89 WP 011366644.1 - Desulfovibrio alaskensis (Reductive)

20 WP 020000876.1 - MULTISPECIES: Desulfovibrionaceae (Reductive) 38 WP 010937709.1 - Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Reductive)

26 WP 007524225.1 - Desulfovibrio sp. A2 (Reductive)

WP 027187653.1 - Desulfovibrio cuneatus (Reductive) 49 71 WP 072697798.1 - Desulfovibrio litoralis (Reductive)

WP 005027914.1 - MULTISPECIES: Bilophila (Reductive)

WP 077071913.1 - Mailhella massiliensis (Reductive) 61 85 WP 008682717.1 - MULTISPECIES: Desulfovibrio (Reductive) 18

43 WP 087351731.1 - Desulfovibrio sp. An276 (Reductive)

WP 021759262.1 - Desulfovibrio gigas (Reductive) 20 WP 005996226.1 - Desulfovibrio fructosivorans (Reductive) 28

99 WP 009106249.1 - Desulfovibrio sp. U5L (Reductive)

WP 005989467.1 - Desulfovibrio africanus (Reductive) 32 WP 029895949.1 - Desulfovibrio sp. L21 Syr AB (Reductive) 93 WP 020881603.1 - Desulfovibrio sp. X2 (Reductive) 71

99 WP 020887033.1 - Desulfovibrio alkalitolerans (Reductive) 43 WP 028587576.1 - Desulfocurvus vexinensis (Reductive)

97 WP 078685602.1 - Desulfovibrio bizertensis (Reductive)

WP 027186447.1 - Desulfovibrio inopinatus (Reductive) 61 97 WP 027191906.1 - Desulfovibrio putealis (Reductive)

99 WP 015335018.1 - Desulfovibrio hydrothermalis (Reductive)

WP 027177465.1 - Desulfovibrio bastinii (Reductive)

89 WP 027176027.1 - Desulfovibrio aminophilus (Reductive) 55 WP 089271961.1 - Desulfovibrio mexicanus (Reductive)

16 WP 022663475.1 - Desulfovibrio longus (Reductive) WP 018125045.1 - Desulfovibrio oxyclinae (Reductive) 57 WP 014323438.1 - Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (Reductive) 99 WP 013515881.1 - Pseudodesulfovibrio aespoeensis (Reductive) 77 55 97 WP 097011418.1 - Pseudodesulfovibrio profundus (Reductive)

47 WP 069857536.1 - Desulfoplanes formicivorans (Reductive)

24 WP 092064180.1 - Desulfonauticus submarinus (Reductive)

2 WP 012805491.1 - Desulfomicrobium baculatum (Reductive)

WP 008871013.1 - Desulfonatronospira thiodismutans (Reductive) 57 22 WP 028575104.1 - Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans (Reductive)

WP 015750705.1 - Desulfohalobium retbaense (Reductive)

55 WP 027370030.1 - Desulfovermiculus halophilus (Reductive)

47 WP 006966155.1 - MULTISPECIES: Desulfotignum (Reductive)

99 WP 015906028.1 - Desulfobacterium autotrophicum (Reductive)

36 WP 080806903.1 - Desulfamplus magnetovallimortis (Reductive) 67 61 WP 084067366.1 - Desulfobacterium vacuolatum (Reductive)

WP 027357910.1 - Desulforegula conservatrix (Reductive)

WP 092214891.1 - Desulfoluna spongiiphila (Reductive) 45 93 51 WP 100390954.1 - Desulfofaba hansenii (Reductive) 53 WP 028323468.1 - Desulfatirhabdium butyrativorans (Reductive)

14 CK bin19k141 4175454 CK bin19 2150 cov 38.2071 1

WP 054029294.1 - Desulfatitalea tepidiphila (Reductive) 10 34 WP 012176083.1 - Desulfococcus oleovorans (Reductive)

14 WP 020876636.1 - Desulfococcus multivorans (Reductive) 22 WP 015949027.1 - MULTISPECIES: Desulfatibacillum (Reductive)

49 65 CK Oilybin23k141 3127173 CK Oilybin23 4090 cov 95.5313 3

38 16 CK bin33k141 687332 CK bin33 8692 cov 36.9963 4

WP 027352569.1 - Desulfosarcina sp. BuS5 (Reductive)

