Today on the Radio Monday, Dec

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Today on the Radio Monday, Dec TODAY ON THE RADIO MONDAY, DEC. 28, 1936 OUTSTANDING EVENTS ON ALL STATIONS 2:30-2:45 P. M."Shakespeare and the Theatre Today," Leslie Howard, at English-Speaking Union, Sherman Hotel, ChicagoWJZ. 3:00-4:00 P. M.Rochester Civic Orchestra ConcertWJZ. 5:00-5:30 P. M."Education for Women of Future," Caroline Ruutz- Rees, Headmistress Rosemary Hall; Anne O'Hare McCormick, Editorial Staff of THE NEW Yonic TibISSWJZ. 7:30-7:45 P. M.Commemorating Woodrow Wilson's Birthday, James W. Gerard, Former United States Ambassador to GermanyWHN. 8:30-9:00 P. M.Richard Crooks, Tenor; Margaret Speaks, Soprano; Bourdon OrchestraWEAF, 9:00-10:00 P. M.Play, "Cavalcade," With Herbert Marshall, Madeleine Carroll and OthersWABC. 10:30-11:00 P. M.National Radio Forum: "Beginnings of Social Se- curity," John G. Winant, Chairman Social Security BoardWJZ. Press-Radio News: 9:55 A. M.WEAF 6:20 P. M.WMCA 9:30 A. M.WMCA 10:00 A. M.WJZ 6:30 P. M.WABC 9:30 A. M.WNEW 10:00 A.M.WNYC 6:30 P. M.WEAF 9:40 A. M.WABC 6:15 P. M.WQXR 6:30 P. M.WJZ Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program Is on the air WMCA .570 WEAF..660 WOR..710 WJZ..760 WNYC..810 WABC..860 WHN.. 1,010WLWL.. 1,100WEVD.. 1,30 0 MORNING 8:45-WOR-Gambling's Musical Clock 9:30-WMCA-Organ Recital 7:00-WMCA-Early Risers Club 9 :55-WEAF-Press-Radio News WNYC-Music Moods 10:00-WEAF-Mrs. WIggs of the Cabbage WEN-Music: News Patch-Sketch WEVD-Studio Music WOE-Pure Food-A. W. McCann 730-WEAF-Hillbilly Music; Songs WJZ-Press-Radio News WOR-Sorey Orchestra WABC-Betty and Bob; Modern Cin- WJZ-Yoichi Hiraoka, Xylophone derella; Menus-Betty Crocker: WABC-Organ Reveille Hymns; News-John K. Watkins WNYC-Gymnasium Class WMCA-Views of the News WEIN-Early Birds WNYC-Press-Radio News; Market 7:44-WJZ-Levey Orchestra Specials 7 :45-WEAF-Marketeers-Recipes WHN-Health Exercises; Music WNYC-Viewing the News 10 :05-WJZ-Breen and de Rose, Songs WEVD-Morning Devotions 10 :15-WEAF-John's Other wife-Sketch 7 :55-WJZ-News ; Morning Devotions WJZ-Five-Star Jones-Sketch 8:00-WEAF-Malcolm Claire. Stories WMCA-Rita Phillips, Piano WOR-News; Beauty Talk: Music WNYC-Studlo Program WABC-Oleanders Male Quartet 10 :30-WEAF-Just Plain Bili-Sketen WMCA-Phil Cook. Variety Show WJZ-Pepper Young Family-Sketch WNYC-Morning Serenade WhICA-Jack Barry. Songs WEVD-Talk-Jacob S. list: Musk" WNYC-Dance Orchestra 8 :15-WEAF-News; String Sextet WHN-Homemakers-Ida Bailey Allen Meeder, Organ 10:45-WEAF-Today's Children-Sketch :25-WEAF-City Consumers' Guide (Also WJZ-Neighbor Nell 1VABC, 1VIstrYC, WOV) WMCA-Woman's Program; Helen :30-WEAF-Cheerio Musicale Leighton, Director WOR-Talk-Martha Manning 11:90-WITAF-David Harum-Sketch WABC-String Ensemble WOR-Erva ones, Soprano WMCA-News; Beauty Talk; Organ WJZ-The O'Neills-Sketch WNYC-Music Album WABC-Magazine of the Air; Guests, WHN-Songs; Studio Program Andrew Goodman of Woman's WEVD-Studio Music (Off to 3) Fashions; Fanny Holzman, Lawyer :45-WOE--Organ Recital WMCA-DanCe MuSic WJZ-Landt Trio and White. Songs WNYC-Helen O'Connor, Reading. WABC-Montana Slim, Songs 11:15-WEAK-Backstage Wife-Sketch 9:00-WE AF-Levey Orchestra; Soloists WOE-Variety Musicale WJZ-Breakfast Club Music