SAYFA 87-105














MEHMET BİLDİRİCİ İ. ÖZTUĞ BİLDİRİCİ Civil Engineer Surveying Engineer

Atakan Sokak 11/7 Mecidiyeköy- İTÜ Faculty of Civil Engineering İstanbul Turkey

ABSTRACT Konya, ancient ICONIUM, is a big and important city of Central and at the same time, center of it for 20 centuries. The boundary of Konya changed during the ages. , Niğde, and were sometimes inside of . We look the subjects with this eye. In this section of Anatolia, several races, religions, languages, alphabets, and civilizations passed for 10.000 years. There are super structures and substructures in these civilizations. Some edifices of these super structures, like the mosques, the religious schools, the churches, the palaces and the baths come to today. The Irrigation canals the water supply systems and the roads, are the substructures of these high civilizations. It is impossible to think the baths without water. There are so many historical irrigation systems to be explored and investigated in Turkey. In this article we will give general historical and geographical information about the region and we will give a list of all historical water works according to their ages that are shown in Figure 1. And typical irrigation systems will be examined.

RESUME Konya est une ville qui se trouve dans le centre de la Turque. Cette ville est tres importante au point de vue de cultur et de l’histoire de L’anatolie. Le nom de cette ville etait ICONIUM dans L’ancien temps. Ainsi qu’elle etait un centre de la region depuis 2000 ans. Dans le coeure de L’anatolie central ont vecu plusieurs races, les religions, les langues, les alphabets et les culturs differants. Depuis l’epoque antique, plusieurs ceuvres historiques sont arrivees a nos jours en etant abimees. Surtout ancien systeme de L’irrigation represent une importance parmi les anciens ceuvres qui existent au jourd’hui a Konya. Nous tacherons de donner dans notre expose des renseigrements sur l’histoire et la geographie de cette region et nous offrirons une liste des systems de l’irrigation d’apres chaque epoque, en plusavec une exemplaire selon leurs temps.



The first and very important achievement of the mankind was the Neolithic Revolution. The human race learned the irrigation and began to build the cities. The first Neolithic settlements have been explored near , Konya, and in Turkey. These Neolithic sites are Aşıklıhöyük (Aksaray-Güzelyurt) about in 7500 BC, ÇATALHÖYÜK (Konya-Çumra) about in 6500 BC, Hacılar () about in 6000 BC, Canhasan (Karaman) about in 5000 BC Suberde (Konya-Seydişehir) and Erbaba (Konya- Seydişehir) about in 5000 BC. One of the earliest and very improved settlements of the World was Çatalhöyük. The cult of Mother Goddess spread from here. Its site is in Konya. This was the first golden age of the region. The region later was administrated by Hittite Empire (1750-1200 BC), Phrygian Kingdom (900-700 BC), Persian Empire (546-334 BC), and Hellenistic kingdoms (334-133 BC) before Roman era. In these periods the native people called Lycaonians, Isaurians, Pisidians and Cappadocians lived with their own languages and traditions. Two small local kingdoms were founded in the region. First one is Tuwana kingdom in the 8th century BC. Its territory included Niğde, Bor, Ereğli and its known king was Warpalava. Secondly, Galatian kingdom was founded in the first century BC (40-25 BC). Its territory included , Konya, Karaman etc. Polemon and Amyntas were known kings. In the Roman period, especially in the first, second and third centuries the region with new cities with water supply systems and new buildings flourished very much. This is the second golden age of the region. After victory of 1071, Turkish origin people came to the region with a new language and with a new religion (Islam). Konya was the capital of Seljuk Empire (1071-1308). The City flourished with new mosques, religious schools and several buildings. Mevlana Celaleddin (1207-1273) a very famous poet and thinker lived in Konya, with his poems human love and religious tolerance spread around. This is the third golden age of the region. After Seljuk Empire, Karaman Principality (1256-1465) administrated the region. Many Islamic edifices come from this period too. Ottoman army captured the region in 1465. New mosques and buildings were built before Turkish Republic that was founded in 1923

1.2. SHORT GEOGRAPHY OF THE REGION Konya region is in a closed water basin. The water resources of the region are the lakes Beyşehir, Suğla, Akşehir, Ilgın (Çavuşçu) and Salt Lake that are shown in Figure 1. The important rivers and creeks are Çarşamba Çayı, Deresi, Melendiz Çayı...ect. The rivers that pour to the Mediterranean are Göksu Nehri (ancient Calycadnos) and Lamas Çayı. The annual precipitation is about 500 mm in the Konya closed basin.





