Executive Headteacher: Mr J. McDonald

15th December 2020

Dear Parents / Carers,

As we come to the end of the term, we would like to thank you for the tremendous support you have shown through what has been a difficult but ultimately successful and rewarding Autumn Term. Our intention from the start of this academic year was to provide the best school experience we could for all students. Our students have proved themselves to be resilient, courageous and adaptable young people.

School will close this week on Thursday 17th December 2020 at 2:15 pm. School will resume on Monday 4th January 2021 at normal taxi pick up times.

We have received a notification from the Department for Education, that school is required to be part of the track and trace system until Wednesday 23rd December 2020.

If your child or a member of your family or bubble develops symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19 during the time indicated, it is important that you let school know using the school’s ‘Out of Hours’ COVID-19 email address:


Once again, we would like to thank you for your continued help and support. We hope you and your family have a restful break and enjoy this holiday period. We look forward to seeing our young people refreshed and ready to learn in January 2021.

Stay safe. Stay well.

Kind regards,

Mrs J Hughes Mr J McDonald Head of School Executive Headteacher

Fazakerley Site: Mill Road Site:

1a Dyson Hall Drive Mill Road , Liverpool , Liverpool L9 7HA L6 2AS T: 0151 498 4055 T: 0151 233 6467 E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
