ISSN 0002-9920 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 35 Monticello Place, Pawtucket, RI 02861 USA American Mathematical Society Distribution Center

of the American Mathematical Society September 2011 Volume 58, Number 8

Did a 1-Dimensional

Magnet Detect a 248-Dimensional Lie Algebra? page 1055

String Theory and the Geometry of the TEX LATEX X TE EX Universe’s Hidden Dimensions page 1067

Gerhard Hochschild (1915–2010) page 1078

The 1904 St. Louis Congress and Westward Expansion of American

Volume 58, Number 8, Pages 1049–1216, September 2011 Mathematics page 1100

About the Cover: The magical Coxeter transformation (see page 1200)

Trim: 8.25" x 10.75" 168 pages on 40 lb Velocity • Spine: 3/16" • Print Cover on 9pt Carolina Did a 1-Dimensional Magnet Detect a 248-Dimensional Lie Algebra? David Borthwick and Skip Garibaldi

ou may have heard some of the buzz symmetry”. No one is claiming to have directly spawned by the recent paper [CTW+]in observed . Science.Thatpaperdescribedaneu- Our purpose here is to fill in some of the tron scattering experiment involving details omitted in the previous paragraph. We aquasi-1-dimensionalcobaltniobate should explain that we are writing as journalists Y rather than mathematicians here, and we are not magnet and led to rumors that E8 had been de- physicists. We will give pointers to the physics tected “in nature”. This is fascinating, because E8 is a mathematical celebrity and because such a literature so that the adventurous reader can go detection seems impossible: it is hard for us to directly to the words of the experts for complete imagine a realistic experiment that could directly details. observe a 248-dimensional object such as E8. The connection between the cobalt niobate The Ising Model The article in Science describes an experiment experiment and E8 is as follows. Around 1990, physicist Alexander Zamolodchikov and others involving the magnetic material cobalt niobate studied perturbed conformal field theories in (CoNb2O6). The material was chosen because the general; one particular application of this was atheoreticalmodeldescribinga1-dimensional magnet subjected to two magnetic fields. This model makes some numerical predictions that were tested in the cobalt niobate experiment, and the results were as predicted by the model. As the Figure 1. Photograph of an artificially grown model involves E8 (in a way we will make precise single crystal of CoNb2O6.Theexperiment in the section “Affine Toda Field Theory”), one can involved a 2-centimeter-long piece of this say that the experiment provides evidence for “E8 crystal, weighing about 8 grams. (Image courtesy of Radu Coldea.)

David Borthwick is professor of mathematics at Emory internal crystal structure is such that magnetic University. His email address is [email protected]. 2 Co + ions are arranged into long chains running edu. along one of the crystal’s axes, and this could Skip Garibaldi is associate professor of mathematics at give rise to 1-dimensional magnetic behavior.1 In Emory University. His email address is skip@mathcs. 1Two additional practical constraints led to this choice of DB and SG were partially supported by NSF DMS-0901937 material: (1) large, high-quality single crystals of it can and NSA grant H98230-11-1-0178, respectively. We are be grown as depicted in Figure 1, and (2) the strength 2 grateful to Richard Borcherds, Radu Coldea, Jacques Dis- of the magnetic interactions between the Co + spins is tler, Giuseppe Mussardo, the referees, and others for their low enough that the quantum critical point correspond- helpful remarks. We thank Bert Kostant and Richard ing to gx 1 in (Eq.2) can be matched by magnetic fields = Borcherds for bringing this topic to our attention. currently achievable in the laboratory.

