Chairman’s Report June 2015

May was an exciting month, as nationally we awaited the impact of the elections on NHS policy and locally we held a number of high profile events for staff and clinicians.

As far as health’s concerned, last week’s Queen's speech reinforced the new Government's pre-election commitments.

The main policy priorities continue to be around seven-day services (including Primary Care), the integration of health and social care, and two of the areas set out in the Five Year Forward View - extra funding and new models of delivery. This is consistent with the direction we’ve been following for some time.

This was reinforced, when our very own Enki Medical Practice played host to and last month. This was the first time since the election that he spoke about the Government’s plans for the NHS. I think it is interesting that the Prime Minister and Simon Stevens, NHS England’s Chief Executive, decided to launch this new phase in a primary care Simon Stevens, Chief Executive NHS England (front) together with Prime Minister setting. David Cameron visits Enki Medical Practice and talks to GPs and staff. Since the speech there has been a lot of debate in our profession about how this can be implemented, but it is encouraging that primary care is centre stage for transformation. Simon Stevens said that a more detailed plan will be shared with the NHS in the next couple of weeks, presumably at the NHS Confederation conference.

Clinical Leadership Programme On the same day as the Prime Minister’s visit (18 May), we also launched our bespoke clinical leadership programme to around 100 future GP leaders from across the West Midlands. There was a fantastic buzz during the evening.

Sir was the national guest speaker and was interviewed by one of our local GP registrars, about his leadership journey and how future leaders can inspire a shared purpose.

Sir Bruce Keogh is interviewed by Dr Sam Finnikin Bruce was able to share some fantastic


examples of how he has dealt with difficult scenarios, not only as the Medical Director of NHS England but as a former cardiothoracic surgeon. It was really heartening to hear Bruce's advice to our future leaders on the importance of keeping integrity and team work.

One of the real highlights for me was when Bruce emphasised that a strong NHS needs strong primary care leaders. We've thought it locally for a long time, but it's great to hear this is a national priority for NHS England as well.

The next session will be in July, when we will be interviewing Dr Maureen Baker, Chair of the Royal College of .

New Models of Care Last week NHS England’s new models of care team visited the Vitality Vanguard project.

The CCG was invited to attend, along with other partner organisations involved in the proposal and stakeholders and patients. Andy Williams and I jointly presented to the visiting panel, on the CCG’s delivery and our priorities for the local health system. A number of CCG colleagues also took part in workshops held during the two- From left Patient Representative from day visit. They looked at subjects such as Enki Medical Centre, Phil Lydon (CCG), finance, information governance, engaging Andy Williams (CCG) and Dr Nick Harding communities, evaluation and workforce.

A stakeholder event took place at the Nishkam Centre on Wednesday 27 May involving a wide range of stakeholders and partners who had an opportunity to talk directly to the national team about the good work that has been delivered already in this area over recent years. The team visited around a dozen stands including Right Care Right Here, Sandwell and West Hospitals NHS Trust (with their plans for Midland Met Hospital), patients groups, healthy community collaborative, Birmingham City Council, community and mental health trusts. This was an important meeting for the Vitality Vanguard project, and they are now waiting for feedback following the visit.

Primary Care Development Primary Care Development will be a key priority for the CCG this year. The modern expectations of primary care are going to mean we need to think differently and consider how we work at scale. Already many of our practices are starting to discuss the potential for new models of primary care.

As a CCG our challenge will be to bring these discussions together to help build a sustainable health and social care system that importantly delivers the best care for our patients. It’s clear that primary care will look very differently in the future and over the next


few months we will be supporting our local commissioning groups, as they drive this work forward. This is a real opportunity to create something special for primary care; which delivers a system that is fit for the future, delivers our 10 year Right Care Right Here promise and above all improves care for our patients.

Staff Protected Learning Time Last month we held our first Protected Learning Time (PLT) event for staff. It’s hard to believe that we now have around 180 staff working in the CCG. These events will be quarterly and are an opportunity to inform and involve staff in our work.

