-titi- l lionly tin- hnndftutn f a t"?M lint lie glacier region f Ahekn Is com- l'or Salt' al WlratcealC nml It) llic tlBEL, (Signed) WtLHBLM F. U. hIkhiIiI iOOOfitlngly bi iblt tn at paratively small. It is. in fact, a rare IWAKAMI SHOTEN, Fl; tanol 800 dlffvPTOl BtnimlH tn an octave. imt the general to- (Oonntoysigtid atxpeof Mr. Etdmttnd Norrle, editor of Moro than thi. aoonrdtng to t lie Itrvontt pography of the country FREtHERR VON MAR8CBALL gfttlottfl of IVnft Hvnr Mayrr, It if f, Leaving tbe region Jurt described and Bllv. Holomini, has been cited to Robinson Hotel St. the nndef aneotally favnrabla oondlttona ami teering westward, the traveler learua all HOLLISTER DRUG CO., Ltd. 511 jaii Mutual telephone (117. U en, answer for libel for charging in the IkKiUM ION NU1ICK. fur muih1h wboM pitt ii nam that of trae of this forbidding landscape behind to iINt Ingntsfa from Mob otht-- not which and his lirst glimpse of land, some mile organ of the do nol dilfef by nofo tban u one bnndrod Weal from Sitka, is of low green hills soft- pfivilegoa. Of tliose Exclusive Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. 593 Port at., Honolulu. that President Pole is the Kxccu Holders of water nad twantlath of naonitnola. ly rounded and clothed from base to sum- Arc you in search of GOODS? paying water rales, are hereby notified in the rapidity of Ita appfaelatloo tna mit in verdure. Patches of timber darken DRESS tive of the Republic of Hawaii, tlmt the hours for Irrigation purposes ear is mnavkablo. In a fraction of a the valleys and mark the course of innu- B it can accurately refer any imte to its merable BttlS, Wblle every inlet after twenty years oast of mon- are from 7 to M o'clock a. in. and to t Mn niot place in the scale nml ran an easily every rock ban its clustering growth of m jnt "Vx.rET archical capers, "through treason, o'clock p. ami quickly depurate from each other nev-cr- trees. From Kodfak island Westward the N. S. SACHS, BROWN. to E. McllMTYRE fraud and might." A. Widely ilitTerent notes. Aoeotdlnjl timber on the Aleutian islands is confined H. BRO., Supt. Honolulu Water Works. teoetll invesliyatloiiH, the ear Is rapahle of to the smaller specie of trees. Willow has just opened an immense assortment of The opinion of the is that bearing a eonnd when only two vtomtloni and larch thickets still cling to the 0WeT Star Approved; J. A. KINti. IMPORTKKS AND DKALKKS IN Violator! of the liberty of the press, are made It abonld therefore hear the valleys, hut all the rest of the country is Minister of the Interior. middle notaOOf the pianoforte In tin' two covered during the summer with nn ex- latest FALL WOOL DRESS COODS upon either side, should be pun- Office Bonolulu Water Works. or three iiumlrcfli h part of R aaoOUd, It ceedingly rich and diverse BTOWth of gniy. ,"). ear ished first by jury law, and, if Honolulu. Maj ism. requires DON time, however, for the During the w inter months the grasses :r7-t- f to dfatlttgtttab the full characteristic of a gradually die until nothing is seen except Groceries, Provisions and Feed. new stripes and latest combination plaids; that fails, by whateyer most note. To ilo tbia, aooordlng to the experi- the thick mantle of moss, which gTOWl ev- ments of Kxner, Auerhach and erywhere in Alaska. San Kiancisco means the exigencies of - speedy WATER NOTICE. from to :'M vibrations nrc neces- Chronicle. SOLID COLOR WORSTED DRESS the Government and the demands East Loknkk Fort and King Streets. and practice the tit' Vith proper training Aerial Kapld TraiiNlt. of public safety may suggest. OwinK in the droughl nml Marolty I in all shades; orKan of bearing can be rendered retnarka-- The day of aerial navigation Isat band. goods, the new Silk Mixed water, the reaidenti above Judd street bly aaneltive accurate. There is rare- nml Persons now living will see travel in the New Goods receiver hy every Packet from the Eastern Ktates end Furrpe t he The ANNEXATION. are requested to collect what water they ly any pin sicnl defect in ear itself. air ns common as it is now on land and Fnsh California Produce by everv steamer. All n;cis faitlJvll) etuidu t and All Wool CH ALLIES, in light and may require for household purpoeec defacta ordinarily noticed ami spoken of water. The writer of this prepared tin ami goods delivered to uny part of the city free of charge. by cul-- I are ouch ns ean he easily remedied comprehensi ve icleon elect ric light hRtiMnctb.ri T No, The people of Hawaii have been h o'olock a. in. lte first nrt Island orders Rnarafilr1 tivation. The orati truly may never iti'- newspa- Tnef Offiee Roi WO. MR ANDREW BROWN. published in nny Pittsburg dark grounds: New Stamped Goods, New quite firmly convinced for the past able to retain t he remarkable rauue of per and well remembers the oonfldenl as Snpti HonolttlO Water Workt. audition we have spoken of above; it mny sertions at the time that electricily could two years that annexation was the dis-- I Honolulu, n I., July 20, I8M. never become so ''appreliensjve and not be used for tight except in a very crude Ribbons; latest designs in Hawaii, sooner or later, crim leant" as the ear of .Moart, hut its SILKOLINES destiny of Jlll-l- f way, that it would never do for dwellings. delicacy can he Increased and its enernl That was only a few years ago, but it is native leaders, always I and the appreciation of musical sounds wonder-- already history. good of If ancient Ill figured and a assortment solid quick to take a cue from the popu- fully improved. This Is especially true He published the first article on the ca- child-- : Viavi Testimonial. the work of instruction is began in ble railways which appeared in this city lar pulse have almost to a man en- I hood, when the organ of hearing is naiu-- a summary of description and cost as giv- colors at WAY DOWN PRICES. evident, Having received so much benefit from rally most seiisitivn and most readily sus-- I dorsed this view of the I en by an ngent trying to Introduce the sys- the use of Viavi am anxious the public In making eXpOf--1 ceptible of cultivation. tem a1 Cincinnati. These things, which national destiny. There seems in should know what a bleseiiiK has come giving Imente with rodx and tuiiinu forks would have been womh-r- in his boyhood, the to Ul with the Viavi Uemedies vary accurate sounds, I have frequently fact to be but little demurrer to 1 are common places now. Aerial navigation have suirered with a complication of been struck with the very rent difference for closer political and disease! tor six years, have been in the will be a commonplace before many years proposition in the ability to perceive such wounds Bi have passed. To the numerous short arti- hospital in San FranciaOO hut have found persons. commercial union with the United manifested by VOUng and old cles on this subject which have appeared nothing that has benefited me so much Kveu when the latter were trained musi- from the friends as Viavi, this one is added to show the progress States except direct cians, they were incapable of bearing some tin- new passenger 1 would recommend it to MuffVrmff made toward means of n the sounds hat were quite audible to chil- of restorationists or their people of Honolulu. and freight trafiic. dren who had no musical training what- To begin with, a reference to Professor abettors, w ho have lately Any one wishing to ask me in regard ever. This fact, like many others that Langley s roocnl paper on t in1 Interna to it may call at my home on Heretaoia common-tar- y MIGNON'S WISH. OR TH8 HACK THAT to a considerable extent mijxht be adduced, is a striking work of the wind. Jle found that in a usurped near Nuuanu street. of on the necessity beginning early wind of 'u miles an hour there were fluc- WAITED AN HOUR. the political functions of the Hawai- MRS. SOHRADER training of the when eye and JILOIiii tiie youngj tuations rangiiiK from in to 80 miles at in- It Ml hIkIiI. It WM in Kakaaku. Mlgnon These remedies for sale at the ollice, not spcik of the other senses are l i ;,t ian-Americans in ear to tervals of only "JO seconds. From this he to0 dooOf Irt father's mansion. I!er these Summer U! King street. figure , in Hit ilvi-- ever on the alert and qu ick to delect sounds nrm-- a condition of the wind Involving L. Cheurront TOOTH POWDER tlyht, Birllth nunht 477-Ui- no d it v. colors, w n later pe- radiant-,- of the allliiinn moon was like seas. ami forms and hich at Upward and backward currents, and these, Leonard, Mo. so ethvraftl vision Her dark, wondrous syes riod Would entirely escnpw their observ- QUI Hit' There have been instances of J' he believed, explained why birds can rise looked llltr, nlulit ami ation Paris Etude, moving wing. she cried, "Rffltinald 1" He had already said doubt of the integrity of Americans nml circle about without a 'good niulit." his hand was on Hit gate latoh Prom this he proceeds to show how an In Agony and the haok had been waiting an none, but and the Government, as far as at The tfot1 Clerk inclined plane, heavier than the air, may is particularly good at the stnrtleii cry lit torntd back Itkaa Bash, "Did you ever think why hotel rise and be hustained in motion in the and in aaeoond bounded to the verandah ami developed, of 15 for little children ow- was by her ntde, " lint is it, dearest V1 lit present outside the laces tin' entrance?" queried a veteran teeth of the wind by utilisation of this Years With Salt Rheum gasped "DonH forget the caramels next usual "ins and outs." of local poli- clerk for the reeept ion ol" quests. "Well, it internal work. Such a plane, capable of ing to its purity and turn attd,0,sa) II saw lbs loveliest little isn't mere aocident, 1 assure you, but the changing its inclination, will gain energy Hood's Snrsaporilla Gave a Perfect village cait a' tiit Hawaiian Carriage Mann at I unlit; Company's, on ltittll Hlrttl . lotlay !" tics, but there has been absolutely main idea uf the arrangement is to give by failing ami expend it by rising. All Cure. mildness. it will no ground for either the royalists or ample opportunity for the clerk to stud that it. would need f power would be "C. 1. Hool &(Yi., Lowell. Mass.: keep their teeth clean Santa Clans the people who come into the house. Kvery such as is necessary to cany it over the " Hood's BarsaparlllS is an excellent medicine. the to assert future stranger is an understudy, and to make region of calm. For the rest it could de- 1 had eczema in lay left Wg for fifteen jears. and white, and their hopes upon. It is quite true that just one mistake iu 'sizing1 him up miuht pend u t he internal work of t he wind and Pari ef the time my leg was one mass of srHbs, gums will lie benefited is man and about every week corruption would gather mean eerloui trouhle. Ihere the on rising and telling. Pittsbttrg Times. slough now Americans are almost wholly Headquaters wlio should not he rusted for a room if he under the skin and the senhs would oil. by its