A Publication of the Embassy of , Washington, D.C.

June 1, 2011

I India RevieI w Vol. 7 Issue 6 www.indianembassy.org

Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram and U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano holding a joint press briefing on the India-U.S. Homeland Security Dialogue, in New Delhi on May 27. India, U.S. conclude Homeland Security Dialogue n India to allow n New merger n Indian banks build foreign direct and acquisition on global branding, investment in limited norms unveiled; continue to dominate liability partnership take effect India’s financial firms from June 1 sector Cover STORY India-U.S. Homeland Security dialogue concludes Both countries affirm the strategic importance of cooperation in tackling terror and other security issues

Home Minister P. Chidambaram with U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano at a delegation-level meeting, in New Delhi on May 27, 2011.

ffirming the strategic Prime Minister Dr. the two leaders agreed to deepen importance of cooperation and President Barack Obama had agency-to-agency engagement, shar - for the security of India and agreed to launch an India-U.S. ing of intelligence, and access to data 2 Athe United States and their Homeland Security Dialogue. relating to terrorism. people, the two countries concluded During their talks, Home Minister the first India-U.S. Homeland Chidambaram and Secretary Text of the Joint Statement (Excerpts ): Security Dialogue in New Delhi on Napolitano hailed the growing cooper - “Home Minister P. Chidambaram and May 27, 2011. At the Dialogue, the ation between the two countries in U.S. Department of Homeland Indian delegation was led by Home their counter-terrorism efforts. Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Minister P. Chidambaram and the U.S. Referring to the Mumbai terror attack launched in New Delhi the India-U.S. side by Secretary, Homeland Security of November 2008, they restated that Homeland Security Dialogue, which Department, Janet Napolitano. the two governments were determined was announced by Prime Minister It was as part of the growing to bring to justice the perpetrators and Dr. Manmohan Singh and strategic partnership between India the supporters of the carnage. President Barack Obama in November and the United States, that As regards institutional cooperation, 2010 as part of the global strategic

June 2011 India Review Cover STORY

partnership between India and the United States. Home Minister Chidambaram and Secretary Napolitano affirmed the strategic importance of cooperation for the security of the two countries and their people, based on their shared values of democracy, pluralism and openness; the threat of terrorism and other challenges, including cyber 3 security, counterfeit currency, illicit financing and transnational crimes; and, the deepening technological and economic partnership between the two nations. The leaders expressed satisfaction with the growth in counter-terrorism and security cooperation between U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano calls on Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, in New Delhi on May 27. Also seen is India’s Ambassador to United States Meera Shankar and India and the U.S. They noted the U.S. Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer. contribution of existing mechanisms, such as the Joint Working Group on democratic and federal environment. security and counter-terrorism; and, to Counter-terrorism, established in They decided to strengthen agency- facilitate bilateral technology transfer 2000, the Defense Policy Group, the to-agency engagement, including and trade in these items, in the spirit of Joint Working Group on Information those in the areas of intelligence the strategic partnership between the and Communications Technology exchange, information sharing, two countries. and the Aviation Security Working forensics and investigation, access and Home Minister Chidambaram and Group, and the Counter-Terrorism sharing of data relating to terrorism, Secretary Napolitano agreed on a cal - Coopera-tion Initiative of July 2010 in security of infrastructure,transporta - endar of events, and collaborative advancing India-U.S. cooperation. tion and trade, conducting joint needs activities and initiatives to be imple - They discussed their cooperation assessments, combating counterfeit mented over the next twelve months. in the investigations into the Mumbai currency, countering illicit financing They also decided that the Home terror attack of November 2008 and transnational crime. Secretary of India and the Deputy and reiterated their governments’ They decided to foster capacity Secretary of Homeland Security commitment to bring the perpetrators building in areas including counter- should meet at the end of six months to and supporters of the Mumbai attack terrorism, counter-narcotics, counter - review progress in their collaboration. to justice. As Prime Minister feit currency, illicit financing and Home Minister Chidambaram and Dr. Manmohan Singh and President transnational crime, security of infra - Secretary Napolitano agreed to hold Barack Obama stated in November structure, transportation and trade, the Homeland Security Dialogue 2010, the Minister and Secretary coastal security and large-city policing. annually to set strategic directions for called on Pakistan to move expedi - They affirmed the importance of cooperation in homeland security. tiously in prosecuting those involved in more dialogue and cooperation in the During her visit to India, Secretary the terror attack. Home Minister area of cyber security. They welcomed Napolitano also met with senior police Chidambaram and Secretary the decision of the two governments to officials in Mumbai and visited the Napolitano committed their govern - negotiate an MoU between CERT-IN 26/11 memorial in Mumbai. Secretary ments to comprehensive sharing of (Indian Computer Emergency Napolitano called on Finance Minister information relating to the attack. Response Team) and US-CERT Pranab Mukherjee, Defense Minister Home Minister Chidambaram and (United States Computer Emergency A. K. Antony, Minister for Secretary Napolitano committed to Readiness Team), the designated Communications and Information expand India-U.S. cooperation to agencies for information exchange. Technology and Foreign further strengthen their capacity to Home Minister Chidambaram and Secretary Nirupama Rao. Secretary secure their countries and protect their Secretary Napolitano agreed that the Napolitano invited Home Minister people. They agreed to share ideas and two governments should maintain a Chidambaram for the next round of the experiences on the transformation of regular dialogue to share information India-U.S. Homeland Security their countries’ security-related and assessment on equipment, tech - Dialogue in Washington DC at a mutu - organizational structures in a nologies, and systems for homeland ally convenient date next year. ”

June 2011 India Review Cover STORY ‘India-U.S. cooperation key to strategic partnership’ Home Minister P. Chidambaram says India-U.S. Homeland Security Dialogue carries out a key strategic outcome of President Obama’s visit to India in November 2010

n May 27, in a welcome address for U.S. Homeland Security Department OSecretary Janet Napo- litano, India’s Home Minister P. Chidambaram in his Opening Remarks described the India-U.S. Homeland Security Dialogue as an “important milestone in India-U.S. relations”, adding “a very important dimension to the growing strategic partnership between our two countries”. Referring to the salience of the India-U.S. strategic relationship, Chidambaram observed: “One of the key elements of the India-U.S. rela - tionship is our engagement on the issue of terrorism and on counter-ter - rorism cooperation.” Home Minister P. Chidambaram meeting U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, in New Delhi on May 27. Text of Home Minister Chidambaram’s Opening Remarks: Security and agreed to further deepen cotics trafficking, threats and risks in “Secretary Napolitano, operational cooperation, counter-ter - the cyber space, etc. I am honored to launch with you rorism technology transfers and capac - Madam Secretary, it is a truism to today the India-U.S. Homeland ity building. The two leaders also say that India lives in perhaps the most Security Dialogue. This is an impor - emphasized the importance of close difficult neighborhood in the world. tant milestone in India-U.S. relations cooperation in combating terrorist The global epicenter of terrorism is in and adds a very important dimension financing and in protecting the inter - our immediate western neighborhood. to the growing strategic partnership national financial system.’ The vast infrastructure of terrorism in between our two countries. In a world of complex challenges, Pakistan has for long flourished as an It implements one of the key strate - including new and emerging forms of instrument of state policy. Today, dif - gic outcomes of the visit of President threats, terrorism remains a principal ferent terrorist groups, operating from 4 Barack Obama to India in November challenge for our two countries. The the safe havens in Pakistan, are becom - 2010, during which Prime Minister events of the past few days, especially ing increasingly fused... Today, Dr. Manmohan Singh and President inside Pakistan, speak to the successes Pakistan itself faces a major threat Obama announced the Homeland and to the enduring risks and chal - from the same forces. Its people as well Security Dialogue. I quote from their lenges. Despite extraordinary efforts as its institutions are under attack. Joint Statement: ‘Building upon the and significant successes against ter - Terrorist infiltration or fake currency Counter Terrorism Initiative signed in rorism, its threat remains strong. inflow does not only take place through July 2010, the two leaders announced Our two countries — indeed, the our western border, but is often routed a new Homeland Security Dialogue global community — must also deal through countries that we share open between the Ministry of Home Affairs with a range of other challenges, borders with. We also have to deal and the Department of Homeland including counterfeit currency, nar - with the challenge of large-scale migra -