September 2011 Notices of the AMS 1055 particular, physicists expected that this material probability distribution on the unit ball in the total would provide a realization of the famous Ising Hilbert space of the system. model, which we now describe briefly. Just as in the classical case, physical quanti- The term Ising model refers generically to the ties become random variables with distributions original, classical model.2 This simple model for that depend on the temperature and constants magnetic interactions was suggested by W. Lenz K and gx.Itisbymeansofthesedistribu- as a thesis problem for his student E. Ising, whose tions that the model makes predictions about thesis appeared in Hamburg in 1922 [I]. The classi- the interrelationships of these quantities. cal form of the model is built on a square, periodic, The first term in the Hamiltonian (Eq.2) has n-dimensional lattice, with the periods sufficiently aferromagneticeffect (assuming K>0), just as large that the periodic boundary conditions don’t in the classical case. That is, it causes spins of play a significant role in the physics. Each site adjacent sites to align with each other along the j is assigned a spin σj 1, interpreted as the z-axis, which we will refer to as the preferen- projection of the spin onto=± some preferential axis. tial axis. (Experimental physicists might call this The energy of a given configuration of spins is the “easy” axis.) The second term represents the influence of an external magnetic field in the x- (Eq.1) H J σ σ , ! i j direction, perpendicular to the z-direction—we’ll = − i,j " # refer to this as the transverse axis. The effect of where J is a constant and the sum ranges over the second term is paramagnetic,meaningthatit pairs i,j of nearest-neighbor sites. This Hamil- " # encourages the spins to align with the transverse tonian gives rise to a statistical ensemble of states field. that is used to model the thermodynamic proper- The 1-dimensional quantum Ising spin chain ties of actual magnetic materials. The statistical exhibits a phase transition at zero temperature. ensemble essentially amounts to a probability dis- The phase transition (also called a critical point) is tribution on the set of spin configurations, with the point of transition between the ferromagnetic kH/T each configuration weighted by e− (the Boltz- regime (gx < 1, where spins tend to align along the mann distribution), where k is constant and T is z-axis) and the paramagnetic (gx > 1). The critical the temperature. The assumption of this distribu- point (gx 1) is distinguished by singular be- tion makes the various physical quantities, such as havior of various= macroscopic physical quantities, individual spins, average energy, magnetization, such as the correlation length.Roughlyspeaking, etc., into random variables. For J>0, spins at this is the average size of the regions in which the neighboring sites tend to align in the same direc- spins are aligned with each other. tion; this behavior is called ferromagnetic, because To define correlation length a little more this is what happens with iron. precisely, we consider the statistical correlation To describe the cobalt niobate experiment, we between the z-components of spins at two sites actually want the quantum spin chain version of separated by a distance r.Thesespinsarejustran- the Ising model. In this quantum model, each dom variables whose joint distribution depends site in a 1-dimensional (finite periodic) chain is on the constants K and gx,aswellasthesepara- assigned a 2-dimensional complex Hilbert space. tion r and the temperature T .(Weareassuming x y z The Pauli spin matrices S , S ,andS act on r is large compared with the lattice spacing, but each of these vector spaces as spin observables, small compared with the overall dimensions of the meaning they are self-adjoint operators whose system.) For gx > 1thecorrelationfallsoff expo- eigenstates correspond to states of particular r/ξ nentially as e− ,becausespinslinedupalongthe spin. For example, the 1eigenvectorsofSz ± x-axis will be uncorrelated in the z-direction; the correspond to up and down spins along the constant ξ is the correlation length. In contrast, z-axis. A general spin state is a unit vector in the at the critical point gx 1andT 0, the decay 2-dimensional Hilbert space, which could be of the spin correlation= is given by= a power law; viewed as a superposition of up and down spin this radical change of behavior corresponds to the states, if we use those eigenvectors as a basis. divergence of ξ.Thisphasetransitionhasbeen The Hamiltonian operator for the standard observed experimentally in a LiHoF4 magnet [BRA]. 1-dimensional quantum Ising model is given by One might wonder why an external magnetic ˆ z z x field is included by default in the quantum case (Eq.2) H K "Sj Sj 1 gxSj #. ! + = − j + but not in the classical case. The reason for this In the quantum statistical ensemble one assigns is a correspondence between the classical models probabilities to the eigenvectors of Hˆ weighted by and the quantum models of one lower dimen- the corresponding energy eigenvalues. This then sion. The quantum model includes a notion of defines, via the Boltzmann distribution again, a time evolution of an observable according to the Schrödinger equation, and the correspondence in- 2For more details on this model, see, for example, [MW 73] volves interpreting one of the classical dimensions or [DFMS, Chap. 12]. as imaginary time in the quantum model. Under

1056 Notices of the AMS Volume 58,Number8 this correspondence, the classical interaction in the spatial directions gives the quantum ferro- magnetic term, while interactions in the imaginary time direction give the external field term (see [Sa, §2.1.3] for details). Although there are some important differences in the physical interpretation on each side, the classical-quantum correspondence allows various calculations to be carried over from one case to the other. For example, the critical behavior of the 1- dimensional transverse-field quantum Ising model (Eq.2) at zero temperature, with the transverse field parameter tuned to the critical value gx 1, can be = “mapped” onto equivalent physics for the classical 2-dimensional Ising model (Eq.1) at a nonzero (A) Experimental data at 40mK temperature. The latter case is the famous phase transition of the 2-dimensional classical model, which was discovered by Peierls and later solved exactly by Onsager [O].

Adapting the Model to the Magnet The actual magnet used in the experiment is not quite modeled by the quantum Ising Hamiltonian

(Eq.2). In the ferromagnetic regime (gx < 1), weak couplings between the magnetic chains create an effective magnetic field pointing along the preferential axis [CT]. The relevant model for the experiment is thus (B) Calculated ˆ z z x z (Eq.3) H K "Sj Sj 1 gxSj gzSj #, = − ! + + + Figure 2. Comparison of excitations under no j external magnetic field: experimental (top) z which is just (Eq.2) with an additional term gz Sj versus predictions based on the 1-dimensional representing this internal magnetic field. model (bottom). (Figure adapted from [CTW+]with The first phase of the cobalt niobate experiment permission of AAAS.) tested the appropriateness of (Eq.3) as a model for the magnetic dynamics in the absence of an external magnetic field, i.e., with gx 0. The = 8 experimental evidence does support the claim (2) The E8 lattice, which is the subgroup of R that this 3-dimensional object is behaving as (additively) generated by the . a1-dimensionalmagneticsystem.Forexample, (3) A complex Lie group—in particular, a

Figure 2 shows a comparison of the experimental closed subgroup of GL248(C)—that is excitation energies (as a function of wave vector) simple and 248-dimensional. to theoretical predictions from the 1-dimensional There are also three simple real Lie groups— model. The presence of a sequence of well-defined meaning in particular that they are closed sub- and closely spaced energy levels, as shown in these groups of GL (R)—whose complexification is the pictures, is predicted only in dimension 1. 248 complex Lie group from (3). (The fact that there are exactly three is part of Elie Cartan’s classification What Is E8? of simple real Lie groups; see [Se 02, §II.4.5] for an Before we explain how the rather simple quantum outline of a modern proof.) They are: Ising model from the previous sections leads to a theory involving E8,wehadbetternaildownwhat (4) The split real E8.ThisistheformofE8 that it means to speak of “E8”. It’s an ambiguous term, one can define easily over any field or even with at least the following six common meanings: over an arbitrary scheme. Its Killing form

(1) The root system of type E8. This is a collec- has signature 8. 8 tion of 240 points, called roots,inR .The (5) The compact real E8,whichistheunique

usual publicity photo for E8 (reproduced largest subgroup of the complex E8 that is in Figure 3A) is the orthogonal projection compact as a topological space. Its Killing of the root system onto a copy of R2 in R8. form has signature 248. −

September 2011 Notices of the AMS 1057 split real E8. The other frenzy was sparked by the manuscript [L]. The E8 referred to in [L] is clearly meant to be one of the real forms, but the manuscript contains too many contradictory statements to be sure which one3,andinanycase the whole idea has serious difficulties as explained in [DG].