NEOLITHIC PERIOD (7500-4500 BC)  The beginning of irrigation and settlement in Aşıklı Höyük (Aksaray-Güzelyurt ) in 7500 BC  The irrigation in Çatalhöyük in 6500 BC

HITTITE EMPIRE (1750-1200 BC)  Köylütolu dam in Konya-Kadınhanı  Yalburt water collection pool in Konya-Ilgın  Eflatunpınar water monument and pool in Konya-Beyşehir 

LATE HITTITE PERIOD (8th CENTURY BC)  İvriz water monument in Konya-Ereğli  Irrigation of Ereğli gardens in Konya Ereğli

PHRYGIAN KINGDOM (900-700 BC)  Mythological Midas fountain in Konya-Akşehir-Ulupınar

HELLENISTIC KINGDOMS (334-133 BC)  Dam in Cappadocia  A pool called Başhavuz in Karaman-Karadağ

ROMAN EMPİRE (133 BC- 395 AD)  Water supply system of Tyana in Niğde-Bor-Kemerhisar  Water supply system of Pisidian Antioch in Isparta-Yalvaç) -(Burdy and Taşlıalan 1995)  Water supply system of Diocaesera in -Uzuncaburç (Öziş1994  -Water supply system of Ura in Silifke-Uzuncaburç) (Öziş1994)  Water supply system of Coricos and Sebaste in Silifke -Kızkalesi and Ayaş  Water supply system of Seleuceia in Silifke (Bildirici 1994a)  Water supply system of Laodice in Konya-Sarayönü-Ladik  Water supply system of Germanicopolis in Karaman-  Water tunnels of Yukarıçağlar in Karaman- Ermenek  Böğet Dam in Aksaray-Eskiil  Alanark Irrigation system in Konya-Ereğli (Bildirici 1996)

10 BYZANTINE PERIOD (395-1071)  Cistern called Tekirambar in Silifke

UNDATED PERIOD Christian people without the government support built these historical water works in late Byzantine period or even under Turkish administrations  Zosta water Qanat system in Karaman-Kazımkarabekir-Akarköy  Botsa Gavurgölü, small dam for irrigation in Konya-Meram-Güneydere  Kırkdelik irrigation tunnel in Aksaray-Sultanhan  Gelveri water supply system (aqueduct + tunnel) in Aksaray-Güzelyurt  Anduğu irrigation canals in Niğde-Altınhisar  Helvadere small dam in Aksaray-Helvadere  Gine small dam in Aksaray-Elmacık  Nuzumla small dam in Konya-Seydişehir- Yaylacık  Water tunnel called Tol in Konya-Seydişehir  Sille water supply system in Konya-Sille  Murtaza irrigation canals in Niğde

SELJUK PERIOD (1071-1308)  Meram Irrigation in Konya  Irrigation canals in Aksaray  Water supply system of Seljuk Kubadabad Palace in Isparta-Şarkikaraağaç-Yenişarbademli

KARAMAN PRINCIPALITY (1256-1465)  Water supply system of Larende (now Karaman) in Karaman

OTTOMAN EMPIRE (1465-1922)  Dutlu water line in Konya  Sultaniye water line in Konya-Karapınar  Water supply system in Konya-Akşehir  Çayırbağı water line in Konya  Irrigation system of Konya Plain - First modern irrigation system in Turkey.