use. Burning in the annexation movement, but is without a trunk. thTASaen and Walters. The Itching and "Then then- is another who can stand made DM imleserlbahlo ngcmles. If there Is one position in which tho av- sensation suiter up to not a word of suspicion rates for tbe rooms uud is sure to 1 of money rem- date double erage woman does not shine with dazzling spent a great deal for diiterent Want a bath, while another will never wish not get year ago, has been treated and probably again usual is a hotel or edies but did relief. About a This dentifrise is bristles with the to iwt bur with such lavatory nousenee as brilliancy, it at restaurant lending physlciani advised me to take Hood's dining At her Inane she mav be 1 so nve but-- never will be. attractions of Holiday Goods, can only be found iu a tub. There is the table. barsaparllla. did and have taken prepared from a cele- A choice selection of Pictures, comprising possessed nml charming which, who wants the cheapest room iu the most self of Some of the firmest friends polit- for the excellence of man the to in brated formula now house and is willing to put up with annoy; hostesses, but let her undertake act a; Etchings, Mono both as regards variety and capacity in a she be-- Photogravures, Allotypes, ical liberty has ever had have been uncutogcl it. Another has a literary genius that restaurant, and Hood's5 Cures in our possession and quality, comes awkwanl, ill at ease and uncom- ties. New all the SOTSS, scabs and pain have as been some and will burn gas with an open hand, and contains only the pur- chromes, Photographs from life, etc. etc., foreigners, have of you want to get him in a room with but fortable. vanished and I am enjoying perfect health. I In the first, place she generally steers Is liberty's most foremost foes. In une jet. think Hood's Sarsaparilla second to none and est materials. A trial straight for the least desirable spot in the gladly recommend It to all suffering humanity." just received by "All these peculiarities the clerk is sup- L. the the American ranks it has room. After she has Mink breathlessly M. Chbuvront, Leonard, Missouri. will convince anyone G. Thrum's posed to divine, aial in order to do it 'by polit-alThoS. lie w. get TieW Of into the chair nearest the steam radiator Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and of its merit. is deli- been charged there have been sight' mis to a the guest nervously It he door he or directly in the draft, she eflU tently. uu the llVSraUd bowels. 25c. ical from the time enters the till she were giving cately flavored and traitors, but since the time of the counter, for yon can tell char- cam the bill of fare. If reaches a luncheon at her own home, she would, Hobron Dun Company Benedict Arnold the charge of acter by a mau's swing or appeurance a lit- - pleasant to use. Bet- port gtrcct gtore of course, hnveordered thedaintiest repast Wholesale AcentK. Pacific Hardware le way oft could not bo well be detect- placed that hei judgment dictated, without consult- - ter try it. treachery has never been , ed when he is within a of you. 'Takes foot lug her guests. Hut when she gets some upon to be behind desk?' Well, 1 just. recortl against Americans brains a woman opposite her a hotel The Steamship tell you, you have it now. It does take unfortunate at because, in crucial moments, none loi"l(r ljCCll table ihe burden of choice is promptly Ltd. UOt Company, hg famous brains, and alone a diamond shirtniu, HOBRON DRUG CO,, Prop'rs. - l shifted to her. but those of the "true blue'' qual M some unsophisticated people think." long patient study WAIMANALO ashiugton News. When, after and and ity were placed upon guard. many changes (if mind, the luncheon has will run regularly between this port This season's stock consists One ITIre. been decided upon, the order is given in a ami WejaJua, Wuianao, Kawailiapai, At various times, where Ameri- way excuse An invoice of the latest stylos of Moulding The William Twombly of Port- - which would murder on the of selected orders from France, late li. part. "Which did you say you'd Mokutela, Keawenui and Kuiki on the can honor has been at test the long a unique figure in the piano waiter's the Eastern States and San land, have, Kmma!'" asks one," baked or French aland of Oubu. For freight, etc., apply to arrive by the "Transit," "half-baked-" half-bor- n trade, had a fixed price for each of bis pi- or rather at- fried sweets oh, yes, wedecided on white Francisco, to which public anos, and lie would not lower it for nny to the Captain. American has been allowed to tention is respectfully called, importunate. potatoes au gratin after all, didn't we? Use pure water, filtered by the Slack & customer, no matter how llring us some potatoes au gratin, please," attractive-Toy- "Early in my business career," said Mr. wield his vote with impunity comprising new ami ami so on, until the waiter is distracted. WM. DAVIES, Twombly, not long ago, would y Brownlow Carbon and (lames, Dolls and Of course he gets somewhat mixed, nml J. T. Waterhouse Filter where he has been scrupulously ask more than a piano was worth, Rigger, Stevedore ami Wrecker. Esti-tnat- then he is scolded. Finally, when the re- - doll sundries. Rocking horses, the tried to beat watchad so long as a merely nat- and then, when customer past is safely over and he hns helped both and coutructH on all kiudH uf Wagons, Velocipedes, Bar- me down I would take off what I had Queen Street Stores, uralied citizen, he carried an regular way I women Into their wraps, picked up their work. rows, Doll Carriages, Tool added to the price. The gloves and found their was of was this: A lady came ami handkerchiefs 'economical'' musket that might be Chests, Alphabet cured that umbrellas, the hostess gives him a nickel, and other in one day and inquired the price of a Inquire nt Ollice of J. S. Walker, over turned against Republican institu- blocks, sets, telling her friend nt the same time that FULL LINKS OF Croquet Drums piano, always sold 1400. 385-t- which had for he doesn't deserve it, for the servic was Bpreokelt1 Hank. THE and noisy a I tions. other instruments, Expecting bet to ask for reduction, outrageous. St. Louis Rubber, wood, metal anil other told bet the price WM $4r0. 'Very well, The question of annexation in ttaid she, 'I like the piano, and you may Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery Toys in variety. The Krmltie. Hawaii makes the duty of Hawa- - send it up this afternoon. My husband NEW Will give you a cheek for the amount to- Tho annlnsj is a queer animal. It is one at the present, New and attractive station- morrow.' I was pUSSled what to do," said tiling in winter and another t bing in sum AND Mr. I mer. is a strange statement, hut it doubly responsible under some ery, Christmas Cards, Calen- Twombly, "but finally told her that That the piano would cost her only $400. Since is true, for in winter the animal's fur is FINE -J- WATJKEGAN crucial test which the political dars for 1895, Booklets, that time I have never Hsked more than a es white as snow ami is called the ermine. FANCY GOODS history of the Hawaiian monarchy Novelties, Finest heather piano was worth, and I have never allow- - Iu summer its fur turns reddish brown on ed myself to Ijewiston the upper part of the body and a light yel- - Goods in stationery and Fancy beateudown." of all deHcripttoru. BARBED may yet impose upon the defenders low 011 the lower part. The animal is then Lines, plain and silver mount- Journal. OB WORK of our new island liberty. Should known ns the stoat. ed, Manicure and Toilet sets, A Dining Arrangement. This change is quite familiar to natu- - such a moment come, none but Work boxes, Collar and Cuff I was dining nut one day mid was tak- rnlists, but not to nnsclentlflo people, and WIRE. Americans should be placed boxes, Shaving and Traveling en down to dinner by an Intelligent person, the ermine and the stoat are, therefore, Upon who as soon as we were seated and had generally regarded as distinct animals. THE Fort Street Store Made only by VsiUmtfillon Co. guard, where the Inapt handling of cases, Vases, Albums, Photo. unfolded our napkins and studied our The fur of the ermine is much valued lf'f Frames, menus- - is "STAR'S" a gun, in foreign hands, might parian figures and quietly asked, "Pray, what and is in great request. At one time it ELECTRIC We have been nppoinletl Agents for the above Company, anil have just brie a brae, etc., etc. your favorite hobby?'" Taken thus ab- was a mark of great royalty. and the stats No. lO. it't eiveil per Steamer " KEAUHOU " the tirat shipment of this famous barbed politi- ruptly, had not to a of PRINTING WORKS M jeopardize the material and Next week will be added a time invent suitable robes judges and magistrates were lined wire. We sell the ' Waukt-ga- 4 Point w ith hurlm ;t iu. apait, and it measures ami 0overact OOI answer and was there- with It as an emblem of purity. cal far builded McINERN Y BLOCK IN ADDITION TO AS- laU In tfte pound. You cannot build a fonoa with any other make of barbed interests thus up choice selection of presentation 1 THK LARGE fore startled into a truthful reply, "The lie ermine is so cunning iu Its Ways wire as cheap M you t'lin with " Waukejian." in politi- and miscellaneous poetry, designs a- - here competition with the books of writings and of William that it is almost as dltlicult to catch it i ia prepared to do all Take the following makes for instance, all 4 point, barbs II in. apart: lilake. " " M ine," in a In kinds of SORTMENT OF cal diplomacy of Kuropeau nations. latest issues from best authors: he answered calmly, to "catch weasel asleep." fact, artistic Hook, Job and News N. and M. lJi.30 ft. to 1 lb. or 7.H4 per etui, in favor of Waukengan. "is the iron work of Quentin Matsys. So, about the only way to capture it in paper printing at Haddock Wire Co., 12.02 t. to lb. " Hn 7"i also new styles Indian baskets if you will talk through soup fair prices. In every case let annexation and ami fish mark its course from its home and then DRY AND FANCY GOODS Hoss, 12.44 " 1 ' " 2.4 and other desirable goods. Hlake, then I will Quen-- t in When the interests of American civiliza- bout talk about strew mud its pathway. Roabliag Co., UM " l " " 4M8 ' " m Prompt attention to all orders, in Matsys through tin two entrees, and fast idloui little animal reaches Cleveland, u.88 " l " " aius " " we can 1 thought iu tion, irrespective of political Jew or and Goods for shipment packet! than start fair." this the point its path where the mud is HAVE JUST RECEIVED lntliana Wire Fence Co., 12.N7 ft. to 1 lb. or 2M.21'per cent. " a splendid plan w it was ami utrewu, it ill lie down and subject elf Mammoth Uurnell, 1U.77 ' 1 ' 18.8a' " " Gentile, cast by misadventure with care. it to all diners out India Linen and Peraian LawnB, who suffer to capture and death rather than ilroh Posters Waukegan Barbad Wire in u strong as the