June 2011 India Review Cover STORY

tions from across our borders. vided me the opportunity to identify assessment on technologies and sys - Insurgent groups have some times areas in which we could learn from and tems; identify technology needs, trends found refuge in our neighboring coun - work with each other. and gaps; and, address licensing and tries. Internal instability in our neigh - Certainly, U.S. political support and other terms relating to transfer of boring countries has a direct bearing operational cooperation during and counter-terrorism and homeland secu - on the population in our border states. after the Mumbai attack meant a great rity equipment and technology to each Given the complexity of our region, deal to the people of India. We appre - other, in the spirit of the strategic part - our Government has a comprehensive ciate the U.S. efforts to bring the per - nership between the two countries. neighborhood strategy that is based on petrators of the Mumbai terror attack, I would propose that our Home political engagement, especially with and others associated with it, to justice. Secretary and Deputy Secretary for 5 Pakistan; support for political stability; Even as we meet, the trial of Tahawwur Homeland Security meet after six assistance for economic development; and, improved connectivity and market access for our neighbors to the Indian economy. A stable, peaceful and pros - perous neighborhood is vital for the security of the people of India. One of the key elements of the India- U.S. relationship is our engagement on the issue of terrorism and on counter- terrorism cooperation. Dealing with the challenge of terrorism is a priority for the people of India. There has always been great public and political expectation about India-U.S. coopera - tion on counter-terrorism. This is because of our shared values, the growth of strategic partnership between our two countries, U.S. expertise and capabilities, and the per - ception in India that the United States Secretary Janet Napolitano presents a memorial wreath at the Mumbai Police 26/11 Memorial in exercises a strong influence on the Mumbai on May 24. country that is the hub of global terror. A strong and effective India-U.S. Rana is taking place in Chicago. months to review progress. Before cooperation in homeland security and Our cooperation must cover all I conclude, I would also like to thank counter-terrorism is indispensable for aspects of the challenges that we face: Ambassador Roemer, who has had an our strategic partnership. anticipating and predicting threats, excellent track record in public life, India and the United States estab - taking preventive or pre-emptive meas - including in Congress, in the cause of lished a Joint Working Group on ures, or responding effectively and addressing the security challenges fac - Counter-terrorism as early as February quickly to incidents. Therefore, we ing the United States. He has also been 2000. It had its ninth meeting recently. must further deepen our ties in intelli - tireless in his efforts over the course Our two countries signed a Counter- gence, information and assessment of the past two years to promote terrorism Cooperation Initiative in July sharing; cooperation in investigations India-U.S. relationship and our count - 2010. There are other institutional and forensics; protecting cities, infra - er-terrorism cooperation, in particular. mechanisms, such as the Working structure, people and trade; and, devel - The Counter-Terrorism Cooperation Group on Aviation Security, the oping capabilities to diffuse and termi - Initi-ative is an important, lasting con - Working Group on Information and nate any incident. tribution. Appropriately enough, his Communication Technology, and the I also want to stress the importance last bilateral dialogue as U.S. Defense Policy Group, which provide of developing and sharing appropriate Ambassador to India is in Homeland avenues for our cooperation. India’s technologies, equipment and systems Security. I also thank my colleagues membership of FATF has strengthened for homeland security. I recognize that Home Secretary G.K. Pillai and our ability to work with each other on acquisition will be largely from the pri - Ambassador Meera Shankar for their the financial aspects of terrorism. vate sector, but as governments, we outstanding efforts in putting together I recall my own visit to the United must continue a strategic dialogue to this dialogue, and, more broadly, in States in September 2009, which pro - share information, experiences and promoting our cooperation.”

June 2011 India Review Ambassador’s ENGAGEMENTS ambassadoR’s meeting with dhs secRetaRy Janet napolitano

head of U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano’s Avisit to India from May 23-27, Ambassador Meera Shankar on May 20 held discus - sions with her. The Secretary visited Mumbai and Delhi. In Mumbai, she laid a wreath at the Police Gymkhana 26/11 Police Memorial for the victims of the Mumbai terrorist attack and also met senior police officials. Later, Secretary Napolitano held talks with Home Minister P. Chidambaram on May 27 in Delhi. The discussions focussed on bilateral cooperation in Counter Terrorism with special focus on Capacity Building, Technology and Equipment, Mega-City Policing, Terrorist Financing, and Cyber Security. Ambassador Meera Shankar (R) with U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (L).

Reception foR congRessmen fRom texas

Ambassador Meera Shankar with Congressmen from 6 Texas at a reception hosted by her at the Embassy Residence on May 2, 2011.

June 2011 India Review Embassy EVENTS the baRefoot college stoRy

7 Bunker Roy, Director of the Indian NGO ‘Barefoot College’, speaking of the success story of a project assigned to the Barefoot College under the Indian Government’s Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program to help train women in rural areas of African countries to Ambassador Meera Shankar speaking on the Guests in attendance. electrify their villages using solar power. occasion. talk on micRo enteRpRises

William Bissell, Managing Director of Fabindia and author of the book “Making India Work”, talks about the development of micro enterprises and small businesses in India at the Deputy Chief of Mission Arun K. Singh A cross-section of the audience. Embassy on May 24. addressing the gathering. sufi music by shahi Qawwals fRom aJmeR shaRif

Deputy Chief of Mission Arun K. Singh speaking at an event on the Haji Syed Salman Chishty, Director of Chishty Foundation, Ajmer Sharif contribution of Sufi traditions to India’s composite culture, at the Embassy on speaking on the occasion. May 1. Peer Syed Riyazuddin Chishty and Haji Syed Salman Chishty of Ajmer Sharif are also seen.

A Sufi music performance by Shahi Qawwals from Ajmer Sharif. Guests in attendance.

June 2011 India Review Embassy EVENTS

life and times of subhas chandRa bose

Professor Sugata Bose, Gardiner Professor of History at Harvard University and author of the book “His Majesty’s Opponent: Subhas Chandra Bose and India’s Struggle against Empire”, speaks on the life and legacy of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose at the Embassy on May 6, 2011. Ambassador Meera Shankar speaking on the occasion.

