Projection Bands and Atoms in Pervasive Pre-Riesz Spaces
Projection bands and atoms in pervasive pre-Riesz spaces Anke Kalauch,∗ Helena Malinowski† March 31, 2020 Abstract In vector lattices, the concept of a projection band is a basic tool. We deal with projection bands in the more general setting of an Archimedean pre-Riesz space X. We relate them to projection bands in a vector lattice cover Y of X. If X is pervasive, then a projection band in X extends to a projection band in Y , whereas the restriction of a projection band B in Y is not a projection band in X, in general. We give conditions under which the restriction of B is a projection band in X. We introduce atoms and discrete elements in X and show that every atom is discrete. The converse implication is true, provided X is pervasive. In this setting, we link atoms in X to atoms in Y . If X contains an atom a> 0, we show that the principal band generated by a is a projection band. Using atoms in a finite dimensional Archimedean pre-Riesz space X, we establish that X is pervasive if and only if it is a vector lattice. Keywords: order projection, projection band, band projection, principal band, atom, discrete element, extremal vector, pervasive, weakly pervasive, Archimedean directed ordered vector space, pre-Riesz space, vector lattice cover Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 46A40, 06F20, 47B65 1 Introduction arXiv:1904.10420v2 [math.FA] 29 Mar 2020 Projection bands and atoms are both fundamental concepts in the vector lattice theory. For an Archimedean vector lattice Y , a band B in Y is called a projection band if Y = B ⊕ Bd, where Bd is the disjoint complement of B.
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