Mineral Resources in the Vicinity of the Nellis Air Force Base and the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada -.4
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its j I40' S ofRau%.-. q h of Land Manag.. 10:00 A. M. AUG 12 1977 NEVADA STATE OFFnCE 5ureau of Mines W4O. NEVADA ii '- Mineral Resources in the Vicinity of the Nellis Air Force Base and the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada -.4 by John R. Norberg United States Department of the Interior . .I..: 2 1S.-,3 770)81:2 PFIR WA._ TE WM-- 11 FDR h e/le-:A//.q& -eki IV~- /2,z/1'lz 7 2 CONTENTS Summary and conclusions ............... ............ ................ ..... Introducti on ....................... 9 Geology ........... .................................................... 9 . .... ... P r e v i o u s i n v e s t i g a t i o n s . 10 . ... ... .. ... Ro c k u n i t s . ... 10 . ......... ... .... .... Precambrian rocks ............... .... Paleozoic rocks ......................................... 13 16 Mesozoic rocks ........... d..................... ............. .. 13 Cenozoic rocks .......................... .............. ..... ....... 15 Structure ......................... 0............ 15 Pre -L arami de ................................... 16 Laramide and post-Laramide ............ ...... 172 Thrust faults ............................. 18 strike-slip faults ...................... 9 ...... 19 Volcano-tectonic features ...................... 20 Basin-range normal faults .......................... 20 Mineral resources ......................... .. ........... 20 ofm. n.. n . .. .. .. ..... Hi s t o ry o mi i g . 2 2 Mi ne ra l p ro du c t io n s. Mineral deposits ............................... •........2 .. ..... ...... 2 3 Mi n i n g d i s t r i c t s . 24 Mode of occurrence ....... o................. 27 . ... ....... .............. Mineral properties .......... 3 CONTENTS--Continued 28 Other mineral resource occurrences................*..... .................. 29 for further investigation ........ Recommendations 33 References .......... ........... data for mines and prospects Appendix A--Mineral property Nellis Air Force Base and the In the vicinity of the and and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln 38 Nellis Bombing ..... .................... Nye Counties, Nevada ..................... ILLUSTRATIONS in Fig. basins of southern Nevada 1. Mountain ranges and and of the Nellis Air Force Base 6 the vicinity Range ......................... the ellis Bombing and Gunnery of the Nellis Air Force districts in the vicinity 2. Mining and Gunnery Range, Clark, and the Nellis Bombing .. ..... Base Nevada8........... Lincoln, and Nye Counties, 4 RESOURCES IN THE VICINITY OF THL MINERAL AND GUNNERY RANGE, BASE AND THE NELLIS BOMBING NELLIS AIR FORCE NEVADA CLARK, LINCOLN, AND NYE COUNTIES, by John R. Norberg !/ SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Nellis found in the vicinity of the Many mineral commodities are Range (NBGR). Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Air Force Base (NAFB) and the limestone, zinc, mercury, tungsten, gypsum, Gold, silver, copper, lead, from study and stone have been recovered turquoise, sand and gravel and travertine magnesite, manganese, fluorite, area mines. Occurrences of been recorded. area, but no production has have been reported in the potential agricultural and wells, which may have Several warm water springs also found. and space heating uses, are consist of gold-silver minerals, The most numerous metal deposits The and replacements in shear zones. occurring as fissure fillings have the most of the Groom mine, however, lead-silver-zinc ore bodies million at the Groom mine exceeds $3.75 metal. The total output of 1977 prices. commodities probably the most valuable Gypsum and limestone are average annual the NAFB and the NGBR. The produced in the vicinity of at for the early 1960's was estimated gypsum and limestone output 100,000 and 500,000 tons, respectively. Washington. Operation Center, Spokane, 1/ Geographer, Western Feld .. 5 Detailed geologic mapping, geochemical sampling, and geophysical surveys are recommended for four of the mineralized areas in the study area. The four areas are: 1. The hydrothermally-altered rocks underlying the Thirsty Canyon Tuff in western Nye County. 2. The skarns or tactites in the Oak Spring mining district. 3. The lead-silver replacements in the Don-Dale mining district near the Bombing Range's eastern boundary in western Lincoln County. 