Mrs. Larkin’s CS/Literature Distance Learning Packet (If you prefer you may access the material through Google Classroom.)

Day 1- Read Native American History: The Algonquian Peoples and and answer the questions.

Day 2-Write a letter from Samuel’s perspective to a relative or friend in . Follow the instructions on day 2 assignment.

Day 3- Read War and Peace with ’s People Answer the questions.

Day 4- Research one of the characters in the book Blood on the River. Write a paragraph about your findings.

Day 5- Read the article and answer the questions.

Día 1: Lea la historia de los nativos americanos: los algonquinos pueblos y reponda las preguntas.

Día 2: escriba una carta desde la perspectiva de Samuel a un pariente o amigo en Inglaterra. Siga las pariente o amigo en Inglaterra. Siga las instrucciones en la tarea del día 2.

Día 3- Lea Guerra y paz con la gente de Powhatan Responda las preguntas.

Día 4- Investiga a uno de los personajes del libro Blood on the River. Escribe un párrafo sobre tus hallazgos.

Día 5: Lea el artículo y responda las preguntas.

Digging up old bones in Jamestown Day 5

Crosses mark where the remains were found of four of the earliest leaders of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America. They were buried for more than 400 years near the altar of what was America's first Protestant church, in Jamestown, . WASHINGTON — Jamestown was England's first colony in America. Archaeologists found the bones of four early leaders. They died more than 400 years ago.

The graves were under a dirt floor. The floor was once part of Jamestown's church. Jamestown is in Virginia.

Pocahontas got married in that church. She was the daughter of an American Indian chief. She married John Rolfe of England. The Four Graves

Archaeologists also found a box in a grave. Pieces of bones were in it. Experts think they were relics. Relics are the bones belonging to saints. Saints are important people in the .

The archaeologists have studied the church since 1994. Archaeologists dig up old buildings and objects. They do this to learn more about human history.

The team found the bones of the Reverend Robert Hunt. He was Jamestown's first minister. He was known as a peacemaker. They also found the bones of Captain Gabriel Archer. Sir Ferdinando Wainman was the third man. He was likely the first knight buried in America. The last man was Captain William West. In his grave, archaeologists found a silk belt. Its edges were made of silver. The belt was falling apart. It could not be dug up. Instead, the archaeologists removed an entire block of dirt.

William died in a fight with Indians. The three other men died from illnesses. Important Information

The objects will go on display soon. They will be in a museum at "Historic Jamestowne."

A museum made a 3-D scan of the ground, the bones and objects. They will be put online soon.

Douglas Owsley works at the Smithsonian Museum. It is in Washington, D.C. He studies human bones. Douglas said he discovers important things from bones. History books do not have all the information. The bones give important details, too.

Quiz 1 Why is the archaeologists' discovery important?

(A) because they found the church where Pocahontas got married to John Rolfe

(B) because they found the bones of early leaders that will teach them new information about American history

(C) because they were able to make a 3-D scan of what they found to post online for people to see

(D) because they discovered a way to dig up objects without making them fall apart

2 What did the archaeologists study to learn about the lives of the early leaders?

(A) history textbooks

(B) a museum

(C) bones and objects

(D) the Internet

3 Read these sentences from the section "What Was In The Graves." Sir Ferdinando Wainman was the third man. He was likely the first knight buried in America.

Which word helps explain that the researchers don't know a fact for sure?

(A) likely (B) first (C) knight (D) buried

4 Read the first paragraph from the section "Important Information."

The objects will go on display soon. They will be in a museum at "Historic Jamestowne."

What does the word "display" mean in the sentence above?

(A) to look at carefully

(B) to show to everyone

(C) to put back in the ground

(D) to respect and take care of

War and Peace with Powhatan's People Day 3

Captain was one of the first Europeans to move to Virginia. He and the other Europeans who came to North America were called settlers, or colonists.