IRRIGATION CANALS  Alanark 52 km (Konya-Ereğli)- (Roman)  Meram irrigation canals (Seljuk)

11  Irrigation canals of Ereğli gardens (Late Hittite ?)  Aksaray irrigation canals (Seljuk)  Niğde-Murtaza irrigation canals  Irrigation canals of Niğde gardens  The Irrigation system of Konya Plain (1908-1913)

WATER RESERVOIR SYSTEMS  Aksaray Böğet dam (Roman)  Konya-Kadınhan- Köylütolu dam (Hittite)  Konya-Meram-Gavurgölü small dam  Konya-Seydişehir Tol small dam  Konya-Seydişehir Nuzumla small dam  Aksaray-Helvadere small dam  Gine small dam (Aksaray-Elmacık)  Konya-Sille small stone dam (pool)  Niğde Gebere dam (1938-1941), first modern dam

WATER STORAGE SYSTEMS  Monumental Roman Pool in Niğde-Bor  Monumental cistern called Tekirambar in Silifke (Byzantine)  A big pool called Başhavuz in Karaman Karadağ (Hellenistic)  Sahip Ata ice cistern in Konya (Seljuk)  Silifke-Kızkalesi (ancient Corikos) big cisterns  Konya Alaaddin Water Tank of Konya in 1904 -The first modern project

FLOOD CONTROL SYSTEMS  Drainage canal of Ereğli Plain (1949-1952 )

INVERTED SIPHONS  Stone pipes in Pisidian Antioch in Isparta-Yalvaç

AQUEDUCT (ON ARCHES) SU KEMERİ  Monumental arches in ancient Tyana  Monumental arches in ancient Pisidian Antioch (Isparta-Yalvaç)  Monumental aqueduct on arches of Roman Emperor Septimus Severus (reg.193-211)  Monumental 8 aqueducts on the water line of Corikos (Silifke-Kızkalesi)  Monumental aqueduct in Bahçebaşı water line in Silifke

12  Water Bridge “Şeytan Köprüsü “ of Sille of late period  Water Bridge of Gelveri (Aksaray-Güzelyurt) of late period  Big water bridge “Tavşan Köprü” of Irrigatiion of Konya Plain over Çarşamba Çayı (1913)

WATER TUNNELS  Tunnel on the water line of Pisidian Antioch (Isparta-Yalvaç)  Water tunnel in Yukarıçağlar near Ermenek  Ura (Silifke-Uzuncaburç) Kızılgedik water tunnels on Ura water line  Water tunnels on the water line of Olba (Silifke-Uzuncaburç)  Irrigation tunnel in Aksaray-Sultanhan  Tunnel on Kızılark irrigation canal in Aksaray  Tunnels on the water line of Konya-Sille  Tutup Tunnel, first modern work (the length 3507 m with diameter of 3.40 m) in 1972

WATER MONUMENTS  Eflatun Pınar in Konya-Beyşehir (Hittite)  İvriz monument of king Warpalava (Late Hittite)  Kony-Bozkır Hisarlık monumental Roman Cistern  Konya Beyşehir monumental regulator

HYDRO ELECTRİC STATIONS  Tarsus Hydro-electric Station -1902 The first project in Turkey  Konya Dere Hydro-electric Station - (1926-1929) of Konya

In this section we wanted to recover all historical water works and to indicate the richness of the region in this subject. The authors of this article investigated and collected documents about all these historical water works that were published by State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) in 1994 (Bildirici 1994). Of course this richness of the region deserves more investigation by both archeologists and civil engineers together.



Çatalhöyük is a Neolithic and one of the earliest settlements of the World. Date of occupation of Çatalhöyük is between 6500-5600 BC. Its site is near Küçükköy (Konya-Çumra). Çatalhöyük is the biggest and more flourished settlement among other Neolithic sites (Todd 1976). Earliest cult of Mother Goddess has been explored in Çatalhöyük, Earliest housing blocks of sun dried mud brick have been unearthed at Çatalhöyük. The earliest painting about the hunting and animals have been founded at Çatalhöyük on man made wall. The location of the site has been explored by English archeologist James Melleart (1925) and the excavation was begun in 1961. Çatalhöyük is in double hills, the excavation has been concentrated on the east mound. By the construction of the Irrigation of Konya Plain, both the waters of Beyşehir Lake and Çarşamba are flowing to Konya Plain. Before the project water supply of the plain was provided by Çarşamba Çay that is shown in Figure 4. Beyond Çumra, Çarşamba Çay splits into three main branches with central branch passing to close Çatalhöyük. Today the wells are important water source of the villages in Konya Plain. Wells may also have been important at the time of the occupation of Çatalhöyük. Small irrigation canals run between the double hills have been unearthed at the excavation. According to Melleart a branch of Çarşamba was flowing between the double mounds and was irrigating the area!. Evidence for this several form of wheat and barley had been found at the excavation. As a result; the hunting, animal husbandry, dry farming and irrigation were applied at this earliest settlements of the region and the World.