Groups Versus Algebras Throughout this article we conflate a real Lie group G,whichisamanifold,withitsLiealgebrag,which is the tangent space to G at the identity and is a real vector space endowed with a nonassociative multiplication. This identification is essentially harmless and is standard in physics. Even when (A) The popular picture physicists discuss symmetry “groups”, they are frequently interested in symmetries that hold only in a local sense, and so the Lie algebra is actually the more relevant object.

Real Versus Complex Moreover, physicists typically compute within the complexification g C of g.Thisisthecomplex vector space with⊗ elements of the form x iy for x, y g,wherecomplexconjugationacts+ via x iy∈ ! x iy.Notethatonecanrecover g as the+ subspace− of elements fixed by complex conjugation. Therefore, morally speaking, working with the R-algebra g (as mathematicians often do) amounts to the same as working with g C together ⊗ (B) Vertices only with complex conjugation (as physicists do). This is an example of the general theory of Galois Figure 3. The top panel (A) is the picture of E8 descent as outlined in, e.g., [J 79, §X.2] or [Se 79, that one finds in the popular press. Deleting §X.2]. some edges leaves you with the frontispiece of [Cox]. (Image courtesy of John Stembridge [St].) From the Ising Model to E8 The bottom panel (B) is the same picture with What possible relevance could a 248-dimensional the edges removed; it is the image of the root algebra have for a discrete one-dimensional statis- system of E8 in a Coxeter plane. tical physics model? This is a long and interesting story, and we can only give a few highlights here. As we mentioned above, the 1-dimensional (6) The remaining real form of E8 is sometimes quantum Ising model from (Eq.2) undergoes a called “quaternionic”. Its Killing form has phase transition at zero temperature at the criti- signature 24. cal value of the transverse magnetic field strength. − In physics, the split real E8 appears in super- If the system is close to this critical point, the cor- gravity [MS] and the compact real E8 appears in relation length (described in the section “The Ising heterotic string theory [GHMR]. These two appear- Model” in this article) will be very large compared ances in physics, however, are purely theoretical; with the lattice spacing, and so we can assume that the models in which they appear are not yet subject the discrete spins vary smoothly across nearby lat- to experiment. It is the compact real E8 (or, more tice sites. In this regime we can thus effectively precisely, the associated Lie algebra) that appears 3 in the context of the cobalt niobate experiment, There are three places in [L] where a particular form of making this the first actual experiment to detect a E8 might be specified. At the top of page 18 is a form con- F phenomenon that could be modeled using E . taining a product of the nonsplit, noncompact form of 4 8 and the compact G ;thereforeitisthesplitrealE by There have also been two recent frenzies in 2 8 [J 71, p. 118] or [GaS, §3].TheformofE8 described in the popular press concerning E8.Oneconcerned the middle of page 21 is supposed to contain a copy of the computation of the Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan so(7, 1) so(8),butthereisnosuchrealformofE8.Fi- ⊕ polynomials which you can read about in the nally, on page 29, the quaternionic E8 is mentioned in the prizewinning paper [V]; that work involved the text.