Many Native Americans were already living in Virginia. They were part of a group of tribes called the Powhatan Confederacy.

The Confederacy had about 30 tribes. Their leader was Chief Wahunsonacock. He was called Powhatan by Captain John Smith. He united the tribes to form the Confederacy.

Chief Powhatan did not trust the English settlers who were moving into Virginia. He did not trust the Spanish settlers before them. But the English had guns and powder. These things might help him defeat surrounding tribes.

The English seemed so harmless at first. Powhatan's people helped the English settlers live through their first few seasons in the New World. Working together could have helped both the settlers and Native Americans live better. Plundering, peace and Pocahontas

This hope of working together did not last. The colonists ran out of food and started stealing food from the Native Americans. So Powhatan ordered an attack.

War raged on and off for the next few years. Each group hurt and killed people in the other group. Unsuspecting colonists were shot by arrows. Children of defeated tribes were drowned in the .

In 1607, Captain John Smith was captured by a group of Native Americans. Smith wrote a letter about what happened to the Queen of England. He told her that he was taken prisoner by Powhatan. But he also said that the chief and his son were polite to him.

Smith also wrote about Powhatan's daughter. Her name was Pocahontas. She was 12 or 13 years old. Her heart went out to Smith. Smith told Queen Anne that he respected Pocahontas. More fighting between English and Native Americans

Finally, in 1614, Powhatan accepted peace with the English. But his brother was determined to continue the fight. He led a huge attack. Three hundred forty- seven settlers were killed before things calmed down.

Fighting continued between the Native Americans and the English until 1645. The brother of Powhatan was captured and executed. The English forced the tribes to give up their land. They told the Native Americans that they were in charge.

By the time the English had been in Virginia for 60 years, most of the Native Americans in the area were gone. The war had killed many of them. Many others died because of the germs brought by Europeans.


1 What is the purpose of the section “Plundering, peace and Pocahontas”?

(A) to explain how Captain John Smith met Pocahontas (B) to describe the relationship between the Native Americans and colonists

(C) to explain why Native Americans did not like the colonists (D) to describe how colonists and children died in the war

2 Select the paragraph from the introduction [paragraphs 1-5] that gives information about how Chief Powhatan felt about different types of colonists.

3 Which sentence from the article explains what Captain John Smith thought about Powhatan?

(A) Chief Powhatan did not trust the English settlers who were moving into Virginia.

(B) Working together could have helped both the settlers and Native Americans live better.

(C) But he also said that the chief and his son were polite to him.

(D) They told the Native Americans that they were in charge.

4 What is the MAIN reason why the author wrote this article?

(A) to explain the history of settlers and Native Americans (B) to convince the reader that settlers were bad

(C) to show how settlers treated Native Americans

(D) to describe the life events of Captain John Smith

Native American History:The Algonquian Peoples Day 1

About 500 years ago, people from England started sailing to North America. When they landed, they realized they were not alone. The English soon met Native Americans. These groups already lived on the land.

That did not stop the English from settling in. For native groups, things would never be the same.

In 1607, English colonists started a new town. They called it Jamestown. Colonists are people who move to a new land. They claim land for the country they left. They start new communities there. The Jamestown colonists soon met the Powhatan (POH-uh-tahn) people. The Powhatan lived near Jamestown.

The Pequot (PEE-kwat) Native Americans lived in what is today. They were there when the Pilgrims arrived.

By, adapted by Newsela staff on 02.23.17 Word Count 537 Level 380L

This article is available at 5 reading levels at

Elsewhere, an Englishman named William Penn also started a colony. It would become Pennsylvania. There, Penn met the Leni Lenape (LEH-nee LEHnuh-pee) people. Algonquian Peoples Connected By Language Similarities

These tribes are different from one another. Yet they are connected in one way: They have similar languages. Together, they are known as the Algonquian (al-GAHN- kwee-uhn) peoples. These groups speak Algonquian languages. They were the colonists' first neighbors. The Algonquian Way Of Life

The Algonquian people had their own way of life. They used canoes to travel on rivers. They hunted in the woods. They fished in the lakes. They also farmed. Corn was one of their crops.

