NUS Extra CEU 2017

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NUS Extra CEU 2017

NUS Extra CEU 2017

NUS extra Co-operative Enterprise Unit participation list as of March 2017 Abbey College Students' Union Aberdeen University Students' Association Aberystwyth University Students' Union Abingdon and Witney College Students' Union of Contemporary Accrington & Rossendale College Students' Union AECC Students' Union Students' Union Amersham and Wycombe College Anglia Ruskin Students' Union Aquinas Students' Council Arts Educational Schools Students' Union Arts University Students' Union Ashton VI Form College Students' Union Students' Union Asset Training & Consultancy Ltd Aston Students' Union College Students' Union B Six College Students' Union (Brooke House College) Banbury and Bicester College Students' Union Bangor University Students' Union Barking & Dagenham College Student Union Barnet and Southgate College Students' Union Students' Union Barnsley Students' Union Barrow Students' Union Barton Peveril College Student Committee Basingstoke College of Technology Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Belfast Metropolitan College Students' Union College of Agriculture Student Association Students' Union Bexley College Students' Union Students' Union Bilborough VI Form College Students' Union Students' Union Birkbeck College Students' Union Birkenhead VI Form College Students' Union

Any further important information and data to go in here. Set in Verdana 8/10 bold.

Birmingham City University Students' Union Metropolitan College SU College Students' Union Students' Association Bishop Grosseteste University Students' Union Blackburn College Students' Union Blackpool and The Fylde College Students' Union Blackpool Sixth Form College Student Council College Students' Union Bolton Students' Union Students' Union Bournemouth and College of FE Students' Union Students' Union College Students' Union Bracknell & Wokingham College Students' Union Students' Union Bridgend College Students' Union Bridgwater College Students' Union Brighton Hove & Sussex VI Form College Brine Leas Sixth Form College Bristol Old Vic Theatre School Students' Union British College of Osteopathic Medicine Students' Union British School Of Osteopathy Students' Union College Students' Union Bromley College of FE & HE Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Bucks Students' Union Budmouth College Students' Union Burton and South Derbyshire College Students' Union Students' Union Cadbury VI Form College Students' Union College of F E Students' Union Cambridge Regional College Students' Union Cambridge University Students' Union Canterbury College Students' Union Cardiff and Vale College SU Cardiff University Students' Union Students' Union College Students' Union Carmel College Students Council Carshalton College Students' Union Central College Students' Union Central College Nottingham Students' Union And National Centre For Circus Arts Students' Union Central Sussex College Students' Union Students' Union

Chester Students' Union Students' Union Students' Association Christ Church Students' Union Christ the King Sixth Form College: Lewisham and St Mary's Students' Union City & Guilds of London Students' Union City and Islington College Students' Union City College Birmingham Students' Union City College Brighton & Hove Students' Union City College Students' Union City College Students' Union City College Students' Union Students' Union City of College Students' Association Students' Union City of Students' Union City of Westminster College Students' Union City of Wolverhampton College Students' Union City University London Students' Union Cleveland College of Art & Design Students' Union Coatbridge College Students' Association Students' Union Coleg Cambria Coleg Ceredigion Students' Union Coleg Gwent Students' Union Coleg Sir Gâr Students' Union Coleg Y Cymoedd College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise SU College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London SU College of North West London Students' Union Students' Association Coulsdon Sixth Form College Courtauld Institute of Art Students' Union Students' Union Students' Association Students' Union Crossways Sixth Form Students' Union College of FE & HE Students' Association Students' Association Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Derwen College Student Union Students' Union DLD College Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Dumfries and Galloway College Students' Association

Dundee and Angus College Students' Association Durham Students' Union Ealing, Hammersmith & SU East Berkshire College Students' Union East College Students' Union East Sixth Form College Students' Union East College Students' Union Students' Union Edge Hill Students' Union Students' Association Edinburgh Napier University Students' Association Edinburgh University Students' Association Epping Forest College Students' Union Esher College European School of Osteopathy Students' Union Exeter College Student Representative Committee Farnborough College of Technology Students' Union Farnborough Sixth Form College Students' Association Students' Union First4Skills Students' Association Freeman College Students' Union Furness College of FE Students' Union FXU (Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union) Gateshead College Students' Union Students' Union GCU Students' Association Students' Association College Students' Union Glyndwr Students' Guild Students' Association Goldsmiths Students' Union Gower College Swansea Students' Union Student Union (GCSU) Great Yarmouth College Student Union Greenbank College Students' Union & Kent Students' Union Together (GK Unions) Greenwich Community College SU Grimsby Institute of FE & HE Students' Association Grwp Llandrillo-Menai Student Union Grwp NPTC Group GSM London of FE & HE Students' Union Guildhall School of Music and Drama Students' Union Hackney Community College Students' Association College Students' Union