1058 Notices of the AMS Volume 58,Number8 model the system using continuous “field” vari- Of course, the appearance of E8 here is some- ables, i.e., using quantum field theory. For the what incidental. The minimal model could be 1-dimensional quantum Ising model, the corre- described purely in terms of Virasoro representa- sponding continuous theory is a quantum field tions, without reference to either su(2) or E8.As theory of free, spinless fermionic particles in 1+1 we explain below, E8 takes center stage only when space-time dimensions. we consider a perturbation of the critical Ising To understand what happens as the critical model as in (Eq.3). point is approached, one can apply “scaling” transformations that dilate the macroscopic length Magnetic Perturbation and scales (e.g., the correlation length) while keeping Zamolodchikov’s Calculation the microscopic lengths (e.g., the lattice spacing) In a 1989 article [Z], Zamolodchikov investigated unchanged. (See, e.g., [Sa, §4.3] for a more thor- the field theory for a model equivalent to the ough explanation of this.) The limiting theory at 1-dimensional quantum Ising model (Eq.2), in the the critical point should then appear as a fixed vicinity of the critical point, but perturbed by a point for these transformations, called the scal- small magnetic field directed along the preferen- ing limit. Polyakov famously argued in [P] that the tial spin axis. In other words, he considered the scaling limit should be distinguished by invariance field theory model corresponding to (Eq.3) with with respect to local conformal transformations. gx 1andgz very small. Note the change of This paper established the link between the study ≈ of phase transitions and conformal field theory perspective: for Zamolodchikov gx is fixed, and (CFT). the perturbation consists of a small change in the In [BPZ], Belavin, Polyakov, and Zamolodchikov value of gz.Butinthecobaltniobateexperiment, showed that certain simple CFTs called minimal this magnetic “perturbation” is already built in—it models could be solved completely in terms of is the purely internal effect arising from the inter- (and so are determined by) a Hilbert space made chain interactions as we described in the section of a finite number of “discrete series” (unitary, ir- “Adapting the Model to the Magnet”. The experi- reducible) representations of the Virasoro algebra, menters can’t control the strength of the internal see [He, Chap. 2] or [DFMS, Chap. 7] for more de- field, they only vary gx.Fortunately,theinternal tails. These representations are characterized by magnetic field gz turns out to be relatively weak, the eigenvalue c assigned to the central element, so when the external field gx is tuned close to the called the central charge,whichcanbecomputed critical value, the experimental model matches the directly from the scaling limit of the statistical situation considered by Zamolodchidkov. model. This works out beautifully in the case of The qualitative features of the particle spectrum the critical 1-dimensional quantum Ising model: for the magnetically perturbed Ising model had In that case, the central charge is c 1/2, the min- been predicted by McCoy and Wu [MW 78]. Those imal model is built from the three= discrete series earlier calculations show a large number of stable representations of the Virasoro algebra with that particles for small gx,withthenumberdecreasing central charge, and this CFT exactly matches the as gx approaches 1. Zamolodchikov’s paper makes Ising phase transition; see [BPZ, App. E], [DFMS, some predictions for the masses of these particles §7.4.2], or [Mu, §14.2] for details. at gx 1. = The discrete series representations mentioned As we noted above, the c 1/2minimalmodel above are described by c and another parameter is the conformal field theory= associated with the h which have some relations between them, and phase transition of the unperturbed quantum Ising there are tight constraints on the possible values model. The perturbed field theory is no longer a of c and h to be unitary [FQS]. To prove that all conformal field theory, but Zamolodchikov found of these values of c and h indeed correspond to six local integrals of motion for the perturbed field irreducible unitary representations, one employs theory and conjectured that these were the start the coset construction of Goddard, Kent, and Olive; of an infinite series. On this basis, he made the see [GKO] or [DFMS, Chap. 18]. This construc- fundamental conjecture: tion produces such representations by restricting (Z1) The perturbation gives an integrable field representations of an affine Lie algebra, i.e., a cen- theory. tral extension of the (infinite-dimensional) loop algebra of a compact Lie algebra g.Usingthe One implication of (Z1) is that the resulting scat- coset construction, there are two ways to obtain tering theory should be “purely elastic”, meaning the c 1/2minimalmodelthatappliestoour that the number of particles and their individ- zero-field= Ising model: we could use either of the ual momenta would be conserved asymptotically. compact Lie algebras su(2) or E8 as the base g Zamolodchikov combined this purely elastic scat- for the affine Lie algebra [DFMS, §18.3, §18.4.1]. tering assumption with three rather mild assump- These two algebras are the only choices that lead tions on the particle interactions of the theory [Z, to c 1/2[Mu,§14.2]. p. 4236]: =

September 2011 Notices of the AMS 1059 π (Z2) There are at least 2 particles, say p1 and m2 2cos 5 m1 1.618m1 p . = π ≈ 2 m 2cos m 1.989m (Z3) Both p and p appear as bound-state poles 3 30 1 1 1 2 = π 7π ≈ m4 2cos cos m1 2.405m1 on the scattering amplitude for two p1’s. = 5 30 ≈ (Z4) The particle p appears as a bound-state π 2π 1 m5 4cos 5 cos 15 m1 2.956m1 pole in the scattering amplitude between = π π ≈ m6 4cos cos m1 3.218m1 = 5 30 ≈ p1 and p2. π 2 7π m7 8(cos ) cos m1 3.891m1 Assumptions (Z3) and (Z4) merely assert that = 5 30 ≈ π 2 2π m8 8(cos ) cos m1 4.783m1 certain coupling constants that govern the inter- = 5 15 ≈ particle interactions are nonzero, so they could be viewed as an assumption of some minimum level Table 1. The masses of the particles predicted of interaction between the two particles. by Zamolodchikov. The word “particle” bears some explaining here, because it is being used here in the sense of quan- tum field theory: a stable excitation of the system integrable field theory could have a model based

with distinguishable particle-like features such as on E8,andinfactsuchaconnectionwithE8 had mass and momentum. However, it is important to already been proposed by Fateev based on other note that the continuum limit of the Ising model theoretical considerations [Z, pp. 4247, 4248]. is made to look like a field theory only through the application of a certain transformation (Jordan- Affine Toda Field Theory Wigner; see [Sa, §4.2]) that makes “kink” states Soon after Zamolodchikov’s first paper appeared, (boundaries between regions of differing spin) the Fateev and Zamolodchikov conjectured in [FZ] that basic objects of the theory. So Zamolodchikov’s if you take a minimal model CFT constructed from particles aren’t electrons or ions. The field the- acompactLiealgebrag via the coset construction ory excitations presumably correspond to highly and perturb it in a particular way, then you obtain complicated aggregate spin states of the original the affine Toda field theory (ATFT) associated with system. On the statistical physics side the usual g,whichisanintegrablefieldtheory.Thiswas term for this kind of excitation is quasiparticle.In the experiment these quasiparticles are detected confirmed in [EY] and [HoM]. If you do this with g E8,youarriveatthe just as ordinary particles would be, by measuring = the reaction to a beam of neutrons. conjectured integrable field theory investigated From the mild assumptions (Z2)–(Z4), Zamolod- by Zamolodchikov and described in the previous chikov showed that the simplest purely elastic paragraph. That is, if we take the E8 ATFT as scattering theory consistent with the integrals of astartingpoint,thentheassumptions(Z1)–(Z4) motion contains eight particles with masses listed become deductions. This is the essential role of E8 in Table 1. (See [He, §14.3] for more background in the numerical predictions relevant to the cobalt on these calculations.) These predictions were niobate experiment. (In the next section, we will quickly corroborated by computational methods, explain how the masses that Zamolodchikov found through numerical diagonalization of the Hamil- arise naturally in terms of the algebra structure. tonian (Eq.3); see [HeS] or [SZ]. In Table 1, m1 and But that is just a bonus.) m2 are the masses of the two original particles p1 and p2.Notethatonlytheratiosofthemasses, What Is the Role of E8 in the Affine Toda Field such as m2/m1,arepredicted;inthediscrete Theory?