Mrongagt, contaiiiH just as many Paeificward, be from a dislfg to talk about their favorite one of huow white hain. l'hiladtl-phi- r the watchword of its a Embroiderv. in 9 vard pi liarlw to the rod, anil yet weighs less par rod than any other style of barbed wire. crank. London (ientlewoumn. Tim This the taxpayers of Hawaii, and Specialty. ltonian and Guipure Kmbroidery, result is gocumpltehed by using a half round wive in (lie barb, instead of Thos. G. Thrum, a full round wire ns iu all Other l urlied wires; then it is the It, ml,. Whirl, Are Not f - lit' Iteturu of a i'rojfetlif. twisted out uiuv around neither industrial nor mechan- Oriental, Platte, and other laces, ui one of the main uin s. thus s iving the weight of u litional twists. This wire is In this catalogue of books which are The filiation Is often asked, "Will au thoroughly galvaniznl, ical of biblia-ahihli- something muoll needed in thin climate. interests the islands will lot) Fort Kl'i'Uel lili. 00 books a 1 reckon court objeet thrown into the either Hooks. Pamphlets, Papers, white, cream and blnck, st. air froni We aim sell a aiwt'ial wire stretcher nn i gaivanlaad steel staples for hereafter greatly suffer, no matter calendars, directories, jioekutbuoks (the the hand, a volcano, or even when shot Hand Dills, Dodgers, Letter ami CliifTou Lace, all colors, Waukegun Wire. from a rille or cannon ret urn to the Heads, Business ami Visiting how loudly literary executed), draught boards bound earth itill All orders for the above, or for plain Of Hlack howls. tin- w . . Luce Net, Oalauiad Fence Wire and and letteretl on the back, scientific treat- - with same initial velocity with bleb Cards Tickets, Programs, etc. creaui and black. Staples will lie promptly tilled al lowest prices by HONOLULU IRON WORKS. A lses, almanacs, statutes at large, the it led1'" The answer is, projectile Striped and Check Dimity, works of Hume, thrown vertically upward intotheair will J3Y Gibbon, Robertson, lesn Wide Japanese AUTHORITY. all return with a velocity than the ini Creiie, while and culr'd Sc Stkam Enuinkh, Hluah Mills, Boilxhs, Doattie, BoaUM JenyUI and generally tial. The word less la emphasized E. O. lwcatise White, Cream and Hlat k son. Coolkuu, Ihon, Ukash and Lkah those volumes "which no gentleman's this view of the matter is contrary to the Surah Silk. FOREICN OFFICE NOTICE. Cahtinuh. library should be without," tho histon, one generally accepted. In the air the ae White and Cream Silk Crepe, of Flavins Josephus (that learned Jew) celerating force which acts during the de Machinery uf Navigation Taught Navy and Cream Serge, FOR Every Ienoription Made arid l'aley's "Moral Philosophy." Willi eoeot is not eo,ual to the retarding force .SALEl 1I.UACKFELD & CO. II I )ti 111:, Nov. 22, 11m. fm Order. Particular attention paid to these exceptions, I can read almost any- during anient. The retarding tone is the Suez and Tennis Flannel. aato-Kiap- Job work tSburt IN AM. ITS BKANt'llKS. The Lai Tbe President bat rsoaieed an ii executed at thing, i bless my stars f, ,r a taste so catli MM for the weight of the projectile and Kesidenee of oknekal norioA The JennesB-Mille- r "Equipoise" waist iftier frofli Hie Majesty (he Oat olic, so uuexcluding. Charles Lamb. the atmospheric resistance li th acting in the same direction. Iu the descent the Prima Donna and P. D. Corsets, A J man Baiperof ol erbieh the loilowing U I Commission Merchants sooeleratlna foroeis the difference of thcM will take a limited number of pupils CARmTaight' : HIT Own I.J.I Ladies' Hlack Hose. iraimlalion two since they act iu opposite direction: to teach them navigation. I'oi full Mrs. .Jlnka Now, Hobby, It la veryl Old In a vacuum it would be different, In tlmt uu-d- WILLIAM by the grace of Qod Kona Coiiee very wrong for yoq to tell Much stories as particulate and terms apply to tbe Price, $ 12,000. nun 8. CUM?, the weight of the projeiile Udng Co. you do. Whatever happens, you signetl at Scharf & Uo's. Iiook store, The premises muy be bjtajkiatad bj Oermuu Baparor King of l'rusia, etc mutit the only toeoe gen- - For mi-il- . I 4k FOK SALE AT to acting, this force would applying Co the janiior on tbe grounda, Ol,,,, em., elc. learn never exaggerate. Oh, goodneas crate iu eaeh foot of the ball e,n tly Arlington Block, Hotel street. gracious' See ' foo the Fine Printing anil full particulars may be obtained at Co. that There's a rat a same amount of velocity that it had lost PAI L v. PANNKNlSKKIi. Hi- J. T. WATERHOUSE S long the ollice of To tlu prtnidtiit uf Htjiulilii under the sufll in its passage upward. Thus the lii,;t Try the t"Star's" Hobby (contemptuously) That Mutual Telephone Oil. P. U. Bo Hb. HuutlU (iHKAT AMI GOQU KaiKND Queeu Street Store. Thafi would ilud it with a Hjwed equal to Its in BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, a baby iiioutte, ma - Host on Traveller. Electric Work. Queen St. HONOLULU. H. I. llial velocity. Si. Louis Hepu blic. tn law Truatee- tHE HAWAIIAN STAR. FRIDAY NOVEMBER I) 1804.


When t I to Ho I I , i the Alameiia Ml San Kraneinco What ft ami What It MatM Ho ii MM Hi- Skipped Well i .... Lrnfrl - ti win m r We sugar nan 8.50. Here. MfsMtjfcei, 'i vuserre . Him- Meeting, IT Wl I.I. KRKKZI'. (lit THK WHAT If A H nr.KS IIOM' MSIIOI I II rorcivc! our first rarjfK Annual The Pacific Kxpress ( a new fr'trn t Ii4- North - (Ham ICK COMPANY. oni.iany, UK R It is mm a well esUMMnd fact (list Professoi I.viins was seen today about ifrral Vrt. boxes made and decorated PHflll VRMMAM Having limn, , t Uvn for the pant The anmiAl in,., ..-- . i.l ,1 .1 organization in this city to liich alien W. II. Aldrich left Honoinl it (or America, bis of Ihe timr mmwwm order at King Bros. the probe condition weather tWO ni'Mit I' we an Matifltif-'- l tion was some ago, will that holders of the Kwa Plantation i onipanv called time by lie S. N.Caslle Thursday nnirning. during tomorrow, He staled that to- - the rouiitryto ifH llnv.iirain, w ill Is held About New Work Who An I , . to Kona In at ni,e of Castle A the begin in a few d llie llnlrlrt Need of In- ' See what King Bros, have in Xinan operations 1JK. The lie uas seen, by at least one parly, to morrow would a fjir day and the Ptodi Hour, ltc In fact it ia "oke on rrnla, t.November :tuth, I'rninutnm Are Large Cold It. 11, Koiion lo t.niwlltiicH, III card. They are just the thing. company consists of Messrs. I M. go aboard the Castle shortly after II Isiys could have nil the bicycle races hMdQtttfttn for iiKTi'lmii'lirm in at o'clock a. in. fttorage hoii Mir llM, On the bark Oakluixl llunineii. .lohnson, P. H. Burnett and a Mr. ffiiar i Mi o'etiK-- lie . ft U. TENNEY, Wednesday night, and the care" thev wanted. This will encouraging jiint of 'M The Government hand played the Drunimond, arrived him MM that it Secretary Ewa Plan. Co. a new arrival from the bil watch kept over the vessel ofter that to Ihe wheelmen who have made great Timothy Hay Mob in uninl Alameda off Thursday afternoon. in On account of limited space Tliutu- - males, an M wnoin nave nan experience Dorian lbs imst six months the (ba hour would make il appear all t preparations for Ihe ten mile race. ihe Matet try a hale or two, il i atxl ami wilt put A be given by "ftT on,y nrief mention was made of the in some lines of the business in which ,n,i,.jt has expended gn amount certain thai he never left il again. The Secretary of the weather said, cheap concert will Professor f, at lite in your ami Thanksgivinn Notice, works they are about to engage. Messrs. , fln(, , , ,, ,,. The S. N. vouch lor Mt hore. Rergt-r'- orchestra at the Hawaiian ni'w refrigerator and ice with of pMllR out ,hp lf Caslle was searched Thurs- however, thai he could not Hturm KaM VahinHt"!) Wheal Johnson & Burnett, as will be remem- - . hotel this evening. which Honolulu is to be provided in country in the matter of public works, day Horning Isiore she left. Doubtless next Thursday, Thanksgiving-day- lie Hay ami fre-- li Alfalla, cbotoa to- , I is bered. were at one time associated - Lnd ,, lln- I : Stirpri-c- ami No. Pfljed the near future. True the subject an in ,.v, ry n(Ur)0S ., it officers were tin .rough in heir work thinks it more than probable that Ihe Oat, I'mb r the proclamation Mrs. Uallowny ill deliver a gether in the messenger service in Barley, Rolled Barley (pure ami of President lecture old one, having been repeatedly IK,hHi.lc. met tin- ,,uin nient. The bill with Ihe amount oi cargo aboard latter purl of nexl week, and on the day Cleveland otMMM Simple), I (run , Middlings, Wheat ti the Cnited sutcs afternoon upon the "Diseases ,Ussed now Honolulu, Opinion Is the vessel, it was not it will in- Between and written about; hut the general that the poltOJ of the hard for Ahlriiii mentioned, raining. fiml elee found in a j Sojourning in Republic peculiar " The everything the f Hawaii to women. project has worked itself around in new firm is not incorporated, but powers be in bus been to effectually conceal now and lien t lie prospects arc decidedly l that this regard liiinu'lf. The RntalllM eed Ktnre, ami the are respectfully invited to attend ' that It is expected It will In expects to ho liefore long. Their first most widespread in iis n. lit nod ad- probabilities lm, u,.,, . w,w hidden better. The first days of week will prices an sy don n. The . The meeting'at the Mission Tent this the ire Thanksgiyltlg Services to lie held at the made to stick. venture will lie with island freight. In mirably The Ministers, in among the bags of sugar be fair. evening will be lead by Lieutenant Stile executed. when the ship proliablv differwnt churches oa Thursday, Itotew this line they propose doing a straight California r gone is-- man of the Hyacinth. The idea of the Hawaiian Klectric their respective lines of duly, have been as being through, or better still Continuing the conversation, the H, ifH, Company to combine a refrigerator express business. No money or valua- mindful of the common interests ami in some cask of which, il is snid. there S oretl ry ol the Weather, looked up I' bles will be first. will ALHEKT s. WIU.IS. Miss Martha Mitchell and F. J. Dun-lenn- y with their business is not a new one. In handled at That have bten generously disposed when wi re cveral aboard. the oloudl for a moment and then Feed Company L. S. November an, 1HIM. were married at St. Andrew's all small cities of the East this is done be taken up later. The second move considering the needs of the people. Mi i W. Ashfor.l, Aldrieh'sntforney, said that an electric storm was not iin- - are ftrirtly in it. We are at the f(Kt Ml It. (Jathedrul Thursday afternoon. They and proves a treat enving of time and will he to handle foreign freight. They Every person who has had occasion to ami Mii. Aldrich annear to know Botha probable for tonight. He said that till ft place, nf Nuuanu Ptreei. Wella-Farg- Our telephones are 121. are both Canadians. expense. It will require no more power expect letters from the o visit the neighborhood of the foot of ing of the whereabouts of the much condition of the atmosphere was such FlrMPOOffj miwvfi ami Hp it. to operato a refrigerator and manufac- Company by the next Australia on the Nuuanu street during the past month warned man. Mr. Ashford expressed ss to make a thunder storm likely and Election of Ojjloers, In the District Court today Ah Kung of $!';. 