32 CK Oilybin49k141 1777850 CK Oilybin49 20512 cov 178.9788 18 12 SB bin150k141 306771 5 75 14 CK bin19k141 349714 CK bin19 23004 cov 280.5487 14

97 WP 054689193.1 - Desulfosarcina cetonica (Reductive)

WP 028572115.1 - Desulfonatronum lacustre (Reductive)

CK bin56k141 138883 CK bin56 38224 cov 58.9924 7

WP 014809415.1 - Desulfomonile tiedjei (Reductive) 57 99 PIQ94624.1 - Nitrospirae bacterium CG11 big fil rev 8 21 14 0 20 41 14 (Reductive)

WP 066065325.1 - Candidatus Desulfofervidus auxilii (Reductive)

85 EGoM bin34k141 2776263 EGoM bin34 6974 cov 20.3392 1

43 EGoM bin34k141 2842812 EGoM bin34 6728 cov 18.0000 1 57 HGTGB 003646785QMLO01000183.1 6 34 PIY26895.1 - Deltaproteobacteria bacterium CG 4 10 14 3 um filter 51 14 (Reductive) 93 49 WP 006421495.1 - delta proteobacterium NaphS2 (Reductive) 57 KS bin50k141 442960 KS bin50 6126 cov 24.9118 5

WP 028320139.1 - Desulfatiglans anilini (Reductive)

99 WP 011393107.1 - thermoacetica (Reductive)

87 WP 054936485.1 - MULTISPECIES: Moorella (Reductive)

87 89 WP 012303262.1 - Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator (Reductive)

45 WP 041458898.1 - degensii (Reductive) 63 WP 027717987.1 - Desulfovirgula thermocuniculi (Reductive)

85 WP 083543138.1 - MULTISPECIES: Desulfotomaculum (Reductive)

36 WP 066669243.1 - Desulfotomaculum copahuensis (Reductive)

99 WP 012813494.1 - Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans (Reductive)

47 WP 066634102.1 - Desulfotomaculum intricatum (Reductive)

69 WP 006522267.1 - Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae (Reductive)

WP 092472187.1 - Desulfotomaculum arcticum (Reductive) 89

65 WP 104373736.1 - Desulfocucumis palustris (Reductive) 81 WP 013162538.1 - Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus (Reductive)

99 WP 028317635.1 - Desulfobulbus elongatus (Reductive)

87 WP 028583545.1 - Desulfobulbus mediterraneus (Reductive) 99 WP 104936116.1 - Desulfobulbus sp. ORNL (Reductive)

97 WP 073374578.1 - Desulfofustis glycolicus (Reductive)

WP 015403882.1 - Desulfocapsa sulfexigens (Reductive) 30 WP 092219089.1 - Desulforhopalus singaporensis (Reductive) 18 WP 011188042.1 - Desulfotalea psychrophila (Reductive) 36

30 WP 073612713.1 - Desulfopila aestuarii (Reductive) 67 WP 067615718.1 - Dissulfuribacter thermophilus (Reductive)

WP 013907033.1 - Thermodesulfatator indicus (Reductive) 89 WP 068671292.1 - Thermosulfurimonas dismutans (Reductive) 99 WP 068512736.1 - Caldimicrobium thiodismutans (Reductive) 91 WP 022855352.1 - Thermodesulfobacterium thermophilum (Reductive) 97 WP 013910186.1 - Thermodesulfobacterium geofontis (Reductive) 99

99 59 WP 038055195.1 - Thermodesulfobacterium hydrogeniphilum (Reductive)

99 WP 011700821.1 - Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans (Reductive)

WP 106822814.1 - Syntrophobacter sp. SbD1 (Reductive)

99 WP 093393708.1 - Thermodesulforhabdus norvegica (Reductive)

WP 073042029.1 - Desulfacinum infernum (Reductive) 55 67

43 WP 084056893.1 - Desulfacinum hydrothermale (Reductive)

WP 044352273.1 - Dethiosulfatarculus sandiegensis (Reductive)

