The Montclarion, May 19, 1960
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Montclair State University Montclair State University Digital Commons The Montclarion Student Newspapers 5-19-1960 The Montclarion, May 19, 1960 The Montclarion Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Montclarion, "The Montclarion, May 19, 1960" (1960). The Montclarion. 1378. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Montclair State University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Montclarion by an authorized administrator of Montclair State University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SGA To Sponsor Pinner For Sherwin's Retirement A dinner will be given in honor of the retirement of Miss Margaret A. Sherwin, Assistant Director of Personnel, by the Board of Trustees of the Student Government Association at the Robin Hood Inn at 8:00 p. m. on Friday, May 27. Reservations may be obtained from Miss Marlene DeRosa, in care Of the SGA, Student Life Building, Montclair State College, at $3.75 per person. Either meat or fish should be signified. Also working on the arrangements for the affair are Syd Lockwood, chairman; Carol Grehl and Jim Mulvihill. <S---- —------—-----------------;------------ Miss Sherwin, born in New York . City, was Deaii of Women at MSC Montclair Prof Elected “Great Big Doorstep" from 1943 until 1957, when her title was changed to Assistant Di “Life Fellow” Of UAL rector of Personnel Dr. Frederick H. Young, assist Miss Sherwin received her Bach ant professor of English at Mont elor’s' degree from Columbia clair State College, received notice Teachers College where she also of his election as a Life Fellow of Opens This Evening received her Master’s degree. Her the International Institute of Arts experience has included teaching Players will present its spring and Letters. This honor now al production, “The Great Big Door at the Bronx YWCA from 1922 to lows him to take his place along 1924, the Pratt Institute in Brook step,” written by Francis Gopdrick. side of such distinguished person and Albert Hackett, at 8:30 p. m. lyn from 1925 to 1929 and MSC alities as Aldops Huxley, Jean from 1929 to 1960 on Thursday, Friday and Satur Cocteau, Thornton Wilder, Marc day, May 18, 19 and 20. One of her hobbies is the Musical Chagall, Daphne du Maurier, Wil Operetta Club, of which she is The play is a story about a fam liam Saroyan and others. Many ily living in Louisiana. It is a poor dance director. Miss Sherwin has Fellows are Nobel Prize winners or done the choreography for more family, but one that is proud of members of great academies of art its heritage and destiny. The plot than fifteen shows and literature. In 1930 Miss Sherwin organized revolves around the finding of a the Modern Dance Club, composed The UAL, whose headquarters doorstep which has been floating of about fifty members, which gave are located at Landau, Germany, down the Mississippi River. This annual recitals until 1943. This has five categories of membership; doorstep evidently had come from group danced, by invitation, at At of those, the- classification of Fel a mansion on the Mississippi; con lantic City and at the Carnival low is highest, with Corresponding sequently, because of its beauty, Division of the World’s Fair in New Member in second position. There the family decides to give its hum York. are never more than a total of 760 ble abode with it. They eventually She also started the Inter-dormi Fellows and Corresponding Mem decide to find a house of grandeur tory show in 1953 and the Women’s bers in this organization at any one to match their doorstep, but they Democratic Honor System in 1955 time throughout the entire world. find difficulty in obtaining the re in cooperation with the women The last listing'showed that out of quired money. students in Chapin and Russ Halls. eighty-five new members admitted Another plot, the raising of chil Miss Sherwin has been Carnival in 1959, twenty-six were Ameri dren, their problems from adoles cans. cence to maturity, intertwines adviser since it was organized. A scene from the forthcoming play “The Great Big Doorstep.” After leaving Montclair Miss Dr. Young doesn’t have the throughout the main plot and gives Sherwin plans to spend a year in slightest idea which member of the the play a human interest angle, California. IIAL nominated him, and he stated besides the universal problem of that he “had no inkling” of his Meisner, Labonce and Landry “rags to riches.” The play is defin name even being brought up until itely not a typical serial or “Soap he received his letter of admittance