'Mt eon, (tfffaffffd ta ture ice enough to supply this market subject connection with them in has certainly been plensed to notC the gli al surprise rluirsday when told that B loh might Ise expected din ing the fur was found tnttf MJff the city of t tin- - guilty of having opium in his than is now used for electric lighting States, through which other grand work being done there. Two his client had gone, and even asserted, evening. f fi'tf adjourned annual tneetln of rhttty?. tile Kohala i PiimniH, I...I.I .... possession and was sentenced to one and for machinery. The new works countries may be reached. They feel elegant been both until assured otherw ise, wharves have built, that the man . Saturday. November 10, the months imprisonment at hard labor. confident that satisfactory terms can was 1I.VI1IM: MITES. Kl O V W RtOM 'I' following can be operated with the force that is commodious and substantial. They are at Ewa, where it seems he had vis were eiecieil lor the enaillng he year: lost in the power hous.i above arranged. both wide, and the principal one will really been the day before, Tin- Ki-a- Bento Ignacio was found guilty of that llou arrived last night n. actually needed. When this much has been accom soon a shed il. Mrs. Aldrich 0, Allen. President, assault and battery upon one Manuel have over The woter when oh phoned Thurs- from a circuit of Oahu, She had u M. p. Robinson, plished the company will likely incor day Vice President, Pimenttl in the The persons interested in the new around these wharves is to be kept deep afternoon staled mat Aldrich was very suooeeeful though somewhat rough J. B, Athertoii. District Court this porate, when the general business of an Treasurer. echeme are, of course, for the most part, enough to accommodate the largest sail- at Ewa. Larson. Patterson and others, trip. The Kenu Hon brought a light w. a. Bowea. Secretary . morning. Sentence was suspended i ' express ollice will lie carried on. Sev I M. Cooke. Auditor, moved the electric light people. They include ing vessel or island steamer Ml tilting mweter. assert lint he is on the 'astle Cargo consisting all kinds of light until on. if E. 1). EM James Campbell, W, G. Irwin, Mrs. eral features, however, effecting more this port. The land around tins bound for San Francisco and there produce. I IfBY, Acting HstiriilSIT, Ping 81111, a son of the Celestial Em- Irwin, Cecil Brown, K. O. Hall & Son. directly this community will lie carried wharves has been raised, and. during you are. The AletnedS left at I o'clock Tliurs- - Honolulu uiilllll Honolulu. II. I.. November 1U 1NU4 wns found his pos- into the business. The old Fashion dry, - MM pire, with opium in Alexander Young, (bslfrey Urown, A. the winter now coming on, will be . in rOlt IBDlTIOI i LIBKti, daj sftomoon for Sydney ela Apia end to Ilu- . session and will have to serve one S. anil (i. S. Wilcox of and a Scable on Hotel street has been fixed up for the time, perhaps, in fifteen Kauai, first Auckland, sin- took tour passengers 011 reef, according to rul- of and will be the temporary headquarters years or month the the number of others. The capital stock more. The ff oli, lima'-.- " Editor Mas A ow or from port. Tin- For Sole. of no this Government band ing of Judge Perry. the new company will be $50,000. All the company. If having competi Look at the other wharves, the ruinls, In Hie C I. play eil her off as u coinplinu lit lo her a tion in the field is a good sign, the Pa- the one Manna valley Ihe present As prominent foreign off- li. i .... , of the shares have been taken. up at Edmund Nome, editor of the Bolo- - passengers. ...iiiiwr in snares in the George Malina, the native who was cific Express Company should feel icial remarked last Saturday South KoVa t oltec Company, Machinery for the new enterprise time more especially, the bridges ami mo, will have to answer tin The Com- arrested for perjury in the second de- greatly encouraged. ihe w ii. H ill, si master, pany has acquire I live hundred acres of will be purchased by Mr. Alexander the great improvements to public build- Court upon when looking into the . . . . gree waived examination in the District the charge of libel foreedU sailed at 1(1 o'clock this morning for coffee land in fee simple at Papa 2 Young when he visits the ings and UMtitUtioni that have been . ...,,,. . Court today ami was committed to tiie TIIE COMING TOURNEY. tious utterances, renal summons was Maui and Hawaii. She took a heavy ..v.. ,,,,, annul tin-,.,- ani in January next. It will he shipped at made. A wonderful work, surely. k one half miles from Hoopuloa landing. Circuit Court for trial. served upon him at 5l90 o'clock Thurs- freight list, three volcano passengers ...... once and an experienced workman will The Cyclists Who Have Entered For the at Molokai, the lelier settlement, H hen- ,,,,,K ,.Ml ,,,r day afternoon, The odhinlalttl was and thirtHun cabin and fifty steerage growinK in Kona. r,. Two Races, is now with the the soil consisting of The Arawa will again visit Honolulu. follow to put it in place. The new plant everything running sworn by Attorney-Gener- al w. verv a.a i,.l ia, M -- k.- . to passengers for way jsirts. j rieh...... rnoiij wuilt'll, J NEW ii-- ...... -- i , She takes the place of the Monowai will be located In the neighborhood ot The entries for the bicycle races dosed system of clockwork. Look to Kami Smith. tiimilutt.. . ,.,..r ui. i i.. Ihe V. S. s. YorktOWn, Captain been sulmci iU-- which iu turn goes on the route of the the Hawaiian Electric Company's power Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The and sec how the landings at Nawiliwili, The item at which exceptions are for. places Folger, left about 7 o'clock this morn- Apply tu Wairarapa, the vessel recently wrecked house on Alakea street. The chances entries and handicaps for the ten mile Waimea uuil other have been tin- I taken by Government appeared in ing l Movs i im opera- race as follows : practically See elegant for Yokohama. She took a large ,i on the coast of New Zealand. are that the works will be in full are rebuilt. the tin- ftolomua of November 81st, It is MclNERNY (artwright's block, Merchant street, A tonnage of coal ami expects to make a In . -- , . tion by the first of the Summer. T Griffiths and H FTerrill scratch. Itie bridge over Waimea river. In an editorial under the lb nnil ii . r caption "The g I across, ail ii Four natives returned by the Ala- A 1 trip Yokohama she The same men who attend the electric Henry Giles and B Dexter uiin every quarter and in every way on that Bishop and Dole." and occupies a col meda Thursday after an absence of 15 island of will proceed to the coast of China. H plant can look after the refrigerator. ute, seconds. the requirements the people paper. The is con- ml umnofthe article SHOE 'anted. two years from the The men A C H E 1 considered, The wreck of a steamer, which was The latter requires little attention, save Atkinson and Walker have been sidered offensive iu several of it re originally shipped as sailors on the 88 thrown on beach East Tawas, A to keep the temperature at a proper minute, seconds. Turn back and go to Maui. There the marks, among them being this state- the near good, gentle milch cow at a reason- whalers James Arnold and California. In nearly all one G H Angus 2 15 seconds. same anxious care lias been taken to Mi'-h.- has not y et given any evidence able depth. fact, at times minutes, ment! "How can any boy or man. ot- price. Apply at the N by which lost vessel 4,l7"t' PERSONAL. man can run it. Therefore, considering Cupid and Halsteail 2 minutes, 30 supply the needs of the people, Look any intelligent human being deny thai identification of the STORE. Stah Ollice. in seconds. at road has been call he I lie the saving of expense operating the Hawaii. The volcano a, js. j ioie is a Usurper established. evidence points figure W L 3 min- - opened is u rich blessing grow-ute-s, to a large vessel, which probably had H. J. Gallagher of Ewa, left for Maui machinery, the low at which ice Chapman and Marshall and to a The remark given by Ihe authorities a crew of twenty men. Notice by the Hall today. can be turned out is apparent. It could 15 seconds. inir community. Coffee men at Ohm is I I,., l ..II alalM, a as thalt basis tor action is however, "I must congratulate you. H..i. on v.,,, on H .iiiir--' one-hal- .. Mr. J. D. Paris returned to hi ranch really be put on this market at t II Hapai, T White, J A Tnompson have been encouraged in every possible this: "Mr. Dole is President of Hawaii The Canadian Deputy Minister of the Criterion Saloon, up to Sept. 18th, A There isn't a shoe store in the 1HU4, will hy Mr. Mor- on Hawaii by the Hall. Us present figure, and still leave a and CF Murray 3 minutes, 45 seconds, way. Hilo hss been considered. through treas fraud Marine has repudiated as Impracticable l. Jas. F. and might." of gan, ami all outstanding accounts healthy margin for the company. The following is a complete list of the anxious eye lias been kept on BtUnakua ilu- scheme of plaoing a t steam- city Washington that pre- due Mini- - J. A. King and W. E. Rowell That sentence is sighted in the summons 'rileiaon Ralnnti un.l Lka I..1.I.1.,.. " new company does not pro- for races : and road Improvement have gone on as ship ' left by the Hall today for Hawaii. But the entries the on the 29th together with the declaration that il service on the route between Great sents any neater appearance. of L. II. Dee, up to the aliove date are pose to peddle ice. There is a move on One mile maiden T White, J A never before. Even luvay down on the Britain and Canada. Inward which the payanis to Mr. L. II. Dee, I.. H. Mr, Prince Ahrenberg and valet left tliis constitutes seditious libel. The punish- foot to get the People's Ice Company to Thompson, C F Murray, L Marshall, W other side, almost at the ''getting oil Dominion Parliament last session voted Yes, A II bills llillhlsl I. It 1 1.... ,,!..-.- . morning for the Volcano on Hawaii. ment for such an offense is imprison- we are open ami prepared Ha. do this. It is proposed that the latter Chamberlain. place," in Kail, the Peter Lee road to an subsidy 8780,000, sent immediately for ment for not more than two years or a annual of to accommodate the public payment. Half-mi- 1.. 