model (Eq.3) the individual masses would depend To say the ATFT in question is “associated” with E8 on the overall length of the lattice, and in passing leaves open a range of possible interpretations, so to the scaling limit we give up this information. we should spell out precisely what this means. The Zamolodchikov’s results give some indications ATFT construction from a compact Lie algebra g of a connection with the algebra or root system proceeds by choosing a Cartan subalgebra4 h in g— E8.Thespinsofthesixintegralsofmotionhe it is a real inner product space with inner product calculated were the Killing form (, )and is isomorphic to R8 in the

s 1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19. case g E8.Letφ be a scalar field in 2-dimensional = Minkowski= space-time, taking values in h.Thenthe The conjecture is that this is the start of a sequence of integrals of motion whose spins include all Lagrangian density for the affine Toda field theory values of s relatively prime to 30. These numbers is are suggestive because 30 is the Coxeter number 1 µ βφ βφ (Eq.4) (∂µ φ, ∂ φ) (e Ee− , E), of E8 and the remainders of these numbers modulo 2 − 30 are the exponents of E8 (see, for example, [Bo] for a definition of Coxeter number and exponent). 4It doesn’t matter which one you choose, because any one This was taken as a hint that the conjectured can be mapped to any other via some automorphism of g.

1060 Notices of the AMS Volume 58,Number8 where β is a coupling constant. Here E is a regular these finite-dimensional Lie algebras that appear semisimple element of g C that commutes with in the ATFT. its complex conjugate E.Moreprecisely,for⊗ x h 2π∈ix/h aprincipalregularelement,conjugationbye What about and ? with h the Coxeter number of g gives a Z/h-grading So far, we have explained why it is E8 that is related on g C,andtheelementE belongs to the e2πi/h- ⊗ to the cobalt niobate experiment. This prompts eigenspace. (Said differently, the centralizer of E the question: given a simple compact real Lie al- C is a Cartan subalgebra of g in apposition to gebra g, does it give a theory describing some h C in the sense of [K 59, p.⊗ 1018].) ⊗ other physical setup? Or, to put it differently, The structure of E8 thus enters into the basic what is the physical setup that corresponds to a definitions of the fields and their interactions. theoretical model involving, say, E6 or E7?Infact, However, E8 does not act by symmetries on this the field theories based on these other algebras do set of fields. have interesting connections to statistical mod- els. For example, E Toda field theory describes E 7 Why Is It 8 That Leads to Zamolodchikov’s the thermal perturbation of the tricritical Ising Theory? model and the E6 theory the thermal deformation We opened this section by asserting that perturb- of the tricritical three-state Potts model. These ing a minimal model CFT constructed from g via other models are easily distinguished from the the coset construction leads to an ATFT associ- magnetically perturbed Ising model by their cen- ated with g.Forthisassociationtomakesense, tral charges. It will be interesting to see whether the perturbing field is required to have “conformal physicists can come up with ways to probe these dimension” 2/(h 2).Thetwocosetmodelsfor other models experimentally. The E model might + 7 the Ising model give us two possible perturbation be easiest—the unperturbed, CFT version has al- theories. Starting from su(2),whichhash 2, we ready been realized, for example, in the form of = could perturb using the field of conformal dimen- helium atoms on krypton-plated graphite [TFV]. sion 1/2, which is the energy. This perturbation amounts to raising the temperature away from The Zamolodchikov Masses and E8’s zero, which falls within the traditional framework Publicity Photo of the Ising model and is well understood. Translating Zamolodchikov’s theory into the lan- The other choice is to start from E ,whichhas 8 guage of affine Toda field theory provides a way h 30, and perturb using the field of confor- to transform his calculation of the particle masses mal= dimension 1/16, which is the magnetic field listed in Table 1 into the solution of a rather easy along the preferential axis.5 This is exactly the system of linear equations, and that in turn is con- perturbation that Zamolodchikov considered in nected to the popular image of the E root system his original paper. This means that if an ATFT is 8 from Figure 3A. These are connections that work used to describe the magnetically perturbed Ising for a general ATFT, and we will now describe them model, we have no latitude in the choice of a Lie in that level of generality. algebra: it must be E . 8 An ATFT is based on a compact semisimple real Lie algebra g,suchastheLiealgebraof Why Is It the Compact Form of E8? the compact real E8.Weassumefurtherthatthis As Folland noted recently in [Fo], physicists tend algebra is simple and is not su(2).Thenfromg to think of Lie algebras in terms of generators and we obtain a simple root system R spanning R' for relations, without even specifying a background some ' 2; this is canonically identified with the field if they can help it. So it can be difficult to ≥ dual h∗ of the Cartan subalgebra mentioned at the judge from the appearance of a Lie algebra in the end of the previous section. physics literature whether any particular form of We briefly explain how to make a picture like the algebra is being singled out. Figure 3B for R. (For background on the vocabulary Nevertheless, the algebras appearing here are used here, please see [Bo] or [Ca].) Pick a set B the compact ones. The reason is that the minimal of simple roots in R.Foreachβ R,writesβ model CFTs involve unitary representations of the for the reflection in the hyperplane∈ orthogonal Virasoro algebra. The coset construction shows to β.Theproductw : s with respect $β B β that these come from representations of affine to any fixed ordering of= B is∈ called a Coxeter Lie algebras that are themselves constructed from element,anditscharacteristicpolynomialhas compact finite-dimensional algebras. And it is m(x) : x2 2cos(2π/h)x 1asasimplefactor [Bo, VI.1.11,= − Prop. 30], where+ h is the Coxeter 5The conformal dimension of the magnetic field is fixed by the model. It corresponds to the well-known critical ex- number of R.Theprimarydecompositiontheorem ' ponent 1/8 that governs the behavior of the spontaneous gives a uniquely determined plane P in R on which magnetization of the Ising model as the critical point is w restricts to have minimal polynomial m(x),i.e., approached. is a rotation through 2π/h—we call P the Coxeter