WP 013257784.1 - Desulfarculus baarsii (Reductive) 99

40 59 WP 049675185.1 - Desulfocarbo indianensis (Reductive)

WP 013706582.1 - Desulfobacca acetoxidans (Reductive)

99 OGW16591.1 - Nitrospirae bacterium GWC1 57 7 (Reductive)

OGW35891.1 - Nitrospirae bacterium GWD2 57 9 (Reductive)

99 WP 040334683.1 - Candidatus Magnetobacterium casensis (Reductive) 97 WP 085051294.1 - Nitrospirae bacterium HCH 1 (Reductive)

97 OGW30701.1 - Nitrospirae bacterium GWF2 44 13 (Reductive) OGW21550.1 - Nitrospirae bacterium GWA2 46 11 (Reductive) 81 8 WP 028845244.1 - Thermodesulfovibrio thiophilus (Reductive) 85 WP 012545539.1 - MULTISPECIES: Thermodesulfovibrio (Reductive) 99

99 WP 068860654.1 - Thermodesulfovibrio sp. N1 (Reductive)

OHE26388.1 - Syntrophus sp. RIFOXYC2 FULL 54 9 (Reductive)

99 AF-1AE000782.1 444

55 WP 010877930.1 - Archaeoglobus fulgidus (Reductive) 45 Ag-6SETD01000003.1 45 99 Ag-2MTNC01000083.1 21 99 WP 013684596.1 - Archaeoglobus veneficus (Reductive) 10 77 WP 012939547.1 - Archaeoglobus profundus (Reductive)

Ag-4MTMO01000048.1 23

ASCP005290.1 890 99

99 WP 015590519.1 - Archaeoglobus sulfaticallidus (Reductive)

40 WP 011345280.1 - Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans (Reductive) 6 WP 013756705.1 - Thermodesulfobium narugense (Reductive)

PNV78628.1 - Candidatus Korarchaeota archaeon (Reductive)

47 WP 072915866.1 - Desulfotomaculum aeronauticum (Reductive)

36 WP 077715442.1 - Desulfotomaculum ferrireducens (Reductive) 28 95 WP 011879477.1 - Desulfotomaculum reducens (Reductive) 99 WP 099081918.1 - Desulfotomaculum profundi (Reductive) 40 WP 003542698.1 - Desulfotomaculum nigrificans (Reductive) 57 2 WP 031514246.1 - Desulfotomaculum alkaliphilum (Reductive)

WP 018086254.1 - Desulfurispora thermophila (Reductive) 10

20 87 WP 051966084.1 - Clostridiales bacterium DRI 13 (Reductive)

WP 084295770.1 - Desulfitibacter alkalitolerans (Reductive)

95 WP 084052005.1 - Desulfonispora thiosulfatigenes (Reductive)

99 WP 091791463.1 - Peptococcus niger (Reductive) 6 99 WP 004092271.1 - Acetonema longum (Reductive)

65 WP 007289114.1 - Thermosinus carboxydivorans (Reductive)

WP 084666091.1 - toyohensis (Reductive)

20 WP 088553263.1 - Calderihabitans maritimus (Reductive) WP 089612431.1 - Dehalobacterium formicoaceticum (Reductive) 59 WP 047829219.1 - Peptococcaceae bacterium CEB3 (Reductive)

61 95 WP 039689098.1 - Coriobacteriaceae bacterium 68 1 3 (Reductive)

26 WP 080143741.1 - Gordonibacter massiliensis (Reductive) 91 WP 046497569.1 - Syntrophomonas zehnderi (Reductive)

99 WP 005810505.1 - Desulfitobacterium hafniense (Reductive) 26 WP 015260798.1 - Desulfitobacterium dichloroeliminans (Reductive)

99 WP 007784268.1 - Desulfosporosinus youngiae (Reductive) WP 009621399.1 - MULTISPECIES: Desulfosporosinus (Reductive) 99 91 WP 075363182.1 - Desulfosporosinus sp. OL (Reductive) 79 WP 014827907.1 - Desulfosporosinus acidiphilus (Reductive) 97