11, INTEREST. company go out of the business of man le open scratch W Chapman, the volcano has been the object of an nmoi iikk. ITEMS OF tine of not more than $1,000. The .lames Makee arrived Thursday shoe wear. ufacturing ice use the goods of the It A Giles, Cupid, II A Appropriation Amounting to $2000. It with Our long and Dexter, Henry The case w ill be called before Judge afternoon from Kauai. When sighted F. H. Matthews, a Boston wool dealer, A nuni-lie- r business experience and repu h new company in their trade. Terrill, A L C Akinsou. will lie put in good condition. Perry in ihe District Court Saturday he was mistaken for the Waialeale by BEAYER 8ALOON. has failed; liabilities, $500,000; nominal of the stockholders of the People's One mile novice, handicap F Mur- - But while all this is going on theqnes-ray- , tation commends itself with- 0 morning, Paul Neumann has been re- the lookout and was 10 posted up around Fort Street. - Opposite Wilder & Co. BBsetB, $850,000. proposition im Company accepted this T White, Henry Hapai, G Angus, tion ib asked by a great many "Where tained for the defense. town. The Makee brought no passen- out further mention. George M. Pullman denies the rumor H. J. NOLTH, Prop'r. mediately. In fact it is understood that F Angus, L.Marshall, A L C Atkinson, dot s Kona come in V This is, taking gers, Her freight consisted of 888 bags daughter is to marry King BTRIKJSRS riist-Clan- s I, ties that his a majority of the members of the cor One mile open handicap B A Dexter, both together, the most populous, ana the itt iriiN. of rice, dl bundles of hides and mi uni served with Tea, ColTee Soda Watei liingi-- r or Alilk. Alexander of Servia. poration agreed to the A L A L C one of dlstriotS Ale have the termsof II Terrill, Marshall, Cupid, the richest agricultural CelInn Colli sundry articles. M. Mclnerny's Shoe Store, pool-selli- tarl Oal this Moraine uml Will Walk to Laws authorizing and all new company. Atkinson, W Chapman, Henry Giles, H on the Island of Hawaii. The country Smokers' Requisite a Specialty Kitlm ku. The Keauhou will continue her trips formB of gambling are prohibited by the Some say, however, that the new E N is indebted to Komi for its fine coffee. Walker, Halstead. The Japanese strikers, one hundred around this island until the Kaala is in FORI' STREET. new Constitution of New York. company will force the Peoples' Ice Half mile, boys 15 -- A Giles, The amount of produce from 508-lt- n under W shiped mil tlihlv in number, from Kahiiku condition to resume her voyages. The I'UOtiKAM ME OF THK Company works case I'. I w Is A Butte, Mont., contractor dug $1,500 to close down its in Chilton, 'art right. that district alone in a year - plantation w ho lilc-- into tin- city Wed latter is now being treated to a now worth of gold out of a cellar hole. The the opposition to their terms is strong Quarter-mi- le open GiU-s- , wonderful. For the past several years Henry nesday evening left for their homes this smoke stack. It will take lit least three cellar more than paid for itself. enough to prevent an agreement be Cupid, H A A L W it has In n forgingfiiheiul still im- Terrill, 0 Atkinson, andfis morning. They will retilrn all the way, weeks to get her ill good Bicycle Races! tween them. It is alleged it will be a Chapman, B A Dexler. proving, lis growth has been all but Ousting her sich husband's trained thirty-eig- ht miles on foot. At 7 o'clock trim. Iu the meantime the Keauhou nurse, Mrs. Hetty Green, New York game of "freeze out" and that the com- One mile, class, handicap phenomenal. New companies liegin the this morning they began to move will touch at Waiamie. Waialua. to be helii pany with the coldest ice and the most Angus, L A L C Atkin- - operations in that district every year THE HAWAIIAN at millionairess, took personal charge of Geo Marshall, and in a short time every mother's and Punaluu, She w ill leave on of it, at the lowest figure, will come out N A and invariably meet with encouragi- - KAPIOLANI PARK his case. sou, Halstead, J Thompson, C F son of them was on the highway her second voyage Monday morning. on top. Under the terms suggested by Murray, H Hapai. nient from the outBet. Sate Deposit Investment For kissing Isabelle Jeane, the daugh- trudging back as they came. Captain Thompson of the K .i.i i is at i the new company the cost of ice to the A Withal, Kona is but half developed. November 29, 1894 ter of General J. M. Jeane of Brooklyn. Three mile scratch W Chapman, Policemen were sent around to present master of the Keauhou. is the consumer will not be reduced. L B A Angus. It has struggled and still borne down roniinpnciiifr 2 . Philip S. Finn has been sued for 4 ! o,000 0 Atkinson, Dexter, Geo various lodging bouses to see that they COMPANY. at o'clock rn. II A H E Giles. by a necessity, a requirement without damages. Terrill, Walker, Henry all got elf. PASSKNO KUS. HAS OAIIfJ I I 111 ll.IIIMl. N Halstead. which no district in these islands can One In East Aurora, N. Y., a blacksmith The van of the procession should IBRTVaD, Mile: Maiden (soratob)i 1st and hold its own. That great need is roads, ON HAND FOR SALE '.'nil prize. eighty-two- , Let Thursday For the Hum of reach Kaliiiku about 7 o'clock this even- aged got so mad because a Contract IIAWAIIAN ANNEXATION. Not roads from one settlement to tin. For Maui and Hawaii, cr stmr W G '.. Mile; Ooeri (scratch); 1st prize. 21,484. ing. The road is not an easy one over Hall, No? 88 Volcano Prince Ahren- Foe man would not pay a bill that he other, from one valley around through 50 SHARES KAHUKU STOCK Mile; tfoewe iliamliCHpi: lat and People Who Think Will Vet He the pali and hills, and doubtless many berg and servant and A Uodgers. 2nd prize. dropped dead. The contract for completing the It valley the hills to another over yonder Minister J A King, W II Corn a One Mile Open (handicap): was given Accomplished. of them had to stop for rest several .1 at bargain. let and The sacred cattle of India imported building at Puuahou and indeed in the interior. In a measure well. II Paris, Kev Father Mai bias, W 2ml prize. Nov. 14. let- times on the way. The day, however, E A for O. H. P. Belmont are installed in out Thursday afternoon. The success- Washington, Private I,.... mMillaS VI,u la ps. Rowell, Qsmberg. Father Maximo, 50 Miurcff II 11 i at an Kuiciir Mile; Bojra uinler 18 years: 1st la-e- very Mrs M J his Newport stable, but are not likely to ful bidders were Messrs. George Dall, B, ters huve been received here from Hon- lias pleasant and they havi Powell, TO Wills, Miss Wills, anil 'in! prize. quired is good roads to the landings, All! II I Gallagher, A Makekau, 11 Haiti, 4'oiiiniiy mm W. Douglass and C. Allwein, a firm of olulu which indicate that the annex- surely not been bothered with ram. '4 Mile; Open (scratch i; let prize. survive the winter. the oilier conveniences iu the way ol nel 50 on deck. one Mtie;;t in are firmly convinced that The heat they care little for. M Ii-oU'- im u mintite class (scratch); ut A man has just been hanged by a well known mechanics this city, who ationists roads sink in comparative insignitlcence htirM ivv si and 2nt) prize. are just completing a contract on the their dream of Union with the United Their mission to Honolulu, whatever ARRIVAL. mob in Kentucky, because he would when considered along with theuveuues C"Canli paid for (iovernmenl BoikIh, Three Mile .Scratch; Ut prize Kam. Kamehameha Girls' School. Mr. Dull States will be realized within the next it may have been, was a failure. Mr. hler Trophy; 2ml prize (told Medal; not turu State's evidence and incrim- to and from market. Fltlll.VY, Nov 211. u was a workman on Central Union two or three years. They point to their Bolts sent a letter by one of the BjOSl all itnl prize Siilvur Medal. inate another man. Persons who have studied these Stmr Keauhou, Thompson, cir- VHE HAWAIIAN HAKE DEPOSIT 2Ht.li trusted of their number to Mr. from Church where he proved himself a victory on the ult. as conclusive things say it is a shame that the people cuit of Oahu, The Marquette Club of Chicago the manager of Kahuku planta- AND INVESTMENT CO. skilled mechanic. evidence ot the desire of their people iu of Koua have to bear with the miser- Stmr .lames Makee, Peterson, from 40 Fort Street, Honolulu. The entrance fee fur the 2nd, 4th and offered $50 each for the first ten men of nth races l .. The contract price at which the firm that direction, and believe the feeling tion, telling him that the course the rvapaa. 400-t- f all the ..ii 81. who are sent to the penitentiary for able roadway! they have at prestni. In will turu over the new college building in the United States will lie such as to striker.-- as found to he wrong and that Entries can now lie made at the violating election laws. some places it is really a peiillous 107 KiiiK hlanke is $21,4144. They to bring the result they desire, pos- only natural sympathy for then an "Ireet, where for at Punahou bargain about journey from the interior to the land the purpose can be obtained. The en- An important finance talk by the Ad- laborers prevented the agents from hav- - complete the work by October, 181)5. sibly not during the present Adminis- ings. The trips have to be made under FRIDAY, Nov 2H. tries will close on Wednesday, Novem- is expected when Secretary-Carlisl- mg ana I .1 ministration The otily part of the work for which tration, but soon after the incoming of the greatest hardships and transporta the leaders arresteii severely U S S Yorktown, Folger, for Yoko- ber 21, KM. at o'clock p. M. addresses the New York Cham ad- punished. lie also stated the terms of hama. l ull particulars of the Road contracts have not been given its successor. The Slur of this city i is the tion is carried n ill a very slow way. Q Kace to on ber of Commerce November 20th. says Settlement as given in the Star Thurs- Stinr W Hall, Suuerson, for Maui take place Haturilay after- plumbing, the copper roofing and the vocates annexation, and while A man with no more than a friendly and Hawaii. DOES noon, November 84th, Will lie given day afternoon. It is generally thought A Detroit capitalist offered to build a galvanized cornice work. Specifications there will be mutual advantage the interest in the community said a few later. .VI7 2w is now over. summer hotel at Sault St. for these jobs are being prepared and United States will gain much more by days ago that with Koua's increasing that all trouble I M TOUTS AM) ONMONKtS. the subject of Marie, Mich., providing the citizens will tenders will be called for in a few days. the transaction than would Hawaii. importance as a producer and consumer AUT LfSAOtttH UKCKriTON. IMPORTS. donate a site and a bonus of $25,000 The contract for the new building was Washington Star. necessary it was absolutely and fair Kx .James Makee HH1 bags rice and CUT GLASS I am going to m HanB Zopke, an engineer of the Rus- signed Thursday afternoon and the con- that the Government expend money in Meciitl m - to In I nt rutin red To 91 bill-- , hides, ftaiiil l ..in i. sian railway system, is in America for tractors have filed their bonds. Every- any sum required to provide the dis- morrow My hi r'ivr become tiresome lo you.' The Government band under the I VtVSSKI.S the purpose of examining and reporting thing is in readiness for work to begin. trict with necessary facilities for Tomorrow evening will he tin reat Ft linOtlP. Do you tire anything leadership of Professor Berger will give of tiit's VAN CAMP, upon the American system to the Czar. Ground for the new building was br. ken reaching the markets. In bis opinion reception of the week at the Kilohana Bk Klsinore, Newcastle, Qot 0 btautifulf Does a beautiful ago on in a string concert this evening at 7:30 Bk Routenbwk. Uvwrpool, Oct 80 cfc W. McLean some months the campus the roads leading from the landings Art League. With tomorrow the lirnt ever lose An American named J. o'clock hotel. Follow- Sell Viking, Shu Kriuicixtfi iKah) Nov 10 picture its charms JOHN8TON of Oahu College, at Punahou. at the Hawaiian M.ii. ( was recently robbed between Santiago front should all be put in as perfect order as week of the autumn exhibition will nf frlutna Han Fran (forth) Nov 'JO you.' Do you ever tire ing is the program to be rendered: Bktne Ani.