I was really pleased to see that patients were at the heart of the PLT. There was a strong message delivered, that every single member of staff is helping to make a difference for patients.

We also launched our new staff values at the PLT. We already have a great reputation for delivering these values, so as a Governing Body we were really pleased to hear these are the values staff think we should be embodying in all our work.

Non-Emergency Patient Transport Consultation The four clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in Birmingham and Solihull have taken over responsibility for funding non-emergency patient transport services.

Currently there are different contracts and standards in place at each of the NHS trusts, rather than one universal service for patients.

These contracts will be coming to an end soon and we need to make sure there is no gap in service for our patients. It also gives us the opportunity to make improvements so that there is one universal non-emergency patient transport service, which is high quality and fairer for our patients.

Led by Birmingham Cross City CCG, on behalf of all the CCGs a public consultation is taking place to seek the public's views on non-emergency transport services. There are a number of events organised across Birmingham, and an online survey is available on our website. Please have your say before the consultation closes on the 21 August 2015.

360 Stakeholder Review Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this year’s 360 stakeholder survey, around 68% of stakeholders responded. This is an essential part of our assurance review with NHS England.

Initial feedback seems positive, and shows that: • Communication and engagement has improved • We have raised the profile of quality, with continued quality improvements • More people have increased confidence that we will deliver our plans and priorities


• Clinical leadership remains high, though it did drop slightly from 79% to 77%, so we need to look at this We’ve produced a short infographic to show the results of the survey. We are now reviewing the feedback to develop an action plan, so we can be even better for next year.

A&E Performance Over the past few weeks it’s been pleasing to see A&E performance improving at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals Trust. It’s all down to a major exercise the Trust has been running in urgent care, and they’ve had good support from us and local council colleagues to help make this happen. We now need to see this performance sustained.

Migrant Health Over the last 18 months we have undertaken a pilot programme to improve migrant access to GP services through improved access to information, training and better engagement between GP practices and the local voluntary and community sector.

The new NHS overseas visitors charging regulations came into force from the 6 April 2015 and the Immigration Health surcharge for non-EEA nationals was also introduced from this date.

An event has been organised in Birmingham for the 3 July, to give an opportunity for commissioners and providers in health, local government, health and wellbeing boards and the voluntary and community sector to understand these changes, have clarity on migrant and vulnerable groups’ entitlement to health care and consider the implications of these changes on local health priorities and work to reduce health inequalities in their areas. See the website for more information.

Consultation Launch - Changes to Birmingham Lifestyle Services Birmingham City Council currently commissions a wide range of lifestyle services for early years, children, young people and adults.

Following recent service reviews, extensive research and stakeholder engagement they are now seeking your views on the proposed redesign of these services and the introduction of an integrated treatment and prevention system. The formal 60 day consultation began on the 13 May and ends on Friday 10 July, see our website for more details and to complete the online survey.

Information Sharing –Your Health and Care Record Birmingham City Council is working in partnership with health colleagues including hospital trusts and GPs and is progressing a shared vision and approach through the “Your Connect Care Programme”. This is developing a shared care approach to supporting vulnerable people. This work also includes how the agencies share key information on health conditions between key staff i.e. social workers, GPs and nurses as part of assessment and support planning arrangements .

An online survey has been developed to help establish what type and level of information


you agree should be shared and what should remain confidential. Please take a few moments to complete the survey at and-care-record .

Heatwave Plan The Heatwave Plan for 2015 has been issued by NHS England. The Heatwave Plan supports health, social care and voluntary organisations to respond during hot weather conditions. The overall aim is to reduce summer deaths and illness.

For tips on how to stay well in hot weather visit the NHS Choices website at A copy of the Heatwave Plan is also available on their website.

Dr Nick Harding MB ChB BSc FRCGP MFMLM HonMFPH DRCOG DOccMed PGDIP(Cardiology) Chair of Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group