59 WP 106798710.1 - Desulfosporosinus sp. SbF1 (Reductive)

12 EGoM E44bin31k141 826632 EGoM E44bin31 21357 cov 10.0000 7

OGO01132.1 - Chloroflexi bacterium RBG 13 52 14 (Reductive)

36 OHB72516.1 - Planctomycetes bacterium RBG 13 63 9 (Reductive)

16 OGL46671.1 - Candidatus Schekmanbacteria bacterium RBG 13 48 7 (Reductive)

OGO09688.1 - Chloroflexi bacterium RBG 13 60 13 (Reductive) 2 32 93 PKK84345.1 - candidate division Zixibacteria bacterium HGW Zixibacteria 1 (Reductive)

OGU39476.1 - Ignavibacteria bacterium GWB2 35 12 (Reductive)

45 PIU88856.1 - Armatimonadetes bacterium CG06 land 8 20 14 3 00 66 21 (Reductive) 10 WP 086034121.1 - Desulfurella amilsii (Reductive)

97 WP 105314587.1 - Solibacteres bacterium SbA2 (Reductive)

20 WP 105502650.1 - Solibacteraceae bacterium SbA3 (Reductive)

99 WP 105293776.1 - Acidobacteriaceae bacterium SbA7 (Reductive)

99 WP 105489693.1 - Acidobacteriaceae bacterium SbA5 (Reductive) 95

89 WP 106806340.1 - Candidatus Sulfotelmatobacter kueseliae (Reductive)

OGG94094.1 - Candidatus Lambdaproteobacteria bacterium RIFOXYD2 FULL 50 16 (Reductive)

99 OGG99033.1 - Candidatus Lambdaproteobacteria bacterium RIFOXYD2 FULL 56 26 (Reductive)

99 OGT90425.1 - Gammaproteobacteria bacterium RIFOXYD12 FULL 61 37 (Oxidative)

OGW07019.1 - Nitrospinae bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2 01 FULL 39 10 (Oxidative)

91 WP 012501291.1 - Chlorobaculum parvum (Oxidative)

40 WP 069809880.1 - Chlorobaculum limnaeum (Oxidative)

38 WP 068865930.1 - Prosthecochloris sp. CIB 2401 (Oxidative)

WP 085658742.1 - Prosthecochloris sp. HL 130 GSB (Oxidative) 32 49 WP 094081607.1 - Prosthecochloris sp. GSB1 (Oxidative)

WP 011362965.1 - Chlorobium chlorochromatii (Oxidative)

79 WP 012508991.1 - Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme (Oxidative) 16 WP 011744038.1 - Chlorobium phaeobacteroides (Oxidative) 28 99 73 WP 012465658.1 - Chlorobium limicola (Oxidative)

WP 011356802.1 - Pelodictyon luteolum (Oxidative) 99 89 WP 012475251.1 - Chlorobium phaeobacteroides (Oxidative)

WP 011713785.1 - Magnetococcus marinus (Oxidative)

99 WP 085441737.1 - Magnetofaba australis (Oxidative)

55 OGI47650.1 - Candidatus Muproteobacteria bacterium RIFCSPHIGHO2 01 FULL 65 16 (Oxidative)

87 WP 096359249.1 - Sulfuricaulis limicola (Oxidative)

47 WP 096457660.1 - Sulfurifustis variabilis (Oxidative)

WP 096365862.1 - Thiohalobacter thiocyanaticus (Oxidative)

WP 015258555.1 - Thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens (Oxidative) 99

93 WP 077279861.1 - Thioalkalivibrio denitrificans (Oxidative)

97 WP 011311821.1 - Thiobacillus denitrificans (Oxidative)

34 WP 018508155.1 - Thiobacillus thioparus (Oxidative) 97 45 WP 018078244.1 - Thiobacillus denitrificans (Oxidative)

97 OGU21527.1 - Hydrogenophilales bacterium RIFOXYD1 FULL 62 11 (Oxidative)

WP 011311881.1 - Thiobacillus denitrificans (Oxidative)