WJZ-Personal Column of the Air WABC-Varlety Musicale WMCA-Woman'a Program; AnIce WMCA-Kay, Buddy Arnold. Songs Ives, Director WHN-News; Organ: Studio Orch. WNYC-Marie Hauth, Songs 9:15-WOR-Modern Living-Dr. E. ParrishII :30-WEAF-How to Be Charming-Sketch WMCA-Studio Music WJZ-Vic and Sade-Sketch WNYC-Symphonic MUSIC WABC-Big Si.! er-Sketch 9 :30-WOE-Talk-JacobTarshish WNYC-Opportunity-JUlla Jordan WABC-Richard Maxwell, Songs WHN-De Sart° Orchestra WMCA-Press-Radio News 11:45-WEAF-Voice of Experience 9 :SS-IV:MCA- Talk-Victor Lindlahr WJZ-Edward MacHugh, Songs :so- WA BC -Press-Radio News WABC-The Dionne Quintuplets-Dr. s 9 :45-WE AF- Variety Program Allan Roy Defoe WOE- Keymen Quartet WMCA-George Sharp. Baritone WJZ-Capt. Tim Healy. Commentator NsVNYC-Paul and Harriet. Songs WA BC -Bachelor's Children -Sketch WHN-News From Hollywood AFTERNOON 12 :00-WEAF-Girl Alone-Sketch WABC-Happy nollons-Sketch WOR-Talk-Victor U. Lindlahr WNYC-Jean Peper. Piano WJZ-John Gambling's Program 5:00-INEAF-Pepper Young Family-Sketcb WA BC-The Dumps-Sketch WOE-Molly of the Movies-Sketch WMCA-Household Hints WJZ-Rochester Civic Orchestra 1 WNYC-Poitce Safety Talk WABC-Al PearCe's Gang WHN-Music; Sketches WMCA-Woman's Program; Helen 12 :13-W E A F -St ory of Mary Marlin-Sketch Leighton. Director WJZ-Jack. Loretta Clemens. Songs WNYC-String Trio WABC-Ted Malone, Readings WHN-Dance Music. WMCA-News; Beauty Talk WEVD-String Ensemble WNYC - Dance Orchestra 3:15-WEAF-Ma Perkins-Sketch 12 :SO-WRAF-Broadcasting From Antares- WOR-Lanin Orchestra Dr. Harlow Shapley. Director. Har- \YMCA-String Ensemble vard Astronomical Observatory WEVD-Kay Renay. Songs WOR-News 3:30-WRAF-Vic and Sade-Sketch WJZ-News; Farm and }fonts Hour WOR-Allie Lowe Miles Club WA BC-Helen Trent's Romance WABC-Lyclla Hoffman-Behrendt, WNYC-Beatrice Kleuntar, Organ Plano 13:45-IVOR-Organ Recital WNYC-Studio Program WABC-Rich Man's Darling-Sketch WHN -Stock Quotations; News WMCA-Nick Kenny, Commentator WEVD-Jewish Music 1:00-WEAF-News; Market Reports 3:45-WEAK-The O'NeilLs-Sketch WOR- Music From Texas WMCA-Harrington Sisters, songs WABC-Merrymakers Orchestra WNYC-Baruch Altman. Violin %MCA-Margie Nicholson, Contralto WEVD-Alexander Oncheroff. Tenor WNYC-Missing Persons; News; 4:00-WEAF-All Girl Orchestra, Phil Music Spitalny. Conductor WHN-Stock Quotations; Newe WOE-News ;Studio Orchestra 4:15-WEAF-Harmony Trio Z- Symposium :Coeducation - Stu- WABC-Bluebird Girls' Trio dents From Bucknell. Mount IVOR- The Hollisters-Sketch Holyoke, Colgate Universities: Lowitz, Piano Arnaud C. Marts. President Buck- 1 ;30-WEAF-Dan Harding's Wife-Sketch nen. ?residing ;Bucknell Glee Club WOR-Health Talk ;Dance Music WABC-United States Office of Edu- WJZ-Eleventh Annual Meeting of cation Dramatization Sportsmanship Brotherhood. at WMCA-Sports-Bob Carter Hotel McAlpin; Speakers, Dr. WNYC-Music School Settlement- Robert C. Clothier, President. Rut- Elizabeth Bussing gers University; Dr. Wilbur E. WHN-Variety Program Saunders. Headmaster. Peddle WEVD-Polish Orchestra School; Carl G. Snavely, Cornell 4 :15-WABC-Concert Miniatures Football Coach; Dean F. W. Nicol- WNYC-Herma Menthe, Piano son, Wesleyan University, and 4 :30-WEAF-Talk-Claudine MacDonald Others (Also WHN) WOE-Sleepy Hollow Gang WABC-Clyde Barrie, Songs WJZ-Leo