Köylütolu village lies between Kadınhanı-Ilgın highways in Konya province. Some monuments from Hittite imperial period found at Köylütolu. They are being shown at the Museum Anatolian Civilization in Ankara. Sokolowsky from German Lancoronsky team found a dike and inscription from Hittite period. (Kutlu 1993) This probably earth fill dike has been accepted as a defense wall by this team, even by later investigators. But famous investigator H. Guterbock has indicated that is a water dike. Later the inscription that was found here has been reread by Mrs. Manson. According to inscription: Prince “SAUGA-RU(WA)TI” was very important man and the member of royal family who was appointed as of “Titarme” by great Hittite king Tuthalya IV. (reg: 1250-1220 BC) The dimension of dike is as follows: Length : 900 m Height : - Water Sources : Seasonal rain water According to our investigations, the aim of the structure a dike or a defense wall must be discussed otherwise a water source must have been in the ancient times.



Strabon (65 BC-23 AD), Father of Geography (Strabon) gives details about Cappadocian dams in his work called “Geographika” XII, XIII, XIV “ . Mazaka () and Tyana (Niğde- Bor-Kemerhisar) were important and big cities of Cappadocia. Cappadocian king Ariarathes constructed a dam over Meles River (?) near Kayseri. The years later the dam collapsed. The people living around petitioned Romans and the king had to pay fine to these petitioners. Another dam was constructed on the Karmalas River (?) near Harpa. The dam later collapsed too, and the fields around were covered by the floodwater in Cilicia. Nine kings are known as Ariarathes in Cappadocian Kingdom. But the kingdom flourished very much in the reign of King Ariarathes III (reg. 163-130 BC). It can be accepted that these dams were constructed in the second century BC. Further investigations are needed for more details.


Three important dams are known from the Roman era. These are (1) The dam of Aizonai in Kütahya Çavdarhisar, (2) The ancient dam in Çorum-Alacahüyük, (3) Böğet dam in Aksaray- Eskiil. The site of this third dam is at Böğet village in this region that is shown in Figure1. It can be reached from Konya-Aksaray highway. The water sources are the several springs in the South of dam that is shown in Figure 2. The dam was constructed of big stone blocks. A new dam has been planned by DSİ (State Hydraulic Works) at its downstream. According to DSİ sources (DSİ 1990) the hydrological and historical details about the dam are as follows: Type : Stonewall of big blocs Crest Elevation : 950 m Crest Length : 300 m (approximately) Crest width : 3 m Height : 4 m Reservoir Capacity : 9 hm³ Annual Capacity of springs : 54 hm³ Any inscription has not been found for the date of construction, but has been accepted as Roman work according to the type of structure. There are irrigation canals along to Salt Lake that are shown in Figure 2. There is a Mound (Höyük) or an ancient site at Böğet village that is mentioned as “Mistille” .According to our investigating there is not an ancient site with this name. The site of the dam and Mound are being protected by Ministry of Culture of Turkish Republic.