Halesowen College Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Havant College Students' Union Havering College of FE & HE Students' Union Havering Sixth Form College Heart of Worcestershire College Students' Union Henley College Students' Union College of Arts Students' Union Hereford Sixth Form College Students' Representative Council and College Students' Union Students' Union Heriot-Watt University Student Union Hertford Regional College Students' Union Heythrop College Students' Union Students' Union Highlands and Islands Students' Association Hillcroft College Students' Union Hills Road Sixth Form College Students' Union Students' Council New College Students' Union Students' Association Students' Union Hull University Union Huntingdonshire Regional College Students' Union Impact International College Students Union Institute of Cancer Research Students' Association Institute of Students' Union International College of Oriental Medicine Students' Union Students' Association Itchen Sixth Form College Students' Union College Students' Union Students' Union College Students' Union Kent Union of FE Students' Union King College Students' Council King's College London Students' Union Kingston College Students' Union College Knowsley Community College Students' Union KSA Performing Arts Lakes College West Students' Association Students' Union Lancaster & Morecambe College Students' Union Students' Union Leeds Beckett Students' Union

Leeds City College Students' Union Leeds College of Art Students' Union Leeds College of Building Students' Union Leeds College of Music Students' Union Leeds Trinity Students' Union Leeds University Union College Students' Union Leo Baeck College Students' Society LeSoCo Students' Union Lewes Castle College Students' Association Leyton VI Form College Students' Council Lincoln College Students' Union Linkage College Student Union Liverpool Guild of Students Liverpool Hope Students' Union Liverpool Students' Union (LJMU) London Academy Of Music & Dramatic Art Students' Union London Contemporary Dance School Students' Union London Film School Students' Union London Metropolitan University Students' Union London School of Economics and Political Science Students' Union London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine SRC London School of Theology Student Committee London South Bank University Students' Union Students' Union Long Road Sixth Form College Students' Union and Performing Arts College Loreto College Students' Union Lowestoft College Students' Union Students' Union Manchester Metropolitan Students' Union Marjon Student Union Marple Sixth Form College McTimoney College of Chiropractic Students' Union Merthyr Tydfil Students' Union Mid College Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union MidKent College Students' Union Midlands Academy Of Dance & Drama Students' Union College Students' Union Students Association Motherwell College Mountview Theatre School Students' Union Students' Union National Construction College Students' Union National Film & TV School Students' Union Students' Union Nazarene Theological College Student Body NESCOT Students' Union

New College Lanarkshire New College Nottingham Students' Union New College Stamford Students' Association New College Students' Assembly Pontefract New College Students' Union (Durham) New College Swindon Students' Union New College Telford Students' Union Students' Union Newcastle Under Lyme College Students' Union Students' Union Newham College of FE Students' Union Newman University Students' Union NewVIc Student Union North Bristol Post 16 Centre SU North East Scotland College Students' Association North East Worcestershire college Redditch and Bromsgrove North College Students' Union Students' Union Student Association North Nottinghamshire College Students' Association North College Students' Union North Warwickshire & Hinckley College Students' Association North West Regional College Students' Union Northbrook College Sussex Students' Union Northern College Students' Union Northern Regional College Northern School of Contemporary Dance Students' Union Student Association Northumbria Students' Union Norton Radstock Association of Students Norwich University of Students' Union Nottingham Trent Students Union NUS NUS Scotland NUS Services NUS Wales Students' Union Oasis College of Higher Education College Students' Union Open College of the Arts Oplex Careers Ltd Oxford Brookes Students' Union Oxford University Students' Union Partnership for Theological Education Student Body Pearson College Student Association Pembrokeshire College Students' Union Perth College Students' Association Students' Union Peterborough Regional College Students' Union

