Height: 6'2" Height: 5'11" Weight: 220 lbs. Weight: 225 lbs. Lordstown, OH SHIEK Baghdad, Iraq VINCENT NOTHING UDAY MUHAMMAD LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE 1. punch - 1 1. dazed - 1 (tag) 1. punch - 1 1. SHIEK UDY MUHAMMAD - 1 2. forearm smash - 1 2. VINCENT NOTHING - 2 2. shove - 1 2. SHIEK UDY MUHAMMAD - 2 3. elbow smash - 2 (ch B) 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 3. side headlock - 2 (pw) 3. dazed - 1 (tag) 4. T-Bone - 2 4. VINCENT NOTHING - 1 4. stomp to back - 2 4. dazed - 1 5. clothesline - 2 (pw) 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. into the ropes 5. SHIEK UDY MUHAMMAD - 1 6. springboard - 3 (ag) 6. VINCENT NOTHING - 2 6. - 3 (ag) 6. dazed - 1 (tag) LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE 1. head scissors and arm bar combo - 2 1. dazed - 1 1. open hand chop - 2 1. hurt - 2 2. into the ropes (c) 2. hurt - 2 2. into the turnbuckle (c) 2. hurt - 2 (tag) 3. wheelbarrow suplex - 2 3. VINCENT NOTHING - 1 3. arm bar - 2 3. SHIEK UDY MUHAMMAD - 1 4. Northern Lights suplex - 3 4. hurt - 2 (tag) 4. dropkick - 2 4. SHIEK UDY MUHAMMAD - 2 5. 6 Seconds of Chaos - 3 (tag) 5. hurt - 2 (tag) 5. elbow drop - 3 (ch F) 5. dazed - 1 6. Fall From Grace - 3 (tag) 6. hurt - 2 6. ddt - 3 6. hurt - 2 LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 1. German suplex - 2 1. hurt - 2 1. inverted atomic drop - 2 1. hurt - 2 2. out of the ring (c) 2. hurt - 2 2. clothesline - 3 (ch G) 2. down - 3 3. triangle choke - 3 (ch G) 3. down - 3 (tag)(lv) 3. out of the ring (c) 3. PIN 6(3) 4. front slam into kimura arm bar - 3 4. PIN 6(3) 4. power slam - 3 4. down - 3 (tag)(lv) 5. 2-1-SICK (+1) 5. hurt - 2 5. sleeper hold - 3 5. hurt - 2 6. 3-1-SICK (+3) (tag) 6. down - 3 6. CAMEL CLUTCH (+1) 6. hurt - 2 Ropes - B Agility -2 Ropes - B Agility 0 Turnbuckle - A Power -1 Turnbuckle - B Power -1 Ring - B Cage 3 Ring - B Cage 3 Deathjump - A Deathjump - C Disqualification - 5 Disqualification - 6

(c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games

Height: 5'9" Height: 5'8" Weight: 300 lbs. Weight: 160 lbs. Vandalia, OH Cleveland, OH "BARNESTORMER" "HAZARDOUS HIGH FLYER" DAVID BARNES VIRUS LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE LEVEL 1 OFFENSE LEVEL 1 DEFENSE 1. punch - 1 1. BARNESTORMER - 2 1. punch - 1 1. dazed - 1 2. knife edge chop - 1 2. dazed - 1 (tag) 2. forearm smash - 1 2. dazed - 1 (tag) 3. head butt - 2 3. BARNESTORMER - 1 3. snap suplex - 2 3. VIRUS - 2 4. forearm smash - 2 4. BARNESTORMER - 2 4. drokick - 2 (ch B) 4. VIRUS - 1 5. scoop slam - 2 5. dazed - 1 (tag) 5. arm wringer - 2 5. VIRUS - 2 6. Sidewinder - 3 (ag) 6. dazed - 1 6. flying head scissors - 3 (ag) 6. dazed - 1 (tag) LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE LEVEL 2 OFFENSE LEVEL 2 DEFENSE 1. elbow smash - 2 1. dazed - 1 1. leg drop - 2 1. VIRUS - 1 2. standing dropkick - 2 (ch B) 2. hurt - 2 (tag) 2. reverse knife edge - 2 (ch C) 2. hurt - 2 (tag) 3. into the ropes (c) 3. hurt - 2 3. into the ropes (c) 3. hurt - 2 4. tilt-a-whirl German suplex - 3 4. dazed - 1 4. corkscrew senton - 3 4. dazed - 1 5. full nelson lungblower - 3 5. hurt - 2 5. springboard moonsault - 3 5. hurt - 2 6. Tomahawk - 3 6. BARNESTORMER - 1 6. reverse hurricanrana - 3 6. dazed - 1 LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE LEVEL 3 OFFENSE LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 1. clothesline - 2 1. down - 3 (lv) 1. spinning heel kick - 2 1. hurt - 2 2. out of the ring (c) 2. hurt - 2 2. deathjump (c) 2. hurt - 2 3. Sparrow - 3 (ch G) 3. down - 3 (tag) 3. out of the ring 3. PIN 5(2) 4. twisting front chancery suplex - 3 4. hurt - 2 4. flying leg lariat - 3 4. down - 3 (tag)(lv) 5. Crash & Burn - 3 Add 1 5. hurt - 2 5. THE CURE (+1) 5. hurt - 2 6. BARNESTORMER (+4) 6. PIN 6(3) 6. THE VACCINE (+3) 6. down - 3 Ropes - A Agility 0 Ropes - B Agility -3 Turnbuckle - B Power -3 Turnbuckle - B Power +1 Ring - A Cage 3 Ring - A Cage 1 Deathjump - B Deathjump - A Disqualification - 5 Disqualification - 5

(c), Filsinger Games (c), Filsinger Games