Jack Garrity, Executive Director, Asia Society Washington, DC, addressing the gathering. A section of the audience.

the life and legacy of tagoRe he Smithsonian Institution, in collaboration with the Visva-Bharati Alumni Association of the U.S., the Embassy of India and the Indian Council of Cultural Relations, hosted an international conference on Tagore titled T “Santiniketan to Smithsonian” on May 28-29, 2011. In this connection, the Embassy hosted a briefing on the life and legacy of Rabindranath Tagore at the Embassy on May 27.

Deputy Chief of Mission Arun Uma Das Gupta, Tagore scholar, Sharmila Roy Pommot, Santiniketan- William Radice, Professor, University of K. Singh speaking at the event. historian, and biographer, addressing trained singer and composer, London, UK, reading English translations the gathering. performing at the event. of poems from Gitanjali on the occasion. 8

Udaya Narayana Singh, Pro- Raman Siva Kumar, Professor, Kathleen M. O’Connell, Professor, A section of the guests. Vice Chancellor, Visva-Bharati, Kala Bhavan, Visva-Bharati, University of Toronto, Canada, Santiniketan, India, speaking at Santiniketan, speaking at the addressing the gathering. the briefing event. event.

June 2011 India Review Consulate EVENTS baisakhi celebRation at cgi, new yoRk

he Consulate General of Gobind Singh had founded the Sikh for the growth of India-U.S. India, in association with Khalsa. The Consul-General relations was very high and exhort - the Sikh Art and Film thanked the community members ed the Indian-American community TFoundation, organized a for turning up in such a large num - to continue working for bringing function to celebrate Baisakhi on ber for Baisakhi celebrations at the the two countries closer together. May 11. Over 200 people attended Consulate. Teji Bindra, President of the the event. Kanwal Sibal, former Foreign Sikh Art & Film Foundation, also Prabhu Dayal, Consul General, Secretary of India, was the chief addressed the gathering and explained 9 welcomed the guests and said guest at the function. In his address, the significance of Baisakhi. Referring that the Consulate has been cele - he appreciated the role played by the to the growing interest in America in brating festivals such as Diwali, Indian-American community in learning about Sikhism, Bindra said Dussehra, Eid, Christmas and strengthening India’s relations with that a Chair on Sikh Studies had Baisakhi by involving Indian the United States. He said that in been set up at Hofstra University. community organizations. He said the past there had been some hur - Bindra appreciated the efforts of the that Baisakhi was celebrated all over dles which had impeded the full Consulate in celebrating Baisakhi India, but it was particularly growth of bilateral relations, but and inviting such a large gathering, significant for the Sikh community these were being now slowly especially members of the Sikh as it was on this day that Guru removed. He said that the potential community.

Prabhu Dayal, Consul-General, speaking at the Baisakhi celebrations at Kanwal Sibal, former Foreign Secretary of India, addressing the gathering. CGI New York.

Teji Bindra, President, Sikh Art & Film Foundation, addressing the gathering. Artistes performing at the event.

The audience gathered at the Consulate during the Baisakhi celebrations.

June 2011 India Review Consulate EVENTS

150th Birth AnniversAry of Gurudev rABindrAnAth tAGore

he Consulate General of promotion of international brother - The evening moved on, with each India in New York, in col - hood and fraternity, and allotment of cultural program reinforcing the mem - laboration with the Tagore `950 million by the Government ory and legacy of Tagore. A beautiful T Society of New York, of India toward restoration of rendition of Rabindranritya by Ritam organized a cultural evening at the Visva-Bharati. Academy of Princeton was followed by Consulate ballroom to celebrate the Professor Sugata Bose, Gardiner a very innovative performance by 150th birth anniversary of Gurudev Professor of Oceanic History and Surati for Performing Arts. Rabindranath Tagore. Affairs at Harvard University and Isheeta Ganguly, who had flown In her opening remarks, Consul author of several books including in from Mumbai for the special Dr. Anju Kumar informed the translations of some of the finest occasion, enthralled the audience gathering about the launch of the poetry of Tagore, delivered the with her melodious interpretation of year-long celebrations in India to keynote address. He spoke about the Rabindrasangeet. Dr. Amiya Banerjee commemorate the anniversary, the life and creations of Tagore, the also rendered a couple of songs. institution of a prestigious influence of international travel on The program ended with a spirited International Award (worth `10 mil - his works, and his ideas about Rabindranritya performance by the lion) in the name of Rabindranath nationalism and universalism. He New York Dance Company. The Tagore to recognize very distin - ended his speech with a beautiful program was attended by about 130 guished contributions toward the Tagore song, “Amar bela je jaye…” people.

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1. Commemorating the birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore. 2. Professor Sugata Bose, Gardiner Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs at Harvard University, delivering the keynote speech. 3, 4 & 5: Various artistes performing at the event. 6. A cross-section of the audience at the event. 7. Isheeta Ganguly and Dr. Amiya Banerjee rendering Rabindrasangeet on the occasion.

June 2011 India Review Economy NEWS india allows fdi in limited Government to conduct economic liability partnership firms census next year

ndia has announced that it would he Government plans to carry allow foreign direct investment out an economic census next (FDI) in limited liability partner - T year to assess the impact of eco - Iship (LLP) firms in a calibrated nomic reforms on various industries 11 manner, a move that has the potential and to formulate policies better. to attract greater overseas funds and “The census would involve collection the latest technologies in the country. of data from entrepreneurial units in The Cabinet Committee on Economic the country,” according to a statement Affairs recently gave its approval to from the Ministry of Statistics and Program implementation. such investments. “The Government “Data on sectoral activity of the unit, has reviewed the extant policy on for - the real estate business. Such firms will number of workers, the social group of eign direct investment and decided to also not be allowed to make any down - the owner, and female-owned enter - permit FDI in LLP firms,” the Ministry stream investments. prise, among others, would be collect - of Commerce and Industry said in a The limited liability partnership firm ed for micro-level planning and policy statement. is a new business structure in India formulations with respect to various However, overseas investments in LLP formed under the Limited Liability economic activities,” it added. firms will be allowed with certain condi - Partnership Act, 2008. A hybrid of The field work for the census, which is the sixth such activity to be under - tions. It will be permitted only in sectors existing partnership firms and full- taken, will be carried out by the where 100 percent FDI is allowed fledged companies, it is a separate legal Ministry of Statistics from January to through the automatic route. entity, liable to the full extent of its June of 2012 in collaboration with LLPs with FDI will not be, however, assets with the liability of the partners State and Union Territory govern - allowed to operate in agricultural or being limited to their agreed contribu - ments. plantation activities, the print media or tion in the firm. new merger, acquisition norms unveiled; to take effect from June 1 ndia’s competition watchdog on approve the proposal on or after June 1. May 11 notified new merger and “The regulations issued today are a Iacquisition norms, making it step in the right direction. The industry mandatory for large corporates to seek may still have some concerns over the its approval before going in for powers of the Commission to review high-value deals. acquisitions where control is not being According to the regulations, firms acquired,” said Pallavi S. Shroff, senior with combined assets of over $3 billion partner at Amarchand Mangaldas, a or more, or a combined turnover of $9 major law firm. billion or more, will have to approach The filing fees have also been the Competition Commission of India reduced to $1,100 in some cases and (CCI) for its approval before going in to $23,000 million in others. “The reg - for mergers or acquisitions. ulations issued today provide clarity on As per the new rules, for the CCI to could either approve the merger pro - several issues of concern, including, intervene, the company which is going posal, reject it or modify it, after study - whether transactions which have been to be acquired should have minimum ing the same. executed but are not closed by June 1 net assets of $45 million crore or a The new norms come into effect from would require CCI clearance, what is turnover of $135 million. The watch - June 1 and will apply only to transac - the trigger event for the filing require - dog said it would take a view on the tions where binding documents are exe - ment, and what types of transaction are proposed deal within 180 days of the cuted on or after June 1 or in the case of unlikely to cause competition con - filing of notice by the companies and it mergers where the boards of directors cerns,” Shroff said.