-lia- Port Humble, Nov for of A The contractors have ten months in the nature of the country will permit, draw to a Huso. It opened hwt Monday :) STORET, and Valparaiso of over $70,000. dup- Am wh PurittUl, Newcustle, Nov .H n beautiful faeef NE VERI which to turn the building over to the PART 1. licate of bis valise bad been palmed off and when new highways are needed morning ami will continue for two Bk ulaiiivnr, Nov 00 Just as long as you have a trustees. 1. March "Prince Hiumarck" they should he provided without delay. weekri more, eloBing on the 7th of Bk I'aui Uraosnr, Bracnaa, lo and have one of their on him. letulruwsky Am wh Robert Senrle, Newcastle, jo grain of love Jor the beautiful, suits annoyance does not end there. . The women of Muskegum, Mich., HEMOREHT M EfA I. CONTEST. 2. Lyre".. But the Itk llilihiinl l.i.'ln, Nitufthiio, JKh' as long as you can appreci- made up in tbe latest style, Overature "The tiolden U just by The greatest inconvenience and hard- 'Ihe great attraction for the evening Bch m Botv.ien, Newcastle. Juu l proved their interest in the ballot Herman Ship H F Glade, I.iv(Toof. Jan 30 ate true art, will these subjects Decati.se I am Si'kk oi" a casting 1,101 votes at the recent school To take , at the V. M. C. A. Hall on X Wait! "Artist Life" Strauss ship is frequently experienced by Island will of course he the works nf art. The have an attraction for you. 4. Potpourri "Carneval" (new)... boats iu making the landings. Win n hull will be brilliantly illu minati d ami VK8MKLH I H POUT. Pkkfkct Pit election. The votes of the men num Saturday Kveiihiif. Schrcincr Doesn't weather is bail steamers are often every thing w ill nhow up in its hcM Fi'rnish-PIOS)- bered 1,535. The contest for the Demorest medal the SAVAl, VJSNKI.H. And for Gents' ; PART 11. from will place Y. IC ('. A. Hall in great danger the rough coasts form ami coloring. All of the contri i MM s Byaotothe, Hay, BaquinuUt, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt are take at the .a. Musical Every- Cut just take a look at Potpourris "A i Class 7:110 and the lack of facilities for handling butions to the exhibition will ho dis- ss Yorktown, rojajer, siui Prancfaoo, said to have effected a financial Bettlc Saturday evening at o'clock. The where" (new( Sclueiner their Uc window. If you tt. freight. It is thought that improve- played, Home of them being very MMK HAMMKN. whin it it mcnt of their personal differences. The following interesting program will lie Gavotte "Genial" Tobuni , 7. Minuet "Original" Hoccerini ments can be made whereby mUOh of leautiful ami of high artistic design. Bk I'mlD Foi.-t- NewcHKtle. go there once you will con- sum paid by Mr. Vanderbilt is under presented at the time: Am ik Albert, ttrifitba, San Pranolaoo, H. of Profet-tto- r Waltz "The Paradise the this trouble may be avoided. Herder' orchestra will ho Bktna tinue to do the same. . . . stood to be $8,000,000. Solo Mr. Lewis Plantar. Dow, Uuraan stand, Cut Glass Piano lierger N Pttcitic" The needs of Koua may be considered in uttemlance. The lrofe8ir himself Am bktneH Castle, Hubbard sm Frun, Recitation W, R. Custle, Jr. "Hawaii Ponoi." Bk U 1' EUtbet, Morrison, Kan rVandsoo, Water and Lotu of It. great, but lltey are apparent to any OST- may be engaged rUr where, hut bin heat possess the beauties the Recitation Misa West Bk 0 Bryant, Jacobaon, sjih Prancisoo all of VANCAMP, JOHNSTON & STOREY. Supeiintendeut of Water Works IUM who will take the troulile to think. musicians will he at the exhibition. Brin W (i Irwin, Williams, San Prancisoo, How glistens on Song Miss I'Tcmiuing Kuiperur Uiin.ui. Wrllea rainbow? it Andrew Brown visited the reservoirs The opinion prevails that money oalMOl The reception promises the most pit a snow cloth; Recitation- - Miss King At 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon J. F. your white ne'er a up Nuuanu valley this morning. He called be thrown away in that quarter. Every ant one yet held, and the LeftgUfl feels Qirls' diamond with more sparkle. 413 Fort Street. Recitation . Everard Turner Hackfeld at the Executive Kamehameha late had produced dollar expended for public improve safe iu assuring the public of an enjoy- you found the rains Violin Solo Mr. Ixive building and presented the autcgraph How toiti; to gaze upon it. wouderful effect upon the water sup- in. nil- - there will have its belli In aal able evening; in return for their pros Recitation D. Woodward letter of recognition published iu the School. lire of Ut XEVER' ply. There is water, lots of water, effects. A gentleman speaking Thin-da- y ence. O m. Recitation Miss Huchanan By Authority column of Thursday 's Star You know that the immense lu reservoir No. 1 it measures almost said that the Government could The first toutm Kaim'humi'hii Qlrle' All are and again today. It is from William, M Services. varieties we carry affords you invited. Union Tent Srb'Mil oih'iii- - WaAMMlJAI i.mhuk 11 Fat eighteen feet. No. 2 is running over of undertake nothing under the head of !; Turkeys! Emperor of Germany and King ami Dr. for aJiniHsioii Ik ml- - an opportunity to gratify your at the top. The force in the city is all public works at the present time that Krv.it.i;. Hutcblos Bingbatn ApplicatloiiH initv St. Andrews Fair. Prussia. The letti r is very formal, but Urtb addressed the aiidicnce at thc llMtl lo lliae Pope, either nl rvumclm- - every wish. of satisfactory, and the people in Punch- The event of Saturday will la-- the St. is an accurate reproduction of the Ger- would meet the general approbation Oi int'ha Muninil, or Hiag rope Mill be iii You know l'OR the people quicker thau improvement!, iuisiel Tent last evening, lr. liarvin that every few bowl town are bountifully supplied. Andrews Ii tukes place iu the man style of recognitions. With this tlif Ma wai iun Kindergarten Boom, months fair. on the Kona coast Many people are of and l.ieutenaiil Mileuiaii also spoke. Queen Kntuie Mali, new invoices arrive, powers of Europe Iteturdey morningi Cathedral giounds the entrance to which all of the greater have the same opinion. the general subject being "If any man Lron 9 to 19s wheee ebe will w pIcummI to taki the plan oj thai which MEXICAN CICAkS on The opens recognized Republic of Hawaii. is Beretania street. fair the ( liri-- 1 i.. meet uhitliruniK Tbt tuition U Fifty is sold. new piece more i i - l.c in i he a new creature. l:very Thanksgiving mi l. vrin I Mil urn u your. No AT at ..in a. ui. at wmcli tune lancy .nu- meet- ttiuM4it reeeiveal than 1kt II., Mourning--. flavor, Lieutenant Milcinan will lead the beautiful last. Our clei., in will lie on sale. ,ii. in Ituutl. The pleasant irentle action ami under twolve yoeri ui ige il HQLUSTMM cas. etc., abundance ing tonight. Hi- - subject will lw ..lin k never offered such attrac & II. W aterhouse has received soouiiiik m r, i up oi r igs, nen The luau and luneh will be served from ana live pieces as at the present No pains been business letter Irom England convey - in neeu or a laawsva, bob it WH lawiet the same haul'. have time, so . Bggna, or Ire or H. CO. never was it eompleh spared to make the fair a great success. ing intelligence of vast public interest. mother costive bilious, the must MAY & and Christmas. BKOWN In this city, Nov. 22, 1B94, It effects the nriic oi Hawaiian bonds gratifying results follow its use; so that Wholesale and Retail Beruice Kaiuaiualu Ii, infant daugnler The revenue of the i'ost Ollice Depart-- ! in England. The letter states that it is the best family remedy known, and For Sale. Cut Class ' - ol Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown. Ilu-- ending 18H4, family should lime a buttle on r 'MM mem I..I ur June M, when the news reached London that porih-- lot Ht riinuliouiui h rVH. Hmiaai until there H , perfect dazzle. Services will be held shows a falling oft, while the cxpcndi- - President Cleveland had recognized the band. 4'iintttitiFi parIort (liniiinki raoBi thret' HENRY DAVIS & CO., at the family led rootiif. tiutli roon hoi and oattj wti-- GROCERS E. residence this Friday afternoon at 4 lures have increased. The deficiency Republic, of Hawaii, Hawaiian bonds IH a majority ol (III, 0011 New York etc tain' uikI carnaaa IwUSSs tv. H. WICHMAN Tbs KTi'iitiiU art- Mrll lultl ttiit in frull uinl MS 1U2 104 - . Fori Sln t'i. IM NTKKET o'clock. Interment at Waipio, Ewa, for the liscal Mar of MM. Wai t8086,768, went up to and 103, and even cided iu lavor of an underground eliv- o iiauu iiial trei-tt- leftf H.. Eort street lh Klapl jo. M .'11, deficiency for 1804 is $0,24:1,9:1,1. w as offered. trie road, to be built by the city. tturta hIhih. iddraasA. iliinnftlfe. later in the week. while the iii th T laphonaa 22. v. o.Box 470 oi. pi