September 2011 Notices of the AMS 1061 plane for w.ThepictureinFigure3Bistheimage ' 20 10 0 0 0 0 of R under the orthogonal projection π : R P   → 020− 10 0 0 0 in the case where R E8.WeremarkthatwhileP =  −  depends on the choice of w,allCoxeterelements  10 2 10 0 0 0 − −  are conjugate under the orthogonal group [Ca,  0 1 12 10 0 0  − − −   000 12 10 0 10.3.1], so none of the geometric features of π(R)  − −   0000 12 10 are changed if we vary w,andwewillrefertoP as  − −   00000 12 1 simply a Coxeter plane for R.  − −   000000 12 In Figure 3B, the image of R lies on eight − concentric circles. This is a general feature of the (A) projection in P and is not special to the case +m2 m4 m6 m8 m7 m5 m3 m1, R E8.Indeed,theactionofw partitions R into ' orbits= of h elements each [Bo, VI.1.11, Prop. 33(iv)], (B) and w acts on P as a rotation. So the image of R Figure 4. The Cartan matrix (A) for the root necessarily lies on ' circles. system E8 and a Perron-Frobenius eigenvector The relationship between the circles in Figure (B), where the entries are as in Table 1. 3B and physics is given by the following theorem. Theorem. Let g be a compact simple Lie algebra that is not su(2),andwriteR for its root system. 1 ,andonepicksw to be a corresponding Cox- For an affine Toda field theory constructed from g, {±eter} element as in [Ca, §10.4]. Conveniently, the the following multisets are the same, up to scaling elements σ (β)β for β B are representatives of by a positive real number: the orbits of w on R;see[K85,p.250,(6.9.2)]∈ (1) The (classical) masses of the particles in the or [FLO, p. 91]. It is elementary to find the inner affine Toda theory. products of π(σ (β)β) with the basis vectors for P (2) The radii of the circles containing the pro- given in [Ca, §10.4], hence the radius of the circle jection of R in a Coxeter plane. containing π(σ (β)β).TheentriesofthePerron- (3) The entries in a Perron-Frobenius eigenvec- Frobenius eigenvector appear naturally, because tor for a Cartan matrix of R. these entries are part of the expressions for the basis vectors for P. The terms in (3) may need some explanation. Alternatively, Kostant shows the equivalence of The restriction of the inner product on R' to R (1) and (2) in [K 10] using Lie algebras. ! is encoded by an '-by-' integer matrix C,called the Cartan matrix of R.Youcanfindthematrix There is a deeper connection between the parti- for R E8 in Figure 4A. We know a lot about the cles in the ATFT and the roots in the root system. = Cartan matrix, no matter which R one chooses—for Physicists identify the w-orbits in the root system example, its eigenvalues are all real and lie in the with particles in the ATFT. The rule for the cou- interval (0, 4),see[BLM,Th.2].Further,thematrix pling of particles in a scattering experiment (called 2 C has all nonnegative entries and is irreducible a“fusing”rule)isthatthescatteringamplitude in− the sense of the Perron-Frobenius theorem, so its for two particles 1 and 2 has a bound-state pole largest eigenvalue—hence the smallest eigenvalue corresponding toΩ 3 if andΩ only if there are roots of C—has a 1-dimensional eigenspace spanned ' ρi i so that ρ1 Ωρ2 ρ3 0inR ; see [Do] and ( ∈ + + = by a vector x with all positive entries. (Such an [FLO].Ω This leads to a “Clebsch-Gordan” necessary eigenvector is exhibited in Figure 4B for the case condition for the coupling of particles; see [Br]. R E8.) This x( is the vector in (3), and it is an We remark that these fusing rules are currently = 2 eigenvector of C with eigenvalue 4 sin (π/2h),so only theoretical—it is not clear how they could be calculating x( amounts to solving an easy system tested experimentally. of linear equations. Sketch of Proof. The theorem above has been Back to the Experiment known to physicists since the early 1990s; here Let’s get back to the cobalt niobate experiment. is a gloss of the literature. Freeman showed that As we noted above, when the external magnetic (1) and (3) are equivalent in [Fr]. We omit his field is very close to the critical value that in- argument, which amounts to computations in the duces the phase transition, it was expected that complex Lie algebra g C,butitisworthnoting the experimental system would be modeled by that his proof does rely⊗ on g being compact. the critical 1-dimensional quantum Ising model The equivalence of (2) and (3) can be proved perturbed by a small magnetic field directed along entirely in the language of root systems and fi- the preferential axis. This model is the subject nite reflection groups; see, for example, [FLO] or of Zamolodchikov’s perturbation theory, and the [Cor, §2]. The (a graph with ver- resulting field theory has been identified as the E8 tex set B)isatree,soithasa2-coloringσ : B ATFT. →

1062 Notices of the AMS Volume 58,Number8 To test this association, the experimenters con- critical value (about 5.5 T) is approached, just as ducted neutron scattering experiments on the Zamolodchikov predicted twenty years earlier. magnet. Figure 5A shows an intensity plot of scat- tered neutrons averaged over a range of scattering angles. Observations were actually made at a series of external field strengths, from 4.0 tesla (T) to 5.0 T, with the second peak better resolved at the lower energies. Both peaks track continuously as the field strength is varied. Figure 5A represents the highest field strength at which the second peak could be resolved.