June 2011 India Review Economy NEWS inflation forces another rate hike by india’s central bank

n a major policy decision, while “Bringing them down, therefore, laying emphasis on curbing even at the cost of some growth in the inflation over growth, India’s short-run, should take precedence,” ICentral Bank hiked its short- the governor added, spelling out what term lending rate by 50 basis points. guided the monetary policy stance for The borrowing rate would now be the current fiscal. pegged 100 basis points below the Presenting his view of the monetary lending rate. policy, Finance Minister Pranab The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Mukherjee told mediapersons in New also hiked the deposit rate by 50 basis Delhi that the rate hikes were in order points to 4 percent, from 3.5 percent since it was necessary to contain infla - — a move that should bring some tion that had started behaving “errati - cheer to millions of savings bank cally” again after showing signs of account holders, who park cash for easing. short durations with commercial “It was considered necessary to banks. contain inflation in the context of the Repurchase rate, or the short-term volatility of commodity prices, lending rate, now stands at 7.25 including crude oil,” observed percent against 6.75 percent earlier, RBI Governor D. Subbarao Mukherjee. while the reverse repurchase rate, or the short-term borrowing rate, now automatically stands revised to 6.25 percent, against 5.75 percent. financial inclusion to get more RBI Governor D. Subbarao, who unveiled the monetary policy for this focus: rBi Governor fiscal, before the chief executives of commercial banks at the central inancial inclusion, covering most Subbarao stressed that banks were yet bank’s headquarters at Mint Street in Indians, fiscal literacy and priority to view financial inclusion as an opportuni - mid-town Mumbai, said these policy F sector lending are at the core of the ty. “Financial inclusion is good for both banks decisions would take immediate Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) mandate, its and governments as it would check inflation,” effect. Other policy rates such as the Governor D. Subbarao has said. Subbarao said, adding that the RBI’s battle statutory liquidity ratio and the cash After inaugurating an RBI sub-office in against inflation would be further reserve ratio — the minimum quan - the northeastern Indian State of Tripura, intensified. tum of money against deposits which Subbarao said: “Mainstream banking servic - The RBI Governor also asked banks to the banks have to retain as cash or es in any form would be provided to all develop their own business models to specified government securities — unbanked semi-urban, rural and remote achieve financial inclusion as the Central have been left untouched. The bank areas having population of 2,000.” Bank, he said, did not believe in imposing any rate also remains unchanged at 6 per - “Of the 600,000 unbanked villages in pre-designed model on them. cent. India, nearly 30,000, with a population of Subbarao reiterated that by increasing 12 “The Reserve Bank’s baseline infla - 2,000 or more, will be covered by banking the flow of credit to people, the credit- tion projections are that inflation will services by March next year. Over 70,000 deposit (CD) ratio could be further remain elevated, close to the March more villages will be covered in the next increased in the northeastern region of the 2011 level over the first half of 2011- financial year,” the RBI chief said. country, where it stood around 30 to 35 12, before declining,” Subbarao said. “Where bank branches could not be set percent against the 70 percent ratio in “Over the long run, high inflation is up, the Central Bank has asked all banks to other states. Urging technical institutions to inimical to sustained growth as it engage retired bank officials, local resi - build up a strong base of entrepreneurship in harms investment by creating uncer - dents and bodies as business correspon - the northeastern region, Subbarao said that tainty. Current elevated rates of dents to extend banking services to all intellectual leadership was the need of the inflation pose significant risks to future adult citizens of the area.” the hour. growth,” he said.

June 2011 India Review Economy NEWS Govt approves slum development in 250 cities

he Government of India has Chidambaram said $2.2 billion will and the flow of institutional finance for approved the development of be provided as capital for mortgage affordable housing is an important housing and basic facilities in guarantee facilities under the scheme. component of the scheme,” a state - T slums across 250 cities with An estimated 32.10 million people live ment added. It said that the foundation 13 the aim to create a slum-free country in slums in Indian cities. “They will for the scheme was first laid by the by 2020. Briefing the media, Home benefit by way of property rights and Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Minister P. Chidambaram said slum access to decent shelter, basic ameni - Renewal Mission (JNNURM), which development projects under the Rajiv ties and a dignified life.” was launched on December 2005 and Awas Yojana would be undertaken in Under the scheme, the Government is the largest national urban initiative to 250 cities that have a population of will provide financial assistance to encourage reforms and fast track more than 100,000. It will be carried States that are willing to assign proper - planned development of cities. out across the entire country by the ty rights to slum dwellers for provision “As in JNNURM, the central assis - end of the 12th Five Year Plan 2012- of shelter and basic civic and social tance is conditional to reforms by the 2017. The scheme aims to help re- services for slum redevelopment, and States, which are directly linked to the develop slums, stop their proliferation, for creation of affordable housing objectives of the scheme. The inclusive and provide a dignified life and proper - stock. The Government said the idea city growth process will lead higher ty rights to the dwellers, Chidambaram was also to encourage private sector productivity at the bottom of the pyra - said. The Government will bear 50 participation in slum redevelopment. mid and will sustain the contribution of percent of the cost of the projects. “Credit enablement of the urban poor cities to the GDP,” it added.

india to evaluate impact of india to introduce new rupee symbol growth on environment on currency soon ndia is setting up a high-level expert group to assess the impact ndia would Iof economic growth on environ - soon introduce ment. I the new Rupee “We are setting up a high-level expert symbol and extra group under Sir Partha Dasgupta, security features on Professor of Economics at Cambridge, its bank notes in a to provide a roadmap for green nation - bid to tackle the al account, and by 2015 we will calcu - problem of fake currency, Finance Minister late our GDP (Gross Domestic Pranab Mukherjee said on May 23. Product) after taking into account the “With a view to checking this menace environmental costs,” Environment of fake currency, an exercise for the intro - duction of security features in all denomi - Minister said. The Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh group will also include economists Nitin nations of bank notes is under way,” Mukherjee said after releasing the pro - Desai, Vijay Kelkar and Kirit Parikh. sion. “The expert group will soon start curement manual of Security Printing and Ramesh also released an interim to make what are the environmental Minting Corporation of India in New report on ‘Low carbon strategies for and ecological implications of high Delhi. He also said that new coins with inclusive growth’ along with Planning GDP growth on ecology and biodiver - the new Rupee symbol and better designs Commission Deputy Chairman sity,” he said. and shine would be released in July. Montek Singh Ahluwalia. The Minister added that the country India has adopted a unique symbol for The Minister said that the 12th Five had to look for low carbon pathways its currency, which is a blend of the Year Plan (2012-17) will focus on high without compromising the projected Devanagri ‘Ra’ and the Roman ‘R’. growth, inclusive of low carbon emis - 8 to 9 percent growth.