11c nlged lie mn eminent within four A Perfect Nutriment Ol'I'i WAB ClOVJDttNOHS WeeilM aftM the outbreak to seize promi- Metropolitan Meat Co. T. B. MURRAY, nent points iii Kentucky and Minn- con- for Orowino Chilorin, Baby CON VA LEBCCNTa, ordi oil the Give r to head the railroads trol of Its in s i KING STREET, and Wagon CONSUMPTIVta, MEN WHO PILOTED THEIR STATES operations of the funfederates. lilssdvirti Carriage DYBPEPTICa. In direction was not bended for nrnl the mill IN THE WAR CRISIS. that MANUFACTURER. Aeed. months, but he ucoooded better with re-- Wholesale & Retail Butchers Volcano in Acetc inn. ", antl For all Wnnllne lllneaBee. After obtaining the midtoWcst . - flic IflBIM M HllSt Mill,-- Kld ItM r appoint incut to a Federal onto- Repairing, eeeured the eiteaeionof THE I'uniT, iiiul LMtfVM l.lki' Mr-Km- , mand In Onto he Grandest Wonder. of so insluds Weal Vir Fainting, Natures' l tbedenartmenl as to Curtin, AnilrviY iiml Mnrlnn rim-n- ginia and promptly threw Ohio troops Navy Contractors. Thftli In th' I nl l.tnr. Into that territory. During eight months Trimming, Best Food put, the field lift regl- - i Manager. Pre AnMtte of actual war he into WALLER, Done. ('onrlu'lit. 11, bf with an Nkatlv Hand-fa- linn, lluok righti rt'MTvi'il.l meats, and the state was credited INVALIDS. for d Infants. two cm eea above hi r quota of 90,000 voluateera All work Kiirranteei! of the liest. Hive me a The Popular and Scenic Route INFANTSt uHORT of governors whose TnnatltO WrV H..l.BQP BOOK fur the liertnictti t li i h tin Hut the leal those trial ami lie convince!. am nl if of invasion did not PAINTING. BY TIIK- of nothervTae Care nnl Feetv f iin' slates were In danger IS - Ia9tata,Mwni is' niniiedre Iroopi in territory remote Inn af UDtOf iirliiii-hft- outrun that of those nil brnnohta, No. K in to any iiililrewi, upnn requent. border, Wsshbuma of in its 44 8treet. til frmri six of from the hostile no right WAIX PAPERING, lam pre. Vint Mill I. 1'. II. Hex 4I 1 DOLIBCR-GOODAL- C Hi; H'f. Maine declan J that the nuth had Kir. Telephone If ITT" CO, will bid J mass , U. 8. A. Tli'wi' fix static In MOode V! a hunt a change iu the constitu- pared to contract work, and BoaroN, to tin' Held tion and pledged all the "resources of tile on any lined job. Company s letil money" support the s : .w ' 1,700,000 man. state In men ami to Hari Times Mean Close Pnees ; mm & CO., was the grandson of a DPBOUyrERIJfQ in all its branches, all BENSON, SMITH - " - Four of t i Union. Wash burns ml a. descendant of Mm - 900,000 men (evolutionary Soldier and work guaranteed first rlnss, will make I 11 as orer colony. Housekeepers. lole for- f i i Mob, Kftofa "f Um the Drat eeci alarj of the Plymouth Asenta lalaiida. office' to 1899 and is lowest prices. blltf Htllll'llH,l IIII- Be waa in from history Maine'sl'l "war gov O. HKNKUY. Al STEAMER KINAU drr nnns Ht all known to as If you are in need of any New or sqna ernor." Goodwin of Corner Fori and It tetania sireets. fnv' 9900k-00- ttinl raising 0 Second Hand FDRNITURB, RUGS, to tin- niutilier brought bis itato into line by Mutual Telephone No. 134, Pitted with Electric Lights and Bells Courteous and Attentive Service private money and organising 10 BBWINQ HABDWAM CO. ntnttnd trader tbi TJnlofi bnnw mi 498-- 4 mo. STOVKS, MACHINES, Etc. PACIFIC LTD. tbagrml buttlelleldsof 180M, New Goodwin was the first "war gov- t he call at lite York mtutmdand pat Into the field marly ernor'' of state. Rhode Island's first "war governor.' Wil- 188,000; lVmiHylviiiiiii.ai-.ii'"- ': Ohio, 818,000! WORKS, YIA Washington 402, 404 FORT STREET. Illinois, 988,000) Indians, 198,000) Menhn-wttf- . liam Bpregne, manned to at HONOLULOJROi head a regiment. li,ii. Tlii'.' iimKiiilli'L-n-t Mllllta the of HAVE JUST RECBIVBD In Buckingham of Connecticut ordered the 8TKAM F.M. IMS, Sl'HAK Mtt.t.S, HolI.KKS, X fnr whether the men etood thanuikiM early In their militia to put Its ranks In wartrim aa L eritB mwtkeU nandaor cooi.Kas, inoR, ami Laan X the front buahs as January. 1891, and on his own toepousl' The Kinau Leaves Honolulu 10 uenoufnll; occupied at home they CA8TIMIH. & COMMISSION HOUSF Every Days Mouldings I8i their oomnum iiiiitv purchassd squlpmcnta for 8,000 men. FURNITURE Picture the irer itrenxthof led a wore each under the control ami When Sumter fell, he 00 at war Machinery of Every Description Made Ot the Latest Patterns. vua!tb with fervid war fMteoeton of itngli bead, the M meeting in Norwich i Tart'ciilar paid to hii nronioi eubeerlptlou of 91,000 to rates Order. atti'tition tin' ttato wl koh ralaed ami equipped them speech and a Bbwksmitliiug. Joli work executed at tshoit Bird Cages troops, was I onnectlelll s only wr FRIDAY, Bnppueeoneof t he tour with the bt quotni lie nor Ira. FAT TURKEYS TUESDAY AND l'"or Canaiies and Parrots a Large Assortment Imii) Id to the goi onunoot! gov,'i uur." risen opposition worked up a if lYniisyhaiiiu hud punted her hot' Fairbanks of Vermont What demonstration ns early as Jan. 8. litf Sill' Vacuum Oilers talion-- i ou in r uortliern border sudsaldto I'nion Kamehameha Girls' Arriving at Hilo Thursday and Sunday Mornings. byhntiug salun- - tinsl iu the cldef For All Kinds of Machinery. Peed oil of Ni York "end New England, "No tlmr lsll, All the Tear Bound ,., : r for truupt marching to make war School. any density, automatically, by visible drops, rapidly upon theHoutbt ' Sot only 888,000 soldiers, or slowly as may be required. Will teed from one bu( about double that number, counting a BUghfthavs The drat term of Kamehameha Qlrli & drop in ten minutes to steady stream of oil. Oiling MTV military man in thsstatoi 19, HENRY DAVIS CO., Volcano--3- o up threat, School opens WamtMDAY, Daoamai From Hilo to the Miles by hand wastes enough oil to pay tor all necessary backed the may be ad- Now Y'urk bad taken stand of ApplicatioiiH for adinission oilers in a short time. appooe t at kanioha- - 506 POET STREET kind ami cut oil Now Bnglandl If dressed to Miss l'ope, either that w ill HHUtf it 900,000, nr oliiu. meha Manual, or Miss Pope be in Hoth Telephones. 130. Ither Indiana, with Room, with over 800,000, bad joined bands with the Hawaiian Kindergarten Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages, itumbllng block would iQuaen Bmma Hull. Saturday mornings Keatneky whst a o ill be ileasei Ihns hare boon mm In the way of a united from tu II, where ihe a greatest of the sol' to meet applicants, The tuition is Fifty Over a Splendid Macadamized Road, running most of the KRAJEWSKI'S north, ami if the three states New Y'urk. Dollars a year, No applicants received deracroiluclna 475101 way through a Dense Tropical torest a ride alone and Ohio-- it li tlii'ir million at tu under twelve years ui age. PACIFIC nny put under arms and a million mors In worth the trip. reserve, hint aeoiarou i"r peace couldn't have made war ut. all, 5foo, these Pacific Foundry gnat states wen each nations in them Brass nelves, had armies of their own and could have made a respectable showing as things BTEAM and GALVANIZED PIPE, CANE CRUSHER hi waging independent war. They WABRBCRlf. BKTMOtTR were GLOBE-VALVE- ABSENT FROM HONOLULU 7 DAYS waged .at nil openly to AlVDRKW. need not have war muuuan. haw obanged the whole aspect of the DKNMmiN. STKAM C(( KS, and all other Uttlngl COMMERCIAL citii'- - ami ttuvns of the htiitetti tumor. f the Union strumila for pipe on band. I1E HONOLULU IKON WORKS COMPANY The governose w ho rallied and marshaled iht I Dion. BttineOt)d tht militia h1Ih tketr people on the side of the old flag wore and vqulpnwnts Mia tothepm ICKETS having secured the EXCLUSIVE AOENCV for the Hawaii- Willi NgUlM&t arujed heroes in their spheres as truly as with the Ideal Oltll in April a Honolulu Steam dice Mill, INCLUDING ALL EXPENSES, an Islands for the Krajewski Patent Sugar Cane Crush- wnrpresiiletit ami the field commanders in with borrowed rifltSe O Each was commander In chief of the In N't-- York MorgU whs the first "war Ulce In quant ities to er, are now to receive orders for the same, to be theirs. ' resli milled .or sale suit prepared state militia. There were factions and governor." Re held offioa until Jainmi y. - during delivered in time for the next crop. elements to subduooroonvort, leu'- im;; and sent out 888,000 oldleri J. A. HOFI'Ek. Prop'r. For ,he Round - Fif' isiatureH to and an undercurrent of that tine, lie also plaoed New York har- "p' ""ars This machine, winch has been invented but a lew years, has persistent antlwar Eocllnti tu neutralise. boflu a state of defense. Seymour sue- ADVERTISER. A lull- - ol When tbeorials came ou the loth uf April. ceeilt ii Moifrau. a private CltUvn For Further Information. CALL at THE OlniK. been adopted by a great number cane sugar manufacturers, all heart stuoil still until the mates bad lie hod exerted himself to raise MldieM. He Corner Fort and Queen Streets especially in , where it was first put to trial and where it spoken, ami for the time the SSVeral v;w in the executive chair wlien Lee in- 1868 lent 18,000 one-thir- of were masters of the situation. The vaded in and CASTLE & COOKE, Or, 51S Fort street, William's Art Rooms. became extremely popular. Nearly the whole sugar tecbulcnl legality of the president 'scall wius militia oldleri fully equipped to Harris crop made in Cuba is being made with the assistance of these qosstlooed, but no matter about taohnlcal-Itie- s burg ahead of Ohio, Delaware. New Jersey 7B cents Per Month. if the governors chose In recognize the end Maryland Penntylvaiiia, even, waa IMPORTERS OF C. D. CHASE J. J. WILLIAMS crushers. These crushers have also proved a great success in call. beliitHlhaiui In the matter. There were over PennsylvaniH other West Indian Islands, and Louisiana, as can be seen by testi The first troop to reach Washington 100 New York regiments lu $2 Per Quarter. D. were the I'ennsylvanm mnl Massachusetts during the Gettysburg oampoign, ami while C. CHASE CO. monials on hand. men, dispatched witliuut a moment' use- - the state was drained of volunteers ami Hardware General Passenger Agents lejw delay by the famoOl "war BJOVetUUIS," militia the draft riots brake out in Mew These crushers when attached to any cane mill will increase in. John A. Andrew and Andrew G. Curt York city. its capacity by from 50 to 100 per cent; will improve extraction, In tlleso two executives the extremes ul Far-o- ff Kansas, the great war state, was Subscriptions Vuinu sentiment were represented. An- led lay Kolilnson, who organized the most and Volcano House Company will regulate teed of the mill. We have three of these machines drew was a radical, Curtin a conservative. of it.