59 OGU24508.1 - Hydrogenophilales bacterium RIFOXYD1 FULL 62 11 (Oxidative) 85

85 WP 018077096.1 - Thiobacillus denitrificans (Oxidative)

18 PIV88149.1 - Hydrogenophilales bacterium CG17 big fil post rev 8 21 14 2 50 63 12 (Oxidative)

43 PIV89349.1 - Hydrogenophilales bacterium CG17 big fil post rev 8 21 14 2 50 63 12 (Oxidative)

79 OFZ97225.1 - Betaproteobacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2 02 67 12 (Oxidative)

83 30 OGA40612.1 - Betaproteobacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2 12 FULL 62 13 (Oxidative)

OFZ69386.1 - Betaproteobacteria bacterium RBG 16 58 11 (Oxidative)

14 99 PIQ13764.1 - Hydrogenophilales bacterium CG18 big fil WC 8 21 14 2 50 58 12 (Oxidative)

OYY47636.1 - Gallionellales bacterium 35 53 114 (Oxidative)

OGB77075.1 - Burkholderiales bacterium RIFOXYC12 FULL 60 6 (Oxidative) 12 WP 009551564.1 - Burkholderiales bacterium JOSHI 001 (Oxidative) 75 95 OGA75546.1 - Burkholderiales bacterium GWE1 65 30 (Oxidative) 77

71 WP 088286931.1 - Ideonella sp. A 288 (Oxidative)

28 OFZ89035.1 - Betaproteobacteria bacterium RBG 16 64 18 (Oxidative)

OGA47520.1 - Betaproteobacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2 12 FULL 62 58 (Oxidative)

99 WP 045471229.1 - Burkholderiales bacterium GJ E10 (Oxidative) 20 WP 106827563.1 - Burkholderiales bacterium (Oxidative)

WP 041098218.1 - Sulfuritalea hydrogenivorans (Oxidative) 28 OGS81124.1 - Gallionellales bacterium GWA2 59 43 (Oxidative)

77 49 OFZ69004.1 - Betaproteobacteria bacterium RBG 16 56 24 (Oxidative)

10 OGT03110.1 - Gallionellales bacterium RBG 16 57 15 (Oxidative) 43 OGS91076.1 - Gallionellales bacterium GWA2 60 18 (Oxidative)

69 16 OGS75143.1 - Gallionellales bacterium GWA2 60 142 (Oxidative)

OGT18838.1 - Gallionellales bacterium RIFOXYB12 FULL 54 9 (Oxidative) 57

75 WP 013029817.1 - Sideroxydans lithotrophicus (Oxidative)

WP 065972346.1 - Acidiferrobacter thiooxydans (Oxiative)

99 WP 008618014.1 - Magnetospirillum caucaseum (Oxidative)

18 WP 024082044.1 - Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense (Oxidative)

WP 029008510.1 - Azospirillum halopraeferens (Reductive) 87 45 WP 074768401.1 - Phaeospirillum fulvum (Oxidative)

WP 046021453.1 - Magnetospira sp. QH 2 (Oxidative) 47 36 WP 092616443.1 - Roseospirillum parvum (Oxidative)

WP 013418283.1 - Rhodomicrobium vannielii (Oxidative) 45 WP 038033828.1 - Thermopetrobacter sp. TC1 (Oxidative) 99 WP 068345834.1 - Ruegeria marisrubri (Oxidative) 53

97 WP 085526124.1 - Maritimibacter sp. HL 12 (Oxidative)

34 WP 039959666.1 - MULTISPECIES: sulfur oxidizing symbionts (Oxidative)

63 WP 078485889.1 - Solemya elarraichensis gill symbiont (Oxidative)

93 WP 069004671.1 - Candidatus Thiodiazotropha endoloripes (Oxidative)

WP 029131904.1 - Sedimenticola selenatireducens (Oxidative) 28 63 79 WP 046859628.1 - Sedimenticola thiotaurini (Oxidative)

73 WP 092995955.1 - Thiohalomonas denitrificans (Oxidative)

83 WP 092996043.1 - Thiohalomonas denitrificans (Oxidative) 53 WP 078483319.1 - Solemya velesiana gill symbiont (Oxidative)

WP 010645590.1 - endosymbiont of Bathymodiolus sp. (Oxidative)