and Ken. Songs WMCA-Steven Kennedy, Baritone WABC-Chicago Variety Hour 1VNYC-Plano Recital WNYC-Police Department Talk WHN -The Breadwinner-Play i:45-WRAF-Happy Jack, Songs IVEVD-Italian Variety Show WA BC-Ruth Carhart, Contralto; 4:45-WJZ-Young Hickory-Sketch Bill Perry, Tenor; Rich Orchestra WNYC-Studio Musicale WMCA-Talk-Jacob List WEN-Suwance Serenade 1VNYC-Shorthand-Arthur Gaskill 5:00-WEAF-Tom Thomas, Baritone 2 :00-WEAF-AmerIcan Education Forum- WOE-Talks and Music; Recipes Character Education in Modern WJZ-Education For Women of Fu- World-Dr. Grayson N. Kefauver, ture - Caroline Ruutz-Rees, Head- Dr. Ernest Hilgard, Dr. Elliot mistress, Rosemary Hall; Anne Diller, Stanford University; Esther O'Hare McCormick. Editorial Writer.' Dayman, Mills College THE NEw YORK TIMES WOE-Martha Deane's Program WABC-Junior Nurse Corps-Sketch WJZ-Words and Music WMCA-Roving Reporter WABC-Kathryn Cravens, Comment WNYC-Junior Inspectors Club WNICA-Community Sing WEVD-Minciot Company-Drama WNYC-Scene From Rigoletto 5:15-WEAF-Tom Mix Straight Shooters WHN-Dance Music WOE-Johnson Family-Sketch 2:15-WABC-Romany Trail. Emery Deutsch WABC-Dorothy Gordon, Songs WSICA-Libby Hall, Songs WHOA-Barnacle Bill, Songs 2 :30-WEAF-Jane Courtland, Piano WNYC-Dream Journeys-Glans WJZ-Shaltespeare and the Theatre Regamey (Sign Off) Today-Leslie Howard, at Eng- WHN-Holy Cross Novena Service lish Speaking Union, Sherman Hotel, 5:30-WEAF-Jack Armstrong-Sketch Chicago WOE-Story Teller's House WABC-Science Youth Movement- WJZ-Singing Lady Howard E. Enders, Dean. Purdue WABC-Doris Kerr, Songs University; Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, WMCA-Jerry Baker. Tenor General Secretary, American Asso- WEVD-Giglio Players ciation for Advancement of Science 1i:45-WEAK-Little Orphan Annie-Sketch WMCA-Variety Show WOR-Diek Tracy-Sketch WNYC-Over Forty-Dr. M. L. ogan WJZ-The Old Homestead-Sketch WHN-Movie Chit,; Dance Music WABC-Wilderness Road-Sketch 2 :45-WEA F-Personal Column of the Air WEN-News; Sports Talk WOE-Way Down East-Sketch WEVD-Laura Boccie., rGno Boni, WIZ-Variety- Program Songs (Sign Off) EVENING 6:00-WEAF-Education in the News; :15WOR-Busey Orchestra Events of 1936. Dramatized WMCA-Gustave Hartman Memorial WOR-Uncle Don Appeal-Borough President Samuel WJZ-News; U. S. Army Band Levy of Manhattan WABC-Tito Gulzar, Tenor 1:30-WEAF-Rtettard Crooks, Tenor; Mar- WMCA-Around Town-Jimmy Jernail garet Speaks, Soprano; Orchestra WLWL-Concert Orchestra WOE-Jack Arthur Revue 6:15-WABC-News of Youth-Sketch WJZ-Frank Munn, Tenor: orcriestra WMCA-Investments-E. C. Olsen WABC-Kreuger Orchestra: Pick and WEN-Dance Music Pat, Comedians; Ed Hoecker. Songs 6:20-WMCA-Press-Radio Newe WMCA-Roving Reporter; Beauty WEAF-Are Our Intercollegiate Talk Athletics to remain?-John L. :45-WMCA-Detect (ye Drama Griffith, Pres. of National WHN-Scboo/er Orchestra Collegiate Athletic Assoc. :00-WEAF-20,000 Years in Sing Sing- 6:25-WMCA-Financing the Horne Warden Lewes 6 :SO-WRAF-Press-Radio News WOE-Gabriel Heatter, Commentator WOE-Junior G-Men-Sketch WJZ-Kogen Orchestra; Joe Parsons, WJZ-Press-Radio News Bass; Billy White, Tenor; Gus Van WABC-Press-Radio News WASC-Cavaleade-Play, With Her- WMCA-Sports-Dick uert Marshall.
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