Тurkic Weekly 2017 17 (68) ( 24 - 30 Aprel )

Тurkic Weekly presents the weekly review of the most significant developments in the Turkic world. Тurkic Weekly provides timely information and an objective assessment on relevant issues in the agenda of Turkic countries.

Тurkic Weekly is a weekly information and analytical digest, published by the International Turkic Academy. .


On 26th of April, the 25th session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (APK) on the agenda "Stability, Unity, Consent are the Basis for Modernization" was held in Astana at the Palace of Peace and Accord.

The session was chaired by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, who is also a chairman of APK.

Members and veterans of APK from all regions of the country, chairmen of republican and regional ethno-cultural associations, deputies of the Parliament, heads of central executive bodies, political parties, religious associations, NGOs, university chancellors took part in the session. At the same time, according to the Akorda press service, members and veterans of the Assembly from different countries, representatives of diplomatic missions, scientific, cultural intelligentsia and the media also participated in the session.

Speaking to the participants of the event, Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized that 2017 is a unique and special year in the history of independent Kazakhstan. "This year, the system modernization has come to the forefront of all our work. First, we have launched modernization of the economy. Secondly, we started political modernization. Thirdly, we proceed to modernize public consciousness. As you know, my article on "Looking into the Future: Directions of Modernizing Public Consciousness" is devoted to this, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The President of Kazakhstan expressed his confidence that the APK would take an active part in modernizing public consciousness and listed a number of projects in which members of the Assembly could realize their potential.

The President of Kazakhstan, noting the correctness and timeliness of the measures taken, determined a number of new tasks for the APK and state bodies.


As a result of the 25th session, the Assembly has adopted an appeal which notes that modernization of public consciousness is a natural and objectively necessary process that gives integrity to the whole development strategy of Kazakhstan.

After the end of the event, the Head of State took part in the gala concert.

Note that the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan is a national advisory body that unites representatives of about 130 nations and nationalities living in Kazakhstan. The idea of its creation was proposed by N.Nazarbayev in 1992.



During reporting period, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu paid a visit to Uzbekistan, where he held talks with the highest leadership of the republic. As the Uzbek media reported, during the visit of the Turkish diplomat, he was received by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

At the meeting parties paid attention to the issues of expanding mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation, practical implementation of projects with the participation of leading Turkish companies to modernize the tourism infrastructure, creation of modern high- tech industries in the textile, leather, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, construction materials industry, agro-processing and other areas, as well as within the framework of Urgut free trade zone.

Besides this, M. Çavuşoğlu held negotiations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Komilov.

The ministers discussed the state and prospects for the development of bilateral relations in the political, trade-economic, investment, military-technical, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres.

The discussion took place within the eighth round of bilateral political consultations between Foreign Ministries. Wherein foreign ministers were guided by agreements reached during the meeting of Heads of Uzbekistan and Turkey in Samarkand on November 17-18, 2016.

"The detailed exchange of views confirmed the significant potential and mutual interest in further deepening the Uzbek-Turkish dialogue in all areas important to the parties. Proximity and coincidence of positions on almost all the issues discussed were noted", - is stated by the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Uzbekistan.

At the meeting, the parties also considered the current international problems. Following the talks, ministers signed a program of cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs for 2017-2018 years. 3

Also during the meeting, the Turkish side has reported that presidents of Uzbekistan and Turkey Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan are planning to hold talks by the end of this year that will give a new impetus to bilateral relations.



On April 25-27th, the 2nd SOCAR International Caspian and Central Asia Downstream Forum- Trading, Logistics, Refining and Petrochemicals took place in Baku.

According to Azerbaijani media, the current Forum was organized by the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) jointly with the British Company Confidence Capital Ltd with the support of SOCAR and is dedicated to the 94th birthday anniversary of national leader of Heydar .

The Forum’s participants feature the senior management of SOCAR’s business units, deputies of the Azerbaijani Parliament, sector ministry representatives of the of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Russia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia and other countries, as well as representatives of transnational oil and gas companies. And also more than 150 participants attended the event, including managers and employees of international companies working in the sphere of production, processing, logistics of oil and gas, traders, analysts, representatives of banking structures.

After welcoming the Forum participants and guests, BHOS rector emphasized the event’s great importance for the country, as it facilitates building business ties between professionals from across the globe, and effectively advocates the oil strategy implemented under the auspices of Azerbaijan’s president .