Figure 6. The ratio m2/m1 of the masses of the two lightest particles approaches the golden ratio as the transverse magnetic field approaches critical strength of 5.5 tesla. (Figure adapted from [CTW+] with permission of AAAS.)

We can also compare the relative intensities of the first two mass peaks to the theoretical pre- dictions exhibited in Figure 5B. Here again we see (A) Masses detected approximate agreement between the observations and theoretical predictions. The figure shows a threshold at 2m1,whereacontinuousspectrumis generated by the scattering of the lightest particle with itself. Particles with masses at or above this threshold will be very difficult to detect, as their energy signature is expected to consist of rather small peaks that overlap with the 2m1 contin- uum.6 Hence the fact that only two particles out of eight were observed is again consistent with the theoretical model.

Experimental Evidence for E8 Symmetry? (B) Predictions We can now finally address the question from Figure 5. The top panel (A) is an example the title of this paper, slightly rephrased: Did the E intensity plot, exhibiting the two detected experimenters detect 8?First,weshouldsaythat masses under a transverse magnetic field of 5 they themselves do not claim to have done so. tesla, 90% of the critical strength. (Figure Rather, they claim to have found experimental evi- dence for the theory developed by Zamolodchikov adapted from [CTW+ with permission of AAAS].) The bottom panel (B) shows the relative intensities et al. and described above—which we shall call be- obtained from the form factors computed in low simply Zamolodchikov’s theory—and that this E [DM, p. 741, Table 3]. The axes have the same in turn means giving evidence for 8 symmetry. labels as in the top panel. The dotted vertical The argument for these claims goes as follows. E line marks the onset of the incoherent The 8 ATFT is an integrable field theory de- continuum. scribing the magnetically perturbed Ising model (Eq.3) and satisfying (Z1)–(Z4). In that situa- tion, Zamolodchikov and Delfino-Mussardo made some numerical predictions regarding the relative The two peaks give evidence of the existence masses of the particles and relative intensities of at least two particles in the system, which was one of Zamolodchikov’s core assumptions. 6Possibly because of this, the region above this threshold And, indeed, the ratio of the masses appears to has been called the “incoherent continuum”, a suggestive approach the golden ratio—see Figure 6—as the and Lovecraftian term.

September 2011 Notices of the AMS 1063 of the scattering peaks. The experimental data physics that are based on similar sorts of indirect show two peaks, but the second peak is resolved evidence. To give just one example of such a result, only at lower energies. The ratios of masses and the reported observations of the top quark in intensities are certainly consistent with the theo- [A+ 95a] and [A+ 95b] were not direct observations retical predictions, although the ratios appear to but rather confirmations of theoretical predictions be measured only rather roughly. made under the assumption that the top quark At this point, we want to address three objec- exists. tions to this line of argument that we heard when giving talks on the subject. Objection #3: The Numerical Predictions Don’t Require E8 Objection #1: Confirmatory Experimental If you examine the papers [Z] by Zamolodchikov Results Are Not Evidence and [DM] by Delfino and Mussardo, you see that We heard the following objection: experiments the numerical predictions are made without in- can never provide evidence for a scientific theory; voking E8. At this point, one might object that E8 they can only provide evidence against it. (This is not strictly necessary for the theoretical model. viewpoint is known as falsificationism.) This is But, as we explained in the section “Magnetic Per- of course preposterous. Science progresses only turbation and Zamolodchikov’s Calculation”, the through the acceptance of theories that have role of E8 in the theory is that by employing it, survived enough good experimental tests, even Zamolodchikov’s assumption (Z1) is turned into a if the words “enough” and “good” are open to deduction.Thatis,byincludingE8,wereducethe subjective interpretations. number of assumptions and achieve a more con- Alessextremeversionofthissameobjec- cise theoretical model. Moreover, the E8 version of tion is: confirmatory experimental results are the theory justifies the amazing numerological co- automatically suspect in view of notorious his- incidences between Zamolodchikov’s calculations torical examples of experimenter’s bias such as and the E8 root system. cold fusion and N-rays. This sort of objection

is better addressed to the experimental physics Evidence for E8 Symmetry? community, which as a whole is familiar with Finally, we should address the distinction between these specific examples and with the general issue “detecting E ”and“findingevidenceforE sym- of experimenter’s bias. As far as we know, no 8 8 metry”. Although the former is pithier, we’re only such criticisms have been raised concerning the talking about the latter here. The reason is that, as methods described in [CTW ]. + far as we know, there is no direct correspondence between E and any physical object. This is in con- Objection #2: It Still Doesn’t Seem Like Enough 8 trast, for example, to the case of the gauge group Data SU(3) of the strong force in the standard model Recall that the experimental results can be sum- in particle physics. One can meaningfully identify marized as a limited set of numbers that approx- basis vectors of the Lie algebra su(3) with gluons, imately agree with the theoretical predictions. the mediators of the strong force, which have been Based on this, we have heard the following objec- observed in the laboratory. With this distinction tion: if you start by looking at this small amount in mind, our view is that the experiment cannot be of data, how can you claim to have pinned down said to have detected E8 but that it has provided something as complex as E8?Thisquestioncon- evidence for Zamolodchikov’s theory and hence tains its own answer. One doesn’t analyze the for E8 symmetry as claimed in [CTW+]. results of the experiment by examining the data, divorced from all previous experience and theoret- Summary ical framework. Instead, humanity already knows The experiment with the cobalt niobate magnet alotaboutso-calledcriticalpointphenomena,7 consisted of two phases. In the first phase, the and there is a substantial theoretical model that is experimenters verified that in the absence of an expected to describe the behavior of the magnet. external magnetic field, the 1-dimensional quan- The experiment described in [CTW ]wasatest + tum Ising model (Eq.3) accurately describes the of the relevance and accuracy of Zamolodchikov’s spin dynamics, as predicted by theorists. In the theory, not an investigation of magnets beginning second phase, the experimenters added an exter- from no knowledge at all. nal magnetic field directed transverse to the spins’ To put it another way, someone who approaches preferred axis and tuned this field close to the value science from the viewpoint of this objector would required to reach the quantum critical regime. In necessarily reject many results from experimental that situation, Zamolodchikov et al. had predicted 7See, for example, the twenty-volume series Phase Tran- the existence of eight distinct types of particles in sitions and Critical Phenomena edited by C. Domb and afieldtheorygovernedbythecompactLiealgebra J. L. Lebowitz. E8. The experimenters observed the two smallest