4. The altered and fractured volcanic flows underlying the Fraction Tuff in Kawich Range along the Bombing Range's northern border. Reconnaissance sampling and mapping of other known mineral areas also are recommended. If initial investigations determine the presence of significant anomalies, more detailed investigation should be undertaken. INTRODUCTION Personnel in the Bureau of Mines prepared this report at the request of the Department of the Air Force (DAF), through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), for a Level I Mineral Survey of the Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) and the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range (NBGR) InR southern Nevada (fig. 1). It is designed to provide BLM and DAF FIGURE 1. - NEAR HERE. with basic mineral resource data for use in preparing an environmental impact statement covering the continued withdrawal of public lands for military uses. Although the report emphasizes mineral resources, it also provides a brief description of the study area's general geology. 6 Nevada in the vicinity FIGURE 1. - Mountain ranges and basins of southern of the Nellis Air Force Base and the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range. 9 a .o. I S... m n_ .•_'_ J... • . .. 7 9 This study, a library research project, was conducted at the Bureau of Mines' Western Field Operation Center, Spokane, Washington. Primary data were gathered principally from published reports of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology and from unpublished reports, production statistics, and correspondence in the Bureau of Mines files. No on-site field examinations were made. Because of the extremely short time available for assimilation of data; the preparation of the report; the lack of field reconnaissance and exploration work; and the fact that the area has been closed to mineral entry since 1940, this report provides only sur(fiol evidence of the potential for development of minerals that could be critical to the national mineral posture. Due to imprecise data on the location of some mining districts and mineral properties and to uncertainties of the exact borders of the proposed withdrawal, this report covers an area somewhat larger than currently occupied by the Nellis Air Force Base and Bombing Range. The areas covered include: (1) land exclusively used by DAF; (2) land exclusively used by the Desert National Wildlife Range; (3) land jointly used by DAF and the Wildlife Range; and (4) the land used by the Energy Research and Development'Administration (ERDA) (fig. 2). FIGURE 2. - NEAR HERE. FIGURE 2. - Mining districts in the vicinity of the Nellis Air Force, Base and the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada. 9 9 PHYSIOGRAPHY The topography of the NAFB and NBGR is typical of the Basin and Range physiographic province. It is generally characterized by broad, closed basins separated by mesas and narrow north-south-trending mountain ranges (fig. 1) except in the southeastern portion where intermittent streams drain into the Colorado River. Elevations range from less than 2000 feet near Las Vegas to nearly 10,000 feet in the Desert National Wildlife Range, about 35 miles due north of the city. Most mountain ranges, however, average less than 7000 feet with occasional peaks rising above 8000 feet. GEOLOGY Previous Investigations Many published works describe the various geological aspects of southern Nevada. The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology has published several bulletins which describe the geology and mineral deposits of Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties (1, 4, 5, 10) 2/. Other relevant State reports cover State-wide distributions of mineral commodities (2, 6, 8), and the geology of given mining areas (3, 9). The U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) has intensively mapped and studied portions of the study area in conjunction with the investigation of the suitability of ERDA Nuclear Testing Facility for underground weapons testing. Unclassified results of these studies have been published by the U.S.G.S. and the Geological Society of America (11, 13, 34, 35). 2 - reterencesreferncinesnume1s a~tnteen tn arenTtesesortnt reper i mo s report. tesnn theels 1ist oof *.a. ... *.. ... .. 1: ***.ft * .. p. / * . p. .1 / C. I.. / - L 4, J .. / A'-bft a- * 2K' I k. A, 9. , / \, a.. ./ Cd E1D I I * tj3l ~ 5, C.A -k %n. I 0U I- - C 0 2 (W)(7 0 .. d. Wk . &. s~a s .a ~ . 4-- 4 - . MA 5.. 4. ..4j,,..- *-'- .- *5** -- '-d. .t.: :...*' -.- ' .Th* - . 5 5 ______________ . 4 . *J V .5 4 . - :. .7Jj. -. S t4% ,.... ***-*7S.* . -I' i. :f.7/\-j'-.' 9 A - . - **r -. .1. .* *. .9- I . - .9 . .9. 5l - 4 I I I .9 .A.t S -r .4 * .. ,. A I1L-1 . T12J.. .4- - .! I. 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