June 2011 India Review Economy NEWS emerging economies to drive global growth

ndia and six other major $62.9 trillion economy. In World Bank report economies in Asia would drive 2010, China’s economy Meanwhile, according to a the region’s growth, which, was $5.7 trillion. new World Bank report, by Iaccording to current projections, India’s share in the global 2025, India and five other could account for more than half of the gross domestic product major emerging economies global gross domestic product by would be 14 percent, while — Brazil, China, Indonesia, 2050, the Asian Development Bank China’s would be much South Korea, and Russia — ADB President (ADB) stated in a report released on larger at 22 percent, Haruhiko Kuroda would account for more May 4. according to the ADB than half of all global “Asia’s rise will be led by the People’s report. India, however, would witness growth. As a result, the international Republic of China, India, Indonesia, a faster rate of economic growth in the monetary system may no longer be Japan, the Republic of Korea, next 40 years compared to China, the dominated by a single currency, the Malaysia, and Thailand,” observed the report stated. report, titled “Global Development multilateral financial institution. These seven economies, which in Horizons 2011 — Multipolarity: The According to the report, India would 2010 had a combined gross domestic New Global Economy”, suggested. grow to be a $40.4 trillion economy product (GDP) of $14.2 trillion, or 87 According to the report, emerging from the current $1.4 trillion in 2010. percent of all Asian countries, will also economies as a group would grow on India would be second in the region to see their share rise further to 90 percent an average by 4.7 percent a year China, which would by 2050 become a by 2050. between 2011 and 2025.

new steel policy Government mulls competitive expected after bidding of coal blocks six months he federal Government would he Indian Government is expected consider competitive bidding to come up with a new National T for coal blocks, but only after T Steel Policy after six months to meet allocating blocks to the state-run Coal the growing demand for steel . India Limited (CIL) and the State “We have constituted an expert com - Governments, Coal Minister mittee of five people to draw a new poli - Sriprakash Jaiswal said. cy which will be more effective. It is in the “Our priority is Limited draft stage. The new policy will take six (for allocating coal blocks). But it is months to come,” P. K. Misra, Secretary in the said. not that we will give all these (blocks) “About 10-15 million tons of steel to CIL. The second priority goes to 14 capacity will be added in the current year State Governments. If coal blocks are and 30 million tons of steel capacity is left out after that, then we will give Coal Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal expected to be added in the next two those for competitive bidding,” Jaiswal years,” he added. told mediapersons on the sidelines of a July. Then we will see how much extra Misra said that even as India was CIL function on May 24 in Kolkata. load CIL has to take,” he said. currently the fourth-largest steel producer On e-auctions of coal, he said the Asked if a coal regulator would be in the world, demand for steel in the coun - try had outstripped supply. Stating that the ministry had no plan to stop them as set up, the Minister said he hoped that demand for steel was growing at a rate of those who did not get coal from CIL, a bill in this regard would be intro - 11 percent per annum, Misra observed that got it through this process. On a possi - duced in Parliament within four to six a new policy was required to meet the ble price revision of coal, Jaiswal said it months. He also said he was not in growing dema nd. would depend on the wage revision in favor of CIL importing coal from other CIL. “We will do a wage revision before countries.

June 2011 India Review Economy NEWS Kerala to offer investment options to non-resident Keralites: CM

he Kerala government will ensure good returns for would be another area where offer productive investment investors. the diaspora can look for pos - opportunities in the state for “There are more than sible investments. T non-resident Keralites two million Keralites Chandy, who was in charge 15 (NRKs), Chief Minister Oommen working and earning of the NRK department dur - Chandy has said. abroad, particularly in the ing his previous term as Chief The focus would mainly be on infra - Middle East, who are Minister in 2004, is expected structure development, he said. “We keen to invest in the Kerala Chief Minister to handle the portfolio again. Oommen Chandy are looking at developments projects State, but find only limit - “The government will that can provide long-term returns, like ed opportunities to do so,” Chandy ensure that development projects are the Cochin International Airport where said. “The state-owned Infrastructure never delayed. We will also ensure NRK investment played a major part,” Kerala Limited (Inkel), formed main - proper rehabilitation schemes for Chandy said. ly to promote the industrial those whose lands are acquired by the The proposed Kannur international Infrastructure development in the government,” Chandy said. airport would be one of the projects the state, is in a poor shape now. We “Compensation will be paid without NRKs can invest in, he suggested. intend to revive it and will set the delay and at least one member from According to him, infrastructure ball rolling for channelizing NRK the family who give land will be given a development is crucial for the State’s investments.” job in the project,” the Chief Minister all-round growth, which will also Chandy said the IT infrastructure added.

‘india-us trade at india eyes $10 billion from $100 billion in biotech sector by 2015 three years’ ndia’s sunrise biotechnology rade between India and the U.S. is sector was set to earn $10 billion expected to grow to $100 billion I in revenues by 2015 from $4 bil - T within two to three years with lion posted in fiscal 2010-11 through Indian companies strengthening their innovative products and services, presence in the U.S. across various sec - M.N. Vidyashankar, Karnataka’s tors, a senior Indo-American Chamber of Principal Secretary, in charge of Commerce (IACC) official has said. Information Technology and “I expect the trade between both Biotechnology, announced in the sides to reach around $100 billion Bengaluru recently. within two-three years time,” IACC Though India’s share in the $180 president Gautam Mahajan said, adding billion global biotech industry is that the trade volumes would increase small, the sector grew 33 percent in Biocon Chairperson Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw due to the growth of several sectors like fiscal 2011 from $3 billion, after the food processing, education and global meltdown in fiscal 2009-10 and affordable solutions can be fund - infrastructure. impacted revenues with an 18 per - ed in the biotech sector. Indian com - According to Mahajan, corporate India, cent decline. panies need to ensure capacity which is strengthening its presence in the Referring to the unique positioning expansion and attract talent to meet United States, is also expected to invest of Bangalore, Karnataka Biotech the manpower shortage.” around $10 billion in the next five years Vision Group and Biocon India is ranked among the top-12 to start greenfield projects in sectors such Chairperson Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw biotech destinations worldwide and is as manufacturing and services. said, “Bangalore has emerged as an currently the third-largest in the Asia- innovative hub of India. Sustainable Pacific region.

June 2011 India Review Trends in SOCIETY On a firm bank The Indian banking system, led by state-owned banks, building on its inherent strengths and global branding, continues to be the dominant segment of India’s financial sector