-- reuiments in lS'" :t. Payable in the way. For lurther particulars enquire at the gor-erno- will Andrew's soldiers traveled farthest, were Bomseyof aClnneeota waa the kiwar Strictly call and lurnish any information desired secure spilled their blond until 1864, when he was succeeded tba best equipped and stop over privileges, etc. HONOLULU IRON CO. first. Curtln'fl men were nearest the soene by Colonel Miller, who was elected while General In WOBKS Mutual Telephone, 151 of danger und reached there a day ahead at the front, sword in hand. Advance. of the Massachusetts tsiys, but they had Harvey of Wisconsin was the only "war been snatched up on th,1 Mm?of (he mt fforernor" who "died In born ess." lie was Merchandise. mart and burned off without arms or (frowned at Pittsburg handing, where he equipments, anyway ami anyhow, su that w ent to direct on expedition for the relief Hawaiian Gazette Co. they got there to show the good w ill of the of the wounded soldiers from Bbiioh. Pennsylvania!. s nud their governor. An- The brisk little soldier state of New Jer- For some time we JOHN NOTT drew bad been at work for months. The sey woi ted by Governor Olden, who tolled day after he tool, the gubernatorial ohatr, night and day to keep his commonwealth have been trying to Jim. 5, 1981, lie scut out secret messages abreast of tin: times. During his war term to the neighboring governors stating that of 21 months he was absent from the cap- get hold of a Good be believed from advices from Washington ital only tWO days. Blair, the only "war FOR SALE. HUH line nnuiiw wtyiww w wiimh,wn governor" of Michigan, iu January, 1801, tl.io 1... until, I mil tin. st.'itt, militia nil a the whole military Lawn Mower, promised the president Tho Late Residence of wavfpoting. He advised the others to do power of the state to maintain "Liberty all for the liest the same. When the president's call was and tf nion, one and inseparable, now and one that would do Issued, he had live regiments, one battalion forever." He summoni-- the legislat lire A. J. CART WRIGHT, on 8, the work of high priced AT SUBSCRIBE Weekly News and one battery ready to march. together by u proclamation April and, MAKIKI. For four ears Andrew was a leader before it convened the May following, called among governors rallying sup- 1,000 machines, and yet sell northern iu out volunteers. Price, $12,000. paper ever published in the Hawaiian Islands. porters tu the Union causa He wrote the The governors who assumed ottice utter The premiiefl may be Inspected by address hy t lie governors to the peo- the great crisis of lstil had passed took tor about One Half applying to thu janitor on the grounds, ple during the dark days of 1889. Yet his their shore ot the burden of keeping the ana lull particulars may he obtained at Try it for three' months. It will cost you just a vehement L'nlunisui ami the passiuns of the ranks full and of holding th people to the Money. We the offloe of hour did nut blind him tu the claims of their task. Some of them missed fame; dollar. American money taken par. justice. Ho advocated emancipation as others shared it with their predecessors. have succeeded in find- BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, at sound policy, but he opposed arbitrary ar- In Maine Wosbburne was succeeded by Trustee- rests for political opinions as an uncalled Ooburn and afterward came Corry. Merry ing just such a Lawn for tyranny. Curtin, who wan later to vie and then Oilman took the ehair in New The BteMBthip a dollar you naturally expect to get a with Andrew iu warlike zeal and activity, Hampshire. In Ohio Tot Id and then was wholly unprepared fur war when it lirough each bod a term during the Mower and do not of W AN dollars cmue. He laborisl until tba last to war period. Fairbauks Vermont gave hesitate to recommend AIM ALO FOR worth. The Weekly Star tranquillity. When that proved hope way to Holbrook, and Holbionk to Smith. will run regularly between lliia port Wrought Steel Ranges, Chilled lens, he bent every energy to the proseca- - Iu Wisconsin Salomon took the chair made will give it to you. One . vacant by Harvey's tragic death, and Lewis to you. If you want and Wuialua, Waianue, Kawuiliapui, Dollar tor three months. Sto-sres- followed Salomon. In Iowa Htone suc- Mokuleia, Etawenui and Kuiki on the Iron Cooking ceeded Kirkwood In 1H04, and in New Jer- a Lawn Mower Island of Oaliu. For freight, etc., apply question that now agitates the public sey Porker succeeded Olden. to the Captain. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS: Delaware had two governors in the war will please you these Agate V are Gray and Nickel-plate- period, Uurton and Cannon, and Khodt THE mind to the exclusion of the tariff and (White, Pumps Island two acting in place of Colonel in every respect and WM. DAVIES, Water and Son Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, Rubber SprogUe, Bortlett and tjOSSens, and o:.e is Hose, and Lawn sprinklers, Bath und Steel Sinks, regular incumbent, Smith, from 18oB To Rigger, Stevedore and Wrecker. s Hawaiian affairs how to get the worth ol your Tubs L8oB as O, S. As between themselves there was cost you, we say, and contractu on all kind.-- of Gutteis .Hid Leaders, Shee' Iron Copper, Zinc ulorv euouuli lt un around for tlte "wur sub- work. money. One dollar invested in three month's and Lead, Lean Pipe and Pipe Fittings. ftOVerpors, but the people ami history about one half the too soon how tho teutlurs to scription ol the WEEKLY STAR will be worth hun- the great sldpof state were piloted through Inquire at OHice (if J. S. Wttlker, over tUe terrible storm of war. usual price. dreds thrown away on other publications. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron GBOBOI - KlLMKH. Besides our regular Spreokab' Hank. ns.vtf. Work. A Itu.l City l or l ukirn. payments are all The fakir wns handkerchiefs on line of 3 and Ply DIMOND BLOCK, 75-- 97 KING STREET the street corner when it reporter Imppened 4 Along, Hose, we have the WEEKLY very well, but the "Buy a line linen handkerchief," said the liLAIR. YATES. fakir, with a familiar wink.- - "They're FINE CUIITIN. WEEKLY is satisfied it will pay once a ".ri of Waterbury Sphincter Star you MOUTON. worth cents any man's money, bat KII'.KWooD. you can have one for dime." of the war. When the tate em a lion "Where did you git them!1" inquired the Grip Galvanized JOB WORK. quarter, in advance, of course. A common, ordinary threatened bf IpTigfirn. he oonrened the. reporter. legislature and authority to raNe fl xtt "An Irish friend uf mine died nnd Spring Steel corps for home defense. That was the willed Armor- U. S. or Hawaiian them to me. Thut's how 1 can sell theni so dollar, sometimes called a cart- origin of Ihe IVunsylvunia Hes'rve corps, cheap." Hose, which is wbleli afterward inude a famous record in ed "1-- . this your first place of sellingf" THE wheel and sometimes the field. Curtin, like Andrew, wan gov- the "Almighty," will pay for "No. I was In Toledo laM week." the best of the kind in ernor thrOUgb the whole war. "Sell any "STAR'8" ELECTRIC went the dangers threatening the therer" three month's subscription to the WEEKLY STAR, Iu the A look of passed w not fiTSti over the fakir'a this market. Those national capital re th Ulltitlflns face. PRINT1NC WORKS ttfter the fall of .Sotnter, hut the flffrntT of This word by itself looks lone- own extensive honler. Ohio. Indiana, "Thai's a jay town," he bald. "They who have used the MclNERNY BLOCK their don't use !i;mdkerchiefa down there except Illinois end lows all lay contiguous to ho to frame l ban and hany in their parlors," STAR. did culled border IrtStSS. where the sentiment iron is prepared tu do all kinds of some. So the "Lone Star" "Didn't you any money out of common armored WttK was net the 1 1 artistic Book, Job News- divided and liontile leelinn town and sway. KirkWOOd of Iowa, of al allv" paper printing at to bold Yates "Moiieyr" hose will appreciate fair prices. of Texas, but it got there all the same, and is now Illinois, Morton ot Indiana und DennisOB queried the fakir. "Moomrf Why, friend, a Toledo is IT.'ja ol Ohio were the peers of Andrew and Cur-- ' dollar worth any where in the great uprising of 1801. ele the country, and you can't Waterbury a member ot the brightest old tin as leaders in the And constellation Mother K,irkwood Answered PrasfileBt EJneols's one except iu a dime museum. Go ' down there smne time and try to separate Mammoth call for 7.otw militia? hy pledging every Steel Armored Earth has ever known. fighting one from a Toledo man and see for your The "Lone Star" of Hawaii iuuu iu tho statu und every dollar self," and the fakir stopped Posters of be money nud credit. m Yutes, whOM talkiuu to Hose. They will last a dOMD handkerchiefs. - Detroit Free Press. a war of Dick hecuuio a household in Specialty. will get there, and don't you forget it. There are word, convened the legislature of Illinois i. tugeuluua Theft. longer and are every ou April II, the day the Confederate uus In Paris the uther day a youiitf and good two or opened upon fore- better. three kinds ot "Stars" but those we are .Sumter. He hud the look ng woman slopped a cab ou the boule- way Hooks. Pamphlets, Legal Papers, thought to garrison Cairo and forestall a vard and ordered to be driven to the Rue llunil Hills, Dodyori, Letter and Confederate movement lor the seizure of Ht. Martin Before entering the cab the The Cactus Hill Heads, Husiness and Visiting looking out for are Annexation that valuable position. It was from Yates woman Lawn the Star" and the asked the coachman to give her Cards Tickets, Programs, etc. . . that Gfant reeeived his lirst recognition change for a & franc piece, which the latter Sprinkler was evi- - I WEEKLY und appoint meat am. As the cab began to uove she made ft J .1 J Star The former we are bound to have H. E. MclNTYRE BRO., Morton offered the president IflJMaal-diersun- d Bigutoamuu standing ou the pavement, U C fl tl V lllcKlC tO nCVCF ,.: :.. i. .!..i, I.. ,... i I . J convened the Indiana legislature i,' 'Jin ii ..i. .i in time, and the latter costs One dows. An intunt later tbe pussersby on just Dollar lor three IMPOKTHKS AND DKALKKS IN 000. legislature nffer-vur- went hack wear out, it is simple The the boulevard were surprised lo see the Navigation Taught i u the "war governor" and refused to coachman nprluK from his beat, wrench 1 IT months. Take will bis messages, hut he in turn calmly HIKl CXI )C Fl SI VC. WHlIc them both. You have to, sooner open the door and demand his nurse, which . I IN ALL ITS UKAN011KK. iguort d the i igtslol mon- ure and horrowtsi he declared bin fare hud Molen. i t appeared ey privately to Often the statu bomls and j (JOCS tllC work of or later. i - Groceries, Provisions and Feed. imi "Hi an one iii,; ruillCU HJtr Unu MJC pay expenses, i nrougnout the warlje BJftj bad let down the frout window and I will take a limited uumlier uf pupil a champion of the Kentucky I'nitadsis tbe coachmttu'a purite. The cbauge any other Lawn tu teach them navigatiun. Fur full and ga e t bon arms for home defence. for 5 franco had only been aaked for in order particular!, anil terum apply tu the un- King Dsuidwin of Ohio hehl ofllce hut one year to mm in what pocket he kept hit niuey. Sprinkler, though it East Coknek Fort and Streets. of the uarperhd, $Kt yet he made a record A - ,on a hhe got potttoeawion of the purse dertone! at Hcharf & Cu'n. bouk ature, that i irried him into u cabinet jMNdtlaii In n hud ihrowu it to the man ruunlng has no revolving parts. Arlington Hl.u k. lintel Hlreet. liincoln's aecoud term. He placed Mi alouKatde. XUU tbecoachiuan had ohberved PAUL v. PAMNENBEBO, New (JuikIs reoelveu y every Packet frum the l'dhti in Htiilfn and Euicpa Cieiian in the Meld nod secured nisoppoint- - and at once bNMDI aware of the tot which Ki'iin-iiilie- i h - sell I'KAltl. (111. at :tK) Fresh C'alifuruiu I'ruuuee by Vrj sliiuin. All (iiliiBluithll.il utlmiii t guodu tu (if ity uient at gi ueral. iJetiuisoii, like Morton he bad MMtftl lied The wouian wab at once ier case V. (). D. deli (eyed to any mrt Mutual Telephone H21, V. O. boi M. and deliveretl toiy part the free of ehurge. talMMMd. '! m, i V ami Yates, bad a kwu ee for the lionier. j aiiu-- uf tlie oityr. lino Inland oidert talUluetioi Kuuaulatd. i h. t fi 47 1'iMt O0U Box No. li.