When the English arrived, things changed. The Algonquians were forced to change their ways. The British Criticized The Native Americans

The Native Americans and the English people had different ideas about how to live. For example, the English did not think women should farm. The Algonquians disagreed. They laughed when they saw British men farming. In their culture, women did the farming. Hunting was another difference. In England, hunting was a sport. To the Algonquians, it was serious work. The English did not understand this. They thought Algonquian hunters were lazy. British Wanted To Buy Land And Kick Out Native Americans

Land caused the biggest confusion. The English thought they could buy land from the Native Americans. Then they would own it. They could tell the native groups to leave.

This made no sense to the Algonquians. To them, owning land was like owning air. It was not possible. Land was something shared. This misunderstanding led to conflict. Going To War For Land

Sadly, the English and Algonquians never made peace. The Algonquians did not want to give up their homes. The English continued to want native lands. This led to anger and conflict. At times, conflict turned into war. This happened again and again.


1 Read the summary below. Choose the answer that BEST fits into the blank to complete the summary.

The British began to move to North America 500 years ago. ______As a result, this led to many arguments.

(A) The Native American and the British had different ideas about owning land.

(B) The English did not think that women should farm.

(C) The Leni Lenape and the Quakers worked together to grow crops on the land.

(D) The Native American tribes on the East Coast spoke similar languages.

2 The Algonquians believed land could not be owned. What happened as a result?

(A) It led to conflict with the British. (B) It led to peace with the British.

(C) It taught the British to respect the land.

(D) It caused the British to leave.

3 Select the paragraph in the introduction [paragraphs 1 - 5] that explains what a colonist is.

4 Read the caption under the drawing. According to this caption, which Algonquian tribe is shown?

(A) Powhatan

(B) Pequot


(D) Narragansett

DAY 2: The settlers were not allowed to write letters saying anything bad about what it was like living in the New World. Yet, as we know from reading this historical novel, the settlers had many problems trying to start a new life in Jamestown. Imagine that you are a settler and your brother has sent word that he is coming to join you in Jamestown. Write him a truthful letter about your experiences in the New World and convince him to stay in England.


DÍA 2: A los colonos no se les permitió escribir cartas diciendo nada malo sobre cómo era vivir en el Nuevo Mundo. Sin embargo, como sabemos al leer esta novela histórica, los colonos tuvieron mucho problemas al intentar comenzar una nueva vida en Jamestown.Imagina que eres un colono y tu hermano ha enviado un mensaje de que vendrá a reunirte contigo en Jamestown. Escríbale una veraz carta sobre sus experiencias en el Nuevo Mundo y convencerlo de que se quede en Inglaterra.



Research one of the characters found in the novel Blood on the River. Write a paragraph about your character and the interesting details that you found during your research. If you prefer you may create a powerpoint about the character to share when you return to school.

Captain John Smith John Ratcliffe

Pocahontas Chief Powhatan Rev. Robert Hunt

Please include the following in your report or powerpoint:

The birthdate of your character. The role they played in the Jamestown settlement. How the character died? At least 5 interesting facts about the character.


Investiga uno de los personajes encontrados en la novela Blood on the River. Escribe un párrafo sobre tu personaje y los detalles interesantes que encontraste durante tu investigación. Si lo prefiere, puede crear un powerpoint sobre el personaje para compartir cuando regrese a la escuela.

Capitán John Smith Edward Maria Wingfield John Ratcliffe

Pocahontas Jefe Powhatan Rev. Robert Hunt

Por favor incluya lo siguiente en su informe o powerpoint:

La fecha de nacimiento de su personaje. La parte que jugaron en el asentamiento de Jamestown. ¿Cómo murió el personaje? Al menos 5 datos interesantes sobre el personaje.