he banking system remains, as always, the most dominant segment of the financial sec - T tor. Indian banks continue to build on their strengths under the reg - ulator’s watchful eye and hence, have emerged stronger. In the annual international ranking conducted by UK-based Brand Finance Plc, 18 Indian banks have been includ - ed in the Brand Finance® Global Banking 500. In fact, State Bank of India (SBI), which is the first Indian bank to be ranked among the Top 50 banks in the world, has improved its position from 36th to 34th, as per the Brand Finance study released on February 1, 2011. The brand value of SBI has enhanced to $1.12 billion. State Bank of India climbed two spots to rank 34th at the Brand Finance® Global Banking 500, an annual ICICI Bank, the only other Indian bank international ranking conducted by UK-based Brand Finance Plc. in the top 100 club has improved its position with a brand value of $2.5 bil - banks at 13.7 percent. Foreign banks, by RBI. Indians who live and work lion. Indian banks contributed 1.7 per - Old private sector banks and Regional abroad have remitted $55 billion in cent to the total global brand value at Rural banks held relatively lower shares 2010 as compared to $49.6 billion in $14.74 billion and grew by 19 percent in the total bank credit with 5.2 per - 2009 and have topped the world list in in 2011, according to the study. cent, 4.5 percent and 2.5 percent sending money back home, according Nationalized banks, as a group, respectively. to World Bank’s Migration and accounted for 51.2 percent of the The report also found that scheduled Remittances Factbook 2011. With aggregate deposits, while SBI and its commercial bank offices (with deposits online money transfer services provid - associates accounted for 22.5 percent, of $2.25 million or more) accounted ed by many banks becoming popular, according to Reserve Bank of India’s for 66.2 percent of the bank offices, remitting money from any corner of (RBI) ‘Quarterly Statistics on 96.6 percent in terms of aggregate the world is no more a problem. Deposits and Credit of Scheduled deposits and 93.8 percent in total bank Commercial Banks: September 2010’. credit. Bank loans registered a growth major Developments 16 The share of New private sector of 21.38 percent in 2010-11, while Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) banks, Old private sector banks, deposit growth stood at 15.84 percent, has tied up with SBI to start a pilot pro - Foreign banks and Regional Rural according to data released by RBI. ject to promote financial inclusion in banks in aggregate deposits was 13.5 Analysts and bankers said a growth rate rural markets in Maharashtra and percent, 4.5 percent, 5.2 percent and of 18 percent in deposits and 20 per - Karnataka, through HUL’s ‘Shakti 3.1 percent respectively. cent in credit should be sustainable for Ammas’, a network of self-help groups With respect to gross bank credit banks in 2011-12. to open bank accounts for people. also, nationalized banks hold the high - India’s foreign exchange reserves Currently, around 100 accounts have est share of 50.9 percent in the total stood at $308.2 billion as on April 8, been opened with their help and the bank credit, with SBI and its associates 2011, according to the data in the project will be launched nationally by at 23.1 percent and New private sector weekly statistical supplement released end of April 2012.

June 2011 India Review Trends in SOCIETY

The government has infused Ranked 70th at the Brand Finance® Global $392.25 million into Oriental Bank of Banking 500, ICICI Bank has improved its Commerce (OBC). This will increase position with a brand value of $2.5 billion. the government’s shareholding in the Delhi-based bank from 51.09 percent to 58 percent. C-Edge, a joint venture of the coun - try’s largest bank SBI with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), is getting ‘anywhere anytime banking services’ to rural customers. By spending just a 17 fraction of stipulated costs, they are making the technology available to rural banks and small cooperative banks. As many as 4,200 branches of 52 regional rural banks and coopera - tive banks have managed to go live on a core banking platform without any major investment. These entities include a seven-branch bank in Indians who live and work abroad have Nagaland and a 20-branch lender in remitted $55 billion in 2010 as compared to Jammu & Kashmir. Exim Bank of India has signed two $49.6 billion in 2009 and have topped the world separate line of credit (LoC) agree - list in sending money back home ments with Tanzania and Mozambique — World Bank so as to further strengthen the finan - cial linkages with the two African countries. following amendments among other Government initiatives Indian banks contributed recommendations in the existing 1.7 percent to the total The Securities and Exchange Board of Banking Law: global brand value at India (SEBI) will address the concerns $14.74 billion and grew n To raise the voting rights of share - of RBI about the high share of portfo - by 19 percent in 2011 holders of nationalized banks to lio funds in overall capital inflows as 10 percent from the existing 1 percent. they are prone to sudden stops and For private sector banks, the voting reversals, while framing the guidelines rights would be proportionate with for allowing foreign individual investors’ shareholding. investors to invest directly in registered n To remove the voting right restriction mutual funds. The guidelines, which of 10 percent for private sector banks will be in place by mid-May 2011, will in the total voting rights of all the also ensure that the subscription pro - shareholders of the banking company. cess is as simple as possible. n To give powers to nationalized banks The government would provide an to issue two additional instruments additional $1.35 billion capital to state- mutual funds to accept subscriptions bonus shares and rights issues to be owned banks in financial year 2011-12 from foreign investors who meet the able to get funds from capital market to to help them maintain at least 8 percent KYC (Know Your Customer) require - expand the banking business. capital adequacy ratio in Tier-I level, ments for equity schemes,” said n To grant powers to RBI to impose said Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee. such conditions as it deems necessary Mukherjee while presenting the This would enable Indian mutual while granting such approval for acqui - Federal Budget for 2011-12 (April- funds to have a direct access to foreign sition of 5 percent or more share capi - March) in Parliament. investors and widen the class of foreign tal of a banking company if it considers He has also allowed fund houses to investors in the Indian equity market, necessary. tap foreign nationals for investing in he added. n To confer power on the RBI to call equity schemes. “To liberalize the port - The Government presented the for information and returns from asso - folio investment route, it has been Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill 2011 ciate enterprises of banking companies decided to permit SEBI-registered in the Lok Sabha. The bill proposed the and also to inspect the same.

June 2011 India Review Diaspora NEWS Foundation stone laid For overseas indians center

inister for Overseas expected to be com - Indian Affairs and Civil pleted by April 2013. Aviation “We want to make this M on April 28 laid the centre a regular place foundation stone in New Delhi for for discussions and the Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra (PBK). seminars on issues and The Kendra will be a platform, which matters concerning will host discussions and foster Overseas Indians, their research on Overseas Indians and contributions, and their help strengthen ties with India’s 27- close ties with India,” million-strong Diaspora worldwide. Minister Ravi said. “The Kendra is expected to develop “My idea is to have the into a hub of activities for sustainable, building ready by the symbiotic and mutually rewarding next Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD).” achievements of the Indian Diaspora”. economic, social and cultural In his address, Dr. A. Didar Singh, In proposing a vote of thanks, Joint engagement between India and its Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Indian Secretary, MOIA, Atul Kumar Tiwari, Diaspora,” Minister Ravi observed in Affairs (MOIA), pointed out that “the expressed his gratitude to the distin - his address on the occasion. building will have facilities needed to guished gathering, present among 18 The Kendra will have facilities, such enhance connectivity between India whom were representatives from the as a library and a research centre on and its Diaspora. The PBK will also embassies of Russia, Bulgaria, Austria Indian Diaspora studies, a permanent have a research centre on Diaspora and Tanzania. Tiwari also thanked exhibition space, guest rooms, an studies with specific and focused eminent Non-Resident Resident S. K. Indian cultural Centre, an art auditori - research programmes.” Virmani from Oman who was also um and full-fledged business centers. In a statement, MOIA added that present on the occasion. The 9,800-sqm PBK, to be set up in “there has been a persistent demand On January 8, 2011, on the occa - the diplomatic enclave of over a period of time for establishing a sion of the Ninth PBD, Prime Chanakyapuri in central New Delhi, Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra to commem - Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh had will be built by the National Building orate the trials and tribulations, as well unveiled the foundation stone of the Construction Corporation and is as the subsequent evolution and building.

