No 14, 1 February 1915
!lumh. 14. 451 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZET11E OF THURSDAY. JAN1JARY 28, 1915. Juhlisgtb hJJ :\utgoritu, WELLING1'0N, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1915. Public Service Entrance Examination, 1914-15. No. Name. Examination Centre. 31. Green, Robert Stewart lnveroargill. Education Department, 32. Barclay, Leslie Robert Wellington. Wellington, 18th January, 1915. 33. Haddow, Henry William Ughtred Auckland. HE following list contains the names of the candidates, 34. Alley, Roy Nicholas . Thames. T arranged in order of merit, that have passed the Public 35. Nightingale, Henry Spencer Christchurch. Service Entrance Examination held on the 18th November, 36. Francis, Archibald Gordon Auckland. 1014, and succeeding days. Smith, Cyril Alfred Hamilton. W. J. ANDERSON, Wesney, John Frederic Inveroargill. For Director of Education. 39. Phillipps, Arthur James .• Dunedin. 40. Whitehouse, Thomas Keith Ray. mond Thames. ND. Name. Examination Centre. 41. Dudson, Huntley Joseph Carterton. 1. Sutcliffe, Joseph Richard Palmerston North. 42. Phillips, Israel .. Auckland. 2. Heather, Stanley Duncan Bur- Auckland. 43. Bartlett, Gilbert George Nelson. goyne 44. Byrne, Norman Alexander Wellington. 3. Robb, George Douglas Auckland. 45. de Castro, Leopold Ransford Thames. 4. Carter, Harry Ga.rlin .. Auckland. 46. Smallfield, Percy Walton .. Auckland. 5. Wild, Geoffrey Victor .. Invercargil!. 47. Collins, Raymond James George .. Wellington. 6. Sanson, John Royden .. Rangiora.. 48. Collings, Alexander John .. Auckland. 7. Wilson, Rowland Paterson Wellington. 49. Ellis, Leonard Victor .. Dunedin. 8. Garrard, Derwent Raoul Auckland. Mellsop, Laurence Ethelbert Auckland. 9. Angus, William Murray Nelson. 51. Johnston, George Pitkethley Thames. 10. Lees, Cecil Edward Gisbome. 52. Parsons, Cecil Herbert Albert 11. Gifford, Edward John .. Nelson. Daniel .. Wellington. 12. Eyre, Lewis Godfrey .. Auckland. 53.
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