Gamepro Issue 103 February 1998
First Look 1 Worldwide at the New 1 '— for the .Exclusive!, ^ Hidden Character PlayStation! in Tekken 3! i PC OamePro How To Beat! Nintei Street Fig^'ter Alpha 2 Gold February 1898 Raider II $4.99 Canada $6.50 ’ ^ AiortSf^ombot Mythoiogies^jJb-Zero Star 0 74470'‘65945 "‘7 Masters of Terds Kd'si lie coolest game <>" earth The only NHL' game on N64 with full 25 man rosters All 26 NHL* teams and over 600 players Proprietary Motion Capture Animations Momentum-based checking and goaltender specific play styles The only NHL game on N64 with create a player mode Assigned name actually appears on player's jersey ACCLAIM Total Team Management Create, trade, develop, sign and release players hhLpa WWW. BREAKAWAY NINTENDO” 98 4i Coming in February Keith Tkachuk 1996-97 NHL* Goal Scoring Champion sweat the details |or why deception, cruelty and hctrayal are your friends^ To start “Tke War of tke Lions/’ you must use bold strokes. Regicides, douLle-crosses, violations of queens, good options all. Wkatever your plan, once kegun, a war of tliis magni- tude is not to ke trifled witk. Tkis is a krutal conflict of epic proportions, wkere eack kallowed victory krings you closer to tke very-keart of darkness. Battle after kattle, you will command your figkting party across magical lands protected ky kostile forces. You will need tke kelp of tke kravest warriors, as well as armor, weapons, intricate kattle plans and magical spells. Be rutkless. Be clever. Or ke dead. TRAJNIN9 w ARcny jor h ow to ensure the higgest, haddcst, meanest SOBs are on your side : In Final Fantasy Tactics,’” you are Ramza, a young squad leader and an ally of Princess Ovelia.
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