June 2011 India Review Science NEWS

Kochi-based firm isro builds india’s fastest launches cacto supercomputer erala’s Amid Ray Technologies, a Technopark Technology Business tate-run Indian Space K Incubated (T-TBI) company recent - Research Organization ly launched their intelligent water control (ISRO) has built a system CACTO, which can be controlled S supercomputer, which is by mobile phones. Cacto is a water sav - 19 fastest in terms of peak perform - ing module that helps save water lost ance of 220 teraflops (220 trillion through leaks, careless handling, rust and floating point operations per sec - other problems in the pipeline. ond), the space agency said Amid Ray Technologies Chief Executive recently. Officer A.K. Pratheeksha said: “Cacto can “The new graphic processing also support farmers by providing an unit (GPU)-based supercomputer intelligent irrigation mechanism to control named ‘Saga-220’ at Vikram water flow as per the requirements.” Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) in Nithin Bose, chief technical officer, said India’s supercumputer ‘Saga-220’ Thiruvananthpuram in Kerala will that Cacto, when fitted to the main water be used by our scientists to solve system in terms of cost, power supply system, automatically controlled complex aerospace problems,” and space requirements. The eco- the flow. “Using the mobile phone, one ISRO said in a statement. friendly system, which consumes can control the system from anywhere The supercomputer was about 150 kilowatt, can be scaled and prevent water wastage. Cacto can designed and built by VSSC using to many petaflops — 1,000 ter - save up to 700 liters of water per year in open source software, hardware aflops,” the statement noted. a house with 12 taps,” said Bose. and in-house developments at a K. Radhakrishnan, ISRO Amid Ray Technologies, started by cost of `140 million. Chairman, unveiled the super - young entrepreneurs Pratheeksha, “The GPU system offers advan - computer facility named after R.K. Rohit and Bose, works to develop tage over the conventional CPU Satish Dhawan, a former head of products that are socially relevant and (central processing unit)-based the space agency. environment friendly.

india’s new satellite beams high quality images

ndia’s latest advanced remote mission were present when the Prime sensing satellite Resourcesat-2 Minister reviewed the satellite I has beamed high quality images images. distinctly showing the northern and “The Prime Minister appreciated western regions of the country. Select the success of the launch mission, images were presented to Prime which deployed Resourcesat-2, an Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh Indo-Russian satellite Youthsat and recently by the Chairman of the X-sat satellite from Singapore into Indian Space Research Organisation, orbit precisely. K. Radhakrishnan, said. “The Prime Minister was also “The sophisticated cameras on Resourcesat-2 was launched on April briefed about our forthcoming space board Resourcesat-2 were operated 20 by a polar satellite launch vehicle missions,” the statement added. on April 28 and its high quality (PSLV-C16) from Sriharikota in Resourcesat-2 is the 18th remote imageries showing Delhi, Bareilly (in Andhra Pradesh, about 80 km north- sensing satellite, which coincided Uttar Pradesh), Surat (in Gujarat) east of Chennai, the capital of the with the 18th successful launch of and Dubai in the Gulf region were southern Indian State of Tamil Nadu. the PSLV rocket, the workhorse of beamed to our ground stations,” A team of space scientists from the the Indian space program and ISRO said. The 1.2-tonne space agency’s centers involved in the applications.

June 2011 India Review Short STORY


By Anil Chandra e was in the third stan - Vinod talked once too often, and then dard. All thirty-four of she made a novice teacher’s mistake. The author, a former Mrs. Passi’s students She looked at Vinod and said, “If you Indian bureaucrat, Hwere dear to her but say one more word, I am going to Vinod Chowdhry was one in a thou - tape your mouth shut”. is a short story writer and sand. Very neat in appearance, he had It wasn’t ten seconds later when a scholar. Chandra has that happy-to-live attitude that made Abhay blurted out, “Vinod is talking also written three books even his occasional mischievousness again”. She hadn’t asked any of her 20 on history covering delightful. Vinod also talked inces - students to help watch Vinod but ancient India and China santly. Mrs. Passi had to remind him since she had stated the punishment again and again that talking without in front of the class, she had to act on permission was not acceptable. What it. impressed her very much though, was Mrs. Passi walked to her desk, very his sincere response every time she deliberately opened the drawer and had to correct him for misbehaving. took out a roll of adhesive tape. “Thank you for correcting me, Without saying a word, she proceed - Ma’am” would be his standard ed to Vinod’s desk, tore off two answer. pieces of tape and made a big X with One morning, Mrs. Passi’s them over his mouth. She then patience was growing thin when returned to the front of the room.

June 2011 India Review Short STORY

As she glanced at Vinod to see how cleared his throat as he usually he was doing, he winked at her. That did before saying something did it! She started laughing. The important. “The Chowdhry’s entire class cheered as she walked called last night,” he began. back to Vinod’s desk, remove the “Really?” she said. “I haven’t tape, and shrug her shoulders. His heard from them for several first words were, “Thank you for cor - years. I wonder how Vinod is?” recting me, Ma’am.” Father responded quietly. At the end of the year, Mrs. Passi “Vinod was in the army and was asked to teach advanced math posted in Kashmir. He was and Vinod’s class moved higher. Six killed in Sopore in a terrorist 21 years flew by and before she knew it, attack,” he said. “The crema - Vinod was in her classroom again. He tion is tomorrow and his par - was more handsome than ever and ents would appreciate it if you just as polite. Since he had to listen could attend”. carefully to her instruction in the All Mrs. Passi could think at ‘new math’, he did not talk as much that moment was : ‘Vinod, I in the ninth standard as he had in the would give all the tape in the third. world if only you could wink at One Friday, things just didn’t feel me.’ right. The class had worked hard on a After the cremation one of new concept all week, and Mrs. Passi the army officer’s came up to sensed that the students were grow - Mrs. Passi. “Were you Vinod’s ing frustrated with themselves and math teacher?” he asked. She edgy with one another. That Saturday nodded. “Vinod talked about you a She had to stop this crankiness Mrs. Passi wrote lot,” he said. before it got out of hand. So she Shortly afterwards, Vinod’s parents asked them to list the names of the down the name of came to her. “We want to show you other students in the room on two each student on a something,” his father said, taking a sheets of paper, leaving a space separate sheet of wallet out of his pocket. “They found between each name. Then she told this on Vinod when he was killed. We them to think of the nicest thing they paper, and she listed thought you might recognize it.” could say about each of their class - what everyone else Opening the wallet, he carefully mates and write it down. had said about that removed two worn pieces of note - It took the remainder of the class book paper, folded and refolded period to finish the assignment but as individual. On Monday many times. Mrs Passi knew without the students left the room, each one she gave each looking that the papers were the one handed her the papers. student his or her on which she had listed all the good That Saturday Mrs. Passi wrote things each of Vinod's classmates had down the name of each student on a list. Some of them said about him. separate sheet of paper, and she list - ran to two pages. “Thank you so much for doing ed what everyone else had said about Before long the entire that,” Vinod’s mother said. “As you that individual. can see, Vinod treasured it.” On Monday she gave each student class was smiling Mrs. Passi opened the notebook his or her list. Some of them ran to paper. She saw written on it very two pages. Before long the entire Several years later, after Mrs. Passi many nice things. At the bottom was class was smiling. returned from a visit to her brother’s written in Vinod’s own handwriting. No one ever mentioned those house, her parents met her at the rail - “From my lovely teacher who papers in class again. Mrs. Passi way station. always corrected me and made me never knew if they discussed them As they were driving home, her wink.” after class or with their parents, but it mother asked the usual questions That’s when Mrs. Passi finally sat didn’t matter. The exercise had about the trip, the weather, her expe - down and cried. accom plished her purpose. The stu - riences in general. There was a slight “Yes, I’d love to correct you again, dents were happy with them selves lull in the conversation, mother gave my darling Vinod,” she murmured, and one another again. father a sideways glance and simply “if only you could give me another That group of students moved on. said, “Dad?” Mrs. Passi’s father wink.”