Also Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Natig Aliyev touched upon the implementation and prospects of grandiose projects in the field of logistics, oil refining and petrochemistry.

As the deputy of Milli Majlis Valeh Alasgarov noted, "Azerbaijan managed to bring Caspian oil and gas to world markets. The Azerbaijani oil is exported via Baku-Novorossiysk, Baku-Supsa, Baku-Ceyhan pipelines. Through the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline, gas is transported to Georgia and Turkey. Now the TANAP and TAP projects are being implemented. Azerbaijani gas will be supplied to Europe."


Also at the Forum there were speeches of SOCAR First Vice-President, academician Khoshbakht Yusif- zade; Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Azerichemia Production Association Mukhtar Babayev; Director General of the Baku International Commercial Sea Port Closed Joint-Stock Company Taleh Ziyadov; Deputy Head of the department for humanitarian policy of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Maharram Ahmadov, head of the oil and chemistry department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Asker Aslanov, Vice-president of SOCAR for strategic development Tofig Gahramanov and others.

It should be noted that the purpose of the SOCAR International Forum is to analyze the latest trends and possible development scenarios for cooperation in hydrocarbon trade and exports in the Caspian region and Central Asia. Practical information on major petroleum sector development patterns, needed for strategic decision-making and day-to-day operations management were provided in the course of the event.



During the reporting period, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe met in Moscow. Despite the fact that strategic problems continue to exist between the two countries, trade and economic relations between Moscow and Tokyo are developing rapidly. This is the evidence of the outcome of the bilateral talks in Moscow.

So, according to the Russian media, more than 30 agreements were signed in Moscow following the talks between Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. After the December meeting in Nagato, where the leaders of two countries decided to intensify cooperation, a joint plan was prepared for this visit, including dozens of projects in both the economy and humanitarian spheres.

Russian publications noted that Abe was accompanied by a large delegation on his trip. The parties expressed their intention to discuss 80 priority projects in various fields, including the development of the Far East, development of gas fields and interaction in the energy sector. At the same time, the sides also discussed an international agenda. According to Abe, the world cannot overcome terrorism without Russia's participation. In addition, Moscow and Tokyo should make joint efforts to resolve the situation in the DPRK.

Thus, in the speech of the Russian president, it was noted: "The situation on the Korean Peninsula was separately touched upon, which unfortunately, in our opinion with the Prime Minister, seriously deteriorated. We call all states involved in regional affairs to refrain from militant rhetoric and to strive for a calm, constructive dialogue. We see the early resumption of the six-party talks as a common task," said V.Putin.

Note that the current meeting is the fifth since May last year. Despite the existence of problems on the disputed islands, Russia and Japan are in constant dialogue and demonstrate the intention to discuss all existing problems and opportunities.



Last week in France, the results of the first round of voting for the presidents of the country were announced. 11 candidates compete for the post of Head of State.

As was foreseen, the main struggle for presidency took place between Emmanuel Macron, representing the En Marche!, François Fillon of the Republicans, Jean-Luc Melenchon of La France insoumise and the leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen.

According to the results of the first round, two candidates were identified. As the French media reports, the founder of the En Marche! Emmanuel Macron scored 24.01% of the vote. His main rival, the leader of the National Front Marin Le Pen won 21.3% of votes. For the candidate from the party "Republicans" Francois Fillon voted 20.01% of voters. Other candidates received less than 20% of the vote.

According to experts, E.Macron has great chances to win the second round and become the president of France. There are several factors for this. Including that F. Fillon immediately after the announcement of the results of the first round of voting, urged citizens to vote for Macron in the second round. In his opinion, “Marine Le Pen would bankrupt France” in case of coming to power. It is noteworthy that the current leader of the country Francois Hollande also admitted that he would vote for the former Minister of Economy of the country.

In his speech, Emmanuel Macron said: "I will be the president for all residents of France, for all patriots who oppose the nationalist threat. I will become the president who will defend and change the country, the president, who will allow people to create and work."

Meanwhile, the second round of French presidential elections was scheduled on May 7th.


Established in 2010 by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkey, the International Turkic Academy is an international organization that conducts and coordinates a comprehensive study of languages, culture and history of the Turkic world from ancient times to the present day. The Turkic Academy promotes cooperation between research and development and education centers, studying Turkish world. www.twesco.org | 57-49-86 Tauelsizdik 57, Palace of Peace and Reconciliation Astana, 010000 | Kazakhstan

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