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SMI CORPORATION LIMITED 星美國際集團有限公司* (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (Stock Code: 198)


This announcement is made by SMI Corporation Limited (“SMI” or the “Company”) on a voluntary basis.

The board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) hereby provides a business update of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”), in order to enable shareholders and potential investors to assess the development of the Group.

SMI is pleased to announce that the Group had strived to expand the footprints of its movie theaters and further cemented its position as one of the leading movie theater operators in China. As a result of increased resources injected into the movie theater business which is our core business, the aggregated box office earnings and cinema admission of SMI’s cinemas reached RMB235 million and 6.87 million as of the end of May 2013 respectively, representing an increase of 49% and 64% compared with the corresponding period last year.

* For identification purpose only


Box office earnings and cinema admission of the Group for the five months ended 31 May 2013 were as follows:

For the year Five months ended 31 May 2012 2012 2013 Increase

Box office earnings (RMB million) 418 158 235 49% Cinema admission (million) 11.52 4.20 6.87 64%

In addition to our movie theater business, the Group also invested in certain premium movie production. The Group is pleased to announce that SMI has co-invested in a movie called (中國合伙人)(the “Movie”), which was directed by Mr. Chan Ho-Sun, Peter, a famous director in Hong Kong, and starred by three pop male actors in China, namely (黃曉明), Chao(鄧超)and (佟大為). The Movie was launched on 17 May 2013 worldwide and was overwhelming in terms of box office earnings and public praise. As of 3 June 2013, the Movie’s China box office earnings was estimated to gross RMB434 million, which is expected to continue to rise.

The above information contained in this announcement is unaudited and has not been confirmed by the auditors of the Company, and is subject to change and final verification. Shareholders of the Company and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company, and read carefully the financial information of the Group when it is published.

By Order of the Board SMI Corporation Limited CHENG Chi Chung Executive Director

Hong Kong, 5 June 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors of the Company are Mr. CHENG Chi Chung, Mr. WONG Kui Shing, Danny, Mr. LEE Chee Chuang, Roger and Mr. YANG Rongbing. The independent non-executive Directors are Mr. HE Peigang, Mr. PANG Hong and Mr. CHAN Sek Nin, Jackey.