opera” and the outcome should College Food Committee in the mail. Besides being a great Pilot Next Year's Classes prove quite interesting. The play personal honor to him, this certain is actually a folk comedy, done Mokes Cafeteria Studies ly reflects great honor on Montclair Class elections were held May 10 elected Jake Landry, a physicial entirely in a Southern CaJun dia State College. to determine the officers who will science maJor, as president of the lect. Six members bf the College Food pilot next year’s senior, Junior and The cast includes Helen Cham Committee dined at the Trenton ■ In 1951, Dr. Young’s book, The class. Jake is a member of the Philosophy of Henry James, Sen- sophomore classes. Newman Club, the Citizenship bers as Mrs. Crochet. Helen is a State College cafeteria on May 6 freshman speech maJor and had a and the Rutgers 'University cafe Bill Meisner, who this year serv Committee and the Freshman Class teria on May 12. Two other college ed as vice president of the Junior Council. minor role in “Summer and cafeterias will- be visited on May Class, was elected president of (Continued on Page 3) Smoke.” Mr. Crochet (The Com 18 and 26. next years Senior Class. A mem modore) is portrayed by Bob For The committee members studied ber of Phi Lambda Pi, Bill is a tier. Bob is a Junior speech maJor the weekly menus and the prices business education maJor. Mont- and president of Sigma Alpha Eta, and the services of the cafeterias clarion sports editor, Wes Rehberg, MSC Sponsors honorary speech society. visited, and will report their find was elected to the post of vice Topal and Ervie, portrayed by ings to the administrations. president of the class. Wes is a Jean Winner and Penny Minter, Plans were completed yesterday physical education maJor and an Lecture Series are the 17- and 14-year-old daugh for honoring senior dormitory stu English minor. Marlene De Rosa, Montclair State College and New ters of the Crochets. Maureen dents at a family style dinner in who is treasurer of the SGA this Jersey Nutritional Council has Mahony, as Mrs. Beaumont, has the college cafeteria. There will year, was elected to the position of been in two past productions of sponsored the Severinghaus Lec Players, “Ah Wilderness” and be dancing in the cafeteria after treasurer of the class of ’61. Mar ture Series which was given by the dinner on May 26. It was neces lene is a science maJor and a Dr. Elmer L. Severinghaus. “Skin of Our Teeth.” sary to cancel the picnic supper member of Dalphac. Bob Paulillo portrays Tayo, planned for May 17 because a The up-to-date and authentic in Topal’s ex-boyfriend. Bob is a number' of the men who live in Carol Grehl, who is serving as formation offered in this series was Junior business maJor. He is also Stone Hall are engaged in athletics recording secretary of the SGA, of value to secondary school teach president of Phi Lambda PI. and other off-campus activities. has been elected secretary of her ers of nutrition and anyone who is Charles Ringle as Dewey, the The committee will study the class. Carol is a member of Dal interested in the relation of diet to brother of the Commodore, is a phac and she will also serve as well being. The series helped to need for an increase in the hours Dr. Frederic H. Young transfer student from Hartford that the snack bar should be open editor of next year’s La Campana. make clear the conflicting claims of University. Geremia Barone and ed. ior, which has been internationally SGA representatives for next many current food faddists and, Judy Kotak are seen as Fleece and Gerald Lange is chairman and recognized as the standard work on year’s seniors will be Sydney also, the most recent developments Edma, 10-year-old twins. Mrs. Penny Costa is secretary of the this subJect, waá" published. As Lockwood and John Becker. Syd in this everchanging field. Dupre is Dorothy Groseffi. Arthur food committee. founder of the Charles S. Pierce ney is president of Tau Sigma The lectures were held in the is Bill Jacobs and Tobin is Jim International Philosophical Society Delta and was SGA representa Montclair State College Home Eco Trelor. he is also co-author and co-editor tive of his class this year. John, nomics Department, Finley Hall. Mr. Fox is the faculty director, of Studies in the Philosophies of who also was an SGA representa The dates and the topics were and Dave Swartz and Virginia Charles S. Pierce (Harvard Uni tive this year, is a social studies April 5, Source of Energy; April Farese are the student directors. Loans Available versity Press, 1952). In 1952, Dr. maJor. 19, Starvation and Obesity; April Dr.