Meram Creek and the wells were the water resources of Konya that was the capital of Seljuk Empire in the 13th century. Many earth canals were dug to get the drinking water for the city and the irrigation water for its gardens that are shown in Figure 3. The earliest canal was the “Şehir Irmağı- City canal” and fed the fountains for domestic purpose. The other canals gave water for the need of gardens. Second canal “Yaka Irmağı” was dug before Seljuk period, probably in the Byzantine time. Seljuk Vizier Sahip Ata (d.1286), dug the third canal by his name “Sahip Irmağı-The canal of Sahip” and founded a water waqf over the distribution of water to several canals that was approved by “Kadı-religious Judge” The detail of the system is as follows: The water discharge of Meram Creek has been accepted as 12 Okkas in the summer months and the share of canals were determined so: Şehir Irmağı-City Canal : 4 Okkas Yaka Irmağı-Gedekelas Irmağı-Yaka Canal- : 2 Okkas Sahip Irmağı- The Canal of Sahip : 2 Okkas The others : 4 Okkas Total : 12 Okkas The canal of Sahip was the third. He obeyed the right of earlier canals. This is the “Kadim Su Hakkı- Old Water Right” and very important in Turkish irrigation tradition. In this system the OKKA was used as water measurement unit. At that time Okka was a weight unit as Kilogram too. Was Okka a unit of water discharge like the Quinaria of Roman period or the Lüle of Ottoman period? No description about Okka has been found. According to our investigation the value of Okka is about 10-12 liter per second. The waqf of Sahip was for the summer months when the water was not in abundance. During the winter months with the floodwaters these canals were irrigating all gardens of Konya Sahip Ata Fahreddin Ali (d.1286) was born in Konya, he was a minister, later Prime Minister in Seljuk administration. He was the donor and the founder of many building. His works are as follows: 1249 Caravanserai in İshaklı (Afyon) 1250 İmaret in Akşehir 1258 İnce Minare Medrese (religious scholl) in Konya 1266 Sahip Medrese in Kayseri 1271 Gök Medrese in 1283 Sahip Ata Mosque in Konya (His tomb is here) The monuments constructed by him are Ice cistern in Konya, baths in Konya, spa in Ilgın, fountains in Konya and Kayseri. He died in Akşehir in 1286, his tomb is in Konya



The irrigation project of Konya Plain is the first modern irrigation project in Turkey. Water resource of the project is Beyşehir Lake. The water of this lake have been conveyed to the Konya Plain by an open earth conveyance canal of 217 km. The irrigation of the plain have been realized by 3 main irrigation canals. The details of the project are as follows: BEYŞEHİR LAKE 2 Drainage Area : 3 443 km Maximum Lake Level (in 1949) : 1128.00 m Regulator Sill Level : 1124.00 m Lake Bottom Level : 1117.00 m 3 Reservoir Capacity : 2 790 hm 2 Lake Surface : 678 km

SUĞLA LAKE 2 Drainage Area : 1786 km Maximum Water Level : 1098.00 m Lake Bottom Level : 1091.00 m 3 Reservoir Capacity : 412 hm Lake Surface : 112 km²

CONVEYANCE CANAL (Distance between Beyşehir-Alemdar regulators) Type : Earth open trapeze canal Length : 217 km 3 Discharge Capacity : 22.4 m /sec Base Width : 25 m Average Slope : 0.0055

FIRST MAIN IRRIGATION CANAL Type : Earth, open, trapeze canal Length : 59 km Intake Structure : Yayla Regulator 3 Discharge Capacity : 12 m /sec Average Slope : 0.00013 Irrigation Area : 250 000 dönüm (22 500 ha)

SECOND MAIN IRRIGATION CANAL Type : Earth, open, trapeze canal Length : 19.5 km Discharge Capacity : 3.6 m³/sec Irrigation Area : 12 500 ha Intake Structure : Postalcık Regulator

THİRD MAIN IRRIGATION CANAL Length : 12 km Intake Structure : Postalcık Regulator (This branch have been cancelled, 15 years later because of drainage problems)


20 OVA KANALI Length : 30 km Discharge Capacity : 6 m³/sec Intake Structure : Alemdar Regulator SECONDER CANALS : 1 150 km THIN CANALS : 630 km Çarşamba canals as Sol Çarşamba (Left Çarşamba), Çarşamba (Central Çarşamba) and Sağ Çarşamba (Right Çarşamba) were dug later. Their intake structure is Alemdar Regulator. Important hydraulic structures are as follows: Regulators : 7 (Beyşehir- Bağlama-İncesu-Saray- Yayla-Postalcık-Alemdar) Intake Structure : 174 Siphons : 33 Water Bridge (Tavşan Köprü) : 1 All are shown in Figure 4.

