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cnmte book.) By Loy Byrnes Bedtime Stories SPUNKIE (Thtrti • eal adveuturt in Tht Sunday Star’t 16-pagt etlored THORNTON W. BURGESS. ^ Radio Program ,1™^. By W SHOOT! WHAT THE BLOOMIN' OBJECTIVE DEAD torpedo! 1 Of all the people who wear fur sink!! is BLAZES ARE Last-Minute chanqes in radio program sometimes reach The Star XXI SHOUT- CENTER... FOUR TORPEDO!! too late for correction that day. roats none is more clever than Old BOOM!!! W5 ABOUT/ SONNy? SET HUNDRED YARDS 1 Man Old Man Coyote has ► QUICK! DOWN WHERE YOU a ONE i SUB P.M. | WMAL, 630k. | WRC, 950k. | WOL, 1,230k. | WJSV, 1,460k. Coyote. \ ...NUMBER boat; J as BELONG. PASSENGERS 1 always lived by his wits, just j QUICK!! TORPEPO... A 12:00 Pm Money News—Tunes Sports Page Kate Smith Speaks did his father before him, and his L J L AREN'T PERMITTED J " " FIRE Iff 1 The Citadel Walter news Girl Marries ON \ 12:15 Compton, father's father, and his father's THE BRIPGE/%- 12:30 Rose Bowl Parade Concert Souvenirs Sports Page Helen Trent " " father's father, and so on way back 12 45 Gal Sunday more Devotions_ _ to the first of the The " " Coyotes. 1:00 A to Z Novelty Bs-bara Holmquist Life's Beautiful wits are used the thev " sharper [ 1;t5 Between Bookends Your Treat Woman in White and this is the reason that i " " grow, 130 News—Like It Old Clipper Ship Right to of all the people in fur none is Happiness^ 1 1;45 I Some Like It Old_ ___Georgetown-Miss. St. more clever than Old Man Coyote 2:00 Boston Coll.-Tenn. Betty Crocker Fordham-Tex. A. & M. Orange Bowl Game Now wouldn't you suppose that i 2 15 Sugar Bowl Game Grimm s Daughter Cotton Bowl Game as soon as he saw that Black Pussy j 2:30 Valiant Lady was safe up in the tree he would ot World nave given up hope of catching 2:45 Light 0 > " " her? He couldn’t climb the tree ■“3:00 Mary Marlin " himself. Of course not, Old Man 3 15 Ma Perkins " " Coyote's claws are not made for 3:30 j Pepper Young " so it looked as if he Vk and climbing, __3:45 Jade_~" " a chance in the world of " hadn't 4:00 Backstage Wife for he is Harold " " catching Black Pussy, LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE (More of Orphan Annie's thrilling adventures in the colored comic section of The Sunday Star.) By (jray 4:15 Stella Dallas __ " smart enough to know that Black i| 4 30 Lorenzo Jones __Hilltop House Pussy certainly wouldn’t come down r WAS ha! ha> why { 45 All-Star Kate of that tree of her own accord YES, ANVIL, THIS IF YOU'RE A 1 LOOK? I CMDNT RECONCE SURE-I __4 "_Widow Brown_East-West Hopkins_ out 0 you NOT. AMVT)_ Fooball Game 16 MY PLACE-NOT nou- YOU WHEN I LOOKED go*h to stick 5:00 Stanford-Nebraska Girl Alone Goldbergs until she was absolutely sure that VERY chee! LITTLE SHORT I ulp! IN—SEE? is " " UP-B-B-BUT WHY nr said 5:15 Rose Bowl Game Lone Journey The O'Neills the way was clear. FANCY- BUT EY WORKING I'LL SAV- MWBE I COULD I 'ittfO QIVE ME- I SAW DAT DOUQHFI FORGOT " " " AM I TELLINALL I CONFESSION But Old Man dis- EARLY AND LATE I WHAT HELP YOU OUT- MO! TANKS. FOR A MINUTE DAT I GOT TO _ 5 30 Jack Armstrong John R. Steelman Coyote had ’| IS GOOO FOP " " " " C>tS TO YOU ? A 5:45 covered something which Black MANAGE TO MAKE A ROLL! HERE-TAKE SAM-BUT N0- KES* MY SELF RESPECT-SEE? '4 Lifers Beautiful_ Scattergood Baines_ I THE SOOC- " " " Pussy herself did not know. You PAY PRETTY WELL WHOTTOU NEED- I WOMTTSEe WELL. WITH SELF-RESPECT 6:00 News—Tunes Trout—Hill, news J " " " 'S. NEfTHER* see Black Pussy was not interested NOTHIN'— DONfT TAKE HANDOUTS 6 15 Streamliner Navy Program k V " " " the of the 6 30 Baukhage Paul Sullivan in top tree. Her eyes " " " were fixed on Old Man _6 45 ! Streamliner World Today Coyote down " below, and she had no thought of 7:00 Pleasure Time Amos and Aody " " ”, anything or anybody else. But Old 7:15 Newsroom of Air Lanny Ross | " " Man Coyote, looking up, saw some- 7,30 Cavalcade of America_Meet Mr. Meek " " thing above Black Pussy which Syncopation 1 _7:45 "_1 _ made him grin more than ever. Kids 8:00 Quiz Tony Martin __'Big Town What he saw was a funny looking 1 8.15 How Did You Meet Melodic Gems fellow close to the trunk of " up 8 30 Manhattan