June 2011 India Review Cinema NEWS NRI dIRectoR tRAINs cAMeRA oN fAMIlY tIes oming from India with its family system faces some amount of India and the U.S. together. At the tradition of extended and fragmentation. It gave me an opportu - end of the day, we are all looking for close familial links, Anand nity to weave a story around relation - happiness,” added the director, who C Alagappan found himself ships and bring the two cultures of was in India to promote his film. intrigued by relationships in the United Shot in India and the United States, States and decided to delve deeper into ‘Anything For You’, is his first feature the issue in his directorial debut film and the target audience is Anything For You. American, Indian and Western. The Indian American director, who “Relationships have become compli - traveled to the U.S. from Chennai cated because of the faster pace of life more than a decade ago to do a mas - and the pervasiveness of technology. ter’s in computer science from the We have more options than what our University of Texas at Arlington, says parents had earlier. So, I thought peo - he decided to explore what brings the ple who understand relationships two cultures together. could appreciate the movie very well. “For a writer-director most of the Also, there’s a spiritual aspect to the stories come from personal experience. movie and a lot of people liked it when I observe things and come up with sto - they saw it in America,” he said. ries. For someone coming from India, Asked whether diasporic themes I was intrigued by the family culture interest him, he said: “In today’s glob - and relationships in America,” alized world, the boundaries and barri - Alagappan said. ers for languages, stories, have gone. “Though people in U.S. have free - So any interesting theme presented dom and are highly individualistic, the Anand Alagappan well is a good film.”

iquid Comics, a digital entertainment company founded by three Indian-Americans, has entered a partnership with Men In L Black director Barry Sonnenfeld and producer Arnold Rifkin. wins best Sonnenfeld, who also directed Get Shorty , Addams Family , and Pushing Daisies , for which he received an Emmy, will simultaneously actor award develop a graphic novel and film property called, Dominion: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens . at New York Superstar comic book writer, Grant Morrison, of Batman fame, will write both the graphic novel and the screenplay. film fest Sonnenfeld, Rifkin, producer of Hostage , 16 Blocks , Live Free or Die Hard , and Liquid’s CEO and co-founder, Sharad Devarajan shall is act as a middle-class teacher in a slice of life be producers on the film, with talent agency movie Do Dooni Chaar won him critical acclaim WME packaging the project. Morrison and H and now the film has won Rishi Kapoor best Liquid’s co-founder, Gotham Chopra shall actor award at the recently concluded New York Indian also be attached as executive producers. “My collaboration with such pedigreed Film Festival. talents as Barry, Sharad, and Grant has “I am thankful and honored to be selected. A commercial proven to be a wonderful creative actor is seldom recognized for his skills. My award is for the experience, and I look forward to whole Do Dooni Chaar family.” being a part of bringing Barry’s 22 Directed by Habib Faizal, Do Dooni Chaar also featured vision to the screen,” said Rishi’s actress wife Kapoor. Rifkin, president of Cheyenne Do Dooni Chaar producers Disney International have Enterprises. Liquid will launch now asked for a sequel. the first graphic novel story for the franchise later this “Disney International have asked Habib to make Do year in print and digital Dooni Chaar 2 . There’s a huge excitement in New York to formats. recreate the characters of Do Dooni Chaar in a different space. They feel if a good script develops, it will be great content value for their brand in India and overseas. ‘MIB’ director partners Representatives of Disney India are also in New York to release the official DVD of the film,” said Rishi. with Indian-American firm

June 2011 India Review Travel & TOURISM

23 the cAll of the NoRth eAst

(Above) A homestay at Dhuba Ati village near Kaziranga National Park in Assam; (Left) Villagers welcome tourists in their traditional style; Konyak tribe of Nagaland performing the ‘Ao’ dance

magine waking up in a Naga The Shiyong village homestay in the well as experience the culture and tra - home in a community which northern-most part of Nagaland is one ditions of the local communities. was once known for the practice of the many in the region that one can Staying in one of these homestays I of head hunting, and plucking explore to know about the Konyak would cost you around $18 for a dou - tea leaves or lemons through the day. tribe — famed for their facial tattoos ble room, which excludes food. Or having a close brush with a herd of and headhunting. If the hills beckon you, then you may elephants in the morning and calling it As part of the tour package, one gets like to head for Sikkim and stay at the a night with a mug of ‘apong’ or rice to live with a tribal family, participate in Yangsum Farm, a heritage farmhouse beer in an Assamese village. daily farm work, and pluck tea leaves which was built in 1833 and remodeled If you are looking for a vacation in the family-owned tea plantation. in 1966. The Tsechu Tharpa family, away from the usual hill stations, then The village, situated 32 km from the which runs the farmhouse, manages exploring homestays in India’s North- district headquarters Mon, is well the mountain farm consisting of pine, East could be the answer. According to connected by road from Jorhat (147 Himalayan alder, chestnut, magnolia, tourism experts, the sector has grown km) and Dibrugarh (283 km) in rhododendrons and other trees. The by 10 percent in the past year. This Assam, which are in turn connected to charge is around $80 per night. sector involves travellers staying with a Guwahati, Kolkata and Delhi by air Yet another homestay in Sikkim is host family to get a first-hand experi - and rail. the Mayal Lyang in Dzongu. ence of local life and culture. If getting close to wildlife fascinates According to a manager at the homes - Nestling in the lap of nature, the you, then homestays by the North East tay, the meaning of Mayal Lyang is eight North-Eastern states — Assam, Social Trust (NEST) in Assam is your ‘Hidden Land’ and the homestay lives Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal answer. “Instead of living in a resort up to its meaning because it is “hidden Pradesh, Sikkim, Manipur, Mizoram while visiting the Kaziranga National from the hustle and bustle” of the city. and Tripura — have a wealth of cultur - Park, why not stay with the local com - You could also head for the Bo-Ville al diversity, wildlife, flora and fauna. munity on the fringes of the park?” homestay in Shillong, Meghalaya. The Nagaland alone has over 15 tribal NEST founder Arif Hussain said. room tariff ranges from $45 to $51. communities and is a cauldron of dif - By staying in a village, one can see The ideal time to visit is between ferent cultural practices, art and craft. the one-horned rhino and the tiger, as October and April.

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n Buddha Poornima

Dancers perform in front of the historical Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya in Bihar on May 17 on the occasion of Buddha Poornima. Traditionally celebrated on the eve of Buddha’s birthday, the festival is marked by ceremonies and festivities in Buddhist temples.

EMBASSY OF INDIA 2107 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel: 202-939-7000; Fax: 202-462-7276 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.indianembassy.org CONSULATES Consulate General of India Consulate General of India Consulate General of India Consulate General of India 3 East, 64th Street 540 Arguello Boulevard 455 North Cityfront Plaza Drive 1990 Post Oak Blvd. # 600 New York San Francisco (NBC Tower Building) 3 Post Oak Central N.Y. 10065 CA 94118 Suite #850 Chicago, IL 60611 Houston, TX 77056

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