Petroc Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Preston College of F E Students' Union Priestley VI Form College Prior Pursglove College Students' Union Students' Room Queen Mary Students' Union Queen Mary's College Students' Union Queen's University Belfast Students' Union Ravensbourne Students' Union Students' Union Reading University Students' Union Redbridge College Students' Union Redcar & Cleveland College Students' Union Regent College Students' Union Regent's Marylebone Regent's University London Student Union College Students' Union Richard Huish College Student' Union Richmond Upon Thames College Students' Union Riverside College Halton Students' Union Robert Gordon University Students' Association Rochdale Sixth Form College Students' Union Roehampton Students' Union Students' Union Royal Academy of Dance Students' Union Royal Academy of Dramatic Art Students' Council Students' Union Royal Agricultural University Students' Union Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Students' Union Royal Central School of Speech and Drama Students' Union Students' Union Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Royal National College For The Blind Students' Union Royal Northern College of Music Students' Union Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama SU Students' Union Students' Union County College Sabhal mor Ostaig Comann Nan Oileanach City College Students' Union College Students' Union Scarborough VI Form College Students Council School Of Oriental and African Studies Students' Union (SOAS) SEEVIC Student Association Students' Union Sheffield College Students' Union Sheffield Hallam Students Union

Shipley College Students' Union College of Arts & Technology Students' Union Sir George Monoux VI Form Students' Union Solent Students' Union ( Solent) Students' Union Somerset College of Arts Technology (SCAT) Students' Union South and City College Birmingham College Students' Union Students' Union South Downs College Students' Union South Eastern Regional College SU Students' Council South Gloucestershire and Stroud College Students' Union South Lanarkshire College Students' Association South College Students' Union South Thames College Students' Union Students' Union South West College South Worcestershire College Students' Union Students' Union Southern Regional College Students' Union College Students' Union Spurgeons College Students' Union SRUC Students' Association (SRUCSA) St Brendan's Sixth Form College Students' Union St George's Students' Union Students' Union St John Rigby College Students' Council St John's College Students' Union St Mary's University College Belfast Students' Union St Mary's University Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union University Students' Union Students' Union Stephenson College Students' Union Students' Association Stockton Riverside College Students' Union Stockton VI Form Students' Council Stoke on Students' Union Stourbridge College Students' Union Stranmillis University College Students' Union Stratford Upon Avon College Students' Association Strode's College Students' Council, Egham, Surrey Students' Association of the University of the West of Scotland Students' Union Blake Hall College Students' Union Royal Holloway University of London Students' Union Students' Union University of the Arts London Students' Union

Sussex Coast College Hastings Students' Union Sussex Downs College Students' Union Swansea University Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union of Art & Technology Students' Union The Cheadle College The City Academy, Hackney The City Of Liverpool College Students Union The College of Richard Collyer Student Council The Students' Union The College Students' Union The Students' Association The Oxford School of Drama Students' Union The Students' Union at UWE The Students' Union, Queen Margaret University The Student Association The Students Union The University of Wales, Trinity Saint David's Students' Union Thomas College Students' Union Total Students' Council Tower Hamlets College Students' Union Tresham College of Further and Higher Education Students' Union Trinity Laban Students' Union Trinity Theological College Students' Union Tropics Global College Union Tyne Metropolitan College Students' Union Union of Brunel Students Union of Kingston Students University Campus Suffolk Students' Union University College Birmingham University College London Students' Union University East Anglia Students' Union University for the Creative Arts Students' Union University of Abertay Dundee Students' Association Students' Union University of Bedfordshire Students' Union Guild of Students Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union University of Central Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union

University of East London Students' Union Students' Union Students' Guild University of Gloucestershire Students' Union University of Hertfordshire Students' Union University of Huddersfield Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union University of Northampton Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union University of South Wales Students Union University of Stirling Students' Union University of Strathclyde Students' Association Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union University of Ulster Students' Union University of West London Students' Union University of Westminster Students' Union University of Wolverhampton Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Varndean Sixth Form College Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union Warrington Collegiate Institute Students' Union Warwick Students' Union Warwickshire College Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union West Kent and Students' Union Students' Union West Nottinghamshire College Students' Union West Somerset College Post 16 Students' Union Westminster Kingsway College Students' Union Students' Union Westwood College Students' Union Students' Union Wigan & Leigh College Students' Union Wilberforce VI Form College Students' Council William Morris Sixth Form College Students' Union

Winchester Student Union Students' Union Wirral Metropolitan College Students' Union Women's Technology and Education Centre Students' Union Students' Union Worcester Students' Union Workington Sixth Form College Worthing VI Form College Students' Union Writtle College Students' Union Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College SU Students' Association Xaverian Sixth Form College Students' Union Students' Union YMCA George Williams College Students' Union Students' Union York St. John Students' Union Yorkshire Coast College Students' Union Zaskin College Students' Union

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