Midnight Plantation Party Dr. Christian the tree near its " top. gnawing away 8.45 "__ _Song Spinners Christian for all he was worth. Who do you 9:00 March On Eddie Cantor Gabriel Keatter, news Star Theater think that funny fellow was? Can " 9.15 Shadow Music News you guess? It w’as Prickly Porky the 9 30 News—Vocal Variety Mr. Dis'rict Attorney Guy Lombardo's Orch Porcupine. HM?Olt> V " " " "Ah!" Music Bor—News said Old Man Coyote to «« B S ... _ _ I 1-1-41 v 9:45_ j "_ <4»pyrijht, 1*41 fry Vt*i STTniw*t4> ro Irv himself. "Ah! I think I'll a 10:00 Bundles for Britain Kay Kyser's Kollege Henrik W. Van Loon Glenn Miller stay " " " " while. is a 10:15 News—War in Air Public Affairs Prickly Porky queer J. Welch ond Jock W. McGuire " like The Star's colored comic John " " fellow and the most THE RED KNIGHT (You'll Sunday 16-puge book.) By 10:30 News Little Night Musk independent ” " " " chap I know of. He will do just f Lang Thompson's Or. News of War WAIT— A &uess the Smart 10:45J whatever he takes a notion to do, KARZAS 19 THE BUT > W'TH ] 11:00 News Art Kassel s Orch. News—M works IN TWINS IS NOT TO C*TCH l European News—Sports and no one can tell what that will PlRST GOOO-STZE PISH i KARZAfi « THICK A HO CHANGE 11:15 Music You Desire Jeromes Orch. Masterworks HIM LEAD ME I Nightclub Henry be. He may take a notion to come I'VE RUN INTO IN THIS 10BORN--HE MAY STRATEGY / HIM.' LET 11.30 Dick Koons' Orch. Rhythm Adventures M'works—Duchin Or. down \ FlSH—TWE " out of that tree any minute, TREASONABLE OROAN- SCARE EMOUOH COMES A TO BiGGER Duchin's Orch. J REALLYJ 1145- Eddy and if he does is S. TonV-Pastor's Orch^_ something going IZATlON-CATCHING HIM TO TALK A CHANGE OANGEROLJS ONESj^/ 12:00 News—Night Watch. News—Orchestras News—Orchestras News—Orchestras to happen. That cat will have to E' WILL BE EASV.' A IN GARB# come down whether she wants to or THE EVENING'S HIGH LIGHTS Iroduces a to SUBTLY THE young baritone, Anthony Poliemi, I not. I haven't a single thing to do, 4 East-West All-Star football show. WOL. 45—The his and I may as well wait here as RED KNIGHT at San Francisco. game WRC, 9:00—Eddie Cantor's show. somewhere else. I'll just have a BLENDS INTO WMAL. 5 00—The Sanford Nebraska Rose WMAL, 10 00—Bundles lor Britain: A little patience and we will see what A COSTUME Bowl at Pasadena. long game list of film stars, Jack j we shall see.” THAT WILL WJSV. 5:30—John R. Steelman, director of including Benny, Mickey Rooney, Claudette Colbert, Charles Boyer, Merle So Old Man Coyote went off far conciliation for the Labor Department, soeaks NOT Oberon, Myrna Loy and others, participate in enough to make Black Pussy think on "Methods and of Conciliation Con- ATTRACT Objectives benefit broadcast. she had a chance. At least that is Industrial Peace." ferences in Promotion of j what he hoped she would think. ATTENTION" WRC, 10:00—Kay Kyser's musical show. WRC. 7:30—Cavalcade of America-. A drama There he squatted down to watch B*64-3|j based on the life of Will Rogers. WOl, 11:30—Adventures in Rhythm: Music and wait. Meanwhile, Black Pussv at Moon Mullins on too. tn the colored comic section.I Frank Willard WJSV, 9 00—Star Theater- Fred Allen in-1 and variety. crouched in the tree, and above her MOON MULLINS (Lauck Sundays, By ROW'S Prickly Porky continued to strip A.M.j__TOMOR PROGRAM._ off the bark of the tree and chew it 6:00 Today's Preiude Gordon Hittenmark Dawn Patrol Arthur Godfrey in his slow, " " easy-going fashion, quite 615 unconscious of what was on ; " " * going ANO MAY8E YOU CAM TELL 6 30 below him. WILLIE, I WASN'T EXACTLY ER, UH ... " ~ News_ f ^ ME WHY HIM THE ^WHY, J_> 6 45 ! Art Brown ANO MILKMAM _ I EAVESDROPPING, BUT X YOU SEE, SUGAR, " * A.M. 7:00 News-Kibitzers Club COULDN'T HELP -s CARRIED YOU IM AT FOUR l SOME MUD ON MY " OVERHEAR J HAD " POINTS FOR r 7 15 Kibitzers Club PARENTS JUDGE VAN TWERP TELLING THE > THIS MORNIM6- SHOES AND I DIDN'T WANT 7 30 Walter Compton, news News HAHAH! —["l? " " By EDYTH THOMAS WALLACE. MISSUS HE BOUGHT THAT BLOND HAIR TO GO TRACKING UP THE 7.45 Earl Godwin, news Art Brown Arthur THE JUD6E Godfrey HE WORE HOME ON HIS COAT AT " " " Set vp improvement as a goal, THE UNOLEUM IN THE KITCHEN.