PREPARATIN OF THE PROJECT Before the project the water of Beyşehir Lake was used to flow to Suğla Lake by the natural Beyşehir Creek. Suğla Lake has underground waterways called “düden”. In arid years the water was used to escape into these holes and the lake surface used to dry. In rainy years the water was used to flow to Çarşamba Çay and both to Konya Plain and was used to create drainage problems. A new conveyance canal has been dug by-passing Suğla Lake to convey the water to Konya Plain. The project has been prepared years between1903-1908 and was awarded in 1908. The details of the contract are as follows: Contractor : “Ottoman -Anatolia Railway Company” : “Societe du Chemin de Fer Ottoman d’Anatolia” : Imperie de Castro,Galata Rue, Constantinopel Contract Prices : 19.500.000 French Frank Date of Contract : 10.11.1907 Approval date by Sultan Abdülhamid : 30.4.1908 Date of commencement of work : 1.7.1908 Total payment : 19.500.000 French Frank Time for completion of works : 6 years Acceptance Inspection : 13-24 December 1912

Supervisor : Süleyman Sırrı- Manager of Public Works, İstanbul Manager of the Project and Site : German Engineer Waldorp Language of the Contract : Technically French, Officially Turkish

The Governor of Konya, Mehmet Ferit Paşa (1847-1914), supported the project. He was born in Avlonia in Albania and finished his education in Yanya. He entered as civil officer in Ottoman public sector. After serving in Crete, Bosnia and Bulgaria he became the governor of Konya (1898-1903) and than Sadrazam (Prime Minister, 1903-1908) of Ottoman Cabinet. He died in San Remo in Italy. He was very good ruler, A new water source called Çayırbağı has been conveyed and the first water network of the city has been constructed in Konya. In the project drainage system has not been planned and later years a new dam and new canals have been added. This good planned project is still in use and this is the core of modern Konya Irrigation Project (Konya Ovaları Projesi -KOP) with these monumental regulator structures.

21 REFERENCES BİLDİRİCİ, M. (1994a) “Konya Tarihi Su Yapıları - Historical Water Works of Konya “DSİ Genel Müdürlüğü-Ankara BİLDİRİCİ, M. (1994b) “Selçuklu Dönemi Konya Sulaması -Konya Irrigation system in Seljuk Period” DSİ Genel Müdürlüğü Su ve Toprak Kaynaklarını Geliştirme Konferansı Bildirileri BİLDİRİCİ M, BİLDİRİCİ, İ.Ö. (1996) “Historical Irrigation in the Plain of Ereğli of Konya, ”ICID 16th Congress- Cairo, Egypt BURDY, J., TAŞLIALAN, M. (1995) “The Aqueduct of Antioch in Pisidia “Unpublished work” ÇANGIRI, A, AKPINAR M (1994) “İçel-Silifke Tarihi Su Yapıları - Historical Water Supply System of Silifke” DSİ Genel Müdürlüğü Su ve Toprak Kaynaklarını Geliştirme Konferansı Bildirileri DSİ (1990) “Eşmekaya Barajı Planlama Raporu- The report of Eşmekaya Dam” GORDOLEVSKY, V, (1936) “Konya Sulaması -Irrigation system of Konya” Konya Mecmuası KUTLU, E. (1993) “The Hittite Dam of Karakuyu” Essays on Anatolian Archeaology, Wisbaden ÖLÇER, B. (1968) “Konya Ovası Irva ve İskası “The Irrigation and Drainage System of Konya Plain” DSİ Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara ÖZİŞ, Ü. (1994) “Su Mühendisliği Tarihi Açısından Türkiye’deki Eski Su yapıları- Historical Water Works in view of Hydraulic Engineering “ DSİ Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara STRABON (First century) - Turkish translation as “Antik Anadolu Coğrafyası by Pekman A TODD, I. (1976) “Çatalhüyük in Perspective “