99 WP 053951025.1 - Candidatus Thioglobus autotrophicus (Oxidative)

77 WP 045472702.1 - Thioploca ingrica (Oxidative)

59 WP 102135576.1 - Candidatus Marithrix sp. Canyon 246 (Oxidative) 71 79 WP 086487870.1 - Thioflexothrix psekupsii (Oxidative)

WP 103921914.1 - Thiotrichales bacterium HS 08 (Oxidative)

99 WP 011814737.1 - Halorhodospira halophila (Oxidative)

95 WP 096409741.1 - Halorhodospira halochloris (Oxidative)

22 WP 011629393.1 - Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii (Oxidative)

73 OGI42075.1 - Candidatus Muproteobacteria bacterium RBG 16 65 31 (Oxidative)

77 OGI43545.1 - Candidatus Muproteobacteria bacterium RBG 16 65 31 (Oxidative) 99 38 WP 096461010.1 - Sulfurifustis variabilis (Oxidative)

WP 096360424.1 - Sulfuricaulis limicola (Oxidative)

WP 041068924.1 - Thiolapillus brandeum (Oxidative)

99 WP 069006729.1 - Candidatus Thiodiazotropha endoloripes (Oxidative) 79 97 WP 069126082.1 - Candidatus Thiodiazotropha endolucinida (Oxidative)

WP 051482784.1 - Thioalkalivibrio sp. HK1 (Oxidative)

40 49 WP 020397046.1 - Thiothrix disciformis (Oxidative)

99 WP 020560448.1 - Thiothrix flexilis (Oxidative) 75 WP 028490357.1 - Thiothrix lacustris (Oxidative)

14 WP 096366427.1 - Thiohalobacter thiocyanaticus (Oxidative) 51 WP 006747914.1 - Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus (Oxidative)

47 WP 018232018.1 - Thioalkalivibrio thiocyanodenitrificans (Oxidative) 99

51 WP 024327072.1 - Thioalkalivibrio sp. AKL19 (Oxidative)

OUV62798.1 - Gammaproteobacteria bacterium TMED119 (Oxidative)

71 91 WP 043108400.1 - endosymbiont of unidentified scaly snail isolate Monju (Oxidative)

WP 043115946.1 - Solemya velum gill symbiont (Oxidative)

OGT90896.1 - Gammaproteobacteria bacterium RIFOXYD12 FULL 61 37 (Oxidative) 93 12 WP 009147786.1 - Thiorhodovibrio sp. 970 (Oxidative)

61 WP 089724967.1 - Candidatus Thiosymbion oneisti (Oxidative)

30 WP 005223286.1 - Marichromatium purpuratum (Oxidative) WP 048396800.1 - Candidatus Achromatium palustre (Oxidative) 22 WP 012970464.1 - Allochromatium vinosum (Oxidative) 12

32 WP 100921139.1 - Candidatus Thiodictyon syntrophicum (Oxidative)

99 KRT71374.1 - Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium CSP1 6 (Ancestral)

77 OGK85372.1 - Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium GWC2 70 16 (Ancestral)

OGK85370.1 - Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium GWC2 70 16 (Ancestral) 95 99 OGL06095.1 - Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium RIFCSPLOWO2 02 FULL 68 19 (Ancestral)

81 SPE58615.1 - Verrucomicrobia bacterium (Ancestral)

WP 084666079.1 - Thermanaeromonas toyohensis (Ancestral)

WP 011393132.1 - (Ancestral) 99 WP 054936479.1 - (Ancestral) 91

97 WP 106005181.1 - Moorella humiferrea (Ancestral)

WP 012185907.1 - Caldivirga maquilingensis (Ancestral)

99 WP 011761930.1 - Pyrobaculum islandicum (Ancestral)

99 WP 014126352.1 - Thermoproteus tenax (Ancestral)

99 TmP-2DASW01000006.1 26 WP 014126353.1 - Thermoproteus tenax (Ancestral) 67 WP 084019967.1 - Vulcanisaeta thermophila (Ancestral) 79 WP 069808050.1 - Vulcanisaeta thermophila (Ancestral) 99 WP 013337192.1 - Vulcanisaeta distributa (Ancestral) 99

99 WP 013603875.1 - Vulcanisaeta moutnovskia (Ancestral)