1064 Notices of the AMS Volume 58,Number8 particles and confirmed two numerical predic- chain: Experimental evidence for emergent E8 tions: the ratio of the masses of the two smallest symmetry, Science 327 (2010), 177–180. particles (predicted by Zamolodchikov) and the [DFMS] P. Di Francesco, P. Mathieu,and ratio of the intensities corresponding to those two D. Sénéchal, Conformal Field Theory, Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics, particles (predicted by Delfino-Mussardo). Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997. E In this article, we have focused on the 8 [DG] J. Distler and S. Garibaldi,Thereisno“The- side of the story because E is a mathematical 8 ory of Everything” inside E8, Comm. Math. Phys. celebrity. But there is a serious scientific reason 298 (2010), 419–436. to be interested in the experiment apart from E8: [DM] G. Delfino and G. Mussardo,Thespin-spin it is the first experimental test of the perturbed correlation function in the two-dimensional Ising model in a magnetic field at T Tc , conformal field theory constructed by Zamolod- = chikov around 1990. Also, it is the first laboratory Nuclear Phys. B 455 (1995), 724–758. P. Dorey realization of the critical state of the quantum [Do] ,RootsystemsandpurelyelasticS- matrices, Nuclear Phys. B 358 (1991), no. 3, 1-dimensional Ising model in such a way that 654–676. it can be manipulated—the experimenters can [EY] T. Eguchi and S.-K. Yang,Deformationsof continuously vary the transverse field strength gx conformal field theories and soliton equations, in (Eq.3) across a wide range while preserving the Phys. Lett. B 224 (1989), no. 4, 373–378. 1-dimensional character—and the results ob- [FLO] A. Fring, H. C. Liao,andD. I. Olive,Themass served directly. 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1066 Notices of the AMS Volume 58,Number8 Employment Center

About the Cover The magical Coxeter transformation This month’s cover was suggested by David Borth- wick and Skip Garibaldi’s article on the root system E8 in this issue. A finite is a subgroup of an orthogonal group O(n) generated by reflections. Its fundamental domain is a simplicial cone cut- ting out a spherical simplex, and its transforms

are called chambers. The set of reflections si in the n walls of one of these generate the group. Any product s …s of distinct reflections is called i1 i n a Coxeter transformation, and its conjugacy class is independent of the order in which the product is taken. The order h of any of these is called the Coxeter number of the group. The Coxeter plane in Rn is one on which a given Coxeter transforma- tion acts by rotation through 2π/h. The cover illustrates how this works for the isometry group of the , for which h=10. The colored triangles illustrate how the action of a Coxeter for further advice, information, and program updates at transformation on certain equatorial chambers, tracking along what Coxeter called a of the icosahedron. The chambers of a given color Applicants: How to Register form the orbit of the transformation. • Early registration is vital since most employers will The Weyl group of any integral root system is finalize schedules before arriving in Boston. a Coxeter group, and Borthwick and Garibaldi’s • Register for the JMM by completing a meeting reg- article explains how the lengths of the projection istration form and paying a meeting registration fee. No of roots onto a Coxeter plane is related to both the admittance without a meeting badge. masses of a certain physical system as well as the • Create an Applicant account on the Employment Cen- eigenvectors of the Cartan matrix of the system. ter by using your account. Review job ads To an arbitrary Coxeter group is associated a set with the “EC” logo, upload documents, and apply for jobs. of roots equal to the normalized perpendiculars to There are no Employment Center fees for appli- chamber walls. A Coxeter transformation acts sim- cants; however, admission to the Employment Center ply on the roots. For the icosahedron there are 30 room requires a 2012 JMM badge, obtainable by reg- roots and therefore 3 orbits, which project to three istering (and paying a fee) for the Joint Mathematics circles in the cover figure. The associated Cartan Meetings. To register for the meeting, go to http:// ( α , α ) α matrix is ! i j " , where i gives rise to si. As far as I can tell the literature does not point out that the national/jmm2012/2138_intro. relation between the root projection lengths and It is possible to attend one or more privately arranged the Cartan matrix is valid for non-crystallographic interviews without official Employment Center registra- groups, but it can be experimentally verified for tion, however, a meeting badge is required to access the the exceptional groups H3 and H4. interview room. Properties of Coxeter transformation are well For complete information, visit known, but they are still capable of offering emp-reg/. surprises. They do not seem yet to be perfectly Questions about the Employment Center registration understood. and participation can be directed to Steve Ferrucci, AMS —Bill Casselman Membership and Programs Department, at 800-321-4267, Graphics Editor ext. 4113, or by e-mail to [email protected]. ([email protected])