Following the Spring Clean event earlier this year, Meg Davidson has now established a monthly Saturday morning litter picking session along the Prittlewell stretch of the Greenway.

Editor:in Meg Davidsontouch Summer 2014 At the initial session volunteers collected 28 bagfuls of rubbish along the pathway between Victoria Avenue and Springfield Drive. Now the PLEDGE TO PUT MORE POLICE average is about 15 bagfuls but there is still far too ON THE BEAT much littering, dog fouling and fly tipping taking Stephen Kavanagh has confirmed that Southend is to get up place. to 50 more front line police officers. Speaking at a recent Challenge meeting in Westcliff, he outlined plans to transfer centrally based officers to local Meg believes that the absence of rubbish bins along the Greenway makes the police teams which should mean more “bobbies on the beat”. litter problem worse. She has put in a request to Southend Borough Council to install bins at regular intervals along the Greenway. . Question time at Westcliff: New volunteers are always welcome to join us at the Saturday morning litter PCC Nick Alston, picking sessions. For dates and further information please contact: deputy PCC Lyndsey Meg Davidson, Prittle Brook Community Group Co-ordinator. Whitehouse Tel. no. 07527 395137 & Chief Constable E-mail: [email protected] Stephen Kavanagh Website: www.litteraction.org.uk/prittle-brook-community-group

The Essex Police Challenge is an initiative of Essex Police and Crime Commissioner MAYOR POPS INTO (PCC) Nick Alston. These meetings take place 4 times a year and give the public a PRITTLEWELL FOR TEA! chance to raise any police or crime matter directly with the Chief Constable. They also get to see the PCC publicly question the Chief Constable about the perform-

Trust Links hosted a tea party in aid ance and management of Essex Police.

of the Mayor’s Charity Fund at their Issues discussed at Westcliff included: problems with the non emergency number Growing Together community garden 101, the value of Community Support Officers, future arrangements for local polic- on Fairfax Drive in Westcliff. Cllr Chris ing meetings and the latest crime figures. Overall, crime in Southend has fallen Walker, Mayor of Southend, and his over the past ten years. This trend has continued in the past year apart from an wife Janet joined the guests for a increase in the number of violent offences recorded. Essex Police believe that this sumptuous afternoon tea made and is partly due to more victims of domestic abuse and hate crimes coming forward to Meg Davidson (centre) with the served by Trust Links staff and report incidents, whereas in the past many victims suffered in silence. Mayor and Mayoress of Southend at the volunteers. Growing Together Community Garden Poor use of technology and outdated equipment emerged as key factors affecting police performance. PCC Nick Alston is pressing the Chief Constable to invest more into upgrading equipment and providing better training for officers. Prittlewell Ward intouch Summer 2014

Promoted by Meg Davidson of Southend West Conservative Association, Iveagh Hall, 67 Leigh Road, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 1JW and printed SWCA Iveagh Hall, 67 Leigh Road, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 1JW PRITTLEWELL PERSPECTIVE A WORD FROM WESTMINSTER David Amess MP for Southend West

The Queen's Speech delivered at the State Opening of Parliament in June Meg Davidson of Prittlewell Conservatives writes: set out the Government's legislative programme up until the General Election. One particular measure I am pleased to see is the much needed

reforms to the pensions system. The Government are introducing a Dutch Crime and antisocial behaviour are a big concern in Prittlewell Ward, so the style Collective Pension Scheme which will reduce the costs and risks for news that Southend’s local police teams are to get more officers is pensioners. We are also introducing a Pensions Tax Bill which will give welcome. There is a short survey on crime and policing enclosed with this those who retire the choice of what they would like to do with their newsletter. Please do take a couple of minutes to complete and return it: retirement funds. On another note, I was very pleased to see support for we are keen to hear your views. small and medium sized businesses in the Queens Speech, which will

make it easier for them to access finance. The new coalition at Southend Borough

Council (SBC) lost no time in putting Happy Birthday to the Citizens’ Advice previously agreed plans on libraries, Bureau! The CAB celebrates its 75th care homes and flood defences on hold anniversary this year. They are a pending a series of reviews. But wonderful charity that provides help and changing or reversing earlier decisions advice for many in the Southend West is rarely straightforward, especially at a Will new Council bosses find it hard to constituency. I was very happy to pledge fulfil the promises they made in the time when local councils are facing my support for their “Advice for the election campaign? further significant cuts to their budgets. Future” campaign which highlights the

importance of free, impartial advice for

all who need it. The planned changes to library services SOUTHEND BOROUGH COUNCIL were set to save £100,000 per year. If the LOCAL ELECTIONS 2014 Council now decides to keep libraries as PRITTLEWELL WARD RESULT David Amess MP At last there are clear signs of economic they are, they will either have to make (Conservative) recovery in our country. The Conservative savings elsewhere or increase the Council Tino Callaghan (UKIP) 970 House of Commons Meg Davidson (Cons) 849 Party does have a Long Term Economic London SW1A 0AA Tax to pay for it. The decision to “go back Mike Grimwade (Lib Dem) 596 Plan which the opposition certainly doesn't Tel: 020 7219 3452 to the drawing board” on a flood David Carrington(Lab) 409 have. I look forward to rising living Email: [email protected] prevention scheme for Shoebury means David holds his surgery on the standards for everyone, more job creation st rd the probable loss of £3 million of funding UKIP gain from Lib Dem 1 and 3 Friday of every month and a growing economy. which the Conservatives had secured from Turnout: 35.78% from 9.00-12.00 at: Iveagh Hall the Environment Agency. The coalition at Many thanks to all who 67 Leigh Road SBC now faces a two fold challenge: Leigh on Sea SS9 1JW gave me their support. Finally, I would like to wish all our young devising a scheme which everyone is happy No need to book – David will see people every success with their with and finding the money to pay for it. It is much appreciated. you on a first come, examinations. first served basis