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THE COWL College THE COWL College Vol. XXVUI No. It Wednesday, October 8, 1975 12 Page* Frosh SATs Show Decline PC Still Above National Average By Tricia Bruno There were more SAT scores Although it was recently an• below 400 in 1974-1975, and 20 per nounced by the College Entrance cent fewer seniors scored above Examination Board that verbal 600. Seven per cent of this year's and mathematical Scholastic entering freshman class had SAT Aptitude Test (SAT) scores have verbal scores of 600 and above, as dropped dramatically in recent compared to 10 per cent for the years, Providence College's Class of 1978. It is significant to average SAT scores still rank well note, however, that in 1967-68, PC's above the national average. mean SAT verbal of 482 was only 16 The test is administered to one points above the national college- million graduates, and the average bound average, as contrasted to verbal score fell 10 points to 434 the 1974-75 mean which was 46 and the average mathematical points above the national average. score dropped eight points to 472. The drop in scores over the years In 1974-75 the Admissions Office has been a hotly debated issue in at Providence College received American education. Explanations Cowl Photo by Mik« Delaney 4,020 SAT scores reportsirom 2,515 for the decline have been Over three thousand people attended last Sunday's annual Oktoberfesl. held in Alumni Hall and Slavin men and 1,505 women. This places suggested by numerous educators. Center. Here, Drs. James J. Tatlersall and Eugene H. Donohue, of the mathematics and chemistry depart• PC third in the state of Rhode Michael G. Backes, head of ad• ments respectively, share a few words amidst the whirlwind of activity. Island, behind the University of missions at Providence College, Rhode Island and Rhode Island listed these reasons as: "Fewer College in the total number of juniors repeating the test changes Blindness Doesn't Foil reports processed from state in the SAT population of seniors. The average PC verbal examinees, different scaling of the score for 1974-1975 was 480, 46 test, changes in high school points above the national college curriculum (i.e. English mini- Maryanne's Fencing Skill bound verbal. The average PC course), and a school environment math score for 1974-1975 was 507, 35 which has not developed the Py Paul Szemanczlty "I started fencing seriously a He coached the Brown fencing points above the national mean. potential reasoning ability of its Maryanne Masterson feels the year and a half ago when I at• club, a thriving quasi-self- There has been a general decline students." little jold of her opponent's at tended the vocational sufficient organization which at Providence College as Another prominent explanation tacking, arm before she can defend rehabilitation school, the Carrol wanted people devoted to the sport elsewhere of SAT scores, similar to is that television and the visual herself She is knocked off balance, Center in Newton, Mass. Fencing With practices three times a that of the national average. The media have displaced the attention and someone on her fencing team was important there because it week, Maryanne knew that fencing scores of 1975 high school of the student from fundamental must help her face correctly, gave us (the blind) a chance to find successfully could only be done if : graduates witnessed the most skills to social goals. However, otherw se the black universe the lost horizon," she said. she ignored the fatigue. There was dramatic decline among recent Providence College de-emphasizes pern.ei'es even sound. The fencing program at Carrol also a difficulty in her style, and in years. the importance of the SAT as a Fencing's assertion of coor• was more exercise and stale blade See THE ONLY, Page 3 measure of academic ability. dination and balance is Mary- contact then speed, agility and Backes is disappointed in the anne s gift, since she is blind and prowess It did not prepare her mania that occurs during SAT has nevor seen a tree, let alone a very well as a competitor, she felt Head Dominican testing. challenger "It was the only "It should be emphasized that athletic thing in college that I In her freshman year, because of To Visit PC the Admissions Office does not wanted to do," she said recently. her blindness, she could not join consider the SAT a single or ab• She grinned. "Well, there's the team at Rhode Island College The Master General of the Order The Most Rev. Kenneth Angell, solute measure of academic swimming, but Providence College Then she met Duncan Smith a year of Preachers will be visiting the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese ability, and therefore does not hasn't one (a team)." later Providence College in early of Providence, will be conferred an impose any arbitrary minimum for November, and will be conferred honorary Doctor of