Welsh Government Paper to the CYPE Committee on the Education
CYPE(5)-31-17 - Paper 2 Children, Young People and Education Committee From: Welsh Government Date: 16th November 2017 Time: 09.15 -10.45 Title: Evidence paper on the Draft Budget 2018-19 - Education Main Expenditure Group (MEG) Introduction 1. This paper provides information to the Children, Young People and Education Committee on the Education Main Expenditure Group (MEG) proposals outlined in the draft Budget 2018-191, which was published as part of the new two stage process. The outline budget (stage 1) was published on 3 October followed by the detailed budget (stage 2) on 24 October. It also provides an update on specific areas of interest to the Committee. Background 2. The draft Budget 2018-19 provides a two year plan for revenue investment and a three year plan for capital investment in the provision of education in Wales. The tables below provide an overview of the planned Education MEG published in Draft Budget 2018-19. 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 First Draft Budget Draft Budget Education - Summary Supplementary New Plans New Plans Budget Resource DEL 1,478,335 1,465,877 1,436,289 Capital DEL 100,813 168,061 176,145 Total DEL 1,579,148 1,633,938 1,612,434 Resource AME -104,958 -128,382 -138,399 Capital AME 513,397 658,439 816,483 Total AME 408,439 530,057 678,084 Total – Education 1,987,587 2,163,995 2,290,518 Budget RESOURCE and Capital DEL SUMMARY £000s Revised 2017-18 Resource 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2018-19 First Baseline Baseline / Draft Draft Draft Changes Supplementary Adjustments 2018-19 Budget Budget Budget Budget Original New Plans New Plans New Capital Plans Plans Resource 1,478,335 -40,736 1,437,599 28,278 1,465,877 1,436,289 - DEL 1 Within this paper, ‘/’ refers to an academic year which spans the period from 1 August to 31 July and ‘-‘ refers to a financial year which spans the period from 1 April to 31 March.
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