Canon Law admission requirements. As a an honorary degree at a special degree. supplementary criterion, the SAT Republican Club Charges academic convocation, it was The Bishop of the Episcopal and its American College Testing learned last week. Diocese of R.I., the Right Rev. (ACT) counterpart contribute The Most Rev. Vincent de Frederick Belden, will be awarded Congress With Negligence Couesnongle, O.P., who heads the See MASTER, Page 3 See FROSH, Page 2 By Edward Cimini which time the credentials of the entire Dominican order throughout Charging the Student Congress GOP organization were reviewed the world, has accepted an in• with "apparent negligence and and approved pending two minor vitation to include PC in his tour of conflict of interest," the alterations in the club's con• the United States. Providence College Republicans, a stitution. The club revised its At an afternoon convocation on new student club, last Friday constitution and, according to Monday, November 3, Father de asked for an inquiry into the club David Griswold, the Republicans' Couesnongle will be presented a appropriations process of the treasurer, submitted a request for Doctor of Laws degree. The Congress. $200 as matching funds to the College will also award three other Last Friday, Maryanne Doherty, Democrats' club. honorary degrees: a Student Congress official, denied See MISALLOCATIONS Page 3 their allegations, calling the whole controversy "ridiculous". Low Voter Turnout Elects According to the Republicans' newly elected president, Jeffrey Cancro Frosh President Lanphear, the PC chapter of the By Pat Tiernan majoring in biology. Appleton Young Democrats of R. I. received Susan Cancro was voted into the triumphed with 148 votes, winning a $200 appropriation from the office of freshman class president over three competitors. finance committee of the Congress, yesterday with 135 votes. Cancro, a Mark Kelly will serve in the while his club was denied matching humanities major from Brooklyn, office of treasurer. Kelly, who won funds and was awarded only $50. N.Y., won by a margin of 60 votes with 198 votes over two com• Organizations which have been over her nearest competitor, and is petitors, is a resident student recognized by the Congress are the first female class president at majoring in political science. His eligible to receive monies for club PC. home town is Mattapoisett, Mass. activities. Until last year, the Competition for the represen• Boprd of Governors (BOG) han- Rose Hernandez was elected tative positions was among ten dleu all club appropriations. vice-president, winning with 103 candidates. Those elected include Doherty, treasurer of the Congress votes. The race among the four Mary-Eileen Mclntyre, winning and chairperson of the four- candidates was exceedingly with 251 votes; Ellen Barnes, member finance committee, said competitive. Hernandez's victory victorious with 202 votes; Dan that $1,500 has been distributed to was achieved by a 5-vote margin. Collins, elected by 177 votes; all clubs this year. A total of $8,065 She is a resident student, majoring Steven Rossi, winning with 172 had been requested. in biology. Her hometown is votes; and Susan Martins, Lanphear and other represen• Neptune, N.J. triumphing with 199 votes. tatives of the new club appeared Mary Lou Appleton will function The voter turnout was 37.7 per Cow) photo by Jir before the Congress' legislative as the class secretary. She is from cent as compared to the 35 per cent President of Providence College, Father Thomas R. Peterson, committee on September 19, at Winchester, Mass., and currently turnout of last year addressing the Faculty Senate. See story, Page 2. Page 2 The Cowl, Wednesday, October 8. 1*75 PC, Washington U. Unite Engineering Program Available Misallocation Cited or abysmally careless with student Doherty said last Friday that the funds if it can take the Democrats' Providence College has entered pursue a master of science degree economic and environmental club, on its budget request form, highly questionable claim of 70 into an agreement with in engineering or a master of matters, the 3-2 plan seeks to just asked for matching funds, and Washington University of St. Louis business administration with an members at face value and award better prepare the engineer for did not specify how much money it a $200 allocation, while denying which will greatly increase the undergraduate degree in an filling his role in society by ex• the Republicans desired and how it the minority club a realistic engineering opportunities engineering concentration. The posing the student to subject would be used. Doherty added that chance of ever establishing itself available to the College's un• University of Notre Dame 3-2 plan matter outside the pure sciences. the finance committee did not feel on this campus What method of dergraduates.
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